vv ', ( . - ' i "- T THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1902. Kwrrr- WEST JSCRANTON Children's Exercises in the Plymouth, Bap tist and-Congregational Churches Fell from Street Car Other Notes. Children's lnv oxcicIppi woip held yesteiduy tumiilng and evening In a number of the dandies, till o which were nttended by Inigp congiOKiitlons. An otlglnnt Sunday school service was held In the morning at the Plymouth Congtegntlontil elitirch.wlilch wns given tinder the direction of the superintend ent, Wins 13. Kvniw. It wiw called "The Garden of Life," nnd consisted of a cantata, with vocal nnd Instrumental numbers nnd leeltn tlons. MIsm Stella Kvans wns the organ accompanist, and the chlldicn from the various guides and dcp.utments were the participants. Among the choial numbem weic "The Sunshine Hand," ' Thanks to God, For This Blight Day," "The Children's Filcnd," "Swell the Song or Gladness," ami other tuneful iiumbeis. A shoit addiess was given during the st'ivhc by Thomas Eynon. In the even ing the pulpit was occupied by How William D.i vies, p.istor of the VJclloMie AVelsli CaUinlstlc Mrthodtt church. AVASlHlUliX ST. PUnSBYTEtUAN. The nible school of tlm AViishbuin Slioct Pies-hMciIiin Sunday school held their c-xoiclsns In the moinlng, assisted by the M'hool oichestia. The p.istor, 1t. .1. P. Moffat, D. D., assisted in the senlie Hoc itiitlons weic ghen by Mil llo lloffm.iu, Minn. Il.n lis, S.idle Voi lils, Oi.ico Sander, Pcail Banker, Mni gaict Powell and lloboit Phillips, and the duets weic lendeicd by Selln.i Phil lips and M.ittlo Poole, Hon aid and Unbelt Mlllei. Shoit addresses wcie dellveied by Hip p.istor, Uqv. Molfut, and supei Inlcnd cnt of the school, D. I.. Moigan, The i hoi us woik was under the dliectlon of AV. Ij. Jones, and the oichesli.i was led by Gooige W.itnis, ji. The deioi.itlons, aiianged bv AVill .Tones, weic the most artistic ever seen In the chinch. In the evening an echo service was held. FIRST AVKLS1I CONGREGATIONAL. An claboiato pi ogi amine was cairled out last 0X011111.7 at the Flit AVelsli Congieg.itlonal chinch, South Main avenue, wheie the cantata, "The Gar den of Life." was also given. The sing ing was In ch.uge of Mis. Thomas Kilns, and Miss Elizabeth Jenkins, as sisted by the siipeilntciulent, Thcophi lus Uowen, and Hie Misses Phillips, Da ies, Jones, Thomas and Reese. Among the chlldicn who took pait In the eei rises we-o Sarah J. Davits, Miss Giitlllhs. Ruth Thomas. Mingaiet and Mary Jenkins, A'crna Phillips, Amy The Bet Family Cough Remedy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sal by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. 1 The Summer Girl 3 3 43 lis has no limit in age, wealth, or style. Every woman with seuse and a desire for comfort is a "summer girl" as far as wearing appatel is concerned, and it has come to be more of a matter of how far one's means will permit the gratification of individ ual taste than anything else. Below, We flake a Few Seasonable Suggestions a 3 which may ;.Jtove of value to ladies who do not enro to dip very deeply into their pocket boohs, but at the same time want to be in touch with the coucct fashions of the houi. The Shirt Waist of Course forms the foundation of summer comfort. There aie thousands of them licit? in ovciy Imaginable piotty nnd fascinating style. See tho new sheer cambric waists in plain white, tucked and em bioideicd, also white giounds with small polka clots. t j fs A mnrvol in value for p I ,UU .c; Also the iiigli-cla3s "Km ckevbockcr" Waists with (t -t &r S all tho latebt fashions whims nt from $3.00 to p 1 . 3U 5? Also the high-class "Knickerbocker" Waists with ;S Or perhaps the fine "Gibson" fionts and elaborately trimmed Then the waists with fancy juBciuniis, cic, in various materials oner an assoii- soitions, etc., in various materials offer an assoit- djC f sue that is simply bewildering;. Piicea . . . .$2.00 to pOUU tue 3 Summer Dress 3 a a- 3 Crown Dimities, veiy fine, with lace stilpes in entiiely new ways. Washes well and always looks well. Unlimited nssoit rueut of coIoib, designs aud color combinations. The --I nn ; I2JC Tissue Ginghams, very fine, light as n cobweb, yot they wear ana w-.isn excoiiemiy. in cnecits, fine colon. The ya:d 1 The Newest ParasoJs Are dreams of beaucy. Of course you can't dlscrlbe tho novelties, tout thcy'ie nil hcie, ns woll as tho good seivicoable f CC kinds that fabhlon decs not change mateilally, ,S5c to lU.UU 3 3 The Summer Handkerchief iS Xiots of Hp.ndkci chiefs needed in summer time, and except for dress occasions, theie is nothing half ns satisfactory as tho flno jjiwc iiueu ciuuuviu uort, jx special saie or legumr auo haudker , cmers mis ween witn iniriais or uatyler to select nom. Choice,,.,, If Summer Gloves Lace lins fiist choice this season, They aie ccol, comfoitnble and djebsy. Mitten and gloves, all lengths, sizes nnd g rv .qualities 25c, 50c, 75c Cp I. UU Swede Lie,o Gloves in all sizes or. the shades that mr are most Jn demand , , , , , ,25c, 50c and J OC Kid Gloves of all Kinds. a 3 a a Globe Warehotis?.! Davis, Pennlo Phillips, James Davis, Ucatrlce Caison, Elsie Craig and others. FIRST AVELSH BAPTIST. The Uryn Muwr mission, the Fouith wmd mission nnd the mother school or the First AVelsli Baptist chinch Joined together last evening nnd rondel ed an excellent progiummo of music, i epila tions, etc. A number of delightful choiuses weic sung, and John L. Jen kins told the children about the woik Hint Is being done by the Baptist Pub lication society. The lecltntlons and solos were given by Alma Gealey, Sophia Samuels, Sarah Evans, Mary Beynon, BerthaSnndeis, Margaiet Jones, Sot nil Harris, Eliza beth Jones, Thomas Evans, Carl Davles, Jennie Dtivles, Hany Gilinths, Maiy Thomas, Pcail Jenkins, Maggie Ilowell, Anna Jones, Ethel Decker, Mamie Baith, Emma AVIIIInms, Sadie AVIllIams, Louise Evans, John Moigtin, Lillian and Murle LaBar. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. The pastoV of the chuich, Rev. S. F. Mathews, exchanged pulpits with Rev. G. II. Cole, of Elinhmst, yesteidnv morning and evening. Rev. Cole took "Be je dopts nnd not heaieis of the woid only" for the theme of the moin lng soi inon. The seimon wns n supeib effort, clear and to the point, and w ill linger in the minds of the congiegatlon for some time to come. In the evening he also pi cached an eloquent seimon, clear and loiceful. The points touched upon In both ser mons were ones which commanded at tention, and If taken to hoait would piovo a vast power for good and Clnls tinn love In chuich life. Among the Chuiches. Rev. S, V. Mathews, pastor of the First Baptist chuich, will lead a paper on "The Ouestlon of Unleavened liiead," at the Baptist Mlnisteilal con feience thin morning. Meinbeis of the Holy Name society received communion at the 0 o'clock mass at St. Patilck's Catholic chuich jesterdny moinlng. At the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chuich last evening, the pastor, Rev. II. C. McDeimotl, D. D., pleached a timely seimon on "The Labia Question, and the Teachings of Chi 1st." Rev. Hugh Davis, p.istor of the South Main Avenue AVelsli Calvlnlstic Metho dist chinch, will conduct the devotional cxeicies at the Suunton High "-chool class night osciciscs Thuisday evening. AVelsli services weio conducted at the Bellcvuc AVelsh Calvlnlstic Methodist church jesteiday morning, nnd in the evening, the pastor, Rev. AVilllam Da vies, spoke in English. The last pennon In the scries on the life and dim actor of Samson was preached last evening bv Rev. James Bonninger in the Embuiy Methodist Episcon.il church. The oidlnnncc of the Lord's Supper & & & Waists in polka dot will please at $3.00 , tucklnes, fit! lace fronts, embroideiy, tucklngs, Fabrics er. -. stripes, etc. All t"' 20c I: e & & & otnerwlse, various 12c ,,.,. and Mittens I JjJ ' was ndinlnlstcted tit the Jackson Street Baptist church yesterday morning, Jhid n feature of the evening service wns the rendition of "The Night Bells Chorus" by the Sherman avenue mis sion Juvenile choir. Fell from a Street Car. Ira Kline, aged 22 ycais, jcsldlng nt H.I South Clnrriold avonue, wns admitted to the AVest Side hospital last evening, Ills back was Injured, He fell from n street car In Taylor, nnd the hospital ninbutanic was sum moned to bring him In. Went to Campbell's Ledge Forty pupils from Prof. David Owens' room, In No. 13 school, journeved to Campbell's ledge, Saturday, wheie they spent the day. Lunch wns enjoyed nt Falling Spring, and one of the plcasuics was boating on the Susquehiiima liver. Bernard Coons in Charge, The many friends of Beinutd Coons will bo pleased to leain that he has se cured control or the Becker bowling ulleys In AA'ashlngton hull building, and he will be glad to meet nil, afternoons and cvcnlncs. EVENTS TODAY AND EVENING. A lawn social will be held this evening In front of Mrs. P. Belles' home, 211 Noith llvd- Park avenue. It wilt be un der the dlirctlon of Mrs. Qlileon Mosel's Sunday school class of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Sunday school. The Democrats of the First legislative district will meet In Cosgrove's hotel this afternoon to elect delegates to the statu convention, to bo held nt Eilc. A general meeting of mine woiker, pump-runnels, engineers and llromen will be held In St. David's hall this afternoon. Dlstuct President Thomas D. Klcholls will preside. Local No. 1.103, I'nlted Mine AVoiers of Ameilca, will meet In Flanagan's hall, Luzcinc street, this afternoon and nomi nate olllcetx. All memlieis of the Sons of Cambria lodge, fmmcily Dowl Sant, aie requested to attend the meeting this evening, ns tlicie is Impoitaut business to tiansact. A piellmlnary meeting of the new coun cil. Daughlirs of America, will be held In AVnshlngton hall this evening. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The regular monthlv meeting of the AVit Sldo boa id of tiado will be held to monow evening In llio Klectrlc City AA'hcelmen's c lub house. The fimci.il of the late John Swift, who was Killed on tho railroad at JIcKecs port, occuirecl estcrdiiy afternoon from tho homo of deceased's mother, 101 Mcil dlan street. Short set vices were held nt St. Patricias church, mtcrment was made In the Cathedral cemetery. A son was rccentlv born to Jlr. and Jlis. P. J O'Bovle. of H" Chestnut street. Hugh Gray, of Jackson street, was se verely In lined letenlly by colliding with a wagon, while riding n bicycle. Charles 1'khler. delegate from I'anooKa tilbe, No HI, nnd M. J. Balg.ir, of Pc qaest trdie. No. 117. and AVilllam Jef fre, of Avoca, will leave today to attend the aiiuu.il session of tho gland council of Tted Men at Ieb inon. l'Lim.iucnt riioman Hurrv Pcrber, of Ihiglue tomp.uiv No. .", has moved his family from North Biomley avenue to Green ltldge. Pmf. Voung, of North Scranton. enter tained the l.ov.il Ciusadois on Saturday evening with a club swinging exhibition and talk on physical c ulturo. The mcnibeis ot the Aiitlu.icitc Camp ing club, who hive been stnjlng at Lake Ailel foi sUcial dnb, leturned home on Satiudav. 1'iof. D. If. Lewis, of Kingston, and Miss S.ti.ih i:. lliaic of North Ilvde I'.nk avenue, will bo united in marriage on AVrdncsd.iv, Juno 'S Menibms of liianch No. (141, 'Lndlcs' Catholic Kencvnlent association, will meet In their hall tomoiiow moinlng at S ?0 o'clock to attend the ftinei.il of their late memliei, M;s Patilck rivnn. A niimbei of loeal Kcpuhllcaus will at tend the state convention at llarrlsburg on AVcdnescl.iv. .Allsses Saillo Coslett, Dihv AVncle, Laura Ilallett. IMnn iTeeman. Helen Jones, Jeanette P.ivis nnd Mnv Larkln will graduate fiom the training school this week. Members of the fho dep.utment nro making leguln tests of the llro hvdrlints in West Scranton nnd keeping them In tluipc. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Anna Andei -on, of Noith rilmore avenue, spent Sunday with li lends at Yntcsvillo. John D Davles and Charles IJ. Dough eitj, of Pnath Biomlev avenue, arc visit ing frh uds in Slilckshlniiv. Mis. Y. v. D.ivls, of South H.vde P.uk avenue, Is conllned to her homo by 111 noss. Miss Klltn AVilliams, of North Sumner avenue, Is tho guest of Ilone-d.tle friends. Thomas H.ivls of Dh Isltm street, who ,hns been seiloudy III, is recovering. Mrs. Annn Jenkins nnd daughter, of New A'ork, have leluined homo fiom a. vMt with Ah. and Mrs Seidell Pawling, of North Main avenue. Mis Seth AV. Wnrley. of South Main avenue, Is entertaining Ml-. C. J. Munii, of Altonn.i Jenl'ln itpjnolds, of Kynon street, Is soloiirulllg at Lake Allcl. 13 r. lMward Ciuegcr, oi Phlladolpliln, has lotunied home fiom n visit with AVest Seianton fi lends. Air. Koch, of HiooklMi, N. A., spent Siind iv with Audiovv Mulr, of North Re becca avenue. L C. Daeey has moved his family fiom North Simipci avenue to Ol) pliant. Miss ISvix RobcrtH, of North G.n field nvpiiuo. has lesumed hei studies ut the Rloomsbiiig State Noimal slIiooI, after a In let visit nt borne, AV. J. uglns, of North HvdoP,uk ave nue. Is visiting In 1'nlon county. Miss Je-slo Itlehnrcls, of Liuerue stieet, enltrtnlntd n luiRe party of friends nt her homo lecently. DUNMORE DOINGS. Children's Bay Exeiclses in the Methodist Chuich Puneial of Mis. G. J. Chamberlain. Tho Methodist chuich was lllled es lei tiny moinlng when tho chlldien's day cNcuclses weio hold, Tho chinch had been mottllv cli touted with I.iiiikIs. I daisies and palms for tho oouislon and piesuutid a veiy pleasing sight, 'llio following piogiainmo was lendeicd: Oi fian piulutle. Mls Ruby Yosf. ailtheu, choir; Scilpluio leading, HiijioilntDiulmit; I Jin oca Hon, pastoi; singing, hchoolj Chll dien's Pay Quoting, lieuu Uuincs; ton. . ce(t ONeielso, "Tim Gloilmis Mcssugi-," tl.iss of glila; solo and thorns, ''Tho I ring," JIImi Do Dony's i lass, ictltutlon, "Stand Up for Vom Coloiw," Clayton Wibbeii addiess. Rtv. Chillies) II, Now Inir; slimln. ptimaiy depaitment; letitu- lion, "Tho Siiubc nil." Howi Hpenctu; e IJeitlse, sl gills; .duct, with mandolin I accompaniment, by I.estei A'ost. "Our Pnther'tf Care," Mlstes llcssle Powell and Ktlif) Lltcheiihain; neidi,u, "8tuw iieuvenwuiu," suucu ciuiiiien; solo and thorns. "Help to Set tho AVoild Rejolc lug." Miss Muo Kellti's class, iccltntlou, "The Child or Niuaieth." Miss Lei I Malnes; solo and cliomx, "Fair Rosu uf Hhitioii," MIi-h Ruby A'ost's tlass; col. lection; doology; benediction. Funeial of Mis. Chamberlain, Rov, AV, P. Gibbons, of the Pivsby. teilan rhuich, conducted the fiiuei.il sei vices of Mis. G. J, Chambuilaln ut the fumlly homo jesteiday ufteinoon, The house was tluougcd with laigu numbeiH of ooi lowing f i lends ot the deceased who A NEW COMPANY HEBE IN SCRANTON Arrangements Made to Lend Money on Furniture at Astonish ingly Low Rates. OFFERS GREAT ADVANTAGES TO THE POOR Anybody Can Get from $10 to $300 on Household Furniture Two Hours After Application Is Made Not Even the Borrower's Own Family Need Know of the Loan. Company Will Let You Arrange Pay ments to Suit Yourself. There Is no longer any need for tho people of this city to be without ready cash In their pockets. Theie Is no longer any need for you to humiliate yourself by asking your fi lends to lend you money as an act of chin lty. Those who have too much self icspect to let their friends know that they are haul up can now pay all their bills and keep up a good nppenr anto and look piospeious before their nelghbots and acquaintances. This Is a gient advantage to most people, nnd the beauty of this new plan which makes all this possible is that it costs so little. At 207 Wyoming avenue the Seian ton Loan Guarantee company now has oltltes wheie anybody tan got fiom $10 to $300 on household furnltuie. The loan may be had for one month or for o whole year, nnd those who apply will be told nt fltst exactly what It would cost for any umount for any length of time. Natuially a gieat many would expect that they would be chntged cohipound Interest under these circumstances. But the manager of this new company Is paitlctllarly anxious that the public should know that no compound interest is charged were present to pay their last ti Unite to one .so unlvei sally loved In life. Sevcial selections weio i endued by tho choir of tho Ptosbjtciian chuich. Tho pall-bc.ircis weio: A. It Br) den, O. V. B. Allen, A. B. Bulkley, M. AV. Chambei lln, AA'llli.un Robinson and finnk Mm shall; flower be.ireis weio D J. Smith, J. G. Bone nnd !'. 12 Suaitz. Among those In attendance fiom out of town weio Mr. and Mis. David Cham beilnln, of Philadelphia; Kdwln Cliam tictlnin, of Noulstowu; Airs, nnd Miss Al lnbaugh, of Philadelphia, and the Mi'ibcs AVildei, of Pittston. Shoit Paragraphs. Chlldien's dav oxcultics vvero held ves terdny moinlng In tho Picshjletbin and Clui.stlan chinches. At both places tho cdlflees wero lllled and pleading pio grammes icndcrcd that vvero much en joved. In the account of the high school exer cises held on Filday evening In AA'ash lngton hall mention should havo been made of tho singing numbcis by tho school which had been caretullv pie paied under tho guldviice of Piofessor AV. AV. Jones, tho efllclent iusliuctor In music In tho bniough school. Tho Item appearing in this column on Fntuiday In lefeienco to a chair piesen tntlon to Piofessor II. D. Bovaul was not written bv the legulai toi respondent. The AVomen's Mlssloiniy society of tho Piesbyteilan chinch will meet on Thuis day afternoon with Mis. Boid, of Mon loe nvenue. Miss Cornelln Ci.ilpln leaves this morn ing for a visit with Philadelphia fi lends. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Glee Society Stmts Tomorrow Morn ing on a Conceit Tour Fiist Stop Is at Harrisburg". The Noith Seianton Glee society leaves tomoirovv at C.oO on a concert tour accompanying the Colonel AVuttes' party to Hnulsbuig. At that place the society Intends giving seveial concerts under the name of the Colonel AVatres party. After giving a conceit In one of the leading chinches there, they will leave Friday for Plttslnug, The society is made up of some of the best slngeis In the city. Concerts will he given In nil the laige titles In Ohio and other states, nnd on their way home they will go to Atlantic City. to fill a two weeks' engagement there. Dr. Daniel Jenkins, the advance agent, is booking a large number of dates In Ohio. The following soloists fiom the Oxford Glee society of West Seianton will nc compuny them: David Stevens, Thom as Abiams and David Jenkins. The society consists of twenty-thiee membcis: They ato agent, Dr, Daniel Jenkins; director, AA'lllIam Davis; pian ist, Lewis Evans, Olyphant; treusuier, Thomas Reese. Four tenots Morgan J. Kdwnrds, William AV. Davis, David Ulchaids, Thomas Iteeso and Thomas Abrams. Second tenors Thomas Kvans, David Stevens, John Powell, AVilllam J, Hop kins and Titus Davis. Fltst bass David Jenkins, Thomas Thomas, AVilllam Thomas, Lewis Jones and Stephen Davis, Second buss Chat les Mitchell, Daniel Thomas, Daniel H. Evans, AVutkln lfuuic and Dnnlel J. Evans. Farewell Paity. A fui ew ell p.uty vwis held Satuulny evening by tho membeis of the Sun ehlno club as the honui of Misses Em niiiund Ethel Khk, of Diamond avenue, in honor of Misses Oiaco Lauer and Ethel Heale, who aie to leave this city Bluntly. Duilng the evening tokens of filendblilp weio piesented to the de putting ladles by the members of the tlub. The lemalnder of the evening was enjoyably spent wilh the uhuuI paity dlveisloiib until a seasonable hour when lefieshments weie served. Those piesents weie; Misses Ethel and Emma Klik, Sadie I'olkowsky, Olive Mun, Lottie Beale, Grace nnd Lottie Lauer, Alice Mini, Elsie Sillier and Lilian Kelsel. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. The homo of Mr. and Mis. Patrick Timlin, or reidluiind stieet, Is bilglitcncd by the airlvuLof a baby gill. Mi. mid Mrs. C. l Crossman, of Throop stieet, enteitulnea Albert AVhecl er, of Claik's Summit. Satuiday. A. M. Atlicrtou, of Obphnnt, spent es teiduy with frltiuW in this section nt all. He says, ftnther, that there are no chinges to be paid in advance, and hopes that no one who needs n small temporary loan will hesitate to take advantage of the company's offer because of any fear that the rates might be too high. They have been made so low that even the poorest can easily afford to get a loan. The fuinltuie Is left with the bor row ei, and theie is absolutely no pub licity, for the company leallzes that that Is just what the public aie most anxious to avoid. As for tho paments, each borrower Is peimlttod to say Just when it would bo most convenient to pay. MoHt of those who have taken out loans so far have piefened to pay In small month ly Instalments. Some pay by the week, but in no ease Is the borrower com pelled to pay nil at once. It will be noticed at once how muth better it Is to get a loan this way than by pawning things. AVIth this plan you have the use of tho goods while you also have the money. The company Intends to make loans anywheie within twenty-five miles of Scranton. All applications should be made to the Scranton Loan Guarantee Co , 207 AVyomlng avenue, near Spruce street. SOUTHSGRANTON FTJNEBAL OF THE LATE MBS. HENRY ZEIGLER. Was Attended by Hundieds of Sym pathizing Friends nnd Neighbors. Services Conducted by the Rev. William A. Nordt Chlldien's Day Services Conducted in a Number of the Churches Councilman Charles Graf Home from the Albany Con vention Othjp Notes. All that was mortal of the late Mrs. Homy Zelgler was laid ut lest with Impiosslve setvices jesterdny after noon, nnd the lcmalns wero followed to the giave by hundieds of sympathiz ing friends and nelghbois who had known nnd loved the deceased as a loving wife n"nd mother, and a stead fast and tiuo fiiend. Long before the hour of 3, when the services weic to begin, hundreds passed thiough the pallors, to take a last look at the featuies, as they lested In a massive sllk-llncd black tusket, which was almost hid fiom view with floral tokens of love and sympathy. Shoit sei vices and pi aver weie held In the house, coiner of Cedar avenue nnd Hickory stieet, by the Rev, Will iam A. Nordt, who later conducted im piessive set vices at the Hickory street thurch.whlch was ciowdcd to the doors. Tho lemalns weie can led to tho church by life-long fi lends, nnd were followed by the family, Ladles' Aid society, and a lontr line of fi lends, thnt sttetched out to a length of several blocks. The pastor took his text fiom thn Epistlo to tho Romans, eighth chapter nnd eighteenth verse, and spoko In elo quent pialsc of the deceased lady, and paid n fitting tilbute to her memory as a good Chtlstian, and a tender, devoted w Ife and mother. During the services, Cluules Doeisam pie.sided nt the otgan, bv special re quest, vviille tho solo pnits weie taken by Miss Mnrtha Nordt nnd Miss Maty AArlith. "Nenier, My God, to Thee," wns sung at the cemeteiy by the Fieuen A'eieln, after n player for the dead had been said by Rev. Mr. Nordt. The pall-benrers were Clin ties Mlitz, Charles Neuls, Peter Znng, AVilllam Muus, Jacob Ruppenth.il nnd Geoigo Engel. Tho many beautiful lloweis were canlpil bv Hon, John J. Scheupr, R. A. Zimmerman, J, J. Hlldebiandt, Hnuy Harder, John Leweit, Thomas Spruks, J, F. Miller and Henry Spruks. Back from Convention. Oouncllmnn Chnrlps Graf, who ai rlveil homo lecently fiom Albany, N. Y wheie ho attended, us delegnte from the Church of Peace, a convention of the Atlantic district of the Evnngelltnl synod, was honoied by being chosen a member of the ndvicory hoaid for a teim of four yeats. The position Is Im poitaut, as the board, which meets nt the cnll of the chair, deals with all questions affecting the chinch, The mission bonid, of which the Rev. E. J. Schmidt, Ph.D., is piesldent, wns augmented by tho Rov. Rettcr und Rov. Schoettle, both of this city. Chlldien's Day at the Churches. At seveial of the churches on this side, Chlldien's dnv was obseived jes teiday with uppiopilate eseiclses, and tho moinlng services at tho Hlckoiy Htieet Pieshvteilun thuitii the eei clses weio lu Cerman and the after noon set vices In English. A quuitette, composed of Tied Lentes, Chi 1st Scheuer. IlPiny Schwenktr nnd AVill lam Scheiier, furnished music, being accompanied on tho piano by MlbS Anna M. Faust. Kolos weie lendeied by the JJlsses Helena Schnutz and MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS for Children Mutlicr iu, fur jcjts a mniu in the Children's llumu in ,i V.uiL, inMlnl hl. Urcn kuctciifull) nilli a iiinuu, now iuuVi uml plated lu llic iliui; ttoiix, illnl MI)cr CJu)'rf sued I'oudeu (oi ('lilMnn. 'I lit .no liauuIt-3 milU, pleuuiit to take and never full. A certain ii-re (or lemUlmcsj, coii.Upj. tlon, luad ache, Icetlil".' J ml stomach disor ders and remow noinii. At all ilrumUt. 23c. Don't accept jny eulMItute. VJinple aent litUL.'. AiIiIir.1 Allrn S. nimstid. Id Hot. X. V. AVHAiAAAAMAwVVAViiAyvvS' C JI Wedding Presents.... What to give is oftentimes a perplexing; problem. Just a little view of our Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass And Handsome Furniture will help you decide, possibly. The styles in fancy Rocking Chairs in our Furniture department is in teresting. The tables devoted to Cut Glass and Bric-a-Brac in basement will surprise you with the quantity, and prices quoted today are for the month of June and will be less than usually found elsewhere. Cut Glass 14-Inch Punch Bowl, with foot, handsome cutting, value $50.00, June Price $33.50 BOWLS. $16,50 Bowls $12.50 19.25 Bowls 15.00 13.25 Bowls 10.00 10.50 Bowls 8.5o 7.50 Bowls 5.90 JUGS. $16.50 Jugs $12.50 14.50 Jugs 11,00 8.25 Jugs 6.50 5.50 Jugs 4.25 Handsome Rockers In Quartered Oak, Mahogany, at a range of prices . iroill Odd Upholstered Pieces in many kinds of woods, at Adjustable Divans and Couches Our line of these goods is very large; assortments of plain couches to the large, luxuriously upholstered kind . at $5.50 to 34.ul) If you're contemplating furnishing a house, it will be to your ad vantage to look at our stock and compare prices with goods seen else where. Furniture Department, Fourth Floor. Mary Miller, while a lily dilll, by a class of little girls dressed In white, was the most Interesting feature of the cxcielses. The afternoon services v,eie practically a repetition of the morninfr programme. A musical and literal v pioRiammo took the nlaco of the lcgular nioininK services at St. Paul's Methodist Kplh copal church, the theme being "The Conquering- Christ," and theie was a ery laige attendance. The exeiciscs wero exceedingly interesting, and a baptism followed. Rev. Mr. Dotv led the sei vices, and paid paiticular atten tion to the juniors. At the Prospect Aenue Methodist Kplscopal chuich, which ias beauti fully decorated with wild and culti wted lloweis, Children's day was ob served in the afternoon, when icclta tlons and exeiciscs weie lendeied by the Sundnv school cla&es. Music wns furnished by Miss Alma Koempel and Kdwnrd H. Haussor. A hearty welcome was extended to all by Joseph J. Johler. and an lnsplilng address was dellveied by the pastor, Kev. G. F. Huusser. MlbS Emma Johler presided ut the oigan. NUBS OF NEWS. Interesting anil well attended services weio held at tho Young AVonieu'.s Chris tian assocl itlon 100ms, on (.'pilar inemie, jestciduy afternoon. Rev, Mr. Doty led tho exercises and miiclo an lmpicssiio ud cIipss, talcing foi his text, "Lost Shields." Mr. Barber, of ProUilenco li is been awarded tho contract lor moving St. Paul's Mothocllht Episcopal ohm eh from Cedar aveniio to Pittston avenue. TI10 moving will begin as i-ocm ah tho now foundation has been completed. K. A'. Jones, of 13Jrt Plttbton avenue, Is M'lv seiiously III. The congregation of St. Paul's chinch will tako part In a Joint excursion with tho Avocu, Talor, Ilciuihnm and Mooslo Methodist Episcopal churches, to Lako l.ocloic, June IT. Tho Ladles' Aid society of St. Paul's church will meet In monthly s-csslou on AVednesday afternoon nt '! o'clock. Mid week Mirvlces and piuycr will bo held AVednesday evening. A meeting of trus. tees Is called for next Saturday night. Tho mai ilago of Miss Mama AVetter, daughter uf Ml. and Mis, Michael Wet ter, of Prospect avenue, to AVilllam Eiden Is nnnoiincecl to tuKo place, tho latter p.ut of this mouth. Mi, Baker, of New A'ork city, Is tho guest uf Mi. and Mis. John Horn, of Hlckoiy street. Mid-week services will tako place at tho Hickory Stieet Picsbjteilnn chinch Wed-lips-day evening, and a icacheis' monthly meeting will take placo at the same pluco Tliuibduy evening. OBITUARY. MRS. MAKOAHKT SIMON, widow of the lute Fied .Simon, died eiuly jebter day inclining at the family lesldence, S37 Capoiibo nvenue, The deceased lady was one of the eatly settleis of Seian ton, auivlng hem fiom Clei runny In 1Mb, She was neatly SJ yeuis of age, and Is suivlved by tho ihlldieii of an adopted duughtei now deceased, Tho fuueial will take place nt 10 a. in. AVed nesday, anil bei vices will be held In St. .Marj's Cutliollo chuu'li In South Scranton. Interment wlllbe made In the Pctetsbuig Cutliollo cemetei). MllS. PAROMNH aUHN.A'CM,, uged 70 eairf, died Vdh Satuulny at her homo, l.M South JJveielt uvenue, after u Unguiing illness. Deceased was u widow ami Is burvlved by seveial sons nnd daughter;. The runeial erylces will be held ut the lioute tonionovv at- GoodJ- News j Vases Value June Sale $25,00 $18.00 12.00 9.0O NAPPIES, without handles, large assortment to select from at 25 per cent less than regular price. LAMPS, with globes to match, marked at prices to close out. J Large variety of Toilet Sets with or without slop jar, begin at $2.49 Set J)X.5 tu 17 1 JfJ various designs and $6.00 to p3UUU yvrtti iidl AMUSEMENTS.' Lyceum Theatre Monday Evening, Juno !), 1002, at S 13. Ai lists Recital by MISSGRACESPENCER,Soprano In connection with tho Fifteenth Sym phony Conceit of tho Scranton SymphonyOrchestra Pi Ices Lower floor, 7jc. and $1.00; bal cony, 50c. and 73c. Diagiam opens Filday, Juno 6, 1902, at 9 a. m. Meet Me at the Elks' Carnival. Potatoes 75c a Bushel A story of vital inter est to all the people is told iu those four words, to which little can be ad ded. Except that they are potatoes of the first class. A hundred other big bnrgaiiis, or similar economi cal quality, at any THE JOYCE STORES teiuomi. Intel nient will be made In AVubhburn btieet cemetery, An Infant child of Mr, and Mis. John Cailuccl, of Ullckens' comt, died yes teulay aud will be Intened In the Cath cdial cemeteiy tills nftei 110011. Funerals. The fuueial of the hue Mrs. Patrick Flint; will take ptitcu tonioiiuvv morning at ' o'clock, fiom tho lioute, 1931 Jack son bticct. Set vices will be held In St. Patrick's Catholic chinch. Interment will be made In the Cathediul cemetery. i . .y Jlift . ja&il
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