THI3 SCRANTOJN T1U13UJNE-THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. .a.- WEST SCRANTON PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION WILL ATTRACT CHORAL SING ERS FROM THIS CITY. Proposition to Orgnulzo a United West Scrnnton Choir Is Being Fa vorably Considered John T. Watklns Spoken of as Leader. Well Known Young Man's Experi ence In a Central City Joint Cases Before Aldermen John and Davles. Notes and Personals. A number of well-known slngeiH ate bestirring thenieselveR In the Interest nf a united choir of West Scranton voire to compute at the I'nn-Ainoil-can exposition next September. The general opinion pievull.i Hint there diould be but one orRanlzutlon estub IIhIioiI In thin part of the city, and that the best voices available shall be selected for the different parts. It N alto contended that the leader ship shall be vested In a man of ex perience, who has the faculty of unit ing the slngeis anil leading them on to victory. The mantle will In all piobablllty fall nn the shoulders of J'rof. John T. Watklns. DIrortor-lJenoral Huchanan, of tut' llilflalo exposition, has decided to designate, two days especially for the Welsh people, during which time it Is expected theie will be gathered to gether f'ymrlcs from every state In the union. lilstoddfodlo competitions wll Hie held, and singers from Penn sylvania. Ohio, New york, Illinois and other states are expected to pattlcl pato In the programme. The Welsh society of Utlca N mani festing a deep interest In the pioject, and prominent Welshmen all over the country have appi overt of the plan MUtgestod by the director-general. It H expected that theio will bo n half dozen competing choirs fiom T.uzerno and Lackawanna counties at the exposition. Miss Margaret Thomus, better known as "Deaf Maggie." and there met Mrs. James Lai kin, of 309 Oakford court. Later the tilo were Joined by the hit ter's husband, and after partaking of "a bunch of drinks," us I, ark In savs, they tepalred to the Oakford court "Joint.-' While theto Jones discovered that his watch was missing, and no trace of It could be found up to last night, when Alderman Davles required Lar kin to furnhli t.luo ball on the charge of larceny. Subsequently the watch was "found" by Mrs. Larkln, but Mr. Larkln was committed In default of ball. Constable Timothy Jones was the detective In the case. Ynnchlnlsky won committed "to await the result nf the boy'o Injuries. Funeral Announcements. The funeral of the late, Patilck Oaughan will tnke place nt 0 o'clock tiimnrrnw morning from the house, on Chestnut htreet. Services wlllbe held In St. Patrick's Catthollc church, and Interment will be made In the Dun nun e cemetery. The remains of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thomas' child wero Interred In the Koiest II 111 cemetery yesterday afternoon. CONTAGION AND INFECTION. How Jones Lost His Watch. A young man named Jones, who ap peared before Alderman Davles last evening, told a story regarding the loss of his watch, which somewhat resem bles a badger game. He was very anxious to keep his name out of the papers, and for the sake of his par ents, his llrst name and address Is withheld. It seems Jones went into one of the side rooms of a I'rnn avenue "Joint" last Friday night, In company with Pleasant Birthday Party. Miss Jennie Watklns, of 332 North Hyde Park avenue, was tendered an enjoyable birthday party last evening, the occasion being her eighteenth un til veisary. (.lames of every description were enjoyed and dancing was In dulged In. A feature of the occasion was a cake walk, given by (J. A. Good win. Supper was served at a late hour bv Mrs. James Watklns, assisted by Mrs. William Watklns and Miss Mary Watklns. Tle following guests were present from Newton:, Mrs. Hoseiicrnnz, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs, William Watklns. Mr. and Mrs. James Watklns, Mr. and Mrs. Ciarrlson. Mr. and Mis. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Alder. Mlses Coin (lanlson, Mary Fletcher. Mary Svvartwood. Alice Dily. Chi latino Lesli, Messis. Charles La Hue, Isaac Avers, Nile Swarts, Unw ind Cosner. Lloyd lteed. Al. Goodwill, Kdille Fletcher. The West Scranton guests vvcio. Misses Mary James, Gertrude Looinls, llattle i:.vnnn, llesslo Davis, llhnlii Watklns. Stella Morgan. lUllol Wat klns. Clara Watklns. Messis. Amand ' Davis. A. P.. liruning. Walter Jones, lloyd Jiii'oby, Hiury Yolk. Frank Wat klns, Willie Watklns, Minor Jenkins and William C. limiting. Child Badly Scalded. While Mis. J. P. Reese, of South Gartleld avenue, was engaged In wash ing clothes on Tuesday, her -1-year-old son fill Into a tub Just as the woman was lllllng' It with water. Uefore the mother realized the child's piidlcnment, he was quite bad ly scalded ubout the face and hands. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. TS i COUGHS TIME LOOK J. . . , p., out for 1 ailQ COLDS TAKE MJFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. Ten Days to Sober Up. John Jones, of rivnon street, who was refused admission to the station house Tii'sday night, on account of being too sober, leappeared later with a good-M''.ed load on, and was then locked up. He Is known to the police as an "habitual loafer." and while Ills hi other fights the battle of the Piohlbltlon, John does a stunt as the "hon ible example." Alderman Davles took compassion on the pooi fellow vesterdny and sent him up to Schndtvllle for ten days In order that he might propel ly sober up. Before Alderman John. John Chillzlsky, sr of Continental Hill, appeared before Alderman John Inht evening and complained that Gcoige Yanchlnlsky had assaulted John Junior with a large stone, Inflict ing an Injury on the hitter's head, which required several stitches to close up. At the heiulng the boy was unable to appear, and the father offered the stone In evidence. In default of ball, The long-distance telephone pay station, has been removed from Jen kins' drug store to J. D. Williams & Co . 112 South Main avenue. The West Side Card club were en ter tnlned Wednesday afternoon and evening nt the home of Mrs. Robert J. WflHams, on South Main avenue. Charles Sweet, son of ltov. and Mrs. .1. II. Sweet, who returned home from Syracuse university on account of Ill ness, l recoveilng, nnd will soon bo able to resume his studies. Fiank McLnne and .Matthew Oiiv uiiaush, of Not th Main nvenue, have gone to Geneva, N. Y., where, they will leslde. Mrs. Frank Transitu, of Tenth stieot, Is entcitalnlng Miss Hush, of Water Gap. Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Hall, of Notth Main avenue, are sojourning In Florida. Mrs. David lSradhhaw. of Lafayette stteet, has as her guest Mrs. Uoldiy, of Washington, N. J. The raflle for a set of mining tools for the benefit of Mrs. S. W. Roberta and children has been postponed until March 21. The Ladles' Aid society of the Simp son Methodist KpNcopal church met yesterday and performed their usual weekly missions In church work The William Connell Glee club held a splendid reheat sal last evening In their rooms In Mears' hall. They an ticipate a pleasant trip to Washington on Saturday. The many friends of llobert Dlehl will be pained to learn that he is seri ously ill at his home on South Hyde l'ajlc avenue. The Daughters of Hi In will conduct their annual entertainment and social at Meals.' hall after Lent. Mis. W. C. Alney, of Hallstead, Is the guest of Mrs. George Skillhorn. of Jackson street. James Kelly, of Luzeine stieot, cm ployed ns a company hand at the Hrlgg.s shaft, was kicked In the head by a mule on Tuesday and severely In Jmed. Miss Anna Davles, of Fourteenth street. Is In New York studying the millinery stylos for the Globe Ware house patrons. Metropolitan display of Ladles' Stilts, Jackets and Skirts nt our ttore Friday and Saturday. See our ad vei tlscment on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagcn. - GREEN RIDGE. La Grippe Is Infectious but Not Con tagious. Contagious diseases are communi cated from one person to another; In fectious diseases are convoyed through the air. Smallpox Is a contagious disease; La Grippe Is Infectious. When nn epi demic of the grip Is prevailing It H In the nlr we breathe and no out! Is safe. The only safeguard In to keep the system In the highest possible condi tion of health nnd on tho llrst nppear ance of a cold In tho head to use some safe antiseptic like Stuart's Catarrh Tablets freely, n tablet taken every hour or two for a couple of days will b" sufllelent! to break up tho attack. La Grippe attacks the weakest part of the system, It may bo the lungs, heart, liver, stomach or kidneys, but wherever It dually locates It almost Invariably starts with cold In the head nnd tin out or In other words, th disease at the beginning Is acute ca tarrh. This Is the reason Stuart's Catarrh Tablets have beew uccissfui In breaking up attacks of grip. Tins antiseptic properties of the remedy destioy the germs before the whols system Is thoroughly Infected. Dr. Annlston says: Stuart's Catarrh Tablets being free from cocalno nnd harmful drugs should bo freely used nt this time of the year on the first appearance of gilp symptoms. They check the excessive catarrhal nrcretlons, stop the fever 'nnd prevent pneumonia. They are composed of nntlseptlcs and may be used by little children as fre:ly us by tidults and with great benefit. Dr. Lewiston says: My usual pre scription for tho grip Is Stuart's Ca tarrh Tablets, which can be found at oil diug stores. Keep to the house tor a day or two nnd use the tablets freely, and I have never heard any complaint of failure to cure. Our Semiannual Sale of Housekeeping Linens and Domestics Begins on Tuesday, Feb. 26 and Con tinues for TEN DAYS ONLY. . . . This sule includes everything coming under the general heading of Housekeeping Linens and Domestics, on every item of which bona fiide reductions will be made during the period namedj This Is Not a Clearance Sale It is a sale planned expressly for the benefit of our patrons, and comes more in the nature of a Bonus or profit-sharing idea, than anything else. In the limited space at our command, it is im possible to print detailed price lists. We take it however that our word is good for any statement we make make, and the facts are just as given above. Our Linen Department includes everything in that line that can be used in the household, and qualities range from the good medium grades, tn the highest class goods that money can buy. For example : Good Table Damasks, 56 inches wide, bleached or unbleached, can be had during the next 10 days, at 23c a yard. They're worth 31c, and like reductions prevail all the way through 'till the finest imported goods are reached. In all the finer qualities, napkins may be had to match, while Table Napkins for every day use will go at 50c a dozen. The same remarks will applv to our Towel and Toweling stocks which include everything in their line under the sun. l-'or instance : you can buy a Linen Twilled Crash, 18 inches wide for 10c a yard, that you would say was cheap, at I24C at any other time. Really good all linen Huck towels of large sues go at 22c a pair, etc. ded Spreads, Sheetings, Pillow Cases, will take an important, place in this sale. Regular dollar Bed Spreads for 85c and $15.00 ones for 12.50, with proportionate re ductions In the same or more of prices that come in between. The sheets and pillow cases Include the best imported all linen goods, as well as the equally serviceable home-made cotton weaves of such excellent brands as t' e following: "Utica, Dwight, Anchor, Fruit of the Loom, Atlantic." etc. All at special bargain prices during this sale. Mis. Anna Robertson, of Austin Heights, spent yoHteidny with Green Itldge friends. Mis. L. W. Lewis, of Mailon street. Is visiting fi lends In Hyde Park. Miss Pearl Treverton, of Sanderson avenue, Is In Washington, D. C, who e she wll t'-inalii until after the Inaugu ration. Class No. S, of Afrbury Methodist KpWcopal chinch will entertain In the chinch parlors tninmrnvv evening. The following programme has been 111 ranged by the ladles of the Foreign Missionary society of the Asbury Methodist Hplscopal church and will bo lendeied at their 'annual thank of feilng mclal tonight: Piano solo, Miss Hillth Swingle: lecltatlon "Th Two Mitts," Llllle ISemman: vocal solo, Mis. John Williams; recitation, Klla Sailer; song, Lydln Oseiibaugli; recitation, "The Little Mlsslonaiy," Maud Hlllev: recitation, "Mrs. Howe's Hlack Silk." Klla Miller; mlo, selected, Mr. Johnston; lending, Mls Hvnnge line Dorsoy; song (Chinese), Mies Hose Palmer. At the clout of the entertain ment, refreshments will bo solved. The f uncial of John Jlcfc took plare from tho home of his patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hose, l'!J,"i Capoifo ave nue, yestoiday af let noon, nnd wns pri vate. At the regular meeting of Giopn Itldge lolgo, Independent Older of Odd Fellows, to be held this evening In Masonic hall, avenue, a. filial vote to amend the by-laws will be taken. The Amity Literal y society will meet at tho home of Churles 13. Tobey, 17-17 Capou" avenue this evening, when the following programme will be ten dered: Knny, "Our Fouign Trade." Wairen Van Hlarcomo; eM'ay, "Oleo nvirgarine," Hniold Kennedy; "Qusen Ylctoila," Chillies H. Tobey; "Mrs. Nation's Anti-Saloon Crusade." Rus sel I lower. Metropolitan display of Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Sklits at our storo Friday anil Saturday. See our ad vertisement on nnoiii"!' page or una , j,,j paper. Mears oc Hagen. paik ley Street Haptlst church will meet at the home of Mis. John Tucker, on Taylor avenue, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the evening a supper will be served, lasting from fi until 8 o'clock, to which the public Is Invited, Word has been received heio an nouncing the arrival from China of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. II. Drever at New Yotk, after a pleasant voyage on the Teutonic. They will go direct to .Mrs. Drover's home at Allentown, where they will bo Joined by Mrs. Fred Dreyer and daughter Annie, who leave for there today. After a short stay there It Is expected they will come on for a long season of rest here. Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. liNhop and daughter Maud, accompanied by Miss Huby Yost, nro spending a few days In Ilonesdale, where Miss Yost Is to tuke part In an elaborate musical pro duction to be given there tonight. Charles Schlager, of Hawiey, was a business caller In town yesterday. Kdward Oakley has moved his fam ily Into James' Dexter's house on Ceme tery street. Pay your taxes and save costs be fore March 1. I will be at Murray's store dally between 1 nnd 9 p. in. P. F. Welly, Collector. Muster Mechanic Hronson, of the Kilo and Wyoming Valley railroad, Is confined to his home with u severe at tack of the grip. Metropolitan display of Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Skirts nt our sUot'3 Friday and Saturday. See our ad vertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. SOUTHSCRANTON FUNERAL OF THE LATE CHAS. CLAAH. Services Wore Conducted nt the Resl denco by Rev. E. Schmidt There Wero Many Beautiful Floral Of ferings Mark Matlsta. Arraigned Before Alderman Ruddy on n Charge of Stabbing Janies Fadden Seriously Injured in tho Dodge Mine. The remains of Charles Claab were consigned to their final resting place In Plttston avenue cemetery yester day afternoon. The services, which were held nt the family residence on Cedar avenue nt 3 o'clock by Itev. 13. Schmidt, pastor of the Church of Peace, wero largely attended by rela tives and friends nf the departed. The Scranton Saengerrunde attended the funeral In a body and sang sev eral songs nt the house and graveside. Among tho floral tributes were a large wreath of roses from ox-Sheriff Char les Robinson, a sickle from the em ployes of Henry Armburst, wreath from Armburst Profilers, u large cas ket bouquet from Theodore Miller. Tho floral offerings were carried by Charles ltosar, Otto Hoblnsou and An thony Heat. Tho pall-bearers were IMchard Wonworth, Henry Rlffert, Fred L. Miller nnd Michael Walters. G. A. Miller had charge of the funeral. Duffy's d lately bt Pure TOLD IN A FEW LINES. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Mark Matlsta was arraigned before Alderman Ituddy yesterday afternoon on n charge of assault and battery and stabbing with a knife. Frank Frlgenella was the prosecutor. The alderman held Matlsta under $600 ball. Cesare Hartolt became his bondsman. James Pnddeti, of 'Mti Cedar ave nue, was badly cut and bruised nbout tho body yesterday while firing a blast In the Dodge inlns. lie was taken to his home, where Dr. J. J. Walsh dressed his wounds. Alfred, tho son of Herman Notz, while acting as a fireman on a loco motive, had his head badly cut on Tuesday while looking out of tho cab window. Ho came In contact with a post. Dr. J. J. Walsh sewed his wound. Tho St. Aloyslus society will meet this evening at Pharmncy hall. The Century Hose company, No. 10, will meet Friday evening at their rooms on Friday evening. Metropolitan display of Ladles' Suits, Jackets and Skirts at our store Fildny and Saturday. See our ad vertisement on another page of this paper. Mears & Hagen. The Electric City Tourist club will meet this evening nt S o'clock sharp at their rooms on Front street. All members uro requested to be piosent. The funeral of the 19-months-oId son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Drapent was hold yesterday morning from tho fam ily residence on Plttston avenue. Ser vices over the it ilns were held at St. Stanislaus church. Interment was ma,de In Mlnooka cemetery. We have thou sands of testlmo iiIhIs from grate ful pntlents who Imvebpfncurfdof Consumption by Duffy' Pure Malt Whlskev. Grntltmen-Ihnd a cough for three years, effects of prlpHiidtiot taking properca re of myself. In April, UltS, I beenme so wrak 1 was unable to work. I was examined by two nhyslclaus who told mo I had bronchitis verv bad. They advised me to use Dufft's Malt Whlskev. but I wo so bitter nirrdi'st vrhUkvT I would not rnnnmit II; Augutt Eoth lnfit I bad goon no fur as to be unable to get my breath, excrpt with difficulty was try low. I thought I could not live much loiiuer. Our old physician. Dr. T. W. Campbell, of Energy, S. C, examined my lunga and told me the light one. wis very bad, and the left one out a inno oeuer, oui unit i nan enoUKh lungs ".M" Whl.ksy, and tako It regularly. Hythltlm relief. 8othedcaroldmn,though be Is not a whiskey doctor, ordered me to begin at ones with two table spoonfuls ns a dose every two hours day and night. I did so, aud Imme diately began to Improve, and now, riAvrmBniroin lu At lime, I Can brentlin almnir wen as i pvit rnnirf onM n. n ui are htnled, exoept ono dull plaoe in UmiIcI lung, and that the cavities are contractlni? II fi tint. kniiwinh.lL.. i-.i i .. " well or not, but I .humbly trust Me wtU.-M ignore vnav, under God, vonr WbUkrr Kit saven my life thus far, a If I had begun a year ago I wool! mD uron curea or tau urn. Malt ,. JVwpectfuIly, Mm. U.K. tDDLB,Ze0,aO. I)itn'. Pare Malt Wkhkafk awaaB. - I ' -: BnaTaTaaM 111 fi Dam J ant J tMT. rry bottloof UtnuftMWfVft I'M'fiiWf ITVUVltl WhklfOV left to live a good while yet If I would Uko All drvnlrti nd erocer. or direct, eipnaa paid. SI a boule. Send for frea medical boaaUtJ CURES CONSUMPTION. I'ltKE, ore of cmr m counter for whl. r nchre, we.. Mat lr to acr raadw f tu. PUPPY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rooh-urTw. Y. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. PJ.W VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00K000000000000 LYCEUM THEATRE, THURSDAY, MARCH 5. Direct from New York One Time Only Pea Conl $1.50 a Ton Delivered. to South Side, central city and central Hvdo Park. Address orders to J. T. Sharkey, 1911 Cedar avenue. Thane CC&3. OBITUARY. Owing to the sudden closing of the Savoy Thea- atre; New York, we have secured the Sensational Society Success Unleavened Bread Liebler & Co., Managers. Leo Ditrichstein and Judge Grant's delicious social sat $ ire taUen from the latter's much discussed book, and 0 "Prcicutcd by the strongest cast of New ork favorites before the public." N. Y. I'rcsi. This Exceptional Company Embraces: Elizabeth Tyree, Alice Fischer, Virginia Buchnnan, Florida Pier, Vivian Townsend, John De Gez, E. J. Morgan, Morton Seldon, George Fawcett, George Woodward, Malcolm Williams, Harry Hnnlon, ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo Eleanor Bobson, Margnrete Fuller, Geneva Ingersoll, Alice Rogers, Ella Wilson, Wm. Pumice. LIEUT. BROWN'S COMMISSION. Patrick Healey nnd William Costello Charged with Highway Robbery. Nichols-Jones Wedding. The hearlns: of Patilck Healey and William Costello, who are accuxtd of hlshvMiy robbeiy Tucday evening, will tnlo place this afternoon, be tween " and I o'clock, before Alder man Fldler, Henley and Costello nro accused of highway tobbery by Miss Louise Stnnkltuf, of Wilbur strtet. Tbe ii?ault was clalni"d to have boon made nlsht before last 110111' the Mar vine ciosxIiik. Miss Stnnkltuf claims tho youiifr men b'Mltnlly assaulted her and tubbed her id ,t". Constable Seth Smith nriestrd the two younff men on warrants Is sued before Alderman Fldler. They are widely known In this section and huvo never been accused of any crime before. They wero held under $1,000 ball to appear this afternoon. Two Weddings, pretty homo vveddlutr look REMEMBER This sole is for ten days only, and begins Tuesday, Teh. 26. 9 I 7 fGIobe WaraboUsei DUNA10RE. Tho advance sale of tickets for thu lectin o course to bo held In the Metho dist church durlntr the month of March Indicate thnt the speakers will bo Ktoeted by largo audiences. Kov. 11. J. Whalen, D. V)., of Carbondalo, will upon the course tomorrow nluht with his famous lecture, that has been de llveied to over two bundled audiences, on tho "Wit and Humor of the Irish l'ouide." Season tickets, fifty cents. Tho funeral of llobeit Hevvlfl; will take place from St. Mark's chinch this afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Tho Sons of St. fioorno will attend tho services In a body. Tho f unoi ul of tho late Thomas Stewart will take place from tho Tripp Avenue Christian church Filday after noon at 2 o'clock. Itev. J. D. Dabney has returned from Wostmoro and will oillciato. Itev. C. A. Frlck, of Wost moro, will occupy the pulpit at tho Christian church duilnir tho ubsenco of tho pastor, Itev. J. D. Dabney. The Ladies' Aid society of the Dud- A pretty homo vveddlutr look plnc3 last Saturday af tot noon nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Snalth, when Miss Itachel Davis was united In mat rimony to William Snalth, Jr., by llev. H. J. UcchO, of tho West Muiket Street Puritan Cnmrresatlonal church. The couple were unattended. lb a well known young man of thh section und has resided lioro for a. number of yenrs. A wedding recep tion was given after th" ceremony at the home of the Kroom, where many handsome wedding presents vveto re ceived by tho youiiff couple. Miss Maiffaret Nichols, of Nathan streit. and David Jones, of Holllstor avenue, wero married Tuesday moni- by Itev. II. I. I'vans, of Hyde ik. The wedding tooit pince ni ine homo of the clcrgyninn, on Jmrli Main avenue. A teccptlon was given tit tho home of Iho gloom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will spend their honeymoon In tho south. William J. McMnnus. William J. MiMaii'j, .' I'nilul Malis Mrc-t kmIit oflki-r. ttlu ai .ill htimwi In lid city, In St. IimiiIi' lnnplta, llalltmuii-, Tuca thy of HrliflitN illv'jo. Mr. McM limn w.i a nallvr ot Ilntbli Columbia, y.Imiv lie was Imin fi rly nlno jem npo, ami uitrrnl tlic foiri't nciviiu In Ww Vulk in la-fi Jin ri"lRiieil in 1s', but In li-ui ailn it in tli( service, ami a Matlminl in l'lilUMilili !um l"l tn Hie summer of I'ift). vvlicn M liwhli filial, niul lin wu Huiicilwl at tl.r Plil'ailfb pliia 'iffitc by !ii lir.illitrln-l.uv. . T. ililfiln. Up was lluii Matlonul l"r a time at li.nlulk, X. ('., ami nt Hiltiinoic K.nly this en lie came buk tn riillaikipliU f'r trcitmrnt, ami v.u in th.' I' West 1'liila i!i!ililj 'I line ,eiU at,o lie was taken to llilli mine. His iae a tlmi nopelesi. He it mr mm. I by Ills wi.liiw ami i'ihi htipiiulilreit. Mi. MtMamu wan one i.f tho pivemnient's in t trustfil iniili)ix. lie w.n a iirmnl frieml il tin tireiili nt ilnrliift hl eain'of Kniif, ami fer two Munmeis at (!ray Cables lno'dtu after the afetv f I'lesiiient Clivclaml r.nd lain lly. Whin AsenU illiam .1. lliniw niul N. I', (iiltllu, of the ferret wit lie, benan winklii- on Hie liulMin-N'tttlit fcimteiditlns ta-e, ti.tluif to tl'Ft ottT ttli'i was tnaUtrif the 4ir bill-, .lamb, mul Kindig, Ihe fnnpli iters at tlic Lancaster mil (if the ulieine, wire t.ilil bj n tieailii niua bitirnal retinue offlier at l,ini.i-ler that llimu ni il Ctriffin wero "up to doiiie'hin." Tine leiKTleil this to Newllt, ami it wa tlnn tlikt NewllL tiled to bribe MeManin to keep lilin iiitc.t iw to an.tthins (joins nu about l.ancaslei. MeManus iiretitvlul to fill Into the Hheme. ami acre.-il to aieit.t fiom Newllt MW n month fir hi services. McMjiiiw at once tnM t'nile.l Slatej Ihstiiit Attorney Heck of Ncnllt'a filter, ami thh vta the lntlnnliiK of the mil of the cat The groom 'O'lntirfeitinsr ronpirae.f cue. k m 1. .- . f l.n ..111. . h !. a l.r..l i. hi. 4ln I tie.ti.inuH m.ii ine uuiiii .M'-ivi- .- ... ' banil u( ltallun cmiutf-lftlten ttlio opilale.l .it I'ttruliuii; mho ten jeirs um. He n line for vtti'ki on that i.i-e. Ills lat uv hei-eabouts w.h Hitaimt the llutton brotlifr lio were ennaueil in irakliiB f purloin money at sprlngtllie. mis qiifluniil county, net ei 1.1 tian obo. Mi .Mamj was u ureal powerful fellow of Immune tieiiRtli anil towage. He hid a lutbe lirew.lnef and nbllitv In ailapt hluirflf tn t iifuiustaliieii M twin lilm Kitat HuieitH in bis flioseii lalllm:. TOLD IN A FEW LINES. Miss Sadie Median, of North Main avenue, Is slightly Indisposed. Dennis M. Shoffeiy. of Throop street, has enlisted Jn the ITnlted States marines. 1 Miss Jennlo Tiugor, of ISobeit nvo- 1 into, has for her guest, Miss Ida Sher wood, of .lormyn. Mrs. William Lovvry. ot t'lnurh ' avenue, has rotutned from Wllkes- ; HnriP. I Mis. Thomas Hieniinii. of (Illl)rt street, Is convalescent, after a week's Illness, Metropolitan display of Ladles' Suits. Jackets and Skirls at our stoio Fildny and Saturday. See our ad vertisement on nnother page of this paper, Mears & Hugen. Mrs. Condls ismcry uivi uaugiiier. flertrudo, of Church avoiiuo, nro visit ing filends In Curbondulo. Thomns Dlsjcln. Iluima lliskln. aRfd W jean, iliul eluiliv at Ills home, near the tity line In Minoua. Uerratfil hail bten ill but u week wllh an .ill nit of piKUtnoiibi. lie Is siutbeil lij lil wife an.l the following miiis ami iliuulittli-, Mis .lolui .lovre, ratrhlc .1., -lohn .1.. 'iliomas, William, Maitln, Mary ami ( allierlne. 'I lie funual wttleet will lie hehl al M. .lo.ei'li'n iliunli Salunlay nioiniiiff at (J o'rloik. Inleiment In Mlnooka. Mrs. John Mullen. tin. .lolui Mullen, aeeil (it jcur. iliul at Imiiie at SHrl Hill, afUl a lltuuli.c jotlinliy alniiioon. 'Iho funual it III tuUo plain fmiu licr home mi I'llilaj afliniiK.n at 2 ti'rlntk. lur lllliewt 1 tie A SENSIBLE MAN Vt.ii.i ose Kimp'ii llab.iiii tur Ike lluoat and l.uis U curlm; nidi e t'oujlu, l.'obii, Afi'.i:iu . . . tilt lxa t louti urn) all 'lliroat aiul l.uni; liuuuli-, Hun an) other meJiclne, This proprlefi.r ha biillioiUi i any ilriianl.t to Live sou a Sample IMtio 1'ien to ttimlntc )ou of th of llaltlmorr. at tlnir Tub Mill nidlt of thlt gnat reiutily, 1'iliu Q.Tc, ami GO, eauo U kitdi for tlic tllstharue, Miners Called Out. 0) Exdutiic Wire fiem Tim A'iatfil Pn. rumUrltml, MJ., IVb. 21. 'Ihe I'nllfil Jlm Worker offlcial.1 ot Hie floruit. Cnik-Mi)cilale ilUtiltt hat.t talltil out all Iho nilii.r. of llie Meersililc tlehl, our 2.IW) In number, beciuso of the iHmliarue of BOiue men by I-blin Proa , mine, . New Cabinet Formed. Py llvelu'ivJ Nile from The Asset lated Prut. Iliuharisl. Itomiianla. I'tli. 27. -A new rahlnot Ins bun foiiii'il. M. sluiM takes Iho premier ship and fiireiitii war portfolio ail Interim. Catnnh Cannot Be Cured Willi LOCAL VITMCATIONS, ai they canurt reuih I hi' keat of the tlinu-f. 'atari h ti a blood or toistltutlonal illscasc, and In ortKr lo cine II .toil iniitL tako Internal icuitdits. Hall' l.'.i l.iilli Cure Is lakin Intfinally, ami acts ilirtctly nu the IjIihuI and huilous surfaioi. Hall's ("a taiili Cure is not a fjuaek inciUrinii. It itas pimilbeil by one of th bt plijslcluns In this tniiiliy for jcam, and is a renuUr prejciiptlou, h li touipo.ed of the bet tonlm known, com. bired with the best bljod purifiers, acting ill. rutly on lliu inmom mrfacei. The jiciftet com. Iiluitluii ol tho two Incrcillcntf U what pro. iluics nidi womhrfill rekiilti ill curing Catarih. huid for tontimonlala fife P. J. rill'.NKV k CO.I'iopi Toledo, O. Sold by tlriiEKUt', price ?oc, , llall'v Tuinll I'illi tut' lit bU A Pathetic Reminder of the Death of the Young Officer. A pathetic lemlnder of the recent death of rirst Lieutenant Isaac Iirown of fdmpnny IC, was received yestor tlay by (.'aptaln P. 1!. Atherton, adju tant of the Thirteenth regiment. The 1'ito ottlcor was elected llrst lieuten ant only a few weeks ago, and when Captain Atherton opened bis mall yes terday mottling ho lound In It tho commission of Lieutenant Urovvn. Accompanying It was a letter from Adjutant General Stewart, directing that tho commission bo not handed him until ho had taken his oath ot filPce. The commission will bo given the paronU of the do.ul young man and they will undoubtedly treasure It highly. NOT MANY CHANGES NEEDED. Plenty of Itoom in Federnl Bulldlnf to Accommodate New Couit. It Is not anticipated that any very great changes will have to bo made at tho local government building to uooommodate the olllceis for the new Kedaral court for the now district which has just boon created by congress. There are sufllelent looms on tno sec ond floor at present. It Is believed, to accommodate the olllcars of tho court, who may come from this city and who may accordingly desire to establish a permanent headquarters in the local government building. If there shall bo a, lack of room on the second floor there are several rooms on the third now used as storerooms for tho In ternal levonue department, which might be utilized. SI THEIR ANNUAL DINNER. Lafayette Men Will Meet in This City on March 8. On the evening of March S tho mem bers of tho Lafayette College Alumni Association fir Northeastern Pennsyl vania will hold their annual business meeting und dinner. The business meeting will be hold nt lUIl p. in. In the committee rooms of the board of trade and the baiKiuot will bo served at T.:in in the Scr.iiiton cittii. A. C Campbell, of Wllkes-Ilario. wilt b? tho toastiiiastor, nnd among tho spealu'is will be Itev. Dr. Warfleld, president of Lafayette college, and Itov. Dr. Lansing, pastor of the Ciieen Jtldge Presbyterian church. Toasts will alto be responded to by niemberti of tho association. HORSE RIT HIS NOSE. Tlgue Painfully lnjuied by Infuri ated Animal. Hubert Tlgue, of 1112 Lafayette stteet. was taken to the Scranton Pri vate hospital yesterday with th? tip of Ills nose missing, the result of u horse's disinclination to have Its teeth eNiiiu Ilied. Tlgue Is In t.he employ of Helier & Warnko, grocers, of luJu Main avenue. Whtlo looking over the animal's teeth the liorso snapped at his faeo and caught Tlgue's noso between his tooth. Pr. T. II. Raymond gavo Tiguo tem porary relief and ordered his removal to tho hospital. I YCRUn THEATRE - HE1S miROIINDen, Lea?. A. J. UUFFV, Managtr. One Niiht Only, Thursday, Fsb. 28 The Jolllcst ot Jolllality. Tlic most phenomenal flnancltl an4 utittlj record breaker ei.tour The .Burgomaster An updo-date musical comedy by Frank Plklcy and Cu'tate Luilrn. 151 tunes In Chicago Wit, beauty and Bonij. rrices ;.ic, 50c., i!a., Seats on mle Tuesd ly at 0 a. m. At) eminent l.'tli. I 111.00 and . M. (I jt'M' xiaiiT, Friday, March 1st, smeiica'H mmt popular singing' comeilis, ANDREW MA O.K. In his new military melodrama, THE REBEL." A story of the lii.h revolution cf 1793. MACK'S "Mttlo Tommy Murphy," OWN "! of Ulue," SWEET "Kor 1'rcedom and Irelud.'' songs "Tin: snitiiNAPE." lly refUesl. "Tlic Story of the B." Prices 25c, 50c, 75c ond f 1.00. " Sale of feats, Wednesday, IVb. 27th. Saturday iuVt Harch 2 matim:i: priikoumascb at a.s. KVK.NINU I'KIH'OHMANCE AT 8.1. Al. W. Martin's JHVIJIOIH I'ltOPUCTION OP Uncle Tom's Cabin Deautiful Rtaso rVttlnm Taken From Actual Scenes III the Par South, Matinee I'rk e lie i ihlldrcn to any put ol the hotiM', IV. KvenliiR l'lK-cs 2.V , SJe and Mc bale of ieat opens lliursday at 0 a. ra. H ACADEHY OF HUSIC, IJUIS & IIUUUUNDliK HARRY A. BROWN Uanagtra and Leased. Local Miniftr. m.i, thTs vki:k, THE HOLDEN COMEDY COMPANY In Itepcrtolrc-. Thurkday llatlnte "The Diamond Preir." 'Ihursday MrIiI "Captain Heme." Krlday Matinee "Otcr the Sea."" rrlil.iv MRltt-"Iiarnl of Money." ALL Ni:.T WKKK. MARKS' BROS. COMEDY CO. Vlaiinee Prices 10 and H) icnta. Uvtnius Prices 10, 20, 30 centi. TUNERAL OF WM. REDDING. St. Renulem Mass Celebrated in Paul's Catholic Church, The funeml of tho late William Red- J ding was held yesterday mornlne from the family i evidence, at 121 drov titieet. Seniees were conducted at St, I'iiul'H church, Green Ridge, a high) ni.iHK of leiiuicm being celebratod by Rev. rather l.oftus. Tho HurvkTH wero well attended, 4e penned being ono of tho bent known, nnd most deservedly popular men In tho borough. Numerous Uoral pecorf woio Font to the house by sympa tlietlo frlemlH. Tho pall hearers ver Mr. Fuhr, James J. Moran, M. P. Judge, Mr. Maxwell, Mr. Simons unit J. Jordan. Eight Bodies Recovered. By l'.icbwlto Wire from Tlu Associated Viut, Kemmcrcr, Wjo Veb. 27. Kleht belles "ven rrcoveied today from the Diamondiille mine, win iu tlilrtj'twi) men perished In Mcnday'i fire, lire damp Anally diove out the anher and II 4 iiiohahle no more Iodic will fef rtcfyered let locral dayt. tLHbMtty? &&
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