THE SCRANTON - TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNlNGe DECEMBER 12, 1896. 2 STORY OF THE DEATH OF MACEO The Rebel .' Leader Struck by Two Bullets. HIS BODY CANNOT BE FOUND Dr. Zertncha, Who Surrendered to Spaniards, Give an Accont of the Full of the Insurgent CicneralHis Iludy Kcuioved By the Kebcl--C-baut at Philadelphia Mo Longer Doubt the Story. Havana, Dec. 11. Dr. Maximo Zer-tui-ha, formerly the physician of An tonio Maoeo. the second in command of the insurgent forces, who, after the death of Maceo, surrendered to General Tort at San Felipe, has been inter viewed by a reported of La Lucha, one of the leading newspapers of this city. Dr. Zertucha says that Maceo Intended to attempt to cross the trocha on De cember 3, but was prevented by sick ness from doins so. On the next day, however, it was announced that ho would not march across the trocha with his men. but would go by water around the end of the trocha and meet an Insurgent force on the Havana side of the line. Two bonts were according ly prepared, they being painted black in order to prevent their being seen and the oars were muffled. They could not be heard. At night Maceo and twenty-six men embarked and passed in front of the town of Mariel at the northern extremity of the western trocha without being seen by any of the Spanish sentries thereabouts. The rebel leader Mlro and several other commanders of rebel bands ac companied Maceo. The short voyage was accomplished without the slightest mishap and the party landed at the point selected without being discov ered. When on December 4, the engagement took place between the rebels and Ma jor Clrujedas' commund, Maceo was encamped with -'.00U men. When the Spanish force appeared Maceo divided his men Into two wings, his Intention being to surround the Spanish column. He remained alone wih his start for a moment, watching the fighting, and exclaimed: ' This goes well." HIT BY TWl) BKLLETS. Shortly afterwards he was hit by two bull"ts as heretofore detailed In these dispatches, one striking him on the chin, breaking his Jaw and pass ing out at the Junction of the neck and shoulder, and the other striking him in the abdomen. Klther wound would have caused death, and the rebel Kad er expired in a short time. Thf rebeN who were fighting desper ately apainst the Spanish attack, were par.ic stricken when they heard of the d.nth of their chief. They Med In dis order, not making any attempt then to take Maceo's body with them. The Spaniards then returned to Punta Ura vr. with their dead and wounded. When the field was clear some of the rebels returned and carlred Maceo's body on with them. Dr. Zertucha says that he does not know where the remains were buried, and thus far the search made bv tht Spaniards has proved fruitless. Philadelphia, Dec. ll.-Very little doubt remains in Cuba' circles in this city of the death of Antonio Maceo, the Cuban leader. News came to hand today from private sources which a; knowlertged that no further doubt of Maceo'h death can exist. This informa tion ccmes directly from Cuban agents on the inland, and is Intended to finish the uncertainty in the minds of the Cuban residents here. it was characterized as being abso lutely authentic and as making an end of any possibility that the accounts of the general's tragic end could be untrue. industries Waiting. Ths Possibilities of a War With Spain Has Slightly Affected Business In terests Wheat Market Weakens. . New York, Dec. 11. R. O. Dun & Co. wil say tomorrow in their weekly Review of Trade: . Approach of holidays and doubt at the action of fongress put off further improvement until new year. While inustries have gained in working force, they are waiting for commensurate gain in demand and meanwhile are trying to clear away embarrassments which restrict them. Speculation has been halting and timid. There is no sober minded fear of foreign difficulty but some have succeeded In Imaging that congress might go so far beyond the president's prudent message re garding Cuba as to embroil this coun try with Spain. Money is in abundant supply, lending In London continues and there is nothing to cause less ac tivity In general business except that the rush of orders deferred until after the election has not been continued. The volume of business shown by clearings has been for the week 5.2 per cent, smaller than last year. Earn ings on railroads In November were J0.9 per cent, less than last year and 12.2 per cent, less than in 1892. The wheat market has weakened with less gloomy news from other countries and larger western receipts. Disappointment about the break in prices help to Increase receipts. The iron output December 1, was A Wonderful Medicine Tot Bill Otis and Ferrous dlsordera.such as Wind and fain tn the Btomach. Sick Headache. Olddl Bees, Fullness and Swelling after meals. Dizzi ness and Drowsiness, Cold Chilli, Flushings ot Beat. Loss of Appetite, Shortness ot Breath, Cos tl Ten era. Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Kerrous and Tremb ling Sensation, o., whon these symptoms are caused by constipation, as most ot them are. THE FIRST 00SS WILL 6IVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no fiction. Erery sufferer Is araestlytnTitedto try one Bos of those Fills and they will be acknowledged to be f. WONDERFUL MEDICINE. EEECHAJfS PILLS, taken as directed, Will quickly restore Females to complete health. They promptly re more obstructions or Uregn. Unties ot the system. Tor a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they act like magic a few doses will work won. den upon ths Tltal Organs i strengthening the muscular system, restoring the long -lost eoav plexloa, bringing back the kern edge ot appe tite, and arousing with the atoaeba ef Health the -whole physical energy of the human trams. These are tacts admitted fey thousands. In all classes ot society, and onsoC the best guarantees to tne Karroos and Debili tated Is that BeechasnH Pills hare she surges Bale of amy Patent Med If! la Ik World. WITHOUT A RIVAL Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 Boxes Mat Dru adores, or will be sent by U.S. agents, B. '.ALUS CO., tU Canal BV. to lorn, post paid, apea teestpt ot pries, fjes apes) apeUoettoa. 142.2TS tons weekly against 124,0777 No vember l. and 216.797 a year ago and unsold stocks were 31,000 tone smaller than November 1. but these do not In elude stocks of the great steel com panies. The entire Industry Is for the time demoralised by uncertainty re garding the great combination. Textile industries are working a larger force than in October, but there is not much evidence or larger aemana and some kinds of goods are accum ulatlng. Woolen goods are not in bet ter demand and there is a general in disposition to make committment ahead. Failures for the week have been 380 In the United States against 333 last year, and 43 In Canada against 54 last year. RAILROAD NOTES. Few of the many railroad corpora tions can show a list of men longer In actual service than can the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company. Very little change has been made up on that road In many years, either in management or Its men: and veterans who have served so faithfully almost from its Infancy to Its present day can point with honest pride to their many years of service. In April. 1897. three conductors of this svstem. Edward Maghran, Chris. Heavers and J. E. DeKay will have completed twenty years in continuous service as passenger conductors. There were four conductors who commenced In this line of service in the month of CONDUCTOR EDWARD MAGHRAN, April. 1S77. but one of them. H. T. Bol les, gave up his train in 1894, to take the position of train master on the New England railroad, under the su perlntendency of Joseph King, formerly a conductor on the Syracuse and Bing hamton division of the Delaware, Lackawnnna and Western. The oldest of these three conductors Is Edward Mughran, who commenced railway life In 1S6U on this road as brakemnn on coal trains. In the fall of 1SG2 he was promoted to the position of conductor on a train of that class. In those days (war times) men were rapidly promoted and were made con ductors then in a shorter time than It takes a man today to get a first class Job as brakeinan. A strange accident happened to Con ductor Msghran's train at Water Gap in the fall of 1S67. On a dark and stormy night, his train broke In two about a mile east of Water Gap station. the engineer, with the head end of the train, running quite a distance before discovering his loss. . Missing the caboose he stopped, sent a man hack, then backing up to the rest of the train coupled on and pro ceeded. The next morning at Hampton Junc tion Maghran was asked by the agent as to the whereabouts of one of his coal cars. "You are short car so and so," said the agent, giving the num ber. Maghran was dumbfounded, as he knew It was In the train, for he had Been It and had checked the number upon the bill. The mystery was solved the next day. The car was found where they had broke In two at Water Gap partly down the bank and nicely clearing the track. The car had evidently got tired of its company, so off the track it went and over the rail then down the bank, Clearing the rest of the train. No one noticed It or detected Its absence from the train. In April, 1877. Conductor Maghran In recognition of his. past faithful ser vice was., promoted to the position of passenger conductor on Train G26, run ning between Blnghamton and Hobo ken, and has been, within a few months, twenty years on that run, a longer time on one run. It Is safe to say, than any other conductor In this country; and this without an accident to his train through any fault or mis management upon his part. Conductor Maghran is now In the prime of life and doubtless will be able to "punch tickets" for man" years to come. He is pleasantly situated with his family, consisting of his wife and six children. In a cozy home on Murray street, Blnghamton, and finds In that home after his Journey Is ended his chief enjoyment with those who make life a source of happiness to him. At thp meptlncr nf . Vi unM,l .7 ! - tors of the Pennsylvania Railroad, held on weonesaay, tne following appoint ments were approved: Almet E. Reed, from superintendent Sunbury division to superintendent Altoona division, to fill vacancy caused by death of Robert E. Marshall; W. B. McCale, from su perintendent Bedford division to super intendent Sunbury division, and F. P. Abercrombie from assistant ' engineer, Eastern and Susquehanna division, to superintendent Bedford division. OLYPIIANT. Street Commissioner Haward and a force of men have been working the past few days raising the various cross walks on Lackawanna avenue. The work is greatly appreciated by pedes trians, as heretofore they had to wade through mud six inches deep. Thomas Mcllale made a business trip to the Electric City yesterday. Manager John F. Cummlngs, of the Father Mathew opera house, has en gaged the talented actress. Miss Jen nie ualer, for a week s stand, commenc ing Monday, Dec. 21. "The Fast Mail" will appear here on Dec. 28. The Junior Christian Endeavor so ciety of the Presbyterian church will present a unique cantata on Monday evening at the hall of the club of Ninety-five, entitled "An Evening with Mother ooose and Her Family." David Brown, of Susquehanna ave nue, was severely burned by an ex plosion of gas at Eddy Creek mine yes terday morning. Samuel Nichols, his laborer, was slightly Injured. Theresa McHale, of Dunmore, was the euest of friends here on Thursday. James Ban no, of Dunmore street, had his back injured while at work in No. 2 mines of the Delaware and Hudson company on Thursday. A regular session .of the council will be held next Friday evening: OLD FOKKK. John Ludgate, of Pittston, called on friends here on Thursday. Mrs. M. V. Htark Is sick at her home. John D. Jones will be a candidate for supervisor, subject to the Republican caucus. Miss Alice Drake Is visiting friends at Taylor this week. Baffalo Lire Stock. Buffalo. Dee. 11. Cattle Blow and weak: common cows, 82a2.50. Veals Htcailv: common to choice, t4.60ao.75. Hons Active and steady; Yorkers, good to choice. $3.r',a?.0; light lots, 83.6288.65; mixed packers, Tt.4uat.50; mediums, 13.40a 1.45; extreme heavy, 13.40- pigs, 83.MM4; roughs. CBOaJr stags, 82.25a.M. Sheep and lambs Active and stronger for iambi; sheep steady to Arm; prime native lambs, lf.e5.15: rood to. choice. M.Caavt.W: culls to fair. I3.75a4.o0;' mixed sheep, good to choice,, culls to good, .; bandy wetners, S3.7uaj.wi. MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Street Ret lew. New York. Dec. 11. Tha stock market was duller than ever today and even the professionals displayed only a languid In terest in speculation. The traders were mucn mixed in tneir views, some or mem bid up the prices for certain shares, while others succeeded In depressing Burlington & Qulncy, St. Paul, Reading and General Electric. Manhattan and Rock Island were comparatively languid. Speculation closed about dull and about steady In tone. Net changes were slight, either way. Total sales, 94,500 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN & CO., stock brokers, Mears build ing, rooms, 705-706. Open- High- Low- Clos. Ing. est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co. ... 75 7!4 75 7fi', Am. Sug. Ref. Co. ..Utltf 116 1PU4 110! At., T. & S. Fe 14Vi U 13 U At. T. & 8. Fe Pr. .. 23 23 22 21 Ones. & Ohio 17 17 " 17 Chicago Ous 74 74 73 71 Chlo. & N. XV 103 103 l(i3 10.1 Chic, B. & Q 77H 77 77 77 C. C. C. & St. L .... 27 28 27 28 Chic, Mil. & St. P... 74 744 74 74 Chic, It. I. & Pac ... 68 6 68 68:,i Del. & Hudson 125 126 125 125 D. . L. & XV 158 158 158 1M Dlst. & C. F 13 13 12 13 Gen. Electric S2 33 31 32 Louis. & Nash 50 50 4d 4'.) M. K. & Tex. Pr. ... 29 29 28 28 .Man. Elevated to) 9 95, 96 Mo. Pac 204 20 20 21 Nat. Cordage S 6 5 6 Nat. Lead 25 25 25 25 N. J. Central 102 102 102 102 N. Y S. & XV. Pr. .. 10 10 10 10 N. Y.. S. XV. Pr... 26 26 25 25 Nor Pac. Pr 23J4 23'4 23i 2:'.. Ontario & West 15 15 15 15 nr. Jiau zjh zivjj, Zo Phil, ft Reading 27 28 27 271i Southern R. R. Pr.. 28 2!) 2R 29 Tenn. C. & Iron Pr... 28 28 27 28 I'nlon Puclnc h)Vt io 10 10 Wabash Pr ... 16 1 16 16 eWstern Union 86 86 fc6 86 W. L. 8 8 8 8 l S. Leather Pr.... 61 61 61 1 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. inir. eat. est. Ing. Mav 787 SOU Tsflt Wk July 73 73 73 73 OATS. May 20 20 20 20 CORN. Mav 253! 2fi 2.-.V. 56 July 26. 26 26 26 LARD. January 3.90 3.92 3.82 3.82 May 4.12. 4.12 4.02 4.02 PORK. January 7.67 7.70 7.57 7.57 .May ... 7.95 7.97 7.85 7.85 Fcrnnton Hoard of Trade Exchange QuotntionsAll Quotation Based on Parol 100. Name. Bid. 145 Asked. "so so 100 ii S3 150 'w 20 80 Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank .... Scranton Lace curtain co National Boring & Drilling Co First National Bank Scrnnton Jar & Stopper Co. .. 650 Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Bonta Plate Glass Co 200 Scranton Packing Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g. Co. ... Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works Economy Steam Heat Power Co 350 'is 40 Weston Mill Co 250 BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1911 Bcranton ft Pittston Trae. Co. lit 110 People's Street Railway, sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co. .. Lacka. Township School 5.. City of Bcranton St. Imp. 6. Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Bcranton Traction Co 100 101 101 85 1W 95 100 Economy Steam, H. & P. Co.. New York Produce Market. Kew York Dec 11. Flour Dull, weak, unchanged. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red, f. o. b., 95c: ungraded red, 80a98c; No. 1 northern, 88aS8c; options closed weak at ac over yesterday; January, 8(jc: March. 8i7; May. 85c: July, loc; December, 86e. Corn Dull, firm; No. 2, 20c. elevator; 30c. afloat; ungraded mixed. 29o.: No. 3. 25e.: options dull and steady; December, 29c; January, 29o.; Mav, 31c. Oats Dull, steady: options steady, quiet; December, 22c; February, 2Wc; May. 24c; spot prices. No. 2, 22c; No. 2 wnite, fci'dc; .o. 2 cnicago, iurv.-.; No. .1. 20ic No. 3 white. 223ic: mixed western. 22a24c white state and west ern, 23a32c. Provisions Firm, steady, un changed, nutter uuiet, sieaay, un changed. Cheese Fairly active, but un changed. Eggs Quiet; state and Penn sylvania. 20a23c.; ice house, 16alc; west ern fresh, 20a21c; do. case, $2.25a4.20; south ern, 19a20c; limed, 15c. Philadelphia Provision Market. PhlladelDhla. Dec. 11. Provisions were In moderate Jobbing demand and firm. We quote: I Jeer nams, iisai8.DU, as to age ami brand; pork, family, $10al0.50; hams, S. P. clued, in tierces, 8a9c; do. smoked, 9a 11c, as to average and brand; sides. 111,'if'i, ill nail. , . uu. uu, ri nun 5a5c., shoulders, pickle cured, 5a5c; do. uo. smoked, tabc; picnic nams, . P. cured. 5a53.c: do. do. smoked. 6a 6c; bellies. In pickle, according to av. erage, loose, u'yaix; oreakrast bacon, ia 8c, as to brand and average; lard, pure, city refined, in tierces, Iia5c; do. do. do., In tubs, 5a5c; do. butchers', loose, 4a 4c. : city tallow, In hogsheads, 3c; coun try do., 2a3c, as to quality, and cakes, 3c. Chicago Grain nnd Provision Market Chicago, Dec 11. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat December. 74c, 76c; May. 78c.. 79c; July, 73c, 73c corn ueeemoer, zz-ftc., 22c; Jan uary, 23c, 2.V.; May, 25c, 2574c Oats December, 17c 17c; May, 20c, 20e. Mess pork December, 16.80, $6,801 May, 7.95 17.87. Lard December, $3.87, $3.70; Mai, $4.12, $4.05. Short ribs Decern, ber, $3.87, $3.87: May, $4.05, $3.97. Cash quotatlsn were as follows: Flour, quiet und steady, prices unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat, 7476c; No. 3 do., 76c; No. 2 red, 87a90c; No. 2 corn, 23a23c; No. 2 oats, I7a18c; No. 2 rye, 39c; No 2 barley, S6e.: No. 1 flax seed, 75a78c; timothy seed, $2.55.; mess pork, $6.80a6.85: lard, $3.75a 3.77; short fibs, sides, $3.80a4.05; shoul ders. $l.25a4.50 short clear, sides, $4a4.12; whiskey and sugars, unchanged. FINANCIAL. ItONEY-IF YOU WANT TO IKllllI iVl how run can make miA.v In Wall ...--.. on 120 and upwards, sond for my plan of peculation (free). E. MORTIMER PINK Banker anrt Broker, 44 Broadway, New York 110 Certified check for ten times the PER amount will lie given to any ono CENT, who can truthfully say be has PAID lost any money through invest SINCE vesting in our Syndicates. Checks OCT. 3d, mailed every Saturday. Higbost 1898. bank references. Writs for particulars. SAM KELLER A CO., Bankers and Brokers, 44 Broidwar . New York. SITUATIONS WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED ITALIAN MAN SPEAK ing French and Engliab. able to tend bar and to wait on table, wants position. OU1DO SAN MARTIN, 103 Lackawanna ave nua. WANTED - POSITION AS HOUME kwper by xpeten"ed American widow. Address, HOUSEKEEPER, tills office. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man S3 years old; sober. Industrious: speaks English. German, Polish and ether langn ?, as clerk or in anv capaeitv where he would b awful. Beat references, F. 8BABLOW, 324 Penn avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A LADY AS honwkeeper. washing or iroittng. ELIZABETH JACKSON, Tribune office. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WOULD lika s situation at any kind of honest work; can furnish socnrlty and good refer ences. Address R Tribune, office. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 16 ij years old; Has had experience In driving and taking care of hnrsos: knows all parts of tha eity. J. J, 1017 Hampton street. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY AGED 17 yean, to deliver goods. Address 40?, Dunmore, Pa, SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG . man as mineral or beer bottler; under stands sola fountains in drug stores. Address E. A. Mm Tribune office. DRUGGI8T-BEQULAB PH RMACIST. . PennsWraula. TsmperaU. References. Address, DBUGUIST, Bcraaton, Pa. ONE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IB UADBNO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 15 CENTS. THIS RULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. WANTED. WANTED MEN WISHING TO TAKE Civil Service examinations, soon to occur in Scranton for post office darks and carriers, to writ for valuable information, (free). U. S. BUREAU OF INFORMATION, Cincinnati, Ohio. SECOND-HAND FURNACE TO HEAT A . hotel. Cull or address ANTHRACITE HOTEL, 111 Wyoming avenue. HELP WANTED MALES. MEN AND WOMEN OUT OF EMPLOY ment and willing to work can learn of s permanent situation at good wages by writing at once to P. V. H., Box 283, Augusta, Maine. U7ANTED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK of some eimplo thing to patent ? Pro tect your Ideas: thev mav bring vou wealth. Write JONH WEDDERBURN & CO.. Dept. C, Zt, Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their SI800 prize offer and list of 200 inven tions wanted. WANTED-A8 AGENT IN EVERY SEC tion to canvass: $4.00 to $.500 s day made ; sells at sight; also a nan to sell Staple Goods to dealers: best side line S75 a month; salary or largo commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH & CO., Borden Block, Chicago, III. HELP WANTED FEMALES. fAXTED-LADIES-JI50 00 IN GOLD 1 1 ffiven awav. (?nt this nut anil uv. It It will not appoar again. Who ran form tbs freatr-st number of words from the letters in NDUMTKIOUSt You can make twenty or more words, we feel sure, and if you do you will roceire a good reward. L o not use any lnttor muro times than it appears in the word. Use no languaito except English. Words spelled alike, but with dinureiit meaning, can be uhhcI but once. Use any dictionary Plurals, pronouns, nouns, vorbs, adverbs, pre fixes, suffixes, adjectives, proper nouus al lowed. Anything that Is a legitimate word will be allowed. Work it out in this manner: In, into, industrious, no, not, nut, nuts, dust, dusts, us, sit, sits, etc. Use these words in your list. The publishers of Wii.mak s Would and Jknness Mii.i kb Monthly will pay 20.00 in gold to the person nblo to make the largest list of words from the letters in the word INDCSTUIOUS; Sl'2.0) fortliuaoo ond largest; $1000 for the third; $8.00 for the fourth; f&.OO for the ten next lnrgost. and S2.00 caeh for tho twonty nvo nxt ln-iiest lists. Tho above rewards are given free und wuiioub fitiiiHiuvraiiuii, lur iiiu purpose vi attracting attention to our handsome woman's maguslne, twenty-four pages, ninety-sis long columns, finely illustrated, and all original matter, long and short stories by the best authors; price, $1.00 per year. It is necessary for you, to enter the contest, to send 12 two-cent stamps for a throe months' trial sub scrlnti jn with vour list of words, and evet v person sending the 24 cents and a list of twenty words or mote is guaranteed an extra present by return mall tin addition to the magazine), of a 200-page book, "Doris's Fortune," by Florence Warden, a love storv of intense in terest. Satisfaction guaranteed in every ease or your money refunded. Lists should be sent at once and not lator than Jau. '20. t Tho namos and addresses of successful contestants will be printed In February issue, published In Januarv. Our publication has been estab lished nine years. We refer vou to any mer cantile agency for our standing. Make your list now. Address. JAMES H. PLUM HE It, Publisher. 005 Temple Court Bulldiug. New York City. LADIES -1 MAKE BIG WAGES DOING pleasant homework, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp, MISS M. A STEbBINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduoe Snyder's cake icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars at once and get benefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER ft CO., Cincinnati, a WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER getio saleswomen to represent us Guaranteed $0 a day without interferring with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, enclosing stamp. Mango Chemical Company, No, 72 John Street, New York. FOR SALE. FOR SALE BUSINESS WAGONS OF every (Inscription. Butcher, grocer, milk and lumber wagons. OILHOOL CAR RIAGE WORKS, West Lackawanna svenue and Seventh street I TOR SALE TWENTY HORSE POWER motor, for want of use, at half price. Can be seen at my mill. Sixth street. F. ST. A 14 AND. IOR SALE THE OLD BROADWAY Ho tel, 1011 Cedar avenue. Scranton; terms easy, HENRY WALTER, Proprietor. ' FOR SALE A SILVER-PLATED CONN double bell euphonium, nicely engraved with trombone bell, gold lined; nearly new and cost $00: will sell at a bargain. Address this weak to E. W. GAYLOR, LaRaysville, Pa. FOR SALE-HORSE, AGED SIX YEARS, weight 1,00U pounds; can be seen at ItUl Price street. FOB SALE MY COTTAGE AT ELM nurst and the four lots on which it stands; also the four lots adjoining: most de sirable location in Elmburat; prices reasona ble; terms easy: possession given at once. E, P. KINGSBURY, Commonwealth Building, Scranton. Pa. FOR RENT. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FOR RENT with or without board at 809 Linden Street . FOR KENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Blakely streets, Dunmore. STENOGRAPHY. STENOGRAPHERS DESIRING TO IN crease speed bv exchanging dictation, prac tice evenings- Address DICTATION, Tribune Office. REAL ESTATE. Tj'ARMS ALL SIZES; FRUIT BELT choice X outn-wet; Ij to - por acre; lands; list free. VICTOR Vf L REITZ, St. James, Mo. MONEY TO LOAN. AMOUNTS FROM $n00 to tU0. EASY terms, Can furnish money promptly. BROWN, Attorney, Mears Building. ESTRAYED. STRAY RD TERRIER PUPPY. YEL J low, short tail, ring and atrap on neck. Reward for information or return to K. O. RICKER, Telephone Building, 113 Adams avnn TVTIOMJTAjrCONCEj MY WIFE HAVING LEFT Mi BED AND board, I hereby notify all persons that I will not pay any debts contracted by her a . . . .....,. ...I.I..,, . ,T irom .nis aaie. rHA,ia tfLnaAian, Eoranton. Pa.. Die. 11. iH90. CLAIRVOYANT. MADAME DBLKON FENTON READS vo'ir lifo. lU.K West Lackawanna ave nue, Hyde ark, for a few days only. CITY SCAVENGER. AB. BR1GOS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS and cess pools: no odor; Improved pumps used. A, BRIGG8, Proprfetoi-. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Erckes' drug store, corner Adams and Hut berry, telephone 4fi8a. c OGDulOlh CLOAK A Substantial mark-down in prices has taken place in our Cloak Room. CONNOLLY AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS-COLLECT MONEY DAILY; sham holder; now style: don't fold, crease or fasten to posts Samiile'iic. Stamp for circulars. TARBOX BROS., Buffalo. N.Y WAN TED-CAPABLE MAN WITH 8800 cash to manaire branch office at Scran ton for responsible bouse; salary, $1,200 first year: money fully secured. Address, P. O. Box 812, Philadelphia, Pa. AAA. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, young and old. to work for us in their own homes in spare time, day or evening, W ... am . ai . i. v' ; .. Any child can do the work. Send address today. We send work at once. THE VAIL ART CO., Dept. 277. Vail, Pa. WE DON'T WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS, bntinen of abilitv: 300 to f .i00 a month to hustlers: state and ireni-ral ai(ints; salarv and commission. KAC1NK F1U ENGINE CO., Racine, Wis. WANTEB-GENKRAL AGENTS IN EV ery county; also lady canvassers; some thing now; suro seller; apply quick. J. C H1LBKRT, 141 Adams avenue, Scranton, Pa AGENTS WHAT ARB YOU GOING TO do about Sato Citizenship price SI. Go ing bv thousands. Address, NICHOLS, Napervllle. HI. AGENTS-TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL Kold, silver, nickel ana copper electro plasters; prices from f3 upward: salary and expenses paid: outfit frvo. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO,, Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL G1GARS TO DEALERS; $25 weekly and expenses: experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO.. it Van Buren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 nor cent, commission: sanmle book mailed free, Addresa L. N. CO., btatiou L, New York. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CORNS. BUNIONS AND INGROWING nails cured without the least oaln or drawing blood Consultation and advice given tree. t. Al. HflSbl,, cniropouist, sv Lcs awanna avenue. Ladios attended at their residence if desired. Charges moderate. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. MARY A. SHEPHERD, M. D.. NO. 232 Adams sevnue. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursday and Saturdays, a. m. to 6 p. m. DR. COMEQYS OFFICE NO. 33T N. Washington ave. Hours, 12 m. to 3 p. m. Diseases of women a specialty. Tcle- r phone No. 8232. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 613 NORTH WASH lngton avenue. DR. ANNA LAW, SOS WYOMING AVE. Office hours, 9-11 a. m 1-8 p. m 7-8 p. m. DR. L. M. GATES. 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to a, m., 1 30 to t and 7 to I p. m. Residence 30 Madi son aevnue. DR C L. FREAS. SPECIALIST IN Rupture, Truss Fitting and Fat Reduc tion. Rooms 206 and 207 Mears Building. Office telephone 1303. Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to . DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL- Opposite Wyoming House. SLAUGHTER SALE OF JACKETS and CAPES EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED A Saving of from 25 Cents to 50 Cents on the Dollar. in Fine Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. THE DEPARTMENT. & WALLACE, 1st on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto urinary organs, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos, 233 Adams aevnue. Office hours, 1 to t p. m. W. Q. ROOK. VETERINARY 8UR geon. Horses, Cattle and Dogs treated. Hospital, 124 Linden street. Bcranton. Telephone, 2672. Lawyers. FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND counsellor-at-law. Burr building, rooms IS and 14, Washington avenue. EDWARD W. THAYER. ATT Y AT LAW, 211 Wyoming avenue. JEFFREY'S & RUDDY. ATTORNEYS-at-law, Commonwealth building. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS end Counsellors at Law, Republican building, Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. JESSUP A JESSUP, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors' at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP. W. H. JESSUP, JR. PATTERSON ft WILCOX, ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices and 8 Library building, Scranton. Pa. ROSEWELL H. PATTERSON, WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms M, 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room S, Coal Exchange, Scranton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and 65. Common wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office, 817 Spruce st., Bcranton, Pa, L. A. WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave., Bcranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND. ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In largo sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT. law. Commonwealth building, 8cranton, Pa. C. COMEGYS. 321 SPRUCE 8TREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, corner Washington ave nue and Spruce street, . B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming aye., Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY-AT-law, 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. WATSON, DIEHL St HALL-Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Law; Traders' Na tlona' Bank Building; rooms (, 7. 8, I and 10; third floor. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 24, 85 and 26, Commonwealth building, Scranton, ' E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICB rear of 606 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK JR., ARCHITECT. 43S Spruce at., cor. wash ave., Scranton. BROWN 4 MORRIS, ARCHITECTS Price building, 120 Washington avenue, Scranton. T. I. LACEY ft SON. ARCHITECTS, Trader's Bank Building. THE POWER OF CASH. We bought from one of thelarg. est Cloak manufacturers in the United States, Ten Thousand Dol lars $10,000 worth of High Grade Jackets and Capes at prices less than cost of manufacture. This season has been a treach erous one for cloak manufacturers' and dealers. Therefore, having made such a heavy purchase of High Grade Goods, and in order to protect ourselves, we will slaughter those handsome gar mentS at prices never belore heard of in the history of Scranton. PAR S Wallace THE CLOAK TRADE Has had a trifle the worst of the weath er. Mild weather and a brisk cloak trade seldom come together. That's why this mark-down has been found necessary w0rnH.Auvre' Alderman. G. F. KELLOW. 1004 W. LACKA. AVE. Dentists. Da r. I MGRAW. 808 8PRUCB street. DR. H. F-. REYNOLDS. OPP. P. O. PR, E- T. HARRISON. 113 8. MAIN AVE. DR. C. C. LAUBACH. 115Wyomlngave, R. M. 8TRATTON. OFFICB COAL Ex change. . WELCOME C. SNOVER. 421 ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 8. LACKA. Detectives. BARRING ft M'8WEENBY. COMMON, wealth building. Interstate Secret Str vice Agency. Dresgmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS. 430 Adams avenue. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Spring term April 13. Kindergarten 810 per term. Seeds. Q. R. CLARK ft CO., 8EEDMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Mala ave nue; store telephone, 781 Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL. REAR 811 LACKA. wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 125 and 127 FRANK lin avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D.. L. ft W. passenger depot. Conducted on thf European Dion. VICTOR KOCH. Prop WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York, Rates. 83.60 per day and upwards. (Amerl. can Plan.) GEO. MURRAY, can proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conduetor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. ' MEGAROEB BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran, ton, Pa. FRANK P. BROWN ft CO.. WHOLE eale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil ClothTZO West Lackawanna ave. raOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC eountant and auditor. Rooms 18 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rx Fir Extinguisher. Similar Prices Comer Lackawanna and ' Wyoming Ayenues, Scranton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers