WWfN&vimwzwm r "at " . '?' ' W it ,r: ?; ;.i. to; J JJIL-JJLL-.B. -jmm .-u i i i i ' n A Bfr" Kv K ft Y i. It A INDUSTRIAL AND LABOR MEXICO IS VERY BIOH MINERALS. IN For years It Wrfs Supposed That Gold Wns the Only Natural Wealth It Possessed But That Idea Has Been Shown to Be raise -Great Valuo of Its Coal measures Make Up of tho D., L. & W. Board for Today Pennsylvania's Dividend. Notes of Many Kinds. tf1iltt B.30 h. m.i E. NVill S n. m.. 0. Bit' tholohiew) 7.30 p. m.( Murphyl D p. lit., Y. II. Bartholomew; 11 p, m., Lamping. Helper 1.30 a. in., Mcdatcrn) 7. 1. m., GalThcyt 10 a. tn., 8cur 11.80 p. m., Elanlon. i:(rr Wnvt 8 a. m., 0. Itamtotphi It a, in., M. C'-atmodyl 2 p. m., T, t)oinllcon 4 p. m., t Klnfrslcyj 11 p. m., It. CnMncr. Konct'. tt tl. Mann and new llt run 11.30 p. tn. extra, May 1. MctJatlicrnc and wow will run 8 a. m. extra, May -'. Itonohun ami rrcw wilt run No. nj. Slay 1. Ilmina.1 O'llsllcy rcporl tor It. .1. I..irUn. William (lylca repoits lor Joseph Ualugan. 1 Since the- conquest of the country by the Spaniards, Mexico litis been known nlmoHt exclusively as a producer of sil ver, and It is only during the lust ueo ntle that the signal decline in the price of the white metal has caused the pros ecution of gold mining on o lurtre scale. Tho precious mctuls, however, consti tute but a small part of Mexico's min eral resource, and the recent opening of a large plunt of Monterey Is an indication that vigorous efforts will now be made to prollt by the vast de posits of coal and Iron. Many Inter esting facts relating to the subject will bo found collected In the last number of Engineering. As lately as a quarter of a century ngo the belief was current among geologists that there wore no coal measures of great Importance In Mex ico. In 1SS1, however, the existence of anthracite was reported from several widely scattered districts, and the specimens forwarded to the capital caused the appointment of commis sions to make a systematic survey of all the promising localities In the re public. At Barranca In Sonora an thracite beds containing up to 90 per cent of fixed carbon were discovered, and found to be extensive enough to revolutionize the whole of the north western section of tho commonwealth. The same mineral was encountered at other places in the same state, as well as numerous points in the states of Mlchoncan, Vera Cruz, Guerrero, Pue bla and others. It seems that the late Mr. C. P. Huntington bought some mines In Coahulla, which are now' yielding 300,000 tons or more annually. Quito recently at Peldras Negras, In the last mentioned state, a deposit of coal having continuous, powerful and compact seams was met with, and, after twelve trial shafts had been sunk, ii French engineer computed that 9, 000,000 tons of high grade coal were In sight. It has been calculated by the engineer Knmlrez that In the one state of Coahulla there Is a carboniferous region covering nearly live thousand square miles. The coal measures of Sonora are estimated at seven thous-1 'and square miles. At San Marclnl a six-foot seam was found at a depth of no more than seventeen feet, and this seam, containing coal "great In quan tity and excellent in quality," has been folowcd for a distance of ten miles. Three other veins have been traced one of them as much as twenty feet thick and containing fuel said by test to equal tho finest Leigh Valley pro duct. Without enumerating other localities In which conl has been met with, we may say with confidence that enough Is known to justify an early and careful examination of Mexico's coal deposits by American experts. Fortunately for the future develop ment of Mexican industries, Iron and coal are found in close juxtaposition. Xear I.imontla in Puebla, for Instance, are Tepevco and Moreno, where specu lar nnd hematite iron of excellent quality is encountered in unmeasured quantities. In Durango Is the Cerro del Mercado, or Hill of Iron a solid mass of mineral 640 feet high, averag ing about 70 per cent of metal, and capable of yielding over 300,000,000 tons of solid Iron.' It is asserted on good authority thati if Durango were brought in direct communication with the United States, a company working this mountain of iron could export Its products at prices that might almost defy competition. Iron deposits only less rich than those of Durango are found at Nochltslan and Zlmatian In Aaxaca, the first named being in prox imity to coal at TIaxlaco. Seml-Annual Dividend. At a special meeting of thn board of directors of tho Pennsylvania Rail road company today, a semi-annual dividend of !I per cent, was declared, payable an nnd ntter May 31i to the stockholders of record May C. This Is the first dividend of 3 per cent, flat declared since November, 1S92, and Is payable on the capital stock of ?"0I,-37-1,850. Last November, the directors de clared a dividend of 2i per cent, ami an extra dividend of 1 per cent, upon a capital stock of $202,003,200. In May and In November 1892 a 3 per cent, dividend was declared, but after that year was reduced one-half per cent., excepting In November, 1900. nnd November, 1901, when extra divi dends of 1 per cent, were declared. This and That. P. B. Smith, superintendent of din ing car service, Lackawanna railroad, was in the city yesterday. The high speed nlr-brakc system will, in all probability, be introduced on the Lackawanna railroad in a few weeks. Special Officer P. P. Spellman, of the Delaware and Hudson passenger sta tion, resumed his duties yesterday, after a few days' Illness. The Lackawanna railroad trainmen appeared In their new spring uniforms yesterday. They were made by Joseph P. Webber, of New York. f P. J. Langan, superintendent of tho air-brake svstem on the Lackawanna railroad, has been in Pittsburg this week, attending a convention of air brake officials. The American Locomotive company has orders for fifteen eight-wheel pas senger engines and ten ten-wheel freight engines to be built at the Cliff works In this city. The Vulcan Crucible Steel company, of Pittsburg, that recently built a (cru cible steel plant at Allqulppa, Pa., Is drawing plans for a rolling mill nnd open-hearth furnace to be added to the works. The concern now manufactures crucible tool steel. General Freight and Passenger Agent J. C. Anderson, General Manager J. E. Childs and General Surjerlntendent E. Canfleld, of the New York, Ontario and Western railroad, who are making their annual tour of inspection, spent Wednesday night In the city, and left yesterday morning. Jones & Laughllns, Limited, of Pitts burg, will soon have the Talbot open hearth furnace at the South Side mills ready. It Is expected that this furnace will start early in May nnd will turn out about 300 tons of steel per day. Should the steel prove satisfactory Jones & Laughllns will probably install a second Talbot furnace. At a recent meeting the Liege Geo logical society discussed the question of recent discoveries of coal in the district known as La Campine, situated In the province of Antwerp. The existence of coal beds In Northern Flanders has for some time past been a matter of prac tical certainty; and expert opinion now inclines to the belief that there is an extensive coal-field In this part of Bel glum which connects those of Yorkshire with the Westphallan deposits. THE MARKETS Wall Street Review. New York. Mav 1. Tho volume of ilealln fell off again in tottn' Mock market, and the move ment nf pilci Imllcatcil ninth uncertainty and fotifnslon of (rtilhmiil, The flurry In fall money to 13 per rent. votitd iro far to explain the action of the market, 1ml there Verc some aupplcment aryictiiw Mlilili Mere ronfiwdna" and no doubt hail fotnctlilmt to dd with tho ilc-In the money rule. The preparation for the May disbursements, which nrc unusually heavy this jcur was of course, the prlniiry cause of the ronatrlrtion of the money supply. Hut meli n demonstration of Instability aa that nf International l'ovvrr and a number of other liiilulrlnl, whose affairs are more or less shrouded In mjctrry, y.terdy anil today, had the Inevitable cITet t of Indtitlnsr rtoer m'ttitlny of tho character of collateral offered for hmiw. The May ilMiimjcmcnts for dividends and Inlerett are estimated at over $.V3,00O,0W, In cluding the heavy payments for United Mates. Steel dividend. The nib-treasury operations this Meek h.ie taken from the bantu over &!,500,000, largely duo to dcpolta to retire bank rlrculatlon. There hd been miiio demand from the Interior, ai hIiohii by tho drop in New York eschunqiu at (liltiicu In ii discount, The International Power episode earned a decidedly feverish feeling mnonir tho obacuro claw of li.ilnilrlnbi. Hicher tirade ulucks nf this clam wire less affected, althuugh U. S. Steel securities showed Eomo depression, luitly due to some public dNousion of a rather biting character of the HiiancliiK of tho corpora. Hon. Ntiujar, Amalgamated Copper oml People' (lag were firm to strung. Tin- Rrnln canylnir rail roads started to advance on the overnight reports of nhowtrs In Knusi.t and the Northwest, but the advance was iheikcil b.i- the failure of the gialn market to retted any benctlt to the crops. There was large and concentrated buying of M. Paul, which seemed to be' due to the advance in tho dividend rate on Northern Paclllo from a 4 per cent, to n 0 per cent, bask. Another notible center of Htrength was in the Southern trunk lltiea, which had no other explanation than tlio reports of very largo north and noiilh traffic. The movement affected Louisville and Nashville, Illinois Central, Chicago, Indlanapollt and butiti vllle and to a less extent Southern Hallway. Tho flxfnir of thn f.1v KP,ni..'inniiilt ilU'itli'ml frlto on Pennsylvania at ' per cent. Induced larRC buying of that ktock nnd helped the other trunk lines. Vnr tnn IMra ti.it (lift I,r tltrMntw! nn l'nlin. sjlvanla tias been 2Vj per cent., while In No vember there was ft declaration of 2Vi per cent, regular and 1 per cent, extra. The rate of dis bursement Is unchanged therefore, by today's rate, but the fact that it is called regular is accepted as a declaration of contldence in the future on the part nf the director. The unde cided nucstlon of the anthracite miners' terms was a welgiit on that portion of the maikct. The closing was irregular. Total sales today, 825,500 shares. The bond market was Irregular In sjmpalhy with stocks. Total sales, par value, 2,130,000. United States new 4. declined U per cent, on the last. call. The following ouotatlons ars furnished Th Tribune by liaight ft Krecse Co., 314-315 Mcara Building. W, 1). Ilunyont manager. Open. High. Low. Close. Am. Car k Foundry .... :U 31 U 31 3114 Amal. Copper 6J?i WH4 Giai CO American Ice 10i2 ID'a ISTi 1STJ American Ice, Pr fi-l'.i 0.1 02 C2V4 Amcr. Locomotive 31 3IU Si 31 Am. Locomotive, l'r. ... 95 fills OfSi M5i Am. Smelt. & lie's Oo. . W& 44'i 41 41,a American Sugar 127 127V4 131 12"?i Atchison H)i 81 SO 80 JS Atchison, l'r. ! W tS"!i 83 Bait. & Ohio 100 J0014 lOT1); lOSli ltrook. Itap. Transit .... MVl 70 Canadian Pacific 12014 127& flies. & Ohio 47 45 Chic. & Alton H7',i 374 Chic. & fit. West 28't "SVi Chic. Mil. fc St. I 175 175 Chic, If, I. i- Pao 171) 17fi?i C! 69U 12" 120 4714 47 3714 S7'.i 27Vi 28 173 17l',i 17f 17I Col. Fuel k Iron 10s Vi 103',4 10514 101 BASE BALL. Increase of Earnings. The Pennsylvania Railroad company's comparison of earnings and expenses for the month of March, 1902, and for three months ending March 31, 1902, with same periods of 1901, is as follows: Pennsylvania railroad lines directly operated month of March. 1302: Gross earnings, Increase, 1447,200: expenses, Increase, $415,200: net earnings, increase, J32.000. For three months, ending March 31: Gross earnings, increase, $1,397,800; expenses, Increase, $1,30S,100; net earn ings, Increase, $80,700, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more, month of March: Gross earnings, decrease, $19,700; expenses, decrease, $3S,000; net earnings, increase, $18,300, For three months, ending March 31: Gross earnings, increase, $22,600; ex penses, decrease, $27,200; net earnings, Increase, $49,S0O. Northern Central railway, for month of March: Gross earnings, Increase, $20,100; expenses, increase, $21,200; net earnings, increase, $4,900, For the threo months, ending March 31: Gross earn ings, increase, $100,200; expenses, In crease, $10,800; net earnings, Increase, $89,400. West Jersey and Seashore, month of March: Gross earnings, increase, $42, 000; .expenses, increase, $11,900; net earnings, increase, $30,100. For the three months, ending March SI: Gross earn, ings, increase, $41,000; expenses, In. crease, $47,900; net earnings, decrease, $8,000, ' Twines west of Pittsburg nnd Krle, directly operated month of March: Gross earnings, increase, $390,700; ex penses, Increase, $394,100; net earnings, decrease. $3,400, For the threo months, ending March 31: Oross enmlncs, In crease, $1,285,800; expenses, increase, $1,. 029,700; net earnings, Increase, $256,100. Dv L. & W, Board tor Today, The following is the. make-un of tha D., L and W, board for today TJIimsiMY, MAY J. Kstraa. 1HU-8 p. ni., Jfoboken, Laltlmcr with Abranw' rrew; 10 p. m., II. Dolicrly; u n. w J). Wallace, l'ual.crs-S p. m., A. V, Frantr. FJtlDAV, MAY 2. Kxtras llait 1.30 a, in,, Hoboken, J, (icrrity: 4 a. in., .). J. Mm my with M. Luughney'a crew: f) a. in., Ilolwkcn, J. ,Y, I'evine; 10 a. m., Wil. 11am Hoar with McAllister's cicw; 11 a. in., Ho. bokeu, II. J. Jjirkln; 1 p. in., O, W, Dunn; 2 p. in., tlobolteii, M. J, llcnnlgan; 2,30 p. rn,, M. P. NcLanu; 3.30 p. in., Jlubokcn, J, V, Ilurkharti Q p. iu., 11. DUblngj (l p. in., Hoboken, KuemJ. Summits, Etc. 8 a. in., Frouufelktr; 8 . m., Nichols; It a. m., J. Utuolgau; 3 p. m., J, Cur. rfgg. Puilur-6 a. iu., II. Coaltr; 7 a. ro., B. Fin. prrtys Sun., Uouier; 0 a, m.,,.l4piUickt 10 s. v. j.'Uuluc, 11.15 a. m., JUonn; 1 p. w., L. By Exclusive Wire from Tho Associated Press. American League. At Washington It.If.E. Philadelphia, 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 00 7 2 Washington 1002000003 0 4 Duggleby and I'oweis; Orth and Drill. Umpire O'Loughlin. At Baltimore It.H.E. Boston 112 0 10 0 0 1012 0 Baltimore 2 0 0100 0 0 1412 3 Batteries Dlncen and Criger; Howell and Itobinson. Umpire Shei idan. At Detroit It.H.E. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01 9 0 Detroit 10000021 x 4 7 2 Batteries Moore and Bemis; Miller and Mc Gulte. Umpires Connelly and Johnston. At St, Louis H.II.E. Chicago 0 0 10 0 0 0 10210 1 St. Louis 3 0 000 0 00.x 3 0 1 Hatterles Patterson, Piatt and Sullivan; tSud hoff and Sugdcn. Umpire Caruthers. 70U 81 155 1S5 V.M lOJVs l2,a w4 lot?: OS's SS--a 724 ); 75U flS'i (.7ai 375g OHi 71U 41 31 414 39U 61 i 84 15191 103 132',A 115 152 2S',A 2(5 " 5714 Col. & Southern .1111 Si 14 Col. k South., 2d l'r... 1141 45's Del, It Hudson 170'4 17014 l.nc J. II 3H KJ'i i;rie, 1st. rr. 70',i Hocking Valley ftl Illinois Central 15.)',4 International Power ...l.!5 Louis. & Kahh 123 Manhattan l)54 Met. Street Ity. 152 Mexiran Central 2SU Misso.. Kan. & Texas... 21114 Mo., Kan. & Tex., l'r... 5S Missouri Pacific 101 X. Y. Central MiOJS Norfolk k West 53 North American 121 Ontario k Western 315 Penna. It. It 152 People's Gas 10194 Pressed Steel Car 45'. Bending 11. B 071i Beading, lit. Tr. S014 Heading 2d. Pr. 7!'-i Itepnblic Steel 101& Itepublle Steel, Pr. .... 75 St. Louis & San l'ran... OS Southern Pacific 07 Southern It. B ?A South. It. B., Pr. OflU Tenn. Coal k Iron 70'4 Texas k Pacific 12 Union Pacific 10114 10iU 101 10414 Union Pacific, Pr. SS SSU 87:!i 6314 u, s. i,e.itner H IT. S. Leather, Pr 84?4 I". S. Steel 42 IT. S. Steel, Pr. fK-TJ Wahaih 27H Wabash, Pr. 4594 Western Union Tel 02 Wheeling k Lake Erie.. 2214 Wheeling & L. E.. 1st Pr fti?4 Wisconsin Central 27 31 tl?i 178 39 691 81 15f 101 123 13 152 2Sr 20 5711 100TJ lOOTi 181--4 10014 Kil',4 5S4 03 53 12954 12.9 12914 SIW 3414 3114 15P1 152 133 10i 10194 10514 43 4'i 451 0714 SO 72U 10 74U 0711 MS4 3fili mi 70 4214 No. 1 northern Diiluth. 01. f. o. K aflotf. Option opened shade easier) developed traction that liter In the day became rro notmcrd. .tloseil stronn at IlialHe. net dvane. May closed fttHc.i .Inly. S2HM Rrl- SlSfc".! Dee., 8.V. Com-Hnol flrm No. 8. 70$e. ele; valor, and 70He, i, n. b. afloat. Dotn oprned steady and' later adianeedl iloed firm and Up. net advanced. May closed nsftcj July, fe. Hepl., 071ic Oats-Spot flrnu N'o. 2, 474e.) No, if, 47e. t No. 2 while, filHM N. -I white, fil.l track western, 47a48e.( track ttlille, Ma Mc. Opllons generally firm all day on active demand from shorts. Itutlcr-Vlrmi creamery, 20a2.1c. do. factory, 17a20e.t .Tenovated, l.'.i 21c. I Imitation creamery, 18a2lr. dtate dairy, ltfl22c, Cheese Klrni! tale full cream, mull, early make, fancy colored, and while, LlalSr.! full cream, luge, fall make, fanry colored and white, 12al2ic. Eggs-Steady to firm; idate and Tenna., 17al71iu.t western, HOlalTWc.) western, lo?iai;i(i'. toutliern, IR-'H.ilOllc Chjcago Grain Market. Chicago, May 1. Heavy wheat exiwrls bulled grains today In the face of good weather news and beavy deliveries on May opllons. Corn was Inclined to slide off on favorable crop re ports, but wheal helped It sympathetically. Tho close showed July wheat Hial9ic higher; July corn, !4i up, and July oits, lc, ndv.mrcd. Pro visions rccuvered from u weak position anJ cloved 10 to 1714c. higher. Cath quotations were a4 follows! Hour Steady. Wheat. No. 3, 73.; No. 2 ba.I 6'... . X.. A ...- ll, . V- rt . a.I..... tit Uo.i. , u. 4 corn, u.vAi,, o, jviium, ... c.i No. 2 oats, 43al34e.i No. 2 while, 4ll o45'4c.J No. 3 white, 4la3c.; No. 2 rye, 5914c. , barley, fair to rltolvc mnltlng, USaTOUc; flaxseed, $1.08; Nn. 1 northwestern, 1.7': prime tlniolhv seed, 7.1ta7.20j polk, $10.7fia1i.S0: lard, $10.0', alO.0714: ribs. $9.40,10 55; shoulders, 7';ia8e.j sides, $10,110.10; whiskey, ?1..'I0. Buffalo Lire Stock Market. East nuflalo, May 1. Cattle OfTerlnga, ?5fl; nothing doing, tendency lower; veaK receipts, 100 head; tops, $; fair to good, $5.50 flO; common and light, $t.50a5 25. Hogs llccelpts, 3,800 head; fair to active, Si 10c. lower; medium, S7.25a7.50: no heavy here; packers, mixed, $7a7.29; plgi, $0.10a0.00; roughs, lj0.(10afl.75; stog $1.75n5.25. Sheep and lamtis Itecelpts, 3,400; yearlings and sheep, slow; clipped lambs, steady; wool lambs, stronger: sheep top, mixed, $Oa0.25; fair to good, f5.50iri.75i culls and common, $.1.76.1(1.75; yearlings, $oC0a0.75; clipped lamb, tops, $fl.G5a (i.75; fair to good. S(l.26a0.00; culls nnd com mon, Wa5.50i yearlings, $0a(l.25; clipped sheep, top mixed, $5.60a5.75; fair to good, SI.75a0.25; culls and common, $2.50al.50. East Liberty Live Stock Market. East Liberty, May 1. Cattle Steady; choice, $0.S0a7; primes, $Oa0.75; good, 5.85jO..T5. Hogs Lower; prime hogs, $7.25a".30; best mediums, $7.16a".20; ' heavy yorkers, $7a7.10; llsht do., $0.76a0.(i0; pigs, $8.10a(l.50; roughs, f5a0.76. Oil Market. Oil City. May 1. Credit balances, 120: certifi cates, no bid. Shipments, 131,852: average, 108, 702. Buns, 137,510; average, 81.311. Connolly & Wallace Scranton's Shopping: Center 123, 125, 127 and 129 Washington Ave. Opening of Our Infants9 Department Everything for the Little Folks at our well known low prices. The Connolly & Wallace Infants' Department Will be run on the same, liberal lines as all other departments of the house FINANCIAL THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCR ANTON. 67U SO 72'4 lf 7114 OSli emi 37 80 TO 4214 11 859a 42 02-1, 278 40U 02 23V U4 1311 SI' 41i 0Zi 13 8514 41T4 K14 454 OHi 2214 cii; 2614 43-'!i 01 'J 211 0H4 209s CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET. Low. Close. Open. Utah. 75i National League. At New Yoik It, U.K. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 New York I01100 00. 3 8 2 Hatterles Voorhces and Douglass; Matthcuson and Ilowerman. Umpire O' Day. At Boston It.H.K. llrookl.vn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fi 2 Uoston 0 1 00 0 4 0 (1.x 5 11 0 Dattcrles Kltson and Ahem; Willis and Kltt rhlgc. Umpire Drown, At Chicago (12 innings, game called, duik ncss) it.H.E, Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 5 0 Chicago 00 0 00 00 0 0 0 O 0 0 S 1 Ilattcrlcs Halm and Hereon; Taj lor and Chance. Umpire Cant llllon. At Pittsburg M. Louis 000 It.H.K. .'lOiooA u o I'ltUburg 0 0 3 1030 2.x 18 ill; fi ll.it terles Pope, Murphy ana; Ilyan; Tanucl'iH umpire r.mnllc, and Smith, Eastern League, Rochester, 3; Montreal, 2. Toronto, 4; IlufTalo, O, Jersey City, 0; Providence, 3. Worcester, 7; Newark, fi. Other Games. At Cambridge Harvard, 3; Amherst, 0, WHEAT May 741i July ui: ,7t CORN May CPi 02i July 03',4 (S3?i OATS July 34S 35'4 September 2tii 30?4 PORK May 10.45 10.75 July ."... 10.C0 10.07 LAHD- May O.S5 10.02 July 0.05 10.07 RIBS. May 0.3', n.17 July 9.40 ' 0.50 NI'.W YORK COTTON MARUT.r. Open, High. Low, July 0.50 050 0.30- August 0.30 Oi.O I). 11) 7414 7514 014 Kili Stli 20?i 10.40 16.00 P.S5 0.05 n.35 0.37 rs'A 70T4 02 CSU 35i; 30vs 10.75 16.07 10 02 U.07 0.47 0.50 Clos. 0.30 0.10 Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 on Pays 3 interest savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7.30 to S.30. A Sale of Silk Skirts 50 Petticoats of good taffeta silk, In blue, cardinal, violet and rose, corded ruiflo, well made and liberal In size, value $6.00. Price New Lawn Baby Caps Hard to tell you what they look like. They're as fresh and sweet as spring blossoms. All sorts of tucking and clusters of cords form the body of the caps, ruches of lace or footing trim the edge and make a frame for the little face.' On some there are perky bows of satin ribbon bewitching 1 Very pretty ones for 25c, and from that on up to Have You Seen It ? ' The washable cap for babies? It laun ders like a handkerchief. Costs no more than the old styles. The great objection .to Baby Caps (that they can not be laundered) has been overcome by the "Elite" Parent Washable Cap. This cap is so simple in con struction that by loosening the bows and shirring strings it can be flattened out for home washing and ironing, and as easily put back into the shape of a perfect, well-fitting cap. It is more economical than the old style.because it saves the expense and annoyance of taking Baby's Cap to the Cleaners. $3.75 $1.35 This enables Iho mothers to buy baby a much handsomer capNat the start, as the "Elite" Patent Washable Cap, being more practical will, In the end, cost no more than a cheaper article ' of the old-fashioned style, Made In variety of styles to retail at from 50c to $1.35 Each Women's Ribbed Vests, 25c . 25c Come and see what a variety we offer in Under-Vests at High neck, long sleeve High neck, short sleevo High neck, sleeveless Low neck, sleeveless Low neck, wing sleeve High neck, wing sleeve Body Vests More than forty different styles, many of them in lace trimmed effects Toilet Goods Department (Near South Entrance.) Colgate's Finest Extracts In bulk, 25c per ounce Colgate's Violet Toilet Water, half pint bottles, 75o Colgate's Dactyle's Toilet Water, 6 oz bottles, 58c Colgate's Pine Tar Soap, 1 0c cake. Colgate's Silverware Soap.small cakes 3c, large 8c Colgate's Honey Soap, 10c cake Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 24c cake . Cutlcura Soap, 23c Cake Mennen's Talcum Powder, 1 5c Connolly & Wallace. Bid. Asked. 00 300 550 300 1300 101 CW 40 33 Plenty of Money at Washington, By Eicliutvo Wire from The AisocUtcU l'ru. Washington, My 1, The monthly roinp.ir.itlye ktaltment of the government receipts unci cxpcif dllurea shun tint during tho month of April, lOOtl, the total recclnts were 11,315,300, a de create as compared with April, 1001, ol $2,552,000. Tho fupcinlltnns for Iho month agKTeK4tcil 10,. 7W,'.'0J, which learn u Mirplm (or the month of $1,310,01X1. i'ur the lat ten muntlu the totul ie (elpts were fH)l,2l8,200, und the cxprmllturc $39S,e24,K, leaving a turt..m for that period of ?03,C93,ST0. Chicago Xive Stock Market. Chlcaco, May 1. Cattle Ilerclnts, 0,000, In. clujing 200 Tcxans; clow, biddy; good to prime iteem, fd.75a7-30s poor to medium, M.KUO.Wj stockeM and (ecaert, ?2.60a5; cows, jl.KU5.7S: lieltera, f2.2Sa8l cannera, fl.t0a2.10; bulb, i.2J 5.40; calves, fiaol Ttxai fed altera, f3.25ad.2i. Hogs Itecelpta today, 30,000; tomorrow, 23,000; left over, 6,500; 10c. lower; mixed and butchera. 6.70a7.15; good to choice beavyj I7.i7.25; rouh heavy, ).7Sa7; light, fO.oOaO.OO; bulk of t.il'j, (O-bOaT. 6hecp Receipt M0 iheep, ttcady; hnihi, lower; good to choice wetben, f5.50a0.10; fair to choice otlxtd, I4.76a5.60; western ahcep, $0.2 J ae.10; native Urut. $4,758.10: uetera lambs, J5.25i6.W; xm1i4 Culoradot. (7,15. 117 07 103 Scranton Board of Trade Exchnngo Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100, STOCKS. Lackawanna Dairy Co., l'r. County Savings Bank k Trust Co. first National Hank (Carbondalc),. Third National Hank Dime Ucpojlt and Discount Bank,, Economy Ucht. II. k 1. Co First National Bank I.acka. Trust k Safe IVnosit Co... Clark k Snover Co., l'r 123 Scranton .Savins Bank 600 Tradt'is' Nutional Hank 225 Scranton Bolt .fc Nut Co 123 People's Bank v....... 135 BONUS. Fcranton I'acl.lns Co Serantoir l'assciicer Hallway, first Moitiragc, duo 1020 113 Teople's street Hallway, first mort gage, duo 1013 113 IVople's Street Hallway, tieneral mortgagp, due 1021 ,, , 113 Scranton Traction 0 per rent 1J3 i.ionoiny i.ignt, Ileal rower Co North Jerbey lc 1'orono lio Co Consolidated Water Supply Co Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O, Dale, 27 l.atkawuniu Ae.) Flour $M0. Butler Froli cicamcry, 2c.; freih daliy, 23o. Cheese lSaUHc I'g-Ncarby, 16c,; western, 17!le. Teas 1'cr bushel, fl,73. Harrow Beans Per bushel, $2.S3a2.10, (Ircen Peas Per binhel. ?1.75. Potatora Per bushel, fl.OO, Onloru Per bushel, 1.30. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, May , Wheat-Firm, lc, high, cr; contiail grade, April, eVUjaSTc, Corn Vic, higher; No, a mlxeil, April, (UaOfic, Oats ()ulet, but tteady; No. 2 white clipped, 01c, Butter Firm; f.tra western ireamery, 2iU 2lc.i do. nearby prlntj, 25c, Utga Flimi fresh nearby, lile.i do. western, lUlJalOH';.; do. hiuIIi. westcin, lUc.s do. toutliern, 13.il3Vic 4 heese Ulidianged. Itrtlned fugjrs Firm, good ile. maud. Cotton Mdc, loner; middling uplaiuU, mif, Tallow Finn; illy prima in tleriej, 11U uU-Jc.; counliy prime In bjrreU, OWao'.ic,; do, dark, SXaOc,; cakea, 7c. I,lo poultry I'lrm; fowls, hear fat lion, 13c,; 'do, small und med ium, 12al2Vac.; old roosters, RMc,; 'Winter clikkciH. na20d.; spring clilckena, 30a.'IV-,; ducks, Italic; geese, DilOt.-, Dicsed poultry Steady; fowls, choke, 12Hc.; do. fair ift good, IHialie.j old roosters, (USVic; wntcrn rout, lug chickens, fioscn, llalOc,; do. brollei-a, frozen, lda20i. ltecelpts-Flour, 1,700 lnrreln, and 1,704.000 Ilia. In sacks; wheat, 62 000 bushels; corn, FU0; oats, 0,400. Shipments Wheat, 72,000; corn, 6,000; oats. 8.000 bushels. ' ' New York Grain and Produce Market New York, May 1. Floui-ltoie active and flimcr In tone. Wheat Spot firm: No. 2 red, &:. elevator; No. 2 red, voKc f. 0. b, afloat; THE Six Eagles Mines An investment opportunity of ex traordinary merit. It is the best known mining property in the state of Washington. A Developed Working nine Not a Prospective Proposition. A limited amount of stock is now being offered to raise money for im provement in equipment and gener al development of the property. Awarded Bronze Hedal At the Fan-American Exposition at Buffalo last season. Stock now selling at $ .50 a share. The price will soon be advanced. Get In now on the ground floor. Write for full particulars, SIX EAGLES IHININC CO 1202 Crozler Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. """'''"'''''''''''''"-ssaasMMMsiatiMmii aissanM sn ! ns ! ! .se eat hfln j CL0THIHG (llflON CREDIT! I I Cash Stores. r 1 nimmmmsmglrimmmmamximaxA I B -I L Some Special Bargains this week in Ladies' Tailor - Made Suits. GREAT BARGAINS IN OIL STOCKS! WILLIAM & K INa & CO. Members of Houston (Texas) Oil Stock Kx cbuugu solicit orders, EH Hail imtwciTUA. RAILROA D TIME TA BLES. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Ktlcct June 2, 1B01. Trains leau Scruuton; O.a.3 a. in,, ucek days, through vestibule train from WilLcvliarre. full. Dian bufTct parlor car and toadies to I'hiladej. phla, via l'oiUIllei Etop.s at pilucipu! inteuue dtate stations. Also connects (or buuliuri, lUr rULurg, I'hilailclphla, Uultiiuorc, Wuahington and lor l'utsburg ana the west. 0.38 a. m., week days, (or Eunbury, Hurrltburr, rblladelphla, Baltimore, Waslilngtou and I'itU burg and the west. 1,4.! p. m,, week days (Sundays, 1.5S p. m.), (or Sunbury, Harrlsburif, fhlladclrihla, Paltlinorc, Washington and I'ltUburg and tho west. 8.28 . m.. week days, through vestibule train trom wilkes-Barre. I'ullman buffet parlor cat and coaches to Philadelphia ia I'oliSYillc. Stopa at principal Intermediate statical i.il p. 111., week days, lor lUzleton, Eunbury, HarrUb.irg, Philadelphia and Pittsburg-, J, U. 'aUTCHlNSOS. Oen. Jlgr, J. U. WOOD, Qen. Pass. Agi. Big Values for Saturday Buyers Clothing on Credit, Man, Woman, Chill Don't let another fine Sunday go by without the new Clothing. We appreciate the fact that everybody can not have a pocketful of cash, and so we say to you : Come and pick out your Spring Clothing, Hats and Shoes tomorrow, have therri charged and pay in small, convenient payments, We charge nothing extra for Credit. Quality against quality our prices are as low as any cash store. Come and see for yourself. Come and examine the stylish spring garments. You will not be urged to buy. Hi Jpttfisvl$lliTOk For Womankind Handsome Man-tailored Suits; Stunning Spring Jackets, Smart Waists, Silk Raglans, Stylish Skirts. Fine Petticoats none more stylish none priced lower no terms easier. For Mankind Nobby Spring Suits in attractive patterns, handsomely made up and carefully finished p'opular styles. Boys' Suits, single and double-breasted very strong, durable and stylish. 31V Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. PEOPLE'S Credit Clothing Company New Jersey Central, In Cttcct .Vor, 17, 1001. 6tat!ons In Ntw York, loot ol Liberty street and South ferry, N. It. Trains lcae Scranton (or New York, Philadel phia, Eustrn, Ucthlelnm, Allcntonn, Mjucb Chunk, White Haven, Ashley and Yilkeg-Bsrio at 7.00 a. m., 1 p. m. and 4 p. in. tnmdiy, 2.10 p. m. er ii iy r.i.pre icaua scrjnton at 7..10 a. m., through solid vestibule train with Pullman (juaLer City Kxprets m,. tlireusli solid ves Cutlet Parlor Cars, for Philadelphia, with only cue change o( curs lor Ualtiniore, Washington, P. C, anil all principal points south and weat. For Aoca. Plttston ami Wilkes-Darre. 1d.hl and 4 P. in. Bundsy, 2.10 p, m. For Long; Uunth, Occaa Orove, etc., 7,30 , m. and 1 u. in. For Itcadini;, Lebanon and llsrrliburg, vU Al ientoun, ut 7..J0 a. m. aud 1 p. 01. Sunday, .10 p. 111. For Pottsyillo at T.30 a. m. sod 1p.m. For rates and tickets upply to agent at station. W, G. UL'bLlUI, Otneral Manager. RAILROAD TIlOlE TABLES. Delawaro, Lackawanna and Western. In KITect Nov. 3, 11)01, Trains leave Scranton tor New ork At 1.40, 3.1S, D.U5, 7.00 and 10.0J a. in.; l'J.45, 3.40, 3.3J p. m. Foj New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.03 a. ni., ami 12.43 aud U.fS p. in. For Tobj. haiina At C.1U p. in. For Uultalo 1.13, C22 and 0.00 a. 111.; l.U, 0.50 nml 11.33 p. m. For lllnz hamton and way tt.itlons lO.iiO a. m. and 1.10 p, 111. For Oswego, bjuiuse ami Utlca 1.15 and 0.2:; a. in,; 1.63 p. 111. Osneiio, Syracuse and Utlca train at 0.2.2 a. in. daily, except Sunday. For JIun(roo P.00 a. m.; 1.10 and 0.5O p. m. Nicholson accomiiiodjtlon 1,00 and t). 15 11. m. Uloonisbuiir l)lislon For Xoilhumbcrland, at C.S5 and 10.03 a. in.; 1,55 and 0.10 p. m, For Plymouth, at 8.10 a. in.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. m Sjndav Trains For Jtw York, ,1.40, 3.15, 0.06 and 10.0j a. m. 3.40, 3.33 1. 111. For llullalo 1.15 and fl.il a. m.; I. 3, u.50 unci ll.sj p. m. For Ulnshsnituii and way blatlons 10.20 u. m. HlcomsburK Uhislon Leave bcrauton, 10.03 a. in. and 0,10 p. m. Lehigh Valley Eajlroad. In F.flect, Nuv. 3, 1001, Tulus le.no cranton. For Phlladelpha and New York via D. & 11. It. It., at 0.M und f.JS a. m., and 2.13, 1.27 lltlack Ulainonil xprea), and ll.aj p. m. Sun. iajs. i. & 11. n. n.. ,-.5. e-V v, ! , For ttlille Ijmii, llaslctou and piincipal points in the ioal rmions. U l. k II. II. It., 0.3S, S.ia and 4.27 p. iu. Fr I'ottavllle, 0.33 a. m., 2.18 For llelhleheni, Kaston, Ileailliiff, llarrUbursr, and nrlncipal iiitirnicdlatu stations, ia 1). k II. It. It., tl.3S. 0.33 a. w.l 2.1S. 1.47 (lllack 1JU. mond txpress), 11.30 p. 111. Sundays, 1). k II. It. H., 0.3b a. m.i 1.5S, S.27 p. 111. For Tunklunnotk, 'lonanda, Llmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and principal intermediate stations, via I)., U and W. It. It., 6,10 a. :n. aud 3.50 p. in. For aencva, ltvvhettrr, Uailalo, Majjaia Falls, RAILROAD TIME TABLES. riiltoao and all points nest, via D, & II, It. 11., 7 4S 12.UI a. n..; 1.12, 3.23 (Ulack Diamond lixt press), 7.1S, 10.41. 11.30 p. in. buudajs, 1. i: U. It. It., 12.03, 8.27 1. m. Pullman patlor and slecplnB or Lchijrh Valley Parlor cars on all trains betweea Wllkes-Ilarre and New York, Philadelphia, llutfalo and Supcn slon llrldfe. 110L...N II. WILDIlIt, Ccn.fSupt., 20 fJortland street, New York. CIIAltl.CS S. l.i:i:. Gen, Pass. Agt,, 20 Cortland btrcet, New Yoik. A. W. NONi:SIACili:R, UIv. Pass. Agt., South Ilethlchim, Pa, For tickets and Pullman reservations apply ti city ticket otllce, 00 Public Square, Wllkcs-llarre, Pa. Delaware and Hudson. In Kffcct November 21, 1001, Trains (or t'arboudalo leave Seraulun at 0.20, 6.00. 8.33, 10.13 a. in.; 12.00, 1.20. 2.31, 3.51, 6 20 0.25, 7.57. 0.15, 11.20 p. lit,; 1.31 a. in. For llonesdale 0.20, lO.lSa. m.; 2.31 and 5.29 ''"For Wllkes.Barrc 0 33, 7.4S, S.41, 0 3S, 1011 a. m.: 13.03, 1.1.', 2.1s, 3.2S, 4.27, CIO. 7,1 1, 10.11, 11.30 p. m. 1 For h. V. It. it. Polnbi-0.33, 0.33 a. m,; i.13, 4.27 and 11.30 p. m. For Peun.jlvanU n. lt. Polnts-C.33, 0.33 . m.i 1.11. 3.2S and 4.27 p. ni. For Allan) aud all points north 0.20 a. m. and 3.3 p. m. SUNDAY TItAIXS. For raibond lie 3.00, 11.. '13 u. m.; 2.31, 3.53. 5.52 and 11.17 p. m. For Wllkc-llJire U.S3 a. ro.; 12 03, 1.33, 3.23, C.S2 and 0.17 p. in. For Albany and points north 3.53 p. in. Vor llonekdale 8.60 a. in. and 3.33 p. ni. W, L. I'KVOll, ii. ', A., Sujulou, Pa. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Bualnes ot Dickson Manufacturing Co,, Scranton and "Wllkes-Dtiric, Pa. Stationary Enslnes, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New York, Ontario and Western, In Kifcit Tuesday, Sept. IT, 10OI. NUItTU IIOU.ND, Leave l.e.ne Arrive Trains. Siraiiton, Caibomlale, Tadoala. n" 1 '1i,;,;?a",.u")J,,!. 100p-' -' fi-m illr;umo,"Jale6ll0'- - Uuvo l.eavo Artlx Trains. CVidosla. CuiliowUIr, Serantan, No. il "' ' 7.10 aJni. 0. 2.1', p. in. 4.0H 11. m. 4,10 ., SUNDAYS O.M.Y, NOIllll UOU.M). U Uave Leuvo ir.i.. Kraiilun. CiirlHindale, Cadoala , S.30 a. m. 0.10 p. in. 10 43 a. m. 7,00 p. 111. Ar. farbonJalo ",10 p. m. MJUl'il HOUND. "l.ra. U'avo Umvo Arrive LUdvaU. Carboiulale. Scranton. 1.00 a. iik 7.40 a. m. Trains. No. 0 .... No. 6 .,. 1.30 p. 111. 11 Oil p. 111. 0 13 p. m. Trains. No 0 , Nn. 10 . Tialns No. 1 on week da)., ami II on biiud.ya. make main line connections for New York city, Miildletovvu, Walton, Noiwlcb, Oneida, Ooivetl and all points west. For further Information rciuult ticket agents, J. (J. ANDKltSON, U. P. A., New York. J. U. WELSH, (V. P. A., Scranton, Pa. Mj ?" V..r-.M.S1 MMl'll. r! i$- ft 4' v!. "".. ,r-V k ''-
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