THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1901. OtjlGC: 'BURKE BUILDING is W PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE -TA rorn aii rt.EArtisn iinrsr. tvr th nn-- " Ht el All Who llvi HnuuM to Itr-nt, It'll ' Vfttlr er Other Proiwrl to Veil nr E"hl"V;'7 Who Want Sltuitlon. rr 1M. Thou' Smlj M' rtlnmfnM CeM One- Cent a Word. M in"' llftm tor Vhr OnU Wc.rd I.crt biluitwm War.ted. Which Ate liwrtM Itcf w MANTf.D-fiepa clt) fnr Bfitfial rcOii('Ptk cm - crlv cirl vrefmiM, voce. ?1 r" iionin 3tr r A V'j1(ci, eorncr Church ttrect nu Mim avenue ARMY DESERTERS APPREHENDED John A. Adams find William McHalo of This City Arroatod and Taken to Now York City to Stand Court Martial for Running Away from United States Regular Army. Taken by Constablo Gilby Thoir Caroor. Constable Gllhy, of Aldeiman Dell vans' iOu:t, made two Important at rests vesterdav afternoon, when he ap prehended two desettois from the regulat army of the t'nltod States. The dcsoitoi .up John A Adam-, of Grove stieet. and Willi mi Mcllale, of tho West Hdo. I'.oth nf thPin mip na tives of this city and hip J"Ulig hipii Adams Is about "2 and Me Andrew Is nhout n vear Ills senior. Adam inn away fiom th mmv In May of last vear. and Mcllale deserted about six weeks ngo. Adams and Mrllale both started for home dirootlv after they bade defiance to the hw ind left the, to them, liksomo duties of military life, and they have been In Caibondale since. Last night the pair weie taken by ConMahle Gllbv to Fot t Columbus, Governors Island, where they will stand romt on chaise of de sertion. The fit st art est was made by Con stable Ollby about ! odoek ester day morning, when he captuied M -HalP out near thp Kails. Mcllale made no resistance, though protesting at firpt tint Iip had done no wiong When the tons-table, however, shoved up the coat sleeve of his piisoner and there found tattooed the Initials, "W Al Mrllale melted and exclaimed, "Well, I Ktiess It's all over with me." Adams was anestl about .' o dork In the afternoon In the vicinity of the switchback on the Honesdale branch of the Delaware and Hudxon company Adams is fond of i naming through the woods, and he was on one of his i am bles when the eonstnhlo came acioss him There was a bit of excitement before Ad mis .suricndered He is a fast runner, and when a lad won many a sprinting match He i- about to df-monsttate that he was no slouch at the present time when It came to a foot lace, but Constable Gllbj, divin ing his Intention, pulled a tevolver and covered the young mm. .u thi rame time dellveiing himself of a threatening omniand Adams stood still In hN fear and the constable after handcuffing him, matched him off to the city Jail Adams enlisted at the lecrultlng st i tlon in Soianton Nov. 17, 1W. Hp do seited on May 14, of last ear, while stationed at Madison hamcks. Snok ett's haihor, New Voik, as a member of Companv ("1 Fifippntli Infantry. Adams has bpen In Caibondale al most all of the time time he deveited and worked a. a miner. Of late hp has been drinking licely. Adams did not di ny that he tan atv.ij. and In palliation of his act ho sild that he did not believe the gov ernment needed his services, since no vvir was in piogiess. All that he dli was barracks duty and this tailed to Impress on him the duty he owd Ids c untry t was the Irony of fate thit the ip vclvpr which Const ihle Neaiv pulled on Adams when he attempted to tlee wis the veij one which was taken from Adams a few das ago when he was arrested and taken hefor V'ei man Delavan on the chaige of holding up a man McHale enlisted at Scranton In April, lsW. and was assigned to the p,.me company as Adams He deseited t Fort Ontario on May 21 19"0 Up. too." offpied the excuse that Adams cive. that he didn't think his set vices c te needed, SCRANTON LAWYERS HERE, Appear as Council in the Foil Township-Vandling Borough Cases, ttnmev .lohn P. Edwaids, John F. Murphv and M. .1 McAndrew. who aie 'nremost among the blight and sue- fjful vnune attorneys in Scranton, re in the city yesteiday. They weie here in attendance at the t-e of Fell township against the bor-ii-rh of Vandllng The suit was Instituted to detetmlne "p Indebtedness of the township of 1 'II at the time when the boiough of v ndllng was Incorporated, for the rprf of ascertaining what portion of u . Ind'btidnc-ss must be assumed by f- cltuens of Vandllng. ttorneys Edwards and Murphy np- "ired as counrel for Fell township, n I Mr MeAndisw acted as stenog- pl'.er Ex-City Solicitor Watrous, of iihrindate, ippresented the boiough of Tivlllng The hearing took place yesterday af rnnnn In the office of Assistant DIs ft Attorney Louis Gramer, who is i master m the pioceedlng. Q00D FISHING SEASON. Daily Roports of Plentiful Catches at Crystal Lake. Jurtf,lng from the reports of the en itnlnrtle, hut none tho less craclous. iti men who are attracted to tho ie ii. .the fishing nt Urystnl lake this 10)1 has been the bebt in sevetal ,IC?) 'ij'rtiil lake, jears ago, had a great utntlon as the Ideal place foi bass ' Kl.eiel, cspfclallj tho former, and v.n it seems to be forging Its l.K I. tb where it once stood In tho ' i' n i'nd pride of local angleis. IKE INTO YOUR SHOES l.i' Fiw.t I'w. po''r It cur rulnful, ,,,c.i l. Mitoiii tret nd insrowinz nail, ami ,.,ntl t.iki" tlic idin out ol corn nd bun th, ,ll tlm (.tcatftt comlort dlncovery ot the o .Mlin'i Foot-KJi tnakri ttffht nr ncn choec f cl fv. It li reitaln cure for iwciilnc, c-il. I m mul hot, tired, -hiiiic fret, Tiy it Inch) Slil ty U clmcffiiti ami ho torn l- nioli - He, in naiup. liUl-iackajo HlLh. Ad- Catbondale Department. Thf latest catch that Is woithv of being recorded is the haul made by ex Select Councilman Wade Finn, of Scranton Mi Finn has n summer home at Crystal lake, vvhne for eais he has spent the warm months. He has been there long enough to know thp "good' plncpH about thp lake, and tin tish that can evade his hilt must rurely he ns sllppeiy ns the piover'ilal sllppeiy eel. On Fouith of .lull. Mr. Finn and J, B. Shannon, of thKs utj, whoe summer home Is also at the lake, laughed at Old Sol and his blistering heat nnd spent neaily the whole da pulling In the choicest bass that spoil around III the lake'x depth, llefoic night thov weie exceedingly well le warded, and they had ns line a mess as the most enthusiastic tlsheiman could wish for. Conspicuous among the bass was a gieat big fellow, the heto of the stoiy. It weighed over tluee pounds, and It was utiisht and landed by Mi Finn, who ptoudlv e.hlbltcd it, while Mr. Shannon looked on with an envious gleam Mr. Finn als-o landed other good-sized ones, but the thieo-pounder was tho pet of his fltring The newes of the good catch at free likp liar attracted a gieat cimvd of flsheimtn. and the stoiy of Mi. Finn's catch will pcltp gieater Inteust and there will be quite a spirit of trail y to exceed this feat. PROSTRATED BY HEAT. Patrick Lawlor. of Mayflold, Over come Whilo Sitting on tho Porch of Murray's Hotol Takon to Emorgoncy Hospital. Patrick l.awler a iesdent of May field, was piosttated b) the heat on teidav afteinoon and had to be taken to emergency hospital tor tteatment l.awler was sitting on the potih of Mm i ay's hotel, when he was ovei conie. He was smoking a, which fell fiom his mouth onto the stoop, l.awler pitched foivvatd nnd was In a state of cnll-ipse when he was i earned by persons who weie alatmed bj the nolso of his fall, l.awler was picked up and can led to a chadv spot In the teiir ot the hotel. He appealed a.s it all life had If It him and there weie grave fpai among tho-e about him, who weie Hying to adminsei to him. that hp was e- plllng Dip lepoit did spiead about the village that he was dead. Signs of life letuined, however, and he was hustled away to emergency hospi tal rtv the time he i cached the hospital, Lawler had visibly rallied, and after the tieatment applied In such cases, he gi.idtt.illy returned to conscious, ness. Law lei S condition, It was stated at the hospital Is not an alimlng one, and he will be around In a few days. WHOLESALE VACCINATION Six Hundred Silk Mill Gnls Have the Vaccino Injected in Tlioir Arms by Dr. D. X. Bailoy Vac cination Order Enfoiced by Man ager Friedor of Klotz Company. Theie was a wholesale vaccination at tho silk mill of the Klots company at Simpson vesterday nfteinoou Over finn emplojes, neailv all gills, submitted to the opeiatlmi 1I ). U Flailey injected the vaccine Into the subject's aun. l was assisted bv ChailP.s HildgPt. of Parte avenue, who Is n medical student at the I'nheislty ot Pennsvhanla 111. llallev Is sup plied with an appaiatus gieatly facilitated the woik, and the hundreds ot subjects weie expeditiously disposed of. The emplojes weie aiianged In rows, and a half dozen of them be came net vous and nppiehenslve and they gave way to the sti tin. The vaccination was done In nc coidance with the wishes of Dr. John S. Nlles, piesidont of the Carhondale boaid of health, who notified fiend al Mnnager Fileder on Tuesday of the ad visability nf such a measure because of the fact tint a majoiltv oi the mill hands ate icsidents of Simpson, vvheie the Toolln nnd Doud cases of small pox are located. Mi Fileder Immedi ately issued an oider to the einploves to be vaccinated and made piovlslon for the woik to be done bv Di. Rnlley at the expense of the KlotM comp.m. Mr. Frieder made the older compul soiy, under penalty of dischaige If any employe In the mill, whether leeently vaccinated or not, would not comply. Thoe emplojes who were not vac -clnatPd will lecelve the vaccine today. It Is the intention of Mr Tiieder to Issue an ordei that will include the emploves of the S'lanton mill of tho Klots company This is taken as a precautionaiy measuie. A RECORD BREAKER. The Rush at tho Hotels and Rostau rants on July 4. The Fourth of July was a recoid breaker in the pationage at the hotels and restaurants of the rlty. At the Hairlson House, over 2M guests were accommodated nnd at the American over 1"0 registered. At the former hotel, the iuh was gieat in the evening and I.andlonl Monahnn had to close the dining ioom nt S o'clock The help was so rushed amid the heat that every energy gave out. The restautants, while piepned for a rush, never anticipated such a de mand and by in o'clock not a mor sel could be procured at an eating house In the city. Meetings of Tonight. School board. Division 1J. Ancient Order ot Hiber nians, Court Ooldcn Eagle, .No. 14, F. of A. Cnmbilnn lodge. No. 5S, Independent Older of Odd Fellows. Diamond lodge, No. 25. Shield of Honoi. Meetings of Tomorrow. Knights of Father Mathevv. K, E Hendrlck lodge, No. 94, Brotherhood of Itallroad Trainmen. Cential Labor union. Clgai makers union, No. 4".9. R. H. Doteter lodge, No. ifitj, Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers, At York Lake. Ex City Solicitor H. o, Wntrous and family will leave today for York lake, where they will visit for ton days. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 CLOSING MOVEMENT AT ACUTE STAGE Tho Clorks Association Wearied of Trying to Provail on tho Two Merchants Who Refused to Ob serve Early Closing, Decido to Lot tho Central Labor Union Act and tho Latter Body Meet Sunday. The early, closing movement has as sumed that stage where It Is deemed necessaiy to Invoke tho aid of the Cen ttal Labor union In ouler to bilng In line tho men limits in the city who re fuse to lose nt tl.Srt each evening, tho hours specified In the ngi cement be tween the Mei chants' association nnd tho Association of Clerks g The struggle between the Cleiks' as sociation nnd the two merchnnts re feu ed to, one it Main stieet dealer, the other of Paik stteet, for It lit s i cached to a struggle, has been In pi ogress for seveial months Their tefusal to obseive the agreement has been a bone of contention between the clerks nnd the Mei chants' association The fact of these two stoics temalnlng open and making sales after their neighbors had losed their stores and gone home of fended the latter, ami when It was persisted In, It tiled the merchants, and thete has scaicely been a meeting of the association for months nt which this was not a feitlle topic of discus sion, nnd which on a few occasions thtew the more romonstrative ones into u feiment of anger The Clerks' association was made the tatget of censure for seemingly allowing these two merchnnts to continue violating the agreement without measutes being taken that would compel the closing of evetj- store at the hour agieed upon. The cleiks, on tho other hand, piotct ed tint they did not care to use haish mcasiues until cluumstances forced them to. and they piefeired to exhaust eveij- othet means before Invoking the aid of the Central Libor union In the meantime the two merchants who have come tinder the bin continued to sell goods up to any hour that suited the convenience of buveis, while the merchants' dissatisfaction nnd anger giew. The climax came last week when the Mei chants iseoclatlon asked, or It might be said, foimally demanded the clerks to use its pwoer. What ever it might amount to. to force the stotekeepers lefeued to close at fi 30. The cleiks wpip still disposed to pro long the mattPt In the hope that the rcnleltrants would fnll In line, but this hope boie little fruit, and the early olo-lng movement being threatened with a sudden death, the clerks hast pupcI to takp action, and at their meet ing this week they decided on the steps which they hoped so long would not be necessarj- to take The mattet was placed In the hands of the gile ance committee, nnd this body, after canvassing the situation, was foicPd to tho conclusion that the bringing of the names of the two mer chants heroic the Central Lihoi union was the alternative between the suc cess or defeat of the enily closing. The committee leluetnntly took this couise, but ns It seemed the salvation of the members. thP dpclslon was agieed upon nnd Hip- two merchants names will be piesenteel to the Cential Labor union meeting tomonow afernoon, for that body to take what action It may deem advisable and pioper. PRESENTATION TO CITY CLERK MOON Seloct Councilmen nnd Mayor Kil- patrick Prosent Him with n Handsome Meerschaum Pipo. A very felicitous event took place In the select council chamber last night when Mavor J. W Kllpatiick. Select Councilmen Thomas Bmett, Thomas Battle, John D Davis, John T. Man nlon. W. W. Fletcher nnd James Thompson, piesented city Clerk W. L, Moon with a handsome meer&chaum Pipe. Mr. Moon and his wife leave on Fri day next for n six wcekn' or two months' stay In England, Mr. Moon's native home. Mr. Mannlon called upon Chaliman Fletcher to announce the puiposp of the meeting. The doctor admitted that he had not given the cleik notice of the meeting, but insomuch as he, (the doctor), was going away shortlj' and would probably not letum befoie Mr Moons' depaituie for England, lie deemed It wisp to hold a meeting. Tho mppting. he said, was called In order to allow the councilmen to express their i egret at the clerk's depaituie. and to expies their appreciation of his services In tho past. Too often in political life the people are prone to show up only the bid traits In public ofllclals. The doctot also scored the newspaper utterances, what he teimed unjust ciltlclsms, and mentioned spe cltlcally the story that several mem bers had received $2,000 to vote against 0 reitaln measure. When every mora bei voted ea, he said, he looked In vain for the paper to use some words of commendation for the councilmen who had the pilnclple to reject such nn enticing amount Mr Fletcher then piesented the cleik with the pipe and said that he hoped when Mr. Moon reaches England It may temlnd him that he has friends bete at home nnd that It mav serve as an Inducement to hrlng him home. Mr Moon then expressed his thanks In a few woids He assiued the donors that when he i caches the othpr side of the water his thoughts will many times rev eit to his friends hcie In Caibon dale. SHO0KED BY LIGHTNING. Elizabeth Case, of Powderly Stroot, Injured by a Bolt, The lightning which maikcd the ty pical thunder .touu of last evening, sevoiely bhocked a silk mill hand and damaged tho house occupied bj Piln Hi den, of tho High school. Miss Elizabeth Case, the silk mill employe, was on a Ti action company's eai, bound for her home, when she was xtilcken. The tar was stopped on the silk mill switch, tho power having given out. Theio was a sharp (lash and a blue flame, accompanied by a rcpoit. Hew from the fuse box in fiont. Four of the gills on the car. among them Miss Case, collapsed nnd hid to be entiled Into the silk mill. The others tecoveied, hut Miss Case was found to be o.ulte severely shocked by the bolt. Dr. Thompson was called and he found Miss Case's nervous sys- tern badly disturbed. She was t&kcn to her home nnd last night she was suffering severely from the shock. She would rally from one spell and woulcl Immediately collapse. It Is not thought, however, that her condition Is danger ous. In the midst of the storm the houso on Canaan street, owned by the Hun ter estate, was struck. The bolt hit the gible ripped off a few shingles nnd, enteilng the house, rame out nt the sink in the room vvhete Mr. Bry dent was sitting, not thtee feet dis tant. Mr. Bryden was unharmed. ARM AND LEGS INJURED. Conductor Owen Loftus of tho Erio Meets with Accident. Conductor Owen Loftus. of the Ihle road, whose home Is nt No. Mi Seventh avenue, this city, met with nn accident yesterday afternoon In which he re ceived a broken arm and had both legs badly contused, nnd fiom which he luckily emerged with his life, or at least an escape from dangerous Injury. The accident happened near Lancs boro lut Mlon. Loftus was climbing a box car When near the top. nnd he was about to gtasp thf handle by which to draw himself up, the Haiti give a lurch that thiew the conductor off The swerving of the train threw Loftus far enough to he out of harm's wnj, as he landed alongside tho track, but uKso touching the wheels that would have ground out his life. The Injured man was taken to his home In this city on the Erie flyer, whete Dr. Lowry was summoned. One arm was broken and both legs were badly contused. WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. Authorities Are at Sea as to What Has Become of Hull. Everv effort Is belnc made bv the police authorities here and In Wayne rotmtv to apprehend Wlnans Hull, the suspected murderer of Edwin Schoon ovei, nut they nie completely at sea as to his wheiea bouts. Coicuier Powell, of Wayne county, sent word to Constable Neary to come to see him today, that they might ar langc for a sjstematlc seaich. To tho Pacific Coast. Bev. A. F. Chaffee, pastor of the Methodist chinch, Mis. Chalfee and Mr Chaffee's mcther. and Rev. Mr. Olmstead, of Oilford, N. Y., left yes terday over the promises to be bilmful of Interest and enjoyment. The party are bound for the Piolfic coast nnd will visit Vel low stone Paik, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, Los Angeles and the Vose mlte Valley. The return tilp will em brace a visit at Salt Lake City, Color ado Springs and Denver. They will be gone several weeks. Struck by a Train. George AVayman a laborer, living on Dundaif street, was struck b' passen ger train No. 23 on the Delaware and Hudson road, at tho Dundaff street crossing, a.s the train was going Into the vard, at 10 o'clock. Fortunatelj-, the train was moving slowlv and simply tossed him aside. He sustained a scalp wound and some bruises. The Emergency hospital physi cians cared for him. A Succossful Affair. The festival and social conducted under tho auspices of the choir of the Church of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, on July I, was highly successful. Two hundred and sixty-five dollais were re alized. This will be used to help pay for the church organ. THE PASSING THRONG. L F. Ljnch was In Olyphant on Thursday evening Ti. E. Wilson, nf Scranton, was In tow n Thursday night M. J. Gllroj-, of Archbald, was a Car hondale visitor on Thursdij-. Ml.s Maine Ryan, of Scranton, was a visitor here over the Fourth. Miss Katie Mouahan was a visitor to Olvphant on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Fiank Wells left jesterday for a visit with friends at Nlagira. Pa. John Biown, of Scranton, spent the Touith with Dundaff street telatlves, Ihe Misses Sdle and Mamie Timlin, of Jermyn, visited with Carbondale friends this week. Janws Ljiinadj', of Schenectadj-. N. V, a foimer resident of this city, spent the Fouith In town. Joseph Monahan, of Wllkes-Baire, spent the Fourth with his parents at the Hnnison hous T, J Fanning, formerly pmprielor of the Carhondale steam Hundry, was in town over tho Fouith. A E. Tiffany and wife left yesteiday morning for a ten dajs' stay at the Pan-American exposition. Miss Fannv Claik, of W-o,nlng, has returned home nftei vksltlng Mrs Kll patiick, of Dane avenue Miss Maty Walsh, of Pittston, is the guest of her gianrimothei, Mi. Ellen Kelly, on South Church stteet. Misses Kittle Gibbons and Kathryn Gallagher, of Scianton, spent the Fourth with friends In Carhondale Miss Mice O Malley, of Scranton. spent Thursday with relatives In town. She returned to her home jesterdaj. Frank Livan, Jeseph Fltzpatilck and Attorney George O'Brien, of Pittston, were at the Harrison house on Thuis day. Mis Chailes Haywood and Mrs. M. T. Walsh, of Edwardsvllle, were the guests of Mrs. R. T. Maxwell over the Foui th. James Kllppttlck, of Dai to avenue, is spending his summer vacation with his brother, Frank Kllpatrlck. of Roches- tor. N Y. Dr Pi Ice, of Olyphant, who was graduated fiom the Unlveislty of Penn rylvanln last month, was in Caibon dale this week. M. Munson Searing nnd Mrs. Seirlng and bon, of Dover, N. J, were tho guests this week of Gioceryman Pyle, of South Main street. Mr. nr.d Mis. Charles Hilller and family, also Mr. and Mrs George E West, of Scianton, spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mis. .1. D. Pnlniei. The Misses Maiy Killeen and Mary Mec-han nnd Di. John O'Connell nnd W, F. Loftus weie n party of Carbondale pet sons who attended n social function nt Archbald on Thursday evening. Mr and Mis. R. S. Johnson have re lumed to their home on Canaan stieet, nftei spending the past week at Nin eveh, N. Y, where they Invo bcn caring for the foimer's mothei, Mis. M. M. Johnson, who is serloufly 111. Jangling Nerves. Are you Irritable' no von slpen badly? Is it hud to coneenttato your tnougnis.- is our appetite poor? Do you feel tired, restless an I despond ent? Tiy Llchty's Celery Nerve Com pound. It will do you more good than anything you have ever tiled. Sold by Matthews Bios. JERMYN AND MAYHEM). The borough council held their monthly meeting last evening. Baw ling reported the need of repairing tho culvert on Division street, nnd the street committee whs Instructed to nt tend to the matter. The exoneration list, presented by tho tax collector nt a previous meeting, was ngaln laid over. A number of bills were read nnd or dered paid. A bill of costs amounting to $t$.3.1, Incurred In the Injunction proceedings brought by the Jermyn Electrlo Light company against the boiough, restraining them from enter ing Into n ten year contract with the Crescent Electric Light company. The borough was not represented nt the hearing nnd the Injunction wns made permanent and costs placed on the borough. The bill wns lefened to tho borough nttorney for consideration Mr. Wheeler reported tho Hie nlntni system out of order nnd useless until repaired, nnd the committee on lighting were ordered to have repairs made. Considerable discussion took place when the mntter of levying the taxes came up for consideration, nnd fiom the remnrks made It appears the valu ation this year has decreased and. the majority of councilmen were of opinion that tho borough cannot be tun on less assessment than that of last year. In fact with the prospect of having to pay the Interest If not the principal of the water bonds, which matter Is now before court. It was decided that It would be Impossible to run the boiough on less than thirteen mills, nn Increase of three mills on last year A motion that the tax levy he eight mills for general put poses nnd five for light and water was therefore adopted and the meeting afterwards adjourned James Harris, Jr, the well known young West Mnyfleld trombone player, hns accepted an engagement to play nt Llbeity, Pa. Miss Vinnle Wall has resigned her position with the telephone company and Is succeeded by Miss Llzzlo Mc Closkej. Mr and Mrs. John Solomon, of Main street, spent the Fourth at Forest City. Stephen D.ver, of the Scranton Rall way company, was In town esterday sptlllng up claims for Injuries to pas sengers In the recent tttreet car wreck. Mr. nnd Mrs Philip Baker, of Malr. street, have returned home nfter a ten davs' visit at the Pan-American expo- ' sltlon. ! Mis, Patrick Wynn, of South Main street. Is critically 111, with little hope of recovery. John and Sidney Waters, of Fourth street, returned homo yesterday from a visit with Kingston, N. Y friends. Robert Maxwell, of the Maxwell Throwing company, Is at Atlantic City. One of the most severe storms for r long time past visited the borough last evening. A barn at the rear of the Sweenej house was struck b- lightning nnd several trees were blown down. The culvert leeently made near Odd Fellow's' hall, became clogged, causing a heavy overflow of water at that point. Henry Maxwell nnd Will Parks will leave this evening for a sojourn at Atlantic City. Rev. S. D Molter, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church, will preach on Sunday morning at 10 30 on "The King's Highway." There will be prayer service In the evening at 6 30, followed by preaching at 7. subject "Excuses." At the evening service the Lord's supper will be administered. All are welcome. The Juvenile League, which has re cently been organized, will meet on Mondaj' evening nt 7 30 o'clock. The topic for the Christian Endeavor meeting at the First Baptist church next Monday evening Is "Religion nnd Patriotism." The leader will be Miss Alta Myers. OLYPHANT. The mnny friends of Mrs. Spencer,, wife of Rev. Dr. pencer, of Blakely, will be deeply gtleved to learn of her death, which occurred nt the Blakely Baptist paisonage yesterday afternoon nt 4 o'clock. Mis. Spencer had been a lesldent of Blakely about a year and a huf and by her unassuming manner nnd Christian loveliness, she was be loved by every one who knew hoi. The funeral will be held tomonow aftei noon at "' o'clock. Services will be held In the church. In the evening the temalns will be taken to Philadel phia and laid at lest In Lexington cemeteiy on Monday. The regular meeting of the borough council will be held on Monday even ing. B. J. Lynch has returned from a trip to Europe. Morbert. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grogan, of Lackawanna street, was seriously burned about the face by an explosion of powder from a cannon lliecracker on the Fourth of July. Rev. Mi. Edwards, of New Yoik. will occupy the pulpit of the Congie gational church tomonow morning and evening, Services will be conducted at the usual hours In the Presbyterian church tomorrow, morning and evening. Rev. B r. Hnmmond, pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Strltt are visiting lelatlvrs In Blnghamton. N. Y. M J. Kllcullen has returned home fiom a trip to Philadelphia and At lantic City. Mr and Mrs Anthony Jones, of Ed wardsvllle, wete the guests of Mrs, Mary Probert, Thursday, PECKVILLE. Temperance and piohlbltlon workers have asked the county oiganlzer of the Piohlbltlon party to come to Peckvllle and organize a Prohibition league In this pait of the count j Wllllne at all times to obey such calls, he will he with us Wednesday evening, July 10, at Legent hall at s o i loi k blimp. The programme that has been aiianged is t?s follows. Singing, "O, Countiy Grand," by audience, prajer, Rev. F. Gcndall. lemnikH, chaliman. leclta tlon, "I Have Diank Mj Last Glass, Bo8," MU-s Edith Anna Maj, Scian ton: addiess, "What Do I Owe My Countiy.'" County Oiganlzer Gomer D. Hi ere, singing, "When baloon We Shall See Never Moie," audience, ied tatlon, "Barbara Frltihej-," Miss Edith Anna May; singing, "The Sweet Bje-nnd-Bye" Miss Edith Anna Maj Is hut a child of 7 yeais, but she had won her way Into the heaits of every audi ence she w.ih ever placed befoie Her ft lends call her the little wondei. It does not bcem at all dltllcult for the little one to speak a selection of twentj oi thirty verses. The people of Peck vllle aie certainly going to have a tteat July 10. There will be no admission fee. All men, women and chlldien are welcome. Altei the piogiamme has been cart led out, a Prohibition league will be organized, which will be open for membeishlp to all men, women and children who would like to see the legillzed lleiuor ttaillc unlegalized. Miles Dlkeman and Mr. Bohner re turned jesterday from a fishing trip at Wnymnrt. Mr. anil Mrs. William Frear returned MI 1H TESTIFY THAT PE-RU-HA CORES FEMALE ILLS Dr. fiarfman, President of the fiarfman Sani tarium Offers to Treat fill Women Free Dtiring the Summer Months. 7-? )S OTCv, " v- 9C Miss Millie UaKer. Miss Ml'' .i.iker writes trim 290 East Ohio s'treet, Chicago. HI . "I suffered for years with weak ness peculiar to women, scvoio bearing-down pains, and continual headache. My system seemed com pletely upset and I did not know wheie to find relief. Tho doctor tried three different lemedics but they did not seem to help me nny. "After using five bottles of Peiuna I was as well and stiong as ever. I would not be without it for any money." Miss Millie Baker. A Well Woman. Mis Florence Altklns, 0.! Foisythe street, Toledo, O., wtltcs- "I am today cured of that dteadful disease I wiote to jou about when I asked your advice. I at once began taking Peiuna and Manalln and have Just llnlshed the llfth bottle. It htib cured me of leucoiihoei. I had the tiouble for nine months and had given up hope of every being strong ngain. I cannot toll how happy I feel, but you will know. I never heard of such medicine. It is the only medicine on eaith. My husband Is now taking it fen catanh of the head. I will ahvaj.s keep Peiuna In my house "I ennnot find anv thing to talk about from morning till night, but Peruna I Wat, a sick woman when I Hi st wiote jou. 1 have a blight, cleat i oloi now, and am altogether a well wo man I think leiiconhoej is the wouU of female dlse.ues for I sufttied all sorts of pains. I thoi ght at Mist that I had ulceiation ot th. womb, and Peiuna has cuied me I am now a sound woman Peiuna is the best friend I ever hnd on this earth it must bo piaised it cuied me." Mis. Floience Aitklns. home j-esterdav fiom a week's visit with friends at East Worcester, N. Y F. .' Swingle, of Yatesvllle, spent Thursday in town About two hundred of nur people vis ited Lake Lodoie Thuisday. On ac count of the Inability of the Deliwaie and Hudson being able to furnlsii ttanspoi tatlon double that number weie disappointed In a ti Ip to that popular lesoi t. The Piesbjterlan chin eh-Rev. S. II. Moon, D. D.. pastor Reception of new membeis, baptism of infants nnd sac l anient of the Loid's supper at morn ing seivlce, 10 10. Open-ail union evan gelistic service In the evening Peckvllle Baptist chinch Rev J. S Thomas, pastor Services tomonow at 10 SO a. m. The Loiels supper will be observed. Let all membeis tiy to bo piesent Union service of the thtee churches In the evening on tho vacant lets adjoining the Baptist paisonage. Evangelist W. F Davis, who has had much experience in open air meetings, will conduct the service tomonow evening. Mr Davis wns lmpilsoned at Boston for pi caching In Its stieets and paik3, but his impilsonment has seemed liberty to pi each the Gospel anj'wneie in inn i ny i.i'i. cici j uoci turn out to hear him. Should It rain the service will bo held in tho Metho dist chinch. TAYLOR. Tonmirow will be Home Mission Sun day at the Calvaij church, oifeiings will he taken nt both services tow aids the Baptist Home M'frslotiaiy socletj. The pastor will speak In the moimng on "Our Independence," and In the evening on "Our Duties Towards Our Countiy," Tho funeral services over tho re mains of the late Mis, Edmund Car. tit occunca from her Kit" 1 ome op Main stieet yesteiday afteinoon at J o'clock. Rev. D. C. Edwaids, pastor of the Welsh Baptist chinch, olllclated and paid a glowing ti Unite to tho memoir of tho deceai-ed. Theio weio sevetal beautiful ti Unites con tilhutcd by relatives. Interment was made In Washburn stieet eempteiy Tho pall beareis woi-o Messis. David Edwaids, David Thomas, John Fian els, Evan Jenkins, Gcoigo Evans nnd Morgan Lewis The Excelsior riuartette, composed of the following well known Tiylor vocalists, will sing nt the Moosle Preshyterhn church tomonow: Miss Edith A'atklns, sopiano; Miss Ger trude Watklns, alto; W. L. Jones, tenor; J. E. Watklns. basso. Pi of. D. Was Tired and Miserable. Mrs Ellen Hnlllngei, Crowdor, Indian To i , vvtites "Thtee jeais ago I began to go down In health. I had a tired, miserable feel ing. 1 had constipation so bad that I had to take a laxative everv day or two, I was vriy nervous, and had ,i dozon ni he, ailments. 1 took nifdlclno of kinds, but to no avail "I gtcw woibe and was tailing away, as I could scaicelj eat anything. I wiote to Dr. Haitmnn asking him for advice whloh ho kindly ave. ana lecommended Pomm and Manalin which I commenced to take I began to f"el better at once and now I am heaity and stieing "1 think I am as well as anybody can be, and cat mine than I ever did I never felt better in my life. I feel that I owe a debt of giatltude to Dr Hart man and his wondei fill medicine for the gn M I health I now enjoj ' I give Peiuna to tnv children, and It does the in all the good In thf woile! Theio is no use of a woman suffering as I did; if they write Dr. Haitman for advice they can soon he lestorcd to health." Ellen Bollinger. Pice Homo Advice. In view of the gieat multitude of women Mtflulng fiom some foim o' female disease nnd et unable to find nny cute, Dr Haitman, the lenowned specialist on female catnirhal dis eases, hn3 announced hi3 willing ness to diicct the tieatment of as many enses as make application to him duiing the summer months without chaige. This offer will hold good onlv during the summer months. Anj woman can bei nme a legulai patient by pending a willten statement of hei age, condition of life histoiy and sjmptoms of lor derangements. Those wishing to become pitlentn should addiess The Pciun.i Medicine Co , Columbus, Ohio. E Jones will accompany them and preside at the oig.m. The f uncial ot David James will occur fiom hia late homo on Wa hlng ton stteet. this afteinoon. Builal will be made In the Piesbyteilan coinetei Consldeihale IntPiest is being mani fested in today's base ball contest, when the Ilustleis and Lilies, two stiong local nggiegatlons, will con test for a' of $10 Reed and Jones will be the battery for tho Lilacs, and Lewis and Hammond for the Hustleis. Contest will commence at .1 ocloik on the school houso pirk. Preparations aie being made bv membeis of the William Tell Rifle club to have a rifle match on August 1. Trains fiom Pittston, Wllkes Barre and Scranton will enter. Miss Mary Day, of Grove street, Is visiting fi lends in Wajno county. CLARK'S GREEN. Tho Fouith passed otf very quietly here The ladles of the Baptist chinch gave a dinner and supper and In tho evening the place was enlivened by Hi t-w oiks on F L Phillips' lawn Mr. and Mis. Allison Aldilch, of the West Side, spent the Fourth with tho Intel's patents, Mr. and Mis. Judsnn Wells. The Misses Con and Emily Leach and hi other, Mm on, are spending tliolt Fouith with f i lends In Wajno county. Mr. and Mis. Walters, son, Bobert and datightei, Jennlo May, of Gieen Ridge, spent the Fouith with Mrs. Waltets' mother. Mrs. Montgomeiy nnd sons, Henry and Fay, also Mi. and Mrs, Charles Beckwlth, all of Scranton, are boaid Ing at Mis. Levlboe's. Mls-s Edjtho Wilson Is spending a few days with ti lends In Nicholson Mr. Will Watet.s nnd bilde, neo Car rlo Wilson, have letuined fiom thetr wedding tour and huvo tho best wishes of their many ft lends. Mis. William Snooks, of this place, was called again to the bedside of her daughter, Mis. Ft, ml; Jennings, of Now ton, who Is ciltlcally III. Mr. nnd Mis. P. H Gieene, of Dal ton, have been visiting at tho homo of E. J. Chapman. Miss Smith, of Nny Aug, is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mia. John Smith, of this place. Quite a number nf our townspeople nro sulfeilng from tho effects of vac cination. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lamont, of Scranton, are the guests of her par ents. Mr. anil Mra William Frace. d
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