m-ftn ,- , K otn;t3ij?fTji;),-,"Vi fvtH1'' 'Vn - WV ;V,niiS1!?j-rnsFi 5?355VWW'-nKS' -"-"wi'i(ff5rwj' tjv rtfer- w HKf&& 6 THE SCK ANTON TJUBUNE- TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1001. -v- t.riT5VlYi- WEST SCRANTON MASONIC LODGE BANQUET HALL FORMALLY OPENED UNDER AU BPIOIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. Hydo Park Lodrjo, F. .fc A. M. Has Acldorl n Long Folt Want to Tlioir Well Equipped BuildingSocial Scosion. and Viaitors Inquest iu tho Caso of Edward Doylo Who Was Killed on the Railroad-A Chain of Sad Happenings in One Family, Till newly appointed Mtelnl Mini ban quet iooiiih l lljilf T'liiU- liulK''. r'M'O mill Acd'ptml Mucous, weio foinuilly opened ami dedleiitod hM owning In tin1 presence of li luiue iiiiniln'r of t lit tiH'iubei." mill Wll hi? riii'Mh of other lodges. The inoni" it !- Infilled on tin seeotul Horn1 in tin- .lnoiile liiillillnp, and t (insist of n parlor nml clunk loom, 1 ,-1 1 1 1 1 u o t hut), pnntiy mill kltehen. The piiilm mill f'liuk i'imhii mi liii nHln'il v. till hoily In libels impi't, Ir-ulli- M-iipliiiNli'icil ehalis .iiul o.iK tables-, mnl will In' iim'iI cm luslvi-ly tor the )MCIIlllCl of IllC .Mlfnlllc ll.lll'l Illt.V.lltltl will lie npciipil as 'In iipi'iixlmi piiilii" They will -crc as ii i lull mil -ml.il loom" lnl lii'lye llli'llllii'l '. 'I'll" Mlclicn mnl p.intiv :i:v fuil i illlipi'il with i;.i nii'jci. nil .iiul fold Wltti'l, dls(W, I'll I'll 'li" llllllllllllt! of l.il Kf .''"iiililiiKi'f. .unl Hi li.iiiiUi'L lmll i .'""7 led. .mil nil' in i nmniii iliuc -p prill liuinli'iil pi-iipl" when -eat-i'., 'i''ic i ii'iins me i'iiii-llcl, )i:ii"M(l .ml piinli'il mnl linhtod w ill 111" ellsb ii li 1 imps. At III" i Ill-P o! till' M'Kllill PK'Plitll? Hip niPinbi'lK of Hip Imlttp I nil their vlcltliij; Mie-is ni.iulipil in tm- ."nun Ml" loiic iniiiii ml 111" llilnl door in lii" liainiuel lmll, In r. tin u -to 'Pllti'll .111(1 t-i'l'Vul Willi ' I'lH'sIlllli'lltS 'iy I'.tttV'i .Mas llliinip. .l'Kicil In- Hip I lllt'l tilllllPeilt i lillllllill 'P. I 'h.i,-. I'lttll pi'. Tlinin.'iH J?. t'.tivv, . I. hups Al Katun, Allien D.ivls anil .M. (i Oliiiinii U, mnl Hip lollouiti.; iiii'iiilici'-, who in leil as wnltet . I Miilel .1 Thornns liati itan luipii, .1 ;m it ! j:iiip-, wtiiimn n. J."W mnl Alljci I Ij.tvis Wllt-llipllll AI.ISti'1 ". llll.tlll'll hv.ilis w.is matter of i pi eiiiottles; K" II (.'. .Mi lipiiiiint. "Ii.ipl.iln ol the f-jiiiifr, mid O.iviii .1. D.tiis, i h.iii ni.in III lllP MH'i.ll M osillll. AllPI- IllC ipfiv-di-llll'llls Itfle sf I M (I Mil .11 lllllllblts wiir unili'ii'il liv I'nif V. "V lniic. ll.il iv ViIbIp .mil Many Ai Kpi', of 'lie SMnp-oil il.il" ipi.il tetlc, .iiiDin p.mipil mi thr in:,, in liy I'uif Witltoi I, K HUYLER'S SCOTCH KISSES tort t.u.r .r G. W. JENKINS'. AS easonable Topic Hosiery and Underwear are always subject's of interest to well bred, intelligent women, when the subject of dress is under consideration, for without perfection in fit, weight and finish, real comfort is impossible. The Questions of Styles and Materials Are purely a matter of taste, governed by the purse, and whichever way your inclinations may run, rest assured of this, we can fill your every want. At this seasou of the year Light Weight Hosiery and Underwear Are most in demand. People with luxurious tastes ami ample means show a preference fur silk weaves iu ,t . plain and faucy styles, but scieuce has come to the rescue of people of moderate means, and the latest styles iu Mercerized Hosiery aud Underwear make an excellent substitute for silk. But Your Thoughts May Run On : Xyisle Thread, Maceo Yarns, Cotton, Merinos, Light Wools, Etc, aud there isn't a style that's popular to day in any or all of these that you cau't find here, Next time you're thiukiug of Ladies' Hosiery or Underwear, just remember that you'll get it best at the Globe Warehouse .J rfW "W--. - rtciunrlM were liitulp by Olinlrnmn Diivln, IIpV. .MeDennolt, Dr. Jletith, '.'. 11. Acker anil fevoral other nieiii Iters of the Hyde Park and other loilppn lrpi'psMMitpd, In addition to (in inuon ully liirfip iitteiidniH'P of I lie lixtw I11P11P', tllPlP W'PIP piPftpllt Hip fol- lowliif? fioni oilier UiiIbph: I'm! 1.. Sjki, of t nlon Imlni', 2'ils I im iim I I die, 2'H, It. S. I)il. Ullii; N,ImihiIi, .N. .iP .Uttniiiltr t iiniplicll. Ai.icln. .Vo .-Mil, lil"i, I'ml "j. Itolitiu, ail; I'liMiitoic llini', "'H, Hu rt . S'Sluii, 'J'H, litoiKi' . Mllli'il, I'm i Willi uit IihIkc Vo. fUli I'lilllp II !. Wllil''. .lit ,lo.iili II. M.itlilpt, 'J'lll I'ml .1. Iliniirl, !"l. .lohit It II nil", ."U; Ihtiil II. I.iltl'olm, 'J''ll lirniKi' I.. H.ili', I'nllci. 111. 1'lill.nlolpliii, ll'i iii Will. u ll.'li Ktiitntc II. Ip!f, '"'ll l.fi.lKf lll.lllill, VllllliT IntlBP! 1'ilw.llil V. TrllM ilt II, ."il, WIIILiiii I.. I'i.hm, IVIip lllliin'"iii IuiIup, N... fl'li W. II. Ilo". Wll ClntilfK II. 'l CiiicU I. I'jliii', .Ull W.lllmi C. iliHi'tii niluil I .itttr irl.s li'ilur, N". .Ml'. Iiiill.ni ipjli. IlIll.J .1 llltf I. Mtllllllt, tl.lllll'll I'llf I'hIb'i -v" III, I'lih irp, Ilt. Mi nli (l.iiniMill. 1'iilltr ltnlr, Nu. ill, I'liitailflpiiii; i.i'oiat' I'. I'link, (Irtoti IIIiIbi', At lltur llmnif. Iliitfii Imlpr. s". IU itniiiMniisi llcnl'iii S tllllliwliin'i I '"in ml UiiIci, Mllinio, ll. W. II. Ilrj.inl, IvIiiu'Idii IhiIki, No .HI. Iiticlun, I'.i.i ". I' Ijl.tliiiwl, II.- Will l.i'ki', .Nil "I. ( lliiion, Ilt. .lultti li.l.l. W.ilittlllf li.iluf. .Nil .'!. Wjlrltlllf, M''.i 1.1 Hi W WllllltlK, MIlllltutlM lnll.1'. 'M' "'I. MiiiuripnlN Mi nit. : Willi mi ttjbon. I tn'l'lur IimIi, ii. I". Mll.iiiki, M . .liilni II'1'" iti '-lit in IoiIki', No. .lit'. Il.niiliiilf'1', I 'J I ! 'I' ll I W IIiiisIik, l.i" n lililgf 1'i'Uf, fl f'''7' llmlit .1. HtiL'. No "II. I'n loiwlllf. I't.. Miiilcs I', 'in tit t. II lit lull loilm. Nti. fi'io, llil.lu!.. '.: Hi in.'' II. It mil. ml, Pluiiuutli nil(,t. u .IU, Pltinuiiil.i lli-iir.t li. Mini; in. N" 'i.'i t t nilnv W. i. W,iulitt. Ill, iitiun Ifiluc, Illicit iniliiti. .N I.; limit I. I 'Will. illi'.t hi'ltit. ". I"", PilKton. .Iiilin II limit-". KmcI Iim li.il(.i". N.i. I7"i. Miltt inkfp, i., Iltillltli I' iti.. ijiii liiilji'. V". .'i'i7. T.ilm. Mini. i Niini tn, Mtij; Sil'itii'Hi lili.i, No .'M, Hun Hi.;. Till' 1 llll-t Silt ll Its til" loilRO ll.lM" ilisl npt'lii'd ,im hccii noeilcil ill West Scruiiton I or n lnnr, time, mid nil the hi jj.iiil.iitiniis which nippts in .Musculo li.ill will hap tile pihilt"-;p tr iisiiiK lie liiiniiii't hull lor simiitii- (.tenth. Washburn Stioet Church. S-'pvi n ppi-oiit WPio united with the Waslilinin Stippl I'ipsb.t tpiimi cliiiii'h on pioi'cssitm of l.iltli, mi Siind.iy. anil fo u i tpoii wcip let pit cil lit letter fi run llllli'l I'lllll't'llPs William l).iK JoiniPily of I'ltm oiilh mnl Ftct. I'. II. J ii iiol. i 1'ips li.ttpi l.iii mission, trt , .tssistpd in tilt; spi pices of the tln.t . The .iinui.it "NPtiisliiii of tic Ullilc -t liool will lip run to llmvpy's Ink" on July ::i. An uppii p.tillaiinnt session on ltlhle woiU will lip I'ondiiPli'd tomoiiow ptvn Iiir: at the close of the prayer meeting. An t'lloil will he inatlc to provide nime tpiiflii'is tor the Uihle Kthool. Tliosc wlio have ni.idp jilptlKcs on tlip li.ii. sonat;" tlchl hip ipqiiestotl to semi their miIispi Iptions to Treahtirer C'liit tt'iitlen ht'foi c .Inly I. Th" tiiini a Nil society held their lt'Siil-ir mcpliiiK last e piling in the p. it luis ol Hip plinit'h. A Chain of Circumstances. Mis Oat id florin, uhosp lnisli.tnd tlipd in I .to. Aneli'S rut., ahont live wppUs ajsu, has KjtiitiiPtI liPip with her two t'liiltliPii. and they are now stop ping tit the homo of Thomas K. .lonp.s on Ttvonly-lhlrd Blicel. Mr. norar was it hniber and noticed In many of tho lending' eliops In litis oily pi lor to hli tlepniluic for the west. Nearly u year apn he went In 111 t'aso, Texna, for the heneill of hln health, lib eiiRiiKOtl In htislnpww mil then' mnl then went for IiIm family. Km' n tliiit' Mr. Uoim'M health Impioved, hilt later fulled nnlli, and Dually death ipIIpvpiI hist RtmpiliiKs Thp Itinera! twin roniliipted In l,im Amtetei under th" mntplcpq of thp Miiionlc fraternity. While Mrn, tturnr anil her ehlltlieu wine rpttttnliiK In Kcrnnton, topi'ther with an iibpiI lady lolatlvp, the hitter wax inltted foin the Haiti, mnl upon IliveMtlRiilion It wiim leiiiiii'd ttint slip lintl fallen fioni the train In some un accotintiiblp niniiner. A spin eh was lnatlp for tier and idle wiih fount! ev pral iiiIIph lineU on the raitiontl, When nicked up the old lady wna (liilte painfully Injuictl, mid flie wnt lenioved to a hospital, wheie tieiitment was apciiitlptl her. If pott her recovery the pinly lpsunied their Jonrupy and tttilsptl hi'ie sinVly iptpntlj. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. The iPinaiiiM of nn Infant pliltd of Mr, mid Mis. Ilolieit Oivluud, uf .Inck sini sticpt, were Inlet ted In the Wash burn stiect eemctpiy yerlertlny after noon. Hurslais enti'irtl the t'ontpctioliery store al Itfol t.UKernti sticpt. lett hy .Mis. I-'ole.t , and en tiled away a small tiuiiiitlty uf clsrius. Kntranpp was ef fpt led hy the removal of a pa no of Klnsu frm,, one of the front window.. Patrolman Conrad Murker Is enjoy liiK his annual ten dnvs; mu'iiIIoii. I'ii tiolnian Thoniiis Jones has ipsmupil his duties, after Ids apntlon. iliss f'assie Powell Is seilously 111 at her honi" on Kt lion street. 'I'll" "nvenliiK: Willi I.I In" enter tainment, ie. enlly Klven nl the youth .Main au-iiit" Welsh l'ahlniip ilclli otllst i hm i h iieitetl -:100 for the chinch ticasui. .Mr. ami Mis. Uatitl .leiikins of ijs iihp City, Kmi., me tisitlny: relalhe-l iintl ft lends here, utter nil ahseiiet of thirty .tent. Pi Ice ,t Son josteitlay leeched a new white fimei.il car, which v III he aililil to their ahe.iilv lame etiulpnient. Uev. Thonm.s tie Oi uehy. I. i., will hate chin b of the Haptlst Voiiiik People's union liieclinpr thH otenlui; In tlip.laiksou Street U.iptist. elniuli. Ilai i y Williams, of South .Main .'i"iiiip; lliisene-ajid KilKitr Powell, of .IikUmiii si i eel, me home fioni Key nloiiu .leatlem.t, ractor.t t ille. -Miss Mars.net Williams, of liloom huiK Slate Xnininl scliool, Is .a ,or homo on South -Main atomic, for tho suinincr vacation. Thomas .1. FIciiiIiik-, of r.afayptlp stipct, is sppndiiiK- a lew tlavs in lltit inlo. X. Y. -Miss l.aiii.t Jlonls, of Forty KnI, has i etui ned home until n tisit with Mis haul. i Davles, of South Main in e niio WiiIIpi- II. .Tones, of 1'iiop stioet, Is sppiuliin,' a tew tln.s at Ulooinhhtirg Slitlo Xoimal schnol. A l.ntn so; ial for tho hpllflit ol the .liiiksoii Slieet ti.ttitl.st chtiich wilT lie hold tomnnow etonlns-at tho home of .Miss Ida Sayei.s, ::io North Jleheecn ntPiuip. All per.ons holding tickets tlatt'd Junp II. will lpceit-e icp cioam fiee ot ohm jve. ('ream anil onKe wilt lie lor s.tle. Tlip ohildiPii of the late Thoma H William., who was killed in the P.ellp iip mine leiently. yosteiday icteltcil tinounii llli haul II. Williams a check fur .M.ilOO, in full payment for a policy lifltl hy tin. deceased in the Knights of Pythias Kiidowinoiu I!. ink. The memliers ol tho Columbia I lose and Cheiuit.il companv met at their imaiti'is on Dltisimi .stieel, l.tsi oton ins .ind illsposetl of many artiile or llllliitllio, pletiiu's, etc, which ailiiilied the hii-e house jor iiiiiuy yents. Most ollho S'ids were Ikhik'Iu lit- tho mem hei.s. The 1. lilies of th,. Simpson Molhndist episcopal ehiir, h wimso names holu with tho leltois S. T, I", V, W, X, "V anii y. will servo one ot initial suppeis in the Thlllstl.iy efPllimr. The their t.tmous i hurt li net usual oscel- IpuI menu w ill lie sei toil hotwooii fi .nit S o'tlock. A numb"!- of the llleciilc CHv Wheel, men met in theiiub lnuiso l.isi oteniiiK ami discussed the adt isihillty f foim IiiK a kIpo i lull, (ivortines luto bppii lnatlp to Piof. , w. nt-aiis to Instinct llio slliaols. out ii,, ileliiiii,, ii'onts Into t e( her n made ariaiiffo- Illtner Ci.uie one of the lidei.s. who reinestiit d Hip Klcetric Clt.t Wheel liien In the tpntuiy miii at Xpw Yoik on S.ttiiitl.iy last, was (pudeieil a ip oeptloii .. tlie t lull iioiise l,i eveniiif.'. Ho prouill.t ttme the ioiIIiik sllter iiiPilal whldi he won In the rate. Oiauo .sats the loads ilow i: mound New York me a tincli for the "made nliiirueis" iitiiui'i Serantnn. Ills riiunliiH: mate, William Se.iKiiit'P,, ha-t fftino to I'lill-llpsliiirt,-, N. .1., to visit !iw motht'i', ami will return the lat'.ei pau of tho it eek. Aldpni'.in .hihn P. ICollj and tlfo. of South Seventh sticpt, K'liirupd home yestertl.t.t from m few tln.t s' vis-it wltli li'lntitps in Altlfiitlllp, V iviip county. Atloliih I. Billions, or North I lytic Park uwmio ha bepn apiiolnted tlie Sua ii toil aKont for the Kilslimutli llio. Tohatpo oiiip.in.t, of i'hllaiiol phla, sin ceedlns ' J. Votlil, who has ippipcntp(l the ihm In ihls vicinity Mr a number of years. Itev liohort of Ohl Man's Creel,, Iowa, who Is the Kiie.st of s. li. .lones of Nuiili .Main avenue, pleached In tho Tahc'iuatle Ciiiikiokuwoiiii! cliuicli liu-t eenliihr, and will pi each this etenliiK III Hie (-'list Welsh ('niiKiOftatlouiil I'liiiiih, South .Main atPiiue. Toinoiiow ovouIiib ho will hppak at TaMor. A llvp-yeat-old son ot Robert Lance, ol Dtu'kor'.? toiut, imirnttly est apt it Injuiy on Sunday by I'allliiK- troni n l.iifapito tur on Stvellanil slieet. A boy mimed Willie P.tan., itBCrl four leeil teats, lo.shllUK on Seventh street, was uiTPsied yosteitbi at Sl.tth s,u'it anil AVest Lackawanna avenue, by rippila! Olllcpi Siepheu D.ir, for Junni-' Iiik on .street cats, lie w HI appear bo ftiie Aldeimau illllar today. Mrs. h.tae husls, ot Snyder atomic, wltn wont to Yoiiuissiowii, Ohio, to ii'lllly to loslile, has returned to Hello- lie, I). .M. .Iiipo. honjainin (! IJee.so ami .lolm T Lewis spent ycstettl'iy llhhlfiK at ilaplewoiid. TIipv i etui ned last niRlil with a Hue '.it'll of iltt.t pounds of peiih .unl picket el Tlie Vouimr Tooplo's Stklnty of christian i;ii'o.i.n of iho Helltniio WilMi CiltlnistU li-thodl.st thtiith will fit-" an out Mlaliiiiu'iit on Tut" tla.t ptonintf. h'lio 1. llini commeiip. iiM at 7 " o'tlotk. voiy wood pio Kiamiiie has been mianeetl, anil It Is in UeepliiK with the ttotU of tho A SENSIBLE MAN W'niilil te Iu mil's IlJlum tur Hie Tliuut mil l.ui;i. II H luring iitoto CoiikIk, ColMa, Atlliiiu, llruiuliiils Ciotip tni'l .ill Tliio.it aw l uub 'frotiblc, than jiij tillicr mciliiiitf. 't'lie iioitlclor Iijj aulliotluii any OiusuUt to Ktto juu a bJinilu llolllc l'uc to roiitlutc )itt ol lie mtrit ot lltU t'lt'at uiik'Jj. I'iUc -X iiul '). society. Hveiyhody Is Riven a ltenrty Invitation, A fiee will offeilnir tlll bo Inkpit, SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Branch 220, Ladles' Catholic Associ ation, Gives Euchre Tonight, Funeral of John Durkin' The members of Munich L'Jil. Lndlei' Catholic Meitevolent assoeliitlon, will Intel this I'venliiK ut 7 o'clock Hlinrp nl Vliaiiuauy hall mid all nicinbcis iifi fptiupsted to be piesent, Immediate ly after the ineetlnt; they will leave for the Kulghts of Columbtut hall, on Washington tivenue, to hold their ou fhio tuntpst, for which a law ntini bpr of tickets have alieady licen sold. A number of valuable prises are to be nlvon lo tho lucky wlnnets Anions the pi lues offetcd ore: 'lltltt til llir Pill ttlirlit.m iniliuii, Ihii Ijilii",' "III. uniliii'llii, fllti-t clnltltiiio, tit bin ii.iki'K, lttii gi ntltinm't illk tmilirrllii, .liter lion lum tIMi, pair of ,linof. rnillcniin't ttJlili trttltil, Inntinncl,, lult'i unlil plu, pill' nt tiiii, f.iniy fjrl, a pilr ot nlhci iiimintfU ImioIu'-. After llio paine and awardlni,' of tlie nt lx.es, it social will be held. Funeral of John Durkiu. , The remains of the late .lohu hur kin, who met death at Nashville, N. C, lofp-ntly WPio cotislBiied to their Unit 1 lesthiR plate In the Cathedral t-piiieieiy ypsteulny luoinliiff. The 1'iniL'ial was held fioni the iel tlenco ot lils patents, on Plttston atoniie, dud was eiy larBi'ly at tetidetl. At !' o'clock the funeral cortege muted to the St, John's chinch, trhetp a letiillt'in mass was celebrated by J lev. Ii'jther l',lpmliiR. NUBS OP NEWS. John Ciitiitiatmh, of I.!" Orcliaid ,stit"t, was miestttl Sunday nls'il fur nssaiiltmtr P.iltolman ltoland. Al a lioiulUK bofoio PoIIlo Magistrate Store he wis l'ned ' oi ninety days In the county iall. H" paitl the (Inc. The frymnaslie evlilbition which was mven last eteiililS' at WorkinKinen's hall. b Plot'. Call StaiborV, tinning cl.f-s. was teiy largely attended. An iutpi-pstiiiiv luor mime was lPiuleied and after the exhibition a voiy oit joynble soeiai ttas hold, tor tthith Pi of. Salt fiitiilsht 1 the music. Council No. JL". .Junior Older American Mechanics will meet for nomination ol otliects Hits evening; at Scliiinpli's hall. Mis .Irs'ephinc Mariihait, of Cedar avenue, is iltinr lrlends at AVIIkcs- Marie. The JutiMPr ilaenueii hor tt Hi bold a special mootliiB this etenbih' at" Ciermnnici ball. All nit'iiibprs are ear nestly lequested to be piesent. Lackawanna camp of the Modern Woodmen of Ameiica will meet at Ilarttnan'.s hall Tluusday liiKhl and an Inteiestins seeion is ,ismed. A special commtttee is making in dnstiioiis effoits to have the twelfth annlvpi.sai v t olobration of .Tamps Council IoiIkp, ludpppiulplit Order of Odd Fellows, piove a great success. It will be held in tho IoiIbo looms Juno 2fi, anil will be attended by Hip members and their wives. Pea Coal 1.50 a Ton Delivered, to South Side, cential city and centtal Hyde Park. Addiess oideis to J. T. Siiaikcy. 1U11 Cedar atcnuc. 'Phone C6S3. N0RTHSCRANT0N. AVhat i expected to be one of the most successful exclusions of tlie sea son will ho the combination excursion of time t lunches, the Providence Methodist Kpiscop.il ohm oh, the Uieen KitlRc Asbmy church mid the 111 con UldRp Itaptist chin eh. These tlueo (huiclies will rim their exLtnsion to h.iko Lodote Juno "'i. The inembPi of the North J'nd IJ.is kt't hall team an leciuosled to nit'ct at the Lin-.eliip hotel on North .Main avenue, next Friday evening. John T. Hopewell and O. 1 .Miller, who have been attending the Tlopta soph's coiifoiitioi' at Htiston, .Mass., have tetui ned home. Kev. llpoigp I.. All it'll will pondupt a Hible sttlilv in the Young "Women's Christian association looms, 'JOIS Noith il.iln avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Subject, "The Piophecles of Daniel." Tlie study lo b iitlnupil In the eighth chapter ot Daniel. The ltev. W F. haties anil wife and Mis-s Cora Itobiits, of Summit tiM'itue, v. Ill leave this morning for hew ishuig. Pa., whole they will, this alleinoon ami tomoiinw, attend the graduating exercises of liuckuoll imlverslt. illss ilmy Piotheroo Diivle. tho daughter ot .Mr, and .Mis. luvies, lormeily a nifcessfiil teacher at No. -7 chool of this clt.t. Is one of the gtaduatos at huekliPll till ycm. ilis Iiavlos was gt anted a leave of absoiipe to attend a college cniusi in .Imiuarv. IS'.is SIiicp then she has suceedptl so ttnll In hop stiulles so as to conipletp the four .seals' emu so presirlliPil Iu the ctnri eiilinu of the tollPHC'. Sliealso won the sophomoie olotutlon prlxe uficiod to rollege .siiidpins, lor which both ippii and women weio eoutPStants, and in additlcin she has taken honorary Htudles iu set'Pial Inuguagps, mathe matics and hngllsh wotk, Slie is well vi i sod In music ami an excellent piano and guitar playei. a hot of ft lends will give her a hearty welcome homo Wednesday and extend to her toiigiat- ulatlous for the eminblo retold iihe has iniule dining her whole collegltii" (OlIISP - - DUNAV0RE. The Prohibition league held a huge ly tutPiidt'd mooting III Mauley's hall last night. Si'Vcial new mtuibei.s weio atltleil autl the society Is III a x cry flourishing i muiltlun. The loltow -lug piogramnio t.'as louileied: Song, .Mitt hell tiuarit-ttp: piaypr. hm. W. P. ilibboiis; lecittitinn, itlss Lnctclla Knyderj ircltatlnn, illss Nottlu Joiip.i; solo, tiomer Hecttt; tei'ltatlon, .Mable KPiiat: iiddieM. J. O. Dahuey; pons, Milt hell riuartolte, The Women's Christian Teinpeiaiue union will hold a sot hit at tho home of Auins Washer, on Shocinnkm ave nue I'Mtlay night. Itufiediuicnts will be served autl the publlo is toitllally iinllptl. The llo.s' bilgatlo ol tllp Ttipp Ao iiuo Chilsil.tn church will toiiiliict an oiitertiiliuiit'iil and sothil at tlie iluinli tomoiiow night. The AVouien s .Missionary society of the i'ipsb.t teil.in thlliill will meet Willi .Mrs. tilluioie, of him stlt'Pt, Thuihil.iy afternoon. Ilp, Chillies ll. Netting leaves today foi Wjomiug bciiilnaiy, w hot o lie goes as the ulllelal repiesontutlvo of the I'imletPiice at tho annual (duiiupiiic inent exercises. Chiules Cut i oil, of Chicago, is tho guest of his mother on huller stieet. James ilotl'iitt, of VIliii slieet, who Jonas Long's Sons' Midsummer Sale of CARPETS and RUGS Begins Today, Tuesday Morning. Some masterly merchandising movements make us the owners of some of the choicest productions of the carpet maker's art at prices much below actual worth, in passing tlie good news along to you we'll simply say that every condition that was likely to affect a price reduction .has been brought to bear on this great sale. The result is an aggregation of carpets and rugs that has already brought forth many favorable comments, See window display. Some idea of the good things c'an be gleaned from the following list: Carpets. Iiigiaiti Carpels in new designs lunations. 1 his is a good wealing, inex pensive carpet. Sale price A better quality ingrain is called the Granite. A good selection of colors. Sale price A good quality Union Ingrain, Iv woven carpet and at its regular worth is considered good y.ilue. Sale price.. Good quality of All-Wool. Ingrain Carpets. There is a good assortment of patterns . and numerous color blendings. Sale price 54-C Tapestry Brussels Carpets in three qualities. The best of their kind in the various grades. At regular prices they are considered splendid val ues the special prices will make them doubly inteiesting. Lot No. i Hspecially adapted for halls, dining rooms and sitting rooms. Sale price OUC Lot No. 2 Medium quality of Tapestry Brus sels. It may not be quite so line as the better grade, but it will wear just as well. There is a number of good patterns and some very pretty color combinations in the lot. -Sale price 05C Lot No. 3 Comprises a better quality of Ta pestry Brussels. You aie in the habit of paying much more than our sale price for this grade. There are some good patterns and some pietty color blendings in the lot. Sale price 75C Bigelow and Lowell Body Brussels Carpet. You'll willingly pay $1.35 for this t t p. grade at any other time. Sale price p 1 . 1 j Jonas has lii'tm with tin- hi lo i-ompuuy at Xpw Yoilc for pomo time, litis nercpt otl a po-ilion uiitlci' Kiiioi-iulciuleitt .May, and 111 as.iin tali up his reM- tU'llL'O licit1. P. .1. he-Ban. or DriiiKt'i- Ml out, Is ill. .Mis John Mooni'y iintl liiinlly h.to iR-aiii taken up their iosIiIimilc on South hl.tkely .stioet. The Dtinmoic Lumber coiup.iu. lias lieRiiu tho election of ,t new b.un at tho KniIiiuiro' hotel on the Mto of the one reeently tleMioyotl b III e. Samuel Palmer is In New Vol k eity on a business U ip. Albeit Jenkins of AVayniait, was eheilhitins; iimoiiK ohl liieiul.s hole v estei tiny Henry W. l'.loe.s, funnel Iy of the hi ie .iiul Wyoming Valley r.illio.ul at Dun 11101 e lull now of Two 1 1. it hoi s. .Minn., is sueeeetlinK- 'veiy nicely lit tlie l.itlei plate, whole he has teeeiilly none. GREEN RIDflE. Mr nil Mi- I't.iiik IM.illii 111,1 .-on, 'llniiiii, nf suuhisou mint.', line i,ont In tli.n tuiitilit ilni' ,tt I l.'uk'l tftwii lot- tin' Minimi 1 Hi. W llti'l roiilhitn mnl Hi. .1 Mmill I'mil linn, uf smith Vtiioiu 1. Ii.iw hi in mil imiii it tin ili -t it in I'hiluli Iplii.i tn . I. ('.tit, ut (iintl l!lll'L -tit 1 1 . Ml ,wliiili fur .1 l.o uitli ttt, mis .it Mi w I lie iiitinliiis nl Hit- Wimifii't llniiit' Mis-iiu..iit ho, ic ty n( Klin I'.irl. tliiiuli. ttti.' 1 nli 1 1. mini In Ml-. U ill! 1111 II, I'ttk m lit 1 ImiiiL' un Mtui-i'f lumio .M'-tinliy alii iitiiin. II Initio the l.i-t initiiiis nt llip jc.ii, Dilltt is win- pin IimI, .iflti uliti it .t iv nilPrtstluK irnf.i.iiniiii t.ij Kim 11, I In 111 n itt'itli'i; w.i, mi 11 Jtn niltil. OBITUARY. JlhS. PHILIP hhlrihlt, .Igetl ,-iS eai, tlietl .e.stenlti at the f.illillv rosltltint'" 111 Itenillmiu. The funeral will be hold 011 Tlitiistluy titleinoon nl '1 o'clock, wltli Interment hi the Km est Home t'l'iiii'ii'ij .it Taylor. Funeinlfa. The fuiieuil of the late .Mi.s, (iwcu Kliinegan will tuku pliue at L' o'clock this aftct niHin 1 1 out the liuinc of de ceased's niother, .Ml'?. .Mnigaiet fler rlly, lit) tliiilleltl aeuiie, Intel meiil will be Hindi' Iu Hie t'ltthi'tlial t t'ltie. t'l. MEETING OF MINISTERS. Excellent Paper Road by Rov. J, L. Raco Yesterday, The .'Molhotllst .Mlul.steis' as.sochi' lion of Seiantoit anil lflnli mot jc.-ti'rd.ty moiiilng ami listened to the leading of an eM-elleni paper b l!"v. .1 h. ii'itit on "The ht'st .MnthotI for the Average Tieuclior 111 Piepuilng a P'lllinn" Tilt paper wits illt.cils.sed hv Itt-v. .1 N. H'llley, Uev. (5 A. I'mv, h"v a h. i'iiiiru ami lto, c. J, 'iiillln. I). I'. Tlie niciMlr.-,' with ptesitlctl ov't'f hi' 1(,'. f. II. lleiuy and how A. II, 1 'tumor 1 ondiictetl the devotions, .Meinbc'th pit'sunt weio: T,e.s .1. I, itute, n 1' hynmn, I',. It Singer, i". M. (llllin, fs. .1. Poisoy, ii, A. I'uiP, A. II lHlB'r. IS- Iloblllu, .lunies lipp iiut,ei, .loi-tiph .Miullsmi, i'. II. New lug. P. P. Doty. J N. hallt'i. (' II. Ilenty, 11 ll. Pli'llthe, .1, It. Austin. RUNAWAY ON BOULEVARD. Exciting' Expovionco of Mis.. Gilhool nud Her Sinter. Mis. W. K. lillhool iintl .MHs Nellie Kvuiis hail 11 wlltl and cMltlug title oil tho hhiihuist houles in il Suud.ij Tiie weio on their way home when the hoti-o heiiune lilghtt'iietl ami piosonlly umniuuigeahlu and Mm led ut a mud puce towiutl the eity, diagglng thu leliis tioiu tho hands of Mrs. fillhool, who was dilving. Down the boulevatd tho ltuiso eul ' The Carpet Sale Begins Tuesday and color com- 23c 25c This is a linn- 30c Long's Sons lopetl, the women clinging1 to tho sides of tin e.trrlage iu tmror. At the bridge above Nay Aup: p.tik the hoi.se was Mopped by running into a fence. Both of the iMimeii woie tin own out and Mishtly injiuetl. TAX DUPLICATES READY. Assessors Will Probably Turn Them Over Today. The cloik employed by the eity as sossuih to compile the tax duplicate for the pi ("tent llscal year have com pleted their woik and the duplicates will be uuiitd oer to the city treas iner tlther toil, iv or timil)iTw, M that the tolleeilon oT taxes e.in ho lievun ttt once. The assessors ate now busy eonipll liU a list ol the lesitlent tiixiibles of each wartl, to he Used in tlguiing out the lepiOhC'iilatiou Iu tin; eulatsotl 1 Dilution council. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. ll, it I'jih .is nirtsicil ,rluil.iv .it tin In -1. line nt .lolm (JiIion, vim i lnri:rsc.liini wild ,li ti.ntiliiin linn Ititlimj nut ct 1 -null lioiul Wll. '. 111- ptlil lie .iniiitiiil nt the hill .iti'l Hip 111-I-, nlitniiHiii lit1 v.-), tlt-iluutil lit Alili'iniaii l.'iiilil.t M 11 .Mm Kt lb, ft I iilmii -tm 1, 1- .1111 -lnl t'-ttnlit Jt tin' in-tJtiio ol Ml-. Mm Lot, imp nt tic-t tR'itililiO'.s, mi eli ttti- n( il-Jtij mIp mnl oh.ipiip Iiuuiiiup, iliii'tl- In kill .mil ts-utlt .iiul liillPi. Ann 11 liPirnu Mili'iitiin limltlj mini lnl -J ami t list- uit thp 1I1-I ill US'' J lIlM llll'.l.l hit tm til' lt-1 !. Mkluol Ati-iu-timi.. win) iiialnl '11111 a 'Ut tiitti.ti'ip in a I'intlili'iiip t.if tt Miiitluy umht, w.H iiilillllllltil In Hip tuillil Jill lnl' it) ilis in piilltu lutitl tt.-tittb niiiiiiiii; in 1I1 1 I'll'- ot 1 I1 Hup. OtMit 1'iliutilik, nli" .i- tiitiiiniltpil in tin1 (.unit J.i i l Iimi iit- .U" tm .i-aillliii Mit Tnlliii, .i ului-iil on lull t-liuh iiimiiiii,;, D L. & W. BOARD FOR TODAY The following Is the mako-up of tlu D., h. untl W. board for today: su inlon, June If, fill. MiMU, .ll'M. ir. Wihl 1 ,iw, I'j.I-' i in,, 1'. 1 iijijii.li; t') 1 1. Ill , l,llll,U lllill. 'It'lIMlU', .11 Nl K iiii t'jtit, i..i-i-i-' j. in. r iiiiii H 1 111., I' Mil. iiiiii, ID ,1 in , .1. . llioh: 11 .1, ", . t'lnmii: I p in. I.tujlnn' . " p. 111. 'Ilii.iui-.; ii p 1.1 , . . I.illiu. Miiiiiiin, cu. ii .1. in. c.ia, .1. Ili'tiiiUm; .1 m., ttisi, it, I'' iiii.tilkM , ii p. in,, tja I 1 . . 11 11 v 1. I. .1- 7 . 1.1 1 t tttii,i;; o p. iu.. uiii it. !,'', 1 , I- , I 1. ii. I fii.tn j.t tiit. II MiMllii't, 7 l I" ! troin l.tii;-i, .Mfl.JIn , 1 ) lit,, w 1, "in 1 ,i.v us 1, lliiiiip-ini. I'Uil.ilK -a J, 111 , (i. Ilwi-tr. 10 J. in , s I in. mil, 11 M in, ilouiii 7 p 111, Mutpl. U 1 1. in, I ami ins, V p 111, IVnlnur rjrnKf r l.tutnf T m , ihimi. ; J . m , sin.'ir. in 1. 111, s. I'. snwi, J."H 1 1, m.t M'Ui lun, ', p m . Mil.'mciii. W1I1I I'm., Wn-t-'i 1 I). Itiiualr,v; 7 a. tit, .1 II. Ma nut: .1. 111., 1 ill iw-n,; pi .1 in., !'. I'. Until! H ii in., t turner; " p, m., i.t"', 1 p 111 , i. iinnlli..ii ti t, 111 , I' IV ill, Nut H f. I . Illlililill L'. J. TV'jti tikM i)l UMIl IUU I'll 7 .VI p. 111 , tw.il 1 .11 Muiidlv, .luiip 17, ItukilMJIt Jjllllo Ml llullt ill UpiJlU lot 'lliotup iu II IIuIm nun I11I111 I'liilliiti mil i;u out null I' 1 .njii.nuli, luiif t;, iiulil tm 1 1" 1 iii'tiic Low Fares to the Pun-Ameticnn Ex position via tho Lehigh Valley Eailvotul. Klin tiny th kcts, (,ood only ill d ty to.tthe.s will bo Miltl Tui'htlah .mil Sat nrilui.s Hum rieruiiton, at the iate of $i.0i) for the round trip. Ten day tickets will ho .sold every day, jtooil on any train except the I thick Dlumoml i:prep.s, 111 ihe rate of fs.uu 101 me, louiui trit 110111 scian- ton M I Scranton, Pa., June W, 1901. Horning. Velvet Carpets. l:or less than one dollar a yard; during this sale you can buy a good quality of Velvet Car pet It's well made, and there are some" -. very pretty patterns in the lot. Sale price vUC Just one pattern of a better quality of Velvet Carpet, the kind that usually sells for $1.50. Sale price 95C Rugs and Mats. A Brussels Rug. sie 27x5.1, in all the newest colorings, blendings and designs, value $1.50. Sale price 99C Persian Wilton Rugs, in a variety of Oriental effects, size 27x54; good value at t $1.79. Sale price pl.lv Smyrna Ruga This is a good heavy double-faced nig made in bright colorings: it is finished with heavy fringe and comes in one sie only, 30x60; good value at t . $2. 50. Sale price ip 1 .49 Smyrna Mats in bright colors, Sale . price 49C Brussels Rug, large sie, ox 12 t feet. Splendid quality pI).UU - Matting In all kinds from i2jc up to 35c, with every price between. If you will bring your room measurements with you, much time can be saved. AMUSJEMENTS. SCRANTON. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June ao, 21 and 32. Location-ash Strcst Grounds. Darling's Congress of Trained Animals. Aiknnnlriui- tn In- tin1 tttlli".t trPnle nchinp nitia of dip luiuiiPlli 1. num. t'li'tl, puiiiiuK piinir-. I)iitlitu tluiiiititihi rlo', Alttlh-miK iiit; ini'iil.ea Known Hip whIi wntlil t)pr .11 "llailitu'h litih Jljiiitiui. TIip luu'. llltl" -now: Hip ilolutht uf Hit Ii lie toll.-. r.iirl.niil 1 it.ih.iilp nf .iiiiipliiiui- -ili ihIdi- ll.iil .it ll .1 in mi Hip n un tpil I11ulm.1i' tin" lo ill Tn i.hi)H ilnh U.itti piuot .tnif. j. in) !'-. I'tlcii rpiht'Pil tm tin- tide mil tn .ulult". -tl 11 1. Is, lillllllill. in 1 nit ! Rill Lager Brewery iliuiurficturors or OLD STOCK P9LSHER 48R to 455 N, Ninth Street, .PA Toleplioa Call, '-'HiU. - 1 Oticntnl Diplomacy. 'l.i pi.. 11 1 01 tm lipin -e ti mn prmip In I'.iii- i,. 11. s,,,. , un 111.-, urn. ndi I noun) on, M .1 l nl ll tiat Jl tin 1 on" ' I'"' iilitl'iti'iu nt 1S'I7 Ululimt) ililili linn W I'Jiu ,r"t f"f lil.f luu p.it iu I'lJiiti', iu letuui tur liuli t'mii.i wn li. Imic thru III lili.ni liif HP,') tlillon. I'loitil .liuit '.ill' I Olui.iUi' "Malir Mir ili,uu" u.iil Jjpni ' ixll tin on JI'tlMjnl." Un miul.tn in fiuii.ii 4thir "I" il k.i .14 iu. UiMa Jt"l IIjii u.'- tilt' enil ut m,.ib im ulijpiiioii, Un, limply illliltll Jt"l MIDI t) Ut'"' slin tune ulli'liuiil Jjpiu, nl uaiil 1'i.lt tm.. nun.' i't'U i.iiiiupiipiI mro i.t nl .0, 4111I 111 1. .nte Ijuiii k'-iti il llnif. SIiiiIIp am, souilinniiluii. I liU li-t iniiiiit ...ti tlu- iHl.t'i mil. .us Ini. 'Hip ui'Ui liiul'iil ui 11111. li In lino ami 1 ' uiiil ntirmi'. souiliimiiiuii 1 lum'i p. ! Nn, il m.ii luo vti't"! t.Vutli. I.ui mniiDii jbl.v the iipl.iliuil thp tiluiliun. till-, NjUlllJIiipll'll l iu I'jiillUi," tllf f I'll' J. "WV kinw tbil. ' untl the tool rf-pgn. , "liut thin Hm H 111 (orej " Wliueupci) ihc I'll nut u.'tliljLi idlUimcd. I - . ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers