"-feWffvsrr.MFV- '"iv7 i' THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1902. T tv- -s?& "m"' vs -tf nxitv p k ' r f 'ii'.i'.'i' ''.'i' 'i.''.'k High Beef A Benefit if it teaches you that Better health Greater Strength Keener Brain 9 IS come from 3 a a a 3 GrapeNuts Try the change and ''cut out" meat for breakfast. Our word for it, you will feel ''Fit as a Lord" in a week's time by breakfasting on Grape-Nuts and cream, a little fruit and perhaps one or two soft eggs. If you ever try this experiment, you will always bless the day of high beef that waked you up. There's a reason why Grape-Nuts furnishes power to the body and brain. The food contains selected parts of the field grains that fnrnish phosphate of potash in a natural state that can be as similated by the human body ; this joins with the albumen of food and forms the soft filling of the brain and nerve centers. Feed skillfully and you can "do things." The greatest brain workers in America eat Grape-Nuts. Ask one or two, they'll tell you. You meat eaters who are ailing in any sort of way might take a valuable hint from the following statement of Chief Chemist Wiley, of the Agricultural Department, in the Daily Press from which we give the following extracts: "There is no doubt of the fact that meat-eating: is not essential to human life, and that men can be well nourished without resorting1 to a flesh diet. V "I think the statement may be accepted without question that, as a rule, we eat too much, not only of meat, but of all forms of food. The question of limiting-the diet is based primarily not on the principle of economy, but on the requirements of hygiene. "At the early breakfasts which Americans are wont to indulge in, that is, a hearty meal before going to their daily work, the omission of meat is to be earnestly advised. "It is well known that men who arc nourished very extensively on certain cereals arc capable of the hardest and most enduring labor. Meats are quickly digested, furnish an abundance of energy soon after consumption, but arc not retained in the digestive organ -ism long enough to sustain permanent muscular exertion." You will feel the energy of Grape-Nuts longer than any meal of meat. Remember Grape-Nuts food costs about one cent per meal for each person and all grocers sell it. Made at pure food factories of Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. 3 3 3 . 3 15S THE CAT WAS HOCKED A BED KOCK FELINE NO LONGER ATTENDS FAMILY WOK SHIP. They Hit Timothy Hard The Police Coop Bad Burglars The Day of the Dead Pioccedings in. the Sus quehanna Couits Han led at Bingham ton A Pew Shoit Stops. The Biual Telephone. Ipcclal to the Scianton Tribune, Susquehanna, Juno C The throe membeis of u household at lied Hook aie the used piupiiotor, his housekeep er and the funilly tut. Fiayois ate the rule each evening and the cat fell Into the liablt of icgultir and punctual at tendance. No other cues Hint pio crblally ciovvd u cat's, life weie ever allow eil to Interfeie with this lellglous duty. At the signal for piuyeis the r.i wntilrl ovnn lonvn fi ii-mitt.,, Itfitp caught, or give u doomed bhd a longer luuru Ul Jill, iiliu uuLUluuatj l WIUJIUSU heiself In the lap of the housekeeper, .vlth an air of attention to the set vice that was highly edifying. At the Until "amen," sho went bilsKiy nhout hur business. But In an evil day thcie came n Kit ten that wns deemed supeilluoiiH, and the seijteneo of death was pronoumed upon lH The head of tlio family uii deiiook the o.eeutlon of the neiitcncc, and, unknown to him, the old cut was a witness of tho scene. From that duy the cat j of used to at tend tho prayer hoiviee, and cannot lie Induced to listen to tho piayots of ono who had so shocked her benslblll tlcs. She faithfully perfoims nil other duties as bofoiu, and socially pui isfor the family on all becular occasions, but ilgldly draws tho lino at family prayei s, THEY HIT TIMOTHY HAItD, In tho wind-up of a series of boxing