TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOUSING, DECEMBER 30, 1895. 8 New Year Cards, rocket Diaries 1S97, Peloubet's Notes on the Sunday School Lessons 1S97. Deep cut io prices all this week on all Holiday Articles Toys, Games Blackboards, Desks, Toilet Cases and Fancy Articles, loliday Books and Fancy Stationery, at very large reductions, to clear out balances. Bargains for New Year presents. NORTON'S, j2j Lackawanna Ave. Shavings The use of Shavings for budding lor horaes or cows U uot New Hut put up like straw In Small Bales Is something new. Cheaper Than Straw, ( leaner Than Straw, Better Than Straw. We keep it The Weston Mill Go SCRANTOX, OLYPHANT, CARBMOALE. ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN EXTRACTION OF TEETH WITH "ANAESTHENE." FINEST DEN TAL WORK IN THE CITY. DRS. HENWOOD & WARD ELL 36 LACIUW-1NN1 AVE. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. I.UCt Illh'iltV HSSt'llillly Ht till! SlTlllltllll :ii'i-lt I'luli liousf jMovnl ii vi iy ifii l.nt iilTjir. It was plamu-.J liy Missis :.lln, ii nut. Willis mil AivhbuM t liapi kiiumI by Jim, II. I', Slius.in, yr N. (!. IEiiIm i Icon, ill .-'. H. W. KIiihkIiuo I nil Mrs. I J. i'lutt. Tin- other present Vi'ii- tin- .IIs..k liluki'ison, of Urooklyn, V.; .Miss lil Inert, uf Troy; the Missis lfaini, of .Merlon, 1'a.; .Miss Umlburir, ut T'viiton: .Miss Wllllatnson, of Wilk.s-ltam-; Miss Huehe. of I'hllail.'lpliln ; Miss lirowii. of New York elty; Mr. ami Mrs. A. 31. Stuns. Mr. an. I Mrs. E. I,. Fuller. .Mr. ni l Mrs. W. (. Harke, Mr. uml Mrs. K. H. Jninyii. Mr. timl Mrs. C I.. Fn y, Mrs. ('. . Simpson, tlie Missis Jeruiyn, Misses I'.eiii Ai I'hlial'l, Shiiisii:i, Wiiitiin, Amler rcii ami Maleiiml Missis. I'luse, Heilt'oiil, (' lantiin. Muffatt, II. nit. Hunt, jr.. Ill ill'. J'.llss, llatier, UuIl-H, lielill, J. Ii. utltl I I. 0. lirouks. Mr. iiikI Mrs. I J. Nurthtip. of im tjuiiuy avenue. y.aw a party last ninlit for tlieir ilaiik'liter. Miss Amy. There Mere present front out of town MIsh Susan Jailwin, of I'ai taniilale; Miss I'm-rlc lliiteliiiiKs. of Moosie; Miss l,elnh llanl kln. of Ohio; Aluerl Kutlierforil, of i.'iir lionlalv, anil Matthew Itlehanlsoti. of i:i Inlra. The Seranton Rilesls were Misses Kinnm Hums. .Miibelle Sehlntier, Hessie Sanderson, Urine 8:in lemon, Anna Sal mon, Helen Stevens, Kllzalielll Hainl, Carrie Helilleinan, .loM-phine l'helps. Oraie l'eek, May A lino, Kininn Foster, Ulay Duster, Joy Ouster, Id ssie H.irrlni? tuii, Irene Kami. Lulu Hyive-Her.rMllh Hill, Stewart Slinpsou, Anna Watson, Muri on Musser, Lizzie Snover, Emily Sniiili. Allee Osterliout, Ilenwooil anil lleleiie Hull ami Messrs. Fun I Pratt, Isaae Has. lain, nrailfonl Stair, Hay Fuller, llniton if l.i an. Truman Suiilain, Arthui Junes, Roy MeRaiKel, IVrey MeKaritel, Eugene Hall, Charles Moersam, Charles Teal, Howard Vull. W. (1. Ciffeti. Edward Coons, J. lionald Hull, Jesse Snover. Frank l'eek. Clark t'.uild. A ten was Riven yesterday liy Mrs. Mary H. Matthews, of KM (Hive street, for her ilminhler's. Miss Iuise Matthews', selino friend. Miss (Silbert. of Troy. N. V. It was a youiiK peoile's tea and there Wis an unusually law numlier of callers in response to the Invitations. Miss Ullber:, Mlvs Matthews and the hitter's mother received and were assisted In enteruiinlim by the Misses Jertnyn, -Miss Flor.i Mat thews and Miss Simpson. Mrs. ileu-we P. trilltith him Mrs. Wllllard Matthews pre. ilded over the illnlnif room servlr anil were assisted by Miss Itlrdsall, Miss IHek son. Miss Allee Matthews and Miss Mayer. Holiday Slippers We have just What you want. Come now and get the best assortment ever known. All Kinds. All Prices. All Winners. For Men, Boys, Youtlis; for Ladies, Misses and Children. - AH Leathers. All Shades. All Sizes. SCHAMK fi SPENCER, 410 Spruce Street The rooms were handsomely trimmed with an aliiindar.ee of holly and Christ mas sitens. The prevailing flower color In the illii'ne room was red. Three of the lower boxes at the Froth liiKham have been Hold for the lid'h: if the P.aehelors' bull to l l. Hliiniso'i, O. S. Johnson and W. 1. I'arkf an 1 Major James W. Oakford. The fo'W.h box will be reserved for the patroius-.i s. Hall tiekets may now be obtained mi presenta tion uf invitations to any of the luiiimit tee. Tiekets will be Fold by til' I'ulllllllt tee Friday at the theater box otlic". " The soelal committee of tht Ore .Ml fji.lire Wheelmen are making elaborate prepara tion for the annual New Year staj; party, which will occur tomorro.v evt-ultiK. These New Y'ear affairs have been Ire club's greatest social events, una if th pronrammo aJrea ly arranged Is carried out tomorrow nU'ht, this year's nlTalr will eclipse all previous similar Kutnci'l'is. The annual Christinas tree exercises of the Si rantuii l.lederkrani wen- lield Mon day niiiht In Music hail iiiul was a very enjiivable event. . Thursday niht's subscription dance at the llleyele H 'nb house promises to bo laryely attended. There will be a num ber of quests from out of town, liatier's ore hey l ra will furnish the musli-. and llanley will be the caterer. PERSONAL MENTION: Colonel Ma:ce. of HarrlsbiiiK. was the city yesterday. John Forbes, of the Carbomlale lk'1 in Id staff, was in the city yesterjuy. Mr. P. F. Struppler and (jeorue Waters have returned from u visit to Eastuii. Iiavld Jenkins, of Albany. N. Y , Is visitiiiK his parents on Jackson street. David M. Iteilly. of the lirni of l.-wls, Hi illy .Ii Mavies, Is ill at his home on Mon roe avenue. Mis. I. C. I'arry. of II inle. S. 1 ., Is visitiiiK her brother. Mavid Evans, of Mul berry stn-et. M. F. I'.riindamiire, or Mullierry street, has cone to lloiiesilale to attend the fu neral of his nephew. F. Mittrick, of lloiiesilale, has returned hoine alter a visit with hU dauchtep. Mrs. I.. J. Sicbecker. Miss Helen l.ayeock. of liloomsburi!, I 'a.. Is spending the holiday we-k with her cousin. .Mrs. It. E. Cowles. of guincy avenue. I'nlted Slates Commissioner A. J. Col Imjiii, Jr., leturiu-il yesterday from his fa ther's home ill Somerset, where he spent Chhristnias. Will Lucas and sister. Miss Mattlc. of Newark, N. J., are speiiditiK the holidays with the Misses Ulllan and (Jertru.le Weisentlue, of Chestnut stree-t. Miss Mai'Kitret Evans, the accomplished daughter of Mrs. T. C. Evans, of Elm street, left yesterday to visit her brother, Rev. J. L. Evans, of New Hampshire. Misses Christina Martin and Elizabeth Jones, of Plttston. attended the funeral yesterday afternoon of the late Thomas ii. Thomas at the First W'vlsh Raptlst church. A huntlni party that left yesterday for the J'lieouo mountains was made up of denize Okell, John Hlfchllclil. fall Loreiisi, Carl Koempcl, J, UianJow ami John 11. Fellows. Thomas 11. llenton, ueneral mannttor of the SerHiiton P.eddiiiK coinpuny, has Ikhii presented with a complete set of the Encyclopaedia ltrlttanlca by the em ployes of the company as a testimonial of the lihfh esteem in which he? Is held by Hi. in. Jiiduv I!. W. Archhald and Judite F. W. ilunsler atteudeil the tlrst iiieetlim of the judges of the stale in 1 liiladelpliin yesterday. JuiIkc 11. M. Edwards will lr present at today'si session, lie was un able to leave the city with his brother Judges on account of the funeral of Mrs. Maixaret Ulehards, of the West Side, which took place yesterday. Tile law e. ainlulUK board of the county Is reprcseul ul at the mettiiiK liy Attorney H. A. .ilu mermau. AMUSEMENTS. One of the novelties IntroiUlPed In the drainti, Down in Mixle," wlilch will be seen Ht the Academy of Musk' to nlKlit is u hutte cotton press. The he roine of the iiluy. a dauntless Carolina Sill, Immediately after her romantic secret niiirrlnae to a munly young southerner. Is made a .uitive by a villainous overseer who lias been an unsuccessful suitor for her love. Im pi i.i.meil liy him in a cotton warehouse, she escapes from her place of confine ment and hides beneath Home tlooriiiK. wher she overlKitrs the overseer and n rascally blackmailer futnilnif a seotin (Irelly iilot und sees tliem overpower a jKUiifi naval otllcer who suspects them. They put liiin in the cotton ei'inpress, set lire to the idace, start the machinery and lake lliKht. The heroine bursts Into the room and drtiKS the olllcer's body from the very jaws of death. This is only one of the stiuliK features of the drama. "The Turn of the Tide," with Sir. and Sirs. Dinnl Kyron in the leading roles, w ill be the attract ion at the Academy of Music Friday und Satur day afternoons and evenings. "The Turn of the Tide," Sir. Hymn's latest and greatest success, is h romantic comedy written expressly for him by David Hife'Kins. author of the "I'litn S r." The play Is a remarkably strong one, abounding in startling climaxes Intermingled with comedy. Sir. Byron, as Harold Vundeleur, takes) the part of the hem in a manner that accen tuates his strong dramutic talent. Kate Hyron, as Peggy, displays her old time attractiveness and spirited acting in which she has earned well deserved fame; the company Is a strong one and the piece well mounted. "Zero," which has been described as an animated and laughable picture, framed in scenic splendor, will be the attraction at the Mavis theater for the last three days of this week. What lit tle plot there is to "Zero" hinges upon the amusine adventures encountered by an eccentric Irishman who endeav ors to discover the North I'ole. With this end In view, he eitiii.s un expedi tion and sails away to the; polar re gions. While en route a shlpwriTked party of theatrical people are rescued, who give a concert aboard ship which serves to introduce the following spe cialties: The trans-Atlantic Inspec tion; Harry LcClair, the famous pro tean artist and character actor: Mad den and Curran, Irish entertainers: Leona Lewis, the "Little Oein;" Hodges & Launchmcrc, the colored singers and dancers; Topack and Steele, the eccen tric comedians, and SI. Florence Ed wards in her latest creation, "The Il luminated Spectre." . IT WAS HIS OWN FAULT. No Hays the Coroner's Jnry in the Cant1 of the Uor Killed nt iMayncld. Deputy Coroner Pennypacker went to May held yesterday afternoon and heard testimony In the case of Charles Os kroskie, the 15-year-old Polish boy who was struck and killed Christmas even ing by the Saratoga express at the first crossing south of the Mayfield station uf the Delaware and Hudson railroad. The Jury rendered a verdict to the effect that the hoy's death was due to his own carelessness, hut censured the company fur nut having a flagman at the crossing. lirlng your card plate to The Tribune for printing. THEY HAD SOME FUN WITH M1EAN Now McLean is Having Some Fun With One of Them. SIX ASSAULT AND BATTERY CASES. These and Several Others wero Dis posed ol iu Criminal Court Yester day .llichucl Mchnlirk Found (Juiity iu Two Successive Cases. I'rosccutors Mulcted for Costs in Five Cases -- Pleaded CJuiltv of lturglury. The IUsh Works was largely repre sented among the rpictaU.rs; in crimnal court yesteiday afternoon. The attrac tion was tl:e trial of Michael Slctluire for stealing .Martin Mi Lean's watch. The affair took Place ho.t September nt the aforementioned locality. Mr Cttire, it is alleged, i merged from a 'hole-in-the-wall," held SlcLura up and relieved him of his watch. The de fense was a denial of the theft and the assertion that McLean had no wati h, at the time nn ntioiied. The- prosecution and defendant with a number of others weiv drinking togeth er lr a speak-easy. .McLean was full and the hoys proceeded to have a little Inn with him. He got angry because Metiuire culled him "Honey" McLean und left Hie house vowinjj he would bring the law down on the place. They i might hold of him and Hied to make him come back ami lake a drink hut he la lisle il his restraint is und the in ducement aside mid went off. Insteud of informing against the speak-easy he had a warrant sworn out for the arrest of Metiuire who was his greatest tor mentor, charging him w ith the larceny of ids natch. The case was on at ad journment. .Mr. Martin assisted lis trict Attorney Jones in the prosecution nml Mr. Welsh appuired for the de fense. HE I'SEM A STONE. Mi-hacl Mehalick was charged with hitting Andiew Phillip over the head with a stone on June last, during a light in a saloon at olyphaiil. Mehal ick made some Insulting remark about Phillips' wile and when the latter re monstrated Mehalick hit him with a large stone. Mehalick was also tried in company with Slai tin Slazel for assaulting .Mar garet Slroko, on July is. The allega tion was that they came to her house and utinrreled with her hoarders and when she at tempted to put them out they assaulted her. Verdicts of guilty were returned In both cases. Slehnllck got $10 line, costs and 60 days iu the county Jail for the tlrst offense. In the second case each was yiven a line of and thirty days in the county jail. .Mr. Lewis assisted in the prosecution and Sir. .Manning represented the de fense. The trial of Vincent Krueger, his wife Frances Krueger and Muniel Lan gowskl, chai ged with assault and bat tery on John Rush, was finished yester day inornlrg and the case given to the Jury at Hi o'clock. Not guilty was the verdict. The Krucyftrs were directed to pay one-third of the costs in their case and Lungowskl one-fourth the costs hi his. The remainder was placed on the prosecution. AHOSKI S NOT (IP ILTY. John (Joshlnskl ch.nged John Arnski with assault and battery, but he fulled to convince the Jury of Aroskl's guilt and in consequence had to pay the costs. Mr. Lewis appeared for the de fense. Liidwig Zajrorskl failed to appear to prosecute Joseph Karolan, of Priceburg. fur assault and battery, and was pun ished by having the costs Inflicted on him. Julin I'.raynickas, who broke Into An drew Alielnalp's shoemaker simp in Providence last spring and carried away a quantity of leather and cob bler's tools and w ho was captured with the stolen property in his possession, pleaded guilty uf statutory burglary and was sentenced to six months in the county Jail and a line of $'. Martin Sllglin, of tho Kidgo, near Archhald, charged with selling liquor without a license, escaped trial through Hie non-appearance of the prosecutor, 'rid un rd Farr. The case has been on th." list three times mid each llni" Farr l.i ill d to appear, lie will have to pay the costs. Milin had a case of statu tory burglary ag linst Fair, before the pieso't tuit was Instituted. P UOSECI'TION WITIIUUA X. Prosecution was withdrawn in the case of l ieorge W. Muiin against James iJempsey. of Itellevue, accused of the theft of u dog, the matter having lieen selllid nut of coin t. The same action, for the same reason, was taken In the case of I;. W. Stevens charged with defrauding Ainhrosa Alteinus out of a board bill. James Earn 11, charged with sellin-li-yjor without a license and selling on Hundav. failed to respond when called for trial. His bail was forfeited and a capias issued for his arrest. REAL, LIVE SANTA CLAUS. Made His .iicarauce nt the First Presbyterian Church, The riirUtinuK sen ice of the First Presbyterian church Sabbath school took'place yesteiday afternoon and was elijojed by ail audience that ocupieil all the seats in the large auditorium. A feature was the presence of a live Santa Clans who made his appearance nt the top of the chimney of a minia ture cottage built en the platform. He then slid from view and emerged out of a large open fireplace, filled the stock ings hanging there and then made a speech to the school and assisted In the distribution of gifts. Santa Claus was impersonated by W. W. Inglis. Tlie service Included acts of giving ns DENTAL WORK. If ynn have any Dental Work you want dono you will save money by seeing me before go ing elsewhere. When I say I am lnnertlntf GOLD AND SILVER FILLINGS Guaranteed to save the teeth from further decay. 1 mean it. I atn doing the very bost dental work at lower prices than others and can prove it by calling at my office. Exami nation costs you notk:ng. If you want a fold crown or TEETH WITHOUT A PLATE Called Crown and Bridge Work. Rrrupmbnr, I make onlv one crade tho Tery best i!IC gold and good weight and the price is right DR. BARRETT. DENTIST 316 Sprnce Str.?l, Next Door to Hotel Jernyn. well as receiving. A large quantity tf provisions, coal, money. Hour and the like weiV furnished by the different classes and will be distributed among the poor. A. W. Dickson, th superintendent, ronductcd the service and was assisted by liev. James McLeod, D. D.. the pas tor. In addition to the church organ the music was furnished by the newly organized school orchestra, led ly Frank Wolte. assisted by Willurd Iti-n-Jamin. The latter rendered u violin solo during the exercises. An attractive part was the singing by the primary de partment, whose superintendent is Mrs. Clark. A handsomely decorated Christmas tree stood alongside the cottage near the platform. The festival was ar ranged by L. T. Mattes and his hiiile i lass assisted by James 11. Kaycs and his boy class. Uev. S. ('. Loagn, D. D., pronounced the benediction. MR. PURCELL DEPARTED. Proprietor of the St. D.'nis Hotel Not Leave Directions Abaut For warding His Mail. Did John Puicell, the erstwhile proprietor of the St. Denis hotel on Lackawanna avenue has gone to New York, leaving eieditiirs iu this city who are anxious to see him to the extent of about $1,(M. Mr. Pureell Is a handsome young fel low, bright, affable and accommodat ing. II- was for several years em ployed at the Sera iitmi House and w hen last August he decided to become a Ian. II. ml himself and rented the St. Menis his friends generally predicted tli.it he would meet with great success. Such was not the case, however. Somew hat lax business methods grad ually involved him in financial dilliciil lles which culminated lust Saturday when William Kelly, the owner of the building- caused a 'landlord's war runt lo be issued for the collection of Jl.V) unpaid rent. This, of course, alarmed other cred itors, and Sir. Pureell, apparently In tent on avoiding unpleasant inter views, departed and did not leave uny explicit directions with his help as to Knows tlint the decorations of her dinner tattle will he regarded as rcllcctinii her good taste and judgment. An artistic and hand some Dinner Set will add much to the clivct. How much better jour Xew Year's dinner will taste with white table linen and dainty dishes. We can furnish ihc dishes at any price you want to pay. Come in and look them over. LAMPS, BRIC-A-BRAC. SILVERWARE, ETC. CHINA HALL, MILLAR & PECK, 134 Wyoming Avenue. Walk in and look around. THIELE School or Music, 520 Spruce St Mrs. Katharine Thiele, Voice Training, Solo Singing. Ernest Thiele, Violin, Piano, 'Cello ensemble. Roth teachers at celebrated Scharwcnka Conservatory, Xew York. Also other competent teachers engaged. Mr. Thiele is the successor to the late HERR KOPFF. We have a great variety of Children's Coats, Ladies' Coats and Capes, which are not only stylish and of good material, but also lit perfectly, giv ing a style to ladies wearing them not found in other garments. We have made this remarkable mark-down: All $5.00 Garments for $3.50 All $7.50 to $8.75 Garments for $5.00 All $9.50 to $11.50 Garments for $7.50 All $12.50 to $15.00 Garments for $10.00 All $5.50 Black Silk Waists for $3.50 All $4 50 Black Silk Waists for $2.95 All $1.00 Flannelette Waists for 79c All SiBest All Wool Waists for $1.50 MEARS where his moil should be forwarded. There Is a Well-founded belief, how ere, that he Is in New York, where he has relatives. The sale of the stuck, fixtures, etc., of the St. Denis on the landlord's warrant will tak place next Tuesday. ' FESTIVAL OF DEAF MUTES. They Celebrated Christinas in St. Luke's Church Pnrih Itooui. The deaf and duinli of St. Luke's Episcopal church held their Christmas exercisis lust night in the parish rooms of the church in Lie old Fuurot build ing on Wushinirton avtnue. A haud somely dccorated tree was provided und gltts were distributed. An uddrtss by Hev. Rogers Israel, rector of St. Luke's, was Interpreted by ltev. J. M. Koehler. of Philadelphia. The event was inunaed by Sirs. 11. 11. Co&ton. TdJl mi '96 has been a busy year with us. From January to December each month has shown an increase of business. You hear no complaints of dull times at Rey ford's. Nor do we intend to allow bus iness to dwindle these last two days of '96. We've no left over Holiday Goods to sac rifice. All the special Christmas stock is Isold. Can other merchants say as much? Today's offerings are of unusual merit. Reductions are genuinev and to prove this we make you this offer: In any case where the original price of these articles was not exactly as stated we will give you the article free of charge if you will call our attention to the error. Banquet Handsome "old plat Lam ps nquet lamp. hull size shade ot Dresden silk with embroidered silk chiffon lace. One of the finest of our tine lamps. Stands over 3 feet hioli. Original price jSie,.()o. Price today S8.(x. first floor, center. Solid Warranted Sterling Silver 925-1000 tine. If you Snnnns dollht t,R quality of spoons p,.UiJ sp(ons anJ want to be on the safe side, buy these. They're absolutely solid silver, Twenty sets "o on sale today at two-thirds the price of yesterday. Six solid silver teaspoons for S3.60. Original price 00c. each, hirst floor, left. Onyx A better set than the Tables Hetter pieces of onyx. In fact these are the acme of onyx excellence. Brass lee-s and shelf. 1 5 go on sale today at $3.jo. Second tloor, front. Framed A special lot picked Pictures or P;irtm with, 16x20 inches inside measure ments. Pretty pictures of suitable subjects for parlor, bedroom and dining room. Picture, frame and olass, all complete, m today for 6yc. Larger size, 20x24 inside. Choice 6f this lot today for Xyc. Second floor, front. Lamps A table full of deco rated lamps with shades to match. None that sold for less than J5 1 , most of them for S1.25 and Ji.50. Choice of the table today for 69c. first lloor. cettter. Haviland Two Haviland China China Mimer Sets we wish to part company with before New Year begins. Not because they're undesirable stock, 415, 417 Lackawanna EXAMINED FREE. You can save money by buying specta cles of Silverstone, the eye specialist, ut 309 Lackawanna avenue, onely one flight over the Lehigh Valley ttcket office. The following prtcea will satisfy you that they are the cheapest In the city: Solid sold rlmmcd spectacles at J3.50 per pair; tilled bows at i-t Dickie bows from 50c. to ttf.SO; aluminum bows from 75c. to 12.00; colored glasses from Sic. to $1.25. We have a large line of reading glusses, the best in the market, at lc. per pair. . Opera and mag nlfylr.it glasses at reduced prices. Of fice hours, 8 a. m. to U'm.; 1 to C p. m. Remember that your eyes will be exam ined free and satisfaction Is guaranteed. but simply because they're the last two in the store and we'd like to clean all out. ioi-piece Haviland dinner sets $25.00. Second tloor, rear. Alarm oo early risers go Clocks on sa'e today. Ansonia alarm clocks. None better made. Each and every clock fully warranted. Two days only we sell them at this price, 69c. first floor, left. Syrup Fancy jjlass syrup cups Cups NV'tM self-closing spring tops. 144 go on sale to day at 10c. each. Second tloor, rear. Note Royal Velvet and Roy Paper a' Linen note paper, in pound packages, with handsome illuminated wrapper. Cheapest way to buy paper is by the pound anyway .especially when you get a cut price, price per pound. 500 pound packages go on sale to day at 19c. each. Over 100 sheets in a package. First floor, rear. Chamber Fifteen fine cham- Sets St'ts 'se '"4 their price today. Fine English porcelain sets com plete with slop jar. Deep blue and gold decoration. Sets that were cheap at the original price, J 10, go today for $7.50. Second lloor, rear. Toilet 111 rolls or pads. Some Paoer i'ea'ers 'vt-' 3 t,,r a m-mr- te., some 5. Today we give you LIGHT for 25c. Banquet Handsome gold- LatTID P'atei' 'ainP wit'1 rt'a' onyx pillar and base plate. Fine silk and tinsel shade. Lamp and "shade would have cost you $14 yesterday. Today's price, $ 10.00. First floor, center. 303 Lackawanna Avenue. Avenue, Scranton, n HAQE SPECK We offer about 50 Boys 3-piece Suits (short pants), sizes 12 to 16 years, at al most nothing. These Suits are heavy weight, nice mixtures, and formerly sold for $7.00, $S.oo and $10.00. Choice for $5.00 EACH o c o Of the best makes and styles at prices that will astonish you. Everybody buys at tho same price. 1 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE 1 1 GONNELl CO,, Builders' Hardware, Gas, Plumbing and Electric Fixtures, Electric Light Wiring. STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. N, Pa. Clothiers, Meralfurnisfiera 11
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