-Tn .,4 ' ' ' IT' L THE SCRANTON THIBUNE-FJIIDAV, ' MAY 30, 1!H2. j ,. r ' - it wffBC59E Burglars Effect Entrance Into Thomas Home on Jackson Street Frightened Away by Police. One of the boldest attempts ut burg lary that the police of this side have hiul to ilenl with In recent yefy-s, look place yesterday morning, when two men erfected nn entrnnce Into the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Thomas, 1013 Tnekson street. .Fortunately they were frightened away before they succeeded In securing the Intended booty. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning two oflleers standing on the corner of Main avenue and Jackson street heuid the persistent barking of a small dog near the Thomas house. Beholding an Individual standing In front of the dwelling and peering up and down the street, the officers suspected that there was something wrong, and the oflleers hastened to gain an understanding of the whole proceedings.. The guard, seeing the bluecouts ap pearing, gave a warning cry and tlnn tied as fast as hi legs could carry him. The otlleers attempted to capture him. but In the daikness he succeeded In ef fecting his escape, as did the man who entered the houe, ' The Thomas family was awakened with diniculty which was explained when the smell of chlorofoiin was noticed about the house. Wife Beater on. Bail. John Itlehards, of 343 North Hiomlcy avenue, appeared before Alderman D,i vls last evening to answer the charge of assault and battery.prefetred against him by bis wife. Mrs. Klchards Is a frail little woman, while her husband Is a large, muscular and nonet fully built man. Mrs. Richard.", claimed that her hus band had beaten her without provoca tion on several occasions, and bad threatened her with her life. As she presented mute evidences In the foim of bruises on her body of Hlchurds' cruelty, and as several witnesses cor roborated her In her testimony, the al derman held ItlchnrdH In ?r00 ball for his appearance at court. At Embury M. E. Church. In the new Kmbury Methodist Kpis copal church, on South Main avenue, an entertainment and social was held laht evening. It wns under the auspices of the Junior and Intermediate leagues of the church, and proved a great success. A long musical programme had been prepared and was faithfully carried out. The entertainment was opened by the singing of "My Country. 'TIs of Thee." by the Junior league. The pastor then led In prayer, upon the conclusion of Ths Best Family Cough Remedy, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Slain ave. 4nMtiAtViMiA Day Is Always Harked By the Closing: of the Globe Warehouse, a 9. 3 a 3 ... 1 - 'tjt in i 13. HI ' Uft. v. We'll Be Ready for Business Saturday As Usual. Mr tr U (HKli.M ,1 11.1 tflM'i ' ' SJll. t . rlt 'h 3 IT Globe Warehoiis?. vS SCRANTON which Miss Irene Parsons gave a reci tation, entitled "Memorial Day," which was heartily received. Miss Gertrude Dagger also rcclied, and she pleased the large audience. Miss Irene Moses rendered a violin solo In faultless style, und wns encored, Master Willie Allspaugh followed with a recitation, "Dreaming of That Hour." He delighted the audience, and was compelled to respond to an encore. 'Miss Ueatrlco Foote recited "Step by Step." She wns loudly applauded, nnd was fol lowed by Miss Anna Davis with a man dolin solo. Other young people, with songs and recitations, delighted the audience for some time, after which re freshments weie served In the basement of the church. Memorial Day Exercises. Memorial day services will be held at the Washburn street and Cathedral cemeteries today. At the former ceme tery, S. B. Mntt, past commander of post No. 139. will be In charge, and Hov. II. (.. McDermott, pastor of the Simp son Methodist Episcopal church, will tlellv.er an address appropriate to the occasion. The committee In charge is as follows: W. S. Jones. Thomas H. Allen. William J. Jones, D. W. Thomp son, Hiram Savers. S. Y. Haupt. past commander of post No. 13!t, will be master of ceremonies at the Cathedral cemetery, and Attorney R. J. Bourlio will deliver an addrets on "Memorial Day." The following com pose the committee: Henry W, Loft us, P. J. McAndrew. D. D. Jones and D. I Blrtley. O'Connor-Foy Wedding. Tn St. Patrick's church, Wednesday morning. Miss Josephine Foy, of Hamp ton street, was united in marriage to John O'Connor, of Luzerne street. Rev. J. B. Whalen tied the nuptial knot. After a visit to New York city and other points of Interest, Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor will commence houseketping in a newly furnished home on Luzerne street. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Klhan Allen Lodge will run an ex cursion to Mountain Park on June 2S. St. Brendan council, Y. M. I., will conduct an excursion to Uinghumtou on July 4. All barbel shops of this side will be closed today. The Bible school of th Washburn street Presbyterian church held a re hearsal in the church Inst evening. Preparations arc being made for chil dren's day. Mr, and Mrs. John Gallagher, of Hampton street, aie rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter. Mrs. M. L. Blair, of New York city, is visiting friends on this side. At Tuesday evening's meeting the Colonial club elected officers for the Memorial e vT. j $ Si 52- to. or. Si r Si S: cmulng term ns follows President, Johnilleynoldsj Vice-president, Wllllanl Thomas! recording secretary, Frank Milter; financial secretary, Silas Pow ell: treasurer, V W. Glbbs, und ser-geanl-at-nrms, Stanley J. Lewis. A social session nnd smoker was held af ter the election. Hippie division, No. 43, Sons of Tem perance, met at the home of Harry Thomas, 1204 Hampton stteet, Wednes day evening and presented Mr. Thomas With a bible. Joshau Ellas made the presentation speech, The rest of the evening wns whllcd away with pleasant diversions. Henjnmln Orimths, of Thirteenth street, has returned from Fort Erie. The probationers' class of the 'Simp son Methodist Episcopal cITiirch held a meeting last evening In the church. St. Leo's battalion wilt run nn ex cursion to Blnghnmtnn today. Upon arriving In Blnghamton the excursion ists will bo met at the depot by u num ber of special cars of the Blnghumton Traction company, which wilt convey the visitors to Ross Park. At Lake Lodorc today the Alumni base ball team will play the Carbon dale's crack team, the Crescents. Phil lips and Hairlngton will bo the battery for the Alumni. Jenkln Evans, pension attorney of Berwick, visited West Scranton yester day on a business trip, Haiold James-oii. of Washburn street, a student at the Bloomsburg state nor mal school, Is home for the holidays. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. "lynnwood" to Be Produced at the Auditorium Surprise Party. Other News Notes. The members of the Crystal Llter urj and Dramnllo club will produce, for the lhrt time In this section, the four-act melodtama, entitled, "Lyn wood." at the Auditorium tonight, The cast of characters Is as follows: Victor nianchard, P. J. McGuIro; Ed win Carlyle, M. J. Gnhagan; Dudley Mlddleton, P. H. I'afferty: Judge Car lyle, T. P. Cannon; Ephenlphus Eras tus Eli.is Confucius Carter, D. J. Evans; Uncle Joe, '1'. J. Barrett; Pat O'Flarlty, J. 4. McMahon; Captain Rensome and Orderly, G. J. Homer; Lucille Carlyle, Miss Margaret Burns; Gay Carlyle, Mls Loretto Duggan; Kate Wilmarth, Miss Elite Lee. A Surprise Party. A pleasant surprise party was ten dered Mrs. Mary Robinson, at her home on Dean stieet, by a number of ladles from the Foreign Missionary society of the Piovitlcncc Methodist Episcopi.I church on Wednesday afternoon. The guests were en.ioyably entertained. Those present were: Mrs. Gardin r, Mrs. Carson, Mis. Samuel Davis, Ml.-s F. Walker, Mis. Teal, Mrs. Mill.v, Mrs. Hindi, Mrs. Benjamin, Miss Silk man, Mrs. Proudlock, Mrs. Bennett Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Cure, Miss Cure and .Mi-. V.rcnd. NEWS NOTES. A veiy Interoating ii.othc-rs' n ciliis of the AVoman's Christian Temperance union was held In the Y. AA C. A. looms AA'ednesday afternoon. Prayers were read by Miss Selby Mrs. M. P. Rhodes and Mrs. Armstrong. A targe attendance was present. AVIIIIani AVhlte, of Parker street, has returned, after a week's vls-it in New Vorl: city. Misses Edith James and Jennie Jehu are spending a few days with Ply mouth friends. Mr. and Mrs. AVllliam Jervls, of AA'ayno avenue, are spending a few day with fi lends in AA'est Pittston. Mr, H. Richards, of AA'est Market stieet. is visiting her mother in Charlestown, Mass. M!s Mary Davis, of New York city. 1 spending a few days with her mother nn Williams sjreet. Fred Henry, of Green street, Is spending a few weeks In Paterson, N. J and thr- neighboring towns. GREEN RiDGE. Mrs. C. S. AVooduiff and cbildicli, of Electric avenue, Ml yesteiday for Ocean Grove, where- they will occupy a cottage during the summer months. Mrs. J. B. A'an Bergen and Mis. M. R. Knyes, of Sanderson avenue, have re turned from a three wpoks' stay at At lantic Oily. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Smith, of Monsey avenue, linve left for a two weeks' stay In Boston and New York city. A'ance 11. Lidstone. of Sanderson ave nue, Is spending the day at Gtwn Grove, where lie Is the guest of Dr. D. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn and chil dren will leave today for Clark's Green, where they will spend the summer. Dr. AValler Fordliam and Mr. Bean, of the central city, will occupy the Dunn resi dence until October 1. The entertainment given In the par lors of the Ashury Methodist Episcopal church, under the auspices of the Kp worth league, wus n successful and unique affair. Miss Pearl Lldstone had charge of the tableaux, which were well taken by the following persons: ' The Misses Llllie Brooks, Marlon Taylor, May AVIlllalns, Arlenlse Grlflln, Bessie Stnekhouse, and Pwight Stafford, Levi Taylor, II. R. Smith. AV. R. Kellow and Ebo AVIlllams. Miss Laura Mcldrum played a piano solo In her usual pleas ing manner, nnd Pi of. Vanilervekun, violinist, and Mr. Glppcl, baritone, ren dered several delightful selections, and Miss AVeatherhogg and Miss Elsie Powell added much to the pleasure by their recitation and solos, OBITUARY. WILLIAM LA MONTE, aged 31 yeais, died last evening at lhe homo of Ids mother, Mrs. Fiuncls La Monte, at S10 Madison uvenue, He was a young man .of sterling character and had been identllled with the In ternational Text Book company since the business was established here un der the nama of the Colliery Engineer company, For the last llvo years hu has been In New York, giving special attention to the publication depart ment of the company, For suveial yeurs Mr, La Montu's health has not been vigorous, but about four months ago his condition became serious, though hopes were entertained that ho would recover, When the fuut that he could not live was revealed to hlni ho met the summons with calmness and Christian resignation, and fell asleep In the hope of a blessed linmortullty, lie was a dutiful son and a consistent member of the First Presbyterian church, of this city. He is survived, by his sister, Miss Anna La. Monte, and two brothers, Wellington and Ar thur La Monte. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon from the residence. THE PLAIN FACTS ABOUT OUR BUSINESS THERE are always some persons who do not believe what Is said In an advertisement, no matter hov careful the advertiser may be to say absolutely nothing that would not stand tho strictest Investigation. This Is because the reader does not take the trouble to find out )ust why a company like this, for Instance, should make offers to the public which are such an advantage to them when comparod'wlth the offers made by Il3 competitors. This In a new company started here In Scranton. AVo thought . that by doing away with several of tho more expensive anil disagreeable features of the old-fashioned concerns, wo should he able to lend money on household furniture ut such moderate rates that even the very poorest people could easily afford to get a small loan to help them over some llnnnclal dlltlculty. ONE Y ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. ''jpHIS company asks for your patronage on the distinct understanding that 1 our new methods give you a positive advantage. Every word hero Is . absolutely true. You will notice that we do not print tricky sentences words which say one thing and really mean something else. Hero are the leosons why yoou should come here If you nro In debt and need a loan If you want new clothes or any thing else nnd need ready cash to get them In older to keep up a good appearance before your trlcnilx. No other security Is demanded hevo except the furniture. That means that you will wot have to get some one to endorse papers for you. Our rates are the lowest In Lacka wanna county. AAV do not charge compound Interest at all, AVe charge no Interest on the paid-up principal. And the furniture Is left with you. $10 to $500 Loaned Within 25 riiles of Our Offices. NEW PHONEIo, 282Q. F. O. BOX 94, Scranton Loan Guaranty. Company No. 207 Wyoming Avenue. NEAR COR. SPRL'CP. ST. SOUTHSGRANTON VETERAN DIES ON EVE OF ME MORIAL DAY. Philip Rader Passed Away Yester day at the Family Residence on Birch Street His Splendid Record of Four Years' Service in the Ciil War Entertainment Given by St. i Mary's Glee and Dramatic Club. School Exercises Other Notes and Personal Mention. Just on tho eve of Memorial day, an other old soldier answered the last roll call. Philip Kuder, who died early yes terday morning from cancer of the stomach, .nt the family residence, ::1C '-f'V :V-'". -''-'v ' "" " .".?-"A' HKSfiiW '., "S YW5, ' Zlfi i ' ssy? i, . ftVteV. '"'.miF'i', 3mk. v fttftf. -... .v.. - ': am, m . mims fz r 's,v - - '- 'rc., '-. v -. tf PHILIP TtADBR. Birch street, had an honorable dis charge of which anyone might be proud and his record as a Union soldier will nlways be cherished as a precious leg acy by the members of his family. He was boin In Bavaiia In 1S14, and came to this count y with his parents when 10 years old and settled in Peters burg, this county. Later the family moved to Mauch Chunk, where they were when the Civil war bioko out. Mr. Itador's father was drafted for service, but hhi place was taken by tho subject of this sketch, who served with dis tinction In tho Tenth New Jersey In funtry for nearly four years. He was present at the battles of Spotsylvania und Cold Harbor, nnd also took an active part In the seven days' buttle of the Wilderness, and numer ous other fights. He passed through all the dreadful carnage of those bloody days without injury. At the close of the war Mr. Under returned to his home nt Mauch Chunk, whero he lived until 1805, when he returned to this city. His death has cast u pall of gloom over the community, where he was loved und re spected by all who knew hlni. The funeral will take place tomorrow. A high mass of ie!uiem will be cele brated In St. Mary's German Catholic church at S a, m when the family will attend, and at 11,30 a. m. services will be held 'at the hnuso by tho Hov. Peter Christ. At I p, m. the remains will bo taken to tho Jersey Central station to be sent to Muuch Chunk, where Inter ment will bo made In St, Joseph's Ger man Cnthollo cemetery at 2 p. m, Sun day afternoon. All Civil war veterans and friends are Invited to uttend tho obsequies ut noon tomorrow, School Exercises, Memorial exercises were held yester day by the Grammar C class In No. 3 school, on I'ltt3ton avenue. A stirring patriotic programme, which hud been arranged by the teachers, was excel lently rendered by the following schol ursi Louise Mnus, Lorettn Maloney, Stella Ilanseii, Kntln Hope, Martha Knrn aclier, Mary Vnughun, Harbara TutTy, Katie Mlrtz, Emilia Neuls, Harry Kolb, George Hosar, Fred Sunday. Entertainment and Dance, A clever entertainment iwns given nt St. Mary's hall, lu tho rear of Hickory street, last evening, under the uusplces of St. Muryjs Glee and Dramatic asso ciation. iThe affair was largely patron ized, (ind w'as excellent In every respect, The programme, os published some time ago, was rendered entire and the fol lowing members participated: George J. Robllng, George J. Schnei der, John A. AVllcom, Henry Bohr, Isa- &4'Mvf --A4- "&m: utfc. s s. sfeSKHt.r :i i r ..;y f TO LOAN There cm be no publicity with this plan of ours. Even your own family need not know. Our expenses are less per loan. There fore, our terms can lie more liberal, and me so. You pay In small, easy Instalment", whenever you can spate the money easiest. AVo do not keep you waiting for the loan. SCRANTON. PA. dore Miller, Joseph F. Coniyid, John E. Seasegger, Joseph A. Moser, August II. Borr, Albert Blshofsberger, Theodore Nelle, AVllliam A. Albrocht, Charles U. Neher, John Kline, Fred AVoiuer, John J. Stelnbnch and Jacob Miller. NUBS OF NEWS. Police Officer Christ Itose stepped on a cobblestone in getting oft n car, yes terday, and sprained his back. Hu w-hs unable to report for duty last night. Mrs. Francis, of lireck street, will spend the npxt two months at Statcs vlile, and Columbus, O. Dr. Schley's Lung Henli.ig Balsam Is guaranteed to cure all coughs. "No cure, no pay." For at" by all dealers. General Grant comimimlery, Knights of Malta, will meet in regular s-csslon this evening. The funeral of C.irl Kneller will take place at " p. m. this afternoon. The Junger Maennerehor held their final rehearsal In Schimpff's hall last evening. The plans for the re-bulldlng of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal church and construction of the new parsonage nie out, and the committee will advertise for bids for the work soon. Mrs. F. P. Doty Is visiting her moth er, at Barton, N. Y. li,A Jones is quite 111 nt his home on Pittston avenue. DUNMORE. The shirt waist social, given in Man ley's hall last evening under tho aus pices of the St. Vincent de Paul f-o-eiety, was one of the most largely al ttnded affairs of the kind held in this place in years. The well earned repu tation of this society as capital 'enter tainers, always Insures a full house, but last night's crowd exceeded all expectations. Music was furnished by SVahler Brothers orchestra. The fol lowing young men compilscd the ilonr commlttten: Paul J. Corry, Frank Cullen. A. J. Golden, John Burke, Wil liam Caw ley, AVllliam Crane, Edward Caw ley, Thomas Taylor, James O'Hora, James Koran. Mrs. Arthur Close and Mrs. Sudler Hopkins have leturned from a visit with Philadelphia friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenss left yes terday for a slay with friends in New York. Newman AVinters, of Factoryvllle, Is visiting F. F. Slovens, of Green Ttidge stieet. Dumuoro council, No. in.'.', Junior Order United American Mechanics, will Join with the Grand Army of ths Republic In parailo and services this morning. Lino will form at Odd Fel lows' hall at S. 15 o'clock. ' Miss AVnrdell visited Carboudale friends yesterday. Miss Mary Tatt. of Blakely street, has returned from u visit with friends In BrookIn. Mrs, Edward Naugglo and daughter, of Pittston, are visiting at the homo of Frank Sunders, on Blakely street. OLYPHANT The postofflce will be open today be tween the hours of ti and 12 o'clock. Miss Mumle Burke, of Park place, Is tho guest of Miss Nellie Gallagher, of Lackawanna stieet. J, J. Faddeu, clerk at the Million house,ls 111. Mis. E. C. Longucro and children, of Hyde Park, are visiting relatives at this' place, Many fiotn here attended the eistedd fod In the new armory at Scranton last night. Workmen have commenced the es cavatlon for the new building of Prof. M, AV. Cunimlngs on Delaware street. Miss B. Walker, of Upper Dunmore street, has gone to Montio.se for a visit. The soldiers will decorate the graves of their dead coiuiudcs at St, P.Uiick's und Union cemetery this morning. A requiem mass for the deceased members of tho C. M. It. A, will be celebrated In St, Patilck's church this morning at s o'clock, The lettets uncalled for at the Oly phant postolllco are us follows: D, 11. Evans, AV, G, Unwind, Blanche Mm an, William Chanibeilaln, Maty Grllllths, John Jones, AA'llllam AV, Jones, George Shei man, M, V, Cumiulngs. Jr., iccelved a vul- iHOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS for Children. Mother dray, for M" nuiw In the Clitlduu' Home In New Vml., ireatnl h. dren uiccvufully tyli a remedy, now iiptui and iiliciJ in the duiK tloiw, (ailed Jloiher llraj'ii Sweet Powder for Children. 'Ihey au litnuku ai mill., iile.KJnt to take and never (all. A certain two lor feirrulinvxi, eoiutlpa lion, head ache, leethinar and .toiiuch ilWui. den and remote ornn. At all ilruirirt. 23c, Don't accept any substitute. Sample wnt I'lllH.'. Addrei Allen S. Olnutcd, l.e Hoj,' S. V. is 1 Today's News Boys' Summer Clothing Lifach Quite Uach fane stnrl Qtrau Viuau kJUiivJi iiuijii juJij uiiu uiiiun e Hats. A Quantity to Select from j at the Lowest Prices in the City... fltlirHflV Will be a busy day. Bring the boy and 3d.lUlUaj see our line before buying elsewhere. ) HOW WaSIIUIMO Sailor IflOIISB Willis in an enaiess variety oi pretty colors, dark and light. Trimmed in a splendid man- f ner, 3 to 9 years. Priced at 5C i Sailor Suits The kind you can wash and not be afraid of the colors running. Crash, Duck and Cheviot are the goods used In this splendid suit. Come In dark and light colors, assortment choice and a garment you may have paid up to $1.25 for. Our price . u VOC Waslllble Knee Pant"!. '25c An assortment of styles that will please you. and best bands, Made goood, in fact, just the same , if made' by yourself, sizes 3 to 10 years. Dark and light colors jLoC Boy'S Cap The kind if he does kick It around in the mud.you can put it In the tub, wash It and it looks about as good as new. ,- All colors and styles. Every size. Priced at XdC Boys' Luundried and Soft Shirt Waists The new idea for the boys. All colors and styles, with and without collars, 5 to 13 years, Made of Fine Madras Cloth, including white. Priced at &UC Special I.Ot or Waists ailtl IllOIISes In mostly dgrk colors, 4 to 1 2 years. This waist is made for hard service and the . price is certainly an incentive for you to buy Saturday at JtOC Boys' SailOP IflltS Broad and narrow rims, all colors and styles., Every size. The small boy and the large boy can be suited ' here. Priced at 25C and OVC Klice PailiS All wool, plain blue, plaids and checks, made from remnants of tailored cloth, a line of the first quality no shoddy mate rial. Best waist band, all seams taped, buttons riveted. Sizes . 3 to 15 years. Priced at 5UC Boys' and Children's Sailor Straw Hats in dark colors. Priced for Saturday at a special price 1 yC Friday Being a Holiday, the Big Store Will Be Closed All Day. SUMMER RESORTS Fern Hall, Crystal Lake, Duntlaff, Pa. Opens for llic seasou, June ist, 1902. C. E. Johnson, Prop. BEAUTIFUL LAKE WESAUKING On a pur of tin' AlloRliany MomiMiiK. Li'lilgti Villcy lailmiil; ncir Towmla llitliliu, (Villi!,, KJOIt.-, itP. i:Cfllllll tlllllC. HlUiKIII llill' I.IR'3. LAKE WESAUKING HOTEL T, O., Ai'C, l'a. Semi foi lnv.l.k't. (.'. K. IIAHItlS. Atlantic City. THC WBSTMlNfSTSR Kentucky ave., near H'-jcIi, Atlantic City. Open nil the j r.i i , Kun I'arlor, Klcutor mul all modern iiniinicuii.iiU tpitlal Spil",' ll.tlci. CltAS. IIUURE, Prop. HOTEL RICHMOND. Kintuiky Mtimv. Hut Hotel fiom UmcIi, At. lantiL Cltj, . J.; W O'c.iu new roiim-,! ia ra'.'ity IU0; willc for fpccial utw. J, . Ji'iilt' iiu, Prop. norr.i. soriinitN On ViiKiiil.i ini'iiuo. Hit' nlUust nlul wont ftiHlilnimliln In AtKinllP HtV ,v,tllln 'J few vauls c.f tin. Kniiimis Htt"l I'lor und Tiimi ilwnlli 11ml In tnmt t tlui most ilo HliublQ lutliliil,' uroiiiulH. All iiimi'iil onci'N. I'liivutor ti) Btroct liivcl, hot and rokl ImtliH. Tallin pxccllciil. Afcommo (Intloiw l'nr tin mi Immlriil. 'Ioiiiih mouor ate. W'oft-"ool-u.Tl0TWB,,I. uulile 1I0K tills week from I. P. Amler F011. who Is ii lirceiu from l.tinclon, Knijlaiul. J0RMYIN AND MAYF1ELD. Today will lio observed as 11 Keneral linllilay and nil Hie stoics of the two boroufi'liH will bp'uloHcil. Tho Jerinyn io3to(lleo will be open Irani 10,30 to 12 o'clock in the morning und from L'.M until I o'clock In the afternoon. The only thing dolus locally In tho parailo of the lloyH' brlirade, Veteians and Sons ot VeteraiiH, which tuliea place thin morning at W.in o'clock, to bo followed with appropiiato exercises at thu ceme tery. This evriilmr an I'litertalliiiient, eiitltlfd "A Da in l.'amp." will lie given In Knterpiisd hall. Admission, adults, 15 cents: children, 10 cents. The Hchool board mot last eveninu to clone up Hie yenr's buslneht., as three of the directors have served their term or nearly ho, tho teiin explrinn Jlon day, when William II, Moreoni, of tho First; Thomas Hunter, of the Second, and James Kdnuiiul3, of the Third waul, will end their term. .Mr. itorconi, how ever, will succeed liluiboir, liavlnj; been elected at the last election for another term of thteu years. William KliUpat rlcU will succeed Thomas Hunter, and John J. Median, of the Third ward, will succeed Thomas Kdmuuda. The board will reorganize on Monday evening. Uev, M. D. Fuller Is fitllllllinr nn en gagement, made several mouths ago, at Afton. N. Y.. today. Elijah Stephens, the well-known leader 1 "Standard" Sugar Corn io a Can This is a canned goods value without an equal. Department Stores have made similar offers, for 1 an hour at a time. Here the bargain is open until the goods are sold. The Corn Is the stood $uect Southern Product. Every 50c purchase en titles you to guess on the strikes' duration, with a chance to secure a part of the $300 in Prizes. The Joyce Stores I y of tho Citizens band, expects next week to movo his family to Livingstone, Mont. Ills lohs will bo distinctly felt by tho people of tho town and vicinity, and we are sorry to lose hlni. Miss Florence Nicholson, of Scranton, is visiting Jermyn fiicfuls. G. Arthur Fowler has secured a posi tion as bookkeeper with Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., of Scranton. Tho Women's Home Missionary soci ety met yesterday at the home of Mrs.i T, n. Urawfoul, on Second street. ,J Mrs, J. 1). Williams, Mrs. rtdbeit I'.ury and daughter, Dorothy, of Dim more, called 011 Jermyn friends yester. day. The Young Mpn's Institute soclots will meet In their rooms this morning at 7.30 o'clock to attend the 8 o'clock mass In SaereM Heatt chinch. Tho Citizens band gave a thoroughly enjoynblo open-air concert yesterday afternoon fiom the lawn In front of Br J, S. Graves' residence, on North Malt street. Tho concert was listened to with great pleasure by a large number of people, Corporations Chartered. By ExcliHltit Wire from The Askochtnl Prc-n. Hunching, May 29, Charters were Is sued at llio state department today us follows; Paradise Hrook Trout company, l'.uaillBu Valley, .Monroe county; capital, JS.OOO. Tho Colliery Knglneer company, Scianton; capital. II. W V ( 5 O' i..Mti6h&tk!kX&M! iiL. ... . A J.t 'm ' -, . ii. wuyi tat V - .r.. i-msmm HIEiaiS wm iim&L,i- miim.m iiimmmmMMmmm yifiJa$8BW .' Mai- m. -f ; j- ----- -"iT-r '- .'- - . . - Jr.' - . .- --r- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers