v THE SOIlAttTON TKIBUNE-MOJSDAiT, MAKCM 17, 1002. V 'I SNAKE YARNS OP SPRING DELAWARE VALLEY FURNISH- ES THE INITIAL CROP. The Y. M. 0. A. Movement Con ductor Oreo's Novel Method of Catching Wildcats nt McOlure A Long Eddy Bear Story The Re Nomlnatlon of Hon. 0. Trod Wright Gives Universal Satisfac tion. Special to Iho Seranlon Tribune. Susfiticlmnim, March 1G. "Talk about pnakest" Bald John Hale, a noted Dela ware Valley snake hunter and uhnrtucr. "There tire -noro snnltcM nlonp; the Dela ware river section than ever squirmed lu Ireland before fjood St. 1'atrlek gave them the grand bounce. "With n Hancock friend who digs roots for doctors, was out on the hills recently. I wanted to get a few rat tlers for a Now York museum. There were rattlesnakes all around us, but they did not seem to be very savage. AVe would scare them up by throwing big stones down the mountain, and they would biicii1 away from us. Near a bltiestotie quairy wo heard a big noise, or rather a combination of noises, and If we'd been shot the next minute we couldn't have told where they came from. The racket was more than that of a boiler .shop. "The noise Increased every step we took up the bill. I3y the time wo got to the summit overlooking the Delawaie river It was a little less than terrific, booking down the slope we saw a sight. On a big rock or moss mound was a regular rattlesnake reunion or concert. The rock and ground were just yellow with them, and If there was one there weic six hundred snakes in the gang. They were of all ages and sizes. "The two oldest rattlers in the crowd were In the centre, and all the other snakes were gathered about them. Knch and every reptile bad colled him self up In such a manner as to allow his rattles and tall to have good play, and they were rattling away as If for wages. Their wicked tongues were dm ting out aild in, keeping time with the music of their tails. "All of a sudden, with a flourish, the rattles stopped. The two old snakes reared their heads at least three feet from the ground and looked all around over the Held like generals over a bat tlefield. After seeing that all the gang was ready for business they sounded a note like a country fiddler tuning up, and the whole crowd began their con ceit again. Jlmmlny Peter! what a racket it was! "It took them about ten minutes to finish each overture, and wo must have listened to a dozen. After a while wo got tired of the business and rolled a big rock into the crowd. This broke up the meeting. Scores of the snakes were crushed to death. The survlvois, with a llnal tattling, crawled rapidly away to their dens. "1 have been among snakes all my life, but that was the first snake con cei t I ever struck." THE Y. Jr. C. A. MOVEMENT. A substantial movement is on foot hero for the formation of a Young Glen's Christian association. Several ' preliminary meetings have been held during the past two weeks and a num ber oficommlttees nip at work solicit ing members and financial support. It Is expected that should the present ef fore be successful the association will start with a membership of 300 men. On Sunday afternoon a mass meeting was held in Odd Fellows' hall at which the speakers were Shite Secretary Pmckalew, of llarrlsburg, and John H. Clements, of VSlnghamton. The meeting was largely attended and very enthusi astic. SNAKE SWALLOWED "ITS BED. Farmer Adam Little, of Glenwood, Is wintering a boa constrictor and a bear for the proprietor of a "one-horse" menageiie. A few nights since the snake,- which had not tasted food for several days, was left crawling about on u soft white blanket. "When Its owner returned the blanket was gone, but his snakeshlp was not as symmet rical ns formerly. He was all bunions, knots and balls, and had evidently grown much stouter. Then the truth dawned upon Mr. Little that the snake had swallowed his wife's $5 blanket. Medical aid was summoned, and the snake was given a gallon of cider to wash it down, and at last ac counts ho was as chipper and filsky as ever. IN A PAHAUrtAPH. Charles E. Tohey, of Scranton, who has been appointed assistant superin tendent of the coal mining department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Itnllrond company, Is a for nier popular resident of Susquehanna, and his host, of friends here congratu late him heartily upon his deserved promotion. Lute advices from AVyoniing county are to tho effect that the Itepubllcnnn are In favor of Congressman "Wright for tho third term. When tho offices of Erie Mechanical Suporinteudent.narr and tho offices of the store department of tho road leave Susquehanna, as they probably will In tho near future, about one hundred clerks will lilt hence, it might bo worse. Two hundred might go. HOOKED A WILDCAT. Fo,r a week or two trainmen on the Delaware division of tho Eiio railroad have noticed a big wildcat In tho vicin ity of McClure, and several times tho crews have In vain discharged revolv ers and shotguns at It from the caboose. Tim other day Conductor Oreo had a big hook made. This hu balled with a chicken and attached a pleco of bell cord to It, When tho train was dash ing down tho heavy grade toward De posit, tho conductor hung tho baited Jiook and Unu off tho rear of tho ca booso, AVIien rounding n sharp curve tho wildcat suddenly sprang from n pile of railroad ties and seized the f YOUR. FAITH S" strong as ohm If you try -. 9. s Consumption rf rf-, "'" ours 1 strong we 1 vIBl fcj guarantee a cure or refund v- w uiouey, and we tend you free trial bottle if you write for It. fblill.OU'S costs Zi cents and will cure Con. siiuptlon, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all pine Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It lias been doing these things for W years. S. C. VEU.3 & Co.. he Roy. N. Y. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects lbs Stomacu chicken. Oreo gave a hnrd, quick pull, and In n, moment tho screaming, struggling- eat was hauled upon the plat form, where tho trainmen, ufter ti se vere struggle, succeeded In killing It. It weighed forty pounds, Oreo will get tho sculp bounty from tho Itroome county authorities and have the hide mado Into a cap to wear over the historic Dcluwate division next winter, IN A FEW LINES. Colonel Chnrles C. Piatt will make a model candidate for state senator. IC elected, as bo probably will be, ho will honor the district. Hon. C. Fred Wright's renomlnatlon by the ttcpubllcans of Susquehanna county Is richly deserved. Ho has mado a splendid record In congress, and a third term will bo a proper and graceful recognition of his services. The popular congressman from this district Is all Wright, In every respect. TRIED TO SAVE HER YOtNG. Two Long Eddy lumbermen last week felled a tree which fell upon an other and partially uprooted It, dls- PICTURE Find the mother and sister. Solutions for Last Mond.iv, March 10 With the picture hold up side down the little girl's neck foims the mother's face. One boy is under the (.cc-saw be-tuw-ccn the boy's feet, and the jjirl'rt shoes foim the cjos of the other boy. Tuesday, Slau.li 111. I.joih. 2. Independ ence. :i. Kansas City. 4. Topeka. Wednesday, Mauh 12 The inan'p piollle is foimril by Ihc pig'a shlit lo the right. 'I he dog is between the heads of the two larger pigs. closing the home of a bear and three cubs. The mother started off at once, evidently with the Intention of lead ing her pursuers away from her cubs. Her trail was followed for several hours, when she was discovered cower ing in a hollow stump, having climbed up and let herself down through an opening at the top. The only weapon the hunteis hud was an ordinary shotgun, but one shot was sufficient to kill the bear. "When the lumbermen returned to the bear's nest, they found the cubs, which were not more than a week old, frozen to death. PAItAGUAPHETTES. Richard McCarthy succeeds John Bond as foreman of the Erie boiler shop. The board of education insists that the pupils in the public schools be vaccinated. The board of trade will this evening discuss "Tlie Present Status and Fu tuie Prospects of the Sewerage Move ment." A district Sunday school institute will be held In the Oakland Congrega tional church on 'Wednesday, after noon and evening. There arc enough alleged political "war-horses" In Susquehanna county to start a big livery stable, Whitney. TUNKHANN0CK. Speiial to the Scranton Tribune, Tunkhannock, March 16. Mrs. Wil liam N. Reynolds was the guest of friends at Wllkes-liarre, Friday and Saturday, Miss Lydia Osterhout is visiting her brother, Stanley Osterhout, at Scran ton, this week. Joseph W. Piatt was a visitor at Wllkes-Barre, Friday. At the meeting of the Republican county committee, held on Saturday afternoon, It was decided to hold the county convention to choose a delegate to the state convention and represen tatives In congressional conference, on Monday, April 28. A resolution was adopted endorsing the candidacy of Mayor Israel 13. Brown, of Erie county, for secretary of Internal affairs. The Monday club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. William N. Iteynolds, on West Tioga, street, this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Miss Hannah Lobock, of Scranton, Is visiting her sister, Mis. Jamea Frear, on Second street, Stephen Carey, of Easton, was call ing on friends lit town on Saturday. Corny M, Klshpaugh, of llarrlsburg, was lu town on Saturday, A hearing was had before 'Squire W, S. Kutss, on Saturday, lu the case of commonwealth vs, Judson Lutes, who Is charged- with the larceny of lumber from the premises of Mrs. tMartha Shook. The defendant wus held under $300 bail for appearance at April court, Mrs. Abraham Ide will remove from tho Minerva Jenkins' house on Tloga street, to tho Shoemaker house on Bridge street, the first of tho month. Frank Ace, who Is employed at the Shields' stone mill at Nicholson, Is spending some time with his family at this place. HAMLINTON Special to the Scranton Tribune. Uumlliitoi), March 16. Much anxiety prevails In this village a ml tluouehout tho surrounding vicinity, over u case of mnullpox. The victim Is 11 Mies Crott, employed as work girl uy O, u. Billions, The young lady cume Into Mr, Simons' employ February 28, from Greentown, Pike county, Pa., tind was taken sick shortly utter her arrival. Dr, W, A. Stevens, our local physician, diagnosed the cute as smallpox, which has been verified by Dr, II. H. Ely, ot Scranton, who was called the 4th )n stunt In consultation, Precautionary means are being taken to prevent the spreau ot the disease. The public school wus ciustu uy wie scnoui conn oners on MIs FOREST CITY. Special tc the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, March lG.-Kov. G. W. Wilson, tho evnngcllst, Is conducting revival services In tho Methodist church this week. Ho Is a remarkably strong preacher, and Is doing some cood. George Malla Is 111 at his home, on South Delaware street. Lyman H. Howe's popular moving picture exhibition will be given, under PUZZLE. Week's Puzzles: Thursday, Maich IS The gardener Is just above the tuh to the left of the door, and the son's pro file is foimcd by the large limb of the tree to the left. Friday, JIaich It Hold this pictinc upside down and the ion is formed by the old woman's elbow nnd her chin foims the daushter. Saturday, March 13 The little gill's hair forms the biid and the cat is between her sleeve and the pillow. the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society, in the Davis opera house on March 31. This attraction has never yet failed to fill the opera house. Rev. W. Hollinshed has so far re covered as to be able to conduct the usual services in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Ell B. Crandall, formerly a resident of Forest City, who has been serving in the Philippines, under Uncle Sam, for two years, arrived at Forest City, Tuesday night. He was accompanied by Miss Bertha Edwardson, of Hones dale, and AVednesday evening they were married in Christ church by Rev. J. E. Brodhead. A number of young people took a hand in the affair, and the bride and groom were given a ban quet after the ceremony. Mrs. Chnrles E. Penny, who passed away in Scranton, Sunday, was for sev eral years a resident of Forest City, where she had many friends, who re gret her untimely demise. Her maiden name was Miss Maine Davles. Miss Sadie Hullah has returned from a visit with Carbondale friends. The deadlock in council over the elec tion of a treasurer and attorney was broken at the regular meeting. Two of the members were not present, and all four votes went to John McDonald for treasurer, and H. O. Watrous for at torney. James D. Hudson and sister, Miss Louise, ore guests at the home of n. C. Dunnler. Joseph F. White Is home from Phila delphia. I. Hourwlcz, who has been a popular clerk in local clothing stores for years, has gone to Providence to embark in business with his father. Isaac is a fine young man, and his friends will hope to hear of his success. WIMMERS. Special lo the Scianton Tribune. WImmers, March 10. The teachers' club met at Mt. Cobb on the Sth Inst. Subjects considered were: "Civil Gov ernment," "Algebra," "Practical Ex perience." After tho close of the meet ing a candy pull was enjoyed nt the home of M, Foly. There will be a dance nt the home of 'William Webster, at Elmdale, on Tues day the 18th Inst, There will bo a box party at the home of Mr. Edwards, at Drinker, on Tues day, tho 18th Inst. The funeral of tho late M, Gavin was conducted Thursday at the church In WImmers, Interment was in the Madl souvllle cemetery, Tho funeral of Mrs. Conrad Cobb took place at Mt. Cobb on the 14th, In terment was lu tho Cobb cemetery. HONESDALE. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, March It!, The members of Osleck tribe of Ited Men, their ludy friends nnd tho few invited guests who were fortunate enough to be pres ent Friday evening to enjoy the private entertainment given in their lodge room, ny worm ana Carroll's minstrels, wete exceedingly delighted with Hones dale talent. The eleven pel formers pioved themselves to be amateurs of no small account, Messrs, Dorln and Carroll certainly possess qualities in the minstrel line equal to those of any company traveling. Their songs and How to Prevent Pneumonia. You have good reason to fear an at tuck of pneumonia when you have a severe cold, accompanied by pulns In tho chest or In the back between the shoulders. Get a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and use It as directed and It will prevent the threat ened attack. Among the tens of thous ands who have used this remedy for colds and la grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case that has resulted In pneumonia, which shows that this remedy is u ceitaln preventive of that dangerous disease. For sale by all druggists. March 13. It Is a mild case, nnd MIsb Croft has not nt any time been In danger. Mrs, C. E. Wright Is on the road lo recovery from nn exceedingly severe attack of grip, necompaiilcd by heart trouble. Those engaged In making sugar ntid maple syrup have been kept quite busy "for tho past few pleasant days, con densing the snp Into syrup and sugar. During the night of the 12th Inst, a portion of the stone bridge nt Leo's, which crosses tho Paupack river, was taken away by the high wuter. choruses were well given. Mr, Dorln Is at home on the stage, and represents tho colored pusson to perfection. He mado a hit as n player on many Instru ments. Mr, Carroll Is also good In. this Hue, but his main hit was In his song, "ltlp Van Winkle." The Toast, In song, to Osleck tribe of lied Men by the full chorus was fine. A collec tion of local stercoptlcon views were given nnd music was furnished by piano nnd violin. At tho close of the entertainment refreshments were serv ed lu the dining hall. Osleck tribe have the reputation of being good en tertainers, nnd Friday evening' bore conclusive evidence to that fact. j Theatrical V- J TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. ACADEMY OI' MIj'SIC Chester De Vonde com. pany. Afternoon and night. STAIt "The Tuedo Club," Afternoon nnd night. Miss Ethel Barrymore. "Captain Jinks of tho Home Marine'," which Ethel Baltimore presented .it the Lyceum Sat urday night, tor the second time, in characterised b.v' Hi author, Clyde fitch, "as a fantastic com edy." It Is. Many things which are seen In rilih plnjs arc accepted ns artistic because they nre ritchlnns. It any one else perpetrated them they would not be tolerated. In "Captain Jinks," th"ie arc several things so absolutely Incongruous that It is marvellous that even the aavlng grace of Fitchtsm succeeds in preserving the piny o( which they are a part. In the second net, for Instance, when Miss Barrjmore is the center of what might be tenned a tragic scene, there is introduced a ballet which cornea to rehearse with her, nnd which appears In a costume made in of street hats, combing Jackets, dancing skirts and tights. The shock of the descent is such that the audience requires some time to pull ltsclt together nnd bring out Its jsense ot the rldlcu ous for cxeicl--c. " Hut the incongruous interpretation Is short Hied. It series to arouse "Mmc. Trcntonl" (Miss Darrjmorc) from her grief and depression at her lover's supposed perfidy, and in a scene that fairly flashes with the emotional she shows that the blood of the Drews is In her. Not only is Ethel Darrjmorc "the whole show," but without her there could be no "Captain links." Why she persists in perpetrating It when she can hae on, thing; she wants in the play line is not easy to understand. It is not fair to her devotees. George W. Howard, as "Captain Jinks"; II. S. Tabor, who makes much of a minor part, and Fanny Addison Pitt, arc worthy associates of Miss Barrymore. The oilier parts do not call for work that would distinguish the player even were tl.ey played faultlessly. The Second Week. The Chester He Vonde company Saturday night closed the first week of its very successful en gagement by picsenting "The Great City of London" lo a greatly pleased audience. The second week begins this afternoon when "Hank's lioost" will be the attraction. To night "Bond of llonoi" will be scej. Tuxedo Eurlesquers at the Star. Opening with matinee, this afternoon, the Tuxedo Club Burlesquers will occupy the singe at the Star for three days, and a most enjoyable entertainment miy be expected. Pretty, win some girls, handsome co-turncs and goigeous stage settings, combined with ilevcr comedians nnd high chi-s vaudeiillc performers go to make up one of the best organizations ot this har actcr extant. The lteed sisters, programmed as the "Little Beauties" in anobatic songs rnd dances nre among otheis in the olio, and these two dainty little misses go fnr toward making the burlesques thoroughly entertaining. The builcsque, entitled "Camping Out" is exceed ingly funny and giics ample oppoitunily for the introduction of numerous marches, dunces- and musical numbers. STAGE NOTES. Kdwaid Ganie, who will be remembered for his excellent woik In Hie Hojt faiccs, will be fea tured in the title role ot "Mr. Jolly ot Joliet," Charles Newman's latest musical comedy which will be pichentcd by Xfeosrs,. Broadlmrst and C'urrie ne.t tcason. "Itudolph and Adolph," the musical comedy in which Mason and Mason aie so sucesstully appealing is unlike the average farcical toniedy, inasmuch ns thcio is a plot which is legltimitely funny and the ridiculous situations which fol low one another with rapidity. "Sweet Cloiei" a comedy drama by Pauline Phelp? and Marlon Short is destined to enjoy many seasons of popularity. 'Ihc story is one that cannot fail to inteies.t eieiy loier of the drama. It is clean, pure nnd wholesome, full of dramatic intensity and iirepioaihable in its moral. The Initljl tour this MM-on has been lemaikably succcs.-hil and wheieier it lus been possible to auaiige 11 turn engagements the anil ences baie been limited only by the capacity of the theaters, THE MARKETS SATURDAY STOCK QUOTATIONS. The following quotations arc furnished The Tilbunc by Halght & I'reete Co., 311-315 Mean Building. W. I). Runyon, manager. uncn. men. Low-. Close. American Sugar .... Anier. Locomottie . Am. Locomotlie, Pr Amer. Car ol'undry Am, Smelt, lief. Co Amal. Copper Anaconda Copper . Atcbluson Atihlson, Pr Halt. & Ohio Brook. It. T. Ches. & Ohio I 'nl. & Southern .... Col, lc Southern, I'l Col. Fuel & Iron,,,, (hie. & O. W . .rjj'.i jju 12li 120 na 31 ?i 1)1 32 4G& 035a ni'4 31? 31T4 IB . 01 tw 31 "j 46s M 31 . 318 . m . 3'.i . aiu . 75U . WHi .10.1 . 1)1 . n',4 . 47 . 4i?i . tli ld?s 03 31 73U 7.1i Wit 103 ft'Os 45Vi 47?s 4JU l'3'.i IMli P'ls lOlJi 105 lil',3 Ui 459s 45',a 40!)i 47? 4li 424J !i 03 ... 21 2111 I 2IK Uik, MIL A- M. Chic,, It. I. k P Clikago & Alton I' ....1031& 1017 1G3U lot's ...1C814 173 lllSVj 172',i ... 33Ts ::o ;i3'i M ... 337s 3111 1 334 .'I0U ... 07'i H774 07',i 0774 ... 51i'4 5 15i OJH Mft ...110 110 1307, 110 ,,.101 101 lot ioi; ...1.11'i MIX Bill J'HH ...107ili JC714 lOO'.'j 10714 ... 2f4 SOU 20?a S0 ... 5J',4 tV4 RHi WH ... O) 100H 0374 100'i ...104 10274 J0214 10274 ... 3.! If, 32, 321, 3I4 ... W 51,14 M? d04 ... 47i-479T 4714 4714 ...15074 HI 150i 15111, Erie Erie, let Pr Erie, 2d Pr Illinois Central ... Louis, & Nah ..,, Manhattan Metiopolltau Mexkan Central ,, Mo., K. k T Pr . Mluouri Pacific ... N. Y. Central .... Out. k West Not folk & Western Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's (las ...,,, ,10014 100U JOOW lOOH a Kenning nrs 5474 Reading, 1st I'r H'a M Reading, Pr GO?; tup; Republic Steel 174 17i Republic Stiel. Pr ,..., 73 71 Southern Pad lie ,., ti 1:174 Soul hern R, B 32'4 3414 Southern 11. It.. Pr .... 07U l7',4 TVnn. Coal k lion 03 1.314 Texas Pacifio , 3074 S'l74 Union Pacific 08?i 0074 l S. Leather ,.. IU3 117s I'. S. Leather. Pr 81 81? 1'. S. Steel, Pr 4i 4274 U. S. Steel, Pr .,,,.. M n..4 Wabash , 2374 '. WahJ.li, Pr 4214 42 Western Union 00?i Wjs; 80'4 fioVl ITS 73 fiiH S254 oo?4 tw 3974 OS". IHi til Wi 05 ftlli 4211 COsi 17? 74 0174 32"! 117 397! P07i ll'.i 8114 4274 0394 SV.l 42'4 00? CIIIOACO DRAIN' k PROVISION MARKET, TVIIEAT- Open. T3!i T1 02H O-i',4 iS 30 13.43 13.50 0 40 0.52 S.40 8.50 lllcli, T34 70 02?4 (i24 45?4 oi ; 11.47 15.55 9.40 0.32 3.40 8.02 Low, Close. 7474 7574 73?4 75?i May July .,,.,..,. CORN- !! May .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, July ...,,,,,,,,,,,,, OATS May ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.. July ,,,..,,,.,. I'OHK May , July ,.,,., I.AHP- Mjy , .. July ,.,,,.,, RIBS- V July , 024 1H N 30 13.42 13.50 9.40 IM7 8.10 8.50 0274 ft!1.! 434 8074 11.45 15.50 9.40 0.53 8.40 S.62 NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. , Open. High. Low. Close. Mauh ,,, 8.00 8.04 8.0) 8.04 'Ijy ..,, 8.62 b.$i 8.77 8.78 THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More tlun l-'our Lines, 3 Cents tor Cacti Extra Lin; t For Rent., I'OH HUNT Good, healthy, superior, luxurious house", on Sladlsott and JelfersOn .ivenii sVlO nml SIO. See these before renting. Jones, 311 Spruce street. FOR JIKNT Halt of double bouse. lilO Mndlson avenue! thirteen rooms, Including; laundry, sleam heat, and nil linproiemenls! rent ?!' In milre In rear of house or ot W. T. Ilackctt, l'rlcot building, Washington avenue. ItAItN rOU IIEST Apill 1st, three box nnd three single stnlLs nnd wash rack. Inquire at 0.11 Madison avenue, rear of .124 Jladlon avenue. l'Olt 1IE.NT A beautifully finished hoiisa of tw-clio rooms, nil modem rnmenlences, In North Pn lie fine location. Apply 1028 Klcctrlc avenue, North Park. foil ItKNT-SIx tooms up dlalrs. Apply B17 OtliR street. I'Ofl HUNT Store nnd basement for rent, No, 1B'5 Dickson alenuc Masonic building. Inquire of T. n. Howe. ItOtJSi: FOIt m:NT lnqulie 111 Mulberry street, KOIl 11KNT Store building for rent In Dickson City, Pa. Building 80 feet by 2t feet, cellar under nil, nnd second atory ran be arranged for a family. All In good lepnir ready for use. Two coal breakers and mines close by employing over n thousand people. An enterprising merchant can get a large trade. Apply to William II. Itlchmond, Ttlehmond Hill, 3123 N. Main ncnue, Scranton, Pa. FOB. HUNT Jn Dalton, n furnished tottage of nine rooms for the season; one of the licit lo cations In the town: file minutes' wall: to sta tion. Apply to O. W. Carlton, Dalton, Pa. I'On KENT Three adjoining looms In Paull building, especially adapted for lawyers and doctors. FOB BENT Store 22J Lackawanna avenue now occupied by the (Subln diamond Co., and two floors over the Scotch Woolen Mill Co. at 227. FOB BENT House 1403 Capousc nvenue, contain ing nine rooms and all modem Improiementsj stiect cars pass the door. Inquire at 1331 Sander son avenue. rOR HENT-Six-rooni flat with bath. Meam heat, gas range and all modern Improve ments from April 1st; rent vcisonable. Call early. Fred C. Hand, 903 Mulberry street. FOB BENT 923 Crcen Bidgc street, eight-room modern house, steam heat. FOB BENT Store room on second floor over .ilO Lackawanna avenue. Plate si"55 front. In quire of Krotoaky Bros. Offices for Eent. FOB BENT A few desirable offices, both single and eiiMiile, in the new addition to tiie Con nell building. $15 OFFICES in suite for Doctor, Lawier, In surance, Dentist, Contractor, second floor, front. onno'Jte Hotel Jerimn steam beat, baln and running water convenient conspicuous g.iod tius.ness. Jones, all spruce street. Furnished Booms. -.. BOOM FOB BENT All comeniencos. Trice rea sonable. Inquire 1511 Capoue aienue. FOB BENT One furnished room, with improie ments; also one on third floor, cheap. C27 Adams avenue. FURNISHED ROOMS for rent, modern Improve ments; private family; gentlemen picfeircd, at 537 Adams avenue. FOB BENT Furnished tront room, with heat, bath and ga.s: near court house; gentleman preferred. Address Boom, Ilox 299. FOB BENT Furnished room; C25 Linden street. heat nnd bath. FURNISHED BOOMS FOR BENT, with heat, gas and bath, gentlemen preferred, at 539 Adams avenue. Tor Sale. PHYSICfANS will find it to their Interest to call on me before purchasing their supplies; retir ing from business. Philip J. Vcttir, Druggist, 415 Penn nvenue, Scranton, FOR SALE Just airbed with forty horses, good workers and drlieis: weight 1100 to 1300; can be seen at 331 Raymond court. F. M. Cobb. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sac at C20 Quincy aienue. Must be sold this week. PIANO for sale cheap. lnqulie 330 Webster aie. CARPETS, linoleums and oil cloths sold eieiy day 3 o'clock. 503 Lackawanna, bee auctions. FOR SALE Fine kindling wood, stove length. Two dollars big load delhered anjwhoie. Mall orders. Jennings, Cential Mines tut. Also second hand lumber suitable for all purposes, cry cheap. For Sale or Bent. TOR SALE OR BENT rami of ninety aties good koil, well wateied, good buildings, good f 1 nit, six miles from Scianton, one and one-half miles from Clark's Summit. Lying on the south side and joining Summit Luke; a fine place for sum mer home. Price icasonable. lnqulie of M. II. Coons, Clark's (Irccn. T-ioat. LOST Monday ci filing. 1'eb. 17, between Wyo ming avenue and Wjshhum sheet, an oml brooch containing gentleman's plctuie. Finder please leturn to or notify MUa Panons, 417 Thit teenth stiect. Jiitv. S.S7 R.02 S.S3 S.85 August b.(7 8.00 b,0l 8.05 BANK STATESIENT, Reserve, decrease i 13,523 Loans, decrease 14,372,000 Specie, decrease 6,3.,0IV) Legal tendons, decrease 8.11,11X1 Deposits, decrease 21,0'HJ,10i) Circulation, Incieafc ,.,,, 101,300 Scranton Board ot Trade Exchange Quotations- All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Lsckaivanna Dairy Co., Pr, to ... County Savings Bank k Trust Co,. 300 First National Hank (Carbunaaie) ,, Third National Dank Dime Depo.-lt and Discount Rjnk,, Economy Light. II. k P. Co , first National Hank Lacks, Trust k Safe Deposit Co,,,, Clsrk k Snoier Co,, I'r Scrinton Savings Bank Traders National Dank Scranton Bolt k Nut Co ,.,,, People's IUnlc ,,,. 500 550 30i) 1300 103 125 500 221 49 125 , . , 135 V 115 ' .,. 115 ... 1 ... 115 ... 97 97 ... 103 Scranton Packing lo , 33 BONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Mortgage, due 1020 ., , Teoplc'a fatrect Railway, fht mort- gage, due 1913 rcople'a Street Railway, General mortgage, duo 1921 , ecranion iracuon 0 per crnr, .,,, Economy Llgnt, Heat k Power Co,, North Jersey k Pocono Ice Co ,,,,, Consolidated Water Supply Co Scranton Wholesale Market. (Conected by II. (J, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Aie.) Klour St.OO, Beans-?2.10. Butter Flesh cieamery, 27c, j June cieainery, 23c, i dairy, Se, Cheese 127ial3c. 1'sriM Ncaiby, lc,t western, ISc, Peas Per bushel, 1,75. Potatoes Per bushel, Mc, Onions 1'er bushel, (l,u). Philadelphia Live Stock. Philadelphia, March 10. Live atock lecelpls for the weeks Cattle, 3,110; sheep, 7,774; hogs, 3,. b')7. Cattle A sprinkling ol better stock among the offerings auu the market ruled more actiie and higher on such selections. Brt, lt0.5O.ib.7O; ihoke, KU0.23; good, $3.50a5.73; medium, S5.23a. 5.37; common, ?3a3.!2. Sheep and Lambs Ruled oulet, active at firmer prices in some gude; sheep, extra selected wethers, Oc.i choice, 074a 574c; Rood, 3a" 'ic; medium, Jljallic j com mon, 2Wa3l4c; Iambs choice, S&tZ'ic,; eaily spring lambs, $5aS apiece. llug-(lood and sea sonable inquiry at firm lalura; western, S7ja!V, ; fat coin, Sale; thin com, 2a2i; veal cahea brought 6a7e.; extra choice, 7',iaw. ; common, 4a6c; rallch. covt of IJ10 LhoUeit kind leal lied ?40a50: common to fair dull at $20a30: dressed steers, 8a0ic. ; dret.ed uows, 5a7,4v.;j dreueU sheep, SH'lOVaC.; dressed, lambs, Hi 13c, ' 3 Mora BIUNOH WANT 0VPI0HS. Want Advortlsnmonta Will Ho Hecolvcd at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central; City ALBERT BCHULTZ. corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. GUSTAV P1C11EL. 030 Adams avenue. West Side OEOROE W. JENKIN8, 101 South Mala aienue. South Scranton FRED L. TERPI'E, T20 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Main avenue and Market itrcct. Orcen Ridge CHARLES 1'. JONES, 1537 Dickson avenue. P. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street. C. LOREKK, corner Washington ave nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. Ii. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Ounmore J. O. EONE ti SON. Help Wanted Malo. ACTIVE man to represent lesponslble mannfje lining company in resident nnd neniby eon tics. Salary SIS per week nnd expenses, pamble weekly; absolutely no camasslng. Permanent position; splendid opportunity for advancement. References icquired. Addiess Manutactuit', 72.1 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. TRUSTWORTHY young man for office position, this city; ff20 weekly; experience unnecessary, but good references and fifty dollar deposit ie quired. Wlinlirough, 50 North Sixth, l'hlla. WANTED Salesman for Carpet De partment; young man to sell Wall Paper and Shades, also Sign Writer. Apply, Jonas Long's Sons. CANVASSERS WANTED -to solicit Milan Iptlons for The Tribune; llbeial commissions al lowed; only active men desired; those with ex perience piefeired. Apply ut Business Manager's offlcc, Scranton Tiibune. Help Wanted Female. AN EXPERIENCED ljundresa wanted at the Model Laundty, Dunmorc. WANTE Clirl 11 to 17 for light housework. Boom 8, 120 Spruce street. WANTED A young lady stenographer and type writer in an insurance office. One who un derstands something about, bookkeecping pie f erred, fihe lefei ences, state amount of experi enec nnd wages expected. ' "Densmorc," Lock Box 711, Scranton, Pa. WANTED Good cook nnd laundre-s; 11111-t bale 1 del cue ps ; nlo a bright carefut young nuise maid for thiee-jeai-old child. Apply Mis. Charles Coursen, 410 Washington nienue. LADY CANVASSER wnnted to solicit subscrip tions for Tho Tribune; good commission of fered with a fair guarantee for first-class worker. Apply personally at Business Manager's office, Scranton Tribune. Agents Wanted. AGENTS, ATTENTION Do ou want something good, reliable and highest pay? Come and see mc; ladles and gentlemen. W. II. Whitmoie, 1319 Capousc aienue, illy. WANTED Agent, both sex. In Scranlon. Oreen Ridge, Providence, Prlceburg, Peckvilie, Car bondale, etc. Light work; good salary. Call or address Manager, Room 1, Raub Building, 427 Spruce stieet, Scranton, Pa. Recruits Wanted. WANTED TOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied un man led men between the ages of 21 and 35; citizens of the United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, r"ad ami write English. Fcr information apply to Recruit ing Office, No. 12J Wyoming avenue, Scranton, I'a. Boarders Wanted. PRIVATE FAMILY wishes to have two nice men to board, German or English. Call any time alter Thursday. All conveniences, 807 Harrison avenue. Wanted Booms and Board. WANTED Two communicating 1001ns with boaid, private family prcfeired. Two ladles and .1 gentleman. State lull paitlcul.iis. Address C, II. P., Tiibune office. Wanted. WANTED Clulis to lepalr ami lecane; tend poi. tal to James Paine 01 iIioin Juhn H.uiks, 1248 Pioildune load. Old 'phono 111-3, Circen llldge. Wanted To Rent. 1'OTTAO.i; wanted lo lent for tho summer rea son; plainly furnished uith good water, near statlun. Claik'n Summit, (ilenburn or D.1II011 nothing fancy In furnishing or prlie. Addicu Cottage, Tribune office. WANTED ROOMS For two adults, three or four ioom, furnished or unfurnished for very light housekeeping, first floor pie'crred, Address M. II., Tribune office. WANTED Furnished house or four or flio room for housekeeping, Addrcs-s A. U, E Tribune olfice. Wanted To Buy. WANT '10 buy 11 general stoic, city or country, for ah. Addiies Opportunity, iaie of Trib une office. Auction. 20,000 YARDS CARPETS, oil clollu and mattings, one tun table sllierwaie, one tar load limn sheets, taho cloths, napkins, pillow cases, to,iel, 5,000 paint fancy lace curtains. Many other things too numerous to mention, At auction, 1211 Wash ington avenue, opposite Council building. Sales 10 a, in., 3 and 7 p. 111. CUMMINUS BROS., Auctioneers. Money to Itoan. $300, $1,000, ,il,500, larger amount at die and six per tent, Scott, Attorney, 1012 Meats Building. ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-tJulck, straight loans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on f V, Walker, 314-315 Connell building. Storage. STORAGE Diy, (.lean mid modem up-to-date stoiage; separate looms; indiiidtial keis: delator. An Ideal itoiagc for household clfecta, etc. Thirty separate storage looms. Scianton Stoiago com pany, 113 Franklin avenue. Rheumatism. www RHKUMATISM-All Dailies that wUh ran ho speedily and pciuiauently cured ol all va. rictlej of Rheumatism by a vegetable compound. Cuica guaranteed. Inquire cr uddicss J. E. Toy lor, Suautou. SITUATIONS WANTED PRBB." DIRECTORY. Insertions 25Cerits Thai Pour Lines, 6 Cents for Bach Extra Urn, Situations Wanted. WAN1I.D A thoroughly practical and experienced business man desires cmploiinentj familiar Willi olfice work nnd a good alcinan,'and ad' lertlsement writer! best reference. Address A. iv, Johnson, (leneral Delivery, Scranton. A YOltNd person would like barber' washing to lake home. Address 300 .South Ninth street. SITUATION WANTED by a young man, 10 yean old; would like to work In store or learn trade. J, M., 104 River street, Scranton. SITUATION WANTED-By young man, with few years' experience, as bookkeeper. Can give references. Address K. J, Zettcrnun, 437 Lackawanna avenue. SITUATION WANIED-Posltlon as cashier or bookkeeper, by young lady with experience; best lefereuees; salary moderate. Address, 1311 Jackson stiect. SITUATION WANTKD-By middle nged woman, as housekeeper In widonrr'a family. Call or address J. It,, 1417 Summit avenue, Scranton, Pa, SITUATION WANTED-I)y .1 young man wlih four jears experlenco around grocery store. Wilt accept position nt any honest work. Stronc and Indnstilous. 11. P.. VU Mulberry street. Real Estate. FOR SALE New house on Cornell ulreM. Itnimrl Woods Park; modern Improvements; cay terms. Apply to Spring Brook Lumber Co., Moosle. Pa., or E. S. Woodhouse. FOB SALE At Clark's Summit; a place of flvs acres, house nnd barn, good fruit: cheap for ejh. Inquire of Mrs. L. Lindsay, HU North Main avenue, city. Business Opportunity. STOCK AND WHEAT TRADERS without delay. Write for our special market letter. Free on application. S. SI. Illhbard k Co., members N. Y. Consolidated and Stock bxchange, 41 and IS Broadway, New York. Established 1501. Long Distance' Phone 23S3 Broad. Political. THIRD LEGISLATIVE DLSTRICT-Tn II,. m.. beis of the Republican Standing Committee of the Third Legislative district: '""" Notice is hereby given that a meeting ot th Republican Standing Committee of the Third Legislative district ot Lackawanna county will bo held at the Court House, Scranton, I'a., on Saturday, Maich 22, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. m. A full attendance of the committee h) earnestly lequested. By order of the chairman, OSCAR VAN BUSKIRK. Attest: J. E. WATKINS. Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Maich 10, 1902. Miscellaneous. PITT TlllC ni"l' A M.W dcpnrtuic for the next 13 dais you can buy diieet at the factory and "sale thret profits the Tcnbrook Riiers Perfect Tittina TintM.ma f'mnnnm'. nt Oil H.l ,- .,.-., ri.,t. ilelphu, have just opened the second floor in the'i I.PI.A f IntA.H ...In.!. .1.. ..... t, ..... .-hi. ...v.uij (.-ti-niai,,-, iur miii oraer ncpari" mpnl. Kimnlne nt ..In,!, rtnrt sAlf -...... .. sent fiee the following ofler Is onlv made for the next fifteen diis, we will make to meisura nnr ri.tntlni- ft.1 hi.t.', frniT.nr. fo.. 4, r. ular fO and S men's trousers made to measure for 43.50 and $. Tiouseis made and sent C. O. II. with the privilege of eaminlng before paving for same; salesmen and agents wanted; Ten brook Rivers, 245 Market stieet, Philadelphia, Pa. BEAUTIFY TIIE LAWN by using Canada Urn leached hardwood ashes. For sale In any quantity. 75c. per 100 pounds. George Sisson, I, Plume, Pa. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. EDWARD C. SPAULDINQ. 23 TRADER9 BNK Building, and St. Paul Building, New York. Architects. EDWARD II, DAVIS. ARCHITECT, CONNELL Building. FREDERICK L. BROWN. ABCH. B., REAb Estate Exchange Bldg.. 126 Washington are. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. HARDING, 600 CONNELL BUILDINO. ) Dentists. DR. O. E. EILENBEROER, PAULI BUILDINO, Spruce street, Scranton. DR. 0. O. LAUBACII. 115 WYOMINQ AVENUE. Lawyers. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. Booms 12, 14, 10 and 18 Burr Building. D. B. HEPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOAN'S NKOO tlated on real estate security. Mcars Building, comer Woshlngton avenue and Spiuce street. WILLARD, WABBEN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and counscllors-at-lsw. Republican Building. Washlnglon uvenue. JESSUP It JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND COUN-tellors.at-laiv. Commonwealth Building, Roomi JO, 20 and 21. ,:IAJ?,D 'v. THAYER, ATTORNEY. ROOJlJ 0O-MH4, Oth floor, Mears building. L' A, WAT"nS' ATTOIINCY.AM.AW, BOARD of Trade Building, Scranton, Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX, TRADER'S NATIONAL Bank Building C COMEQVS, 013 REPUBLICAN BUILDING. A,.WV,rBEIT"0r'F. OITICE MOVED TO Na 211 Wyoming aienue. Physicians and Surgeons. DB. W. E. ALLEN, 513 NOttTIl'wAsilisa'lO.'i . avenue, DR. S. W. L'AMORE VX, OFFICE 330 WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry Chronic dlsea.-es. lungs, heart, kidneys am genlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, I to 4 p. m. Osteopathy. DR I). O. EVANS, OSTEOPATH, 120 8 WASH. ington avenue. Chronlu and neivous diseases a speclaltj. Consultation fiee. Instruction Musical, 1 C. PEl'SEIt, Silts. BAC.r TEACHER '(f9 Voice Culture. Iljunony, Coiinlfipoint and Composition. Composition! collected and re vised for publication, 33 New York street. Hotels and Restaurants, THE ELK OAPE. 123 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVE. nue, Rites leisonable. r- P, zieoler, Proprltor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. k W. PA8- senger depot. Conducted on tho Europ Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor. Scavenger. A, B. BBIGG3 CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS AMI cess pools; no )dor; only improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave order) 1100 North Main avenue, or Eicke's drug store, cor ncr Adams ind Mulberry. . Both telephone. Seeds, O. R. CLARKE k CO., SEEDSMEN AND NUttt rrymen, store 201 Washington avenue; grt' houses, 1D30 North Main avenue; itoro tt! phone, 762. Wire Screens, JOSEPH KUETTK-'. REAR 611 LACKA. AVE.", Scranton, Pa,, manufacturer ol Wlro Scrfent," Miscellaneous. DRESSMAUINO FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; also ladle iwUU. Louis Shoemaker, 2U Adams avenue, MEaAROEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, EN. v elopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 139 iiumugiuu aienue, ocrsuion, la. THE WILKES DAURli RECORD CAN BrTJlAU in Scranton at the new! stands of Rctimta Bros., 400 fpruce and 503 Linden; H. Norton, 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. ft Scantier, 211 Soruci itrett
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers