r2 THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1001. : The News of Carbondale ; : - RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnil Hudson Railroad. November 21, mil. - Twlni lwe Cuiliomlalc at i-tly Mallim m fob Tor Sr.iiilmi .mil WHUilt.iiif-ri.tiO, ?..'- H.no, P.oi, 10.01, 11.21 ii. m. I. nil, l.l.i. -"" ' '"- -6.oi, r.O'i, iu.ni, ii.oo i. m. , .. Kund.iv tniln k.uo m 8.fti. 11.21 " '-l 1in -suo, o.',o. mm p, iii. . , .. ... Per Alliinv. SjtnlKKii. Moiilil'il. I'"1:"', ', i:imlJliil liollit, rli'., 7.00 ii. III. i "' '' '"' CiJiiy). K.-r W.iyin.irt imtl llonosd.ili-, T JJ. HA' n. m.. P..M, 0.1:1 ii. in, .,, . Siiniluy ti.iltu liuvp W.ijtu.ut ami II"""'1'"1 it 0.JI0 a. in.: MS p. in. , Train nirlip tit nulioinl.ilc Irutii w '"'"'i;'," iid Hcr.ititfm ft fnlin'v! (UVt. s.7. n-""- J':';" I. m.S 12.SI", 2.0(1, ."Mil, l.', 0.0, T.OI, !.!U, " 11.B7 i. lit,; 2.0S , in. , ... Siiiiilny tralo nrrhr at l.'i7 n. m.i ' '" "'',' .M. l. ir;, ll.ao p. in. ,.., Smiil.iy Inln nnho nl Cm I11.111UI.' horn w,i hurt nnil llnni'-ihle nt !'. 17 .mil ".'" P- '" New York, Ontnrio niul Western. Sept. 17. inoi. Trains ltav- Cjilrondali' lor Srr.intno nl .no n. In. i l.oo p. m. Miii'Hiy iwh)i at 7,00 o. in,: fi.iffi i. in. Tr.ilni) Ip.iip (.'.irlinmlli (or points iim-Mi at 11.10 a. hi. On Snnilav nt o.to .n. in. 'I tains lravlnc at 11.10 n. in. urel, il.it nnil O.IO a. in. Sunday make niinoillon for Xrw Votl., loin Mull, etc. Train niriti- fiom Srriinton nt 11.10 a. in.: 0.10 p. m.: from point noitli, 1.00 p. m. Siiiic)a from Scrnnlnn at 0.10 , in. ami 7.1." p. in.; (rem C'.irlol.i nt 0.00 p. in. Erie Railroad. .lime !M. 1101. ., Tialn li-.it p ilv elation, Cirliomlalc h-U'V (rxrrpt S'iiiiiLivI Jl 7.00 .1. in. nnil l.:l p. in. for I'ranill nnil Ninrvrli; nl KiSI u. in.. 'Lilly " optins tniil.ij), lr llinli.iintmi. iii.iI.iiik " nrrllon for Now Vnil city .'mil Itnllaln. nnO at it 10 p. m. foe NiiiU'li!inn'j, inaKins mimci Hon. for uprm point. Siimhy train at 9.1', a. in. fr SiMiiioliaiiiia. with Mi'ilrrn inimci'llon, ami 0.27 p. m.. Willi mio runiwction. TmIii nrtivn at S...1 a. in. ami .".!" p. in. Fini'la4 at S.Ki a. in. WRECK VICTIMS LAID AT REST 'ift. Dny of Stulness in Cnrbondnle. Hcv. A. F. Chaffee Conducts Ser vices Over Melvin Whitney and Charles E. Millard Rev. George . Dixon Sings Hequlem Mass Over Brnkemn.ii Patrick Duffy Ser vices Over Kichard Budd in Prompton. 'I'lii' cinlulii of Minuw :nul kIooiii j which tin1 rulli'oml ttnscily drew over f the city tin Friday iltiiki-ni.'d Its sluulow yosterdny when the four victims weiv Imnic to tholr sIoviiIiik Iilncs In the cemeteries heicnlmtits. It was a day of unusual mournlm;' and the. feuliugH of soilness of tho peo ple di-upcnud with each siuvectlinK funeral procession until the last one mournfully wended its way to the city of the dead. Brnkemnn Patrick Duffy. Tlie funeral of Patrick Duffy, one of the brakemon, was the first of the day. The procession left the home of his parents on the West. Side, which was thronged by the niotiruhm' friends of I'vnticK niri- 1he popular younn; man, at !i oVloek, for St, Rose church where a IiIbIi mass of requiem was wjiiff by Key. Walter Onriuiiii. After the absolution. Fath er Ciorman spoke tender words of con polaticm to the bereaved ones and culo Rlzed the deceased. Ilurlal took place in St, Hose cemetery, Tho pall-hearers were: t'harles llo land, Patrick lloland, .lames Tardea, rutrlck Clifford, 'I'liomas Xeary, .Mi chael C'arduux. The beaullful Moral re membrances were carried by Tlmothv A. fillhool and I'. A. Walker. Engineer Melvin Whitney. At the saddened home of KnfUneer Melvin Whitney on (.'auuan street, where a widow and infant boy are motirulUK', there wiih a larfje kiiUioi'Iiik of relatives ami friends when I lev. A, V. f'halTee, iastor of the First Meth odist church, conducted lulef services. Later about 11 o'clock when the de. censed was borne to the First Piesby terlan church, that auditorium was a'l Itiontv.Jllled .with those who llssonibled .bout the liler of the departed one. j? Dui'Iiik his sernion al the church, Jlev, Mr. Chaffee'' dwell on the lessons giat were so clearly ami dlsttnclly 4jrotiBht iioiu'p4to"ihe conuuunlly In the lawfully sudden talthifr away of the 'fjves of tho four men who tiled at their jio.stH apd pointed out JIim necessity of a jjfo that wouid, pre pu I'u one to bo II ke ,ysi! called away. Hi this connection, V1 recalled the fnct' that It was the first time in Ills career (n the ministry jji hlc;he was called upon to read j m byrhtl. tifrvU'e over tlpoe of ids loel;J;ltj'(it twenty-foul' hours, in rpng)iislop, p. spoke cousollnsly to the jb'M'fJUVSfl ones, K IpiTlnn tlje service, the imartette W'ttPrJMu'j, ,W; Vi ICvnns, 11. F. Clarke, SJfPrMJlit'JUPrttrlek and Jlrs. Ueorjai SvtK(W.rfJi,WfanB "Hok of Akos, ris WejiXTOn .MjrPoul," and -Abide With ''ill ' , .OfiittiU plush-eij'epd .casket were tltSLffloVu) reiueinbrnnces: A "tiates AJ.1K1" fvoin ncorcc " W'eh't IoiIrc. No. ItilC'SllrJttiei'booa lit luilneers; pillow WlUttlUJSihautn Inscilbed. and casket ttuW)E&"V7.UUiJia took placo in I'eck MlIiTS,Jfe, the ileeeaseil lived some ttme'AW.-.-: ' 'JTlieVo AVus' a Ids representation of tiimhrlo'n lodffe, Odd Fellows ami Beorgo Vobt loilpe, tiiotherhood uf Fa. JilneeiH. Tho pull. bearers and llower Jieiu'ei'B were chosen from theie lodges. They wero Alex. Copelaitd. Frnnli Pol t'ln, A. 1. WrlshU H.i H. -May. .John II. fiowcti, Illmor Ilolls, K.' S. Myers" Os car Hudson, C. h. Hoyt, S. W. Hooch. Fireman Charles E. Millard. Wi'ho funeral of Fireman Charles II. Millard, which took place nt I o'clock In the afteriionn from the resilience on Iteliuonl street, wai ni:rkeil by u IiIk mUlierliu? tif in Hi dad men and veter ans of the Hpanlsli-Atnerlenii war. the deceased IuivIiik been a member of Company F, Thlrloenih regiment, Itev. A. I''. ChalTee conducted ser vices, paying n win-in tribute to Ihe'de parted rnllroad man, The iiunrtette, W. I). ICvnns. II. F. Clarke, Miss May Kllpatrlek, nnil Mis. tleoiKf Avkurinnn sain; three Helectlons. There were tnitehliiK Moral tributes, iiinoiiiT llienr a clock front Van Hei'Ken IoiIri'. So. Hi, llrotherhnod of Firemen, with the hands liullc-n Uiik the hour of the fireman's last call, There were also a pillow and several wreaths. Itlirial was In Itiookslile cemetery. The pall-hearers were from the rail road IoiIri' and were as follows: Frank Inch, Homer House, William Walker, John IIHk, Michael Hurt, .lohu Andrews. Flower bearers. C. ISarnard. II. Hrooks, Curl rrosby, William Shaker. Brnkeuian Bichnrd Budd. 'I'he funeral of lirakemau Klchard Itiulil took place at noon from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Huilil, In Prompton. and was attended by .Many Cnrbondale residents. There was a delegation present from the On tario and Western employes, who sent beautiful Moral pieces. Hurlal look place In the local cemetery. MR. HUMPHREY'S STATEMENT. Chnirmnu of the Committee Not City Republican a Candidate for Mayor. U. W. Humphrey, the well known merchant anil chairman of the city I'epubllcau commit top. has Issued a statement which dissipates the belief that he was a candidate for mayor on the Itepublleau ticket. He says: Owing to the numerous inquiries of friends and the continued newspaper comments In regard to the matter. I wish to state positively that I shall not be a candidate for the ollice of mayor at the couilui; election. It certainly would be a srpat pleasure and a still Bieater honor to me lo be mayor of this city but owlncr to the Tact that my private business Is such that 1 cannot Blve the necessary time which is re quired of a man in that high position T must stlllc my ambition in that Hue for the present. I desire to thank the liulillc and also the newspapers for the kind way in which they have treated my possible candidacy. Yours very truly, I O. W. Humphrey. TONIGHT'S BANQUET. Brilliant Event of the Cycle Club at the American. The diuinn' room of hotel American will be the scene of a. brilliant nather inp,'. The occasion wilt be the banquet of the Carboudale Cycle club which event will make the dying of the old year and In the birth of the new. Landlord Williams best will be pro vlded for the guests and after the wel come the Intellectual feast which will be served by Carbondale's best speak ers. Tlie affair will be the hospitable of fering of (ieorge S. Kimball, president of the club, whose generosity has often been attested. The banquet will commence at 1" 'oclock in order lo give the iii'-rclianls and clerks who will have to work to night the opportunity lo be in time . THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARIES Fixed for Jnnunry 13 and the Con vention January. The city Democratic commlUee has decided on the date of the primaries of that party, also the time for the holding of tlie convention for the nomination of olllcers for the spring election. Moth wil be held alter the Itepubll eau primaries and convention, Mon day, January :!. between 1 and 7 p. m. lias been named for the primal ies and Wednesday evening, January l."i, the date for the convention. These dates were fixed as the motion of .Matthew Norton. The place of the convention will be decided later. I'halrman James I-'. Iloylan, inesldid al the meeting and I. F. Mol'fltl was secretary. SENT TO JAIL. Patrick McAnulty Who Used the Shot Gun Could Get no Bail. Patrick McAnulty, who was tin. principal in the early Sunday morning shooting, was sent to the county Jail yesterday by Alderman Jones in de fault of $.".oo bail. The bail was tlxcd al the minium because the opinion Is thai McAnulty had reason to defend himself and his family from the attack of Jordan. U was not the wlHli to deprive him of bis liberty, but even with the small sum thai was liN'ed, .McAnulty could not liud the security, Ills wife started out In quest of a bomlsiuaii, early in the forenoon, but she did not return. "Eleventh Hour" a Good Show. "The eleventh Hour" a drama with a story plot, robberies, attempted wrecking ami a peep at life In Chlcapu, was well presented al the liraiul las' night, it was what was pronounced " a good show." The Interest never llagged and there was sntllcleiit comedy to enliven Hie audldice and make it forgel some of the serious happenings. It was one of Lincoln 'nrlor's productions though somewhat less pronounced that the dramas such as "The Fast .Mall" and "In the Heart of Chlcinjo," The company was a good one, by far the best that produced a play of this sort at the (iiand this season. The "fjee-Seo-Cee" Dance. 'I'he "iVe-Sce.l'ee" Social club el -leriained at a dance last night hi Hltrhe's hall. There was a dellghtlul time and the young men who make up the club lueuibershlii scored an other social triumph. The .Mozart orchestra provided music, At tlie Newman Dance. Aiming the I'arboudallaus at the Newman club dance In Scrauton last night were: .Mr. and .Mrs. James P. Lofltis, Misses (ierlrude Collins, Au- gella Kleanor and Vivo Ilirs, and Francis V. Clifford. C. M. B. A. Installation. SI. Hose of Lima llrauch No. .'Sti, (. M. II. A. will Install olllcers on Thurs day evening, Jan. U, at St. Itosa hall. Mr. M. J. McAndrew, of Archbald. dis trict deputy for Lackawanna county will conduct the Installation, after which a luncheon, nnrt pinnkcr will bo held, T. !. Unban, of Scrantoii, supreme trustee, and T. M. Conlff, of 1'ltilns, n member of the II nance connnPtee of the Pennsylvania grand council, wlH be present, and deliver aihlresse.i Several musical selections will also be rendered, Which will tend to make the occasion a very enjoyable. PALLETTI'S READY GUN. An Italian Workman of D. & H. In Held on Several Charges. Antnnla I'allell, tin Italian, was given u hearing before Alderman .Jones last evening and held In bull for his uppeiir it ne'e tit court to answer several charges carrying concealed weapons, assault and battery, threatening to kill and pointing llrearms. 'I'he case was the outcome or a Christ mas night scrap nl the Delaware and Hudson round-house. Palletl was as sault lug a young lad named Deegan, when Ilrakemuu William Sllsbee came along and commanded him to slop, Palletl then drown revolver mid tlirent. cued to kill llie peacemaker. A warrant was sworn out for his nrresi, but he skipped the town and was. not found until Saturday, when OMIeor Neary took hlin In tow. DEMOCRATS OF FEIL. Nominations at the Caucus in Simp son Town Hall. 'I'he Democrats of Fell township held their caucus In the town hall al Simp sou on Saturday and niade the follow ing nominations: School Directors Thomas Kennedy, Joseph Ilazner. Supervisors Hubert Walker, Patrick McCarty. ( 'unstable Dan Haley. Treasurer A. W. Haw-ran. Town Clerk John Ward. Auditor John .1. Hums. Poor Master Michael McLaughlin. PARK COMMISSIONERS. Annual Meeting- Postponed Until Next Monday. The annual meeting of the paik commissioners was called for lal night, but It had lo be postponed until next Monday night, because of the lack of quorum. Only two members weio present. The annual report of Secrclary trensurer ,T. M. Alexander was to have been the event of a meeting. AMUSEMENTS. "Our New Minister" Tomorrow. Undoubtedly one of the greatest money-winners of recent years is Den man Thompson's successful "Our New Minister." which is now in its second year and which will be seen for the llrst time here at the Grand on Vow Year's afternoon and evening. Like its predecessor, "The Old Homestead." It seems to be possessed of the same mys terious qualities of longevity that marks that famous play, and is de stined to repeat its wonderful history. It. deals with life as it Is found today In any rural New England community, and is divided Into three acts. The homely interest of this healthful play will not be forgotten here for many a day to eouie. It has done lots of peo ple lots of good, everywhere, to be giv en a view of life that Is so near to their own experiences, or, as a well known critic said, "To see folks as (!od made 'em." Some beautiful scenery will be shown. The company is one of unusual strength. "The Village Postmaster." "The Village Postmaster." a four act domestic draino, descriptive of New Fngland life way back In the tlflies, comes to the Grand on Thursday. "The Village Postmaster" ran for 227 nights at the Fourteenth street theatre, New York, and has Just Mulshed a run of 12." nights in Chicago to the' biggest business in the history of the tlrcat Northern theatre. The complete pro duction will be given here as given in New York and Chicago, as the com pany carries all the special scenery and properties required. An excellent com pany will be seen, including many of the original cast. In Honor of Mr. Doersam. Charles II. Doeram was given a farewell reception In the Trinity par ish house on Saturday night. -Mr. Doer sam has been organist and leader of the Trinity choir nine months, and yes terday his resignation went into effect. On Saturday night, when he went to the parish house for the usual practice, he war. welcomed bv the choir, Four tables were arranged la the center of the large room on the around tlonr. Tho tables were decorated with ferns and palms, and bountifully laden with good things for the Inner man, Hcv, Kolllu A. Sawyer presented Hie sur prised organist with a large group pic ture of tin' choir, framed, and a beauti ful prayer book and hymnal. The re cipient was deeply affected, but In well chosen words ihunkeil the donors, After luncheon was served, the parly i -ade Its way to Hie spacious hall, where music and games were enjoyed. Mr. Dnersain leaves In a few days for New York, to complete his musical educa tion. To Spend Winter in South. Miss Mary liryson leaves this week for Jacksonville. Fin., where she will spend tlm winter with her sister, Mis. K, (!. Wlekwlre. Miss Hryson Is a clerk III the dry goods store of Iteese llros., oil Salem avenue. She will resume her position upon her return from the sunny Sntiih. Repairing' Wires. Arthur Tlioinus, of the electric light station, has been woi-lslnir upon iho wires near tho scene of the powder mill explosion. The wires were all thrown down by the concussion and Hy ing' debris, Watch-Night Services, ho .Methodist Fplscopal church will hold a watch-night service at lieliuont chapel tonight, The service will com mence al il.utl and close wltl the cud of the year. Home After an Engagement. Miss Kalheryu (iilleli, the i rofes sloual nurse and masseuse, has re turned from Susquehanna where sh) was engaged on a case for several weeks. Meetings of Tonight. St. Vincent do Paul society. Lackawanna Tribe, Hod Men. Accused by His Wife. Patrick Connor who was concerned In the disturbance nt Patrick Mc Anulty'H housu on Sunday morning, was sent to Jail yesterday In default of ball op charges of neglect and as- Sfwi Taken at Niht Before etir I Catarrh is the short route to consumption, and the importance of early and judicious treatment of catarrh, whether located in tlie head, throat or bronchial tubes, cannot be too strongly emphasized. I he list ol catarrh cures is as long as the moral law and the forms in which they are administered, numerous and confusing, from sprays, inhalers, washes, ointments, and salves to powders, liquids and tablets. The tablet form is undoubtedly the most convenient and most effective, but with nearly all advertised catarrh remedies it is almost entirely a matter of guesswork as to what you are taking into your system', as the proprietors, while making all sorts of claims as to what their medicines will do, always keep it a close secret as to what they are. The success and popularity of the new catarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, is largely because it not only cures catarrh but be cause catarrh sufferers, who used these tablets know what they are taking into their systems. Stuart's Catarrh Tabltts being composed of Eucalyptus Gum, Bioodroot and similar valuable and antiseptic ingredients, and are pleasant to the taste and being dissolved in the mouth they take immediate effect upon the mucous lining of the throat, nasal passages and whole respiratory tract. The cures that Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have accomplished in old chronic cases of catarrh are little short of remarkable, and the advantage of knowing what you are putting into your stoinach is of paramount importance when it is remembered that the cocaine or morphine habit has been frequently contracted as the result of using secret catarrh remedies. Wm$W!MW$M sail It and battery preferred by his wife. Connor has been drinking lately and has abusho lo ills family. Funeral Services. The funeral of the late Mrs. John J. Kinmell was held Sunday afternoon. The services wero conducted at the home, on Clark avenue, by Hev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor or the First Methodist F.piscopal church. Appropriate hymns weie sung by a ouartette. There were many very prcttv Moral offerings. In terment was made In Mnplowood ceme tery. The pall-bcarers and Mower-bearers were selected from Carboudale lodge, No. ::o. Knights of Pythias, and Court Lily, No. ."0, Foresters of Amer ict. They were ns follows: John Pass more, Alfred Madison, Charles Curtis, Thomas liottoinley, (!. H, Van Horder and William Harbor, and John How ard, William Filpot, David Watson and John Lewis, The funeral of Leland Purple, son of I'ndertaker and .'"s. II. A. Purple, was held Sunday afternoon from the house, on Terrace street. Hev. Ilolllu A. Saw yer, rector of Trinity Hplscopal church, otliciatlng. Miss Saylcr. of the Kpisco pal choir, sang two appropriate hymns. There were many pretty floral pieces from sympathetic friends. Builal was in HrooUside ceineti ry. The following acted as pall-bearers: K. .1. limns, II. O.Watrous, Frank' Hubbard and Claude It. Smith. Cantata Again. The cantata which was so well ren dered by llie members of the Trinity Sunday school on Christinas night, will be repented on Friday evening in the parish house of Trinity church, with an additional number of special features. The Girard Girls' Dance. A number of Carboudale young peo ple will attend the Hlrard tiliis' dance, In Scniulou, New Year's night. A large number of Invitations have been scut to this city, ' Children 111. limbs and Catherine Jones, children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones, are sick. Mrs. Jones, who was quite sick, Is Ini provlug dally. Two Births. The homes of Holier! Heard, on llel mont street, and .Ultimo Hull, in Simp son, have each been brightened by Hie arrival of u baby boy. THE PASSING THRONG. James McLean spent yesterday In Scrauton. Haynioml Mills Is coiiilued to his home by Illness. Daniel lladuliis was a caller at Sus quelianiia, Sunday. Daniel lladglus was a visitor in Sus. quelianiia on Sunday. Miss Kale Harrett, of Aichbald, spent Sunday In town. John Walsh, of Philadelphia, called hi friends here Sunday. 'arboudalo isllor yesterday. (i. M. (iardiicr, of Forest City, was at he American house yesterday. Kdwurd Stephens bus returned to his work again, alter a week s illness. Miss Maine (illlltran, of New York city. Is llie guest of friends In town. Air. ami Airs. William Stephens, of Mount Clair, N. J., were In Iho city relieves all the disagreeable symptoms and hi a short time drives the disease from the system. BfPTO ALL DRUGGISTS SELL Til EM AT GO mmmmmrnmimmMmsiimmmmmmt yesterdav la attendance at the 'uiier.il of llie late Charles K. Millard. Charles Hoss, of Iturnwood, was a business caller In this city yesterday. .Miss Virginia Stephens has returned from u visit with friends at Starrucca. Mrs. John Lvons and sons, Horace and Austin, are visiting friends in this city. A. H. O'Connor, of Ilawley. was in the city, attending the funeral of llie late Patrick Duffy. F. I-:. Kimball, manager of "The Klev entb Hour" company, was registered at the Harrison yesterday. Miss i 'annul O'Hearn is spending the holiday season with .Miss Lily Mc Laughlin, of Paterson, N. J. William, Patrick and Thomas Cavan augh, who are employed in New York city, are upending the holidays at their home in this city. .Mr. and Airs. John IS. Hice, of Hlng hamton, are spending the holidays with the former's aunt, Mrs. Al. Walsh, of South Wyoming street. W. F, Aloran, Thomas Alorau and Alisses Anna Moran, (Jenevleve Cong don and Kale Irving were at the Har rison house on Sunday. They paid a j visit to relatives wan are in tne noviti ate at St. nose convent. JERV1YN AND MAYF1ELD. There wilt be a wateh-nlr.ht service In the Baptist church this evening from 11 to l- o'clock, to which all are cor dially Invited, Since the Choral society, which Is under llie dire, lion of AIIsm Daisy Hall, nuets nl 7..'!0, those wish ing to attend the watch-night service are Invited to visit the class, Finin in lo 11 o'clock there will be a social hour, dining- which the ladles will sono light refreshments to those wishing them, at a small charge, It Is hoped that Miss Hall will be able to remain lo she;- at the later sei vice. Oil Wednesday evening the SI. Aloy slus society and cadets will attend llie Sacred Heart church fair In a body. The members of the MielOly are re quested to meet In their hall at T.Iio p. III. lor that purpose. Following Is the annual report of the Alaylleld board of health Horn Decem ber, liino, to December, iimi: Duiths in borough, :;: males, Itq females, lit; causes, heart disease, .'; pneumonia. 1: concussion of the brain, -; railway a,--cldeuis. '.': mine accidents, I- convuls ions, L'; apoplexy, I; ililld-blith, I; In llaiiimatlou of tho brain, 1: fracture of the skull, I; laceration of spinal cord, 1; diphtheria, -: still-born, II: iholera iiifanluiu, ."; burned, -': alfected by heart, l: bionchlils, I: tuberculosis, I; purlloultls, I; contagious diseases. M measles, !!; illnlitlieiia. :i: whooping cough, I; births, -IT; males, L'T; females, :); cost received, $l'.'..ln. Dr. Harding, president; t Ieorge Hucklugliaiil, seciv. tary. Hogarth's band visited the home of Uiiir lender. John Hogarth. a few nlgltls ago ami, after serenading him, were lu vlted Inside, where they uiivo him a pleasant surprise by presenting him with a handsome chair. The u'll't was such a genuine surprise that Mr. Ho garth was unable for a few minutes to express his pleasiue. A tier recoseiiug himself lie iMd so, and for the lest or the evening entertained the band roy ally. Tim Klipse Social club will hold a uiatiiice dance in Assembly hall lomoi row. Dennis Finlock, who icsides al the Devil's Hyebrow, had a very exciilng expeiioneo at Alaylleld S.ittuday night. He was crossing the track hurriedly to get out of tlie way of a south-bound KNOW WHAT YOSJ ARE TAKING WHEN Um CATARRH KEE'E03KO. -'V'-TO- f,fv"?2?S' J$ ' ,P'.y:iV i pi' rV )S. CENTS FOR train, when his boot pot caucht be tween lb" rails and be fell across Hie track. Hi qitltkly arose, pulled his leg out of the fell boot he wore, and .HIM managed to clear himself from the rail as a train dashed past. In releasing his foot be severely sprained his ankle and tore some of the inusi Ies of bis leg so badly I hat he had to receive medi cal attention, lie coitnlnly had a very narrow escape fiom being ground to plot PS. Thomas Joplln, who has been in Dr. Wheeler's hospital for several weeks past, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis, came home yesterday. Airs, AlcCliione and daughter. Lily, of South Alain .street, are visiting her son and daughter, in New York city. Air. and Airs. James Wilson, of Scran toii, were lsitilig friends here on Sun day. William Cibbs w''o was injured last week In the powder mill explosion, is getting along as well as might be ex pected. He has a very bad ankle, how ever, and it will be a matter of several weeks before he will be able lo be annual again, TAYLOR. i'he Christmas music exercises held at the Calvary H.iptlst and Alethodlst churches, on Sunday evening was ren dered In an elaborate manner. The programmes were Interest lug and were immensely enjoyed by large congrega tions. At llie Calvary church the pastor, Hev, Dr. Harris, delivered eloquent sermons at both servh es. Al the eve plug servhe the choir rendered several excellent iilltheins. Solos were snug by .Misses Hdltli Watklns and Henrietta Harris with organ uccouipnnlmonl by Prof. Jones and lolln by Allss Llda lloiiser, A very pleasing duet was ren dered by Alisses l-'.dllh and (Ierlrude Watklus. Allss llauser gave a violin solo which she executed III a creditable in. inner. Al Hie .Methodist church the Christ mas exercises were held In the even lug. The programme was admirably rendered. A quartette composed of Messrs. i D. I'M wards. Harry Kwins, tenors; II. Watklns and J. F. Tublw, sang a M'lictlou entitled. "Jesus Shall Helgn," In a iredllable manner. Solos were reiideied by .Mrs. ,1. D. Allicr ion, Klchnrd Watklns. .1. F. Ttibbs. .mil I'ecliiitloiiH were given by .Misses Sarah Price, Crania i'libhs, Winn ulnislcad and Airs. K. H. Daniels, i'he naslor, Hev, C. II, Henry, gave a vi ry capable address during the exercises. A watch rally will be held at llie Methodist HplM-opal church this even ing. All members and friends are urgcil lo be present. Hoof bu ers' cil elopes should ln returned ibis evening. A praise and song service will be held. Tin- pastor. Hev. Henry, will deliver nil addres-i appropriate for the new year. An enicrtaliiuieiit consisting, of music ami rceUnilous will be held al the Cal vary llaptlst church at ,s.:ii this cmmi Ing. The he cream tocinl will be laid Immediately alter tlm eiiterialnmont. and lasi until midnight. The Anthracite Uleo dull will meet lit liupoiialll session evening when Hie pie.--ellce of all members Is requested. Airs. Thomas Powell and Airs. John Itldgewiiy VislKd relatives ill !ellevt0 yesterday. Allss Stella Pi Ire. a teacher of Hie AIom-ow school, Is the guest of Alls.s Susie Harris of Culpa street. The funeral of Hvan J., son of Alt', and Airs. W. ii. Howells of Main street will occur this afternoon. Services will be held nl the .Methodist Kplscopal FULL S3 PAQilAGES. ' ff-4' 2W X I 1 I 1 ST church al 2.110 p. in. Kev. C. D. Henry and Hev. Dr. Harris will officiate, 15ur ial will be made in tho Forest Horn cemi lery. OLYPHANT An immense crowd was In attend" a nee at Kxcdsior Hose company's full in Lloyd's ball, last evening. It was the business men's night. The in ponded programme will be given to. night: Overture, Wllkes-Hane .Man dolin club; solo, Tom Murphy; selec. Hon, James Henry; solo, Jennie Pat ton. The Columbia Hose couipaiu from Carboudale will attend the fall Thursday night. Beginning on New Year's nlfJit ami continuing during January, evangel istic meetings vil bo held in tin Blakcly Baptist church of wh'ch Dr David Siencer is the pastor. The go pel singing at there meetings wil be li charge of Fred K. Wilson, nephew ol the late P. P. Hllss. and .Miss Dalsj li. Hall. They will be aided by a largi gospel choir. Airs. A. S. I.evvsly. of Delawar street entei tallied the members of hi Sunday school class at her home las' evening. The time passed pleasant!: lu llie usual social diversions and a 10 o'clock refreshments were served. The remains of Patrick Alcllale, son of Airs. Anthony Alcllale, of Hudson sheet, who was killed by being striuii Willi u trolley car in Pittsburg, or Saturday, arrived al this place las' evening. The Knights of .Malta will hold c watch night meeting la their room in Sweeney's ball this evening. A literary and musical entertahime.il will be tendered during the evenlnn and refresbmeiils will be served. The lilakely Choral society ''in ducted a well intended and excelleu loucert In Ha- lilakely llaptlst ehunr last oveniug. The event was under IN direction ol' Allss Daisy li. Hall anO was proiioimced a most enjoyable mil by all present. PECKVJLLE. At a regular ineliiff of the Aleth.v dlst Kplscopal Sunday school board held last Sunday afternoon, the follow ing ollicers were elected for the 'iisu In.V.vear: Superintendent, p, s. l-.'vans assistant superintendent. C. (). Sutton secret. ii y, I. F- lloyt; assistant sere, tary. Allss Jessie llol'fceor: treasurer il. I,. Keller: librarians. Joseph l-.'ug-lMi and Art Wame: clioiistor, li. : Shay: organist, Allss Lena liendall. Don't fall to attend the concert to be held III 111" lecture loom of till' AU tho. dlki episcopal chinch ou Wednesda.v evening. January 1, 11'"-'. Allss Fred. Kami, of Siraiiton, and Alius Hall; Price, of Tiki lor, have In en secured fo the oicaslon. The following is the pro gramme: I'laao solo, Allss Floivu, Whin-: solo, "I'm Certainly Living ., Hag Time Lire." Allss Kalin; ivcllalam "A Hacluiurs New Yea Cm Itev.-i I ' Allss Price; solo, "I'arlhenla." Mii Kami; selection, "Dolly's Compl.ilni." live y.pillg ladies;, recitation. "Poau m c Troubles." Allss Ptiie; solo. "Al.v Ch u in.lt Channel'." Allss Kami; recitation -Two Llycs." Allss Price; piano solo Allss l.ellll liendall. poors, open at T a p. iii. Knteiiuinineiit L-ouuneiii-rs it i p. 111. ii i m To Cute a Cold in One Day Take Laxative lU'oinu i.'iilnluo Tablet.. All driigglkits refund the money if it falls to cure. 11. W. Grove's sliiatur.j is OU each bo.. LT.c. fStvf k V i , i I
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