A-i V .A. .A. Oft EIGHT PAGES-.r COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 189. TWO CENTS A COrY J r Kriss Kr I ogle's Headquarters Have been established at the GLOBE WAREHOUSE And his Yule Tide treasures are scattered throughout the ureat main floor In endless profusion. Of course, it cotts to take them home with you, but not nearly as much ns you'd expect to pay elsewhere, because Globe Warehouse prices prevail in all departments. What Have We Got? Why, almost everything you can think of. For Example There are toys for the little ones, including Dolls, Dolls' Furniture, Dolls' t'arrlaKes and Dolls' House keepliiK Outllts. Then we show an endless line In Iron and steel toys, such as Trains, Waifons. steam boats. Mechanical Toys, Skin Toys, representing most of the animal kingdom. Tool Chests. ltlack- boards, Soldiers' I'niforms, Mail Carts, and no end of other attrac tive tliliurs siiKSest the sure find ing of what yon want for the chil dren In our vast stocks. Our collection forms a notable art display, the equal of which has sel dom been seen in this city. You are invited to Inspect them at your leisure when you'll discover from the tlsure marks that high urt never was lower prictd. Glassware, Etc, Venetian fflass In Its lovely hues and many forms, cut crystal In the exquisite brilliancy. Bohemian plans, etc. Also muny tit-bits In tine china that are worth looking; after, besides the many odds and nils that come under the bending of bric-a-brac. ier PS Includes Toilet Sets In fancy boxes In a score of different styles. Shav ing Sets, SmokiniT Sets, Work Hoxes, Draught Screens, Tabor ettes. Hook Cases, Fancy Center and Flower Tables, Fancy Chairs for children, fancy worn In gener al. Including Tidies, Head llests. Cushions, etc. In every conceivable wenve, make and finish, singly or In fancy boxes of three, six or twelve. Also Neck wear, Oloves, Feather and Fur Unas. Collars nnd Collarettes, and the hundreds nf trinkets and use ful articles to be found In a first class notions department, such as ours is. Umlbreilas Are always an acceptable gift. No other stock such as ours in the city, and nowhere else where eijual val ues prevail. 1 And Silks. Our stock In these de partments Is so well Known that little need be said. All the latest novelties await your Inspection, nnd we offer them at close of sea son prices. Are among the sensible gifts that prevail at this season. Cut prices are now in order, but the stock has in no way suffered from the in roads of heavy buying, as we have kept It up to high water mark by continual buying. Sewing MacMics We offer the best machine on the market for less than half what the same thing identically can be bought for through regular dealers. Glove machines are fully guaran teed by the masers and by us, therefore you know that the guar antee is good. $19."i0 buys the best, with all attachments, but you may go as high as $22.90 If you want extra drawers and linishings. Fall Christmas Display NOW OPEN. .GLOBE GENERAL MACEO WAS ASSASSINATED Lured Into Ambush by One of His Own Stall. MAXIMO ZERTUCHA THE TRAITOR The Crowning Act of Hnrbarity in Simiu's Inhuman Wnrfare;cncral Weyler Kendily Consents to l'uy a Price for the Death of the Cuban I.LnderBntchcred in Cold Hlood. New York, Deo. 13. The Sun today in a special dispatch from Havana pub lishes the following account of the as sassination of General Maceo: Havana, Dec. 9, via Key West, Dec. 12. A commissioner from the insurg ent camp came to Havana this morn ing and brought news to the Cuban junta here that Antonio Maceo, I'an cho Gomtz, and othed members of the staff of Maceo had been assassinated by the Spaniards In accordance with a plan contrived through Dr. Maxlmu Zertucha, by the Manpiis of Ahumada, second in command or Segundo Cabo of the captain generalcy of the Island of Cuba. The ddegute of the Junta In Ha vana was very much surprised at this startling statement. He knew by a communication he received from Ma ceo on the 5th that the Cuban leader had passed the trocha safely on the 4th. That same day the rumor spread in Havana that the trocha had been forced by the Cuban leader, and next day it was said for the tlrst time In the city that Maceo hud been killed In an encounter with the forces of Major Cirujeda. As the Cuban delegate had no news of that encounter, and as the last word he had received from Maceo was proof that he was alive the day before, the delegate sent a dispatch to New York emphatically denying the report of Maceo's death. STOKY OF THK MURDER What the junta knows about Muceo'g murder Is the following: F.arly in November Maceo received a mysterious message which appeared to come from the Marquis of Ahumada, with full authority from General Wey lcr personally. Nothing was written, the message was only verbal. "You know what you risk," said Ma ceo to the messenger. 'Any man com ing to my ramp to bring and proposal of peace which Is not based on the full Independence of the Island of Cuba can be sure of being hanged." "1 know it," was the answer, "and I come to offer you an Interview with the Marquis of Ahumada, to arrange the terms for the evacuation of the island by the Spunlsh troops." At this conference only Rrlgadler Mlro, chief of the staff of Maceo, was present. "Well." answered Maceo, "go and tell the Marquis of Ahumada that I will consider the thing and give him an answer. Maceo Immediately gathered his staff, and explaining the situation, asked the opinion of his subordinates. llrlgadler Mlro expressed his belief that the whole thing waB a scheme of the Spaniards to catch Maceo In a trap. Hut Dr. Maximo Zertucha tried to con vince the Cubun leader that it was wise to meet tin- Marquis of Ahumada, as the llnancial situation of Spain clearly Indicated thut the Spanish army would soon have to abandon the light. Though Maceo was satisfied that the situation of Spain Indicated a coining crisis he accepted the views of Mlro and resolved to wait, thinking It strange that the tlrst proposals for peace should be made to him and not to General Gomez. Maceo was a very modest and unambitious man, ami as brave as he was faithful to his superi ors. Without first knowing the opin ion of General Gomez he would never enter into any kind of treaty. When this first attempt of the Span ish failed, Weyler returned to Havana to confer with the Marquis of Ahu mada. This Is the explanation of the sudden return of the butcher to the capital after he started to 1'innr Del ltio to take personal command of the Spanish forces with the promise that before his return the revolution should be crushed. He brought with him to Pinar Del Wo Senor liarrera, the chief of police of Havana, because he was sure that Maceo was going to fall into the trap and that he would be able to catch the Cuban general alive. Senor liarrera's mission as chief of police was to carry Maceo to Havana as a com mon criminal, bound hand and foot. Success was belli veil to be sure nt the time by nil the Intransigent Spaniards here, who rejoiced beforehand at the expected event. That a trap was planned In the palace was rumored among them, and had their highest ap proval. CAMPOS SPt'IINED THE OFFEU. It Is known that when Captain Gen eral Martinez Campos returned to Havana from Hayaino, after the bat tle of Pcralejo. some Spaniards in the capital suggested to him to pay a large sum of money to some traitor In the Cuban ranks to assassinate Gomez or Maceo. "Even two millions of dollars," was said to Campos, "could be paid for the lives of those two men. Without them the revolution will fall completely in a short time, and the revolution will cost Spain hundreds of times that." "if you propose that scheme to me seriously," answered Martinez Campos to the Spaniard who spoke in the name of the others,"you are not a patriot and you are not a gentleman. I prefer to see Spain In the abyss of defeat rather than to stain my conscience and my name with such a crime." The suggestion was never made again to Campos, but as soon as Weyler land ed It was renewed to him. Weyler ac cepted with joy. and aimed at Gomez as his first victim, but Gomez is a very suspicious man. and permits to ap proach him only those in whom he has full confidence. The only way of as sassinating Gomez Is In the middle of an engagement by one of his own troops, but then the traitor risks being seen and torn to pieces by the patriots. AVhen Maceo invaded the province of Pinar del Rio for the second time the second attempt at his assassination was planned, and Maximo Zertueha, the surgeon, was found as the traitor to carry out the crime. First liarrera, the chief of police, sueceded In com municating with Zertucha. Afterward the traitor had communications with the Marquis of Ahumada. through Col onel Tort, who before the war was an intimate friend of Zertucha, and to whom, as arranged previously, the traitor surrendered yesterday in San Felipe. The record of Zertucha' life is full of treasons and acts of dishonor. What Is inexplicable Is how Maceo kept him on his staff for such a long time, not withstanding all the warnings given him against the man. But Maceo was very noble and Zertucha a great hypo crite. Maceo always said that some Continued on Page 2. MORGAN IN CONTROL. He Represent the Majority of Stock in the New 'ork Central. New York. Dec. 13. J. Pierpont Mor gan, it was said In a report published today, represents a majority of the stock of the New York Central and Hudson River Railway company und will soon crowd out the Vanderbilt in terest from the management. Chaun cey M. Depew was descrilied as intend ing to resign the presidency of the road and go as ambassador to England un der Mr. McKlnley'8 administration. Mr. Depew said to a representative for the New York Times today: "The Vanderbllts have not had a controlling interest in the New York Central stock since isso. when William H. Vanderbilt sold $:tu.U0fl.UUO in stock to Knglish buyers represented by the Morgan house. Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt thought that the ownership of a majority of the shares of the compan by one person or family would be to the detriment of the property. "Though the public used and profited by the railroad It would be more likely to complain of one than many owners. It was deemed advisable to diffuse the ownshlp among many -persons and there is now lo.OOO stockholders. "To return to Mr. Morgnn, he came into the board with Cyrus Field, whom he nominated In 1RS0, when the English sale ot shares was made, Mr. Morgan's house continued to represent the Eng lish shareholders. His advice in the management has. been invaluable. He Is a great upholder of credit and his re lations with other roads and with the banking world makes his counsel, it is said invaluable, just as the Vander bilt's are InvaluaLle with their. Knowl edge of railroad management. "Mr. Morgan's relations with the Vanderlillts and with the company are up to this minute precisely v hat they have been for a long time, and the cor dial co-operation will continue to ex ist. Since the sale of $:UU0.000 to Eng lish investors, the capital stock of the company has been Increased from $S9. OUO.ouu to $100,isHl.00O. The English have not increased proportionately." As for ambassador to England or sec retary of state, or any other position In the administration, Mr. Depew said he had not been offered any, and conse quently it was of no use for him to say what he would do. SPAIN'S DEFENDER, Jeff Brown, ol Key West, Explains How It Might Be Possible That Maceo Was Killed in a Fair Fight. Jacksonville. Fla., Dec. 13. Jefferson R Drown, of Key West, a gentleman who keeps In thorough touch with the Cuban news, does not believe that Ma ceo was murdered under a flag of truce. Mr. Browne, who was at the Hotel la clfic last night, enroute home from Galveston. Tex., said: "No, I do not believe he was mur dered, for several reasons. In the first place, Maceo Is no fool, and would not have been led into ambush on a pre text of negotiating a treaty of peace with Generul Ahumada; second, In command of the Spanish army of Cu ba, und hence not authorized to con duct so i'nportaiit a negotiation. Ma eo also knew that he had no right, be ing second in cninpiand himself, to con duct such negotiations, it being in th! province only of the commauder-ln-chiel of the Imil'geiit sforces, Maximo Gomez Is the only person w ho should handle such a subject. "If we analyze we fuel that, first. It was repcrted that Maceo was dend. The Spanlaids laimed he was dead; they were not thoroughly convinced of it, while the Cubans denied the truth of the report and said it was only an other Spanish lie. They did not know then that he was dead. After huvlnsr learned that he wan really dead, how did they learn of the circumstances surrounding his death except from some one who was acquainted with the fact.". Who was that man. Dr. Zer tucha. the otdy one whi. escaped the Spanish bullets. Yet they deny -r-lucha's version because he surrendered to the Spaniards and because they did not like him. "I think that Maceo endenvored to cross the trocha by land, and finding that he could not do so without great peril, concluded to go around it by water that he happened to fall into the hands of a detachment of Spanish troops, and he was slain fairly and honestly. "You will remember that when Marti was killed at the beginning of the war a similar story was set afloat as to how he met his death, Spanish treachery being charged. If the Spaniards are callable of such treachery as has been charged, then certainly Maceo, who had had the best of opportunities to study their war methods and charac ter, would not have trusted himself Into their hands with a view to doing something that neither he nor the man alleged to have made the Invitation, was authorized to do." - - . DUCKS ARE IN DANGER. The President Departs on n Periodi cal Nlionting Trip. . Washington, D. C, Dec. 13. President Cleveland ctnrted off on another duck shooting expedition this evening. This time he will lie the guest of the Annan dale club on Its preserves In South Carolina. The Journey to Georgetown. S. C. will be made by railway, and the president V 111 reach there some time tomorrow, preceding then In a light house tender to the club house on Win yah bay. Mr. Cleveland vr,s accompnnied by his old sporting companions Captain Roblcy D. Evans, of the navy: Captain 8. I!. Ivimb rion, also a naval officer, and Major Robert O'Neill, an army sur geon and the Washington physician of the Cleveland family. Sevtral years ago the president visited the Apnnndal. cluli. On his urrival at Georgetown he was given a public reception, but this tl-.ne he will avoid a repetition of that honor.' The president will return about the end of the Week. Denth of Dr. MrCniiley. Haltlmore, Dec. 13. Rev. Dr. James A. MeCauley, one of the best known clergy men of the Methodist Episcopal church, tiled last night at his home In this city, aited 74 years. In lx2 Dr. .MeCauley was elected president of Dickinson college, Carlisle, Pa., and remained in that posi tion for sixteen years, the longest period any president that college ever served. (old Hugs Rebuked. Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 13. The aristocratic organization of Omaha, the Jaeksoniau dub. last night dropped from tbe rolls nil Democrats who refused to support Ut v an in the recent campaign. The list In cludes all prominent federal otllee holders In Nebraska. Attempted to llcnt the Train. Maysville. Ky.. Dee. 13. .ohn Willett, ngeil 21. and Koe Hall, ageu 2i, farmers, were struck and killed by k passenger train In this city yesterday afternoon. They had attempted to beat the train to a crossing FORECAST OF THE WEEK IN CONGRESS Papers That Will Be laid Before tbe House. CUBAN AFFAIRS TO THE FRONT Discussion of the Death of Maceo In dicnles a Sentiment in Favor of the lusurgculs-.The Dinglcy Bill May lie Couhidcred Again nnd Military Appropriation Hill Probably lie Pound on the Calendar. Washington, Dec. 13. Among the pa pers that will lie laid before the house tomorrow, will be the documents in the matter of the contest by Alexis Benoit for the seat from the Fifth Louisiana district for the present term of the Fifty-fourth eoncress, for which Mr. C. J. Uoatner holds a certificate as the result of a special election held Novem ber 3 last. Messrs. Uoatner and lle nolt were opponents at the election In 1X1)4. at which time Mr. Uoatner re ceived a certificate for the full term. Itut he was unseated last spring as the result ot a contest by Ilenoit. The house, however, refused to give the contestant the seat for the reason that while Mr. Hoatner's election was In valid for intimidation and fraud Mr. ltenolt did not receive a BUtticlent num ber of votes to warrunt the house in de claring him elected. So they tried It over again last month and now Mr. Henoit asks the house to review the election, Cuban affairs are also likely t come to the front at any moment. Mr. Al len, who the other day called up the Dlngley bill, will do so again .When a favorable opportunity offers itself. In the house of representatives to morrow is District of Columbia day un der the rules. The bill defining the rights of the purchasers of the franchise and prop erty of the Atlantic and Pacific Rail road company sold under forclosure of the mortgage authorized by the act of 1ST1, will come up, probably on Tues day. It Is within the power of the house under the conditions now pre vailing to give as much time as may be desired to the consideration of this measure. The military appropriation bill Is ex pected to be on the calendar in time for discussion Wednesday and the legislative, executive and Judicial bill by Thursday. It Is among the proba bilities that adjournment for the holi day, recess will be taken on Friday. The subject was discussed by the Re publican members of the committee on ways and means Saturday, but no con clusion was reached. The reeess.when iver it begins, Is expected to extend until Monday or Tuesday after New Year's Day. DISCUSSING MACEO'S DEATH. Little else was discussed In Wash ington ' todiiy among diplomats and politicians but the tragic death of In surgent General Maceo. The senti ment here among all classes is decid edly with Insurgents and expressions of sympathy were heard on all sides for the ultimate success of the Cuban cause. The subject of Maceo's death will be brought up In congress tomorrow, most probably In the senate, where several resolutions recognizing Cuban bellig erency ure pending. It Is less ditltcult to bring the subject up there than In the house, where the rules restrict ac tion. Chairman Hitt. of the house for eign affairs committee, was not In a position tonight, he said, to discuss the subject of Maceo's death. The news was too conllictlnir und indefinite, and he was In favor of waiting until the details of the circumstances assuming that Maceo is dead. Is received through the rnlted States ofllclal channels. Mr. Hitt, because of bis prominent position, Is cautious, and he voices the general sentiment of the conservative element ill both parties. There Is in both branches of congress a large num ber who are ready to recognize Cuban belligerency whether thr Maceo Inci dent proves correct or not. Senator lilanchard, of Louisiana, rep resents this element when he declared tonight that he was read' at any time to vote for a resolution recognizing either the In inherency of the Cubans, or. better still, their independence. Senator Piatt, of Connecticut, said the mendacious character of the news of Cuba for the past six months and Its utter unreliabletiess, prevents him from expressing any opinion. "Nobody knows," he declared with emphasis, "whether Maceo Is dead or olive. If dead how he met his death, or any of the essential details upon which to base un intellgent opinion and un til I do I will not speak as to what ought to be done or Indicate how I will act." Senator Thurston, of Nebraska, abl he would vote to enter the protest of this government against the manner I of warfare being carired on In Cuba, and Mr. McMillan, of Tennessee, and llerry, of Kentucky, favored some ac tion by the government which would show to the world that the I'nlled States did not stand Idly by and by Its silence approve of the methods of the Spanish government against Cuba. It Is not believed that a resolution to In vestigate the manner In which Maceo met his death will be offered in con gress, even Cuban symoathlers do not think such a mater in within the power of this government, ns Maceo Is a Spanish subject and his death. If dead, occurred on Spanish soil; but it will be within the province of the I'nlted States consul general at Havana to in stitute such inouiries und for congress to call for and net upon his report. The matter will doubtless take tills course. BOOTBLACK RUNS AMUCK. rdwnrd llrooks Shoots Five Persons, One Fatally. Waco, Tex., Dec. 13. Edward llrooks, a colored bootblack, aged 17, ran amuck last night with a revolver In his hand and shot five persons, one fatally. He started on the east side of the city by shooting two colored men, Inflicting flesh wounds. Leaving them he tried to shoot a woman, but the pistol failed to work. He then took a street car and went to the Bant 1st Tabernacle where he shot two more colored men, one In the leg and the other In the arm. Go ing a mile farther he went to a house where a dance given by colored people was In progress, and shot another man, killing him instantly. . The name of the dead man in Alexander Wall. Brooks was catitured bv thn .,n., Just as he was In the act of shooting anoiner man. ine ineory Is that llrooks is crazy. Selection of ltcv. Qnlglry Approved Rome, Dee. 13. The Pope tins approved of the selection of the Rev. James K. Qulgley, L). V., to be bishop of Buffalo, N . SENATORIAL CHARLES EMORY SMITH. Charles Emory Smith was born In Mans field, Conn., in 1842. Seven years later his parents removed to Albany and he re ceived his education In the public school:! In that city and at I'nlon college. During the war he rendered valuable service on the staff of General Rathbone. His Jour nalistic career began at the age of lti. and in isiia he became editor of the Albany Ex press. He occupied various editorial po MOTLEY ON THE TARIFF President-elect Believes That a Bill Should Be Passed That Cannot Be Harm.d by the Tinkers. Canton, O., Dec. 13. After a week of creat activity. Major McKinley enjoyed a restful Sunday. He walked to church In the morning and later on he called ul his mother's, where he remained to dinner. There will be a number of vis itors of wide reputation this week, nnd among them will be Mr. Hanna. It Is believed he has made up his mind to go Into the cabinet if offered a place as he doubtless will be. There Is no probability, however, that the two daces In the cabinet, the pivotal places, as It were, thut of secretary of slate, and secretary of tho treasury, will be lllled before the middle of January. Major McKinley Is giving the problems which confront him due consideration, and he will not permit himself to be hurried. The New York situation Is a complicated one and may be solved by the selection of two cabinet olllcers from that state, one a man to whom l'latt Is friendly and one particularly acceptable to the original McKinley men. C. H. Pdlss. Andrew D. White, Horace Porter, Stewart I,. Woodford and J. S. Fassett are the names most frequently heard here when the New York situation Is under discussion. One tiling is certain, nnd that Is that no one In New York state has yet been offered n cabinet portfolio. Candidates for other than cabinet places are beginning to manifest them selves in Canton. William H. Ilann, of Ohio, is an active candidate for the Important position of commission of pensions. Visitors to Canton who have talked with Major McKinley about turiff legis lation indicate that he Is not in favor! of an extreme measure of any sort and that he Impressed upon those congress men with whom he discussed the mat ter the Idea that no bill will do, that shall not be fair, thurough and so ade quate that with a little revision from I time to time, it will stand for ten or twelve years and give the country an era of normal prosperity and freedom from tariff agitations. SPENT HIS LIFE IN SOLITUDE. Death of a -Man WIminc Disappointed Life Made Him Kceciilric. llrazil, Ind Dec. 13. George Reed, one of the most eccentric nu n In this I state, has died at his home in the south ern part of the county. He was 71) years old. and had spent his life in sol itude, living most of the time alone ill a little cottage on one of his farms. Dissapointed in love In bis younger days created In him a hatred for wo men, and he frequently asserted that a woman or a goose could never live on his farm. His wealth is estimated at over $."0,()00 In real estate, und It is be lieved that he left considerable money buried near his house, us he always concealed his monev In this wav in preference to risking it in the banks. He had not had his hair cut for twenty rears, and It hung in heavy masses over his shoulders. No will has yet been discovered, und it Is believed he died without bequeathing his for tune to anyone, notwithstanding he has several relatives living. Ills only companions through life were a num ber of dogs. Work for Two Hundred Men. Klnilra, N. Y Dec. 13.-The Window Glass works at IClmlni Heights will re sume operations tomorrow morning after an Idleness of several months. Over 210 men will be employed. Atlnntn Welcomes Hrynn. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. IX The general as semlily yesterday by a rli lng vol extend ed a eordlnl welcome to Hun. William J. Hryan on t lie occasion of his approaching visit to Georgia. T1IK NEWS THIS M0KMN(i. Weather Indications Today: Cloudy; Cooler Wlnd. 1 General Maceo Was Assassinated. Congress Will Have u Spirited Week. 2 Secretary Reeder's Biennial Report. Wall Street Review and Markets. 3 (Local Anniversary Sermon at Elm Park by Rev. W. H. Pearce. Compressed Coal Dust as Fuel, 4 Editorial. Casual Mention, 5 (Local) Stabbing Affray at' Penn Ave. nue and Center Streets. Popular Volunteer Olllcers to Leave Scrunton. 8 Reminiscences of Conductor Harding. 7 Suburban Happenings. News Up and Down the Valley. POSSIBILITIES. sitions while a resident of New York, and was appointed a regent of the l.'nlverslty of that state. In l!f7t he was a delegate to the Republican national convention, and four years later he went to Philadel phia anml became edltor-ln-ehlef of the Press. With both voice and pen he ren dered service to his party, and in 181)0 he was appointed minister to Russia as u re. ward. CONDITION OF THE RACERS Hale and Rice Seemed to Have Suffered Little from the Strain Reading and Forster In a Bad Way. New York, Dec. 13. "Teddy" Hale, although somewhat stiff and pore to day, did not seem much the worse for winning tho championship of the world in a six days' bicycle race. When he spoke, however. It was apparent that the clear smoke in the Garden has done its work. As soon ns he could get away from the scene of the race Saturday night, Hale was taken to a bathing establish ment, where he was massaged and al lowed to sleep fourteen hours at Inter vals, the longest period being live hours. During tb? race he had only eight hours sleep. Ills appetite was enormous every day of the rave, us wus also that of Rice, who complained that his trainers were trying to starve him. Hale's managers calculations show that the winner traveled just thirty five miles more Hum his final score of l.'.UO miles arid S hips, and that by leav ing the track for the short races he lost about sixty-eight miles. On this fig uring Hale would very likely have es tablished a record of over 2.0'M1 miles had he adopted different tactics. ' Starting tomorrow Hale will begin an engagement at one of the local va riety thi .iters. Tbe other members of th" foreign party will go either to Hal tlmore or Washington and then on a tour of the cities. The proposed Aus tralian tour has been abandoned ow ing to the success of Hale. v Rice, the Wilkes-l'.iirre machinist. who finished second to Hale, was as strong as a lion today nnd In condl tlon. he said, to ride a fifty-mile race in fast time. He returned to the Put nam house early In the morrlng a'ter a visit to a Turkish bath, during which he slept for four nnd a half hours at Intervals. His appetite was something remarkable. He suffered very little during the race, physically, and lost onlv one pound during the week. His mind wandered n bit to wards the close of the race, but he Is nil ri'jht now. The lack of attention Monday and Tuesday destroyed his chances for first prize. Practlcolly he might as well have had no attention nt nil. on Wednesday when ho was In such bud condition, Michael Hreslin went to his assltance and brought hlin around all rlirht and keot him In con dition until the arrival of Harry Pump, bell, from Wilkes-llarre. Campbell said today that Rice had trained very little for the race. "Ill fact." said he. "all the training he did wus to work on his bicycle until 11 o'clock every night during the week before the race. He built the machine he rode." This was Rice's first long rare, al though In ISH2 he started in one, but was forced to quit. He believes- now that with the experience gained in I his race be could cover ..000 miles within six days. He says he would like lo race nguinsl Hale aain, and could get plent) of backiii! if the Irishman wishes a match. The Wilkes-1 Sai nt man will leave fur home Wednesday Reading, of Nebraska, was in a bad way today. His knees were swollen, and he was suffering from a cold. Ilnrrv Maddux was in fine condition after the long ride. Foi-sti r probably suffered more than nn of the others. His face showed the strain under which he hud labored. Schock was not put out In the least by his efforts. The prize winners nnd the four men who failed to land within the first eleven, will received their rt wards nt noon tomorrow In the Hotel Uartholdl. Mileage of Itnilrnnd. Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec, 13. A section of the forthcoming report of the state bureau of railways shows the total mile age of railroads In this state to be D.Tiil.SD, an Increase of 32.1s for the year. The railway mileage of Pennsylvania Is 5.2 per cent, of the entire mlleane of the coun try. The Increase In tnllenuc since IS!;: hus been comparatively trifling. ilas Fnctorv Resumes. Elwood. lad., Dec. 13.-The I'nlted Win dow Glass factory at Orestes resumed op erations yesterday, furnishing employ ment to ',') hands. It has been idle tlx months.' Steamship Arrivals. Nw York. Dee. 13. Arrived: lucania, from Liverpool; Laltomgogne, from Ha vre; St. Louis, from Southampton. Ar rived out: Lt Ilretsgne, at Havre. Sailed for New York: Etrurla. from Queens town. Righted: .:inreliim, from Am sterdam, passed Rpiichy Head; Kensing ton, from Antwerp for Now York, passed the Lizard.. Herald's Weather Forecast. N'fW York. Dec. 14. In the Middle states today, partly cloudy to fair, colder weath'T will prevail, possibly preceded by light rain on the coasts, with fresh southwest erly winds, followed In the western dis tricts by rain, which may reach the sea board tonight, on Tuesday, partly cloujy to cloudy weather will prevail, with n plow rise of temperature, followed by rain and fresh to brisk southwest and south erly winds becoming dangerous on the roust with the pasisitge of the western storm. FINLEY'S Holiday Goods, Black and Fancy Silks and 5atlns, Including au1 elegant line of Evenhr" Shades. Moire Velours an Blacl and Evening Shades. HANBKERCHIEFS. LACE HANDKERCHIEFS IN DIVH. ESd, VALIENC1KNICS AND POINT. FRENCH AND IRISH HAND KM 11ROIDERHD HANDKERCHIEFS. IN GREAT VARIETY. I1LACK LACE SCARP AND FICHU'S. LADIES' FANCY NECKWEAR. LADIES' AND GENTS' INITIAL HAND KERCHIEFS. I1LACK AND FANCY SILK UNDER. SKIRTS. GENTLE PEN'S ItLANKET BATH KGRKS. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINGS, SHIRTS. NECKWEAR, COL LARS, CUFFS. ETC. ELEGANT ICEW STOCK OP UMBRELLAS I.ntfst designs In handles. Rest stock of kid gloves In the city. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Busy, Holiday 3896 Slippers and Shoes, Sensible Pres ents. Every Department Complete. OPEN EVENINGS. LEWIS.RHLLY&BAYIES 114 AND 11 WTOMINO AVE. Greatest On all our Holiday Goods. Call and let us prove it to you in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, UMBRELLAS, Watches f rom $4,50 up. Eyery one warranted at eichel 408 Spruce St. NEAP. DIME RANK. MATTHEWS BROTHERS Carriage Paints, Reynolds Wood Finish Crockett's Preservative Ready Mixed Tinted Oloss Paints, Strictly Pure Wfls&ed Oil, Guaranteed W racn Zinc, Enamel Pafets
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