.rvOT-" -v r s ., V . k-SS .,. .. i '! ; i, ' i. n I m 1 Jonas Long's Sops J$Skk 1 Jonas Long's Sods j Todcu) the This fact of itself is important enough to interest you as it does us for just four years ago on December 10th, 1897, This New Kind of Store First Opened Its Doors to Scranton's Public, And began exploiting in its masterful way unmatched merchandise movements, which have met with such mar velous favor and given people such remarkable opportunities for economy, that these four years of progress, without pause, have made import a 't history, not only for Jonas Long's Sons, but also for the mercantile enterprise of Scran- ton, lherefore we tl. nk it fitting and proper to Lclebrate Our Fourth Anniversary in bui ton, and with the wish to illustrate the vast retail activity that centers here in this greatest and largest store cf the city, We offer these Tremendous Money-Saving items for Tuesday Only THE DAY WE CELEBRATE. Ladies' Pocket Books, 15c An anniversary offering that should interest hun dreds of people. They are handsome new pocket books, combination style, plain and trimmed cor ners; also linger purses, regular 2."c, hind. SILK RIBBONS a Yard Fine Taffeta Silk Wbhons. soft linlsli, live Inches wide and in all the most desirable and wanted col ors and shades; regular worth 2Ue. a yard. Men's Underwear, 37c Fine Teaser Colored Velvet Fleece Lined t'nder wear; always sold for 50c. a garment; all sizes, shirts and drawers. Men's Pine Suspenders,20c These are brand new Suspenders, fancy and solid colored webbings, with best ends and catchers. Men's Laundered White Shirts, Anniversary Sale Price. Excellent White Shirts of gooil quality muslin; all sizes H'i to 17'-.. Men' Night Shirts, 40c Outing Flannel or tine White MiiMin, with plain and fancy fronts; all sizes. MEN'S OVERALLS SOc Kins 39c. Pino Donlm Overalls, filled seams, with bail; stay; styles, lilli or without. Boys' $2 Reefers at SI.25 All Wool Hlue Chinchilla Heelers, well lined throughout and with deep Velvet collars; sizes it to 0 years. Second tloor. Boys' 50c Knee Pants, 39c Fine All AVool Pants, plain colors and fancy pal terns; best waist bands, tiped seams anil well sewed throughout; sizes U to Hi ycatv. Second lloor. Choice Books, 19c a Copy These are the famous Vundemeeum series, com prising the most popular worlcs of standard authors. They have full cloth binding, Ivory linlsh, with sldo letter, and come one book lu iv box. Very deslrablo for Christmas gifts. Ladies' Handkerchiefs,12Jc Theso are lino l.aco, trimmed and faun', and em broidered hemmed Handkerchiefs ot excellent nihil ity. Special for Anniversary Day, Buttermilk Soap, 5c a Cake THE SCRANTON TKIBUNE-TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1901. Store Ladies' Kid Gioves- 49c Now two-ilasp Kid Cloves, with embroidered backs; all the newest shades and blacu; regular .selling price, 7.V. and upward. All sizes and plenty (Moves for all; but only for today at this price. Bobbinet and Lace Curtains Anniversary Price $1.39 complete Handsome Bobbinet Curtains, Willi full rullle edge, laee-trlnnned and tine Nottingham T ace Cur tains, with figured and plain centers and fancy bor ders. With each pair goes a corrugated White Cur tain Pole, complete, and pair of loops. JSuy them Third Floor. You save more than half. Children'sSIeeping Garment Anniversary Day 1.9c These are Ileece ribbed, button up the front, and have feel protectors. Sizes 2 to (J. Also in this of fering are Misses' Fleece ltibbed Vests and Pants, all sizes. The vests have Silk Crochet iinlshed fronts. (Lackawanna avenue entrance.) Ladies' 95c Underwear,65c These are the famous "FITWELL" Jersey nibbed Underwear. They are !U per cent, wool, and all sizes, vests and pants. Women's 11.75 Shoes 1.39 Fine Dongola Kid Skin Shoes, with tlexlble soles, military heels and medium opera toe. Sizes I1',., to S; widths, D, K. and KH. Styles, button and lace. R0CERIES At Anniversary Prices. Five pounds of Uninitiated Sugar free to every purchaser of I pounds of our special blend 2.e. cof fee. Fancy .Malm packed corn a can, Sc,; Prunes, 4'i-e. a pound: Salt, a sack, .'I'-c. Ladies' Fancy Garters 21c There are one pair in a box, with glass lid. are fancy frilled elastic, with fancy buckles and ribbon bows, Newport Side Combs and jC, 'ir.krnmh? y Backcombs Choice Jardiniers, 21c These are line undergUize Mazarine Itluo .Infill tilers, stand '.' Inches high and "H-lnch sl::e; regu lar worth Is 10c. llasemc'iit, Pine Banquet Lamps,SL25 Decorated Howl and Shade, with lift and oil fount and brass trimmings complete, with globe; regular worth, $2,00. llasemenl, LADIES' DESKS Oak or Imitation Mahogany, with stationary drawer and undershelf for books, $3, 20. will Sheet Music, 2c a Copy Four Ladies' Flannelette Skirts Worth 25c and 29c, Tuesday 15c Handsome full size Skirts in newest colorings; have crochet linlsh around bottom. Guaranteed Black Silks Tuesday, $1.00 a Yard Pure Dye Hlaek Taffeta Hilk, 27 Inches wide and Peau do Sole Mack Silk, 21 inches wide. A line gift for a Christmas present. Regular worth Is $1.25 to 51.ni) a yard. BLACK CHEVIOTS at SOc Worth 75c a Yard All Wool, -IS Inches wide and extra heavy. A special offering for Anniversary Day. PINE DRESS GOODS Anniversary Price, a Yard 25c This offering comprises Satin Figured Bourbon in colors tan, cardinal, blue, old rose, cadet and castor. Extra Heavy Serge in all the wanted col orings, and the new Figured Spartan Cloth, in the latest mixed effects; regular worth Is HOc. a yard. 75c Taffeta Silks, 40c Excellent quality Taffeta Silks In colors cream, white, black, grey, cadet, red, royal, brown, receda, light blue, old rose and castor. 20c Stockings at 13c Women's Fast Black Stockings of cotton, with heavy fleecing, ribbed tops. Mon's, Women's ESS Stockings Icp:ir and C Men's Camel's Hair, Oxford drey and Tan Meri no Hose; men's .Mottled Hose, with siilid color heel and toes: Children's Fleece Itlbbcd Hose, with double toes and heel; Ladies' tilaek Cotton Hose, all black or with Maco foot: worth llic to 1'Jc. it pair. HOLIDAY GIFTS ic Find these In the Toy Store llasemenl. Kid body Dolls, Jointed body and dressed Dolls, sets of Toy Dishes, do-Carts, Children's chairs and sets of Dull Furniture: regular worth a. half more than Tues day's price, PLAITED SATIN BELTS Anniversary Price 45c Those tire the new V shaped Satin Fold Hells, with fancy buckles; regular price, 59c, DRESSED PAPER DOLLS Anniversary Day Price 9c These are the. famous Cut Out Series, a complete outfit goes with each D'oll; all urn nicely boxed. LADIES' BROOCHES 5"acl1 Pliooso from u special lot of flnu Hrooehes, worth 15 to 25c. each. Best Blue Prints, Best Grey Prints. Anniversary Sale Price, 4Jc a Yard, Re years Old Fine White Aprons, I9C Made up to our special order to be the best 2rc. prons over sold in Scranton; they have deep lace rimmed hems and embroidery and tucked hems, 'omo with and without bib. Torchon Laces 3c Yard 1,000 yards of these excellent wearing Laces in widths 2'j to 4 inches. A grand Anniversary offer ing. MIXED CANDY, 7c pound 2,000 pounds of choice mixed candy at the low price for Anniversary Day only. BIGELOW-LOWELIj BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS Tuesday $1.00 a Yard lleautiful Carpets, the best wearing Carpets made and all brand new patterns. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Damask Table Linen, 39c 72-inch wide Cream Table Damask In most desir able designs: regular price, HOe. a yard. FINE BED SPREADS,89c Marseilles pattern Ued Spreads, full size; regulai; worth S1.25. 100 on sale at SOc. each Anniversary Day. DRESS LINING Offerings Hest 12M.C quality Fast Black Percallne; also staple shades; Tuesday, price, a yard. 8c. Canvas Dress Facing, regular 12',ic kind, for, a yard, 7c. Prints and Flannels WA This Anniversary offering comprises "White Sha ker Flannel, regular 6c. quality: Dark Outing Flan nels, new patterns, regular 7c. quality, and best Standard Shirting Prints. Fine Unbleached Muslin Anniversary Sale Price a Yard 5 This is the famous Black Hock brand, the llnest "Unbleached Muslin made. French Flannels Hfcc yd These are double fold, full yard wide: handsome patterns. ' 54c BED SHEETS 39c Fine quality Muslin, size SlxHO, hemmed, laun dered and Ironed ready for use. $1.00 Blankets at 79c Full 11-1 Hie, extra hlvy i;rey, tan and white Hlankets. For Anniversary Sale only at this price a pair, $4.50 Blankets at 13.00 Fine White Woolen Hlankets, 11-4 size; nil excel lent Hlaiikot for a Christmas gift. FINE PICTURES, These are fue similes of water colors, nil sizes, K,x20 Inches, with IVi-ineh wide gilt frame, with brass corners, umt and glass cover; worth $1.00, On Third Floor, PHOTO FRAMES for Cabinet size, with gilt corners and cased hack; worth 2Cc. Second Floor. Ladles' and Misses Kersey Jackets Hlack, tan, Castor, blue or ox blood, extra well tailored, $0.75, Ladies' Corduroy "Waists, pleated front and back, blue, blown, grey, tun, black, 5-2.50, b t M SI n i JONAS LONG'S SONS .c- v if
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