bouts, under the auspices of the Mor gan Athletic club, Chicago, on Satur day night, "Diamond Dick," the stock j aids heavyweight, stopped Tim Hur ley, of Susquehanna, m four rounds, Hurley lefu&liig to come up In tho ilfth, Jt Is fcaied, In local bportlng tlicles. that the Poikupolls pugs aio hitting ETimothy when ho Isn't looking. FLOTSAM AND JHTSAM. Calvin W, Deaklu, of Susquehanna, mid L. D, Hull, of Lake View, have purchased 150 acres of timber land In Olbson township, for which they will tut tho timber ut once. Miss Pauline narrett, of tlil3 place, baB accepted a position us teacher of ilio elocutionary department of thn luinnicr school of "Susquehanna unl- Outs, Bruises and Burns Quickly Healed, Chumbei Iain's Pain Balm la an anil leptlo liniment, and when applied to tuts, bruises and burns, causes them to teal without maturation and much Sore quickly than by the usual treut ent. For sale by All Druggists, veislly," Sellnsgrove, Pa. Miss Bar rett also has the princlpalship of that department for the following year. The second district Sunday school convention w 111 be held at Dundaff, June 19, William J. Murphy, a native of Sus quehanna, and a ioimer general super intendent of the Kile i.illro.id, and now general manager of the Queen and Crescent lines, was a few days slnto stricken with paialysis, while attending a l.ithoad meeting at tho Gait House in Louisville, Ky. JL'ST BETWEEN US. "In the cae of my unfortunate client, gentlemen," said the eloquent attorney for the defense, In a Susquehanna min der case, "It Is for you to draw the line between muideious rage and emotional Insanity." And the juiy rendcied a ordlct that they thought the safest place to draw It was between the head and shoulders, A Susquehanna l.indlotd, whose home had been occupied all winter by a wid ow who failed to pay the rent, inter viewed her ono day leeently, and of feied to donate her all past due rents provided she would move out. She thanked the doctor for his kindly offer, and said she had got acquainted thcie now and piefened to stay where she was. She still holds tho loit. "About what time, and wheie did tho knights originate and flout IbhV" usked PICTURE Can you find the and his son? Solutions for Last Monday, Juno 2-Goat over dog's flank; dog under scat's foicleg; bear beneath loins. Tuesday, June 3-One In lower end of music; ono In tho Mowers. Wednesday, Juno 4-Ono to light of boy; ono over officer's shoulder. e & & & & & & & & & 6 u Suquehann,i teccher. And tho smait bad boy -.ilcl he leckoned In the daik ages. And for the fiftieth time that week tho poor, patient teacher wished he could go out and die. A Lanesboro man has named his net hog Maude, because she "comes IntoY ine gaicien so oiten. COOPED BAD BURGLARS. Chief-of-Pollee Thomas J. McMnhon and Ofllcer Job Palmer on Wednesday ut tested In this place James Johns and Chailes Blinn, who burglarized the store of Geoige II. L. union, at Momoe ton, Giiulftnd county. Pa., and who es caped from the officers, while being tak en to the county jail at Towanda. The men weie eating dinner at the home of a lelathe when anested. They weie token to Monliose jail, from whence they will be taken to th Towanda Jail, IN SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. ltev. J, D. Jenkins, of Uniondale, of the class of '77, Princeton college, has been appointed poet laureate ol his class, to wilto tho ode and attend the commentement exeiciscs as their guest. Le Boy C.tipenter, of Lake View, has gi actuated fiom the Pennsylvania state college, Centto county, at the head of his class. He has taken a good posi tion at Pittsbuig. Tho Grangeis of the county had their quurtcily meeting at Gibson on Wed nesday and Thutsdiiy. The tegular quaiterly meeting of the PUZZLE. owner of the dog, Week's Puzzlos: Thin f day, Juno 5 Brother in float of boy's f.ue, bister under mule'B bridle. Friday, Juno C Calf nt tow's foreleg; goat to right of girl; pigeon at boy's leg Bins. fiu tin day, Juno 7 Ono to tho light of Tiyon; one next tu soldier's leggin Susquehanna county Fraternal Alii nnco and Industrial union was held nt North Brldgewntcr, on Tuesday. The annual convention of the Sus quehanna County Chilstlnti Endeavor union wilt be held In Oakland, June 17 18, The afternoon of the 18lh will bo given up to the convention of the Jef feison Branch union. The principal ud dress In the evening will be given by llev. Dr. Phillips, of Blnghnmton. Alt effoit will be ninde at tho convention to merge the Jefferson Branch nnd Western Branch union Into the County union, nnd hereafter have only ono convention during the year, THE DAY OF THE DEAD. A ball game whb n prominent fenture of the Memorial day programme. Ex change. . Yo liavo so ninny days Tor sport and revelry and mirth, Piom llsn to net of sun; Leave us wo plead by valor's woitlt Leave us this one! i By nil the lights yts hold Under the ting they fought to keep, Thntvavcs nbovo their clay By all the blcsMngs je am left to leap, Honor this day! i Lonvo ono dav to our dead Dead, but altvn for ovninoic Who hentd the wolds, "Well done!" Llfo has so many days our lips Implore, y Lcuvo our dead one! WHOLLY UNPREMEDITATED. Tho trouble with luxuries is that they become necessities It given half a chance nt a fellow. You must train a gill when she Is young, when sho glows up she will look out for her own train. An aged watchmaker died in Blng hamtont one of the papers of the city alluded 'to him as "An Old Timer Gone." When a woman steps out on the back porch with her arms rolled up In her apron it is a sign to her neighbor that she has something to tell her. The weather fair Is, And warm tho air Is. And the orfole in the gulden sings; And hearts nre lighter, And life Is brighter For houscclcanlng's over ngnln, by Jlngs, SA WED-OFF SUNDRIES. Ht. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hoban, of Scranton, will confirm n large class in St. John's Catholic church Jan. 15. Carbondale and Susquehanna will play ball in Susquehanna on Snturday. In Susquehanna on Wednesday the Susquehanna club defeated the Blng hamton Stars, !) to 5. Beit Tobey, of Binghamton, and Miss Jessie Mabel Keene, of Oakley, were united in maniage at Binghamton on Wednesday, Rev. XV. M. Bouton, of Oakland, ofllclatlng. William J. Condon, of Susquehanna, on Thursday evening lecehed the de Kiee of doctor of medicine, at the com mencement exercises of tho New York university In tho Metropolitan opera house, New York city. In company with a paity of Washing ton ladlps, Miss Florence, daughter of Congressman ('. Fied Wright, of this place, sailed from New York on AVed nesday, for a thtee months' European tour. JUST A POSTSCRIPT., Many a woman becomes come man's better half mciely for a change of quniteis Hancock claims to have been a centie of civilization and culture before the first mule sang his morning lullaby In Foiest City. The oung man with the sand wins the ghl with the locks. Much of "the talk of the day" among young men Is about what they will do at nisht. Once moie wo aio on the thieshold of the season when n single step in the hall nt 10 ji, m. can lighten the bin den of at least one chair In tho homo as nothing else can do. A woman may be "too good for this world," but sho cannot be too good or too amiable. SHOUT STOPS. The annual commencement exercises or the Oakland High school w ill be held this evening, In the Oakland t'ongie gntlonnl church. Rev. Dr. Lliiioln Hitlley, of Bucknell unheir.ity, will clp ller a lecture. Subject, "Eugene Field and tho.Chilclren." In tluNsiisquehnnnn Baptist chinch, on Wednedrfi''ovoiilng, under the aus pices of tho Women's Chiistinn Tem perance union, Rev. Dr. Whalen, of Caibondale, delheied an able and in stinctive lectin o. Subject, "Labor's Gieittcst Enem:-." The commencement exercises of the Sif-qiKhaima High school will be held In Horan opeia house, June 19. Mis. Geoige Guy, of the Oakland side, died on Wcdnesdnj evening, after u hi let Illness. Tho f uncial of Mis. Einmn Blanch aid, of Washington street, took place on Thin. sdny morning. Inteiment was at Haipersville, N. Y. THE RURAL TELEPHONE. Ruial telephones aro being stiung tluoughout Susquehanna county, to tho gieat joy and help of the farmeis. Tho value of the telephone to the farmer, aside from plnclne whole sections in closer social toueh than they have ever been befoie, lies In the fact that ho can Keep himself acquainted with the mar kets of the s'ui rounding towns, He can practically sell his stuff by who befoie hauling. He knows Just what the prices aio befoie jtolng to town. Ho can choose his towns as ho can choose his put chasers. He can keep himself In formed In regaid to tho shipments of his neighbors. Fntmeis on the line can combine for mutual protection. They need not glut the mniket and bear prices, as they were wont to do when Ignorant of each other's movements. They have It within their reach at lost to keep themselves "posted," ns well as the town shipper or tho city buyer. Tho rural telephone Is one of the Rrent In stitutions of the age, Whitney. TUNKHANNOCK. Sicclal to (he Sironton Tribune. Tuukhannock, June 9. SIlss Maine De Witt, of Dcner, Col., patsed thiough this plaro en louto for Shupp Hill, wheie sho will visit her sister, Mis, Edward Shupp. Tho Catholic society hold on Ico tiea.n festival on their lawn in fiont of tho church on Friday evening. About ?30 was cleaied. A legular meeting of the boaid of Undo was held on PiliKiy evening, Tho boaid have several propositions fiom manufau tuieis who aio willing to locate here pio lded proper encoiiiageiiiint and nsslbt ouco is extended lo them. Committees weie appointed to Investigate thesa mat teiH nnd Intel et-t the business people of the town In an ofToit to secuio these now indiistiles. Mrs. Allien t Lee nnd Miss ElUabeth Roble spent Sunday with Mr, and Mis. Sumuel Uohlo at Eatoinlllo. Insulation of ofliceis of the local lodge of Ilebeltnh took place on Friday evening at tho Odd rellows' hall. Jesse Slclcler and Miss Out fitaik, the law students who weie OMimtlird fills week for admission to the bar, passed a ciedltnble examination nnd roeeled their ccrllllcates from tho boaid on Saturday. A regular meeting of J, W. Renolds Women's Relief corps will bo held on Tuesday evening, June 9, at 7 o'clock. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Afore Thin Four Lines, 3 Cents for Esch Extra Lint. Tor Bent. FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms, second floor, 440 Qttlncy avenue. HOUSES FOR RENT In nil poi lions of tho city, farms for salo or exchange for cltv pi opci ty, lots Tor salo Jn all pints of tlio city, nny kind of leal estate deals mado tliiotmh J. C. KuilUch, SIT Lackawamiu avenue. FOR RENT A slwoom lake cottngo at Lalco Sheitdan, near Fiictotyvllle, ncatlv furnished, with a fishing bout and pier, for the season or by tho mouth, com mencing now, ovetythlng in the cottngo up-to-dato and clean and In ilrst-class condition, only good patrons need apply ns 1 will not rent to anybody else. Sco J. C, Zinilleli, r17 Lncknwitnna avenue. IF You have anv piopeity to lent and can't lent them call nnd see J. C. Zur fllch, 517 Lackawanna avenue. FOR RENT-Houso In Dnlton; nicely lo cated; shoit distance fiom station; hot nnd cold wnter nnd bath. .Address W. B. Hlnde, Dnlton, Pn. BARN FOR RENT-J12, Apill 1st, three box and three single stalls and wash inck, lrar of 3J4 Madison avenue. In 'inlio nt cat Madison avenue. Furnished Booms for Bent. rOR RENT-AiTiooTooms' wflh a. prlvato bath at 408 Adams avenue. FOR RKNT-One furnished loom, with Improvements; also one on tnhd floor, cheap. K!7 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for lent, niodarn Improvements; pilvate family; gen tlemen piofetred, at 67 Adams avenue. FOR RENT Fin nlshed room; heat and bath. tCj landen slieet. FURNISHED ROOMS TOR RENT, with heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pio fcued, at 039 Adams avenue. For Sale. MILLS FOR SALE-Thc Unlondnle Flour and Feed Mill, also Planing Mill and Lumber YHrd, owned bv the Into S. S. lliilibaid. Tho feed mill Is a largo tluco story building, with good bin capacity, thoroughly equipped with new, up-to-date machinery, capable of doing nil kinds of custom Blinding. For p.irticiilnis, Inquire of or addiess O. W. Sumner, guaicllnn, Unlondnle, Pa , on or befoie June $1, 190J. PIANO FOR SALE-A chanco seldom of foied; pnity must sneillico this week, lpgaidles of cost, elegant uptight piano used less thin live months. Call 3JI Fianklln avenue. TOR SAt,E-IIand pipe doublcrs. Ramfotd Bios, Paterson, N. J. Now. For Sal e or Bent. FOR SALU OR RV3NT A 10 loom single house; all impiovements; latgo lot. Incpilic 1113 Capouse avenue. Real Estate. FOR SATiE T.ot, comer Mulbciiy and Wheeler avenue, S090; llnest location on the hill For tcims address S. Kline, Pialnfield. N. J. THIS IS the time to buy a lot or a piop eity, as they aie cheap and 1 have them to sell at anv old pi Ice. Call nnd see me If you have the cash and If ou have none Us all the munc I can sell j on Call and see J. C. Ziullleli, 517 Lackawanna avenue. TOR SAT.U Elegant sites for homes In upper Gicen Uldgo; choice neighbor hood; mo.t desirable locality for home in Lackawanna county. J. A. MaivhiD, 17.'6 S.indoison nveliue. Business Opportunity. SUOtTK AND WHEAT TRADERS with out delay. Wiito for om special mar ket letter. Fico on application. S M. lllbbnitl & Co, membeis Is'. Y. Consoli dated and Stock Tlc!iangc) 44 and 10 RlOcidw.iy, New Yoilc. INt lbllshed 1501. Long Distance 'Phone 2!SS Bioad. Honey to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN Quick, f-tinight lonns or nulldlng and Loan. At fiom I to 0 per cent. Cnll on N. V. Wnlkoi, :tl4-3ir. Council building. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE RAILROADS HEDUCED BATES TO DENVEB, COLOEAEO SPRINGS, AND PUE BLO. Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Account Tiionninl Convention, Internation al Sunday-school Association. On nccouut of the Tilennlnl conven tion of the Intel national Sunday school association, to be held at Denver, Col., June 2fi to July 2, the Pennsylvania ralhoad company will sell exclusion tickets to Denver, Colorado Spilngs, or Pueblo, Col,, fiom all stations on its lines, at late of single fine for the lound tilp. Tickets will be sold and good going on June 21 to 2:), and will be good to return leaving Denver, Col oi ado Spilngs, or Pueblo not later than August 31. Tickets must bo validated for i etui n passage by Joint agent at any of the above-mentioned points, for which service a fee of 25 cents will bo chniged. For specific laics and conditions, ap ply to ticket agents, Pennsylvania Railroad Reduced Bates to Minneapolis, Account Na tional Education Association's An nual Meeting. On account of tho National Education association's annual meeting:, at Min neapolis, Minn., July 7 to 11, tho Penn sylvania i.ilhoad company will sell ex cursion tickets fiom all stations on Us lines July I to C, good to iiiturn not enrHer than July S, and not later than July II. at rate of single into for the round trip, plus $'.',00. These tickets will be good for return passage only when executed by joint agent nt Min neapolis and payment of 25 cents made for this service. By depositing ticket with joint agent not eat Her than July S nor later than July U, and puymont of 30 cents nt time of deposit, tin exten sion of leturn limit may be obtained to leave Mlnnoapiflis not later thun Sep tember 1. For speclfio rates and conditions, ap ply to ticket agents. National Delegation Association, Minneapolis, Minn., July 7th-llth. For tho nbovo occasion the Lucka wunnn Ralhoad will sell special ex cursion tickets to Minneapolis, good going July 4th, Oth. and 6th, at $J0.50 for lound tilp, nnd to ho available for letum passage lealng Minneapolis not eailler than July Sth, or later than July 14th, except by depositing tickets with Joint Agent at .Minneapolis not luter thun July llth, and upon payment of a fee of 60 cents at the time of deposit, nu extension of the limit of lenUng Minneapolis to and Including Sept. 1. Delegates will please bear In mind the fact that by leaving Scranton on SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Branoft WANT Offices. Want Advertisements Will Be Beceived at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALni:ilT saittr.TZ. corner Mulberry treet nnd .WciHter ivrmic. CUSTAV I'ICIlt:!,, 030 Adams avenue. West Side (JLOncii: W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton KltED h. TEltt'Pi:, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. W. rev VIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Eidge CIIAIUKS r. JONES, 1537 Wcicson avenue. J. JOHNS, 0-21) firccn !U1ire street. O. LOflEN!', corner Wellington ave- avenue and Mirlon street. Petersburg w'. ft. K.NLPI'Er,, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. 0. DONE fc SON. Help Wanted Malo. WANTKD Trustworthy poison In each county 10 maiingo ousincs, oicl estab lished houso, solid flninciul standing; stialght bona flclo weekly ensh saint y Jis paid by check each Wednesday, with all expenses direct fiom hcadnunrteis; monov advanced for expenses. Manager, 37!l Caxton building, Chicago. 'LECTRICIANS-Two or thtee flist-class Inside wiiemen can secttro petmancnt k at good wages by appljlng imtne du iv. Only competent woikmcn want ed, "lhepherd & Rust. 42 West Muikot stteo. Wilkes-Barie, Pa. WANTnD Three young men not over thhay (30) eata of ngo for gencial woik nbout stole: prefer epeilented help. Good piospects for light men. Write us letter with leferenees and call three days later. C. S. AVoolwoith, 31D Lackawanna avenue. Help Wanted Female. CUSTOM SHIRT OPERATORS wanted at once. Rooms 41 and 4G Bmr building. II. W. Sykes & Co. Agents Wanted. WANTED School toacheis as agents duiing vacation. Big commission. Columbia Book Co , Philadelphia, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTBD A competent legisteied cliuggif-t desires position, or will mipplv. Address J. E. Stuart, 21') E. Noithampton stieet, Wilkcs-Bane, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-By a oung gill at any kind of woik to go out of town. Addiess, Maty O'Haia, 401 Theodme St. Wanted. MARRIED couple will take good caio of house, for putty going away for tho hummer for the use of tluee or four looms Best lefeienccs. Address G. M. II.. Tifbuno office. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS-ror two adults, thlpa or four looms, fin nished or unfurnish ed for vciy light housekeeping, flrs.1 floor piofcired. Addiess 31. B, Tilbune office. WANTED Furnished houso of four or five looms for housekeeping. Address A. G. E., Tribune office. Board and Booms. FURNISHED ROOMS for lent; also tran sient or peimanent boaideis wanted, low l.Ues, ,"il7 Lackawanna avenue. Call and see J. C. Zuiuich. BOARDKRS Doublo paiiois, two large front looms; other nice rooms; all model n conveniences; table board. 203 JcfTeieon aenuo. VERY DESIRABLE suite of rooms with fhst class table board, can bo obtained at 3JJ Jcffeison avenue. Lost Strayed Stolen. STRAYED fiom the premises of IIJ Mndt- son avenue, a white foxteiilcr pup, with brass chain aiound lcck. Libcial ICVMlld. LOST A bunch of kevs Finder please return to S'ti Hanlson avenue. LOST A stun of money In D. i: II. Co. envelope. Llbeial icvvuid It returned to Ttlbuno of lice. LOST A ladles' gold watch; a liberal lowHid will bo given If leturnod to Hotel Tetiaeo. Rheumatism. -svw RHEUMATISM-AU pal tics that wish can bo speedily and peimanently cured of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vego tulilo compound; ciues guaranteed. In ouliu or nddicds J. E. Taylor, Scranton, the Lackawanna Ralhoad, only one change of cars, Chicago, Is necessary, A popular tlmo Is leaving Scranton at 6:50 p. m nrtlving Minneapolis 7:45 the second morning. Low Bate of Pare to Denver, Colo rado. On account of the Sunday School In ternational association triennial con tention to bo held at Denver, Col,, Juno 28 to July 2, special louud-trlp first class tickets may bu purchased of the Lackawanna inilioad ticket oflico at one-way faro for the round tilp, $45.25, Tickets will bo sold and good going Juno 21, 21 nnd 23. On the return tilp, tho puymeut of 25 cents to tho joint agent, same will bo validated for leturn passage to August 31, 1002. ' PITTSTON. Special to the Scranton Trlhune. Pittnton, Juno S. Mis. Andy Cawloy was found dead in bed at her homo In Exeter boiough this inoiiilug. Death was vciy Midden and unexpected. Although u woman well advanced In eais. Mis. C.iw ley had not been hi 111 health mid was about ycsteiday us usual, Sho lived with her sou, James Caw ley, on Mnln street, and It was not until membeis of tho fam ily went to call her this nioiiilng that It wus learned what had oecuued timing the night. Deceased was among the oili est tesldeuts of the boiough and her fam ily was well known in this vicinity. iWv husband died sovcial e.us ago. Bovcial sous ami ditughteis, all mauled, suivive. The West littston bnio bull team was at Woomsfjiug ycsteiday and succeeded In defeating the Noimul school team by a gcoru of 1S-1.'. It was tho snappiest game seen at Hloom,huig this season. Robcit Johnson, of Wyoming, wan held under Jl,0ii0 ball ycsteiday by Alderman Baiictt. of this city, to answer tho chugo of ci nelly und non-suppuit picfcircd by his wlfo. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Thn Four Lines, o Cents lor Bich Bttri LI ne. CLHRICS NOTICE IN BANKRUPT C In the DlRtilet Court of tho United States for tho Middle District of Penn sylvania, F. E. numcr. of Chinchilla, laiclmwanmi county, Pennsylvania, n, bankrupt tinder tho Act of Congress ot July 1, 1SDS, having applied for a full dls clmtgo from nil debts provable against his estato under said Act, notlco is heioby given to all known creditors nnd other persons In Intel est, to appear before tha wild court at Scriinton, in snhl district, on tlio 2ilth day of June, at 10 o'clock In th foicnoon, to show cause. If nnv thov have, why tho prayer of the , said petitioner should not be giauted. -, EDWARD R. W. SEAltLE, Clerk. IN RE: Insolvency of Vlto Sllco. In tho Court of Common Pleas ot ljicka waniia county, No. Mil, Beptcmher Tot in, 190J. To all ct editors of Vlto Slleo. Notlco Is hcicby given that on tho ltith dny of June, A. I). ilHiJ, at ! o'clock a. m In open couit, hearing will bo hold on tho petition ot Vlto Sllco for his dlsuhnige us an Insolvent. DANIELS S- HUNNRLL. Attorneys for Petitioners. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICU.-Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the In ternational Textbook Company will bo held nt the general' offices of tho Com pany, 4J4 Wyoming avenue, Scinnton, Pa., on Mondny, .Tunn 23, 1902, at 2 o'clock p in., for the election ot directors nnd th tinnsactlon of such other business as muy" properly come befoie the meeting. STANLEY P. ALLEN, Secretary. Scranton, Pn., Juno 5, 1002. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of an In tended application to tho Auditor Gen cial nnd tho Governor of Pennsylvania, August r., I90J, for a chni ter for a bank ing company to bo cnlled "Tho South Sldn Bank." or Scranton, Pa., to be located In tho southerly part of the city of Scran ton, Pennsylvania. The specific object for which It Is to tic rhaiteied is to oncicIsci bunking pilvileges under tho provisions of tho Act entitled "An Act for the Incor poiation and legulation of banks of dls count and deposit," approved May 1J. 1871.. Tho capital stock to be fifty thousand dol lais. WELLES & TORRE Y, Sollcltois. SEALED PROPOSALS. NOTICE Sealed proposals will be re ceived by tho County of Lackawanna for repalis.to a twenty-foot span stono nich brldgcr in Ncith Ablngton township near tho houso ot Jcie. B. Knight, until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday. Juno 14, 100.'. All bids for bridges advcitlsed must bo lelt at the otlice ot the County Controller In the Couit House, Sciauton, Pa., not later than 1J o'clock noon Saturday, June 14. 90.'. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the County Commissioner office. E. A. JONES, County Controller. Attest: JOHN MORRIS, Deputy Conti oiler. NOTICE Proposals will ho received by the County Commissioners of Lacka wanna county for the election of the fol lowing described stone aiches, steel truss, and steel ghdei, concicto Homed bridges, to wit: Ono steel tiuss biidge (85-foot span) over Tunkhannock creek between boiough of LaPlume and township of Benton. One steel truss (73-foot span) biidge over Spring Biook In boiough of Mooslc. Two steel girdei concrete Hooted bridges In Waverly boiough. c One concrete and metal, aich bridge over stream near postofflce In the boiough of Dalton. Ono stone arch brldgo over Fall Brook in Fell township. Ono stono arch biidge in Qieenfleld township over outlet of Newton lake on the road leading from Carbondale to Cllt foid corners. Ono stono arch bridge over Summit lake cieek fn South Ablngton township. Also one stono arch over Biltton creek In South Ablngton township, Also for building abutments-ever creek In Spilng Brook township. "All bids to bo in tho hands of the Coun ty CommlslsoneiS at their office In tha Court House not later than twelve o'clock noon, of tho 14th dav of June, A. D. 190::. Plans and specifications can be seen nt the office of the said commissioners on and after Juno 2. Contiacts to be award ed as soon after the 14th Inst, as possible. JOHN J. DURKIN, JOHN PENMAN. J. COURIERMORRIS, County Commissioners. Attest: W. G. DANIELS. Clerk. Scranton, Pa., May 30, 1002. Miscellaneous. SHIRTS CUT and made to order. Rooms 41 and 46 Buir building. H. W. Sykes & Co. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING, C. P. A., 23 Tradots' Bank building. Old telephone. No. 1SGI. Architects. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ARCH B, Real Estate Exchange Bldg , 126 Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers, H. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 723 CONNELL building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI building, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING ave! Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT tornoys and Counsollors-at-Law. 603 to 612 Connell building. JESSUP & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - at - Law. Commonwealth Building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. L A. WATRES, ATTORNKT.AT-LAV, Boaid of Trade Building, Scranton, P, A. W. BURTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED .TO No, 211 Wyoming ilvenue. - Patent Attorneyi, v PATENTS ggfig18' Trado Marks nnd Labels legisteied. The only licensed Patent Att'ys In Scranton. Itcploglc & Co., ftleara Bldg. Hotels and Beatauranta, Til 13 ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK tin avenuo. Rates leasonnblo, P. ZIEGLER, Pioprletor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D , L. & W, Passenger depot. Conducted on the Ku ropcan plan. Victor Koch, Proprietor, Scavenger, j V. a, li. rinitias cleansVrivy vaults and ce&H pools: no odor: only Improved pumps used, A. B. Uilggs. pioprletor, Lcavo oulers 1100 Noilh Mala aenue. or Elrkc's ding btoie, corner Adams and Mulbciry, Both telephones. Wiie Screens, JOSHl'H Kl'ETTUL. RCAIt Ml LACKA. avo Sciuntoii, infra, ot Who Screens. Miscellaneous. MEGAROEI3 HIIOS , PRINTERS' SUP plies, envolopes. paper bags, twine, Waiohouse, 1W Vashlngton avenue. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo had In Scinnton at tho news stand of ReUmau Bros , 400 Spruce and VXi 1)1 IIC191I1UI1 Jliua, ivu m u a ami v Linden; M. Noiiou. -'i-i Ltckawanna avc; I. S. HchuUeri'SU'Spruce street. avc J 4rfJ tfle -- t - V. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers