Wrfry . I V.r.l T&E SCRANTON T&IBUN&-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 11)52. kV. s 8 WEST SCRANT0N Mine Worker Assaulted on His Way to Work Thomas Freeman Stoned. Notes and Personals. - Several mornings rturlnB the wcolc crowds of men, women nnd children Imve coiiErcRiited ulomr South Alnln nvenue In the vicinity of Lincoln Heights and on the Holds lending to the Hellevuo mid Dodge breakers, this purpose being to Intercept men on their way to work In the mines. This action culminated In some dis turbance yestcrdny morning between G.::o nnd 7 o'clock, and as a result one jiuin was Injured and another narrow ly esenped. From what could be learned of the disturbance, It seems that a man named Evans, employed at one of the mines, was passing along Main nvenue, near Stratford avenue, nnd was set upon by a crowd of men and roughly handled. The other crowd, about 200 in num ber, were assembled In the Held, near Tamils street, when Thomas Freeman, Are boss at the Dodge, vu passing on his way to work. A number of stones were thrown at him, but he escaped uninjured. A report was circulated that he was severely Injuied, but this proved to be untrue. The police were not notified of the dis turbance, but word was sent to Sheriff Sohndt, who went down late In the aft- rrnoon to post some notices about the jnlnes and be on the ground In case of further trouble when the workmen re turned homo from the mines. A number of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western company's special officers wore stationed about the mines, but were not notified or the disturbance 'nitll Mr. Freeman i cached the mines. The names of a number who were In the crowd arc known and warrants will be issued for their arrest. The dis turbance on Mnln avenue occurred near the home of District President T. D. Nicholls. Arranging for Picnic. The committee in charge of the Father Mathew day parade and picnic have nwarded the contract for build ing the stands in the Round Woods to William Hawlcy. They have engaged the Star orchestra to furnish dance music at the picnic. Arrangements have also been made with the Scranton Hallway company for extra street car service during the day. Invitations have been Issued to city of ficials to participate In the parade. The Hyde Park Father Mathew so ciety will conduct their annual ball at Mcur's hall on the night of October 10. Recovered n Eelic. Peter Rlnker, of North Bromley ave nue, received from 8. B. Stlllwell. a FREE! FREE! FREE! Five stnmps given away with each bottle of Dufour's French Tar G. "W. JENKINS. I Saturday I Attractions I No wonder these sales are popular. They fill so many wants at substantial savings to the buyer that the people have come to look forward to them as a means of exercis ing practical economy. I? Facts for Saturday Shoppers j ; rJ5 . . a. A " I f j 'For Baby's Comfort 3 In our Art Department we offer the following specials in Baby Carriage Robes. These me hnnsomely gotten up in fine eiderdowns, ribbon trimmed, etc., in the most fascinating manner. S2.50 Baby Carriage Robes for 2.15. S2.25 Baby Carriage Robes for $1.75. 82.00 Baby Carriage Robes for SI. 50. 81.75 Baby Carriage Robes for SI. 25. 81.25 Baby Carriage Robes for 85c. iS a j Misses' Scliool Capes Made from fine Broadcloths, in garnet or blue. Romalne tf lined, cut military fashion, s with high rolling collar and extra full sweep. Beautifully tailored and trimmed. On Sat urday. $4.79 9 9 9 f New Flannel Waists Will be opened Saturday morning for the first time, All the new fads and fancies will be shown on the most lavish scale. Better see them, Ladies' Pall Capes The handiest thing in the world to carry along, and by far the most comfortable of wraps. Military Capes, Silk Lined Hoods, beautiful Mirar ized Lining, Cut very full with high rolling collar, A 88.60 Cape for Saturndy only $4.79 Globe Warehotis?. t ii)(f)mi:miMo)i(f!i few days ngo, a small bible, which wns presented to him In 1802 by the Alary land State Bible society. Ho was then at Annapolis with Com pany G of the Sixty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, nnd carried the bible with him through Llbby"nnd Hell Islnnd prisons. After that ho lost track of the book, nnd was surprised to receive It from Mr. Stlllwell. The latter does not know how It came Into his possession. Both Mr. Stlllwell nnd Mr. Rlnker married Into the Kdlnger. family, of Monroe county, und the supposition Is that the bible was sent to Mr. Stlllwell by some member of the family. Mr. Rlnker prizes the book very highly. Two Funerals. The funeral of Camilla, the infnnt child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Williams, of Archbald street, occurred yesterday afternoon. Interment was made in Washburn street cemetery. The funeral of Ada, the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beechnm, of Dodge nvenue, occurred Wednesday nfternoon. Itev. James Bennlnger officiated. Interment was made at Taylor. Jackson Street Baptist Notes. The rehearsal last Wednesday even ing was well attended. "Praise Ye the Father," by Gounod was rendered. At the close of the Sunday school next Sunday, Prof. L. Davis will meet the choir for organization, For our rally day and harvest home the programme of "Pence and Plenty" will be carried out by the school. The hymn to be sung next Sunday evening Is n very familiar piece, Babel Is a famous Welsh melody and can be sung in English as nrranged by Mr. Tally Morgan on "Oh Sacred head of Jesus." 20 Stamps Given Away 20. Fine assortment of new goods. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. John Morris, Alex Slinllnowski, and Maggie Montgomery, who were arrested in a house at 007 West Linden street, for disorderly conduct, wore each fined $3 in police court yesterday. The last named two were committed to jail for "0 days each in default. Willie McGinley, an 8-year-old boy, living on Mendlon street, fell from a lumber pile yesterday afternoon and was rendered unconscious for a time. Six candidates were elected to mem bership in Lackawanna council, Royal Arcanum, last evening. The council now has a membership of about two hundred. A largo party of young peonlo wore entertained recently nt the homo of Frank Gaul, on the West Mountain, 6 6 an Ladies' Hosiery Fast Black, Full Fashioned Hose, high spliced heel nnd toe, fine gauge nnd medium weight. Regular 25c quality. On Saturday. 18c Ladies' Fancy Hosiery, black ground with fancy stripes and figures. Fast colors. A little charming lot at 10c . 6 6 & Men's Farnishlngs Men's Tan Dressed Kid G-ioves, with silk stitching; sizes 7 to 0 only. To close on Saturday. Pair. 50c The new Fall Shirts are here. Stiff fronts, with separate cuffs, colors black and white, blue 5! and white, etc.; stripes and j figures to suit nil tastes, Prices, fe 50c to $1.00 S e; Have You Seen Our Opening ' Display of New Fall Goods ? You'll be a welcome visitor today, if only to look, ft where a merry time was Indulged In by tho participants. A daughter wns recently born to Mr. and Mrs. Evans Hopkins, of Eynon street. A son wns born yesterday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Kline, ot 1510 Jackson street. Members of the West Side Pleasure club will spend tomorrow at Pleasure Point on tho West Mountnln. The regular meeting of the West Side Republican club will bo held this even Ing, and a proposition will bo Intro duced which will be of Interest to every member. A large attendance Is desired. Tho foundation for tho new Ashley Silk mill nt the corner of Fllmore ave nue nnd Acndomy street Is nearly com pleted nnd work will noon be com menced on the superstructure. The Indies of tho Uryn Mnwr mission of the First Welsh Baptist church ten dered a reception to Itev. D. D. Hop kins nt the mission on Wednesday evening. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Carrie Curr, of G24 North Mnln avenue, entertained n number of friends a her home Thursday evening. Arthur Christmas, of North Fllinoro nvenue, has returned home from .Lake Wlnoln, where he spent tho summer. Thonius Jones, of Washburn street, bus returned home from a trip to Sun bur v. Miss Maine 3urllngnine, of South Hyde Park nvenue, entertained a few friends at her home Thursday evening. Hurry and Lizzie Schoen, of Grand Rnplds, Mich., are visiting West Scrun ton friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin Griffiths, of Thirteenth street, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Wednesday evening. Peter Baker und Al. Turner attended the Wnllsvllle fair yesterday. Mrs. Henry Williams, of North Fll more avenue, Is entertaining Mrs. H. E. Stnples, of Gouldsboro. Miss Kdlth Fowler, of Tripp Park, hns returned home from a. visit In Pltts burcr. Mrs. Fred Glbbs,' of North Lincoln avenue, has returned from an extended stay at Lake Henry. Misses Ella and Donzella Lumley, of North Bromley nvenue, are home from a visit at Moscow. Mrs. Oscar Van Busklrk, of Bald Mount, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bertha Reinaly, of North Sumner ave nue. Miss Ely, of Dickson City, Is tho guest of friends In West Park. Mrs. Stewart Clark, of North Sumner avenue, is entertaining Mrs. Stewart Miller, of Wllkes-Barre. Mrs. Walker, of Carbondale, is the guest of Mrs. T. F. Flannery, of North Sumner avenue. Mrs. F. P. Murphy, of Chicago, Is vis iting her father. John Powdcrly, of South Ninth street. Mrs. MacArthur, of Buffalo, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hlghfleld, of Lincoln Heights. Mrs. A. L. Shaffer, of Philadelphia, is visiting Mrs. Thomas II. Davis, of North Main avenue. Mrs. Charles Horold, of North Main avenue, is confined to her homo by ill ness. William and Mamie McGowty. of Carbondale, are guests nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curr, on North Main avenue. Itev. and Mrs. S. F. Mathews, of Bock street, will leave on October 2 for St. Louis, Mo., where they will visit rela tives for some time. Miss May AVilllains. of Chestnut street, Is spending a few days In Phlla delohla. Mrs. Esther Simpkins and son Charles, of Bloomfleld, N. J., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watklns, of Lafay ette street. Mrs. John T. Jones, of Price street, is ill at her home. Dr. David G. Evans, osteopathist, who has accepted a position as physical director of tho York, Pa., Young Men's Christian association, was tendered a surprise party Friday evening at his home on Lincoln Heights, by friends and relatives. A company of nbout fifty were present, including twenty from Plttston and West Pittston. Dr. Evans leaves for the scene of his new duties October 1. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. The Star Social club met In weekly session nt their headquarters, 612 Pitts ton avenue, Inst evening and trans acted much business of Importance, Of ficers were placed In nomination for the ensuing term ns follows: President, David Lewis, William Rosar, Matthew Damal: vice president, Charles Keller man, Chnrles Roth, George Hnrtman and George MIrtz; financial secretary, Jacob Mirtz; recording secretary, Mat thew Miller; treasurer, Peter Phillips; librarian, William Rosar; trustees, Charles Kellermnn, William Rosar, George Hnrtman, Charles Roth, David Lewis, Alonzo Hubbard and George MIrtz. At tho conclusion of the meet ing a social session wns convened when the members were treated to jrefresh ments by their associates, Peter Phillips and Charles Roth, whose birthday it was. The election will take placo ut the next regular meeting, Peter Alabach was defendant In a case heard yesterday before Alderman Lentes, It nppears that some years ago Alabach chose as a place of resi dence a property near Mountain Lake nnd owned by Mrs. Robinson. The deed was made out, but ns he neglected to pay either Interest or principal, the property revetted to the Robinson es tate. The place was sold some time ago to Joseph Rosar and yesterday's suit was brought by hlrp to gain pos session o.nd oust Alabach. A Jury of twelve good men and true were em panelled to hear the evidence nnd It took them only a short while to decide that the defendant should vacate, as he had never held a deed of the prop erty, Alabach was represented by At torney Comegys and tho plaintiff's In terests were cared for by Attorney D. J, Reedy.- The Jury In the case was composed of Charles Neuls, foreman; Joseph Albrecht, Benedict Brendlo, Nicholas Heen, Adam Brier, Rudolph Schaffer, Owen Dundendorf, William Hnmmen, Jr John Wlpplg, William Sumbrum, August Schlmpff nnd Fred Pontius, It was Intended to hold an election of officers by the Junger Muennerehor society lust evening, but owing to the small attendance the election was post poned, Mrs, Mary Sweeney, of Korotow, Conn,, was the guest of Mrs. E, R. Conley on Slocum street yesterday. Forty hours devotion will commence AW OLD AND WELL-TRIED REMBDT. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINQ SYnUH for children teething, Is the prescription oi eno of the best female phy&lclttns and burses in the United States, und has boea used sixty years with never-falllng auoJ res3 by millions of mothers for their dill, tiren. Dining the process of teething iti Ulue Is Incalculable. It relieves the chllj from pain, cures diarrhoea, griping In th fcowels, and wlnd-cpllc. By giving henltl, to the child It rests thn mother. Price. twenty-Jive cnti a beUla. ' Cund of Asthma After Years of Terrible Suffering, Mary JoaophlnoDczy, Floyd Knob, Ind., writes: "After Buttering untold agonies for 33 years from Asthma, I was cured by Schlffmann's Asthma Curo. I used to bo so badthatlcouldnotmovowlthouthclp,but I can now do all ray own work." Another writes! "My llttlo boy 7 years old has boon a aulTorcr for several yenrs, soma times eo bad off that wo could not hold him in bed, expecting any moment for him to broatho his last. Doctors did him no good and wo had nlmoBt given up In despair, when through nccldont wo heard of Schlff mann's Asthma Curo, tried It and It almost Instantly ralicvod him." Mrs. D. C. Harris, Elbow P. O., Va. Sold by all druggists at COc and 11.00. nl St. Mary's German Cnthollo church on River street tomorrow morning. Dr. Schley's Lung Healing Balsam Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No curo, no pay." For sale by all dealers. At the homo of the bride's mother, September 17, 1902, by the Rev. F. P. Doty, Wallace Thompson and Miss Ger trude Stelnmetz, both ot this city, were united In marriage. Only the Immediate friends of the contracting parties were present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will spend some time on n bridal tour, after which they will be nt home to their friends nt their beau tifully furnished residence on Cherry street. 20 Stamps Given Away 20. Fine assortment of new goods. See our advertisement on another page of this puper. Mears & Hagen. GREEN RIDGE. Miss F. L. Savage, of Wllkes-Barre, has returned home after a few days' visit with Green Ridge friends. Rev. nnd Mrs. Sterling Potter, of the Green Ridge Baptist chuch, entertained n number of young people of the Sab bath school at the parsonage Thurs day evening. Mrs. Charles Kirkpntriek, of Wyom ing avenue, entertained a pnrty of llt tlo folks Thursday afternoon in honor of her daughter Evelyn. Miss Lillian Ross, of Sanderson ave nue. Is spending the full months at Wnllsvllle. ' Miss Louisa Dlmmlck, of Penn ave nue, will leave today for New York, where she Is taking a course in kinder garten work. Miss Mattic Potter, of Monsey ave nue, has returned from a visit at Wnlls vllle. Mrs. M. R. Kays, of Sanderson ave nue, is entertaining Mrs. Charles Whit man npd son Le Roy, of Newark, N. J. Charles Found has returned from Hnnesdule. R. H. HoIIenback, of Lake Wlnoln, was a business visitor here yesterday. A. E. Weseott, of La Plume, visited Green Ridge friends yesterday. 20 Stamps Given Away 20. Fine assortment of new goods. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. m DUNWORE. A large number enjoyed an excellent ly attended musical and literary pro gramme In the M. E. church last even ing. Tho different participants sustain ed their previous, reputations as able entertainers to the evident enjoyment of those present. The First Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. Charles Henry Neving, pastor Morning prayers at 10 o'clock. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Tho pastor will preach at both services. Evening subject, "Trust In God." Class meeting at 11.45 a. m. nnd Sunday school at 2.30 p. m Evening prayer service at 6.30 o'clock. Monday evening, official board meeting nt 7.30 o'clock. Tuesday evening, Epworth league meet ing at 7.43 o'clock. Wednesday even ing, mid-week church prayer meeting at 7.30 o'clock. Dunmore Presbyterian church. Rev. W. F. Gibbons, pastor Services nt 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning sub ject, "Look Up" Evening subject, "The Supreme Sacrifice" Tripp Avenue Christian church Precahlng morning and evening by the pastor, J. D. Dabneyi Morning topic. "A Character Study. Moses." Evening topic, "A Lost Boy." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6.30. "The Fullness of God; How Secured," Eph. 3, 14-21. Leader, Miss Ella Kratzer. Mrs. Jane McMllllan has returned from a visit with friends In Plttston. Clinton Bryden nnd Donald Wheeler, of Plttston. visited the former's parents here yesterday. Preaching nt Dudley Street Baptist nlmrph mnrnlnir nnd cvenlnc nt 10.30 and 7.30 p. in. by Rev. F. S. Matthews. J of Hyde Park. Sunday school at 12 m. 20 Stamps Given Away 20. Fine assortment of new goods. See our advertisement on nnother page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. OBITUARY. GEORGE W. POTTER, one of Dun more's best known citizens, died nt l)ls home, on Drinker street, yesterday morning at 2 o'clock. During the past several months Mr. Potter had been confined to his bed, suffering from Brlght's dlseuse. He wns born in Sus quehanna county, October 28, 1830. He was united In marriage to Miss Julia Selpp, In Moscow, about forty years ago. During the past fifty years he had been nn active figure In nil move ments looking to the advancement of the borough. He was an unusually suc cessful business man and wns regarded as one of Dunmore's most substantial citizens. He Is survived by his widow and two children, Charles M, nnd Clara E.; nlso the following brothers and sis ters; Wlllluin Barton Potter nnd Mrs. J. W. Blcsecker, of Scranton; Mrs. Hiram C. Wilbur, of Conklln; Mrs. Sarnh Lee, of Clifford; Mrs. Wllllnm Walter, Mrs. Isaac Blesecker and Mrs, Reuben Noack, of Moscow, The funeral will be held tomorrow morning nt 10 o'clock from his Into residence. Inter ment will be made In Moscow cemetery. JOHN" GOLLITZ, the three months' old child of Mr. nnd Mrs, Nicholas Goljltz, died last evening at tho family residence, 1113 Remington avenue. The funeral announcement will appear later, FUNERAIS. The funeral of John Connolly, of Ml nooka, jvho was futally Injured on Wednesday, will tuke pluce this morn ing at 9.30 a. in. Services will be held In St, Joseph's church, and Interment will bo made in Minooku, NORTH SCR ANTON SWEEPSTAKE PIGEON SHOOTING MATCH. It Was Won by Jesse Sickler Who Killed 10 Out of 25 Birds Miss Lydin Melvin of West Market Street, Married to John Malone of Meshoppen in New York City, Surprise Party Tendered to Miss Katie Shields on Her Birthdny. A sweepstake shooting match nt clay pigeons took place at Ruble's hall yes terday afternoon, In which several of the local crack shots participated. Tho contest wns an minimi meet, und It wns decided that the best out of twenty-five shots would be the winner. Jesse Sickler, the youngest shot, won by killing nineteen out ot twenty-five birds. Thy following Is the score: Girts, 12: Cornell, 10; Ralne, 18: Col vln, 17; Sickler, 1ft; Trauger, IB. Wedded in New York. Miss Lydin Melvin, the dnughter of Mrs. Mary Melvin, of West Market street, was united In the holy bonds ot matrimony Sunday last to John Mu lone, of Meshoppen, Wyoming county. The ceremony was preformed In the church of the Paullst fathers, on Seventy-second street, New York city. The bride Is well-known and Is very popu lar Tn this part of the city. Her hus bnnd Is a well-known and prosperous farmer In Meshoppen. Mr. nnd Mrs. Malone spent their honeymoon nt Niagara Falls and places of Interest In Canada. Pleasant Surprise. Miss Kntle Shields, of McDonough avenue, was tendered a very pleasant surprise party, In honor of her birth day, Thursday evening. Singing anU games, with the usual party diversions, were Indulged In until a seasonable hour, when refreshments wore served. Those present were: Misses Mary Mc Carthy, Bessie Davis, Jane Martin, Lucy McCarthy, Nellie Cafferty, Clare Barrett, Anna B. Barrett, Anna nnd Katherlne Shields, and Messrs. John McCarthy, Charles McAndrew, John Kelley, Michael Cawley, John Barrett, James Gavin, Jnmes Smith, Joseph Mil ler, James Pullman nnd John Rays, of Carbondale. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Miss Lilly Strong, state secretary, will address the Vesper service Sunday, Sept. 21, at 3.30 p. in. All young wo men are cordially invited. Mrs. Margaret Sangster, tho corres pondent of the Ladles' Homo Journal and formerly of the Harper's Bazaar, will address an annual mooting In the North Scranton association parlors, Saturday evening, Sept. 27. The pub lic Is invited. Classes in cooking, physical culture, correspondence, conversation and sew ing, under the most competent instruc tors, will open the first week in October. As only a limited number can be ac commodated Immediately, rcgisration is advisable. Another New York Wedding. Adolph Feldrnun, the West Market street shoe dealer, was united in wed lock with Miss Tessie Schwartz, of New York, last Tuesday. The cere mony wns performed in the synagogue of Lincoln street. In the presence of u large number of their friends. After a short wedding tour, Mr. and Mrs. Feldmnn returned home Thurs day, and will tnke up their residence on North Main avenue. They were re cipients of many beautiful and costly presents. On Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Feldman will give a reception at their home, on North Main avenue. 20 Stamps Given Away 20. Fine assortment of new goods. See our advertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. CHUBCH NOTES. There will be a service of special in terest Sunday morning in the Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church. The church will be suitably decorated, and the pastor will speak on the responsi bilities und opportunities In the rear ing of children. Infants will be bap tized and received with other children as members of tho Sunday school, through Its "Cradle Roll." The super intendent, assisted by a committee of members of the church, will present certificates. The Rev. W, F. Davles will preach at tho Memorial Baptist church In the morning from tho theme, "God and tho Seed of Abraham;" In the evening, "Nehemlah nnd His Reforms." Tho ser vice In the morning will be conducted In Welsh, and In English In the even ing. TOLD IN A PEW LINES. The Providence Conclave of Heptn sophs will meet In the Auditorium on Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. S, Read, of Pittsburg, Is vis iting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Mar shal Preston, of Court street. Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Carter and chil dren, of Parker street, have returned home, after spending the summer In New Jersey. Dr. Daniel Base, of Baltimore, has returned home, after a visit with Sam uel Davis, of North Main nvenue, J. U, Hopewell returned Thursday, after a week's visit In Cnnada, Miss Lucy Mitchell nnd Miss Tab, of Wllkes-Barre, spent severnl clays with Miss Rena Hubbard, of North Muln nvenue. Miss Elizabeth Hughes, of Hlatlng ton, Pa,, Is visiting friends here. Oscar P. Davis, ot Summit nvenue, left yesterday to resume his studies ut Bucknell university, nt Lewlsburg, Pa. Mrs. Leona Lewis, of New York city, Is visiting Mrs. T, D. Lewis, of North Main nvenue, John J, Owens, of Wayne nvenue, has returned to Huckncll university, to re sume his studies. At the high court of Pennsylvania, Independent Order of Foresters, held, ut Klttannlng, Pa on Wednesday last, John U, Hopewell was elected iparshal, and tho next session of the' high court will be held the first Tuesday In Sep tember of next year In Scranton, The Green Ridge castle, No. 10G, An dent Order Knights of the Mystic Chain, will Initiate three candidates at their meeting Monday evening. Joseph England, of Diamond avenue, and William Lewis, of Summit avenue, leave this morning to spend a few days ut Niagara Fulls. William, Arthur und Emily Edgar Imve been called to New York by the sudden illness of one of their relatives. Duffy sPiire MEDICINE FOR IOOK FOR TRADE MA Cures Consumption! Dear Sirs: After reading your advertise ment i Dougnt n uome ot your wniBKey, which helped me right away. 1 am now on liy third bottle, using It for consumption, and I feel Ilka a now man. I think that it I had known of your whiskey when I was at home. In Chicago, I would have never come out here for my health. ED. SCHUBAUTH, 1G0S Market St., Denver, Colo., Aug. 18, 1002. Stopped Hemorrhages. Nashua City, N. H., Sept. It, 1902. Gentlemen: It Is with great pleasure that f write to Inform you that I have used eight bottles of your Turo Malt Whiskey. I would not havo been here today only for your won derful medicine. I have used nil kinds of medicine nnd been under the rare of doctors. I have bad three severe attacks of grip and pnoumonln, which havo left me with n bad cough and weak heart: I nm G7 years old. It has toned up my system and stopped the hemorrhages, and I cough but very little. 1 only regret thnt I did not know of your whiskey before. I cannot express what It has done for me. I beg to remain. Yours respectfully, MKS. H. C. ALLINGTON. Mr. W. D. Ball's, of Richmond, Vn.. ex perience was similar to that ot Mrs. Alling-tnu: Caution. When you ask for Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey "be sure you get the qenuine. Unscrupulous dealers, mindful of the excellence of this preparation, will try to sell you cheap imitations, and so called Malt" Whiskey substitutes, which arc put on the market for profit only, and which, far from relieving the sick, are positively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" and be sure you get it. It Is the only absolutely pure malt whiskey which contains medicinal, health-giving qualities. Lpok for the trade-mark, "The Old Chemist," on the label. The genuine is sold by druggists nnd grocers, or direct, (1.00 n bottle. It Is tho only whiskey recognized by the government ns a medicine. This Is a guarantee. FREE. If you are sick and run down write the Medical Department DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., ItOCHESTER, N. Y., nnd stnto your case. All correspondence In strict est confidence. It will cost you nothing to learn how tn regain health, strength and vi tality. Medical booklet containing symptoms and treatment of diseases, nnd conviltcloi , tcstluioclcU B.Liycctfl .every reader oi thU taacr who will write for IL AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre, M. Ileis, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DuKy. Business Manager. Saturday &? Sept. 20. Morris Hall & Company. Present II. V. Esmond's Exquisite Ho rn mco in 4 Acts, entitled When We Were Twenty-One Pronounced by tho Boston, Now York and London press, "Greatest Play of tho Century." As produced nt tho Knickerbocker Tho nter, Now York Citv, nnd tho Comedy Theater, London. PRICES Mntinco, 23 und 50c. Nifc'ht, 2.", r,0. 7."i nnd $1.00. Sens now on sale. Monday Night, Sept. 2.'. THOMAS JEFFERSON and a Splendid Supporting Company In "II I Ptlces-2r,. r.0, 73, $1.00. Scuts on sale. "I'll "miii'i mm mil n 15 Green Trading tamps Cut This Out Bring it here today (Saturday) and get 15 Green Trading Stamps with every $i.oo's worth. ..SHOE STORE,. 328 Lackawama Ave. ELMHURST. Itev. Sir. Orolss, who has heen dan gerously 111 for the past four weeks with typhoid fever, ut the home of Dr. Knedler, Is recovering, Miss Lou Dunning returned homo Thursduy evening, ufter u three weeks' visit ut the home of her sister, Mrs. 0. A. Uoblnson, nt Hiidgeport, Conn. Mr, and Mrs. Hyion llvans und chil dren, of Uonesdule, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Evans over Sunday, Mrs. 9'somn,er und ,lvo t'lilldreii, of Canadensis, ami Samuel Dnnks, ot Scranton, visited ut the lioijie of Mr. nnd Mrs. H. H. Klpi on Sunday last. F. A. Page and .family ure now occu pying their new house. The Ladles' Aid society or the Dap list cuirch guvo a social ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Williams on Tuesduy evening. There was u good attendance and everything pussed oft we Malt Whiske Ahl MANKIND ' H'J ItK ON THE UOTTLM. fl.mtlnmm. T onmmanMH nn vnlll" Fluffs Malt Whiskey last March, and have been fnltbful In taking it ever since. I have used ono dozen bottles, and am feeling better, Mr hemorrhages havo almost stopped, and cough very much Improved. WILLIE D. BALL. T18 N. 1st St., Itlchmond, Va., Sept. 5, 1902,' Pneumonia Cured. Gentlemen: I had a severe case of pneu monln Inst fall, ond have used about on i doren bottles of your whiskey to build m up and una it noes wnat you ciaim lor u. Yours respectfully, E. I'EDEHSEN, Hnmllnc. Minn.. May 14. 1802. Tlmiiantiria nt 011M1 totlmnnlnln nrA rnnetv- ' ed from patients who have been cured by1' uulty'a Pure Malt wmsltey. It cures consumption, coughs, colds, grlp, bronchltls. catarrh and all diseases of tha throat and lungs. It also cures ncrvousnes , and Indigestion. It gives power to tho brain, strength nnd elasticity to tho muscle, and richness to the blood. It Is n promoter ot health and longevity, makes tho oia young, keeps the young strong. It is absolutely pur nnd contains no fusel oil. It will cure almost any case of consumption it taken in time. Over 7.000 doctors prescribe It. nd 2.00 hospitals use it exclusively. AMUSEMENTS, Academy of Musii M. Rets, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DufCy, Business Manager 3 Nights ftSZSg" Sept. 181 Matinees Frldnv nnd Sntimlnv. Tho Irish Romantic Actor and Coniedlann illll. UlliNI. i uihnuuu lis KIDNAPPED IN NEW YORK. Prices M.itlneo, 15 and 23c. Night, JJ ALL NEXT WEEK DANIEL RYAN A1 Hondny Night, "A Eoyal lover, " Dixie's Theatre,! HENRY FARNSWORTH DIXIE, Lesseo and Manager. WEEK oF SEPT. 13. A in c tn in New Dances 'J lie Kenton s Sisson and Wallace NEXT WEEK. Berol and Berol, Unique European Specialty. Tro performances dally, 2.! and 8.1&. Prices 15, ".", 115 and 50c. Special m.ttlneo pi Ices. STAR THEATRE ALF. O. HERRINGTON, Mnnnger. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, SEPTEMBER IS, 10, 20. TOM MINER'S BOHEMIANS" Mntlnces Every Day. (C THE GREAT AllentownFair SEPT. 23 (o 26, 1902 Acknowledged to be the Best e) All Country Fairs. Crescetis 2.02 1-4 The World's Champion Trotter! over a mile anti nan-miie iracK win go to beat the half-mile track rec ord of the world on Thursday, September 25th, I9u? EL B. Scliall, Secy. pleasantly. The proceeds ure to be us?d for church repairs. Mis. W. C. DuiiuIik; and daughter Dorothea, accompanied by her uuests, Mrs. Dctrlck und sou, of Stroudsuurs, ure visiting friends In Hawlcy, ..A 1.,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers