1 1ST sft i-"' ..- !' CJJ rv"' ' i 4lEB & j . J . t r-iH s"jiii t ' 0 1'. ""' w "Y yi . ' ' r ? ; teH lj l 1 - . ' THE SCHANTON HUBUNJiMONPAY, JfOVEMHBH 2(i, ,1009. X X Ice Cream. BEST IN TOWN. OK Per ' Jjc Quart LACKAWANNORIRY CO 9elplionOrdrii Promptly lllvar.l iF&7 Adims Avtnus Scranton Transfer Co. Baggage Checked Direct to Hotels and Private Residences. Offlco D., Z. & W. Passfluger Station. Phone CSS. r DR. H. B. WARE, SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offle Houra a. m. to USD p. m.: ! lo 4 Williams Building, Opp. Po.-.toffloev M VSIsS' CITY NOTES ! 4- -f-- -f 4 t AS.VlVKItSAnV TOMfillT.-Mess'lMitli M.illlii wilt Elog- tonight at the auntie i.-.iry scnleo .it th1 Itcocuo Mission at 7..';o. DIItlXTOltS MIXT. The board u( diicetois of the Catholic Vniuig lA'nnicn's ( lul) will hold a meeting this evening lit 7.50. WIUsl" MATCH. An upm pan -.hi-l uatth is lo lie played at the Scinutoti DIc.wIl- e lull to morrow night. Souvenirs aie ottered lul top .core and high ladiis' rmp. hTOU! POOr, HALL'S. Aide mull Mi1I.ii- held "diaries I.lnko in Sfi'M hail on Siliudiy for II'" theft of a number of pool balls fuiiu itositibeig; .Irothcrs' place on lVnn au'iiue. SCHOOLS WILL III! CLOri). Ibe teiilni,' eonimittcc of the boaid of eonlrol will clo-e the schools ou Thursday and Fiiday of thl. week In observance of the 'lhiuksrMng' hulidai. XAMLS OMITTLD.--In Salurdn'-, I-ue (he names of Dr. W. A. .McDowell ami" Dr. I heo.loi,: f-ureth were omitted from the Il-t nt ilmtnn se lected to totuiirlsc the f,talt of the Hahnemann hospital. 'lEACIIElts' CLKTinCATIX- 1 he pciniaiienl reitificatc committee will lomlud evuuinalioiH lir city teachers the last two Situnli.ii in .Ian any. Applicants will consult MN-i- i.. I:. Pen man, Josephine Lcei or Viofe-soi Dniil ihnns. SKXD AltTICLES TO ULCTOIi.-Tbe comniit tcc in charge of the sale to be dun by Hie Women's pruild of it. Luke's clniuli icruel ihn. ill articles intended for the vile l sent lo M. Luko'i rcctoiy by Saturday, Die. I. rUNEKAL OF IiAMOXfl. -Ihc Iiiiit.iI of Uil liiru Iamond. who was kllkd in the Pun liiook liniio last Fiidav, will be held at !i o I,., k IhW morning from fct. lMcr'a cathedral. iiitcimuil viill be made in the C'atludral cenn,tei.. ("'HAnGLD Uiril AAl-I.T.-Williaiu T. Mm. Ran. of 2'l Raihcud .iMime, was Satuulii niphl held in SOTO bail ,y Ableimau Millar 'on Hie chirfro of assiult. prifciml by hi.s wif,-. Mis I.iie Jlorcan. He xould not fiunisli bail and tpent jestciday in the icntial piliie s-tnien. ItHADY rOK HOI.lDAYS.-(nnal .Manager Wiijland, of the Lackawanna Teh phone (oiup.iiii, i-t.ile that the aimoiiui mitnt that his tmupiny will not be leady to Kile srniic befoie b. 1 M.iim error, lie e.xpcils to lni hi, iims in tins illy in woikins older bj the I lui-ini.is holidn,. MICKllLMxY U'.i:it.U,.-lhe tiinei-.il .1.,. fiph Mickolsky, of Xiw stint, (,e l.i'ioiei who WJ killed I'ridiy by a bill Pf ink at Ihe Pine Iliuok shaft, was held ye.-terdiy. Milus iie londueted In the Xoith er..uti,u Poli-Ii t.ilholo ilnirch, and inteinient u undo in tue (,iiiu.,u Citholic ctmetny. Till; MI.Ns'l HKLS TOMtiHI-. An ei,niiU o unilloycd injioiiienl- is in stole fur tlio-e whu .itlend the ntlnsticl show ol tlie Suantnii I.iedei l.r.uii, to be given tonight in Mu-ie Jml. An ri client and up-to-dite piogianune Ins beni picparcd, the cleier nuiitiur peifonun of til" society bclns pnkct. ;i'AnTiriTi: chah(ii:d wiih a-.i-lt.-. ,'nhii Iluealy, Pied llolnu's, .loin (mltm .md .l.ihii Miildooti, all of Pine lliook, weie held in On lull Satuiday nlirlit by Alikiin.ui Millar, mi tlie rliargo of liclnif ninnbeis of the iriiur which, I'll. Jiv, assaulted .1. h'osinbeiir, an .irmI kIi.iii, sidle he was at woik on t'apoue .nnio'. WEEK'S CLEAIIIXf.-Tin. Tiadcis' Nation,! bank leports cleninus tor tlio Snanlon I'luilm.' House association last week as lollows: Moiuln, SJJd,fll7.2U! Tuesday, l!i',n7.!,:;-i; Wnlucsdii. Mir,,rill.3.'; Ihuisdiy, ijilM,ii",il.-lt; 1'iid.i.i, ifii7, ::7I.uSj Mtuiday, l-JS,--l,l.',i i lot.il, .tl,o'i,KVI.7-J. 'Ihe exihiiiKis lor the loiicspoudiui; w,',k of Im jear were $1,2IS,S.'U.IL SY.MPIIOXY rOXCEHT.-The- Simphony oi chestra will ghe their nc.xl eoinut at tlie i. i emu theater on Monday eunlnir, Dee, 10. In-, Carl Diitrt, basso, will be Hie soloist, and I'm. fe.ssor Haydn Eians will plaj Mnulilssuhu's ii minor ou the piano, The nirluMi.t will be com. posed of si-sty pieces and the seln lions will in clude compositions e, the celebrated eoiupo-n,. MEMIIEIIV hOf IAI..-I lies Paksiine senile e.r the Ancient Esseulc Oukr will minimi a social for membcis and theii families al Malta tempi,' en maiihsgiwiit; eiciitnt;, A iniblc.il piogiammo will be lendeied, togetlur wllli addres.es b.i M, 1!. Saudi is, Colonel Oslbain, md V, ,s. Mill,. Ijnek-r. 1 lut ilnlrnuii nf ihe eommliliis In fhaitiu inn .1, AY, Chummy, T, Itim-s .lone, .'nnl .. L. H.ta. KEI.L D0W.X STEI'S.-Mr.s. llaij Ann Milllg.iu nt 3J2 Larch street, was taken lo ihe Laeki wanna hospital Satmdiy night wild a brokeri lesr, the result of sllppluj; while descending a Hlght of steps. She only HI two or (hice slep.-., iit neertlieles.s fiaeturi-d her liglit hg jiist above the- ankle, Shu hid a lighted limp in her hand at tlio time of the) fall and was fnilutnte that " ir.tKntttKftK;tr.tKK J Sole Agent : tt X it X X X X X ' " X X X X of High Grade Cigars, Corina, Solace, Due tie Alba, El Caracter, Four Centuries, Geo Fox, Maueto, Dealers supplied. Special prices to the box trade. I . C. Deans .a n- II D..IUI ao& Conneli Building. 'PHONE oaan, 'fnw ' Ihti rirniintiiin.f did tiol Uti-c rlftt mote crl Oils ICJllIK VK DIsMISSlIll. H. .V. Cull.itidM, ! nl one lime represented the ItrpuMli1 Sailngs and Loan assentation, and wai ittuwd ly Mr. .tame. 0'llat.i, of .fiimcs tlrct, wllh h.ultifT mV tallied money from lier tinilcr f.ilo pretence., v.n arrested on Saturday unit aitiilgiictl More Alderman Millar. .Mr. O'tlatu iliilincd lli.it li lint nil en r.illriiJiir MM to Imeit lor her, hut fhr could not My nt the lieailnc that lime n any mUiepresf-nMlloii and C'allctidei- ui illv charged, SACIIMI) CO.MTIIT. -On Sunday riclilng, Doe. M H rimed cohortl will lie glien lit the L.Uiitni for the betielll nl t, .Inseph's rnitii'llltig Home, Tlie e.itlieih.il ihulr, under the illicetlon ol I'm feior Silillllnir, mid n therm nf wviiity-lh" olti". led by I'lotisMir John T. WutkllK. "lit be fe.lluiei of the eent. titled inil'le will Iw lilideied wllli nioheMial iinoinlunlinenl. The ilioim will nlipiiiia Miiinliy mid llmrid.iy ein Iiir .it the O.itholli! Vniini; Wnineii' lull hoii'e on Uihtilm;iiiii jiemie, ' Willi 0Vh 'llli: IIOXCV'-lli .null o( Wil liam .Mnnrnn, of :Ut llallroid aMiuie, at the In l,inc of liU wife on Mtiinta.i on on the iliaue of mielly, leieiiltd .mother pha-e of the In im'm llfo wlilcli will bear lni'tlB.itloii. Wluli Jhir E.in w.n uir.ilKiied befoie Aldeinun Mllhr Mi wife staled tli.it lie liioiniht home with him a fifty-pound boy of honey, whlih he .illeiteil lie found. Uclrithi- Molr U now looking for llm owner of the honey, while Moik.ui l lanaiiWiIni, In the coutily Jill, lialnR been lominlttril lu uwalt trial In default of Vh) bill. lli:Ci:i'TI().V AT II. It. Y. M. t', .-Timllit at the Ihillio.nl Yoiina Men' ClirUtUn h-wmIi-tloii btilhllihf there will be u leupllon to nc-v nieinbcH. Hmt Ihtce huiuliid mv iiumliui Ii.im; biru reielud dining the inontli ol Noutnhei, biim-l'im' the iiifiiiln rlif up to III I. This l tie-lilitlie-it It Ii.i-t eei hteii, uml when the iiiuiiiber lili (.iii.im has been tompleleil It h liioiniht tlieie will be at le.t 7iKi. The old nu'inliern will welcome the new one lnnu;M. A flue lnomani ba-i been .iri.uiped and int lmltn l'Eoie Itiotheri onhe'dta and Manilnlin i lull, I lie Delaware and Iludviii ijiinlelte, llimhi'.- Iliulliris ami othei' I'm iliss l.ihiii. S'eeie t.uj IV. K. 1'iniio, of New- ll.nen, will cie .m .uldu. Cream and c.iKe will be Mind and the eienlnn will be jipeiit In a wnl.il way. Ml iiumbois .ne ipecleil. Ad iiiMoii will be by numbewlilp tkket and th-j affair will be for men onl.i. VERDiCT IN FAVOR OFA.BOCIANSKY Allowed IS0 Damages for the Death of His Son Who Was Killed by a Trolley Car. In tin- $10,000 dainusru suit of A. Hocl .inxky iiKiiln.st the Sct-nnton Itiiilway coni.iny. thi jury on Saturday hrmiRht In a vcidlft for the plaintiff in the sum of $180. Sir. Hociansky brouKht suit because of the killlntr of Ills four-yoar-olil boy by a trolley rnr on Washington nve ntlc, botweon Gibson and New f-trcets. Tin- lttb Hooiansky lad and the child of n ncichlmr. Joe Xnuileil.-i. mrn coii.stlnc: down the hill In .a small ex press wapron, when the wheels encoun- tereil an obstruction, swei veil the wiifron towards the track, overturned it and threw the' occupants in front of a car ileseeiulinn- tlie hill. Tin- plaintiff claimed that had the nintoini.-m been diligently attendlnjr to his business be could have seen the children belnjr borne towards the track and bc.en able to stop the car in time to prevent the accident. The defense was. thai the motornian was attending; to his business and that It all happened so suddenly ho could not possibly avert the accident. The jury went out at noon Krleley and did not reach an itKi-eemenl until late Fri day nlftht. Veisburs it Dawson repte senleel the plaintiff. The company's at teitne.VH weie JIajor Kverett Warren and lion. ('. I'. O'Malley, of AYllIard, Warren oi Ktupp. No UKivement could be l cached in tin- case of the Kxeter Machine com pany asainst the Pine iill Coal com pany, which was on trial before Judge Au-hbald during the last three days of the week. The jury retired tit noon Friday and were discharged at noon Saturday. The suit was to lecover $700 for a Parsons' s-haklmr screen built by the plalntllf for the defendant. It did not work satisfactorily and was taken out of the breaker, laid alongside the rail- ! road tiack and notice sent the manu facturers that It awaited their disposal. It is there yet. s Thejnachlne company claims that it was not responsible for the; operation of the screen, as It was built ufter de- slfriis of u third party by order of the defendant company. As there was nothhiR defective in the material or construction, the machine company maintains It can not bo held liable for the- failure' of the machine to do Its work. It was also aliened that the de fendant e-ompany elid not kIvo the ma chine n perfect tiial, as It elid not sat It properly. The law point on which the case mainly hinged was wheiher or not the screen was a standard article of manu- tactuiv. If it was, the plaintiff com - paiiy in agreeing to maiuifauture It gave with it an Implied guarantee. Tlie third and llnal week or the No vember term of common pleas begins today. Aiming the Important cases down for trial are A, Frotliinirliani against t'harles 11. Welles, ejectment: the Northern Coal and Iron company mralust the Heriinton das and AVntcr company, trespass; Fennor & Uhappeli against 13. It. Grllllths and others, at tachment execution; liesslo Judge against Carter et Co., trespass; J-:. J. Smith against Mabel Smith, divorce; Thomas W. Davis and others acalust Susan Spencer and others, and the four suits against the Seranton Hall way company, in which the plaintiffs tiro Alary Calpin, Allchael Stalforcj, Mary AleOluness and George Oaslne, Judge Kdwarels will sit In the main court room nnd Judge Kelly In Nu, :. ACCUSED OF LARCENY, James Gordon, a Sailor, Placed Un der Arrest. Jumes Gordon, u young sailor, who gives California as his home, avus ar rested early yesterday morning op tho chargo of Iniceny, preferred by Henry Wan en, avIio alleges that Gordon en tered his loom In O'Connor & Walsh's hotel, on Lackawanna avenue, and took therefrom several articles of Jew elry, These weru found In tho sailor's pos session, xvheii ho was arrested by Patiolinau David Parry, Gordon avus a lodger at the hotel, Wonder! ul Japaneso acrubat-j, c-eiim matinee, to-day, Scranton Business College, Since tho ending or the strike stu dents havo been securing positions ul most at the rate of one a day, ycro Principals Huck & Whltmore able to nuallfy them rapidly enough the rate woultl bo much higher. Tho demand Is greater than tho supply. Burkes hlgs. class vaudeville Lyceum this afternoon. MORAL TONE OF SCRANTON THEME OF DB. OIFFIN'S MON LAST NIOHT. SER- The Pastor of the Elm Park Meth odist Episcopal Church Chose His Text from Eaeklel, "And When I Looked, Behold a Hole in the Wall." Dr. Qlffln Gazed Through an Imaginary Hole and Discoursed Upon the Local Abaminations Which He Thus Brought to View. I'.ev. in: At. tllllln, nf the Kim Park .Methodist ICplscopitt ehuic-lt, last iiIkIU delivered n powerful sermon, In the eourse of which he ui'Ketl Ills henr ers to open their eyes to tin; tine state of municipal affairs, ami lu paying a hearty tribute to the inform work done by -the Alun's union, dwlured that the Kood labor should not be con'lned to the few, but should be Joined In by all who have the Interests of the olty tit hen it, He chose as his text, "And when I looked, behold n hole lu the wall," Ksieklel, villi". Dr. Ottlln henan his discourse by 'saylin;: To ll.e oidin.iry n-im a wall alwaj". suw(ts soinethlli,' -.hut In as well M iliut nut. and, a I Mile, .ih one who uitins In a wall miku boine illorl to .see what li oiuf.iled by It. 'Iheiefore, thli hole lu the wall of the let it'iitvinls the opening' tliintidi wlili-li the piepbel this his way till lie leailicil the ilonr. upon tlinmlim open wlil h hi' In held In his siupiisU be aboniliutlom nl the ilty. Now, I want to piep tliiouitli the wall and i-how joii a few- of the aboniliutlom of oui- own illy. .Many prisons think lliu piopir thinp lu do would be to flop up the whole In the wall and piennt anv slsbl of the abomination-. Thai ilNmsiioii hi iaued many of tliese fiulls. It is inniy jears since tin- time oi the tjiant ot S.i raiu.se who onleied to bis death every me senior tint brought cll tldiuc-. He paid no U'SMid to thi.-e pinupcs of nil and the lesiilt was lli.it he fell with a tup of wine In bis hind and ni.uir on his lips. Tims, we should not hut our c,ics lo the prc-int comlltloii whui we mJisht bettir it. Till: HUM'ONMIiLi; OMN. 'Tis (he iuditreieul ones who continue tlie aw ful state o affairs. 1 am cl.nl to know tint there are vicnty ihurchr 111 this ilty, and tinny lnslillilions of n noble natuie, but whit if the work aecomplishcd by them metcly litis a few into the .sky slid lea es behind the multitude Mink in sin. The men who me bold and wi'e enough to discover and renal the ce5 pools of sin should be much lauded ami hae our pieatesi gratitude. Tint is it so? It is a deploiable fact that the most luted man in the city is not the xreitrst Allliin, hut the refoimei, ami I lia-.e in.if-elf hear 1 wiule about the tity niiieh Rnasliim; of tteth and inipuciliom ngiliist the Men's union for the ijie.it work Ihe.i ate lanyiuc on. And rifrl't line I want In rpicss, is a Scian Ionian, mr appieeiatinii of their etlorls, of tlie I ri""'1! ""P'1''!1"1 y dnw itixens who hae stood up ami pointed out feailessly the itching pilms md line shown when- .lie the uuUccn'd kccpeis of liijuor establishment-. 'Ihls city is ill a tenible condition, and 1 haic come to the nnehiMnii that it is not only lindeimiued b evil, but is honc.v -eombed wilh striieluris of xice. Wo can well liudeistand that the people were indignanl at Freklel a-iel at the tn-ths which hi- told about the Holy City. Ileloie llnuk-giv jug, our grot nitioii.il feast, I want ,iou to lull and look at some municipal flits. AAlut aluuis nic- is not -o niueh tiiat The cutis .ire being diikinid and de-ol iled, but tint lite loniatulnit ing infliienee-, are exlenihut to Hie im.it iti-iruln, and tliese are now being stained with iin Looking through the hole in the wall, a gioi'lh In the ah iniu.ilinns is disinniid, ind it i shown that Willi the ciilar'.'i'iucni nl the popn litlou comi.s a ciispiopoiiioiiale iucii-ase m .lime. Tl.ne has been an adduce in munoets aid in iMstinua. Only the nther dty I leol that in lluftalo, while a short while ago the lin ed tlie. city was e'onfinei! lo certain sheets, no.e ir his spread to the. out-districts and road houses em the way to the rural possessions, an; regular stations on tlie road to hell. POLITICAL ACCUSATION'S. And now, regarding political accusitioris. It is a eoniinoii thinir for (lie kettle lei e-all the pot black, ami 1 know that oltcii good men are cast int., an nnsiiory light by Ihe manipulations of scoundrels ami ire chaiged with things cf winch llie-.i could nol easily necpiil tlienisclie., Hut the Illinois of political sales, which li.no 'ieni heard of in this illi- aie i noiigii to blist its n.iini. Tho men eh tied lo positions nt tuisl and honor should be m..de to leel tint Ihe.v aie .soiucthinii In till' people' who ileclell thcill. I am glad to ie.nl that in Xew A'oik the polue are being taught that when an hone-t tleigjinm i nines to tliem with a repeat lo be attended lo. tli.it he is not to be drtion away as an intruder. Me, too, should teach the- men who hold po-i-tions heie In rur own city, that they aie .. eeiuntable to the eiti"n. And now, another thing, do ,1011 know lint in our city Mipeistition lias maiii nil. us, that the spooks aie being dally eoiisulleil, ami that ilait m i.i an is and other ch.irlalan.s who (lock In-re, hue no otlier pi no in the cmiuliy wheic Ihe.v find luoporlionitely so tinny dupes ami gullible per sons as in our midst, I (hii.k that it is the duty of the police to pinion the public; lioni these impostors. As lo speakeasii's. I am astounded to tliiul of the li-ticl III our inidt, cull .1 l.ri-lireMkei, on a pai with the mimiislilne-i-, of Kentuck.i and Teniiessie, It grieies me gre-all too, to notice i tint many of tlu-e x inl.it.n-. ol tlie liw aie wo- 'mm, I eeitainly b'lieie that we line enough open saloons hue-, without any suit runs, 'Ihc ofllcials who ate indeavoiiiig to loot nut the speake.is. aie doing a noble woik .mil should be glxen rti'iy one's .suppnit, liAMULI.Nd PI.AC IIS, Aiiotlur thing whieli Is rewind tliiough the hole in tlie w-.ill .net the gambliui; pl.ncs tlitoiigliout tlie city. Pott't j mi suppose tint the police know wli.ll these houses atei with tlio lights hiirujULT in their windows so late, Kuh Of these should be i lose-d. Now in gazing tlnoiuli Ihe ape'rluie I seo iiomethltig which makes me- sigh. The houses, ol shame', Many ure as wcll-Umowi to the police and people at latge .is the llliu Park ihiitcli. These lle- traps for young girls and men thould lis done away wilh. I am ashiuied lo saj lint I mn told th greater portion of p. it huh of theki; ilons ate marilee! men, fal-c to thc.tr i.uui.ige xows. In many Lines Ihe tuln of .xoutig ghU Is dun to the careless parents who let them roam the streets until latu hunts. We Wonder When writing, wo often wonder If other folks also wonder at out interest In their Avejfare. So much said about SAVING may puz?le them; for In their stead Ave, too, might think it strange, All de pends ori how oiio considers the subject. From our standpoint, It seems exactly right that we should earn estly urge folks to save a reason able portion "t their weekly or monthly liu-nme; to pluco it lu our keeping ready for the asking, any time, As a business man handles merchandise; so a bank handles money hut with greater care. And as each man hcltoA'cs his business ways aie best; sso does each bank esteem lis particular methods best, A'o know what faro is taken with every detail and of eA'ery dollar; and how each mnv depos itor heightens our Interest In the whole. And Ave Avonder, too, if ull tho care and caution is regarded; xvhelher a bank's true mission is appreciated, i Savings Department TRADERS NATIONAL BANK Cor, Wyoming and Spruce WARNER'S SAFE CORE. To nlf who miffer wild Kldtiej, l.lier, lle.lll, lllnlder nr lllood diseafPF, n sainplo bnllle.'il Wiimci's Safe Cure (Ihc ploniei- Kldniv uml Lbei Itrmedi-J will be sent uleotuteli- Cue of t'ot by nddirolni; t"tal i-anl In MIMIII'H Mfi: UI'IJK IO llocltCKtri-, X, ,, mid' Ittrii tloiilinf tills llpll, . Ilu-Kd plans ilo tml alone niln Hie friuale "Id', hut iilo tniilainlnatc Meiy mm who vUlls tin in We nttfrlit to ni these plans, t hit I ale Will-1 kiii.wn unci 'noloiloiis, at IraM. And I My fill tber that no tneicy should be shown to the men who keep paiainunM, while linhiir pnoil wonuu us (hell- uhes. (Hi, If Clod lilted the lid, we would be itjtouiiiled at the number nl .sins n Aealed In mil- (lt.. Then1 are tlie unwholesome anu.sfiniiils which me III u way lunch to blame. ( heap halls me ii-i'oh-llilc for the niln of mini beis nf yoiinif ylils ami finm tinny :t Ihealcr Ihete lists the bieath nf lull. Hut what Is to be Jour attitude lnw.iid lln-'e tliln(!i? While pifparlnc for the TlintiUiiiilni.' ,ou sheiild HRltcr a iiw- to lessen the Itiliiultlcs III Ihls loiuiiuuilly. I'd like to see a fremral tad nf I'olllleal piiill.ilurf, bidllTiieiue, slnklnK In u polnf of ilipalr l-t the trouble In this londl tlin. If .ion are Roltu,' to li-iiu it to a few mi u until lliey umw llml of the rate and i pi lee, .leu will auniuplUli tiothlii. SPIRIT OP lM)I!TKI!i:Xl II. "uppose a dhc was opiiii'd next lo jour house I'tliln. Vou would spend all Sitiiiday lu fianlle elloits to hale It iiiiiomiI. Hut ou do not tare what lakes place In Centre sheet. II Ii this splr. It of liidltlcleuctf wdkli will piovc our lune, A pine cll.i iiieiiiis pine rltlrens, mid In li.ne swell illl?ens the clmritim inu-t ledoulilo tleMr woik. Out- next (Cleat lexlval will be the rixlrnl of cblc rlKliteousiiess, The Holy tity tnusi roliii! down ftolu the skies, and we shall lino man kind cood and pme, villi coiwlcnco as ihe iikii lalor of nil ileid-, and a redeeinnl ellj wild tin Ilible itithioiiid in our mlil-t. THANKSGIVING SERVICE. Annual Exercises in the Prevldeuce Presbyterian Church. The minimi Thanksgiving anthem praise service hist evening at the I'tov idenee Presbyterian church Was 'par ticipated in and enjoyed by a large con-Kregat-ion despite the Inclemency of the weather. The music was made a spe cial feature and was given under the direction of Profcsnr C. F. AVhltle more. The Thanksgiving sentiment was e.v iltilHltely set forth In the anthems which weie rendered with well-nigh perfect excellence. One of them In particular, "O fyord How Mani fold Thy Illesings," was tt verit able Inspiration. The ilcb blend ing of the carefully trained voices made all the numbers most ac ceptable. "The Harvest Tide," sung by Messrs. W'hittemoie, John, Holier ling and Morgan was another nnl-hcm which was especially well reudeied. Itev. Dr. Guild spoke a few words ap propriate to the occasion taking for bis topic, "Thanks Expressed." He read one of the Psalms which exhorts the redeemed of the rotd to give thanks to Him. Dr. Guild pointed out- that In ibis Psalm there Is it clear Implication on tlio part of God that it is not iMiotigh for His people to feci grateful they must express their gratitude by pro claiming It to the world. He called upon the congregation to render thanks to God for His mani fold blessings in tj public way. Pre ceding the benediction the choir and congregation united in singing- 'nr-re-n's national hymn, "God of Our Fathets," and this ended :i religiously impressive' and patriotic service. RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. -'Ihe Huh Pool" w.s the topic picaihed upon list night by Km. Dr. ( h.iilcs l. Itoimisou, pislu- of tho Second I'le-nuen.in eliinih. lu tlie morning he -poke ot "Helps m Himliaiicis. - A few ot Ihe le i ns whuh miailt be diawn fmni tlie icceul Philidelphi.i fliii-tiau E.idi nor convention weie pointed out h-l nuh1 nj Itev. Luther Hess. W.uing, pa-loi- nt the (nine Evan gelical Liltliel.lli i hillr In Itr. llc-v. Hi-hop .M. J. I lob in eonfiimi'd a el... nf 150 lining people yesterday allcinocm at Holy io-s chiirili, Ilelleme. He wn assisted by lit v. W P. O'Donncll, llei. John Dunne, Itev. E. .1. Medley anil ltei. John Huddi. A most In-piling go-pel nerliiu wa conducted jc.-leiday .ilteruooii lu Guern-cy hill, i.mlcr the auspices of Ik; A'oune Men's Christian associa tion, seiiut.ny (Icorge i. Mihy gale 1 helpful initio t ilk, nkitig as bis text, "l-hey tint h" l.i- li nt (!ih shall peri-h." A Thank-giiing -einioii wa- pre.ii lied .ic-li'idiy Kilning ! ltei, tf. ('. I.iinui, pastor ot the t'ouit s,ro, 1 Aft thralls! Epi-iopal church, who told of the gie.it gi itilude which the people) of this laud should fnl to ('oil the xwmhi ful ptosp.iity he his blessed this lind Willi for tlie put .xr.ir. Ihe men's meeting xc-liidiy atlinmoii al tiie It..llio.ul Young .lien's Christian a-soi iation rooms was adehcs-cd ltv W. E. rciiiio, of Xrw 1I.1MII, ".ho gale .1 simi t but pithy luldie'ss, full of behind siu-ui'stloiis tm tho-e m the i.milem , who h.ol ic-olied to follow hiisl. I). AV. piiu, c.f AA'Ilkes-Hane, icnderrd ECiuil exe-ellent but tol.e jiilo-1. Fancy Stick Candy In gla-is jars. Old fashioned chocolate ci cams, I'oc; candy cuts, 1Dc- per lb. Coursen's. u Itemember the Children, l.'e to any part ol house, Lyceum this afternoon. SS FREE Thanksgiving Coat Commencing Saturday Morning. We offer a new line of Garments. just received at the lowest prices of the season. We were in New York on Thursday and visited all the prominent manufacturers, selecting the best of this season's garments and now offer the greatest bargains in Ladies' Jackets, Three-Quarter Coats, Long Autos, Capes, Tailor Suits, Walking Skirts, Misses' and Children's Coats and Capes We are positive this is the largest selection of Outer Garments ever shown in this city. N MEARS & HA6EN. 415-417 Lacka. Ave TRIAL LIST FOR THE SESSION IT CONTAINS THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX CASES. Begins on Monday, Dec. 3, and Will Continue for Two Weeks Cotincil mniiic Bribery Cnses Are Set Down for tlie First and Second Day of Tonus Neiushns Murder Case Heads 'the List for the Second WeekJudges Who Will Preside During the Tavo Weeks. Dlt-'triet Attorney John It. Jones com pleted the ii;lmliml tilal list for De cember sessions! on Sattirdiiy, He hat piai'-d every case upon the list, which numbers' i'liii. During the Hrsl week linn. I,', AA Aiebbaltl will preside In court room No. 1, and Hon, II. Al. l-'thvanls will picslde- lu court room .No. 1'. During the second week Hon. John ! Kelly will prc-lilo In court room No. 1, and lion. It. A". Archbald In court room No, :!. 'I'lie InteTrtlon I to run three com tn during- the coming session, but tlnj judges so tar have nol been able to complete arrangements with outside judges. The names of the outside judui'.-t AVhc") will assist the court lu the disposition of this largo list will bo announced hi'i-onlter. The cottncll mnnlc bribery cases ate; set down for the Hist week. The list follows: FIRST WEEK. Mondny, December 3. 1, Alexander Ccoduiu, .1--.1ul! and I1.1t tu.v; ,1, II. .Moiling, put-. 2. Jnliii Lisniske, .lohn llinil-li. tu-nu!t ami haltctyj (ie'oige Hii-e, pros. ::. (l-ear lleitltii 111. leMiuli and battei.i; .lesip'i Xii-.ttkiewle, plus. 1. .lohn swallow, assault .md battei.i: ltce-e .bnic.-'. plus. 5. Jl.11.1 Haley, .irx.mli and battei.i; Hiulgct Kllgauuon, prux. 0. Olley Piatt, I in my and reccixltig: John 'I'ookiu, piu-. 7. Oljinpla Phillip.-, .idulleii; Thomas Ley- shon, plus. S. Julia ISooclbiiilge, rouiniou scold; .I11IU Anile ison, piox. U. AMIIiam Tliomas. .i-.iult ami battel ; M.ny Swiugle, piox. 10. Slll.ltole Alinutti, selling lleueil- without li- icuse; Angel Chiekie, puis. 11. Oeorge A'on.iloius, Ian my by bailee; Ger trude1 Tomu-siiitJ, piox-. .'. Stewa .Miller. Otto Mlllei, assault and battel-: Chnlotle Kniiuolh, prox. II. John .1. Ilmke. malicious inlsiliicf; Mrs. .lohn Shuiiit. prox. II. 1'i.inl: AA'.iliof-ky, assmlt ami biltery; Ailolph Josephs, pin-. 15. Jl.iri.i Antouici Jnielonla, Muneinlo ltice.irdo, A'ineenco llirc.iido, li-siult and lntteii; Xicolo Jordano, ptos. 10. James .1. tiriei, bribciy; Edward II. btiuges-, pro. 17. James .1. C.riet. btiheiy; E. U. Stuige-, puis. Ij. -Morris A. .Moiri-. luiliery; AVilliari A. -Miy, pro-. ' 19. Ailli.ini Ar. (!iitlltli, biibrry; 1.'. II. Sluigr-, prcis. "0. Tliomn J. ('nine, biibciy; Etiwaul H. stuiges, pio-. 21. llioin.id J. I iiui1-, Iniber ; AVilliaut A. JI.11, plus. '2. Dnid II. Hoc.-c, bnhir-; Edward R. Sluigej, pros. 21. Tlioinas 1'. Jtoui-, bnbe.1.1; .1. A. Lan-in?, pi o-, 21. Simon Tliciuis. tinhcrv; It. 5f. lloira, pins, 2'i. Horatio T. I'll lows, biibery; II. M. Holer, pits-. 2ii. Jacob AV.il, assiult ami battiry; Heniictla Sihinidt, prox. 27. Juhii Cl.ulc, as-ault and batter ; Laiina 15. Swigei t, prox-. 2. Heoige Laccx, a-siult and bittery; Augusta L.uey, piox. 2fl. AN.dlace Oakley, malicious misiliiti; John ,1'iili li.ml. pios. SO. John .Mcdon, assiult and battel ; Steie .M.uL.iwiU, pios. Tuesday, December 4. :!!. Edwin E. EmiIi.uI, inciting imitdei ; I. P. Eieihart, pin-. ::.'. Chailes E. AAcni-l, bnber ; AAilliam A. Jlay, pi OS, ::.!. Thomas .Al. Alatkin', bnhei ; J. A. Lan sing, pios. .".I. Lliirles L'. Godsli.il). biibery; II. M. Hoics, pros. .'t.i. E. J. ilalono, bribeiy; Thomas Leyshon, pi OS. .Jei, llnratiu 1'illow-, bnhei ; 'Ihouias Li-.vslion, pi OS. :!7. C. AV. Mclxinuey, biibei; E. It. fttuiges, pios. ;!S. Augiisius Seamaiis, assault nml battciy; Sophii Seamaiis, prox-. J.'l. Jclin lxr.igrr, assault and bittci; P. II. Cawley. pios. 10. Jocpli Phillips, assault and lutteiy; Lottio x Phillips, piox. Jl. Muiiii Juiri in. malicious mischief; Paltiek MeXnltv, pros. 12. niidgii Hainiy, common scolel; Jliry L. Jonl.in, prox. 1". Lewis Satkowsl.l, assiull and battery; lgnacy (il.zew-ki, pios. 11. AWUiaiu H. Saul, assault and battery; E1.111 J. Eiau-, pros. .Pi, John Stage rwalt, n--ault and batleiy; Anii Eians, piot, Id. John Clark, assault ami Ii.itlity; Arnold Sw igi rt, pro-. 17. Owen C'uti.iii, ,1-s.iult and battiry; t'.ither- ine Cnrran, prox. 4S. Tlioinas Kupst, r.ss.mjc and bitlery; .I0I111 ll.ibu-os, pros. I'l. Patrick Welsh.sclling liquor withom license; John Lance, pio-. ill. Doiiienko liiaylano, Ilrlelget Kilgai.iion, breaking fmce: M.ny Hiley, prox:. fil, John I.uk.in, selling liquor without lieoti-e; ltclierl Wilson, pios. 0-'. AVilli.1111 AVeir, lueakit.g fence; J, A. II.111011, pio-. ;,::. L-abclla AA'eii, eoiniuoti sinld; J, V. Hutoti, pi l).S. .'I, John .Al.itcoileh, Joseph .Aliri'oilcli, Jo-eph AT OUR SAVED lyVyYW.Vi. 1 Hf& 3 i4$amlw& 1 CVuviar 5? Hen V MilJfir X- 'TB iuiiiM.1 Hnlrl Prnume (ti V uuiu xvllTYllO pJ Gold Fillings $1 Bridge Work (tSoW $3 Set of Teeth $5 All woik Riiarankrd for tt jeut'. Call and lino jo.ir teeth exiiuineel fun oi eliaigc. Satisfaction or no piy. L3i W 'L ii 'IJp UXXKUX5-:50raSX0XU5QKX 1 BITTEHBEHDER J CI.. KMnMKUKKKKUJSKIKKKnKKKKnKKKK Handsomely upholstered in finest qualities of velour, in both solid color and fancy figured designs (more than twenty distinctly beautiful pat terns to choose from). Until De cember ist for only $0.00 '8 Sold in most stores at Twelve Dollars. Always consid ered a bargain at Ten Dollars. Every Couch guaran teed by us for five years absolutely. In Our New Store 406 Lacks Avanna Ave. N'llipka, Mike l)is.i, aggravated assault and lutteiy; Peter Oianik. puis. Si. James fii.imille, ilefiaudim; boardinj- house; Alaiy .Mullly, piox. Sd. Toma-ssl Siiiano, a.ssault and battiry; E. J, Xeaiy, pios, "1". Peter spader, pointing pistol; Thom.Li II. AValsh, pios-. .IS. AAilliam Me.Andiew, assiult and InUciy; .To- seph fantcibeny, pios, Vi. Kiauces Deloils, Intccuv and irc-eiving; I.ig- glo Duiubroski, piox. Oil, John -Alo-t, i.irr.Miig concealed woapoiw; do- sepli N.iear, ptos. Continued on Page J.l Sale, Your v Thanksgiving Dinner..,.. will lie rail ti with 1110111 ivllli if .ilcn nil iliilnty illdiiM ami It don't rout mite h In buy dishes at mn- store, lllniisr sits nr ir.' pieics, eteceti-ated lain- $9.50 ikii lire el 1111, 101- ..... lOO-plece1 ( hllil for '.':';..?' vl.""1 $1850 If you don I M .mt but n few pleri-n eltit wliat Jon want I10111 one ed our 0en Stock Patterns. 5: 1 a. To Ml Wyomlnu' .Vvcaiie ik sks'vr. vtk In nnd loo'-- around TEETH Ae aie now ptitllng em and gxiai-uiilis-iiiir a 2Jk f.'oltl Cixwiii f-r M. This extleltiel low enter will posit itely onlv lal until Nni. !ii. If Oii 1110 In need of any Dental Woik call and get om piiees befoie guitig- ebi-whcir. He will saw oit marly one-luJI 011 all Dental Woik. AVe make a .specialty of Painless Ex traction, and II you have anv pain while we are ptilliinc our teeth will guarantee to do all ol your work free of charge. Dr. RejrsrTDentist SM Spruce tit., Opp. Court Houjc. Call and Examine Our Line of A great variety of styles constantly on hand. No slipping and falling, Mo more sore and contracted feet. 126 and 128 Franklin Ave. SO Couches ttl: i ci i Scranton Carpet & furniture Co. Ul'.CIHl'KltEll F. L. CRANE FURRIER. Established 1866. Xo end of prclty Models. Fine Furs. Fur neck pieces Collarettes, Unpen. Our line of Jackets, Ladies and Misses' Tailor Milts will "Fill the mil.' Fur Repairing; - ... ,G3 iiaiiwiimj. RAW FURS BOUGHT. 324 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton Pa, EUGENE FIELD'S POEIVIS A $7.00 BOOK Given Free 10 eae.li person interest. id in subscribing to tint Lugeue field lionet, ir.eut Souunlr I'linel. Subset U10 any aiiwuut lll'sill'd. SutiiClllitlcilH as Ion as S1.U0 will en. title donor to his daiut Tlll'.ilnuUeillliu cuntiiry. Iliiiiil soiucly i Iuh U.tteil by tnlr ly.tliu of Inn Avorld'Htireut1 est Atttits, lly qrtltlu xujuiiie. 'PICLlt n.DAVIlRS" (cloth boaud, axil), as a eetttlficitii of suUii'iii tloii to fund. !).: contains a selection of I le-iu 3 lictt itnil mot; icprcsuitaliva woiks and it uady iur in- Hut for tho nolilo coulilliutlon of tlm icoild's gre'.itct alllils Ihh hook could not h.ne lieeu iiutiulactiurd for Um than S7.IH. iu I'liiui Clcatld is iliiidjd lepmlly be. twi-in tho family of tlio Uto Ihncene Field ami tht fund for .the liiill.ling ul a nionu. incut to the menioiy ot the bcluu-d poet of childhood. Add i ess Uuijono I'lcU Ainnumeitt Souvenelr Fund Vlilcuso, III. It jou Jl.o iilitu send post.n;e, etrclw. 10 llllla. I TRIBUNE, WANT ADS. BRINQ QUICK RETURNS 7 ! ii. ' I 14 t An . I X Jt J! lvi-- r .a?m 7 JM: " -1 i , , i I,J v ' ' iV r. E-rf? L1 .: -i . I 1 1 it 1 WJV" - .-
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