wssssfflja -. trnntoit THE ONLY SCRANTONJAPl:R RECEIVING TUB COAUM.bTE NhVVS ShRVICK OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES SCHANTON, PA., FRIDAY MOKXINU. IMAltCIl .15, .1001.. TEN PAGES. TWO CENTS. Sribittte. J-9 BOM SEES THE EDITOR Anna Gould's Little Husband fld- minsters Chastisement and Invites a Duel. RODAYS' EARS ARE BOXED Indignant at n Paiagraph In the rigmo. Count Bonl dc Castellano Vislt3 the Editor. M. Feniand de Rodays, mid Falling to Itecelvo Satisfaction Lays Violent Hands Upon the Lattcr's Countenance A Duel Is Expected to Follow The Count and the Editor Make State ments Sensation at Paris. 11 l.ln.ii Wire f om The Avl.itfd Pre... Fails March II. Count Itiml do Cas tellane boxed tin- ears of M. I'Vrnaiul lb l!miiyn, editor of the Figaro, this iiIiil; for publishing n p-inigraph "'n. Ii tin- i mini Inti'tprutcil as a stale-iiii-iii Hut Ii (the count) lifnl In trayert ii In rmili-ili- plot mi tin- in -i"'on o ii fun -.-ul of ih Inli- Pn-sld -ti. F.iuro c ' F it. .::. iv.ip. a duel i vi d. TIk- i-iiunt wiih iiccnmp.iul -ri 10 Ro llins residence by his fiithi-r, tin- Hin dus clc lAriulluno, ami a newspaper friend. Al. AlVrol. Tin- mint asked to "i M. ih- lnn . and was ushered 111 to tin- wi Pel's study. Al di- Rndays l.itPi- i-i-i-i-li-d tho party in his ritoss iiii; room. Count do Castellane said: Von pulillsliod In tin- Flguio this liinriilng an abominable paragraph ug.lllist 111'." .M di- Rodnys leplleri Jhat ho did not understand what tin- count meant, to vihlih tho lutti-r ii'tiirli-d hotly: Will jnii ii-tt'iu-t or not'.'" I'o that M. dc Itodnys replied by plaining Hint the- p.iraKr.iph was ii hi-d courteously, and that 110 inn- a was ina.ii- of the name of Count I- Castellane. Then, without further ihIo I 'mint de t'.istellane li inoiI M. de l!"das ears severely and repeatedly. M ih- IJudays, who was seated, n I'lled. and de fasti llano followed lilni ili ami .-dapped his fiee again. De J.sii'llaiie per- ami .M. .Morel then In-tiipcis.-d and protected Al. de RodayH i nun fin Hi -r lolenee. F.vontuolly the Cut-dome p.nty withdrew. Count lionl has wiltlen the following 1 ti r to tho newspapers here: liVcii'lini: tlio IT,mio I ,i- lillul Willi nulii i ilim .a lln- pirld!'ii- Iii-iiiiiillun ami-lint me tn.i'h'i. I iinnuli.ilih' I. irir--1 iii.i f.nli'T " i hfiiiil. It Muni, to uiii.nip.iny tut- Id i in-idiiuc of M. il. o'l.),iis 'I ho laiter if. . ij ii-, mid aitir .i feu I'll'! oli-t nation.-, lo "Il III- "Ml- llll-lli-IJIIOI H-pOII-.!'-, I lu ll' 1x1 .I llllll lili'lilCtl lolllllliill. I l(M'tf .1 III l.'l Mil- liT .11 IV polwill pOllllitlilia IlilU'tli .'UK llllll,ltolll, M. do Rodny's Account. v n H'ld.i.vs gave the pillowing an i"iiii o the ufl'ah : I 111 cited this morning tin- eanl of t'i M.ihhiI.s of Castellane, whom I In- ' ii- led to be shown In iinniedlaltly. I f"Uad myself In the pie.-euco of three p'is'liis, the uiuriiK (he eoiint, and i llilid per-on whose nunie I do not li. n The inuniulK s.-lil: 'Vou In--n!t d my son. ' 'u'lllt I 1 1 1 de CaHtell.llie tit. ft. ;isl--d me lor eilanalloii legaidtng a i i.igruph in the l-'lgnro 1 r -piled tl-at the paragraph was In no vn of Iiiimm to hiin and mi the coli ti.u. il was winded in the most cotir ir.nii. tonus and that his name was not mentioned. The eount thou threw I iiiin If upon me and inuiehed me wlth iiii . veil giving mo lime to defend II w l I believe It was a prear-Ulig-ri altaek." i de Roda.vs Intel in the day wild 1 h id deelded to send his second to ' nun I'mil do Castellane. 'lie piimgrupli In tho I'lgnio. vvltlih a the Immediate inns'- of the assault ii Al. de Itodnys. was as follows: Piople have been asking WHO Is lie pi I son M. Dornillerie wlsheil t il'simiate: it appears that he l- a im niber of pii I l.i nii-n t . and II Is af m ined that he Is the yniiiiK' depuiy wIiom name Is best known, and who, on the eve of sturtliiK for America with Ills younsr wife i.ut week very 1 isall.v liilayed his deparluie In order ii lipl.v. If, in Ih,. iolellleS which tuny develop" M de llodnys' seconds, .l.l. Piesiat and I'eiivler, have calkd at the ivsl ilenie of Al de Caste lle.tie. The -polls of the- conit" ate mil yet publicly Unnwii, but it Is iiuderslood the four i-oeniids will inpi-t today to mak" nr n rKi-nients for a duel. "RIPPER" HEARINGS. Rcpiesentatlve. Cooper Enteis Piotest on Behalf of Philadelphia. I'll- I mIiiihc Wlir from 'flu- .oi Ijtul I'ks. Il.iill-.liil'".-, M'lih 'I -'tin. lH'.lln- t-i l"le die tniinitiul iuri'Ulii uV (oihinilite r( tlio lieu a-ke-l 'or t l!i 'io-iiil.illi- (uou mi llull "I lu I'CM'l"- I'iill I'loliilil i In .lulo. I ,i;jlnst 111' I'tilW'li liill.i "iii'.i" lilll... mol, I'ljip In Pllilit Sptoi' Arie liuile ly .1 lullnliil of KCHtlriiiiii ililiuin. In ti'ii,iii .i nid-Hill o( tin- anil ii)( in--.iMl.illeii- nt tint illv HrpiMUiUtni- Co. pel Illul lo nil ,i loll tliroujli fNtciiilui'.' lie lir-mint-h iiulll m't Wnl. liovl.ii. Mil u., iuIhI nut oi onln 1'iliiuU u Hie Mil., will lie I.imuI ni tin' novi iiKitlnsr Dan Gieeu Located. i Ixilu-ii-- Wlr? bom Tin- WHialnl 1'ir-n. I'lill-uk-ltililu, Mai'li II. -Oiiinil.l, i- ll.niu-1 Clllll, Of tllC fllicJO Nliellll 1.1-aulli- I lull, lodjy aiinounctd Hut lu. lu.l! u n'lili.ei In pliy Milh tlic uuii- dnti llil. --Mi. Ih--Amrili'iii l.r.isuc iv- i-llri lliifii. Inn ilij iml iii((-m) in fcl.'nlnr lilrn. I'lunl. ii.iiioIiiii-, um if ti.f I'lillr.ili-liilil.i NjiIoiij! I.ciiiiii) pltilui', t 'il.iy i.l'-llril n if ntucl to oejIii play -villi tin loud A'Dtlonl Liv-jiie iliib lliU .u-ui. Will of Wm. M. Evarts. Il;- Dulmhc ir from The Ai-alatnl 1'iox Vi-w Veil,, tUirli H. 'I'ho will ol foii-ior m flmy r. sinlo Hllli.nn M, Cmiti lun flk-il for I'loluli- I-mIj.i Ml of lilt rIJti- l lit lu tic famil-, COL. SANGER ON DUTY. He Is Appointed Assistant Sccie tary of War to Succeed Mr. Mclklejolm. B- Kxcliulve Wire from 'I he AuorlatrJ Pfcu. WiiKhliiRton, March 11 Colonel Wil liam Maimer, of New Ymk. was today appointed assistant sociotuiy of war, and Immediately entered up tho dil tlon of his oillce. Ills conunli-xluii was slRiied by the president rim in-; tlio forenoon. Soon tiftervvard. Colonel Saiii;er uppeareri al the war depart ment, and wan Immediately ushered Into the ptlvale oil lee of Secretary Hoot. There, In the presence or Meti tci.tint thmoral Allies and Chief Clerk Schiilleld, ho .subscribed to tho regula tion oath of olllcc. The new assistant srerctarv U a Kiiest al the house of Secretin y Hunt, and the two took luncheon there IhH afloiiiooii, Acroirilim to an nrialme liient niado lu the mornhiK, Colonel SaiiKi-i- at olici tool: fotnial pos.o!son of the otllce of assistant sou clary, iin-1 was Intiodliceil to tin biileau chlef-i and rll other principal oilier.-- of tb' liepai tiiH-nt. I.aler he was preseniod lo the pris'lilent by 'sVcietury Hoot, Tho follovvln-; stiitonienl was made by ihe .secretary of war thiti afternoon in regard lo the appointment: "Some time before the expliatlon of the last administration, and before the re-appolnliuent of the cabinet. Assist ant Societary Alelklejohn notlll'd the president that by icnson of his can didacy for the senate, the long i-anvass attendlii-; It. and the necessity that there f-hoitld b- an assistant secretary who could ho present In WashhiKton to iieiforn the duties of the otlh e. lie was unvvlillni; to peinilt his name to be r-onsldeied for le-appolntimnt. Air. William caicy SaiiKer has .iceordliiKly been appointed and will inimedlalelv enter upon the illsi liaise of Ills du ll -s " MINE WORKERS ADOPT MANY RESOLUTIONS Addi esses Delivered by Paul Pulaski and D. J. McCavthy Mr. Mitch ell's Statement. lly I.-.. lii-in- whc fn in 'J lie VvoiuifJ Pim Iliizleton. Alarch It. The Culled Allno Woikeis' --invention was In cn cciillve session all morulas; consider-In-; tho reports of the committees. The following lesolutlon was ndoplcd: JinM-iitl-i-: rak 1.m.iI mirinlMlloii t uppoint i loiiuiiltlii- of Hiin- to vanillic monthly 11"-' lO ;. llili'kH i.t -.'iiti.!-'- to aueil-ilii lln- nun im- iMthlnu ll- tin pir n-ni. Iiiiiis-n-: prlliionliijr l.fMTio- "li'iii Ii. aiilii"! I.- lln- nit- v lioin ;.ul el t'H-hc stilkcM Wm Mile iiM'uuil in I lu s'i Inn 11,111 ioiiiiI limit lot ilnllii-; nl Om Id i 1j-I .mtimin, ami Miitni'iil to linn-, nl iinnrl'Otiimnt i.ui-;liis fioin -K -ui'iiitri l mi- iiriM: .ipixuiint; tlio tolli'-.iii c InlU nnii I'l'luii- i In- M.ile Ircl-ljimr : Proii'lln-, lei ilio luUIiiiii: ot io.ll Infill- In-line M-ii-rni-il; I'li'iiilil.-: Im i !n i. nrislniiiii: punidm; toi-piiip'-r nii-lit lu ji-Ii l.f-: of p"Mlcr. niul ii-cmu nii'inllii-; lli it it In- iiii'rnilitl m a 1" ppwlili- lor lln- lii.ih'llii-- mi kre tli' li.iinf. of tin- mot ; pioil'lln-; lor tlir lavini! nt unii-uny -loii' I'ul.'M -J.'i pel mil.: proililini; Im- imihiinr ,l N .it nil "illidlc, an-l Ihe I'lillMu -.riiii-iininililv pay li'. I He lOMiiitlt-ii .i-KnI lor tli" of tlio Mil iii.illiis J Imu'.iil ni itiii.i-, llir ii'pi'.il ol the- Ijm- i-ii.iIiiii; iiml limi p"ii-i- ami iofi ii.ii'ii dlni, lln- pi-mi ol .i lull u-piiiiiia .ill iK-puty lnllf whin -iiinc in um' of Milkm lo 1i- untiomioil 'flu- loiiMiilion ilrnumU mini- iii-pi-i-nn-i It iii'irt- f.iitlilul in pirloniiinio ot ilicir woik, inl llul inii.e oi.iii-ii. tili-iiir llir mini' li.M limn' stiidli, .mil iriiu'.l- .ill ininris to n-c untie lnit union powlri iiflir Vptll 1. All iiiini. ivoildni: nun will lie l-iuil-liul uitli union I" In iri.-:M . nnii' ti montli, nun not lioMlm ilu sum- lo Ik u-'pir-Mi-tl lo loin llir union or mp up ilirii plui.. Ilio i uiM-niion oliml it- sinipillix iiul Mipport to ilio striking i I. null iinploii". ,n Si.nilou .iml Wilkm li.iin-. The (-imv-eminn adopted a lesolutlon rilsapinovlni; the --induct of minora who lose their work thiotiKh Intoxlea tion. Addresses weie delivered by At torney . .1. AlcCarthy, of Frt-i-lanri, mil 1 Villi I'ulaskl. piosldeiit of the Schuylkill dlslrli-t. after which th.i conventioii adjouiucd until lomoriow. President Alltchell tonlKht Issued the follovvln-; statement cnncernlns to mm low's conferenio; Ii. mi. now I- tli- -it lu lmlu ,i lulnt i on feu in i- uitli tin- iiiinr omiriji, ,nul lni' not lu-atil otu Lilly that tlu opcrjtox wniilil olilu-r .itlcnil oi iciuiln aMi,i. I .ini to luiie It nnrliutoo'l il ,i pr.ii i ml .xltlrmria it no. illiilnl .iml.llii' luinu --nikm ,in coiiipill-J III ,-11-lKlnl Mull, Hi- Mull llllll llpOII-llillily will ii-.l mlili on tin- houlilt'l -t of Ilio " i m i ,i l u l .' . Ilio mini- woi Kci -." i'l.'.in-lili)ii In. puniil Itvlt lo I'V in oiory piltliilljl ii.poiL-ilili., ,in. In.e. in inli ,i tlio I'lpiiilwilloii irpn-iutiil .iliiuwi nil 110 iiiliio woi l.i i, I Im i i- (.in Ik n,i Ii' oil ium'Ii ,i-ii;iiiil li tin- oir.ttoi lioiitil tiny (.ill to moil lu Join! lonfoumi lunioiiow Willi till- ll'pll-Mlll.ltllH ol ll-it llllpllll. 'Hie loiullUoiis of ii'iplo.Miuut in tli.. .inllmi. 1,111' iojI uclons .in- .11 priiu-ul Imni biln, l.ih .iih! lc. niul Hii'ii' I. .in i lit In- .ih Mine ot iiulfoiiiilly in piln.-i ami i" l.o Ihiiii tlie ilhli lent loinp.iiik., lluio l.ims m iiiiiii i.i-.(s ,i u'l'lo ilhi'iuiuco In prli- in ilillu. nit ir.liip.ililci., iyiii u In n (imiiiiI lu tin- .line i oltip llilid, ,ilil Unc inoqiMlitici Llllll"! Iio K-iiiUli'l i-iiipl tlilo'.uli u joint toiiliiinii- of ooutor .iml iiiliui-i, ienf t nl Injr nil tin ,lii fiirnt iiiiiiii tin-; loiiipjuiin. It i ni -.nunc kepi' toiiioiiira- Mill null, tin- intiuilu in .1 mole liuiii.ilio npiilalilo im tin. il n uUlislInu' i'il Hi li in rs tli.ll .IH--I' liituoiii oiiiplui'4 .iml cniiloiof li.m pri Jllt-il liori'loforo In tho mtlii uite ti'sli.n Pennsy's New Gondolas, fly l.vluriie Wlro fiein Tlio A,oo.itor Pirsi. .Mlooll.l, I'j , .Mmill II. Five lllltullit K'Hi'lol.l i .hi el ,in lnipioMMl p.itlirn line Ikiii orili-ieil al Hie loi.d Kop. II. ill inili sleil iluiuul. n-. phi ' jellow pin" In tlio initio of llir i.e. Tim iluiiiiidi .no ii-luioil lu slti'l tin nili .i i. ii- tlio Imp-lit of a inlllluii will I j II on Um llu'M kloii ti.imew.iak, In in.iiiy jm. pn.h. ulih .ivolilliu; ilii.utioiu ii'nulN, 'llo.i nut Ii I l.o pii'llinliMiy ilcp ot iho Ponn. liuil.i lljili".iil (oiup.iiiy la,ni it4 i, n .till t .11 - Incieuse for Puddlcis. 11 Kulnibe Wire fioiu 'I'lio A-.-oeljtnl P.nj. Win-titonn, it.. Mauli II.- Vt tlie lil-iiioiiiltly nauc ronli'it'iiii' loih liotuc-cii tho Iron i.unu. f.uHirtrn anil ihe olllil.iU of tlio Auulj,Mnul(il AiMslatloii of lion anil j-jteol Woilfr, Iho inanii faitinoii t-rintfd a voluntary liuii.i.i- n l-Jij . r I ni' Ion for luiiMlort, ami 2 prr cent. In-nrjM- for finlclii r. The Inuoair alfrdi aliont ;o,nou lunil., . m i Raiunpo Water Act Repealed, ny r:liiiie Wire from The Awoclatocl Pre. vHuii, Man li II.- Tlio ait of ISM, MliUli u-ate ovlinonlinaiy iimi to tho Hmnaio VVator iuni. pan), liai li'oii uprated I' the lr;UUIiirr, :4mkb&tU .. M& ;& MiMmMt . PROCLAMATION BY PRESIDENT Mr. McKlnlcu's Eulouii Upon the Late General Benjamin Harrison.. THESEASONOFMOURNING Flags on Federal Buildings, Anny Posts and United States Warships to Be at Half Mast for Thhty Days. Mr. McKlnley to Go to Indian apolis Grief in the Capital Visl tois at the Harilson Mansion. Funeral Airaiigcnients. n.v Kielm-lve W'iro fioiu lln- lnnulol l'i'-. W.ishliiKton, ' Alarch II. The na tional capital Is in iiioni iiltin today tor cx-piesldent llarrlsoii. Flags are at j liall'-masl. not only upon all the pub- j lln bulldlnc:'-". but upon Um hotel-', stores anil many of tho private resi dences. Tho act of isn.t Inhibits the tlrnpliiK of public buildings In black -s was the custom fotmeil.v, upon ill", death of an e-preslrionl. l'reslilellt McKlnley, who was deeply affected by tho death of CetiPinl llar 1 1ron, dlieetcd that the doors (1f the exoeullve mansion be closed to visi tors, and denied hlinsrlf to cnlleis ev i ept those who had 'business of m Kent hnpoitanfe. linnif dlutely upon le ii'lpt of the nevv.i last lllKht he decided to attend the luneral. ami ho and Secretary Coitelyou will leave Wash ington tonight. Alts. McKlnley wilt piohably nceompanv hlm as far as Canton, when- h" may slop over one day. At lO.'JO o'eloik lids motnliu; PiCfl dent Ale-ICIn ley IsMteil a proelauiittlon formally notifying the people nf ihe country of the death of their fotnier chief inaglstiate. and dincting the ob si rvalue of a pel lod of mourning for tidily days. In piiMU.inoo of thai pliKpimatiiiu. the Hags on evetv pub lic building in tho Culled laos, ai every itimv post In the Cnlteil Stales. Cuba, Porto lllio. Hawaii and tli -I'hlllppltics, and on every AinerliMii warslilp In whatever cnmitcr "f the globe will Py at half-ninst for thirty days. The text of the piotlniniitlon Is as follow?- Hi tli. l'i -i.Iim oi iho t nitiil tuii-: v I'liod.wivimv IaiiiiIIio Mjii-Ioii. Wai-linslo'i. M.mli II. I'"". J'o Hi. l'.-.lo il tlio I niliil latc. Hi niaimii Hum-on. pii-l'lrnt of Ilio rulli'l slaloi liom I'-'l In l1l, illoil jnuriti Jl I-'j p. in. at lii- Ih. mo in liiili.iiupoli.. In liii il'-aili liii- loitntiy lias lutn ilopihoil of ono of lli yrrat cl ill70ii, lnilliatit mliliir In Ids jwinc inanliooil, lio K'titKil t'ino niul i.iplil uih.miiinoiit I'V lii- iiiiisv .mil i.iloi. ,i lui.ior lie lo-o hi lie it Junior if tin- lur. In the siliato lie it oi, ie tool, ji.iI ri'iainoil Mali nml, ai an maior .mil lcnti1,itr, ami In Iho Iiljli olllie of pioklilont In- ili.pla.inl I'Vli.Diiliniri gilK u mlinliiMiatoi ami stall -in in. In ptililli and in pilx.ile life lio sot a vliinln; e.iniile for tits inuntr.imeii. In Ir-tiinoiii of tlio ii -pi it ie uitli Ii ills mi lo ot ii In-lit In lie ''iii eminent ami ilio iiioplo ol tlio t'olliil St. Hi-. I do loioli.i illiu 1 tlio flac-i on tile i-vonitiio nun-ion .iml tlio 1lop.11t1111nt.1l liitlMIiiKS Ik- ill-pl.i.tiil ,11 liali IjIT for a iioiiml nf flinty, ami lliat stilt alili' ami liaial lionoi-, liuilrr tin.- onliu of Ilio -.oi irtarios of vinr atul nf tlio mi, lo rimliiiil on tti- iliy i.f tlio Ilinie at Iho C'it of l,iiliin-.ton, lliU lull il,iy of Vliroh, in tlio joar of Our one thon-iiul inli.- liiiiuliiil ami onu atul of the lnilt-prmltn-o of Iho I nllril Statu of Ami ilea Ilio ono Line iiml ami tvi-ntv-rifil. Willi nn Mililnlii lly the Pioililont, .lolui lla.i, Soiiit.ii.i r.f -uio THE CHILDREN ARRIVE; Mrs. McKec and Russell B. Harrison Reach Indianapolis Mrs. Har rison's Collapse. It I'.viliMiii Wlto fioai flio AiMiuaiiil l'io-a, Indlauapoll.s, Alarch Ih Airs. Hatrl son and the menibc-is of the household socutcd last night the llrst rest they have had for six days. Airs. Harilson had slept only four hours since last Thursday, having boon almost continu ally at the Jjedslde. Ilei- mental and physlc-nl condition finally became such thai she was unable to take scarcely any nourishment. When the end c.inio she collapsed completely for a time. Alls. Cniollne F. Slinuri, of New York, an Intimate irieml of Air.-, lairlsou, Is with her. V.. F. Tllibett, Ceneral Harrison's private M'oielury, had been In constant attendance either at the general's side or In looking alter iho atfuiis oi the household, answeilng messages of In quiry, sending out tho physicians' bul letins, and receiving callers. Clliford Anlck, Samuel U. Allllcr and Dr. F. O, Doisey watched last night over the body of the ex-ptesldent. Tim body lies In the same room where the end came, and will not be iciuoved un til It Is lakeii to the capltol to lie In state. lius.-cll II. llaiilsnii, the gciti'ial's son, who aril veil late last night, spent the night vvlih V. 11. II. Jllll-r. Alls. Itussell Harilson and son airlved at noon, us did also Airs. Alary llairlson AIcKeo, tho general's daughter, and her husband. During tho may lu the illy they will be tho guests of Air. Ale Kcc'h brollior. Today thetu weie ninny ealleis at the Harrison home fi lends who i .line lo offer their soivls and tender llielr sympathy. Al-.i. I'lhbott r celvi I them for Airs. Harrison was unable : i .see anybody except a few of Iho must in timate fi lends n' tho family, Tho last Intelligent words spoken by General llarriioii wete to Ills wlfj on Tuesday afternoon, shortly Ivforo he lapsed into total unconsciousness. At that time Mrs. Harrison asked hlm if ha recognized her and ho replied that ho did. At noon of the same, day ho recognized his aunt, Mrs. Newcomer, feebly greeting Iter as "Aunty" when she came to his bedside, In tho sick man's hed-room, which A-dl-u.. ij lusted from last Sunday night until ho becamo totally unconscious, his uilnri wandered back to tho scenes nf his life--cluti-Rlni," vi Ith his column, or speakliiR before the convention that nominated hlm for the presldoncy. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS. Remains of General Harrison Will Be Burled on Sunday. fly I'.vlit.ho Ulio from th" -icltnl l'rdt. Indianapolis, Murch 14,--The nr rnngeinents for the funeral of General llcnjamlu Harilson, cx-presldcnt of the Culled States, have been com P'etcd. The body will lio In state at the capltol on Sunday from 11 o'clock In tho morning unlll 10 o'clock lu Iho pvenlntr, and iho funeral services will be held fioin Ihe Flrsl i'resbyletlan chuii li Sunday afljrnoou at '1 o'clock, the 15ov. Al. I., llaln-s olllcliiling. The ev-nt will not only bo one of nation il slgnllleance, but of lutcruatlon.'il Im poitauee. Cablegrams nio reaching the family of the dead statesman from all pails of the wotld. offering condo lences In Up- hour of bereavement. Cenefiil 11.11 rlcoii Wiia a mull, of 111 -teiniitiiiuiil reputation, ami was held lu high esteem throughout the civil ized win Id. lie had hern entertaliifd by tho clowned heads of ICniope, and bis death Is felt keenly, not only throughout the railed States, but thioughout Ihe civilized world as will. The villi be altellilod by lli'iliy of Iho tinted men of th" Cnlteil Stales. I'lVHldon AleKlnley and niem ber.s of his cabinet will be hero. 5ov einor Yates, of Illinois, telegraphed i" day that he will bo here, attended be Ids stuff. (loveiuor Nash, of Ohio, with his stall', will attend the funeral, tiovi'inor Dm bin this nfteinoou sent a notice of ioiioial Harrison's death to the governors of many of the slates, and expressed the belief that the nin Joilly of Iheiii will be here. The lnJIit-bi'i-M of (ii'tioral llanlson's cnblneL have sent word Unit they will be hot'", and it is the Intention lo have thorn act as pull beaieis. Tele gi.tms weie lecelved yesterday from Ceneral Tracy, of New Vork, Fecretaiy ot uio navy, ami .ii.iiu v a nnma nor, postni.'fster goneial, under the llairl siiu .ulnili:sratlon, to the effect that they would bo here. INSTRUCTIONS TO OUR CONSULAR OFFICERS Diiected to Pay Proper Respects to tlie Memory of General Hairlson. Supreme Court Adjourns. 11 r.j'luii- Wue. Tlw Avo.-latoil I'nu. Washington, .Match II. The state de partment has addressed the following circular letter to all Cnlted Stales diplomatic and consular olllcci.s abroad: I), pn-iiurnt of --i.iti . H.elinr,'liii, VI mli 14, 1'Kil. l.i m Ie tin ii : Vuiir I- itiiltnl to tlio pa. lilt iiI'h piiielainaltou of lliU ilito nnuoiilii Ihr tlio iloatlt of rx-l'io-liloiit lltiil.itnlu llaitl-on, anl ilniotlnc a proper fproIoii In honor of lilt niniior. oii will tau-e Ilio llic ol loin ri'poitlie ol-flu-. Ie Lo ili-pjeil at lialf.Mfl on the io uption ol Ilit-'. ami for a p'liutl of thirl ill-, tlifii.illrr. 1 am, onr ol'oillont M' Jnhu llai. Tho Fnlted Slates Stipieino coilit to day, after iilsposlng of the case under ai-gunient yesterday, adjourned until loiiioiiow out of respect lo tho memory ol the late President Harrison. Announcement of (ieiieral Harrison's death was Iliad' by Attorney f ieiieral (Irlggs In a few eulogistic words, ami was responded to by chief .lusilte Ful ler, lu announcing the death Attorney (ioneial (Irlggs said- I. w uiy mi! duty lo i mm to Ilio i-iiiut ll o int. lllu-omo i.f Iho il .ith o tho lion. Pciijaiiun IIiiiIm'Ii. or Iiull.iia. vliiili ociurrirl at III. homo in biiliaiiipolN icctoril.!. lo u.i iiro-iilint of ile I unci! Stilt- In l.i '--Mi In I-1J, aii.l tno-t .ll-iiiii;iii-luil .1- a ritlon ami a tati-s.iu.iu. a - oliii ami a prai tltiotiir at tlio bar of tliU oourl. (lot of in-net to hl inenior.i, 1 inoio that lie i "lit now iiil-oiiin until lonurtoii-. Chief Justice Fuller responded: 'I lu iiiini fully diaim In tin njtlotul mroM. .nid pMiipillilis Willi the Kiiqrt,.--t l,.ti iililih liii j.i'l In on in. uio. 'Iho M-rilic lo Ids lOimlty ini'liriil by till 'li-linu'uUlHil MiMior, -tato.'iinn ami lilii-i'ii, tho i-v-iltoil oflliM io Mmlhily flllnl l.i linn, li- loniiiloil t-'nlrrnc" at tills liar, l.n piliuto llitiu., Hi.iKo rimsnllii'ii of Iho lo Miilainoil In Ids Ii iuinliintu ami V. a mail- of ucpiit to lln iiKiuory of l!ui. iJinln llirri-ou, tho luinl will hum .uljnurn until ImiioiioM jl I In- ii-ii.d Inn. i President Leaves for Indianapolis, lly Kuliultp Win from Iho Amooliti-il Pr-v Washington. Match II. President McKlnley left Washington at 7.1.1 o'clock tonight by the Pennsylvania lallro.-ul for Cunton, )., whence lie will proceed Saturday night to Indianapo lis to attend the funeral of (lenoral Harrison. "With hlm weie Alls, Ale Klnley. .Societal y Cnrteiyou and Dr. P. AI. TtWoy. Airs. McKlnley will not go to Indianapolis, but will await tho ptesldent's return at Canton. The to turn ti lit from Indianapolis will be made Sunday night, and although the matter has not been Dually detei mined, the piobablllty Is that the chief execu tive will make only n very hilef stop at Canton niul come back piomptly to Washington. Tlie putty occupied tho pilvate iar Vale, altat-hed to the icgu. lur western express. Resolutions- at Albany. n.v CxIuhIip Wlie from Tie AKOdileil Pi.ii Albany, N. Y.. -M.iiclt H. The sen.ito today adoplcil resolutlon expicsslve of Its nppiecliitlon of his great woilh, pine .-harncfer 111 public and private life, of the late ex-l'iesldent Hnrrlson, and extending lo his family Its heart felt sympathy for their ii reparable loss. Smothered in Coin, By I'tilibhn Wiu fioin Tho WoUatrd I'ifti Wiittilnvin, V V., lljnli U. Tpiis oi ioih on iho .u i'ti'1 liar i- of .lolui V. Herd' lord mill ai No-Moiil, eaiu-oil ihe Join lo 1:110 way U.t nil hi, piirlplulliii: tlio cialn on llovry llaiher and ll.iitley I'li-tiih, Hiiotherlnif thrm to iloalh, Two oilier I10.11 narrowly f.oapot imli. Roller Mills Buined. lly I'viluritfl Hi' fiom The Anoeiatrd l'iei Watciloiin, h. P., Jljtili 11, I'lrp today do. hi.0il Iho Watfrlniiii Holler mills tlio laiceit lu Iho ttate l.ttlmalcil c., l-lfO,lllil; pJr tlally liwuind --JtilwA.J-iMiail ii- . t . . . BANK CASHIER MURDERED Gharles W. Ruan, ot tlie Haliiax National Bank, tlie Victim ol Desperate Robbers. DESPERADOES CAUGHT With Diavvn Revolveis Henry Rowe and Weston Kelpei- Hold Up the Attaches of tho Bank and Collect All the Cash Mr. Ryan Attempts to Push Aside the Guns and in the Snuggle Is Shot in tho Groin Re ceiving Fatal Wounds. lly P-irli'ilv- Wlro fron 1 tir Woolilcd Proil llatilslniig, a., March II. Chailes W. IJyan, cashier of the Halifax Na tional bat k. was shot to death by Hi-ni-y I'owo nil'1 Wo-ton Kclper. of t.vk"iis, al noon today. In Mi. attempt a! the most daring ban!; tobiiory lu the history of Dauphin county. The t lib bers wi-te captur-'il b 11 party of cltl .elis soon after the cilme. and Weie bioitght to Ihe llarilsbiirg jail, to gether with F. II. Slraley, of Uvkens, who Is susieetod of being an accom plice Itowo ami K Ipor dune 01 er to llnllfiiv fmni Kllzabethvllle this morning ami, hitching their team on the outskirts uf the low 11. boldly en teicil the bank with revolveis pre sented, l-'.tch had a icvolver and they demanded the attaches of tho bank to throw up their hands and turn over the money. Due of th"in hold In check Abiahaiu l-'ot teubaugh, the president: Isaac I.yter, the teller, and px-Representative Swart, of Diincaunon, who was lu the bank 011 prlvuto business'. The fther coveted Cashier Ityan and under tl c meniuo of the revolver Ih" cashier iolkvlo-1 tho cash la '.he ilrr.v ers to Iho .iliiiiniH ot two tlous.iiii dollar-', ar.d plnced It In a t-ali 1 ili.'it tho robb-i- hul broii-.t -. . 1 11 thrill. How"', with the cash-vtuffi-il sa'.clul In his hand, backed Inward the door, and Keiper also moved toward tlie en trance lo tho bank. .lust when It seemed that the lubbers would suc ceed In getting away. Cashier Ityan leap-"!! forward In an attempt to knock up the revolv-M- In the hand of the man with the money. In the souffle several shots wen- tiled, and Ityan fell to tho lloor, shot thtotlgh the gtoln by a bullet from the pistol of Kowe. Air. Fortenbnugh grabbed Howe, and after a short scuffle thiew hlm to the lloor. Dining tho snuggle Cashier Ityan was ljlng In a helpless condition, close to the vault. Kelpei plunged tin otigh the doorway, while ihe attention of the bank officials was dis tracted to the wounded cashier. Tho noise of the shots attracted .1. K. l.oy tei, who lias a ston- near the bank building, and he ran out with his shot gun. Air. I.eyter pursued Kclper for one block and shot hlm lu the back of the head, when the robber surrendered, day, and had nothing to do with the Tho wounded cashier was taken to his home after the captuio of the des peradoes, whoie ho died at ii o'clock this evening. Howe and Kclper are unman led, and founorly worked In the coal mines at I.ykuns. Howe Is nineteen years old, and has been eonsldeied a dangerous man. Keiper Is twenty years old, and w.i-s always looked upon as honest and harmless. They weie brought to Harilshurg this afternoon on nn express train, which was stopped at Halifax by spe order from the general superin tendent tit AVIlllumsport. At the Jail Keiper said that he did not shoot with the Intention of killing anybody, lie denied that It was hli shot that struck Cashier Uyan. Howe also Falri that ho did not shoot Uyan. At midnight Keiper atul Howe con fessed to District Attorney Miller their crime and gave the details or their ar rangements for the ilbbory. Straley adniltled that ho knew of their plans, but said that he was not with them to dav. and had noihln lo do with the killing. DISFRANCHISEMENT BILL IS PASSED. Deniociatlc Majority In Maryland Senate Finally Accomplishes Its Puiposc. lly Kxdmive Who fioin Tho --i ijtod piim, Annapolis, Aid., Match 14. Tlio Demo cratic majorllv In the senate, after a tedious session lasting from 11 a. in. to S p. 111 , aided by the application of the cloture j tile, succeeded in passing the "dlsfianchlsement" bill tmilglu, by a vole of H to 11, a strict party division. The Republicans adopted dilatory tae tics in an endeavor to delay ihe pass ago of the bill, and dually Senator Wil kinson, the Hcpuhllcau leader, pioceed ed to discuss iho ptovlslon.s of the bill at length. He was folio wed by several other Republican senators, with tho evident Intention of wearing the Demo crats out, but at 7.80 p. 111. tlio presi dent out off fuilher ililiate. and the bill was passed. It now goes to the house fur concur-ji'iti-o in tho senate amendments. The concensus of opinion Is lliat no further obstacle will ho plncci-t in Its way, and that It will go to tho governor tomor row night for his signature. Dining tho light In the senate today, former Fnlted Stutes Senator Hot man sat In tho pilvato room of tho piesl rient ot tho senate, adjoining the sun ato chamber, and diiected tho Demo cratic forces. Steamship Airlvah. lly I's-diuhe Wire from The Auoilale-l l'iw. Now YoiU, Mirili 11,Artliedi Kcnalnsloii, tilwrip. Sailed! 1.3 L1uniiaRn, llaue, l.v. oi pool - Airbed i TrtitnnU, Vow Vork, (Jien. (own Sailed! Vaa-dam, lloulogno and New Yolk. Naples Arrludi Trair, cr York via niliiallar. vj. .n, .--A. a. 1 a -"iV,i"f' THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indlcitlorn TotUr, CLOUDY I VARIABLE WN03. 1 ftoiiftal t'rrftldcnt' Protlatnullon. t'a.hlcr Killed. Count tie Caidellnne lloxi-i an Kdltor'a liar. Tho tlilncne I'rldi. !I fie no ral -Carbotidali' Pfpatliiienl. .1 fioneral -Wlillnej's WVtkly Xi-it llmljict. I Noli- and f nnuiuiit. i l.ocnl -Aijunutit. In Iho "Hipper" Hill jno Wairanlu. fl Loral -I'vprl-oiurn of War lltutilnn. I'ci I!on AtTcillntr Coal Conipaiilr. T Si(ll-.'iii(i- (TiiiRid lit the l.llflln Cai-, Coniiiil I'rnierillii'i-i. S Ihm.i1 Wojt s'cutilon and -uluulijii itcpoit of the (Iriml .litn. U (ieiieral NotlhoaMiin I'isiii.jhaiiia I'lii.inclil and ( 111 I..I..1 l.lie Veil, of tie Wotld of l..ilmr WALLS AND FRONTS FELL All That Fire Left of Ciane and Nor ton Buildings Crumbled Away This Moinlng. ( 1 refit elcllcnieni was cill-ed In the 0 ntrul city about l.l.'i o'clock this morning by an enr-illnulng report which announced that the bri I; pirll t'rm b-io'en the Cut. 10 and Norton iia'liiliigs at toe scope of l.i, ; iinlh's big bio on li 1 nwanna av-'ip . had fallen ami thai simultaneously the stone and bilik fionts of both stutc tttres gav- way and note .-. i-lpltnted Into the Mteet. The lillns of the bulldim;.' 'runts I !1 outward Into r.ucl: tw.itiuu .iven.te. imiiI It was icrtalnly providential Unit the fall iieiitlri-oil when ll did. If II hud happened during the day. with dozens of workmen busied about the build ings and th- avenue etowded, scores of deaths would have boon In-vllable. The walls of Iho two edifices won condemned by lliilldlng Inspector .Itifl-.Min and yeslerdjy a scaffolding was erected and the work of tearing them down was to have begun today. When .sevetal p.itlolmon and a crowd of men huirlod lo the si one this morn ing they found the avenue littered with rubbish, great fragments of stone and bricks blocking the cais tracks and a cloud of dust In tho air. Nolhlng could bo soon of John Wag ner, who was employed as watchman of the lleuwood and Alatthnvs build ings and tit first It was supposed that he was caught under the ruins. A starch was Instituted, but he soon up- 1 eared, safe and sound, having been in a lunch wagon when the walls toll. No ono was Injured by tli- llylug frag tncnts MISCHIEF ON FOOT. Visiting Congiessmen Aie Suspected of Having Indulged in Indis creet Talk in Cuba. Bi l.uluiiie Who fiom The .Woiiatr.l 1'ien. Havana, Alarch 11. (lencinl Wood and staff today accompanied the con gressional party now lieie. which In cludes members of the river ami har bor committee, to Agulcalo, to Inspect 1 sugar estate. The Cuban delegutes to the constitutional convention aiu eagetly seeking lufoimatloii fiom the Anieiloon congressmen regaidlng the possibility of a re-deolslon by congress of the Platl amendment. Controversy In the local press nier rettnln statements alleged lo have been made by some of those congress men has aliondy begun, and l.a I'attl.t on the strength of their allogatlon.i strongly vugos thi delegates to tofus." to accept iho Platl amendment, bill to await n new congress. This afternoon the committee on the Piatt amendment held n private ses sion and discussed the amendment at grout length. There t-us considerable dlveislty of opinion, and It was de cided to hold another mooting tomor row, when each member will submit n wilt ten opinion. The various opinions will then he amalgamated In n Hm-.I icport to be made before the conven tion. The committee expects to llnlsh Its woik Saturday, hul il. -Unite aollnn by the convention Is not looked for w Ithln a week. GOVERNOR WELLS APPLIES VETO. Bill Ta voting Folygamy in Utah Falls to Become a Law. By C-ccliulve Wire from The s(i(latnl IVi. .ilt Lake, Mali. Mauli II. 'Hie LIII if slati Suiaioi Kiani, tiliiili Iho Ie;lliliiio on Monday la-it, v 14 11 lord todn In Ooieriior Wii!., Ono of tin- proililon-i i.f tho Llil nat llul "no pio-ii-iition tor iii'Iaufiit rolul'li.itlon thai! Lo roinineiiieil ixcept on complaint of tin 11 lie or alli-sed plliial wife of tlio aiiii-ed." Iho oppoiirnu i.f tlio l.i. .nun- ilnl.iinl tint i'i olijirt iiai to pioiml pi 0.1 1111 Ion of tho-o unlit. t. lining iKihcaiiiou-i rdilloiK. (.uvuiii.r W'iIU it liiin.ilf .1 .M01111.111, lu tho loitr.c of LU 11 to 1110 .iifo lio ..i: '-In my (.plutop iiotlilnt; i m lie (lo.irot Hull llul tl'.l- LIII. It pa-nl. Mould to- ivelcoinul aud enipli)cd .u .1 mo-t eflcrll., 1eap1.11 .is.iliifi iho very ij-o. ulm-i- 10i1.lillo.-1 ll it inlet tlril lo aitiolliiraio. I'liitlu-inioro, 1 luie ri.i-"ii to I'ollove Im iiiartiiuiit vould ln 1I1" f(iiil for a uineiil ilimaiul tip.111 Iho ni. 1I111.1I iouurr-t l"i loiutiiiilliiiul .imt'iidiiiint dlricti'il .ikJlii-t irtl.ilii mhiiI loudllioiw lion, a ilniiaiid vvhliti undir tlio pit-'iu tin uiu'.laliii-.- (llllll 111.1 llO lolliplll'l ullh " De Jnogar Sentenced. By i:vUle Wlro fiom 'Ilio noclatid lr . I'irt.'llluiluLiilK, Man li II. Ilio liljl 01 lln-iiio-i pi 0111 1 unit lolui in tliit (oiinti, a nun liaineil IKi- Jail-el, Ii.ik h,eu (onli.did. II. uat bit liiu I'll to Me' linprUoniiiiiit and to pa .1 lino of J.Om imiiniN, IM .faoer w.w u llu.-r loiuliiaiulanl, lilt ililrm- v.a. that .1 TijiuijjI liuiiilui imirt bad decldi-d fhat al 'tLoiisli ho ua-i nol a ti.'ituralizcd buiglur hi- own I alU-giance to .NjIjI, Antis Preparing to Ptotest, lly llicltuhe Wire frem Tlie A"oelated Piein, llOiion, Mardi 1 1. --'I lie tuiti-lniperUlitt leas"' U uiraiilng lor a mrotli-r lo lie held In 1'mmiil hall, llarcli '.), 10 protett citalntt tlio policy ot tho odinlnlitratloii, Konoer (ioierroi firorse llotituill, si,o Ijipr and idlu-in arc evportnl to male adiluwa, 1- . , -t,'1tjMlillii. , il . Ihu M.Jr- THE CRISIS AT PEKIN Manclitirian Diliicnlm Mail Stop All Netiotlations on Part ol Powers. MORE TROUBLE BREWING Mass Meeting Is to Be held lit Shanghai to Piotest Against Rus sia's Act United States Govern ment Fears Partition of the Em pireThe Attitude of England. lly K.vtliulio Wire from 'Iho Amndatcd Pre". Shanghai, Aliuch 11. It Is underslooit hero that tlio negotiation lu Peklu may In suspended owing to tho Mnn churlau dlillculty. The Chlnesu mer chants and other reslilent.t liero havu Issued jl call for a muss mooting tit eonveno In Shanghai tomorrow to dis cuss the adoption of measures alineil to uphold tho Chinese court agtilnst Ilus-iln. Washington, Match 11. The United Stales government has not been nblo lo obtain anything like nn offlclal staternenl of the contents of the al leged agieemont between Russia anil China respecting tho protectorate over Atauclmrlu. If it weie not for tho In formation which emeu to It unofficial ly, but which it Is known Is reliable, tho stale department would not be able to afllurm even the exlsten-'s of lln- n 14 iconic nt. In that condition o, olliclal Ignorance It has not ben pos sible to go very far In tho direction of prnf-'itlnsr ngalnst HussI.iV course. The state department has from the beginning sought to discourage .any kind of ojoi-ot ariangement touchlmr China. The Russian nrrnngenent r gardless of It details, would be objec tionable from that point of view. The opposition to tte Russian nni-o 1i.ih not crystullzod, anil it is felt that theie Is every prospect of a consum mation of th" agreement between Rus sia and China, unless th" other pow ers, who aie undecided, speedily come to a determination to nppoo It. Partition of Empire Feared. In view of that Impending crisis, tho otllclalH heie would regard as of sec ondary Importance the negotiations in pi ogress at Pckln respecting1 Indem nities and punishments, weie It not for a belief Hint there Is grave danger that an undue Insistence by tho min isters at Pckln on tho collection of Impossible indemnities and tho con tinuance ot punitive measures, the Cnlted States government will be nbllge-d to maintain an attitude ot ex art neutrality and withhold any a .slstance that might otherwise bo rea sonably requested, In the greater pur pose of checking the consummation of an agreement which Is almost certain to tcsult In the paitltlon of China. As annountori, Spoil-il Commissioner ltockhlll Is acting under the Instiuc lions of the department, doing his best to keep the demands o the minister vvlthtn the hounds of the ability or the Chinese government to meet, therein following tho consistent policy or tho department laid dowii as far back m last .summer. England's Attitude. London, Mnich 11, The (Hub thin afternoon continues lo bewail tho norvelessnoss of the Hrltlsh foreign office In rcgaul to Russian notion in Alnnchiirla. and icltorates Its iii .1! In the Fnlted Stales to "rid Itself or tlir-Influence- of Wit Ting Fang (tho Chi nese minister at Washington) and tlm glamor or Russian diplomacy" niul thereby save tho noithoiu China mar ket to the (tittnn mills or tho southern states. Tho balance of tho long article, ' however, seems to Indicate that tho (Hobo, like other.-!. If nol loally so anx ious to aid American commerce as in help roiward the wldcspiead Miltlslt deslio to obtain tho assistant o of Washington In stemming Russian am bltlon, rrstnilng liiltlsh prestige and keeping the door open for . F'ritlsli trade. The Russian Ap.reement. Washington, Aluuh 14. Sin h In roiln.ttlon ns has iiinie to the hnnds or ofllrlals Indicates that the Rus-Unr ngieoment consists of twelve ni-tli-lo not nine, ns has b-eti published. Tin chlel miH'crn of otlh litis here h;, bo n to learn how lur those m-ticlort nffen the permanent 1 it 1 11 re of Man-hurln. On tln-lr I.ifi. It Im said, they show .1 lelurn of Alauchtlll.i to China, which would s-eem to be ipilte In keeping with the deslio of nil power.. Hut this Is nc ompllshoil upon 1 01 lain eondltloi s Impo-ifd upon China, and It Is unrioi -stood (hat those mnriltlons In effe. t entabllsh a Russian .-uizerulnty o r .Mam hittlii. with .1 Russian olliclal o. -cupyltig the chief executive position, i-ullc similar to that of the Hilllsii vlceioy (if India. Coniparlnjj this con dition with that in India, it Is said that if tlie present agreement Is con summated. .Manchuria will be In ih same position as ono of the Ttidlnn states', having a. certain degree of in dependence, and yd confoimlng all In actions 10 tho .stipioiuo authority over It. Chinese uli'.ilix icculvcd cousldorablo n tic lit Ion at tho ntalo department t-t-ilny. as tho Chinese minister, the nil -Ish mihasHudtir and the ltUFsliiii am-liasr-itdor followed each other lu lonf conlcroneci with Mr. Hay. Hong Kong. Alarch II. A detach ment of 410 mun of the Welsh fusilier hailed for Tleli-Tsin today In older to K.'lleve the Australian troops, who arn returning homo. r f t - - WEATHER EORECAST. f s- f 4 Wailiuifton, llaiih H.- I'on-iaat for I'llday oi.d ,-i.itrday i:,u.tern Tenni!. vaull f loinly I'rlday, ptnluLly ralti or tnwv in noitlierii poiloin, satinilij, -f fair; uilJiil.- iilml m-ff lf-flHf tttt .J.fc 4 r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers