.'f is - tf,s'gf Mi;ff";H ', f "W"; i ? . . i. , .. ffA ,(' . - f v 5f ; t' & THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1901. l The Left-Overs of our fine holiday stock of Pictures, framed and unf ramed, wo will soil nt coat Now "Its your move." We have made the offer, and it is "Up to you" to make the right move. Jacobs & Fasold, 209 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Pictures, Frames and Art Goods. f Gty Notes. J f'VNMD.viT. nni ro.NViwui.i:. - uiiii.iiii O'llotii li n L.nitliililc fol I lie I Jt-iiinc I n t tc iimnlm linn fur Lon-I.llilc in the Klshticiitli .iul. DONATIONS .l'KN()M.i:iHini)-ll.matlnm il nhi'il ut Hip Homo for I tie I'lluullm loilij wcic as follows: His I.011I4 I.0I1111111, "i; a fikml, "10. i.imm.vti 'i 111: posioiticii-w. n. ivim-i- ii.h lii'cn im.iulf.l t lie louli.at for furuMiliii; rli'ilric linlit iiiiiiininit fol the inlciioi of tin1 Ni.mtoii iiootoFlUc. 'I he wlmu It iww IipIiib iIoiip. Tl'IIKIIV M l'l'lllt.-A tml.ry mpinr will he litlil in the liiMiiiint nf Hie lloh Ohm. church, Hhuiln.n, loinoiiinv I'wiiinir, iiikIci Hip uuiii M of l)iilou ;!, lUtmhUrs of Drin, foi Hie Km lit ul the Holy (.'mm imiIhIi Iioum- fund. "JI'0 VADIV Hi. 11. T. V. 1'iiiir will lie Hue hi-. 110p11l.11 i 1 1 1 1.-( r . 1 1 1 1 Id hue, "Quo .nli-" in tic linen Klilut- li.ipli-t i-liuioh on Now i.n'rf lilclit, Jan. 1. 1IHL. Uc will lie .if.i-.lfd liy the Trililc ( lif cluli of liu-eii Itiiifii, ImI 1 1. Ml. CTiaiiii.ili. 'I hey will icnclir .1 few Kletliuiis ihn ins Hie i-wnlui;. A I'limV CAI.KMIAR.-Oiu' of (lie nir.-t lie.iiitifiil (.ileml.ir- of the mmsoii It lienis ill---tiilmtiil lij V. A. Siniiill, the LMiii.ici' ili'.iler. It iont.iin. a lne photo,;i.iliir leprntliH-Hoii of .1 fair .ioim;c mrl'.-. fate .mil --hnulttnrs ninl the woili I-, hi ,irti--ttt illy ilone a- to nuke it appear to lie, ex 11 upon the Miy ilo-tl in-pettion, .1 Ktnuine phntompli. M'll.I. AI.AItM. -The ililnmey in Hie lioui at "iff Madiion icnue, oiiiipiril liy M.i Tionttelt and fanulv, r-auplit lire at H.iO o'doek n-tculij aftrinoon. A -llll alarm w.n telephoned (o hlef l'lrbcr, who inunrdiaiely -.mnriioneii hrnih.il loinpany No. i and KiiRine company No. I. 'I lie ilrenun pieu-nterl the (lames from spieidiiiK, and pnl out the tire with Hie iliemieal fluid. 'Ihe damage w i-, inMgnifii ant. The lioiitc is owned h,i 3.. -I, Sulieikei. (OMPANV C HALli.--Onc of the pniicipil toi 11I pirnls of New Ydr'.s niplit will be Hie Ins military lull whlili Ootnpim (', Thirteenth reui. incut, will chp at the New Armoiy on that eien iiifi:. The Iliihelor'-, liall will lie held in the irmory on the nicht pu 1011s and Hie same deeoi-ation-, inelndinK the eleilriial and floial adoin Tnentp, will remain 1111d1-.Hn 1 d for Hie milii.-iiy "danir. The hohhir lioi-. are desuous of making their hall a popnl ir attiii and ,1 ccicial imiti 1 1011 to the pulilit ha-. Iwen i-onlialli- eslciuinl. ItimrV band will finnili the dime music. The laterinn will be by Wahlnei. MARINE CORPS POPULAR. Scranton Station Is Surprising the Department. To those ".ho may be dof-irous of en listing in either arm of the .service that the government depends on for de fense or offense, Set union offers pecu liar oppot tunllics at this time. At pres ent every department Is icpresenled, the navy opening a recruiting olllce In the federal building yesteiday, while pievlously we had the marines and the infantry.Tho work of the latter Is piue ly for land duty, while the marines me intended for duty either on s,oa or shore. Sergeant .1. W. Mellon, who icpre Kt'iits the Marine corps, i.irely lets a week go by without making some re turns to bis superiors at the League Island navy yaid. Last week was no exception to the rule and live men weie passed on and sworn in by Major Har nett, They were: Martin J. Walsh, Boyle street, Dun more. AVllllam .1. Hopkins. Avoca. Frank Coustlne, Old Forge. Kilwln Cirllitn, Clark's Summit. Thomas 15. Walters, 1010 Oxford street, city, I The fourth man on the list was one of the striking street railway em ployes, Desserts for New Year's Dinner. If llanley served your Christmas pud ding or creams, you know of the valued time saved and pleasure gained. If not, allow him to help supply, at least, that part of the New Year menu. 'Phoiu or leave orders at -l:'0 Spruce street. DIED. Mtnil In Seinnton, Pa., Pee 2 11-01 . Mn Kirrt ,,, daughter or Mr. ami Mu, l'uiet . Smith, nf 1507 .dam-. .IH-mte, .iifed 17 inontl s Inuiment ut i'lilliulelplili, ,(INi:il In s'crantnn, l'a Doe, .10, VW, at I oO u in., Ann i W.unu, aiied '.'J vi.u-i, dinuh ir nt (hnles W.ii.'iiri, ul 015 Tajlor anniie. I'liiuial notice lain. BOND OFFERINGS. T Spring Brook Wator,lst Mtg.Ss X X Locka. Valley Elec. Light, 1st j Mtg. 5s. X North Jersey nnd PoconoMoun- -f tain Ice Co., 1st Mtg, 5s, I Standard Gas Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. Lohighton Water Supply Co,, i 1st Mtg, 6s. X New Mexico Railway and Coal Co., Is, Mtg. 5s. Descrit .jn and price on appll cation, CO Uroailway, N. V. -f -f Wllkcs-Uitre. Cathondile. -f (SO CvniniQuwcaUU Dldg, Scruntjo, 1'J. -f NEW YEAR'S SEEVIOES. The new yenr will he ushered In with midnight hymns nt the nortul tint! on the steps of the Petin avenue UnptlRt church ut the closo of tho watch-night sprvlct's tonight. There will be npeclnl servli'ps beginning ut 8 o'clock tonight In the lower temple nf the t'enn ttveiuio church, under the leadership of the pastor, Hev. Dr. Pierce. During the evening thare will bo n social hour In which rcfieshments will be served, The deacons ami the pastor wilt meet those who desire to unite with the chinch In the church parlors, after which on experience tintl testimony meeting will bo held. The consecra tion service will bo held during the last hour of the old year. The choir of the church, assisted by the Christian En deavor society and the members of the congiegatlon will then assemble In front of the church at the entrance for the midnight service of sacred song, A cordial Invitation Is extended to all visitors to Join In this service. For yeats It has been the custom of the Klrst mid Second Ptosbyterlan chin dies of this city to meet on New Year's iiioiulng for an hour of prayer and praise. The meeting as usual will be held In the Klrst chinch and will be conducted by Dr. AIcKcod. The service will begin piomptly at !l o'clock and will last only an hour. All who would like in Join In the service arc coiillully Invited. Church of the flood Shepherd, toiner of Mousey avenue and Cireen Itldge street, Uev. Knmcls ft. Dalcmuu, ice tor, Service on New Year's eve. Lit any and address at 11.30 p. in., followed by the Holy Communion. All Invited. A special watch night service will bo held In the Court street Methodist Kplhcopnl church tonight from !l until IL'.Ol. A special programme has been prepared by the Kpworth League.' Tomorrow the feast of the circumcis ion will be celebrated in St. Luke's church. Celebration of the Holy Com munion at 7 a. m. and 10 p. m. There will be a watch night meet ing at the Hcscue Mission tonight. NEW SUPERINTENDENT OP BUREAU OF POLICE Something About Lona Day Who Was Promoted from City Detec tive Saturday. Lona Day, the newly appointed act ing superintendent of police, is one of the youngest men on the fnr o and with Ihe possible exception of Patrol man Conrad Marekor is the biggest man physically. He is Just :i2 yenrs l.ONA I, ilinir snpeinitendi nt of the Hunan of Polite. old, stumls (i feet "' inches high and weighs -'10 pounds, so that he can just ly be termed "a pietty big liguro of a man." Superintendent Day was appointed to the torco in April, 1S!H, by liocorder Connell, who was then mayor, He servid continuously as patuilmau un- ' til the spilng ot lsus, when he caught the war fever and went off with the Thirteenth legiment. He had been a member of the National Guard prior to til's time, but his term of enlistment had expired some two and n half years pievious. He chafed uneasily from the day on which war with Spain was declared and when the call for the Thirteenth regiment came he temporal liy resigned as policeman on the very uftprnoon the regiment loft and enlisted as a mem ber of Company D on the train, Ho was later mustered into the regular service and sei veil as quartermaster sergeant of his company until a serious attack of typhoid fever brought him home to recupeiate. lie again went on the force In 1S99 nnil solved as patrolman until this last summer when he was appointed as lieutenant of the Norlli Scranton pre-I cinct. He served In that capacity for three ninnthr, III which time he cleaned out every sprakeasy In the district, and was then called to the position of city detective which he held until his pro motion to a higher position, Superintendent Day stands high In the esteem of Hecorder Connell, who has always had unbounded conildeneo in his ability as a pollen ollleer. Ho stands high, iilro. In ihe esteem of the members of the force who cxpicss great satisfaction at his accession to higher honors, That he intends to introduce original methods Into his administration of the olllce was demonstrated yesterday when he announced that beginning next Monday hu will hold u weekly con sultation with the captain, lieutenants and sergeants of the foice, when ways and means for suppiessing lawlessness will be discussed and lepnrts iniido of the conditions existing lu each pto clnct. VACANCIES FILLED, Election Boards Appointed for Two Districts. The following weie elected to va cancies now exlbtlug on the vIkHhiicu committers, to conduct thu Itepuhllcan city niliuailes: Tllllll W.lld, Suolnl llhlllil llillllll jlldue, ). A, tt.nU; llndolph llmpll, li, I', llinu!,U, suond w.nd, 'ililid ilMliit lleliilii jndue, Waller W, simp-tun; Willi mi I'ln-do,, .li.lm I'ldiaiii. Acting City Chairman H. T. Jnyno, of the Hepubllcau city committee, has called h meetliig of the executive com mittee to be held at Aldcunau .Millar's olllce at 7.30 Thursduy evening, to make Iliiul urranssements for the Itepubllcan city juimaiics, . - Send Us Your Ice Cream Oideis, for New Years now, so we can make prompt delivery, " J, D. Williams & Oro. ARE STILL IN FIRST PLACE BLACK DIAMONDS WIN TWO MORE GAMES. They Defeated the Scranton Bicycle Club Last Night, But Are Hard Pressed by the West End Wheel men Team Which Took Three Straight Games from the Backus Team The Elks Won Three Games from the Green Ridge Wheelmen. Standing of the Clubs, Hy winning two games from the Scranton Ulcycle club team last night the Ulack Diamonds maintain their lead In the Northeastern Pennsylvania Howling League, but are close pressed by the West End Wheelmen's team which won all three games last night from the Itackus five. The Ulcycle club bowlers made a llrst class showing against the Pluck Diamonds but lost the llrst two fames by narrow margins. They scoied a to tal of more pins than their opponents. Foley and Oold were tied for high score with L'i!, while Foley had high average, 187. The score: m iun'iov nicvn.K ci.t n. Tut U. Piminlei- in his imi l-l MHr i,i hi f,7 in Mltihell -.at t;-, i;-, ;;,: llnper l,s 170 Us IV, Wnulell Hit 171 Imi ,vo -t"il H)l SJ'I 21-1 HI.LK PIAMOVIK Hold 2JI J3J in ,vm I'ole.i 17 2J'I I7J .Mi! 1'r.ior Us IP) I pi tin Heawr-i I',! .:i, H III Cermiii H.J IM IV) !"i h'i! J.1 7Ji UH-l The Backus team played to Ivird luck last night in Wllkes-Barre los'ng all three games and losing with them all chance of coining out In llrst ptm-. Allan had high score 203 and high areveuge, 177. The score: "KM" i:nd no. l. Totals. Wi'luainl Ill 170 IV, Ids Vost IV, I7'i IVi I'll lelTries IIU 111 11,1 ..()) Mian HI 17", l'Ci .Ml-, (iitcn re! 'jn"i Ho Till ".J sxl st I 2V)'I II ( Kl. rahrenholt in r,! HI IJJ Mektir IT, H-l 17t p,7 I'cikhim :MI I vi in l1 Hull 117 IJI 117 lis Hopkins r,J I'M ITS .Jl Tsn Till 713 211.1 Tile FJks rolled throe magnificent games lust night and easily defeated Ihe Ureen Ridge Wheelmen. Four of the members of the team made more than .100 for the three games. Klelil had high score, 193, and high average, IS-. The score: l.l.KS. Tntll. Phillips 1V7 bai 170 .Vl-J (ivhnindl 17 1 I'l W ."all MadlenMm.licr 127 I'd 170 l-s Birll ISO 171 It ,"il7 Iteis I'M pio l",s ,",17 (',7 N 0 wih:i:i,mi:n". oiu'.kv iiiDin: Wckhel lis Sianims pi., M.iwiii ltd Moore lin Tailor IJ'i IV, 1M 11.11 III l.'l lid Hd in i I SI llVS I'll 477 ."d'l I7il in 7t2 7t I J on. The standing of the c lubs league is now as follows: 2UI I.o-t. in the 111 ul; DiamomM Wr-t Knd Whielmen lliiKu-. i:ik- Miantuii llicwlo Clnh ,1s .17 .in (iru n liido Whet linen 11 HOLIDAY AT THE POSTOFFICE. Regulations Governing Delivery of Mail New Year's Day. The following order with reference to the observance of New Year's day has been Issued by Postmaster Hippie: Saanton, Pa., Pit. :.U, l'I, Order No. SJ. Wulne-alaj , Jamiiiy Ut, VM2, (New Veir'a Piy), will lie olw-ru-d at tlie h'liantoii, Pa., postolflie a follow-: ('artiira will mike one delivery in the inuiii ln,. (iener.il delivery and stuni) window.s will be opin fiom U n, m, to 1- noon. lUul-tiy and ironey order window will lie tliwd ull d.iy. Collections will lie made at 10. 1 j from l,oes on Miin ,nemie hetween l.aeKawanna iMimu and Wa-lihuin street, aKo Wct Luekananna .lumiu and I.ieKawanna .iMiiue to ,dam aMime, Ad mil avinne to Mnllimy ktuit, Jlntheny stint to I'liinklln .iM-nue, and fiom all Iioe-. betwien the--e tiolnts. f'anlii' No. 2') will male the 2 p, m. toller tlon, nnd Ihe mini eiLnin; colli etlon-i will also lie inaUo by Ciriln-i Noi. 20 umi II. (Signed) Ezu Hippie, Postinaitei. DEATH OF SISTER HELENA. Nun of St. Cecelia's Convent Passes Away. Sister Mary Helena, of tho Order of the Immaculate Heuit, died at St. Ce celia's convent last night nt S o'clock, after several months' Illness. She was H years of age and for twenty years a religious, In the world she was .Miss Margaret Murphy of Philadelphia, Most of her religious llfo was spent in work In St, Patrick's orphanage and St, Cecelia's academy. The funeral will take place Thursday morning at !) o'clock fiom St. IVtei's cathedral. OBITUARY. MISS CAMP, a womun G yeais of iifjo died yesterday at the home for the ladles of the li, A. It. at Hawkins station. Hep homo was at Campbuin, Jliadford county, umi she had beep an intimate of the home since last Octo ber, IIATT1U U. CltANF.i:, aged II yeais, daughter of Mr, and Mis, It. X, Crau er, of H3J Monroe avenue, died at U o'clock last night, The funeral will ho conducted fiom the house at n date to be announced later, Interment will be made at Jordan, N. Y, Funerals. The fuueiul of Michael Walter, Jr., who died Sunday evening, will be held at his lato lesldence, 017 Olive stieot, Wednesday afternoon. The services will be private. Friends who desire to vluw the lemulns cun do so Wednesday morn ing, from 10 to li o'clock. First Trial RslSeved PSIosa From rieo. C. Clelck, Owens Mill, Mo.: "Some time ago I bought a package ot Pyramid Pile Cure for my wife who had suffeied very much. The first trial did her moii- good than anything she has ever tiled. It Is Just what Is claimed for It for It cured her completely." For sale by till druggists. Little book "Piles, Cause and Cure" mailed free. Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. LOVING CUP FOB H. W. TAYLOR. Presented by Employes of Scranton Lace Curtain Company. II. W. Taylor, general manager of the Scranton Lace Curtain company, who on January 1 will relinquish that posi tion, after nine years of service, was yestciday presented with a beautiful silver loving cup by the employes of the mill. The cup Is of handsome de sign, suitably engraved, and was mnde by Tiffany, of New York. The presentation speech was made by George Cook, the oldest employe of the company, who came to this country ' with the mill from Kngluml. During his speech he paid u graceful tribute to ! Mr. Taylor, who responded to the ad dress In words that came straight from the heart. A short address was also delivered by J. lieu Dlmniick, the presi dent of the company. At the meeting of the board of direc tois the, resignation of Mr. Taylor was nLieptPd, to take effect January 1, and Paul B. Belln, the secretary, was made general manager. J. Ben Ditnmlck was le-elected president: Oeorge B. Dlm niick was elected treasurer, and II. J. Uall, sccietarj m $500 REWARD. Pursuant to a joint resolution of city councils, a reward of $500 is hereby offered for information that will lead to the arrest and convic tion of any person or persons found placing dynamite or other ex plosives on any street or highway in the city of Scranton. W. L. Connell, Recorder. Dec. 16, 1901. Y. W. C. A. RECEPTION. Programme That Will Be Rendered Wednesday Night. Between the hours of S and il o'clock on Wednesday night at the Y. W. C. A. reception, thu follow Ing programme will be given, arranged by Miss Julia C. Allen and Miss Coidelia Fteetnan: Sopunn Solo "llj the I'oimtnn il inn Mki IJIIIh Ikn.vm. iolin Ami inlii and Ulijjio Popine. .live-. Ilniisir, I njl, w.iltri, staiMiuiiv.. .Mi. Uodiitte and Mi-., l.eistu. C'oiitialto hdo "ictoij" HiiillliiKir Mi.-. .1. II. t Hun in. Violin l)iut-l)iertiemtnt I)e lleiiot Mi-.-(s llon.er and ( aijl. Tuior hulo "Total lallp-a-" Handel .Mr. Willi mi 1". Junca. Violin solo (0 Air Melodiem llulim (l) Siuimlc Pleine .Mi-, lalna Caul. Sopi.ino Solo "Violet.-," tlirman .Miv, l'loiinee ltolieit-,011. Violin Solu "hunt-, de Hullit" I)e lleiiot Ml-s Ima Waltei. Tinor "Kinsr Diiiiean" MliScn Mi. I'lojd Kie.-se. NEW OFFICES CREATED. Four Officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad Advanced. By Exclusive Witt- (rnm 'Ihe Asocmltd Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 30. At a special meeting today of the directors of tho Pennsylvania company two new of fices at Pittsburg were created, result ing in the advancement of four offi cers of tho toad. Robert Pitcuirn, who for many years has been general agent and superintendent of tho Pittsburg di vision will, on January 1, become resi dent assistant to tho president, located at Plttsbuig, At the same time Robert M, Patterson, now superintendent of the New York division, will be made genet al supeilntendont of Pittsburg terminals. By the establishment of these olllces 11. L, O'Donnoll, assistant superintendent of the Pittsburg divis ion will succeed to the olllce vacated by Mr. Pitcuirn nnd R. T. Morrow will assume the duties heretofore de volving upon Mr, O'Donnell, COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. luilKP-flivl Kiluiiiil C Xi-Hioiuli .1111! Coronii ilut ,I.iiik'- I'. 'hilliy jiritiiil-iy llli'il tln'ii o.iIIh u( nffto uitli I'liillioiintuy tiii-l.mil. 'Ilii! will of I'Jtliuino hnjiler, Ulo of lVilv U, tt.is .iilinlttl'il to iiinliitu jratcril.iy, ami Klli-it. tCflJinriiMij Kriiiti'I to S, V, Aiiwlil, 1 Attuiiu'y IXhM .1. Ituilj, iiiiimiiIIiii; 1'ranl. r-l.ill.n lw. mi 11,-l-. 'Jl klml nnil hi ilmiOv wmimli'il Aiillii.ny Cool., ji-alinl.iy miiiiuI Ms ic 1i.i-i rut kill. Tin' oinoutit 4i ll(it liy Ilia rum I in fl.ll"! -ni'l Hi" Tltli1 fliiiwiiity umi 'lliht ioiiiiiny lii-diui: Miuiity, 'I lm Iioml of 'llioini-. 1'. Mullen, ililliiqucnt t-i lolU-iloi for tltt SUlli 11ml Hlulitci'iilli w.mls .n .ippinnil .ustcnUy lij tin- 10111I, It l-i in till- Mini nf $,'J7I U. 'lh ImiwI ul Cli.illm ,1, (0111111I, lollutoi' of Hu- Ilii'Miitli until, in Hi-; Mini of H, 1)1 :il, '" il -il'l'iuwil. 'Hu- Aillnuloii Smlal 1.I11I1 ji-.liiil.iy ,iiili-i tn I In- mini foi iluiU'i. Tin- huliM-iilitri In Hid 111II1U". of iiiiniHr.illi'ii mi'i III1I1111I ZiilCKU. ot Wii I'illl'ni iiiciiiu'i TIiuumi. HoiHlliy, lull IMIIn Imi .m nil'-i -lolui -I, lluil.ln, Uii l..iu.Mtu Mlirti William ,1, Pmltli, .111 Alilci Mil-til .i ,,n M, slimli, llolil TillJd'! I'.llllil. I', l'ali"l j, li.)l I'lllMiiu jiuiiii', Tlic nliji-it of Uiv iliib l-i o irimott' li-iuliir,'. Yesteiday's Marriage Licenses. Vli 111 lioliliu.l.l ,.X.uitkol.e Nl.ny . ibloiko , , Sujiitoii Mlilut'I lUltiioll ...Mlnouka Ivilc L'Ulll'I'll ..Mlnoolu I'ttil l- Mil It 1- , .Sainton IWi-.le lloiui'ii ,,,,, , fetMntoii 'lli'-nu-i l'onl huunlou Mjiy MiNuii.li ScMiiiou (it-oiKf W, Stliiniill ,..,..,,, ,.. , ,. bcrjiiton ,ouIm htlilolli-rlii'il. ,, 1 Sirauton JuiUuii 1. MJplt- , ..Stuiitoii liviliuilt' John 1 ,,,,,.,,. Scr-nit 511 TO GET EXPERT INFORMATION COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE WATER QUESTION. Proposition to Have a Board of Three or Five Civil Engineers Estimate the Value of the Scranton Gas and Water Company's System and Also an Estimate of the Cost of Obtain ing Water from Other Sources. More Letters from Citizens. It Is extremely probable that Recorder Connell will, In the near future, suggest to councils tho advisability of author izing him to appoint a commission of expert engineers to make a thorough Investigation of the water question and prepare a conmlete and exhaustive re port on all its phases. A nuinbpr of the citizens who have replied to his circular letter on the question have strongly advised the ap pointment of such a commission, It being contended that this Is the only feasible method or seeming; unythlng like an exact knowledge of existing conditions. Such a commission would be com posed of throe or live capable civil en gineers with some experience in the construction of water plants, and would bo directed to make an estimate of the value or the Scranton Otis und Water company's plant, as well as to Investi gate the other possible sources of water supply and make an estimate of the cost of constructing an entirely new system. Not until such Information Is obtained can any intelligent solution of the water problem be worked out. Tho recorder continues to receive let ters on the water uuestlon bv every mall. Over twenty-live have been re ceived since the publication of the ar ticle in The Tribune last Thursday, and of this number there Is not a single one In which the general proposition of municipal ownership of the water sys tem is opposed. One of Scran ton's leading citlens, who has always taken a llrm stand against the rates charged by the Scranton Gas and Water company, writes: "I believe, as a general thing, that It Is better for cities or the size or Scran ton to own their own water works and light plants, but our own peculiar con ditions, to mv mind, render it imprac ticable Tor us. Tor it seems Impossible with our large preponderance of Ignor ant and corrupt voters to secure real patriotic, public-spirited and honest officeholders In many of our wards. In deed, It Is more to be apprehended that if these public utilities were subject to the administration of such councils as we have had lately, that they would be managed for private gain rather than for the public benefit. "The Scranton Gas and Water corn puny ought to be made to understand thai Its interests are best subserved by such a treatment of manufacturing plants nnd public institutions as will induce the former to come to our city and do business here and that it is a corporation In which the Public have lights as well as the owners, and that the public intends to exact an adequate remuneration for the public rights they have surrendered to it." A clergyman of wide repute and of liberal views writes in favor or munici pal ownership, and then objects as fol lows to anv other plan than the pur chase of the Scranton Gas and Water company's plant: "I would consider it desirable for the city to purchase the plant or the Scran ton Uas and Water company, because from the standpoint of morals and economics that is the proper thing to do. It would be morally wrong to practically ruin the work which one of our t-Itizens begun In good faith and completed at immense expense, with out offering: him just compensation for work done and for the property in volved." An expert engineer, who is probably as well qualified as any person In the city to give an expression of opinion on the water question, favors tho ex pending ot $10,000,000 by the city, ir nec essary, to purchase or establish a water system or suffleient size to furnish 40, 000,000 gallons of water daily. To the Republican Voters of the Fifteenth Ward, City of Scranton: Tho primaries will be held Wednes day, January 8,1802, to nominate olll ce rs as follows: One school controller. One constable. One ward assessor, AH candidates must register at least seven days before the primaries, and pay their assessments' five days before the primaries. John H, Fellows, Judge of the Second district, John Reynolds, Judge of the First district. Ice Cream Orders, for New Years bhould be placed at once to Insure prompt delivery. J. D. Williams & Bro. tKww jtr-mMma I We Are Preparing for Our Great Semiannual CXwAntt QqIa Prlces Are Be,n Reduced vlWdllll JdlW. in Every Departmen If you have attended any sale advertised by Samter Brothers you know what it means to you. If you have not, wait for our sale prices that will appear in a few days in this paper. Samter Brothers, Complete Outfitters. WWWWiVWWUWftiWWWtfrtWiWWM 1 An Accept If I tiltural, we are all liu i.nti, wlien we treelle an Imllitlloti In ,t wedding, to hmhI pre-ient. All of in cannot r;he m rvpnuhe n pusont a we would 111,0, lint we i.in send nil neeepdntilo one by mltig Judgment in I lie nolei lion. A IIAIN'TV I'tT Pls1t Willi COM) IlKCOIIAIIOSS ( DSTINfl, M..W, U often more neeeptable than il lirue, guidy, melew artlile, ollng xcvrr.il IIiiiph nt ni-ifli. 'The riillifnetlon nf u,ltl-tn.ikliiK U In nhe Umi uhlili l neteplalile. You Mill find II here without nuking .otirelf did pool- In Ihe pnrdinie, II1.ih.-i, Olive, llon-llon and drily III. lie-., nil with (fold Pee-oratlon ....$!,. "id Kaer Zln , ,,.,, 1.10 Painting- '.villi Gold Metal liamei ,6.00 yxxvaTVCaAX . . m 9 . m mm tm ueo. v. miliar x mMwmmmwmwmmwmmM& Quilt Batts Have you ever made a Quilt or Comfortable? If so, you know how difficult it is to net the sheets of cotton spread evenly and joined per fectly. Try one of our batts made of snowy colton, in lull quilt size, taking five minutes to put in place, instead of an hour in the old way, with better results for an equal cost. Scranton Bedding Go., F. A KAIER, Lackawanna nnd Adams Avenues. F. L. CRANE Established 1866. Seal Skill Coats $150, $17 , 200, $2-25, $251). Persian Lamb Coats $70, $100. $125. $50. Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. Are You a Lover of the Beautiful ? Doyouwish to have pretty ringsP We will he pleased to show you Solitaire Diamond Kings, Diamond and Emerald Kings, Diamond and Ruby Rings, Dia mond and Opal Rings, Diamonds and Sapphire Rings, Diamond and Turquois Rings, We will mount any desired combination to order. E. SCHIflPFF, 317 Lacka. Ave 317 fwrn-rvrmrrm r i-nm-gTTnoM i& m SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER Occupies an Imperishable Position NO. 23 S. Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scranton Branch Office, Noa. 1 and 3. Arcado Building. k Gift tik WvaimImm Ivahni co. " j " vriz::;. MANAGER. Both 'Hiones Lager Beer Brewery UnnuT&cturerc or OLD STOCK PILSNER 48B to 455 . SCRANTON. Pf ST. Ninth Straot Telephono Call. 2333. 317 A Difference TVinro is jiK much difference in diamonds as there is in human fnces. and not infrequently as mnMi Tnlrlrlpn deception. When I you wish to buy a diamond come tn us. you can leiy upon our judgment and representation. E. SCHIMPFF, 317 Lacka. Ave .J in the EUSINESS WORLD. L Iffll Idll 1 0 Oil Id Unquestionable Superior Merit Annually adds thousands of names to the long list of Smith Premier users, representing every line of trade and every profession ILLUSTXA7CD CATALOGUE f.7rC. The Smith Premier Typcvriter Co., 5frarlznrf9r7iir4ilhrilS ' '"btViM mwmmmimmmwmwkwmwmmmw s i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers