' " ' f -"V ' T -T- "" .r tctT3 '-"- - J l'flf'J vM ''. - - "'T f J y v .v n i '" THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY', MAJUCir 10, 1001. QL1' Religious.... no Hi: 1'Ul.KKiN niugui'.liicp, pat t leti- phi.v timsf ur a rtiiKioUH eiiiirno- lli-l(-i. llilM' not lli't'll mulct htooel ii.s . vanillic: fur Aiiii'Mriiti con- tllllUllOIl.". Thu IIX.lllOtl.-i of Cllll- rimtlug iluii''ti iiiitiinlzallotiH uic not rpuluily miiDor'i'd to be Hiiilt'it to ronmutiiliittoim nt-roMH the vvtiUT. llowf-vur. at Innt one of our cIcikj' Dion of tills city Is In ilciuutiil Tor tho tmliltio production's of lil-i inliul mid jicin.ll. Ilu Is lUv. Dr. l'lcivu. of tho IV mi Awnin ItitptlHt chuu-li, who lias bfcn cumiKcil liy thu w oil-known Kiik-lli-h iivi-lmllciil, Thu Clii-lMtlan, which f.ij'h of Dr. l'loicc: pnachcr nnd leather will tin nude fs posi tion pit ullirly Mit kuii In Amulet Is ltcv. Hubert I 1 I'lerse, II. !., minister t,f l'niii Annuo It.ij.U-i. ihureli, Nranluti, l'ciintltaiili. lie H a iii.iii tilth a mission, and ilil Ir lit ill t lie citr ine of Iii- epclal Rill. Up Is rcnonncd far .mil title .n i blaihbmid lllu-tralor, and many Niu -..rafeL&J'.. ' - l SOkJ'. "s m.v. Dii. it i'. v rn.iicr skn i uool tc-.tihsis .i i nl other viorkris have ticon u nl in follow lili uiy striking mslhoil nf ln vnic tin; 1 1 it- ,1011111c ami Ui.or.ml. in tin. tliinga 0 fiuil. in. fierce Is a iiiliic of Salem. '.. ami is S- 1 1. 1 111! '1 lor tin! (cachet's pofpslii. In i i lino if ten lie lie lias ciy moccrSful. He . Ir exhibited inorcy ninl tait, anil liiil hem in mi i il of'ttto .irailtiiiirs licfoir he was ttieut.v. ."ii U M-. majoiily he 11.1s cho.Mi prlnrlpil - ,iiiii t ..i in tln Pcnnsilianla liiMitnlp for I ho lMii.1 ut Philadelphia. Hi. cue much atlinticn tn convention woik mom; rccular tr.it licr, ami oiRMiilrcd tlio Ainoil- i V.iinal lii-littilc a limiii' nliool for the nltl- ii of tiaclms itliiili vias allciunids tin- 1 tied m (- Ii.il.ui'iua uoik. 1'or seter.il tears nil!! his link as a teacher lie pur.-urd tlie ml' of imdiclne; tint while inz.iKed in the-e mdn ami works his hc.irt was lunrli iliawn . tin pi'jul lulnUtiy. Mcldlnu to the im lifrul tall, he wc up all rl'o in IVt. His in piloi.il work was the cjip ol the cicat 111 1 II III 1'llll.lclllphl.l CiMtl7Cll li.v the Cliw.- I m ill.iiithinpM, Mr. .lohn II. htttnon. II. pik-oil on lo pastorates ot Jioiint Holly, N". .1 ml ltniktuiil, III.. niiitliiK Willi nmtli en f'.iijt;. mini. After tun .teats in Hie tiilnUuy as an an.'(llt, in lonmitlon with the Ciiaee ll.ij I i Temple of I'liilailclphla, ami the pic it i nir woil, of that rlty, ho acciptiil the tall of me I'uip Am nnc lliplUl ihineh of Si union, l'i ni'ie his minl-lry is sieatlv Jileil . I i nnrat Ji'.trs Dr. l'liue has been deeply in i -I oil in all Minis ot Sumliy n hool woil;, ".I in ileel..pln' the iclih'lons Hie of the jniuii; ii. Up wis lor hune time nuioinl tcui '" "f tlie llipti.t oiinff People's L'nloii of Vtiinl'ii; anil he di'lt;neil the hailne now worn ' 'loii-aiuli ol Yoimir IlaptUta In the I'nilnl "i i.i. and ( ihida. Ill liroul ClnMl.in spliit n h - him a fitoiltu in joung people' RTther- iil- if .ill ilrnoiulnatlons. At the Kieat ( lilU- ii laiihainr eonniitlnii In Sin Traiielren ' hi mils attended hi diily leetnics. In duly la i In- was with in in Iximloii, ntti'mlliiK the V ild (luirtlaii l.iide.oor eonunllon at the A Miidia I'alaip, I I ' three illustrations on this pise show how Hr Pi, ne ii-cm the hl.ieUinird to teach (.pliitual trun file itlule, wllh the iiame of JefiH in tl. Miilir, w.w used to illustrate a ChiMmas Jr.. ii, -hoivinic how lle;ht and pi ace .mil (jooil W II 1 up cotno trom Him wluw adient the Ai w v puicliimiil in tho ihepherds. The clohe w i i Hi.' pmjectiUK hands M'ieil to Impress the k- t .. ti'iclltll inlrSlulK. 111 1st si cniiiiiiam to in, i Ii is on the une fide, and tlip hiiiid between )i. ' ids ot t!n'M tinlonl.iii ny Inipllis the t'i nluii-H of the ttcrSl to luelie the Word. Iho Hi'id dliislrjtlnn innnif the idea of the ileaiis jn hi the heart ley innntlii its ilaik, sin tltainiil nn luidciicil coieiln', undir width the Hi in soft and white, nady for the entrance of I4.i lli.h ."pult, Mali niu.-tialioii as there nuii.e )in app. d in cje, and He in the rhlld' memory i i'ii' sp,,kui wunU ate ftuirottin. '. iit.-poiidiiit wilte to us' "I nut Dr. 1' ii in icinnutlnii with the Sunday llieil(fis.t a i n, in, cine of the 1,'ieatert philanthropic f nir in I'lilladelplil.!. line tlioiisind nun nf i ii l.iiiot and nut hnpelesii diss uie piotlltd "ill n free Incikiast, fnllowini; whiih is an aunt'il unliiuj irospil rcniie. Ai nu tl nilitliii") sn " Dr. llcno was piattlcally the orltflnalor ' " lilslrcr ait plcliucs now u-ed to tllttstr.it o sin in- rchool lessons. Up J., I U'llee, thu n'' pitatlicr of any eminence who Illustrates t i.IJicsm ley means of eiayons. Pome ot his As Dr. Plerce'3 I'avorite Prescription (or womanly diseases, No one knows this better than the woman who has tried local doctors and ninny medicines and found no cttte until she began the use of "Favorite Prescription." It establishes regularity, stops weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion and, cures female weakness, It makes venk women strong nud sick women well, tj was troubled fur. three yearn with ulcera tion ! tid (entitle weakness nnil my doctor pave me Imt little relief," writes Mt I.ulu Hunter, of Alleiiton, Bt J,oul Co Mo. "I naw an odteiHseintnt In the paper of Uoctor I'lcrre' l'norite Prescription. I began the ne of II uboi.li jfarnejo. I lno five bottles of It, and one bulite of ' tioldeti Medical I)lcovrr,' and nivts.j,lt is better now tl-ati it was for ) cars. I hate also rceoiniuendcil these medicines to witne of my friends, who suffered from female weiktics, and Rood results have followed." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free, on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr K. V, Pierce, Hut fIo. N. Y. W 'JEfrr. wMxfc' &QOSS 'BP Ill.trlnlli.iit me 1 nil v 111.1111 ..u, and are exe cuted with all the i-klll ul u tine nrt'l't. At the Ifijon lie in tn tcnli kiows nilnllt, m nUn d.ies the pliture ilhi.irailoii kiuw upmi the lilnkli.i.iiil or 1 .nil Dr. I'lirip detntcii the r.trtooulrfs rpiiIus tn ritrlslhti teailiilu:. Ills .inure tells 11 story which makes Its way to the mind. Ilo lues l.irife audliiiees nf the inuuiiuti reople; hut he dots not 11K.111I tint as rOtaiistliitt his mUtlnit. He would hate ethers follow Ids method; so Iip has itlten coiincs of Icitiirec, explanatory of picatliliitr by llliwlratlon umonir other places at ID" I iilieislly of t'hlijuo, the llaptlsl Mlwloii ary lialnlnt; School, ami the Moody lllblc In stltulp. On all hands ho was piltileui'd to see sludinls iliirini.l by the novelty of his wink, and desirous nf followliur his lead ill a new and liopitul line nf ministry. Wo tried that it fnliiip of crowing usefulness Is befoic this et tinned wnrkir, and that those who liullair lilin may ciilir Into tnoip ubundaitt labors fur the glmy of (lod A nolablo event will In- the nit'ollni; of tho Phllailclphl.'i cottfetence of the Mcthodlat t'hurch In StroudMburK, March "0. lllpliop I. Joyce will pte Flile. It 1h selilom that tho sessions of IhlH notahlo gathering of celebrated clergymen utmys ns far away from tho Quaker city its Ktrotulsbttrg, and tho town over tho Poeotm Ik acttjnllnKl.v feeling the ltnpoitanco of the occasion. glmi NeYs Wit;. Ii. II. Hatter will niMtcfs tonionnw evening's meeting tit the liwuo Alls slim. Gospel song pcrvltt' at the Young Women's Chrixtlnn nssoclntlon Kinnlay nfternoon at 3.1. All woin mid gill.-) welcome. llev. O. 15. fsinlth will teiitl u pap. r nt tho llnptlst ,,nstor'H ronft'ienclc In tho I't tin Avenue clitnch, Alonilnv at 10.R0, on "Oratory In tho Pulpit." ltcv. David f-'poneor. D. D.. ' the Ulnkcly Ilapllst church, nml Ii-: Thomas do flrtiehy. I). 1)., of the Jack son Htioet Uipllht church, fxchangi' pulpits tomorrow moinlng. The regular meting of lite Methodist tnlnistets of Scrnnton and vicinity will be held In the parlors of Klin Patk chilli Ii, Momliiv. March IS. l'.iOl, at 10.110 n. m. Kov. 11. A Oieene will read an historical sketch of Hyde I'm Is ami Hi Lackawanna circuit. Tomorrow's Service: Methodist Episcopal. I'liU Palis C Inn (h-l'i. iter and pulsi Mime at '.'."0 a m ; lueathiiiL; at ln.no a. i it. and 7. :u I'. In., by the p.-lor, ('. M, filtlin, I). 11, i at l'i m, a i-hcit lllblc MKih in Sunday mIi.k'1 room; Mmdiv -thool ul 2 p. in., and Kpwonli l.tJUiie nt tl at 1 1. in. ra-lois' topic at '..:, p. in., ".Men nt Wraith." nun peopln especially Intlleil. At i ln mission, 1J11 I'me rtntt. sun die school at U a. in.;! I.'pwnrlh l.eaijuc nt ! p. m. Simpson Methodlt I'lil-copal thiiii Ii .lohn II. Svett, ptstor. Jlornini; pi.i.tus ut !.'.0; pu.uli. Int.' m it lie, fiiniott by the pastor, at in.OO; sun day school at li in.; .luiiloi' lamoilli l.tacne at 2..V); yonns ntcn's lirellus at : 1'pwoith l.iMKUi-. W. .1. sutloii. piesldeiit. at n.lal; pie.iui. Ilii; riitlie, sinnon by tlie Msnr, at "..Hi. S'.' ond miiu'.i nt the mils on '"-1111 nf the 1-irt I'lnsh il I ilii.iiins nl the tlui-l" Sulijetl, "I'lllal I.me." I'm s,.u, khIi.iI wcleonte. Ai.l.uiy Milhodisl llplsii.pal II11111I1, 1 01 nn Monipy avenue and Delawne r.Iirt I - KiV. . ti Slniisiiu, l. II, instoi', lletolli't.al iiieiliuc "f the llitithrihoud of M. Paul al !.u .1 111.: preachluif ill l'l.JI .1. in.; subieit, "Cod's Law 0' rtiuity;" Sumlat" rthool at 2..10 p. 111 ; Kpwoith TtMhiic at r-'n 1'. '" I I'leaehlni; at 7 ..0 p. 111 . subject, "(iod'-j Danitir i;ii.il." 1'i.ijtr m.et iue Wiilne'il.iy, at 7.:'.i) . in. Iliisiness tilts t ina of Hie llrotherhi'i'd of Si Pud on the m-i-ond and romlli Tiiefdits ot each month, at 7.10 p. 111. seats fieeand all am welcome. Hampton Miict Mithodist i:pi-iopal thtliih Itev. .lames Hi nnliiRcr. pi-tor. I'lciildntr miIip at 10.!!il. Snbjitl nt seinion, "The Mieplienl I'rilm"; tlnss mectlnu nt ll."ti; mnl.i- nhool nt 2 p. m.; Junior l.e.inue at ". p. 111.; Senior l.eaRUe al Ii..'l0, leailei. Mis. Doia Williams; en nin'.; prcaihln:? reitleo ul 7.W. 'ulilett nf sermon, "A Much Allllcted Man and the Way Out." A weleome In all, Ccdir Atcnuc Melliodist I'pi-iopil Imiuli 1'. I. Duly, pastoi. SoiUtcf, Minday, Jlaiili 17, JiPI: llrotln ihoi'tl lueetlna at ti.l'i 11. 111.; pic.iihiiiR- nl V'.Sa a. m. unit 7..U p. in ; .luiitor llpwtulh It ague, .'1.00 p. in.; Kpwoiih letuue. fi.:;0 p. 111. V coidlal imitation and welcome ti all. Court Siiiet Mtlhodl.t l.plmipil riuiuli (i. ('. I.jinan, pastor. ( lam, 7.l .1. in.: . 1. He Wltti leader; piculilm.', jn.'ai 1. in.: Niuday rchool, 11.1) a in.; (!. II. link. Miptilntrndeiit; .tin lor l.i.uue, ::.s.O p. in.; Mis. M. i". Williams, ii ullilinilint: Krtwoilli laMmie, i,.,",0 .1. 111. Ad tins, by Ml. Mtt'onuill, picildint of City I'lih'ti hamie; picachlinr. 7..':il p. in.: Ilinthcihond ot Si. Paul. 'Iiierdiy, 7."0 p. 111.: Kijijefl, "l. .laniis;" piaji'i niiitlin;, Wedne.daj, 7 .Ml p. in. fct.its fiee. All wtl'tiiitP. Afrli.in Milhndisl i:pleop.il ( hiiuli, Tloward plaieDi'. D. S. lleiilley, pastor, l'reichlnir, 1U,D u. in.; Mibjiit, "llonoilnir the bord: Dolus Co,.,!;" Sunday sihool, 2,'M p. 111.; I hrirtlan Kn de.itor muling, ii.1j p. 111. j picathlnj, 7.l p. 111.; mibjnt, "Hie M.imllotis Change " A tor dial w.liome U c.Nttlided tn all. Baptist. I'llin miiuc Uipllst thuitli. I't nn .inline, be tween spime and l.liidin stieel I'ltaehing In the inornln; at KAMI and enniiis al 7..'Hi1 by the pantol. lief. Itnbcrt I". Y. Piriii', D. 11. Morning piajcu In the lowir tniiile at O.l'i. 'I In mo ot the mornlns Mriiion, "flu 1st Ian Idi.ils mid lihal CliiMuns." huiulav tihool at th,i Pi tin annuc iliuri.li at 2 n'tlotk, mid at tho Aipciiiijii liilsrioii on I'lCsiott aieiiuo .it ;!..,0 p. tn Diiug l'cuiic' niicllii,' at f'.O p. in. 'flume ot the t'tcnlm,' scmiuii, "Heitlunliii; Attain, or I.i fo Miile Otci." lljplUnis ilinliiir the mil ins ferine, and brief I'laneelbtie alter-meetlmr. I uat II, pint chiinh. South Mala atenui' s. I'. Malheur pastor. 'Iho Usual vniici nioililtiK mil etrnim;. II. U0 u. 111. and .'M p. 111., in the t'iMiiiriit of the Welsh Iliptl-t tliuith; Sundiv f 1 nl ! '(1 p tu at l'ljinnulh ihtinh. Hi'. H. titles- supeilntendcnt. II. Y. I'. l suitKe, IkSO ) in it Itorite hall, Wednesday eicnlui; pner lutetiiu;, iM p. m, All are cordially ImlteJ to these inectliiits. .laiktoii Slirct tlapiirt 'liurtli lltv. Ilimius de Oruehj, 1). 1). pastor. Moiiiint; pruver iinctlns at 0..HJ a 111., Itadir, llrolher lieujaml.i smith, ireithlii.; rtnlco at UM a. 111.; feiiuo,i bv the llev. H Spciutr. 1), D.. of lll.iktlv llap tlsl church; Sunila.i school at 2 p. in.; ( harlrt Hollcj, suptrlnleniidit; enuliiK wrvke at 7 p, 111, sharp; prals and son? scrtlce, followed by the setond In the sciles ol illustnied ser ninmr, topk, "My Mother's Hible." A ellnr lollccllon will bo tiikin; children initst be ul tended by llielr paicnts, The public Is toidlall.v invited. Come. Cn-cn Ilhlso Ilaptlit Chiircli'-Monilnit pra.ur meet in;? at Id o'clock; preachliiR by tho pastor at 10.30 j, m ; subject, "Soul llimeer." At 7.."') p. in,, Itev. W. II, Williams will tlellnr his tempiramp address, "The I.at ltomp Willi tin Titer." Sunday Mhool at II. l'i a. 111.; niecllii'' of the .lunlor soiltly lit tisoi pr.ijer meeting of the frenlor oclity at (l..'Al p, in, North Main Aunuc Ilaptl-t cliinch Iliv. Al beit II. smith, of llciwick, the newlt-i-allcd pastor, will puaeh tomorrmv; Sabbath M.I100 at 'i p. in.; Junior 11, y. I'. I at , and Christian l.ndejior t-otpil tuefllntr at it.iii, led by M. J. Stone. Scats (lee and all aie wel come. Preobyteiinn. 1 lut l'n.l.iteili church Sertictsi lti..'ol 1. m., 1,:) p. m, Tim inornlne sirilte will Iv in nitmeu) c( t. I'retiJcut llirrlsuu. Hr .Mtl.ee! will piratli. In the rienlnj fie sernee will be tsjiiductesl In Hit' Interest of tho Mao. its of Scrnnton ami ilcltiil). llev. Julius llamlsirkky will deliver a short address In the Mamar I in rtuairc. Hr, Miteod Mill Imp cliaige of the strtltr, and will tlellitr en address. Slransen wileome. ftitoiid, I'rtshjlellan (liurtli t-irtlie. Ill SO n. in. ai.tl V.50 p. 111. Dr. llnblii-oii will piratli tnonihirt and rtfiiitiif. The rttnlnir topic will l.o "The ('oiinti'ilMlaiup ol Kiitnrp tllory wllh Pret erit SiiHtrlnct." A tordlil Imit.illen ii Pvtended to nil. (Itptn HIiIkp Pienlijtriliii ( htinh-Ilev. I I. I.tnrifiif, pantor; llev. I II. l'listcr, assistant At lO.Wl a. in. nnd 7.sM p, in., serthei! nf win ship wllh sermons by Hip pistor; It 111, llibln .. I 1. rt - .. ... , L.l.tl ... I'...Ia.. .... ...-. n, , l'""l O...J l. Ill 1111-11,1,1 ,,ll,,-,,,', 1 ., .... . . Iiietlliiir; tnotiiliiK iuhj"ct, "I'leedom and Hold ms In Scklnir ('Sil'is Tinlh;" etcnlrx subject, "I'nceitaliitics in sHciiiv Cunlrastid with tcr taliitlrs in ttilltfloii," All wileome. Wuslibtnii strict I'resbjterlan ('liurtli llev. .lohn P. Motlil. I). 11., pastor. Sen I es at UWO a 111. and 7..K) p. m.; Illlde srhool nt 12 m I t lirlsti.ui Kluleatnr otitis: People nt (.Cll p. in i Icnlei, Mls-s lleutriic liy; subjett, "( hrlst, llur IHrlh Pilest," 'Hip pastor will piuiill motiiln'x nml ei cuius-, All weliome, Pniililencf Prib)ttrl.in Chuieh At the mom. I11S senlcp the pislor will evihancP pulpits with llet. Mr. Il.uuei, nf the Miin Atnule tlnUHJll fliiuih. Sunday nhool .it noon; Kmleiinr meet I111; nt il.r.i p. in,; I'trnlmr sen Ice at 7.."ai uVlutl,, wllh stiiuoii I i.i llev. Dr. Riillil, .The sents of the tliiirs.li are fice, Sumner Atcmic PitsbiteiLin tliuith, toiiur "sunnier in e line un, Pihe slrtel llev. Prank .1. Mllniali. Mipil.i. Picaehlnv seniles nl il.::0 11. in. ninl (1 p in ; sibhith s,x,l ut 'i p. in., tonilui led by Mr. lie. Ihown, supeiliiteniluit; Kiide.uor smisty lifter Ihp eveiilnir stulie, theme, "( l,ill llur High Pilest," lltli, 7i -I-2SJ Hind of llopp nn 1 Unit Tuesdiy and Thursday cU'IiIiik-. Piaier iiipellni!', Wednod.iy citnliicr, 7. t o'tleiik. All wiltsaiip. Admit Avenue (hipel, 'vew snJ, niipel llei', -J.ii.ir IIiilIiis will pie.iih at in.::n a. 111. and 7..'0 p. 111.: siibjeils, "A tihliie Pie.trlptlin fol' 11 Triie Pruspeillv," "Ihey Ihiiiied the IICHiks,' iitii!.i" si hool al :i p. 111.: Ir. (Tiunllei, nips r liileniluit. Mr. Iluahi's vill conduit Ihp men's llil'le class, I Inlsll.iu Ilii, le, a or. at fit., p m, ill wilt'-itie. Episcopal. faint l.llkt's I'.iil-h liti. llngris l-l.il I. II. H., paslni; llev. )'.. .1 Hamilton, senior 1 iu.iIp: 1'i'V. M. II. .ah, Junior t urate. 1'nuilli Sunday Mi 1 1 ut. St. I.nke's ( hiiieh 7...H a 111 . Holv Cnuiliiiin ion; IM'i 11. in., iii-iiiiinir ptatei; in.MO .1. in,, niTiiiii and llolv f i.nununlriii; .'-0 p. in., enn Uns prajti; T.sn p. 111., lnlsslonaty rervite; y.lj a. m . Sunday school an! Itlhlc cl-'ssrj, l. Mark'p. Diiiiinoie- 1 a. in., llnly romiiiun inn: lu.,'111 a, m.. uu'iidii' pi liter ami seimoti; 7 :.u p in., cM'iiIti); praii-r and m-iiiioh; S p. in., "spinlii Mhool ami Illlue elasfs. Ilal I'nd Mlwli.ii, Pri'srntt avenue i .10 p. in., Suiidiy Hlmol .mil llllde tlasres; Jl.fn p. 111., cv. cnliit? pia.iei and fiiiuou. S'niith side Mission, I'll.- slue t-5 .0 p 111., Sunday school unit llilde tiltses. St. Rsoitci's, till pliant i.Pn p. 111., Mindiy sihool nml lllhle cl.is.scs; ;t..'!0 p. in, etcnlnj pr. ipi .iinl viiiiiiin. Hcfoiined Episcoprtl. (race llifonned l.pisi opll ihiiiih, .tr,iniiu .111 line, bsl'iw Mnlbiiiy stietl Itev. Ilinru'e 1.. Mtlih, p.Ktot. Pi.ijir and piale sciibc at !'.'.() .1. 111.; dli iiio wotsiilp at lo.:'.') 'i, 111, and 7.:ii) p. lit. W. . Adair. Hip setietary nt the I.'. It. . 31. '. A., will occupy Hip pitlpll. -eats a.p free and rh.msiir ore soidlally luilted. ib b..lh sthool ul li in.; , 1". . ('. ir. at 1, ::u p. m.: lllblc rtudy nn M11ud.1i' jllcinnon nt ,i..H). nibjeit "Tlie Itcllscr's Tilbulill.ins." I.es. sou rtudy 011 Wcitursdav 111111111; at 7 :a1. follomd by the levul.li' pi.ijer ui'ellus nl s n'slnik. MI .up welcome. Evangelical Lutlriinn. l.taiuilh.il I.iiIIki.iii romlli .-11111I.1.1 111 I.i nt. 1,,,-pil. John, il:l-I1; ipl.tle, lid.. I;il-i. SI. M.ul.'rt Washburn uint rouiteiiilii r.ticet -Hit. A. I.. i:.iiiici. Ph. li pjslor. eiilies. n.s,il 11. 111., 7:10 p. 111 : builur 1., .11.11,', ii.::ti p. tu.; ssiiinl iv rclionl, li 1,1 ; i.ilu luilial In. rtiiiilion, Miitnlit, 7 p. tn., Wiilnesilav icritie, 7." p. 111.; .Mission baud, Silurd.it, '-'...U p. m. Moinlnif sertlie, 'ilelmld ilu Mm"; cnniiit' sinlec, "Ilic T'uic Hread fmui llnnii." lbdv Trinllv, Ad uns incline and .Mulluny street Itev. 1'. II. fplcl'cr, patcn. -enless' lli.ro .1. in., 7.M p. 111: l.tithtr I ciEiic, ' P in : Minday selnwl, ti in.; tateihttlial in slitiction. .Mondit. 7 p. in.; Lrnicn senlips, l'liday. I p. 111.: Wcihiiwlay ispititp. 7.1" p. in ; Mission band, 'iluiday. III 11, ill. s.t. PauPrf, short aiciiue Itev. W, C. I, ham r, pano.'. -sinlcps: in..;n ,1. m . 7.;;n p. m.t i inlay mIiosiI, :'.::0 p. in.; saliihttluil Instiuc lion. .1 I", p. tn ; liiilhcr f.c.ti;iie, Widiie.ilav, n.:..i p. 111. .loirs, Mllllin aientie ltcv. I I. Zlelnialin, piMni. "tiiires; KIT) a, m ; Simda.i "lined, J i. 111. I In 1st eliiiieli Cular aiinu and lliuli --licit rtnnrTiYsTTSfmnrifi Sunday School DY Lesson Jesus and Pilate. j. e. Gilbert, d.d 101" , , .,; 1 -j -,; , Secretary of American lYIotvli 17 l-UKe. XMIi: IS-JlO. So;ietv ot PellKious I'UllLH 1(. L'ducalloii. IMHillU'ClIoy Tho seenei litfmc (,il,iph.i', wliin .listis was adJi'.iUod a lili-phuuci, .is rltid lid lit tuck, inoiuht peiiiltnic In Ilu- I11.111 of .ludis who tint soiiahi tn imdn the 1111-, liief of bis nil lotiiliiit. but, (.ilium in thu, t.uii "Ut .mil li.ni!!iil buns, h, Jems 11.1s tin 11 liisillv b I into the pun'iiii? nl l'd.iii, the Itnin.iii stuiiiisir. His iiiriuUs theie abindunsd the el,.u;i whiili bad bun made In Hip nils iittlt.il toiiil, kni'tt In;; that It would nut avail hiioif a civil tilb 11r.1I. Ilatins 110 loimulatcd niciinlioti thiy began a lii'iiultiious tiy nsanirt Mm us oiw who had altcniptcit tu pimtt the nitloii nnd tluro. foic itullt.1 of litamn. The Kotcuior had an in tcrilew with .Iimh in priialo (lohn, xilibui.:.:), and. having sitMl.tl lilnwlf that there was ivi Jtirt iiroinisl for t-ut.li th.nifrs sonjlit to uppeatu the people. I.c.niiln- that Jems was il (..illlean, Piiato tint Him to I kind who was in Jerusalem at tl, 11 time, anxious to shift icipotirlblllty, hut Herod irtiirncil thi prtionir, nmtli pleaictl at I Ida rccoenlllnu of uuthnilly (verso 12). lleio to ilaj's leisron biKins. ACiJI'lll'AI. (verru 13 aid Ill-It . after this couitery had been shown 10 Herod thai Piiato suniinniird the thief pilesU and riiUrJ into hit. tiuiit tt. site :i decision In the ca.e. In ilolny mi ho atlcnipted mild and tonclll story rctih, knotilic Hut the Jews wcip tiubuh'il and mi slight pinvoiatiou would tlc.ilc tioiilde. Iie.idii. he was ,1'van that llut vvne cricel.illy seiiritln on all :vll;lom inatlci', unl he must hue known b.i this time tint the one ciialuiied Is'loio hint wis tho in, ei r of liullio iMa'l . stll:ISl. Willi cnnimmdable I'uiikniM he talis .itliiitlon tn (ho I'.iluiL' ol ll.11 tile lite wlili II had bien laid j.iln.-t Jisti-, and Hun, Willi ei.ual iraiiknesu el"ilarcs. Hut, nftcc raislul t. aiiilnition he toiind in (ault. That was a plain ,11 'I'llllal, liiimi n-rly labiablii us crlabllshluK the iniioieiiic ol Jesus li.r all linn-. Pllalc ills Hip rtpitscutMliio of thu Human pmiiiui'nt, and he, nipic thin Jiiy other, would be Interested to pinteil Home against nil impo'leiis. Ills word oushl, tliiicfiue, lo li-iip been find. It was tlual to all nftcc generations. HIXI.ASi: (Vnris 11. in. K-vn iniwiint man nilitht not bo held a pi Inner pirn uiul. r th i-enrltlci of Itoiu.m I iw (Aels, xxllri'i). In llui tomjucot of Iho world the linpiilal ell.t hid lutiKht so niuili lo inaukiinl, llnico llieie wui li it one HilliL," tor Pilule tc. tin, release his pilsonei'. Not to do this would be elUloiahy tn Cat'rr.i, imlaitlifiiliurs tn tru.t, a tucatli nf Justice And jet the Kuteu.or Judsjcil it not prudsnt to giant llheily whin In fo iloln- tlio lllu mlaht bo tiiken by tho nn b. lie thncloio rOUsdit tn biiuz the .lewltli fllnlal tu an ap piuial nt his puipoau tn rilcasc. If tht't hid coliat-litid thru- .Would be 10 fiiilher lloll,,,-. This ho ur"ld thiiii to ilo oil tin L-rnuiid ln.it ho and II. nil, belli mumm-d for Hie urllaiu nt the 1,'iivilliuieiil, while for 11 illy nlleiutul, were lion ill ait, ml em this subject. ,Moiecin-r, Iho rcluro nl .1 prisorer on .1 fcat occasion was i.usloiu.11.1. Hows ni, as a inians of paill.tlm; tlu cMtiinlslr, be piopoed to I mitt t ptiiiUh li.ci.t bv whipping lather than bv cveeiitlou, iiarlue life but iiionUhi'.' a nilld.t form of .ml' - llet. .lames Wltkc, lnr. SsiiIcpsI 10.!a) a. lit., 7.Z0 p. 111. 1 Sunelaj school, 2 p. in. St. Peter's, Prrseott .11 nine -llev. .lohn Han. dolph, jostor. N'rifctt: 10.su n. m., 7.."w p, 111,! Sunday school, 'J p. 111. Kiiinumiel ((lerniaii-Pollsh) l.ulhernn cliureli, Itcesi' street llev, I'mHmml Sillelnieler, pastor. 1'ie.icliliiK In the Polish laiigtuye at 10 a, in,; Sunday tilionl, 2 p. ni. Hrace iJntllsh Lutheran Chutili (fleneral Sin. oil), torner Madison aieinte and Mulberry street -llev. lailher llisj WailiiK, pailor, !'.l(J a, tu., Sinidiy seliool; 10 Si) n in,, l)l,t,e worship; n.t" p. m, 1.011111: IVoplii Soelety of (luMlnii I'm.'c.nor: 7.C0 . 111.1 Dlilnc worship; ltcv. A. Stewart ll.1rlm.1u, H. II , of llalllmme, Mil., solidary nf Iho Home .Mission llmnl, will prc.ieli moinlnif and eieiilnK. The public Is tonllally Iniltttl. An luipiirttnl coii::ri;alletii meet InB will b held alter the inornlne service 1 Miscellaneous, All Suds' Inliersallst t hurt li, Pine sired, I'Ctnecn Admit ninl Jelfeison nveiitics llev. I). It. Itc.lnHIf.t-. p.utui; iclileiice, infl Ad.itut aie line. Mornlntt sciilte, 1D.:!0, lubjttt, "Orlulnal TiaiiKressloti"; iienlnir sirilcc, 7..M, suhjec.t, "Hie N'ecds nf the llutir"; Stindiy school at 11.3". Miss llolllp .loip, stiperlnl(iid"iit; Y. P. ('. C. nicctltiK nt fl. I", p. 111., sitlijcit, 'Tho tiohliti Iltilo III llu-Hidi, or Applied (luUtlau ity." The Pi'opleV Prnltlblilon Chureh-llei. tr. Itlrd, piislor. Thtie will I" irtxiilir preidilii',' Mil Ice nn Sabbath 11II11110011 at II n'cluik In Morel's lull, llrcaker street, (luen lllihte. Sub. Jul, "flip SIkii id Our Tlmps, and Where Are Wp Hiifllnj?" Ml m Iconic I'list Inn 1 ti (( lirl-l Selrnllsti, ;,pi V.l.mn aiiiutp. Suiidiy sen it ex, ln.;:o a. m., 7.nn p. in.. S liy rshool. 11.1,", 11. m., mibleit, "Mit- tel." Testimonial lucillnus Wednesday einiliiss at " o'tloe';. The ihiucli Is alo open ctcrj diy ilurlnir the wcik. 'Hie llilile and all t hiMliri Sliiuc llteiatinc Is 1 ept in lis (up public tt'jiliinr nmn. " ience and Health, wllh Key tu the Scrlpluie," by Mary lliku Kihly, will bo loined to inti'stliriltirs without th.iiire. Vl-I-Isus and blurs ol Inquiry .tic welitunp 11 ml (Jteii coiirleoTn ulliiillon and liifnimallnn foe, Ciipoiis i I h.ipel Hiuleianl mad- Picacluii,;, losei a. in. nnd 7 "0 p, in., by the pislor, Itet. I,. It. I'ustd; s-midny school. ,'l p. in.; S"iilnr riide.noi", 11 .'1) p. in.; .lunlor l.'iidiaini' and slin, Ins school Monday t'ienin, prater meetlntr, 7. Vt 'Mot!;, TlnilHliy inuliiir, lit nlli.u loeni open Triiby ciriilm,'. All welionie .Ion Tidied Kwngcllcal (hniili, 11:0 lapotue aniitie I'leaihliis, lii.:,u u. m. am 7,:) p. m,, ly 1I"V. Niv.'dl, t-unday si hool. l)..1i) 11. in ; Senior l.neleaiur, C.in p. 111.; .Timlor Kndenor, I p. I.I.; piajir meetlni.. 7.:0 'Alnik, Weilnenlay rirnlntr. Welcome to nil. Itev. Mpcti,cr ' bedi letiiiiicd to 1 Ills rliatsp unolher ,icar. Ciliary HcfoiiuiiI Chine h, Monroe atcmic and .fllbroii stieet Hot.. Mailon I.. I'irur. pi-lot. Vnlcc, l.n a. 11. nnd 7..I 11. "1. ; Suiiiliv silninl, 11 l"s a. 111.: (Iirlsllen Kudrainr. li.l, p. 111; piaiir infftlii? mi Weih.csdij al s p. m ; cap. clilsiu, ml svltunlaj at I p in. w lt, frr.,. y0l, ale ts eh flits TAYLOR. Klalioiiui' plans nte being iiiaile by the coniiiilttt'os having In chaige tho t'cnlury Hose company's fair, which will be helel In Weber's link on April S. to continue lor one wopI;, Tho event piomlses to sttrpassi any similar event helil hem for some time. A large tll-t-play of lnncy attleles will be exhib ited timing the piugrcsx of tho tnlr. An oxeelk'nt uiilsle.il piograninie will he gi en each e citing. The pat den ials, i h.s divulged later. A HunKtiilnn lalioiei' had his leg litokou on Thuisdny by a fall of roof, while at wink in the 1'yne mine. The pu'ieiits 01 tin- lute William II. Davlh desire to letnin their slnceio thanks to nil those' who imslstesl them In theh lecenl liete.iveinent. Owing to the' large shipment of toal oxer the Keyset' Valley liraiteh of the lineknw.iuua couipany, the trnllle has been so t rowdeil that the ulllcinls have ili'iitleil lo eici-t 11 sloublo truck, l-'ot-the past few elnys suneyors have been nt woik staking suit the giotiuil for tho widening of the wagon ma a nt that point, piepnrntoty to tho election of an lion tiestle to take Iho place of the one now In tfo. Woiknion ate em ployed dnllv getting things In icasll ni'sts ftir tho coinmnnclng of laying the tracks. 11 or. W. Ii. J'liunloy. of the School or the I.'icktiwauna, Seinntou, will ail tiles' the I'ongieg.ttl'in of the Presby terian thtiieh tomoiiow moinlng nt ltl.lM o'eloek. Sunday si hool Iniuieill ntely iiitr morning set vice. All are Welcome. The liaohclor Knights, a pmnilncnt mgnulZsUliiii of thlt town, lttue ex tended about two luiinli'iil Invitations rvnrv ww wrwvnrw vwwwvrwwwwwwwwvwwn HI. lilt HON" (iiria H ni.d li')-l)ue in.uM si pposj 1h.1t for nn shiuii tin irelcl.irilc.it rub is would hate aetsptesl tin ploioslllon of I'ltlti. Will' rhotllit lbs be I'lols JialoOs tol Hi, -lability in Hit' 1 input- .Ml lor Hie punish-lusi-.i of siiintnalt 11 all those who. duly il ttas to nn ml and ivecnte ilic laws sif Home.' WI11 rl 1 1I1I Ihey hold inn In be sillily nf s l 11 nli, 11-, s "I.i 11 ilr, kind II, 111,1 nt In tils- soil 1 fin t ' Hut Hull pilttt'lty lose suptllnl' III all nil li'rpci t, and tho ineiilful and Just oiler of nleae vis It jilted. M"i cover, it vas dotie bv il.iu-.oi, Iho tl.nnor cf an ctillcil innb lint wculd not li-tui 10 leasun. but wan dcls'inilncd on sl.eddlna; iiiuo. rtnt blood. Tn heijlitcli I lie th.,ine ur.d shon the deptht id their ilipr.itliy time tins 11 try for tho 1'ilrjso of Haiulibas, a nottil irhuliiil, vlio for sidltton and iiiuuUr wa dun Intauu'' aled. This was tho last proof, If snio wcrn nenl nl, that they ill, I not scrl; tu punish nli'tinlort sir to spiro tho innocent, but to aiiomp!th the pun pose ot their wlikeil I nans. lll'TfltY (Vti-ei 20 and Sit Tlilt tnctsed pufeiiico Intestinal the iltslto of the (.oiciiur to deal Justly. . lla nvv plainly, .n any cue iiilht l,ae rein. Hut Iho attuscrs wcio inolt'l to passion and not bt naion. lie, tin a lore, en iIimUiumI In 1 aim the attllatcd uowd and bum; all to a betlir consUi union nf the ca-e. mini, fnliiip i,n cm 1 11. nl uplill iimler 1 litunirl.iuiei 0' puullai und gieat ci'ibairissmiiit. What he sidd is nut rccoidtd. I 'o-j.Ii.1v il W,H Imt hrinl by 1 ny one who toubl hate bciu tho hlstniliu, 01- If lii'.nd il would be taslly fmxottci' In tho 1 . I ti mt nt cf Hie hoi r. I'll, lie had njl'lily Ilu I. lied his rem.uk, indeed he may halo lu-ni liiiiiiupted, wiiiii with one mho Iho multiliide Hied out, "l'i 111 lie Him, uiieilv lllm." Aullil unl asaiu tlio wools wtio iiltiicd 111 Milunie .of fie lent to sllen. p eiery nl'ui wold It w.is H10 tall of Iho Jewish i.ih'jle, insti',ic. by Hie lead ers of the Jewish tl1111t.il. tu put tu sle.ilh Hie I liiUt by Iho nn st Umble nudo kiionn in the heathen world. Tho pent up raso of 11 nation, 11b11k.1l lor sin '.'.V the rlnliss "lie, found i irisiun. lil,MOMIIAN( I', (riwj2) Alttr a while the linwlhii; mob was ejuiit. pihaps wearied bv tlei e.n-rtltin or niivious tu know tbo iiilhieiuo of tin Ir tnitiry iipou him v.hn only had poinr 10 israiit their with (.lohn, i1ll;':). To !il eicdlt hi. it Mid, Pilule was tiumon-'l, piolubly stiruk'thriitil '11 his Eood p'lipo-e. I. II. o, mine Rltbt link u'.'.il'i-t i-.l-.is ti lie , .1 j.ju and I leaks Into fs tut he tteod the if 1,1 ol tho hour, only lent Hun lint unat t Hem -Alio hiiiid, with riiprsiiw cu'iiposurc, lite voices of the noisy inul I'liide. "Whi, whil nil hath lie dmo''? s)iiuie, I'il.ile, win u ho 1 1, ill, I be heard, as if ha would au aloe the ii.titiinuv and t-.anpil .1 Judsjineut in iUI,tiM,ii,r.ir ii.lliir 111 1 11 ;i judxnittit if hate, 'I do kitpei nl Hip law would luiiii; men to Iho bar nl Ju.tlco and leiulud'lheiii of Its huly ie lulieii'iiit., ne, ip liupciutito inn than thosn ,,f deiajnl rellr'oiw 1 in'iiolila'i.ln. "I lino Iniind im laihi- nf ih jili," liu .uhlid, ph'iiJln" Hut Ills id 1 id, ni lilltflit Ik, icpcitisl and Hut he ii'Ulit not t i il.it r Ilu ilaims nf h(s hlli o,' It T'iit I 1 ei w d t le pi ipij-jl to nlea.c, for their coining dance, on Apt II 18, nt Weber's rink, l'list-class inuslu will be ftnnlihcd for tho occenslon by Miss Kiitu Heat ilon, nn accomplished pian ist. The attention of tho cotinellmctt oC the First wnrd Is called to the deplor able condition of tho walk at tho cor ner of Oak ninl Hecond streets, which Is Impassable owing to the continuous How of water ftoin one of tho hydi tints situated thetc. Calvary Baptist church, Kallrond street Uov. 11. It. Hortis, Ph. 1)., pas tor. Services totnotrow nl 10.30 n. 111. nnd ii p. tn.; Sunday school nt :i p. in.; mid-week services Young People's so ciety on Tuesday evening ut 7.00 o'clock; choir practice on l-'rlday even lug; .lunlor Hnptlst union meets on Saturday evening, tho pnstur In charge. All nte cotdlally Invited. Methodist 1-iplscopnl church Uov. C. 11. Henry, pastor; residence, Main street. Sabbath servlcss at 10.00 n. in. and 7...0 p. in., preaching by tho pns tor; Sunday school ut -Mo p. in.! Hl worth league at Clio p. tn. All tiro In vited to these services. Miss Mntnlo Stnlr, of Ptovldence, has returned homo after being tho guest ot friends on Main street. Taylor lodge. No. iW, Independent Order or Odd Kellows, will meet In reg ttlnr session this evening. I'M wit rd Mussleinan, of Hansom, Is vMtlng friends In town. Mrs. William Powell, of North Scrnnton, spent yestetdny as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Havld X. Iicwis, of rirove street. Htiv. C H. Henry, of tho Methodist nplscopnl church, will deliver an orn lion at the Ptohlbltlon banaujt at West Scrnnton on Tuesday evening ne.t. AlOSCOW. Mis. II. 1!. I'llsehksini entertained the following guests at a five o'ctock tin Wednesday: Airs. Mnrgaiet War tlfll,' Airs. Kate Waidcll. Mis. 1,. P. Watts, Mrs. II. S. Watts. Mis. Hell. Mt. CI arles Ilolllster, Mis. Aliinsa Holllslor, Mi. Indian. Mis. II. U Mil ler, Alts. Kelwntd Miller, Mrs. 1'riink WombarUet, Jlltses Daisy Watelell, Agnes Wutts. Mary llollbtor. .Mntnlo Indian, Kninia Indian, IVnil Worn backer. Vesta Walts, Alarjotie Watts nud Miss Curler. Master Franklin Miller and llnlph Wntdell. Mrs. C. )l, Travis anil dauglil'-r, Hoiothy, ate In Stinudsbnrg. Air. William Hinds is slowly Int pt nvlug. Alis. II. (i. Ftiss hkot'M was a vNItsir In noulelsboto yestenlav. Mrs. 13. W . Davis ninl daughter. Hen once, of Hlnihuist, weie visitors hele Wi-ilnodnv. Miss Muj I'lshleninn Is the attest her In other In (soulilfboio. Air. and -Mis. Daniel Sloat. of Seran t nn. have moved in the house loivnily vi.cuti'il by hit ss.n, Kliuer. Mis.. Albeit .Miller Is 111 with ety sl el,i". .Mis. II. II. De IV vi and sou 10 tuineil home from Seiunton yostetday, nfior u "boit visit theie. Mis. II. S. Walts vvai in Sciaiit'iii ye sleiilav. PRICEBURG. Itiv. W. llentley hits uieeptetl the pasiouil thaige of thu Prhnltlve Ali'tlt odlst ehitii h lor the ensuing ye.tr. I'l'imillvo Methoillst church .Mot nltig set vice, public love fenst at lo.lio o'elocl;; evening service al T o'cloi , subject, "The (Trent Question of All Ages." All aie cotdlally Invited to at tend. AIi-s. .1. A. Oakey enlet tallied a num ber of friends nt ten on Thnistlav af ternoon at hoi' home on Main sttcct. Mist Lena Krat t, of (liven Kldge, was a visitor at tho homo of Matilda Schmidt on Thui'Mlny afternoon. .Miss (let nude Wnlkln. of Thronp stieot. attended Hie Simons-Aichcr w eilillug. ut P.lnki'ly, on Tltuisilay evening. Mist .lanel Thonia", of Olyphnnt. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T, Hodg son, on Main stieet. MlNTIAd! (ncs 1. and 2I)-Thi' us ni tie Jei vile dial lo the nUeis nf ni'ii.t and Jusller; Hull- Ileitis vine hot with iiriirmu,, hale. Ati.nn tin- elniior bioko toith .1- In line. Willi loud loiics t In i' filed. "I 1111 lit Hint" liiaduilly Piiatu'it will bloke doun and he tlelsl. e.l. Miilein eciitiulet of oillol-m hale heaps ,1 upon Hie lif.nl of the ruvcnmr lor Ids liual Miniuilii In thu iuijiiil.it t . Hi h.w been .1, uiul in" loWaidhc, 01 Injiidlci', of wealaiess, of mil. nilmlnlstiallou. Why did ho nol siiuiinnii l'ie ssiIiIIlm and defend tlio liniment . Tint was In-, onlv nits initlic, ni.d pioljubly lin ouaht In Iiatp ai),,plid it. And jet Iheie is .1 sllj,lit. apulov lor hiii eoiir,,.. pom- dims pinions!.!' In- ud lii.tiiitilsd Hie (lirco lintililv ol the Jells, 1, wo .11c Infoiiiit'il lu profjiic hUtory, in tho u luot.it of iho en.liins f imii C.es.iiea in Jcnisileiii, lu suh tiding In liU p.iliep Insulptlons to ilu. ties. In the u-u of tho icilcmi'tiii' ions, In the shrufilitir of tho llalileans (l.ukp, iil:l). And lioni Hiiro tlitimisiuneci he had icivm lo leaf liisiuiitllon if he did nu comply. Waliiu; his haiidj In piolcsted Innoieneo (Malt., ,sill:2l) 1 1 its icil Iho detico tlul Dint Jiriis tn the elo.i, Hld.IMlltV (Vei-es SI nnd &.) Two perrons tveio that slay elellieitd by tho Human piiHiiralnr tu the will of the Jens. Ilir.ibb.u, the iiuudci.i, whom tiny hid i-kul to lulldl the custom n( lurdoii, was lehasil In, in pi,ni, mirf,nd to no I'jlth into sisleiy to woik ftiither fill at pleas inc. ami Jems 11,1s turned onr Into the ins tody nt ollUen tni evciutlou. I'm- untc th" Jens luto liiuiiipheil mil' Home, Hie ubtile Is ttieiiieti' than Ilic oftlccK of the Mate, lij:htciiii. licra Is oieiborne by Iniquity, the wlckod j set fieo and tlio s,u,j iniiiKiniicd. The Intida lute turiicd I1.1el.nard on the dial plate of time; ic. llsloii lias pinied u inocktry, and UvlllMtloii ha liecn oiitiaecd. Tin, tiiitlllxlon wn.s onlired In on m- en Mount Calvary, Just ottUhlo the westcin pate of tlio illy. As Hip tufkicr wai led away, hup nrk. of pity npiu-aud In the hcJiti ol the cm uilcs. Weakened by loin? faitlii! throuah tho sleepless nl.dit he lias unable lo bear his tins, as n m usual wltli irimlnaW, and si It wai laid on hlniuii. Imnioilal dlsllnttlon wai Unit given to thli Cjrcnlaii. lIKli.llOilO.N'S-l. This mock trial helne PI. lalo acitilts Jesus of any political intention.. He must take Ills plaeo forever anion; nioijl and icllzloiu toaihers anl lefoimcrs. -. We ocv heio lio .1 man ilolhtd with absolute 'utliotllv may liii.ite; d.cldlns Hut lor tha rlsiit, and ctidln.' at last wllh lint evil. .1. Tho c',iu!iu be ttnen .Ictin nnd llaiabbas is the ,imt nhuli U piososed tu mankind In all the lei.turii,, luincl between blelu-; and c ursine. It Is somitlilni; wnise, liowcnr, niter ,Ieus was vejccte'l tint wo ninl lime n-en Ills Klory and Known Ills ptui should wjcit lllm. s. Here Is illustrated the mournful tiluwiili o! pjrslstent vlikuluers onr liitdliuliig uuKni'M-a double waiidui:, Unl In thu wajivard, and net to lho,o tluntcd with ulllil.il trust. 3. TTiero men who cried "ciuclfy'' weie lij sulking contrast wllh tho.se who ,1 few cl.ijs 1'i'foru honied "hosannj." Wo mutt e put lo eiicsiuiiter bolli lilcnJi and Iocs, Human. wl.dc'111 ik Willi the tide, It talcs u rlions man tn pull nil the slnain, it, Pilate lelcJird , the nuirdeiir and "iidei ined the uiioui THE FAME OF ME. RUPPERT HAS NIJVER 1JKKN EQUAI.l.KD 11 V ANY OT1IKR COMI'LliXIOK SPECIALIST nr.Mj. ... sjWtV-SXh The most imitated woman in the world Tin: IJlst.o i.pi.R MME. A. acfi!. aee V'Wt Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Docs not cover up but removes the blemish. ace oleach BRIfillTIiNS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION It Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders tvilh a Bad One, ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. elbsolulely Harmless and cllivays Successful. Drop In st'.J ssk lo hsie Atme. Kuprcn's Face Bleach sliosn to ou, snJ htte lis merits, manner of utlnjr.nJ itonJerfel results explained, su jou nil! be sailsfitd It Is ulist ou need for your completion. Wo always rarrv it full line nf Mine. A. Ituppert's (Iray llnir Restorative, H:yptlaii Halm, Almond Oil Cnniplc.xion Soap .mil Hair Tonic. Call mid Ii.iip tlitdr merits t-tplitlni'il tu you. Ahk toi Mini Knp.irrt book, " HOW TO "G URAUT1FUL." FREE. Jonas Long's Sons SOLE RAILROAD TIME TABLES. XehlgH Vnlley Rnihontl. In l:iTeel Vlii.h 1 Kill Tl ilus leatp Sir.ilili.ii I 01 I'liilailelphla nml en Voik ' i.i 11 ,v I P. II, ut (1 IS and II J', a. in , .ilt-l ' I-, i ' llllatk lii.-iiuoiid r.vptts-). atid 11.1 i. m, siM dais. Il ,". ll.Jl II.. 1 is, 'j; ,,. fur W bile ll.mil, II ili (on utni ulii, ,i,l , ,in-s in the in.ll riLihinJl, in. Il ,V II. J: It , i I ,. J Is mil I ; i. lu. I in l'i Mstillp. I"7 i ii. 1'iir llflhlehem, Hnlnn. Ileadimr. II irii.ln.i . ale I iiiuiiial nils iniodl il- siaiious s.t ) , It It., fi.C.. II.-.", a. in . ' Is. I.-; diiack in. i ion! Kvinivs), II I'll m s.ul,,iaa , A n 1!. II , l..'.. S.S7 p m. I'm Tiitikliaiiuoik. To i.iihIj, r.lmlia. III. a. i. fouri a and nliiilnl iiileiiuiiliatp -i,,ti,ni. II, I.. A W. II. It.. .f a. m : l ic m, : i, 1 1. in. Tor fls'iicu, lloshrsler. lluffaln. ucirj r.ill (hiiacn nnd nil points nest, il.i 1, ,t, , ( . II.S'i a. in.. ::.n; lll.uk liiamcnd l.vinessi. ; i.' in. II, ll.tai p. in Mu.ib.vs. II. ,v li, i: I-11.5-1, S.27 . m I'liilnian pulni ,,i;,l -li i plr.tr or ,i-h ah V ill ji.tikiis cats on all lulus hclncon Wllke. Ilm, and New Yoik, l'lilladelplila, llnilalo ami u I'ti -ion Uildirp. 110I.I.IX II. Wlt.liri!. f.sn. upt , :'., ( ,,i., i sin it. Ne'e York C II VIII. IS . l.lli:. (.ni. 1'a.s. Vul . -.I, I 'mi l.ui street. New Yen I;. A IV. NONNT.MM IICll. Int. I'a-s . Vijl . s,,i, ll'lhlilKtii, Pa. I 'or llckels nud Pullinin le-eit itiot s J'.:.s I,. Su1) l.ackawauna ateiuie, Sciauloii, I'j. Delnwate, Lncknwnnna nnd Western. In 1'lTeit ll.'f. 2. PXKi. Ssintli Leave S. 1 ..nl mi nu New Voik .it I til, ,1,01, SSO. l.i) and loir, u m.j I.'.-,-,, sa. p. in. I'or Phlladelildj at S f .1 and 1(1.01 j, m a.-,j and 3..'!.! i. lu t'01 -.tioudslniie; nt Bin p 111. Milk 11 toinliiodil ion al t,.iu i. 1,1, Vnlte m Hobsiktti al I, ai. 7 1. Id J, lj.ns, ,11,-,, j.j, 7.11) . ill. Anil' at l'lill,iilil,hli nt 1 IH. .".', 1100 and S.2J p. M. Anile Iroiu Sew Voik al l.in. I.is! nml I0.'.!.i 1 in.: I in. 1 v. ,-, 13. r. 1-, ami 11. a) p. m, ITcui Strnud-buia: at 'Hi .1 n. Xoith l.i.ile Siralilon for llull.du mil inlet tnedliite stations nt I.I.', 4 In and !.! 11. 1.1 , l.CJ, 5," .mil ll.!' t. ni. I'm (Isneuti .it.il -u 1. e.t'o at I VI a. 111. and I. i'i p. ill. 1'or I 1 , 1 ,.1 1,10 a. in. and 1 .'' p 111. I m Monli is,- m ii.du a. in.: 1 0" ni.d 1 I p- m. rur Niiliol- .11 at l.tsl and 0 l p. 111. I'or llliiihitnioii nt lu.jii j. m, Vi. ilip in "crinloii irom HufTiilo at 1. 'i, ,,, ", -, and lPOu j. in.; :',,;,o and .saj p. m. I'lom lit tn 1.11 and --ti icit.e tit -J i- a. ie.: 1.' "s (i,t() sij p. in. ITom I in a at -j "i"s j. 111.: I'.'.'N ami .i p. 111. I is. ni N'liliislsoii ut 7.'.0 a 111 .n-il i..ii 1 111. ITi in 51 ititnss' at in in) a. 111.; ;,, ju ami - it; p. in. Illooin.buiic Illusion I earn Sunnm ,,, Voilluunbtihiil, .11 ii.l'. IIMV, a. m.. l.Ti mil .VM p. in. 1'or riniotiih ot l.fi3. .111). - ,ai p. 111. Pur i;iiu.ton .1 S.ltl a 111. Vnite at Niuili. iinilicilanel at ' !)' a. m : I.I'1. 'Wl and S.Cs 111. Snivp at Kii.n-ion ul ,",) a. 111. 11ne .11 Pli'moiith nt -.'.iiO. I U. t 11 111. Vnlte In Seiantcu fiom Nnillituiilieiljl.il al (' U a. lit.; U .l"i. (..Vl and s fi p 111. 1 1 0111 Klinjslnp nt 11.00 n. in. I'roiu l",ti isiitilt nt 7..M u. in ; 1 .'11 and .T.!"( 11 tn t-l 'HVV lllVIX.s. Pontli--! eat N-iiintoti at 1.10, Il.iVi, ,-,,7), 10,1,1 p. in.: :i:m und .1.41) p. m. Noilh-beats' Mtaulon ai 1 li. 1.10 j in. j 1.4', 5.1s nud 11 '5 p. in llloonirlmitr Hiilsl.ui I.eaie sti.il.lon at pitij a. 111. nnd n.nO j in. Erie nnd Wyomlnp,' Vnlley. 1 me 1'al ip In I te. t , lit 17. 1 flu Tialns liu llisil"i aim 1 mil uui. ,' ,lin, t ln. at llai'lev 11 Mb 'ale lallinad tor s .1, Ncwbtiiu sinil inn 111, ul. it jininis, Is,., , : 1 ton at 7.05 a. 10 ami - -1 p in Train 1 anise, at inutoti al b 10 a in in I 0.10 11. in. All Points West CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY fHK IJIih'l' OK UVr.KVTIIINC Through traln.1 Chicago to )cs Moines, Mason City, Sioux City, Omaha, 'Ihe Iliad; Hills, lcnvcr. Salt Lake, ban Kraneisco, Los Angeles, Portland, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutli, Ashland and Copper Country. Call on any agent for tickets or address sjcif Broadjag Ntw rsi- 433 Vint St., Cincinnati lOtSmHnflJSt.,ritttliirg )4 Sunn lor SI., Cnmani IT Canipus Varfvs, Pitrolt (01 Cll t St.,PHIadthMa SIS Iryasn.'agtci 51., Soilo 301 Haln St., Bagjlt 312 Clark SI., CAIcajo IKIngSt.JatlJwntt.Ont, . tiVWxf . For thirty year.; a successful career op Each Ui.rAeti RUPPERT'S leach AGENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule In Effect May 27, 1900. Ttnlns leave Seinntou, D. & H. Station: U.45 a. m., week dnys, fop Sunbuty, llai'iisbtu-g, Philadelphia, Balti 11101 e, Washington nnd for Pitts burg and the West. 0.03 n. m., week days, for Hnzleton, Pottsville, Heading, Korrlstown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun buty, Hnnlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg nnd the West. 2.18 p. 111., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) lor Sunbuiy, Harrls bmg, Philadelphia, Bnltlmoie, Wnshlngton nnd Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Heading, &c, week days. '1.27 p. in., week dnys, for Sunbuiy, Hnzleton, Pottsville, Hnnlsbuig, Philadelphia nnd Pittsburg. J. U. WOOD, On 1'11. Act .I II lHTl'IIIV'-ON-. den. Jlsr. Delaware and Hudson. In I lb t Not J'i, l' 'lulus for ('nlMiinl tie leato Sinnlon ,H g '0 7.5... sslt. I'l 1 ' in. : I I.'i. .'. 1 1, jlj; j .,,' I '.'. 7.57. '' I''. It '" P- '" I-'1' a. 111. ' ' I'or lii.irilile--i.'.'t. I'l.': a in.; '.'. and 5.JJ '''loi-' Wilkcs-ltaiie 1.13. 7.1. Ml, f.H, iii 11, Vi .1. 111.; l.'Js. Is. a-kl. t.27. (kit), 7.1. 10.11, ll.it' p. "t- 't.s I.. V. II. II polsii. U. I-J, II. 13 s. 111,: '.'is t.,7 and II. .J' P m I'm- Peiiii.tliiilila I!. It. poIlits-0.1, 3,,-s -m : 2 1 and I J7 11. in. I ,.i- Vlbiiiy and all paints north -('i.2u a. nt, and ." "J p. Ul. -d-MUi 'I I! MV.. lor ( nibordab li.lv). It.,.! a. m. ; 2., , 5.17 I') 5! P. 111. 1'or WTIks-llna- ti K II. V. a. 111.: I.3-, .1 -J 0 :', S.27 i. m. lor Mbany and pnlnls noiih .i..'..' p. m. I'or lloiiisikile O.KI i. lu. and ."..li 11. m. Icmest laiis. to all point. In t'ulted .'stales anil ( at .ida. .!. II. llfllPirii. (! P A . Vlhinj. V, V. II. W. ( IIO. I. I'. A., N-iJiiloii, Pa Ceutial Hniltond of New Jersey. Slalieii in NsW Voik loot of l.lheilv li,'t, S. II , nud fssuitli l'i 111. TIMi: TVIII.r. IV IT'I'I I T NOV. 21, Ifus). Tiailis luin Ninnieii f"i" Nitt oik, .Neturk", llisl-th Phil nl li'hla. I.i-imi, llellileheni. VI. IniioiMi, llaiuli ' honk and While linen at ...'ii .1. 1 1 npiisr, 1 I": i-pn", .!1i) p. 111. fiindats, J.15 1 1. in. I'm Plli.ts.ti and VM'kisltiire S.ffl) j. m .n ond T.50 p. in. 'imt. ". '-'.l'i p. 111. lor li. Milium and W uhiii.-tou, and point, Isiiuih and VVe.t tli llethlihem, Sai .1, m, ,i) ..li I ."i.Vi 1 1. m. h-tmdns. 2.1", p. m, I'or lainir lli.nis.lt. Usean (Irnie, etc., at J. 11 a. m. und l.bl P- in. I'oi Its.iihiij.. 1 1I1 1 'i iid Hull-bins;, ila Al. Iiiitnttii. 0 a 111 and J. In p. 111 Mindjii, .' 11 p. in I'.n- p tin ill, , ,11 ,, m jo 1 I. in p in. Tt111.111.l1 1 . k t, , 1 II p t- east, roulh ant m .t ,1 Ii , -I 1 , m 1 11 rut inn II P II tl.ristlN, ( en Pan Bi I II til HAITI'S, Ucn hiijit Time Curd in 1'flret Ore notli, IOOO, SCRANTON DIVISION. i27) 206 SOI 80J aoti SW fFsii BTATIONS J J 1 Vr N.Y .VV'lMKt.l.T,1 list iPJil I 1 M 00 I PM PV 1 06I8O . MM is . 5 If J ll:r. siici .; us 11 .. IMI2I ... MI0 ... 1015. lot Ar. faslosls . .Lt.I in 10 OtsS " Usui sjek . " 10 SI S . in ni an .1011 lit . . .1000 iiu II M 1 1 ,VS minis 11 mi 1 in ntslll't.1 ... Pit enlist ... 84) tmilKO Mssrlisrht .PlsrtoilT-lirk. ' . .WIiiiscishI, , 'S .t'sijntnie. . " tlrhoii... . ss llMtMMll Ml, " Ulilonilsslst,. ss SWIM .lori-.l tltj-.. " .. s las (3 Csiholiilals) Yd " I HI 8 til i'l .tailionililn " ooi Mill IV I, I,- 1,..,.... .. I-"'. ....etuivw " . .est 'ioiii 11 . 6 PI1 '1 0111 II " . 6 28 SMItlM " . AM JS .VI II su . AM s.mii 111 ' . 8 18 SHUI.'s: . Oil, S.III1K, ' ... nil! si-iiuM -. .109 sitinn -....sw, saiiuiv " Sra.sa.'imt ni ..mm mi.i PMj IM 1'' "Uinvili,,,', ,f US Mistlteld Ysl JC.1J mil .'is 1 t llrld ;ma lie 01 Jprmtii 'MS 110 U " I US II I ID " 7 IIS MS 12 lt:s (86 ft ' 7mJ.l " T.111 jtjir " j "-11 Hill " :i Hsu? Ar mi toe it, IM PM PVl Alellluld IV'inlsin I'srktllle. Oil I limit I'rUtliiuv 'Jliros-p Piotl'lsme I'uik I'lntss . bi'litntcli E Jar I s.H V.MItions! Irslni Irsrs rsrlsMidsli. far Mi-nt-M Vir4 iltViiiiis-xniit fcuii.liy si.d7li0piiii,sinilii only.triiih 1 iitn"i.l iirinoun.isii.Hojriii ' 1 ii.Uti,.sslirJiiilirHrr.nionsi:o)riiiliaiielysnW. itei.piiio slim mi 1.1 , i',, stilsMtiiiimiii 7iir'is, su. mit bam M.ilirl.t Vanl lor 1 srsvauVitVliair stall) arrlvinnttsrtwni!alitNMaiu. "v"" ""' '" Jtutcs 'J cent pee mlltt. -t l.oneit Jtntcs to nil I'nlnts fVail. i, C l-NOCRSON, J, l". WCllH .'laTI'MfrAfnt 1is.IM. .SfwYmkiit;, ntsiilu,rcs. , 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers