wri !!wTjsifaijgagSgiiey ?jlwi'imiiijjiiB;lOi"wp "g 6 THE SCRAOTON T1UBUNE-TCESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1902. j JUDGE NEWCOMB ON THE BENCH OTHER COUNTY OFFICIALS ALSO INDUCTED. Commissloneis nnd Auditors Reor ganize Dr. Longstrcet tho New Jail Phelclnn Dispute Over Fixing of Compensation for Feed ing rrloonors Largo Number of Opinions Handed Down by Judges Edwards and Kelly Ornnd Jury Hears Stiike Itlot Cases. . With the opening of the court year yesterday, a. number of changes took place about tho court house. Judge K. C. Ncwcomb took his place on tho bench; County Controller K. A. Jones, Coroner J. IP. Sultry, M. D., and Coun ty Surveyor M. P. Mitchell assumed the ofllces to which they were elected, nnd the county commissioners and county auditors reorganized. Judge Ncwcomb ascended the bench with President Judge Edwards and Judge Kelly at the opening of court. The members of the bar who were present In lnrgo numbeis ioko and re mained standing while Judge Ed ward's formally Introduced the new Judge. Clerk Williams read Judge Xeucomb'H commission and then the three Judges proceeded to hear mo tions. The motions being disposed of Judge Edwards and Ncwcomb retired, leav ing Judge Kelly to deal with the grand Jury, constables' returns and equity court. Jly Invitation of Judge Edwards the new Judge sat with him In cham bers in the hearing of a rule to ap point a guardian for uu aged wcak nlndeil woman and the tnlihnr of tes timony on the rule to dissolve the In junction In the case of C. P. O'Mulley against the borough of Olyphnnl. l'lllST OFFICIAL ACT. The first Individual ofllclal act of Judge Ncwcomb was the attaching of the court's' conditional approval to the report of the viewers on tho petition to make Drown Hollow turnpike a free lo.id. The petition was represented by ('. It. Gardner. Judge Ncwcomb was located In the chambers on the first iloor formerly occupied by Judge Carpenter. Ho spent the afternoon there attending to correspondence and receiving callers who came to proffer their congratula tions. The county commissioners reorgan ized by electing John J. Durkln, chairman; John Courier Morris, sec retary and John Penman treasurer. In the afternoon they held another ses sion and elected ex-Coroner S. P. I.ong.street, M. D.. as jail physician to succeed Dr. Saltry, who yesterday be came coroner. There were eight can didates for the the place. Dr. Long street was chosen as a compromise. AH tho other officials and employees selected by the commissioners were re appointed. The auditors leorganizer! by electing A. IS. Klefer, president; William E. John, secretary, and P. "W. Costello, treasurer. The county controller succeeds tho county auditors, but they must audit all accounts up to the time the con troller took olilce, July 1. 1901. The ac counts yet to be audited are those hearing date between January 1, 1901 and July 1, 1001. Both the commissioners and auditors ,aie in the third and last year of their terms. COMPENSATION THE SAME. The auditors and commissioners met and fixed the compensation of tho treasurer at the same figure as last year. The commissioners also proceeded to fix the allowance of tho sheriff for feeding prisoners, but were halted by n notice from O'Brien & Martin that they had no power to deal with this matter. It appeals that Lackawanna county lias been illegally providing for this matter over since Its organization. The law under which the county has been working Is the act of 1S0S, a special act, referring specifically and conclu sively, not to Luxerne county, but to the Luzerne county prison, "Just com pleted." This act provides that the county commissioners shall fix the compensation to be allowed the sheriff for feeding prisoners. The general act of April 11, lS.'C. Is the one that con trols, according to the contention of Sheriff Schndt's attorneys, O'Brien & Murtin, and this act stipulates that the compensation shall be fixed by the court of quarter sessions. WANT COMPENSATION FIXED. Mr. Martin, of O'Brien & Martin, went before the court yesterday with a petition from Sheriff Schodt to have tlie court fix tho compensation. Court declined to grant the petition, but di iccted that tho matter be argued next Monday. Instructions were given Mr. Martin to notify tho commissioners and controller to be ready to argue tho case Monday. Mr, Martin served Mr, Henry Alberts, of No. 01(5 Birth street, Scrunton, Pu., saya; "For about two years my back and kidneys liud been sore, lame and the secretion In bad shape. Nothing seemed to help me at all until I got Dr. A. W, Chase's Nwvo Pills at Matthews Bros, drug it ure, No, 320- Luckawanna avenue. They did the work, curing tho soreness nd lameness making the secretion healthy and generally giving? me health ma etieni; WHEN tho notice on the cointnlsslonorn us thoy were about to fix the compensa tion. The sheriff has been receiving twenty-live cents a prisoner por day. 'The law which his attorneys are contend ing for provides that the compensa tion shall not bo more than 25 cents per day. The sheriff's attorneys argue that It can not be made less thai) twenty-live cents, because the supremo court has decided that this compensa tion Is one of tho sheriff's emoluments, and his emoluments can not be de creased during tho term of his office. Decisions by tho Judges, A number of decisions wcro handed down, yesterday, by Judges Edwurds nnd Kelly. Among them were severnl of more than usunl Importance. The following wcro by Judge Edwards: nrlrfftrt Ljilrti optflnH Lactuvvanti.i lovMuhlp 1'laiutilT sought a ntandanuii execution on a Jtulg inont for $15. The township defended on "ho ground flint tho money In (lie treasury vv.h needed for road repairs. Court refused Hie nmnilritnti-, ruling (hit lhr (list duty of the township l.i tn keep the road In repair mid th.it nnlv surplus, mone.vs nic available for oilier ilcbK It theie l.i no rurpltn .1 special levy must be made. In io Iniohctiey of Charlei Vostcn lleport of trustee set aside and trustee directed tn IK a day for healing proofs ot el.ilmi of creditors. Kate Wllllanm R.ilnt Clly of Scninton I'.f reptloni to the leport of Hie lefereo ovei ruled and judgment entered for the defendant In ac coidaiue with referee's iceoniineiidantlon. I. .1. Count- against .lohn llolchko und IIIIm belli ltotclil.o. Ms wife Tli.t Jury gave n vrr-IIH of CIO jgaiint both defendints for empentrr vvoil. done b.v the plaintiff. The defendants asked to line the veriiltt njrainst the wife set aside nnd it new trial gianlcd the husband. Court prints lhl nqii(-t, but allows Hie verdict to htand against Hie husband. .lamn J, Cioghan attalnst Michael Hand Itulc to open ludgincnt discharged. In le tl.imfrr of license of Chitles Mnuden inn it to A. L'. Nonls License tiiiiisfened and bond approved. Coinuioimr.dtli, to Hie use of Amu lliandi .iK.ilnst W. II, Saiuidiy Hide for judgment made :ib.olute. sipruks Urns, against William Klnb.ici. l'ule for new dial made aluolutr. ('oninionwcalllt ap.llml Dui.vea Hartell The wife hid her limb.ind miestcd for deseitlou nml Hh'd besides for nninlenince. The judge l tiled that the facts of the case' did not warrant an ntdcr fur maintenance, but ni (he husband was not blameless be should piy the rusts. Judge Kelly rendered the following decisions: Ininiuonwenltli against I.elloy Wh1j.Ii The de fendant had Ceoige Smith arrested on the ihaige of being llie Keeper of it biudi' bouse, "with the intent Io Intimidate, iinnoy, levy hl.it kni.ill nnd evtotl money." Defense was roudc that "no clime is rharged in the indictment Known to the common or statutory law of the '.'ouiiiioiivvealtli of I'rnns Ivanhi." The indictment is driwn mi del the provisions of the act of Ma 27, lb')7, 1'. I.. Ill, entitled "An act to amend an act mak ing it a inif.dente.moi' to ley bi.tekm.iil, etc." 'IJic defen.'.e held that this uct was iinicnstltu lloinl nnd void. Court lules that the title of the ai t i- confusing. If not ailinilv misleading, in that it designates the aet .is nn amendatory :ii t while it make no lefereme to an set It would amend. It piuporls to amend "an act linking It ,i misdemeanor to lcy Maikmall, etc." As a matter of fact, the court holds, no such original net oisl.s. The indietnunl there for charges no indlctnble oflcnse .aid the lule to quash is made absolute. In te rotd in Spring lliook townslilp The re port, of the vicneis Is set aside beiau-e they were not properly sworn, tlicy evidently litv iivg Miorn themselves instead of one another, which they evidently attempted to do, and for the further reason, that they failed to give proper notice. Decisions made by the court In banc were: I). H. lteplogle against Aitliur Kiothinghain Deftndmt sought to stay on excititiun against pioperty in .Monroe county because the defend ant had property In Lackawanna county. The defense failed to establish tills and the rule to fttay execution was discharged. John I'. Jones against .Mini Jones t)ecic6 :n divorce granted. 'Iheodoie 1. Mieppleman against Minnie Shop plciiun Decree in divorce granted. In le adoption of Margaret Davis Rule for adoption made absolute. f. II. (iregory against Louis Connors IXcep tlons to lepoit of leferee dismissed. J. II. Closgens apaiiist Prolheroe & Watkins r.vecptioiis to lepoit of leferee dismissed. Morris Kteedman against (,'coige M. Ol.i 11 Defendant admitted to common bait. , Ontario nnd Western company against North west Coal company Injunction continued until March 30, 1WH. M. A. I'itcli against Towiiiind IJ. Filch Itulc for decree in divoice granted. Commonwealth against Chulr.s Kodcck Utile to lenilt foifeitutc made absolute on p.ivment of costs. Commonwealth again-! Ad mi i-pltS'Kcr Itule to lemit costs made absolute. Conmionwcaitb against William Mouin Hide absolute, to remit fotlciture. In Equity Court. Judge Kelly is presiding over this week's session of equity court. Yester day he took up the case of Emilia A. Schlmpff against the Dime bank nnd M. J. Stone. S. II. Price appears for the plaintiff, nml C. Comegys and AV. AV. Lathrope for the defendants. Other cases on the list for trial are Jennie Dean against Franklin Howell, Wednesday; John P. AValsh against the City of Cnrbondule, Thursday; S. H. Itoblnson against J. M. Kemmerer, Thursday; Elizabeth Avery against Henry Carter, Tuesday; Michael Lyden against Patrick Phllbln, and Thomas Leyshon against Thomas II. PIiilllpH. Cases continued were Edward O'Mul ley against James Ciosby, and Mary Lydon against Anthony Lydon. Two Speakeasies Reported. The constables' returns fulled to dis close any serious violators of the law, and only two nlleged speakeasies. These latter were reported by Con- FIRES When the fires burn low the house is cold. We shiver and shake and move about. When the vital forces fail, the system suffers the strength declines the blood grows thin resistive power is lost. Cold weather a natural, healthful stimulant to the vigorous and robust, becames a thing of dread a danger. Exposure in this condition means all manner of colds, cough, chills, neuralgia and rheumatism. To guard against such a catastrophe to put our selves in the best possible condition one of robust, vigorous health, full of resistive power, the Dr. A. W. Chase .erve Pills stand as a medicine beyond comparison, furnishing as they do the very elements that go to make one rich in blood, vigorous', strong and hardy, This shaped box no other. Signature and portrait of Dr. A. W. Chase on each box, Price HO cents at dealers or Dr, A, W. Chase Med. Co., 237 Washington St., lluffalo, X. Y, J, II, Burr, of No, 015 Third stieet, Towanda, Pa., says: "For u great many years I have Buffered from ca tarrh, and almost every morning I would wake up with a persistent dull, heavy headache and was feeltn? poor ly, I got some of Dr. A, W, Chase's Nerve Pills and used them- I found them very effectual in relieving the distress in the head and have no hesi tation In recommending them to the iBubllc," stable Joseph Gardner, of tlie , Nine teenth ward. The alleged offenders are Matthew Puff, corner of Kim street and Meadow avenue, and Tom ailboy, 802 Crown avenue, ' DefeiiBo to n Dcfons9. The suit of Nolan Pros., plumbum, against Annette Iteynolds for ti.00 for plumbing work, was henrd yesterday before Arbitrators J. M. Corbett, Rob ert J. Murray and D. L. Flckes. Tho defense was that tho work was never completed. Tho defense, to the defense was that tho defendant denied the plaintiffs admission to the house when they went to complete tho job, D. P. ttcptoglc represented the plain tiffs, and Clarence Balentlne, tho de fendant. Ornnd Jury in Session. Judge Kelly charged the grand jury yesterday morning, and sent them out with Ward P. Parker, of South Ablug ton, as foreman. Amonp; tho cases considered during the day were nine growing out of street car riots on Lafayette and Luzerne streets. He-appointed as Auditor. Court yesterday ro-nppolnted John Morris as an nudltor of the Scrunton Poor district, to succeed himself for a three-year term. Ho was serving' out tho unexpired term of John Proud, re signed. Tho other auditors are P. AV. Cos tello, of Dunmore, and Walter J?, Christmas, of Providence. Marriage Licenses. James De.vroold 129 South Vim lluren itvcnuo Alice (Irani , Jacob (ierliikl Knlharin i Wrnakovv ska Ilarltomry Pielka Mariai.iia llottiMiowsKa Joseph (trump Anna Ynulg.ilinz Aitliur L. I'owtll Mjig.uet Waltei.s ,..10.1 Cameion u venue Majlicld Mi.vr.cld l'riceburg l'rlc rliing MlnooKa Mlneokt , MjilNomllle Madlsonvllie COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Court .veleiday appointed I'l.u.k Zalevvskl (Oil stable of the Third waul of Dickson, to suc ceed llee.s Davis, resigned. Levi II. Slark petitioned cmnt jeslcida.v to be iclleved fiom the S.100 bond he gave lo liisuie the pi.vmenl b.v 'ihom.is W. Mark of $11 n mouth to his. Thomas' wife. C. L. Haw ley represented the pttitioii. Application for divorce was made vei.leid.iy by Amu Lavelle, who alleges ciuelty against her luioband, James J. Lavelle, to whom slip has In en inanied thiileeii .ve.us. Agnes llallock llarty asked for uivnicc on Hie s.ihh giound fiom Thonns Harry. The.v were married in 1MII. I'. J. lTtzsimmotu irpiesented the llr-l llbella'it. and J, W. Oakford the second. Attorney I. J. Donahue presenled lo eotut J est ei day Hie petition of Heinaiil MiCieevy, of South Abiugtoti, for ap older on the county comtnnilssiiineis foi a lewaid of s20 for the cap ture of l'ted Snvder, who stole Hiie it Levy's lior.se last Miinmct. A simliai ict it ion, inide some time ago by Mlihiol Stiine, was granled jesteidjy. He c.iptutcd a liorse thief mined William Murdock. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Make Up of the D., L. & W. Board for Today Foremen of Car .Shops Organize. Following is the make-up of the D., L. & AV. board for today: MONDAY. .lAM'AUY U. Wild Cats, Kat S p. m., L. D. Liltinier, McLano's new; ID p. in,, O. v. l'itzgciald; 11 p. m., (.'. W. Tliomi. TUIIMUY, JAMTAItV 7. Wild Cats, Last 1.S0 a. m.. A. (i. Iljinnillt; 4 n. m., 1'. I Stevens; 5 a. in,, 1". L. Itogeis; (i a. m., IIobol.cn, II. J. Larkin; S :i, m.. Ho- boken, If. Doherty, II. (illligau's crew; 10 n. in., M. rinneity; 11 a ,in Ik M. Hallctt; 1 p. m W, W. LiIi.ii; 2 p. m C. W. Dunn; u p. in., V. .1. Mosier; 0 p. m I". Hallctt. 1'asdcnger Kngines 7 a. in., (iaffney, 7 a. m.. Singer; 10 a, in,, Xauin.ui; 10 a. in., u. Miller; o. 15 p. m., Stanton; S.t0 p. in., McCovein. Summits', lite. 0 a. in., J. Heuiiigau; S a. m., riotinfc'ILer; 10 a. in., Nichols; 11 a. in., K. Mc Allister; 2 p. in., Tlirnipson; 0 p. m., .1. Cat llgg; b p. in,, M, Goldm. I'uslieia 0 a. m., Widncr; 7 a. in., rinmity; S a. m., Hoiiscr; 11.1a a. m., Mor.in; (! p. in., t Hiitholomew; 7.KU p. in,, Murphy; u p. in., W. II, Uaitliiilomew; 10 p. in., Lamping. Wild Cats, Wet-C n. in., A. L Ketchain; S a, in., O. Kingsley; 11 a. in., T, Doudlcan; : p. in., 11. Casti.er; 4 p. m., H. Caimody, (1 p. in., O. ll.indolph; It p. m.. 1'. Wall XOTICK. J. McDonnell will upoif at Conductor A Young Men's ClirMi.ni association 7. DO p. in., Jtnu.iiy n, tor examination. Ilr.ikeman Tlioma.s dlvmi, M liuiton, I'. Hen nigan, llanibaik, h. Ileovets, J. Itoarllc, C. O. Jennings, A, LjIIuc, Thomas (ilubous, James Keenaii, John Cannon, William rtuile.s, P, Golden, t). lialpli, I', (iilligan, I'. McXulty, Jame.s Civ anaugh, John Deljue.v, W. J. Nichols, A, L. De pue, W. It. Koeiner, A. Gaiiuoii, L. Ilaithulomeiv, Chubb, 'J. sullivm, T. J. .Mahan, Wauen Dopew, II. Dennison will lepoit at Young Men's (liilsllan .issoclatlon 7.::u p. in., Jaiiiuiy (I, for e.aminaticiii, II. Mutliewson will report for A. ('. llaminllt. William, lluglies will iqwit foi O. W, I'lU gerald. This and That. It Is liniiored that George I'oore, chief clerk to Cieueral Superintendent T. K. Clarke, or the Lackawanna railroad, will be appointed assistant general su perintendent. Similar positions have been created In the general passenger agent's and general fi eight agent's of llces. Heaters huve been installed la the Mr. Thomas Summers, of No, 1G10 Jack&ou street, Scrunton, ln says; "Dr, A. "W Chase's Nerve Pills aru a splendid cure for nervous sick head aches. Mine were terrible at times. 1 was nervous ut the same time. The Nerve Pills were recommended to me and I got a box ut Matthews Bros, drug store, No. 320 Lackawanna ave nue, and they completely cuied the headaches and nervousness. This I think 'Is reqommendation enough." LOW. BasiTfced 20 Yours. Cused of IPIIos. A.L. Tluslng, Amo, "Vv. Vn writes: "I suffered frightfully for 20 yenrs from Itching, blind and bleeding piles. I tried many remedies without relief; the first application of Pyramid Pile Cure gave blessed relief and part of a r0-ecnt box cured me completely." For sale by all druggists. Little book, "Piles, Causes and Cure," mailed free. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshal), Mich. mine ambulances used by the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany In conveying their Injured und sick employes from tho mines to tho hospital and their homes. It is an in novation which Is appreciated by tho men. Carriage heaters are used, which burn fuel put up In brick form. " The foreman of the various car building shops. Identified with the Lackawanna and other railroads In this city, are forming an organization similar to the Master Car Builders as sociation, for the purpose of Inter changing opinions on car repairing and car building. The plan will be helpful to all of them In their every day work. I Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. n J LYCIXM Die Ivlltles Baud. Afternoon and niirlit. ACADHMY "On the Miwanec Iilvci." After noon and night. "On the Suwnnee Elver." "On the Suvvar.ee Itiver," a play of distlnet southern envliounients, opened ot Hie Academy li't night to .111 overflowing house, and proved one of the licit companies throughout that lias appeared here this i-e'is-on The plot U decidedly interesting nnd Hie situations were leeeived with hearty nppl.iu-,0. Colonel Cla.vtr.n, ti planter, has inoitfcaged Ills: lauds to a grinding miser, Cileli Crock, who hopes llierehy to seune the piopctty and alto aspires to the hand In lnarriase of handsome Dora. Clajtou. In the midst of an aiRUinent he kills Colonel flivton. and through the jssisUnie of a wily confederate injuies the only vvitncis, Krjnk Cla.vton, Hut he Iom'S his mind. The three acts following the piologuc are of ab sorbing Interest, and a happy sprinkling of com edy, well rendered and in the hands of "Aunt I.lndy," a colored "niamnij" cueedlngly well taken by Stella Jlayhevv, who also Intioduces several clever .specialties. The balance of the c ast is one of excellence, the part of Dora Clay ton, by Mis? Kva Mue IlajTiC!-, .fudge and Jits. Hawk by C. V.. Atkinson and Kale Wei.'on deary, a commendable double of frank Cl.ij ton and Kniks, b Vred TiucmIiIc, and .lack Toirenee, by Allan If. llalley. Special and at tractive fecnety is picscnted in each act, the one it presenting nif old bridge on the Stivvanco liver in the third act being pailirularly realistic. "On the buwanee Itiver" will be given tonight and tumoirovv- night with matinees eteli day. "The Kilties" Today. This afternoon and evening the fanioit- "Kil ties," ol Toionto, wilt appear in the Lyceum, where they will give two of their famous con ceits. The band is expected to anive at the Delaware and Hudson depot this morning on their own pilaee car, and at .coout 12 o'clock will form into line and parade llirougli lite prin. ipal streets of the citv, headed by their gigantic diiim inajoi, Donald MacConnack, who is seven foot tall and vvciglia SI0 pound.s. They will be accompanied by bigpipeis and a ill it Mi bugle band, which will plav alternately while on the liuicli. They say that j lliili.-lt bugle band U entirely iHltcreut tiom an' American one, and till should turn out to see the band and hear the dlflereme between IliitUli and American imgicis. The Caledonian!. I.avc pl.il ed the imtinee piiiev at the lowest, possible notch, 5fi cents, 21 nuts and 15 cents for children under 12 .veils, so that it should be possible for many of the llltlo folks to be III attend nice ami sec Hugine l.ockhait, the D'.veai-ohl cleg d.incei, dance thu Highland (ling and Iri-h jig. The evening plices aie 2i cents, CO cents', 7.1 cents and !. "Secret Dispatch" Thursday Night. "The Secret Dispatch" is tlie title of ,i n'W play dealing vvitli tlie home side of 'he tie luendous vvai-picttue called Into histoij by the events of lScii-UJ. The story of the diania tells of the life of a .voting Aiiiriic.iu named IMw'iu fiiay, who, through the results of a wiong sus picion comeiuiug the wouiiii lu whom be was bctiothed, unintentionally .tiikcs ilovvu an old man, hU best tricud, and escapes into the aiiuy believing lie ha biei, guilty of a minder. Many l.vpltal cluucter.s ate introduced, and its font act aie lepleto with stiougly duiniatio scenes. It will be the attraction at the Academy of Music for thivc elajs beginning Tliuisday night. Matinees will be given I'lidav and but uiday. "Foxy Quiller." In the meat KUvv .t Kilanger Opera company, which conies to (lie l,.vceum tomorrow night with Do Koven and biiiith's "t'oy ijulllci" aie e eiity-tlve people. In uelelltioo lo Jeiotue S)lcw, wliii plajs. tlie title lole, aie such eminent opci utlo singeis as Miss L'hatior Kent, Miss fir.ue Cameion, Mln Abulia I'oiitst, Miss Lillian h,.. ville, Miss Mat la u Kent, Mh .Marie Chtlstle, .7n litis Megei, Adolf Zlnk, the lilliputian conicilian, Hauy Mae Dunougli, Louis Cjss.iv.iut and other. Klavv ' Lilanger picmlse u cinlc display cf una.iiJl giuudeui. Of Mr. )e hoviu'. imisli. tlie verdict of the public- terms to be Hut he ban moie titan loiiml a iiu.vi-oi' to his "llobln Hood," Tho seoru Is lutUtnlail.v llih in melody and its insiiumeutatlon I well calculated lo piodute the most dunning effect. I'or the new- opeia .Ml, Smith took tho ihai.vttoer of I'osy Quiller whit It Mr. hi. Kim made lanious in "fhe lllglivvj)iiiaii," but the renialinlci' of lliu book Is I'lilliel new. I'lio siiiiess of "Pus.y ijuilUr" has been elw tu the inliiieut ewdlcnco of tho opei.i itself, so Hut while it abounds In fun of the dean son, there is no ti.-uuue to vulgailty or the lioie-play whleh ottlmes mas the oidiitary piodtitilou of comic opeu. Notwlllistjiiillng tlici ciioniions expense of tt.ii piodiiitlou, Klavv & Crlauger anuoiimo that thero .will be no li:tifje of plices our tho.e ob. tallied for alinlktr atir.itlons, Seats .tie now on tale. . STAGE NOTES. W'jtiUln. M.i.lull, I ho Kiif'll.li iil.i.uuliiiit. it uuivi'rjiu: in London fiom a four numlln' neije nl'iiulall.i anil mi'iiiiiou!.i, Mr, ami Mis. J, K, Do.Uon (tnnto liJ.IO "ill tliorlly if. tv u the Mlinilo .Muikk'iu Fi.Ac coiiigun) ami Join that of Amelia lllugliuu!,. Anthuny Hope lut, s rit tin u''ii1jv full of a tiru on ruwhy iinl llieir clUlribglfuti of I.uiwh. Jt will liave Ji CJily ucaentatlon in Loudon, "My llefrt filrl," a iiiiii'aj comedy by Seymour lllcU, tltc DikIIoIi play manager, U tn lute 1U nr.t piCNCiiUticii in Loudon next inonili. Madainu Mclli.i, vvlicn the left Aiutralla vear. 3L.-0, wir,' be foie an audience Hut lipicwnt'd only f7 or S. She liaa never tunc In her na tive land tiiicr. New- York ha over'slnty llieatcu in operation, yet Iheic am nun slill'alive llicie vvlto can ic ineinber when tlio town's ainiuemeut vvanu vvero tupplicd by two. AJ'ces fiom Honolulu arc to the cilcet Hut raptnln Strong and May Volie arc In straitened clreuimttnees and that tiotli will go .on lh stngo to'ircoup their Ickkph, llie anuiseincnt Alexanders are. nlivd.vi on llie lookout for new worlds lo conquer. Weber nml fields arc Ihlnklnx Of Inking their vaudeville company lo Mexico next spring. Allliur I'orrest lus itllred iinnt the Daniel rrnlunaii f-toek loiitpany nml L'ugeiie Oiinonde lias been given the part dlgncil to liltit In the fortliconilng nraduitlim ot "frocks and 1'rllU." BROOKLYN. Sperlal lo Hie f-cranton Tribune. Brooklyn, Jan, c M. L. McMillan, of Nicholson, Is visiting his sinter. The niarrliiBc of Jason S. Wright and Mary Electa Hlakc, took ptaco at the homo ot the bride's brother, F. B. Jew ell, on New Year's day, Itov. II. 1). .Smith, of the Methodist Episcopal church, ofllclathur. Frank Tiffany Is moving Into the house belonging to his mother, lately occupied -by Fred Green, the latter having located on a farm at Lenox. Frank Tiffany hns rented his farm to Bert Kinney. Ed. Lemon has purchased the John Ely farm und will move there soon. Vncclnatlon is the cause ot many sore arms. The graded school has the mid-term examinations this week, given by the county superintendent. Jerome Ely and family, of Oak Har bor, Wash., who have been visiting relatives here, have started on their homeward trip. Mr. Ely Is much Im proved In health. -Misses Jessie Miller nnd Bernlce Dor an have returned from a visit In Blng hamton, The Ladles' Aid of tlie Unlversallst church meets this week, Thursday, with Mrs. S. B. Eldrldge, for dinner. The Methodist Episcopal Ladles' Aid met at the parsonage last Friday. Nelson (J. Benjamin, aged 71, died at his home Dec. 30, after a long and painful Illness, the cause of which was cancer of tlie stomach. Tim funeral services were conducted by Itov. Smith In the Methodist Episcopal church last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Benjamin leaves a widow and seven children and a host of friends to mourn his depar ture. The Odd Fellows, of which lodge he was a faithful member, had charge of the burial. Mrs. Brown and daughter, Melia, spent Sunday nt W. L. Sterling's, on their way to Newark valley, where thoy are going to spend tho winter. The Brooklyn band serenaded Mr. and Mrs. Wright Saturday evening, and were treated to candy, apples and a social time. The Luxury of Modern Eailway Travel to Florida and the South. The grntltuto of tourists who appre ciate the acme of luxury in railway travel is due In no small measure to the Southern railway system. Their line of operation Is the great highwny that leads by AVashlngton. D. "'., to and ttVWWKh the Southern state. Year by year they have adopted every Im provement that could add in any way to the comfort of that ttrmy of visitors who make their winter home in the vast territory covered by Its network of lines. ' An example of the superb trains operated by the company is tlie South ern's "Palm Limited," which rupns be tween New York, Philadelphia and St. Augustine, every clay, except Sunday, during the winter months. This mag ninicent train will be inaugurated Jan. 11. 102, leaving Philadelphia at 3.36 p. m., the most luxurious in tlie world, runs through solid from New York to St. Augustine, excepting one drawing-room sleeping car, which Is detached at Blackville, S. l, and runs to Augusta, for the accomodation of travelers to this popular resort, and Aiken, S. C. The train Is composed of Pullman composite, compartment cars, drawing-room, sleeping cars, library, observation and dining cars. Two other fast dally limited trains are operated, carrying through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, New York and Philadelphia to Savannah, Jack sonville, Tampa, Charleston, Augusta, Ashevlllc, Chattanooga, Nashvlll", At lanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Or leans, affording excellent service to Floridn, Mexico and the Pnctllc coast. Dining car service on all through trains. The popular route to Pine hurht, N. C, Pullman diawing-room sleeping cars, Washington, Pliicliurst, Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. New York to Thomasvllel, Oa Pull man drawing-room sleeping cars every Thursday, commencing Janunry 3th. Charles L. Hopkins, district passenger agent Southern railway, SJ8 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, will furnish all In formation. Kesumptton of Sunset Limited Ser vice Between New York, Phila delphia and San Francisco, Sea son 1901-1002. Commenoiug November 30 and each Tuebdtiy, Thursday and Saturday thereafter, the Washington and South western Limited, operated dully be tween New York, Philadelphia and New Orleuiis via the Pennsylvania Railroad and Southern Railway, leav ing Philadelphia, Broad street station at G.D5 p. m composed of dining, Pull man drawing-room, sleeping, observa tion and library ears, In uddltlon will carry a special Sunset Limited An nex Pullman drawing-room compart ment sleeping car to connect with the Sunset Limited operated between New Orleuiis and San Francisco. The celebrated trans-contlneiittl ser vice offered by these luxurious trains makes 'a trip to the Pucifle coast not only very quick, but most delightful. Charles L. Hopkins, district passen ger agent, Southern Hallway, 32S ' Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will bo pleased to furnish all Information, ' A Trip to California or Florida. Those contemplating such a trip need but to call on the local ticket agent of the Lackuwuuua railroad and ho will unangi; every detail, Including trans portation, berths, reservations and cheeking of buguago through to desti nation; also will furnish rates, folders, descriptive literature and any other in. formation desired on the subject. Through sleepers and day coaches to Chicago, Onjy one change of cars to California. New Jeisey Central. In Lflect .Nuv 17, 1!V)I fetation In New Yotk, foot o Llbeili ktrcet did boulli Feiry, N. 11. Traiin leavo beianton (or New Yuri , Philadel phia, Fa.ton, lletlili'lieui, Allenlovvn, Maucli thunk, Wliitc Haven, A.bliy ami Wilkea-Dario at 7.30 a. in., 1 P- '- and I p. in. istiudjy, 2.10 p.m. (juukvr City i:pit' leave Sciaiiton at 7.:,i) a. in., through wild ctibulo tialn with Pullman Uutlet Fallot lai, lur Plillailt'li)ila. For Avoca, Pitl.ton and Wilko-Uarre, 1 p, m. and I p. in. buiuljy, 2.10 p. lu. For Lous lliauch, Ocean Grote, etc., 7.30 a. m. and I p. m. For Iteadinx, Lebanon and IlarrUbuig, via A). Icntowii, at 7.30 a. in. uud I p. in. buudiy, ?.10 p. in. For PutUvillu ut 7.30 a. in. and 1 p. in. For rutin and tlckcU apply lo auent at ktallon. u i. niiitr, ecu. pM. jt. V, W, WL.NTZ, Ucu. Supt. 19 MQ II Is fully equipped in the most up-to-date manner, and we employ none but the most competent bakers. Our BAKED STUFFS have already gained a repu tation on a par with our ICB CREAM and CANDY. You know what that means. Special attention given telephone orders. Prompt delivery always made. c III Our Dlntiis; I.oonis. Most Appetizing; Lunch In the City. J. D. Williams & Bro. 312-314 Lackawanna Ave. I WSWJm &r ,0y y can be relied upon always to make ; Real! Mince Pis No Work. No worry. No disap pointments, No indigestion. Al most no expense. 1 MtftU. atisCIC- IlliUIIIUlV'' lllr4 ll0 11U!IVl-gUV.llt ,M Ym dealer iboald hftra ll. Tell 11 If be offer IJlDSslUf?. J5 5 IteSt eO. . rT-.-j..-i.-vij.-.-ifjyfflvglBr-yi RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In l'.tTcct Nov. ti. 1001. Trains leave .Si mi ton for Now York At 1.40, 3.15, 0.03. T.uU and 10.03 J. tn.: 12.45. :i. 10, :.::. p. in. for Nrvv York unci Philadelphia 7..W, 10.03 a. nt., and 12.45 and 3.33 p. m. I'or Toliv lianiu At li.10 p. in. I'or Hitllalo 1.15. (i.'22 aiict H.00 a. m.j 1.55, 0.50 nnd 11.35 p. m. I'or ISinc luiiiton anil way station's 10.20 a. m. and 1.10 p. tn. For Oswego, Sjractwe und tlllc.i 1.15 and U.2J a. in.; 1.53 p. in. Oswcro, HjractiKi jnd Utica train at Ci.'Ji :t. m. daily, cucpt l-utidjj. for Montro-c 0.00 a. in.; l.lll and 0.50 p. m. Nlcliolsott accoitiniodation -1.00 and 0.15 p. nt. ISI'jomsburc Uivijion Kor Northumberland, at 0.35 and 10.05 a. in.; 1.55 and 0.10 p. m. I'or Plymouth, at M0 a. in.; 3.W and 0.00 p. in. Sunday Trains For New York, 1.10, 3.15, G.05 and 10.05 a. m.; 3.40. 3.3.: p. in. For Uuffalo 1.15 and 0.22 .1. m. ; 1.55. 0.50 and 11.35 i. in. For ninghanitnn and way etation 10,'Jfl a. m. I!looms.biitir Division Leavo Scrjnton, 10.05 a. in. and 0.10 p. in. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In FUect Nov. 3, 1001. Trains leave Scrunton. For Philadelphia and New York via 1). L II It. I!., at 0.3S and !i.3S a. in., and 2.13, 1.27 cuiaik Diamond lApri".-;, aim ci.iw p. in. s,lm, ilavs, D. & 11. It. It.. 1.5S. 8.27 li. in. For White Haven, lla.lctun am! prinup.il poinlt in tho coal regions, via D. ,t II. It. It., II.3S, 2.tS and 1.27 p. in. For I'otlsvillc, 0.33 a, m., 2. IS p. in. I'or Uethlehrni, l.'aston. Heading, llairiihuitr, and principal iiilcuncdiate stations, -.In I), tc II. II. It., 0.3S, y.3S a. in.: 2.1, 1.27 (lllack ilia mond i:prcss), 11.3') p. in. Sundays, 1). ,t II It. It., I.3S a. in.; I.M. S.27 p. m. I'or Tiinkliannoek, Towanda. I'linli.i, Ithitrt, Geneva and principal iutel mediate ftutions, via !., L. ami W. It. It., F. 10 a. tu. and 3.5H p. m For Geneva, Rochester, llitlt.tln, Nhs.u.i Falls, Clticairo and all points west, via 1). ,t II. it. II., ".IS. 12.0S a. in., 1.4 . 3.2S (Mack Diamond IX- preM), 7.4S, 10.41, 11.30 p. m. buudava, I), ti II. It. II., 12.03. S.27 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley Parlor car', on all li.llns helweou Wilkes-Ilano and New York, Philadelphia, Iitiffalo and Su-pon-hion Ilridge. IIOLLIN II. WILllt'lt, Gen. Supt., 2C Coitland ttr.'ct, New York. CIIAIILFS S. I.IX, lien. Pass. Act., 26 Coitland btieet, New York. A. W. NONi:.MAClli:it, I)iv. Pass. Agt., fcoutli lletlilelttin, P.i. For tickets) and I'lillnnn reM'ivntlons apply to city ticket ofilce, 0!) Public Squire, Wllkes-Haire, ra. Pennsylvania Railroad. Schedule In Fllcct June 2, IDOL Trains leave Scranton: 0.3S a. in., week dais, tlirottgli vestibule train from Wilkrs-llaiiu. pull man bullet pailor cat and coai-lics to l'hiladel phl.i, via l'ntlaville; tlnpi at pilrilpil inleinie iliate station-. ANo huiiklU loi Siinlmry, j. il.burg, l'lilladi'lphla, lliltlmoie, Waxiifnutuii and for I'lttoburg and llti' west. 0.3S a. in., week cIjvb, for Sunbiiiy, ll.tirlbiiig, Pliiladelplil i, ll.tltluiuii', W.iihlngton ami Pitts burg and tlie vve-t. 1.42 p. in., vviek dajrf (Miniiaj s, 1,38 p. m.), lor Sunhiiry, Il.iilUlnun', Philadelphia, Uaitlinaic, Washlnnluii and Piltsbttrg and tin- vvest. 3.2S n. 111., vveik dajs, througli vcllliule tialn fiom Wllkei-llJni'. Piillinau biuret parlor car nnd toarlies lo Philadelphia via I'ullvvlllv. Slop, at pilncip.il iiiteimeillati' ntatloiu. 4,27 p. in., week d.iv.s,.loi lialiloii, nunbuiv, Huni-burg, Philaihlphla and Plttkbins-. J. II. III'ICIIINSOV, (!en. Jlgr. J. II. WOOD. Gen. IMni. Agt New York, Ontario nnd Western. In Lfteel Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1001. MJItTll UOLM). Uuvo Leavo Anive TiaitK. hcranton. Caiboiidjli'. G'acio-la. No. 1 10.30a. in. 11.10 a. m. Lou p. m. Vo. 7 0,10 p. in. Ar. l.'atljondale 0.40 p. in. NJIT'IU I10LM). ' Leave Leavo Arrlie Tralti. Cadosij. t'atbnnilale. Si-uiiion. No. 0 7.00a. nt. 7.40a. ui. No. 2 2.13 p. in. I.OOp. in, 4. 10 p in, Sl'MIAYft ONLY, MJItTll IIOl'NU. Leave Leave Airive Ttaln. iiaiitoil, I'aiboiidile. l.-ilo-ia, Xo, u , 8.30a. in. ti.IOp.in. to. ;j ,i, n,, 'i,, 5 7.O0p. in. Ar. L'jrliomUtu 7.40 p. m, hOUTII IIOL'MI. ' Leavo Lvavv Airite Train, I jilosia. Caihniulali, Sciunion. No. t i. 7.00a. in, 7.10a. in. No. 10 4.30 p. Hi. 0.00 p. in. 0.43p. in. Ti .tills Xos. 1 on uud. dJ), and 0 on "uiidajs, r.iake main lino connections lor NVvv Yotk liIi. Mldilletowii. Walton, Niuwlch, Oiuiila, i),vveB-.t and all polnH weal. For fin t lu i lufoiiiiaiiiiii, consult tlil.ot .il'cii;, J. (. AMi UM.. (i. P. A., New Yolk. J. L. M:LMI, T. P. A.. .Scranton, Pa. Delaware nnd Hudson. In L'tteu Novi'inbcv SI, jii. Trains .'or t'atbundale leave 'i union at U.SO, 8.00, b.5l, 10.W a. 111.; UM, l,, J.:i, a.ji 6.8-1, O.iS, 7.57, 0.15, U."0 p. in.; Liu a, 111. Foi HuiiiMlale, O.iO, 10.11 a. in.; ,jj and S.! '''For Will.e. llatte-0.:i, 7.M, S.41. O.MS, 10. u a. in.; 12 0J, i.U, 2.1S J.'.', l-Jf, 0.10, 7.IS, 10.41, II Ml l- i". . , FortL. Y. II. It. Pulnti-u.:is 0..'iS j. m.j j,i 4. '.'7 and H..1-J p. m. For Pciuisjlvania It. II. I'oluti (I.K3, o.ad a. lit.. LI.'. a.SS and 4.'.'7 p 111. For Albany and all points north u.'JO 4. 111 and sl.5J p. in. 1 SUNDAY Tit VIS'S. For Caiboiidalc S.OO, ll.'ii a, in. j 2.3L J.5J, C.DJ and 10.5:2 p. in. For Wllke.-ilaiie 0.03 a. 111.; 12.0J, i.a, 3) 0.:i2 and $.42 p. m, Foi Albauy and points 11011I1 .1.JJ p, ,,1. Fur llonisdale- b.50 a. in. ami ;i.5j p. ni. W. U. PltVOll, I). P. A.t .Scranton, Pa. Erie Railroad, Wyoming' Division. Trains lor Now YorL, Niwbuiirh and iniuiu" diatc points leave tiuartun as k'lbu,; 7,' a m..; i.ii p. 111. Arrivals I0.3-"i a, in. fiom Mldilletowii, llouci' dale, Havvley and Intermedlata points: O.f) p. in. Iioin New York, Ken burgh sud intermediate uoluls. No bur.Jjy trains. f I T g EDUCATIONAL.. Free Tuition By a recent act of tho leglsla- ' turc, free tuition is now granted at the ,, Literary Institute and State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to all those preparing to tench. This school maintains course? of study for tcacheis, for those preparing for college, and for ' those studying music. It will ruy to write, for particulars. No other school offers such superior ad vantage:) at such low rates. AddrcM J.P.Welsli, A. M., Ph. D., Prlii. SCRANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRANTON, PA. T. J. Foster, President. Elmer II. Lavrall, Ireit, It. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen, Vice President. Secretary. NEW YORK HOTELS. WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving NEW YORK. ritce, American Plan, $3.50 Per Day and Upwatdi. European Plan, $1.00 Per Day and Upward. Special Rates to Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. ---f-f-t--f-f-'-f-t--'--'--"t--'-- X For Business Men In the heart of ths wholesale y- district. ForSUoppDi'3 -- 4. r, nunuccsv wane o wnnamaKtra; r ) wkl itAd n C'a-irva-if s,y.vsJ t TYI 43 UllUAl1ZO tU WVtjWt- VWUJIVJi a tit a Store. Easy of access to the great ury uooas oiorca. - For Sightseers X One block from B'way Caro. glv- 4. lne easy transportation to all . points of Interest. "" iLBERT l NEW YOItK. Cor. 11th ST. ft UNIVERSITY PI. "" Only one Block rrom Broadway. Rooms, $1 Up. pfTais t ins SO Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers ar OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 4SS N. Ninth Street, ,PA Telephons Call, 2333. Linotype Composition Book or News Done quickly and reasonably nt The Tribune office. .'' s-- r 'a Is lnteietli.il nnd should Inow utioutlhi) wonderful nURVEL Whlrlinu Spray , , O! . tl tfV.'Si It,'. kS '! ' t SY Tlwinivslslrli. Ii'ltc- fV . Ilun o.u ,s(rfiuif, iiri-na, -.7 u. C9I .noil coiivriiivin, lUui.U'd.J liucm.es ibmibiij, l.L laur a,ujct.t for 11. I r h eiiiiiiiiL biiunlv the. II tilt 101.. ni'i'i lit 11,1 other, run win! stamp lor II Initialed ImjoU rl..l It fives li.lliiiitliiiilHraaiul illie, llimsfn liiHti-" to luitlei. II M III, '(., ltcoin COO, Times Ddt., New 'rik IjFS Prof.G.F.TI!EEL527s?r?l3 .v yJl 4ntrlf4. (ttAj-Atrtiirurr Uob m11 I'riitUf T A Si I'-m-ii-m, LiCfMr, ibuMi, Hlool roUti,Hcriiii LlflR tlllu Vt(rlutHU A Hktuuitm Orfm trrh t4iM-rurv4 1 1 tijjt.3U jrAnprrllc4vt(V ft Mnf kwidUt t iptrlftir Iw (rrm;. HHit hr boo). k'TrHl .1 (hmIdI miirr utdlftl k tUrtrlral frauO. l(iUnUli lbr.T 1 1 t i i 4 t i i , t x iswerw il v y k A ?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers