THE SCRANTON TUIBUIOa-THUKSDAiT, OCTOBER 2, 1902. 3 iCotinty Savings Bank and Trtisf Company, 506 Spruce Street. Receives Deposits in Sums of and pays $ per cent, lerest thereon. $1 and In- Xi. A. WATBES, President. 0. S. JOHNSON, Vlce-Pres. A. H. CHBISTY, CnBhier. DIRECTORS: Win, V, Hnllstcntl, K. V KltlKHlilliy. O S. JoliUktm, iiivripit Win 1 en. JAtiKiist Holiliiion, I.Tl To. O'llilen, I.. A. Wntlci I Green Trading Stamps riuUin 1 H m 1 imMl With purchase of Wall Paper, Shades, Picture Frames, Burnt Wood and Leather Novelties. No better time than now to bring us your unfinmed pictures for framing. We have the best assortment of fiames in Scranton. All Kinds of Inteiior Decora tive Woik promptly done. Good workmanship. COUPON Cut this out and present it at our stoie. Pur chase goods to the amount of $1.00 or moie and you will re ceive 30 STAMPS TREE. Jacobs & Fa sold, 209 Washington Ave. JEWISH NEW YEAR, Special Services Conducted In Temple Last Night. The Jewish new' year, which began vestrnliiy nt Minsrt and which will end today at tlio saino hour, was observed with special bpi-vIccb conducted In the new Madison avenue temple last night. The iltuul preset Hied for the festival wan cairlcd out and a sermon on the dlRtilllcancc of thr tfiiy was preached by ttiihbl A. Ansparhcr. Tlieio will be another service this morning at 10 o'clock, N'ctuly all the platrH of lumliicsa throughout the city, lonductcd by the Jews, will bo closed today. POUND DEAD IN BED. Mrs. Emily Smith Passed Away During the Night. When her hUHb.imt tiled to awaken Mrs. Kmlly Hnilth, of Ninth Main ave nue, ycstciday inotulng, ho dlscovpicd alio was cold In death, having suc cumbed duilng the night to heait fall uio. Cot oner Saltty held a poHtmnitcin cx ntiilliatlon to riotoi initio the cause of death, and decided that an InqucHt was iiniicce.ssaiy. Dcieneeil was IS years of age and Is survived by her husband and several chlldicu. LICENSE WILL NOW BE GIVEN TO COURT Miss Hclcnc DcLong and Dewitt Tewksbury Aie Wedded Without Its Assistance. SOLDIERS HAVE AN EASY TIME Another Dan Devoid ol Lawless ness In Both the Upper and Lower Valleus. PEW CALLS MADE ON THE TROOPS ooooooooooooooooo. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "They Draw Well." Morris' Magnet Cigars $ Th best "aluc for 5 cents. Trv one and jou will smoke no other. All the loading In amis of lie. clprnrs at J1.73 per box, or 0 for 25c. Tho lnrpest vmlety ot Pipc.3 and Tobaccos In town. Mls llcleno DcLong was man led to Dewitt Tewksbuiy ycstciday morning at tho home of the bride's aunt, Mis. McDonald, of 12S Hildgc htieet. Brook- ln, X. Y., by How William Hamilton, p.istor of the Yoik Stiect Methodist church or that city. After tiie outcome of Tuesday's hear ing In the Injunction case, the oung people determined to be nmriled es teiday, the day they had fixed for the eent, injunction or no Injunction. With Miss DeLong's mother they went to the residence of her gi.nulmother at Hast Market street and Dickson ave nue, Green nidge, after the heating, where it was decldpd to go to Biookljn and bo married at the home of Mis. DeLong's sister. The bride and gioom and Mis. DoLong stepped -Into a car riage and weie driven to Pittston, whoie they got aboaid a Lehigh Valley train and that night ai lived in Now York. Yesterday morning, after the neces saiy prellmlnailes had been disposed of, the niairlage ceremony was peifoimed, and Mr. and Mis. Tewksbuiy staited on their wedding torn. The fuither hearing In the injunction case will take pi. ice at '1 o'clock this afternoon, when Attoinevs Harding and Ualentlnc will sui tender the license, over which there has been such contro veisy. Jir. DeLong is not loslgned to the turn aff.ilt.s have taken, and to one of his f i lends josteul.iy he cxptessed his intention of squaring up with Tewksbuiy. In No Instance Wore They Required to Suppiess Disorder Cavalry Wns Out Twice to Escoit Non-Union Men and the Eighth Regiment Sent a Company to Austin Heights in Anticipation of nn Outbreak. Mass Meeting of Strikers nt Bolle vue Is Addiessod by National and District Officers of the United Mine Workeis. Peace again reigned In the Lacka wanna legion, ycstciday. Xo set Inns lawlessness was tpported fioin any point and the soldiers found nothing to do fuither than put In time on patiol or outpost duty. Lite Tuesday nlirht Hie wns iIIkiuv. oi ed nt the home of a non-union man at Wlnton. A squad of soldleis under Lieutenant Davis, of Company L. who weie on dutv nt Wlnton extinguished the blaze. The 111 c was piobalily of Incendlaiy oilgln. Oil-soaked faggots weie found plied ngalnst the building at the point wheie the (lames staited. Pour men from Company C were sent out fiom the detail at the Raymond collleiy, Tuesday e Piling, to escoit a company emploje who was sent to in spect a dam on SuniNe cieek which ptotects the mliip fiom being Hooded. On the way back a foielgner with a shot gun was met on tho load. He piotested that he was returning1 fiom a hunt for wild ducks, and as his state ment seemed to be eiaclous the sol dleis allowed him to go bis way. A little faithcr down tho load the squad met a man who warned them that they had better keep their neic screw rd up If they continued along that road, as there was a crowd waiting for them nt the railroad crossing. Not wishing to take the chances of an am buscade tho quartette of soldiers and the company Vinployo, descended the Archhald pot hole dropped through tho tiitp door which leads Into the Ray mond wen kings nnd walked two tulles tindergiotind to the shaft, where they Were hoisted to tho smfneo. For nlost of tho, distance they waded thiough water nearly up (,o their knees. The dam which they visited Is In spected dally by the lonipany. Some thne ago thcie was a cavc-ln which extended across the bed of the creek. The company built the dam to change tho course of tho stieain nnd prevent tho water from teaching the workings thtough the cave-In. Lust week the dum was blown up with dynamite. It the Lackawanna colliery nt Peckvllle. 13m ly this moinlug stones weie tin own nt a gtotlp of soldleis stationed at tho Ontatlo ami Western depot. In Olyphant, One ot the stones lilt a sol dier, but did not Injure him. The sol diers fiturlcd In the dhcctlou whence the stones came, but could not (Ind any one. A crowd of strlkcis In a saloon at Jcs sup got Into a fight among themselves nt midnight and some shots weie tiled. This In ought a detail of Mildlcifi to the eccuo anil n man with a revolver was ancslcd. The councllmcn of Wlnton borough waited on the bpiough solicitor, James J, O'Malloy, ycstciday, and dhectcd him to enter a complaint with Colonel Wntrea regarding the conduct of the soldiers who nre despatched to that locality, According to the councllmcn, Captain Frank M. Vanillins Taking His Morning Dip. was ippaiied befoie much water got Into the mines, but as the stieain has been gieatly swollen by the i.ilns, o ti.t piecautlon must bo taken to pre serve the dam. TEW CALLS MADE. Only two tails weie made on tho Thirteenth jesterday for tioops and both weio tesponded to by the tilieil dau en will y. One was to escort some non-union men fiom Thioop to the Storis collleiy, and the other was to estoi t some non-union men homo from the soldleis drove men out of saloons at tho point of tho bayonet and com pelled pei sons silting on their fiont poiches to go into their houses and stay there. As mm tint law hns not been pioelalmed, the borough fathers deem these actions as umvnn anted. Attorney O'Malloy laid tho matter be foie Colonel Watres, and he said he would investigate It. Bilgade Commissary Camel on and a detail ran up from Shenandoah yester- Coutimtccl rn I'.igc G 1 E. C. MORRIS, The Cigar Man. 325 Washington Avenue. ooooooooooooooooo In and About .The City X'jiit The Opening Dance. The opening il.incp ot the I'nlque club will be held in (Jneiiihey ball 1'ild.iy even ing of this we.K D., L. & W. Pay Days. The emplo.ves of the Sei.mtoii olllce-i wcic paid veMenliiv. The emplo.ves of sill tho collkiics will be paid on Ba'.mduj. This Morning's File. Ai 1 o'clock this moinlns, u slight the ocuiuicd at IS) r Cu-ick avenue in a tvvo ntoiy fianie duelling owned by Panicle Golden and occupied by Mike Komiinkl. Held for Couit. Cieoige Ttusli. of lll.ilr avenue, was held In ') lull jc.sliiday b.v Alilcimali Ruddy, chained wits assaulting and tliiiMti'iihiR Kate Wvkofaky, of It.'J Mcadc incline. Change at Scinnton House. William 1'ibi, who ha, a ileik at the Senmton llmi-.o foi u number of jcam, has acci ptcd a position at Dun h hotel. He is Miccerdul hy I'.itiick Xca lon, found l nt H.ickns' cafe. Tor the Florence Mission. ' Mad.inio Itiimlnlph and her pupils will give a loiltnl at St. Lnku's l'.ulsli liniisc, Uctobir H, fm- tho lit wilt of tho I'loHMU'o ml.sslim. Among those who will asHt aio .Mis. Homy iluuly and Sllbs (iiaco Spomei Assaulted His Wife. Mis. Muiy llienuan, tho moihci of nf. tten chllchen, hud her liiMiiinil, .Inlm, i-i-l.ilgned lipfoio Alileiman Itmlily iMir day on tho things of assault and Kiltiry Tho family lebldo in litccu's hum and bavo had fliqueiit qimiiels, When tin, nldeiman lolvlmd them to kiss and nt.ikn up they did, and tho caso was ilihinlsaed Alex. Biyden's Fiomotion, AIpmiihIci Hijdin, ot 1 mumiiic, has liven iicmoteil to he consulting engineer for tho HniisjlMiniii i,, lompiiiiy ami tlio HHii-ldo Coal anil lion company. Hu bus been for sonic ilmc a mining engineer la thu employ of thu I'eiitiHvlviuilu com lany, Call Neuffei, ol Dimmoic, and II, L. YeweiiH, of this ill,, mU) been ap. pointed mining engincci.s for thu Pemi. MlvunU and Hillbldo companies, icspcc lively, ' STATION AGENT GONE. M. A. Lyman, of Moscow, Disap peared Yesteiday Taking $300 in Checks and $75 in Cash. M. A. Lyman, aged CO years, who for tho last seven yeais has been the station agent for tlio Delawaie, L.ick.i v.tnnn and Western Itailioad company at Moscow, dls.ippe.ued eaily jesloi day nf let noon, taking with him about $.100 In checks and 3S7J in cash belong ing to the company, and leaving be hind him the audltois of both tlio freight and passenger depat tnieuts busily engaged, it Is believed, In look ing foi alleged shottases. The fi eight auditor ai lived at ".HO o'clock jcsteiday morning and began an examination of Lyman's books. The passenger auditor ai lived about noon and made an appointment to meet tlio station agent alter dinner. L.v man left for home about 12.30 o'dock and after dinner took off his blue unlfoim coit and lepl.iiPd It with one of oidlnary cut, announcing to his wife that ho Intended (ailing on fi lends. The last seen or him lie was walking past the Moscow school house, going In the dhcctlou of Scinnton. When lie did not put In an appearance at the htatlon the audlloi.s made Inquliles, and thus the news or his tlh appeal anco was hpiend about. As soon as the gos hip was spiend mound the town sev- cial vnuug men uimoumcd that they hail henid shots early in tlio nftetnoon in tlio woods near the school house. This led ninnv to believe that Lyman had committed suicide and a huge Koaicltlng party was oiganlcd last night to hcnich for Ills body, Tho niPinbets of tho piuty aimed thoin helvcs with lanterns and scutched about the woods, but no ttaco of Ly man inula ho dlscovcicd, The stoiy that I. Milan lias shut himself is prob ably not turn, because he took neither or ids two ii'vohoi.s villi him, leaving one at tho htatlon and the other at his home, Tito audltois finished their PMiinlnu tlon or Lyman's accounts at ," o'cloik, but i erased to make public their (hid ings. A rumor vat,, however, to the eficct that they hail illscuveied ti hhoitage of over $1,000. RECEIVERS APPOINTED. ! 30-STAM PS--30 WITH A DOLLAR PURCHASE AT OUR A 2 ureat 3 Days Sale of M mXm vw , n . , rKiuft. 3Aiuuir, tuuiNunr, ui. 3, 4, o. 1 ne unssttiea condition 01 iraae inauces us to offer extraordinary bargains to our customers. Cut out the coupon attached to the bottom of this "Adv." ;;n:B;:;!K:jn;5;KJ:;K5;::js::os:; I Q reat Sale of I Linens land Domestics. With tomorrow morning, wc will begin a great sale of these 1 housekeeping necessities nt prices much bslow regular figures. Head tho following carefully. ft lltiUACHKU Lixn.v. g M-lncli, Sole Pilco rc. g r.S-lneh, Sale Pi Ice Hu. V "J-lncli, Snip Pilco 4',c. 5 ?Mnch, Hnle I'llce Mc. 3C (it-Inch, Sale Pilco r,ic. C5 US-liicli, Snip Pilco ii'ic. 5 "il-lnch, Sale Pilco S'ic. C2 TO-tnch, Sale Pilco $!.!' SC "Much, Sale Pilco I.r, Cs TJ-lncli, Halo I'llce 1 S3 NAPKINS to match all riao M.0 Linens. ?5 rxnLHACtinD linuns. 0 rill-Inch, Sale Pilce L'llc. Xi Dblnch, Sale I'llic '."le. 0X riS-lncli, Silo Pi Ice I.'c. to IrMneh, Sale Piltc I"e, l.J-lnch, Sale Pilco ,Vie. W -.'-Ineh, Snlc I'llce 'Jii.u. TMucli, Sale Pi leu l.)c. S KXTRA SPKCIAL VALIT138 IX oniuiAN siLvnn uiiiiAcnr.D linens. (H-lnch, Sale Pilce l."c. 70-Inch, Sale Price i,JlAc. Sl'i:CIAL-MIII Hud Ilem nnuts of J'lnc Diitiinsk: lengths of i'. 2 and 3 yatds. Dining tills Sale, at per yaid 4.'c. CitASHKS. 18-Inch Pleached and t'n bleaehed Cotton Clash, Sale I'llce. per yaid "',Ap. All l.lnen Cutsiips, In biiih lib ached and blown, at Silu Pi Ices. TOWni.S. lluck-lTxIJ, Halo Pilcn He. aixin. Sale t'llco I2'4c 2i)xin, Sale Pilco We. 2lxL Sale Pilco 17Wc 2-'l.', Sale I'rlco S2,iC. Hotter glades at pioportlonato ledtictlous. Special values In Dnmnsk Towels fiom lJ',ic. up. Mt'SLIN'S. rubleached Musllun In all of tho well-known brands: Our He. lliand. Sale Pilce' .... 4V4c Our 7c. litnml, Sain Pilce .... niC Our Sc. Uiand. Sale nice .... fee. llloathed Sc. lltand, Sain I'rlco Gc, lllll, Kiult of the Loom, Lons dale, etc. Sale Price 7c. Sheeting and Pillow Caso Mus lins lit all widths of Dwlght, litlca and Lockwood biands, both bleached and unbleached, at gieat ly lednced in Ices, SlllCiriS AND PILLOW CASUS. In nil giailcs of Muslins, wot thy or consldeiatlon, Tor cample: Tnbleached Sheets ot I'lno JliiHlln. 2i',2H. yntds. Salo I'llce 39c. I'ubleaehed Sheets of I'lno Muslin, 2'jn2'j jaitls. Salo I'llce 4tc. I?UD SPrtUADS. Ciochet and Maisellles at tho following Salo Pilees: VJc, J1.12J4. Jl.11. SIM, $1,6S, $1.79. J I. JO, U23, $J.89. P. flcConnell & Co. The Satisfactory Store 400-402 Lackawanna Ave, VMW1iA!yMMVMVMVMwW fM9wnvfwfMMnjn MfifWfiijifkfnj00'iji.0t A Pntsonngo Wedding. On Tuesday nfteinoon, at the paisnu Bge or tho I'eim Avpiiiio Ilaptlst chinch on Mlfllln avenue, I'ciiy S. Thoni.iw, of -J faouth JlMlo PaiU avenue, and Mls acittndo A. I'enue, of O.'t 1'iluk uticot. weio united in nmiihige, Itev. l)r H, K , Pleito nfllcliiliiig, Thu blldo was at tiled In n cadet blue tiavellng dicss, with to mutch, and was unattended Tho joung peoplo aiu well kniiwn on tho West Bldo and received tho happy loagiatula lo is of many rUcmlH. After a bilcf wed ilhiB tour they win u-suio la Uydo Paik. Only 300 Gold Necklaces Yet Remain for Distilbution at Scht lever's. A few- days of pleasant weather will lihuust tho supply. U,,,g the ohll jren without delay, o Insure "gun llsjppolntment. " ,, Take Thioop or Carbondalo 'car for joldlcri' camp at Olyphant. Nntluin H, Ucmdslco, picsldeut nf the Xiitlonnl Salt company, and 1'iank V. McDeiiiiott weie Tuohday appointed te lelvem of that company by Chaucpllor Mngec, of New Jeisoy, Tho headquar teis of tho company nie located In tho Council building, this city. Chimin ey H. Htiickland, one of tho New Yntk stockholdeis, Is the peti tioner, and ho alleges tho company Is insolvent, the liabilities being inoio than $1,000,000, and tho assets $S50,000, The company was oiganlzed in 1S?3 with it capital stock of $12,000,000, of which $7,000,000 piefeited and $3,000, 000 common stock, Take Out yea car to see Klghth tegl incut at Durjeu. POR THE COMING TERM, Ibulng the Hut week of cilmlnnl touit, which opens next Monday, Judge 1). O. Novwomh will piehldu In tho main cuuit mom. Judge II, M. Kd wauls In No. i and Judgo (icnige Feirls, of Lu zcine, In No. 3. Judge John V. Kelly will be In the mala cnuit loom dining the Ihht week, uud Judge New comb in No. 2. The third Judgo has not yet been detei mined upon. Tho WladlttluAv Kuostuuowit7. minder ens'i heads the list for the second week, which has 339 cubes on It, many of j which are of gteat importance. Y GOODS! Dress Goods Department Floieiitino Taffetas, all sjlk, 20 shades Slic '"honey's Casluneic Taffetas,. 25 now lolors 7,'c New Clan Plaid Silks 75c. to $1.00 .Cicpe Granite Silks, Cnoney $1.00 goods 7:ic Soft Lustie Pe.iu de Sole, Cheney's $1.00 special., "re Hhuk Taffeta Silks (Bannei). y.ud-wlde S1.00 Haskell's high giado lilnck Taffetas, giuiian- teed 79c, S5c, 05c, $1.25 Yni d-w ido Silks $1.50 nuin-piooC Black T.titetaa. 21-inch $1.25 llnin-pipol Taffotar, aid-wide $1.50 Now Panne Velvets, full Minor finish $1 L3 Gtanites, Pluinottos and Satin Finish Mixtures; 3"e value 25c 75c Diess (Joods V.tlups in Cltcvlots, Wlilpcoids, Ilentiettas, Ciuuites and liabket Weaves; .special 50c Homespun Suitings, 50 inch, 75c y.iluo 50c Venetians, all colot.s tailor weight 50c Illuminated Itaskot C.unel'.s Hair Mlxttuos 50c 50 huh Ht'skct Suitings, navy and 75c Venetians, blue and giey uiKtuies, 50 Inches 75o Poplliii-, Ariuutes, Lte, $100 value 75c Melton Skirtings, giey iniMuiPS, 05c value 75c Fiench Uioadclotli, shiunken llnlsli, $150 value. ..$1.11) Shnikslvitis, Mehosp, Piuuellos, lite, S1.25 value... $1.00 Heavy Shiunken Tailor Suitings, with dash of color 3,1.50 ?00 heavy I'edohltlan Skiitingh, $2.00 aluo $1.50 Black Utoiade Satin, 10 Inch 29c Black Melton Skirtings, value $1.00 75c Black 45-ini'h Cheviot, value l!5c , 50c Black 50-luih Cheviot, value 05c 75c Shiunken Tailor Cheviot $1,00 Black Thibet Cheviot, soft and heavy, $1.50 value.. $1.21 Black Basket, Pebbles and Annul oh r9 Black Heavy Haul Finish Whlpiotd, 50 Inches.... U5c Blade Fancy Skh lings, Mohair llguie, $1,50 value. $1.00 Black PiunellcaiHl Pe.iu de Sole, $1,50 value $1.25 SliiiiukPii Venetian, $1.75 value $ Black Heavy Belgian Twill, $2.25 value $1,75 Black Mohair Basket Canvas Weave (,; Black Panne Finish Bioadcloths $i.r,o Blink Bedfotd Welt Silk and Wool $,ro Imitation Woi.sted Walstlngs 1,-,. Woven Tucked Wuhstings, all coiois 25o All Wool Jersey Tiliot, cliolio .slmdca 25u Silk Stilpc Piunell Walstlngs roc Now White Silk Stilpu Bcdfoid Coul 7ju Bcautltul McicPtUed Blended Stilpes ',rm Fleece Dick White and Fancy 1'lipie 75c to $1,00 Cordutoy, good grade, all slimlcs gou Best Heavy Wide Welt Coidutoy 7,-)C 12'. c, Fist Black Pcicallne nc r.c. Fast Black Percallno ip.0 lbc Fast Black I'eualliic jp,0 S'ic, Mciceii.ul Sateens, all 1 (ileus 25u 12'tc, Slitunkeii Canviih Uuck iou ... So ..IS'.'.c ... lo Table Linens ,c IVicalluc, 25 shades. 20c Ilaitcy Black and Uiey Waist Linings,.,, Cambilu Skirt Linings , , Blankets and Comforts Giey Ul.inkets, 11-1 Tine Giey Blankets, 11-1 White Blunkels Himctidula AU-Wool BlunketH lloncwlalc AINWikiI Blankets, 11-1 Fine Ltugi' Control ts ,., $1.00, ......,,, S5o $1.00 00c, 75c, 83c, $1,3, $.',L5 $1.25 $5.25 $l.aj, ?2,0O (All Filled with Puic White Cotton.) Hen's Underwear Men's 50o Flecco-Llnui Underwear,.,,, 30Q Men's 75c Fleece-Lined Underwear 490 Men's Natuiul Wool I'udciwuar coU' .Men's Heavy All-Wool I'udetwear $1.00 Men's Fine Light Wool Underwear $1,00 :!0e Cie.tin Table Dnmnsk 23c 40c Cic.iin Tabic Damask 35c fi.ic Cie.itu Table Damask 50c 79c Ci cam Table Damask CSc M 00 Cip.-im Table Damask S9c X1.2" Cioani Table Damask $100 C"ic Snow Wltite Linens 55c !0i' Snow White Linens 75c M.25 Snow White Linens S1.00 Tieeel's $1.50 Snow White Linens $1.25 Itecd's $.'.00 Snow White Linens $1.50 need's $2.50 Snow White Linens $2.00 Pino Linen Napkins 7uc Pino Linen Napkins, laige slye $1.00 Pine Linen Napkins, ;i-4 sle $1.25 Pino Linen Napkins, laige slyo $1.50 Double Da mask Napkins $2.00 Double Damask Napkins, huge heavy $::.00 Sil vol Bleached Napkins $1.25 Silver Bleached Napkins, huge heavy $1.50 Bargains in Domestics lie Shaker Pl.uiucl Ic Sc. (Mi tings G'jC inc. Outings S'ic Best Double Fleeced Outings 10c Best Dulibttdgo Apt on Ginghams Cc Host Indigo Rluo Pilots 5c Best 10e. wld" Old-fashioned Calico fco (i'jc. Blown Muslin lie !c Blown Muslin C'ic 7Hc. Good Bleached Muslin Co V.e. Best Blenched Muslin 7c Best Beikuly c.unlnlu 9c Ben Lottsihilo C'ambilc He Best Lockwood U-luch Pillow Casing He Best Lockwood 4'-lnch Pillow Casing 12u Best Lickwood lS-lucli Pillow Casing i;ic Best Lockwood 51-lncli Pillow Casing lie Be.,! Lockwood S-l Sheetings 17u Best Lockwood 9-1 Sheetings Wi liest Lockwood 10-1 Slicetlug.i 21c Bleached Loikwood 12-iiieli Pillow Casing l"c Bleulieil Lmkwood -15-inch Pillow Casing lUc Bleached Lockwood 50-lni h Pillow Casing 14c Blc,iih"d Loikwood 51-inch Pillow Casing 15c Bleulieil Lockwood S-l Slteetlugs l!lc Bleached Lockwood 9-4 Sheetings 21c Blcnilud Lockwuod 10-1 ShcetiugH 23c Wash Goods New (ii.inlic Fancy Strlpo Walstlngs I0u New riaiinelletos, J00 stIcs, lull y.ud-wlde 12'. o Blue Stilpc See.HUckeis 5'ic Hates' SeeiMickeis and Best Giugliains 10c Polka Dot Duck Skirtings Si 10c Good Ticking , h,.. Best Biuo Stilpc Featlicr Ticking J2ti Faiuy Stilpo Hxtia Heavy TMcIiik liic .0c. Best Geiiitau Fancy Stilpo Ticking 13c Notions Mention's Talcum Powder, 20c for 14c Sewing Machine OH, lfm for,.,,, ,,,, Sc Cuff I'lotectois, washnble, 25c for Dc Fcather-Stitch Braid, 12c for be; 15c tor 10, Skeleton Fonns, 12c for ,,,, So 15u Bilstlo Tooth Blushes , 10c 25c Caaliiiieie Boiptet Soap 20c Gciinantown Yams, Lion Brand , ,,t Cu Sliotlnud Floss, Lion Uiund, Sc skein U for $1.00 Jllses' So Pine Linen llandkoichlcfs ,, 5o Men's 15c Puie Linen llnndkct chiefs too Ladles' lSu Flno L'mbioldcted Ilandkeichlets 12Ac $1,.'"i Fast Black Meiccrlzed Ulllluellus ,,, 95o $2.00 Fine Silk Gloila Umbiellns , $j,50 1'mluellas, fust black, steel tod, Paiagou fiaino,,, 39c final and Jet Beads, new designs , ,,,, 500 Good Amcilcau Pins , zc Best American 8c Pius , , 5c Pillow Tops and Cords A new line has just arrived. The pick of the Fall Styles. Easily the largest and finest line on exhibition in Scranton. Pi ices lower than elsewhere, 'fhone us about Reno vat lug Carpets and Mattresses. . ' SCRANTON BEDDING CO, F A, KAISER, Manager, Lackawanna unci Adams. Both 'Phones " " If YOU Want HI A Mf for Cash oM-xfusj The Best ST IxTLl J Payments. Call on Df Aivn JL JLxjLI r Payments. Call on N. A. HULBERT, Wareroom, 117 Wyoming Avenue Vaiious Makes of Pianos at struments Taken in Exchange. All Prices. Old In- "S! J44Jl t4,,,J,4'4,4,,j,4,,l, ,i or One Week Only In order to introduce our $2.00 Hat, we are offering for one week only, this hat at $1.75 We guarantee this hat to be the equal of any $2.50 hat in Scranton. The latest shapes in both Derby and Soft Hats. Mgtaj 412 Spruce St, 309 Lackawanna Ave. The Color in Every Hat We Sell Is Guaranteed. ' BSPiitO 5 ' Cut Out This Coupon Present at our office, purchase $1,00 worth of goods or more am! you will receive 30 stamps. October 3, 4, 6. MEARS & HAQEN. : pISSi sSSQHgg t . t Wears & Hagen j 416 and 417 Lackawanna Ave Office Furniture 3tn '""it jla''Hi hi il'tiirfi' it fi. t' ( fitiiimwiriiT i rtt lMMBMslffili mm V. TIIE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. - r, Everything that is new everything that is desirable. Be sure and see our line and get our prices before you buy, 121 Hill & Connell, was,!s2t on Ave, ., 4 Nothing Too Ura or Too Smiil to Be Covered witli Ehret's Slag Roofing GUARANTEED 10 YEARS. WARREN-EHRET COMPANY. I , , , , 321 WASHINGTON AVE. 4 4 i. J iiikujr. c . I
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