R THE SCRANTON TBIBUNE-MONDAY, MA11C1-I 17, 3002. INDICTED FOR CONSPIRACY CHARLES P. R. M'CAULEY AND FRANK S. ELMES HELD. They Ave Charged with Endeavoring to Wring Money from tho Interna tlonnl Text Book Company Flvo Divorces Granted by the Court on Saturday Bill In Equity Eilod Against M. J. Lavln, Treasurer of Olyphnnt Borough Dickson Do rough Squabble in Court. A scL'onil report was presented to fourt Sitlurclny by the Brand jury nnd mi order wifl nindo continuliifr the jury In session UiIb week. One of the true lilllH returned waft against Charles I 11. McCauloy, of Chluniro, and Frank C. .Klines, of Hurrlsburfr, who arc charged with consplrney to obtain money from the International Text Hook company. Another truo bill was against Tax Collector Opoi'bc It. Stanton, of Throop, who ht charged with embezzlement. The list of true bills follows: .iult ninl Hiitlrri I'.itrlik Ilcirnnj .'nine Cor ilir.in, im. Aiithuiy O'ltar.i; Knlc O'Malloy, piov. Miittlicu t'rliiiliis; M.iry 1'crncll, pruv. Duller M. ('ii.ir.kl; .losppli Soiinnrr:', pro. Ml clurl Ki7tip; A. IVdliiun, prus. I'.itrlik Cm mm; .lolm Mm r, i, prcn. .Mum II irictt; Tim olhj .lours prufc Niiirrn.i l'.iMnllni. t'oiiili.illnn .luM'phlnc McX.iuiira: Tliomas nonrhc, piui. Arthur Wi'tLs; lliumas llv-ulic. t'iiiiplr.iiy Omit1 I'. II. MiCuilcy, I'rnnk S. i:iinps; l'cloi tc.itirr, pun Common (Ijinlilci l.nuls Air-i I.oii.i II. Il.'y, pros. Mjllclmn .MUMr-i-llmum Mills nnd William U.niici llllrilirlli Mow.in, pro. Iloliliorj .lolm l.ronc mil DoinlnkK Vulpc; A. W. I'.iltucr, pro": 'lliumai I'oiili l.on. II. Diy, pros, .lolm O'llrlcn; l.oni II. Ih, pnw. Aitlmr I.i n ir; I.oii.i II. Diy, priw. Wllllum Toiler; l.on.i I!, lliy, pre. lVrjnry .loicplilnc MfN.nunr.i: Thonus Koclic, Iim. II. IliiK'ifrlil; Ami II ink, pios. liricny ami IIirnMiHt I'atilik lloian: .Tjiiiim O.ii l-,-.in. inn-, .lolm l!mil.in; M.irtln Willi -k, Iiro-. I. T. I'rliinci; (Jcuicc Spile, pro-. I,. .1. lVI-ncr; (iruiKi1 .wIil. I". I.. ,1. IVI-ner; (!. Hpil. pros. I.. .1. I'vNiii'r; IItoibo Spll, pros illi.nu Itlduiuh: l. in 1!. Day, imw. Ktluanl )iiL".ih.iiii; l.nii.i It. Diy, pm. Klier RnMiKon; ( inilc JcniiliiK-, pin". Mi'-'sii' IVisiiMin, Annie lll.il I.Mki'. M'liy lli'iiiiliiBtrn nml Annie Niingli inii: l.i.ni II. l'Ji, pio. lMvwml Ingialiain; l.oni II. l'.iy. pios. i)li.-lnulitii; Kucution of l.ftfil I'uxoss .Ininrs ll.nrolt: Timitliv Juno-', prof. 1'oinliiiK ,i Pistol -.lamp K.ine: . W. I'.ilmor, jiros. I'.itiick IMriN: A. W. Palmer, pios Cirri lin; Cnnicilcl Wipun3 Il.uiy K.ns; 'J liriin is I,. William, pioi. Kmlirrlemi nt liy Twv Collector (Icoiiia H hl.niton; I'ctT Mtnrlmrii, nu Eive Divorces Granted. Court granted live decrees In divorce Satuuluy., In each Instance but one, the wives wore the llbellants. Louise "Waltors was divorced rrom her hus band, Mli'hucl Walters, because of his nllcRcd barbarous treatment, Which caused her to leave him. Knrah Kvann, who was married to .Tohn O. Evans In 189G, nnd who left him In l!)01, secured a divorce, as did also Uachel Ilnrvey, who was married to Joseph Ki Harvey on September 4, 1SD.1, and from whom she became sep arated on August 24, 1001. ratherlno Heck, married to William Hor-k In IRitR, was divorced from hint. Frederick Webb, who wan Joined In wedlock to Isabella Webb In Knglund, In 1SS1, se cured it legal separation fioin bill). Lavln Must Answer. A bill In ecpilty was llled .Saturday ngaltisl Horottgh Trcasurof At. .1. Lavln, of Olyphant, by- Welles & Torrey, rep resenting tho Delaware and Hudson company. It Is claimed that Lavln owes the borough $3,278,55 and the com pany asks for an accounting of this sum. . . A rule wns granted directing Lavln to appear In court within fifteen days with an answer. More Dickson Bother. Attorney Joseph O'Urlon, represent ing the antl-McGarrlty councilman, of Dickson City borough, secured a rulo from court yesterday, directing the members of tho JIoGarrlty faction to show cause why their scats should not be declared vacant. . The law provides that Dorough coun cils must organize within ten days af ter the date fixed for organization, nnd" It Is contended that this has not been done. The JIcGarrlty faction elected a cluilrmnn of their own, but It Is con tended that this election was illegal. Other Court Matters. A three weeks' term of common pleas court opens this morning. The court handed down an order Saturday In the equity case of M. Friedman against It. Williams nnd At torney George JI. Okell, refusing to grant an Injunction and dismissing the rule. In the case of the Traders' National bank against James I calls, an opinion was handed down Saturday, The de cision was In favor of tho bank on all save one of the notes. THORNTON INSURANCE CASE. Masterly Address by Attorney John T, Lenahan. The Thornton insurance case, which has been on trial in tho United States Circuit court since u week ago Thurs day, will likely be given to the jury to ri a v. Mr. Lennhan concluded his three hours' closing address at noon Satur day, when adjournment was had until 2 o'clock .this afternoon. Ex-Judge Willard will reply for the plaintiff, and then Judge Arehbald will deliver his charge. The address of Mr. Lennhan was jx brilliant effort. Ills analysis and argu ment were both masterly. Though he A Weak Stomach Is a Souroo of Sanger A , Vigorous Pigesto.is a Breat Safeguard. i Do not think: for n moment that tho Incon venlcnco and distress Ij nil tlioro Is to dyspopRla. Tho rllsieroeablo symptom of dyspopsl; nro of tho least account, tiucauso tho health reports do not Hat dyspepsia aa causlnc death pooplo rccm to think It Is moro dkiacroeablo than dangerous, but tho rovcrso Is truo. Bomo other diseaso, as consumption or typhoid f over. Is croditcd with tho fatnl 111- noss, du dyspepsia inauo ineso diseases Dossllilo. Imperfect dlstostlon was responslblo for n laio oi curonio starvation, win nair ioa us silos possossod llttlo power of roslstanco and wero an oasy proy to tbo germs of consump tion. Impprfect digestion permitted Rorms In swallowed food and water to Ret through tho atomacli, whoro they should have been hlllod and digested by tho powerful castrlo julco, and ontor tho bowol In tho socrotlonsof which they thrlro and multlp!y,and typhoid (entorlo orhowr-ll fnvnrls llin t-Manlt. Imperfect dlcostlon allowed food to rot ana Decompose, mo puma mass was ab sorbed Into tho blood and by It carried to evory part of tho body. In somn ejisos this deleterious material fn tho blood doveloped foyers that proved fatal. In othor cases It settled In some tissue and. If near tho sur face, rosulted In bolls or tho so frequently fatal earbuuclo; or If In deeper tissues form od an abscess v.W Its attendant distresses, clangor?, often fatalities. In still other casos this poison from putrid, fermenting but partially dlqostcd food, overtaxed ' thoso organs called upon to ollmlnatoit and Injured tho luntrs, tho liver, or devoloped Brlght's dlsoaso In tho kidneys. Yet, mind you, norm of all these deaths wero credited to dyspopsla: no ono was warned ruralnst indigestion; all wero loft to suppose It to be only a disagreeable condi tion devoid of danger. 'We hare Riven you a slight hint of the act ual dangers of Indigestion but wn hnvo not oxagKoratrd, wo havo really been too con servative and told but a part of tbo sorry ta'.e. Wo need not remind you hero of thodlstrejs os of dyspopsla, of theso dyspeptics are pain fully awaro. Mrs. E. M. Faith, of Byrd'.s Creek, Wis. says: I havo taken all the Tablets I got of you and they have- dono tUelr work well In my case, for I feel like a different person altogether. I don't doubt If I had not got them I should lmvo been at rest by this time. i'hlt Urooks, Detroit, Mlrh., says: "Your dyspopsla rure has worked wonders In my case. I sutlored for years from dyspopsla but am now entirely curod and enjoy llfo os I nover have before. Igladly recommend them." H. E. Winard, OdsIow, la., says: Sir. White, of Canton, was tolling mo of your DytpopslA Tablets curing him of Dyspopsla from which he had suffered for eight years. As I am a suDerer myself, I wish you to send mo a packogo by return mall. Mrs. I.ydla lioitram, of Assyria, Mich., writes; I have suffered from stomach trouble for ton years and five different doctors igavo mo only temporary relief. A Mr. E. 11. I'aRoauvlsod mo to try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nnd four boxes did me moro im manent benefit than all tho doctors' medi cines that I have ever taken. If you would avoid tho distresses and tho vastly more Important dangers of Indigestion, tho slmplost, surest, choapest and most con venient way to do so. Is to stop at any drug store nnd purchasoabox of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets for tlfty cents and use them as directed. They aro mild and harmless, yet active nnd cfnclent, a trial of them will result In you becoming their nrdont advocate and friend. Send to F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for their freo book on diseases of the stomach, a postal card win bring It. a7ga3CTIJgCXIOTTBttHSPasa&lTCT had not so much as a note before him, ho reviewed in perfect sequence all of the ten days' testimony, connecting It Into n logical, well-ordered story sup porting the theory of the defense. An interesting address is looked for today from ex-Judge Willard, who is conceded lo be one of the leading, if not the foremost, insurance lawyers of the state. RAILROAD. .TJM..TA?h?.?J Pennsylvania Railroad. Erhcdulo in l'.IIcct June 2, 1001, Trains lente 3crntont 0.38 u. in., week ihy, through vcstltiiilo train from Wllkos-IUrrp. Pull man bullet pirlor cur mid coaches tn I'hiltuVI plila, la PotlsUllc! stops at principal Interme diate stations. At vi connects lor Sunhiirj, ll.tr. rliburn, l'htladelphla, Ualtlniorc, Wtuhlngion and lor Pltlibiitit and the tttsl. , 0.38 a. tn week ilaja, lor Sunlmry, llarrlaliurit, Philadelphia, llaltlmore, Washington and I'ltti burtf and tho west. 1.12 p. in,, week ihys (Sumljvs, 1.63 p. m.), for Siinlmry, Ilarrlburj, Philadelphia, UMtlmore, Wihlni!oii nnd l'lttKhurg and the rt. 3.2S p. in., week day, llirouali xcntllnile tr.tln Irom WIII.ra-il.itiT. I'lillinan hiiffet parlor ir and ro.iches tn PliiUilelphln U l'ottsvlllc. Stops at principal Intermediate at.itlons. t.21 p. m., week days, for Itazleton, Sunlmry, llarrlsb.ire, Plilladelplila and Plttburir. .1. P. IIU1CIUNSO.V, (Jen, Mgr. J, II. WOOD. (Icn. I'aq. Act. Dclawaro and Hudson. In llfTcct N'oxcinbcr 24, 1MI. Trains lor C'.irbondale leave brrunton at (1.20, 8.00, 8.51, 10.13 a. tn.; 12.00, 1.2". 2.31, 3.02, 6"1), 0.25, 7,07, 0.1S, 11,20 p. rr ; 1,31 n, in. Por lloncsdilc U.20, 10.13a, in.; 2,31 and 0,29 P'For WIIKes-narre 0.3S, ".!, 8,11, 0.3S, 10.41 a. m.; 12.01, 1.42, 2.1S, 3.23, 4.27, 0.10, 7.48, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Kor L. V. It. It. Points 0.38, 0.38 a, in.; 2,13, 4.27 and 11.30 p. in. Kor Pennsylvania ft. It, Points 0.38, 0.33 a. in.: 1.42, 3.28 and 4.27 p. in. For Albany and all points north 0.20 a. in. and 3.52 p. m. . 8TJKDAY TRAINS. Tor Caibondalc K.60, 11.30 a. m.j 2.34, 3.52, G.D2 and 11,17 p. in. Kor Wllken-narrc 0.33 a. m.; 12.03, 1.63, 3.23, 0.32 and 0.17 P. m. Kor Albany and wlnts north 3.62 p. m. Kor lloncsdale 8.60 a. in. and 3.62 p. tn. V. h. PRYOR, D. I. A., Scianton. Pa. Now Jersey Central. In Kflect Nov. 17, 1001. Stations In New York, foot of Liberty street and South I'irry, N. R. Trains leavo Seranton for New 'Nork, Philadel phia, Hasten, Drthlcluni, Allcntonn, Miucli Chunk, While Haven. Ashley and Wllkes-Ilatre at 7,30 a. m., 1 p- m- ani' !' rn Sundaj, 2.10 p. in. Quaker City l'.vpress leaves Scranion at 7,30 a. in,, through iollil vestibule train with Pullman rjuffct Parlor Curs, for Philadelphia, with only one thangc ot ours tor Ttaltlmore, Washington, D, C, und all principal points houtii nnd weit. Tor Aoca, Plttcton nnd Ilkcs-fJarrc, 1 p. m. and 1 p. in. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Kor Long llr.inc.li, Oi-can Grove, etc., 7.30 a. m. nnd 1 p. in. Kor Reading. Lebanon and IlariBburg. via A! lentown, at 7.30 u. in. and 1 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 p. m. Kor Poltsville lit 7,S0 a. m. and 1 p. in. For rates and tlckeU npply to agent at station. C. M. BURT, Cen. Pac. Agt. 3. s. swisnnn. Pist. Puss. Agt., Seranton. Now York, Ontario nnd Western. In Eflcct Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. NORTH HOUND. Leave Leave Anita Si ranton. Carbonuale. C.liiosla. ...10.30 a. in. 11.10 a. in. 1.00 p. m. ,,, 0.10 p. in. Ar. Carbondale 0.40 p. m. " 'sOUTH POUND. lA'nvo Lenta Arrive Cadosia. Carhondale. Seranton. 7.0Oa. m. 7.40a. in. 2.13 p. in. 4.0(1 p. in, 1.40 p, m. SUNUAVS ONLY, NORTH ROUND. Leave Leave Arriva Scianton. cainonuaie. Cadosia. . 8.30 a. in. 0.10 p. m. 10.45 a. m. , 7.00 p. in. Ar. Carbondalc 7,40 p. in. bOUTll BOUND. Leate Leato Arrive Cadosia. Carhondale. Seranton. 7.00 a.m. 7.40 a.m. . 4.30 n. in. 0 06 p. in. 6.45 n. m. Train.-. Nos. 1 on week days, and u on Sundays, make main line connections ior ;ew jorK city, MlddletoiM), Walton, Norwich, Oneida, Oswego and all iKilnts ttest. Kor further information ecnsult ticket agents J. C. ANDERSON, O. P. A., New York. J. E. WELSH, T. P. A., Seranton, Pa. Trains. No. 1 No. 7 Trains. No. 0 No. 2 Trains. No. 0 , No. 6 . Trains, No. C No. 10 . THIRD NATIONAL OF SCRANTON. Capital, $200,000 Surplus, $550,000 Pays 3 interest on savings accounts whether large or small. Open Saturday evenings from 7. 30 to S.30, THE Booms 1 and2, Com'llh BTd'g. SCBANZON, Pat. lining and Blasting POWDER Mr-Oa at Mooslo and Itusu lata Works. LAPLIN ft RAND POWDBR CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Bltetrlo IJattarles. KIootrioExploJart, xplodlnz blasts, safety Vusaaai man explo:ive Resauno Chemical Co.'s Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western. In Klfect Nov. 3, 190!. Trains leave Scianton lor New Yoik At 1.40, 3.15, O.Uj, 7.60 and 10.05 a. 111.: l'J.45, 3.40, 3.33 p. m. Kor New York and Philadelphia 7.50, 10.(15 a. m... and 12.45 and 3.33 p. in. I''or Toby hauna At 0.HI p. in. l'or liudalo 1.13, O.ii and ii.OO a. m. i 1.53, 0.50 and 11.33 p. 111. Tor Dinir hamton and way stations 10.20, a. tn. and 1.10 p. m. Tor OsiteRO, bjrauise and Utlca 1.15 and 0 22 a. 111.; 1.63 p. 111. Oawcgo, Syracuse and Utlea train at 6.22 a. in. daily, except Sunday. Tor Mnntrofo 9 00 a. 111.; 1.10 and 6.50 p. m. Nicholson accommodation 4.00 and 0.15 p. 111. Ulooinsburg Division Tor Noithumberland, at 0.35 and 10.03 a. In. J 1.65 and 0.10 p. m. For Plymouth, at 8.10 h. m.; 3.40 and 0.00 p. tn Sundav Trains ror New York, 1.40, 3.13, 0 05 and 10.05 a. in.; 3.40, 3.3.1 p. m. Tor lluflalo 1.15 and fl.22 a. in.; 1.15, 6.50 and 11.35 p. m. Kor Illnshamton and ay stations 10.20 a. m. HlcoinsbiiiK Division Leatc Seranton, 10.03 a. m. and 6.10 p. in. FINANCIAL. We offer, to yield About C per cent., $250,000 (Total IssuS) $1,000,000) BUTTE ELECTRIC & POWER CO. Butte, Mont., 0 per cont. 1st Mortgage Sink ing Fund Gold Bonds. llrlininlnilioil I000. MalurliiR 1 lo i!0 years. Rudolph Kleybolte & Co. 1 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CJfY. L. I Mi m Lager Beer Brewery Mnnnractnrers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 436 to 455 N. Ninth Stroot . SCRANTON. PA Telephone Call. 2333. Composition Book or , News Done quickly and reasonably at The Tribune office. rnklk CIBKiOA PE WTa r.Mri o-pTjACbi: 1, IVSHUALANUtitrlUfllLr t - 1 ws&syf 'It vivtC ImS! fn'S3r2S-aSv00 I 1 ADVNTIir1 TAnj.? W- I SS UrPiNllNiT lUIJAY WM I W HOURS V$Wm A I )j 2 to 5 Afternoon ITjSyj t I XI 8 to 10 Evenhur VOMhi $ y&&&Mg&&$ m i b At 2 O'Clock, In a Blaze of Splendor fe Open Our New Store We do not hesitate to declare that this will be the grandest display of yrnitiif. Garnets and House Fi vuu u u is at. wh m ur m 'v wh urnishings f Ever displayed in Seranton. What we invite you to visit today will be both surprising and pleasing. You will find here many interesting lessons, teaching modern ways to furnish and beautify he liome-ideas mat ::., ,.,,-fi, ,,c o,,r rrroot cocc in nnr hwnrh Qtnm: hfl; heen achieved bv straightforward and tan dealing methods,by silling exactly' what we advertise and by selling dependable merchandise at the very lo wes it ssibte prices These methods will also prevail here. If large values at little cost and courteous treatment to pations bring proper results, then our success in Seranton is now assured. Is its wonderfully strong position in buying its merchandise. The largest orders placed in the furniture and carpet markets are done so by our buyers for our many stores, which are located at Detroit, Mich., Toledo, 0., Springfield, 0. Indianapolis, IndB, Cincinnati. 0. You can readily appreciate the advantages of such extensive purchasing. Buffalo, N. Y., a Lawrence's Orchestra $ffitr A Beautiful Souvenir rvS.dt0 WBIf No Goods Will Be Sold Today, Our Opening Day ,-. . U ...,..,. . 2 to S O'clock in the Afternoon. Remember the Hours : to 10 o'clock in the Evening. Coins Early if You Can, Late if You Must, But Gome, OPEN FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW MORNING Tv7iiw5!rnri ii . '"'"'"' "' mm i ' ' L Avenue. CASH OR CREDIT .. 0. . r. j-. - -fc - fy - k -v -w f f - - " yv
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