i.tf j r THE SCRAJSTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 19015. 8 in n I" I H IH si IV I ISCtv tlaH rW" T-T-. '3 Si "74 Vt- ..J" i f . , WTCT ! f T mJkJ 1 -i!,,4l MISSIONARY . PROGRAMME rOB THE WELSH BAPTIST CHUBOH TOMOBBOW. Cdglish and Welsh Addresses Will Bo Delivered by David J. Davis, Bav. D. D. Hopkins and James A. Evans Church and Sunday School Socials Last Evening Miner Killed in the Bollovue Shaft Three Boys Arrested Other News Notes and Personal Paragraphs. Tomorrow will bo observed nH Mis sionary Sunday nt the First Welsh Bap tist churnli. South Main avenue, and the following Is the order of services for the day: Monxlsfl .SliltViCi:. Invocation. ll)imi. nrntltng ot Scripture. Iljmii. lljiiin. Pennon on Mission Work Kcv. I). 1). Hoplilns i:vr,xis(i smivici:. Hymn Congregation Heading; of bcrlpture Lesson, Miss Ellibith It. Hughes Kinging. I'lajci. h ileitis,. HcciUllnn "Rock cl Agi"....Miss Lottie Jones Ofi't.ings. SliuriiiR Conerrcritlon Address in Welsh Language James A. Ilvanq S-olo MI&9 Stella Thomas Antliim Cliolr Addresi in L'nsllsli Language David .1. Davis hinging Congregation Benediction. Two Church Socials. Class No. 4, of the First Baptist Sunday school, held an entertainment and oi'ange social in the assembly room of the church Inst evening which was well attended and enjoyable. Vocal and instrumental numbers and recita tions were rendered by Miss Anna Jones, Garfield Davis, Mrs. Randolph Jones, Ruth Beddoe, Bessie Slote, Char lotte Lloyd, Mr. Sweet, Clifton Phelps, Flora Relet and Alice William. Six teen girls and boys also gave a pleas ing drill. Refreshments weio served afterwards. In the Jackson Street Baptist church the Sunday buhool scol.irs and their lricnds held an enteitainmcnt and social which was quite a treat for the little ones, as well as the older schol ars. The programme consisted of reci tations by Mis. Albert Davies, Blouden The Bcet 1'amily Cough Kerned)-, Dufour's French Tar, For Sale by GEO. W. JENKINS, 101 S. Main ave. Magnetic Offerings For Saturday choppers in the smartest creations of the present season in Ladies' Suits, Silk Jacksts, Chiffon Wraps and Silk Waists No need to say one word about the peculiar ex cellence that is indelibly stamped on all ready-to-wear garments for women in the Globe Warehouse Ladies' Outfitting Departments. The materials, the cut, the sewing, the finish and the style imparted to hem pro claim the conceptions of master minds in their several ' branches, and leave no doubt whatever in the mind of the intelligent looker that the best efforts of human . skill have been put forth to secure the highest possible results. But these facts are perfectly well understood, and to enlarge on them further would be as useless as to gild refined gold. On Saturday We Will Offer Twelve Extra Good Values... In our Ladies' Outfitting Department, of which four fair samples are given below. The First Bargain Ladles' Suits in medium weleht pure wool serges or Hopsacklngs, all sizes, und a number of styles to choose trom, including Eton Jackets, Blouse Waists with moire trim mings, D. B. Jackets with jnolre vests, etc. Kkiits are made in sev eral stvles, but the leader has an extra full flounce with Moire bands, and there is not one suit in the three hundred offered that Is worth lobs than $1C50. Quantity made the bargain prices possible, Saturday only $12.50 The Second Bargain Ladles' Jackets In rich Moire, Bilks or Peau do Solo; also Taffeta Silks pf exquisite beauty, Choice of sev r eral. styles, including Etons, Blouses -and Reefers. All are lined with white, satin ot line quality and tin J shed to perfection, Jackets actually worth ?17.00 for u(M $12.50 v I.K. Ii 1 I (I V f?Sk; . ..fiWMW.1 h i i Pi&S. ,, STD ANTON 1 JAa I m fK 1 M I V V 1 V Jr rAl 11 ii A V A. ,1 Jenkins, Corrlnno Collins, and Kloiso Thomas. John and Cleorge King play ed an Instrumental duct, Willis Jonen sang, and selections were rendered by a quartette composed of Mrs. Malhlas and party. Phonograph selections were also enjoyed, and ice cream was served. Three Boys Arrested. Kdward Edmunds, of Washburn stiect; Joseph O'Malley, , of Jackson street, and Dennis Mahcr, of Fllmoro avenue, .were arrested last evening on a warront charging them with disorder ly conduct. They had planed a rope across the sidewalk on Jackson Hired, for the purpose of tripping the patrolman on the beat, and Instead a young lady fell over It, and narrowly escaped serious Injury. They were arraigned for a hearing before Police Magistrate Davies, but were discharged with a reprimand. It seems almost useless for the officers to an est disorderly boys, when they are continually "discharged with a repri mand." Temperance Workers. A flue temperance society was or ganized Thursday evening in the Bcllevue Walsh Baptist church mis sion. A large number of boys and girls gave their names as charter members. Charter memberships will be open for the next two meeting nights, after which an initiation fee will be charged. Seth Jones, deputy of Hippie Divis ion, Sons of Temperance, and Gotner D. Reese made short addresses. The society will be known as the Bell evup Loyal Crusaders. They will meet again next Thursday evening. Cleaning the Streets. A large force of men from the street cleaning department were at work last night flushing the paved streets of West Scranton. The accumulation of dirt on the pavement during the past week has been a source of much an noyance. , A number of the back streets are also receiving attention, and much tilling in is being done. The ward' appropria tions are so limited, however, that but little work can be done with the money at hand. Two Hou'je Socials. The Y. L. A. of the Simpson M. E. church, were entertained last evening at the home of Miss Grace Snow, on Lafayette street. A dr.nna social was held last even ing at the home of Miss Edna Bonner, on Luzerne street, by the members of Class No. IS, of the new Embury M. E. Sunday school. Base Ball Notes. The Alumni Base Ball club v ill go to Pittston this afternoon to play the Brothers team. The Alert Ease Ball club will hold an entertainment and .social In Mears' hall on Tuesday evening. May 6. Accidents Yesterday. John Golden, an employe ot the Bilggs shaft, was injutcd by a fall of The Third Bargain Ladles' very swell Chiffon Wraps for evening wear with extra full collar and long full ends the acme of fashion and the maximum of comfort during the changeable sea son, $18.00 wraps for $12.50 The Fourth Bargain Ladles' Taffeta and Wash Silk Waists, in all the new colors and popular effects, Including embroid ered fronts, uppllque trimmings, In sertions, etc. Take hold of this op. portunity and you can count on get ting a waist worth not less than js.oo, for $2.25 The lenjalnlng eight special val ues will be found properly marked in the various Ladles' Outfitting Departments. Warehouse tiaLifV- ! Wifeft rM'?-jc w.,JJ.. roof while at work yesterday. lie was taken to the West Sldo hospital for treatment. John Hall, of 224 Fnirvlow nvenue, nil dnplryja of Ansley's lumber yard, had his fare cut While nt work yester day. Dr. F. C. Hall dressed Ills Injury. Jackson Street Baptist Church. The Baptist Young People's union will meet next Tuesday evening nt 7.30 o'clock. Alt the members should be present. By a vote of the society the sum of $23 was paid on our new singing books. Only a few weeks more before the tithes books nro called In. Every ono ought to bo Intensely Interested In the matter. Let this bo a special effort to raise stllllclcnt money to paint our church and put It In good repair. The sum of $i00 Is needed to accomplish the object. Will wo do It? It depends upon your faithfulness und sclf-sucrlllco in the motter. The Ladles' Aid society have pur chased a new sowing machine. More ladles ought to he Inlet ested In this society. There h plenty or work tolo and only a few to do It. Will you not come and help them? GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The moving pktuics of the fanioui Olicram meiaau Passion ay will bo exhibited In ht. Mjrk'a Liithcian church on May 7 und S. The plclutes will bo rcpioduecd through Hie mar velous tlncograph, aceompinlcd by an Interesting ami dcscilpllvo lectin c. The presentation will bo given under the auspice? of Ilia Luther League. Thomas McConvill, of 123 South Sumner nvc rue, who w.n Injured in un explosion ut Green ville, 13., on I'cliruary 8, lb recovering slowly, and his fi lends will bo pleased to know that ho will soon bo mound again. The Wot Scranton Co-operatlvo association will hold a meeting in ht. Leo's lull t'rlday evening, May 2, Ikr the purpose of perfecting a permanent organization, electing offlcci, ajid Issuing cer tificates of stock. Captain Jones and wife, of England, who are lisitlng friends and relallus in the city, were the puoists of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan P. Daniels, of Division sheet, list evening. A number of other guests were present. Oeorgc, the 2',.j car-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Annltage, of Mori Is court, had bis fingers badly squeezed in u clothes wringer on Thutsday. His injuries weie dres'ed at the West Side hospital. Keci Bryant, the aged resident of Luzerne street, who wandered away from home a few davs ago, has returned, having gone to Carbon dale. A masquerade party was held on Wednesday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Collins, 1123 West I.ocut street, In honor of their guest, Mrs. Jacobs. The affair was very enjoy able. A largo number of children, known as the Mother's Jewels, were entertained yesterday af ternoon at the Simpson Methodist Dpiscopal church. Hev. II. C. McTJormott, of the Simpson Metho dist Episcopal church, has been called to attend a funeral in Oneonta, N. Y., and Itev. E. B. Singer will preach at the Simpson church tomor row. Joseph rilng, of Cirrmmtown, Pa., is visiting at the home of Dr. I. 1". Stnipplcr, on South Mlin aicmic. The member of Scranton tent, No. I3S, Knights of Mictabera, paid a fraternal lislt to the Hyde Park tent last evening, and, after the ecrct session was otcr, j. social hour and unuker was enjoyed. The Wcot Side Drhing dub held a meeting in f. C. Deckeli.lck's (igir store last eiening, tor the puipose of discussing the arrangements for the coining season. vjhe Klectiie City Wheelmen's minstrel com piny held a rehearsal last night with Bauer's or chestra, and the entire performance was gone thriiiigh with. The s.hov is -repelled to be the best the bnjs mc eer undertaken, and a tieit is promised at Mears' hall nct Tuesday and Wed ii" My evenings. A spetlal feature will be the Siin-Walliio rompinj, who have just finished the Keith en mil. The An t i Ian Obrinmnieignii l'a'-ion Hay will be rtproduiod'at ft. I.ucie'h Italian Catholic cliuri'ii, mi Chestnut street, this evening and to mri low afternoon. Mis 1 nima lliooks', of Philadelphia, retuinrd iom jetterday, after in extended vMt with Mrs. Junes WiNon, of' North Ciarfleld avenue. Mrs. .1. 1,'. Kern and son, William, of Wash burn street, aie Usiting relatiies in Hallstead. Mrs. Lewis Davies, of South Mam avenue, is recovering from an illness. The members of the new Kinbury Methodist Episcopal chinch will hold their flist quarterly conference meeting this evening. VI mouth Congregational church, Jackson stieel Morning service at 10.30 o'clock; eenlng service at 7 o'clock; Sabbath school at 12 o'clock; Sherman Avenue mission school at 2.13 o'clock. Itev. It. N. Harris, of Welsh Hill, Pa., will occu py the pulpit, both morning and evening. F'lot WcUh Baptist chuich Hiv. D. 1). Ib-p-kin, pastor. Missionary sen Ices will be held in the church tomorrow, both morning and even ing. The morning service, at 10 o'clock, will be In the English language, when the pastor will pi each. 'I heme of ficunon, "Chiist's Rule and the Christian's Submission." The evening scr vico, at 0 o'clock, will be conducted in both languages, when several of the members will take part, Biother I). J. Davis will deliver an ad dress ol Lngll-h, and Biother Jiiines A. Evans in WcWi. Selections will be given by members of the choir. The musical pait of the programme is In charge of Chorister William W. Evans and Organist Mrs. 1). B. '1 bonus. A cordial invita tion is given to all. Simpson Methodist Kpisiopal church Itev. II. ft McDeiinott, pastor. Preaching at 10.K0 and 7 p. in. Itev. V., U. Singei, assistant pastor at Elm Park church, will lme cluige of the eer viies. In the alienee of the p.tor. Sunday school at 12 ni. Junior League at 2 50 p. in. Epvvorth League at U.S0 p. m. All welcome. PEESONAL PARAGRAPHS. MUs Margaret Jones, of Spiing lliook, U Is illng West Seianton friend-. ' ltcv. W. II. Ciavvfi.ul, of Noith ll.vde l'alk avenue, has been assignul to North Saiuord, MIfs Adi Wutt. of .t Nantlcoke, Is Wtlng her sister, Mi-. Hiro Young, ot South Bromley annuo. Mr. and Mis, N.ithin Evans of North lljilo l'aik avmue, have a new daughter nt their home. Mrs. Aathur Hauls, ot Kjnon street, Uvisl'.lag in California. Mrs, Ituu is and sou, Civile, of Stirling, era guests of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Ilany Buuls, of Noith Lincoln avenue. Miss Hatlic bklnner, of Noith Hjde l'aik ave nue, Is lsltlng in Darnvllle, N. J, Tho Itev, Wllllim Jenkins, of Wllkes-Buie. will ouupy the pulpit of the Bellcvue Wel-H Calvlnlstlc Methodist iliuich tomorrow. He vvlll puacli in the English language in the nioinliig at JO o'clock, and in the Webh luiigtngc In the evening at U u'llock, DUNIV0RE. The First Methodist Episcopal church, the Itev, Chailes Henry New. Ins, pastor. Tho pastor will preach both mornlue and ovenlnir, Services at 10,30 n. m. and 7.20 p. in, Morning subject. "Christ tho World's Need." Evening subject, .'Hope." Class meet ing at H.4u a. in.; Sunday school at 2.30, Dan Powell, superintendent, Evening prayer service at 6.30 p. ni.i Epvvorth League, Tuesday evening at T. IS, Eva Montgomery, leader. Wednesday even ing, mid-week church prayer meeting. Tripp Avenuo Christian church Preaching morning and evening by the pustor, J, V, Dabney, Morning topic, "The flentlle un Jews," Evening topic, "Tho American Spirit and Our Plea." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Everybody welcome, Regular service will bo conducted as usual at tho Presbyterian church, to morrow, Tho Junior Order of American A G .EAT SURPRISE In in ttorc for all who Use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, the great guaranteed remedy. Would )ou believe that It Is cold on its merits und any drugglit Lj auttmUcd by (he prupilctor ot this wonderful remedy to give uu a uniple bottU free! It never fails to cure, unite or ilirpnlc coughs. All uiuggUtu ul Kemp's1. UaUaiu. Price, (j, 'td $0v. ' Mechanics Will hold an Important ses sion tonight. Mr. nnd.Mro. David Chamberlain, of Philadelphia, are visitors of the former's parents, Dr. and Mis. a. J, chamber lain, of niakely street, Miss Mary Wells, of Wllke.s-Barre, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kcllog, ot Church street. Kev. James Fielding;, of Scranton, will preach In the Dudley Street Baptist church on Sunday at 10.30 a, m. and 7.30 P. in. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Much. Feeling: Stirred Over the Prop osition to Build the Eigh teenth District Sewer. There has been a great deal of bitter ness displayed by residents of that portion of the Twentieth ward which Is Included In the Eighteenth sewer district, who olnlm the assessment Is entirely too high. It Is contended by some that Ihe assessment Is almost as much as the property Is worth, while, on the other hand, It has been stated that certain parties, who are not as sessed, would bo able to connect with out cost. An examination of the blue print and plans show that all of tho ward above Gallagher court, south of Palm street and west of Pittston avenue, Includ ing a portion of Block 10, between Palm and Fig stret, is not Included in tho district, and consequently are not required to bear any of .the cost. How ever, the nddjng of these sections (which is nn engineering Impossibility, owing to the grade), would not lessen the cost pro rata, In fact, It -would be likely to increase It, owing to the lay of the ground. In tho event of the construction of the sewer. If any person outside of the district should be permitted by coun cils to connect with this sewer system, It would not exempt them from the payment of an assessment when their district is sewered. The estimated cost is given at $98,000, and it cannot pe considered excessive, when the rock, the depth and the many catch-basins and man-holes arc considered. Another thing, not gen erally understood, .but which Is ex plained by the engineers, is the Marge amount of dead line, which is neces sary, owing to tho size of the blocks, where extra work has to be done to sewer the properties in the center of each block. This, on a rough estimate, amounts' to about 5,000 feet, making an additional cost, In the rough, of $15,000. Owing to the many protests made, it Is hardly likely that the Improvement will be undertaken for some time, and Councilman Cuslck has asked to have action on the awarding of the contract deferred for the present. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Miss Gussle Schumann will lead the Gospel meeting of the Young Women's Christian association Sunday afternoon at 3.43. All women and girls are most cordially invited to attend. The Pansy club of the Y. W. C. A. will meet Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. All girls between 12 and 14 are invited. Bible class Monday evening at 7.45 o'clock. AH young women are invited. Musical Treat iu Store. The Scranton Saengerrunde society will conduct another of their delight ful high class German concerts next Tuesday night at Athletic hall and a first-class programme has been ar ranged by Piofessor (.Theodore Hem berger. Miss Grace Spencer will take the so prano solo parts, and Bauer's band will play the accompaniments, and a dra matic sketch will be given by Anton Fisch. A dance will follow the pro gramme, which is as follows: Auber, V Overture sur Oper "Era Diavolo" (a) Sehmoll, Osl.jr.."Mcin Hlinmel aur dcr Erde" (b) Sehmoll, OAar "Hcrzltcbdien Meln" Saengerrunde. Thomas, A. G llcrltatio und Arie "Schwcr Liegt ouf dim Herzen," aus der Optr "Nedeschda." Frauleln Spencer. (a) Schaeffer, li "Die Post' (b) Spcidcl, W., Op. 104, No. 2, "Schoen Aeunclicn" Saengerrunde. Cornet Solo Hcrr Thomas Miles (u) Tiihaikowsky, P., . "Nur wer die Schusucht Komt" (b) Schubert, Franz "Haidenroslein" Eiaulein Spencer. Violin cbligato, Herr It. J. Bauer. Abt, rran....Op. B7j, "Der Brunnen Wunderbai" fiedicht on Ceorg Seheurlin. Eur Maenncrchor, Barlton-Solo and Orchestcr. Saengerrunde. Baritou Solo Herr W. Baumgartncr ZWElTEIt TEIL. Mejerbcer, Clacomo, "Kronungs Marsch" am dcr Oper"I)ei 1'iopliet" Becks, Joseph "Wie du Mir, bo Ich Uir" Luslnplel in Zvvei Akten. PEKSONEN: Muller, Recbtsanvvalt Joseph Kraeiner Clemens, Sein Plcner Joseph EUcli Dr. SchuUe, Aizt Anton I'lsch Johami, Seln Diiner Matthias Alios Schmidt, Midler's Kreund Peter Ku-Jmer EIn I'l cinder, OltT DEIt HANPLUNO: I Akt Wohnzlmmcr bcl Muller, II Akt Wohiizlmmtr bei Dr. Schule. Do Kvvaite akt tplilt lacngcrc zeit uaeh dem orsten, Zulu Stlilur, 'latukraoiizchen.... Baud's Oichetr.l Wuhiend der Music k Blelben die Saalth'irrn (!cchloncii. Ei wild huflklit gtbeten, vor Bundlgiimr ilea eitin tclles nlgcht zu rauohcii. NEWS IN BRIEF. Munroe Smith, was arrested late Wednesday night on Cedjr avenuo by Patrolman Peter Hag gcity and jc&teiday he was given a hearing be fore Alderman Stoir for being ill unU and disor derly. The inagittrato lined lilm M. Dr. Qulnn has moved to li.'i Pittston avenue. Both 'phone). John Miller, of Oil Sloium street, who is cm plojed nt tho Delaware, Lackawanna ami West ern iar shops, had good news awaiting lilm last euiiing on aulvlng home from work, A letter had come from his old home in Qcrmany vvhlili lonvejed Ihe Information that a legacy of $!,m had been willed lilm by n relative. Dr. Sililcj's Lung Healing Balsam Is guir anteed to cure all loughs. "No cure, no pay," Tor sale by all dealers. " The Knights of Malta met In icgular cession last evening, FUNERALS. The funeral of James Bums will lake place to morrow afternoon trom his lato residence on Bloom avenue. It will be In charge of (irlftln post, (I'rainl Armv of tli't llepubllc, ot which lie was a member. The post will inert at tin rooms at 1 o'clock Sunday nftcinoon and proceed iu a bedy to the house. The funeral vvlll be at L',30 p. in. Tho funeral of William McLoughlln vvlll take place from the residence of Ills daughter, Mrs. 1'ied Long, Pkkson avenue, bunchy afternoon at 2 o'cloik. Key. l'rancU Datcman, rector of Ihe Chunk of the flood Shepherd, will officiate. In terment will be made at Forest lllll cemetery, Charged with Perjury, William Murray, of Hemlock street, and his wife, Agnes, wero ai rated last night at the In stance of Lawrence Mendel, who charges them with perjury, alleging that they swore falsely In a suit brought against them btforu Aldeimjn Lrntcs- lloth Mr. and Mrs, Murwy waived hearing and entered ball in tho bum of ?-'!00 be fore Ma.'Ututc Millar. ; miSiSm IJvh NORTHSCRANTON SMOKER AT THE FATHER WHIT TY SOCIETY. Was Held at the Close of tho Regu lar Business MeetingAnniversary of the Odd Fellows Will Bo Cele brated In tho .Auditorium on Sun day Afternoon Funeral of the Jaftto Mrs. William Anderson. Notes Concerning the North Scran ton Qleo Society. Tho father Whltty society held an en joyable social and smoker In their rooms, in St. Mary's hull, Thutsday evening. At the close nt their regular meeting the following progiatnino was rendered: Overture, I'lano and Vlnlfn, Masters tlreuuan and llirretl Vocal Solo Mlllim 1 Lvnott Seleit Heading (Icorgo ri. Lotlui IfiqlMllitntitrit Knln .Tnliti S.ltfllnrr.M Voi al Solo 1'rofe.ssor (lerald Kcmarks i.ltcv. John J, linlnu-s Vocal Solo Prank Harrington ltemarks Ex-Prrstclont John Mmtaiigli Itev. J. V. Movlau concluded the evening's entertainment with an Infor mal tulk, referring to the excellent work tho society has rendered tho tiitrish. Odd Fellows' Anniversary. The elghty-thlid atmlveisaiy of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will be appropriately observed at the Audi torium tomorrow aftetnoon at 3 o'clock, Addresses will be made by Itev. George Lee, Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce. D. D., Major General Edward C. Deans, Henry Hard ing and other prominent Odd Fellows, and a programme suitable to the occa sion will be rendered. The committee, made up of two mem bers from each lodge, has everything in readiness for the occasion. The pub lic in general are Invited to attend. Kelly Trio This Evening. The famous ,Kellv trio, assisted by local talent, will present .a comedy drama in three nets, entitled "Hotel Upside Down," this afternoon and even ing at the Auditorium. The following will be the cast of characters: Jake Snow T. J. Evans Itubc Hewins J. W. Mal'oy Harry Crce, Miss Scharehimout T. P. Greeley Manager of 'fWipc 1. F. Mourn Jennie Hcvvias Miss Anna Kelly Hattlc George May Kelly Six specialties will be given between the acts including the staircase acro batic novelty by the Kelly family. Defenders Victorious. Before a largo, audience of basket ball admirers, tho Defendeis, of South Scranton, defeated the local Cracker Jacks by the score of 9 to 4 last night. The local players played all around tho visitors, but were unable to score, on account of poor basket throwing, which is unusual for the boys. The following was the line-up of both teams: Defenders I'endergast, right guard; Morris say, left guard; Kane, center; Tigue, right for waid; ltatehford, left forward. Craikerj u lis Miller, right guard; Wells, left guard; White, cintcrj V, Davis, right forward; Hughes, left forvvaid. Goals were thrown from the field by Kane and Tigue, for tho Defenders, and Hughes and S. Davis, for tho Crackerjacks. Glee Society Notes. All members of the North Scranton Glee socuty arc requested to meet at their looms Siturdiy afternoon at 1.30 p. m. :harp. All members aie expected to attend. The boeiety will sing two glci at the audito rium exercises Sunday, "The Ciusadcra" by Pro fessor Dan Protheioe, and the "Mailjrs ot the Arena," by Laurent Do Itillc. The flrat depicts the Crusadeis storming the Jloly City and the destruction of the inudels. This beautiful glee is ono of the masterpieces of our late talented townsman, Profcssui Protheroe. The ncmid glee, "The Muitjrs of the Arena," is one of tho treat ist and grandest glees that was ever wuttui. Its author, Laurent Dc Itillc, is vvoild famous. Two new members wile admitted to nuinbei ship during the week. All good tlngers are in Utod to join the soclet.v. The society is the best glie society that ever was organized m Noith biiauton. All the mill clpal singers of this und are cmolled as mciiibeis. Discipline and practice will cic long bring it to the front as one of the best glee no'ietle in Nort hcastcrn I'eiuisj lv aula , Attndance is one of the cs-iitial qualities of success, IndiUercucc will always ind in futuie. l'erseveranie will reap its own levvaul. Smcss slvvavs follows bucte. Failure alwajs follow) falluie. Ilcspeet fur the conductor is one nf the beot qualities of u glee soilety. Punctuality at the club room is great eiuouiagemeiit to the conductor. The presence, on time, of the conduc tor wins the admliatiou of all the member 'ihe teiretarica are expected to be pu-ent at all meet ings. The rulc of the socielj will be ilgldly in forced. ' Mu-lc is the laughtei of the walci', The teats of the ft.ui; The blushes of the ium-; The palenevi of the lll.v Cod Is lllllaic Mi'sle is of God, H U the language of the flowns; The pleadings of the bluls; The quiverings of tho leivos; The roars of the thunders; The Hashes ot the lightnings; 'Hie twltteiings ot the lobin, ! Music Is ever) thing human and dlvlui, It Is like God, soothing, Miect and beautiful, The ilurm of music is In the iiispiiatlou c rived from It whin our minds are imbued with the spirit of the author and compo-eis we inn ting In the pioper kej, uevir out of tune, biia.no our holies and minds have been attuned by tic spirit of the author, ' To heed the Instructions of the coiuliu tor is one of the bct qualities that tan be UUpUj.il by a linger, Inaltentlun Is dl.iouraglng to tho conductor and dUplajs gieat iiidencss on the p-nt of the mcmbirs, the alms of both will end iu failuie. TOLD IN A FEW LINES, Hurry Attn, of Edna avenue, his relumed after a fevy dii.vs' vls.lt III Albany, X. V. The Murqucttu lounoll, Voung Men's Institute, will urn an euuislon to Haivey's like on uJuc 24, l)r, William Donne, of Oak street, is III with pneumonia, The doctor was taken ill while on his wjy to Philadelphia on u business nip, Edvvaiil I.oftus, of Spring ttreet, is ill New York city on a business trip. Miss May Dletiltk, o Klngiton, was among callers on Maiket street jrsterday. Lieutenant Amasa P.ilnur, of North Main ave nue, has been on the bid: ll.t this last few davs, Tho funeral rf the jato Mrs. William And'rsou took plaee from her late home cstcrdjy after noon at 2 o'clock. Services were conducted by the Itev. fieorgo A. Cure, of the Prov Idcnio Methodist church. Interment was made In the Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. J. J, Loftus, of Spring stieel, is seilou.ly HI. Itev. II. W. Cljiuer vvlll address tho vetpcr nr- MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS for Children. Mother Guy, for jears a nuro in the Chlldun's Home In New Vrk, tumid thll dicn kiuicssfully with a iinudy, now punaied and plaied ill the drug btorcs, ulled Muher Gmy's Kvvict Powders for t Idldren. 11 ey jre harmless as milk, pleaant to take and never fall. A certain cure for fmtislmft-s, iontlpi Hon, head uihe, teething und btonnuh ilb-oi -der and remove worm's. At all druggUts, i!V liou't aeirpt any Mibstllutc. Simple Mit I'ltlX'. AdditiS Allen b. Oluuted, Lc Hoy, N. V. smSnr - , Jswaawiij: ? i jyi la' H fs AC (MiivLJJl " A hi TjHsr If h ! Nnl (V a i W 'V W V A j, We Sell the "Walkover" Because we believe it to be the nearest ap proach to a perfect shoe for men now in the market. Because we want your friendship. Because we believe we can have and retain both by selling you these shoes. Prices $3.50 and $4.00 MAHON'S SHOE STORE 328 Lackawanna Avenue. CONRAD'S Combination Underwear For Men Conrad, The only dealer that has a complete line, $1 a Suit to $5 THE IDEAL Undergarment. iTnenfl ijiJl Cniwnlpa ur rrsi in 4n nuiirn "lfliiiKe inconTpnionrn, 11 iirei lonv j milll neon una iiurciinnj i vice iu the ".relation paiiois Sunday at S.W p. in. on the tuhjeet, "Maiy and Maltha." TliU vvlll he the bceuud in the til lis of talk on I "H'ouiin of tho HUilc." The grammar A pupils of Xo. "3 bChcol will laKe t'samiiiattuns ut the hUh nehool boih lu. uionovv and 1'ilday afletiioon. GREEN RIDGE. Tho B. M, Social club holil a business meeting at tho homo of aUsb Huttle Lhulsay, of Jlonsey avenue, yebtei'tUty afternoon, Otammar A fixuilea of Hfhooln No, '21 ami 28 spent Thurhduy anil Friday af ternoons of this weuk tit tho Scranton High M'haol, taking the examination for ciUinnce to that school next fall. Tho memberti of Green llldgc lodge, Indeiiendent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet at Masonic hall, Dickson avenue, at '1 o'clock sharp Sunday af ternoon, to attend In a body the eighty third unnlvetsary services to be held In the Auditorium, 1'rovUlence, All metn beis aro expected to be prebeut, A delegation of about thirty members front Olyphant lodge, Daughters of Jte bckah, visited UeuUitfo lodge, Daugh ters of llebekuh, at their meeting In Masonic hall last evening, where they received a warm 'welcome and loyal entertainment, Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Kast Market Street Pflmltlvo Methodist church, closed their bassur and festhal, held In tho chuich parlors, last even ing. The sale, which wua a continua tion of the one held for beveral days home weeks ago, was a most Micccssful one MK'Ially, and also netted tho ladles a neat sum, which will bo' used to defray the church expenses. 'ii 1 1 j p m$n '! )i Sifc 4 '4.t 4 4 Shoes for Men 1 9 Amusements, Lyceum Theatre M. Ili:iS, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DUFFY, Business Manager. Trlday Night, Saturdiy Matinee and Night, A Play of Deep Heart Intercut. A Strong CompJiiy Tfradcd by Mr. Edwin Mordant Prices Evening, 21, 60, T.V. and $1.00. .Special Matinee Prices Knliie lower tloor, COoi entire biliony, Mc. Children lu any part ul the iter, IV. Soils now rcidy. ' TUr.SDAY. AI'IHL 2'JlIf. A Night of Vaudeville The Great, the Magnificent, SANDOW Strongest Man on Karth. With His Superb Vuudovillc Company of European and American Novelties. Prics 2je., S0e.,T.V., and 1. Seats on sale hatuiday. Academy of flusic H. RCI3, Lereee. A. J. Duffy, Mintr. Last Thieo NlghU Matinee Iridiy and Saturdiy, J. K.-EMMET-GILSON LOTTIE, l-i the Sensational Comedy Diama, I THE OUTPOST" Direction ct Huitig & Seamou. Prices 13, 25, 35 and fioc; iiutlnce--, 13 and 2V. ALL xi:r vi:lk. Opening with a Spiclal Monday Matinee, ' Chas. Leyboarne, Emma Banting and Company, 1'icsentlng a Itepertoire of Lata feui ce-.seri. Prices 10, 20 and JiOe.i matinee, 10 and 20c. STAR THEATRE ALF. a. IinnniNOTON-, Manager. 'Jhuicday, l'riday and Situiiliy, AI'ltIL 21, 25 AXD 2il. K Ni ki "VICTORIA BURLESQUERSl'J .'iA'n.NUi: i;vi:nv day. SATURDAY SPECIAL Choice Sirloin Steak, Two Pounds, c Very Best Creamery Butter, Pound. JOYCE, Three Popular Priced Stores. do 28 VftUTi'l L-
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