fnrv,- fcrs fpm- lBl8 4-. win ffwtMVsawJt.i pwrawffirvi . tl Ij " .Mi'YV. W "I' UAP ' " a t a i ' ffC - ,.- . (y y. fl o J "(1 - ' ' - -. r , V ,:nv r" ?,! I THE SCRANTON TMBUNETHtJRSDAY, MAY 8, 1902. 0 . y iX I. , " "A" i" V Vf s THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Pour Lines, a Cents lor Uach Uxtra Llns. For Bent. mil lll.'VTln rnnm llilrln ImiHP! nil lnilfll' hunts; ldlil Moii'-ry avenue. Imiuliu HIS fapoiiic attune. Foil HF.NT-fttl (keen ltlilgc itrect. nine rooms, modern improvements; fleim lir.iUiI, very irnsonablo. nml deskside. Iniiltc 1. h. Nellie.- ton, 13.10 Washington acnui'. FOR Iti'NT Hump In llillmi, heir Ktallunt nice ly located; nitlie a nhe summer resilience. For further p.irtltulus, apply W". H. hl.nlr. I,Jl' tun, Fa. , I'OIl Itr,NT-Sniall furnished liousc lor "Vent. In ' ijiilro lit H2.I Vino street. DARN roil ni'NT-812, Apill lit, three box am) three single stalls and wash lack, rear 01 JIM Madison menu. Inquire at Ml Madison ay". roil RL'NT-.SIoTp' iiulldlng lor rent In WlrU-on City. Pa. llulldlng R) ret liv 21 feet, r'llar linitcr (ill, anil second story ran he arranged tor a family. All In good tepiir ic.ul)' (or !' ''' oal breakers ami mliics close by rmp1ol"R "" n i thousand people. An enterprising ,!",('rdl ,, ran (frt i large trade. Apply I" V111''"' , .' Ilttlimouil, Illilmioiid IIIII, 3123 X. Mali" "mK' Scranton, Pi, s Furnished Booms for Bent: FOR "nnXT One furnished room, with Improve ments; nls one on third floor, cheap. e.27 Adams avenue. FURXISIll'D ROOMS (or lert1, modern Improve ments; private family; gentlemen prrleiroil, t 637 Adams nicmtc. fOIt RKNT Furnished room; heat and batle, 023 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RI'XT. with heat, ras and bath, gentlemen picferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. Lldlll' Yoril IIOUI v.ilii acot.ilcne; jusl tlio thing for litii- cottages; liellrr tlun iojI gas cu elci tikit.v. liiprd our pl.iiit, 1'lilllp J. Viltel, 11 Ad.uiH uvenue. 1011 S!,l-Nini IickI-iii iti 1 liiirM-s ut Klnlili! i;lty stabler. 7l'i West l,jcli,inii.i avenue t'OH SAI.I". t'iii.ir stcue, 217 U.i-.iIiii;Uiii avenue, opposite (ouit Inline, i ity. 1011 SVl.i: t'lie.ip, ii M'.iMHi til Let foi the bcMiitiHi ll.il! I'.nk. lniuiie ut ll'IS Ijpouse avitiur, ilty. - KOIl vil.i: 1 i iiiviis jiimpluir net, 1 life kiiii, 7 Hall life lielts. 1 2.') font lnu-cil ladilii, 1 l.ulilei -tiap, 2 laddei poll-, 1 pinctlce net, 75 oot. "U-iiuh lope. Apply Win. Connell llo-o Co., l'W) l'lltslon nvonue. VOIt y.v.1.1. .miles' bie.Mlo foi file; cost $10') vvl.cn new; will toll cheap, fall at hlj Jel firon .uenuc. ' 1011 f-'l.l llouuil mid flit linttom lioati, in fitocK .mil lnillt to older in short nnllir. 1'avl.ird and Tunis !"! C'heiry street, Dimnio.e, Pa. 1011 SAI.ll Hand silk doulilcn. New. Ilto., r.iterson, N. .1. B.untnr.l Real Estate. $1,100 ONLY XI.Ci:SSAlt" lo punliarc .i lirpc iloiililo liuu-ie, on hivimi moi ioi. loi -.vti, vV'Mlh Sl'.onO; lonls for 141 pel jeu; will lent net ji''" '01' W'-- loiatimi I' (lioiie uliuiliui; t.".eidnly iiliont lf.!S a iir, Address 1'eler l'lill lip, i.ne Tiilume ofliie. rOlf SVLIJ 'J'vvo lots, improved, with feme, fide walk mid slitter, . Illikely M.. Ilanniore; ,'ery reasonalile." Addiess Albert .Icnl.ilH, south .iiii.iaii(.Viijne oiiiit,v, I'a. l'Olt SAM" Klcgant i-itc-i (or homes in upper (licni llidse; 1I111U6 iieiRhboihood; most do firable locality or home in Lackawanna lounty. J. A. .Mai vine, 17.10 Bamlcison avcutic. FAI1M roil SAI.n SIty-tvo acrci, one mile from Lake Ariel; twelvo aires o( timber, lest inipioved; cirellent fprinu water on lot; (aim situated 011 road. For particulars address Will iam 'tre-lar, Ariel, l'a. Wanted. VANTi:!) AT ONCi: 'I'e.iuis to ilralv coal, kr Coal Co., ."0 Coil i:chatiKC. Fow- "Wanted To Bent. WAXTllD ItOO.MS For two adults, tlnee or (our roims (urnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, flist floor picferred. Addrcas M. D., Tribune office. WANTED riirnilied house or four or five rooms (or housekeeping. Address A. 0. 1. Tribune cdlte. Wanted To Buy. '" . W Wri'Il To buv Miond hand cait (or rountiy use; iniirt be tioiiK and cheap. Addios, Ilox 274. Factoij ville, l'a. Wanted Booms and Board, ' " '- lllJTsKI) inllcmiii mid wile desire room ami "board v.itli private family for two vvecU. Aildics illuc li, 'Irlbuno office. ,S"' "iVANTl'U Ilooni ami bond for single man; piivate family in Hill tlUlrkt piclcrred. Ad dress II. ',, Tribune otllee. "' WANTI'.D Tvv-3 rcir.muuUatina rooms with board, piivate family pufened. Two ludies and .1 celitknian. State full paitlculais. Address C. II. D., Tilbuno office. 110AHi AND IIOOMS WA.VII'.ll for thlrtj peo ple. Hale ilexhid III all nnsweis. Addiess l!ov 7, Tllbune olliee. Board and Booms. ; - VKI1V lir.slllAIH.i: mite of rooms with first diss table bond, can be obtained ut '!.'l JelTeison avenue, M You To Sell I A Lodging: House A Restaurant , . A Grocery store. A Provision Store A Bakery . . . . A Cigar store, . A Pool Room,. . . Or Auy Business HUTAN AD. IN THE Tribune's Business Chance Columns AND SEE HOW QUICKLY YOU WILL FIND A CUSTOMER 4 Lines 10 Cents P,f?tty low I'rlce, You'll Admit. SITUATIONS WANTBO PRBE, Branch WANT Offices, ' Want Advertisements Will Bo. Becolved at Any of tlio Follow ing "Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City Al.ni'ltr M'llltliT,. corner Mulberry tied nml W'clntcr avenue. CltlSTAV I'lClllII., U.V) Adams avenue. We3t Side (li:OII(li: V. JIISKISS, IOI EouIIi Main avenue. South Scranton l'Hi:i) li. TIMIl'l'i:, 72') Cedar avenue. North Scranton OKO. VV. DAVII, rorncr Xorlli' Main avenue and Maiket ntieet. Green Bldge CII.UII.I'H 1'. ,10Xi:S 'l.w7 Dickann avenue. I'. .. .lOII.Nsl, D20 (keen UIiIec Mieet. C. r.OIM'NZ, coiner WashltiKton ave- avenue and Million Micct. Petersburg W. II. K.NKPITIi, 1017 Irving avenue. Sunmore .1. 0. iioni: & HON. Help Wanted Male. WAXTIID We want men of good htandins and cduiatlon In each town ol two thousind population nr over to lcpresent the TAI1A1II) IN.V I.IIIIIAHY. lo enroll nieinlieis and lo f.t tend tn the distribution mid csclniiRe of books; men who make a micccss of working up their lirrilory will be advanced to Rood salaried posi tions in hiiirer towns and ci(le-. 'I lie TAIIAUD IVV t , . , .. ...,.,.,..,..-. i.s.s is a new- ucpmimcut 01 me iiucni.cii.n- tlio largest eirciilatlna; lihriiiv in the world, (live lefirenccs and nddrcss: V. 1". Smith, Mi;r. i-ub. Dept., The Pookloveis Library, Plilladelpliia. WANTl'D A sober. indiLstrlous jounit nun cv perkuced Willi hoises to drive plosiciau and cm Keneiiii woiij mound lioue; slate experience; vases, s.15 .mi bond. Dr. ,1. V. Knedler, I'.lin hurst, Pa. WANTUD At onto, two pood coat mak. rs; Ateailv- woik. Apple lu (Jeoie lluv, illy tailor, Jlaln street, Pittston, Pa. WAX1LD fly one of the larcest old line life - Insurance cumpinlcs, ten agints foi North- eastcin Penn.l.iiilj. Libeial lontiact, salary or commission. Address JI matter, caie TriDuue. WANTl'D A jouncr man wlio Ins had one jell's e.peiiener in tin shop, route K ruuer, Mears luilldina:. WAXTLD l'iist elas-j shoemaker, for lepiir vv-oil,. J). A. Uavi", Lucinc avenue, West i-iiisinn. WANTIID- l'.ilntiis; only pood men need apply. Call ut Charles Wanner', "31 Adams avenue. Help Wanted Female. WANTl'D Two Kirls. one for neutral hoiiscvrnik, otliei- for liirlit lioiMwoik ami to belli in cue of children; uood home, Rood wives. Write to .Mis. VV. is., Tillmiio ofllce, viantun. Pa. ( WTI'.D A thoKiiij-hly experienced shoo siles lad.v ; fond libeial vvaptes. Addie.-s f-hoes, Trlliuno office. WANTl'D Rood lire weiveis. Apply .lohn Iltoniley ,. Sons., I.chicrli avenue below- Front street, Philadelphia, l'u. i:.XPi:illKNCID LAl'NDHY IIIILP WANTl'D Ap ply lit Kc.v stone I.aundrv, 114 South Main avenue, between 7..10 mid S.yo p. in. Becrultss Wanted. WAXTKD FOI! U. S. AitMY Able-bodied cm m.uried men between anes of 21 and "-I; eitl zens of United States, of (jood character and tempeiate Iiabits, who can speak, lead and write 1'iiKllsli. For information apply tn llciruitiup; Officer, Xo. 12a Wjoinincj avenue, Seiantou, Pa. Situations Wanted. SirrVTIOX WANTKD, lv jounc man with f pciicnce in the bukher business; Al tefci enccs. Hox ;t, Tribune ofllce. WIDOW witli one child wants a situation as housekeeper in a widow ci's family. Address 1!. II.. M Hock slieet, Pittston, Pa. SITUATION WAXIl'D-lly a reliable colored mini as porter, olTice or day't. work. Ad dress 11. A,, old l'enn avenue. Money to Loan. ANY AMOUNT OK MOXI'Y 10 LOAX Quick straight loans or lluildlng and Ixjjn. At fiom 4 to 0 per rent. Call on N. V. Walker, 814-315 Connell building. "Lost Strayed Stolen. LOST Pocket book containing svm o inmuy, a few valuable papers mid season iae lull ticket. A suitable rewanl will be given for le tm ii of same to W, J. 'tl-li, foiuth floor, Mears buildlutr, LOST A beaded pnse, containing sum of money. Ileturn to (iuidon Supply company, 211 I'enn avenue. LOST A laellfV gold watch; a libeial rewire will be given if relumed to Hotel Terrace. LOST Heel beaded purse containing tmall sum eif money, on Lackawanna avenue, near Wy oming. Finder plo.i'p ictenn purte to Tribune office and keep contents. LOiT !?2.", between Peck Lumber Co., Vast Mir. Let street ami Presbyter! in chinch. Itewaid if returned to ofllce of Peck Lumber Co. SritAYI'll 1'iom Hie itnelerslgnril premises, a brown miilley row, witli white shoulder nid vvhltii buk. A libeial lewiiul if letuimd to Jacob Monsky, 8.U1 Piovldruiu load. Business Opportunity. S10CK AND WII11AT TiiADl'IlS without delay. Wiitc (or our special market letter, Fico on application. D. M. lllbbaid t: Co., incmbrrs X. . Consolidated and block bxchange, 44 and IS liroadway, Ncvv'Yoik. ("stablliilicd IMI. Lons Dktince' Phone 21sS Droad. - 1UII'.UMA'IIS.M-.M1 parties that wish ran bo sreedily and permanently cuied of all va. rletles tit llheumatisiu by a vegetable, compound. Cuies guariintccd. lniuiro or addresj J. fc. Tay. lor, Scranton. LEGAL. NOIiri. is hereby given (hat lllltenbcndcr com pni, persons having .1 lien under the laws of Peiinsjlv 111I.1 upon goods ware and merchan dise of . (, Campbell, conslotlng uf one bit of buggy wheel. 011 account of .luiaajo and labor bestowed en tuth goods, the owners having failed, neglected and icliiscd lo pay the amount ol null charges upon said pmperty within sixty da.v atler demand Ihereof, nude peuoually, will isno.se the said set u buggy wheels to .ale tit public miction al Illltuibcndtr Company's store, WO 1'iankliii avenue, city o( Seiantou, I,.iek.i wanna county. Pa., 011 the Olli day of July, A. ),, IU, at 11 J. 111., and sell the eamo or to much thereof n chill bo eunlclcnt to ili.chutgo said lieu, together with eols of sale mid udveit ti.lng. llin'i:.lllXI)KU COMPANY. NOITCi: Is hereby given that A. It. Oould U hons, pcr.i.iu having a lien, under the lavu of Peuiiajlvaula, upon goods, waiei and nier Lliandl.e of llio Deer Park lliewiug Company, C'oml.llng of one two horse delivery wagon, on account of stoioge and libor bestowed on .such goods, tlio owners having failed, iielecUd and re lewd In pay the amount of such charges upon eald pioperty within, sixty dJ)s alter demind tlu'ieol made personally, will expose the said two-hor'e ilelivcry wagon to sale, at public Mic tion, at timid'. Cairlagc Woiks, No. 41". lit Linden street, city ol Scranton, Lackawanna county, PcmiajlvaiiLi. on tlio lllh day of May, A. 1). lit?-', at 10 o'clock a. m.. and sell the tamo or to niiiili thcieot as shall bo mlflcient to discharge said Hen together with costs of silo and advertising, A. It. COULD & bO.Na WIU.A1U). WAIHUUN Si KXiPP. Solicitors. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mori Tin i Pastf Unas, o Cent for liacliHt.tr. Un LEGAL. KSTATT. of Sunn! Koemer, lale o( Hie Clly of Scranton, County of Lackawannl and Mtatc of Petin.vlvanl.i, rieeeaicil, LettcM of administration upon llio above es talr1 having been nratiled lo the undcnlirneil, all lirrrans having1 claims or elemands agnltist (he snld estate nro hereby nnlluVd to present them for pajment and thoe indrhtcd to said estate will nuke Immediate pajment In rill'IJ S. CIIAWFOUD, Administrator, oil X, Lincoln Avenue, Scranlon, IM. 1'. V. (1111111, Attorney for IMute. lloom (IJl Connell llltlg, Scranlon, Pa. NOTICi: 01' .MiniTS IXiiIfh to be nudlled In (he Orphans' Court o l.itkawiniia County. "Notice Is hereby given Hint ncnmiits have b"rn tiled nml cerhllnned iibsolulelv by Hie Colli t In llio following estate, and nitillt of nme will be heanl 011 Hie rcpeillve diles named below, vlr.; On Monday, May 12th, UK).', beginning at 10 a, 111. 1. I Wale of Andievv Watl, elece.ised; Mugarct Walts, adminlstrnlrlx r. t. a. (Distribution.) . 2. Kstate of llridgct llyan, ilei-eneil; P. ,f. Iloron, tllislee. (Ilxeeptloiis), On Tuesday, May l'Kli, 11)02, beginning al 10 a. in. .'t. Ustale of Oeoige Philip Klisl, deceased; Caroline I'list, nilmlulstratrK, (Distribution). 4. I'Rtatc of Ambrose Mulley, deceased; Oeoige M. Mulley, esotiilur. (I'xcepllons). On Wednediy, May lllh, 1P02, beginning at 10 a. in. fi. lWale of S. P. Stevens, deceased; II. T. Kocliler, ndmlnlstritor. (Dlslrlbnllon). it. IWatc of John II. Snillh, deceased; (llrarel Tiiisl c,i trustee. (l)itrll)iitlon). On Thursday, Miy IStli, 1002, beginning at 10 a, in. 7. IWale ol .lames M. I'lcrlnrt. dei eased; I. I'. I'veiliart, ndmlniti.ilor. i,l)llrlbiillon). 5. IWale cf Fzra Stevens, deceased; Frank It. Stevens, executor. (Distribution). 13. Kstate of Mark F. Hart, deceased; Thomas M. Hart, administrator. (Distribution), On Friday, May Kith, 'K)2, beginning at 10 a. m. 0. IWale of Julia (lillelle. deceased; John Wid, administrator. (Distribution). 10. IWale of Martha Moore, minor; Herman Hiigan. guardian. (Distribution). On Salmday, May 17th, 1002, beginning at 10 a. n.' 11. Fslato of llridgct Cassldv. deceased; P. W. Stokes, administrate. (Pl'liiliutlnn). 12. Kstate of James P. Qnlnn, decened; Ann F. (Jiilnn, administratrix. (Distribution). The above account enumerated and designated In the above list will be audited by the Honor able A. A. Yosburg, P. ,f., of the Oiphans' Court, In the Orphans Court Itoom, Court Home, Scian Ion, Pa., during the sessions of Court on the dajs set for cich estate, at which time all per sons interested shall attend. If they see lit, and piesent their claims against slid estates, or tor evei tlieieafler be 1leb.11 led fiom coming In upon said fund. WVI. KOCJI, Jit.. Clerk of Oiphans' Coin t. ltlOLVi:i), By the Select Council of tlio clly of Scranlon, the Common Council coiicmiiiu. Tint Scranlon street fium the flas boase bihUe to the D., li. & Y. railioid, Illoomsbiirg divis ion, be paved and the cost thereof ascseel against the abutting piopcrtlcs ac,eoiillng to the font fiont nile; provided, that thiee-fouiths of all the lucuibeis elected to o'lch liijniii of the coun cils shall vote in fivor theieof. On the pas-uc of this resolution by the said tlirre-fnuiilrs vote and its approval by the ilty ireoidci. tin city cleik (hall publish a eopy theieof in all the newspipeis wliieli publish Hie eitv advertise ments for ten clajs, slating Hut iinle-s a major 'Ity of Ihe owners of piopeity abutting upon laid Sei inton ftreet, between the gas house bridge add tlio )., Ti. & W. raihoad, Itloomsbiirg divis ion, .slull signify to councils in wilting within sixty clijs from the dile o the appioval of this lesnliilion, their pieferenee of the luilcilil de sited for such pavement, councils will pioceed to pas an ordinance directing paving o( said Ser.ii ton stieet (loin the gas hou-c luidge to the Illocinisbiirg division of Hie I)., L. It W. rail load witli siieli material as they may see lit. Appiovcd Apiil -JS, 1002. W. Ii. Connell, lieiordcr. Atlest: M. T. Lavelle, City Cleik. RROFESSIONA L. Certified Public Accountant. LDWAllD C. SPACLDINO, C. P. A., 21 lltAD cis' Dank building. Old telephone, Xo. Ifctll. Architects, LDWAItl) 11. DAVIS, AltCHITi:Cl', CONNELL lluikling. fhi:di:iiick l. iiiiowx, arch. n iikal IWale Kxeliange Illdg., Uil Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. 11. l. HAiiDi.sr,'. sin coxni:li, nuiLDiNn. SIT.VKXj.OX k KNKillT. 720 CONXLLL DI.DO. Dentists. 1)11. C. II. L'lLl'XIlIIIKIKll, PAUL! DUILDINeJ, Spiucp street, be 1. niton. DM. C. O LAUHACII, lli WYOMING AVF.NUI' Xawyers, WILLAIll), WAIelll'V ."v- KXAPP, A'lTOUNIIVS and Counsellois-at-Lavv. c.1'3 to (ill Connell Uuildlng. FltANIv li. IIOM.L'. AriOltNI'.Y-AT-LAW. Hooms 12, II, 16 and 18 Iturr Huildiiig. D. II. RLTI OC.Li:. ATTOHNI'.Y LOANS XL0O Hated on leil estate security. Mears llulldlng, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JI'SSl'P fz .llIsSI'l', ATTOnxr.YS AND COI'V. sellois-at-law. t'omnionvvealth building, Itooms 10, 20 and 21. LDWAllD W, TIIAYI'll, A'lTOllNKV. JtOOMS !H-ii04, Olh lloor," Mears Pailldlng. L. A. WATHL's. ATIORNKV-AT LAW, HO MID of Tiadu llulldlng, Scranlon, Pa. PATTI'.IJSOV V WILCOX, THADLIl'S .NATIONAL llauk llulldlng. C. COMI'.OYS, 0-l.t IIF.PI'IILICAN DUlLDINa. A. W. III'itTHOI.r, OITJCi: MOVKD '10 XO. 211 W.vomlng avenue, Physicians and Surgeons. nil, w. 1: avruue, AI.LF.X, 5ia XOItTII washixoto:; 1)11. S. W. I.'AMOIHIAI'.V. OFKIC'i: MO WASH Iiigtun avenue. Ilrslelcnie, I'llS Mulbeiry, riironlr diseases, lungs, heart, kldne.vs nid gcnitn-iirluary orgaiu a cpccTalty, Hours, 1 to 4 p. 111. Hotels and Bestaurants, Till! KI.K CAFK, 12. AXU 127 I'KAXKLI.V AVH nue, Hates icasonable. P. ZILOLKn. Proprietor. SCI1ANTOX IIOL'bl-'. XKMl I).. L. k W, PAS- srngrr depot, Coiulueted mi llio I'tirnpeau plan. VICTOIt KOCH, Proprietor. t Scavenger, A. II. IHIKiOS CLIIANH 1'ltlVV VAULTS AND cess pools; 110 otloij only impioved pumps used, A. II. Ilrlgg, pioprlclor, Li'avc orders 1100 North Main avruue, or Kicke's drua: store, tor. ner Adams and Mulberry, lloth telephones, Seeds, a. ii. cLAiiKi: & 10.. si:i:d.smi:n"and nijhs. en men, stoic 201 Washluuton avenue; giecn houses, ItttO Xorth Main avenue; storo tele phone, "82. Wire Screens. JOI'I'll KUKTIUL. HKAlt (III liVtlKA. AVIJ., Scranton, Pa inaiiutacturer of ".lie huey.y. Miscellaneous, HHLssMAKINd 1011 lillLDIIFN' TO OIlDKIIt also ladles' waists. laiul.e bliocmakii, 21 Adams avenue. MF.HAlKIF.i: IHIOS., PIIINTIIIIS" M'PFI.II'S, JIV. velopcs, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 1.10 Wa.hliiglon iveiiue, Scranton, Pa, 'JIIK WILKLS llAHHH IIKCOHD CAN UK HAD iu bciaiiton at thu news stands of iti-i.iiun llros., 400 bpiuee and WM Linden; M. Norton. l,il iJd.awjiiua avenue; I. S. bchulner, 211 fvneuca street. CITY ORDINANCE. FIM5 OF SLLKCT COUXCIt., NO." 3, AX onBIN-AXte. Approprlallng fiimls lo defrnv expenses ol the clly government, of the rlty of Keranloii, for the lleal car rommcnclng the first day of April, A. D 1001, ' r-eellnn I. He It ordalnkd by Hie Select ami Common Councils ol Scranton, and It Is heieby i.rd.ilnfd by llio authority ol the Mine, that for Ihe putpose of elefraylng the cxpenus of Hie several department'! of the cllv for H13 (lel ,vear commencing on Ihc first Monday of April, 11)01, the following amourillenre hereby aniiro- prlaled. ' " citv m:coiti)i:it'M Di:t'Aimii:xT. Kaluy ol Clly llcconler per annum ? 3,000 00 Salary of Kcctrtary of City Hecunler 'per utintlni ,,,, ,A0O0O Stationery ' r.oiw Ineldeiitnls 1 100 00 Prlntlncr and posinge..!.... BO 00 . ff, 4)gjo no CITY TIII.'ASUIHIU'H DIlPAlir.MMNT. Salary of city Tieaurer per annum s 4,000 00 Cleik- hire 1,200 01) Printing, slutloiiery and books , 401 00 Incidentals loo Ik) $ r.,Too 00 CITY CONTHOLLI'ft'S ll'PAliTtl'Nr. Silary ol Clly Controller .,?2..V)O('0 Cleik hire 1,51101X1 Incidentals 2.1 00 Printing; and slatlunciy 25 00 4,030 00 LAW Dl'PAimil'NT. Salary of Clly Sollellor...,$ 2,M0 00 H.1I111V ol As'lslant Clly So licitor 1,2(XI 00 Incidentals 200 00 For pajment nf witness fees ,y,o 00 Supremo court expenses .... 100 00 4,300 00 CITY C'LKliK'8 W'PAimil'NT. Salaiy of Cllv Clerk f 1,900 0) Salaiy of Assistant Clly Clerk 1,200 00 Cleik n Common Council, WO IK) Incidentals 2." 00 ' Printing mid stationeiy .... 400 1V) Ineldeiitnls 200 00 Cleik like MO 00 4,123 00 CI I V AS-USSOU'S DI'PAUTMI'.NT. Salaiy ol live city assessors, 1,500.00 each per aiiiium. 7,500 00 Assessment hooks ami blot ters for 1002 110 00 Stationery printing and 200 00 slumps 200 00 Assistant city assessors, (I'iOI assessment) 4,520 00 Sheets for t.r: duplicates jear WOI 00 00 For making ta iluplic.Ues for j ear liwt .VK) 00 ? 12.S79 00 DLPAItTMLNT OF PIH1LIC SAl'KTY. ' Sahry of Diieclor of Pub lic Safety -f 2,500 00 Salary ef cleik of Director of Public Safelv 1,000 00 3,500 00 Ilt'RKAU OF POI.ICi:. Salaiy ol Supeiintendent ol Polite .. ? 1,500 00 Salaiy of one Lapttiin 0( Police 1,000 00 Silary of 0110 detective 1,000 00 ' Salaiy of four lleuteiuiits' .. 4,000 00 Salaiy of three desk ser geants 2,700 00 Salaiy ot foi t.v -live patrol men 40..VM) 00 Salary of one pail, policeman too IK) Salaiy of police .surgeon. 200 00 Kent of second precinct sta tion I101.se Ce'O 00 llent of foiuth nievincl sta tion house iVr) no Kent of telephone 50 00 Feeding pu-oncis ft XI nil llepaiung st.iiion houses.... 400 00 I.lgliling nid heating ion on Keeping hniscs iUO 00 Hep lbs of Iniuess and wagon 100 no For compiusation of polite ni.igisti.iles 2,000 00 Dues to Nalional Hiiro. lu of Identification 25 no For pliotogiaphlng prisoners 75 ix) liuipmeiit of police KM 00 Printing, postage and sta tionery 150 0) Incidentals II. " 10OOT f) 50,0 00 jiijhi'ai; of ii un. Salary of Chief Kngincer..?' 1,200 00 Salary of t-leik 000 00 Salaiy of fle cnginecis of steamtis 1,000 00 Two men for Xeptune I.'n- glue Conipaut- 1,410 00 Three men or Fiankllii Iln- gine Company 2,100 00 Three men loi Xay Aug F.u- gine Company 2,100 00 1 hi co men for Civ still Hose Company ,r. 2,100 00 Tlnee men for Hook and Ladder Conipiny 2,100 00 Two inch for Ceneial Pliiu- ney Knglne Compinv 1,110 00 Tlnee men for Relief Knglne Coiupny 2,100 01 Tlnee men for Phoenix Chemical Company 2,100 00 Two men for Libeity Hose Compiny 1,120 00 One man for Cumberland I lose Company 720 00 One man lor I'xtclsior Hose Company 720 00 Four men for Columbia Hose Coinpanv 2,700 00 One man for Century Hoo Company 720 01 One man for Win. Council Hose Company 720 00 Two men for Niagara Hose Company 1 ,.'110 00 Two men for I'aglc Ho.-o Company 1,110 00 Light and bent 2,0.) no llent of fire 11I.11111 1,100 00 For purchase of a lugesle Ihe engine for Xay Aug llo-o Company fi,lXjn 00 Maintenance of llio alarm ,, 2,111 41 Ilepalis appaintu-i and h.u- ness 1,000 00 llent of engine houses 4,')s0 00 , Salaiy of veterinary ."00 00 Medicine for horses loo no Purchase e.f liewo 'l.MOOil Supplies 2,100 00. For purchase of hook and lad trucks for Hook and Ladder Company 4,000 00 Telephones Office, Century, chief's icsldeiue, Xay Aug ami Cumberland 02 50 uhtlliitcs for vacitionand sickness ,,,., . 00 00 Keeping of horse?, 51 at $120.00 0,120 00 For lweiit-twn additional permanent III emeu 12,100 Oil For call ami bunk men 3,000 00 For lire 11I11111 box at the 1 niuer e.f Linden street and Wheeler nyiuie 121 00 For Hie nlauh box at eoiuer e.f Lurenie stieet and Twentieth sheet 125 00 For lire alum box at eoinir living avenue and Alder street 12. 00 For lire alarm box at corner of (lunch avenue mid Fer dinand sheet I2i 00 llepalr ot hose ,,,., 50 00 ltepilr of engine houses .... , ran tin Incidentals 150 no Purchase of horses S00 () , I'or, llro al inn box corner Jiving annuo and Or chard sheet ,,,,, 12100 it 70,01 Ot IIIIJII.'AU OF nilll.DlXd !SPC!TOIt. Silaiy of Hull ling In-pcctor.' 1,500 00 Filming 50 1X1 Matlonriv and postage ,,,, 21 txi IncldeiilaU , 10 00 ? 1.5S3 00 lll'IIIIAir OF Hr'ALTIL Salary of superintendent of lloaid of Health 1,200 00 Rainy of health nfllerr ,.,, boo 00 Salary of assistant sanitary t olfltcr 1 1 20 m Salary of food In.i.ectur,.,,,, 1,S(W 00 Salary ol plumbing iiupec tor , 1,200 m Salary n( sccictaty , ,, WJ 00 Incidental and stationery plimiblug iiKpectm 50 00 Saliry of crcmalory cm- plojes 2,100 00 Jtenuilug expenses of. e rein- ate.y .;,.,... 1,000 00 Inteic.t on cirmatory lot,, HO () Tu pmthase crematory lot. 3,ooo to Itepalu lo ciematory ,,,, 0O0 00 , Dockets, pilnllng and sta- tiouviy I...IMM 150 00 Incidentals , ,.... IWW For .et of testing intru mints for food Insnectvr. 50 00 11,120 00 Dl'.PAKTMK.V.' OK I'UIILIO WOItK;. Salary ot Diieclor ot Pub- IIl- Woik , 2,500 00 Incidental. IW l) I'or iiurchase el hjilranU ., (.WW balary of cleik of Depart- t-tut cf 1'L.bllu WiiiL..,,. 7a0 OO Cubanola cigars cost the same dealers IMPERIAL CIGAR CO., CITY ORDINANCE. For lepalrs unci erection of li.vthants 1,000 00 Silary of extra cltrk e.f De partment of Public: Works, GOO 00 Water lent, Scranton (las and Water Company 12.000 00 I'lcctilc street lights 47.4SO 13 $ Ci.O'JO 15 CITY HALL. S.iliiy of Janitor 720 00 Sil.uy of (3) Jinitresses .... IKK) 00 To repilring root cl city 1,500 00 lull I,5ix) no Heating 1,200 00 To (iirnishiug and psitltioii- ing moms in city lull .... r.no 00 Lighting 500 00 ltcpnlis and supplies or buildings unci tri omuls .... 200 00 I'or punting and repairing interior ol city hall.... 3,052 00 $ 8,572 00 nmiHAU of city i:di.i:i:i' Salary of City i:ngitieer..... 2,000 00 Salaiy of Flist Assistant City Kngincer 1,140 00 S.i I my of Second Assistant Kngincer 1.0SO 00 balmy of Assistant City Kn gincer per annum TOO 00 Salary of Lev elman 7S0 tx) Saliry of Lcvelman tier an nul .- 720 00 Two Itodincn, each WiO.OO per annum 1,320 00 Salary of six. riiilnmeu each !f,00.00 per aiinuni.,, 3,000 00 Incldcnlals 4IX) 00 Printing anil statinnciy .... 200 O) Itepalrs of asphalt as per oidiuance 17,520 00 To pay citj's pmlion for piving Fast Maiket sheet mm l.iikiwanu.i liver to Noith Main avruue .... 100 00 Incidentals for paving and connecting streets 300 00 For pipe drain em Ash stieet fiom ltlde.r street to ltoar ing Iiiook 1,000 1)0 Painting and coiling bridges 1,000 00 Widening of Tliiiel strret be tween Dieiaelnay and I'cl- , lows court 2,000 00 For pa Ing citj's portion o cost lepaving Cailiou slieet fiom I'enn avenue to Car bon sheet biid.-e' oer j Lackawanna ri ei 2,02125 I'or pa.ving titv's poition of cost of repaving a poi tion of I.ac'iivvaniia ave nue, Foulheast of Wash ington avenue 1,500 00 For sewer basin Stipp court, Xorlh ot Vine sheet 100 00 Foi filling approaches to nioom avenue culvert.... 100 00 For sev.cr basin, on South Side of Cayuga street 100 00 'J r,c).3-jl 25 nUKFAC OF HIGHWAYS AXD Sl KltS. Salary of supeiintendent of lilghvvajs and pevvers, per annum ? 1,500 00 Ineideiilals 50 IX) Piloting and strttloneiy .... 100 00 For piuclwso of three? dump I carts 3 JO 00 Cleaning of sewers and drains 5,000 00 Kepilrs of sewers and ihains. 3,000 00 Cleaning pived streets ....13,000 00 Supplies, for cleaning as phalt pave 150 00 Itcpiiis of brick, cobble nml block pile COO 00 Itepalrs of bridges and cul verts 4,000 00 Salaiy of engineer of load loller 40000 It opal i a to and supplies for load roller 300 00 Repairs of Ablugton turn pike 1,200 00 Ilepalis of Kim sheet In in the Sixth ward 1,0 00 Ilepalis of Kast Mountain load in Hies Twedflh waul, 500 110 Ilepalis of Xewton turnpike within city limftH 210 00 K.xtcnding letalning wall on Itobln-on street 20100 For puichasc of bo-e MX) 00 lAlending culveit on X. incline (Tripp's) 275 00 Keeping of hor.-cs 500 00 $ 3l,uoa uu QmJB pj not : have the best lH for your Five Cents?H WAIID APPIIOPHIATIONS. Tlist vvaid i.l.TR7.V) Second van 1.1S7 50 Thliil waul 25 IX) Foiuth ward 1.125 1X1 Fittli wai.l ,. 1,125 00 Sixth waid HIS 75 Seventh wind Mx) (X) Kightli waul 175 00 Ninth waul 1,112 Ml Tinth waid 1,011 25 Klevciith waul 050 ix) Twelfth ward ft'O 25 Thliteenlh ward 1.270IX) Fourteenth wan! 5IX) If) Fifteenth ward liW'l 21 blxk'cnth ward (Un 2.3 Sevenleenlh ward 1,"M ,V) Klghleentli w.anl MV) 00 Nineteenth vvurd 1,271 25 Twentieth ward 1,521 25 Twuitj-fiii-t waid 1,175 (X) S 20,120 23 Grand total of Sheet Department,,, ,5 51,131 23 iirui'Ai' oi' pAiiu;. NAY Al.'(i PAHK. S.ilnv of supeiliiteiidciit of pirks 5 tnm I'or services nf gardner .... 350 0) ('oft of perennial plants, liedillug and planting .... 012 50 Animals inilnleiianto and cup ., l.OiNPO Connecting woinin'.s toilet loom vvllli water nnd sewer .too () ('leaning grounds bixi no Salary of female attend nit of wemaii's toilet room,. 125 (XI Lumber for repilis , , 100 tx) Teh phono ,,,,. :.o txi leo 100 00 Drinking lank ,,, l' on llnsu ,,,.,,,,, 25 10 Tools and sundries, 100 OH Kieetrle- lighting of. mines,, 30 (x) Table and bene lies (fir plenio grounds 1 do7. , ,,,, 73 00 Coal 50 00 f 1,717 03 CONMII.Ii PAlllv. Iiieldeulals ., Connell Paik 500 00 ,,,,.,,,,,,... 1,1X10 (V) . ? 1,500 OO WOODLAWX PAlllv. Woeidlawn Pail; i 1.0 00 sciunton j'liiii.io i.iiiiiaiiy di:pahtmi:nt. For salaried unci labor (150 per month) , 5,100 00 Fur Incidental (22) per month) 2,700 00 For books llSi r month).. 2,700 00 For eh lively station, ami branch leaning luoius .... i,su m $ 12,000 00 HKXKIIAli CITY A( COUNT. For pajlig preinlum on official bonds of city off!- tcts ,. Wx) ix) IMntlng and stationery .,.. 2,50o 00 lusuiance1 ,..,,..,,,.. MW CO btatv tax on loan ...,,,.. 2,0 10 00 $ 5.SI00O cigars and common you about . at your' 109 UCU.I.IE., rtiim it Wholesale Tobacconists and "Distributers of CITY ORDINANCE. DLFICIEXCIKS OF F1RI1 DKPAItT.Ml'NT. A. It. Could k Sons $ C. 1'. Itcckwllh k Co Scranlon Republican W. J. Xeave F. W. Irlcinatm John Ilcnoro Scranlon Supply and Mai blu rry Co Philip Martin Kconnmy Light, Heat and Povv er Co J. Kearney k Co Dickson Manufacturing Co.. Center k Zeldler Hunt & Council Co Finch Manufacturing ("n ... 201 05 201 01 (1 III) 10 35 40 Gill 01 CI 02 4 10 20 00 130 00 311 OO 2 50 1.1 55 ' S 15 1,013 07 41 15 1 00 1 30 3 10 103 II IS 40 37 00 1(17 40 5 50 Oilhnol'.s Cairlago Woiks... II. II. Ilouser P. V. (Ionian Joseph F. Helricgcl Oreen Ridge Lumber Co.... Schneider Pros It. I'.. Prendergast Wolf .V Wcnrcl American l'iie Knglne Co.. C. J. Thaunr Maloncv Oil It Manufactur ing; Co ...i nittenbender k Co. .,: Seiantou Illuminating Heat ml Power Co Loren. Ilabeistrob Scranton Redding Co (!. W. Fiitz Co Connolly It Wallace Scranton (!as k Water Co.. I W. Dilks Charles 1 1cier F. P. Iliown Hide Park Cns Co Williams k McXulty Consumers Ice Co '.... Tribune Publishing Co Subuiban I'.lectne Light Co Cli.il Irs I". Chittenden W. C. C'ov.les Keller k llariis Qnlnn k Mm ray A. It. Hriggs Scranton 'Lumber Co Frank Cob! Seiantou Supply k Machinery Co Seiantou Repiiblitan Kconomy Light, Heat, & Power Co I.... A. II. Could c Sons (keen Hlilge Lumber Co.. John Ileuore h.i T. Itoscnkians Keller k Harm J. Kearney & Co Sihnelder Iti'os ('ilhool's Cnniagq Works .. Oamewell Fire Alarm Co.. Frank II. Rosch Clinics I). Rraxmar Postal Telegiuph and Cable Co (!. W. D.avi, A Win. Ilright John II. Phelps ('. M. Sitterly Kverhart Drass Works (iilhool Canlage Woiks .... John Ilcnoro Ileckwith k Co ('. K. Chiltendeu Suburban Kieetrle- Light Co.. Scranton Illuminating Heat and Power Compiny .... 11 elc Park (las Company .. Schneider Rios Scranton (las and Water Company Daniel Slowe Michael Milder Roheit .iruistrong (i. II, Siiydam . P. .1. Ilickey Schneider llros Footn & Shear Co Joseph lleliieglc 1). Fetzer Albeit Wallers Keller k Hauls Oeoige W. Davis Holbeit k l.. linn Centra! 1'eiiinjlvanl.i Tel ephone Company Mathews llros Scranlon Stove Works J. Kearney k Co ('. J. Thauer Consumeis lee Co scranton Times diaries T. Ilalloway Maloncv Oil Co (keen Ridge Lumber Co,. . (ieorgo W. Jenkins Si lantern Supply k Michlncry Co ; Kcnnoniy Light, Heat ,t Power Co V.. W. FilU Spiuks llros 181 75 2 35 101 13 10t,5 51 00 521 12 41 :si 0 75 45 25 IS 80 20 50 ' 70 r. 50 l pi on 57 17 'I 30 20 03 00 15 fa) 10 20 1,310 ("I 0 23 3 00" 10 00 3 25 S SI 12 78 0 111 21 05 1 19 50 S (X) l'W 20 25" 35 20 00 14 10 20 31 35 4S7 05 2 10 17 IX) 7 1.0 1211 70 40 lil 201 7.5 III IS 123 ;,o IT! 22 72 27 20 27 103 30 li I 2 1 30 81 r.i 12 100 (X) 120 IX) ,".7 M 2 25 Wl 2 50 41 21 CI 75 h 1,0 15 IX) 10 2 10 11 50 32 50 11 02 201 50 1 35 30 01) IS 70 . 2 IX) h 33 13 33 20 (10 50 05 21 $ 0,311 DIU'K li:CY MUOH'S Dr'PAItTMI'NT. Scranlon 'lilbune I 00 DITICIF.NCY 'IIU'ASt'lll'll'S DKPAHTMI'.Y''. Cential Peiuis.v Irani I Tele phono k Supply Co 37 50 Remolds Bins 150 00 J. Sir.lt luglls 20 31 Scranton Republican 4 10 ? 221 21 di:ficii:noy city ci.fiik's ni'PAitTMF.x. Sirantnu Henublleau ,,,.,,, 47 18 bcianlou Supply .fc Currc- spomlinen ro . Seiantou Tllbune .... I'lovldeucc Register .. W. (', Tuiiitall II. K. Pienilcigast .... W. C. Tuiislall ,..,,.. Scrantuu Tilbuno 10 (x) . 2'l I,') 20 75 21 31 , 10 HO Hi"! SO 12 W S 502 OT DDITCII'NCY CITY HALL DF.PARTMIIXT. Scranlon (las k Waler Co.. 35 07 Suburban Kieetrle- Light L'u, 311 02 $ 377 SO HI'ITCIF.NCY i:X(IINTi:i'.S DI.'I'AIII'MI'.NT, M, J, Ruddy ,'. 88 cfl DIXICIFAUV POLIl'i: DKPAHTMI'XT. ,1. U. Sehrlcver 37 23 Win. llcllcs l'oolc k Shear Co.,..,,,.,, (', I.. Sin! (It (ieorgo W. Dunn , .., John II, 1'hclp. , II. )Y, b'.ixton ,.,. Seiaiiton Iron I'enta Co,,,, 'I bonus J, O'.vidlley ........ I Via Finn k Son,, J. Keuucy k Co. ,,.,....... Ihdt- Paik (las Co ,..,,,,,,, W. ('. Covvles Croige A. Ilrlegcl .......... Sthiicider llros 48 I'l 7.1 31 .30 31 (X) 0 00 1 15 75 () 31 Id I.) 37 20 Ix) II a mi 85 00 7 IM - $ 400 01 ni'FICIF.SCV 110 MID OF IIFATIII. The Central liin.)lianla Telephone and buppl) Co.. Ik no Ida Urns , Fled J. VAiilmavcr X, II. U'V re llrntlicr F. 11. Kveiett ,,-e ; William Price k Son Charles Cooper ...... , .... Matthews llrothers ,,. P. J. Neville , 23 ) i .30 Ill lXJ 10 00 5 50 n S tx) b2l 8 (X) 13 73 bam K. Knapp ,.,.. ,1. J. Nealis.,., Frank Ilobliii.', Jr.....yl.. V 73 lOo 01 dfficii:ncii;s nay aiki pAiii:, Scheur llrolhers ,., $ "25 William II. Picite , 2 oo m n iiu-ijj in '. .HPIZksVa Urn CITY ORDINANCE. Wolf k Wcntrcl 50 CoiKiuner's Ico Co 10 80 II. S. (lorman k Co 20 00 l'oolc k Shear Co 1 t.fi Miillierlu k Judge Ill bit Scranton Iron Fence Mfg. Co. 7 wf Suburban Kieetrle Light Co 2S l.s Washburn, Williams k Co. 70 00 C. Y. Ililgert 45 7.1 Schneider llros 4 25 Hill k Council 3 00 P. .1. McCii.ii 21 b2 Abington Dairy Co 10 S.1 John Phillips 100 00 "? S67 38 DCFJCIKXCY STIIKCT DKPAUTMBNT. til'PAIRS nniDGKS AXD CULVERTS. Spruks llrothers' bill of October II, 11OO.f220 56 Spiuks, Urolliers bill of October 11, 1001).. 2.18 44 SprusH Urol hers" bill of Nov. 13, 1000.... 290 30 $70130 John llenorc k Co bill of October 1, l'JOO 83 SO Jos. F. llelreigel. bill of Dec. 28, J0O0.... 13 20 Peter lllltr, balance on voucher Xo. 33S02 S3 73 Scranton Wood Work ing Co., balance on voucher Xo. 35SU,. 2 75 Total ? 800 CO CLKARIXG SKWTRS AND DRAINS. Ceorge M. Dunn, bill of January 1, 1901 19 35 Joseph Aiisley, bill of Jan uary II. I'IOI 1 0,5 To Simdrv persons, bal mi a on voucher No. 35S0: 100 32 Kasterle & Co.. bills of No vember 23 and 21 2121 Total ? 130 1? RKPAIUS Sl,Vi:ilS AND DRAINS. M. J.., Illicitly, bill of Jan- u.uy 31, 11101 13 20 To sundry persons, balance on voucher pay roll Xo. 3571S 113 09 Caliieii Stone Co., bill of s August 17, VXJO 1 20 t Tu Robert I'll rin. balance i on v out her No. 35S02.f.,t.. 51 75 Oeoige W. Frltr, bills of January 15 and 10, 1001.. 115 Total -. $ ISO 39 ARINCiTOX TURNPIKE. John Ilrown, balance on voucher No. 35718 21 75 Ceorge Aicbbald, balance on voucher Xo. 35339 11 22 Total $ 32 CI IXCIDF.NTALS. R. D. Thomas, lul.anco on voucher Xo. 35010 1 01 Making a grand total of.,.. $ 3,201 73 DFFICIKNCY-CKXF.R L INCIDENTAL AC COUNT. ClYicnco, K. Pr.vor. sbeiiff.. 210 53 'I bos. P. Stevens, lo u-e W. T. Davis 211 09 C.ipouso Waler Cu 15 IX) Ch.n. P. Matthews 50 IX) Samuel Iliues GO (XI W. .1. Torrey (13 00 Williams k Phillips 5.13 49 A. A. Vasburg, clly solicitor for witnesses 220 00 Cliicnee K. Pror S 65 Win. Cioiilm 100 ix) Spring Ilrook Water Co.... 25 (x) Tribune Publishing Co 71 03 Scranton Railway Co S3 Ot John Copeland, balance .... 375 (XI John Cupel mil GS1 bl Tribune 1'iililMiing Co 22 II lliidget Harvey, settlement ot claim 109 .".0 John J. Costello 05 00 Mary Durkiti 300 00 A. A. Vosburg 13 00 Mrs.Ii.Diie.cn 2tX)00 , J. 4). Kcator 115 00 rilrpalilel md Lavelle 301 b.3 Mury Jo,,M " ,ioio DITICTI'XCIL'S. Tor pivinent of Judgments according to their priority on rritlflcato of tlio clly solicitor ."'10,150 M Total 5 !l''.200 CO See, 2. The clly controller shall not morgn any appropilnllon nude for specific improvements lu any .ve.ir unless such Improvements liavo been completed. 'Hie iltv controller shall carrv foiward to mr responding account Mr .veir 11)01 any and all uu e.vpended balances to ciedlt of general and ward appropriations for sheet repairs, cleaning pave ments nnd sewers. Al.o balances for -pilnllng and Ftitlonciy and Incidental for alUclly de parements, -jIJ, ,, Tlio e ity controller shall carry forwattr.all un expended balances e.r 1S10 for parks o. torre Fponding accounts for ,tho lineal vuir elicglnnlng ",m- ' iUfrrt.vffaSfl.ifel. v r ' 'jArtKS MOIR, City neconler. Attest: M. T. LVr.LLK, - Clly Cleik. ., ., ,? SEALED PROPOSALS. Sl.'ALKD PROPOSALS "llio llorougli of Uunmom nffcisj for sale to the lilnhot lilililrr. oi bid dels, for cash, thirl) -lit ei thoiisancl dollars (D, txxn tsiupoii boiuU, dated September 1, IS'", known in 'tlio ,'ipyiimeiio llomilLcwen. lloiuls, Scries A,'' being, scvei.ly boniU i.l the ilenoniliia tlon ol live bundled dullais (fair)) raili, num. btred iiin-eentlvely, and redeemable Injjhc older ol their number us follows; Fiom 1 tei 17 Ineliislvo September "J?' IPOI. 1'iom IS lo 31 inclusive, SeiiteinberMp I"1". Fiom 33 to 6J inclusive, September J, mil. From 5J to 70 inclusive, September t W. "llio bonds bear four per lent. Intciest, pay able semi-annually em the Hist da)s of Jlaicli and September at the I'lpt National bank In tna Ilty ot hcuntuii, 111. si j, SIX' ."rr," 'llio onllnanco e.f the Hcroush of limmore, duly appiovcd, .lutkinilnlrrtoj.'lfsiien'i.t ahl bonds, piovlih'S fot tlio luvy ot a kueihil.tax for the pa)iiient of tho prlurliUl JOie) (eUereU of sab, boiuls a the sumo beeonie due, as reeniltcd by law, Said proposal! will be received by tlio secre tin)" of Du'iinore borough in, III 8 o'clock li, lu., Vlav liitli, 1""2 'or Hie jiurcliacn of S4td Isnils, lllds shall state the pilec olfered, in addition to the accrued Ihtciest tiolu September 1, 1'A tei dale ol dclivriv ol bonds. teilillid cheek loi sVHI shall Lev nulo'el with each bid, vhleli .lull be lorlelfed to tho llorougli ol Duninoie m ease uf refusal or oniN stun ol the muHsljil lilddc tcssuccpt the bundi nnd iiiaku li)iiienf lluuelo vsllliUi lb?c weeks fiom the .akin limn uf Mh same. No-jiroposal will bo rradfrfcopslderttillvvkklilfaihrto ioiii ply with Ibls'ilqulruiient. Tle Wougli, ieerve4 the light to rejitt uuy or.alUbl.ls.. Addrcs bldd tn H II. (IILMJIAN, Dorough Seciretary 703 Kat DilnVcr tievf, Dunuiorc, Pi. 02 h v J v v !!t.i lJV !-& Jf'S,jL 2T - jteJLX-JLr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers