,K',,,.?. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY. MARCH lo, 1901. V' V "r" tfHit"" rubllAhfd Dallr. K'pt Sunday, l.y The Triji. Vine Publishing Company, at Mlly CinM a Month, LIVY S. IIICIIAItD, I'lltcr. 0. r. BVMIKF.. llilslneat J1iii(er. New Yorl. Office. 1.-0 .Nj-W MJKKIiAN)i Sole .taenl for lureigu AJtitling. Lnlerttl it Ihe Po'lofflre il S rantun. Second Claw Mull Halter. Pa., at When pee will peniitlt The Tilbnnf It nlwa.u lad to print short lelum Irura lit ttlenilt U. ins on niricrit loplm, lul lit till" it tint theej mini bo tlgneil. (or pulilli aliun, by tlie will" ml name: ml the condition pre cedent ' .' rcntaiicr It (hat all tonlrlhullons -lull bi- mil J?l lo editorial revision. Tin; ki.xt iiui; rou .0F.1mMMi. Tlii lollowlnc table how 1 1 e pike per Imli mil in-cition. rpjii' In hi- ucd within one )i-r: IImii f iM.tliiiebiil Full Dt-PI,n I'jper Heading Position 1(m linn ftnn inihrV I .:::, I .:'- .il I .21 ' .I7 ' .1" , .17 i .lew ! ,M , I' fam It, t Lot .... 1Vii " won fcmm ' ,i: For cardie ot thanlit. resolution ot ioncliliici and similar icntrihiitioiii In th" ntui nf ml vertlsiner Hie 'Iilliuna tnaktii a charge ot 6 eeult line. Unlet (or (lat-ifted AdieillniiK furnished in application. TEN PAGES. SCRANTON. MARCH IS. 1001. There Is never h piesiliiif ileinnntl for a ballot lcfonn bill Hint In not o l.rteil lo Rive the fellow not In olllci: thp advantage. Stand Up. MI'i'lI titoinlinMiec bus ln-en Klvrn to the fact thai a number of nifieliHiiti In Wllkes-Tlnire have .sent a petition to .1. T'lerpont MuiK.in iisUIiik bint lo uw hi Inflttcnee to protect the beautiful "Wyoming vnlley fiom the horror of another miners' strike. The business men of Vllkos-13nne hae It In their power, to nn extent tieilmps even Greater than IIh within the power eentereil In J. l'leriiont Morgan to protect their ronmiiinlty themselves against the ravages of uncalled for strikes. They inn use their Inlluenre Intelllffcnlly lo illscoutnge the deina Koglcnl llteintute anil nrulmy .ei com mon In the pri'limlnai v stages of a general strike. They can refuse to be bulldozed by (bleats of boycotts put fntth usually by im-n wliom they would not cnuilo In their own stotes or shops under any elrrunistances. They can decline to give eivdlt to pro fessional fomenters of mischief or lo have dealings with men or Institutions clearly Inimical to the general welfare. A little wholesome Anglo-Saxon cour age on the pint of business ineii, and for that mm tor. all other men who be. lleve in equ.il Jnsllie nnd fair play, put forth at the judicious time, to form tic nucleus of a public sentiment hostile lo the arrogances of tin stilke spit It nnd emphatic of the fad that the abetloi of an unjustifiable Kit Ike Is one or society's wotst enemies, would do much to prevent .the necesjiy for ."tiding pelltlons to New Votk when tilings look squally In Wilkes-IJatre or S. ranton. In spf. of the ptedlcllons of the melancholy, the city of Scranlon win ptobably be liouilshlng nftei most of lis ate dead. The Guffey Ballot Bill. rllKItlC AISK good and bad points In the Huffey ballot icfoini bill. The abolition ot Hie party cltcle Is a vicious point. It proposes to xubject seventy- the per cent, of the voteis to iucoti enlence in ballot-niuiklng In older thai a small mlnoilty of independents may be. not benefited, but simply giatl Med. The parly cltcle should be e liiincil. It Is an ait of Justice and fair play to parly organization. My the trims of the Km lit bill fusion Is blocked bv limiting each candidate to one party designation no matter by hmv many or what patties be was nominated. The (itiffey bill compels designation to the tight of, each fundi line's name, "of the party or parties" by which ho was nominated. This Is fair. Fusion inn be illsi-ouiaged by public education but It cannot be out lawed. The fourth would not for one moment sustain a ballot law that pin hiblted the nomination of one candl date bj nioiu than one p.uty. The tight to IiirlniFe 1 co-equal with the light lo nominate. It cannot be sup piessed while manhood lenuins lly the lei ins of die duifev bill no lielper at the noils shall ai-shi more than ilnee voters at one election and lu i. ich case tbcie must be either ph. tal disability nppMteut to the ojricrs of election or the titer must swear Unit he cannot ie.ul or wilte Knglish, The Fiieht bill, on the other ham), pin ldcs that each puny shall lime an iilllcl.il helpei at the polls and the pio- Non Is tlaiigeious. Ii the terms of the (iuffey bill Hi,, appointment of overseers of election Is PPynuueni ot overseers of election Is -TpvilK FINAXCIAL statement .ade mandatory up.,., application ,y i I f Hie t.ustces of the Fill etltlon. II ,eads that whenever (en X ve.hllv of Pennsylvania Mr it lie or moie citizens of any eountv, dtv ......I I.I.. .....rl. .... 1 I.t.. .... . I . (.in, ti.,i,H,i, in iuuiimiii. nve 1)1 wuoin snail ne citizens or the election district, petition lor the appointment of oveisecis, II shall be the tlulv of Hie coin t of fommon pleas, upon such petition being presented, to ap point two Judicious and Intelligent cltl zeus, leslillng within tin; munty. but who may icslde within or without the election district fiom which the peti tion has been piesenled. It further ptovldes thut the over seers appointed hhull belong lo differ ent political purtjes, mid overseeers shall be qualified to serve upon elec lion bniiida ami shall have the light to be present with the ollhers of yuld election ilurlnsr the time the, hum i held, the voles counted and the re turns made out and signed by the elec tion olllcers and keep u list of voters If they see pioper, und to challenge any pei sou offeilng to vole and luteiiogute him and his witnesses under oath In legurd to his right of sulfruge at said election and to examine his papers pro duced; ami the ofllcers of said election are reijulred to afford lo suld over seers, no selected und appointed, every on.-wnl4nce und facility for the dls- chat ire of their dutlm, nnd If election oltleeri Khali refiwe to permit said oveieers to be prenent nnd lo perform their duties as nforeiiflM. such nnlcer or olllcers shall be guilty of a misde meanor, and on conviction Iheieof Hhull be lined not Hxceedlng II.OiM) or Im pilsoned not exceeding one year, or both. In the discretion of the couit, or If the oveiseers shall be driven uwny from tho polls by violence or Intimida tion all votes pullet 111 such election list! let may be lejected by the proper tilhtltml dying u contest under said election. This Is acceptable to believ er In honest elections. No safeguards can be too strinttent ugeiliDit fnuidil dent voting and counting. I'tider Hie piovlslons of the Clllffey bill, live citizens, by petitions charging that fraud has been committed, nnd specifying the district, aie milllclent to have ballot boxes of the district opened and the letutn Judges ate commanded lo older the ballot boxes produced for the put pose. In order to ascertain the truth of falsity of the charges made. In this respect the bill Is an Impiove ment. l'rosloti Is made In the Guffey bill for punishment of the petson or persons caught soliciting votes 'by promising to give any money or oilier vnlunble con sideration, and for police olllcers who keep within one hundred feet of the poll, unless for the purpose of voting or ervlng a watiant. This is a necos sllj. of law which custom very gener ally nullifies. But It should be enacted and wheiever possible enforced. Thus It can be seen that the Guffey bill has some excellent points. It may well be ndonled with the one proviso thai the paity circle shall be retained. Tlic-ie Is no question s to the gen uineness of Mr. Carnegie's expres sions of go.ul will toward l'ittsburff. A complimentary letter accompanied by n $:,000,000 check certainly hath the ling of sincerity. Senatorial "Face." KVF.BAL DAS ago Senators Piatt and Depew declared through the newspapers that If the president should ap point Colonel W. C. Sanger, of New Voik, usxlhtntit secretary of war, as b had been lequested to do by Sec retary Hoot, they would light llbe nomination when It came to Hie sen ate for confirmation, and the Inference diawn fiom the tone of their remarlo. especially from lhoe of Senator Piatt, was thai they would teach the presi dent a thing or two concerning the ninjesly of senators and the danger of nulling senatoilal feeling". To understand (bis matter properly. It i.4 necessary to know that Colonel Sanger, who is a gentleman of Inde pendent means and one who has made milltaiy affairs a special study for years, tialns in Kmplie stu'e politics with what Is known as the anti-Platt crowd, lie wns a member of the legis lature which elected Piatt senator, and lie showed bin Independence by b"Ing cue of Hie four membeta who voted In the caucus for Mr. Piatt's oppon ent, .loj-eph IT. chofile on a later uc cuoti he rl'irod to tun in one ot the state senate dlsttirts against a Piatt candidate and came within an ate of being elected. Seoretaij, Hoot had known Colonel Sanger for years. They weie on teims of the closest intimacy. Itoot had all possible confidence InSan ger's nbllitv. trusfwoithlness nnd spec ial adaptability for the place, which Is a pocnllaily confidential one. He recommended blm lo the president, be llelug thut it was ptoperly within bis piovitne to choo'.p his chief deputy without political or factlonul Interfere-in e and without reganl to th" per sonal pieferences or animosities of particular hcuatois. We see by the telegraphic dispatches thut the president has upheld his sec- telary of war In this rase, and It ie niiiliis to be heeii whether the New Voik senators will draw an stte und wage a fight. If the olllce had been one concerning New York btute espec liillv. sBiiatoilal tradition would have ln-en on the senatois' side. It is not cotiildeied the proper thing- by fenatoi i lor Hie piesldem oi a member of bis cebltiM to select a postmaster of the pi evidential class, a revenue collector. Fulled States dlslilit attorney or other ltdeial appointee cbargable against a state's quota without (list having had consultation with the svnatois or one of the senators fiom thut state. But It Is win thy cf notn that Colonel Sau gei's appointment Is virtually u cabi net appointment, dun gable not against Ni w Yolk's quota, but virtually per tonal mi the part of the tecietary of v. u r If he Is noi to lnie the choice oi Ids own most conlldeiitl.il lieuten uiil. the executive department bad bet ter be abolished and the wliol gov ernment tin ned over to the senators foi snb-dh Islun. Senator Kmery's appoi tioiinieut scheme Is liable to be legauled In the light nf a bunco by the repiceuta llM fiom Susquehanna and Wayne, Treat It Liberally. the year ended Aug. Ill lust iiteieMlng. The Income of $I,0j7,- UuVjS cam" from tuition and other fn, $s-.,iV.,.,.84: Income fiom Inwst inenls applicable to expenditures. tu -:ii:i.05; and tlonallons, S.'.uO.ii'l.T". The expendltutes of the year umounteil to !,iiS9.9G7.:it. divided as follows: IMuca tlonal woik. rli.l0:'..SS: liospital mnln leiiunce, Jl;'I,S78.C'i: and puichase ot ground and conslinetlon of buildings, J12."i,,St.7:i. In other words, the fixed chaiges exceeded the Income "f tlie unlxersiiy by $137,1 Jii.GS. An energetlo Mollfltuilnn of donations was ueiessl tuled to make ends meet, to say noth ing of now buildings or extensions, The Fnlverslly of Pennsylvania Is happy In having u board ot tiustees, faculty und geneiul body of nluihul who ar.i not buckuiud In pursuing the possible, dollar for Ihe sake of the cause. But thflr Ilnic might well be spared for other purposes It this necessity could be obviated, The piesent legislature will make no mistake In dealing lib erally with this splendid Institution, The persistence with which Mr, Knitter holds on to )il money buss and lefuses to sanction the surrender s of his starving followers under Gen eial Botha shows that he Is possessed of the real stuff necessary In the com position nf the modern patriot. The ptopused polfcou bill, If passe., will make It necessary hereafter for the purchaser of any other than the standard snake-bite remedy lo -'.nt whether It' Is n case of todents or un requited love. There seems no reason why artificial ly colored butter should not nlso be placed upon (he tabooed list. The Mormons are willing to nbnU Ish polygamy, but not the polygs. mists. Oleo of any other color would taste as greasy. Outline Studies of Human Nature "Ed Wales" Equal. WHB.S (he Pilnte of n made Ida tour r.r (he Moles in 1SV lie Uslled Ualtlniore on liU return from Itkliinond, a., and va eacorted from Ihe t'lmtlen ftallori lo (he Cllmor Home li. (he City lliiatd., then Ualllmore's iijiW milltaiy nrcanlalln. Ctslonel Jne War nor, lii tinnnumletl Ihe Cuitih, wa a blurt old vddler, lnlrnely iiieiirjn, with moat pro fiouniril flemocMtlc Iile.ii. Mtrr Ihe baKallon trarliod Ihe hotel Mnnr Swann, who had the prime In charxe. InUled Ihe otfleera Into the hotel pallor lo lie Introduced to lilt rojal hlali liixt. Of ro'irae, (,'olonel Warner waa Ihe Ural to he n honoietl. Aihaneina; tonanl (tie rrinte he gnuped hit ntilMreldied hand, and, irhins: il a x-tffm'Otit iihaVe, exclaimed; "Mr. W'al, 1 am ery happj to make jour arnuilntancc. fclr!" The oflitert of Ihe fiuaidt alood ashajt at ttilt ettieme cordiality on (he part of their com mander, and an aniuaed etpre-alou come over the faie o( the prime; but, cbinfc the colonel n vlarorout a shake a he had reccbed. lie ood. luimorcdly exp'rtaed hi pleasure al (he compli ment paid him. I 'pon the leiurn of the (luarda to (heir armory Major l.loyd Parka, tilio entertained entlrelv dif ferent e notions of etiqiielte from lua colonel, look him to (ak for liU bntquenc. Colonel doe Ilttenttl In Mirpiie ar (he lebuko of his uti ortlilialc, and hen he had concluded he uld: "tW'e here. Lined, I took J liking; to that jt.unic fellow; there' not lilncr of (he aristocrat about dim. Why, he doen't wear a better hat than I tlo. It may be aome day he'll be t Vlrir, but ao Ionic at lie's In thene Kiat llnlWil Matet he't Ktl Walet and I'm .loe WaniM. Philadelphia liecoid A Matter of Poor Judgement. AM'.(,1 lOTr.S of tin' new aoeieiirn tif lir-Jt llritoin lll iloubtletn be popular for oiiie time to lome al le.,at mull ihe now 11 of hit .ixe-lon slull have tmii ii"a.i, rehitet a In don new-popor. tlioit time iro he nas htm Ins al J filentl't lountii- plate ill the v.rt of l.iiuljinl, Mlieic, .-11110118 (hi! nut''', "at a some taint conulled, ,lr.iil lated and interfering tier Sman. Kiiterlng the lillllardioom one inornlnt; nhoHly after lueakfavi tlie paron found his roval hlghni-M deeplT lnteieted In a rporllng pajier Inttead of tetirlna: at once, aa any man of tact ttould li-c done, (he cleigyu.an forced liimclf vpon the prince. "Micht I ak jour hlihnett if sutli a paper nt .vim me trading lenllj inlereitti. jou'" said he. "I am Mil In Ihe Uat.lt. sir, of readine, what doet nut Inteicni lue." sjld the prince, cerj- rigidly, and (hen lurneil ajain to Ida paper. lhe pal-sun, howt'ier, determined to hae hit aav. irnllnurd In komewhal draiualio lone of volte: "llon'l w iluiix, our roi.il hinhn.i.1., that hoiaeiacim; ami bellinR arc n incit t-urkc to (hla lounii.v? Vh what noiild yom lojal hlglineu think of a iiihii (slat, once a filenil of inln'O v.ho hwt iC10,(rt IbroiiRli bctling? He (old inn hiniM-lf (hat he tieri won Jilft) In his life throusrli tut king horet. Whit would jour rojal li'KhnfM think of such a man!" The prince. tllKintcl, aid eiy quietly: "Whit d.i I think of null a uijiii Well, 1 will till mi, 1.I1 1 think him 11 michty bad Jii'lt of horM-tlc-li!" Practical Side of a Loudon Divine. AI.OSDOV NKWSPAI'KIt Kbes Hilt pen and ink i-kekh of the H.'i. .tolm McNeill, Ihe famous preacher uf London; "Many would like lilin to icmcmljer (hat h" wat cducatetl al a uiiliriMly and furgei (hat he ome worked on Ihe raiiujv. Hut .lohn tleet nut forget it. He it atlll, now thai be I1- amou-. throughout tne norld, (he aaine hoiiii-lf, heaiti, chaunlnKly blunt and perilnu-.lv bank .lohn Mi N 111, 1I10 told nil way llckt-tt behind the liltlti window In (irrrnoiV. r.iilivay station neatly thlity .mm is oro. He be trail lite aa a (.atihoi i,l a ullujy 1 lining, and Ihe ttoiy it told that one daj, after he l.atl a idled for a better plai e, an nflklal put lilt head out of (he (lain and thoutt-0: ' "re j 011 the joiiiir- man vho consldcit blm .elf too irood for bi filiation'' '.lohn Naid he wa. and be wat promoted to Ihe booklm; ofltte at (i'renot k. He has preached on cvny continent. lie hat held an audience of lO.DUO nlKlitly for weeht at th Agrlcultiinil Hall, in London, and he hat pleached to a e-lil -Clin; little Rioup of fmli on (he lop if the obiervatoiy on Iten Neils, He preached then at near lo lifaviii as any man can Rot in llrltain, lull (here aie good people In the woihl who,aie not at all sure dial hcaun will be hit home. One of Ihciu was traiellng In a Rlatgov (rain with him th" other dn, and, attrr askincr him If he Mat John McNeill, said- " 'Do you think tui are colnz to heaven?' " "I do.' tiki .lohn, luil 1 v wild rather 1:0 to (.'newxk rln-t.' " Not Practiced in Lying, H I' .Ol' lieaul the tory about the jimng man in the peuilou nlhee who well, if you haien't heaid it, heie it it. He it buying a hou-e on Ihe iiiatallinent plan, al a town tome wheie between Hilt am Tlaltlmore, and lilt dear little Mite Hies out then. Il it hit wont (o 1 ome ill ciily of a moinlii;, and In go out aKiln on (lie o.SO train, when hi day' work II done. A lew daia aro he mei an old fileud from Chliaco. md jlelduuc 10 the rntreatiet ot that old friend, he dei Idrd to pend Hie eienlnc In town. He at m afiat.l wltle could feel hurt If the knew that he lud deliberately planned an iMMiinn' good lime ullhout cnuutlns: her in lhat he manfully iiKolieil to tin die her. c lorilliiwl). at he tame away fiom the ottUe, he wenl ( a telicraph ofriie and unit thin mersace lo her; I n.iiui J il.l.i- ilt-uitird. Misted 9.TO (rain. Will be nut lalei." Il wat u Rieal ileal latri when he leailied hit happy home. Wlfie met him at the door, and lliire was u look in lier ne that eiery 111.11 1 led man h'Jin lo know and lii-tlnt tl el.v ilnjil. "llhl jou icet my inc.jte, precloutl" he ,ked, at he kiawd Iter lendirl, lioldimr hit bieath iiieaiiuhlle at a piet jutlonary meature. "Ve, dtar," slie made anwei, ami when a woman call her hiiiluml "deal" that way you 1 .111 ml loo.e from ihe weather bmeau and pru;notliate 1 few llilnita 1111 your own hook. "ri, dear, I lerilied Mini meai;e. Iliue it U." 'Iheic- it w.it, tuic euouuli. Il waj inaiked an plain at plain tould he, "Itecelted at t.'.'.t. " lie hadn't tluiuiht of Hut Wa.hlnutoii I'.-wt. Stimulating Effect of a Lecture. AI'I.U YKIW oito Mr. Holber wat Imlted to iMbrr a Ictlui'e In SI. Paul and .Mlnnea. pnllc, Minn , befoie ihe uiiii;,' .Men't (.'lirl.tlan ttnrlatioii Lyieuiii. In eacli city the hall wat cioudvd wherein he apuke. tome fifteen bundled jocni men atlcndlnir, lilt lopk wa,t "Chiniet for ouiitf Men." "That." stld Mi. UolUcr, "wat a faioillu tople Willi tue. I liclieied In joiwk men ami likld to talk with them, knowing lull well (hat If one can xtli Hum up to eneit-y and auiblt'on lie It tloh.ir .1 firatid work in Ihe world, "Well, I have not rhangtil 111 opinion third the ilellurj of tlut In line; but when I got baik In Wathlnulou In legume my couiiremloiial tin. (lea, a week later, I beiiaii lo heal frum Ihou particular jouuar men. I.itlera beirau to pour In on me. They tame lu buuehet of two und I line; then In dozen and finally in basketful, llury hi. Paul and MlmieapulU jounar man .who bad lieaul me tleilare thai (hit It the jouiir p cn't auf wiote (hat be fully united with ni and aiked me to Ktt him u government oUS" ooooooooooooooooo The Peoplle's Exchange. A 1'OPtJI.AH OI.KAIHNO IIOUSK Mr th ' "Benefit ot All Who Have Homes lo , Rer.t. Heal K.lite or Other I'teneflT to Sell r Eirbanne, or Who Want bituatlont or 1 Help Thete Small Adyertlmcnl Coct 1 Ona Cent a Word, EU Inaertlont for Vivo c;entt a Wcrd-Kicent Slluitiom wanccu, niuea Ar inserted free. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Help Wanted Male. aciivi: mav nv 1, Mini: MVMTAtni'RIN'l houap! tWKl III r.1h pild for 12 da.ie' trial, pioniotlon and imminent iKuJtlon if ta((at(ory. AddreM (i. II. P. Co., Hot 10'J7, Philadelphia, IM. HOV WAXTKlPTO "vOIIK IV PUST SHOP; one with cxpeiience preferred. Ilelrlegel Carriair Wot It, S7 Loiut. lomi KSTAni.tsiiKD nnJT"tnsiir.s to i'.x- rae a inanRer for branch In Jcrantmi, who can invest 0i to $,inn, and Rive urexpectlonil reterencea. Silarv for flrtt year, KX) per montn Addrrw Manairer.'nox 78, Philadelphia. WANTKI-A VOtlNfi"MS WITH TWO OH three ear' exnerience in clmc Here. Ad- dieat Lock Uex 38, .leini.vn. Pa. Help Wonted Female. I.IRt, WANTKI) FOR OKNKKAl. UOt'SF.WOTtKj mall foinlty 917 Vine ktrcil. WANTKI)- LADV 10 APPOINT AOI'.NTh FOlt a Philadelphia turn, eabiry and expennea paid. Addrest Ilox 31, raie Tiibune. Situations Wanted. SITIATIOV VANTKI-D A WOMAN TO (iO out by the day wjhliing, Ironlnu or ileanlns, or lake washing home. Call or addtets IJIll Cdar avenue. A HF.PS.KGTAM.E Olltf, WOl I.D 1.1KK TO DO cookins; can ah btt lefetcnce. Pleae call at 5.H Hebecc.t aiTiiue, Hyde Park, city. WANTKD-A SITUATION' HV AN EXPKIHENCErt atcnographer anil tjpi-wrller; beat referenca trlien. Addret K., Tiibune ofllc. SITUATION' WANTF.U-ltY A YOI NO OIHU II years old, (o take caie of children, 01 to do light homework. fall 404 Theoiloic ttrtct, Piovidcnce, Pa. SITUATION" WANIHD BY A YOHSO Olttt, TO do itrneral houkewntk, 241! I'utnani alreel, city. SlTI'AllO.N WANII'.D- 11Y A OIKb, 13 YKAIIS old, lo tin light housewoik. Addrera J'l'J Putnam mtcit, Voitli Knil, ell. MTI'ATION' WAN1F.U-11V t IiOOKKKKt'KK. employed at piesent, but who wishes to change. Addreit K. l (I , care of Tribune. MTI'ATION WWTKD-UV HOY OK 17, IN an otitic er etoic; lefelinces. Addrcu O. II It., this cfrke. sni.ATioN wanit:i-!iy a hoy mnwrKV 15 ami H years old, at ilri.er; can lake 'ai of a horse. Addrest Stanley Price, lllver lieit alley. aiTl'ATION WANTKO-AT WblllS(;. CI.IIXN inc or any kind of day work. 121M CVtlai lie line. -Mir. Russell. THE PRESIDENT'S POWER. Belief Expressed That It Is Growing All the Time. IJeniy Lilehtn-id Wn't in the I'niuin. The line! alone whlih Hie lmKlattve. execu tive and judicial iliviiona 01 the xovernineni were laid ih.nn aie uu longer equal, a.t to them telvet, nor parallel at to iJtli olhir Ihe bu isl.it I' 0 nnd judicial an- murine toward Iho exeiufive. 1 lie appolnlnient of the fedrial ,u cllclary it entirely in tlie hunit if the ixetutive. at, to be nue, it hat .iln.iis been, but no in telligent nian ncedt lo be Infoimed tlial in Klanies .ne unhappily biMiininif only too fie rnient wheie the tenor nf a Imlhioniinit leal decision tall bo aciuraiely pitdlitcd llironiih 11 knowledRo uf the politic il complexion of the couit. In the Jccittatiie blanch of the irovein tuent, it it tlie exciulivo whlih inrlueiii ei. if it doet rot control, the attiou of lonsict; while Ihe K)wer el Iprinjll.v vested in Hie tx ecutivn itlonc I1.1t nuiCdSeit lo an exttnt of which the framcit ot the I iili-.lltlillcii had no piophetic vlilon H it not ililUiult lo ilivmcr ihe etiei of exirullve power. A noldcii xlrcam iIowb Ihiouli the White House lo Ihe lcniotM tnrneiK of Ihe I'liited Elates. lit tonne It Ine nitinnal treas ury, 'lo the pi 'silent of the t lilted Malet Is Hlven the opoitunllv to divert a good pail of thtt tieni wheie aril vvlillhir he will -Into ihe pocket, Kcnerollv, of hit personal ftieiids. but invjilably to the lip im 111 heueHl of bit polm ral tupporteis. If money It the lever lli.il relet Ihe woild, th- pienldeni 1 an ill-iieiKe It with a laieu that It f.t artlli.tr Pit line, lor instance, the pie-ddenl st.l inline beside the puhlie vaultt. with one aim pluncted elbow tlecp into the nicrflowliiT tiea-sury, while the othei it clitrit)Xillliif the croldrn store to a Klcedy hoi dp of caKer mm! Postm.istcrt, tollettora of tu tnma, revenue oltuiaN, uuirhals, ailoinei, 1011 xult, foielgn lulni.ter--iill thee and inure .110 amonir lip Itcipiuilt of tlie piesitlent'n bounty. Tlie only rhecU It Ihe approval of the I'nited htatet hrnate; and the memhrit nf that body, knowing that their nuistituenls aii dtlnkinir dcejily of the cobleu utreain, r.nelv Interpose an objection. Theie It no ortatlon In tle.il In Kcnualitlet. 'Ihe rctordt nf the deparlmeult al U.HimL"'n present accurate tletall of the numh.'-i of otthet which aie tliicclly tilled bv the piesultnt, wilh the amount ot their annual alarief, Let me prevent Hut infonratlon at I have s.illicinl it from ntllt ml ouu to; State Depaitincnl - .".IK consular and tllplonialli: appoint went si.nnti.in,) Triatiny Depaiimrnt 74) riittoina, icvenue, tnatlne hos pital, etc r.;,::,.i Postoffice Depailinent 4.011 pottmaitert ii.'iil.iW) Interior Depattmenl 717 Pentlnn olBiIalt, landolflit- aRentt. etc l.'ir.iilil Department of .lustice Jtiilirea, attoineyt, niarahals, etc., LI'.M.nufi Total Mt.ii71.fxvi It nreda nn aiuument to prole that the hand whlih routiola this cnoimout nuput of the lu tloiul wealth la .1 hind of powtr. The spoilt nl oflice uliiih ficured ko largely in Jaikson't .idinlnlttMllon wcie as a tlnv rivulet comiiared with the mighty patronage of a pioldent .it the piemnt time. It i, tin ir fine, a tpiestlou wortliv nf coiirldeiatlon wlulhcr this tiemeiidoiii power has been or could be Used to airoinplUb deilnlte results ilnlied by a pieblent of the I'nllctl Slates. M'KINLEY'S INAUGURATION. For The Tribune - "s. Coronation." rcinaik the Dimoualt When they speak of the inauB.uratloir, Hut you aie wrong, my worthy friends, M'was imply the tribute of Hilt nation, That Knows how- to applet laic a good thing, You may talk about that demonstration, but we know well you're only jealous That It wj.n't 11 lijan oiallen. You may say what jou will, but 'tit the truth, Ion aie crois and mad ot 11 Match hare lleiaiuo the Republicans wouldn't let llryau kit III that coveted chair. Had he been there wn all know- well You would Hy to paint tlut country ml. Hut if Iliy an got time jou may lie tine The American people had-betler be dtad Not so wllli McKlnle.v, tor he's Ihe man The people have elected to be The Idler and saver of this girat land. So luoad and urand am) free, The Drinoirala may scirath, hluter and talk About that Bleat "Coionadou," Hut I I'a only bicauae they got baik teala At Mclilnley's second humiliation, --JI Wa' in. Olyphanl, IV. For Rent. 1011 iik.nt Hixtii.i: norsi:, with impiiovi:- ini-nta, In city! prltr. ti'i. Apply I" W, W, llllncrer, 70S Monroe awnne and II., L. & W, depot. rou iiknT'-iioi 111 1; iioiM., iiir.sr im- proirmenla, luielv loiation, kurruiindrtl with ireea, 2i: ami J I.t MiidlMin atrnue, llrcrn ItlJe, roit iii:.r sju run faukawimiia iiriiue, MONTH, moiii:. CXI biipilie cm ptemle. lll'.MltAlll.i: IIOlsiTorM.IHOV AVKSI.fi for lent; lutnleiii Impioieit'enla. Apply " A, II11', 221 Lukawaniia atcnite. IIOTKIi 1011 ilCXT-I.Norifli: Of Mils'. T. L. .lonet, Main Mtvcl, Tajlor. rai oiikf.x nrnoR rthf.ct. tkx uooms modern Improiementa; aleani heat, furnlthed; dcalrable; ;5.(10. For Sale. V N aSS ax a fSNa fX V AV VS J eX PMNO FOlt tLK OOOH M.VKII: HPItUllll'i very cheap, Apply lo W KltKlnter, 'c Monroe avenue. FOR SAM: COI'MHN p,.c K, Si! Ml PI.KAS ant lake In (uqucbinim lounly; !t arren, 10 ttioni hnue bain, fiuli. -iolt, attoiny, Ifjit leilhliiiy, FOlt SALK-PIIAF,rOS.Al.M")nttN NKW Il t home madei ,1 In everv way; nn ex ceptionally One ccnrlte; f 12 foi quick aale. Apply 830 ktonroe avenue. ion StIK-OI.P, KSIAnMsllHI) PHOTOGRAPH biitinent; lorreapondente (nvllfd a to il lallt and reatont for aelllnir, Addrew It, II. Lyons, Monlmte. Pa, For Sale or Bent. FOlt HM.i: Oil HUNT -Till". PIIIVIN'O PM1K Hotel; rl-canllv fuinlahrdi posaetslon sivin on the Unit day of tprll. ppty to Willhm Craig, rale F lloblnton'a Sons' brewery. Wanted To Buy. WANTICD-SECOND-HAND gl.OT HACHINr.8; must be In tood order, atate pattlrular at to make and priie Addreas L. U., general c!e livery, Scranton, Pa. Wanted To Exchange. A MANDOLIN", Ulf.C.X MKK, FIH!T OR M)F, for a 4 by & plate camera, Kxi banse, care of Tribune, Rooms Wanted. WAN'TKn-rrnMMIKH room. with or without board, by two gentlemen, renlial location M. K. It,, Tribune olOcc. Money to Loan. M0NKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY RKxL ttale. HKN'RY HKl.tN". JR. I'll AS. II. WKLI.l.S THOMAS SPHAt.'UK. MONKY TO LOAN ON BOND AND UOHTflMTr., any amojnt. M. 11. Holgate, Commonwealth building. ANY AMOUNT 01' MONKY TO LOAN 'UICK, tttralxht loans or Oinldutg and l.oi.i. At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 314-315 Council building, Recruit 9 Wanted. W WANTCI) TOR V. S. AHM! AliLK DOniLD. unnurri-ii men lulurin aes ol 21 unJ Tj; citizens of L'nlfd States, of good rhinulir and temperate habits, who can pprak, it-id and write Fnrdieh, Reerults spicl.illy desired fi, service in Phlllpjiines. I'm Information apply to lleciultlng Oltive, 123 Wyoming 1ve., Scran ton, I'a. Lost. LOST WllITi: AND HIIINDLi: Pl'PPM fir waul If ntiitmil to .'!' Monroe avenue Miscellaneous. VXeNVsXXSsN .ft,'lM.S, txXsAatjN'X. DRi:S PI.MTKR.S IVR SAI.U, 7fi IXM's, FOR mer price, l W. Mrs Mai Donald, C.l Wasn in;toii avenue. LEGAL. IN Tin: coi in or common pi.Ks of Lackawanna I nunlv : Noiite it heicby given iliat an applnation will be made lo the louit of ('oiun'on Pleat of said county 011 Monday, Ihe eighth dav of ,prll, A. 1). 1001, under the "Ctupniatl.in Ait of ls7l" ami the supplement then to, for iht th.iiler of nn intemlcil coilwratlun to be cillitl "Pilnsipi Matleo Ditorlnn vlglianeee," the ih.uai lei in.l object of which is In piomio telle! lor ilt inein beit In case of act ident or ste knest and tor their families in rase of death, from the tunds c olio, t cd theiein nnd for theje purposes lo hie', put .test and enjoy dll the lights, hcutrils und puv ileget lonferii'tl by fahl Ait of tscinhli and Ihu kupplt-tuentt, JOHN l. IIAIIHI, alienor. ii.-rn'i: of mo-i v. i.vii: or nn: ivy if "crantoii. Counti e.f I..11 kaw.iiini and State of IViuisjliunii. tltieau'd Lctteit testamentary having betu kranled lo the uudersignetl, all pcison- lutvin: f.lainii cr cleinauilt against the hitl ettate will pre.cinr them foi payinnt mil all person' indi-btel theiein ale uu,o?.strtl to make limuedlate piy incut to IHVIX T. s,... Kxrnilor. Miliciukee, La kaw inna lounti, fa KI.I.MHTII s, llxcriilnt, 1121 Washhurn sited, S. ranton. Pa. t HARLI.s I.. IIAWI.KY, Mloinev lor I'state, 4IH-II7 Com. ell building, Scianton, IM. to Tin: holders 01 r.ovns mimiii:ii.s (.even (7), eight (01, feiiy one (II) and forty-tit (Ifi) of the Colliny Lnglneer 4 onipauv, being the bomb beating dale October 1st, iS'M, anil bin. lid hy liu.-l mortgage of dial dale. Please Take Notice lhat lu pursuance of the provisions of the s.iil bonds ard the trust moil gage given to .icciue lln vmie, the bonds us numbered above have been drawn by lot foi payment on the first day of April, 1001, and yt' are hereby notified that the same will be pihl cm the flist thy of April. 11-01, at the Lacka wanna Trust und Sale Deposit Company, Tnnte named in Ihe liu.,1 mortgage above referred lo, together with Inteiesl coupons attached thereto and remaining unpaid, and that intciot will cease after the t-.iitl dite nil; i-oi.Linin i,ncini:lr compwy Scranlon, Pa . Febiuarv 2Jlh. IWI. PROFESSIONAL Certified Public Accountant. 11. C. SPAI.'l.DINC, Voik. iH. IIROADWAY, ni;w Architects. LDWA1ID 11. bullclinir. DAMS AltClltTnCT, LOWLI.L I'RI.Iir.RICK I. DROWN. MtCIIITF.Cr, PIIK K bulldinit, Ii6 WnvhlnKtoii avrnue, Scanton. Dentists. 11. c. 1:. i:ii.i:mif.ii(JL'ii. Spiute stiecl. M ranton PILI.I IILILDIMI, 1)11. C. C. LAUnAril. IK. WYOMI.NU AVF.M'i:. Seeds. 0. it, clarki: a (o, si:f.dsmi:. nd mmis. erymen, store 201 M-olilnntoii uvinue; ru-i-ii liiiu-cs, ll);o N'oith Main avenue ; store tele phone, 7S2, Schools, SCHOOL OF Till! LAfKAMANW. S RtVION, Pa. Couru1 prcuraloiy lo colli'Kc, law, nifdi rlne or limine m. Opena Sipt. t2lh. Send tor catalofiie. ltev. lhom.it ,M. t-inn, LI.. I)., prin cipal and proprl'toi; . K. Pluinli-y, A. M hesdmatter. MULTUM IN PAItVO. Sorvutriaii liglslatoit piopcire ihut (.-ills v-lm uo not know- how lo knit. 'w, vv.-sh and took hall lw icfusitl .iiluolt'ii lo 111 ny. Dauhltis of wealthy mm .no not lo be ixeepinl. California vlsllora to the HuflUo Kvikuiiioii nest summer will rixlttrr In Ihe tauesi book tver bound. It hit Just been loiuplelnl In Lot Anaeli'. The book l 2' liicliet Ima, It Indies ride uu! IS Inches thick. It of 4.UU0 page nnd vvelKht 4ll pounds. lu Korea the ncntltinrn of H.p eouil ur. makliiE hauiNoinc rollta out of Ihe illblt inanu failure ot false money, 'liny can buy foi Mil) euniiiili s Lite metal to make IO0 worth of inlit, and at llu.v .ire oil ceod leliul Willi Ihe 1. 1 1 . t.' the p.illic il.ie not iutiifeif Tin L'lilled Kingdom spml lu Is'W'f) jC.'C. 115,11)1 on hei aei-Roluu foreev, usuln.l a lestiiuo of ilio.n.is.tnlj, and an jveiagu loniuif' if 1I10 lui'rcaullle uiarllie uf IMIH.MU, .-sea liupoits, liiiliulliis bullion aril specie, stood al a;.1."0, 21)7,00, ami exports sl'iW.OM.oli, Lawyers. inANK 1:. novbi:. atixiiinp.v.at-law. Roomii, 1'.', 14, 1U and 19 Itnrr bulldliiK. r K.Tii7cvr.VTT'vi'" OMMOSW F.ALTH Ilt.IMl. J. W. III10WN. A1TOftSi: ASH l'01'SRKle lor-t.aw. Ilooint SIJ-31JI .Mean Inillillnrc l. II. tlKPLOdLi:, AT10ltNKY--f.ONS NKflO Hated nn real ettalc tecuilly. Meart lnillillui, corner Wahinjton avenue and spruce, ttreet. ttll.bAltll. WAI1IIKN- k KVAPP. ATTOKSKYa and counellott-ii(.aw. llepublican buildluB, WoahlnRlon avenue, H:ssuilT7i':.sM;p.""i:noitN'KVS su rmis. ellors atdiw, fmiinonwe-tlli biilldltit, Hooim 10. M and 21, LPW.Mtl) W, TIUVF.lt. .vrroitSKV. IWMWI. nth fltKir, Meart luillillnB. nooH b. A. WTUKS. ATTOIINKVAT LAW, nO.MIH of Trade bulhllnir, Scraiibn, Pa, PAITKnSO.V k Wiuc6', TIlAHKllT' VATION'AI, I'anlc bullillna-. -'. comkoys, 0 1.1 nKppni,i'AVnmi.nisn A. w. nKirnioM-'. atiornky, mkahs ni.nn. Physicians and Surgeons. llll. W. K. ALI.KN, 811 NORTH WVSdllMlTON' avenue. DIL S. W. IAMORKAl'X. OIFK P, 311 Well ington avenue. Iletlilenre, 131S Mulberry, ("rironlo dlteasra, lunat, heart, kidney and fenlto-urlnary orgara a specially. Ilouis, t to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd HeBtaurants. TIIK tl.K CAFK, 121 AND 127 FltxNKI.IN AVK nue, Hatct rcatotiohle, P. ZEIOLr.n. Pioprletor. St'HANTON 1IOIISK, MMP. 1), L. A W. T.xS. enftcr depot. Concliirt.il on the Luiopean p!n. ICnon KOCH, Proprietor. Wiro Screens. .tOSKPII HUF.TTFL, RhMt oil LrKAWANN avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DHFSSMAKINO FOR CIMMIItl'N' ivi nuril.P alto ladlcV waist. touls shoemaker, -1J Adamt avenue. A. B. RRIOHS CLKANS PRIVY VAULTS ASH rcw poolt; no odor. Impioied pumpt uied. A. D llrlcirt, pioprletor. leive enlers ll.H) North Main avenue, or Klckn's drill? ttorc, ior net Adamt and Mulleiry Telephone UM. MRS. L. T. KKI.LER. SCALP Till: VT.MKNT. .'A;.; klnmpoolrR, .K ; facial marsase; manicuring, 20c; chlrt.pody 101 Quiniy. BIHKR'S 01ICTIKsril - MI'SIC FOlt HALLS, picnics, parties, icceptions, wedding and con cert woik furnished. For (emit sddre-t R. .1. Dauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over llulbert'n muslo atoie. MKC.AROKi: IIR0-... PRINTER' sTPPLILS. KN velopes, paper bags, twine alehouse, ISO Washington avenue, Soiriiton, Pa TIIK WILKhSIIMIHI' HEtOIlD ( N RE IIMI in Scrautnii it the nivt stands of Relsmin Dins., 400 Spmce and Sat Linden; M Norton. 322 l.ickawanna avenue, I S. Schuirer, 211 Spruce street. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Railroad, III FfTett Malth 1 IOO. Trains leave Scranton. For Philadelphia and New loik via D. k II P. It., at C 15 and 11.1.1 11. in., and 2.l, 4 27 (black Diainoi.d I'jprctt), nd 1I."0 p m Sun claw, P. II. It. II , I..1S, 8 27 p. m For While Haven, llirleton and principal points in the coal regions, via II .1 II. I: R 1.1, 2. IS and 4.27 p m I'er Polttville, 1.27 i in For Ilethleluni. 1'aston, Iteiding, Il.unsbuu and principal Intermeddle ttallont via I), i- II R. R., 0.4.1, 11.51 a. m : -MP. 4 27 (HUi-k Dia rnoiul F.xprets), II. '.0 p. in. sumjJj,i n j II. I!., 1.."s, 8.27 p. in For Tiinkhannoik, Tov.iula, l.hnlia. bhacs, Ocneva and principal Intrrmnllale stitlons, vd D, l A W. II. R, .sS a m.; 10.1 and 3, PI p. ill. For Heneva, Rothestir, Iliiffalo, Niagara Fall", Chicago and all points west, via D Ar II R. I! , 11.51 a. in., S.3." (Illaek Di.imund Express). 7.4. 10.41, 11.30 p. m. Sundays D. A- 11. It. It., ll.fl,. S.27 p. in Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh Valley parlors cait on all tralnt between Wilket.1I.ine and New- York, Philadelphia, IIiiiThIo und Sut pcrslon Ilrldgc. HOl.LIN' 11. WILIH'll, Crn. Siipt., 2d Coitand strict. New- Yoik. CHARLES S. M'.i:. (.Ml. Pa's. Agl . 2fl Cortland street. New- York. A W. NOS-NEMACIIER. Die Pavs , Agl., South llelhleheni. Pa. For tlekett and Pullman reservations apply to SO) I.aikawatina avenue, Scranton, Pa. Central Railroad of New Jersey. stations in New Voile Foot of Liberty street, N. It . and South Icily ' TISIK TAIII.I: IN Kl'FLCT NOV. 21. I'h. Tialnt leave Scianton f..i Nnv lork, Newark, Hiiibcth, Pliiladelphia. Fa.ion. Ilethlehcni, I Ictilowii, Mainli 1 bunk and White Hiven at .:;o 11. in ; cxpicss. LIU; esprcsi, ,1 51) p. m. Sundavs, 2.15 p 111. For Pitlstoii and ilkes Dane, S .in a m,, 1 o and U50 p in Sundays, "LI p in. For ll.-.ltlnioie and A i.hinalon. and points Soul h and Wet vn llethbhem, s.;.i) a. in.; in and ;:.. p. 111. -ui'diy. 2.11 p. m. For lams Drain h. Oi-an Clove, etc., at S.C0 a. m. nnd 1 10 p 111. Fur Itc.iilniiT l.ib.1101 and lliiibhuier, via M lentowu, MO a 111 and I ID p in sumlai, 2.M p. m. For I'nttsville. .'0 a. 111. an I 1.10 p. 111 'Ihroiu-h (hkr(s to all omts rat, south and wist al lowest ratts at the stjtlou. II. P. HM.HWIN, Ccn. P.et. t. .1. II. OI.H.MSRN, Cen. Supt. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. In I'ftecl Doc. 2, PKW South-Leave Siiautou foi Nun Verk al LID, ".cm, ft.rai, s 00 and 10 m u 111. ; 12.31, :: :t,l . ni. For Philadelphia at 8.0.1 and 10 01 .1 111 ; 12.11 .md 3.'i; i. in. For StroinKbuiir at 6.10 p. in. Milk aicouunoilalloii at ;;.10 p. 111. Arrive at llobokrn at I! "O, 7.1s, tl 2k. 1J 0s, 3 1.1, 4. it, 7.1'l p. in. irlve at Philadelphia nt 1.00. .1.21, 0 00 mid S.2J p 111. Arrive from New Vork at 1 Hi, 1.00 and 10 2.1 a ni . 1 nn. I S!, .lit, ii 11 and Il.:,0 p. in Fiom tmiiiMiuic; .it SOI a ni. Noitli I.e.ne Siiaiitiu. bu lluflalo and Inter mediate siati.uis at 1 11, I 10 and tn) .1 111 , 1.55, .1.4s and II '1.1 p in Foi (l.vvcen and swi iue at Ltd a. in and L.il I', m For I ih.i .il I. ID n in md 1 .11 P ni. Foi Mmilrose at tiOfl a. in : 1.05 ji.iI 1 It i. 111. Foi Nithnlviii .11 4 and 6.L1 p. 111. For Riiuh.iuitiui at I0 2O a in vi rile In N.rmtnn from ltuiT.it.. al I. M. 211, 1 1 and 10.00 a. 111. .I..M and I11O i m. Fiom Us wtifo and Symiisx at 3.11 a. in., 12 St md stvi p. in. Fiom 1'llta nt 2..V. a. 111.; lJtit and 1 "al p. 111. From Nicholson 11 7 .'al a 111. and li.U) p m. From .Montrose at 10.0) a 111 , .1.20 and -Hi p. in. Mlnomsburs Illusion - leave S, ration for Nortbunibeilaiid. nl 0.41. ion., 1. m : 1 .11 jnd H',0 p m. For Plymouth 111 1 HI, :s.n, s ,11 (l 111. For Klnaston at S.10 a in. rrlie nl Sortn iiinbrrlniiil ut H :I1 .1 m ; bio. 1ii ami S II 1 111. rrlve at Klnctlnn hI k "l a. m. Airive at Plymouth at 2.00. 4.:u. 11. II P- m Nirive in Suantnii bom Northuinbeilar.d al ".12 . 111 . 12."1. 4.50 iimi s 41 p. m I nun KiiiRslon at 11.0) a. in. From I'lv month at 7.3.1 a. in.; ." .11 and .".."1 11. in. .... I'NDY ritMNP Ninth-Leavr- nanti.n at 1. 10, .l.fO, 5..V), 100, p. in. ; ;i,;h anil :l 40 p. m Noi Hi Lease M-rai.ton al 1 1.1, I. II) a. in.; 1 51, 5.4S and 11.35 p. in lllnnmsbi.iit Division -Leave sirjlln ,t in 01 a. 111, and 5 M) p. m. Delaware and Hudson, In llflect Sov. 23, I'm 1. 'Iiains for Caibomlile leave "cumuli at 0 20, 7 M, 8.53, 10 IT a in t l-.(. 1.2'). 2.11. !I..12, 5.2H, 6 5'. 7.57. 0.15. 11.11 p. 111.; LIU J. 111. For Hoi.ed.ile-""-''. lO.'l a m.i 2.11 and 3.2) P'l'i''i-' llkes-llaiie-'i 15. 7.1. Ml, fl.Ss. ion, 11.55 a. 11. ; I ' '- 1 :1-"1' '-' n " " 10.11. "i'or'u'v. II. It poinl-0 4.1. 11.5.1 a. 111.; 215 4 ''7 and II. .' P '" Foe Pcnutvlianl.i II 1 polnli-o.ll, p.ss a m.l 2.16 and 127 p. in , For slbain and all wlnU nniti-(l.20 a 111. a..du.52p. in s(.MUV 1UMS. For Ci ihondali ".00. lb to a. tn.t 3.41, 3.52. i 47 to 52 1 1. 111. "I'nr Wllkcj-llaiio -O-. " '' '.l 1.5', 5 2 6,27. 8.27 p. I". Fur Alluni '""' '"uut" noilb-.I..i2 p. 111 For llontellile o.) ' and a..V! p. 111 lowi'kt talcs lo nil points In l'nltnKt.iti-i and 'Ulll0jil. lll'RDlfK. H. P- -. Albany. . V ' II, W. I RO!.. DP . "tiaiiliiu, P.i. Krio and Wyoming Vnlley. Time Table lu L'uVit Se) (. 17, IdOD. Trains for lliwler and local points, 101111M ng at llawley with Kile rallioad for New ml., Nrwburc and Inteiiiu'ill.ilci point,, leave S, nn ton at 7.05 a. m. and 2.2,1 p. 111 Train i airlse Jl Scranton al 10 oil a, in. ml 0,10 p. ill. , MLEY: We are displaying our new selection of iprieg Shirt Waists Every style is ne and all the pattern; are our exclusive de signs. Our line emj braces: Dimity Waists, (In White and Colors.) White Pique Waists, White Lawn Waists, White Embroidered Waists, White Corded Waists, The "Senior" Black Silk Waists are un excelled in style and fit.- A line of Black and Colored Silk Waists at $3. 75, well made and perfect fit ting. A rare bargain. 510-512 LACKAWAKHA AVENUE Our windows full of odd and ends in Box Stationery that will pay stationery buy ers to look at and examine. Mostly all Whiting's finest papers. Reynolds Bros Stationers and Engravers, Hotel Jcimyn Building. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect May 27, 1000. Trains leavo Scranton, D. & H. Station: 0.45 n. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and for Fitts burg and the West. 0.38 a. m week days, for Hazleton, Pottsville, Heading, Norrlutown, nnd Philadelphia; and for Sun Inn y, Harrlaburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days (Sundays, 1.58 p. m.) tor Sunbuty, Harris buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsburg and the West. For Hazleton, Potts ville, Beading, &c, week dpys. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Hazleton, Pottsville, Harrlsburg-, Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J n, WOOD. Cen Pa., Act. ,1 II. 1H'rrilINON', Gen. HgT. Time Cnrd in ffftfl Tte. ,10th, 11)00, SCRANTON DIVISION. IE HAVE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD fan x sci aa'wi t htSh bt' Hs$ , r jm . 710Ar N.Y .V.-tdlfrLT (XI " im.Ym " "pm fM "" tglVlMAr I'ailmla Lv t Oil SO . 10 la SlJi " Ihllii'Hk " i 111 ti 10 SI a 43 " Helllirlit " . I ?J4 15 .. .1011 itl " I'li'ton Park -, JJ14M,,,. . .. Id I JIS Wliiwonl ' ' 34i6tS , Icichj a W " .I'oynleile... " . 310314 . JM las - .llrioll... " .. lllti) ,. a HHII" ' Pleasant Ml " .. 8 0USW .. fl&llll. ' I'lllollitati) " ,. 3 0I6M, , Ittliai ' Finest ( It " . 8 IS J 13. ,. ,!., PM a II ll-l " CiihoiiilaleVd " LMSUtM ,. .. fiCO'JIOIIIM " I'M lunula le " 70S0llC4 ....6f5,lio; . " .Whim Iirl'lire. " IT 0.1 . ,, ....681 U11II II ' :iilltld1d "7 Wl Hi W ... h:u ocviii it 'lay Held t oif Mr ci ... sift KStiiim " leimtn. " cmj 6 0). ,,, ... 8Ll..illiei - InliUUI " 7 IH (16 10 ... ... ojr aviu ei vviuioii " tniMtlt. . . aiiiniu ivckiiiie ' t tal we 16 .,., .. ah tenia - oiwiiant "r-iicsett ., ... Sli Uiuiiiio I il.vlmri! "l--i4p;itc ... .,..8f) tisl'l" Ihriv.p laitlOFti,,. ... 601 .i' 10 I I'loihluiie " T.'iiiifiii ,, . ..0U1I avion Pmk Plant "TIVJIjhJJ. ... 0 0; it'tnio Ml.v ti'iniitoii Ar 7 404 WO 81 .,,, PkI IM W 'M ' ' Aitil.ttonat trihiileiro C-nrtiordale for Uiyheltt Tird 0 ti inn xr ret Kuiulay an.l 7,i0 pm huiidty only, itrltloi ttUuitt.l.l t trill III 1 in anil aairm. .Vii.liluiuallri inili-iive ei union iit 7 HIpiiiKaniliftinly, lrtiintf ntnlllali,nt lo C'tilH.ii.tali,. tiroliiii at 7 4i pm, nnd inln davit Mbvn.i.l Vtril fi r I arliouotlc ktG.4it lltll),arrlvla(fttL, -iKiniltli ttcunu, ltalc's ' ceiita per mild, I.oncit Itntea tu nil I'tilnta Waal, rnccnsoN, rM'11'aii'rAcnl, Nw York HI; i r. wcih, Trar, Affnt tctuUtu, Tv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers