SI iTtt i. "CS ?mwm M i "Vit'j ti it".-:. v: V Jftf'nf, i .j ttJt! 4; ''&K wjt & ,i''aif, JfcsKKfei ..Si - -CM -fjif,; w r irf !.' i.J'r. T -; '-- . r .'-; -s ( ,vf f "'T ,fcw V y , . it, "V Tl i . i.t e. fi " fit. THE StfRAtfTON TRIBdNE-FRIDAV, MAV 30i 1902. fl) wi j, 1 J ' ', w-"HVJrvTTf:'?v wra "-! wHi( DOOC tUC MOMUlt HAADWAM iTOW. The Cooper Hose Mender Mends garden hose on nhort notice. N'o tnc chanlcal skill required to use It. Made of brass slips Inside of hose leaves no roush edges. Price 10 Cents. Footc & Shear Co. JJ9N. Washington Are :ooooooooooc Title Guaranty and Trust Go,, STOCK FOB SALE. Wc are particularly anxious to put this stock In the hands of those who will Rive the company business. If you are looking: for n good Investment, como and seo us. The value of this stock will Increase. Wo recommend this stock to ladles and conservative men Investors. We have pleasant of fices In the Connell building. Open till noon today. It. E. Comegys & Co. Phone, 109. The Hardenbergh School of Mdsic and Art Offers the exceptional advan tages of piano and organ study with Mr. Summer Salter, an artist teacher of recognized standing In the musical world. Only a limited number of hours being available, pupils may register now for full. 604 Lin den street. Mothers BABY'S OUTFITS here awaiting YOXI. The most Comfortable and easily dressed BABY is the one clothed in the little gar ments that you buy at the I BABY BAZAAR 118 Washington Avenue. PETER N. HAAN livery, Boarding, Heavy-Teaming and General Braying. . New Stables, 1415 Mulbery Street. New 'Phone 2057. Slippery Stuff. When drawing your pay lay aside a portion of It for a rainy day, by using our savings department. THE PEOPLE'S BANK PERSONAL. Attorney D. U. Iteplogle lins gono to Buffalo on buolness, to bu gone about live days. General Roadmaster J. J. Neallc. ut tlio Lackawanna railroad, was la tlio city yesterday. Vice President K. K. I.nomls, of tho Lackawanna, ralhoad, was in tlio city lust evening. P. B. H. Kinbaek is hcilously 111 at bis home on Madison avenuo. Ho Is threat ened with uppendlc(tls. Alderman John Hoivo will be ono of tlio hpeukers at tlio Memorial Day exercises at Wavctly, Pa., toduy. Sirs. M. J. Owens, of Now York city, is spending u fow days at the homo of Mis. Joseph on South Hyde Park avenue. Mr. Honry Eaton, tho distinguished tenor, of Mori Mown, N, J Is an Inter ested attendant upon the eisteddfod. Cieneittl Delivery Cleik David II. Jen kills, of the postolllco, will attend a con vention of mull clerks at Ilurrlshurg to day, Alderman Kusson left yesterday to spend Memorial Day at his old homo In Montrose, Ho will bo absent until Mon lay. Charles P. KitIb, of New York, for ncrly of Serunton, Is upending u few days In tho city, the guest of Charles II, Docrsum, W, U. lltxsun, superintendent of bridges nnd buildings on tho J.ucku wunna railroad, will leave this nvcnlng for Ohio, where he has been railed by the serious illness of his mother. Dr. Lindabury, Surgeon, diseases of women a specialty, 215 Connell building, Hours; 11 u. in. to 4 p. m.j 7 to 8.30 p.m. It Will lie a Great Conceit that you will It our o n thu evening of June 3 at St. Luke's Parish house. Mr, Pennington, director of. tho CONS B It VA TOItY will pro bent tho pro gruinmo. assist cd by MrsLo noro Thompson, contralto, "nd Mr. VvpjI Will. mayor, violinist. The dlugrum for ro nfived seats Is now open ut tho CON8EK-VTOHv- AH ATTBBNOOW WEBDHfO. Solemnised At the Home of Frof. A. Llano, 032 Clay Avenue. A pretty weddlnjr was solemnised yes terday at noon, nt tho home of the bride's brother-in-law, Prof, A. Llnno, 832 Clny avenue, In the presence of Im mediate friends nnd relatives. The bride, Miss Hutdnh llollls, and the groom, M. Charles Mullen, are well known and popular young people from New York. They will spend their honey moon nt Delnwhre Water Gap, after, which they will tnkc up their resldenco lit New York city. Tho groom was attended by George Walres, Jr., of tho West Side, nnd the bride by Miss Dorothea Fischer, of Clny avenue. The ceremony wns performed by Hew K. P. Hitter, pastor of Holy Trinity Kvnngollcnl Lutheran church, Adams avenue nnd Mulberry street. NOW THE VIADUCT. Recorder Connell Has Practically Becided That Bids Must Be Asked for at Once. Recorder Connell hus spent consider able time In tho last few days looking over the viaduct ordlnunco, recently de clared legal and valid by tho Supreme court, and the papers In connection therewith, Including the bond filed by tho Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West ern and Serunton Hallway companies, together with their proposition agree ing to puy the cost of erecting 'the structum. He has practically decided that the terms of the ordinance must bo fol lowed out at once, and that the viaduct must bo bullous soon us possible. It has not been decided ns yet how the bids shall be advertised for. Under second-class city laws the recorder and director of public works would be the officials who would open the bids and award the contract. The ordinance, however, provides that the city clerk 'shall advertise for bids and that the councils shall award the contruct. This Is only a detail, how ever. Tho important point is that a viaduct Is to be built In the very near future and that It Is going to be a sen sible kind of a viaduct, one extending from curb to curb and completely blocking up tho dungerous West Lnck uawnna avenuo crossing. PURCHASED FOB. $35,000. Old L. I. & S. Store Building Bought by Underwear Company. The old Lackawanna Iron and Steel company's store building at Lacka wanna and Jefferson avenues has been purchased by the Imperial Underwear company In which former Senator M. E. McDonald, Perry Wentz and George Wentz are interested. The purchase price was $33,000. The building will be used us an un derwear factory and the company will move as soon as practicable from Its present quartet s in the Burr building. Fifty hands are employed at present, but this number will be largely in creased. A power plant will be erected on a. vacant lot In the rear of the Lack awanna Iron and Steel company's building, which was included In tho purchase. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading short letters of inteicst will he published when accompanied, for publica tion, by the writer's name. The Tiihune does not aasume responsibility (or opinions lure cxprc&eU. Tribute to the Late John Jermyn. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: It Is with sorrow that I Irani of tlio death of John Jermyn, of this city. At his passing there comes vividly to mind my oailicst experiences of this, my land by adoption. To meeting him In London, through a member of parlia ment, I attribute my presence In this favored land today. Kecnlllng his unpre tentious life, I desire to speak of him now In tho silence of death In language becoming and ehur.icteilMlc of bis life. On arriving in an adjoining stato I wrote him a letter, which was responded to, tho reply containing lines In part to this effect: "If you ever como this way, cull and vlsdt us." I acted upon thes-c suggestive lines and came on to his homo ut Jermyn, whoru I was a guest In bis family, during which time. I was offered u, position in his store, which I cheer fully accepted, Uelng but a low weeks here, I was at that time unsettled In mind na to my future, heneo my former reference to him in your columns of a few weeks slnco as my benefuctor. His noble act at so opportune a time could justify no less an apppllatlnn. During my stay with him, he always evidenced a sincere Interest In my welfare. My coming hero was made pleasant at the start, and through this my early experiences In tho country ure Inspiring nnd pleasant recollections. As nu Illus tration of his sincerity, ho on more than ono occuhlon expressed n deslrn to havo mo enter and make a study of tho mines with a vlow to literary result:', be lieving such an Innovation would be populur nnd lucrative. Tho writer recalls with pleasure his noblo rcfernces to tho land of his birth, no less than his appreciation of this, tho country of his adoption. lie took greut pride In a citizenship or this grand repub lic. My personal Impression of him was that ho was a man easy to approach, en joying a friendly chat with any of his employes, especially those of a pructical turn of mind. Ho was a self-mudo man, of good heart and Judgment, of keen perception and well balanced mind. Ilo was in sympathy with those from tlio land of his birth and had an open heart for nil. Unmoved by tho glamour of wealth or its attendant onsequcnecs, ho retained his curly and customary natural courtesy to all. These lines nro wrltton In sympathy for tho llfo now gono out. Hy a former employe, Frederick Hartnoll. ? MILK BETTER THAN CREAM. Sounds Strange Doesn't ItP Tho milk referred to Is Dr, Hand's Condensed Milk with phosphates and hypophosphltes added. While It Is es pecially recommended for Infants and Invalids ns the most perfect senil-solld food, It should also be understood that It Is equally good Jor tho entire rumlly. It Is far better thun cream for coffee, and does not need to bo kept on Ico. See window display at Phelps' phar macy, Booklets containing genuine photo graphs, testimonials and Information cheerfully mailed or given out from tho home office, Address, The Dr, Hand Condensed Milk Co., U3 Franklin Avenue. Imported Wurzburger beer draught at tho Brunswick. on To Do Away with Small Kegs. By Exeluiho Wire (rom The Auocltted Wax Washington, May SO. The bill of Rep resonlutlvo Ovflbtreet, of Indiana, abol ishing tho one-eighth keg of beer wus favorably uctcd upon by tho ways and nicuiib commlttco toduy, Tho meutnire 13 desiied by tho beer trude, In order to do away with the small kegs. THEY WONT BE REINSTATED MEN WHO QUIT WORK MONDAY CAN'T GET BACK. Ono of the Big Coal Officials Says They Will Take Their Jobs with Them No Difficulty in Keeping the Mines Clear of Water Is Ex pectedBelief That Only Small Percentage of Men Will Quit. The Eight Hour Demand May Be Withdrawn. The offlclnla of tho big coal companies operating mines In and nrotind this city seemed more convinced than ever yes terday that very few of the engineers, pumpmen nnd firemen will obey the strike order Issued by President Mitch ell, calling upon them to quit work next Monday, A Tribune man hnd an extended In terview yesterday with the superintend ent of one of tho big coal companies. "You can sny," said he, "that every engineer, fireman or pumprunncr who quits work next Monday and deserts the company at this critical time will take his job with him. Under no con sideration will any of these men be taken back. Some will undoubtedly quit, but we don't expect any serious diffi culty. The majority of these men, more particularly the engineers, are going to stand by us. Of that we ure convinced. "The miners' belief that they could coerce us into yielding because of the possibility of our mines being flooded was not based on a knowledge of the real situation. Even should they all quit, we would be able to run our en gines and our pumps, We do not pro pose to let our mines get flooded and anybody who thinks we do hus another guess coming. Ever since the strike began wo have been keeping at each colliery anywhere from twelve to fifteen monthly men on our pay-rolls foremen, flrebosses, and the like. "These men have been kept In readi ness for any emergency and they will be put at work on Monday to tuke the places of any of the men who may quit. I am inclined to think that the men who may go out on Monday will be principally firemen. The engineers seem to be practically opposed to the strike order. They are men who have worked themselves up to their present places after long and hard years of toll, and they see no good reason why they should quit without any grievance." It was learned yesterday from a Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western official that that company will begin operations at one of its breakers just ns soon as a sufficient number of men will volunteer to go back to work. A number have already signified a desire to go back, but not a sufficient number to warrant the starting of one of the collieries. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company is operating its Diamond, Bellevue and Hampton washeries every other day, but the coal washed out is being used fntlrely at the company's several collieries. It was given out yes terday from the company's office that no attempt will be made for the present to furnish coal from any of tho wash eries to outside Interests. President T. D. Nlcliolls, of District No. 1, United Mine Workers of Amer ica, who has charge of the local end of the strike, said yesterday that there was no possibility of the strike "order being withdrawn, as requested by the joint meeting of engineers, pumprun ners and firemen held In .West Scran ton on Wednesday. WILL NOT BE WITHDRAWN. "This order could only be withdrawn at a joint meeting of the three execu tive boards," said he, "similar to the one which issued it. Such a meeting has not been called, nor will be called, as far as 1 know. I still think that tho strike order will be generally obeyed, but if it is not, I am inclined to favor the withdrawal of the demand for the eight-hour day for the engineers, puivp runners and firemen." President Nlrbolls refused to give out for publication the resolutions adopted at the West Scranton meeting. It was stated yesterday in a morning paper that tho Pauquolt silk mill would be obliged to shut down because of a lack of fuel. Manager Davis denied this statement yesterday. "We have no intention of shutting down the mill permanently," said he, "because we have a two months' supply of coal on hand. We shut down toduy and wilt remain shut until Monday, be cause of the annual boilpr inspection. There's no truth in the story at all." Tho Erie company Is making prepar ations for the fencing of all their ol llerles In Dunmore. Lines were stnked yesterday at No, 5 shaft. A fence eight feet high, surmounted by two strands of barb wire. Is to hp built, all of which looks like anything but an early settle ment of tho present trouble. HAVE CONCEDED. The following Is from the Hazleton Item of Wednesday: "The St. Clair Coal company, oper ators of the second largest individual colliery In the Schuylkill region, have granted the demands of the pumpmen, engineers, etc., for an eight-hour day at tho same wages during tho present strike and agree to grant any conces sions nccorded the men nt tho cxnlr atlon of the strike by the other oper ators. Tho men have accepted the offer. "The operators of tho E. White com pany at Wadesvllle, u. mile from St, Clair, have also granted tho same con cessions, This colliery has not shipped any mined coal since the December flood, nnd wero it to fill up now it would never be reopened." A joint meeting of Local unions Nos. 1010, 1229 and 1624, of Prlceburg, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Dickson City borough building to formulate ways and means for bringing the engineers, firemen nnd pumprunuers In that part of tho district Into line before next Monday, "PHILLIE CLUB" ORGANIZED. Formed by Members of Melita Com mandery, Knights Templar, The members of Melita commandery, No, 68, Knights Templar, have already organized a "Phlllle club" for the pur pose of attending tho next annual gath ering In 1003 nt Philadelphia. The pilgrimage to the semi-centennial of the Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania wilt bo an Important event, and steps have ulready been taken to advance on the Quaker city, Two dozen or more have signified their Intention of Joining the dub. Partial arrangements have been en tered Into with the Central Railroad of New Jersey for a special train of Pull man cars, and a committee will go to Philadelphia next week to engage ac commodations for the club. THIS IS A THRILLER. Wayne County Man Kills Forty three Rattlesnakes'Singlehanded. Out of Wayne county there comes a weird and wonderful story of a man's fight for his life in a den of rattle snakes. ' The mnn lit Ihe ease Is Frank Hausch meycr, who lives nt Hondley's nnd who happened to step Into tho den of rattlo ,flnnkcs InBt Tuesday mornlnff, while out for a walk. Ho wns quickly hemmed In by a writhing muss of reptiles nnd picked up a club, with which he laid right nnd left. After he had killed a score or more of the snakes, he was bit on the end of the finger by one of them. Ho drew his trusty knife and with one slash hipped the end of the member off, thus pre venting tho poison from entering his blood. Then ho went back to his work of snake-kllllng until the bodies of forty-three reptiles lny prone on tho ground before him. Reports are thnt he has been "some what Indisposed" slnco his experience. TO BET 1500 ON THE SCRANTON TEAM Manager Lawson Will Risk That Amount on the Series of Oames with Lancaster. Manager Lawson, of the Scranton base ball team, when In Lnncnster ear ly In the week offered to bet Manager Carman, of the Lancaster club, $500 that Scranton would win tho series of six gnmes arranged for the two clubs. Manager Carman said he'd think tho matter over. Last night Manager Law son received n telegram from Manager Carman announcing that a, syndicate of Lancaster sports havo agreed to take up his offer, and that one of them will be here In town today to cover his money. If the money is put up by both sides this should greatly add to tho Interest In the gnmes and encourage the players to play as snappy ball as they are capable of. The first three games of tho scries will be played In this city. Scranton will play the Lancaster club this morn ing ut 10.15 and this afternoon at S o'clock. McGeary and Ralney will be the morning battery and either Wlltsc or Newberry will pitch In the after noon with Steinberg behind the bat. The last three games will be played in Lancaster on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. If it becomes necessary to play a seventh game the place for playing It will bo decided by the tois of a coin. There Is1 a possibility that Scranton may get Into either the New York State or Eastern league. Manager Lawson has written to Presidents Far rcll and Powers respectively asking to be given a chance to put his team in when the first vacancy occurs. The Illon team In the New York state league is understood to be In a shaky condition and It Is also under stood that base ball isn't paying In Jersey City, which is In the Easts league. Both these leagues arc fast, especially the latter, nnd there is no question but they will last out the whole season, HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI. Annual Meeting Will Be Held on Tuesday Evening, June 17. The executive committee of the High school alumni association held a meet ing yesterday afternoon in, the ofnee of the president, C. E. Daniels, and de cided to hold their annual meeting on Tuesday evening, Juno 17. J. J. Murphy, M. H. Jordan nnd Mis Ruhel Powell were appointed a commit tee on programme, and Wallace (J. Moser, Myer Kabatchnlk and John Mo Court a committee to arrange for the place of meeting. President Daniels wus directed to meet-the graduating class of 1A02 and extend to them an invitation to join the association and participate in the annual meeting. Several other mutters pertaining to the association's work were discussed and acted on, and the committee ad journed to meet again next Munduy afternoon at 4 o'clock In President Daniels' oflice. WHERE TO SPEND DAY. MEMORIAL Go with the Crowd on tho Opening Excursion to Lake Lodoie, The excursion season will open at Lake l.ocloro on Decoration dav. May "0. Among the many attractions will bo a spirited base bt contest for a purse of S25, between Scranton and Carbon dale crack ball teams. The famous Mozart band, whose superior dance music In recognised by all lovers of the fantastic, will turnlsh a delightful pro gramme In the mammoth balcouv en circled pavilion, with Its smooth and' hlghly-pollshcd floor. Caterer M. F. Faddcn will wvo refreshments In nbundancc. Tho beautiful lake will be enlivened with Its ileet of rowbonts, Its steam yacht, naphtha launches, and Its large and commodious excursion boat. Tho Delaware and Hudson ralttoud will run excursion trains, stopping at all stations, from AVIlkes-Barre, at greatly reduced excursion rates. Trains will leave Lackawanna avenue station at 9.15 and 10.KI a. in., and 1.28 p. m. Fare from Scranton, 75 cents. Special Mammoth Olives, 25c. per bottle; 88,80 per dozen. Havana Pines for preserving, 81,50 per dozen, Coursen Col, River Salmon, 80c. per can; value, 85c. Fancy Maine Sugar Corn, 12c; 81,80 per dozen. Windsor Manor, Spottswood Mixed Pickles, a3,; East In dia Gherkins, 35c; Chocolate Menier, 40c. per lb, E. G. COURSEN KELLERMAN STILLGAINING ONLY TWO DAYS MORE BEFORE CLOSE OF MONTH. Leaders Vising with Each Other for the Gold Watch Offered in The Tribune's Educational Contest A New Rule for the Closing Bay of the Month Stanton Wont Up An other Placo Yesterday. Standing of Contestants Folnti. 1. A, 3. Kellerman, Scrnnton.207 2. Charles Burns, Vnndllng. .154 3. Wm. T. S. Rodriguez, , Scranton 131 4. Herbert Thompson, Car- bondale 108 5. Maxwell Shepherd, Car- bondale 93 0, Albert Freedman, Belle vue 88 7. Harry Madden, Scranton . 85 8. Wm. Sherwood, Harford . . 54 0. Homer Kresge, Hyde Park 41 10. Orant M. Decker, Hall- stead 37 11. L. E. Stanton, Scranton. . 35 12. William Cooper, Prlceburg 34 13. A. J. Havenstrlte, Mos cow 31 14. Harry Banvers, Provi dence 85 15. Louis McCusker, Park Place 20 10. Miss Beatrice Harpur, Thompson 18 17. Lee Culver, Sprlngville . . 17 18. Walter Hallstead, Scran ton 15 19. C. J. Clark, Peckvllle 15 20. John Dempsey, Olyphant . 13 21. John Mackie, Providence. 13 22. Hutrh Johnson, Forest City 11 23. M i a s Edna Coleman, Scranton . . . 9 24. Ohas. W. Borsey, Scranton 7 25. Emanuel Buccl, Scranton . 7 26. Chns. O'Boyle, Scranton . . 5 27. Miss Nellie Avery, Forest City 4 28. Walter Ellis, Hyde Park. 3 89. Edgar Wilson, jr., Scran ton 2 30. R. D. Borsey, Scranton ... 1 31 0 32 O 33 0 A. J. Kellerman made another good return in The Tribune's Educational Contest yesteiday, and has now passed the second century. Charles Burns and William Rodriguez also increased their points, and it will be Interesting to watch tho leaders during the next two days, as eacli Is anxious to secure the gold watch offered for the largest num ber of points secured during the month. Of coiuso only one can win, but those who fail will have a good start in the main contest and will be just so much nearer a spjfial reward of great value. In order that the rules may be per fectly fair to all contestants, both In Scranton and tho?e who reside In other towns, there will be a slight change in the usual custom of crediting points at the close of the last day of the month. The hour for closing will bp 5 o'clock, just the same as usual, but contestants out of town will be credited with all points mailed before 5 o'clock, lnstcnd of crediting only those which are received at The Tribune office be fore 3 o'clock. The postmark will de termine whether the letter was mailed before that hour, and contestants should ascertain from their postmnstffr just how early In the afternoon it will bo necessary to mail a letter in order to have it postmarked 5 p. m. or 'earlier. The special honor prise for the month of June will bo announced on Monday morning, In the same Issue that the winner of the gold watch will be an nounced. What this will be has not yet been determined, but it will be well worth working for nnd fully equal In value to the one offered for May. There was only one change in the standing of contestants yesterday. L. E. Stanton, who has been climbing steadily up the list, went up another place and this morning appears In eleventh position. There were several entries yesterday nnd It Is expected that mora will follow so ns to bo ready to commence active work with the opening of the new month. A full explanation of tlio con test appears on the fourth page. Crayon, Pastel and Water Color Por trait Enlargements. The preservation of perfect likeness in the reproduction, is a feature of - y GENUINE I Best Qualities $5,00 and upwards. Straw Hats of Every Description. 412 Spruce Street 309 Lackawanna Avenue. Dr. Del in el's Linen Underwear Money to Loan On Watches, Diamonds and Gold Jewelery Imtit Rates of Interest, Private Offices, Davidow's, 307 Lackawanna Aye, i I wf&$Jam Hehrlever's afttatlc enlarged portraits, In black nnd white, or colors, The Oold .Medal Studio's special artist may be consulted personalty, re garding Important details of orders. Imported Wurzburger beer draught at tho Brunswick. on Memorial Day. Our Store Will Remain Closed All Day. lit BROS Weddings We have our own plant for Engraving and Printlug Invitations and Announcements. We do the work artisti cally, properly and as well as New York or Philadelphia. Our reputation for high-class work is an established fact, and is only equalled by our desire and ability to serve you quickly and correctly. Samples sent promptly. We Use Hurd's Papers Only. VIE HAVE THE ONLY Engraving Plant in the City. R. E. Prendergast Engraving, Plate Printing, Die Stamping, 207 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. IOHBBMBnMMBBBVBBMMHaaaHBVHBB WHAT IS PROPER Iii Wedding Stationery need give you no concern. Come to us. Tell us how many wed rlinpr Invitations you require, how many announcements, how many cards, etc. Wo will ask you questions enough in regard to names and dates to enable us to get out all the stationery In the most L-nnect form. There will bo no mistakes, and the engraving will be done in a style that will leave nothing to be desired. If the work docs not. suit, we will do it over. II t does not suit then, you need not take It. We lilt your order promptly, and we charge you a price that you can afford to pay. The en Braving Is not cheap work. It is good work, at a reasonable price. Stationers, A GAS will remove all anxiety as to the Coat Supply for your kitchen, and will also save your wife much of the drudgery of housekeeping. Cooking with 6as "gSTX & more convenient. We are offering to our gas consumers Double Oven Gas Cooking Ranges for $9.75 and up. This price includes putting them n your kitchen ready for use. All connections free on tlrst floor. How About Hot Water? A Hot Water Heater connected to your kitchen boiler answers that question, We have them. Price connected, $10. Fuel gas, gross $1,00 ; net 90 and 80 cents per thousand. Ranees and Hot Water Heaters on exhibition at our wltf- room, No, 126 Washington Avenue. OPEN EVCNIMjS Scranton Gas Lubricating OILS MaIon?y Oil & Manufacturing Company, t 141-149 Meridian Street. A QUO 'PHONE G2'S, NEW 'PHONE SBBl J We solicit your trade la T :: Wheelbarrows, : : Coal and : : Dirt Picks, Shovels, Sledges and Drag Scrapers. : : Bittenbenuer&E. lo-iB rranKim Ave. $ You Can Save 30 per cent, on the dollar when you purchase direct from the manufacturer. Our lis of Umbrellas and Parasols is large and complete, and embraces all the latest pat terns. We guarantee all out goods. Scranton Umbrella Manufacturing Co. 313 Spruce Street. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Barre, Pa. ' Stationary Engines, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. Scranton, Pa. RANGE 1 J UN III U U LLUtlt, & Water Co. and Burning: $ JSk&i?&2L-Ui.!& .h:w..1 -.-.,.-:. .... ,. ., ... MkAMMMilHHaHHBMaBMflBIMaaiiMHMaMiMMaiMriMMMaaMMi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers