Try . VPWJKV .-? irws?i?jjrn MKBW "'. JUJWI'I t ., " ' H" l ' T.--- '.VsW" ST'- V v 4 M7i.''i fJ , .,. lj I''.' " r .- 'j 5 s ' ; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER .10, 3901. ' , "' " .fWKW 'l""- r ' NOTICE TO WE PUBLIC. Complaints having come to us thnt porsons soliciting woik In out name have In some Instances kept the umlnellns and In otheis done infeilor woik, we deslie to state that we have no lepiesentotlves on the load whatevei. We will call for your woik on mall oulei only. Scianton Umbiella Mfg. Co., M. Sllveininii, Piop., 313 Spiuce Stieet. mi Christmas Presents Must c nought iml In mir inipiiillmil tlnil if I'M 1 1 111 1 l 1 HWII s ,nn no Imimil In litul in t In iiilitnl. ailMiu iiimI iiiiiiiriili lliliiui Im lliiMuin (,lfl A look ill nut -lnm ulnilou "ill Liu '! " llfelit file i ni lnt inn lii iniitilni. (Mine H,f, rrnni3fc Jacobs & Fasold, 209 WASHINGTON AVENUE. (Mmi nprii i nilnt,i J f City Notes. W. f T. V. Ml 1.1 IM. Ilie Woman's t In n ft in iMiiprriiiii" niuoii will iihcL tin" mrr rin n it 1 fi'ilmk 111 (illdlisi's lull. Nllijul, ".MolhciV AlcctnuJ" 1(1 Mr 1f)l)Y Hie I lilies il.lln' I Ui-t frnt 1 1 Mill (liulill lie l(Miirliil In inn 1 ti ill! In sew f l om 10 i in to ." i in T.illidl un Will lie sen ill fiom 12 In ' i in 1M1I lt-,M'S ( 0( I III' llif inoi.1 iiimir fr tin Doiivim Iritiiuniii il (.imiul will ippnr in lumoirnw's hih. Iheip will lit i ldiiiisil it ." Jil n'cloik tin? iltiinnoii in M luki s r it ili limine of tlio ilicnw Hilling m lln luiia (1 r mii? fiom Cirmni liril'lli: 01 1)11 WM-II Hi.' vpronl Id lure nt Di .1 I. il-li II I), ft Ni oi U lit). Mill 111" S Mil till IMI1IIIK In foil till' Cltlin Ik Ht-Ioric il soi it ( mil Niwnun Mii mi i lull it tin' loimn ot Iln kiulils of roliuiil us, isln melon iMiim His stibjul will bi "V Tyonilnu Draniitn s.jsnn 'limp lliimlitil A mis n " llic lutnio will 1 1 4111 Jl " I", ilkr wlmli then will ke i pnpiiainn jiuvii-mu ciulnc. tIMIIM, OP I It MS P liOlintTs-llio fllliolll nt 1 1 It v 1 Holiut. (f MS l.lli.fll MllPI, Wis lull It M lull's ihiucli Mtuiiln if ti i noon Iti ItiMis Isi lei rltuiitiu: lluio win iiijiii liiutifiil tlnril tnkuti-i, lutisislui (I simiiI i i 1 Lt kouiimts, i nlIou fiom kU Imi Huts- mil sh(ci, mil i Imp Mitli i kiokui stuiu liiui up nf in is, i oiitukiitul k ni r twilltl of Ins lifiltst nut ikll.sf kn (mil pinions sliourd thin rstftni fni tlifir ikpiitul fiirnil Tin Hiwpi licnois win Itilpk liiptinn, ( nl SlIiuU mil llolnit Vliiinpll llu jiill kouris win lljinkl IlflLson, UllUs Iklllukls, llnwinl I (flu-. 'Willi r (Inl l.tmac Itiihiul .in I k)s pli I 1 IK II i Attinctive Cluistmns Sale. '1 he ladies of tile Penn .im into I'np tNt chin di ate to i omlutt a Chiist ni, is s.ilc nf apiotis, fancy ai tides and hoine-ni idc candles In the ihuuh pai lins Thmsdiv afteinoon and tpnliiB, Upi 12 PiIlps lensonablo. I.lsht le licshinents will be snmd. UNITED STATES COURT. I'lnlip Ilistin,"! Ikwii, of Miiskliiul-, J n,'i t OUtll . Ills tlllll 1 pl-tlllOII fill ik.lllll,,, f I 111 lutikruptii 1 ho liouuif, will 1 0 In Id lufnip ilinlo nliliilii, ul sminon, on l),r J, Hum Nillhm I ippfs, i f 1iii)ifiisIiui i in knlinil count! , lin ilsoiilul i idiuoa ni ik, ilnrRP fiom liinkriiplii Hip In nnw will lip liokl kofoni ,Uul,( -n hlnlil, it s, union, tn Di i. 'Jl doktni's jutitioii wis fikil jcslrnbr In Wik II mi Hoisci, nf Niw Mliun, lluilknl ioimt, n plijsicnn mil .shim on, who chuh sj(,l'07, ami who-o .issdi jro ssJO i'i Ho iIjiiik ioinpti(ti if c 00 'Hip pi'titkm 'iii liiui iifiuul m 1 ouis M. II ill. lifiin ia lniikiiipu it 'inMinU, jml Hip liriiniff fct fm Dpi II, lion 11. . nhliilj, juilftC P I! sp,,;, rk rk, mill It M (Incii, ciui if the 1 mini litis court, went tu Hiriiskui' jpsti id n fui 1 sfssluu pf the couit, which will last pcr1l ilji. How About Those Cluistmas Photo ginphsP IInp jon ronsldetPd that two weoks jiie usunllv teiuihcd to complete photo tn'dors? Kehiiuei's inet cased loiic of mtlhtms !ill peimlt of tnotc lapid de JUoiIps, but do not put off the tiUiiiK until the llnal insh Is on. m Poor Taxes. The lOOt poor taxes tuo pid dm. v,n iliem liotoui costs aic .'iddid. Otllie lth t It y tiensnici. 13. 51. Veinoy, Polkptor, Mounted fountain poiTUlpynokli Tito1!, Dr. S. C. Snjder, dentist, 1ms re moved to iJS Adams aenuc. Newest caul eiiKialn8-,neynuldlVlliii'- DIED. MliMl's. iiiiiIjv (Miiliiir, liu s Mlniut I slhliis, wife nt (,uirc I). sn. nil mntlui ( Mm II I'uitou lliikhiiu, lhi time 1 al will In liilil-limiunow. --4-sV-4.4-4.4.4-i. iiiIli-L TTi i X X X T X BOND OFFERINGS. I Sptlng Bioolt Water.lst Mtg.Os Lacka. Valley Elec, Light, 1st Mtg. 5s. NotthJeisey nnd PoconoMoun tnln Ice Co., 1st Mtg, 5s. Stnndtud Gas Co,, 1st Mtg, 5s, Lehighton Water Supply Co,, 1st Mtg. 5s. New Mexico Hallway and Coal Co.), Is; Mtg. 5s. Descj'L,,, jn and ptice on appli cation. (. couioL.iVy, s. V. -f 4- UilLcs lljirc. (.Jibondils. -f -f 150 Commonwealth Bid;, bswuiuu, t'j. -f i y ' t THE KARDIA KOMAS. The Ladles' Choial Union Will Sing at It. The t.ndlt'M' Choi nl tllllolt of lite WW Hide, which In how known nt '"I'he Atnet him WiNh 1'ile SliiKeift," tlllil pi be wlnneii, iliider the (liipdioti of Alii U II. Tlioiintsi, linn ueiteioiiHly ol llllteeleil In Hlllif lit eiidi pel fot ItlillK e of Km din Koiiiiim un tlte lllth mid llllt Itistnut In the l.wi'tmt theiitte. They will ;le "Annie l.ittnli' us1 in HtliKcd hv Oiulley IJiidt which wiih the ptlu pleio nt the ThuultMKlsIng (ht i Isteddlod In Ninth Scianton wlicn these tallies' wele iiwiilded the pi lye Willi the highest nnd most tlnttctlUK (otniiieiKlittloti ol the ciltliiil ml luilli u tor nnd wet "Mtihon" wild with elithtl mIuhiii. Tot their sc olid liliinliei the will kKc "The Solilln'M Chottl" The t.ildles' t'hoinl rnloti (iilists ol the follow liu;. I'list si pi mo. li- 1 lr?h llmihi" lliiimli!i, Mis I. Ilih liu I.. I. Mi- II un, Mii liwls Mil 1 1., Mm W It Willi mi, Ml- I. Willi inn mil Mm II I'utli i((lll( SipullllW ll4 Sill 111 I Willi llll'. Ml' ( m-Iii liiikin-, Ml- I tU kiiklii', MI-- I lli llmil. Mm IiIhIii lld-i, Mm l IImiiiui, Mm I.his llnli-, Mm IoIiii 1 1 i ij-.1, -. mil Mm W II II mi li nl, ln PiMt MlM Mm I I Hklii'. Mm I liu I i UK, Mm ruins l. in-. Mm IHihl I ( in, mil Mi-s 1 1 Join- scinml lln Mm M I I Hit- link, Mm IIiii-o. Mi II WIIIiiiik, Mm M illminlnir, Mm Mnsn MtiiKin, Ml'- bim Ifiii t lliulii" utul Ml( I Nl lo.rph Miss Mu I'owrll SHOOTING AFFRAY ON LUZERNG STREET An Outgiowth of the Stoning of Stieet Cats on Sunday Bullets Lodged In Two Men. A nilnliituie bittle with nuihois ok lined on laicine sheet esteid,i It wns an outKiowth of the stoning ol stieet (.its .Sunda) on laicine stieet and as a lestllt of the shootliiK two nieti weie In lined nnd spxeial letehdl bodily biulses D iniel MiAullfle le eched fie bullet wounds in his pl t leff, and John Uunlta) was shot In the Bioin The fot mei is now at the LicUawanna hospit il when- the N ias will be used to loc ite the bullets The lattel went to his home The ttotible oiIkIiiiIkI on Sitnita when a stieet cm on the l.uoine line was pelti d with stones A wanant was issued jesleiday by Aldeimin Jlillai loi the.uiestol one "John Doe," oi "Hi own ' and pi iced In the band of I' ScoIIlUI, a special ollhei in the cinplov ol Aldeitnan Jllllai, who is a No one of the stiiMnt? stint iai men Me went to Moi.m s hotel on l.uzeine stieet aecominnied b- the motoiinin who was in (haie ol the en was stoned on Sund iv, and Detn.lle t'os Kioe, ol the Diuiniiiond .ikcih, who Is in tlie emplo ol the Stieet Hallway comp m Thev idenlilkd the mall fen whom the wau. nil as issued, and while Jsclio lldd was leading it to liiui he w is stiuclv in the lice bv somponc Inune diatel the (lowd suitoundcd the oill (Cis and elo-.L(l in on them, and pie M'titcd theii taKiUK llieli in m Seholield alleRcs th it while he was flKhtltiff his wa out oL the ciowd, iwo shoots weie ill od at him, and tint le oleis weie pointed at liim The now (I moed out into the, wbeie hostilities weie lenewecl, and M'.eial shots weie eMlianscd, duiiiiK whlih MiAulIlfe and Uunle.u) weie inuitd Siholleld, C'oskiom' and the tnotoi inin .succeeded in in ikmfc theii esc ipe, and MiAullfle was taken to the West Side hospital, and aftei wauls to the l.iekuwanni hospital Dunleiw ap pencd at the Wist Side hosplial, but didnotditei foi tieatnipnt. Scolleld claims th it llu wne f (im pelled to shoot in spif-dcti use, although lie alleys that he did not do am shoot ing himsi If, and does noi know who it was that iniun d Mc Aulllle and iJun le n:. lie s ijs thrie waf- tit it ty or foi tv peo ple in the (iowd, somiiI ol whom pitched on him at the same time The man, lie alleges, loi whom the w.u l.ilit wns issued, hid a HWihei. but pissed it oei to anotlu i man In the (iowd. TI was this man, he ullenis, who tiled the lilsl two shots The pi ue wheie the i lot cm mii was at the comer ol Kistienth and taueine t-tteels, and the shooting took pi ice about 1 "0 o'doik. The ktlms leslde in Hie ldiili while the shoot ing oi cuiiLd. A healing n m liednli d loi jistn d.t) alteinoon befoie Aldeimau .Mill n In the (tlinliuil libel i ase ot ex-Milkei Hunuelt against the nifinbeis of the eeoutie bciaid ot the stiikus, but bj agieeiiRiit an adjoin unieiit was hud until one wiek I i om in t rild.iN. BODY CUT IN TWO. Ftank Tatiell Met a Hotnble Death Yesteiday. Tiank r.niell, un Oui.iilo and AVi st em uelglit (ouduMoi, lcsidlug in .Mn fleld, met a hoiilblo clc .itli jLsteiday alteinoon in the aid at Ol phant. The (oal tlaiu of wliidt lie had clmtgc was bilking into the ),nd, when he was tin own lidcalli the w hei N In a siiddeit j.ii, Illrt boil) was (ut ( (implelelv In two Killing him Instiilitl), lie Is MiiWwd by a wile and two i hllili en, and hail Ik en eiuplo.Md In ihe i iniii,ui im malt) M'.iif. Additional Possenget Tialn Setvlce via Southern Railway. KlleMe Nov L'l, tlie Soitllietll Itall waj will upeiatu tliiouh II. iln -t i lc i I mm Washington la Itli liuiuiiil, 'a to k'loilda and points t-oulh. Tlie new tialn will be known as No. 'jo and will leave WuHhlugtou at l()rii) (i, in, (net tlie Washington .Southern Hallway and in live Jai Limit lllo, Kla,, at Ik In a, m This tialn (allies UimI class (oailiuh and Pullman diuwitig loom isleept'l betwteu Washington and ,1ik kisoiivllle, also has dining un hci vUe. Tlie above ttailt Is In addilloti to the full ( (implement of lialu .set vice of Southern Itullwa.v vlt I.Midi-lung- and Danville ('liiih, 1.. Hopkins, Distikl I'at-hcngei' Agunt, Koiiilniu ltuilwu), s.'S I'liPMtniit St, I'lilladelphla, will luiiiNh all In tmnuuloii, Slcillng .Mounted Seals, l!e,nuliN Hios Himah! Himah! Htutah! I'or the heveiith annual ball lo he given l tho South .-side Ili'bievv l.adleh' Aid bodet al Mimic hall on Widnesday evening, lHceniliei II. IWl. It joti want to have a good and enJoable time, tome and i umu all. Slcillng Desk Hlottets, ne.iiolds iims. riincy Ho.v Stationery, Reynolds l)io. Mounted fountain pene, Reynolds Bro, OPENING OF THE SECOND WEEK CASES DEALT WITH IN QUAR TER SESSIONS. Coloted Man Who Attempted an Outiogo on n Dodgetovvn Woman Is Given Tour and One-half Yoais In the Penltentlnty by Judge Ed- . wntds Impott Coniinodote Tiled Befoie Luzet tie's New Judge, Hon. Tinnk Wheaton attd Acquitted. Othet Cases Disposed of. Tile sei onil week of tlie Dm ember tellll of (Ittaitel hcshIohs opened ves teidit), with Judge IMvvinds In the utiilii tourt loom, .liulge Kelly in No. 2 and Judge Pi nnk Whealon, ol lai lmiic In No .!. Judge Whealon was appointed lo the foltith I.tixeinc ludge- . I'" '' ;.',';, ' mi mo V.d! nihtu I ik 1 1,1. sK'M' I I I,1 l . luvl. I I 1 t'AJiimi.l,.,. X$ ''III' W)i i ii II IK.i: I ItVNK WIII'VIOS, (I ' niiiiu liiuntv. ship, (i cited b the last leglslatutp, and ( lectccl to succeed blmselt at the XovcinlKi election without opposition A tiuinbei of inteiestlng cases weie (ailed lot ttial befoie the new judge. The lit st ol tin ni was that In which A J t'oinmodote, an hnpoi t, was (bulged with pointing a pistol at and Ihieatenlng to kill Thomas Jenkins at Duntnoie Coiimis OM. .'.' Jenkins aveued that C'omuiodni e (ami' off the i ai, pointed a pistol in his face and thitatened to blow his head off. Com niodoie s stoiv was that a ciowd was tin owing stones at the tat while he and the ( oiuliii toi vvtie (hanging tlie lendei ,li nklus, wlio was standing b , piotistid tlial lie had not tin own am slones who tupon C'ommodoie teplitd that Ik dldti'l tliliiU Jenkins liad iolncd In tlie stone tin owing, as he did not look like a man who would do that mii t of thing ('oiinncidoie denied positively that he diew a gun lie had a motoi handle In his giasp at the time and . ci v hkdv Jenklbs mistook it loi a gun Tlie hit v said not guilty and divided tlie (osts. ("ommodoie got out of the (osts bv taking adv milage ol the in sohenc) law A jui v was cut al ndjouinlng time on tlie case ol Antonio .Mane tto,eh nged bv Vincent t'ailticn with laicenv and leeching Culuid had lliice lots ot stone, one at his home, one at the Dela wan, 1. iikawann i and Western depot in Cliein IMde and tlie othet at tlie Cailueei stone vatd Ue sold the lot at (in in P.ldge to JlanMto toi $.M), and went .iii.iv fot a lime to I-ebalion On his k tin n he iound that Manetto bad (an ltd awav all thi(e lots Manetto's delense was th it all thtce lots weie lu ( hided in the miuhase The piosnu tion noinied out that this was unita son ible as the value of all the stone was i,o. OIlOS-At TIONS John r. laikas, chained bv Mike Tshko with teloiilous wounding, and .Mike I'shko and John .Mai ten, diaiged bv laikas with a similai offen-;!', weie lilnl lointlj. Tlie panics live in Wt st Simmon, and me nieniheis of a seoct soiktv. One ol the inembeis died, and a dispute m use as lo whetho the de (th benefits should be soil lo the tblldien of the oi to theii slep-inotliPi. laikas was seilouslv slabbed, and I'shkii sustained a bid cut. The case N sun on tilil In ludge IMwaids' coin t, John laikas, oi IJtinmoie, was letuiunl not gulltv ol the i lunge ot mlibiiv, pieleiied bv John Ouggv. The piosetlltoi dainud that he was Nliiuir at laikas' house one nlkht. Hi, it I.ukas voluntaiilv .ic i ompanli d him home, anil that while pas dug tlnoiigh a Held, I.ukas fot ceil him to take a doped di ink, and when he was down and mil, laikas tilled hit. poi kels and made off with $"l, l.ukux dolled tlie whole t-lmv, Willi the e((i tlon thai lie took Duggy liome one night win u Dilt'gv was sn diiink he ( mild not walk. Tliollian Is'eilll) plead glllltv ol as sault and hittetv on his wile. lie was ki oil ullh a line of and eosti- in (otisldeiatloii ol his having been In jail HilK e Sepl( llibei -" Thomas Helllv, ol South So, niton, pleadid guilt) ol Mle.illug a milt of lollies, ovtuoit mid waul) fiom the bed loom ol Coiehlllllll Allison Testa III Philip linhlnson'H stables on Ot to la r '10, Salindav liiHt Hellly plead gulltv of )r-tt tUint, fiom W s Ciould's .slabliM, about two inonllis ago, a nili bt i -III id bllgg), a, iwo xets of Inn ni ss, a ) m t, a clipper, and a plllli hlug bag Vesteiday on the iid viic ol his allot my, John J. Muipliy, lie wlthdiew the plea ot Salutday and wept to tilal IHh (ldeiiHc will bo Hint lie was ci iks) diunk, wandeied Into the (ioiilil Mialiks and undo olf Willi sudi llilngH as lie (iiulil gtthir up, mid that l.ilei evel) tiling wiih letllllieil -cept the i llppei whldl lie lost, H will be (otiieiided that litem was no niallcious lutein. WAI.KIIIt fUNVICTIJI) IMwaid AVnlUei, KiloKd, (onvhted of IHteilliting to otitiagti .Mm Teklu Till pa, on tlie ,leini) (Vntitil liackb, at Dodgi-towii was given font etns and -i mouths in Hie penitential), Walk o 1 1 limed lie i nine ti(im the west the day betuio the iiiinn wan alleged to have taken place and tailing in with a ciowd ol loughs, was made esctedliigly diunk lie did not leinembei ail) sudi iuddt-iit as lelated b) the ihosih ttlliin, William rem plead guilt) of steal ing btuss 1 1 om the j.ailjawanuii lion and Steel lompini) and was given a 1'0-ir In the count) jail Ocotgo .Meluei, a lough and out cast, who tieqticiitlv htnlc lioni his pat ents' home and who one night bioko In mill got away with $0, was piosecut ed by his In other for bmglaiy and cou Vtoted, liu was seat down to the peu- . r , i i. , !' : , , jmmm. 'i -Mimm ?mi '.&,". ''" m n'iMMt"jm&: f '.' : ! JLi'imm 'ABI "', li r Af-murm ''"''?,' Wi'mtm.;, ' i i. ...' ,- mmmmm; ..' . ni- .'jBmw, , .,ii sM jB; iUJI 1 1 ' M -ltl I I bPKwkvw mw&smmv'&xi ISnwfiHif f'Tffrii'M Itelitlaty for two jpiiis tiud thtce niontliw. Hemic Judge Kellv, u veidltl of not gulltv was enteietl In the ease in whldl t.oletuo Sciiiens'ii was chaiReil with as sault mid bnttety upon Ihullo ripittlle. The piosciiitiir faded to unpen! . The (osts weie placed on tlie count v. In (he enibetvleinont ciikc iignlnsl ex 'In N. t'olleetor John I), Jones, of Tav loi, a eontlnitaine was giauleil on mo tion ol It, t. .Mutiny, pilMtte counsel for the piospoitloti Opinion In Oiplmns' Couit. JikIrc A. A. Vosluug, oi lite ciipltans' (otiit, )csteiday liuiided down tin opin ion III which lie upheld a dec Isloit ren deted bv Judge t'mpentei a few month, ago. In which the latter held that a dinige tan be ocaled upon i ci lulu land bv (he owner theieot In bis will whldl holds good despite the liunsfcr of the pi opei ty by the devisee to an other pin Iv , The opinion was given In the case or ('lailndit (Itimiier, who piesented a pe tition asking that Silas llmtley be compelled lo pay her n legacy with in rents of Intel est tlteieon. Tlie hus band of the petitioner, I'eklel nuinaer, left his tin PC sons an Intel est In a fin in with the condition Hint If thev ilttepted tlie plopeitv they weie to each pav an cental pen tlon to thelt mother of six per cent. Intciest on $J,m)0 and If needed foi liei suppoit, also the pi liu Ipal. The faun was sold at sheilfl's sale after the teslatoi 's death to Thoinas Pattcisou, and by him conveyed lo Silas Ilmlley. The lattel leluscd to pav the Intel est which Mis. (lumaer claimed was a llxed diaige on the piopeitv and she went into couit. Judge VosbuiR holds that the whole will must lie (ousideied to asieitiiiu the Intent of the (estatot and an Ives at tlie conclusion that "it seems to me that the Intention ol the testator to make ills $.',000 a i lunge upon he land, and thus piovldo sccinitv for its pay ment, aliens by natuial and obvious Implication fiom tlie tot ins of the will." lie oideis Ilaitley to pay lo Mis flu in.iei the in i oats In intciest and a sttf llclent amount of the pilncipal to io dine the same to $'00, which will ic ni liu a i hinge on the land. Wants $5,000 Damages. Thomas Stuavity, thiough his at toine), John M lliniis, )esteidav be gin a suit against the So anion lllu mlniting, Tleat ind Powei c omp my lot dsm iges in the sum of $",000 lie claims that while walking along South Washington avenue on Ids vvav home, one night list Julv, be became entangled In a live who, which bid fallen lo the stieet fiom one of the co'iipniv's poles l.efoie he could dis entangle hinisdf lie was spvoitlv shocked, with theiesult that his light aim lias been ti-ele'-s evei Mm c, Wants i?30,000 Damages. Mis Mnv C Alislc), ceciitil of the est ite of Joseph Anslev, deceased, yes toidav began an tictlon to lecover $10, 000 fiom the eitv of Scianton A sew ei which tuns thiough the pieiuKes ot the pi lintltt, in West Scianton, was maintained by the city in an impiopet and unsauitaiv condi tion, it is alleged, and caused Joseph Anslev to contract the illness which le sulted in his deatli If Sclniever Makes the Photo It is suie to be an attistic success If it Is not good, von cannot have It at am pike This suiet of satisfaction adds nothing to the pi Ice, elthei. Newest Pa lendats, Reynolds Ilios Sleillng Desk Blolteis, He) nolds Bios. tfK:KXKXK$0$0tKXKMK)0KKKXKX i H. D. Crane 0. li x IS u s 0 s sS 0. "a 0. X0 : 0. s ss GLOAKS, SUTS, SKIRTS WASTS. In these lines we have the q JJ best that can be had for the H S money from the popular priced 5l g to the finest The season for JS 0 evening wear is upon us. ?f OUR LINE CONSISTS OF Capes and Mantles From $25 to $75,... You will pay $25 more per gar ment in New York than you will in our store. Some very exclusive ones at $35.00 and $37.50. Jt 0 :: s S 324 Lackawanna Ave. k TAKE ELEVATOR, H 3 0 :;;:;::::::::ft::y:;;:i::::;;:::;;:;:;;n;u WAS QUEEN OF THE KLONDIKE SHE IS NOW THE WIFE OF A FRENCH NOBLEMAN. Fotmeily She Was Miss Belinda Mill money, of Aichbald, and nt One Time Woiked as a Stewardess on an Ocean Stenmet Accompanied by Her Husband She Came Heto to Take Her Mother, Slsteis and Biother on a Visit to Canada and a Ttlp Thtoueh Ettiope. On the Hold Jcimvti icglsiei, ves teiday, weie Inset I bed the names ".Mr, and Mis. Coibonuoali, Dawson, nnd Mis. J, Mulrnoiiey." The suite, lliill iiitcd bv the iiumbcis after their iiaines, is tlie best the house aflotds lor liunslenls. At once the stenv went thiough Hip hotel t lint Klondlkets, with all kinds of the precious, were (tiarteicd Ihetp. The teporteis weie after a stoiy befoie the putty was full lv settled, but the C'oi houneaus, of Dawson, and .Mis Mill money (no lesldetue given) weie polite ly, but positively, not at home to In tel view eis, Befoie dinner time, howevei, the Identity of the partv was disclosed, and when thev came to tlie dliiing-ioom thev weie the cvnosuie of all o)es Mr, and .Mis, Cotbonne.iti me no less po sonages than tlie fount and Count ess Cotbonne.iti, and the latter Is none other than the celebrated "Queen of the Klondike," foi met lv Miss Ilelluiln Mulrooney, of Aichbald. Mrs Mlll looney Is the niothei ot the countess The Coibonneuus came on bote, en loule to Hin ope fiom Dawson, to visit the Muhoone)s After a shoi t stav, they will pioceed, witli the countess' inotliei, two slsteis and a biothei, to Ottavvn, Citn , lo visit two other slsteis, who aie theie attendlnc n boat ding school Later the count and (otintoss will go to London and Palis, to negotl Ho sales of mining stock, and aftei a tluee months' tout of the continent will return hole, to take up a pel in input residence In California. The Muhoonev family will accompany them John Muhoonev, fatbet ol the lount pss, wont to the Klondike about a vear ago Her oldii btolhei is lo go theio lieNt veai, tnobablv. nnpunsHNTS syndicath Count Corbonneau is the lopie.senta tlvo of a mining s)iidlcate ( omposed of some of tlie most wealthy and pionil nent of the nobility of Hngland and the old nobilitv of Fiance, of which lattci (lass lie, bimspli, is a inember While in Dawson he met. wooed and wed tlie wealtbv and fill )oung Aichbald wo man, whoso fame as an investoi and manage! hud gone the woild ovei. To those not familial with tlie 10 maikable caieei of this tiuly lemai li able woman, the following stoiv .sent out lioni the Klondike, pi loi to her niauiage, bv a special eoiiespondent, Kicdeiick Pultnci, will be of especial Intel est. 'If Vhe VlicD-mihl is kin;' nf Ihe Klontllki , Vlis.s Aluhontiiv isciililnlv iiuion cf tho klomllkp VlitDonihl sa to lunisplf, mil lip uus tin i il I tut to idil tint, lonsulfTinR thp mzp of tho fcr tulip sin 1ms lnailo m a )iir, iml how woin"ii am hiiulii ipppil, pen in (hp rllptp rilies of the i il, to hj notlilni, of K) iourIi anil icaclv i phet u tip Monilikp, lip thinks tint Miss Mnlroonc". ilo sprps- Iho 111010 (it'ilit of thp two 1 lie Hist that thp iniuiis lipaid nf hci wn pisseil along Hip line In this who 'sac, hap Conlimicd on I" igc 10 1 AND WkWmWMW 3J It Ims been our pleasure to sliow Goods of Unusual Merit, 5 but never have we been fortunate enough to secure such a Collection of Vienna Painting on China. They are worthy of the tunie "High. Art," as every piece Is a gem. 'It only proves what brush and paint In the hands of an artir.t can do. COUNTESS POTAKA Herodlos QUEEN LOUISE Schonoleer INSPIRATION Reverie. Those in search of a Chrl9tmas Present of Unusual Merit SJ will do well to look them over. 'YvWYfoW, Oeo. V. Millar & - - - - . Our Business Is to Make Folks Comfortable You can't be comfortable without one of our line mattresses. That's COMPORT BY NIGHT. For Comfort by Day buy one of our beautirul SHIRT WAIST BOXKS. r t ml - wM&'0& i&Jl" Vox Comfort Day and Night this Couch Bed can't be approached. Scranton Bedding Go, F. A KAISER, MANAGER. Lackawanna and Adams Avenues. Both 'Phones F.LCRANE Established 1866. Senl Skin Coats $1.10, m, $200, $225, $2.10. Persian Lamb Coats $70, $100. $125, $150. Furs of All Kinds Furs repaired. Raw furs bought New Building, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Take Elevator. Shimamura & Co 107 Wyoming Avenue. AUCTION SALE OF JAPANESE ART GOODS We have moved our magnificent stock Japanese Art Oooils from Atlantic City as tlie building fotmeily occupied by us is being torn down to make 100m for a handsome new structure. Handsome Articles Will Be Given Away Every Day to Persons Holding; Lucky Numbers. Sales will begin at 10:30 a. m., 3:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. sT ' FOOTE & FULLER CO., bSSS ,.tlt 't"i"i"i"m ..j. 4. .. 4. 4. 4. 4. . .j. . 4, .j. .j. .. .j, ty $. . Useful Holiday Presents 0 j ASSORTMENT COMPLETE Leather Suit Cases House Coats Storm Coats Batb Robes Handsome Line o? Hen's Qloves of &wiMc?Jmt tirT Co. """ 5 naniiii in loik ai.iii, pr .r. ;v." n t :, ft'.t T " "- 'CSiU.' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 465 , SCRANTON. PA N. Ninth Street, Telephone Call. 2333. t , "M Another Resounding Peal A -Willie hiWiiK iinnount-o-nit'iit: When iu mine lioie foi I'hntiiifr DMies 011 Kd KitnethltiK Unit Is out ot the (iiiltnaiy nit, MiniothlUK that othei.s Imitate hut neei cijual, anil thiM Imitations mliltlM us, (Jill tipeilal for $t f.O llllKht Intel est im, Green Trading Stamps with Cash Sales. .j.. 4,. . "Ht Neckwear Underwear Hoisery Mufflers Holiday Siispenders Spruce Street. Everv Description, 'iw)!Pwl'' Hilis ills IIS t ' N sqJ i
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