' i ;.,' .- t-T - v 5' "-- , ' -1 ' '-.v. THE SCItANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SfiPTJSMBJOR 20, 1902. Sfi. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Special to the Scranlon Tribune. Honesdnlc. Sent. lO.-Vyullcr It. Swift ! neemited a situation with W. F. I-tuyduin, min'iuger ui' this Florence- silk Inlll. . ... The Haines Cornet Dana will lurnisu Intisic for tin.- AVuytiP county fair. Those who failed to secure chip nr tnu Nlil cnivltv passenger coaches for a summer Iioiikc. will take notice that the bclawnro and Hudson still have it few becoiul-linhd canal bouts on liiiuil. Manager Sllvcrstone la fortunate in securing 1-ouls J. Russell in "Tin t Middleman" for one nignt, in popular prices, who will he at the opera house Wednesday evening, November 21. A lull orchestra will be present, sir. iius fell pleased a largo audience on his up- lienrance Here last season, ne is ij- f ported by a strong company. The plans mid specifications for the Main street bridge, to be built by the; slate, are at the commissioners' olllce, Ibcltig examined by contractors, tiic contract will be awarded Septemner -v., land work on the same must commence Iwlthln ten days therenftcr. Rev. H. A. Smith, who has been sup plying the pulpit of the Bethany Pres- Uiylerinn church, having passed a suc cessful examination, was received mm he Lackawanna prpsbytery at I'ltts- lon, and is now a. ruii-ueugeu i-resuy-fcerlan minister. The Maple City band will hold a llance In the armory, Wednesday even ing, September 24. Francis II. Crago has purchased tne George S. Keene property, on eft street, which he will occupy after Octo ber 1. A force of workmen, under the direc tion of County Commissioner George C. Seamans. Is engaged widening the Irlveways of the Main street bridge. Il'lie whole structure will he widened luul a division rail placed In the center. Il'he Improvements will be completed In time for the fair. Mrs. Itaymond Charles, of New York city, is the guest of her uncle, M. B. Lllcn, of the Allen house. 13. E. Avery, of Lebanon, Wayne county, has commenced marketing his peach crop from his young orchard. He estimates the yield at about 2,000 Lmskets. Krcitner Bros, have commenced re- Imodeliac the Mayhew building, which Is to be fitted up with a plate glass Iront, for William Pliiel, of Scrnnton, (ho will open a drug store In the bulld- I The Wayne county fair management ave spared no expense to make the Iilr, next week, both enjoyable and Irofhable. The Improvements being made at the baptist church have been completed, rod the regular services will be held on uuriay next. I Mrs. C. R. Brady. Mrs. F. J. Woods Ind Miss Mary Foster'wlll entertain at Golf club house on Saturday after- on. Lnnouncoinent is made of the euguge- Int of Miss Harriet B. Russell. of Bncsdale, and Dr. Harry C. Muney, a lrgcon in the regular nrmy, now heated at Fort Riley, Kansas. FACTORYVILLE. I'rom a Staff Correspondent. Factoryville, Pa., Sept. 19. Mrs. Hoy iBeardsley and daughter, Muriel, nf llnghninton, returned home last Tues- lluy after spending some time with the former's mother, Mrs. Sarah Slmrell. Mrs. Helen AVilson left Wednesday for New York city wliere she will spend some time with relatives. Miss Hazel St. Amand left AVodnes- lay for Kingston where she has enter- lid Wyoming seminary. Mr. ft. P. Llndley spent Wednesday it Wilkes-Barre in reunion with his regiment. Several of our townspeople attended the Montrose fair this week. Most of the citizens have complied ttvlth the borough ordinance nml cut the weeds, otc. along their sidewalks and those who have not done so, will he (notified by the street committee to do id within a certain time and if not llnnc within such time arrests will f"1- low. The MaitlHiul fair is in progro-s this hveek nnd has boon favored with (hie went her. and good crowds. It has been me of the best that the association rias ever held. Mrs. Lorluilu Maihewson Is visiting friends In Tnyinr the past few days. the Lacknwanna and Wyoming Musical Alliance will be held here at Lite M. K. church. Oct. I'M". Mr. John fr. Walking, of Seranton, will be the Jlructor. Mr, nnd Airs. A. A. Hrnwn are spend ing a few days at Lake Ariel, Mr. Arthur taker who has been in the Philippine Islands for the past Itiirep 'years, doing soldier duty for thn United Slates has returned homo. The Llndsoy Bros, purchased the Nixon bridge at the sale of the same lliist Thursday for $10... Uev. Elkunah Hulley. nf Keystone academy, will occupy the pulpit of the iinipiiBi cliurcli at Clark's Green next iSuuday morning. UNIONDALE. 3pcelnl to the Seranton Tribune. Unlondale, Sept. 10, Frank Hityden ,iado a business trip to Scrauton Frl- lay. Mr. Brail has returned to Philade lphia to pursue a post graduate course lln the University of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Sarah Westgate lately ' visited Irelntives In Wayne county. Mrs. Douglas Coleman has returned I after visiting friends respectively at Cnopcrslowii nnd Blnghamton, George Haydeu and fumlly visited I relatives In Scrnnton recently, Miss Ceiia Carpenter hus roturued limine from Wllkes-Barre and will this I year attend the graded "school prepara tory to teaching. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Hityden, Mr, and IMrs, Morgan Daniels and u number of 'our townspeople attended the Walls- Ivlllc fair near Daltoii, Mrs. Edward Morgan was a visitor In forest City Thursday. Mr, Burke, superintendent of tho sec- Itlon of tlie Jefferson branch, deserves ,'ieat credit for the many iniportunt lin- movements wrought in the surround- pugs or the Uric depot. HOPBOTTOM. I Special to the Ecranton Trlbun. Hopbottom, Sept. 19. Mr. and Mrs. K. m. Tiffany attended the merchants' convention ut Sciauton this week. I Mr. Chaues Junaushek bus returned to his home In Oswego after upending! the past month with his sister, Mrs, I. It. Heardsloy. John lllshee and W. M. Finn attended the races at Wnllsvllle Thursday. Miss Myrtlo Phillips Is visiting her parents at Wiivcrly tills week. Frank .lanaushck has bought out the furniture and undertaking business of Bnrdsley & Loomls, Mrs, George Strupter visited friends here Inst week, Mrs. Sarah Aekcrly Is spending tho i week with Mrs. Morris Tlngley. An Interesting programme la being prepared for the Teachers' association Saturdny. All are Invited to attend. Miss Selnh Sterling and Hi In Sage called at W. E. Brown's Wednesday. D. W. Wright spent Sunday with his family here. HARFORD. Special to the Scrauton Tribune. Harford, Sept. 10. Mrs. W. II. Pat terson is visiting her son, Edward, in Scrauton. Dr. Overton, or Illnghiimtoii, was In town Tuesday. Miss Bessie Barth and Mrs. Mara thon, of Newark, N, J., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Booth, re turned to their home Friday. The normal clnss meets every Friday evening In the lecture room. Will Carey, of Philadelphia, Is visit ing his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Carey. Mrs. Miller, of Moscow, Is the guest of the Very sisters. The young ladles' class held an In formal reception In the lecture room, September 10. Their entertainment con sisted of solos, duets and recitations, licfroshments were served by the young ludies. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maynnrd, of New York, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Maynnrd, recently. Miss Flossie Carey, of Lenox, is at tending the Harford graded school this winter. Mr. Barnes, of South Gibson, Is taking care of K. T. Tiffany, who is very low at this writing. A number or Harford people attended the Montrose fair. Misses Carrie Brewster and Flora' Sweelser visited Binghamton, Saturday. FOREST CITY. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Forest City, Sept. 10. A public meet ing was held In the council room this evening to consider the proposition of the, Erie Itnllroad company that the bridge be placed south of No. 2 breaker. There seems to be a growing sentiment In favor of the new location. .1. R. Budd and wife tills week at tended the Hlcks-Tumblyn wedding at Lauretta, ' D. .1. Jones, n popular citizen of Forest City, was united in marriage tills week to Miss Mary Evans, of Nantlcoke, by Uev. J. Davis. They will reside in Nantl coke. ,1. V. Smith, one of Forest City's most widely known business men died at 9 o'clock this morning after a very brief illness with pleura-pneumonia. He was about 45 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Mr. Smith came to Forest City from Deposit about eleven years ago. He has built up a line hard ware business and at the time of his death was a director of the First Na tional bank and a leading member of Forest City lodge, F. and A. M. NICHOLSON. Speeinl to the Seranton Tribune. Nicholson, Sept. 111. C. P. Buck, of Blnghamton, was a caller In town Fri day. Miss Maud Clinton, of Blughmnton, is spending n few days with her friend, Mrs. AV. W, Leltoy. Several of the townspeople attended the Wallsville fair, Thurgduy. Mr. .and Mrs. Madison Harding are visiting friends in Mlddletowu and Port Jervls. Mrs. .1. M, Oslerlioul, of Punxsutaw ney. Is visiting her father, D. W. Titus. Last evening was the scene of a very joyous occasion at the homo of Mr, and -Mrs. D. W. Titus, on State street, ft being the seventy-llfth birthday of Mr. Titus, in the early hours of the evening assembled many of ills friends to cele brate the event. The guests were en tertained with music, and at a season able hour refreshments were served, after which I lev. Bowen, of the Pres byterian church, offered prayer, and was followed by a short speech from Mr. Titus. The guests then assured their host and hostess of their delight ful time, urn! departed for their respect ive homes. Those niesent wiri! Mr. and Mrs. Itussell, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stephens, Mr, and Mrs. P, H, Bell, llev. mill Mrs. Kiiiiioid, Mr. and .Mrs. D. G. HlucK, Uev. and .Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. D. Walker. Mrs. Lou Tiffany. Mrs. w. S. Quick, Mrs, llollaway Stephens, Mrs. ti, u. wiiKius, ununes Alack, Miss Vic toria AValker, Llllle Pratt, Jtina War ner. Florence Wllklus, lltith Johnson, PICTURE PUZZLE. FOB THE LITTLK ONKS. Cut out tho pictures appealing on this page, ench elny, draw a pencil mark around tlio bidden object, savo them until Saturday, then send them or take them to Tliu Tribune, oftleo In an envelope addressed to "Puzzle Department," Knrloso In the envelope your name, ago nhd address. Tho boys and girls who rorrectly mark tho six pictures nppeuilng during tho week, nnd whoso answers nro tlrst received, will havo their names published In The Tribune Monday mnrntne. U I 1 1 PBHEi ; J , V iff 8HKSwlKPPl (L " "pSuitV i I VTjy Tb nil l&Mfidfi W I ,7 j - " " Find the two pets of t Mr. mid Mis. A, U Titus, of Bingham Ion, nnd Mrs. t Ostcrhoul, of Punxsutuwhey, HALLSTEAP. Special to the Scranlon Tribune. Hallstead, Sopl, 19.-Un Thursday evening, Sept. 18 the Presbyterian church parlors were lighted and promptly at 7,30 the congregation and friends begun to assemble to nltend the farewell reception given In honor of their former pastor, ttev. L. W. Church nnd family, who arc about to lake their departure for a new field of labor. Uy K.30 tho rooms both ubovi and bolow were filled, and a short programme consisting of music nnd recitations wna tendered. Dainty refreshments were served In the upper room, unci nftur wurds Hon. S, B. Chase called on Itev, Church to sneak for a short time. In it few well chosen words he spoke of ills nineteen years pastorate in Hall lend, .telling how through his after life he would carry the memory of the kindness of the people, and speaking In touching words of the sacred ties that would still bind him to Ills Hnllstcud home. Assuring the friends of tho warm welcome they would receive in ills now home. llov. M. .1. Wntktns pastor of tho Baptist church then spoke of the friendly rclntlon that has nlwujM existed between Mr. Church und him self, during their nine or ten years work together as neighboring pastors," and how lie would be missed when he departed for his new home. After singing, "God Be with You Till Wp Meet Again," the people left for their homes. Wherever Mr. Church and family may make their home during the future years, a host of friends Join In wishing him success In his chosen work, and that God will shower abundant blessings upon him nnd his family. Mrs. James Snover gave a charming at-home at her beautiful lNisldence on Chase avenue, Thursday " afternoon. The house was very prettily trimmed with palms, ferns and American beauty roses. She was assisted in receiving by Sirs. Charles Lawrence, who wore a dress of black moire loulsine silk and Mrs. ,1. L. Boss who was becomingly ultlrcd in' blue crepe de chine while the hostess wore u handsome gown of black silk trimmed In rare old lace. Dainty refreshments wore served, after which tlie guests, which numbered about llfty departed, all voting Mrs. Snover a charming hostess. Tuesday evening next there will be a free concert given to the members of the Itailroad Y. M. C. A. and their immediate families. In the association hall, beginning at 7.30. Among those on the programme will be Miss Anna Maud Adams, a popular entertainer of Waverly, N. Y who will recite several pieces, also Connors'' orchestra, phono graph selections and several other numbers. Those who are not members wll be admitted for the small fee of 15 cents. Mrs. Karl Talmage, entertained the social club nt her pleasant home on Chase avenue, last evening. Itev. S. T. Jones, of Heart Lake, will address the family meeting at the Y. M. C. A. hall Sunday afternoon at 3.30. The grammar room of the Hallstead high school was supplied by Miss Lil lian church, Wednesday, on account of tlie illncs of Miss Grace Harding. Miss Maud Adams has accepted a position as bookkeeper In the silk mill. The ladles of the Presbyterian church were entertained at the home of Mrs. F. S. Barnes, Thursday afternoon. Tho regular team played a match game of ball with the railroad employes Wednesday. Score 33-14, in favor of tho railroad boys. Sirs. James Slmrell and Miss Kath arine Summerton are enjoying a few days in New York city. Miss Florence King, of the Globe store at Blnghamton, and Miss Carrie Summerton, of tlie Binghamton State hospital, are spending their vacations with friends in Hallstead. Miss Bertha Jackson lias returned from nu extended visit with friends at Bridgeport, Conn. WELSH HILL. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Welsh Hill, Sept. 10. Harford fair next week, September 24-2.'.. J. S. Owens, of South Sumner ave nue, Seranton, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. W. II. Butler. Miss Leonu Bennett has returned to Factoryville, after a visit of several days here". The ordination service of deacons oc curred last Sunday at the Congrega tional tabernacle. Miss Blanch Corey, of Binghamton, Is the guest of her sister, Sirs, Wallace Walkins. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harris returned to their Scrauton home. Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. David Jones entertained Sirs. Jones' brothers, Messrs. Joseph and Sanfoid Ileese, of Peckville, on Sunday last, Richard Davis, SO years of ago, Is slowly recovering from a recent acci dent. Miss Lizzie Moses and guest. Miss Louise Price, of Seranton, visited In Cnrbondalc last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, D, ,f, Morgans and daughters, Uobei'ta and Kdua, of Lake lellewllde, and Mrs, Mary Kills, of South Gibson, leave .Monday next for a trip to Kansas, his happy llltlo family. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" Only Half a Cent a Word. For Bent. FOR HKNT-Flrat floor. 730 N. Washing ton avenue. Bath, steam, ductile light and gas. IS For Kent Tcn-rnom house! excellent neighborhood: all modern improve ments, on avenue. Apply tu It, 1'. Ham ilton. IM Spruce street, FOlt HUNT Furnished house to small family, modern, very ple-nsnnt and de sirable. Part of second lloor reserved. 711 Qnhicy nvenue. Tor Bale. FOB SALK-JI0 Sterling range, nlmost new. 1020 Pine Btreet. HOItSB for sale, 10.00. Lackawanna Laundry, 30S Peini avenue. FOR SALK Coupe Itockaway, niacin by Studobnltcr; entirely new: scats four Inside; great bargain, Address 537 Linden street, city. FOR SALM-Pouy oulllt: Shetland, live years old: good driver am! saddlei : weight fiM pounds. First class cart, har ness, saddle and bridle; been used by girl eleven years old. It. P. 1'nttqrson & Sons, Cnrbondalc. Pa. FOR SALD-Qood style matched pair bay geldings, 7 years old, II! hands high, weight 2,700 pounds. Address C. A. Tuppnn, Newark Valley, N. Y. FOR SALK llousohold furniture, ehcup, 701 Qtilncy avenue. FOR SALE-About 20 feet of desk coun ter, surmounted with glass front and two openings, lower portion nicely pan elled, with drawers and shelves under neath. May bo seen at the ofllcc of Tho Tribune. FOR SALU-Cheap. one large now gro cery wagon, carrying capacity 4.501 pounds; also one large coffee grinder; enn bo run by motor or, hand power. Ap ply to B. Moses. 51S Lackawanna avenue. FOR SALE A first class meat mnrket. Owner will work for party. Address 131 Chestnut street, Dunmore, Pa. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RKNT HadsmlT''fi";rJsheril room, 200 block, Jefferson avenue; all modern conveniences. Address B., Trib une office. Boom for Bent. FK.ONT ROOM for rent; desirable, 424 Adams avenue. Real Estate. FARM FOR SALE Any one Wishing to buy mi excellent farm can secure a great bargain by calling on or addressing SI. M. Evans, Consumers' Ice Co., city. FOR SALK AVIIllam Gardner farm, one mile from Glenlnirn station, 200 acres; excellent farm land; beautiful; sightly place for country residence. Address M. D., Dalton, Pa. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homos In upper Green Rldgc; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for home In Lackawanna county. J. A. Marvlae, 173G Sanderson avenue. Wanted. WANTKD Any man that has never bad compressed air used on him after shaving should have his work done in the barber shop under the Traders National bank. John A. Smate, Prop. Miscellaneous. THE MODEL LAUNDRY, Dunmore, launders shirts nt Sc. each and collars and cuffs at l'jc. each. SEALED PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by tho county oC Lackawanna, for tho furnishing and erection complete of tho following bridges: One expanded metal concrete arch bridge on the abandoned Factoryville and Abiugtou Turnpike road, near Delaware, Lackawunn and Western station nt La Plume. One steel girder corrugated iron, concrete-floored bridge on the abandoned Factoryville and Ablng lou Turnpike road in Uleiiburn borough near Waverly line. Ono steel girder cor rugated iron, concrete-floored bridgo over Kennedy's creek in North Abiugtou town ship near farm of Norman White. Ono steel girder corrugated Iron, concreto tlooied bridge over Whitney's creek in West Abiugtou township. One steel truss bridge over Spring Brook at mouth ot Green Thin In Spring Brook township. All bids must be accompanied by a certified cheek for 5 per cent, -of amount as evidence of good faith and be in hands of undersigned on or before 12 o'clock noon September "0. 1302, The right to re ject nay and all bids Is hereby reserved. Plans und specifications at oftlce of County Commissioners. Court House, Seranton. E. A. JONI3S. County Controller. Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy Controller. SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened in the office of the City Recorder by the Director of the Department of Public Works, at ; o'clock p. m on Monday, September 29th, 1902. for the construction of u system of sewers In the Nineteenth District, with the necessary fixtures and nppliunccH according to plans and speci fications on flic in tho Bureau of Engi neering. Each bidder shall enclose with his pro posal, cash or certified check In tho sum of fifteen hundred t$l,0Oj dollar as a guuruntee to execute a contract It award ed the same, in case the bidder to whom tho contract shall havo been awarded, refuses or neglects to execute it con tract for tho work in acconlanco wtlh thn plans and specillcattnns tlicrofor within ten (10) dnys from the date of the award, tho enclosure accompanying his proposal shall bo forfeited to tho uso of the City of Seranton. Didders will ho furnished with proposal blanks at the Bureau of Englueeilng and no others will bo accepted. All proposals shall lie filed with thn City Controller, at his office, in tlm City Hall, Scrauton. Pa., not later than 2.30 o'clock p. m., on .Monday, September it), 1002. The City reserves tliu rlelit to roject any or all bids. JOHN K, ROCHE. Director, Department of I'ubllu Works. Seranton, Pu Sept. 10, 1902, f BASE BALL"! American League. At Chicago- 1MI.H, Detroit o 1 uo 1 0 0 0 D-2 S 3 Chicago ., 003 1 0 500 9 12 2; Batteries Mercer and Buclow; Patter sou and McKarlund, Umpires Sherldun and Carutlicru. At Philadelphia- R.H.E, Boston ,,,00 20 0 2 0001 li 2 Philadelphia 2 0 1 o 0 0 J 2 -- S 3 Hutleries Young and Crlger; Wnddell unit Sclueckcngost. l.'niplre-Connolly, At Washington Baltimore vs. Wash. Ingtou; no game, llulllniurn club failed to show up, cause of wreck, At St. I.ouls-Hi, Louis vs. Cluwlandj uo game, wet grounds. National League, At Brooklyn Now York vs. Brooklyn; rain. At Boston- iv It.H.K. Philadelphia 0 0 ol.O 0 0 2 0- 5 9 1 Boston 1 1 OfcO I00-ti 10 3 Batteries lb-erg nml Douglass; Plttlnger and MoiMii. I'mplre Emslle. At Cincinnati Chicago vs. Cincinnati; rain. I'lttsburg-St. Louis; not scheduled. 1 No Order Accepted Tor Less Tli u n to Cents. Help Wanted. WANTIin-Agents to sell ten ulidcof- fnn In ,-n,iutltii,ilu. I'mmII IntlM nnf'imi- 'nent. Grand ijnlon Tea Co., Mil Liieltn- wanna avenue. Help WantedMale. WANTED An experienced young man in men's Shoe Department. SAMTEH BROS. WRITING at homo evenings, s.00 per week. Particulars free to all, Send addressed envelope. Filbert r,S, Box 1411, Philadelphia, Pa. ANY PERSON who will distribute circu lars for 1 dally should address Stand ard Co., I Wells, Chicago. Steady posi tion. No canvassing. WANTED l.'lrst clnss men to represent tlie Swan Paint Co. Reference want ed. Cull at 102 E. Mnrket street. Salary paid. CIVIL Service Government Positions. About 10,001) appointments made Inst year, Only common school education ro iiulrpd for examination. Salaries large. Work easy. Catalogues of Information free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. HELP MALE Glass cutlers, rougher, smoothers and polishers; good wages. Excelsior Rich Cut Glass WoiUs, 2S Johnson avenue, Brooklyn, N, Y. SALESMAN Experienced In placing pro prietary medicines with retail drug gists; high class lino: liberal pay. Address stating experience und reference. E. B. Giles .i Co., 2330 Market street, Philadel phia, Pn, WANTED On account of Increased work competent machinists to work in largo railroad shops near Pittsburg; wages. 2"i, 2(i, 27 cents per hour; permanent employ ment given for satisfactory service; freo railroad transportation furnished from Wilkes-Barre to Pittsburg. For further Information ndclresu C. L. Snyder, 022 Mooney building, Buffalo. N. Y in writ ing; give date of birth, experience, where last employed; on what kind of work, and when able to report for duty. Help Wanted Female. LADIES wanted everywhere, writing, copying home evenings, steady work, no mailing or canvassing, good pay. For particulars send addressed envelope. Man ager Dept. r, Box 13U2, Philadelphia, Pa. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Call 1B2 Clay avenue. WANTED-Cook; apply to Mrs. A. K. Saiidirson, 1343 Sanderson avenue. Agents Wanted. LARGE CORPORATION wants energetic General Agent for tills county. No books. Insurance, or cauvussiiig. Ac qunlntniicp with merchants and manu facturers necessary- Permanent. Bond. State age, experience, references first let ter. Address, Suite 572, No. 1001 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Salesmen Wanted. SALESMEN WANTED-Compotent men capable of earning good money, to handle our lino of carbon copying pa pers, cither regular or on tho side. Philip lluno & Co., 1-3 Union Square, New York City. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Qulck. stiaight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to G per cent. Call on N. V. Walker. 314-315 Connell building. Board and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with first class table board, can bo obtained at 333 Jefferson avenue. LEGAL. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OE THE COM MONWEALTH IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT ItKSOLUTlON Proposing an amendment to section ten ot article one of tho Constitution, so that a discharge of a jury for failure to agron or other necessary cause shall not work nu ncqulttul. Section 1. Bo it resolved by the Sonata and House of Representatives ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hi Gen eral Assembly mot. That the following be proposed as nu amendment to the Con stitution; that Is to say, that section ten of nrtlclu one, which reads as follows: "No person shall, for any Indlclablo of fense, be proceeded against criminally by information, exi-ept In cases aiislng In the laud or naval forces, or In tho militia, when in actual sen ice. In time of war or public danger, or by leave of tliu court for oppression or misdemeanor in nltico. No person shall, for the same offente, be twice put In Jeopardy of llfo or limb; nor shall private property be taken or applied to public use, without authority of law and without just compensation being first uiailo or secured," bo amended o as to road as follows: No person shall, for any indictable of fense, bo proceeded against criminally by information, except In cases arising in tho land or naval forces, or In tho nilllllu, when in actual service In time of war or public danger, or by le.ivo of tho court for oppression or misdemeanor In otllce, No person shall, for tho sumo offense Im twice put In jeopardy of llfo or limb; but n discharge of tho jury for failure to agree, or other necessary cause, shall not work nu acquittal. Nor shall privnln property bo taken or applied 10 public use, without authority of law and with out just compensation being Hist made or secured. A true copy of the Joint Resolution, W, W. OR I EST. Secretary of tho Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OV THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OF THE COM. MONWEALTI! IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITU TION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to tho Constitu tion of tho Commonwealth, Section I, He It resolved by the Senate and House of Renrcsentathi's of tho Commonwealth nf Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, That the following Is proposed us nu amendment to the Con. stitutiou of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, In iiceoi'ilauco with tho prov. blous of tliu eighteenth article thereof) Amendment. Add at llio end of section seven, article three, the following words: "Unless bo. foro It shall lie Introduced in tho General Assembly, such proposed spcclul or local law shall havo been first submitted to a popular vole, at a general or special dec tlou In tlie locality or localities to lie af fected by Its operation, under an order of the court of common pleas of tho re spective county after hearing and appll cation gianted. and shul have been ap proved by o majority of the voters nt snich election: Provided, That no such election shall bo held until the decrco of court authoilzlng the s-amo shall have been nUvcrthcd for nt lend thirty (30) days In the locality or localities affected, In such manner us the court may direct. A truo copy of tho Joint Rexolutlou. '. W. OR I EST, Secretary of llio Commonwealth. DIRECTORY. Only Half a Csnt a Word. Branch WANT Officas, Want Advertisements Will Be Beceivcd at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCHt'LTC. corner Mul berry street nnd Webster live. GCSTAV PICHEL, 650 Adania nvenue. West Side GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 South M11I11 avenue. South Scrnnton FRED L. TERPl'E. 723 Cedar avenue. North Scrnnton GEO. W. DAVIS, pomer North Mnln nvenue und Market street. Green Bidge CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dick son avenue. F. J. JOHNS. 020 Green Itldgo street. C. LORENZ. corner Washington avenue and Marlon street, Petersburg W. II. KNEPt'EL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. G. BONE & SON. Business Opportunity. 'sTOCANDWHEAt" TRADERS wltll out delay. Wrlto for our special mar ket letter. Freo on application. S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members N. Y. Consoli dated nnd Stock Exchange. 44 nnd 40 Broadwny, Now York. Established 1S64. Long Distance 'Phono 23S8 Broad. BANKING. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK nt Scrnnton, In tho stalo of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business. Sept. 15, 1302: RESOURCES. Lonns nnd discount s $1,03S,IG0 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 2,2S U. S. bonds to secure circula- ttlon 50,000 Stocks, securities, etc .3,021,011 Banking house, furulturo and fixtures 73,133 Duo from National Banks (not reserve agents) G2,S10 Due from stato banks and bankers 20,S3S Duo from approved reserve agents 77S.7S7 Tnternal revenue stamps 913 Checks and other cash Items... 2fl.1fri Exchanges for clearing house. 22.3'il Notes of other National Banks 20,000 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 1,230 Lawful money reserve in bank,' viz.: Specie $ S9.fii!l 10 Legul tender notes.... 330,132 00 Illl,oo Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer to per cent, of circulation) 2,300 Due from U. S. Treasurer, oilier than 3 per cent, re demption fund 7,0')0 Total $io,iin,on; 21 i.lAKILilTIEiJ. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund 1 200,000 00 ,000,0110 00 undivided proms, less ex penses and taxes paid Notional bank notes outstand ing Due to other National Banks.. Due to state banks and bank ers DG0.337 22 fiO.OOO (10 70.3S9 til I1.S32 81 15.110 07 1,790 00 i,fi,9Si 91 103.107 3S U.92S r.n 93 48 None Duo to agents , approved reserve Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certificates of deposit. Certified checks Cashier's eliee-ks outstanding... Notes and bills rrdlscounted.... Bills payable, including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed Liabilities other than those above stated None None Total $10,119.(llfi 21 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: I, Isaac Post, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is truo to thej best of my knowledge and belief. ISAAC POST. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before nm this Notary Public. W. J. TORRBY. Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. L. DICKSON, "W. R. STORRS, ('HAS. II. WELLES. Dlrectms, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK at Scranlon, in tho Stale of Pennsylva nia, at tho close of business September 15, 1M2. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,110,373 57 Overdrafts, bccurccl and unse cured S29 72 U, S. bonds to scenro circula tion ISO.UOOOO U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits 120,000 00 Premiums on U, S, bonds lii.ooo 00 Stocks, sccuiltlcs. etc 1G3.4SO 43 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 140,000 00 Other real estate owned , . 7,100 Dun from National Bunks (not reserve agents)! 10,1122 SI Duo from approved reserve agents , 109,221 ::s Internal revenue, stamps ris7.it Checks nnd other cash Items.,, 4.7SK 7n Exchanges for clearing house., l;;,WKi 711 Notes of other National Banks 2,535 00 Fi actional paper currency, nickels, and cents 2,250 20 Lawful Money Itcsorvo In Bunk, viz.: Specie 5:i'l,U5 to Legal lender notes 21,000 tl 50,113 40 Redemption fund with U, S, Treasurer (3 per cent, of cir culation) 9,000 00 Duo from U, S, Treasurer, oth er than fi per cent, redemp tion fund 1,100 00 Total mlMM l.lATtll.l'PIKS. Capital stock paid In : .Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses uud taxes paid National Bank notes outstand ing Duo to cither National Banks,, Duo to Stato hanks nml bank ers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to 25o,noei 00 123.1WO DO 31,91107 lso.oon 00 41.UIS IS 15,012 11 12 00 .Ill.lM.I (t U7.052 UI ,1,572 119 3i;u Pi 120,0m) (HI 21,000 CO Demand rertlllcutcs of deposit, Certllied cheeks ,,..,,,,, Cashier's checks outstanding.. United Stales deposits , Notes and bill rediscouulcil.... CIICCIv Total 12.310,19.151 Slato of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss, ! I. F. W. Wollerlon, cashier of tho above limned bank, do solemnly swear tint t tho nlmvo statement Is truo to the best ot mv knowledge, und belief. F. W. WOLLERTON, Cathler. Suhscilbed nnd sworn to before mo this ISth day of September, 1902. ALBERT L. WATSON. Notary Public, Correct Attest: CHARLES SCHIiAGER, E. J. ROBINSON, EDWARD S. JONES. Directors, LEGAL. lull Estate to Allim.n. lllrbnlnmt: nviilinS,.01! t,ln c!ty of ficrnnton, enh' syivniilii, deceased,- ,-, ,1 ni;m,nu.,.',?i ,nf . "dmlnlslmtlnn lipon. tho E te.fHl,l,,Q ",.lvllg been granted to tho JSt"0'1' "," reintiiM hnvliig'clnlnis.'oi' nm,l,V."s .',"?" l,Ml he 'dd cstatu nro .J y l10,11!1.01 t0. inescnt them lor pay- II111 '.' "I,t tl,,wo Indebted to sold cstato will maku payment to FREDERICK E. SCOTT. . . Administrator, lftla Alcars Ilillldltur. NOTICE Is hereby given that nn.nppllcn n.. ." WW be mado to the governor of tip state of I'emmylviinla on Saturday, E rVil,,t.iV,!",.YJ!ll!h ilny of September, S?.".J f .,U,,'.,U'. Vll 'Vice. Joseph Kcl lei, Will lain F. Van Dyke, Joseph II, Kel ler, Arthur L, Collins, nnd their nsso- ml I.?"'. A""'1'1' 'he Act or Assembly np 1 ,?m,,itl.,.p. twptity-iilnth dny of April, 1874. entitled "An Act to provide for the Incur poiutlnu unci regulation of certain corpor ii. ."if' ,""1'., tho. xevornt supplement!! thoreto, for tho charter of nn Intended corporation to be called Tho Keller & an Dyke Plnnn Company, Hip character ami purpose! ot which Is the innnufncturo of jilanos and other uiuslcnl Instruments, nnd tho sale thereof, and for that pur pose o have and enjoy nil tho rights, benefits nnd privileges of tlm said Act of Assembly nnd Its supplements. H. St. HANNAH, Solicitor. Belawnre, Lackawanna and Western. . In Effect Juno 1, IE02. Trains leave Scrauton ror New York At .1.-11, 3.20, (1.05. 7.50 and 10.10 11, m.: 12.10, 3.40. 3.3,. p. m. For New York and Phlla-delphla-7.50. 10.10 a. m und 12.10 nnd 3.33 IV ', I"r Gouldhboro-At 0.10 p. m. For Buffalo-1.15. 0.22 and !.) a. m.i 1.53, (1.50 and 11.10 p. m. For llhighamton, Eltulrn, nnd wny stations- ln.25 u. m 1.05 p. m. l-iir Oswego, Syracuse and Utlca 1,15 ami ". I1: .m' '"'j !' ni. Oswego, Syroeusn and I tlca train at 11.22 a. 111 dally, except Sunday. Enl. Moiitroso-9.00 n. in.: 1.01 nnd I G.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. in. Bloomsburg Division For Northumber land, at i!.:!5 and 10.10 n. in.: 1.55 and fi.10 p. 111. For Plymouth, at 8.10 n. m.; 3.10 and 9 05 p ni. Sunday Tr.i!ns-For New York. 1.50, 3.20, g.Oj. 10.10 a. m.; 3.10 and 3.35 p. m. For Buffalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. 111.: 1.33. U.50 anil 11.10 p. m. For ElmliM and way stations 10.2.1 a. m. For Blnghamton and way sta tions, 9.00 n. m. Bloomsburg Division Leave Seranton, 10.10 n. ni. und 0.10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In Effect June 13, 1902. Trains Leave Seranton For Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. B ut at 7 II, through Parlor Cap and Day Coach Carbondalo tr New York; nnd 9.47 a. m.. with L. V. Coach Carbon dalo to Philadelphia, and 2.IS, 4.33 (Black Diamond Express), and 11.49 p. m. Sun days, n. & 11. n. n i.r.s, 9.17 p. m. For AVhlte. Haven, Hnzletnn and princi pal points In the coal regions, via D. & II. R. 11., 7.41. 2.1S nnd 4.33 p. m. For, Pottsvllle. 7.11 n. m. For Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Har rlsburg and principal Intermediate sta tions, via D. & II. R. R., 7.11, 9.47 a. m.; 2.1S, 4.35 (Black. Diamond Express). 11.49 p. m. Sundays. D. & 11. R. It., 9.3$ a. m.: 1.3S, 9.17 j). in. For Tunkhannock, Towandn, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intermedintd stations via D L. & AV. R. R G.33 a. m. and 1.55 p. in. For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Niag ara Falls, Chicago and all points west via, D. & II. II. R., 12.03 p. m.: 3.2S (Black Diamond Express). 10.41. 11.13 p. in. Sun days. D. & H. R. R.. 12.03. 9.17 p. m. Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on nil trains betwpsn Wllkos-Burro nnd New York. Philadel phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN II. WILBUR. Gen. Supt, 23 Cortland street. New York. CHARLES S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., 28 Cortland street. New York. A. W. NONEMACHER. Dlv. Pass. Agt. South Bethlehem, Pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket oftleo, C9 Publlo Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. BEADING SYSTEM. Central Railroad of New Jersey. Corrected to September 16, 1902. Stations in Now York, foot Llnsrty, street nnd South Ferry, N. R. Trains leave Seranton for New York, Philadelphia, Enston, Bethlehem, Allen town. Maiieli Chunk, White Haven, Ash ley, Wilkes-Barre and Pittston at 7.30 a. m 1 p. m. nnd 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Quaker City Express leaves Seranton 7.30 a. 111., through solid vestibule train with Pullman Buffet Parlor Car for Phila delphia with only ono cbango of cars for Baltimore and Washington, D. C, nnd all principal pcints south and west. B'or Avoca, Pittston and Wllkcs-Barro, 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday. 2.10 p m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., 7.30 11, m. and 1 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon nnd Harrlsburg via Allentown ut 7.20 a. m., 1 p. m. and i p. 111. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For Tnmaciua nnd Pottsvllle, 7.30 a. m.: 1 p. m. nnd' I p. 111. For rates and tickets apply to agent at station. W. G. BESSLER. Gen. Manager. C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Effect June! 10, 1902. Trains leave Scrauton 0.3S n. m., week days, through vestibulo train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor cap .and coaches to Philadelphia, via Potts vllle; stops ut principal Intermediate sta tions. Also connects for Suubury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and tho West. 9.47 n. m.. week days, for Suubury. Har rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and Pittsburg and tlie West. 1.12 p. ni.. week davs, (Sundays. 1.31 p. 111.), for Suubury. llarrishurg, Philadel phia, Baltimore. Washington and Pitts burg and the AVest. ' 3.2S p. m week days, through vestibule, train from AVIlkes-Barrc Pullman buffet parlor cur and coaches to Philadelphia via Pottsvllle. Stops at principal intermedi ate stations. 1.35 p. m week days, for llmslctnn. Sun bury, Hurrlsburg, Phllnilelphln and Pitts- ,UlS' J, B. HUTCHINSON. Gen. Mgr. ' J, B. WOOD, Gen. Pass. Agt. Delaware and Hudson. In Kffpct June K line Tiullis for Cirbiinilulo leave Seranton at il II. 7.30. 8-311. 10.13 a. m.; 12.03, 1.12, 2.11, 3.50. 5.29. li.23, K.2I, 9.15. 10.01 p. 111.; 12.1S, "For'lloncsdule-ri.ll, 10.13 a. m.; 2.11 and 5 "9 n 111 "For WllkeH-BurrP-ii.:iS. 7.11. S.tl, 9.17. 10. il. in.: 12.H3, 1.1-', 2.1S, 3.2!i, 1.33, li.lO, 7.fs. 10.11, 11.19 P- m. For L V. R. It. Polnts-7.41, 9.17 a. m. 2.18. 4.35 and 11.19 p. III. For Pennsylvania R- R- Polnts-G.33 0.17 n. in.; 1.12. 3.2$ and 1.35 p. m. For Albany and all points north i.Sii a. in, and 3.50 n. m. SUNDAY TRAINS, For Cnrbonilale 8 50, 11.33 a. m.i 2,11, 3.50. 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. ., For WllkPH-RuiTP-l'.SS n. in.: 12.03, 1.5S, S.'.'S. U.32 and 9.17 P. m- . ,, . For Albany and points north 3.u0 n. m, For IIonesdalo-8 50 a. ill.; 11.33 nnd S.3I '''w!'!,. PRYOR, D. P. A., Scrnnton. Pa. Erlo Railroad Wyoming DivislonT lu Effect September 15, 1!i2.. ;-;" Trains leuvo Scrauton tor New Vork, Newburgh and Intermediate points, aln for llawley and local stations at 7.20 imel l"For' llonrsdalq and Whlt'o MIUs at lVsj Trains arrlvo at Seranton ut 10.3S a. ijl. und 9.15 p. Ill, New York, Ontario nnd Westorn;... Time Table lu Effect Sunday, Juno 13, 1302. NORTH BOUND TRAINS. V Lcuvo Leuvo Arrlvo Trains. Scrauton. Carbondalo. Cadosla. No, 1 ,,,,, ,in.30a. in, 11,10a. m, l.oop. in, No. 3 l.oop. in. 1. 11 p. m. lUiOp.m, No, 7 tUUp. ni.Ar.CurbnndaloruO p,m SOUTH ROUND. - Leuvo Leuvo Arrlvo Trains. Cadoslu, Ctirhondale. Seranton, No, il H.,10 a. in, 7.25,a. III. Nn, 1 ,8.10a, pi, jo.nin. in. lo.4nu.m, No. 2 2.15 p. m. 1.00 p. m, 1.43 p. m. SUNDAYS ONLV. NORTH BOUND.; Lcnvp Lcivii AriivH Trains, Scruutnn. Carbondalo. Cndnsjp; No, 9 ,,,,,, S.20u, 111. 9.10 p. 111. 10.13 n. Ill-, No, 5 .,,,,. 7-iW P. iii.Ar.Carboudillo 7,15 pn SOUTH BOUND. Leuvo Leaxo ArrV Trains. Cadoslu. Carboudale. Seranlop, No, ti , ii.50u. in, 7.25 n. m, No. 10 i.jo p. m. li.oti p. m. ii.li p. m. Trains Nos. 1 on week day, and ! on Sundays connect for Now York city, Midi dletowu, Wnlton, Norwich, Oneida, Os wego und nil points west. Train 3 for . Poyjitnlle, Walton, Delhi, Sidney, Norwich' and nil New Berlin brunch points. : , Train No. 0, with "Quakcr City Ex press" nt Scranlon. via C. R, R. of N. J for Philadelphia. Atlantic City, Baltimore; Washington i and iPohiiylvanl stato points, ' . - - : i jAT &-t ., . .V. 4 -.M" -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers