',, pf, ' ?f sfv r " 7 1'w - ' -'" - ".: v,'lJ Vjf. 'RK , ' w -l VI 1 V HI THE SCJIAJNTON TRlBUJNJfr-TUKSIMV, .MJC'ISMBtili 10, J..RH, y t NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA ? ENTERTAINMENT BY fc- LADIES OP THE G.A.R. Cnptnln James Hnm Circle Follows Initiation with a Delightful Social Session. Special to the Sirjiilnri Tilbimf. Honesdale, Doc. !. On Friday own Iiir lust, Cnptnln JnniPM Ham i-lrele, UidlcH of tho (!. A. I!,; of Hottr-mlnle, inltlutod two Hesv lnoiiiliur.M Into their already lurse circli?, and iiIho enter tnlnnl Mrs. France I. Holcnte. depnrt nient Ins'iieotor of LwPliime. Pa., and His. Catlicrlne Di-Litcy Koclie, ilopiirt inent iHCHldent of Scriinton. Pa. At the close of the meeting the mein uern of the circle. toRother with their BUcstB and the members of Cnptnln James Ham poHt, (Irand Army of the Republic, entered the Mpaoloim dlnlnK room, where dainty refreshments were served, after which Hon. Henry Wil son Introduced l.eOrand Wright, de partment Inspector of Scranton, who pave u delightful talk, which Included many very Interesting: anecdotes of tho war In which he served. Following Mr. Wright's talk. Mrs. llolgate delivered a most eloquent ad dress. In which she touched upon tho good work which various circles were doing for the Orphans' school at Ohes tervllle. Pa., after which a collection was taken, which will he used to pur chase Christmas gifts for these homo less children. Mrs. Holgnte's daughter Is a teacher In this school, and Is deep ly Interested In the welfare of these children. Mrs. Catherine Del.acy Itoclie then spoke on various subjects of Interest, and In a most charming manner pre sented the retiring president, Mrs. D. B. Mantle, with a gold watch, and ex pressed to Mrs. .Mantle tho deep ap preciation the circle felt for the faith ful manner in which she had per formed her duties as president, and by this small token desired to show the same, as each member of the circle in dividually contributed. Mrs. Mantle then thanked the circle for this gift, and assured them that when she would look at the watch it would not only remind her or the hour of the day, but would also remind her of the many pleasant hours she had spent with them. All present went home feeling well xilensed with their evening's enjoyment, ind hoping to renew the acquaintance of their guests in tho near future. MONTROSE- fc'P'cltl to the Soranton Tribune. Montrose, Dec. II. December aigiinieiil mini opene'd befoio .Indue Sim lie in lhU daoo t l.i.x . S. V. Lions Iimvi'i tonight fir New Vm I. pllv )ii business. It. II. Fniilham .mil V I.. Titm.in ii'iuiiicd h Sattnd.cy from a business nip in Simmon. I'lederlc-k Iti-lo.v, of f-'n intiv i Hi', has been ti ling at the homo ol Mr. .mil Mis. Wiineii i:. 'ingley, Oil LlHII-l -llPel. Miss I'.iiol' Id' ill, daiishler of Mr. unit Ml-. I. I. Ilp.nl, treated .1 l.ni!i number ul her little h lends to .1 delightful nlfielii iilp p.nl.v on -.i. Ill day afternoon. ttev. IV. A. 'I'. lliodiitk it vi-iting ftieiid-i .11 Sii.-tiifhaniia, Wilkpti-llaiii' ami Suianton. Mr-. A. M. Hi-uediet has letiuncd fiom (Iteene, X. Y., tvheie -lie iva-t c.illed li.v the -id,ne.-, nnd ilpulli of lier ,'.i-lor, lt-t. M, I. Windsor. She wn aieiMni.inied linnic hi her hiolher, II. S. ilium, ol Wiiti.ini-poi 1. The Feu-t of the In1111.11-1d.1le Coin cpt ion of the lllcs-ed Vliitln iv.h observed hi- sieoial .Hid i)io)ii.irle t ci lift al si. Mai-i's (lilliolic -hutch, on Sunday uininiug. S. S. Sl'iighl lelinncd m Ids home in this dace on Satniday evening, after 11 lliire weeks' nli-enee, dining tthidi lie lisiieil telaiiics in ev .lei-ry and allended to some business al Washington. I). C. 1. W. 0.il;lc, is at llinghamlou on hii-ine-M. Mis. IIo-aIp Paltnvr eiilertalned 11 parly of lier tic-lids at the I e of her parents Mr. and Ml-. .'. SI. Ilaiiloy, scenery Illll. on 1'iiilay evening, S. II. .lolin-on, liu.prietor of I'lVm Hall," a popular Minmier ic-oil al Crystal lake, this :-oiinl,y, iiei'onipanieil hy his idfe, nee Carrie ""aiii her, of I hi-- pl.ue, have lieen vi-.it iii(r Mr. mil Mi-. V. i:. Ili-ell, at their hiwjon Depot 1uet. ""V i:nn .1, I'ime, for mole Ihan two year-a allied einploje on tlie Independent ilepnhliiaii, ha- none to Sn-iiieh.inna to ueiept the forenun liip of the Tian-iiipt-I.eili;,.!- ottice In that place. Ir. I'liui''.- liieniN and a-.-0ei.1les in Montro-e 'merely teuiet ids removal fiom thl-i pl. p. Tho pi client flpIghtiiR of the la-t few days 1:1- IhoiikIiI out an nmi-nal inmilier of team mil le!ln, a-insti1 lis-, donlile lie- and all loits. Tlipie hae lieen neieral iiunu.iy-. hut vdy one Ii:i4 heen attended with any i-eiions -c-ulK TI1.1t iHcmred this momin,' Willie .Mi-. V. W. Woodinlt and a .u.nnw man were driiiiB iihniit town with liioieryiii.ni Kolh's lioi-p anil .sleinli. lollocliiiir kininlry oik, the hnr-o took liisiil mar thp l,iikaw.mn.i anil Montiop 1-l.1t i,i;i and at oiue Inuke Into a run. A a .sliatp turn was pud,. U tlie innwr ot Clierry and Maple -tice., thp oiciiiaiiN eie Mown Uoleutb out onto Ihe icy -Heel, ami Mr-!. Wooilruir ii-lalned paliilul liiuile to one of her Ipri-. hut oiie,' lo its pieirnl swollen Ule, the allendiiis ph.iei.in is iinahle In Male, at thi-i lime, Hhetlipi- It U li.olly -pialned or broken. HAUNTON. Fppcl.il to lb,-, s'einnlon Trllnuip. Ihinllnioii, pee. 11.- AIM . p. ll.nulin ha, i1oi.nl lier sunnnei-intt.iKc and led foi Wnir-o.-ni, Mai., wIicip die pcinl the holldais Willi Inr nil i-p, Mu. )i. .1, .. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. C. I.'. Wilula lute been vMilinj friend. In .lennjn and SVutiton fni n-M'ial d.i.-t, Mr, II, 1'. XUIml-on leecntly ipiiiimimI front, a linntiin,- pipiitnn In I'lke cuuntj, and a, a .111. pen of I1I4 trip Ihe neishbois am enjoyitu a ful of M11U011, Mrs. .1. I'. Stinker hai lieen iNiilnu het daugh ter, Jlay, lu is 11 senior .11 lllooiiibui stulu Normal kIiouI. Mis S.idlo Ual.on, of Scuiilnii, H .iii lior parents, Mr, and Mm. IoIiii WiiImui, of tie: :.tt, Side. Mr, Homer IVII011, kludeui at siinuiMiiui; Not. mal Mlinnl, UitfiI Ids poems hue SuiiiIjv last, MM MjIijIj .Ioiip poii leau-. for Jeiniwi, wlicie die iiiti'inh pcndlnK the winti--. M. Alkiiuli ami lllllc iIiukIiIii, n nici, fpptit TlunkiilliiK ultli Ml,, Anna Alknuii, tejclier in our public mIioqI. (I. W, Simons. Itobtu Spaiqenhuii; jh, -f, ), Orchard ate prepaiintr to keep cool next Muiiioir by cicctlitB kloijfi" hou.se foi he, and If u,e wpather pniitlnuei Js lor .1 week ul llie j,e iiup will lie laitfp. Mni. Aiuoii lliookii, wlin bai lu-eu sick for the iut thlPO luontlK, is illll loulineil to lier mom, but ImprnUut; tlowb. It is not necp.saiy for llie houes to ( i',tw. les, d wp luip fine bluck-ml!ln wliluu one uud one-half miles travel. Sleluliins to pood ami the goivul lieallli of ihe people fail , Mr, 11 fit l.ehr, Mjlble Healer, of I. hen Mduc, lecently eicclcd i neat iiiomuiieut on Hie lllm, family plot, Ml.-s Vein a ( liapuijii i able to bo oul. alUr liakliii, been conliiH-d to Hip liou-p for several week) uitli a di.loi.jlcd ankle. Miss Coiinois, principal ol Ihe llldwell Hill (juded tdiool, lOiiicUed I In; Idea ol a library for the puplU, ami a box paity wan held I'lidiy (lenini; at Hip lesldem-e ol (iiUn-it llorttee to raise funds for it, and a a ieu!t of thv p.nty the young people lepotl a good lltiit- and about I7 In the treatuiy. Mu. K. A. (julinby, wlio it sprint; underwent mere surgical operation at Thompson- hospl- bit and telmiiid Imme iiimli bi milled, Ii abm.t lo tmdeiiiti atiolhei op ration, .h Hie liri-t ,i-ta. lion did not biliur ahoitl a prtnutirut tnre. IV.iplier- ittnl tcliolir-tf Ihe Methoilll llpbcopal Suml.ty Jichool nip ielieatlinr eerrlei lor 1 ( liri.im.ii riitertalmuelit In be held In the Mi-lho-dl.il llpl.'cnp.i ihiircli ("hillni,i ee. FOREST CITY. SpP1l.1l lo llie fiiMlilun Tlihune. I'oiest City, Dec, (I. Al Je.-lild.iy tnoiniim'. ce-slou Iwrnty-vveii people w-ete l.tkin inlu Ihe I'rv-li'lPil.ui rlmrili, CotisidciiiiK Ihul lliere li.no been mi Fprci.il tevl.il n-nli-e" in Ihp clmtcli lid- l n lemnkable udillllou and -p-.iki well for Ihe ililtit!il hratlh of Hut denomina tion, ltd. William llollrnsbed, Ihe m'lni, pleached ,pspib luntnllnr 011 the until "lliio," nnd In the eveiilnir on tlie tpt, " lied Too Shoil nnd a Cinerhic Too .Vintou'." The 1lel1.1t p by tnembeis ot Hie IIIrIi nhool PICTURE ICOPVIllflllTI.D.l I ' " ' out Santa Clans wants to get ready for a start upon his animal visit to good little boys and girls, but his team of reindeer is nowhere to be seen. AVhere are they? ,4, Friday wa- a oty IntetestinR affair. Tlieie were pIkIiIppu participant-, and Hie di.spulants bandied their oubjeil with leniaikahle aiti!ude. The ipiestion was "lle-oled. Thai Lincoln m.h nioip eminent llian Washlnston." Miss Winifred O'llata led the atlinualixe. and Miss i:aneliiie MrClo-kcv was (lie leader of the nei;.itlp. The judKes, Itev. It. 1,. Chill;, llev. C. A. Spildiuc I'. M. (iaidiner .mil 1". I.. f.Vhlei. b.iip llie di- li-lon to the I.iiicidnite... Tlie -iholars tn-ik- ins a niaiked impioeiiieiil in their debates, and the monthly intellectual wiestle is now eajteily lookrtl forwaid lo by llie -tiuleiils. Tliomas '. .lohin, a nideiil of I'lea-.mt Mount, well known licie. was killed by a hor-e he wa-s leadinic to water 011 Satniday. II Is not known pn-illu-ly whelhei the animal kiiked or slipped and fell 'on Mr. .Inlms, who was a 111111 nf about .-lty yeais. He i- miium-iI by Ids wlte and one" Mm, I'lank, p-diii!i!lsl in liicm llidj;e. Mr. .lolms had aiiiuiuilated coiisideiable piopeity and was one nf the lcadim; men of his ioiii luiiiilly. Tlie funeral will take plate tomoitow. A l.itse ninnber nf l'oies-t fit people attended the luneial of Sister Aln.iriu at limit llldj;e this nmiiiliiK. Ileforp taking hei religions miws lie was a fiiiuc!it isllor hcie and wa- hialily le.speited and aduiiied foi Inr Ioely Cliiistian liaiaeler. I'. P. l'o was a si-iioi in town Sund.11. Missis Teie-a r.uiell and Maiirarel i:an- were in Carhondale Satuida... .Mi-s 1'eail (iil.nds rpeni Satniday anil Sunday with Siiauton fiieudn. Ilerheil Iteynoldi-, of Si lanton. --pint Sunday with fiiends lii-ip. The c.im and clioius fm the opi ra .M.nltana boldiiiff weekly teheat-als. They ate lapidlv jjetlini,' a Kiap of Ihe piece and it 1- probable thai it will be very sueicssfully .slaved. PITTSTON. Bpeelil to the Scronton Tribune. I'illslon. Dec. O.At a mpi-llni; f the sinners of this iciully held in the Younir .Men's (litis, ti.in A-i-nciatliin pallors last ewnlinr initial -leps towatd tin- ori,aiil.alaon of a iictiiiaiient ilioir weie taken by tlie election of llie follow inn otHcers: I'losideut, lte. (I. I'. Iltlwi-in; iie piisldetit, T. II. Davi.s; sunilaiy. Ha. id Howell: leader, I'mf. Ibmy llairlc. It 1 the Intuition tn picp.iie an oialoiio for pic-i-nlalinu at a future date. A T-.u-.n-old ihild of Muiiioe Anthony, of West I'iitston. Is iiitically III with diphthetia. Mr, and Mrs. shadraih Thoini-, of Wyoming .uenue. will leli-btate the tillielh iinnlei-aiy of Iheir weddius Tue.-il.iy eu-nlmr al the home of tln-li daiiKbu-.-, Mi-. Maty Held. Kilwill liiKPI, of the llnjcili.' I'oiuh fnlol., pall- Weilne-day on the s-team-ldp 'I. Paul, foi a visit ta his mother 111 KiiKhind. lie will re turn In this 1 mini it alter the holidays. Ml.. Klleu I'tca-, of llu-tli ll.iu-u, Is a lilor at tlie home ol Mm. .1. II. I'riik, mi I'rlip Mliet. A mw :ilmit lau-ed Ihe wreik of a fast cj-,1-bound evpiess Haiti on Hie l.chich Valley mad hete this afteinonn. Tlie iow allempled In ciOfs the tucks near Ihe -Vnee.t iniiie tiei-llini; at Hie I'atteisoii mill il-t as the tl.iln cauie alnntr and was stunk by Ihe enable. Tlie nv tiuck nf the ciiuitip was derailed and Ion- llie tailioad lies for a bundled feet In-fine Hie euuliie 1 mild iop, 'Ihe tialu I'nn.Mi'd of lluee .iy loaches, iwn pallor tais nud i-pli--s i.ir. TI.e i.iMei)Rii weie kUcii a consldeiable ianiinr. The train was delajed a halt bout. M1011I ti oMoik last iiIkIh Hie uiiile bit 11 In the Itid A-b ein al the Clear Spiluj! inllleiy, West I'ltljlon, was iliscoenil tn be afire, uud beloie the tl.iiiii-s lould be eM limul-ln-d and the mules tceued, flte of tlipin had been uf-fiu-atPil or toatei to death and seictat ollicis badly liutned. Tlie collleiy was idle today. l'ilUtou will no ilouht h.ne a choir In 10111 pelltlou on Hie ilmnis ,11 Hie cisleddfod to be helil In the Cnmiipgational 1I11111I1, Tailor, on (.'hiUtinas day. A meellncr ol slnen was called for this r en 1 112 al the home of .lohu ta.ucll, We.l I'ithlnil, when final ib-tision was lo be made. Audiew lliyden, aued ii ycais, eldest sou of Mr. and Mi-. A. .1. Hidden, of Oiecou Ib-iliU. died at l-J.I'i today, alter a brief attatk if plcu. rly, Detea.ed wj a number of lalc llo-e (onipany and llaiile Dunn imps. Klieiirter nianchatd, orpiI "I years, a pinmcr iH.ident of I'otl ill.im.haid, illed Satniday rtpu inif al Ids homo at that plate. Ill pau-uls weie rally cllli is fiom ,Vew laml.nnl. and at one lime tinned coiisldeijhlo io.il land in the vicinity of I'otl mane-hard, Ihe place beinir tumid' alter the family. The luneial will take plate Tueiday afternoon, with Interment in tin llollinback leimleiy, Wlkesl.iue. Voleiilj)' wai a ipiiel Smidjy here, the I'u.t ifteil of ihe rinitriiiilali-il irnaili tf Ihe Anil Saloon liassue. I'ollnwlnir in Hie wake of the slut luachlne laid ddllng Ihe fore put of la. I week, lamp a irqiuxt thai Ibe illy 0II11I.1W otdir the lonfeitlonciy and ftnlt itore to i-lnp, but if Ibey weip the older was illsobejid In a liiajniliy of Hie plans, although scu-rjl of llie leading holi-U clui'il llulr lurioom. 1'ather Mi Hale, at Hie last mass In St, John's church, leuuly iiilU'ised tlie city adinlnUliation. He iK'ilated Hie pity would be benefitted by the lesiiaialion nf the entire rooter. The damp halt, as londiicli-d at the pii-.-enl day, weie alo de. nounu'd by 1'ather Mclble. Anthony l-'ouland met wjlb death In an mid inamier Saturday afternoon, at Hie HalUiead col liery, where he was employed on the culm and roik dump. The culm bank it the colliery It a flu- and mlphuioui fume from the fire am) felt headlong over Hie top of the link. Re did not tr.uli Ihe lnmiliiflr rutin, Imt before Hip driver bo.ts who .nv him fall could Munition kM.iiii-p lit lex tie hlni, I'oul.itnl w.n ntpli.wlMcil, The cj-o U 11 f.nl one. 'I lip Ullui wa 11 tot-i-luiin- iitifamlll.ir wlllt Hie American hinuii.iuc. lie le.tiM a wife and l in.ill 1 hlhlfen In al llinl llptlllle lllcinnsl.im rt. ical. j L Theatrical TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. I.Yt lll'.M. Ib'. Thomas Himi, .ti. ladinc, lliockway conrp. Mali! ACAIH'.MV. "1111111,111 Helix ' A fhi 11 1 and nillhl. STAII. "Ihe III luJillftf. AllellMion and liii?lll. "Human Hearts." mn l iniiip.iuy, a line pcriotui.iin-c and .v minded lioiie ate the plain 'Inti limit, tli.it tell the sloty of the openlti!,' of W, II. .Siitikevillc's be.iiilltul play, "1111111111 lle.ltt"." Niw K-enrry bis liieli added ami It makes a sllomrei' prmhi." lion tlian w.n 11 hole lal p.imiii. II. .1. Vnc'iey at .llin Mason, Hie Irnnp. was i-r.i olcw-r. II11 bell Hill-. I'll ill rlik I'allhalik.s and Ml.-s llettlle.' PUZZLE. Palmer, Mli-s Delia Cl.nk and M.islei Pony do-erie special mention. I'or Hie last Ihnc jc.n-s "llu 111.111 llcatl.s" has done a banner business at the Acadenii, and by the looks ot the advaiiie .silo this will be the inu-t pinlltahlo eiiK.iarenient th" popular pla. his ccr hid in Sii.mtou. The Brigadiers" at the Star. "'llie llri'.'.ulieis" iliiilc-ipio loiupiny played lo irowded hou-es r.steiilay al tin- Star Hunter. In fact tlie (lass of eiiteilaitiiiu-nts picM-nlid b. Manaser lien infjtoii this season has made .staudliiK loom in 'demand al 1110-t. of the per foi mam es. "'llie lliiiradieis" are headed by the McDonald liinthci-. who aie anion'.- tin- most popular comedians 1h.1t isit Siiauton. A1110111; tl tlii-r slat, of tlie pel foiin. ime weie I. Ida l)eter, the nmdeiii Diana; lalwitia Menei, iohii sinyei ; Kelly and Helm, the Klntes'itle ailobats, and I'cicy Willing, illu-l 1.11 i-d I1.1lt.nl siiifei-. An otiinal elicit was piodured by Hie ait of tlie Vauisliimr llili;.nlics," ubieii was in some tcspects similai to the lil.uk att nowdtics produced b, Ihe well known uni;ii ians ot tlu dl,. The (losing Inllle-iple, "Al Slllphlll-SpiillH-," lout.lilied the ii-ii.ll -piiiiklnn; of tun, canity mush and Iniiliaut tableaux. Oviu to popular deiiiautl matinee-, vill heiiafler he held daily at the Mai. "The niiK.iilieis" will l.e seen this atteinonii and cM-tiiug and loiiionnw in itinee anil ceulmr. Kev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., Lecturer. llev. Thomas Dknn, .Ir., will lei line tit tne l.u-cuni tniiiitlil as one of tlie liinohw.iy 'iuu,e ol eiitettaimueiit-. lite Pallas, le.w, News s.is of him: "He is nitt1 of tie- tno-t nithiuc orators of Ihu picsi-nl day, was ;i'l cais uld .o.stenl ly, and can hold an audieme as Inn- as lie cm talk. He Ui.. j as fast as a mnoiis woman in a ihuuli sewing i-iicle, and is master of all tlie aits nf niatoty. In one moment he bl.ie.s like a meteor, in Ihe lloNl he tblllldcls like .1 11 t of ll'lc llln bllf'l-s; iiK.iiu, he il.i.li-s hi- .iiidieiue Willi a punlU.il sc.itli-i intr 'f lii-ni- 01 iIkhiuIii, .'ind then pmuids tin 111 villi a hailstoiiu nl louii-. If tlieie is a double bu k..u lion, ieci-ible p.iteiit-leer, i-iuh leelcc.ltat, well-perfei tillu', sellcoi kill!,", tlioloimh bicd di.-pcii-ci of niiuiual 1 hiu uiii-ic In ll.il uiiinliy it is Tom Di-cou. "Hi- Ice tine on "Modem llabyloiil.i" was tho atll.iillon wlihh I'llled the aiuliloiimu of tin illy lull last niuht. Hteiy .-cut was 01. opied, and for two hours ect. rn r-oii pie-nit listen -d with Inlen-e iiiteicst," 'The Gay Mr. Goldstein." lu-ti "'lite Hay Mi. liuldsieln" is pie.inlcil at Ihe l.ui-inn Wednesday matinee and ulisht, iday-Koeis will uiiiy not only a nmcliy in coiiieil.t, bin one that Is of such miithful at-mo-pheie 1 1i.it the .iinlienie Is 1 miMil-i-il with laiiithtiT fiom tlie lime Hie til -t Hue Is rpokeii until "Tito ll.i.v Mr. (iolil-lelii" bids i:ooibiils.-lil. and even then tor some lime icmiul-ccni es o( Hie biunoioiis loiucdy will lemaiii. Hill tin- liin-l iiupoitant facior Is tli.il In It will be seen lluee stars who are siippoitcd by Hie most taleuled il.i.vii'- thai could be kjIIhu-iI tot Iheir support. 'Road to Ruin" Company. "Tlie lload lo Ituin" conies in H.c cidemy ot Mu-ic foi Hiiro da.s, lomiiieuciiiK I'd- I". This will be the company's lir.-l ,I In Sn.inhei and should ilia w crowded huiisi-s. The plav, which had .1 huts" tun in New oik illy, sciu's in liiliodiiee 1 h. 11. 11 hi.-, k-icucs, etc,, of Cothaui, Kllliii; a liulhliil pic-uitation of ctili scene shown. Tho scciieiy will in-illwl piov, one of the sironcst li-.iline, of the bill, lint liintr like il li.uliii; ever been iltempled uilh a melodrama of this tjpe hen tonne. Hoe of tin p-o-t 1e.1ll.tlu siciics of Ihe play is an evict lepwditellnn c the woild famous New mk I'ombs ni-.in. sit-in-inir the escape- of ,111 imuale in hio.nl i!a.!lu;,t, T'eny McliuHin will app.-ar.it i-n-ii pufoiinamp, The Hochmnn Recital. Thiie can be no doubt tlul litis 1ui1.1l will be the iiuwl aillstic ami linl-liut bil ol pi.mo wotk Hill SimiiIoii lias bad an oppoitiuol.i in list u In In many a Ioiik' day, and Hint' seems In lut II 1 1 lo mom for doubt thai Ihe musical poillon of ciiteilaiuiueni emrs will be i-atly in Ihejr seais tn hear Ihe pii.iaiiuue which was published lor the loimei dale. Unlii incs e-M-iinhiie heconie so ciiiliuaiic Hut they bcitln In talk about .mother oppoilunl ly lo heat this 11,1111 wlio can cnilra.-e a slian.e auilii'iiei- as Ihoujt he was an old and f.ivniiio petfoimer. All cats and 'biissiv, ill be ul the ilnoi at Hie 1 loo ot Ihe conccil. The ptoitiamui, will In-Kin al s :;) n'cloik at Ihe l'.ni.-li li.ni.i- on Wi'dne-ilay eicnin. Dec. II, The Al. Reeves Company. SI. Ilecvci, laiuous hi-, ioiiipaii, ol Inilli'-ipli is will be si in at Ihe star. Hnce d.i.is loiuiuemiiiK in-M 'Ihiusiliy alleliiiuiu. Mi. Ilecve.s has 1 Ik lepuiatlou of having lli.t clj.s uliracliotis, ami this seasou'ii cimipany is said In stiipas- all previous aiteuiplJ. 'I hen- an- thirty cleicr eo ip In Ihe ornaniatloii, imludliiK twenty let' attiai-tlv,' wumc'ii. The pliuiauiiue loiisltts of hlxli 1 la-- taude vllle and two funny buileHpies. Tlie latter aie handsomcl) etai;ed, Ihe 10. tunics ami su-itfiy ln-llik' umisitally claboute. Ileaullfiil lililjic.il numbeia and vailous uotellles add lo Ihe attract li'tnB4 ol Ihe lieifonnance. Tln-iv will be the uscal dally uialineei. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. llhnllt tail. In ,l, nt till,, .,. tillliii.nl. iilul it ills. orilell.t Hl.ilnble 1 li-ln-il amoliL' Ihe' heals lo inter inpir sliorl miitrncK Am.ilitiiiu.ilcil ' up- ,0,1-1 iiieu sunn coillliici-, .mii.iikiiiii.iicii - c,i iet i-unlliiui-il to m.ilhl.ilu IN t-on.plruotii po,. tloit, i-ipii with Ihe iiicteiseil aiiliu.illoii in I'm Inatkel Inil.i). 'Ihe openlntt "lies i,ttlled Hie Mini, back i., 111 Hi, and this in, mil Hie' low h'M-l of Ihe tl.lj, but the delliainl iliopped oil ils Winn a, the Mori; nppnuflietl SaliDil.ij'i. buel, illlliouuli the suptio'l was always olleted as it heated 11. The l.eais bciiime nl.iimeil al Ihe aetlon of the slock iitul In Ihe last hour lushed the ptlce up lo TI In their ftittilic lilddltij asailil cult oilier. The lintl t'the .- lint n t.hadp lower, The siippotl olleied In copper at the opculim- brealc iti,uipted Mlpnoitltii; ordc is i-I'pw Iipip, and Ihe luatkel p,nllpil luotnetit.iriiy, iptltp a lll of Itnpoilatil stocks il.lncr n Inn-tlun ciM-r Saturda.t. Willi a il-e hi the call loan tale lo T per cent., howi-Mi. sp,. iilaiors took Itliiltt ami unloaded rami;.-. I'iIcc Kiin-r,illy Intuited the low point of Hie day 011 lids slump, alllioticdi ltidlvhlii.il stocks wen- lotccil down 1, udet subse quent attack, ciinvinu lite whole In.tlkct witii Hit-Ill li ills In about Hie low- lcwl meveral liltu. SI, Paul w.n nntahl.t weak and fell l! iiuiler sitmd.iy. .M inli, ti. 111 :il-u was timorously i.i talked and illhiii -J1 i millet S.iltinl.it. I'iiilu il la-neral letel 11 fa point 01 unite below S.iltndat's pi lies, the uiirkct ht-a.au to move npuaitl ami u.iincd iiioiiiciiIiiiii, Then was a sllu'l.l te-acllett In-full" the clo-e, bid Ihe niltaiiie was ipiipw'-I, iiukltu.' Hie 1 lii-i-tiiilte ami -It'oui: at about the be.-t. The finuhl tallrotds, M.ittli.llt.iti. New Sork fcnlr.il. suu'.tr, I'aclllc Mail and (icitciat lllecl.ie, weie all proiuiuetil In the rally iitul the day closed wllli net italits cMcpl In 11 few i.i-is. Total f.iles, l.it'S.'ltiiJ sluic-s. 1t.illio.ul bonds weakened In s.mpiih.t with slinks, but wire liicsular lain. Walii-b delieii Hues lialticil 111.11 Iv 'J pel cent. Total Mlr.s p.u mine, t-ri.tf.-i.tni). I'ulleil Slates In, nil.- weie all 11111 u.miccil oil the I all. Tin- follow inn P it 11 111:1' by M, S. .lord in Meant hiilldintf. Si rani ions are fuinlslifd Tlie Tilli- pany, ie,oui Tin "iM Telephone, Will'. Illuh- Low- Cloo A- Cotni' 011, v.. New Votk, l)pp. ti.-Thero w.l 11 lllelv V .tklil? mil nf speililalbp jotiif ntiouiilK In tntU todtv, aiconii.iiilei by ,1 Hiicalrlilni; Uvjt ttt price", wldi li inn-id some al.n tn ilurltiir Ha- t-.ttli hours i,f 11,., ,1,,,. 1.. 11. ..,,. 11 .. ..- .. ... 1. 1. 1 in Open. IIIkIi- Low ing, est. est ..lit) 12- ll'lb. . Tii-Vi '":' Til .. I'-li Inn ti-'i .. (!" TI Hi " .. 2') 2II-, 2s;s .. (1211 IBIU llli ..HUM KU'i 101 "is .. Ul',!, Ili'! I.V), ..221i 2.Us 22 li ..tretii bi'iTf, imt', ..lbs list, llfivi .. NO S)!), SO .. im, .in!', .mi-. . Tcli Tt-" Tt)',- ..ItiV'. lutiaj ttttl.. ..):: blT'i t.Ki ..lisltj lilllt, Tist-i ..liMli int-JM Killi .. ." ,iT'(. ."ill';, .. :t.l'-i :il .mi4 ..1n.1T, 1ii.'i"i iiw'., ..IIS1J ll.iie. J ITI', .. H-3s li'-i ITli .. T.s'i TH',, T.S'i .. ::-2?i !K-1i 2 . IMV4 '.'1 IKIi .. .".slt". .Vl'i 'iS', .. S-!; Isi's MU . . ::u Kti-ii itsi', inif. ':"., 1 r's tn; rn', el'i's Itli'.i Iti", S!', IfBIt", IIS S'l to"; Tl-'s tilja; 1.HP4 lciri i'ii'i :i " 1o.1v, I Is'-j IS'.i TI) :K-4 l"J -'ii, HP,H !! ll's M' la It'Js 'I-!.', Atm-iicau Suuai- Alt bison Atihlfon, I'r. 'mal. Copper Amer. Car k l-'onndiy nmok. Traction Hall. ,v Oltii I'hes. ft Olii.i Chie. - (II. West. .., St. Paul Ilork Island Col. fuel ,c I i-o Mile It. It Kile It. II.. IV I.ouls. ,fc N'v-I Man. Dlei.lted Mel, Ti act ion Mt.s-01 Pacilic S'orfolk - We-t Out. Ar We.lein V. V. Central I'eun.i. It. It HradlnB ll.t Iteitlimt lit., I'r Soiilliein Hi , Southern lit.. I'r. ..., Sititlieiti 1'aeillc Tcnn. Coal cV lion ... Texas I'acilic Leather ... ll!i M'i I.", 111;. 'II ilU II 11 I . S. Leather, I'r. I . S. Itiibber ... I-. S. SI eel Co. . C. S. Steel Co.. P We-tein rnio'.l , Wab.lsli. I M--'s I.i ll-'i ni HPn I2r'i si's I.", in i.i tllia, illll.. tll'ii Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Asked. I.irkuvv.iniij Daily Co., I'r fi() futility Satlm; Hank & Tint. Co.. nilO I-'iist National Bank (Carhondale) :;2.- St.indaid Drilling Co .-to 'Ihild National Hank 450 Dime Deposit ami Di-pounl Hank.. 27"i IVoitoinr l.iitlit. II. A- P. Co tS Fitst National Dink 1200 l.acka. Tmt Safe Deposit Co 150 Clark A- Snoiei Co., I'r 123 Scranton lion t'eiitc A' Mftf. ('o too SVianton Axle Woiks ',15 Seianlnn Salinas Hank Hit) Tradeis' Nali011.il Bank IT.'i Serantnii Holt A: Nut Co 101 People's. Hank na New .Mexico Hy. & C. Co. T5 HONIK S-'rianton Pas-enger Itailwtiy, llr.-t Mnrtcagp, clue 1IH0 115 People's Sttecl Itailwav, fitst inort- Race, due WIS 11.", People's Sltppt Hallway, (,'eueial nioitijaiie, due I frit 115 Dickson Mamifact uriiii, C 10U Lai ka. Town-hip SlIiooI ' per cent. ... K2 Citv of Scranton St. Imp. C per eent 102 Sirantou Traction U per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Collected by II. (I. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ale.) Ilp.ni-. Per bushel, choice nianow, S2..'0j2.(HI. Hiilter- I'ic-Ii cieameij, 2 1 ' a2.V, j daii.i, liesli, 2.'Ie. Chee.-e-l'iill iieam, lillalli-. lilllls- .Ncaili.l stlte. I').l2l)t. .Mediunt Ileaus Per bii-lul. S-'..'itJ. Hiccii Peas -vr bii-., si. tUal.lj. l-'buit -Hest patent, per lianel, M. I.". Heatis Per bii-hel, clioiie inaiiovv, :;.ltt. Potatoes Per bushel, si. 55. Onions Pel lillshel, .sl.25al. 10. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Dec. II. Wheat film, lo. hiuli ft; until. Ill made, llecelllbel, .shsl..,.. Cm, -luict, but sleady; n. 2 uiisnl, Dei ember, liT'i.a lic. tills I'iiili: No. 2 white 1 Lpped, .Tip, I'loiir I'iiin mid ,o nuts per b.mel luulicr, wiiilcr .-np.-iliiie. s2,ii,i2.,sii; do. clia-, f...s5.i .'1. Ml; Pi iiu-.iliauia ictller 1 hir, -'l.;:'ii-". 10; do. do. straight, -s'l. lOi.'t.u",; western wiut, r cleat, -..,. !.',a ;i.5i); do. t'.i. sii.ijulii, sl.5tia.i.Tii: do. do, piieni, ist.T.'nl; spiinif cle.11, s.l.!!1a:i.fltl; do. stiait;lil, s.l.Mi.n; do. pitenl. s,,.-j-,. ,1,,. , ,, v aiH, M.:;tl.il. in. Il.ie I'Iiiiii I'll in. s.l. -'.,,,:;.:,(! pel lin tel bu ilioiie I'i tni-.lv.ini, 1. It111kwl1e.il rin-ir Sleady; -2a2.21 per llitl pniiud-. Ilnllt-t -I'tin:. lionil ilciii. ind; taiuy wislcni iicaiueiy, 20' ...1,; do. iieaiby prints, 2'ic. Hugs- Meadj, fair il. uiainli lie-h neiibv, 21c: do. westeiu, 2ik . : do. soiithwe-lein, 2ilc.: do, sniitlicin, 21e. Cl-ccsi I'illn; New Noik lull tic. tin-, tanci ,-in.ill. ,. ; do, 1I11. tin. lair In 1 hole e, UalOUc Iteliiio I sugais- I'm ham; -d. Colloii -l-'inu; iB,, lii-alier; luiihlllm.' upland,, Ve. Talluw I'lim, lair de. lit. tlul; city pthiic 111 tierces, nr. ; cuuuli da, do. lianel-, laiilsc : il.nl,-, .1(-n.V;,c. Live I'onlliy ijulit, but slc.id.i ; iiiw-l-, sal,,; old ino-tir-, il'ii.iTc; chiikeiis, s!l,-, j ducks, nalllr.j tiukm. b.lllli-, Die I Poultt.t I'iiin; fowls, choice, ' 0 .iKI'l-p.: do. tali' tn wood, i.i'i!j.c,; old loostcrs, li'i-.cTi.; chickens le-aili.i, liable.; wc.-teiii .1... !'al2c. ; Muke.is, l.iuc.i neaiby, I2il"c: wcsleru 1 lioii e do., lie; do. Loud to piime, Pallli1.; 01 illuaiy lo fail, Ta-.; ducks, maili.t, ll.il::,.; wesiein do., Ilal-'c. Ilncipls riour, 1,'Ocl b.iiicls ami ,s.-.-,,ii.k) pollluls ill sacks: wlie.it, ,V).IKI Ini-ln-l.; inui, lil.tHMi bushels; ii.il, 5,tiiKI Int. Ih-Is. sliipincnls -Wheal, :i,kki bn.liels; coin, T,U"i bti'lit-l..; 0.1 is, 15,11011 blsies New York Grain and Piduce Market N'ew York, Hee. ti. -I'loiii -I'alilj 111 live- and stromiei; winter patent-, i 1,7.1.1 1 I"; winter sttaiuhls, s.t..ViaH.T-ii .Mliinesiita ialciil, l,llli 1.25; wintci (Nlrts, W.wi.i:t.l1. Wiu-u -Spt.t Irniur; N'u. 2 led, hiir,,. 1. u. b. nllo.it; No, 2 led, s7'ic elev.itoi ; .No. 1 Noilhcin lluliiiii. f-'.ic. I. 0. It. nllnit. HptiuisS opined e.is.i and dec lilted. Later the 111.11 ki-t had u tii;oious' i.illv ami 1 In. el -trolls' and I lie. ewer Siliuil.i's uttli rlo-c. Maiih ilo-i'd -'"Iscj Ma.v, ss-'i,c, ; D-c, in her, Mi'.ho. ('one Siot easy; .No, 2, 7,1'i'C. dela tor and 7Hc. f. o. h. nil, ul. Option miik.-t iipeued sle.iih, but miiiii c.l-td oil. mil at lie i lose was fy. Willi llntl prices !:.c. nil luwei. Mn closed 72:1ic. ; lleccnibeHi 72'c. Oils Siiot iiulel; .Nu. 2, .'i."gc.i No. ,'t, 52e. ; n. 2 .villi", fit'eal'i-, ; .No. ,1 while, ,'lc. ; Hack lulled Oct irn, .VJa.sd.: Il.i'k vhlle, .liaise. Options weie weaker at lit.-l. but lalliecl with inlnr ni.uk-1... Illllltl --.I1M1I.1; iieamci.i, Ii;.i2.1ic. ; l.uloiy, 2'j a I 'n-. ; .lime treiifiy, s,i22c.; linll.'.lioii 1 leant-i-ij, II.iIi'sp.i 'talc elilry. b'ii2.it.jc-. i ppt-s-o Mi'.itly : fancy I.iip --i-iiIi-iiiIiii-, o,iltl',J(.; lam-v small Seplimbei, llilvullc; late math- be.t l.il,;, ti'ic; do. do. do. small. lHiil'-,c t:KKs -Jieadv: sialc- and I't nil--llauii, 2(u27c; westeiu at mail,, 2iii.; souile'iu .11 mail,. 20,12.1c. Chicago Grain and Produce Market. Cliic.mo. Dec. !. -Our conllil.-iiip .iiiioiik the beats In the main I'll- htniu;lii .'tiif 1,1 inl,u shttits lodiy. l.iiiinl.iUoii mi- prolll and .h-ui i-elllnu' blouijlil J Menu intuits vobtinc ot bii.in..,s, bill Ihe low pi ires which lollowvd thc-c- we,l,n. in; liilliiciiics -veil1 loo Iciupllii'i In Hip I'll,' public, and .mud -une, ol llie wilih-l coiilu-lttii wheat was sent lip In a pew nop icnnd pin-e. May wheal iosi -!j' . Iiiahel j Mav coin, i. I, v.. i-r, and May oal, 'ie. lower. Pmiblniis ,.i,,-d line banned to 5c. hljjhel. Cadi iii,)alliui i eie as follows: I'loiii sicadv: Vo, :i fpimsr wli-.it, T.1a7'ii-i'. ; No. 2 led, Mi ; No. ' led, sic ; Nn. 2 .u-lliuv com, (i!i-i.: No. 2 oats, ITaiflac: No. 2 wiuic, l-ial'.ilue.; No. -'(while. IS14a:i(-c. ; No. 2 111, Oil-. : fall to idinlie Milling b.nlc.i, asli-aHV. ; No. I la seed, el. II; No. I N'oilhwisleiu, tfl.l'i: piime lliiiothy lici'd, el. 1(1.1,1.511; mess poik, i.1.i) ulO.esi; laid. t-tl.Sjijati.S'l: short rlb, . II is.ni; city sailed shouldei. TUjfUe'-i hort dear tldo, ij-S.iiii.iti; whlikey, tl.M). Chicago Live Stock Market. ClilraKO, Dec. I.-Cjtlp- ltcceiit.. ai.OfWj wn. tral inatket, S to 10 nuts lower; i(ov4 to prime, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Tlin Pour Lines, 3 Cenl.t tor l-iiclt Rxlrn Lint. For Rent. t WfXWXv iyVVVWVViVA I'Olt lll'.XT l.i, nm-hall of doiihl,' house. In tipper llietit Ithluei l.ttRC yunl. b.ll'i. hot and cold Wiltel. Iilin;e. elrcllli lluhts, II. P. Hamilton, Piull bulblliur. Sptiice uttcet. For Sale. JSVWSSS.SSrfSS.'.S.SSSSSS.SrfS rtSSSSSJS I'Olt SAI.i: At mtat s-cillltce, il tine siU.ite plann. Call this week at Ibdil S.itnliion inc line, (Ireen HIiLrP. I'Olt S.M.I'.- llo.ltt hotsp. wpIkIiI. about 1,101. Iiwepli (lllbert, 1.111 Ito.s iivenue. I'Olt SAM! -Holdeii oil. sideboaid, l.lble. 'I' dull- sun! i er live table, neatlv new, Apply 'l'ue..dai. 2 to .1 p. III. . A. lirnnuercl, J1) M.itll-on .lunue. THE W FflK'-ISi:1'! Splllee .tippl, ST. IIIIII.NAItl) PI P.S for sale. ( . I'. Debomr. Moiitrop, Pj. CHRISTMAS BFTSSb sS In full roiii; Imiir tall .lapane-c- ilh;' beaitll lul planls; I.iirfc- assiirlmeiit of kIiiIii-', .mil ill i, cic. l'o, 211 Spline ntlii'1. I'Olt .l.i: One llt-hl weitdit. two sealed sleigh and one -lllmr or bells. Clutles I). Sinder son, CiU V.tmninir ateniie. ripnnnTr. Hua leeel liunteis: bull hltiert; rrnlir I V0 lerrlet: lli-lelan liaret: KtiliiPil I LlllllLl I OplK-'. i'os. 21.1 Spruce sllpel. I'Olt SAI.H I'lll-IAP I-'IipwoocI, lion niollnK, tint bets, boatd-c. seantliii, etc-,, tinm old cars; snltalilp for all putpos.-s. .Icniitnas, Central Mines swilih, foot of Han pton sttcet, off South Main aieiiue. INVITATIONS 'i- Ihe beaiillfiil lay-out of ilont; aqii.ll ta, mainie o.i-e, , 1 l.,.l.l...l. It...,tt,,i- eu.lnl. ornaments etc. Fo. 21.1 Spiiirp sliret. I'OII SAI.i:-Twn Hi-lit spi-liiB wairniw am! some h.irncs.s, ctieap. Ileitis, rear 11",2 l.U7.erne street. FOU SAI.i: Cheap; horse, fprlns wau'on and liarnes--, at N"n. 1S2D Cedar avenue. DANCING PHMifSira llmhp.'. l'o, 215 Sptnce slieef. Heal Estate. FOII SALH One acre of bind, Improtpil with nine-loom lioti-e: plenty and variety of fruit; Rood location in village of t-'leetville. Mrs. Olive Fish, Flectville. Pa. Furnished Booms. I'Olt TIK.N'T Two cnmforlably furnished rooms lor kcuII"iii -n : itiedern c tuienii-uie: piliate fatnlli. :t:ii Vasiiintoit aienue. I'Olt l!i:X'l Hesiiable ftont inoin. seianil Hour, 1 1 1 li. etc. I'rhalc family. Oentleuiau. A. M. It.. Tilbune. I'OII HUNT Fuini.-lieil limit loom, with heat, bath ami i;as; near mill house; Kcntlciiian prefeired. Aihho-v. Itooin, llox 2'm. I'Olt HUNT Furnished inoin; heat and Intli. (iL.1 Linden street. rt'ltXISIli;!) HOOMS POII HUNT, witii heat, Lit anil bath, gentlemen pteleircd, at ,1!fl Adams avenue. sil. IO.iS; poor to niedimu. f'lail.2.1: st,n.pr and leeib'is, S2.25il.10; cows. si. 2511.75- heifers. -.,5.) 1)5.50; cainieis, (I.2.1i2.,ln; bulls. S2al.15; cahes, s2..in,i.1..1i). IIok's Hoicipts, ,1'l,(1oti; tonioiiow, vl, IKKI; left ctlcl. "i.fnitl; ,1 n II) cent- hillhel ; clos ing weak; mixed and butchers, $.1.S.1iii.:t5; nuod to ihoice lieai.v. -..1.15.1(1.15; ioiiili heal.l, "r-l.tidl ."i.l-l; littlit, .1.2.iri.!i0; bulk of sile.-ll .1.Miail..!ii. sheep-Itec.eipls, 21.UIMI; sicidy in sliouir; -, mil to liiilc u wclhi-is, S.!.5'J.i 1.2.1 ; weatcin silttp, .'!.l I: natiic lambs, ...KJa.l; we-teiu laiulis, 2al.21. Buffalo Live Stock Market. i:.it Hiill.tlo, . V., Dec. li. Cattle Itepi-ipts, 5..HKI, im lulling 5711 Cauadas, aitiic and stronaer lor good ki.iiIi-s, nllieis slow lo easier; best l.u steers, (1.75.17; a tew fincy, 'rT.T.I; nicdiimi to Kiinil, ."...lUaclJI; liylu to kooiI biitdiei-, UKa .'..III; heifei.-, Sl.c1.21; cows-, .1(lar.J0; piime hi'.iiy itiill-, slat. 2.1; othc-i.s, $t.25a:;.hil; stuck, -is and feeders, slow- lull s,..id ; piime to !;o-ad stnekeis. -'!. 10; c oniuioii to Hootl feeders, N.l..1cial.2.1; piod Ire-b cows, stionn; icals, sla T.21. lloiiS Iteceipls, 2rt,(KK); iiitiM-; iniscd, .-la CHI: he.ii.i, Mi.lli.iii.2il; iiss, ;.rt)i.-.Tti; toimli.-', s.1.2"ia.1..1t); htays, -:!.T5a t.2,1. sheep and Lambs lteieipt-, 2I.HKI. Iiii-liulini: 2,2m) ( '.in.nl.i-i. lower. top lambs, si, 75.it.-.'-; I Ill, M.7.1; othei-', :r.t.25 at. ill; mixed -help fat, sl.lili.:. Ill; r nil- In Hood, -l..i(ia::.1(; uclhci anil jenllic's, l!..in.i:i.7.1; taiic.i le.ulinj's, s.l.iu.it. East Liberty Market. i:.t-l l.iheil.i, Pa.. Dec. U. Cattle-Sii-ady; cliuii e. -1.7-l.iii; pi-ime, !s.1..'na.1.7il: -amid. $.1.lli .1.1.1. llous Actile, but low el ; piime heavies, ecl.oilal!. 10; heavy medium-, Nt.l.lati.2.1: light do., s-l.'i.laii; lie.it, v joikcr-, is"i.Wli5.."i: light do., s.1.70 .i.I.SII; loinjh-. 1. SI. sheep sliady; bes wetlteis, -il.::o.il,7,1; culls and common, -fla2; ,cat llngs, !j2.5n.i:i.T1; ti-.il calves, -.1.5()a'i.21. Oil Market. Oil Cll.i. Dpi. 'i tipillt lialaiu es, HID; culirt calcs, no Intl. .-shipments, I2S.22I; aieiace, r I, 777. nun-, Ibi.i.ls; jtpiaiii-, lei.iay. SPRINGVILLE. Spcd.il lo the s-.iutoii Tl ilium-. -ptingiille. Dei. ). lliitisiciti.nl .V Co., Ihl week, aie lining Iheit lliial do-iug out sale. Next week liie.v nunc titer In their new place at Ha 1 1 on. Ian. I, It. H. McMickeu vacalcs S. I(ile,' f. inn fur the sloie, and will n-e tin- rooms plodded lor him tlieie. .Mollis Sleight will lake his pi ire on the farm, tacaliug his position up on the ('. i:. Ilunliik latin in Himoc k. t a ipgiil.ii- nipillnir of Ve-t.i lodge, .No, l-T, Haiighteis ot llehekali, held on satniday owning last, Ihe following nllhei. weie iltll.l installed: Noble grand, MI-s Jennie Stang; vice guild, Ml.. Ito-e Heniltson: secielai.i, Mi. Llla N. I'llih.inl; lipasiiier. Mi.. Luiiuda llaiiie.s. The lodge his uliiely-lwn uiemliers In good standing, Mr-. N'. s. Illnwii has been sld. a ninnher of i Ills with Hnl peiuliar di-pa-e known as shiiiglcs. She It out of bed pail of the lime, T. I'. Kellogg has decided In move over lo Id- faun in Auburn, now occupied by ll.n inon lal-vank (i. P. s'l.iug and wife ti-ilcd lelalivcs at ICci. itvllh' ami HiKsell Illll on Tliuisday l.t-i. On I'rldiy morning last the iiuiciiiy reglsteied foiiileen ilt-giri-s In-low zero. Saiuid.iv morning it sio.nl ,ii leu below. This week 1 Iipip Is a show In I cut it I'm- the whole week. Monday evening vv.is lice In all, and their waies weie exhibited In abundance. Tlie.v gave a vet.v good show, .Mouda.v niglil also found a lival at Hie Academy, bill II ,v,ts I. ol well paiiouicil, allhoiigh ,c In Her show. Win. II. I'nwler, a vpleiau ot llie ( ivil war, died at his home near .lohu's lake on 1'ild.ii. He bad been ill M'ly pom lu.tlili a long time, being ovei Ml jeais old, The it-ln.ilns wile Intel red on Sunday In the T.vler ipineiei.v. .lame, lllakshe i- In lie nun led In Hie lit .n (uiiile lo a lady Irotu .N'evvack Valley, N. V. Theodoie Vail has Idled In V.. It. Thomas for Ihe coining .vo.ir. lie Is at picMiu Willi liiotge M Like. Ml-s M.vi'lie III. lev. of tills plan-, and William II. Ilotiniaii, of s.nie, were mulled Nov. 21), at Hingbainloii, N. V. 'I hey tMted fcini'ls Ime la-1 week. li. I'. Ihd.cr and wile, of South bmlto.e, ti Ind fib-mis lien- last week. Mis. S. It. I..MIUU. cl Tiiuklijiiiioik, has 'ii-i-n ti.lliug lei mips lien- Inr a lime. HONESDALE. Special to Ihe s rani on Tlihune. Ileilip.-tl.ih-, l),e. 0. Ml-s Mji.i Cui-.ilall. of t laiillc City, a tinnier ipsident ol lloncsilale, nit bun spending a lew di.vs in lown. Ml. II. P. Sulllliltls, lOlltli'lll ii Ihe Petcr.o'i Jut pli v stoip, opened on sjinulav a lewdiy ..tevu and watdi n-pjlilng shop at Hie lotuer ol i'lont and Dleienlli slice-Is. Two nf Hie t-tttial cai's uiouglil b.i lill.-ni of Hip county agalu-t Hie I'o.t.il Tcl"graph com. pa ni for tie.-pass by placing the telcvirapli m!es on Ihe public liltjhtvatt ill (rout ot llicli pu'itti.-e-, wen- trlttl Ktorc Judge Purely last tvick. lu one SITUATIONS WANTRl) PKUG. RRANOII WANT (IFFICKS. Want Atlvortlsomonta Will Bo Kecelved at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. central uity . ... At.iltlltT SC'IIIT.TZ, portier Mnlhtrry I -l-- -...I H't..t-.. .1 A I nil trip hum ttrn.-iui imiiim OUSTAV PILTIllL, t!iU Adattw aventie. West Side (HtOltni: W. JI'.XKINS, 101 South Mnlit avenue, South Scranton Fill'.!) I TllltPPi:, T2l) Cechtr aveime. North Scranton C1F.O. V, DAVIS, rnrncr Noith Miin avenue and .Market stteet. Green Rltlge ClIAItLKS P. .I0.NHS, 1.1.1T Dickson u venue, F. J. JOHN'S, fi20 Oiein Itldge street. C. I.OIIIIN!'.. corner Wellington live nue and .Marion street. Petersburg W. II. KNDPI'T.b, 1017 Irving avenue. Dun more J. 0. 110x1: & sox. Help Wanted Male. WA.Ti:i)-A toting man to wink in jiitnirt stoic. Addicts, ,. n. c, Tiibime Ofllie. WAXTCI) -Honkkccper and stenographer. Ad dress People's Coal louipin.v, Oxfmii colliei.i, Tenth streel. WAXTIID llnemetlc man, Willi ex-piiience as canv.is.er. tin. I be a huttler; leieipuies ie epiitcd. Hxcelletil oppoitimily tor light nun. Addicss, Ciinva-scr," llox .'I'll, City, WAXTLI) - Men In Ip.iiii b.nbei' Hade; nevv s.Vs tern: eigiil vteeks romph'lcs; wages s.ii'ii--da.is while lc.'iining: -Ic-adj position guarantied Inn thiougli; spiil.il ithlt'.i i-nii-n: this iteittii. Illu-ttatcd calalogue mailed free. Addle--, Mnl-r'j Hai her Ssliool, .New Vcuk city. WA.N'TLI) Five live, elieigelii .lining lliell In c-.111v.iss Hie cl. and -uiiotiiidiiiu towns on liln-i :il comml-ion. Call on I'. X, ( liallcu, -VI.1 Linden stieel, loom (i. VAXTi:i)--lly leading Philadelphia liou-v. rn-st-dass salccniau, to sell genetal line of paper tn the it-fail trade, one who h.n an aciUiintanie prefcited: must have Ite-I icfeietne and be iible to furnish bond. Addiess P. O. Hot 20S l'hil.i tlelphia. Help Wanted Female. .:00t Olltf, WAXTIID for gel eial hoi-o-ivotk Apply at 21!) Ash Hurt. VOCXO WOMIIX Willi) tn- Jacob Miller, Sons A: Company at the llaglesliltt faeloi.v, ioiatcd at H.ndeiilown, X. .1., on the ca-t b.mk ol tin Delaware liver, in -1-jlit of Trenton, :,;ul one liour's tide fiom Philadelphia. Tlio.-e luting some expei ience on power machines picfcricu, but otlier acceptable gill, will be taken. All old and new hands ale paid tin- same piiee by piece wink, but If new hands should fail at Hist lo earn their board we make that up lo tliciii, s tiiey -li.tll net gel into debt while l-aiulng. This ttade is heHer than bou-e-work, diets-uiakiug or saleswoman. Cut this not and keep it lor .tour filluie u-e, and when jnu wille to lis s-,iv to.i mw add No. 2.!. For turihtr pailii ul.us ,iddiis.s, Saiuuel It. Magee, llorilenlown, X. .1. WAXTIID lilil for ucm-ial hou-evoik, at 1511 Penu avenue. FIFTY OPHlt.VIOIIS WAXTIIH-Siiail.v work KUJianteeil. W. It. Ileik ,V Sou, ;::w Adams nveime. WAXTIID Hill for geneial linuetvoik at Hallon. Addre.-s II. T., care Trihiuio. Help Wanted Male and Female. CAXVAs-IIHs WANTIID (iuml piopositloii; sal aiy ie-coinmi ion: tu wink in city. Addles !lo 1, Tribune, SV1.111I011. Wanted. WA.NTIID-tioiid si i, iiiiI hand pia iklr.-Ss II. It. li., TiILiiiii- Olliii-. WAXTIID Pi ivale les-nn- in Ci.ilj.tni'- s,ouh I One in- two attcinoous eacli week. Add'" t, (ti.ili.im. Tribune Olllip, WAXTKD I'urni-hed room, centially located, modem and in piivale family, it, Tlihune Oftlce, city, WANTIID Hood Mcoiidhaiiil finu.ice, will pay ta-li. Acldiess Leu k 11". 1.10, Seraiiton, Pa. Agents Wanted. WAXTIID Men Willi ilg to imioil.iee Mnu.itdi Pnulti.v Mixlure: -2il.ii weekl.v aid exp. ii.es; .ten's toutiiict; weekl.v pa.v. udiesn with sump, Moiiaicli .M.iuul'ac lining Co., llox 122.1, Spiiiig lield, lllllioi-'. Boarders Wanted, Pltl.ATi: FAMILY wislies to have tv. mn lu lio.lt il. Hi im. in oi Liiglish. (ail an.i linii aftci Thuisd.i.v. All coiivciin'iiies, &U7 Hutiuii ac line. Board Wanted. WA.XTHH Itooin and boaid in iitiiied piiiite faiuily fin three ladles; imt lo t-i I -i.' p r tvr-ek. One localed vvithiu live minute, walk li.'iu illy hall picfencd. Addu , K. II, Ti Ilium- nf lie p. Rooms and Board. A LAItlill I'ltOXT ItOOM, tvilli boanl, at 121 Adams avenue Still. title mi two vonnu nu p. 1IO0MS TO IIII.NT. with board. fciM Mulberry ttt I'll. LEGAL. IX IHI: liiiuipoiulioii ot the liiiiu.-tii.il I'lub of sciauloii, Pc iins.vliiinia. lu lite Coin t ot Common I'lc.i- or i.acka.i.iuiia coiimt. Mi ; ', Linuait TiTin, IHH2, Not lie is heiibv giv-'i Hi.il M applk illon v ,11 lie in lilt- lo the said i. nut on the 7th da.v of Jan uary, ItW, al ' o'clock a. m., mulct Ihe Sit ol Assemld.v ol lite inuiumuwcilili ol t't utis.t It.iin.i. entitled " n i t to ptnvldi- lor tlie tin oinn.ii u mid legiilatii n of nil ilu t ui ii.u.il Inn.--." upprnv tl Spill '-"', I.-7I, and it- siippli'iuilils. by (hnl . St Iipiii li, Jolm I. Helileiibach ChirlPI Hi.if, I Italics Xc ut, Chailcs Iviaycr, lliiu.v tlinliiil-:. John -tliniiil.il and I'nd Nehr, loi ihe ih.uter ol an iiitiiiileil inipoiatii'ii to lie called lit" In-ifu-l lilt I lull cl -ciauioii, I'piiiit.tlvama, Hie i li.iiai lei- and obiei i whctiof Is ihe cmncu.i." nielli and piotci lion it Hadt, In midciing n.ii lull aid tu each ntliei, ami lot llese piiip t- s lu tn have, p -.-.v. and cno.v all l.te lighl-, 01111 llls and plivll.-ges ol tin said Act id St. -uilil t lilil il- supplements rI.OIt .x I.IIWIs, Stloineis for pplii.ini. XOtllll IS IIIIIHillV lilSLN thai .111 appli a lien will be made lo tin- (nun m I omm u Pleas 01 Lackiivv 11111a loiiult on the llin da.i .f Deccinbei, innl, al I) o'clock a. 111., nmler ,11 act piovidiug n Hie UHoipi i.iiion ami legula lloil of ceitjin ii.rpoiailnus, appiovid .Spill 2''. 1S71, and ll siipplciiieiiU, In, Sloilimel II. I 'ul Id, James lll.in. ,lt.. Slbcil li. II1111I. Paul 11. II. Il-lllt ami s. Hi inkci lull Thoiue, fur ihe bai ler nl an iuii'iuU-il toipoialion to b" tailed "'Hie llacbtlois," the ili.iiJilei ami objeel o wui It I- in maintain a Ml loi sot. i.i I cnjnvincnt. ,nu Im lids piupose to haie. po-.-is and ciiov all Hie llgltts, lieuellis and pnvilegiN coiifiiitcl b.t Un said Ail and lis supplements. SS. J. TOIIItllY, Sdi. nor cj-c iudgiueut wa- given lor 1-.H1I. and He- oll.i. for ?'JJ. Il.e oilier cases toiihl lint be i--.ii I it. I bcfoie jilj-iullinn ill n 1 mn I at s p. 111. oil s.K ill till, and wile coiiiiiiiicd itiilil iiexl ta--111, The next enli-li iiniui-iu in llie ( Inisllaii 1'u deal or coin-.- will be a lit Hue In llev. Tlini.it McClali.v. H.t. 2(1 Mis. I0I111 lliovvn, whose seliou.s lllin-.s wit notptl, is pouv a letting. 'llie SSIutsoeter tlitle of the MellmdUt duiitli will si-ive a supper in the kclinc rojui Tliut.t.l.iv cvi'iiluje, Dec. 12. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cent3 MoreTluii l:ottr Linn, 6 Cents tor liacti Uttra Litis, PROFESSIONA L. Ceitlfled Puhltc Accountant. IIHSS SHI) t. SPAI'LHINH. 21 TIIAHIIIIH HAXli Ibllhlltu. ami St. Paul llilihllng, New Votk. Architects. IIinVAIIH It. DAVIS, AltflllTIIOT, COXXI-ILU lliilblliig, ITIIIDIIIIICK L. llflOWX.' Tilt II. IL, UIIAI l.ttate Lxihaiige llldg., l-irt WAsltliiKton live. Civil and Minln(r Engineers. II. L. IIAItDIXH, IliW COXXLLI, llHILHIXn. Dentists. int. v. 11. i:ii.i:xiii:it(!i:ii, pafli iiuildinh, Spiucc! sited, fc'cranton. Dlt. C. 0. LAL'IIACII. 115 SViWHXUAVHX(Ji:.' Lawyers. FIIAXK II, HOYLII, ATlOltXIIY-AT-LASV. lloutns 12, II, M and IS llurr Itiilldlnc. I'. It, 'I'ltACV. A'lT'Y, (.O.SIMOXSv'HAl.TII III.DH, 1. H. IHIPLOflLII, A'lTOII.NIIV -LOANS NIKK). tialpcl on real cstnlp seen'tity. Mears llullilin coiner StiKhliigtcii .uenue ;iid Spiuio stteet. SVILLAIH), SVAHHIIX Ic KXSPP, ATTOI!.NT.3 ami I'oiiiHellort-at.l.i.v. Ilepuhllcan llulldlti-;, SSa-hiiigton avenii- JIIssHP ,, .limsff, ATTOItXIIYS AXI) ( OL'X-plloM-al-l.itv. Commonwe.i'lth lliilldlng, Itootni I!'. 20 and 21. IIDWAIII) W, TIIAVI-.lt. ATIOIIXIIY. ItOOMl WW-t'OI. hlh Hour, Meirs binldliic. L. A. SVATIHI-s, AirOltXIIY-AT-LASV, IlOAltU or Tiade lliilldlng, Sciaiitoti, Pa. PATTIIItsox ,x- SVII.CO.Y. TitADtllCS XATIOXAu llitdc lliilldlng C. COMIKIYS. i..i III-PFIlLlf.'AX IUJ1LDIN0. A. Sy. IIIIUTIIOLP, OFFICII MOVHD TO XCX 211 Wynmitijf incn'i-. Physicians and Surgeons. Hit. W. II. ALLIIX. .IP! XOItril SVASIIIXirtO! avenue. Dlt. S. W. L'ASIOIHISU.V, OFFICF. ."..ID SVASIt inglon aiemip. Itc-iilcticc, Hilti .Mullieiiy. Ciiionlo al-ea es, limns, be.nt, 'Kldne.n and gcnllo-urlnaiy oiguns a speclall. lloun. 1 to I p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. TIIII III.K CAFII. 125 AND 127 FltAXKt.lN AVH nue. Hales tea-otiable. P. I'.llini.lIIl, Proprietor. SCIt.SXTOX IIOFS1I, XIIAlt I)., L. t W. PAS senger depot. Conducted on the lluropear pint. V1CTOII KOCH, I'ropilctor. Scavenger. A, II. Billons CLHAIx'S PltlVY VAULTS AXI) re.-s pools: no idor; only imptoted pinups used, A. 11. Ilriggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 .North Main atomic, of F.icke's ding stoic, cor ner Adams ami Mulhciry. Ilolh telephone. Seeds. O. It. CLAHKTI ,V CO.. SHIIHSMII.N AXI) NUHS. er.vnien, stoic 2UI SSasldngton avenue; gteen lioii-ps, 10.10 Xottli .Main avenue; otoio tele phone, 7.-2. Wire Screens. JO-XPII KCIITTLL, ltHAIt .111 I.ACIxA. AVII., Strimiou, Pa., iiiamifactiuei of SVlic .Screens. Miscellaneous. I.I.H.-isMAKIXfi FOR CIIII.DHF.X TO OtniilUi also ladles tv.n-la. Louise Shocuiaki V 21J Adams aieiiue. (,' .MiKiAitcin: lino's., iHii.NTint-r scpplii;s, i:x- te!ote.s, piptr bags, ivtlue. SVareiiotbte, ' L.'J Wa-hiugti 11 atetiue, Sciantoii, Pa. Tin: wii.Ki:siiAiti:i: ltucoitn csn hiIjIIai, in Sciauloii at the uew-i stands ol Itei-uuii) Urns., luti .-puice and .1" Lln.leu; Jtl. Xotton. H22 Laikavvamia avenue; 1. S. Scltutcr, 211 Spiutp slii'ct. , 1 Situations Wanted?' SSAX'IIID H.v a .touog man, a place in machine shop; In- had -nine e.xpel iei'i " wiln lea dline 1.1. M. N. II., .1.::: II. Sl.nl.it .-Heel, city. sill ATIOX S SNIi:i) Hi .1 iii,iiiip! 111,111. tt-Illiii.' In wink at .111.1 Hung. Addle,--., :t:!7 Solltil Deikt-r 1 null, ll.t ill- I'.uk. SSANTIID-I'osill 1- siuiogi.ipliu- ami l.ipewi-ii. 11 I11 a .lining lid.i. Addu-, "M. .," Irib nue. SV.S.N'I HI! -III expeliilllnl clle,-.-lll.lkil. Willi; b.t' He- 1l.1v.' Call 01 .iddie-s, llii'-,-.Makir, 711 Ad nits avetine. S liOOll lll.St HMSN .It-it el a situation with .1 piliate laniih ; ulnlei-lalnls hol.-et llininilgo l.i ; -i.lni- and lellalde. .Sthhe'-, Con hinaii. Si I, till. Ml Tlllnme llllice Mil XI! SI.SN HI'-IIHS 11 sit-i.iiii.il in f.uli.it 01 sin p. 01 ,11 am 1. it'll of tiuploiuient : willing and obliging. Adilris., ,1. I'., I'lihime Hitiie, cilv. Business Opportunity. I.NVII-TOIIS SSSTN'IIS 1.111 eiin n iiiiniiiiiini of 12 per t put. pti .11. until, i liable iii.nlcily, gii.ii.iiilccd Horn hi- : pailinilais 011 appliealloit. Ail.licss INS'IIS'I'MLNI' HIIPAIlTMiLNT, (' llni.nl w.1.1. Nc. Soil.. s'l'iil It AND SSIIIIVi" TltSHLIIs willniiit dela... SViile toi 0111 spiri.il miri.et Icllci. Flee in application, s. t. Ililihaiil ,x Co., niemh-is X. . c. ii-oliil.,lcil and "-Ind. sxdiauge, II .tlul It Mioitli',.1.1, Xeiv Votk. IM.ihll.heil l-'H. I.0114 Hl-tiiice' Phone 21-S llioad. Money to Loan. UHi.nO'l '10 l.o SX Lowest i.ilcs: siralglit 01 montlil.i p.1.1 molds siaik ' Co., I'l.idpiVlinU. sTASIliTxT-lOI' MONII 10 LOSN--((ili., stralghl loan, 01 llallding ami Loan. St ficitu 4 In ii pit cent, (all "ii X, S', SVaiki", :il.;ll.1 Coiinell I. nil. ling. Lost. I.ntl' S Jt.ilf Innl boin.d. tvluie bteast, lil.uk and Ian hick. I'iudii mil I" levianied. I 'led r Wilson, Ta.tlor, Pa. FINANCIAL. I, F. MBQARGEL & CO, STOCKS, BONDS, SECURITIES CONNELL BUILDING, . I". Mesarsel. Hoy Cheslci Meiing-1, Spencer Trask & Co., BANKERS 27 81 29 Pine St., New York WE MAIL UPON REQUEST CAREFULLY PREPARED DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF Inuesfnjenf Securities lU'liilris New Soil sloik llstlunje. Hrancli Qfiice 05 State St. Albany iH .1 .M L k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers