,,! $&.V" ; c-"r4- )! -.VlJ, ' i THE SCRANTON THIBlJErr FRIDAY, NOVEMBERS 1900. 'V V. . s T& ' 4 .A-.wivr-u- CARBONDALE DEPARTMENT. C7The Scrnnton Tribune has opened n Branch Office In Carbondale and will print a dally edition devoted to the Interests of the city, the aim be ing to supply Carbondale with a daily morning paper, containing all the news of the Pioneer City. Com munications of a news nature, per sonals and all Items for publication may be left at the new offices In the Burke Building, or may be sent by mall or 'phone. E. L. Hatfield, man ngcr of the Carbondale edition, will bo pleased to receive callers seeking Information or desirous of Impart ing it. A BIRTHDAY PARTY. Home of Miss Mollle Nolan Filled with a Happy Throng. A party was huld at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Nolan, of Pike street, on Wednesday evening In honor ot the annlvciKnry of this birth of their daughter Molilc. . The home ot Miss Nolnn was very flagrant, as It was decorated with palms and all manner ot flowers, with Hags and bunting of all descriptions t Ined among them and covering the 'walls. The scene was a very prottv one. Oames were the order of the even ing, Interspersed with vocal and ln 'strumcntul music. There were a num ber of out-of-town friends of Miss Nolnn present tn Join their congratu lations with those ot her city friends. Miss Nolan was the recipient of a, number of birthday piesents ot sub stantial value, and one, which she prizes most highly, is a portrait ot the famous labor leader, President John Mitchell, of the United Mine Workus. During the musical portion of the even ing's entertainment there were a num ber of vocal solos, and a duet bv the young hostess and Miss MncDeimott wns rendered very delightfully. Up sides these theie was an instrumental duet by the Misses Sadie Collins and Nellie Gavin, of Jermyn. A bountiful anil tastefully served supper was in dulged in at about 11 o'clock. Those present were the Misses Mnry McDormott, Lizzie Scanlon, Beatrice Howard, Anna Walsh, Dora Broivnell, KMle Frnlney, Anna Qulnn, Sadie Col lins, Lillle McCltrone, Nellie I,oughlln, Nellie Gavin, of Jeimyn; Nora Lynch, Mary Mannion, Lizzie Howard, Mollle Nolan, May Campbell, and Messrs. Claude Oliver, Harry Brownell, Robert Cox, George Alexander, Robert Helms, Royd Oliver, Herbert Hlsted, James Malone, James Cannon, Michael Bar bour, William Connerton, Michael Mc Chrone, Andrew Nenlon, Frank Nealon, Flunk Nolan, Michael Monohnn, John Gavin. Timothy Gilhool, of Jermyn, and Robert Lamoreaux. At the Young Men's Union. At taji rooms of the Young Men's union on Wednesday evening there was a Hallowe'en party, and beside the masculine members of the union there were a number of the fair sex present. Among the features of the evening was a ballot for the presidential, congres sional, state and county nominees. This ballot showed an almost evenly bal anced opinion among the voters, with tho Republicans slightly in the major ity, as follows: For President William McKlnley, 29; W. J. Bryan, 2."; John U. Woolley.19. For Congress William A. Connell, 28; M. F. Conry, 2G. For Representative In Legislature Timlin, 8; Philbln, 27. For Sheriff John H. Fellows, 31; Charles Sehjidt, 23. For Prothonotary Copeland, 29; Nor ton, 28. For Municipal Water 31: against. 13. On next Tuesday evening election re turns will bo lecelved by special wlto at the rooms, for the benefit of mem bers only. Getting Ready for Winter. Richaid Udy, the city gardener. Is busily engaged these days in trimming the shrubs and dees in the paik and putting things In spick nnd span con dition for the fall and winter. Bosldes these horticultural duties Mr. Udy em ploys his time In keeping the streets clear of cows and other stray animals, which he drives to the pound. Quite u number of bovines roam the c'.ty thor oughfares, and Mr. Udy's olllclul posi tion as "cow-catcher" is no sinecure. The People's Lecture Course. The Rev. John W. Phillips, Ph.D., D. D., will open the People's lecture course on November l'J, with tho subject, "What I Laughed at In Palestine." These lectures will be given In the Bcrcun Baptist church during the win ter. Each and every one will be free, with the exception that a sliver offer ing will be taken. Cycle Club Spreading Out. Application was made to court Wed nesday for n charter of Incorporation by tho Carbondale Cycle club. The sub scribers to the application were Claude R. Smith, George F, James, Henry R, Brlggs, Clinton A. Morgan. John D. Day, Joseph A. Hoole and D. W. Humphrey. -Tuneval of Patrick Sweeney. The funeral of Patrick Sweeney, who was killed at the "Lookout" on Monday-evening by u Delaware and Hud .twiwixatn, was held In St. Rose's church .V&stei'dny afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The '.Interment took plnco In tho new cemo Jtery.. At large crowd of (railroad men were'ptosent to pay their last respects to one of their number, . , Meetings Tonight. T Palestine commandery, No. u, Knights Hemplars. United American Mechanics, Junior rder. m Laokawann.i encampment, No. 18, I. '.O, O, F. The Park Is Shut Up. Tho path commissioners adhered 'strictly to their programme of closing Memorial purk on November 1, and yes terday tho gates were locked, tho elec tric light removed, and fiom now until DkBuU'sN , r Curt U Throat and Lung Affections. COUGH SYRUP Otttfaf Ktaulac. Refuse substitutes. M Vis sure rMIVUMUHC cure RhcuauUta. l 3 cti. May 1 there will be no admittance to the pretty little triangle. Tho leaves aro being gathered and carted away, tho water will be cut oft from the foun tain and ti favorite resting nlnce for unambitious wanderers will be closed to them for the balance of the year. All Saints Say. One toast, ol nil the church onUln, I, though no churchman, love to keep; All Hnlnts the holy dead who Ho In Hod's still memory folded deep. lames Ititwll Loncll, The Trinity Episcopal church llttlng lv celebrated tho observance of All Saints' Day yesterday by two services In the church, one helng a communion service at 8 o'clock In the morning, and the other taking tho form of a sermon at 7.30 In the evening, delivered by the Rev. R, A. Sawyer, the rector. At the Roman Catholic church of St. .Rose de Lima high mass was cele brated nt 8.30 a. m. by the Rev. Father .Thomas F. Coffey, rector. Confession was heard from 3 until 9 p. m. During the day three solemn requiem masses wore celebrated over the remains ot Patrick Sweeny, Mrs. Joseph Pcrrl, and nn Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Willis. At the Opera House. The Huntley-Jackson Stock company, which comes to the Grand opera house next Monday evening nnd gives eight performances during tho week, is n large organization. The company num bers twenty persons and curries a car of sneclnl scenery for Its production, which Include some of the largest scenic plays over attempted In tills country. Next week they will produce "The Futnl Card." "The World," "In nocent Sinner." "For Liberty nnd Love." "Michael Strogoff," "Just Re fine Dawn" and "The Tornado." Among the scenic outfit they bring will be en gines, .steamboats, tugboats, patrol wagons, freight trains, horses and dogs. This company has tYie sole right fur these plays in the United States. This will be their third season In this sec tion, and their past reputation Is a guarantee of their present perform ance. A private wire and operator will be on the stage and receive full eke l ton returns on Tuesday nlslit, both during and after the performance. A Missionary Society. Mls Queal, of Klmlra, N. Y gave a very interesting talk to the young ladles of the Methodist Kplscopal church of this city on Wednesday af ternoon In the parlors of Mrs. Meak- er's private school on Wyoming street. As the result of Miss Queal's talk a young womun's foreign missionary so ciety was formed, with the following officers: Mrs. A. D. Preston, president: Miss Minn Frank, (list vice-president; Mrs. W. G. Scuriy, second vice-president: Miss Nina. Rolls, recording sec retary; Miss II. M. Pascoe, conespond ing ecretary; Miss May Kllpntrlek, treasurer: programme committee, Mis Clara AVatt. Miss Pauline Coleman. Mis. W. F. Nye. Progressive Euchre. Miss Julia Kllhullen gave a progiess Ive euchre party last evening at her home on Brooklyn Rtreet, exclusively to her lady friends. ! Besides 'the caiil event there were a number of other pleasant pastimes. Indulged in. A de licious and bountiful supper was served. Among those who enjoyed the evening weie Mrs. J. R. Loftus and Mrs. J. J. Brennnn and the Misses Katie Butler. B. Kllhullen, Mary Buike, Tillie Murphy, Kathryn Pace, Alida Nealon and Elizabeth Swaitz. Too Late Now to Escape Penalty. Yesterday was the last day for pay ing city taxes without a pennlty, but there was no rush of property holders at tlie city treasurers ofllee. It wns very quiet there, as it bus been all the week, notwithstanding there will be a penalty of three per cent, added after last night's receipts were compiled. Perhaps the lack or anxiety to escape this added item may be explained by the' fact that the majority of tho as sessments were paid eaily In the fall A Miner Hurt. John Mannion, n miner, while at work yesterday afternoon, met with a serious accident. He was pushing a loaded car through tho mine, with his back to the bumper, when his foot slipped and ho fell, striking on his sld. Dr. Lowrey was summoned and he found Mr. Mannion'. s side severely cut and bruised. He was carried to his home, where It was said last evening he would probably be able to be around In a few days. Helped to Ordain a Clergyman. The Rev. M. C. Elliott, of the Con gregational church, assisted In ,tho or dination of Rev. K. A. Boyl as' pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church in Scranton Wednesday. Mr. Elliott re turned in time tn preside over tho mock election of tho Young Men's union. A Change in Time. After tomorrow the Now York, On tario nnd Western Railroad company will discontinue train No. 203, which leaves hern for the north at 1. 112 p, m., nnd train No, 201, which departs from Carbondale for Scranton at 10,02, until further notice. Getting Ready for Election. Tho Carbondale. Republican club held n special meeting Inst evening at the club rooms. Plans were formulated to get out a full party vote next Tuesday and other matters of Interest to the members were discussed, A Traveler on Railroads. W. D, Cornell, of Philadelphia, trav eling passenser agent for the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy railroad, made an olllcial trip to Curhondnle yester day. A Thimble Function. Mrs. James E. Rurr, of Si Lincoln avenue, entertained a number ot ladles at her homo yesterday afternoon ut a "thimble ten," She will hold another this afternoon. More Gas Mains. Tho Curboudalo (Jus company has mudo u contract with Hugh Atkinson, tho contractor, of this city, to extend their pipes to several streets, i A Friendly Greeting. Mr. E. L. Hatfield, an experienced newspaper man of Scran ton.has opened up a Curboudalo branch of The Scran ton Trlbuno in the Burke building. Mr. Hatfield Is a genial fellow and bis ad mirable quality of making friends, to gather with his business ability, will no doubt make him successful In Mi undertaking. The News extends fra ternal greeting. Carbondale News. There Is Soon to Be a Wedding. It Is said, on good authority, that there will be a wedding in tho St. Rose Catholic church the latter part of No vember. Tho contracting parties will bo J. J, Jordan, a lawyer, of Scranton, and Miss Rlna Loftus, daughter of Mrs. Michael Loftus, ot Pike street. The bride-to-be Is a member ot one of Car bondnle's oldest families, and one ot the fairest nnd most accomplished young ladles In the Pioneer City. -Inspection of Sons of Veterans. Past Captain W. L. Nash,of Camp 8, Rons of Veterans, Scranton, Inspected George K. Rnndolph camp, No. 38, Sons of Veterans, In this city Inst evening. Tho officers and men were In full uni form. After tho Inspection Captain Nush paid "a warm compliment to the members of Camp 38, congratulating them on their line appearance and bearing. An Operation Performed. Miss Klla Loftus, the flftcen-ycar-old daughter of Daniel F. Loftus, of South Sand street, was conveyed to the Car bondale Emergency hospital yesterday, where at 2.30 o'clock an operation for appendicitis wns performed by Drs. Olllls and NIIos. The operation was en tirely successful, and last evening Miss Loftus was resting comfortably. A Former Erie Man In Town. Mr. E. Schryver, u few yeais ago agent for the Erie Railroad copnny In this city, was In town yesterday visit ing his old associates here. He now holds the responsible position of assist ant general freight ngent of the Queen nnd Crocent Route railway, with head quarters at Chattanooga, Tenn. Will Help to Steer the Goat. A large number of the members of Carbondale council. No. 329, Knights of Columbus, left on the 8.10 train last evening for Susquehanna, where they will assist in bestowing the third de gree on a number of candidates. Social Happenings. Miss Harriet Hutchins, of Washing ton street, gave a card party to her friends on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Charles O. Mellen, of Lincoln avenue, held an evening reception at her residence on Wednesday night. Miss Hazel M. Wheeler, of North Church street, and her friends held a candy pull on Wednesday evening In her pretty home. Miss Marie SIcDermott was surpiised by a large number of her friends on Wednesday evening, who forthwith took possession of her home. Music and games were the featuies of the evening. Mr. and Mis. John Maxwell, of Archi bald, gave a Hallowe'en party to a number of their friends on Wednesday evening. A surprise party was given on Wed nesday evening to Miss Lizzie Ger haidt, of Wyoming stieet. The hours slipped pleasantly away with music and the tripping of light feet in the mazy dance. Miss Mary Nealon delightfully enter tained a number of rrlends at her South Main street residence Wednesday even ing. Music and games formed the prin cipal entertainment, allied with a sumptuous refreshment hour. Miss Giace Harvey, of Canaan street, gave a Hallowe'en party last night at her home. ' Roxford Smith tendered a Hallowe'en party to about twenty of his friends on Wednesday evening In his pleasant home on Park street. Flashlight pic tures of the host and his guests were taken. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Krantz, of Duudaff street, entertained a largo party of their friends on Wednesday evening. Picked Up in Passing. Mrs. Frank Smith spent yesterday In Honesdnle. Patrick Fee, of Dundaff street, is III with pneumonia. Miss May Rutan has recovered fiom her recent Illness. Mrs. William L. Yarrlngton Is visit ing relatives at Greenville, Pa. John Coxe, of Jermyn, was among the visitors to this city yesterday. Miss Jennie Taylor, of Terrace street, Is visiting friends In Scranton. Mr. and Mis. R. L. Campbell are tho happy parents of a new-born son. D. W. Hicks will soon open his new meat market on North Main street. Miss Maggie Qunckenbush, or Salem avenue, Is among friends at Union. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. A. G, Gurney, who have been visiting Blnghamton friends, have returned home. Mrs. Emma Klotz. who has been vis iting Mrs. Mcrkle, of Terrace street, loft for her homo in Syracuse yester day, C. J, Erwin, of Philadelphia, repre senting the Aetna Fire Insurance com pany, Is In town today adjusting a flro loss, Miss Mamie McLaughlin, of Brook lyn street, went to Archbald on Wed nesday to attend a Hallowe'en party there, Messis. Domlnlck Kllleon and T. J. Gilhool, of this elly, passed AVednes duy evening In Scranton attending a social, Mrs. Matilda Severance, of Cemetery street, Is entertaining Miss Prlscllla Bond, Mrs. L. Harris und daughter, of West Plttston. Miss Helen Abbott, of Spring street, leaves this city today to accept n posi tion In Wllkes-Barro as stenographer for Dr. Weaver. Mr, nnd Mrs. I'hllo Hurrltt, of Unlon dale, tire spending a few days with their (laughter, Mrs, Frank Couch, of Washington street. Mr. and Mrs, Fied Edwiuds, of Scranton, aro spending u fotv duys with their mother, Mrs. Frank L. Smith, of .11 Garlleld avenue, Ben Gulpin, foimerly a tesldent (if tills city, but who has been awnv for u number of yoais, is visiting old scenes and friends In town. Miss Wheeler, of Greene, N. Y who has been visiting the family of Elwln J, Bly, on Summit avenue, returned home on Wednesdny. Oren L. Utley, manager of the Grand Union Tea company, Is erecting a handsome resldenco and large barn on his Garlleld avenue property, Mrs. Havls and her two sons, Jay and lOrnnk, of Fort Wayne, Hid., who huve been visiting Carbondale friends, tett yesterday for their long Journey home ward. William U. Sullivan, brother of Sulli van, tho pltimbef, of Halem avenue, left for New York yesterday to accept a position thr-rc Ills friends wish him success In his new field of labor. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Captain W. M. Hobbs of George K. Rnndnlph Camp No. 138 Sons of 'ct ertins, Carbondale, will Inspect Corporal Oscar C. Smith Cnmp No, 294 next Wednesday evening. It Is expected a larRc delegation of visiting brothers will accompany Cnpt. Hobbs on tho occasion. Mrs, Frank Steclo of Main street Is quite sick. The Jermyn boitough council wilt hold their regular monthly meeting this, evening. School Director Mellow has been conllncd tn his homo on Cemetery street for several days past with a severe attack of pleurisy. Thomas Boundy will In a few days reopen his Job printing office In tho Harvey building on North Mnln street where ho has Just moved his press. Mrs. George Wall of Cemetery street Is confined to her home bv slnluiena. Mrs. T. E. Griffiths and two children. or main street aro visiting Vandllng friends. Mrs. Thomas of White Mills, Wayne county, wns In town yesterday culling on old friends. Tho Delaware and Hudson company have put In a branch to the ash dump nt their colliery here and yesterday a large force of men were engaged In filling a train of ears. ' PECKVILE. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson D. Warren of the West End entertained a party of Carbondale friends at their home Tuesday evening. Misses J. D. Warren and H. L. James of the West End have pur chased a valuable moving picture ma chine nnd phonograph, and with tho assistance of Sir. Jnmes, who has re cently shown exceptional ability in the art bf ventriloquism, may In the near future entertain the people with their new enterprise. Miss Myrtls Slelglo of Priceburg, called on friends and relatives In town yesterday. . Come out and see the Jermyn Peck vllle Rugby foot ball contest on the Mott Haven grounds Saturday after noon. We are confident that It will be real Interesting. Mrs. William Seott gave an able and Interesting talk In the Baptist church AVednesday evening before a fair sized audience. Mrs. Scott was in her younger days a slave. She iias been a great worker among the colored people of the South for a great many years and her talk along that line is particularly pleasing and In teresting. Hallowe'en was observed by a large number of the young people AVednes day evening, at which time the usual pranks were played. Chiefly among them removing gales, etc. The Blakeley board of health will meet in regular session Saturday eve ning. Nov. ". Miss Maggie Jones was tendered a surprise party by a number ot her young friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. AV. S. Bloes Wednesday eve ning. The dime social at the home of Miss Jessie Hoffleker on Main street Tues day evening for the benefit of the "Mercy and Help" society ot the M. E Epwortb League was largely at tended and liberally patronized. A feature of the occasion was that of the 33rd wedding anlversary of the young host's parents' Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Hofllfker. Mrs; William Snedicpr entertained at a Hallowe'en party a large number of friends AVednesday evening at which time all present enjoyed the occasion very much. TAYLOR. The ceiemony uniting Miss Sarah Griffiths, of North Taylor, to Mr. Wil liam Reese, of Railroad street, was performed at the home of the bride's mother, Sirs, Richard Griffiths, last evening by tho Rev. D. C. Edwards. The marriage was a quiet affair and was attended only by relatives and immediate friends. Following tho ceremony, congratulations were ex tended and the guests were served with a delightful luncheon. The groom is a popular young musician. His bride is a young lady of charming personality and possessed of those rare qualities which make friends and keep them. A number of friends gathered at the home of Foremnn and Mrs. John R. Johns and tendered their daughter, Miss Norma, a pleasant surprise on Wednesday evening. The evening was spent In games incidental to a Hul- lowe'en party. Tho Watkins family of musicians was present and rendered several excellent musical numbers, which added greatly to the pleasure ot tho guests, who, on departing, voted Miss Johns a pleasing entertainer. Re freshments were served. A delightful Hallowe'en party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Davis, of Middle street, on Wed nesday evening. The usual games wore played, after which refrshments were served. All departed for their homes well pleased with tho evening's enjoyment. Henry Ott, an old and much-respeet ed resident of the Pyne, died yester day afternoon at tho ripe age of 75 years. Deceased had been ailing for some time. The funeral will occur on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment will be made In tho Forest Homo cemetery, 'Branch No. us, Ladles' Catholic Benevolent society, will hold an Im portant meeting In the basement of the Church of Immaculate Conception on Monday evening, All members are requested to bo present-. Tho Democrats of this borough will hold a rally tonight at AVeber's rink. Miss Mnry Scherer, of Old vForge, passed awuy yesterday at tho ago of twenty-live years, after a lingering Ill ness, Funeral will occur Sunday at 2 o'clock, Burial will be mude in the Murey cemetery, AV, M. Bell, of Main street, left yes terday on a hunting expedition to Me. hoopany, Wyoming county. Invincible coinmaiidery, No. 252, Knights of Maltu, meets this evening. Miss Mary McDonald left yesterday for a week's visit with Providence friends. OLYPHANT, The season ot forty hours' devotion will begin In St. Patrick's church next Sunday, Rev. Father McCallen. of Bal timore, wl assist ut the devotions. A delightful entertainment and social was given In tho Blukuly Baptist church parlors last evening by Miss t Lillian Taylor's Sunday school class. There was a. large Attendance. The town was partially In darkness last evening", on account of one of tho Incandescent 'machines at the slectrlo plant belhg Out of brder.. . " ' ' Misses Agnes and Maine McAndrcw, Ncltlo Clarke, Ella tlevers and Martin Cawley, of Archbald, were Visitors hero Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Glldea visited relatives at Archbald yesterdny. Mrs. Catherine Thomas, Miss Georgia Thomns and Daniel Matthews attended a Hnllowo'en party at Scranton, AVed nesday evening. Miss Jean Dick, of Mooslc, Is the guest of Miss Hattlo Matthews, of Sus quehanna street. Miss Mamie .Burns, of Avoca, spent AVednesday with Miss Ettle Hoban. Civil Service for the Philippines (Correspondence of Tlio AsuocUttd Prciw.) Manila, P, !., Sept. 20. THE UN'AOTMKNT .votcnlay l,.v tlir chit cimimLwIon ot "An Act tor the ntablMi. mclit nnd maintenance of nn cfflrlont nnd lionet elvll srrlco In tlm Philippine WnndV ai prepared by Piexldent 'i'att, li.n pleased the Filipino people nnd hai tended to dlploao the nrniy. The latter it an unfortu nate nnd unintentional result. The provisions of thli chll senlec till nre most coniprohen she find complete, comprlxliitr nil the reui. live branches of the BOernment of the Philip pine llnnd, nnd Its perunl tends to show (lint the qualifications of "honest and efficient" In the title, nre real Intention well carried out, and pot mere catch words. The 1)111 is founded upon the principles of American elvlt senlec, carefully adapted to local require ments. Upon recommendation of the secietary of war It has been decided that, other thlnus being equal, preference shall bo bIicii to Fili pinos for civil cmplojinent under (he American Philippine government, and under the provi sions of this bill nn employe, be he nn Ameri cm ii or .1 I'lllplno, may rise, 'It be show nblllty md merit, lo a pood and well paid position In the scnlce. 'Hie linpni lance of an efficient and honest elilt sen Ire to these islands can hardly he over estimated, and if this new service be good and ell'cillie, lis dolnirs will reflect credit upon il organizers und upon Iho American administra tion uf Philippine affairs. To bring aliout this desirable end good men nre needed, nnd It Is the purposi! of (he oigatilzgrs ot this bill to n-al.c the eh II sen Ice attiactbe enough to ilmw the elafS of men wanted. It Is the In tention of the organizers that the Philippine civil sen ice shall not degenerate Into n Held wheieln politicians may find opportunities to settle political obligations. The -.enlcc win be kept fur fnmi the stigma of political pjtionage or that it will be open to political proteges and favorites. The pjluiies of the several classes of employes have not jet been determined, but thee will be ,ni'll paid, nnd It will be pos sible fur a man entering the lower clerkships by efficiency and merit to eventua.iy ucionic hemic of bureaus and pennanent under seire (jrles to important' depaitmeiits. A knowledge of Spanish wilt he an excellent help to an Vineiii'jii in this .servile, although the re qmiement of this knowledge Is left to the illi cit Hon of the civil sen ice board. There win doubtless be established civil xer- vice fo-opeiatlve stores, where members of the en lee may buy provisions, gioeerles and other needs of living to the same Hnanclal advantage (bat (limy ottlcers now buy of the army com-nik-ar.v, and the ciiiuse of time will probably m'i! the construct ion of goietmnent civil ser vile quarters a rolleitlon ot good dwelling hou'.es in some cool suburb convenient to the city, the icntaN of which would he reasonable. Such measures will greatly tend to make the service attractive to tho class of men the ser vice requiies. - o Considerable detail, and the flaming of rules and lobulations fur die tenice, aie left to the dill service board provided for in sec tions I, ', :i and 4 of the act. Miii-h depends upon the ability anil good judgment of this board, the mimbcis of which till positions similar to the civil service commissioners in tiie t'niteil States, and the sclei tlons of the civil commission in Ibis iepcct ate to be commended anil give pioinise of a fulfilment of the high staudaid set by the act. Mr. W. Leon Pepperman, who has long been connected with the civil service at home and who has made :i personal study of the civil service in. lint. lined by (treat ilritain, 1'innee and Hol land in their Eastern colonies, will be on this board, as will bo Mi. 1'., W. Kiggins, of the Washington civil service commission. The third member t hereof will probably be a Fili pino. President Tntt hid selected for this post Ilr. Joaquin flonralcr. a most able man. Hut, this gentleman's untimely death on the eve of his appointment has forced President Taft to mid another native capable of meeting the necessnry requirements. Mr. Kiggins. In view of Ms past experience, wilt probably ai t an chief examiner, and it is probable that Mr. Pepperman will be appointed chairman of the boaid. The compiehensivcness of this new 'ctvUc is set forth in section fl, whirh piovidrs that "thin act shall apply, eveept as hiieinafter provided, to nil appointments of rlvlllaiis to ccciitivc posi tions under: (a), The Militaiy (.ovcinor; (b), the United States Philippine Comms.slon; fc), the Treasurer of the Islands; (d), the Auditor of the Islands; (e), the Collector of Customs for the Islands; (f), the Collector of Inland Rev emit! for the Islands; (g), the Director of Posts for the Islands; (10, the Civil Service Hoard; (I), the nurcau of Forestry; (J), the Bureau of Mines; (k), the (Jeneial Superin tendent of Public Instruction; (1), Wardens of Penitentiaries and Piisons; (in), the Provost Marshal (icneral of Manila; (n), the Captain of the Port of Manila." It is to be noted that school teachers are exempted from the requirements of the civil serv Ice. Section 12 gives the civil service board ample power to dlschaige any employe whom they find to be holding a position in the serv ice in violation of the provisions of the act, or the rules of the board; and section 15 pro vides that religious or political affiliations shall in no nay influence the examination or appointment of applicants. Section IT sets forth that no nillcer or cmplo.vo of the service shall contribute to any political fund, and Section 18 provides for the punishment of all persons making such solicitation, lAamlnatious for admittance to the sen In will be held in Manila, Hollo and Cebu, in the Philippines, and In the United States under the auspices ami contiol of the federal civil service commission, who already possess the requited men nnd machinery to hold these examinations in all of the larger cities. o The enactment of this civil service bill taken away fiom the aiiuy officers a considerable de Kirn of their power in Philippine civil ad ministration. It Is not pleasant for any body of men to be deprived of puwtis (hey have wielded independently, and the army officers do not enjoy their present necessity of ask ing the civil service commission for the ap pointment of all their civilian employes, From the standpoint of the aiiuy, It is inconsistent that General MncAithiir, (he Military Uovernor of eight million Filipinos and the rouunauder of 03,000 Anurican soldleis, nhniild be toiccd to ask- the commission for, the appointment of a ciitom house checker at fifty dollais a month, and the nuny docs not t.ake to the new con ditions with entirely good grace, Such slight sjmptnms uf drawn relation between I lie mill. Wry nnd the civil oliicluls aic, it Is pointed out, bound to arise when two systems of gov. eminent, military and civil, are opeiallng at one and the same time, and, it U added, the only way to prevent their occurrence Is to difir the assumption of power by the civil element until mh lime as the J liny ceases, lilt, authorities at Washington have deiided that the civil commission shall lake over a certain part of the Insular government, and to this end the adinlnUtiatloii ha given the commission explicit uideis and eveiy action tit.cn by the loniinivilon Is nothing more than the can; lug out of the signed Instructions given I hem by Secielaiy Hoot, Speaking of this civil service bill, a piom. Incut 1'ilipluo said to-day; "The bill requires an oath of allegiance fiom the Filipino to the I'ulted Stales government before the former can enter the ilvil service, ml this It as it should be. ,llut, ,vou will find comparatively few Filipinos trady lo lake this tame oath until your aulhoritien con give them adequate protection against the reprisals of their revolutions country men.'' i THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Xcvv Yot,k, Nov. I. A striking evidence ol the conslialnl upon width speculation iw given by the action of tho market today on the announce mcnl of the dcclirntlon of an extra dividend ot 1 per cent, on Pennsylvania railroad Mock. Pre xlous lo the announeinicnt the stocks bad been lifted n point and then rencted. When the news was bulletined there Was a spasmodic rise In the stock to 1301,4 but only one sale was made at that price, niter u tilth It fell back, Knrlv In October Pennsylvania sold, below US. It has been actively traded in by energetic bull Interests since that (Inn! and n great varlcly nf asser (Ions have been mndc as to the forthcoming benefit! to tho stock. It, was alleged, tor In stance, that the slock would certainly be placed upon a six per cent, basis. Another story bad it that a distribution would bo made ot a large portion of the great surplus In the Pennsylvania treasury. On the other hand the belief lias pre vailed generally that these assertions were ex clusively for stock johblng purposes' nnd that the company would persist In the regular dlvl. dend rate of 2i per cent, setni-nunuiilly which has prevailed ever since 1891. Kcv lowing thesn past conditions, It Is fair In assume that lo day's uctlon wan n disappointment lo romc ol the active bulls In (he stock, while It wns cer tainty an agreeable Mirprlse to the conservative! element of the street. Hut when It Is consid ered that the net earnings ot the Pennsylvania railroad directly operated by It have increased (luring nine months of the jenr mnic tlinn iflklKXV 000 over the corrcspondllng period of last jear, today's rale of distribution seems modeiatc. TI13 extra dividend wilt Involve the disbursement ot a little over $1,1500,000. Tho stock's net giln wns 1't and the trading wns remarkably quiet. There was the considerable show- of strength in Sugar. The advance was attended by rumors that n break in prices of rellned sugars Is Imminent. lluslncKs In the market at laige was too small lo have nny Important cITect on pi Ices, though the niaiket closed with the level somewhat above last night after having been nt one "lime a shade lower. A single lot of of Ioikcs Shore sold Just before the close at 2.30, after having sold .veslerday at 210. Tho closing bid wns quoted at 210',4. Xothing could be learned lo account for this small but urgent demand. The repres sion of speculation is till attributed to the in fluence of what me called the "controlling In terests," The rise In the loan call rate today to ft per cent, may have some bearing on the extreme dulncss of the speculation. Stock 111 ir kct dcinnnds during the week have been extreme ly moderate. Total saoles, S4.1..100 shares. The bond market shared In tho dullness and prices moved irregularly. Totnl sales, par vjlue, $!, 210,000. United Stales bond were unchanged on last call. The following quotations are ftirnishtil The Tribune bv M. S. Jordan St Co., rooms 70V700 Mean building, Scranton, Pa. Telephone tSOOJ: Open- High- Low- Oloi. ing. est. evt. Inc. American Sugar 122!!. 12.1!2 122 123? Aiuelicnn Tobacco ntl'i IH1V4 Hi Am. S. & W Wi .'I:. 3iJ 3',!i Attli., To. A- S. IV .... Illvs "2 31 vi ;t- A.. T. .s: S. P., Pi WT-s 71 7314 71 Iliooklvn Traction Ill (II f.'ivf, (Hli Halt. t" Ohio 7154 7:.h "', Win font. Tob'.eco 2T',fc 27'.i 2li?'t 27 dies. .V. Ohio 30 30!i 2');it 30 Chic, II. & ( 12714 127',i 1274 127Vi st..Paui linn 11014 ur.'i 110 Hock Maud 10SV4 1QS 11MV4 108 Delawaie k Hudson ...112'Kt H3ii 11214 IWii I.ark.ivv.1nn.i 177 177 177 177 Federal Steel 37 38 37s4 37? Federal Steel, IT 7-i r.7 ()7,i !'. Ken. &Tc., Pi 31a4 31";4 SI '4 31 li l.ouis. fc Nash 73 7.V.4 75 7.',!4 Manhattan Kle or-l lhlli OS'i Oil Met. Tiaclion Co 138U 1W4 15714 157V4 Missouri Pacific r3, JS.V,4 5114 il?i People's Cas !i 91 0.H4 01 Southern Pacific 37 381; 37' 38 .V01 folk .V Western SfiVi 30 3014 3014 North. Pacific Mvi f,7',4 Sci 6714 Vorth. Pacific. Pr 7214 72'4, 72 7214 X. Y. Cnetr.il 13214 132 13214 13214 Out. .t West 21i 2154 21 21 Penna. It. It 13314 13U1J 13314 130 Pacific Mail 42 42 4214 4214 Heading. Pr 574 5794 '' 5794 Southern It. R 1214 12-34 12 12 Southern !(. Pr Tenn., C. It lion .. 17. S. Leather U. S, Leather, Pr .. ltubber 501 5014 5 Hi 50 , ij-ll.T .Vi .'Vl'i 5 , 1114 11'4 11'4 H'.S 7014 701i 70'4 70U 31 31 31 31 (U , 0114 no'1; 0114 nUion Pacific ,. Union Pacific. I Wabash, Pr 188 1S14 1S'4 Wi Western I'nion 8094 W4 W-4 80 Third Avenue 100 100 100 100 NP.W YORK PRODUCn EXCIIAXOF. PWCr.S , Open- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. ing. est. est nr. December 70 7014 78 7914 May S24 824 82'4 82V4 COHV. December J2U 424 421's 42Vi May 41 41 414 41 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. First National Bank Scranton Saiings Bank Scranton Packing Co ; Third National Bank Dime Rcposlt and Discount Bank .. Economy Light, II. & I. Co Lacla. Trust Safe Deposit Co Scranton Paint Co Clark 1l Snovcr Co., Pr. Scranton Iron Fence fc Mfg. Co. ... Scranton Ale Works Lackawanna Dairy Co., I'r County SainRrt Bank k Trust Co... First National Bank (Carbondale).. Standard Drilllnc Co Traders' National Bank Scranton Bolt nnd Nut Co BONDS. Scranton Passenger Hallway, first Morla-aere, due 1020 People's Street Railway, Brst mort gage, due 1018 People's Stieet Itailwny, General mortgage, due 1021 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacla. Township School 5 per cent. City of Scranton St. Imp. (I per cent Scranton Traction 0 per cent Bid. Askei 800 300 05 I2r, 200 40 150 SO 125 100 03 20 300 300 30 155 ... 100 115 115 113 100 102 102 113 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected by II. O. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ac.) Butter Cieamery, 2.1a2lc.; dairy tubs, 23c. Eggs Select western, 17c; nearby stute, 19c. Cheese Full creani. new, HVic. Deans Per bu., choice marrow, fi.10; medium, (J2.S0; pea, 2..10. Potatoes 60c. Onions COc. per bu. Flour Best patent, $4.G0. Philadelphia Grain and Produce. Philadelphia, Nov. 1. Wheat He lower; ion tract grade, Nowmher, 72Viii72',&e. Corn (juiet but hteady; No. 2 white dipped, 27a iftUc; No. it do. do., 2iT2a2tt,!ic'. ; No. 2 mixed, do,, 2Ja20',jc, Hutter Firm, good demand; fancy western, fSttfr',; clu. prints, 27c, L'bbs heare and llrm; frehli nciiby, 22c; do. wistein, 22c; tin. Miuthwcbtcrn, -'.; do. southern, I tic. C'hioc Steady; New Yoik full (reams fincy mall, n'..ull!c. ; do. do. do. good to c huh a, lOalle, lleflned Sugars Dull and t'nchuiigid. Cotton Steady; city prime, in hogsheads, iftc; country do., barrel, 4',iat?sc; laLis, V, l.i 1'oultrj Dull and barely steady; fowls, S'aOK-c.; old rosters, 7c; spiing chlikens, SVsalJSci dinks, DalOc,; geese, fla'lVtc; ttirkcK, linlOe, Dressed Poultry Dull nnd easier; fowls, choke, UlilOljo; do. fair to good, OaUVic; old lostcrs, 7e. ; near by sprln chickens, llal.le,; western do.. tialJc llecelpts Flour. 4..0IW barrels and 0,100,01X1 pounds in sacks; wheat, (17,000 buihcU; corn, 120.000 bushels; oats, 01,000 bushels, sihipmcnts Wheat, 21,000 bu.hels; coin, 210,000 bushels; oats,1-'t,0iH) bushels. New York Grain and Produce. New York, Nov, 1, Flour Market less arllic but well Kiitained on yesterday's basis notwith standing the shop In wheat. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, 7f4c I. o. b. afloat; 77sic r!cator; No. 1 noithern Duluth, Hie. f. o. li. afloat; np. tlons iiegular all day, clo.ed weak at Tic, net dei line; March closed 82c; May, tfitic; No. einbir, 77Ticl December, TOiiOMe. Corn Spot btraili, ; No. 2, II He. delator; 40c, I. o. b. afloat; options dull all chiy but lather firm, eloseel.bteady at a paitlal He, advance; May closed HTsc; No. enibir, 4'i',ic; Decuuher, U!4c Oats- Knot quiet; No. S, 2'i',ic; N. ;', 2V; No. 2 while, 2St. ; Nn. 3 white, 27',ic; tr.uk mixed westiin, 23ii4il.ii'.; Hack while wcMun and slite, 27a1.lc; options ipiiet but steady with corn. Duller Firm; cicamciy, lfa22!ic; failory, LlaMc; Juno ciriiinery, IKrilct Imitation creaiueiy, JHJalSo,; stale dally, l.tiilc Lkks -Steady; state nnd I'tnns.vlvauia, 2la22c; western, iricular pacl.iui;, 17allc, ; UiMli'lii, Ions olf, 21c I heee hleady; Ijikc while unci lame lolucl, 10)c; small white and iciloied, He, Chicago Grain and Produce, ChlciiBo, Nov. I. Wheal was malic today but llnully luiueil heay on weak cables ami liquida tion as well us outside apathy, Deeeiubcr elu.ilnc Tic lower. Coin and oats closed uuebauiietl and hoe piocbut 10 tnWifealSc, hlxhcr. Cam cpiola. ticiw wer as follow: Flour Finn; No. :j tpiinir wl.cut. &i70c; No. 2 led, 7.i!ij7i'.; No, 2 corn, 3i!j:i7Tc.: No. i jellow. :l74i; No. 3 oats, 22V4 a22!ic; No. 3 white, lil&iUlrc.; No. t lla. I.7U; No. 1 northwest. Sl.70al.77; ifiuothv, 31.10 at. 20; poll;, ?U.23.ill.5"; laid, 7.10.i7.12'i; illw, u.ituj0.t0: shouldeis, 0afl!4c; sides, M.7.5acl.bO; whUkey, S1.27. Chicago Live Stock Market.. I'hlcjgo, Nov. l.-Cattle-lttcclpti, 0,500; To Satisfy Curiosity and to learn for ourselves all the uses for ZENOLA THE MODERN CLEANSER We will pay 1000 in Gold We are henring" of new usei for thil great cleanser every day. We with to learn at once ALL the uiej, and are willing to pay you to help ui. $200 t the perion lending In the Lht decided to be Hnt by the Committee named below. $100 for he LUt decided to be Second. $50 for the List dedded to be Third. $20 (each) for the Lists decided t 2- be 4th to the13th (indusire). $10 (ech) for the Lists decided to be 14th to 33d (inclusive). $5 (each) for. the Lists decided to b - 34th to 83d (inclusive). The Conditions of Competition ares ' FIRST The list speclfylnR the greatest num ber of separate use that ZHNOI.A may be put to will be declared by the Committee to he the First, nnd the one contninlng the next largest number, Second, and noon. SnCOND Lists nf use nnbmlttrcl must be plnluly written in ink, on oue tilde of paper only, nnd method of rnch use nepuratelr Milted, tittt to be mttltd to Th Ztnofa Company, jH Hudson St., Ntw York, on or before thirtieth clay of November, 1900, and must he sltrnert by each competitor and P. O, address given. THIRD The lists submitted In Accordance with the conditions will be pmaed on bv the Committee nud their decision will be Hnalt In no case will a list submitted by anyone connected with the Zenola Company be con sidered. The lists decided to be first, second nnd thitd will lie printed in this paper. FOURTH The ZKNOLA. used mutt be pro cured by each competitor from n dealer la the city 01 trmu where competitor resides, and the tinineond address of the dealer mutt lie stated. Anr grocer or druggist has Zl'.NOLA or can supply It. The Committee will consist of HKRBlOtT m. Howra of the Boston Globe. Pxof. Elisiia Ccsms, former Inspector of Teachers' TrmlnhurCUMca for the State of New York. M. F. Hawson. of The North (aMrs'Mn, Philadelphia. Awards to be made December 20, 1900 THE ZENOLA COMPANY 1 CUSHMAN BROS. CO,, DlsrfnurUTOHH T HUDSON ST., NCW VOHK CITY 1SB S. FRONT ST., fHllADCt.lNU 0 CCNTM1L ST.. BOSTON Heating Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, ? Heaters. f (8-317 PENN AVENUE. choice medium steers about steady; otheis slom to 10c. lower; butcheis' stoil; Mcady to hlow; thin light stock lower; n.itiws bo-t on sale to dav, one carload nt 5.S0; Rood to prime Bteers, $3.40i3.O0; poor to medium, !fl.35a5.35; selected feeders, low, $3.60.1 1. 41; mixed fclnckcfs, weak, ?2.73.i3.85; lows, frM.G0jl.25; heifers, ?l..V)a2.00; iiu.r.eid, W.lOal.icO; hulls, choice steady; others lower, S2. IJal.10; cities, yi.75afi; Trial fed steels, iMal.S'i; do. Riass Meets. $.t.2.'ial,10; do, hulls, ff.'.50a.23. HuRS-ReeelpU today, 28.000; tomorrow, 2J,IKX); lett oic-r, 1,000; active, fully Sc higher; top, 4.7,1; uiUcd and butchers, t.l5a4.ai; unci to rhoiee heavy. I.S5a4.t5; rough hiavy. l. 40.il. 50; light, I4.33at.80; hulk of sale-t. M.CO.il.7.1. Sheep llecelpts, 10,000; sheep and laiuln. 0.il5c higher; god to choice wethers, t-l.U5j4.lQ; Talr to choice mixed, $.t.50aJ.f.3; west irn sheep, .,l.!i0.i4.1.1; Tc.vu sheep, J.Wa3,50; native lambs, ifl.2.1.i5..'i0: we-duu limbs, $4.75 fl.40. 1900 ii-ceipts October; Cattle and calies, 23,3I11: hogs, 7i)'l,0cl3; sheep, 373,778. ISO!) re- ......... n.t.. ...... I.. 1 ..-1. .... It,-, .-AT l.o I CIIJ1N CJLCIMICl. 1 llCICt' UIHI IUII17I, .1U.JUI, ll"" uiit,5mi; sheep, .'t.'0,7iil, Increase; Cattle and ealirs, 40,071; hogs, 72,107; sheep, 23,011, East Liberty Stock Markot. Kast Liberty, Nov. 1. -dllle Steady; extra, $5.Wa3.(i.1; piime, f"i.20.i1.33; common, f1.2'n 3.75. Ilogs-Lowei ; inline I city, SI.Wlil.M; me. clliuiH. sS4.fc0al.85; Iicji.v VoikeiH, fl.fcOaLcl; light do., lfl.POll.0.1; pigs, fl.tiOat. 03! louuhs, fVill 4.50. Sheep Steadv; iholco-wcthers, ii.1.fi0; com. man, .,2.1al.Ml; choice lambs, ttf.23a!i.l0; com mon to good, V.fUal; veal calven, 97.i7.SO. New York Live Stock, New Vmk. Nov. 1- lleeies No trade it Im portance; cniuinilly McJd,t ; c.ilies, strop,;; rals, fr1.i3.iH); giasfCie, f.i. fheep and l.aiuhs fienei ally idcaily; sheep, tr2.25.i.l..10; ihoiie, ft; culls, (fl.30a2; 1-mKs, ft4.U2Vsa1.4ii culls, !f.lit, Hogs hteady feeling for hogs; pigs, firm. Oil Hnrket. (Ill tlty, Vo. I -O edit balances, M.10; Con (incites, no hid; shipments, B.l.ncll harirls; .mr. age, 01,317 luriiU; mm, 13i,l2.1 turrets; aicr age, 07,t'i0 binds. DIED AT SEA, General Shatter- Reports a Number of Fatalities. Iy i:.clule Wlie from The Associate'! Pre WuhhlnKton, ?s'ov, 1, flen, Sliaftcr leimrts to tho war ilepurtniont the ni tlval tit Hun Fi'unrlHi'fl of n niimbci' of military imBstmirci'.s on Iho transport Mcailc, Also live Insano hoIiIIith and 2.14 .sick Holdlern, Tlio rullowlnpr ilcaUit occumil at sea ilurlus tlio voyujje, nil fiom dYBontvry: Hairy llon'o' bon, UMIi Infantry Peunlu Kelly. -'Ist infantry; I.duIh . liutr, :!0tlV Infantry Wlllnicl Moiier, XOtli Infantry; .1 iniui Tunipson, Uth Inf.tntry Huh Tomll urn, 39tli Infantry; Fred Kuickit, 3!)th Infuntty. c Stops tho Cough Riid works off the Cold, t Laxative Uromo. Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Prlca 25 cents. CUNSTER .0. 3. : ! i . -X Ik, '4v' vtf .. i. .. .if 'M- A , .
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