2r TIIE SCK ANTON TTtinUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 180C. WHITNEY'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS Joseph Wescoll'g Exciting Experience with a Big Buck. THE USELESSNESS OF A PIG'S TAIL Discussed by SiiKqucluiunn County rarmrr' liili--Notrn Concerning Well Kiiowu Mowspnper .I'h--Sh-qiii'liiiiinii Is .Not for lucle John Wiimiuiiikirlttittlvsiiukcs by tlm W liclc-.iilu-Smull Sheet ol' News, Personal ii n J Otherwise. Special to tho Serunton Tribune. Slisilteliiiiiuu. Dec-. 'J9. Joe Wosrott, of Uivat 1 tin J township, hud an exciting experience on Saturday. While he was butchering houx nt his home near Hed Itoi-k a bin buck deer came dashing over the hill anil down through the diiiiryard to the Susquehanna river, an eighth of a mile distant. Wesiott ran to the house for a sun, and the two hind men, grubbing their lmlc-herinp; knives, ran down to the river to head the deer up stream. Wescott made for the river down through a short ravine, and Just us he had stepped upon the lee the deer eanie out of a bunch of willows skirting the stream. Wescott, in his excitement and eagerness, tired at the animal nnd only succeeded in wounding it. The deer sprang at Wes cott and was evidently full of light. Hefoie ho could reload his gun the ani mal was upon him, and had tossed him high in the air. When Wescott struck tho ice it cracked and parted, and man and deer dl.sap'icarcd from view and lloated down stream under the lee sev eral rods, until they emerged into u lift, where the river was not frozen over. Wes.ott who was nearly un conscious, was fished out and dragged out lv the two men, who turned their liiimi ilinte attention to the deer, which, tpim its wound and Its experience in the water, was nearly helpless and an easy victim to the men, who stubbed it to death and hauled It ashore. Wes cott soon recovered. He savs when he was under the ice all of the principal events of his life passed vividly before his vision. Wescott's near neighbors all hud venison for their Sunday din ner. COUNTY COMMENTS. Hons. (!. W. Moore and J. W. Adams, representatives in the legislature from this county, in newspaper cards state that they are not for John Wanainaker for I'nited States senator. Tin county convention of the Young TVople's societies of Christian l-'ndctivor will be held iii llallstead on Wednes day and Thursday next. A meeting of the graded and high ,'chnol principals of Susquehanna coun ty will be held in Hallstead January Hi, to consider the matter of uniform Kiailuation. An old herd of cattle, nfi'ected with tuberculosis, at the Soldiers' Orphans' school farm In Ilarlonl, were recently killed by order of the stuto board of health. Tlie KepiWilican county committee will meet in Montrosl.- January 12. Montrose hopes to revive und re juvenate its board of trade. lieai'on l.athrop, an old resident of Montrose, is seriously ill. Forest City is once more preparing for electric lights. Kew towns need them worse. TIIE SILVER UOAT. The old farmer, whose goat had butted its brains out against a swing ing plank that returned every time it was hit, remarked that the "darn crit ter had plenty of grit, but no sense; he didn't know he was licked till he was dead." Recent event only confirm the application of the farmer's remark to the genuine out-and-out silver man. Knocked down and overwhelmed, he mini us himself with a badge to com memorate his defeat ami celebrates his steadfastness and challenges another blow, lie doesn't know he is whipped. He faces consequences with admirable pluck and deplorable Indiscretion. He has t lentv of grit but no sense. I'lti mately he will kill himself battling against the Irresistible. TOPICS TOPI'Iil'MOST. The "Yellow Kid of Hogaii'H Alley" company went to pieces on the shoals of Susquehanna on Saturday evening. The goat was the star of the company. The funeral of the Infant son of Clias. Hoyden occurred on Sunday afternoon. An able and reputable lecturer de sires somebody In Susquehanna to guar antee him Sl'.'iH for a series of lectures on tlie poets. Susquehanna isn't a loo tude town, but if he will drop the ci pher, some hopeful capitalist will go into the veneure. The remains of Patrick C'affney, of Fuiiiuiit, were interred in the old Cath olic cemetery in Lanesboro on Satur day. A Hebrew peddler tockiy, at I.anes boro, with a hammer, attempted to knock an Ice ball out of his mule's hoof and was kicked over a board fence and into a creek. And the blow it nearly killed the peddler. Rev. O. V. Cook, formerly of Susque hanna, and now pastor of the Taber nacle Haptist church, in Ithaca, was recently wedded to Miss Julia Bennett, of Farnor. A PIG'S TAIL DISCUSSED. A Susquehanna county farmers' club recently discussed the subject of the usefulness and uselessness of a pig's tall, the orators consuming an entire evening. One side argued that the tail is as necessary as the letter p in pueu- Opposite Wyoming House. 4SStX THE DIFFERENCE. "Tell vour sister. Nellie, that I have been waiting In the parlor "You've kepi her waiting for six months." Life. (Copy right, monla, while the other side said that Its I il i u-i I hi 1 function and value lies in the fact that by the way It hangs can be determined whether the animal Is in good health or otherwise. If It is curled tiylit the pig is healthy; if not, the pig is sick and his food should be chanced and the veterinarian called In. The judges reserved their decision for two weeks, RAILROAD TID-1UTS. The Erie shops were closed on Thurs day afternoon and Friday. E. E. Loomis, of Elmira, superintend ent of the Tioga division of the Erie, lias been appointed to succeed the late R. T. Dodson as superintendtnt of the ISIosshurg Coal and Lumber company. Mr. Loomis is only III years old, and enjoys the distinction of being the youngest railroad superintetldeiU in the country. Susquehanna Division Engineer Ceo. Tracey, who, some months since, was sent ti the Willard asylum, at Oneida. X. Y.. is In a serious condition, and his ultimate recovery is Improbable. W. (.1. MacEdward, of New York, succeeds S. T. Seeley as Erie passenger agent of the Susquehanna division. SOME NEWSPAPER MEN. Editor P. A. Harrett, the Elmira Tele gram's able and alert Scranton rep resentative, is a born newspaper man. He knows news when he sees It, and when he writes he says something. In all of its many editions tlie Telegram has no more bright und readable page than the one written in Scranton. Hon. Amos J. Cummings Is a stand ard authority on sporting matters. He is .1 star writer on pugilistic subjects. Editor James T. Dullois, of the In ventive Age, of Washington, received an invitation to serve on tlie Inaugural committee, but private business pre vented his acceptance. Mr. DiiUoIk has a summer residence and much leal estate in Hallstead. A PASSING Ci LANCE. Pastors of small churches are usually shunters, and the ticket agent it the small railroad station almost invariably owns the toad. Ever notice it? Tlie man with a cutter and u good imagination is enjoying the slim sledin'. Pessimists as well as optimists had their stockings hanging handy on Christmas i Ve. Now fur '!)7 resolutions and New Year bills. No matter, says a close observer, how much he loves his wife, a man who spends much of his time in the house cannot help pitying the hired gill. One cannot place implicit ronlldence in n Sunday sc hool census, taken Just before Christmas. tircat Rend has a widows' club, the purpose of which is to induce the Im migration of eligible widowers to that borough. The members also keep post ed in the current gossip. RATTLESNAKES 1IY THE WHOLE SALE. Pete Crandall, of Oleat Pend town ship, has captured alive this season over two hundred rattlesnakes, the largest collection ever'brouglif togeth er at one time. II" has them in an im mense cage. He captured them early in the spring, when they were leaving their dens for the. season, und when, it is claimed, they are the most deadly, owing to the long time He ir poison has lain undisturbed in tlie reservoir at the base of the fungs. Crandall atlirms that the fangs still remain in one of the snakes in the cage?, yet he goes in among them und handles the snakes with impunity. The din made by their rattles when he enters the cage is nl most deafenins. Some of the snakes ure of enormous size. Crandall has re fused an offer of :!00 for the collec tion. SLICES OF NEWS. The mercury on Monday dropped to ten and fifteen degrees below zero. The EXCLUSIVELY. First in Styles. First in Quality. Lowest in Prices. A Saving or from 25 to 50 Cents on the Dollar. THE PARIS, Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves Scranton, Pa. ' CLOAKS AND MILLINERY advance aent of winter has undoubt edly urrived. Moody Relief corps, Cirantl Army of i the Republic, paid Simrell corps, of Great Heticl, a fraternal visitation on .Monday afternoon. Alas and alack for the lies and sub terfuges of the holiday time, just when we ought to be truly good, l'erhaps the recording angel dropped a tear on the book and rubbed the record out with his wing. The seventh annual ball of Keystone Hook nnd Ladder company. No. 1, will be held ill Hogan Opera house on Thin sduy evening next. Sl'RVIVAL OF THE FITTEST. A Hungarian family at Rratidt owned a pet cat. It wus a very dear and near member of the household One day of last week it sudde'lly disappeared, and a search of several days was unsuccess ful. There was mourning and deep grief In the camp. On Sunday th" Hun garian discovered the cat frozen In the ice In the creek. The cat was sawed out i; ml the bloc k wus carried Into the house and placed behind the stove. In nn hour the ice had disappeared and the stilt remains of the cut were taken tenderly up. Koine Hungarian brandy was poured into the throat of the de parted and the Hungarian and his fam ily retired for the night. Refore day light on Monday there was a great noise in the kitchen, nnd the Hungarian awoke to find tlie cat on the tnble, de vouring n pound of liver. There wns jubilation in Hungary. The cat had come back. WAYSIDE OI.EANINOS. The marriage of E. J). Rradley, of Deposit, and Miss Lizzie Alieain. of Susquehanna, will oc.-ur on Wednesday. There will be a light tralllc on the Jefferson branch for the remainder of tlie month. Queer as it may sound, the peregrin ating evangelist and the! pirouetting dancing master are preparing for their innings. Dr. IE. F. Wilmot, an old and es teemed Great Hend physician, died on Friday evening. The funeral will occur this morning. There is splendid skating on the Sus quehanna. Hundreds of young people ate taking advantage of It. The Catholics and Methodists held 6 o'clock services on Christmas morning. It is to be feared that a large number of our townspeople are ruining their eyesight in searching for churches be fore daylight. Like John Brown's body, Maceo's will moulder into dust, but his soul will go inarching on, and Cuba's cause will march with it to glorious victory. When did the cause of liberfy ever fall ? WHITNEY. AFFECTED BY THE ATLAS. Another Western Hank Is Obliged to Make nn Assignment. Chicago. Dec. 2. As a result of the voluntary liquidation of the Atlas Na tional bank of this city, William M. and John S. Van Nortwick, who held 404 shares of stock In the bnnk and were borrowers therefrom to the amount of $300,000, made nn assignment today to the Equ liable Trust company, of Chi cago, who took possession of the Van Nort wick's bank, at Ratavla, this state, today. The failure involves the entire Inter ests of the Van Nortwicks, whose esti mated wealth, according to their last statement, is $2."fln,000, often estimated at three times that amount, and repre senting besides the Van Nortwick bank and other property at Ratavla, large manufacturing interests. The total liabilities will probably be near $2,000, 000. The articles of assignment, three in number, were filed in the Kane county court at Geneva. William and J. S. Van Nortwick each assigned as individuals and the two as a company. The Interests of the Van Nortwlck's are large and diversified. The Van Nortwlck's probably ore the most extensive paper manufacturers in the west, and the ramifications of their business extend all over the west ern country. Had it not been for the spreading out In this direction, It Is thought, the crash would have been avoided. In Ratavia so much real es tate is owned by them that people are ofter heard to remark, "The Van Nort wlck's own Ratavla." Resides the brick block in which the bank is located, erected at a cost of $40,000, and other real estate, they own 400 acres of farm land there, valued at $50,000. Among their possessions are also thousands acres of pine lands In Wisconsin. Baltimore Merchant Assign. Raltlmore. Dec. 29. L. Snellcnberger & Sun. leading dry goods merchants of South Raltlmore, made an assignment to day. Liabilities, lOu.ucu; assets about the same amount. Pressure of creditors and slow collections caused the suspension. Virginia Bank Fails. Roanoke, Va., Dee. 29. The failure of the Commercial National bank, which closed Its doors this morning, was caused by a run on the bank yesterday. It Is be lieved all liabilities will be paid In full. No other banks are in the least affected. Oil .Harlot. Oil City, Pa..- Dec. 29. Option oil quoted at 89. Credit balances, 90. for her half an hour." ISlHi, by .Mitchell & Miller. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Review. New York, Dee. 21. The eurly dealing nt the Stock Exchange were character ized by extreme dullness and the fluctua tions, save lii a very few Instances, were unimportant. Yet the lack of business did not prevent juices from moving up moderately, the only notable exception having been Delaware am! Hudson, which declined 2's. Reading was also weak and declined about a point. In the meantime the general list showed a riling tendency, and during the afternoon speculation de veloped a very firm tone. .The market ruled on a higher plane nnd an advanco of lu2'4 per cent, followed. Near the close Manhattan declined 1 per cent, on the announcement that Judge Pryor hud frrnnt.,,1 thA tit,nlli!i I Inn f.it nil 111 limetlnil j to rf.siram the company from paying the dividend due January 2. Speoulutton closed firm in tone, net changes show ad vance of 4nlai per cent. Total sales were 114,000 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL LEN ft CO., stork brokers, Moars bulld- Open- High- Low- Clos. Ing. est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco f'o 7S Kn Til Ml Am. Sugar Ke'g c'o.llii'i 3 IHi'i llo'i A tell. To. ft S. Fe.. i:P4 VP 13' 4 14', Ateh.,To. ft 8. Fe.,Pr 22-'4 23 ij 2:"a 23'a Chesa. Ohio I.l'd bi'i l'." lea, Chicago Oas ft 72'a ' T.'-U Chic. 7 X. W MK", lie lol'.j lir.' Chic. R. & y I8H4 tsin 7'i Chic.. Mil. & St. P... ": "it", 72', 7,li Chic., R. I. ,t P .VS fi'l's "." Del. Hud 11V' ll ll"! 11! Dlst. C. V 11 12 11H 12 lien. Electric 3I 3'; .1l-'4 :12 Louis. & Nash 47 4v", 41 4!!"i M. K. & Texas, Pr.. 27:' ZP 2n Manhattan Ele vc' Mi'j S7 I', Mo. I'aoilV Pi 2'pi 1!i 2W4 N. .1. Central W tot !' 1"" N. Y L. K. & W.... 14?4 r. H"i ir. Nor. I'nclne 31 :i2'j 31 S2'i tint. & West H 14' 14 14 Omaha 47's 17'i 47 47 Pacltle Mall 21 24 21 24 Phihi. nnd Read .... 2iP; 2ii'4 2.1"; 2ii, Southern R. H !", Uj S' j Southern R. R Pa. 2i! 2'l 2i! 2U Tenn. C. & 1 2.".1; 2.V. 2.V!, i;r.a Texas Pac ltle SLj Ha 'li I'nlnn Pacllie !' !'; Wabash il'Si fii H'i firi Wabash. Pr l'. Hi', 1.7m Ifi'j, West. I'lilon S2:S. 8:i'4 l2 83 W. L li'i li'i fi'i i I S. leather !'(, fl4 !si I S. Leather. Pr.... f.2 02 HPi fi-' P. S. Rubber 2li 2.- 2I7 2:. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. Ing. May SJi4 Rl M'4 SI July 77',4 7!'7i 774 W, OATS. May 19' 2i"i 19 20 CORN. May 2:. ::, 2.W. July 2cJ i 2'4 2i LARD. January 3.77 3.SD 3.73 3.77 Mnv 3.'J7 4.00 3.93 3.97 PORK. January 7..'7' 7.37 7.17 7.32 May 7.7 7.S7 7.77 7.82 Scranton Board or Trade Exchange qiiotntionn-AII Quotation Uasc.il on Pnrof 100. Name. ntmo Den. & DIs. Bank ... Bid. Asked. 143 ... Scranton Lace Curtain Co National Boring A Drilling Co First National Bank Scranton Jar & Stopper Co. .. Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Bonta Plate Glass Co Scranton l'ackli.' Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'f. Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Traders National Dunk Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replaeer Co. .. BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 191 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 Scranton ft Plttston Trae. Co. People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School 6.. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co Economy Steam, H. & P. Co.. ty (SO 266 'is IN 'ii 93 130 N 20 f 123 230 VJ0 110 110 110 109 10 103 u 100 96 1W Philadelphia Provision Market. l'hllatlelphia, Dec. 29. Provisions were In light Jobbing demand nt unchanged prices. We quote: Reef hams. $lSal8.30, as to age and brand; pork, family, $IOa lo.fiij; hams. S. P. cured. In tierces, 8a9e.j do. smoked, 94allc., as to average anil brand; sidei, ribbed. In salt, 4'ja4c. ; do. do. smoked. bUaVr.; shoulders, pickle cured, Sa.'cjC. ; do. do. smoked, S'.ae. ; picnic hams, 8. P. cured, 54a3c. ; do. do. smoked, l!i4alie. : bellies, In pickle, ac cording to overage, loase. uUnDe.; break fast bacon, 7a8c as to brand and aver age; lard, pure city retlned, in tierces, 3a 3'4c.; do. do.. In tubs. 5l4a3lic.: do. butch ers', loose, 44'ic.; city tallow. In hogs heads, 3c; country do., 2a3c, as to quality, and cakes, .1'ic. New York Produce Market. New York. Dec. 29. Flour Quiet, un changed. Wheat Dull, firmer; f. o. b im; ungraded red. S2alii2; No. 1 northern, 94-V.; options active and firm at 1 aJ'nc advance; Janua'ry, 91rv.: Mnrch, 9tc.; May, 89V.; July, 80'ic; December, 92Vc. Corn Dull, Arm: No. 2. 29ak; elevator, ia:ilo. afloat; options dull and firm: De cember, 29-e.; January, 29c; May, 31c. Oats Dull, firm; optioiu quiet, firm, un changed; December. 22c.; January, jt-'Vic.; February, 23c.; May. 24i4c: No. 2. 22V.; No. 2 white. 25c.; No. 2 Chicago, 23e.; No. 3. 20V-! No. 3 white. 22c; mixed west ern, 22a24c; white do. and white state, 20 aic. Provisions Quiet, rteady, un changed. Lard Quiet, easier: western steam, $4.03; city, 3V.: refined dull; con tinent. $1.33; South America, $1.(13; com pound, 4a4V. Butter Quiet, barely Connolly & Wallace A Substantial mark-down in prices has taken place in our Cloak Room. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, T A WORD. WANTS OF ALT KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE NO CHARGE WILL. BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL, WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. HELP WANTED MALES. UfANTED AN IDFA. WHO CAN THINK of some aiinplo thing to patent 1 Pro tect your ideas: thev inny bring you wealth. Write JONH WKDDERBUR.N & CO., Dept. C, 23, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D, O., for their IIHiiO prize biter and list of 200 invcu tiona wnnted. WANTED AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC tion to riiiivaiui: $4.(4) 4n .0O a day mndo ; lis at iil't; alio a mnn to sell St:ipla Goods to dealers; Ix-st :ilo line J75 a month; aalary or large commission made; expHrienes uniipcosnary. Clifton Hoay and Manufactur ing Co., Ciiiclnnnti, O. 7ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN v v every town to solicit atock nuburriP' tiona; n monopoly; Ws money for incuts: no capital riMHiirecl EDWARD C. FISH & CO., Horclcn Block, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED-l'EMALES. WTANTED A UIRL FOR (iENERAL housework. Apply to MRS. F. H. FRIEND, Jortnyu, Pa, IADIEH-1 MAKE 111(4 WAGES DOING J pleasant home work, and will gladly send full particulars to all scmlini; J o-nt stamp. MIKS Jt. A. HTEI'BINS, Lawrence, Mich. f ANTED LA 1Y AGENTS IN SCRAN". ton to sell and Introduce Hnydor's ratio lrintr: experienced canvpssor preferred: work permanent and very prolltalilo. Wrlto for particulars nt mire ami ret benefit of lioliduy trade. T. II. BNVUF.U A: CO.. I'incnniili. O. fANTED 1JIMEDIATELY-TWO EXKl v V vetio Faleawonien to represent, lis Guaranteed Jit a day without iiiterierring with other ciutic4. Healthful occupation. Write for iiartii ulura, encloxinB stamp, lisniio ( hemicul Ccuipuuy, No. 'i John Ktrevt, New York. HOARD WANTED. rOCNG GENTLEMAN SEEKS A (J I' JET, refined hoarding plnoo near Public Li brary; roforonues ttxciianited, Tx)H MAN AND WIFE, NEAR PUBLIC r Library. Address A.. Trilmne nfhcn. HOARD AND KOO.U WANTED. VKAR ELM PAHK CHURCH. ADDRESS 1 CDN 1UAL10, Tribuno otllco. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. NwlcE-ilY WIFeTbELiTsiTaG ER?HAS let t my bed aud board without cuo or provocaiion and I do hereby f irliid any per son or pers'us to trust or haruir her on my acconnc aa I will pay no bills for liwr on any account. WILLIAM SHAGEU. steady, unchanged. Cheese Firm, steady, uni'hanmd. Kirns Lower; state mid Pennsylvania, 2ou!e.; ice house, 1"m!"e, ; western fresh, ISuJOc.; southern, Ualli'-e, Chienen l.rnin nnd Provision Market Chlcacro, Ihc. :'!. The- lendlmt futures ranmcl us follows: Wheat December, 75.aSV.: May, S2UnS3Te. : .July, 7?4a0e. Corn liecTmlicr, SiNaJJ-ic ; January, 2J-"-sa2.'!e. ; May, '.'.Vai'.V,c. Uat" Decem ber, lii'ialil'v.; May, oaL'0He. Me.ic Pork January, $7."71n7.5-',; May. $7..s7'aa7.N. Lard-Jainiaiy. l.77'-..a3.77!a: -May, $:!.H7'i a3.tf7'i. Short Hibs January, Sl.ii'a 3.77'; May. :!.ti7'1!n:t.fl.'i. Cash iiiotatlons were as follows: Flour Quiet and firm; No. 2 sprlnK wheat, 7s:l1aSC'jc.; No. 3 do., 74a7S.; No. 2 red, 'jn'iSSe.; Xo. 2 corn. 2-Jr-i,arJc.: No. 2 oats, 17c; No. 2 rye, 37'-i.; No. ,2 barley, 3.V.; No. I flaxseed. 74'se.; timothy seed, Jjl.': mess pork. $i;.i;."iati.70; lard, $n.72'2a:l.7ri; short ribs, sides, M.7ea 3.6U; shoulders, SI4.2iial.iiO; short clear sides. Mall2'a; whiskey and auitars 11:1 clianxed. Chlcns" Livn Stork. ChlenKO. Dee. 29. Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, 13.40:11.30; stockers and feeder, 2.Ka3.f,"i; cows and bulls. $l.C0al; calves, $3.25aH..riii; Texans, $3.r,oa4.2.". Hobs Re eelpts, 2",0iX) head; market weak and 10 cents-lower; heavy packing and ship ping lots. $:l.loa:;.40; common to choice mixed. $u.2a3.1rt; choice assorted. J3.:C,a 3.42's; llKht. $3.20a3.4.-i; plia. $2.S."ir3.42's. Sheep Iteceipts, 1U,I0 had: market steady; inferior to choice, $2.5oa3.75; lambs, $3.Ou. Uullnlo Live Stork. Buffalo, N. Y., Dece. 29. Cattle Un changed, with few on sale; Rood to extra, veals. 0..Oa7: common to fair, $4.2at.O. Hogs Steady ; Yorkers, $:)..' : mixed packers, $3..Vu3.0il: roughs. $2.Siiu:i.lO; stags, $2.2."a2.75. Sheep und Lambs Steady: best lambs. fVliiai.-i; fair to good, I4.siia3.l0; 'julls ami com inon, $:i.7.".ai.7ii; good to choice mixed sheep, 3.20a3.riy; handy wethers, ?3.05u3.75. If the Haby Is t ultina Teetli. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha's been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and call for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. TIM fa il Bill llfSltttM 01 AGENTS WANTED. AJTlSlT&0(lT FOR RUsT aell a anthoriiod "LIVES OP McKlN l.EY AND HOBAKT;" MO panes, elegantly Illustrated: price only $1.00: the beat and tba cheapest, and outaclla all othora; 00 per cent. toagJiits and the freight raid. RrBooa now ready; save tima by sending ! cents in tamps for an outfit at ones. Address A, D. WORTHINUTON ft CO.. Hartford. Conn. f ANTED GENERAL -AGENTS IN EV- t ery county; also lady canraaaera; some thing new; sure seller; apply quick. J, C, IULUI'RT, 141 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa, GENTS WHAT ARE YOU OOISO TO do about Safe Citizenship price II. Go ing by thousand Address, NICHOLS, Napervllle, 111. AGENTS-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro plasters: prices from $3 upward: salary and expenses paid: outfit free. Address, with ktamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO,, Chicago. AGENTS TO SELLGIOARSTO DEALERS; iSt weokly and expenses: sxperiuuee un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. 48 Van Buren at, Chicago, SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 2 per cent, rrmniission: sample book mailed free, Audreis L. N. CO., btation L, Now York. FOR SALE.. 1?OH SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell, gold lined: neurlv now and cost '.HI: will sell at a bargain. Address thta week to E. W. GAYLOR, LaRayaville, Pa. T.-OH SALE HOUSE, AGED SIX YEAH8, I weight 1,000 pciuuds; cuu be aeen at 1021 Price street. FOR RENT. l "Olt RKNT NICE 12 ROOM HOUSE, 7;t2 J Wasliiuirton arnnno; all modern im provements, by February I- yOR KENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; 1 modern improvements; renr. reaoonabls; corner of Pine aid Blnkely streets. Dumnore. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CIORNS, BUNIONS AND INGROWING ' nails cared without the least pain or (Ira wind blood Consultation and advice given free. E. M. HETSKL, Chiropodist, XX) Lack, awunna avenue. Ladles attended at their residence if desired. Charges moderate. CITY SCAVENGER. A P. BlilGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . and ce&s ichiIb: no odor; improved pumps usrd. A, BRIGGB, Proprietor. I.cmvo orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erckes' drug store, corner Aciaui and Mul berry, 'l elephono 4Kli EXECUTORS' NOTICE. INSTATE OF EDWARD T. JOHN, DK J J ceased, lato of tli city of Hcranton.I.ack awanna ccmuty. I'eiinsylvaiiia. Letters testamentary upon tho above. named rstatx having bean grautod to th under signed, a 1 persons having claims or demands ailniust tne said ratntu will preaeut tlieui for payment, and these indebted thereto will pleaso uiuko immediate payment to ANN T. JOHN. I F, JOHN E. JOHN 1 E"c"t'"' CIIAS. E. OLVEIt. Hc-ranton. Pa. Attorney for Estate. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. 'PHK ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEET 1 ing of Tho Weston Mill Company will be held at the First National Hank, of Scranton, Saturday evening. Jan. Uth, nt tt o'clock. A. W. DICKSON, Secretary. 'I'llE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE L stockholders of tlie Third National Bank of Scranton will be held in tlie Directors' room of the hank building, on TncsJuy, Janu ary 1', 111. betwonn the hoars of A atid 4 p. m. I1LNKY BE LIN, .In., Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of Tho Kpring Brook Water Supply Company for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as mnv properlv coma before It. will be Uld on Wednesday, January 20th, HW. at the hour of 10 o'clock u. m , at the otneo of the company in Scranton. Pa., Ill accordance with the by-laws of the coinp in v. L. A. WATRES. President. Attost:-T, H, WATKINS, Secretary. SITUATIONS WANTED. D'1wgT'lTrkwan -stored CJ A. : htst references. Address EllNESf GROSS, Wyoming. Pa. V"ANTED-BY MARRIED MAN, 8ITCA f f tion as engineer, fireman or watchman; can do own repairing und make himself gou erullv useful; good references furuisaed. E. C, i)13 Liiicleu street. CITUATION WANTED-TODO WASHING k? and Ironing at home or go out by the day at auytiiing. cleaning offices; will give perfect satisfaction at any place. Call or address A. ii.. itll Nor to Sumner avenue. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeon. DkTmARTHA S. EVERETT. SOS WASfL ington a ve-. ciftlce hours until 10 a. m.i 2 to 4. ti to 8 p. m. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D., NO. 231 Adams aevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of. flee hours, Thursday und Saturdays, t a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. COMEGYS-OFFICE NO. 337 tt. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 1 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tele phone No. 3232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 NORTH WASH Ington avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, MR WYOMING AVE. Office hours, (-11 a. m.. 1-3 p. m., 7-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES, 123 WASHINGTON avenue? Office hours. 1 to 9 a. m., 1 30 to S and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 309 Madi son aevnue. DR. C. L. FREAS. SPECIALIST 1N Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 208 and 207 Mears Building. Office telephone 1362. Hours: 10 to 12, 1 to4, 7to . DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL- THE CLOAK TRADE Has had a trifle the worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down has been found necessary 2MowPrcoWUseen,,e' Ist on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary organs, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos, 232 Adams aevnue. Office hours, 1 to 6 p. m. W. O. ROOK. VETERINARY SUR geon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital. 124 Linden street, Scranton. Telephone, 2871 Lawver. FRANK E. BOYLE, ATTORNEY AND counsellor-at-law. Burr building, rooms 13 and 14. Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTY AT LAW. 211Wyomljigjivenue! JEFFREY'S ft RUDDY. ATTORNEYS- at-law, Commonwealth building WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEY and Counsellors at Law. Renubllci building, Washington avenue, Scranton, ri, JESSUP ft JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX, ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I nd 8 Library building, Scranton, Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 0 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY at-Law, rooms 63, 04 and 65. Common wealth building, SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORN E Y-AT Law. Office, 317 Spruce st., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-Inw, Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEOY8, S21 SPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOQLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Meura building, eorner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEyTaT-LAW. 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-AT law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. WATSON. DIKHL, HALL & KEMMER KH Attorneys und Counaellors-at-Law; Traders' Nutlonu) Bank Building; rooms C. 7, 8. 9 and 10; third floor. Detective.'!. BARRING ft M'SWEENEY, COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency. Architect EDWARD IL D AV IS, ARC HIT EC1 Rooms 24, 23 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OFFICJ3 rear of 600 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK JR., ARCHITECT, 43u Spruce St., cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. BROWN ft MORRIS. ARCHITECTS. Price building, Ui Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY ft SON, ARCHITECTS, Trader's Bank Building. Altieriiiun. O. F. KELLOW. 1004 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. DR. F. street. L. M'ORAW, 803 SPRUCQ DR. II. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. E. Y. HARRISON, 113 8. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115 Wyoming ave. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. WELCOME C. SNOVER, 421 LACKA, ave. Hours. ( to 1 and to 5. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. School;, SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls (or college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School. 412 Adnms avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten $10 per term. Seeds. O. R. CLARK ft CO., SEEDMEN AND Nurserymen: store 14 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store telephone, 782. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR RU LACKA wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels tin- Restaur ants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127- FRANK 11 n avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on the) European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates. I3.0 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan.) GEO. MURRAY, Proprietor Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. 1. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert music store. , MEGARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran, ton. Pa. . FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Wood ware. Cordage anct Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC. countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 2. Williams Building, opposite postofBc. Agent for the Hex Fir Extinguisher.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers