h ,; r?. m : IV . ' ' M 'ii fi . 1 & Vii THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-YEDKESDAY, MAY 28, 1902. U A, .jirt NORTHEASTERN ' PENNSYLVANIA o MONTROSE. tptcltl to the Fcrnnton Trlbutif. Montrose, Mny 2T. A. L. Cooper, "f P.ilton, was the guest or Ills parents, Rev. nntl Mrs, A. W. Cooper, nt the Methodist piirBoungo over Sunday. lion. Jitnics T. Du Hols, or Hntlstead, who n visitor In town yesterday, ami nttended the funeral of the Into V.D. Ltisk. The Into Prof. Hunton K, .Tnntes cur ried life Insurance to the amount of 7.000. Miss Francis K. Anunertnan spent Sunday at this home of her mother In Scrnnton. The independent Republican Issued nn "extra edition" on Friday afternoon containing the confession, retrnctlon nnd apology of Messrs. S. H. Wright, of Montrose, and Thomas Kllrow. of Great Bend, lelntlve to the circulars, which they caucd to lie printed and 'Irculnted a few weeks ago. defaming the personal character and business Integrity of Congressman C. ' Fred Wright i of his brother, the late M. It. Wright, and rollcctlng upon the char acters of other members of the Wright family. Messrs. Wright and Kllrow made the irtractlon only when con fronted with the alternative of under going a prosecution for criminal libel and violation of postal laws of the United States. The Republican ulso contained a fine half-tone portrait of the late Prof. Benton K. James. Sirs. Haskell It. Benedict and daugh ter. Bertha, of Owego. were the guests of friends In this place over Sunday. The funeral of the late William T. Luslc was largely attended from the residence of Sarah McCollunt.on Maple ptrcet, yesterday. Rev. K. A. Warrl mer. of St. Paul's Episcopal church, ofllclated. The active pallbearers were: IT. P. Bead. W. II. Warner. A. B. Smith, II. A. Lyons. Charles R. Sayre and W. D. B. Alncy. The honorary bearers were: Henry F. Turrell, S. B. Rogers, Simon B. Chase, Dana F. Austin, Wil liam M. Post, n. S. Searle. There was a wealth of floral offerings, among them being designs sent by the mem bers of the Susquehanna, county bar; one from officers of the First National bank of Montrose, of which the de ceased was formerly the president; two floral pillows, one from Mrs. Lusk, bearing the Inscription "Husband," and the other 'from the children, Inscribed "Father." There were numerous other offerings of (lowers from friends. Among the out-of-town relatives pres ent were: Hon. James T. Du Bois and wife, of. Hallstead;- Hon. Simon B. Chase, of Hallstead: Page Dayton and William Barnes, of Great Bend. The Episcopal service was Impressively read by Rev. Mr. Wnrrlner, and sev eral hymns were rendered effectively by h quartette. The funeral of the late Professor lientpn K. James was very largely at tended Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the Methodist Episcopal church. The great concourse of people crowded both the transept and the large audi torium of thP church, every Inch of standing room biting: occupied, and sev eral hundreds of people were turned away, while others hovered about the church entrance throughout the ser vice. In splto of the brisk showers which prevailed much of the time. The Masonic lodge, fifty strong, was pres ent In a body, as was also the pupils of the Montrose public school to the number of four hundred, and a very large number of the Montrose High School alumni. A brief service at the late home of the deceased was held early In the afternoon and the remains weie then conveyed to the church un'd the casket opened so that all who desired might view the remains before the commencement of the service at the church. The casket was covered with beautiful flowers and the. pulpit, and altar rail In front was filled with elegant floral pieces. One large pillow of white on which. In purple, was trie Inscription "Our Professor" was f i om the pupils in the High school, another was inscribed "M. II. S. Alum ni," and another was prepared and pent by the pupils of the A Grammar room. On the pulpit platform were Jtev. A.W. Cooper, pastor of the church; Ilev. D. C. Barnes, Rex. A. t.. Benton, 1). D.', of the Presbyterian church; Rev. 15. A., Wnrrlner. r tor of St. Paul's Kplscopal church. Rev. Fr. j, T, Frederick, pastor of St. Mary's Catho lic church, and Rev. I,. H. Walters, pastor of the African Methodist Kpls copal church. The service opened by the impressive rending ot the Thirty ninth Psalm by Rev. Mr. Warrlner. Ilev. Walters announced the hymn "How Gentle God's Commands," this being the -hymn selected by Prof. James at the chapel exercises at the opening of school tho previous week. Prayer was offered by Rev. I). C. Darnels, and the nineteenth Psalm was read by Rev. Dr. Benton. "Rock of Ages" was lendeied by the choir. Rev. A, AV. Cooper read a port ion of tho ilfteenth chapter of Fiist Corinthians, and followed with extended remarks rolatlvo to tho life and elmracter of Mr. James. Tho speaker paid a beau tiful and fitting eulogy of the deceased. Pastor Cooper's remarks were based upon tub text from the eighth chapter of Romans, "Who shall separate us from tho, love of Christ?" Pastor Coo per dli6'eted his closing remarks to tho Masons, tho official board of the church', and to the school board, nnd gave words of comfort to the sorrow Jug widow, children and friends, The pastor tieu offered prayer, after which n beautiful and touching lotter.recelved by Mrs, James if roni her former pastor, llev. II. M. Benedict, of Owego, who had Jieeu asked to officiate but who was unable to leave his piescut Held, This letter was ,read by Rev. D, C. Baches, who followed It with somo ap propriate remarks. A most touching Incident of tlio ceremony wits a brief Rddiess tiy Dr. Harris James, of New York city, it younger brother of tho deceased, in which was expressed tho ipeaker's high appreciation of the character and lfo of the deceased. This was dono In compliance with a Too Great a Bisk, In almost every neighborhood soino ne has died fioin un attuck of colic or jholera morbus, often before medicine auld be procured or a physician sum jioncd. A reliable icmedy for these lUeuses should be kept ut hand, The ,'Isk Is too great for anyone to take, Jhainberlalu'H folic, ciioleru. and Dlur 'hoea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives or more people and relieved nore pain and suffering than any oth :r medicine In use. it can ulwuys bo Upended upon. For sale by all drug flats. ', . , mmpnet inndo between the brothers In their early youth In which they agreed that when one was cnlled to tho oilier world the survivor should render such n service at the obsequies of the other. Resolutions relative to Prof. Junics, adopted at tho quarterly conference of the church, held the previous even ing, were read by the pastor, and the service at the church closed with the choir singing "Asleep In Jesus." The service at the grave was conducted by the Mnsonln lodge. Tho pallbearers weie: County .Superintendent C. K. Moxley, of Hallstead: K. B. Utile, W. D. B. Alncy, Hon. D. C. Tltman. A. B. Smith nnd M. S. Allen, of Mont rose. FOREST CITY. Special to tho Soianlon Trlhtir.'. Forest City, May 27. F. B, Carpenter, PICTURE i . Find the two keepers of these grounds and their dog. esq., returned fiom a fishing trip to New York state, Saturday with a fine basket of trout. The employes of the Hillside com pany were paid today for the two weeks prior to the strike. W. J. Maxey and J. J. Walker have purchased the Bendrift houses near the Polish church and will put them In re-" pair at once. These houses have been vacant for several years and seemed to have been forgotten by their builder as well as a host of creditors who at tached all the propprty they could lay hold of to secuie a multitude of claims. A building and loan association which had a small lien on the houses recently sold them at sheriff sale. Bendrift was at one time a banker In Plymouth. He did a large business among tho foreign ers and was supposed to be wealthy. Sunday will be children's day at the Presbyterian church. Rev. V. Hollenshed Is in New York city. M. Cawley has opened a merchant tailoring establishment In the Manger building on North Main stieet. Otis Caffery, a Forest City young man and .Miss Nora Kane, of Poyntell were united in marriage by Rev. R. H. Walsh last week. DUNDAFF Spri'Ul to tlio Soranton Tiilmnc. Dundaff, Pa.. May 2G, 190.'. Rev. W. It. Tinker and family, formerly of Hall stead, Pa., has moved into town and Rev. Tinker begins his pastorate of the First Baptist Church ot this plate. Mr. Alva Stage, ot Newtield, Tliomp klns county, N. Y and who lived in Dundaff 52 years ago, Is here vising his niece, Mrs. Daniel Bowman. We are having dally and almost hour ly' calls from strikers asking for work, They are passing thtough here every day. On Saturday, May 21th a drove of 375 mules passed through here en .route for pasture on F.Ik mountain, Thieves entered the hog house of Mr. Charles Cross one night last week and took therefrom six very fine pigs, They also entered the cellar of Mr. Cross' house and took a quantity of salt pork from a barrel. Mr. Cross has no clue to the thieves. Thieves also entered the cellar the same night, of Mr. Rupert Wells and took all the salt pork found there, It seems they were going It whole hog or none. Farmers better see that their buildings aie secy rely locked. AVe are having somo heavy showers accompanied with much thunder and lightning, Crops lu general are looking lino and the fanners are contemplating a good season, There Is plenty of help as tho strllieis are here in largo numbers and ready to woik at almost any kind of w in k. springVille. SpoiUl In Hip Kunton Tiilimip, Spi'lngvllle, May 27, A very distress ing accident befell a little child of Arthur Springer last Wednesday. Khner Squler works for Spilnger, and on that day went Into the house and took up a shotgun, which, In some unaccountable! manner, was discharged, Tho contents went through a window and struck tho child, who was sitting outside, in u load curt, lu the back. A messenger was hastily dispatched for medical and, nnd tho shot were extracted, ami tho child Is lecoverlng fiom what at llrst seemed to bo a fatal wound, Daniel Hlouo came up from scrnnton on Saturday to vli.lt relatives. Illness of A. I'. Tuttle culled him here, On Saturday evening next tho band will have un Ice cream festival at their loom,, over Tltinan's store, Frank Churchill is up from Scrnnton ylMtlng his mother, who resides In tills village. Mr. and .Mrs, F. M. Puxton have sold their personal belongings and aro now stuylng a few rtuys with Mrs. Paxtoif h brother, H. F. Jones, at South Mont rose. They go to their future home In Washington county, Pa., this week. The late frosts have killed all the fruits, such as cherries, plums, etc. pples, it Is thought, are pot hurt. Warren Dunlap nnd son, Arthur, on Saturday lust purchased the house and lot belonging to the estate of tho late li. 15. tJrattoti. Consideration, about $1000. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. t, Rogers visited Mr, nlid Mrs. K. H. Thomas on Sunday. Mrs. Stung Is visiting her .son, 0. P. Stung, and wife. Ray Culver returned to his home nt New Mllford on Monday. Ills wife will stay until Saturday. Some very fine showers gave tin great refreshment on Sunday, Rain hns long been needed, nnd tho hay crop will probably bo light. A. O. Hcndershot nhd some others had urgent business, In Scrnnton on Tuesday,. the 20th Inst., It being circus duv. ' THOMPSON. Special to llio Scrnnton TrUninc, Thompson, May 27. Mr, nnd Mrs. A. D. Barnes, of Hcrrlck Center, visited his brother. S. D. Barnes. Sunday. G, J. Clark, returned last evening from n brief visit with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Clark at Montditle. Ills wlfo and daughter, Helen will return later. Miss Ada Williams, of Ararat, Is visiting Miss Bessie Bloxham for a few days, Frank Hall Post nnd the Relief Corps nttended In a body the M. 13. church, PUZZLE. Sabbath morning and the pastor, Rev. R. 31. Pascoe gave them a tine mem orlal sermon. The church was full of Interested listeners Memorial services will be held Friday afternoon. C. M. Lewis is doing business at Aldenvllle for a. few days this week. M. A. Pickering, of Susquehanna, was calling on relatives In town yesterday. The Free Baptists of this region meet for their quarterly meeting at Lake View, next Friday nftornoon and con tinue the meeting over the Sabbath. Attorney and Mrs. J. D. Miller went to Scranton yesterday and arc enjoy ing the Knights Templar conclave there at this writing. A public library Is assured for Thompson. It was opened at 3 o'clock this afternoon, at Mrs. D. M. Glllett's store and will be open Tuesday of each week between the hours of 3 and 4 p. in. and on Friday's from 7 to S In the evening. Lester Lee. of West Virginia, visited his sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Chandler, yesterday, and went from here to Orson to see his mother who is. seriously sick. Mrs. Nellie Burke, of Great Bend, is Isltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lyden, who aro captivated with the winning way of their young grand daughter also of Great Bend. This being her llrst visit In Thompson. Mrs. A. C. Foster visited her son, Arthur and family nt Uniondulo, Sab bath afternoon, tairylng yesterday to attend the funeral of tho late Elijah Carpenter, Harry B. Seaiies, of Syracuse uni versity, Is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Searles. TUNKHANNOCK. Special to'tl.r Scranton Tribune. Timklianuock, May 27. The residence of Ex-Assocluto Judge 1-:. M. Phillips on Not th Warren street is being raited up several foot and improvements added thereto. Lal'avettte G. Piatt, of Lnieyvllle, spent Sunday with his son, F. AV. Piatt, on Put nam stieet. The Lindsay Brothers, of Factoryvlllo, who purchased tho liver biidge at this place. Intend to commence tho work ot lemovlng It on Moudav next. James Khmer and Walton Billings, of Nicholson, spent Sunday with relatives In this place. Mis. Iliirvey Slcklcr died at her homo on Tioga street on .Monday at about 12 o'clock noon, alter a protracted Illness. Deceased was a lady who was held In high esteem by all who know her. Sho Is survived by Iter husband. Associate Judgo llarvey .Slcklcr. and by two broth ers. John and James Scoiitou, well known attorneys of Wllkes-Bano and Dushore, icspoetlvely. i The ullo la theroar of tho business places on the j-outh side of Tioga street lias horn cleaned up nicely during tho lust week and the accumulations of re-Iii.-.e hauled away. Fred Wllbui. of Wyoming seminary, bus been spending a few days with his parents here. Sheriff Giny Is having an elegant new desk built for his, ofllce by one of tho prisoners at the county Jit 1 1 who is a cabi net maker by trade. The showers of Sunday add Monday wero gladly welcomed by tho farmers, as the recent dry weather. It Is feared, has endangered the season's hay ciop. The members of Templo commandery, Knights Templar, loft on Monday for Set anion to attend the concluvo lu scs hIoii theie. Mis, W. L. Koeney, of .aceyillc, has a Ultor In town on Monday. m i NEW A1ILF0RD, SpuUl to Ilic.Stiunton Tllbui-.i'. New Mllford, .May 21. Professor l.arra bee, of Keulta college, gavo a lecture In the Baptist church Monday evening for tho beuellt of the teachers attending tho summer hdiool of loviow, .Miss May Sweet, of Harford, Is n guest of Miss Nina Moore. The fimeial services of Mrs. Henry Northrup wcio conducted from tho Moth odlst church by Rev. Charles Smith Mon day at 1 o'clock. Ray Moss, who is employed In Harford, spent Sunday with his mother, Miss alary Hradtoy Is spending somo tlaio In Spilngville. A. M. Aldrlch was In Hallsteud Tuts day on business. James Coleman nnd wife, of Great Bend, visited fi lends lu town Sunday, Professor 1-;. A. Benson and II. S. Gar latt aro Improving their residences by the addition of new porches. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thn Four Llnti, 3 Cent lor Eeh Extra tin. For Bent COTTAOR on Susquchnnna. river at Black AValnut, for rent by week or month; furnished, cots, stove, dishes, threo boats, spring water, best Hulling. Address T. J. Relnhart, Black AValnut, Pa. FOR RKNT- No. CM Dudley Btrect, Dun more, Pa., ten rooms, furnished or un furnished: nil modern Improvements: wldo porches and tine lawns, fruit, garden plot: convenient to nil trolley lines. Call or ad dress D. K. Barton,, ::t AVcst Drinker street, Dunmore, Pa. BARN FOR RI3NT-12." April 1st. threo box and three slnglo stalls and wnih rack, rear of 321 Madison avenue. In quire at C14 Madison avenue. Furnished Booms for Bent. FOR RKNT A furnished room o Pino street, between Madison nnd Monroe avenues. Address T. T., Tribune ofllce. FOR RKNT-Ono furnished room, with improvements: also one on third floor, cheap. 62" Adams avenue. KURNISMF.D ROOMS for rent, modern improvements; private family; gen tlemen preferred, at W7 Adams avenuo. FOR RRNT Furnished room; heat and hath. VJT, Linden street. FFRNJSHKD ROOMS FOR RRNT. with heat, gas nnd bath, gentlemen pre ferred, at B39 Adams avenue. For Sale. FOR SALTC First-class 3-horscpower on glue, ."i-horsepowcr vertical boiler. Kuns! & Moore, 503 Cedar avenue, Scran ton. LIGHT your home, church, cottage, hotel, etc.. with acetylene gas. Cheap as kerosene, better than electricity or coal gas. Safe. Write. Inspect our plant. Philip JA'ctter, 2J Adams avenue. PIANO FOR SALK Almost new; used less than live months: elegant upright piano: will sacrifice. Call day or even ing. 32t Franklin live. JfST ARRlVUD with 40 horses; good workers and drivers; weight Irom 1,100 to 1,700; several closely matched teams; can be seen at 334 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb. FOR SALE-IIand silk donblcrs. Bam ford Bros.. Pnterson, N. .1. Now. Auction. AFCrrON SALK of household goods, 411 Ollvo street, Thursday 10 a. m. Wanted Booms and Board. AVANTED Two communicating rooms with board, private, family preferred. Two ladles and a gentleman; state full particulars. Address C. H. D Tribune ofllce. Strikers' Notice. AA'L" 3101,1. tickets and checks to all parts of Europe. Consult us before purchas ing tiansportations. wo win save you monev. Tnlon Ticket Acencv. 20'l Ijticlca- WHiimi avenue, Scranton, Pa. Opposite ijcruiiton .House. Wanted To Bent. I AVANTICD ROOMS-For two adults, threo or four rooms, furnished or unfurnish ed for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. R., Tribune office. AVANTED Furnished bouse of four or live rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G-. IS., Tribune offlw Beal Estate. FOR SALE Lot, corner Mulberry and AVhceler avenue, 80x90: finest location on the hill. For terms address S. Kline, Plainlleld, N. J. FOR SALE Elegant sites for homes in upper Green Ridge; choice neighbor hood; most desirable locality for home in Lackawanna county. J. A. Marviae, 17,16 Sanderson avenue. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND AVHEAT TRADERS with out delay. AVrlto for our special mar ket' letter. Free on application. S. M. Illlilmrd & Co., members N. A". Consoli dated and Stock Exchange, 44 and )i Broadway, New A'ork. Established 1S64. Long Distance 'Phono iTSS Broad. Bheumatism. RHEPMAT1SM-A11 parties that wish can bo speedilv and permanently curod of all varieties of Rheumatism by a vege table compound; cures guaranteed. In quire or address J. E. Taylor, Scranton. f BASE BALL. " 'National League. At St. Louis- R.H.E. Chicago 0 000 2 000 0-2 8 3 St. Louis 21 200 2 4 Ox-1113 1 Batteries Glad nnd Kahoe; Murphy and O'Neill. Umpire 0"I3ay. At rain. Brooklyn Philadelphia-Brooklyn; At Pittsburg Clucliinatl-Plttshurg; rain, At Boston New York-Boston; ruin. American League. At Boston- R.II.E. St. Louis 0 01001000-2 10 0 Boston (10 000 20 txti 12 0 Batteries Reldy and Sugden; Young and Ctiger. Umpire Johnstone. At AVashlngton R.II.H, Cleveland 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0-1 I 3 Washington 0 u 0 1 o 2 2 2 x-7 12 o B.uteiiChMooro uud llemls; Patten and Clark. Umpire Sheridan. At Baltimore- R.II.E. Chicago 0 100000 0 0-1 4 2 Baltimore 1 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 x-7 7 1 Batteries Patterson, Callahan nnd .Ale Faiiaiid: McGlimlty and Robinson. Um pires O'Loughlin and Cnrruthers, At rain. Phlludlphla Phlladelphla-Dotroit; AMATEUR. BASE BALL NOTES. TIip Twvlnr Iloil.s iiuc'Llit tlirt rlmllinfTA of tho South Scranton Sunsets to a gamo on tno jayior grounua ior iriuuy utter noon at 3.30 o'clock. Oct off at postof. Ilco. G. E. Davis, manager. DURYEA. Special to t lie Scranton Tribune. Dur.vca, May 2f. An Interesting (juiuo of ball wns played Saturday ut". ternoon on the Lawrence baso ball grounds, between tho Lawrenco and Council's base ball teams. Tho Cou ncil team was vlptorlous, winning In tho ninth Inning. Tho score wus 16T14. They played for 5. Some of the taxpayers or (his bor ough arc beginning tu complain about the streets. They claim that tho Buck road, or Footi avenue, was Improved last year, over MOO being expended on It, mid that again this year It Is being; repaired, while Mala street and other streets and aenucs, which are trav eled more, ure belne neglected. SITUATIONS WANTBO FRBB. W. T. HACKETT, REAL ESTATE BROKER, OFFERS FOR SALE Home Properties) Home Sites and Real Estate Investments, The largest and most complete list In Scranton. Properties to meet almost any requirements and at almost any price you wish to pay, from $700 up to $75,000. Cozy, comfortable little single houses, double houses, and spacious homes with ample grounds, aro Included In our desirable list. WHY PAY RENT? Buy a home. Be your own landlord and lot your rent prove an Investment fund. Aside from the comfort and luxury of being your own landlord our easy payment plan gives you a start on the right road. In stead of paying rent that money goes toward buying and maintaining a home of your owp. Read thisIlist. If these do not meet your Ideas call we can surely show you some great values. $900 $2,975 Lot 40x ICO on Harrison ave- Lot Qulncy avenue, street nuo. paved. Gas, water, steam, etc. $3,000 $2,700 Corner lot, Dunmore, with two Small modern house, Nay Aug good houses. Bargain. section. Desirable. '. $3,300 $1,800 Large lot: modern house. On Finest cottage at Winola. Barn line Petersburg cars, Great. ico house, and lot furniture. Business Block Below Cost In city's heart. $55,000. Rents irandsomo home at Dalton, for over ?0,000. Call nnd bid. $2,500 $30,000 Poultry Farm on "D. L." with To loan on llrst mortgage at house, barn, fruit, etc. 5 per cent. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. If you have money to put in a business, have a business you wish to dispose of or want a partner, call and see me. I have many desirable propositions; have opportunity for others. In fact, this office Is a head quarters for good business chances. Come In and talk It over. ' $1,800 $3,000 Buys an old, reliable, cstab- Buys half Interest In a splendid llshed, paying business. business. W. T. HACKETT, Re$ru Help Wanted. "WANTED AT ONCK Man and woman, married or single: man 'as gardner and stable man; woman must be good cook nnd laundress, general housework. Address P. O. Box 316, Scranton, with ref erences. Help Wanted Male. CIVIL SERV1CG GOVERNMENT FOSI TIONS 9,889 appointments made lust yenr: probably 10,000 required this year: only common school education required for examination: cutaloguo ot Informa tion free. Columbian Correspondence Col lege, "Washington, V. C. ' SALESMAN WANTED-Energetic sales man; school supplies; country work; $100 salary and commission. It. O. Evans & Co., Chicago, 111. WANTED A largo boy at Gerson's mil linery. Help Wanted Female. YOl'NG LADIES. ?0.00 easily earned at homo evenings writing lor us. For particulars send addressed envelope. Fil bert Mfg Co., Dppt. 415, Box Ull, Phila delphia. LADIES WANTED to copy letters at homo during spare time evenings and return to us. Wo furnish paper free and pay $10 per M. Send addressed envelope for particulars and copv. F. M. C, Dcpt. 415, Box nil, Philadelphia. WANTED A housekeeper, must bo a good plain cook: references required. Apply at 1010 Washington avenuo lu even ing, or TS! Connell building. WANTED AN experienced cook. Call 100U Linden street, city. 'Situations Wanted. S1TFATION WANTCD-To go out sew ing or any kind of work by the day. Addiess 519 North Hyde Park avenue. SITUATION WANTED-By u competent girl, as cook or geneial housework. Call at :'M Franklin avenue, city. SALESMAN wants position of any kind of store work: had soven yearn experi ence lu shoo business. Addiess A. J. C, Tribune ofllce. Lost trayed Stolen. LOST 500 envelopes dliectcd lo D. B. Replogle, patent attorney, 11 .Mears bldg, city. All tiro Irom tho commissioner of patents and postmarked at Washington. D, C, within six mouths last past. $50.00 reward will bo paid for tho return of tho envelopes. Reploglo & Co,, Patents, Mears building. LOST Threo keys on a ring, either on Penn avenue, Spruco stieet or Wash ington avenue; a toward of returned to E. Gturd, L'7 Penn avenue, LOST A ladles' gold '.Mitch: n Ill-oral reward will bo given If returned to Hotel Terrace, LOST $i"i. between Peck Lumber Co., East Market street and Presbyterian church. Rewaid If returned to otllco of Peck Lumber Co. Money to Loan. MONEV TO LOAN in nny amounts from $10.00 to $500.00 on household furniture, piano, horses and carriages, tho prop erty remains undlstuibed In your possess ion, giving you the use of both the money and tho property. Loans mudu to suit tho borrower a convenience for nny period from ono to twelve months, Loan can bo paid In weekly or monthly Installments. 'o glvo you tho prlvllegu of palng tho loan at any time, so that you only pay for tho llmo you keep It, Wo mnko u $10.1)0 loan Just as Iiromptly as wo do a largo one. It costs nothing to mnko applica tion. Wo ma only too glad lo glvo you full lufuimatipii-regurdlng our now meth od of making this class of loans. Our otllees are centrally located and com modious. Private offices for ladles. Ad vances madu on btorago wauiiouso ic eel pis. SCRANTON LOAN GUARANTV CO., W)7 Wyoming ave., i.'nd Floor. 'Phono No. :s:. ANY AMOI'NT OF MONEY TO I.OAN Qulck. stiuight loans or Buildlm; and Loan. At from I to o per rent, ("all on N. V- Wulkcr, ail-aij Connell building. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Thi-i Four Llnet, o Cnt tor Bach Bitra Lint, BANKINQ ItEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE SCRANTON SAVINGS BANK of Scranton, No. 120 and 122 Wyoming ave nue, of Lackawanna County, Pa., at tho close of business May 22. 190.'. RESOURCES. Cash on hand $ 57,415 vS ('hecks and other cash items.... 5,22;) M Duo from banks and bankers... 21S.7C0 91 Loans and discounts 1,357,7$1 29 Investment securities owned, viz.: Stocks, bonus, etc..$97i,3i 77 Mortgages 11,875 00 989,231 77 D3,0TO00 570 M 052 74 Real estate, furniture and fix tures Overdrafts Miscellaneous assets Total $2,660,098 79 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 100,000 Of) Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 47.SS1 95 Deposits, subject to check $ 232.832 97 Deposits, special 2,009,378 OS Demand certlllcatcs of denoslt 15.000 00 Certified cheeks 0,101 71 2,2ti3,3tl r.l 250 Cashier's checks outstanding... Total $2.IK0.C9S 79 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: I. II. r. SIIAERR. Cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. Signed) If. C. StIAFER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this twenty-sixth day of May. 1902. (Signed) WATSON BROWNING. Notary Public. My commission expires Juno 18, 1905, Correct Attest: (Signed) S, B. PRICE. A. B. BLAIR, GEORGE II. CATL1N, Directors, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Titls Guaranty and Trust Co. of Scranton, Pennsylvania, No. 1, lugtou nvenue, of Lackawanna Pennsylvania, at tho closo of May 22, 1902: RESOl'RCES. Cash on hniid $ Checks and other cash (turns. ... Duo fiom banks and bankers,, Commercial and other paper owned Call loans upon collateral Tlmo loans upon collateral Investment securities owned, viz,: Stocks, bonds, etc, ,$$71,255 to 5 Wash County, business 11,4.11 SI 2,!V.'S It 29t!,098 Si l.W.OTl K! 114,770 00 217.0J0 91 Mortgages 12I.3W77 Real estate, furnlturo and fix tures Overdrafts 99S.775 1" SS.93S 91 317 &9 Total $1,817,020 01 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ noo.000 0) Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 15,(99 OS Depqslts, subject to Check $1,111,520 5' Deposits, special 10,000 00 1,501,526 36 Total ,' $1,817,021; 01 Amount of trust funds invest ed $ 10, 1 is ci. Amount of trust funds unin vested '....., 3,217 59 Stuto of Pennsylvania, County of Lack u wanna, ss.: I, FRANK L. PHILLIPS. Treahuier of tho above-named company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief, (Signed) F. L. PHILLIPS, Treasuier, Subscribed and sworn to beforu moithls twenty-soveuth day of May, 1902. (Signed) E. L. CLARKE. (Notarial Seal. Notary Public. Commission expires Jan. 13, lnoj. Correct-Attcst: (Signed) L. A. WATRES. HENRY A. KNAPP. W. F. HALLSTEAD. Board and Booms. VERY DESIRABLE sulto of rooms with llrst class table board, can bo obiahud at 333 Jefferson avenue. meALMDfforo9AL&; BE'fi.t5U,Pnor9t,A'jH "' openediln tu..n?oflt n.c ll,! c"y Kccorder by (hn UwfcL01 ?fo t,!p, department of Publlu 11.2- A R.L?, 'lok. 1- in., on Monday, wilS. s'n 1?9'-' for. l,,u following name.! ?.2r . avlPF c,i"inln portions of carbon SL1.? Co.MI'1. "H'cot, with vltillled brick on u concroto base, in accordance with plans mid specifications on llio lu tho Bureau ot Engineering. i1,SL,ib,"dcr B,m" Micloso with their pioposnl, east or certified check in tlm .,.?. .?r. "? ""mired ($100) dollars ns a, 5.m.CMitrM.l0.CXCCMt0 " contract for tlio work within twenty (20) days if awarded i!2 JS?.!V5- .1". C".SP l"o. bidder, to whom Jo contract shall have been nwarded, ic i!S "L.2-1 om,.fc .lo 'Xfcuto u contract for !iJ?,?2r& wlthl twenty days from tho JwI.i2Lt.?0 'ward, the enelosiiio urcom- ?h?.'il? tJ,?iMSJP0S4I e,m11 1'" forfeited to tho nso of tho city bt Scranton. n1Et0Ji?sft,a.Bllin com' Hi" rlll1',, rk, HiYJi.,- " f,lu,u sermrntoly tho price for 5 JB. .or ,C8t,ttlng curbstones, tho prleo i.?ii.Pi .. Por Bltinro yaid, which is to IlS.ni t,lp. L'0.',t of Riadlng as shown en n?..' "."I1 tlus Prl0 f"1' Keeping said pavement In repair for llvo years, from tho acceptance of tamo by tho city. System of sowers, Section "F," Seven-i-S!U ' District, In tho Twelfth and Nine teeitth wards. Didders shall enclose with each proposal, cash or certified check In the sum of three hundred (MOO) dollars ns ft gutirnntoo to execute a contract It awarded tlio same. In case tho bidder to whom tho contract shall lmvo been awarded, refuses or omits to execute, a. contract for tho work In accordance with tho plans nnd specifications therefor with in ten (10) days from tho dale of thrt award, the enclosure accompanying his proposal shall bo forfeited to tho uso of theiClty of Scranton. System of sewers. Section "A." Seven fecnth District, lu tho Eleventh ward. Same conditions as section "F." , System of sewers lu Wcbstor avenue, Kclliim court, Taylor avenue, Bucnzll court, Irving avenue, Prescott avenuo and Ash street, lu the Tenth ward. System of rowers In Wyoming avenue. Ash street, Onkford court. Forest court and Breck court, In tho Seventh and Thir teenth wards. Bidders shall enclose with each proposat casjy or certified check In tho sum of on hundred ($100) dollars as a gunrnnten to execute a contract If awarded tho samn. In case tho bidder to whom tho contract shall lmvo been awarded, refuses or omits to execute a contract for tho work In ac cordance with tho plans and specifications therefor within ten (10) days from tho dato of tho award, tho enclosure accom panying his proposal shall bo forfeited to tho use of tho City of Scranton. Plans and specifications aro on fllo nnd con be seen nt tho Bureau of Engineering. Bidders will bo furnished with proposal blanks at tho Bureau of Englneoring and no others will bo accepted. AH proposals shall bo. filed with tho City Controller, In his offlco In the City Hall. Scranton, Pa., not later than !.30 o'clock p. m on Monduy, Juno 2, 1902. The city reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. JOHN E. ROCHE. Director,, Department of Public Works. Scranton, Pa., May 22, .1902. LEGAL. ! OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF COMMIS SIONERS OF PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. . WILLIAM A. STONE, Governor. E. B. IIARDENBERGII. Auditor General. FRANK G. HARRIS. State Treasurer. T. i;. EYRB. Superintendent, PROPOSALS for furnishing Stationery, Fuel and other supplies. In compllanco with the Constitution nnd tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, we hereby Invito scaled propos als, at prices below maximum rates llxc.l In schedules, to furnish stationery, fuoj and other supplies for tho several de partments of tho 'state government, i-.nd for making repairs In tho several depart ments, and for tho distribution or tho public documents, for tho year ending tho first Tuesday ot June, A. D. 1903. Separate proposals will bo received and separate contracts awarded as announced In said schedules. Each proposal must he accompanied by a bond, with at least two sureties or ono surety company, ap proved by a judgo of tho court of com mon pleas of the county In which tho person or persons making such proposal may reside, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract, and ed dressed and delivered to the Board ot Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings beforo twelve o'clock M., of Tuesday, tho 3rd day of June. A. D. 1902, at which tlmo the proposals will hn opened nnd published In tho Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrlsburg, and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as practicable. 'Blank bonds nnd schedules containing all necessary information can bo obtained at this department. T. L. EYRE, For tho Board of Commissioners ot Public Grounds and Buildings. Notice. NOTICE Appeals from tho state tax as sessment will bo held in. tho-. offlrn of tho county commissioners In the court house on tho following named days: For townships and boroughs, excepting Dim more borough, on June 2. 1902: for Scran ton, Cnrbondale and Dunmore, on Juni 3 and 4, 1902. JOHN J. DURKIN. J. COURIER MORRIS, JOHN PENMAN, County Commissioners. Attcst:-W. G. DANIELS. Clerk. PROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD"'7srATTLDTNG. oTp. a7. 2S Traders' Bank building. Old telephone. No. 1S61. Architects. FREDERICK 'L. BROWN. ARCH B.. Rcul Estate Exchango Bldg., 126 Wash ington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, S15 CONNELL BLDG. STEVENSON & KNIGHT, 72fi CONNELU building. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER. PAULI building, Spruco street, Scranton. Dlt. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 WYOMING nva. Lawyers. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. AT torneys and Counscllurs-nt-Law. Cfll to 012 Connell building. JESSt'P & JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors - ut - liiw. Commonwealth' Building, Rooms 19, 20 and 21. L. A. WATRES. ATTOIINEV-'AT-LAW;' Board of Trade Building, SmintoinPa. PATTERSON .- WILCOX, TRADEltSV; National Hank bhlldlnsv ,;.. A. W. BllRTHOLF, OFFICE MOVED TO" No. 211, WyonilngiUYimuo. ' ... Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANK liu avonuc, Raterf reasonable, . P. KIEGLER. Proprietor. . SCRANTON 1IOUSK. NEAR D L. & W, Passenger depot, Conducted on tho Lu- ropcan plan. Victor Koch. Propilotor. ' Scavenger. ' a7r7 BR7c.(is CLEANS i'RIv"r!AtILT!?J and cess pools: no odor: only ImpriveiC. pumps used. A, I). Hilggs. ptopiictni' Leao onleis 1100 Noiih M.illi nvou ic or Eleko's drug btore, corner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones, Wire Screens. JOSEPH KI'ETTEU REAR .Ml LACKA." live., Scranton, mfrs. of Wlro Screens, "i Miscellaneous, MECJARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SI'P plles, .envelopes, paper bags, twiiu. Wurqhou&e, J3Q Washington uvenue,. TUB .Wtl.KES-BARRE RECORD CAN bo hud lu Scrnnton nt the nows stand of nelsinan Bios., tW Spruce and .'"': Linden: M. Norton, 322 Lnckawatuu live.; I. S, Sci,ut:!Cl". 211 Spimc.sU'e-H. P -I ( jjt. t l K.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers