IWIM I 1 I I 1 1 I I I III -TT i IW L.-1 Jd.-' vLi'W'J '- J ' V'ij F 'Tl Jfi N' il '! gimttte. cmnton V 91 1 THIi ONLY SflSSWN PAPBR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. , rinVV!!?.S . . - - . - - - - T --' - ... -- , , , s' TWO CENTS. fSB8 SCRANTOX, PA., TUESDAY. MOHN'IXU, NOVEMBER 27, 1000. TWO- CENTS. -;AVsW.. r'itft- imT' i't-mv r '" jr f j I ?3 l TELLING WHAT NAVY NEEDS Digest o! the Just Issued Annual fjtcnort ot Secretaru of Navu, Long. REWARDS FOR OFFICERS Renewal of Protest nt the Failure of Congress to Provide Due Recogni tion for Special Heroism in the Spanish-American War Remedy Proposed Need of ft National Na val Reserve Armor Plato Muddle Settled Revival Grade of Vlco Admiral Is Recommended. By I!cluMo Wire from The Associated I'rcM. Washington, Nov. 20. In the annual lepoit of the secretary of the navy, made nubile today, reference is made brlelly to the naval operations) of the pant year und attention called to the ui Kent need of G,000 more men In the enlisted forte, theie not being enough men to man properly the ships already In commission, to say nothing of ships now building. Revival of the grade of vice udmlral Is recommended and also additional pay for naval oilleois and marines on shoie duty In the new de pendencies. Considerable space Is occupied with u narrative of the negotiations leading up to the recent ugt cement as to ar mor plate, which Is to be furnished by the Carnegie and Bethlehem com panies ut not to exceed fH.l.fiJ a ton, subject to reduction If loyalties fall. The original bid of these companies was $400 and the cheapest lorolgn price is 2545. A naval station and diy dock in the Philippines and coaling stations at convenient points aio urged and the need of a 'national naval reserve con tinually in touch with the naval ser vice and navy department Is foiclbly presented. A complete overhauling of the organization of the navy depart ment so as to consolidate and unify the various and often discordant bu teaus Is advised. Increase of the Navy. The general board, of which Admiral Dewey is president, lecommend the following increase of the navy: llattla fhlps , Armored cruisers .1 Gunboats IJ fiistrojors . Torpedo bo'aU '.'.'.". !; 3'ranport !.'.!.! 1 Uralning Bhija !.'!.! i Four of the Ave members of the bo.ud of constiuctlon recommended: l.'n.hcithed bittlcilnpa of atiout U.JO-j ton.-, trial displacement j ITnslicather armored cruiser-, of aliuui n,uw ten trial displacement Nicithed and coppered cruisers of about O.iIO-j tens trill displacement , Hit-allied and coppeicd gunboats of about id) tons trul displacement n E-heiithcd and coppered light-drill frtmbciis oi about .200 toiu trnl displacement . ... ui Colliers of about 11, W0 tons dli-plueiin.nl Jlepiir tlilp of .ilrnt 7,500 ton di-phoeiinni.. Tiimnoit of about 7,000 ton-, ilifjilacciiunl... I The fifth member leeommend.s: Sheathed and coppered battlc-lups oi about 11,000 tons trnl displacement .iml l'l knots 1 1 nl speed Fheiilhod nnd coppered arinonil tiui-, i-, of about 11,000 tons (rial ilispijumeiit iml 2J Knots trill speed j Mil ithed and coppered piolicted cruloiii it about 12,50iJ tons (nil ilUpl.ireiiici,t and not le-s llian 21 Knots trill t.p,ed : l.i-ht-dr.ift gunboats, special!) ib-duned tor riur scnice, of about UK) ton tihl di-,- pliccmci.t and 10 knot tiial peid 1J "All tho vessels thus reeonininnileil aio desirable In the prospective devel opment of our naval foice," says the .secretary. "Hut In iuw of the milli ner or largo fighting ve-scl.s already authoiizcd, some of them liaidlv be gun, the department l.s of opinion that ! ('fill cri-n.s- nt Itu ,,,,l,v un, ..t.... ..i ,., I .... .... L'",iMtn rtTMiu Milium bo asked for only two battleships and two unnoted i-iul&ert-, all of the maxi mum dlplacoment specllled; that at least sl light-draft gunboats undbonio smiill ctatt lor river seivico ate es pecially desirable in loiineetion with our insular service, and that tlio col Hers, training ship.-, trumtpoit and re pair ship are the necessary accompani ment of the general ipcoiU Incieiiho of the navy, both In its lighting fotee and in tho enlarged rango of its operations. The department thurofoio muhes Its leeoinmendation in accoulanco -ltli this opinion," Naval Rewruds, Tho altentlon of congie.ss N umilii tliteoted lo the Inequitable and demur allzlng present method of compiling tpeclal rewards upon olllcuis by jump ing them .i ceitaln numbor of points over the heads of brother officers gun erally equally meiltotloiis, theiPby dc. Bradln,? tho hitter. Continuing', thuiu. port says: Consplcucus ads ot Mlor In buttle jnd iup lloiul and icK-eacrlrti hirf iliuilldn in ilm ili plajvd by nlllcen and nun in tlmo i,t public dniBtr ahoiild be uppropilitely .uKnowlednl Mai rcuardeil, 1 ut b'ii budi benltu aio lendind to tlio nation luvauli Iliuitoi- im.la io (oir.u trom tbo nitlon. llouoo mid iiiiulumonts muilit nut to bn tal.cn from brollur ullh.ii ci.lliy u nn dull, 'that tlih U Hit fllid ut tin, pu'mnt i.utnil and Hut it Mi; lit lo bo dunked Ilium;, iipircnt ili' u tlio aluinpt ma mule to apply t tuning tbo ti ir Midi .Spain. It appi iu from ill limpectfon i,( lb nai lUt lliat blli tome it I In- DllllCW nIid lllllllllll ilUlliisiiilici Ml tea duiliiK lliat iwr boc bun pinuiutul, nlliCH .UU' reiched nu reMld of any Kind; ulillc nlh. in dill, by tbo tiiriuui opeiutiou of the cUtlln,' b..lin', Hint lluiiiiihn ai tu ill i in lowct uli the position.! tbau they uituplid In hie the nar bRan. Mich a i-,liiii l bail, put ri.ly be voij' It operaUi to lenjiil somo at the espeibe jf others, but lor the (iiitliu most import int riMwm that In a prolon.'iil w ir it uouU result 'n inextricable iou(uhn. Oltinu uihaiued for grllliant conduct at tho eptuliiK of hoMlllllcj tould find (IuiiimIu pasml later by juiiloij iiilMiquently promoted foi lllo uaioiw, und thetu ii turn inlglit by luitlur jppliejtlon of tlio flmo fulo loo all tho .ihanlain thus giliu. t Is belhcd that a "atitfadcry rrumly for tin cIU (,-roln- out ff this Inideiuate aid Sbjutlonablj ol'ni U to be found In eittu-r of two nipwiirr-t whlrli wio put before riinnn nt lis 1al ffihiii, and nte nllll iltiiiK uc lion. One of thcc protlde flinply lint the ail Minccinrnt In tmK of otlkirs of tlio uaiy mil Inarlno rorin for nr irilee hill not Inlu fere iillli the leulir prnmotloii ot those other. wlo intltled tlirirtu. The othel, tu wlilili fl lenlon It pJitlculirly lmltcil, li the bill raith".' Irlnif the secretary nf the iiaiy to ciiie lo bo piipninl for boti).il upon nllkers in I nun di enliiir of f"-i.lal ncnxnltlon certain Modal) of thme ilii-n. I, i',1 I. The "honor innlil," lo In prej-enUd bv the incdliliht, for enilnint and inmplmoin comhi.'t In buttle, oi other itunrituiK pulillc cmerneiii yi tu be aw.irdul only upon the loconimenilntlon m n boinl of oftkin .uithorhid to InqtiUa lulu the iiicilli if ihIi i ei', inipoiMrid to mlnilnl tii1 uatliH m ltneM'", nnd requlreil to report ill the lurtliuhrit 0( the ucl for wiildi the auaul is ni-oinmindiil. It in prodded Hut the "honoi medal" dull carrj with it a mull lllllllll Illlll.lS' of pa). 'i 'Hie "coiirai!!' Innlil," to be prMti!ul If the vmilir of the uij, lor ilUtingui-l.iMl cen. hut in tlie pieiinec ot the enemy, or ixtranr dinar Iicioisin at an thin. .1. The "m nice medil," lo be prv-iiiili.il by the miii tart' of the iii., for dir-tlnpilshid puti be Mnicp in time of u li. 'IIiIh bill pimldi-t i mcm of appioprhu, In ihiiiii and hatlifnclory rewards i.iplble of lirompl lie-tonal, dolly jmtliv lo spicltl meilt, mid uorMns.' no InjiylliL- to unbily. Such iiicdil-t eotild ! worn upon nil oecnslons of icumony durini; the life nf the recipient, and triiitullted rs n prized heiilnom lo hU ilcsciml mts. A featuio of tins finteni, which putlcu l.irly roniiiunili it. l-i the fiet tint it U applle nble to noncomiiik-doiied o(lleeri. The present sisteni proiidn no sitNfiuloiy method of le wnidluir enlUted men ami inirlnes. It 1-t riioiumeiideil that, if tonirre-w xlionld dinn it wise to enut thli mcasuie or i-oino uthi r of an appioprhte chtracter, it be midc m tar rdroidhc as to confir its bmcfiti upon offlcin nud nun of the nny desmln-r thereof for ee(ptlonil 7cal, fidtllty, and capacitj, or fur cim-iplcurus- couraK'' in the presence of the incmv dimucr lb" ucent vpnildi war, but who M't itiuiln without snbt intial rii omitlon or rii'iird BIG RAILROAD WRECK REPORTED Bumors of Train, on Chesirpake and Ohio Crashing Through Bridge Near Charleston. By Uv.lu-iic Wire fiom Tlie Asswiated I'icsi Cincinnati, Xov. 26. A special to the Commercial Tribune fiom Chailcston, W. Va., says: It is reported that a Chesapeake and Ohio railway train went thiough the Croon Ciler river btidge, which had been damaged by the pi evading floods. It Is supposed that there were about 200 people on the train and that all were lost. All wires aro clown at and near the ciosslng of this river, and It is impossible to get any sort of con firmation of the disaster. Uven tho i.iilwav officials nre unable to secuie communication with points on either side of the liver. Richmond, Va., Xov. 2U. The Chesa peake and Ohio olticlals hero positively deny the story ot a passenger ttuln wreck at fiieen lhler liver midge and all stoilcs of any loss of lite on the line. The Dispatch had a special at mid night from Roncev ct te, which is within a few miles of every point at which the Chesapeake and Ohio ciosses the flreen Brier. The special reports a li eight wreck, with no loss of life, at Allegheny, and mentions delay of pas senger tiains in such a way as to en tliely discredit the passenger wreck leport. At 1 a. m. the Chesapeake and Ohio was woiking direct to Ulntou and re- alliim their denial. Cincinnati, Xov. 26. Their- has been gie.it apprehension here tonight over a repoit about a Chesapeake and Ohio passenger train going thiough the Creen llrler liver bridge, near Hinlon, "W. V. All through whes on. 1 Union, W. Va., Xov. Jo. -Theie have been various lopoits tonight about bildges on tlie Chesapeake and Ohio being washed out and tiains tunning into the itvci- with till on board lost. Then- is nothing in any of llips0 io poits. All tho ttains are accounted lor, either at Aldt-ison oi White Sul phur Spilngb, and the passtiif-ers on the delayed ti alns ni oolng enter tained at the hotels it- the best possi ble manner. While none of the bridge- lie washed out, yet tin io.ut has stif le! ed much dnmiif foi n distance of nbout thirty mill s in eoibankmentti belntr washed nut and in landslides, the most sciious bilng the landslldi mill- one of the fire en llvei bridges, not l iir fiom AVhlto Sulphul- fpilngs. RAISED HIS HEAD AS COMRADE FIRED Young Lad Hunting for Gulls Arose from Hiding Just in Time to Receive a Bullet. U; I M.luhD Wins from 'Hie .Usodaled I'ltba. Xevvpoit, Jl. I., Xov. 2. William litooHs, of Jamestown, son of Chief Engineer William Iliooks, of the steamer Denver Tall, was accidentally shot nnd killed while gunning today. Iliooks, who Is about sixteen yeai.s of age, and two other boys, vt-io after gulls. Dioolcs, hldileu fiom his companions by a rock, shot at a gull, .lust as one of his comiades Hied, Jliooks iiilst-d his head and received n bullet back of the left ear. Ho fell Into tho water and lived but a foiv moments after his companions had pulled liltn to tho slime. One Man Killed in a Train Wreck. By i:cltuhii Who lioni The Akwclatcd Vitta. 'Iientoii, .N, J,, Nov, 20. ,V doiillo wrcd, causing (he death ot one mm, ocuuied today on the IMawurc liuf bridire of tliu I'ma-jHanla railroad kilwein this illy and JluriUillle, l'a, A Oi ill inline llnt i.in into the nar mil of a lidulu train, dimolkljup e caboo-e and wiicklii; the cnirinc. Iredcrick MiD-well, a Hain lund, waa Killed bj lielnu bit by a beam of the biidgc, h'llisequenlly & lutscugcr train liouml cast ran into tho wreckage, but no dun. rkc was done- other than a thakiiu; up of tho pjSM'llgW, Secretary Boot's Retuni, lly Kxdulie Who fiom llio ,sodated I'lcsj. -laikoiiille, Us., Nov, 2d. h'ccrelaiy ot War Itwt, accompauUd by inial Wood, arrhvd hero early today on the dispatch boil Kuiuwhi. The M-cutary left for Washington ut 10.SO a. ni. STORMS WORK MUCH HAVOC From Everu Direction Cohig Re ports ot Floods, Dlstnic tlon and Fatality. WIRES BADLY MIXED UP dale of Sixty Miles nn Hour Churns Lake Erie Into a Foam Rivers nnd Streams Overflow Their Banks nnd Cany Property Away Some of tlio More Exciting Cases of Personal Injury or " Escajii Fatalities iu Tennessee. U; Kxiluslvc Wire from The Aioclatcd Prow Iaoraln, O., Xov. 2C High winds are causing much damage in this harbor. Since last night Lake Krio has been lashed by the storm and tonight the harbor works .ire In danger of destruc tion. Moio than 1,000 feefof the east government I'lor has been destroyed. The west pier Is also thieatened. Cleveland, Xov. 2ti. Another violent slot in prevailed on Lake Krio nnd throughout Northern Ohio today, tho wind coming from the north and blow ing at the rate of sixty miles an hour. Tho gale was accompanied by heavy rain and sleet. The lake has been lashed to a wild fury and no vessels! are leaving poi t. The telegraph and telephone com panies, which suffered great damnge lrom tho heavy storm of last week, were again badly handicapped by the prostration of lines on pioctlcally all loutes as the u-sult of today's storm. Hundreds of poles ore down and it will probably be several days befoie com plete repairs can he made. Storm Damages. Columbus", .O., Xov. 2t. The damage done throughout the state will reach thousands. At Chagrin Falls the tele phone switchboard burned out and sot half a dozen houses on fire. At Coin bridge seveiol biiildingL' weie blown down, and at Dntuvin, Miss Annie Huid was drowned, driving Into a stieam whoie a bridge had washed out. Tho Ohio liver and southern Oliio streams are ilslng rapidly. Wires aie down In all dhections and ttains aie delayed. Guyandotte, W. Va., Xov. 2ti Con tinuous rains for tho past forty-eight hoiiis have pioduced unprecedented Hoods In Guyandotte -valley. The river and Its trlbutailes aie overflowing theii banks and aio beailng away quantities ot cross ties, lumber and other uiop erty. The liver is ilslng above and idl!l more dnmage is expected. In Tennessee. Memphis', Xov. 20. Several lives weio lost In the floods recently in western Tennessee. North of Dyoisbuig a wo man and two children In a buggy weio thrown into a slough by the ciumbllug of tlio roadway and weie drowned. A mailcairier was di owned in Cunuv creek, while attempting to tend tlie stream. A section hand on the Illinois Central lallvvay was diovvned at tho South Fork ot" the Koiked ilver. nimhd, X. Y Xov. 26. The high water is evidently i caching Its climax heie tonight. At it.SO the ChemuiiR i her legisters fouiteen feet sK Inches above low water level and is slowly rllng. It has neaily ceased laiiiiug. Many parts of the city are Hooded and Hie Hie and police departments weio busy all afternoon aiding In the woik of lesoue, Xeaily all tho basemen's in the business districts are under water. The piopeity loss will be cou sideiable. Telephone messages fiom points along the head wateis of tho Chemung ilver repoit the worst floods since JiM. At Knoxvllle, Pa., two Iron rallioacl bridges weio swept away. Tiafllc on ihe Covv.inge.smio hianch of tho Penn sylvania division of the New Voik Centiul Is suspended. Albany, N. Y Xov. 20. Tlf- Heavy rains have caused an eight-foot trosli et in the river heie, with excellent p--os-peets of tho w liter Hooding Quay stieot befoie morning. The big ilso was un expected and the morchants along tho docks were not piepaied for II. The current In mid-stieam is very swift, and all trains are delayed. In West Virginia. Charleston, W. Va.. Xov. 2C Tho continuous lalnfnll ot tho past forty eight bonis him caused a lapld ilso in all streams in this section of tlio state. The Kanawha has almost i cached tho danger lino heio and peo ple In tho lowlands aio nlieudy mov ing out. Tho Kanawha r.t 9.J0 o'clock tonight was 27,1 and rising one-halt' foot per hour. At Kanawha Falls, thirty-six miles above, tho liver Is 2o.U feet and stationary. At least four more feet tiro expected, Tho KIk la out of Its banks with 15, statlonaiy, ut Clay, five miles nbovo. The lalu fall lioro for twouty-toiu- hours ending ut 8 a. m. today was 2.7 Inches. Athens, O,, Xov. 2(5, As u icsult ot tho heavy tains tho icservolr near Chauncey burst today and Hooded tha town, a mile away. Tho lesoivolt- cov oied tltiee ncios and was twenty leot deep. A bundled ynids of railroad traik was washed out and nenrly all tho josldencos In Chauncey were flood ed, A hill, deilectlng the oourso of tho water, saved tho Chauncey mine, whero one hundred men weio at work, from being Hooded. Ithaoa, N, V Nov, 20, Wat or con tinued to sweep down through tho Ithaca gorges all duy and at it o'clock tonight tho Hood hud Hiibslde.d but lit tle. The danger mark was pa&Btd nbout noon, however, Tho lower Hatn, near tho fair grounds, are transfoi med Into n lake, and hoises stabled there for the winter barely were loscued. There was much delay to railroad traf fic No trains on tho r.ehigh Valley from the south could auive, while all the Pelavvaie, Lackawanna nnd West ern tinlns wero compelled in un load passengers on tho well hill rnd bring them Into town by L-.nriiujo. BY FIRE aND FLOOD. Awful Damage Done to Village of Cross Forks, By r.vclinlie Who from 'I lie Asioi lited I'reii. Wlllliuiisport, Va,, Nov. 20. Inside ot fifteen hollts tho village of Cios Forks, on the Clinton and Potter coun ty lines has been Visited bv a baptism nt flrn and water. A man started a lire In n sheet lion stove last uvunlng and left the house. A bluzo resulted, and befoio It was stopped fivu stoics and dwelling combined, two barns and an Ice house were destroyed and the cnthe town would have gone had It not been for tho lain. A jovvchy stoic uinl dwelling, Uodler's .store, postolllco nnd dwelling, Polo's maiket, ice house and dwelling nnd Holmes.' grocery store weio dcHtiojed. The loss Is Viu.OOi), and theie is some insuiancc. The town is without fire piotectlon nnd wet blankets Is the only thing the people had to fight it with. To the tenor of the occasion was added wholesale thieving of tho goods res cued from the flames. Scarcely had the excitement over the Are subsided than the biggest Hood ever known in Kettle cieek stiuck tho town. It covoied nil the lowlands and carried away two bridges on the Hufftiln and Susuuehanna r.illioad. The tramway of the Lackawanna Lumber company was so badly damaged that It will le quho a week to put It In repair. COMRADES CALL ON THE PRESIDENT Delegation of Veterans, Headed by General Sickles, Received by Major McKinley. B. lluhnne Wile from 'I In. isociit it I'ii-h Washington. Nov. 2( A delegation of veteians of the Civil war from nii-nv of the- states, headed by Gciieial Dan iel V. Sickles, ot Xew JVoik, called on the piosident bv appointment today and congratulated him on the icsult of the iecenl c-Uotion. Theie weie thirty in tho p.nty and they weie lecehed In the library. Several of the visitors weio of the Demoeiatle faith. Iu his addrc-s to the piesldent, Gen eial Sickles, speaking of these, said they weie patiiots Hist as they weie In '01. The genei.il, in Ills speech, stated that this notable delegation of veterans had nothing but (ongraUilations to offer the tnesident at this time and nothing to ask for. Ho would ftugqet, however, that in view of the fact that during the campaign Just closed the veteians of the War of '01 had with great unanimity langed themselves on tho side of their old coiwi.ide, r.n ac knowledgement In some public way of tho sendees tendered was highly ap preciated. The piesldent responded brlelly, tell ing tlie veteians how deeply he nppie ciated their offoils in his behalf and that he would gladly make tho ac knowledgement that had been sug gested. MANCHESTER IS A FINE, MANLY FELLOW So Says the Duke's Papa-in-Lnw, Who Also Says Seveinl Other Things. m l,in-lc Win. from The Av-niiud t'lc i. Xew Voik, Xov. 20. Eugene Zlnmiei nutn, whoso daughter was inmried to the Duke of Manehestei, a week oi so ago in England, was Interview t.U heie today. He said to a reportei: I luM- muni litr.- to niiet my d.iiir,'iiti r and lui husband. Attn thej hue n-iUd hue a I in iknK we villi i;u to Cincinnati and 1 uci tion will bo i,ivci at my home, 'the duhe 1-. .1 bright ilup. llt's a fl.ie, nunly fillow, 1 like :i mill who iwnt lo wolh as he did j-i a in.n pipir lni.i v.lilll he wis IiUl. Soiiu- nf hi. .1 ticks wire ttisc rate, ton. At no tline wis I opposed In hit, lllllll.iM- to lu.i dm'litil. 'Ilioie ttorhi ue all moonshiiu. "I-, it true that the duke Is in j lud i Illume! ill?" ashid tho uportir. I kiic-i tbete won't In- anv diflleully .ibeut M-, iKbK .Not at all, Tint iIoih not mike am iliffiriiKi-. I don't c-iro tn null. ,iluil tho minium- oitlon. That U a pilwto inittti. Hut thtro won't bo any tmublt. about dibt-,, 'ilicv villi be will, tint's all rittiit; all ilfiht, "fii it likely tint the dul.o nuy settle (limn in lint rlci and entci tho laihuid hu-iliiov'i" Vo, nn, tho duke li boIiib Into MiltUli lioli. lli.s. He is entitlid to a iiat in tho iiim-u of bull .ind he is t,oiii' to linn hU attiutlon to polltks. DESPONDENT MAN'S DRAMATIC SUICIDE Kissed Wife and Childieu, Then Hanged Himself to the Rafteis of nn Outbuilding. lly lviliMw Mho from The AsmkUIh 1i t -n. Lancaster, l'a., Xov. 20. Kissing hU wllo and children, I'otor Hnyder left his home at Alount Joy this evening, ta.tig lu would i etui n In a shoit tlmo. About an hour lnr his dvad body was found hanging ft mi r. uu'ter a an outbuilding, .'li a poe'MH was tcur.d tho following note: llury inn at once, llavo mi fiiniul and din't l.iku iny Iwdy Into tho hwiai-, li was (iddiessed to his wife, Sny der had been despondent for somo tlir.a and Jieijuently spoke of suicide, Dr, Qnrvey to Be Made Bishop, Hy i:iltiklio Wire lioni The Awoclutcil 1'iias. Washington. Nov. 2fl. Olllchl advices Invq K'tn icuhid by ArchbUhop Keanc tint tho Hoiiun authniltliii will dlttdo hU jiirlsdiitlon by treillns u tutlmgo dloi"-o at biouc City early tun month. At the aiiiu time it U ixpoctul thai Altoona, l'a., will bo didjicd an cposiopjl sec- with Very llcv, lr. 1'. .1, fiarvey, prenldent of St. t'linlcs mmlnjiy, l'l.lladilpliij, as its fir,t bishop. m - ' - No Longer a Republican. Pi Kxcluslio Who fiom The Asvoclatcd I'rrM. Wathlniilin, Nov. J. In making u ihc Ke pulilliiii i.inuis Hit of the senate the ii.miio of H-iutor WilliiiRlon, of Jlarjliml, has ben omit tut at his own ii'llk'tt. DOWIE'S MEN MAY ENTER Their Importation Not a Violation ot the Allen Gontrad Labor Law. ARE AN EXCEPTED CLASS By Reason of tho Fact That They Aie to Hake the Thread from Which Lace Is Manufuctmecl Com missioner General Powderly Rules That Their Coming Is Not in Vio lation of tho Existing Statutes. An Opinion .Which Has a Local Beating. fly DvcIiKive Wire fiom The As-'xiitnl 1'ios. Washington, Xov. 20. The treasury dop.-ti tment today decided to admit tho laccmnkeis and their families, who weie hi ought to this country by Dr. J. A. Dowie, tho "divine hcalot" and tbo founder of Zlon City, Ills., to teach otheis the ait of laeemnking. This Is a level sal of the actions of the Phlla plil.i Immigration oillceis, who had de cided that the Incemakers should not be admitted lo this country. Commissioner General Powdeilv, In his letter to the commissioner of Im migration at Philadelphia, 'llteotlng that the laoemakeis be admitted, said: "It appeals that It is the puiposo of Tlr. John A. Dowie, who hud in ranged with the appellants to come over, to secuie their sei vices In the m.fiifnc luie not only of lace, but also of thread fiom which such lace Is to be made. Although laeemnking hi some of its hraiiehc'3 has been carried on In this country for some years heretofoie, It seems to have boon the practice to Im port Ihe tin end used in such establish ments. "The department is of opinion '.hat said Industry Is a new one not estab lished, and as it is not claimed or shown bv the leiiiesenlatives ot the L.icemakeis' union tli.it labor could have been obtained in this eountiy to pio-ipctlto the industiy, tlieie is appni -ently no violation ot the alien couttaet labor lavv.i " II is held that the imniigtants come within tlie law's c option. It is also held they are not likely to become pub lic charges. INDIANS UGLY IN WHITE RIVER REGION Slaughteiiug Gnme in Violation of Law and Otherwise Acting tln- luly Troops to the Scene. fly l.xdiis.ve Win lioni The Aviouated I'ixm. nide, Colo., Xov. 20. Game CommW .sioncr Johnson and his deputies pio cccded to Meeker by stage today in an otfoit to dilve the Indians, who are now slaughtering Coloiado game, back to tho leseivatlon. Denver. Colo., Xov. 20 Adjutant General Ovoimi-yur today wired Tioop A eavaliy, at Grand Junction, to be In readiness for immediate call In case Game Commi.ssloner Johnson's toreo should not be equal to tho Indians In the White river dlstilct. it is lopoit ed that even a linger number of In dians that the S00 pievlnusly reported have left the reservation and ni-J slaughtei ing hundreds of deer in the vicinity of tho Yamaand White rivers. Commissioner Johnson will station pickets at the stale line to pi event the pat-sing of the Indian pack tiains with their tons of bin den lioin -he slate. He Is determined to an est some of tho Indians with game In their powMssIon, If possible, In Older to have tho J-ivvs ic-gaiding Indian raids listed DEMANDSOFCHINA. Ministeis' Reported Agreement Based Piobably on Our Note. lly l.Mln-iiii- Who from The Asscclilcti 1'n-s. Washington, Xov. 20. Whllu olllceis of tho state department will luy noth ing respecting tho situation In China, beyond acknowledging lh.it dispatches have been iccelvx-d today having nn Impoitant heating on it. (heio aio in dications that the foreign ministers in PeMn bin ono longer any dUorolIonary power, and that they are aotln-r irtue ly as agents lo eairy out explicit in stiuetions fiom tholr government... Such agreement as thero is i.s be lieved to bo based on .Soeroiuiy linj's neeiit note. West Put Bonner Out. Py Licliiiivc Wiru from Tho .Wiclatul Pius. I'hllideiphl.i, Nov. 20. Tommy We.t, of lliookl)ii, and Jack Homier, of summit Hill, nilM-tl It iiji foi- ci" romidi tom.dt befme the I't'iiu Art AthktlQ dub. Iljnuoi- but the UUir ot tlio KOlntr Just Ixfore tho b-ll riur ill Hit last round whdi Wi.-vt cuijlit Itom.tv 'n (ho J.iH, which marly put the later out. Inv Ull tiled Mm. . ' DEATH ROLL OF A DAY. Hy i:(ulvo Win- Iroin 'tlio A-moUiUiI 1'uns, Tunton, N, !., Nov, 20 Suiiucl K. Wlbon iliid todiy in tho tight -tlilid jcur of bis ue, Vr, Wiliou was an eltnliu ininnliiclurii of woollui 1,'nods ami bis two mills in thU city gbo (mplo)inent to over TOO haiido, Pitiolt, Mich., .Nov. M. Mih Hiram Illni dile, who distiiuutdieil huiclf hy hir luiol-iu during the- civil war and who rimhrul vatuablo seivicc- to tin- gov ei mm lit as u epy, died todaj at St, Vlirj's hopllil at the ii'o of UI. Urle, l'a., Nov. 20. Junus lntTerly, tho bkt juriiioi of tlio lll-fjtul ttcauu-r Krie, burned AugLiot. lbll, ditsl hero tuddenly nf heart ills la&e. Tvo hundred and tort -nine Hies weio lost in the- KTtat dlnxstcr, which occurred be twien Kilo and Iluffalo. Minneapolis, Nor, SM. Ire. Joanna Itobliiiiu, a tccond cousin of l'reiddcnt McKinley, died at her ho'ina at bt. I'aul jeoterdiy. Mr. Itobii.-n Vtij, 76 jearu old and "as born in Si'.lti-l at 'Vnu old family home af tin MrKlnleya. THE NKWS THIS MOltNINH W'nther Indication Today, FAIR NORTHWEST WINDS. t Onri il bki'lroiu llffict of Ihc Menu. Hi in li'rt liictmiktis Jhy Until the United Mn!c. .iniiiiil Itcport of the Srnetiry of the Xmy. Ilniild Trusted I'leMcd by Cridltnra ot the t'nuntcN.. i titiural Cuboiidlle Depiitnicnt. ,! l,ni il Cniirl I'loofedlnp. She of the XtW hcho I Dead. I lMltotlal. News and Cmnincnt. fi I ocil-yivccllciiL I'tiftiniunce by the l.nslei ki.ni. VlliLstuti. 0 I mil VVet sunnlnn and Subiiiliin. 7 Vol tlitastem I'cnnlv mil rwi. liii nici.it ami ('mnmtii-LiI, h Uic.ll five Vwi) of tho IiiiIiiUIj1 Woihl. DYING SENATOR . BEGS FOR RESPITE In Moments of Semi-Consciousness Senator Davis Tells of tho Need for His Presence iu Senate. Ilv i:clusive Wire fiom The Associated 1V1, St. I'aul, Xov. 20. It now seems to bo simply a question of holtis until t'nited States Senator Cushmnn K. Davis passes away, tho reports fiom his bedside this afternoon being lliat his strength was slowly ebbing awny. Ills physicians do not anticipate dis solution Immediately, but piactlcally admit that so lar as any human agency Is able to know, death is certain. in his moments of semi-consciousness the senator will exclaim -about his de slio to lvo and express his wish for a few yeai.' moto life, as ho tools ho is neoded in the senate. His attendants aie much affected with the earnestness with which he states his belief in the necesslti" tor him on tho floor of the senate. FIGHT TO A FINISH SAYS AG0NCILL0 Election of McKinley Makes Peace Impossible in Philippines, Says Filipino Agent. lie ruliiiiw Wire from The s-ncnlnl I'os. Pmls, Xov. 2b. Senor Agoncillo, Ihe Filipino agent in Km ope, will islgn u oin his position as IvmiI of the Pails lunlit in a few days and on Sunday next will start for Hong Kong, via Jlaisellles. He expt e.ls to assume the (llicetion of the oxpoitatlon of arms and ammunition from the Chinese poit into the riillippines. When seen today reg.nding his plans", Agoncillo said "Tho election of AlcKInley makes negotiations foi peace in tho Philippines impossible in the ftiluie. Tho onlv thing left us U a light lo a ltulsli," ho said. WAR TO THE KNIFE. Pocono Ice Dams to Be Fought by Lehigh Navigation Company. Bv Eelii3be Wiie fiom 'Ihe Vuoeialid 1'ien. Slioudsbuig, Pa., Xov. 20. All idea of an amicable settlement In the mat ter of the Lehigh Coal nnd Xavigation company's Injunction against tho Toby h.iniiu Water Storage and Supply com pany and the Pocono Spilng Water Ice company Is at an end, and theie will now be a light in tho courts to a finish. The ai auments will be heard befoie Judge Craig toinoiiow, Tlio navigation company claims that the damming of tho wntei innkes it im possible for them to fuinlsh power. MOVING IN MAYBRIOK CASE. Fiiends Will Ask Piesldent McKin ley to Make Appeal to England. Bj Kxcliuhc Wiro fiom The Asiochted Pie-1. XoifolK, Va., Xov. 20. The No i folic fi lends of Alls. Florence Muybrlck aro again moving in tho mutter of .ecuilng tho loltaso of tho unfoi lunate Ameri can woman from AVofoid pilsou, Kng land. Piesldent McKinley will this tlnio be asked to Intel lore In her behalf, Impiovement Bonds Aio Valid. Ui i:fliisIo Wlio fiom The A-.ocl itisl l'ro-.i. llnllidijnbuiir, fa., Vol. 1M, Imljo Mntin Jl.ll, in the llliir county ionic todit, hiinhd d mu n ilmeo dieluliu v did 1111 U 11 of bunds ri,Krti;illiig .;2,. wliiih tin 1 1 -t Vllioni hid U-.ii.-d 10 tnvti- io-,ts 01 Mini niipniVi iiiontc. l'louilnent tnvpijirs bid iu-iitiiinl In Jmidioii puettdhu'3 lo let the ill-lllv ut tho builds 011 ihu, (jioiind tint the Mute (upitliu cnuit hud didled lint tin- clti iinllujiite lislnj the 111 nun r of plying bonds by colics tin,; .imm'. incuts from indivlduil ireputy ohiii'k was lib-, t'll and void, Killed by Electric Shock. Hi I'-vcIu-Im- Wire iioiu 'iho Aothti-d t'us. WHmlUKton, Nov. 20. While wtilklnc ilong tho New" l.istle road tmlij, Henry Vcill, 1 tolorul man from Delawaie ( Ity, sir 1 wire l)ln,: on llio uround. It -las a teUpuoiie who mil hid been Mown dow-- be tho idoli wind 01 lj-,t iiIkIh. In idlo lurioslty Ne.dl plel-nl up ihe who and iiislnutli lill dt id fiom 1111 clcetilt iJiuiK, The hiuktii wile w.n rieixsn; with Iho power wliti of tho New tisllo tmlhe lint Sympathetic Stilke at Tampa. fly IImIihIvp )lte fiom Tho Aselatcd I'rusfi, Tamp it I'll-1 Nov. 20, bhicmI ttiike ni bulKllii" Iradib wiis ileelartd todav in sympatli.e with tlio Intern itloiul t lum m.ikcri Nino luial uiii-iiH obitsl the oidd of the tuilcs asiubly and iiiu-ui lo ko to work. It is t-jtiinali-d tint I, Km arc- nut, 1 m Rockefeller Woxth $260,000,000. 11 Kclu,lo Who liom 'Iho Aiboeiated Press. New a, Nov. 20. Upon the bails of a current oiler of f.s00 a film- for Ktandard Oil ilock, tho holding of John P. TtockcMkr aio computed In bu wortli WoO.OOO.OUQ. He cwus UJJ.OOO chares. Wayne MncVeagU for tlio CablnetP Uy lAchiiiio Wire fiom Tlio Associated I-rcss. Philadclihia, Nov. 2a Thero h fillc here that Wajno JlacVcat.li may succeed John W. i;n,'ai as uttorney general 1 PRESSED BY CREDITORS Goiint Gastcllane's Pursuers No Tru to Squeeze the Gould Estate Trustees. INJUNCTION IS SOUGHT The Bi otheis and Sisteis of tho Wlfa of tho Gay Fiench Nobleman Aro Defendants in a Legal Action De signed to Disclose Whether tha Debts of Count Boni Can. Bo Col lectedFamily Secrets Forced Into Public Notice. Dy Fxtliuiie Wire from The Associated Piw, Xew Yoik, Nov. 20. Samuel Unter myer applied to nnd obtained tod.iv fiom Justice Fltgorald, sitting in tha Supremo coutt, an Injunction order, leturnablo on Alontlay next, against, the Count and Countess Cnstcllanc and CJcoige Could, Edwin Gould, Hovvaul Could and Helen M. Could, as trus tees under tho will of Jay Gould, re sit alnlng them fiom paying to Aura Could, Countess C'astollane, any part of the estate In the hnncls of the ti un ices or from applying any part of the trust liiiul to the debts of Anna Could or to her support or that of her chil dren, until tho further direction of the com t. The plaintiff in tho suit la Anton J. t)ittniar, who sues as assignee of Asn er "Werthelmar, a London bric-a-brac; dealer. Tho complaint, which l.s a long printed document, contains copies of dtafts tliawn by Werthelmer and ac cepted in writing by the Count and Countess do Castellano, amounting to upvvauts of $3Sr,000 of which $2S3,00O and upwaids are past duo. It is al leged that Anna Could has US.OOO.OOd held in trust for her by her brotheis and (tlster and that the income is about $900,000. It is claimed that $230,000 ,1 year Is all that tho count and countesi lciiiihc lor their support, and the plaintiiC asks that the remainder or the Income should be applied to tho payments of the couple's debts. It is said that over '5230,000 of s-urplus in come has already accumulated 111 tho hand hf the tiustoes, which ought to be used for this purpose. A Test Case. The present suit Is said to bo a. test c.'lso and it is lepoiled Is b'ickcel bv other creditors than WerthnlmJi". A few weeks ago, George ,r. Could was appointed guardian for tho Counters do Castcllane In a pioccdiiig in the French courts. Tho creditors claim that the purpose ot this proceeding was to got tho piopcrty of tha Coun tess de Castellano away from n'.tac-k by her cieditoi.s -o as to enabl-- tlie Goulds to iorre. settlement of the debts at their own time ami on their own tonus. Judge Dillon, counsel for the Could family, made the following M.ileieeir. concerning the suit: The C'onntiv do Ciitillino ! not entitled to anj inrt of the enpil il nr piuiripil Mini of du ct ite ot her fither, as tho statement of tin pllllltlll bdeiiui to implj, 'tlie will of Ml. tlnuld provides, in substance, that the income n to li .1 Oust fund in the hand! nf the truster-, l, b- appiuprlated for the s-ippoit and iiuintrn ance of his iliu;hfer and that she cinnot .inticl ptte or ilhpcEC of tm pmt of that iiuomc mitil it is actuilly received liy her and tint until so rcieiwd it shall not ho lluhlo for lui debts oe tlmie ot lici" Im-lind; and nndoiibtcilly tho triutce-i will fi-el it to be- their duty to hav this piovision Iu the will ciineil out In its full (Vleiit or is lit" aa po-,ible. Mm I111 no con tiol mi bm Ihe court anv contiol our Ilia principal Mini which go"S lo her ehlhlien titter her deilh. Tho only efiect of tho Pails pio eecdin.'. wheitby Oeorse Rould ww appointid snaullan for bis sister. Is 10 protmt hfr fiom liinirrnu fioslt obligations without the eon-end of her hi other. TELLER STICKS TO SILVER. Says It Will Bo a Live Issue in Poli ties for Years to Come. By Exclusive Who fiom Iho A'-foci-itcd Pre' Denver, Xov. 2C Senator Teller, npeaklng of tho flteef. on the sll-M-r (iie.-,tlou nl tho d -fett of Bryan, said that he did not Intend to abandon silver bet-'uiso of Iho ieMllt of tho jc cent eli ct Ion. Tho (iiiestlon Is not dead," he con tinued, "It will bo 11 livo Is.suo in Ameilciin liolUle.s for yoais to come, and 1 am III mly of tho opinion that we will ultimately return tu the bimetal lie f-y-steni," rm BRYAN TO SPEAK IN CHICAGO. An Expression of His Views on tho Democincy's ruture Expected. Hj l.Mludva Win- fiom Ihe A'suchtid 1'it'i CI1ICU--40, Xov. 2fi Dofmo 'Wllllnm -T. riiyan lull lor his homo In Lincoln, Nob,, it in said ho gave iihsuiatiro that he would bo p-esc-nt at the .lacki-mi Day hiiiuiuet to 1,0 hold iu this elfv on Jan. S. It Is believed that Mi. P.-yun will ilu-lnin hlms'-lf 011 the lutiuo of tlu DoiiKMiatlo ji.ii ty. In Contioveisy with TuiHey. 11,1 J'.iiliiiln) Win tioin 'I In A-i elated I'u.ss V.i-hiu;liiii, m. " Tin i-m- bitwrni tlm .tale dip u I nit nl and 'luiley m er tho w-llh-Ijildlli if an tMipi.lir lo 111. 'Ihomii II, ol Inll 10 bo tnii-ii al Ihilpuut, h.H piiMd into tho ctnlowilil (),'(, nnd Ihe iudie.itluus uic tint it will be- week", beloio Iho nutter t-Jii bo telllcd. Fell Demi nt tho Washtub, By tfvittuiio Wire from 'Iho Awoeluted Prcst. Ilarrlbburir, .Nov. 'JO, Mi-i. Itebccta I'rownffl trr, whllo ililnv Iho lumllv w.hlnj; today, fill dead ut tho waditub, Wluii found alio had been dead tonio time, - ---- ----" WEATHER FORECAST, . WniMnglon, Kov. 10. Vorc-cmt tor . Tiw-cliy and Weducsdayi i:jsttru Peiin- -f-' fjlvtnU l-alr Tuesday and Wcdneeflj); Irish wi-t to iioilhue-Ht windy. -fi tttttttttt1 4 igirti&fkfr! ja 'l , '-. 4- HJ J,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers