Wmm fmmmiwmWmm mw mw xtfiVC 7'OT r"L' 'SWJ'rt Fi "nHr"? li.-VreiVW ' :.m v- -"v x. 'J t,' i i . jt,' wa Ji .wJ? ."',." , 'V" 'V'I? v-sflu K Jr-3 fcw " I-VI u 1 ( i iA m 0.0- THE SORANtON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, a MAY 8, 1902i y. r - YS ' Y h h I v-, ' ! Superior y- CLEVELAND BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR HIGHER WAGES FOR THE D., I. AND W. SHOP HANDS. "Large Number of Men and Boys in the Motive Power Department Re ceive an Increase That Averages Nearly Eleven Per Cent But for General' Manager Wehrum, of the the L. I. and S. Co., Scranton Would Have a Large Foundry Es tablished Here. The Board. In pursuance of the plan inaugurated by the Delaware, Lackawunna and Western Railroad company when they imt their shopmen on a piece work scale working basis, where merit war ranted it, they have increased the wages of a large number of employes in the motive power department all along the line. Both the piece and time workers among the machinists, helpers, boiler makers and other motive power men have had their wages Increased to the number of four hundred and forty-six. The Increase to machinists nnd help ers amounts to ti per cent., to appren tices 30 23-100 per cent., nnd the aver nge Increase to all men raised amounts to 10 95-100 per cent, over their pre vious wfises. The Increase to apprentices is made on the following lines: Previously they received the llrst year, .06 per hour; second ye'.ir, .08 per hour; third year, .10 per hour; fourth year. .12 per hour, nnd now the rate paid is .08 first, .11 second, .14 third, and .17 fourth. Deal Pell Through. Sometime ago Conrad' Schroeder nnd .Mrs. MIna Robinson decided to secure an option on the Lackawanna Iron and Steel company's foundry. They plan ed to equip it with modern appliances and carry on a general foundry busi ness giving employment to 150 men or more and thus supplying to some ex tent the void caused by the removal of the steel company's plant to Buf falo. The option was secured, the price be ing $30,000. After consultation it was llnally decided to carry out the pro posed plan and purchase the property. The acceptance of the offer was In advertently delayed and It Is under stood to have reached General Manager Wehruin, of the steel company just one hour later than the time tlxed. He promptly sent a reply stating that the company's original offer no longer held good nnd announcing that if the foundry was to bo purchased the price would be $35,000 Instead of $30,000. This so Incensed Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Schroeder that they decided without further ndo to give up the idea of pur chasing the place. D L. and W. Board for Today. Following Is the make-up of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western board for today: WmSEbDAY, MAY T. YMtis Kant 8 p. in,, lloboken, A, V, Mullen; 10 p. m., Al. dinky , with IhC'artbj's crew. THURSDAY, MAY 8. Extras j:ast 1.80 a. m Holiol.cn, J. XT, Car ney; u n, m., lloboken, Oliver; 10 u. m., V. J, Io!er; II u. m., lloboken, J, A. ttvu.li; 1 i. m., J. If. JM'.inn; 2 p. m., lloboken, J, II. Suaitz; 3,30 p. in,, 1'. F. blevens; fi p, in., lloboken, rilipitrick; p, in,, F, L. Ilogi-rt Summits, Etc, D a. m.t Frountelkcri 10 a, m.', Nkliuls; )1 a. m., Carries! 2 p. :u.,IIcniilKau. Pusherefl a, m., Wldner; 7 a. m., B. Tinner. y; a a, m., Ilouncr; 0 a. in., William Wardell; JO a, in., II, Ocular; 11.45 a. m., Moran; 1 p. m., Lattimeri J p. in., O. Bartholomew; 7,30 p. in., Murphy; 0 p. in., W, II, Bartholomew; 11 p, m,, lumping. Helpers 1.S0 a. in,, McGovem; 7 a, m., Gaff. ney; )0a. m., Sccor; 3,30 p. m., Stanton. IMras West 8 a. in., SI. Carmody; 10 a, m,, T, Doudlcan; 11 a, m., O. Klngsleyi 1 p. si., A. II, Howe; 2 p. in., It. Caetncr; 4 p, tn., II, ail llgan; 11 p. in., John Gahagan. NOTIOE. Thoniai McCarthy will run pay car, May 8 and P, la place of J. T, Tlerney. This and That, At the headquarters of the Shamokln Jlylslon of tho Reading railway the information was given out that the company will build an extension from Jtoaa Junction to the city ot Ilaxle- CLEVELAND'S Baking Powder Makes delicious home-made biscuit. No biscuit or cake you buy at the bakers or confectioner's equals in fresh ness and flavor those you can make at home with Cleveland's Baking Powder. Whcn you do your own baking, using Cleve land's Baking Powder, you know just what goes into your food; that it is pure and wholesome and has no poisonous alum in it. Home-made baking is easy and economical if you use Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder. Imitation baking powders are cheap, but being made from alum are unsafe for, use in food. Alum is a mineral poison.' ton within the next two months. When the extension is completed trains will be run direct between Tamaqua and Hazlcton. The survey is now being made. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western has adopted the semaphore system of train signalling for the Bloomsburg division and the apparatus for the display of the signals has al ready arrived. The subject of Industrial peace arouses increasing interest. The work of the national arbitration committee has already produced results, as well as inspired hope for the future. This Important subject will receive espec ial attention at Chautauqua next Au gust. Hon. Carroll D. Wright will pre side at .1 beries of conferences. Ad dresses will be made by Prank P. Sar- gent, John Mitchell, President William R. Harper and others. The new sheds about to be erected by the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company, at Tenth and Mul berry streets, Harrlsburg, Pa., will cover a large area. The first shed will be 529 feet long and will face Tenth street. The second shed will be 337 long and will be parallel with the llrst. The third and shortest shed will face the Reading tracks and will be 241 feet long. Each shed will cover a high wooden trestle, on which the rails will be laid. Cars will run In on the tracks and will discharge their coal into the bins below. The three sheds are sep arated by macadamized driveways, and each has an office and weigh scales. OUR FOREIGN TRADE. A Mount Vernon, X. Y., ear company has Be cured u contract tor fifty box cars from cne Mexican lailroad and for sixty Lot and twenty stock cars from another. The hie British firm of liolckow, Vaughan k Co., whoc work3 are iww being "Americanized," has just signed contracts calling for 10,000 tons of steel lails for use in the construction of the Manchester and West Broinvvlch coriwration electric traction pystcins. A marine iron works of Chicago has obtained a contiact tor various machinery for a transpor tation company in Mexico. The same concern is to build a steamer for inland navlgutlon in Col ombia, the vessel to be shipped in sections and put together on arrival at its destination. A large amofliit of Amcileaii machinery is to be put in at the famous arsenal of the British gov ernment at Woolwiclv England. The Auckland (New Zealand) Electric Tramway company, lim. ited, has just increased its capital by the Uota tion of some $1,230,000 of stock for the purnose of extending its sjslem, which is being built largely with American material. A New York firm has been awarded a contract for doing the work, the value of the contract being $1,300,000. Our exports for the nine months ended with Slareli khow, aciording to the treasury bureau of btatlstics, a falling off of $39,000,000, but J, 000,000 of that u accounted for by tho corn drouth. IUw cotton shipments, though UJ1,000,. 000 pounds larger in quantity, arn $13,000,000 loss In value, shipments of oats, owing to homo use for feed in place of corn, also fell oft $3, 000,000 in value, In these three lines a falling olf of $71,000,000 is accounted for, while the net falling off is only $30,000,000. Hence, wo in creased $12,000,000 in manufactures and other lines. All told, and in spite of $70,000,000 in crease in imports, our favorable trade balance at the end of the nine montlu is $102,000,000. "The chief of the bureau of foreign commerce at Washington reports an interebtlng experlmiiit which American Arms are trying in the slnpe of a floating sample store. A ihc1 is to leaic the United btate3 for the western toast of Mexl:o, Central Ameilca and South America liains for bale tamplci of merchandise of all kinds tult able for tropical trade, each line of goods being in chaige of un expert talesman, This Is a plan which teems entirely practicable, and which has many adtantjges ovir the sample wjrHiujso method, IJy the mcaiu used the samples can be carried to prospeotivc customers Instead ot their comliuj to the locality where the samples aro slionn. In a ( word, it U the American "drum mer" idea tarried out on a large and comprc lienihe scale, and it gives promise of greatly extending American tiade," Troy Dally Tiinej. Our poiti on tho I'aciflo, cxpoilcij In March $J,4U3,0SS, and Imported $1,2.17,033, leaving a bal ance In our faior of $2,2.0,Ki.l, Today the trade ol the United Slates with Cuba is, in General Wood's opinion, not more than one third of what it will ho under a fair reciprocity agreement. A reduction ot 3a per cent,, or eeu of 20 per cent,, op American imports Into Cuba will restore to the, United Mate her command of Cuban markets. General W(od is presently to turn over tho island to the new Cuban govern ment. Ho will have to give an account of his stewardship, am) tho United States, which lias a responsibility immensely greater than his, will have to dive an' account. Is it to be a prosperous Cuba or bankrupt Cuba which we restate after four ytaw ot absolute control? The president ays, prosperous and dow the American mw science. But the bect-augir gTewers say, "PerisVt Cuba foontr than sea our proSU lessened," It is quite impossible to recogniu an American accent In that selfish sad shameless err." London Time r - Hi United; States b now exporting great quan tities of allies to China, and to France, formerly toe foremost silk-producing countries. y THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York, May 7. Today's stock market re flected an unavailing effort to contest the down ward tendency. After jc&tcrday's revulsion at the tcmi-demoraliation on Monday, some reac tionary tendency wa3 natural to restore the nor mal balance of things, but this tendency was re inforced by the decidedly sceptical sentiment over the prophecies of the anthracite labor settlement. These prophecies continued cry confident from sources with every means of uuthorltativc infor mation, but the Hat contradiction of the rumors received from Scranton, wlieic the miners' dele gates wcic in convention, Laused contusion and uncertainty nnd a suspicion that the Wall street outgivings were in the nature of "tips" designed to Influcncu the stock inaikct. As a matter of fact, Heading, which was accepted as the index of the anthiacitc situation, was lifted a shade abovo last night. The icports of the condition of tho crops and the weakness ot the grain market were a help to the grain carrying rail roads and they made .a good advance in the couisc of the day's session. The continued ag gicaaive strength of Louisville and Xatliville, Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville and various smaller subsidiary linns, gained additional influ ence from the response in Southern Railway, which was consideitd significant of closer rela tion in the whole, southern group. Kaahville, Chattanooga and St. Louis, Chicago and llastcm Illinois and Kvansvllle und Terrc Haute all shared in the movement. Illinois Central was a con Hpicuom exception and was heavy throughout. The advance in Kansas City Southern was attrib uted to the formition of a pool in the stock. All of the strong points however, yielded to the liquidation during the last hour, caused by the relapo in Heading to 2 under last night. Piacticnlly all of tho gains weie wiped out and the level ot prices carried below last night. Realizing sale were much in evidence in Chicago Great Western, which lost 2'i. of yesterday 4V4 point gain. Tennessee Coal lost over three points on account of the annual report, which was con sidered discouraging. United States Steel stocks did not escape the depression, notwithstanding the extraordinary exhibition of the last year's transactions by the company, The money market was called easier today, the maximum loaning rate reaching 15 per cent, with a Mihicipicnt recession to (l per cent. The market closed heavy. Total sales, 1, 138,000 shares. The tone of the bond market weakened in sym pathy with stoclui. Total sales, par value, ?4,0J5, 000. United States bonds wcic all unchanged on the last call. The following quotations are furnished The Tribune by Haight & Freese Co., 311-315 Mears building. W. D. llunyon, manager. Open. High. Low. Close, Amalgamated Copper .. (.7 OS's W94 07'a Am. car & Foundry ... 30's suft American Ice 19 ID American lee, I'r. (UTi 02T4 301 30' 18 CHi 3i'i OHi 5Vi 19',i 01V 32'i 03 Aiuer, Locomotive :U',i :tt'2 Amcr. Locomotive, I'r.. !)! 03 Am. Smelt, k Ite'g. Co. 45',s 48 40 American Sugar .129 129 114 12S 12SV5 Anaconda Copper ... Atchison Atchison, I'r Dalt. k Ohio Ilrook. Hap. Transit Canadian 1'acittc .... Ches, & Ohio Chic, k Alton Chic, k Gt. West. .. Chic., Mil. k St. 1. .11,1 , SO 113 JI 70 7014 08 asvi 1074 107V4 OJ11! 0374 80 t)8',3 .lOsii 1081 C7?i 07 .127 . 43 . SUM . 32 12734 123'j 12JT4 S,'s 47i 47ft 37 SOV'a 3(H4 3231 2054 20T4 .1711.4 172 17Ui 170 Chic, It. I. k Pacific. ,177ai 17734 174?4 174 101',: Col. Fuel k Iron ..10t VI lOtVi 103 Col, k Southern . Col. k South., I'r, Del. k Hudson ... Eric B. It 31 31 30',j i Mi 177V4 174','a 38Vj xa 00 69V4 03 Kl SV.i SJ rl,4 152 un ltui'j 31 44Vi 17Ui r.;',i 09V4 ai 15i 141 1324 110 23V4 l4Vi 170 3810 (19 W SHi 154?; L'rle, 1st. Pr , Erie. 2d. Pr Hocking Valley ..... Illinois Central Louis, k Nashville . Manhattan , Met. Sheet By. ..... Mexican Central MKso., Kau. k Texas, Mo., Kan. k Tex., Pr, Missouri Pacific . .... N, Y. Central , Norfolk & Western . , North Amor ! an ,,,., Ontario k Western ... Pacific Mall ...,,.,, Pcniu. It. It ...,141 U i 13.1 132 IMVi lMVi 14014 OTa WV 23 .. 25 25Ti Mia 25','j ., no? no'ii ou', oilta .,101 101 100 lOlVi .,150 100 r.S 15') 5S 3S 57 53VJ ..125 .. 3.1'., .. 40 ..150V3 121 .Wi sail 10 40 151 150 urns hm; 3.1 40 1.10 V. 10.1? 41 (:,y, si f is 74 03 37 P3V4 CUU 41?' laili 87 v 11 SI', 41 01 2U 01 2.1 ill 14 27 Peoples Gas nil4 Pressed Steel Cur 41 44 41 Beading It. It 00 044 M to',4 11 71 OS w .1714 MH 01 41 10.1 8711 13 84 41 0111 20 44 01 22 0414 27 Heading, 1st. Pr Heading, 2d. Pr HcpuMlo Steel ., llepubllo Steel, Pr. ... St, Iouis k San Fran, Southern Pacific Southern B. B. ,,,..,. South. It. B I'r Tenn. Coal & Iron ... 8.1 71 15 74 fills 83 71V4 16 71 ()')". (17U WiT!i 1X1 IB 42','j 10.114 . -17 . tKJ . M . 4214 ,101 . S7'4 . 11 Texas k Pacific , Union Puclflo .., Union Pacific, Pr, 87'a KS U, S, Leather 11 14 U, S. Leather, Pr, 84 m V, K. Steel 41 41 U, 8, Steel, Pr. UiVi 2i Waliuli 27 27 Wabash, Pr ,., 4m 4T.j Western Union Tel 01 01 Wheel, k Lale Erie,.., 22T 2-1 W. 4: Uke Erie, lt. Pr 6116 nt'-i WUconnln Central 27 0'4 Ex-iUvideud. Tqtal sales. 1,210,000. Money, B','Q. CHICAGO GHAIX AND PROVISION MARKET, WHEAT Open. lUih. Low. Clove. July ,.., ., ,,,75 73 74 Scptembi.-, ,..,74 7t 73Vi CORN July ,..,,02 621i "014 September .,, ,,01 61',i 'J OATS- July ....34 31 33 September ...., .....20 2014 2S I'OBK- 74 73 ro 60 33 24 July Xt.Oi lT.ftl 17.05 11, U 10. IT 0.5! V.87 16. OS 17.00 11.10 10-17 0.50 0.53 10. 15 17.02 11.10 10.17 n.r.i 0.67 Seiitembcr . .17.00 LARU July .,.., beptcmber . UI1IS July ..,.,, Stuteiubcr . .... ,11.13 10.17 0.17 0-55 NEW YonK CaTTON .lAIIKRT. ' . Open. Illeli. tiw, Cloie. July i.,,,, ,i, ,,,,,,, p,24 n.: 0.21 0.2x August ..,. ,,(,,., p.nt p.hi ii.oi o.oo September , s.fio t.m s.;,2 8.12 October ,,,.,. 8.23 0.33 8.27 8.27 Scranton Board of Trade Exchnnge Quotations All Quotations Based on Far of 100; STOCKS. l.ieVtvnn Dslry Co., Pr. ...... County Saving Dank k Trust Co Did. 00 Isoo Asked. urn .National nsnk (CarliondJle),,, ,,, Third Nation)! Dank ,.,......., .,.. C30 Dime Deposit ami Discount. Dank... 300 tit fiOU Kranomy Light, H. k P. Co Flr.t National Dank 1.100 Lacks. Trii.t k Rate Dciin.lt Co.... I'll 49 Clark & Snover Co., Pr., ,.,,,, 125 ,,. Scranton Savings IUnt MO ,,. Traders' National Dank , 211 ... Scranton Bolt k Nut Co . ... 125 ... People'a Dink , 135 ... BONDS. Scranton Parking Co S3 8cranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 US ... People's Street Hallway, first mort gage, due 1018 113 ,,. People's Street Hallway, Oencral mortgage, due 1021 11.1 Scranton Traction 0 per cent 113 Economy Llsht. ll.jt tvm-r i'.. 117 North Jersey k Poeono lea Co...... ... 07 Consolidated Water Supply Co 103 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave,) Flour f 1.40. Butter Kiesli creamery, 25c: fiesli dairy, 21c. Cheese 13al3!4c. EggNearby, 18c.; wcslern, 1714e. Marrow Deans-Per bushel, $2..15a2,10. Oreen Peas Per bmhels. 1.75. Potatoes Per bmhcl, J1.00. Onions Bermudas, $2,25 per, crate. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, May 7. Wheat 1c. lower; con tract grade. Slay, KlaNiUc. Corn 1c. lower; No. 2 mixed, May, Otailtlfcc. Oats Steady; No. 2 white clipped, 51c. Butter Klrm, 1c. higher; extra western creamery, 23c; do. neaiby prints, 2ilc. Eggs Steady, but quiet; freih nearby, Hie. ; do. weitern, 10all)V4i; do. southwestern, lfic; do. southern, 13al.113c Cheese Firm; New York full creams, fancy1 fniall, 12al3','4c; do. do., fair to choice, llal.1c. Uetined sugars Unchanged. Cotton Firm, and 1-lOc higher; middling uplands, 0c Tallow Firm, fair de mand; city prime in tierces, 0a7c; country prime in barrels, n;4aUc, ; do. daik do., 0a 6c; cakes, 7a7',4r. Live poultry Steady, fair demand; fowls, 12H1.1c; old roosters, 8aPc; spring chickens, 20a27c. as to sie; ducks, lie; gecie, PalOi-. Dressed poultry Firm, good de mand; fowls, choice, 1214c; do. fair to good, Utilize; old roosters, BaStic.; western roast ing chicks, frozen, l.lalOc; do. broilers. lflaSOc; nearby brolleis, fresh killed, 35a40c; do. froz.cn, 22a2So. Receipts Flour, 2,000 barrels and 4,513,000 lln. In sacks; wheat, 108,000; coin, 3,000; oals, 13, 000 busheli. Shipments Wheat, 8,400; coin, 3,"00j oats, 0,000 bushels. New York Grain and Produce Market New York, May 7. The wheat market dis couraged buyers and only a moderate trade wa done in top grades with the close easy. Wheat Spot weak; No. 2 red, 87e. elevator, nnd 8Sc f. o. li. aHont; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 82c, f. o. b. afloat. Wheat was active and heavy all day. The tlosc was heavy at ltinltsc. net decline. Slay closed 70c; July, 70"ic; Sept., 78',4c; Dec, 7Uc. Corn feot eay; No. 2, G7tic elevator, and 67c. f. o. b. afloat. Corn showed flnnncs., but eventually it fell and closed weak at lt4alt4o. net loss. May closed (S5c; July, flolie; Sept., 64c Oats Spot steady; No. 2, 40c; No. 3, 4314c; No. 2 white, 5014r. ; No. 3 while, 50c; track mixed western, 4514a47c; track white, 4l)a54c Options fairly active and easier with other markets. Butter Firm; creamery, !2tia25c ; factory, 19 a22e; renovated, lofiic; imitation creamery, 20,i2Jc; state dairy. 21a24c. Cheese Finn; slate full (ream, small, early make, fancy col ored and white, 1.1al3V4c; full cream, large, fall make, fancy colored nnd white, 12al2c. Eggs Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 17c J westein, 17al714c; southern, 15al514c Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, May 7. drain speculators traded on the weather map again today and pressed prices hard all around. July wheat closed lc lower; July corn, lV4c down, and July oats, c lower. Provisions closed unchanged to 5c. higher. Flour Steady; No. 3 spring wheat, 72a75c: No. 2 red, 81aS2c; No. 2 oats, 41a42c; No. 2 white, 4.1a44c; No. 3 white, 43a4.tc; No. 2 rye, 59',fcc; good feeding barley, ; fair to choice malting, C8a71e.: No. 1 flaxseed, ifl.Gl; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.75; prime timothy seed, $7; mess pork, per hariel, ?16.85al6.0fl; lard, per 100 pounds, $10.07!al0.10; thort libs, sides, $u.45a9.55; shoulders, tiaSlic; elioit clear sides, SUOalO.10; whisker. 41.30. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, May 7. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; act ive, 10 to 15 cents-higher; good to prime steers, $O.SOa7.41; poor to medium, f4.75a0.75; stockcrs and feeders, lfJ.75a5..13; cows, $1.40aG; heifers, $; camitrs, 41.40a2.40; bulls, $2.50a5.t0; calves, 42a5.50; Texas fed steers, Hogs Receipts today, 30,000; tomoirow, 24, 000; left over, 3,000; 5 to 10c. lower; closing strong; mixed and butcher., $G.75a7.10; good to choice heavy, $7.10a7.20; rough heavy, iHJ.SOa7.05; little, 'JO.O0aO.90j bulk ot Fales, $l.S0a7. Shcep-rReccipts, 13,000; sheep, weak to lower; lamlis, aliout steady; good to choire wethers, ?.1.75a0.23; fair to choice mixed, JJ.20a5.fiO; western sheep, $5.25a0.25; native lambs, Sl,73a 0.50; western lambs, $3.250.45. Buffalo Live Stock Market. East BuITalo, Slay 7. Cattle Offerings, 110 head: oskini: steady prices; nothing doing: veals, receipts, GOO head; tops, fcO.23all.riO; fair to good, $3.50a8; common to light, lJ4.50.i5.23. Hogs Receipts, 1,700 head; active; pig". 5a 10c. higher; others, steady; heavy, $7.33a7.43; mixed, 7.15a7.30: pigs, fc0.50a0.C0; roughs, $0.00 aO.fcO; stagb, $5a5.50. Sheep and lambs Offerings, 6,400 head; opened fairlv active and 5al0c. higher on lambs, bheep. steady; top lambs, $0.65a7; fair to good, !iU.53 aG.75; culls and common, $4a3.75; yearlings, $0.23a6.4O; sheep, mixed, tops, $5.75a0; fair to good, $5a5.50; culls and common, $3a4,75. East Liberty Live Stock Market. East Liberty, May 7. Cattle Steady: choice, $6.70aO.E5; prime, $0.35aO.S5; prime, $G.35a0.C0; good, 45.70aO.2O. Hogs Steady; prime heavy, S7.20a7.25; best mediums, $7.03a7.13; heavy jorkers, 4fl.00a7; light do., (O.bOuO.SO; pigs, $0.40aO.GO; rougns, $5.i0.70. Sheep Steady; prime wethers, $o,70a5.83; culls and common, A2.60a3.50; choice lambs, fl.Wa 0,73; veal calves, (5,50a5,73. Oil Market. Oil City. May ".-Credit balances, 120; certlfi. catcs, no bid. Shipments, 122,191; average, 10J, 523. Buns, 103,031; average, 70,010. BANKING. IlKl'OllT Of THE CONDITION OP The Traders National Bank 'At b'cranlon, in tho State r.t I'lniiijlvunia, at the iluso ul Inushirs., Apul 2U, lint!, HKSOUHCKS, Loam and dla-ounU 1,44.',737 f.r OvcidiJfts, MHiircd and unsecured... :i,0ltj 7J 17. S. bond! to ecme circulation.. , W,l 0) IJ. S. bonds to tit-tiro U. .S. dcpoalu. 12b,0UO 00 I'muiunis on II. S. bond b.ouo 01 Mocks, ticurltUe, etc H-i,Wi 2S Hanking home, furniture and lixturcj 110.000 J Other real estate: owned 7,400 0 J l)in Cioiii national bank: (not uv-mo ufc'(iita) I'J.UK?! Dun lioui Mate banki und luukein,., :i,)41 ci Dua liom approved reserve agents,,, 170.W0 f8 Interual-reveiiut! stainn . u.Vi bi Hclianses lor cleariu; liuutc 10,1110 7S Noli") of other national banU 'J,10 OJ l'r.itllonal paper ciureney, nlikeU and cents ,.,,, , t&'j 71 Lawful money icscivu in bink, vU: Specie ,,..,f(W,15J il 1KI' tender no(e , M.OOO 00 101,152 S3 Redemption fund with U. S. trea. uier (0 circulation) 4,000 00 Due from V, S. tremiiuer, other than 6 redemption fund .,.,,,.,.,,,,, 1,000 09 Total , LIAUILIT1KS. Capital stock paid in ,,..W,2liS,OJ5 0i .,.,? 25(l,(XX)0O ouipiua iium ua.uuv w Undivided ltrollta. ci expeniei and taxes paid 27,00)80 National bank notes ouutaiullni; ,,, 80,000 00 Duo to other national banks ..,,,.,. l.'.ibl It Due to state banks and bankers,.,,, 707 6i Dividends unpaid ,...,..,... 87 00 Individual deiwsits fubject to check, 1,512.301 62 Demand certificates of deposit ,, 117,010 21 Certified checks , ,,, 1,000 20 United States deposits , 120,000 00 , Total ...,, $2,203,0.15 OS slate of Pennsylvania, County ot Lackawanna, ts; 1, 1', V, Wollerton, cashier of the above, mined bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledz and belief. IV. W, WOIABllTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sffirmed to before me this Otli dsy Of May, 1002. Al.UEItT ! WATSON. Coirect Attet: Notary Public. J. J. JKHMYN. C'llAS. I. UAVniEWS, . J. 1(01)1 SSOS, DUecWvra, Connolly & Wallace Scranton 's Shopping: Center , ' 1 23, 1 25, 1 27 arid 1 29 Washington Ave. If critics can kill a business It ought to die. The harder they strike at what we are doing the better we like it. White Shirt Waists, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 All under-prices. The first is a Gibson waist of pique, plaited back and stock collar. J At $1.25 it is tlie same, only plaited front and back, The $i.jo waist is still the same style only finer. At $1,75, a fine pique waist, plaited front and back. If our Shirt Waist Store did not keep its e.yes open and buy large quantities of the things you want, at the' time you want them, you'd be paying full price for these pretty waists. A Sale of Hair Pins Near Shell Hair Pins Are the nearest approach to real Tortoise Shell that we have been able to find. We have gath ered an immense stack from the makers and are prepared lor this sale with a variety of styles never before shown. The clearness of these pins and the fine smooth finish recommend them to your con sideration. Price 35c a dozen. Summer Underwear Men's, Women's, Children's No need to talk now you'll come anyway, but let us just say this: Connolly & Wallace's is not only the best Underwear Store, but the cheapest, for the best is always cheapest in the long run. Everything ready Connolly & Wallace. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small.! Open Saturday from 7.30 to 8.30. evenings THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment nnd gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze fledal At the Pnn-Americnn Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at S ,50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get in now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, ilG CO 1802 Crozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. MAKE MOKEriONEY. Is your Income KUlllt'lsnl? If not, anil you nru mi.iloiiN to Iiicivuhc It, vvrltu me. Htutlm: wliut iiiiumiil yon ni'i Invest, n only $iu, uiul 1 will write. vim u iHiieroriiihli'iil'r'o l-'or yjarnllnvvoclona notlilnu'excci tfitiidyinvtxit mont". 1 Itnuvv I ciin iiii!it)u-.t)yiiirluii.)inuliy EolnltiiKoui jafoltiveatinuuHi lilttiurto un nowii. AM)kKV L HUSH. Investment Broker, Bank References tprlnjjlleld, Mass suz cnonii All nxtkbTUk Linotype Composition Book or News Pone quickly nnd reasonably at The Tribune office, Corset FINANCIAL. Trans-Continental Maps mailed upon request to Institutions, Executors, Investors and Trustees. Spencer Tr.ask & Co BANKERS, 27 & 29 Pine St., New York UOODY.McLELLAN &CO. BANKERS, No 57 Broadway, New York City. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. SIOCKS.BONDS nnd INVEaTMEN TS OBDEBS EXECUTED FOR INVESTMENTORON MARGIN GREAT: BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! ' WILLIAM B. KINQ&CO. Members of Houston (Toxns) Oil Stock Ex cUuuyo hollclt ordem, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In Effect Nor. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scranton lor Now lortc At 1.40, S.1S, tf.W, 7.C0 and 10.03 a. m.i 12.43. 3.40, 3.33 p. m. For N'cw York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.03 a. m and 12.13 and 3.S3 p. m. For Tobj. hanna At 0.10 p. in. For Bullalo 1.15, 0.22 anj 9.00 a. m.; 1.55, 0.60 :iml 11.33 p. m. For Ding hamton and way stations 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. m. For OsvveRo, Syracuse and Utlca 1.15 and 11.22 a. m.; 1.53 p. nt. Oswego, Syracuse nnd Utlca train at 0.22 a. m. dally, except Sunday. For Montrose 9.00 a. tu.; 1.10 and 0.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 1.00 and 0.13 p. m. Uloomsburg Dlviaion For Northumberland, at 0.35 and 10.03 a. m.i 1,55 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. m.i 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sunday Trains For New York, 1.40, 3.15. 0.05 and 10,05 a. m.i 3.40, 3.33 p. in. For ItuHalo 1.15 and 0.22 a. m.; 1,5, b.50 and 11,35 p, m. For Ulngliamlon and way stations 10.20 a. m. Illcomsburs Division Leavo Scranton, 10,03 a. in. and 0,10 p. m. Delaware and Hudson. In Ullcct November 24. 1001. Trains iur ,uuuhu..iu v? 8.00, 8.53, 10.13 a. m.i 12.1 6.23 0.25, 7.57, 0.15, 11.20 p. For Honc3dJlc-0.20, lO.lEa Trains Iur Orbondale leave Scranton at 6.20. 1,W, ..i, .ot, a.tyj. p. m.i 1.31 a. iii. m.; 2.31 and 5.23 P-..m- . a 7.4S, 8.41, 0.33. 10.43 i or hw,M; " a. m.i jj.uj, ,- -"i "-"! -' ..iw, i,ts, 10.41. U.3U p. in. Fof U V. II. II. Folnts-0.3?, 0.33 a. m.i 2.1S. 4.27 and 11.30 p. 111. For 1'cnu-ylvania n. 11. Polntj-0.39, 9.33 a. m.i 1.42. 3.2$ and 4.27 p. m. For Albjny and all points north 0.20 a. m. and 3,52 p. in. SUNDAY TUAI.NS. For CarliondJle S.50, U.3J a. m.; 2,31, 3.J2, 5.52 and 11.17 p. m, For Wlikes-llJiic 0.33 a. m.i 12.03, 1.08, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 p. m. For Albany and points north 3,52 p. m, For lloncMlalo S.C0 a. m. and 3.52 p, m. V, I I'HVUK, I). I'. A.. fccramon.'Pa. Lehigh Valley Hallroad. In i:ittct, Nov. 3, 1001. 'Iraim Icuu birantnn. For riilladclplua and New Voik via D. k II. It. It., at 0.33 and 0,33 a. in., and 2,13, 4. (Black Diamond i'.spr.'ts), and 11. Uj p. m. bun. das. D. i II. K. "., 1.5S, S.27 p. m. For While ll-tven, Ilaileluu and principal poind in the co.il regions, via il. & II. It. It., 0.3S, 2,13 tud 1.27 p. l. Fur Pottsvillc, 0.3S a. in., 2.13 p. in. For Bethlehem, Laston, Heading, HarrUhurg, and prliuipil Intermediate statloius via I), k II. II, It,, 1','iS, 0.33 a. in. ; 2.18, 4.27 (Black Dia mond Eunice), 11.20 p. m, Suudavs, P. k II, R. II., 0.3S u, in.; 1.5.1, t.,27 p. in. For TunMiannucl;, 'ionumla, Elinlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal Intel mediate stations, via li., U and W. II. It., 8.10 a. m. and 3.50 p. m. For Gvpeva, ltuchettcr, Bullalo, Niagara Falls, CIiIijro and all points west, via D. k II. II. It., 7.43, 12.03 t. m.i 1.42. 3.23 (Black Diamond . press), 7.43, 10.41, 11.30 p. in. Suudaji, D, & II. It. It., 12.03, 8.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping; or Lehigh Valley Parlor cars on all trains between Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspen sion Bridge. 1IOLI.IN II. WILBUR, Gen. Sup)., 20 CorllaitJ street, New Yoik. CHARLES S. LEE. Gen. Past. Agt., 25 Cortland street, New York. A. W. .N'ONEMACIIER, Dlv. Pass. Ajt., South Bethlchun, pa. For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to city ticket ulfiir, 09 Pkbllu f)ur, Wilkes llsitt, Pa. This store serves both the rich and the poor. It serves each better because it serves them both. Women's Handkerchiefs; 1 Twelve 'thousand Handkerchiefs at oc each by the dozen, $1.00. This is the best news of today. Part of the lot are all linen handkerchiefs with one-half inch hems, a splendid, fine quality worth 1ully 15c each. Then there are quantities of pretty embroidered and drawn work hemstitched hand kerchiefs, fine and sheep values range from I2c to 25c each. Choose from'all at 9c -each or $1.00 a dozen. Special . These are J. B. Corsets, made of pretty oUC printed sateens. The shape is good, being the modern straight front the materials are those usually found in all dollar Corsets sizes ,-. 18 to 26 5UC The Matchless Splendors or tho Canadian Rockies BANFF the LAKES in the CLOUDS, YOHO VALLEY, the GREAT GLA CIER a region described by Whym per, the conquerer of the Matterhorn, as flfty or sixty Svvltzerlands rolled into one reached only by the- Canadian Pacific Railway Dally transcontinental train service throughout the year from Toronto nnd Montreal. IMPERIAL LIMITED, crossing the continent In 97 hours, leaves Toronto and Montreal (com mencing: June 15th next, every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Sleeping and dining cars attached to all through trains. First-class hotels in the mountain.1). Swiss guides at the principal points. For rates, etc., apply to nearest agent Lof tho C. P. R or to E. V. Skinner, 353 liroacuvay, New YorK. ROBERT KERR, Passenger Traffic Manager, Montreal. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. BEADING SYSTEM. New Jersey Central. CORRECTED TO NOV. 17, 1901. Stations in New York, lout o( Liberty itreet and goutli Fciry, N. It. Trains leave bcranton (or New York, Philadel phia, Eiutrn, Ucthlchtni, Alicntovvn, Mauch Chunk, White Haven. Ashley and Wllkcs-Dane at, 7,30 a. m., 1 p. ni. and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. in. ' Quaker City Kvprc! leaves Scranton at 7.30 a. in., tliU'Ugh solid vestlbulo train with l'ullmaa Bullet Parlor Curs, for Philadelphia, with only ono change o( cars lor Baltimore, Washington, D. 0 and all principal points south and west. For Avoca, Plttston and Wllkes-Barre, 1 p. m, and 4 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. For .one Branch, On.an Uiove, etc., 7.30 a. m. and l p. in. For ltcaciinu, (.euanon ann narrisuurff, via ai. icntown, at 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.19 p. m i.m- Pntt-lllfi nt 7.30 a. m. and 1 n. m. For rates and tickets ."pply tu agent at station, V. fl. HKl.i:iI, tivneul Maiugci. O, M. UlIUT, Clcn. Pjn). Act. Pennsylvania Hallroad. Schedule In EOcct June 2, 1901. Trail" leave Scranton: 0.3a a. in., week day, through vestibule tialn from Wilkes-Ilarre. Full, man buHet parlor car and coaihes to PhiladcN uhla, via PotUvlllej ton at principal luteiine. Slate stations. Alio connects tor Sunliury, llir: rlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waahlugton una lor I'lUiuum unci tho vvut. 0.3S a m., week ilaj. tor feiinbury, IlarrUburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washlngtoii and Plttj. ,.... .. .1 iii tuir. i. .'. , ...L- iia Crfundava. 1.53 n. m.) for Sunlmry, IlarrWiur-, ruiiuueiiiiiia. iiaiti - v ,, .:.; ni.ti...iAri.t. n-iv '." lmry, ii4rrinur. itiiuuciiduu, Mdiwmurea Waaliln.nn aim riiuuuiB uu yii v, 3 28 p. in., week day, .through vestibule train from Wllkci-Bairc. Pullman buOct parlor car and coaihea tu Philadelphia via Pottsvillc. Stop at principal Intel mediate stations 4 37 p. m., vveck day., lor luzleton, bunbury, llarnsb.irg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. " " J. ll. IIUtCIIINfcOK. lien. Mgr. J, B. WOOD, Ucn. Pass. Agt. - - New York, Ontario and Western. In Eflcct Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1001. NOII1H BOUND. Leave Leave Arrlva Trains No, 1 No, 7 Sirautou, Carbunilale. Cadosla, JOSOa. m. U.IO a. m, l.OOp, m, ,...,. 0.10 p. iii. Ar. Caibondalo0.40p. m. ' 'sOU'lll BOUND. ' Lcavo Leave Arrlva Oadosla. Carbondale. Scranton. Tralni. No. u i.vu j. iii, .sua. m. '" bUKUAVS ONLY, NORTH BOUND. ' Leave Leave Arrlva Trains. Scranton. Caibondale. Cadojia, Ko.U 8.30a.m. 0.10p.m. 10.43a. nt No. 0 ....mm 7,00 p. m. Ar. Carbondale 7.40 p. m. fto. u m.m south BOUND. ' Leave Lear Arrlv Trains. Cadosla. Carlwndale. Scranton. No. C 7.00a. m. 7.40a. m. No. 10 4.30 p. m. 0.0(1 p. m. 0.45 p. m. Trains Nos. 1 on week days, and 0 on Sundajs, make main line connections for New York city, Ulddletovvu, Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Osvvcga and all points ucit. For further infonnatlon rcnsult ticket agents i. V. ANDERSON, O. P. A., New Yerk. 1. E. WELbll, T. P. A., ecraiitoo, Pa, ' kf r s I if.t-v & 'T. ,
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