s TIIE SCRAXTOK TRIBUNE MONDAY WORKING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1890. DAVID HILL IS VERYDRAMATIC tie Wants to Be tbe Soubretle on Hie Political Stage. Li Kl.Vi CHANG ON COINAGE American Silri-r Dollars Worth Li's , Than .Iexii-iiu, licrnnse They t.'on lain More SiKtir-Olissiontiry Work I j iu .llainc--The I'rtscnt Mock of Silver Uullioo. Hureau of The Trllmm. r.l'l K4th St.. N. V.. ' 'N'li.xriinv'Um Sei't. 11. t?nu.tnr II. II Is rlraniatiu if niiythinir. lie- is 11 tirt of buiibietl" lti iiDlitics In Wmt lie always "hoys" the Hlugo. His cm uiiii ouU paramount dfsirf in to he th iiiOMt talker) about man of his time. I If luvs to k.i) evi i y one k"m!,s1"K lie UuliKlits to be known us an un known quantity, and so lar in this" ram liula lit. had (Kitainly smctioclc it. The ;i! has (Clin-, however, that he must either stitoke U or throw away liis t-i-j'.neiie As an inHH iii-IhiI ih'hi;ate of 'i'iiiiiniaiy to the Itnftalo convention lie ,tin't how the stase much loiwr. The TtRr c.rganlxatlon haw turned the caluiuin mum him. It shows humps on 111 h', other physical i-xiivinticvs her- there, hut there is nolhiiiK to show what his brain matter would d--vek il the X-luys uolilil ! etVei tual ly iis 'il to his head. TaJiouany's notion shows clearly that its leaders dlrtiust liill anil fear him lik-wl- if lie Is allow 'd to .-.) to V.iif fnln mtiiist riic'l. il. l'redii lions us to what he will do ate altogether at var rue" ht the diftermt headquarters le i... As iii. k as oh" report Is put out that he will disobey instructions ii not her l.i Kivc-n out that he will aid in an ilel iisetiH ;il of H yun. Chairman I'auIKiier l alraiil Hill is fci-lnir to nive Itryan what is known in politics as the dooble ('(. y-lhal lie will uo to l.ut lalu and play the slate leniooray u;:u:n:'t Taioinnny Jl will hardly show hi:' hunt) before the convention ro eis. lie will be th" most talked of man hi -New York until then. There Is le ust of ai one piedietiiis Just what lie wil! do Ulltil he reels tile pill.-" id till' toiiv-ctlof If he tii;ds the sound ii:om-.v sentiment predominant he will l;nif- P.-yan V. hai lm wants to do is to Icnn'e i'ii- Chicago platform and l'.rvan with It. declare for bimetallism end run th slat'- ticket on purely local i.-. :! Thi!N Is uppei most 111 Hill's Miti. I at piesent, and from nood author it v theie comes the report that he has a iiumbei ,,r the deleiiates already i pje:ij. u io nun io cai ry oui nor. i-n;.. 1! ill's iile.i of polite s is to be regular. That wns his shiholeth in Chicago, lie nl-o kn.i that thet" is no future for a le.oier In Nw Yoik who at this time endorses fi"P silver. Tie is bent on be int; rMliat and lit the same time keep tr.e N'W York 1 'eniorratie orsnnlna roti soiind on llnniue. in other words 1 1 ill thlnlcs Hi" be t policy is to play both mis acain.-t the middle with the hope that iu the end Hill wil! be him self ae.iin. Til K V CLAIM KiWA. Th" !' moerntte manaKers are now claituini; Iowa. They ussert and lirltiK nut prnol npiiarently that there are P.a. tni 1, piil',leans who have plodded theinseUes to vote for l'.ryan. Sena toi Knnlkner says that the silver sen tiie.enl has spi-ad in the llnduer state mor. rapid I than in nnv section of the iiotthwest. The Itepubllcans ndmit that I'rvan's speerlns have had some eliec!.. bm ImiIIi rteniitnr Allison and lb piesenlallve Dolliver have written hero that the dinffeitinn In the 'Democratic n.iiiis will more than counter-balance nr.y di.HTectl in from the Itepublicans. American sil er dollnt s In China a'e worth lc- than Mexican dollars because tat y I'ontaln less sliver. When Ameri can dollar are bioimht to China an n-say Is made to determine the n mount of pitte silver they contain, and the leneninee .f nlloy. Their value Is Wised upon the inatket prhe of the sil vi In them. Their stamoed value Is wholly dmi'itatiled. Thetp was one Uio-stii.n whbh was particularly lm p:.ssed upon T.i liuiiR Chant; durituf l.m v.sit last week. It was that relat Inu to "the effei't of the adoption by the Cieted stales of the free coinage of aiiv-r at tli" uilio of lti to 1. This waa his i'tpl : The. I'tiilod Slates will never cu tliorit'.e the ffe coinaito of silver." The same question was put the vice, roy is dil'iereiit forms. To each he mailp the s'ime f-ply. H was nbsolutely .onvlnced that free silver cannot ire lail in this country II could "not be in. lie i .l to make any other retily, or eypialt. h he had nrriv.l at tills posi tive conclusion. H would appear fiom I.I Hun Chang's Interview that China ir really riot on a silver basis at all, but on n sold basis, with an exclusive sil V"t rtiiirncy. Thf American and Enu-Ji.-h members of I.i's suite hone that the 1 tilled Slab-!, will adopt free sil ver. ecietary f.rimon's open endorsement of t.hfi Itniianapolis ticket is taKen to iieli that I'resident. Clevei.irnl will shoi'lly come nut in a letter address' d to the sound money llennKrats of the country advisinc them to vole for Pal mer and B'lcknur. MlftRIONARY WORK IK MAINE. Both the Republican and Democratic congressional committees are niakint! one last effort to convince the voters vi Maine. In t pite of the fact that Arthur Pevvall, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, is a "Son of Maine," Sen ator Faulkner has no idea of rarrylmr a single concessional district in that State. Efforts, however, to keep the Republican majority down to the low est possible figure will be made until the last moment "Only once in twenty ANNUAL EDI FP.1CE REfliTSMJijF CARPETS . Jutt rcsd our prion and compare them with any and all of the other attempts: 25c Ingrain Carpets, Now 18c 35c. Ingrain CarpaJs, Now 25c 50c. Ingrain Carpsts, Now 35c 65c. Brussels Carpsts, Mow 39c 75c Erussels Carcsts, Now 57c S5& Brussels Carpets, New 75c Also a fjuantity of Body Brussels lengths from i to so yards in each piece at about one half price to close. J. SCQTT INCLiS Lack. Ave Carpm ui Will hp:r Dtikv. TERMS Cash m the A sort floods. years has the Republican gubernatorial nominee been defeated in Maine, and on the other hand the party has elected Its governor by a majority only once In the same period a'nd that was two years aso," said Secretary Mercer, of the Re publican committee, today. "Roth pur ties huve made a great flsht. If we hold the state by a plurality of l.'i.ltDu to I'O.tHiO we shall feel happy, and any figure above the higher of those two will tell exactly how utterly the free sliver advocates have failed in propo putliiK their theories in the Tine Tree Slate." Inquiries are received daily from all sections of the country as to the pres ent stock of silver bullion held, the number of dollars now belns coined, and the methods of securing them. In ipiiry at the treasury today reveals the fact that the coinage value of the sliver bullion now held is $166.74"i,20O. or enough to keep the mints running at full capacity for four years. There were coined during August, $2.r.0.iin0 in silver dollars ami nearly twelve million since las! Jiinuarv. The number coin ed between November. ISM, the date of the repeal of the Sherman law, and January 31, 1W. was less than four million. There is a heavy demand for silver dollars of ism! and all r.iUests are filled as rapidly as possible. On account of this heavy call, however, no silver dollars will be sent out after the ten and one-half million now iu the treasury "uncovered" are gone, except ill exchange for silver certificates or treasury notes- of 1S1. V. R. U. TAVI.OK. The same of base ball between the l!els of this place and the Keystones of 1'ittston on (he school house grounds Saturday ui'tet-mon was witnessed by a large t row.l. The game thro'i-chciil was every it. t. testing and full of bril liant features, i'oth of the pitchers of the Keystones were hit unite hard while Morris had good control and kept hits well scattered and also struck out a treat number of mi n. The score by inttlnfr Is as follows: Reds - II 0 I 0 : 11 Keystones U 0 1 1 t 0 1 :! Hase Hits -Reds I-, Keystones 1. Kr- rois-Reds 1, Keystones :i. Ikiilories, lfeds, Morris and Glynn: Keystones, ReudiUK, l.Miott and Conners. em pire Lowry. The contract for the new building of Kdwaid liais, on the corner of Main and Uailr.iad streets, has been nward cd lo Contractor J P. Taylor, who will commence work as soon as possible. David V. Davis will lie- a candidate for bnif;ess at the coining spring elec tion. KPner Daniels, Representative Comer Davis. Alternate l.ollis Reed. William Francis and Anthony Schultise will have this morning for Gettysburg to attend the slate council session of the .Itinior Order I'nlted American Me chanics. (Hi the :VM, L'lih and 2,".lll of this nioiuh fhe I'nliin hand of this place will hold their fair. The boys are wor my of patronage, as they have done much for the amusement and enter tainment, of this town. Complaints ure being heard every day ol'Mhe condition of our roads, es pecially from I'nlon street to Sibley avenue. The Traction company has promised to kee;i thcin in repair, but they are far from keeping their prom ise. Miss Minnie Iiurtiard. of Nanlicoke, is visiting Miss Klla Jones on .Main street. .Mr. Frederick Wilson is seriously III at his home on North Main street. Miss Jennie James, of Hyde I'ark, visited friends In this town yesterday. Di.nicl Jones, of Olyphanl, was a call er in town yesterday. Mr. John Francis was a caller yes terday with friends and relatives In this place W. W. Wat kins, of I'eckvllle, was a visitor in this town yesterday. WYOMING. Mrs. Joseph Greenfield was a caller at Wilkes-Rarre Monday. Miss Jennie Smith, of .K, vans' Falls, has returned home after a few days' visit with her cousin, Mrs. William l'yn", in this place. Mr. Dayton, of Scranton. was calling on friends here this week. Mrs. J. Williams ati son, of Retid li I il. spent Thursday with .Mrs. John I'yne. C. W. Stiff hits won the contest In getting the largest subscription for the Parsons lodge of Improved Order of Fellows. The prize Is u "Vale" bicycle. Mrs. Snyder and daughter. Dotu, Of Silver Lrook, have been visiting Mrs. Aton t '.a i in it ihls week. j Frederick Atheiton. Grace Tril.lo ami j Robert Reldy huve resumed their stud- ' les for this year at Wyoming Seminary. I The Sons of Temperance held a so cial umong themselves Wednesday evening. Ice cream, fruit and cake were served and n delightful time wus ! hul. Mrs. T. N. Choswoith find .Miss Alag gh Switzer were callers lit Forty Fort Sunday. Walter Thomas, of l.ttz 'ne, spent Thursday with his brother, W. J. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. John Switzer. of Kings Ion, were calling on the former's brother, William, this week. - -- . . 1'ACTOKYVII.I.IV Miif Ili'lcn Al.lrlth, of Sprlngvllli', U a vlfilor In town. Jliss FIo-kIi' Stokes, of Scranton, Is flip suest of Miss May Moor. Mrs. Kiitnice Stanton Is visiting ft -lewis ut Mosi-ow ami Scranton. Charles Sumner Iliniles, of this plarp. wus nominated for prut Ii. .notary ut the DetiKKiatlc convention at Tunklian nock. lust week. Next Tuesday evening tlie MeKinley clttli expect to parade iu uniform. The ladies of the Methodist I'lturch will serve a chicken supper in the lect ure room of the church next Wednes day. Price of supper 13 cents. The Winola Oil company hed a meet ing Inst Tuesday evening. Mr. Manchester attended the West AMngton Association at Forest City last week. Mm. iJavIson. of Pittsburg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 1. C. Proper, of this place. Quarterly meeting was observed by the Methodist church Sunday morning. In the evening, the presiding elder. Dr. C. Floyd, preached the sermon. The Musical Alliance will be held in Factryville this year. It will oteii Tuesday, November 17, and close Fri day, the 20th. Miss Leon a Bennett has returned from a trip to New York city. . CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mr. Boulspy has moved In the H. X. Patrick house recently vacated by Mr. Tallman. Mr. and Mm. Bell have returned from their visit to Maryland. Mrs. D. Smith and daughter Visited friends at Green Grove Wednesday Frace ft Parker are giving their a tore A new coat of paint. OAR30NOALE. (Renders will pleas not ttiat aflvartls" Went, orders for Job work, and Items for "Mention left at the, mtabllshment of hannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of Itcs open from t a. tit. to 10 p. m.) VERY LARGE EXCURSION. fourteen Carloads oi' People Went lo Nii.iicl:nr.ii:i Sntnrday. The big Republican ally at Susque hanna Saturday was a success at least nil those who attended say It was. and they ought to know. The number of people Mho attended the rally from this district was very large. The train was composed of fourteen cars end each wns tilled. At least l.tiUO persons were on board when the train rolled into Susquehanna, and they were all In the best of humor. One car was filled with employes "f the Ilendrlck Manufacturing company. Three were given to the employes of the Krie, three to the employes of the mine department of the Delaware and Hudson, and three for the citizens of this place. The rest were lilled with people from along the branch. The excursion was given under flip auspices of the Sound Money league of Catbondale who paid for the train anil thus there was no expense to those who went. Among the speakers at Susquehanna were: Hon. James 11. Coihlingtoii,' of Townndit ; Hon. Jerome It. Niles, of Wollsburo, and Judge Ful ton, of New York. ANOTHER ATTEMPT. I'ircbtie nt M oik in Hie Cil --'I'liree lllazcs. It Is evident that firebugs are at work in the city who are bound to do damage somewhere. No less than three Incendiary blazes occurred during I ho week, all of which were fortunately dlsiuveied brfoie they had gained much headway. The last attempt to create a blaz- was Friday night when McComb's building on Garfield avenue was fired. The flames were seen by a young man who was passing, lie at once rushed t.i the Mitchell's Hose house and gave the alarm. Til the meantime. Patrol man John Hell, was going down the street and seeing the fire at once broke into the building and hud the flames extinguished before the lire company arrived. The efforts to burn the building have been many and It will be watched In hopes of catching the guilty persons. To Improve Hroot.iidc. Next spring will witness ninny im provements at Hrookslde cemetery and vicinity, and in a few years the plnce promises to become one of great beau ty. Already property nearby h'ts gone up faultily in price. The Hillside Coal ami lion company, who own the land between the car tracks and the ceme tery, a'-e. having it surveyed oft' Into building lots. The Traction company win. ,, tt track Inlo the cemetery in the near fu ture. Fur piesent use a half switch will be nude at the eastern end of the main avenue where Hie ars will stand. The main avenue will be widened to sixty f.M't and ihe will be three or four n venues running from the turn pike road to the cemetery. Those ave nues will be connected by roads forty feel ill Wid-h. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Mrs. W. L. Ynrrington has returned from n visit to New York. Miss Tessie McHale, of Duntnore, is the guest of Mrs. John, fiiiughan, on Seventh avenue. .Mrs. William Hanklns, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. an.l Mis. W. W. Watt, during the summer, left Friday for Dultith. Minn., where she w ill join her husband. .Mrs. William Wolcott and son, Frank, who have been visiting- Mr. and Mrs. Stearns in Canada, for the past two weeks, have returned home. The Raplist church is arranging to sing Gaul s oration of "The Holy City'" in the near future. Dr. D. L. Ilalley returned Friday from Toronto, where he has been at tending the fair. Miss Devef, of Scranton, wns the guest of .Miss Mamie Huhey last week. Mrs. James Courtney, of South Wash ington street, who has. been visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Rrowncll, of Dtitn!;:IT. has returned home. J. F lilockshlge Is iii New York. Friday evening n very enjoyable af fair took place at the home of F.m- MYER 4? a 307 01 StlEAT BARGAINS EN SHOES TODAY w E HAVE PROVEN IT to many, our main ambition is to prove it to man' more who know it not. Let us do it. There's a good deal you can learn about us good deal to be saved if you by right turn on the search-light of in vestigation, and you will see. Our desire is to break the wrong prices of oth- ers. They need Our aim is to double our business for mutual advantage. We set the price pace. JUDGE BY THESE OFFERINGS: 750 pair Ladies' Hand-sewed Shoes, best dongola stock the regular price the world over $3.00, Our Special Price, $1.49. 500 pair Ladies' Fine Dongola Button Shoes, worth $2.50, Our Special Price, Only $1.35. 125 pair Men's Calf Shoes, were $2.00, Now Only $1.35. Men's $3.00 and $4.00 Shoes at $2.00. 175 pair School Shoes, high cut, sizes 112 to 2, worth $1.65, at $1.03. 225 pair Child's Shoes, button heel and spring heel, the bast school shoe in the town, worth $1.25, at 75c. Misses' School Shoes, 69c, $1.00 and $1.50. Children's Shoes, 3 to 6, at 20c, and 5 to S, at 40c. l&SSWe invite vou to member, there is no trouble to show goods, and you will surely save money by it. MYER DAVIDOW, Lackawanna & Avenue. STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE. mons Peck, of Washington street. Mr. Pecks leaves for college today and the gathering was arranged in his honor by the young ladies of the "Fortnightly club." A number of young men were Invited, and the evening was passed pleasantly with games and music fur nished by 'Professor Firth, who pre sided at the piano. Misses Louis and Charlotte Pendle ton, who have been visiting- relutives in this city, have returned to their home in Stonlngtnn, Conn. W. C. Norton, of Aldenville, was a visitor in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell arrived In this city Saturday from Kngland. Mail Carrier W. H. Chase, accom panied by his wife and mother, is spending his vacation in lirooklyii, Susquehanna county. Miss Sarah Davis left Saturday for a two weeks' visit with Scrantoti friends. Thomas Rldgeway, of Washington, D. C, who has been the guest of relu tives In town, returned to his home Saturday morning. John J. I'lnier and family will spend Sunday with friends In Wuymart. Miss Grace Rirdsall, of Scranton, is the guest of Miss Josephine P.tirr. Melville Stack and wire, who have leen visiting their daughter, Mrs. Charles Odoll, at White's Valley, have returned home. Mrs. M. Corby and daughter, Hessle, are visiting friends In Liiughamtou. Miss Lillian Raker entertained the "Cooking club" ut her pleasant home on South Church street Friday even ing. A most enjoyable time wus hail. Those present were: Mrs. II. Harri son, Mrs. C. Hits, Misses Josephine Hu rr. Bertha Hathway, Lou Williams, Lizzie Sonny, Gertrude Raynor, Fran ces Abbott. Jessie Moor and Miss Glace Rirdsall, of Scranton, and Miss Lizzie Hitchcock, of Green Ridge. Is essential to health. Every nook and corner of the system is reached by the blood, and on its quality the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nerved, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means ecro'ula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. TheBurest way to have good blood is to take Hood's Karsaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches tbe blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing Bleep and cures that tired fcelinir. Remember, Sarsaparilla Is the hfst - In fact the One True Blood Purifier. iiwd'c pnic.T ,jv"r. Ills: 7sy, ' r I Us take, eusy to operate. Hotel Walton Rrusd snd Locist Streets, Philadelphia. One of the most niRStiifleent hotels in tho world. 1'alatiul iu every detail. Absolutely Fireproof. European Plan $1.50 Upwards, American Plan $4 Upwards. Rltnnted near all the leading theatres snd riillrjsd station. STAFFORD, WHITAKER & KEECH I. I). CRAWFORD, Manager. THR IIH'AI. AMFRICAN TKIP NORIHLRN SThAMSIilP COMPANY. Tbe SuMriily Appointed und t'ouimodiuas f te.'l Kteiiuiillinx. NORTHWKST AND NORTHLAND, American through and thr.iuuu. leave Bulfslo I ti. wlav ntirl Krid.'.ya p. .10 p.m. for Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac. The foo, Uuluth. anil Western Points, piixsuiR nil plueesof iliteriMt by daylight In connection with TUB UKEAT NORTHEUN RAILWAY, it fornm the most direct rout.., anil from ev ery pJiit of I'.miparisoti, the moat delightful and omnfortnl in oiu' t MiuneapuliH, ht. Paul, Oreat Kails Helona. Futtu. Khjkmiu nml l' eitle ri sst. Tho onlv trnhi. otitiiieutal line riinniiiK the huiioim l.ullet, library, observa tion car. 'w UT hour train for Portland vi Spokmio. HO I I.I. I.AI'AVKI ft, Luke Minnetonka, lit nnle-8 from .Mintii'iirolif, largest und mit beautitil ri'iorc in tli.'woitt. 'i irketHuml any Information of liny ngent nr A. A. lit. A 111), (i.meral l'a&seuuer annul, Bullulo, N. V. BSoodi AVBDOW, ow Lackawanna Avenue. breaking. Comparisons will call and examine aur goods Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. It Bpecdily relieves irregnt larity, suppressed or painful men struations, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, bloating, leuoorrhcea, womb trouble, flooding', nervous pros tration, headache, general debility, etc. Symptoms of Womb Troubles are dizziness, fuintness, extreme lassi tude, "don't care" and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelings, excitability, irri tability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or t'ne "blues," and backache. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound will correct all this trouble as sure as the sun shines. That Bearing-down Feeling, causing pain, weight, and backache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. It is wonderful for Kidney Complaints iu either box. TJULOMNC I YOU CAN WAGER 16 TO 1 That 110 tailor in Scrauton cau give )'ou a better fit and that none will give you as low a price. il We make our own gar ments in our own shop under our own supervision. W- I "5 Wyoming A ve, O. UrVI, Arcade Hulldinu. HAVE YOU HEARD Oh FOR FLOORS? Mill uhsolutcly Jo away with the lltist Nuisance of Stores, School Houses, llulla uml till Pub lic Places. No more Sprinkling, 110 more Scrubhiii",. We can show merits of the nood on our own floors. It will pay you to investigate. AGENTS. i,s wesHiHGToa ave;.ul dilcheatrr' F.ncllh Diamond Brand. IIHulnul an.1 llnlv GennlnA. OArc. al'Taya r lUI'l... tADieft .k . VrwiM jf tTtirlti .:.! I'M- 'Hotut Uraini III UfJ and fiVif RtHalilA n.'!.... ulwl with hln.' riM'on TaLo bj. tli Lal Lri.'i.!. fa. convince you we are right before buying elsewhere Re- S01ETHINC M FQOTE fi SHEAR CO., Pe TVS 'In., other. li'f (lu-.j'noij .nl..inu. v 1 i 'iiohi imitaifii: A. llriwirtu,. or o44. I W ji In -tamr tr .-irti."ili-n. f-.tlmnnltl. n. TP D "Iti'llef fur l.dle," l lr, t r-lnru Jl Mll. I'vmo -nir.!.nl.. Sumf -.ir.r. , 'T, 1... I ..-II'h uu. S. G KERR, NOVELTIKS IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF , HGOR r.nPDIW - w iiuva, WILTONS, AXIVIINSTERS, SAVONNERIES, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC BRUSSELS. New and Handsome Effects In MATTELINE, JAPANESE and CHINESE MATTINGS. Our complete line In every grade for the Fall Trade has been received. An inspection will be instructive and to your advantages CLEARING SALE Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVETJ MOQUETTES, AXMINSTER CARPETS, suitable for Rugs, in . lengths of U, 1 and I yards. Prices, 35cts., BOcts , 75cts,. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. s. e. MM Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA Manufacturer of LocoiQGtim, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AM PUHPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Offices SCRANTON. PA THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. Capital, - - $200,000 Surplus, - - 300,000 Undivided Profits, 64,000 Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. 3 Interest Paid on Interest Deposits. AMD Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Rif ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Suj plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. fcv-r QTEEL HORSE SHOES and a lullstocn. . . ... , , Hubs, Rims, Spokes, SfiSite,SuPPlies. Wheel BITTEW EIDER SCRANTON. PA. EVERY WOMAN Somstlmea nei reliable, monthly, mutating medicine. Onl tiaraileal tsl the purest drup theuld be ueo. If you want the bwl, get Oct- Paul's Pennyroyal1 Pills The? are prompt, life rd certain In two It, Tbe etnnlne (Dr. Peel'i) aewJUilt - ... ' . ... .,V.-.. fii Itfi Aii.lraaa iVuL UcDIlUIB Cfl.. UdVatiUllL G- For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton. Pa. o o o o Your Wiffi And licr home is the setting you doubtless want to make this setting as beautiful as possible. Elaborateness doesn't necessarily mean beauty. Some of the prettiest fur niture iu our store is the least expensive. Look around at home, then look around here, and you will find ways to brighten up the home wonderfully. 3 At Less Than Ml Price. Two sizes. One hundred of each size. 26 inches wide, C "2 Q 54 inches long, k 1 " 30 inches wide, Cli AQ 60 inches long, MeU FURNITURE Antique Oak finished suite new design carload just ;reSd:.e! $i3.so O o m SON & CO. INCLUDINU CHOICE SELECTIONS IM , SON & 00. 408 Lackawanna Avenue STEEL n Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and IF YOU WANT. CREDIT ASK FOR II. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR Quartered Oak polish, finish, high back, upholstered ia plush, tapestry or damask, worth, at regular sale, three dollars and a half, C i Q O Economy's price, P CLOTHING C:i CREDIT, TOD, IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. 225,227 Bi218
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers