TBSPSft iWPljw - - JUijfiiTF fmmmm .. mjuhwi j ijlw THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1001. WEST SCRANTON HEPTASOPHS' ANNIVERSARY WILIi BE CELEBRATED IN MEARS' HALL THURSDAY. Olln Brynu of Baltimore, iMd,, Will Be the Orator of the Occasion Fu neral of the Lute John Dodd and John E. Williams Marriages An nounced to Take Placo In the Near Future School Deposits Eistedd fod to Bo Held Christmas Day. Tlio "West Side conclave, No. all, Im proved Order of Iloptusoplis, will role .iiuto Uh tenth anniversary with a llrst class clitertttlninenl In Meat's' hall, Thursday nijrhl. An elaborate pro gramme Iiuh been prepared, luidudlnif iiuttrtettes, trios and solos by the Klin I'nrk (inartetle, and the well known elocutionist, Miss Stullo Jones, will re cite. Olln Itryim, of linltlmoro, Md., general counsel of the Supreme con clave, will be present and rIvo an ad dress on "lleptusoplilsin." .IikIko A. A. Vimhui'K will net as fliiilrman of the evonhifr. A cordial invitation Is extended to all members of sister conclaves to be present, and every member of the 'West Side con clave is particularly tilled to be there and enjoy one of the treats of the sea son. Funerals of Yesterday. Yesterday mnrnhiK at !' o'clock was hold I lie funeral of the Into John Dodd. The remains were removed from the home, L'2ti Uallroad avenue, to Holy I'rosii church In Uellevue, where a sol emu IiIkIi mass of requiem was simp. Jlev. 'Y. 1 O'Donncll, the pastor, de livered an eloquent eulogy on the past life of the deceased. The casket was hurled beneath a load of (lowers, which were evidence of the regard In which he was held. Interment was made in the Cathedral cemetery. Yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, the funeial of the late John K. Wil liams, of Hellevue. was held. The ser vices were conducted at the home, Rev. .ISenniiurer olllchitiiiK. He preached a tnuchlni; sermon, referring to the many noble qualities of the deceased hus band and father. Interment, was made in the Washburn street cemetery. The allhcarcrs were: Alexander lSarrow 111:111, livan 10. Kvans, David 1!. Kvans, l Jones, Itlchard II. Williams and David I!. Thomas. School Deposits. Yesterday afternoon the regular Dtifottr's French Tar Will promptly rollio and speedily cure roughs eolds anil nil tunc troulilo. l'nr rale by G. W. JUSK1XS, 101 Soulli Main a cnuc. asonab Bit of What is popularly termed the Christmas Holiday Trade, is a short, lmsy season with us. We cannot afford the time or space to make it a long, drawn out feature in our business, and so prefer to coflne it to something like two weeks, or under, when the in ducements offered to our patrons are usually sufficient to make selling brisk from the hour of formal opening, till the closing hour on Christinas eve. Hitherto wo have found this plan to work well and considering the extreme merit of this season's of ferings we have no reason whatever to doubt that the result will be different this year. C- The Holiday Show and Annual Display Christmas Gift Wares Opens on Wednesday, And includes the usual assortment of Toys and dolls, an endless assortment of Bric-n-Brac, Fancy Clocks, Watches, Jewelery, of nil kinds, Art Needle work, Bureau and Stand Sets, Fino nun oiner art prouuciions, .rune uootis, u-ioves, JNeciiwear or every kind for both sexes and all ages and occasions, Handker chiefs from 1c to S10.00, boxed or otherwise, Men's Furnishings especially gotten up for tho holiday trade, Fancy Holsory, Combs and Brush Sots in Ebony with Sliver Mountings, Celluloid, Ivory nnd other fancy .styles, Manicure Sets, Boxes in every Imagina ble way for every imaginable purpose and nt prices that will tickle the most stylish Imagination, Leather Goods in Pocket Books, Purses Chatellalne Bags, Belts, Boxes, Cases, etc., In all the popular sorts, and tho now fad, Burnt Leather over which the fashionables nro going half crazy, Perfumery, Toilet requis ites of every known good make, put up In attractive ways for gifts. Shell and other Combs nnd hundreds of other fancy nnd useful articles too numerous to mention, But Your Mind May Run On Common Sense Gifts that aro a direct benefit to the reclpent. All right. How does n beautiful Umbrella at moderate cost strike youP Fashionable Silk fine Waists, or the Silk Waist itself ready to wearP Or a smart new stylish Coat in Fur or any of the popular weaves? Two sets for Scarfs, Muffs, Collerettes, etc. A new silk or fine Stuff Dress, Table Linen, Blankets or a Quilt. Laces JUbbons, or last but by no means least a Set of Standard Books for half what they are actually worth. Space forbids further details now, but enough has been said here to prove that we're prepared to meet your holiday wonts what ever they may be. Globe b 'r5r'ar'tf'S'5r,ir school deposits were made at the West Side hank. Kollowltig will he found the innounts from each room with teach er's mime; Stlioul, Xo. 10, Prof, l'lillllpi, iitlncliut.-l'ri.f. I. W. Phillip, 10e.! MKi Murray, lUc.l Ml' NI1I10K UkM Ml DcainWi, 48e.i .MIm Mr can, av.i MIm Mutlun, I.'.M: M!s i:iitm, 4:tf. : tli Divk !.Ms Mlw Mellow, I.'J3! MIm I'linn, 7.V.! Ml Murpliy. '-Met Mi IVrlu-r, !l.ost MIm llurrjll, 42o.s Miw Wmlc, Me.; Aliw Pick, JAitl. Toliil, H.2:l. , , Sihool N11. !).', I'rof. U.nl-1 owuu, prlhilp.il. I'rnf. Il.itlil tin i'ti, trn'.J .Mix Allu' l.inii. iw.5 MIm Herth.i lirlley, !... t!! Ml' IMn-i 1. Y" $l.Mt MIm .Willi! lllt.li.trit. n.V.i MIm ('.itlur Inc Plillllirt, Mi'.i MIm lMn:i lwl, ifl.imi MI-h I'lcin-iirn Frcein.ui, Mc.i Ml S.iruli .MclMuhl, Oil-.; Mlvt lllliu Price, M. Tnl.il. ifll.'il. Stole During Service. Sunday evening while the regular preaching service was being held at the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church, thieves were busily engaged In carry ing away the overcoats and hats be longing to two gentlemen who were In the auditorium attending service. Harry Acker and Harry Wright placed their coats and hats In the lec ture room of the church nnd upon go ing to get them afler service found that some person had appropriated the clothing. Head Struck Pole. George Snow, of Lafayette street, one of the oldest Lackawanna railroad en gineers, was the victim of a rather pe culiar accident at Ilallstead on Satur day. While running his engine at the reg ular rate of speed ho put his head out of the cab window and In so doing his head came In contact with a telegraph pole beside the track. Although severely bruised about the head and shoulders he refused to leave his post till he reached this city when he placed himseir under the medical care of Dr. F. C. Hall. Of Social Note. Saturday evening K. T. Wagstaff of 1403 Division street was most pleasant ly surprised by a number of his jovial friends. The evening hours were pleas antly passed with music and games and after dainty refreshments had been served and n couple of (highlights tak en the guests departed well pleased with their kind host's hospitality. The Misses Lizzie Oraener, Velelda Myers, Kvulyn Roberts, Minnie Hub erts and Messrs. Arthur, Jones, Alfred AVIddlck. John Lewis and Samuel Jones were Uie guests of Miss Minnie Roberts at a card party held at her home on North fiarlleld avenue, Sat urday evening. Dainty refreshments were served at a seasonable hour. Coming Weddings. On December l'.i, at the home of the bride, will take place the marriage of Miss Nellie Moser of Lafayette street, to George W. Kramer, of Swetland street. Announcement has been made of the approaching wedding of Miss Cassie Powell, of Jackson street, to Robert Thomas of Fllmore avenue, December IS. On Christmas eve Miss Lillian P.. Miller of the Quaker City will be united In marriage to Daniel J. Thorn- Cushions, Head Rests, Bedroom, ' Draperies, and Curtains, Pictures News e Warehouse as, a well known nnd highly respected resident of this side. Cards have been Issued for tho mar riage on December 11 of Miss Mary Davles, of Frlnk Btreet, to Wltllutn Humphreys, of t'ettllione street, Coming Eisteddfod. On Christinas day at tho Itelluvuo Welsh C. At, church will be held the an hum I eisteddfod of the Ulblleal and Lit erary society, These musical events held from year to year have attracted more and more Interest, till now the society feels assured that, with the line programme prepared, this year's event will surpass by far all held In the nasi. The chief prize of $:t," Is to be con tested for by two choirs, one from the Hellevue church anil the other from tho Congregational church. A prize of jL'.fit) has boon offered for the best poem, no! exceeding sixteen lines. In memory of the late Uwllym A. Will iams. Fair nnd Sale. Last evening the fair and sale of the Ladles' Aid society of the First Hap tlst church was formally opened. A large number of people took advan tage of the opportunity to partake of one of the popular suppers served by the society. A large quantity of fancy articles on sale were disposed of for very neat sums. This evening a menu consisting or roast veal, mashed potatoes, toma toes, cranberry sauce, eoleyy, cake and coffee will bo served from r..:(0 till 7 o'clock. PERSONAL MENTION. Mi.-i M11111I C. SleplioM li.is li'liirnoil to her tiome in ('.iiliniiil.ilf, tiftt-r .1 most pliMvin!. sit Willi Mr. .mil Jin, I). W. S,iutn!urs, of 721 Ninth llivu ley nieiiue. Mr. Hii.i.ue, of N01II1 ll.ulc I'nrk arrnu:, i erloiMy ill iiilh he.nt double, uml Brave douliti ute rnterl.iiiii'il of her reemei.v. MM M.ny (iriftltlK, of Kington, h the sueit of Mini Catherine Phillip-., of Aiutlrmy utreet. Mr. fh.nles Joples, of .(.icIimUi (.licet, U il.-lllni; at K.ilon. leiiKIn 'I', lieeve, r.f W.ivlilnirn street, Is a?.iln ahle to be nut, after an lllnev?. Itvbirt Holly, of N'oitl, Lincoln annuo, is quite ill. ITEMS OF INTEREST. The 0.fenl Clee club will meet tonight at S o'clmk in C'o-opcr.itlie lull. Tin: William Ciinnell Glee club will meet to lnV'liI in Iioilte hull. This eieiiliiK Hie Wes-t Side board of trade will hold their puhlie meeting in the roonn of the Kleetiii: City Wheelmen on .TaeKMHi sheet. A 1110-t inleicstim; meeting mi held by t lie Woman's Home Ml.ionaiy society in Simpson iliuiih pa-low l.i-t evcnlnc On Tliiii'.il.iy eienlns Olln nry.111, a fpeakcr of nation il lepute, will aihhe- the West Side eon clave, So. ill, Imptoiid Dnler of Hept.iM.pln. A nethtie social will be held at the Hellenic mN-iion on lli.m M.mr ticct, Die. It. The pub lic U (oi.llally hulled. .Ian. 1. I'.KIJ, the Oni-ll.) Social eliili will hold a iu.i)iiiu.iile ball in Va-hinj,-tou hall. NORTH SCRANTON. The North Scranton Men's society held its monthly meeting in the social rooms of tlio Presbyterian church last night. After tlio regular business was gone through with, an excellent pro gramme was given, In which Mr. and Mrs. Dixie and Miss Ksther Wallace and Oscar P. Slsson delightfully enter tained the largo attendance. Professor Walklnshaw's orchestra rendered ap propriate music for the occasion, and were well received. The following pro gramme was rendered: Selection, or chestra; Mr. and Mrs. Dixie, In an original musical comedy, "My Sweet heart;" Oscar P. Slsson and Miss Ksther Wallace, in a comedy picture, "Love Will Find tho AVay;" Mrs. Dixie in a monologue, entitled "Alone with a Murglar." character sketch, "Cousin Ella's Visit," Mr. Slsson and Miss Wallace; selection, orchestra. After the entertainment a splendid luncheon was served by the young ladles of the church. There will be an entertainment and oyster supper In the social rooms ot tho West .Market Street Uaptlst church this evening and tomorrow evening. The oyster supper will be served at u',30 and the entertainment will commence at S.lfi. The following programme will be rendered this evening: Selection, orchestra: recitation, "Wesley Ollgood; solo, Jiss Kmlly Thomas; recitation, Miss Margaret Lewis; duet, Misses Rlodwyn and .Minnie Thomas; recita tion. Miss Mabel Slmms; piano solo, Miss Edith Lewis; recitation, Hayden Price; recitation, Miss May Price; solo, Mrs. J. Stafford; dialogue, Misses Mary Evans nnd Hannah liotts; recitation, Titus Davis; duet, Mrs. D. D. Lewis and W. J. Davis; recitation, Miss Gweimle Powell; recitation, Mr. Davis; solo, Miss liessie Jones; recitation, Miss Margaret Ulchards. The meeting of the Ladles' Mission ary society of the North Main Avcnuo liaptlst church will be omitted this week tiiul will meet Tuesday, December 17, at '. p. m ut the residence of Mrs. A. II. Smith, on Oak street, to pack a Christinas box to send to some orphan age, This evening the lovers o: basket ball will be given a rare treat In that lino of Indoor sport. The Alpha basket ball team, one of the crack teams of Phila delphia, will play the North End Stars at the Auditorium. Tito Misses Margaret and Mollle Col lins, of North Main avenue, left for Washington, D. '., yesterday morning, The funeral of Mrs. Urldget Cardy will take place this morning at 9 o'clock from Holy ltnsary church. Interment will be made In the Cathedral come tery. The High Works Indians defeated the Sanderson Hill Stars In a hotly contested game of basket ball last night, In the Auditorium, by the score of 1 to 1. Don't forget tho sale of fancy and useful articles at the Primitive Metho dist church, East Market street. Wed nesday and Thursday evenings. The contestants for various articles will intiko their returns Tliurttduy evening. ORPHANS COURT NOTES, On Satmila.v a number of imlkr iveie ill), posed of liy Judge A. A. Voobius in oiphaiiV couit, A upoit lias made hi tin' citato of I). S, Cobb, late of tlio illy r.f Sciantou, deceased, .( Ihe audit of the .11 count of the cwmtilv, ami both nisoual piopcity and real olatu fuuiU iH'ic distributed, In the etliite of John Shafir, ilci cased, (lie 13. turn of sale iva, lonllnmd. In Ihe lutata of (ieorise 1'ller, dcej-cd, tho bond of (ici'liie 1'. Tailor, kiuiiIIjii of Dii.y riiamhci?, was upproiid, .Indue lieoi'e II. Troutiiuu, of the orphan' mint of l.tuciuc eoiiuly, will hear a case today in iiliiih Judp' Vu-bur;,' ua couiuel before I U appointment, The u(loinc,ij in tlio case are 'I, P. WilU and S. II. I'llcc. THE HOMELIEST MAN IN SCRANTON As lull a-i the liaiubomesl, and other are Imlted to cull 011 any diui,'uit and Ret free a trill bottle of Kemp's llalsaui for Ilia 'lluoat and l.ungj, .1 remedy that h Kuaiuutred lu line jml relleie all Chronic and Acute Couglu, Asthma, UruncliltU Mid Coo'uinptlou. I'rkc 23c. ami COc. SOUTH SCRANTON MANY SOCIAL AFFAIRS LAST NIGHT. St. John's Hnll Wns Encked With Street Car Strikers' Sympathizers. Meeting 0f Knights of St. George Banquet Committee Funeral of Jnmes Orr The Choral Union Hold nn Interesting Session John Getz Hnd His Arm Fractured Other Newsy Items hi Brief. The entertainment nt St. John's hull on Stone nvehtto was well patronized last night by friends and sympathizers of the striking street car men to whom the receipts of the evening were don ated. Muny visiting delegates were In attendance and addresses were made by several, A really clever programme consisting of twelve numbers was ren dered und much credit Is due to the performers who gave their services gratis. At the conclusion of the musical pro gramme the Hour was cleared for danc ing which was kept up for several hours. The strikers realized a sub stantial sum as 11 result of the affair. The committee having In charge tho annual banquet of branch -lo, Knights of St, George, held a business meeting ut, the home of August Itehncr on Prospect avenue last evening. Reports were received from the sub-committees on banquet, music and tickets, and they were most gratifying to tho members. Ways and means to make the affair a success wero thoroughly discussed and according to the Information given out last evening the society's second annual banquet which takes place In St. Mary's hall on New Year's night will be u grand affair. The following Is a complete list of tho committee: Chair man, August Kehner; secretary, Bar ney Hadle; treasurer, Charles Adam Imeldopf, Patrick F. Cuslck, and L. H. Senker. Ladles committee: Mamie Klos, Eflle Scholl, Mollle Junssen, An nie Phillips, Tlllle and Mary Werle, Emma Itcmpc, Mary Werle, Mamie Miller, Lena Klos, Kate Ueldenbach, Mary Madden, Mamie and Lottie Wet ter, Anna Klein. Social in Workmen's Hall. The worklngmen's society of this side held an enjoyable social In Its hall at the corner of Alder street and Prospect avenue last evening. About llfty cou ples wore present and a first class lunch was served about 9.30 p. m. La ter a social session was held and danc ing followed until midnight. Choral Union in Practice. The Young People's Choral Union so ciety which is attached to this Hickory street Presbyterian church mot lust evening for tho practice of the can tata, "Under the Palms," which it will render at the opening of the new parish house. Notwithstanding the Inclement weather their was a large attendance and the members show much enthu siasm In tho detail work which Is neces sary to a good rendition of tin; nlny. The society will meet every Monday hereafter until the performance Is giv en. NUBS OF NEWS. A laiffely attended sesnioii of Camp Xo. 4;e, Patriotic Older sons of America, lias held in llailman's hall, on I'itlnton aienue, l.iit cieninir. Tin Soulli Side ISowlinsr club held its iisiul ueeldy luectinir and practice ."ession at its head qu.uleis l.it evening. An enjoyable evening wa.s pent by the membeis and Mine bif,' scores wera made. Ixirenr. llabeistroh, ot Cedar avenue, is uursiiio; a eoro hand a.s a result of a bad cut he biMaiucd at woik a few d.iy.-i ajto. r'lcdi IUi, oysters and claim at Sunday's in.ti Ket, Ml Cedar nvei.ue. " Comet lodge, Knights of Pythias, will nice! in ll.ii-lman'K hall tonight In regular session. The funeral of the late James Orr took plate yesteiday morning from the family ie.4dence on llhch street. Servient were held at St. 1'et.r's cathedral and interment was made in the Hid. Park Catholic cemetery. John (letz, of 71.1 Willow ftiect, who is em ployed by the Delaware, Lackawanna anil West cm company, while at woik yesterday had hU left aim fractured. The membership eonteit of the St. Aloysl.n Total Abstinence and llencvdlent society, which has been on for some time, will be biought to a close Thursday In Pharmacy hall with a reception ami social, lladges will be piesented to the win ners. AND STILL NO REPORT. Building Committee Can't Agree on Awarding of Contract Business at Last Night's Meeting. The building committee of the board of control again announced last night that after a month's consideration It was still unable to agree upon the awarding of Mho contract for No, 10 school In the Second ward. No effort was made to take the matter out of the committee's hands. The high and training committee recommended that when pupils at the High school are suspended In the fu ture the parents be required to come in person and sign the certificates re quired before the pupils can be taken back. This was recommended because It luih been discovered that many of the pupils suspended have been In the habit of signing their own certificates, forging their parents' names. Mr. Jayue objected to the proposed plan because of the Inconveniences which It would place many people to an account of the strike, Tho recom mendation was adopted, however. A recommendation that the Lafayette Oleo club bo given permission to hold a concert in the High school auditor ium during tho winter was also adopt ed, Former City Engineer Patrick Itlew Itt reported that ho had made an in vestigation regarding the alleged dan ger of a cave-In underneath No, ii;i school nnd that he had found that (hero Is absolutely no danger, because there aro no mine workings extending under the school building. The following additional night school teachers were appointed: No. ,1, Al bert Motlskn; No. 10, Miss Julia Don nelly and Miss Anna Conuertonj No, 21, Miss Amelia Flore; No. 'Si, Miss Mamie McNamara; No. 23, Miss II. Norton; No. -I, John Jennings, .Miss Margaret N00110 and firllllth Thomas, Tho report of Alteadanco Ofllcer Mar tin Joyce showed that tho average at tendance at night school per room for last year was only lifteeii, which ho said was very poor, A Mr. Woodhouso made 'a request that tho teachers In the schools be al lowed to call the attention of their scholars to a certain advertising con test now hi progress. Tho request was referred to the teachers' committee after It had been unfavorably com mented on by several of tho members. It wua decided to pay Um nluht TweBv YoarPQ of Awful FEB Pnlna A. E. Aurlhger, Hraldwood, 111., says: "After suffering untold agony for over twelve years from both forms of piles, and trying all sorts of pile remedies without relief, I am completely cured by Pyramid Pile Cure." Sold by all druggists, 10 cents a box. Hook, "Piles, Causes and Cure," mailed free. Pyra mid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. school teachers on next Saturday and the day teachers on or before Dec. 21, LAST NIGHrs0WLING. Black Diamonds nnd Backus Still Tied for First Place Some Very High Avernges Were Made. TJesplte the fact that both the Hlnelf Diamonds and the Backus bowling teams lost two out of the three games which each rolled last night, they are still tied for (irst place, though their percentage has been considerably re duced. The best games of the night were those rolled by the Green Ridge Wheel men and the Huckus teams on the for mer's alleys. Knob team made over &00 In each game rolled, while the Green Itldge live made the splendid total of SSI twice In succession. Taylor was high man with 215 and made the splen did high average of 1SS. The score: fiwiK.v itiprn:. Total". Weielirl KM 1st 1CO ,. Seain.ins IIS IT.'i l!i:i ."ill Mason ITS 17(1 177 .V.'l Moore 110 no is-.! 4uj Taylor I7!i 21.1 Hi') ,'ii.j MW iil fit ri7l llACIil'S. Totals. Fahrenheit K.J t. i.s ."in Mcistrr ;.,lts 1:; n;u in I'eckhain .'..I.V1 ii 1 l.yj ,",j Itnll 17.". l.VJ 171 run Hopkins ill! 1117 1-1 5M S.'!S fc.Vi sMi 2.1 pi The Klks' team, which was about the loosest when tho season opened, Is now one of tho best In the league, hav ing been materially strengthened by the Infusion of new life Into It. The members succeeded In winning two games from the Hieycle club team last night but they had to bowl pretty live ly to do so. Dlmler was high man with 20S but Hartl succeeded In tying Taylor Cor the high average of the night. The score: sciiA.NTo.v fiicvci.i; ci.t.n. Total. Ilimler iflS 1711 1J0 ,HI Mimiii- 1(0 17'i 17(1 W Mitchell l'.ii 1MI i! 0 .111 Iioper 1 .VI 110 1:17 111 W'aidell l:tS 17il 17S . KJ.1 5-JS SUa 210) i:i.ks. Total... Phillips 1.1 121 1I7 (.: (l-ihivlndt 1 17 11:1 1.1,1 4li II II tl 1711 1!KI 1!M .1f,5 Mailenspacher liiti 11.1 ln .1i:t Weill l'.H P'.'I 1-0 SI2 SIO 77ii S77 2 IUI The West Ends succeeded In winning two games from the Black Diamonds last night by the "skin of their teeth," having a margin of only two pins In the llrst game. Tho lilnck Diamonds had eleven more pins to their credit than their opponents. Reavers had high score, 213, and Gorman high aver age, 170. The score: W.AL'K DIAMONDS. Totals. Pryor 117 111 1 130 Foley 1s;: bid 17.1 l't Could 1.11 lt.S ln.1 is'. Ileauis i:u art i.is r.ui (ii'im.m 1.17 s( i;o .111 7":: Mil fcdii 2IJ.1 WIT I:n'I) .NO I. Total.-,. Weigand Mil 1.17 lu U'.i Yo-t .17 l-2 1M .VI llnnii 11.1 111 Iso j.n Allen lil lit! 1.7! Ill Ciecu I'M tin I'd l'.i; 771 7S.1 Ml 2111 The standing of the clubs In the league Is now as follows: Won. l.o.t. P, c, III.IC k Diamond II 7 . 1 1 1 llacUl II 7 .1)11 West laid No. I Ill h .1.11 M'l.iutnu lllcyile clul i '1 .ill, (irecu Itidise Wheelmen 7 II ..vt. HU 7 II .Hfi OBITUARY. Mary, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hrahner, died yesterday, .after a short Illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, (121 Itosen court. Hervlees will be held at St, Mary's church, and Interment will be made In the Twentieth ward Gor man Catholic cemetery. Theodore, the Inl'nnl sou of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Oliver, of Dickson ave nue, died yesterday morning at half, past ten o'clock of pneumonia, aged V months, Funeral from the home, 101(1 Dickson avenue, this afternoon at I o'clock, MUS. CIIAKLKK SLADK, of I'res eott avenue and Olive street, died ut I o'clock this morning. Deceased was 28 years of ago mid Is survived by her husband and infant child, Funeral an nouncement later, Fuiiernla. The funeral ot Sister Mary Alqyslus, of Ht, I'aul's convent, took placo yes terday morning at 10 o'clock, with a solemn high mass of requiem in St. Paul's church, llev. I. J. McManus olllciated at the ceremonies. Inter ment was made in the Cathedral ceme tery. Sister Aloysius before taking her religious vows was Mary K. O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John O'Neill, of Mt. I'lcasnnt. Tho ropular Tunch cigar Is still ths leader ot tho 10a clears. Fiuu:y OjUJco Baskets, Itcyuolds Hros. WHEN TIME WAS VALUABLE HOW FIVE MINUTES MADE A DIFFERENCE. An Incident Crowing Out of Presi dent McKlnley's Funeral Which tho Principal in It Will Not Soon Forgot Cnino Within nn Aco of Losing a Wife. I'rom the Washington star, A group of traveling men were dis cussing the assassination of President McKlnley the other day when one of them said: "Gentlemen not to digress from the subject but hnve any of you ever con sidered the value of live minutes'."' All answered In Ihe negative, "Well, I never considered II myself until the other day, when 11 friend of mine mot with an experience which showed how precious live minutes can be under some circumstances. It was on the day the dead president was bu lled, when, as you remember the street cars and the telegraph ceased to oper alu for live minutes as a mark of re spect for the martyred chief. "My friend, whose home Is In Wash ington, was engaged to bo married to a young lady In Cincinnati. (I've never seen the lady, but It goes wtlhnut say ing that she Is the sweetest girl In the world nnd all that sort of thing they nil are!) Her father Is 11 very particu lar old gentleman and had not looked with favor on my friend's suit. Tho couple had been engaged In secret for three years and It was only a month ago that the parental consent was se cured. "The young lady and her father were visiting friends near Annapolis and It was while there that he was prevailed upon to give In. "Of course, they wanted to have Ihe ceremony performed at once before father could change his mind and It was arranged to take placo on the 19th of September the day McKlnley was burled. ONLY TWO DAYS' LEAVE. "My friend travels through the south for a New York house, whose busiest month Is September, and he could only get two days' leave. He tlxed his dates so that he would be In Baltimore, where the wedding was to take place on the 19th and all arrangements for the af fair were perfected by letter. "Well, the day of the wedding the groom-to-be came up from Illehnioud, where he was working, and stopped over In Washington to attend to some nportant business matters. The bride-to-be and father-in-law-to-be were to leave Annapolis for Haltlmoro on the 2.;io train, meet him at a hotel near the station, where the ceremony would be performed by a minister who would be in waiting, the three would then take the 4, SO train for Cincinnati. "The business took more time than ho hud anticipated, and It ivas 15 min utes after 2 before he could break away and start for the train. He would have to catch the 2.:t." train in order to be in Baltimore on time to meet his bride elect and her father, and he did some tall hustling, I tell you. "As I said before, the old gentleman Is very particular; he Is also very punc tilious one of those gentlemen of tho old school whose eleventh command ment Is 'be punctual.' He and his daughter would leave Annapolis at the same time my friend loft Washington, and all three would arrive in Baltimore simultaneously. My friend knew that If he wasn't in Baltimore to meet them when they arrived pater would be furi ous and, of course, break off the match. If he missed that 2.!I5 train he wouldn't have any more chance of getting the girl than Czolgosz had of being par doned. "At 23 minutes past 2 ho was on a trolley car going down Pennsylvania avenue, and, allowing for stops, would reach the B, and O. station at 2.30 and have live minutes to spare before the train pulled out. Confident of being on time he lit a cigar and was soon lost in contemplation of the great happiness In store for him. THE CAlt STOPPTD. "Suddenly tho car stopped and re mained still longer than It was neces sary to take on a passenger. He looked up and saw a string of curs in front of him. " 'What's tho matter'," lie asked the conductor excitedly, with his heart in his mouth. " 'The cars are stopped for live min utes out of respect for the dead presi dent,' replied the conductor. " 'Great Scott!' "He looked at his watch: It was half pnst two! The train would leave In five minutes and ho couldn't possibly catch It now. What was lie to do? Across the street was a telegraph olllce. Quick as a Hash he conceived the Idea of tele graphing to Ills (lance's Cather before ho left Annapolis informing him of his predicament, Of course, he realized that only by great good fortune could Ihe mesige he delivered la tlllle, but il was ills only resource and he was desperate, In a moment he was Inside the nlflee, and scribbled a few lines on one of the blanks and handed It over the counter to the operator, " 'Get this olf at once it's a matter of life and death!' " 'Sorry, sir, but the telegraph is shut off for live minutes out of respect ' -"'Mut (his Is a matter ' " 'Very sorry; but the current Is off all over the country.' " '.lumping Juplior!' "Heads of perspiration stood out on his brow. Visions of a gloomy future with 1111 loving wife In cheer 11 rose up before him. There was no question of It the girl was lost to him now beyond a doubt, and the boy felt pretty blue, lie started to walk out of the olllcu Vihcu a thought Hashed through his brain that gave nun a new lease 011 life. There was a possibility, he thought, thai Ihe Annapolis train might bo delayed by reason of the heavy traf fic on the railroads that day. and he might still be ablo to coinnumlcato with the girl's father before It was loo late, INTKItlU'PTION CEASES. "At last tho clock In the olllce pointed to twenty-llvo minutes to :t. The cars out In the street were clanging their gongs uml slowly moving off click click click tin' telegraph was again at work and the noise of the sounders was the sweetest iuiibIc ho had ever heard. "'Hurry off my messagu!' ho blurted out to the operator, who already had his linger on the key, pieparlng to send the despatch. "'Walt!' said the operator, quickly. Annapolis Is calling now!' "Ho gave tho answer to the call and threw lu his switch; after a slight pause the sounder slatted off again at a lively rate. "The operator listened for it moment, then glanced hurriedly at tho copy my SKF' An Excellent Combination, Tlio pleasant method nnd benellelal cffcels of tho well known remedy, Svnuf op L'ltis, nmuufautiir'ed by tho Oai.H'oiini.V Fin Svnup Co., Illustrate, thovaluoof obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants hnown to bo medicinally laxative and presenting thorn in tho form most refreshing to tho tasto and acceptable, to tho system. It is tho one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches nnd fevers gently yol promptly and enabling ono to overcotno habitual constipation per mancntly. Its perfect freedom from every objouttonnlilu quality and sub stance, ami its acting on tho kidneys, liver and bowels, without wcukcuing or irritating them, make il, tlio ideal laxative. In tlio process of manufacturing figs nro used, as they aro pleasant to the tasto, but tho medicinal qualities of tlic 1 remedy nro obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by n method known to tho Camfoiinia Via Svnoi Co. only. In order to got its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, plcaso remeniberthe full name of thoCompnny printed on tho front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. j SAN 1-ltANOISCO, OAI.. I LOUISVILLE, ICY. HEW YORK, IT. TT. Forsttlobyoll Druggists. Prlco50o. per bottle. AMUSEMENTS, Lyceum Theatre M. 11K1S, Lessee and Manager. A. J. DUFFY, Uu3. Manager. Tonight, (Tuesday) The Famous New York Orator, Author nnd Reformer THOMAS DIXON, 11 Under the exclusive control ii Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey of the BROCKWflY C0GRSE Seats now on sale. Weim thy Matins and Night Id'AUV (!lii:i:XWAl.f. I'nwnU "A Kovclty fa (.niihtir," Gay Mr. Goldstein with nii!i:i: staks: Tlii'iius .1. hfi.li, Mm.v ll.iiiipton, Jcnrflp C. Ilmiliirp, ,lr. .W-Kld 1 .1 (Amip.my of Arli?.K IMUCO l'.riiliis: iji., .'., 75c, uml $1.00. Matinee, Blr. unit .Vie. Children to any part of tin.' liuuo, 15 cent-. tacjU un s.ilc MuiuLiy. Academy of flusic 11. ItUlS. Leasee. A. J. Duffy, Manager. Three l),ivs llcKiiinini; Moml.iy, Dec. 9, W. L .'A.NKi:Vll,l.i:S Splendid I'lodnctiun ol HUMAN HEARTS Mitll.ti'i Tui'.ilay iiml d.iy. I'rieiv.-Xlclil, 1jc, A'"-.. :!.' .'i0e. l'rkm .Matinee, lie. and 2.V. , 'lliri'o XlghU, Iicgliiuin? 'I Inn.-djj-, Dec. 12. "THE ROAD TO 3.UIN." Tony JUiimiTii "ill appear at eeiy pertiirnuncc. Matinees I'ri.lay ami SititnUy, Price- Niclil, 15c., Sir., 3Jc. and .10c. Priced .Matinee, Ijc. I'l.d 2o" STAR THEATRE ALF. O. IinnniNUTO.V, Manager. m:u:int:ii , 10, it. "The Brigadiers." Daily .Matinee. New Telephone The Conservatory Course Ol Aitl.it lli'cltJls Will Open On Wednesday Evening, December u At M. l.uU-'ii I'.iil.h lliniM' Auditorium, at s OVIrn.1;, PlilCI'.M "-'.no tor Ihe cnur-e (of lour ion. ci'iliO, inclmliiiK a livened seat lu each. lAllis-Clialmers Co Successors to Machine nuslness of Dickson MiinufacturiiiK Co., Scranton anil WIlKes-llnrre, Vn. Stationary Engines, Collets, Mining Machinery, I'umps. friend hnd Klven him nnd exclaimed with sunirl.se: Why. It'.s for ymt, sir!" " 'b'or nie'.' fiient what Ift II quick! In- trapped, diiinhfouuded, ' 'Father suddenly HI cannot leave particular later.' Tlie.se me the words the operator called out ns fust as the Instrument elicited tlli'lll off. "My friend stood utock still for n inn. nielli, hardly able to believe his own ears. Then he let out u whoop that would hnve done ciedlt to u Coninnehu Indian, and. tnsslne; u hill to the oper ator, danced out of the olllce. "TiilU about WiilliliiB on air; why.Mie had Suntos-Dumont beat to death! "After ho had collected himself and come down to earth (iKtilu ho wired hip Hweethenrt nslilni," fop full particular? foucenilm,' her father's illness. Tho nn. answer informed him that the old gen. tlouinn had been attached with vertlKa while WiiilliiK at tlie station, eausini! them to miss the train, but It had soon passed off and ho was as well as ever, "Well, Ihe wi'ddliiK look place the next day, and ynu can safely wner mj friend did not take any innru chancet wllh stieet cursor teleitraius. That lit. tie CNpei'icnco he had on the 19th was ono he won't Cornel very soon, ..ml taiiKht him sol lethttiK of (he value nl time, which will iiiaki) him nppivfiutf ever yinluutes in Ihe day hereafter,'' DUNMORE, Scud a postal or call and see A, 11, linker, the Uimmoro jeweler, when you want watches and Jewelry, l-.'.', Qulncy avenue, Duuiuoie. liet hint to repair your watch and It will bo tight. The most reliable man to buy watches and Jewelry from Is A. B. llaker, tho IJliiiiiiore Jeweler, . ,.. ,Ji. ,
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