NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. peclll to Die Scrsnton Tribune, Ugnesdttlc, April 23. ThJ,aiiilleiico ut tho PrcHbyttTlint ulmpol Thurailny cvcntntr wiih dclltrliluil with the clmll; tnlk by C. Ktlgnr r.oseerniip, thu hu morist. HtrccL ConunlSHlonrr .Tohn Kraut?, and worknittu nro ungaRod olennlnp; up Central park. They have put the foun tain In working order. Dr. F. .W. Powell and Mrs. a race Kimble were married "Wednesday 'inornhiff at the resldcnco of the doc tor's father, Mr. S. AV. Vowell, on Six teenth Htreet, by ttev. William It. Hwitt. The wedding was strictly pri vate. The I'ouple left by the S'.o5 a. in. train. On their return from the wed ding trip, they will roHlde with the doctor's! parentH. The funeral of the lute Jtobert 1!. Hop was largely attended at the MethodlHt rhurch Friday at i p. in. Interment was In Darling cemetery, Cherry Itldge. The grand military ball of Company K, in the armory May '1, cannot fall to be lurgely patronized, and a highly so cial went, With the following pa tronesses: Mesdiimcs t'oe Durland, John J). Weston, George V. Bent ley, O. L. Howland, George B. Osborn, Thomas B. Clark, L. J. DorMlnger, William F. Suydain, Homer Greene, A. T. Searlc, II. Z. Russel, W. A. Wood, W. H. Dlm mlek, William II. Swift, George S. Tiir dy, E. A. Fcnnlmati, K. W. Burns. C. A. McCarthy, John McKanna, Martin Caufleld, John G. Bleller, Jane Whit ney, S. K. Dodge, Gustave Smith, H. A. Dunkelberg, I Fuertb, Samuel Katz, W. M. Fowler, 'W. "W. Wood, M. E. Simons and H. T. Menncr. The spring session of the archdea conry of Scranton and Woman's aux iliary will be held in Grace church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The order of services is as follows: Monday, 7.K0 p. m., evening prayer and addresses; "The Relation or the Sunday School to the Church," Rev. W. D. Johnson, Wllkes-Barre; "Why We Should Be Identified with the Church." Rev. Rogers Israel, D. D., of Scranton; "The Claims of the Parish Upon the Laity," H. A. Fuller, esq. Tuesday, 9.30 a. m., business; 10.80, prayer and holy communion, sermon by Rev.' F. T. Cady, Sayre; 2.30 p. m., business; 3.30 i. in., archdeacon's re port; 4 p. m., exegesis, John 1:29, Rev. F. B. Bateman. Scranton; 7.30 p. m., missionary service, addresses by Revs. K. J. Haughton, Dunmore; C. H. 'Kvans and Bishop Talbot. Wednes day, meeting of the Woman's auxil iary, 10 a. m., holy communion, ad dress by Bishop Talbot; 11 a. m., re ports of Lenten missionary study; 2.30 p. m., business; address by Rev. C. H. Evans', of Tokio, Japan. Mrs. Jennie .Goodwin, of New York, Is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wheel er, on Third street. The pews of the Presbyterian church will be rented for the coming year on Tuesday evening next. Theg rounds of the Honesdale Golf club are being put in shape for the summer sport. A club house is to be erected this spring. Miss Clara T. Sutton's condition is somewhat Improved. She Is yet very ill. m HALLSTEAD. Sprcial to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, April 23. Miss Alice May, of Scranton, is visiting Miss Jess-lc Van S5andt this week. Mrs. Emma Delevarn and daughter, of. Binghamton, are visiting at the home of W. F. Slmrell. Will Ward and son, Howard, and John Humphrey are visiting Mr. Ward's parents, at Buffalo. Miss Lucy Packard was a Bingham ton visitor Thursday. The Women's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs. F. X. B. Chase on Friday afternoon. A unique service, which will be termed hoube-cleanlng day, will take i place at Young Men's Christian asso ciation hall Sunday afternoon at 3.30 , o'clock. Mrs. G. M. l.amb vlbited In Bingham ton the' forepart of this week. Charles Corwln and Xornuu Wilcott have accepted positions in the Herald office. Mr. and Mrs. John Clime, of Carbon ilule, are visiting their son, ut the Mitchell house. Mr. Burns, of Bliisluunlon, called on friends In town Tluirhday. Miss Bailey, of l.awsville, and Will lam Buckley, of Conklln, weie united The mau who is caged In or cooped up nay after daywiUiout sufficient exercise is sure to suffer for it. Quite often the liver is the first organ which becomes disordered, and constipation, biliousness, tick headache aud general physical tor por make life miserable. There's only one way to deal with liver " trouble " ana that is to go to the root of the disease, and cure it once for nil, Such cures of the disordered or diseased liver almost always follow the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, It always kelps, It almost always cures. It reg ulates the liver, strengthens the stomach, and purities the blood. "Dr. Pierce's Col Jen Medical Discovery is the best medicine nude," writes Michael Matter, of Littlelttlls, N. Y. (6S Center St.) "I iad yellow jaundice aud liver trouble in November, 1900. ,Va almost dead, loat sixteen pounds In tUrcc weeks and my whole body was us yellow as , cold, and I was tick at my stomacli alf the time. I tried three doctors and they gave me tabled and villa and Another one tome other (tuff, but I 'went to Messrs. O'Kourke aud Hurley's Uni(I 1 store nnd got your'Uoldcn Medici! Discovery.' One lttle cured uic aud I thank it aud God that I am's well mau " Accept no substitute for the "Disco y 1 ery." There is nothing "just as good." j The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 btauips for the vol. time bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. fierce. Buffalo, N. Y. lu marriage at St. Lawrence church, by Hev. J. Fagan, Wedncsduy afternoon. Mrs, A. h. Waterman spent Thursday In Binghamton. Isabellu Lowe, of Klinlra, Is visiting at the home of M. S. Lowe. Miss Mngglo Hand, of New iMIIford, visited In town Wednesday and Thurs day. Claude Hlnmuiiiri, of b'cranton, Is visit ing his parents In this place. Mr. McMuster and family, or Elm hurst, have moved to this place, and will conduct a first-class bakery on .Main street, F. B. Whlluker, nf Waverly. X. V.. has accepted it position with Druggist Tiffany. Miss Muy Toby and Charles Stewart will bo married In the Baptist church PICTURE naiiMMMaMflfaStsMiiaaSaMiiaaB Do ou see a dog. a goose and a rooster In this picture'.' 011 Thursday, Hay 1, at 8 p. m. The service will bo open to all who care to go. Cliarlca Holmes has moved into the Hiram Hannas house, on Main street. Miss Jlarao iUUlalne has resigned Im position in J. Coddlngton's store and expects to take a position out of town. The little daughter of Thomas Hag gerty is seriously ill. Mr. und Mrs. F. H. Belden are visit ing friends In Cortland. Moses Shields, of Nicholson, was' in town Thursday on business. A new engine arrived from Scranton Thursday, to be used in yard service. Miss Margaret Carrigg is moving into the rooms vacated by William Hover. Misses Marian aud Lillian Church are spending Friday night and Saturday at UD.sonville. DUNDAFF. (to the S'cunton Tiibune. Duudaff, 'April 24, Mr. Uelgeluth, of Curbondale, proprietor of the Fair store in that 'city, has moved with his family into the Seely cottage, for the season, at Crystal lake. Mr, and Mrs. S. II. Johnson, pro prietors of Fern hall, are making ex tensive preparations for the coming season, and report that they are ex pecting a full house the season through. The writer is personally acquainted with Jlr. and Mrs. Johnson, and can assure any one wishing to enjoy a few weeks this summer at Crystal lake that they can lind at Fern hall all that goes to make up a first-class summer hotel. Farmers are sowing their oats and planting early potatoes. The villagers are beginning to plant their gardens. Henry Race and Frank Chambers, of this place, are building a bouse for Elmer Ridgeway, near Fleetvllle. U. E. Wells, gospel singer, of this place, hang in the North Main Avenue Baptist church at Scranton last Sun day; also lu Young People's Christian Endeavor hall at Chinchilla, Pa in the afternoon of the same day. II, W. Lowry sold his fine pair of black colts to Gould Miller, of Clifford, Pa.; consideration. $300. T. II. Phinney, who bus spent the pabt winter at Chicago, has returned and is now making arrangements to go into tint poultry business. Charles Lozler is seen nowadays driv ing n flno pair of bay horses, a team recently matched up, Mr. Lozler has leason to bo proud of them. One of the novel sights seen occasion ally In the borough is that of a son of Walter Cobb riding Into town a year old calf. Of course, the son Is not many years older than the calf, HARFORD. f-jn'iial tu the Scranton Tilbiine. Harford, April 1M.-E. E. .lone.-, and K. M, Watson, were In New York lust week. Mrs. will Reynolds and children, of Deposit, mo visiting relatives In this place. In the absence of Hev. o. D, Fisher, Nov, Hawkins occupied tho pulpit at Kingsley, Sunday afternoon, Leroy Dunn bus bought tlm property known as tho Sarah Jones house aud with his sister, Mrs, Payne will oc cupy It Muy J. Consideration $450. There will bo a sugar social ut tho home of Mr, F. A. La Bar, on Tuesday evening, Aiull 2i. Proceeds to apply on salary. Mrs. Hull will be in Harford, ApHI 24 with millinery goods und will re main a week, Mrs, M. J. Chamberlain was culled to Plains, Saturduy by tho sickness of her father, Mrs. T, M. Muynard und sou Walter weie hi Scranton, Saturday, - ' ' ' . NICHOLSON, bpeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Nlcholhou, April. 21. Mrs. II, K. Wll kins, of Jersey City, Is spending tome tlnio with her parents n ibis place. Miss Clura Wilcox and Huth Drlggs spent Saturduy with Esther Wilcox, who Is at Clark's Summit taking treat ment with Dr. I.vnch. Station Agent Kelly was at Montrose, on business, Tuesday und Wednesday, Dr. If. K. Wltklns, of Jersey City, spent Sunday with his patents, Miss Desniu Stephens left Thursday THE SCRANTON morning for Bloomsburg Slate Normal for a two months' course. Miss Daisy Bennett, of Facloryvllle, was a culler In town Wednesday. Ml', and Mrs, J, M. Carpenter, who have been In Now Smyrna, Florida, for a, month, returned home Wednesday night. ' m PITTSTON. fly Exclusive Wire (torn The Associated 1'rcM. Plttslon, April 25. Percy Stout, aged 52 years, tilled at twelve o'clock today after a lingering Illness of heurt trouble, tie had lived In this city for over forty yeais. The funeral will tako place Sunday afternoon from the lato homo on Wyoming avenue, West Pltts lon. Civil engineers were In the city 'yes terday looking over the cannon ball trolley lines proposed route through Plttslon. Mr. Ftirrltmton, of Sayre, assisted by a Mr. Ackles, were at work on Luzerne avenue, West Side, today establishing a grade for the new Macadam pave, work on which will be commenced next Monday morning. Among the applicants for the posi tion of soprano soloist In the First M. PUZZLE. E. church, at Wllkes-Barre, made va cant by the resignation or Miss Sadie Kaiser, are Miss May Stanley and Miss Lulu Keddie, of this city. They sang before the music committee of the church last week. Elwood Smith will train Cameron Cool's race horse on the track at Syracuse this season. The horses will be brought to West Plttston, Saturday and in about a week or two will be taken to Syracuse. The Pittston Male Glee club will sing at the Pittston hospital next Sunday. The club has also decided to' give a con cert in Avoca the latter part of May, under the auspices of the Washington Camp Sons of St. George. Stephen Schwartz, aged 87 years, one of tho oldest residents of Hugheston, died Thursday evening at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. phristopher Schultz, on Bock street. Funeral Sunday at 3 p. m. Nathan Morsejias been commissioned justice or the p'eace of Hughestown borough. Mrs. D. W. Scutt, of Kansom, stepped out of the way of one Lehigh Valley train at that place this morning about eight o'clock and was struck by another train and instantly killed. The body was badly mangled. She was a sister of Mrs. J. II. Pierce, of West Pittston. Rumor is current of a change that has taken place In the arrangements of the district of the Lehigh Valley Coal company. In this section. When the Valley company assumed control of the Newton Coal company's collieries In Upper Pittston. and the Connell and Babvlon collieries at Duryea, they were made one district of General Superin tendent Connor's division, and were in charge of Thomas Thomas, of West Pittston, Mr. Thomas has recently been notified that his district has been detached' from Mr. Connor's division and lie will hereafter report to tho general manager. - TUNKHANNOCK. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhunnoek, April 24. Mrs. E. M. Dunham, of Lu Porte, is spending the week with friends in town. Itev. II. II. Wilbur, and daughter, Miss Elizabeth aro .visiting friends in New Yoik state this week. A new stone platform Is being built along the front of the Wyoming Dem ocrat building on Tioga street. Miss Katharine Hhodes, of Lake Carey, visited at the home of Mrs. Frank Ace, on Second street on Thurs day. I John Lelphnni and wife, of Russell Hill, bus been visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Stephen Hoblnson, on Sec ond stieet, this week. Frank Boss, of Binghamton, N. T., formerly or this place, is visiting friends In town. Mrs, Martha Bunnell has returned to New York, where she will remain until tho llrst of June, Edwin Cracker, of Cleveland, Ohio, a commercial traveler Is visiting his cousin, Edwin N. Stone at this place. Mr, Cracker was a former Tunkhun noek boy. The ladies of tho Presbyterian church will hold a social at the church par lors this ovenlng. Mrs, Bobert W. Bauuutyne, who has been seriously HI at her home on West Tioga street, Is convalescing slowly. FACTORYVILLE. Special to the Scranton Tiibune. Facloryvllle, April 23. Tho Union Temperance bervlces wll bo held Sun day evening at tho Baptist church. Itev. J. N, Lee, pastor of tho Methodist Her Son's Life Saved by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, "A neighbor ran lu with a bottle of Clmmberluln's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Heiuedy when my son was suf fering with severe cramps and' was given up as beyond hope by my regu lar physician, who fetiuuls high in his profession. After administering three doses of It my son regained conscious ness and recovered entirely .v'lthln twenty-four hours," Bays airs. Mary Haller, of Ml. Crawford, Va. This Heiuedy is for sale by all. druggists. TRIBUTE - SATURDAY, WM. C. LARMON VICE PRESIDENT OF PEOPLE'S NA TIONAL BANK OF SALEM, N. T. Gives His Unqualified Endorsement to Dr. Williams' Fink Fills for Fale Feople After Being Re stored to Health, Few men nro bettor known In his community than Mr. William f Lm lnon, vice-president of the People's Nat ional Bank, of Salem, N. Y. On ac count of his high standing und Integrity the following Interview must carry con viction to even tho most sceptical. He says: "I had been In miserable health most of the winter, suffering font a compli cation of diseases. A heart trouble caused mo to be very weak and my blood was thin aud poor. I also suffered front Intense pains in my head. The condition of which I speak had existed for about five years, during which period I was often confined to my room for days and oven weeks at a time. Any exertion that bordered on the vio lent prostrated me and I wan compelled to keep away from all places where there was to bo any excitement because of my weakened condition. "I had doctored with several physi cians but tho medicine they gave me did not agree with me, and I got no bet ter In heulth. Then my attention wan attracted to Dr. Willium?.' Pink Pills for Pale People by an advertisement In ti paper and I began to take them. I felt better and stronger after compleT lng the first box, and after I had taken four of them there was a most decided change for the better, I am glad to add my testimonial to the merits of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peoulo. They have done ine a world of good and my faith in them Is Implicit." The pills which Mr. Larmon recom mends have, In thousands of other enses, demonstrated their efficacy in conquering all diseases arising from impoverished blood or disordered, weak ened nerves. They nre a positive speci fic for such diseases as locomotor ntnx la, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dunce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, ner vous headache, the after-effects of grip, of fevers and of other acute diseases, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexions and all forms of weak ness, either in male or female. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People nro sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, fifty cents a box; six boxes, two dollars and fifty cents, by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. 1". Be sure to get the genuine; substitutes never cured anybody. church will deliver the sermon. Itev. Lee lias been reappointed for another year, by the conference and the people are pleased at his return. Mrs. Phoebe Bailey left Thursday evening for her home in Canada, after spending six weeks with relatives in this section. Col. D. N. Mathewson, of Washington, D. C, is spending a few days with re latives in town. His brother Mr. Chris topher Mathewson whose condition has been so alarming for the past week, is slightly better at this writing. Bev. W. 31. Hlller, a former pastor of the Methodist church here was granted superanuate relations by the conference last week. He wll hereafter reside with ills daughter, Mrs. C. N. Skinner at Port Jervis. PR1CEBURG. Preaching in the Primitive Methodist church Sunday morning and evening by the pastor, Ttev. Wilson Bentley. Morning service at 10.30; subject, "The Principles of Secret Orders." Evening service at 7 o'clock; subject, "Good Out of Apparent Evil." Sunday school at 2 p. m. All are Invited. All members of John Wesley castle, No. !549, Knights of the Golden Eagle, of Prlceburg, are reauested to meet Sunday morning at the Odd Fellows' building at 10 o'clock, in order to at tend church in a body. POLITICAL. FIRST LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT Notice la here by given to the Republican voters of the l'lrst Legislative District, that a piimaiy elec tion will he held on Satuiday, April 20, 1002, be tween the houra of four anil (.even p, in., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Leg islature fo lepresent the iliMrlct and to elect two ilelcKUtcs to the State Comentiou to be held nt Ilairlsbiirg Juno 11, 1U02. The romention to coinuulo the ole Mill be held 011 'lueMlay, April 2V, at W o'clock in Cu npiratiw Hill. Ulch candidate must register, with tho district chairman, his full nuinu and puitolfite address, and pay his ,ive?nifnt fifteen ilayi la-lore the election, or ht name will not bo placed on the oftielal ballot. The dUtrlU vigilance committee, ill the ail ous, precinct,., will conduct tho election, und the lesiilt will be icporti'd by the return judijo to the district conventicn, which will he compo.ed of the return Judc. A wiltten notice cuntaln ins their instructions will ho nulled to the mem tela of tho arioiw district vicIIjih e muimltNC't. (1KO. W. JKXKIN'H, Chairman. Attest W. W. FIMl'.SOX, Secretary. Auction, CAHPr.TS.",0,000 yards llniMel-.. Ingnliu, Vel vets, nl-o MnttlniM, Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces linen iheets. table cloths, blankets, counter panes, napkin?, etc, irun bod.', sprint's, mattre."-cs, i.halrs shout sK cailoids at puhllo auction, Sale begins Tuesday nt 10 a. 111. and 2 and " p. in., nt 210 Lackawanna awmie, lic.U Scianton Mieet waltlnif room, iippobltc 1'cnu .lunue. Cummlngs & llio., Auu tioueei's. Wanted Rooms and Board. WANTBP Two rcir.munlcitlni; rooim with hoard, piltutc faintly preferred. Two ladles and 11 gentleman. State lull paitleulars. Adilrcss C. II. D,, Tribune ofOcc. STORAGE. The Scranton Storage Co. offers perfect facilities for the Storage of household goods etc. Upwards of 30 dry, clean aud thoroughly ventilated rooni9, with individual keys are at the disposal of the public, 113 Franklin Ave. APRIL 26, 1902. THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents Mare Thin Four Ltnei, $ Cents fer Keen Gstra Line, For Bent. I'Olt 11I..T 1021 Olhe (Ircct, single house of 8 Call mornings ueinern id ami a, I'Olt Iti:NTA ll roomed cultiifc'P completely furnished wild one boat and llhlni? pier for the m iwii comnicreltuT .'une 1, 1IKW. ut Like Sheridan, near IVtoryvlllr, Pa. Sec .1. 0. Zur filch, r17 laick.iw.inna avenue. ltOt'.SKSi nnd roonn for rent. House nml lots for fiile. Fauns for jalc. Hco J. C. Zuifllcli, D17 Luckaw.inn.1 avenue. FOIl HUNT Hecn rooms on second floor couple preferred without children! also to take carn'ol lawn ami garden, T0." Clay uvenue, Duniuore. FOlt HUNT fix-room flat with hath, steam heat, rta.s range, und all modem Improve ments; tent reasonable. Call early. 1 red U. Hand, 1)0.1 Mulberry sticct. I'Olt JIUNT-All modern Improvements, eight room house, lCOi Plnp drrct, One block from street car. Attorney Ilattenberg, 3ia Council uullding. FOIl ItKNT-lllght and twehc-room houses. Clrcen XHihrn t.t..i... I.n,li ., fniann fllllP. IlOtSHC. ""bi riLMiii lll'ill.) wijr im-"" - FOIl IlhNT-Small furnished house for rent. In quire at 023 Vino street. bTOIIi: FOB HKST 1122 West Lackawanna ave nue. Inqulro rhlllp Schncll, 62(1 West LaeKa- iiu,i .ncnuc. UAKN FOR nENT-$12, Apill 1st, three bo and three single stalls and wash lack, tear oi ?.i m.,,ii,., ....... ,.... i n, ,,'ii Mndlson ac. - -..i.i.ou.l H,l-,U, ,l..l,.,.l V w ,m. FOIl nKNT-Store Iiuitdinp for rent in lJlA" City, Pn. nnlldlne 80 feet by 24 feet, cellar under all, and second ttorv can be arranged ror a family. All in good lepair ready for uc. two coal breakers and mines close by employing over a thousand people. An cnterprisliiK mercnam can get a larire trade. Apply to W"" " liichmond. Richmond Hill. 325 N. Main avenue, Scranton, Pa, Furnished Booms. FURNISHED front room, half block from court house tquare; steam heat, gad, use of bath. OH Spruce street. A NICE front room with alcove at tho Nash; also a nice room for two young men. 118 Adams avenue. FOR RENT-Ono furnished room, with improve ments; also one on third floor, cheap. 627 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern improve ments; private family; gentlemen preferred, at 537 Adams avenue. FOR ItUNT-rurnlsned front room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house; gentleman preferred. Address Room, Ilox 290. FOR RENT Furnished room; heat and bath. 025 Linden street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. For Sale. HOUSES, four good young driving horses for sale. O. II. fetone, Clark's Green. FOlt SALE A few second hand books, including set of Chambers Encrcllncdia. Address V. 11., Tribune. FOIl SALE Twenty-flic fat three-year-old steers at the farm of II. .1. Truesdale, Rush, l'a. FOR SALE Seven-year lease and furniture of a 50-room hotel in good repair, near Central depot. Reason for selling, my time all taken up in other business. Right man who knows the steel plant people can do u big trade as tlicv nil have to pass the hotel. Rent 43,000 a jeai; all thor oughly renovated. Sew bar and kitchen Ust spring. Gold Dollar hotel can also be bought on easy terms. Address J. W. Ashley, Gold Dollar Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. I'Olt SALH CHHAP Double and single dwellings and barn, 521-523 Dromlev .nenuc, Scranton, centrally located. Rents for $20 per month; a 10 per cent, investment. Price, ipLOOO. Finther particulars, write or tee Armstrong' & Sanders, Heal Estate Agents, Pittston, P.i. FOR SALE Will sacrifice a $100 piano of an old reliable make; walnut case; only been used two jeais and is In peifect condition. For particular.-, address "Chance," Tribune office. FOR SALE Cheap for cash, phaeton, good con dition; bargain to one who wishes to buy. Inquire 110 Green Ridge street, Dunmore. FOR SALE Soda fountain. O. K. Cooper) C01 East Maiket street, Scranton. FOR SALE Shade trees and nursery stock, oitra hlzes. Giles L. Clark, WW Wood stieet. Xcw 'phone 1021 B. JUST ARRIVED, two car load of horses, good workers and drivers, weight from 1,000 to 1,(300; several closely matched teams; can be sceu at 331 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb. CARPETS 50,000 yards Brussels, Ingraliu, Vel vets, also Mattings. Oil Cloth; 10,000 pieces linen sheets, table cloths, blankets, counter panes, napkin, etc.. iron bed-., springs, mattress's, chuirs, about sK carloads at publio am lion. Kale begins Tuesday at 10 o. m. and 2 and 7 p. m., .it 230 Lackawanna uvenue, nevt Scranton Stieet Railroad waiting room, opposite Peun :ncmie. Cumniings & Bro., Au: tlcnceis, FOR KU,i: A beautitnl diamond ilnsr. one carat. Will sell for ". Address P. O, llov 1W, City. I'Olt SAI.E-Iland sill: doublers. Xcw. llamford llios., Palcrson, N. .1. For Bale or Bent. I'Olt SALE OR KENT The Forc-t House Hotel. Splendid location and sathtiietoiy leasuis lor change. Teims on application to A. J. Gavin, 1'cncit House, .leiinju. Beat Estate. FOR SALE Two lots, improved, with fence, side walk and gutter, X. Dlakcly st Iluuiuoie; vciy leasonahle. Adduvs Albeit Jenkins, South Canaan, Wayne county. Pa. I'Olt SALE' A desirable and well iniprotcd farm, situated two miles iioni Hotifsdalu containing Sd or nioro acres. Good buildings, well wateied, a never falling sptlng, uichmil and wood lot, sugar buh ami nut grove, .Mis. Jcicmlali Gar lelt, Honesdale, l'a. I'Olt SALE I'-iriil 32U acies; stock, good orrlnrd; building in good order; nine miles fioni Scran Ion, lwo miles ficm Moscow, Farm -alone, in fant! and stock. M.iry Jenkins-, Maple Like, Lack awamii county, Pa, l'01l SALE Elegant sites for homes In upper Gicen llldge; choice neighborhood; most, de sirable locality for homo in Lackawanna county. .1. A. Marvlne, 1730 Sanderson avenue. I'.UOl FOR SALE 01 acres, 7 miles from Scran ton; also 0 acics pasture land for sale or rent; till located near r.Iiiihurst. 1', B, Gardner, .Moscow, Pa, FARM FOR SALE Sixty-two acres, one mile iiom Lake Ariel; twelve acres of timber, icst improved; excellent spring water on lot; faun situated on road. For particulars address Will iam Trcalur, Ariel, I'd, Xost. LOSTA dark jellow pet cat, answers to the name of Toddle, A suitable rewjrd if re. turned to 1315 Capouse avenue. LObT A ladles' gold watch j a liberal reward will bo given if returned to Hotel Terrace. LOST A gold watch and fob either on Carbon street or Iiom Carbon stieet to Mulberry on renn, Finder return to George J, Ash, Times office. Rev. aid. LOST Steel beaded purse containing small sum of money, on Lackawanna uvenue, near Wy oming. Finder please return purso to Tribune olUeu and keep contents, LOST-$.!5, between Peek Lumber Co., East Mar ket street and Presbyterian rhurch. Reward II returned to cilice of 1'cck Lumber Co. Boarders Wanted, - ... PIIIVATE FAMILY wishes to hive two nice men to board, Ocnrun or English. Call any time titer Thursday. AU convenience, 807 Haakon avroue. ,i SITUATIONS WANTED PRBB. Branch WANT Cf flees, Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores TJntll 10 P. M. Central City AL11EUT SCIH'tr. corner Mulberry street nnd Webster avenue. GUSTAV PiCIIEL, 050 Adams avenue. West Side GEORGi: W. JENKINS, 101 South Main avenue. South Scranton , FRED h. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton atlO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market street. Green Eldge CHARLES P. JONES, 1337 Dickson avemii-. ' V. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street. C. LORENZ, corner Washington avc- avenue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. a. BONE & SON. Help Wanted Male. WANTED We want men of good standing and education in each town of two thousand population or over to represent tho TAUAHU INN LIBRARY, to enroll members and to at tend to the distribution nnd excha.ig" of books; men who make a success of working up their territory will bo advanced to good salaried posi tions in larger towns and cities. The TABARD INN is a new department of tho BOOKLOVERS the largest circulatltu; library in the world. Give references and address: W. r. .Smith, Mar. Sub. Dept., The Eooklovcrs Library, Philadelphia. YOUNG MEN wanted any distance, copy letters home evenings and return to us. We pay ?10 per thousand; send addressed envelope, particu lars aud copy. P. M. O. Dept. 133, Box 1411, Philadelphia. SEVERA7, MEN wanted in every locality; ex perience unnecessary; good salary and ex penses paid. Emanuel Co., Station J, New York. CIVIL SERVICE government positions. 9.SS9 appointments nude last jcar. Probably 10, 000 this 3 car. Only common school education re quired for examination. Catalogue of Informa tion free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington, D. C. WANTED By one of the latgest old line life insurance companies, ten agents for North eastern Pennsylvania. Libcial contract, salary or commission. Address Manager, care Tribune. WANTED A young man who has had one jcu'a experience in tin shop. Foote & Fuller, Mcars building. WANTED First class shoemaker, for repair work. D. A. Davis, Luzcinc avenue, West Pittston. WANTED Painters; only good men need apply. Call at Charles Wagner's, 331 Adams avenue. Help Wanted Female. WANTED A gooil reliable girl to do general housework in a small private family. A per manent situation for tho right person. Call be tween 0 nnd 8 o'clock Saturday evening, (113 Madison avenue. WANTED Servant girl for second work. Refer ences required. HJ3 Jefferson avenue. YOUNG LADIES wanted any distance, copy let ters home evenings and return to us. We pay $10 per thousand; send addressed envelope, par. ticulars and copy. I'. M. C. Dept. 135, Box 1111, Philadelphia. WANTED A typewriter and assistant book keeper; female prefcired; reference lequircd. Address E. P. C, Tribune office. WANTED A housekeeper, must be a good plain cook; references required. Call at 727 Con nell building or 1010 N. Washington avenue. WANTED Girl for general houscwoilc. Apply 717 Monroe ayenue. LADY CANVASSER wanted to solicit subscrip tions for The Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for first-class worker. Apply personally at Business Manager's office, Scranton Tribune. Agents Wanted. THIRTY DAYOFFER-For Sc. in stamps wc will send two sample knife sharpeners, instruc tion and agents' prices. W. Ic L. Gourlay, 1'. O. box 10U, HarrUhurg, Pa. Recruits Wanted. WANTED FOR 17. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 nnd "; citi zens ot United States, of good chaiacter and temperate lublls, who can speak, reid and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, No. 123 Wjcinlng avenue, Scranton, P.i. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED Lady stenographer and typewriter desires position; experienced. 1SW, Tiibune. SITUATION WANTED By a reliable colored man as porter, orTlce or day's wuik. Ad. diess II. A,, 310 Perm avenue. POSITION wanted by a Hist class carriage paint er. Addicts 1128 Prospect avenue. SITUATION WANTED Uy an experienced man, with good icputatlon, as teamster or stablo work. Can furnish ictcrenccs. Addiess 127 Oak foul place, city. SITUATION WANTED-A man would llku to get work spading gardens, giadlng or taking caro of lawns, lilt Llojd street, top lloor. hll'UATION WANTED Ily n widow, would llku washing and houso cleaning by the day. Mrs. Miller, 712 Schncll court. Honey to loan. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Qulck. straight loans or Building and Loan. At fiom 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 1IU-315 Connell building. Wanted To Bent. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or tour room, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor preferred. Address M. ll.. Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house or four or five rooms for housekeeping. Address A. G, E-, Tribune office. Business Opportunity. OAHPETS-50.000 yards Brussels, Ingrains, Vel vets, also Mattings. Oil Cloth; 10,000 plcpci linen sheets, table clotlu, blankets, counter panes, napkins, etc. Iron beds, springs, matticsw, clialis, about six- carloads at publlo auction, bale begins Tuoday at 10 a, in. and a and 7 p. in., at 210 Lackawanna avenue, next Svrantcn (street Railroad waiting loom, opposite Fcim avenue. Cumniings & Bio., Auc tioneers. SIOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. M. Hlbbard & Co., members, N. Y, Consolidated and Stock faxchange. 4t and 15 Broadway, New York. Established 1511. Long Distance' Phone 2383 Broad. Bheumatlem. JHIEUMATISM-AU parUcs that wish can be speedily and permanently curcu oi an va rlctles of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cures guaianteed. Inquire or address J. E. Ty ler, fc'cuotcn. 1 irK... v 1. ji-pr-sr PPffP""! MRECtORY.W 3 Insertions 25 Cents Mora Than Feur Line, A Cent (or Uacli Ultra Mm, LEGAL. TO CRl!lllTrillcl tt.,lA tt..b I1...I,, l .ii.i.M.... w ------- ---' pg'. vsShja ,, ; .. ..,... .u.iv ,..iiM. v .lignum- ..-., v. ju ..v. .tin, n nuvv nciiiff maua uy the 'Undersigned at -room lot Board of Tradu Uullding. Call front 2 p. m. lo n p. in. S. 11. JIOTT, Assignee. T11C ANNUAL meeting of the stockholder ot the Enterprise Coal Company will bo held at their olllce, 201 Council building, Rcruntoti, I'J Monday. May filh, nt two o'clock p. m. for tin- election ot a board of directors nnd the transaction of such oilier business as may prop erly cume before It. A. J. CONNELL, Secrclnrr. TO THE OWNERS or reputed owner .of propertv bounding or nhutllng on both sides of West Carbon 6trect, from the Carbon street bridge tu Providence road; on both sides ot Prnvtdcnco road from West drhon stieet to Diamond avenue; on obth sides of Diamond avenue fiom ProvldencS road to Court street; and on both sides of Court street from Diamond avenue to Providence! road, In the Twcnty-Urst and Second wards, City dt Scranton, Pa. Take notice that under ihc direction of coun cils, assessments will be made for tho curbing and for the paving, with vitrified brick on a conerelii base. West Carbon street, Providence road, .Dia mond nvcnuo and Court" street, between thiv points above named, on Wednesday, April 30, 1002, at 10 o'clock In tho foicnoon, nt the De railment nf Public! Works. Bureau of Engineer ing, City Hall, Scianlon, P.i.. nt which time and place jolt miy appear and lie heard if you ia dcsiic. JOHN K. ROCHE. Director Department of Publlo Work. Scrallton, P.i., April 23, 1902. NOTICr. b hereby given tint A. It. Gould Is Sons, persons having a H4n, under the law of Pennsylvania, upon goods, wares and mer chandise of the Deer Park Brewing Company, consisting of one two-hone delivery wagon, on account of storage nnd labor bestowed on such goods, tho owners having failed, neglected and re fused to pay tho amount of eucIi charges upon said property within sixty days alter demand thereof madn personally, will expose tho said two-horse delivery wagon to sale, at public i.uc tlon. at Gould's Carriage Works, No. 415-121 Linden street, city of Scranton, Lackawanni county, Pennsj Iv.inia, on the 11th day of May, A. D. 1002, at 10 o'clock a. m.. and sell thu same or so much thereof as shall bo sufficient to discharge said Hen together with costs of sale and advertising. A. R. COULD & SONS. W1LLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, Solicitors, r a SEALED PROPOSALS. y SEALED PROPOSALS will be opened In tho ot flee of tho City Recorder by the Director, ot tho Department of Public Works, at 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, May 5, 1902, for .cleaning' and painting the Lackawanna avenue and Cedar ave nue bridges according to specifications on 'flic in the Bureau of Engineering. Bidders shall cnrloso with each proposal, cash or personal certified check in tho sum of one hundred dollars us ii guarantee to execute a contract within ten (10) dajs If awarded fhe tame. In case the bidder1 'Id whom the contract shall have been awarded, re fuses or omits to execute a contract for the work accoiding to the .specifications thercfof, within ten d.i.vs from the date of the award," tho enclosure accompanying his proposal shall be for feited to the use of the City of Scranton. l'roposal blanks will bo furnished at the, Bu reau of Engineering and no others will be ac cepted. All proposils must be filed in the office of thn City Controller, City Hall, Scranton, Pa.., not later than 3.30 p. m. on Monday, May 5, 1002. The city reserves tho right to 'reject any 01 all bid3. JOHN E. ROCHE. Director Department of Public Works. Scranton, l'a., April 23, 1002. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDING. 23 TRADERS BANK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. CONNELU, Building. FREDERICK t. BROWN, ARCH. B REAb Estate Exchange Bldg.. 128 Washington ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 815, CONNELL BUILDINd. STEVENSON & .KNIGHT. 720 CONNELL BLDO. Dentists. DR. C. E. EILENBERGER, PAULI BUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton. Da C. O. LAUBACH, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. WILLARD. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellois-at-Lavv. 003 to 012 Connell Building. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Booms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS NEOOs tiated on real estate security. Mcars Building, corner Washington avenue and Spruce street. JESSUP Sc JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND COUN-Eellors-nt-lavv. Commonwealth Building, Rooms 10, 20 and 21. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATTORNEY. ROOM9 O03-0O4, 0th floor, Meals building. . L. A WATRES, ATTORNEY-ATLAW, BOARD. f Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON ; WILCOX. TRADER'S NATIONAU Bank Building O. COMEQYS, 0-13 RFPUBLIOAN BU1LDINQ. A. W. BERTHOLr. OFFICE MOVED TO NO, 211 Wyoming avenue. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 613 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR. 8. W. L'AMOREAUX, OFFICE 3311 WASH. Ington avenue. Residence, 1318 Mulbeiry. Chronio diseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and gcnlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR D. O. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 1JC8 WASH. ington avenue. Chronio and nervous disease.! a specialty. Consultation Irre. Hotels and Bestaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. sue. Kates reasonable. P, ZIEQLER. Proprietor.. BORANTON HOUSE, NEAR D L. Is W. PAS- senccr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. ?' ,ni' "Scavenger, ? ; A D. BRlOaS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pool; m idor; only improved pumps used. A II. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders UOO Korth Main avenue, or Eicko's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulberry, Both telephones. Seeds, O R. CLARKE & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND NURs' en men, stare 201 Washington avenue; gretn bouses, 1030 North, Main avenue; store tele. Bhone, 782. ' - Wire Screens. JOSEPH KUIVTTEb. REAR ill LACUA. AVH-. Ecrsnton. Pa,, aiauuUeturcr qt Wlie y"'1. Miscellaneous. DHESSMAKINO FOR pHILpRPN TO ORDER; also ladles -vtaists." LuuUi - Shoemaker, m ffiifravenuV,? $ ,-' , . ' MKG.VBGEE miOS.,"PBlTr,RS.' SUPPLIES,' EN. velopes, paper-bags, 'Hvvlne. Wurenouse, U0 Wasiilngtcn avenue, Scranton, Pa. TUB ; WlfcUW-BAUUB., ISECOUti - PAN ; BU-m AJ in Scranton" at the news stands ot Rcbniau llrcs., 406 tpruco and 503 Linden: M. Noitou. 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Scliutier, l Soiuce street. 7T" ty'S" , afe. it ,? ' JU ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers