Kv'KU jriy i j. ? r"W?J 41 '! I' utJ , p TTr-r" N 'i PI-IE SCHAiNTOX TltlJBUNJS-SATCltDAY, MAKCT1 10, VMT. i p rcxxxxxxxxxxx; ith modmik itvnmvAm: sTonr. The I-li" I tii.it ml. to tic In lutv f tlir (lining tible ami nuke I lie tan Ins can, ore. Mint wo Iwnc to crter J fnl l!i t ilillly tlrtl blades Willi tr.nl. Wig, sheer, ieorj nnd ullu ioid huil'et .8 Fnnte &. Shear Co 1 19 N. Washington Ave Q :xooooooooo& i OF SCRANTON. tapltal 5200,000. Surplus 5500,000. I'nitcd States Depository. Busiucss, personal and sav ings accounts invited. 3 per cent, interest paid on savings accounts. ( )pen Saturday evenings ftom.S to 9 o'clock. m Lo.snfli, President. HrRY Biuv, Jr., Vice Pres. m. II. Puk, Cashier. Lewis, Rudely, Davies & Murphy as1-' i i it fiSl I I 1 1 J fts&fr r iivlvhl.r Ko, i I fAJ'eiSlL 5M Wi I ' Repairing Done Gratis. ACKAWANNA 'TLJCr' Laundry. REVIEW Or YEAR'S WORK. Annual Meeting of Women's For eign Mlssionaiy Society. '1 li. annual meeting of the Woman's i'oi.ip.ii MKsIons society oC llio Second 11 -1 t ll 111 chllicll WUS hold sestci- la' attcinuon at tho liinu&e, ut the ecu tin oi Mom oo avenue and Vina fe'iuoi. Theie was ti eiy luifiro uUeiul nmp, between seventy ami vitality in. inner, bolnjc In attendance. reports ot committees were henid, ni.fl a summary ot the scut's woik wus tii ti mad liy Mi. GeoiRO n, itiis,s, tlio s- ntuiy. Hci lopoit was cone.l'-ely (mil lutci pfatlnKly written ami &plendld lj dcs-cillcel the sear's woik done by tin tockts Two mUslou nio sup rorted, one In China, which Is under the clitcctlon of lte.v. and Mis. Homy laiee, and another In l'cisln, of which IT v. John W.iImui Is In cliaifce. Mis. 1'ianU Connoll, tho tieasuier of thu association also lead her annual lpult, which showed tho limine es of the society to lit. In a. healthful ,ind flmi tailing condition. Tho ofllceis lor V'n weio then elected, the snno oiil (uls being iiRalu chosen. Thty vvrf 1'ic.siilcnt, Mis. Sel len lllalr Hist vho pi"Fldpin, Mrs. I. n. Powell, second ilif prefcldunt, Mis. J. A. Pi Ice; secio taiv, Mis Cjfoiue II. Rum: tie.ihuur. Mrh Prniilc Council; socictaiy of mis sionary literature, Miss Maiy n. Linen, llluarlan, Mlbs Uerth.i Powell. nufrcshnicjits were seived after the business inc. tint,' - Sola level's Tluee Dollar Poitmlts. To effectually collect tho piovnllliu; Impression tliut the floM Medal Htudlo pioduccs none but expensive pictures, Wchrlcver's Unco dollnr poitralt Is Hpeclully orfeicd, AUHtlcnlly well, we shall say noth ins," of their nieilt. .co them at the t-tudlo, B. Robinson Sous' Celebmted Bock Pier on tapFatuuluy and all next week Krause's Cold Cuic. Por (olds lu tho head, chest, thio.it or any pot lion of the body, buahs up it cold lu :'l houiH wltlout liiciuiptlou to work. AVIll picvcnt colds If tuken when tlrst symptoms t.ppear. Pilco S5e. Sold by Matthews Uios). The dfoy & Kelly Union Hock Peer vlll be on lap today and nil not week. E. Robinson Sous' Colclnntcd Bock Blei on tafiFatUldny and all uct wntU Canring ' ' "SU Laurui. I V22J',8l,!53 .aV Avenue. iaiPgHggl -n 'i.'1 I I1',' I HE WAS COMMITTED. Lewis Ostcihout, n Teddler, Sent Up as a Nuisance, Lewis Ostcihout was nisiilu aircspd yesterday by Patrolman Dave Pavlc ) for obKtiuctlnrr tho sidewalk, Osterhout Is n peddler who goes nbout tlio stieot dlHtilbutliif; oiniiFC from a bamol. Very ofUn In a lit of nbftcnt'inlndpducs, or somctlilni; of that sent, ho would deposit tho b.skct en a piomliicut poitlou of the walk to tho nnnoj"iiiei' ct pcdestrl.iin and busy himself about other 'nitto.'s Al though repeatedly warned ho persisted In ills pi auks. On Wedneedny when he wus uncsled the tecoider ills, charged him. Yesterday, however, ho was committed to tho county Jail for ten days, Thin. sd.iy nlRht Ostethout purchased n bis (iii.intlty of collats and cuffs and ladles' Raiments at the iuiiuiiuko sale on Washington nveiiue. Yesterday iiioinlnir ho auayed his wutes on the nub on Lackawanna avenue and. with the aid of a Rood pair of lusty lungs, soon Kiitheicd a biff crowd of cuilous speetatois Patrolman l)aIs nnested him while lie was tiliiff to make tlio nssemblaKe believe that his goods could be ob tained much cheaper than at tho stores. Tho goods weie confiscated and ic moved to tho Center fltn-et station. Osteihout was gaily gowned lu a ladv's cloak, which ho had alio seemed at tho sale. It was one of thoto affairs with a big iow of two-Inch peail but tons running down the whole Luigth of the gauuent and the way It fitted to his shupely ilguie was enough to excite the ndmlintlon of all. POLICE MAGISTRATES. It I Proposed to Amend the Al- woith Ordinance so ns to Glvo Ono the Bulk of tho Woilt. The ordinance introduced 0111 Thins day night by Common Councilman II. .S. Alwoith, establishing police magis terial districts and creating the olllces of live police magistrates, will un doubtedly be very much amended. It Is known that If It Is passed In Its pietcnt form it will not meet with the approval of Itecorder Molr. It Is pioposed to amend the- oull nance so as to provldo tor an cntlte icaiiangdiieiit of tho districts. The oidlnance in Its piesent fotm pi o Ides for the following dlstilcts: 1 iut ilisttiU 1'in.t, Snond, lliliii ami ri r Icuitli waul' Wuml ill'trl't Uglitli, rouitcciitli, I iRlitrrntli jiul Mtli v. inl' lliiiil ilUtrict luuilli, liflli, lillccntH an 1 TKltltV llit Ulls lniiilh (lintrkl I Icvcntli, IVclltli, Miirlcmtli ami Inriitl'tti vjhIi I iflti (JItrUt v, ciilh. Mntli, sixtociilli, 5o rnlHiitU J ml I nt li w inli It Is held that tho ceutial pail of the city, In which tho laigcst number and most Impoitant nuesta me made, should be all Included In one dlstilct. It Is pioposed to include In such dls tilct the Pourtocnth, eighth, Sl Uenth and Ninth wni.H nnd to ih.ivo the jiitsldlng mmlsti.ite hold ootnt lu the Municipal building. Inasmuch as this maglstiatc would issue all the w.uiauts which the police would ie iiulie for special nuests, It Is believed by those who favor amending1 the 01 dlrr.nce, that his salaiy should be lived at $1,000 a jear Mr. Alwoith's oidlnance fles a unl fonu salaiy of ?;00 for each of the live maglstiates. The Flist, Kefond Thlicl nnd Thliteenth wauls would bo left, accoidlng to this plan, tho same ns in the oiiglnal oidlnance, com pilslng ono dlstilct, and tho salaiy ot the nuglnti.ite would be llxed at "0J. The AVtst Scianton district is plan ned to include thu Pom th, Plfth, Twcnty-llrst, SKth, eighteenth and rittcenth watds, and to tl the magls tinte's salaiy at $100 u year. The seventh, Seventeenth nnd Tenth vnids would be included in a fotiith olstilet. and tho Illevcnth, Tnelttli, N'lneleenth nnd Twentieth watds in a. Jlfth. It Is proposed to make the sal ary of the magistrates of these dis tricts $2o0 each per year, on account of the eomp.uatlvely small number of ai lests made In these pints of the city. With the salaiy of ono nuigistiato to be llcd nt $1,000 ii jeai, of two nt $100 ti j far, and of the two ctheis at t.T.O a. c,u tho total nppiopilatlon would need to be only $,300. the same as. piovlded by the Alwoith oidlnance. In Allegheny, while theio aie five police magistiatt-s, as piovlded by law, only one of them does any regular woik. Ho bus judicial snpei vision over a dlstilct conipilslng the main poitlou of the city, and lecelves a. balmy of $i,-,0i) a em The dlstilcts of the othn m.iRlsti.ites comprise onlv one ot two Minds each, and these m.iplstiates irceive only $30 a vcar. ELEVATOR WAS BLOCKED. Caused Much Excitement AmoiiR Seven Pas&eugeis. About noon yestciday onn of tho elevatois In the Mens bullc'lna be c inio blotkod between the ihlid ar.d second lloois. The ear was dcsccndiiifr at a pietty inpld late win u tho "dogs" on the sides of -the elevator shafts snapped inio place nnd the elevator stopped with n jeik. Theie wcic sK men and ono woivnu on bosnd and the sudden stopping of tho cai caused a gieat deal of excite ment. Curtis Powell, elciU at Adet man Howe's ofllcc, was among the stranded p.nty, and succeeded in al iasing tho iippiehenslons of thp otheti by his cool and collected manner, und his assurances that tho car would not, under uny circumstances, fall. After some delay, tho lultlce voik over tho gute was icmovcd, and nil the pasbeugcis got out upon a step-ladder ami iii'secnueii in me iiuur. aim.', walked the rest of the way. WANTED A FREE RIDE. Sent to the County Jail for Ties passing on a Ralhond. Janus Unit was ni rested caily yes terday moi ulng by Special Olllcer Grady at the Lackawanna, depot, for tilng to beat his way on n train fiom Illnslmniton. Ho was committed to tho county Jull by Pec older Molr for ten days hi default of 53 line Piano for Sale. A ro'"1 t.ieond hand Upright Piano, at u Gteat bugaiu for cash, Don't miss It. Oucinsey Thill, J. W, auuin. be. Pi op.. Jll Wushlngton uvenuo, Scianton, Va. m JI.'-'S will buy a nice dtess shoe for Indies at Million's removal sale, ''.', LacKawaniiu avenue. E. Robinson Sons' Celcbintrd Bock Itler on lapSntuidny and all next week tt TWO MORE CONFESSED ExGoiiiiGiliiiGn Williams nnd God- shall Told About Brihc.ru Transactions. BOTH ADMIT HAVING ACCEPTED MONEY Wllliatus Received $1,700 In All from tho Old and Now Telephone Companies Money Was Left In a Room nt the St. Chailes Admitted the Existence of a Cabal of Twelve Select Councllmen Who "Held Up" Legislation Godshall Got S200 f i om ex-Chief John H. Walker. Gcneinl Manager S. E. Wcyland Refused to Answer Questions nnd Was Hold In Ball for Contempt of Court. Two mote os-eouiiellinon. Klihaid II. Williams and f 'Initios It Godshall. both of whom up to n few months ago repicsi'iited th" Plfth ward in select und (oniuion councils lespective ly. ycsteiday took the stand In Aldei mati Fulld's olllce and niado eonfes slons, telling of all the money they teceived while In council. The ctiM'S being hi aid weie thosj bi ought by the Municipal League against Councllmen T'.uiinnn ('. M 1 vln, John J. McAndicw, Thomas O'lloylo, 13 .1. Colt man and e-Coun-cllmen I3dwanl James, Jr., for bilb"ty, and against It. 11. Williams tor pei- Juiy. Mr. WIIMains vmis the jhit wltnes-? PMimlned. When th" league entcied Into nn nrrcdiunt with the eleven In dicted counellmeii some few months ago. Mr. Williams, who had not been Indicted, look advantage of the ofler made bv the league nt that time and leslRiied luun council, agie-ing to abide by the same conditions which weio Imposed uion tho ether council men. He was examined esteiclay by At torney James H Toney, n piesentlng the league. He staited right out by asking Mi Williams It ho knew 13. J. Msilonev. the tm met local manager of the Cential Pcmmlvnnla Telephone oeinpany, and It he had ever lecelved any money liom hlni. Mr. Williams leplled thai hf knew Maloney very will and that some time in 1SS, when the Lackawanna Tele phone oiillnance was up jor the llis-t lime. Malonev had come ovei to the witness" house, in AVest Peianton, and had given him $",0 in an envelope, to "slick by the old compan.v." MONI3Y AVAS WAITINli. After that ho iccelved mono on a number of occasions tiom the old eon,iauv. He would lecelve n postal caul idling him to come down to the St. Chniles hotel on n ceitain night, and when he got down theie he would ro into n back loom and alwavs find an envelope on the table nuiikert "Plfth A.irl" Thee enveloiies would sometimes contain $30 and sometimes $73. nt would yet them at intcivah vaiylng fii'in one to two months. Tt wns tin eicistood that tho money was coming fiom 13. J. Malonej, anl thnt he was supposed to vote against the new telephone funic hlse. He ulvvnys vo;ed against the 11 w- oidlnance until the night of its (Innl passage. Mr Touey then begun a seiles of ciuestlons with the idea of ellcltliis sometlilng about the combination or abal of select couudlmeii which, It Is 'illeged, was in existence for a con siderable length of time. Mi. Williams admitted ii existence of such ai com bination. He said It was conipiNed of twelve niembeis. Meetings, he said, weie often h-Id in the St Churles hotel and at those meetings oidlnauces -unl measnies of a1I011s kinds ponding1 lu councils would be discussed. Tho combination was loimcd, he said, to got legjsl ulon tlnough. It was tonued oilglnally by a number of tho West Scianton c'oun ( lim-11 because the east side council men didn't sttppint the viaduct oidl nance. Asked to name some of the monibei of this combination, lie mentioned th. u.ui'bs of Thomas O'Pojle, T. ('. Mel vln, John J JleAndiew. Simon Thom as H. T. Fellows. T. J. Cojno, John Shea .ml Pdwaid James, Ji. WOULD OIVH TIH3 AVJN'K A miinber ot these nieinbeis would geueially be lu and aiouud the hotel when he would be summoned theie by postal i aid. Sonu' of them, ho coiiidu'c lemember which, would "give him tho wink" and ho would go back and git his envelope. He had no positive knowledge that uny ot the other mem bers weie lecjivlng money, but he sup posed that eveiyhody got It The night befoie the Lackawanna, telephone oidlnance was finally passed In select council on thltd lending ho leeMvod nn unsigned letter telling hhn that It he voted lor tho now fianchlso ho would not regiet it. and telling hlni to ro aiouud utter the meeting to tho new AVyomlng hotel, ut tho comer of Wyoming avenue and Center stieot. Order Quickly You can save from $2.00 to $3.00 per hundred on Key West if you cuter your order now. This cut price caunot last forever, Selling cigars at less thau New York wholesale prices ought to be an induce ment, Imported cigars, 50 for $5.00. fiMI li. 429 Lackawanna Ave, and meet In the toilet 100111 of that place u ceitalu innii. The business men of Went Si t anion bail been asking hhn to vote for the new fuinthlsf and the next nlRht h" iiccoidlllgly d sel ted the old coillpauv and voted for tho Lukiiwantui ouliii unco. After the meeting he went around to the new Wyoming nnd went to the toilet room ns dhei'tcd. Ho found waiting for him theie a mail with ti tlmk moustache, whom he had naver sen befoie and whom ho did not know. This man gave blip a little pnicel containing just $S0O lu bills of various denominations. Ho swore that he has never seen the man since. In Dee ember, ISO'i, when he was mu lling for the Hopubllcan nomination, he wns opposed by George Carson nnd won out by only n few votes. Ma loney helped hhn out. hu snld. Ho gave him vatlous sums of money, which, with tho money he lecelved nt tho Ht Chfiilc". would make u total fiom the old (oinpauy of about $000. This sum and the $S0o which he lecelved nt the new Wyoming Included all tho moneys which he got while In councils, he said. WI3YLAND FNDI311 FI11I3. The next wltirss examined was S 13. Wii.vland. general manager of tho Lackawanna Telephone coinpan. Mr. Wevlund, RPiiei.il manager of the Mr. O'llrlen. who sat by his side, le fuscd to answer a number ot ques tions which weie asked hlni by Attor ney Touej. "Do you know of iinv' money having been lalscd tor tho put pose of getting Soui franchise tlnough councils?" 'I decline to answer," came the ie ply ' Will sou Rlvo us a geueial Idsa of the amount of money whlc li passed tlnough our hands befoie the oicllu aiico was ilnally passed'" "I lefuse to answer that question," said Mr. Waylaitd. "on the ground that It may have a tendency to Incriminate inc. ' "Did any moii'-y pass tlnough out builds to be used dhectly or liulliectly for the pus incut of councllmen? If so, how much, and to whom did jou pay If" Mr. O'Uilen objected to this question on the giouiid that It was ltniiuii.iterl.il. Aldcimuu Fullei ovci ruled the oblec tluii, and then Mr. O'Uilen dhected Mi. Wcsland to lefuso to answer it. The latter did so, giving the leason that It might have a tendencs- to in cilmlnate him Mr. Touey then asked three or four n.oie questlo'ts along similar lines. IIo wanted to know if witness had anv knowledge of anv mones bcliiff used for llleltlinato pin poses, or given councllmen as a i own id in'RiaUls' fur scivlces lendeied. Witness declined to answer both questions. Witness didn't know how much money had been ex pended bv the conipans- befoie the companv seeuud the ftanehlse. MAKI3S AX AXSW13F.. lb' thought about t-000 would cover It. That was the sum jnld over' to (icoigo Hoin, the tieasuierof the oiig lnal companv. He did not know of any other mones" of the company's having; been dlsbuisi'd beloie the passage of the oidlnance nur after Its passage. "Well, then.' stld Mi. Touey, "was nnv inonev dlsbuised bj anyone con- in-l'll'll will nil- t'IIIUlltll , Nllt'lUCl it waa tne company s money or not, leav ing out of consldeintlon the $.',000 paid over to fleiiiRo Hoin?" 'I decline to answer that question." said Mr. We.vland. "on the gtouud that It might have a tendency to liirilmln ate me " ' Well, guevs we've found the nig ger In the woodpile at last." said Mr. Tone'. "It wasn't the mones" of th" company that was used" At the suggestion of the leapuc's nt toiness, the aldoiman touually direct ed Mr Weyland to answer the ques tions which he had declined to answer. Mi. Weslaud lefused to do so, and an infoiiuution was Immediately swoin out foi his an est. chaiRlng him with i ontenilit of couit This was seived upon hhn bv Special Agent Itobert WlKon, and Mr. Wejland cnteied ball In the sum of $300, ex--Muvor W. L. L'onnell quallfs lug as his bondsman. The lat witness examined was ex f'ouncllman Chailes it. Godshall. Mr. Godshall said that he was elected a. member of the common coum II In the splint; of l&i'i to stiieeed ex-Chief of the Flie Depaitment John II. Wulkei, who at that time was appointed i hl,f by Mas or Molr. MP. GODSHALL S F.VIDK.WH He s.ild, In leply to ,i illtect question, that he had lecelved nioiiej- while In loumll in lonncctlou with ilie passage of the oidliiauee awaullng a eontiiu t tot a telin of ten ve.us to the Set. ni ton Fleetil" Light and Heat onip.ms'. He amis the chahinan of the light and water commltttp of common council at the time ot Its pisiiRe. He held tlio oidliiauip up for a time because he Javoied the new company, whlih had put In a lowei bid, but vvlitn he Wined that the new compaus had dumped the plan, he voted for the contract oidl naueo on thhd and Until leading. About four weeks afttr Us uus-.ie, he said, he reielvod the sum of $.'tw in an envelope fiom John II. AValkei, at that tlnie chief of the Ilie depaitment. The money was given hlni by thu e ehlcf nt the Ci.vstal Hose lonip.iny's hoso house on Linden sneet, and In Klv Ills' it Wulkei had said It was u little piesent fiom the eompuny foi his sciv Ices. This sum and the $30 given hhn bv Detective Hauls, in the Rudolph, coni pilsed all the mones he evei lecelved duilng his servlio lu councils. He had been appioached to vote lor the new telephone funic hlse, but money had never been mentioned. lie had no positive know ledge of nns oiliei i ouii- HniPn evei having melv,'i1 any mones'. WILL CONTINUE TONIGHT. Rummage Sale Wll e Held In Piice Building. The lUiuiiiaRO sale conducted ls the ludlis of the Linden Stuet Syuagosue proved such a smccss Tliiiisdny and Sesteidny that It will be continued to night. The stoi e In the Pi Ice building will bo opened at 7 o clock this even ing. Scveial bundled dollais v.cu uol Ized by tho ladles In tho two class tho sale was held and this sum will foi in n substantial contribution to the build ing Hind of the nvv tnmplc. Guernsey Hall, St t "Wus! liiRtou ave,. Scianton Is tho In si and most tellable plneo to pur chase a good Piano. H will pay jou to tall and RJt pikes and tcinii. J W. Gueiusey, Plop. Steam Heating nnd Plumbing. P. F. & M. X. IIowiey.251 Wyoinltic ave. E, Robinson Sous' Celcbintod Bock Hli'l on tapSntuiday and nil net week . .. i Ask for Kcllj's union vinckcrs, BOTH SIDES HEARD AGAIN ZTHEY RENEW THEIR TORMER DECLARATIONS. Receives a Letter fiom Supeiln tendent Davis hi Which Is Sot Foitlt the Employeis' Reas.ons for Not Wishing to Confer with an Employees Committee Stilkeis Say They Will Not Reccdo fiom Their Oiiglnal Demand Oh 1 Has. a Lively Experience. Fullv live bundled sals, lepiesent-. Ing tho Hti iking- haul nnd sort silk workois of Ilie. Snuqulot Silk mill, met yestciduv nfteinoon nt Cnrpentcis' hull, nnd b an almost unanimous vote dedded to telurn to woik on no wage scale save that offcicd to Superin tendent Davis, of the Snuquoli, ut tho beginning of the stilkc. Tho meeting wns picsldcd over by Miss Jennie Maloney and MUs Mary Manning, piesldents of the hard und soft silk woikeis Committees fmni each department of the mill made re poits. In which they hi ought beforo tho meeting minor gilevnnees cntcr tulned by (hem, and these will nil be embodied lu the statement enti listed to tho boaid of aibltrntton, piovldliur, of course, this mode of lettlement will be tlnally decided upon. This Is doubtful, however, as the at titude taken upon the matter by Supoi Inteiidcut Davis, of tlio Sauquolt mill, upon whose decision tho whole situa tion cciitcis, Is featcd to be hostile to inbltintlon. P. J. Mulhetln, ot this cits-, who was asked by National Com mitteeman Dlkiier, of the Mine Woik eis, to act as a incdlalot between the stilkeis j.nd employeis. telegraphed Superintendent Davis, advising a set tlement, and the letter ho received wan at follows- LKTTKIt FP.OM MIt. DAVIS. 1'. .1. Mtillicrlm, 1 i Vh Pur Sir: Vein wire rune ilulj to l.iul. Mv reason lor nit wU'ntii; to lonlcr with mi- locV (ominltlre, u fiini t lie (ut tlul lliu iimjorils of cur liitnU rre Ittucru II ami I) hid, if age, in, am ntKctmiit llial we minlit .iirlw at, wiiM lut Mini oiii Iiimli In nn. ui, or 1 ttoulit .liiiplj blml in. Our po'ltlon U n lulloni We lll nrjnt from 8 to 12 pel nil. iucii.i-i' In til,c cftiel .if soon m our rinploic tetinii tn veoik. W'c will nl-o .ikico tint l i!i--rimlnit. aitilii't an.v c o ir cniplojn tor tlio put tlios lave tal.ru In tlio Hike. l)i rouro, shonl.l nc dtait up nt in lime vltliin tlio not four c(L it will lie rctilllr uiiilointiwil tint mm,r to tlio slop Pjro uf our uotki, innl om cittomoti,' f II. k"lt K to oilier place. II ill to nlmost iiiipovllili' if tlio liislntilnir, to emploj. ill of tlio liuiiU Hut Mint on j til Ike, on lie to .1 cettjln Ion of bitflties Honour, rirntiull jII will lie leeiiiptuiiJ, o- ai soon a lui-lni u nt nits it Our onl.v iejnn fn not l.-liinn to router Willi tin' coiiinillleo. Is imlli- to tho Iiirc lliiiil l,ir of vouinf liilp We nuv, lu tills ( c, lue i Kiiiiniitei' oicn (Ijv in om n(, Ice for one rei foil or niiotln- .liter i rK N le.uiiuil, nut tlili will tauo nioio oi les ft let Ion liotuuu our sehc jml riuiln(4, wMrli wo w isli to oolil "l (an u-c tlilt letter n von nuy .oe fit Very ic'iioctliillj" voin, W. II. Dull. All Iiiipoituiu "oncesslon has been piaclle.illy Rianted b"- the stilkeis, who have about ngieed to waive tho (Umaud for an abolishment of the line ssstem, which founcd pait of the oiig lnal giievanees submitted to the owu ets. At a leienl meeting of the Hui ey woikeis it was decided to cut out this clause fiom the tims to In sub mitted, and at sesterday's meeting a committee wns appointed to look Into tho matter and tines and lepoit wheth ei or not the demand should be mads for doing aw ay with It. MI313TING THIS MORNING A meeting will bo held In Catpenteis' hall this mm ulng of the gilevance com mittees lioni all the Sauquolt depait nients, and a complete list of gilev aiues will be then diawn up and sub mitted to the executive committee One of the leading olllclals ot tho Sauquolt woikeis sesteulas' stated to a Tilbuno man that lu hei opinion the lining s.vstcm was a just and neces s.us piec.iutlon on the p.nt of the mill nuthoiltles to in event Insubordination and shliklng ot woik. Thin sdav evening a. slight oiitbieak oi cm ud ut tha Petersbtiig mill of Hilling, David & Schoen Miss Mniy M.iliou. who has been woiklng as u book-keeper in the ofllce since the be glnulug of the stilkc. left the mill about ti o'( loi k and stalled for her hnnu In Dunnioie. She had only gone a slifiit dlstamo when she was sui luuuded by niuneious bieaker boys ami stilkeis. , who shouted at her lu dei I ilon. They blocked the toad and placed so many obstacles in the was that liei honiewaiil tilp took fully an houi and a half. liy th- time she leached her icsi- detue seveial bundled sninll boss aim gills weie at hi i heels, and even alter she eiiteied the house, umaln-'d about pieiuHrs, shouting bloodthlist.v tlneats and ulteilng dlie nieniices. AS TO AlUUTRATiOX Siipeilnteiident lluchofen, of the ppteisbuig mill, opeiated by Rolling, David & Sihoen, was sesteulay asked bv a Tilbune man his views on the at bill atlon question, and leplled "If the stilkeis Insist on leeching Patei son wuges, as was announced by them in the icsolutlons passed by their ev ei utlve committee, iiibltiatlon Is slni pls out of tho question, as It would bo Impossible for us to pas them any thing like the wages which the New B" Spring Negligee Shirts An assoitnient not of the usual kind, but nn ex tiaoidlnaiy one In which effects that make happy mediums predominate, U shown in these smait shiits at $1. and $1.50 Ii i KRUGER'S CASEY BROTHERS, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 216 Lackawanna Ave. Jervoy glils receive for doing a much liner giade of woik. "At any late, we can do nothing on the nibltiatlon quptlou until the le ttiiu of Valentine Itllss and Supcitu tendent Davis fiom the South. We ate picnnred to do the lair thing lis our belli, and indeed I think we have al ways done this. Dvcellent pi oof of my asset tion Is the fact that our girls weio the last ones to go out, and then onlv struck, I think, out of sympathy with the pmploscs of the other mills." The stilkeis deny that they ask the same wages as the P.iteison mill gills, and dec laic Hint this clause of the resolutions passed hy the executive committee was n misstatement. A meeting will be held ot the Klotz mill strlkeis Tuesday night, at which a scale will be drawn up Plnno for Sale. A fine Fpilght Piano, of one oi tin best gindes and almost as good as new, can be purchased for cudi at a vciy great batgain. Guernsey Hull. 314 Washington nve, Peiniiton, Pa. .1 W Glte'.Pse.v, Pi op. The ladles of the Penn Avium. Hip tlst church, fiom the A's to the H's Inclusive, will seive a tempting Faster supper In the ehuich pailois Thuis day ("veiling. Mnich 11, fiom ( 10 x o'clock. E. Robinson Sons' Celebmted Bock Illei on lapSaluiday and nil next vviek Ask foi Kelly s union otackeis. The Scianton Gas and Water Com pany nnd the Hyde Park Gas Com pany. In uccoiiliitieo Willi Ilie polnA o' lln.ie ion patiieK to leiltuo ute4 fiom tlm. to tiino ai mav lie witranteil liy Incuaseil ronsunipii n notice It lierrliy tjleen that, on mul altei Vprll 1 net, the priio of cm will !o one ilollar per cue thouanil utile fed ioniiineil, nilijnt in the following dUroutitu five per cent on all lilll. leic Hu (oniiniplion foi Ilie inmt'i animinU to leo linn (weiite fite iIoIIiih, tin per rent on all I UN wheie Ihc loimunptloti t llio montli amcunt4 to twii.tj llio iltllirs an.l up waul. Provided tie hill ii paid on ir heloio Hi 501 li day nt tlio month in whleli the hill H rendered llj order of tho bond C II IIVXP, 'rnetiij SPECIAL. 'Ciivx'Tox (jvs axii wvrn: (oui'vxv vxn Hide 1'uk (In miiiiuii In ordei to in "'ii 9SO the cse of si! fot fuel putpot., not no is hereby KM en th.it on mil nltci Vprll 1 ueM Hie pike ot mi si innl will lo ono dollar er "tie thoiisnid feet (OiiiiiuueJ, Mihjeot to the folluiein peclll ilUrouuti' 'len per nut on nil I IINwhei tin consumption for tin mouth amount to h.iiun twmty flte dellJH, twente percent on all I llli nhero tho rnnMiniptloii foi tin uiriiih amount lo twentj (lee elolliM .iihI utmaid' rrorlilnl the bill In piid on or befiro il.e ' m da) cf llio month in vvhlrli the bill i iunli I A sepuatc meter, fuiiil-heel be the eoinpane, it nr((Nii). lie order of (ho lioiid (I 11 llVXt), S uelan A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist in the world today. Compared to any necessary investment in business, theprofitfromaTELEpHONE is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Manager'! oll.ee 117 Adam.) avenue. ALL WOOL Ladles Tailoied Suitb to older .$13.50 $13.50 Gentlemen's Talloied Suits ! to oi dei King Miller, Merchant Tailor, ion i villi s vxn (.i xis 435 Spiuce St., Scianton, Pa. Pierce's Market, Penn Avenue W'c mate a speualtj of fane) Prean-iv 11 1 tcr and ttrlcliy frc.ti ejei and tho puec it ai low as flrtt ilau goodi tan be .old at We do not luic aro' ipcdal uc or leadtn tul at all timed cauj ai cvinplcle a hue ot JJarket (iood, fancy (iioeerlei and fabl" lielu i. lira us can ho fouid In the Ijii'ct Xeev lirl. or Philadelphia Markcti hUh wc till at u. ,t prices W. H. Pierce, It Uclininna Ave. 310, lie, Ut I'cna Avt. rrompt delivery. What You Oiight to Have Don t have your Carpets spoiled foi the want of a DOOR ri.VI". Just think of all the mud that is brought in these disagreeable days think of all the ditt it makes, Why not look over our line of Woven Wiic, Rubber ami Coca Mats. This will make it woitli your while : COCA fl ATS Good sue, well made, heavy and serviceable OvC we- iCONOMY Appeal lor help does not seem verv vticcessful. Our appeal to you tc tike our T0-K0L0N WINES k just the opposite. Why? Be cause we have something von want, and you help yourself, help liifr us. Lose no time in calling, take your time in buying. To your cash until you t;ct to CONRAD'S 305 Lackawanna Ave. Then buy a Spring Hat, Spring styles in Negli gee Shirts now being shown. "IS 17 Konors Rrns" (too!!. nives, Forks Spoons, etc. No iiit'stinn about the quality; wo have all the uevct.t patterns at lowest puces. Also the celebrated Sterling In laid Spoons and Forks. War ranted to wear twcnty.fi ve years. Immense slock of Sterling Silvet Spoon;,, Forks, knives and Cased Goods for Wedding Presents. Mercereati & Connell. 132 Wyoming Avenue. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, nlff Heaters. S KZ-3Z1 PENN AVENUE. flnnotincernenf Extraordinary.... At the lee'iJiU International liv port I xpoMtiou held in Philadel phia, iSoo, the Mason & Hamlin I'l.inofoitos weie awarded highest distinction ovei all otheis, and weie the only pianos to bi iccommeiuicd to the Franklin Insti tute as worthy ol a special distinc tion' .iil extra medal. A lull stock of these siipuib in stalments may be ecii at the waieiooms ol L. B. Powell &Co. 131-133 WASHINGTON AVENUE, : 221.223 - 225 - 227 Wyoming; Ave ?.
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