THE FCRAXTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MOBNTPTGh. SEPTEMBER 14. 189C, Neu)s WST SIDE EVENTS. Rousing Reception Tendered lion. J. R. Farr on His Success at the Delegate ElectionThree Ribs Broken. When the new of Hon. J"hn R. Fair's success In obtaining uVk-ttates for tomorrow's convi'iitlon had been announced, a larso number of his friends and admirers jrntluTid at his ofllce on Jackson street and cave tin? candidate in prosii'.'t a roiiHinR itop tlon. While the returns were coming in, the ofllce greatly resembeld a bee hive, and when Mr. Fair niieared he was received with enthusiastic cheer ing. H. (). Ht'ttcs, delesates from the Fourth district of the Fourth ward, was spokesman on the oeetiidnn, and mounting: a box. nt last obtained or der. In a few words he referred to the coming convention and requested all to be active in the 11ms. Mr. Farr fol lowed his delegate In mounting the box, nnd made a short speech, lie thanked all for their good work, and said that nothing was dearer to n man than his country, its Institution and the education of his children. Sir. Farr during his last legislative term, did excellent work in procuring free books and compulsory education. Kvery sen tence was received with loud cheering. Cigars were then passed around and congratulations were fairly heaped up on Sir. Farr. THTIF.K HI US IIROKEX. Miss llridget Gray, of Lafayette street, was Injured getting on a Dun more car Saturday afternoon. As she was stepping from the footboard to the llonr of the car, the motorman put on the power und she fell against one of the seats. Three of her ribs were broken, and she found it necessary to be assisted to her home, ller injuries are very painful. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. William OurgasM, who Is a harmless lur.ulic, escaped front the Hillside Home last Monday and after wander ing about Wits picked up Saturday night by the West Side police. He will be sent to the home today. Miss Margaret t.Ilbbs. of South Slain avenue. Is visiting her friend, Slis3 Stiller, of West Plttston. Mrs. Crooks and children, of Loraine, Wyoming county, have returned home after a visit to Mr. and Sirs. Charles Lull, of Price street. Sirs. Phoebe Snyder, of West Pitts ton, who has been visiting on this side, has returned home. Mis. Frank Reck and son, Arthur, of North Hroinley avenue, returned Sat urday lrom a week's visit at Wilkes Rarre. Sliss Lizzie Miller spent yesterday at Wilkes-Karre. The funeral of the lute John Star shall will tuke place at 2 o'clock this afternoon from the deceased's late resi dence on North Sumner avenue. Sliss (Iraco Evans, of North Hyde Tark avenue, Is visiting at Clark's ' Summit. Sliss Ruth Wheeler, or Pittston, has returned to her home after a visit to Sirs. E. Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue. C. E. Huber, of Danville, has re turned home after a visit to Sir. and Sirs. H. P. Kern, of Jackson slnu J:.,.-, The Slisses Ane.'nave returned home of x-H visit to friends at Carhoudale. Sliss Jennie Thomas, of Washburn street, has returned from a visit at Lansford. Dr. D. H. Thomas and bride, of Al gonia. West Virginia, are the guesls of Sir. and Sirs. William 11. Williams, of South Slain avenue. W. S. Mears, Charles Oodshall. of the West Side Central Republican club, and W. II. Morgan and Thomas D. Junes, of the league, have returned from Erie where they attended the Re publican clubs' convention as delegates from their respective organizations. Miss Jeanette Jones, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Sliss Nettle Davis, of North Sumner avenue. The Oriole dancing class will begin their annual dance season next Wed nesday night at SI pars' hall. Miss Delia P. Evans, of South Hyde Park avenue, returned Saturday from a visit to relatives In Susquehanna county. Mrs. Daniel Edwards and John Jen kins, of North Rebecca avenue, ar rived home on Saturday from a three III! 13 MILLION patriotic rotors have rec ognized the confusion of our pub lic politics, and are determined toinform themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines of his own party, but the views of all other parties and the reason for the differencesGold, Silver, Tariff and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, Prescott, WHICH WE WILL PRESENT TO THE PURCHASER OF ANY MEN'S SUIT. TtiE SAMTERS (uare Dealing Clothiers, ,oi M Suburbs. month's visit with friends In Wales and England. The West Side Christian Endeavor choir will meet this evening for re hearsal at the Washburn Street Pres byterian church. Mrs. E. D. Fellows and daushter are home from Lake Wiwdu. Mr. and Sirs. Hartfeller, of Jersey City, have returned home alter spend ing two weeks with Sirs. Frank Tyrell, of Washburn street. Sir. and Sirs. Frank )!. Olen, will leave on Wednesday evening for Michi gan. West Side Business Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specialty; 1CI South .Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, I1.40 per dozen. They ar Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling nt Stumer's Photo Parlors, lot and 103 South Sluin uvcmie. SECOND HAND FURNITURE.-Cnsh for nnvthlnc you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Cnll nnd fee tha stock of J. C. King, 701 to 7u West Lack awanna avenue. PROVIDENCE. The property owners residing on Church nvenue in the isnfl block will today notify City Engineer Phillips of the impassable condition of that thor oughfare, and ask that it be Immedi ately repaired und the grade again re established. Ever since the sewer was laid In that section by Contractors Flannaghnn & O'Hara the street has been Impassable. The property owners are now thoroughly aroused and in tend to take some definite action. They desire to have the street dosed up en tirely or else suflielently repaired so as to bo open for traille. Street Commis sioner Kingsdey was notified of the condition of the street last week, but stated that it was the city engineer's work. Saturday ovonlngColia Doughor went to Alderman Fldler nnd swore informa tion of the disorderly manner In which a house on Amelia street, occupied by William Rudge ami John Kelly and wives was conducted. The war rant was placed in the hands of Lieutenant Spelluian, who organized a squad and went lo the house. When the ofticers arrived at the place the In mates were dancing and creating a disturbance. The officers snivelled in capturing? three women and nine men. They were taken to the station house, where the alderman required the pro prietors to furnish bail In the sum if S:!W) each, nnd the rest to leave a de posit for their appearance tonight. Early in the evening, when the disor derly proceedings commenced, requests had ben made by neighbors that the noise be stopped. Among the neigh bors was Williams, whose wife lay In a dying condition In another part of the house. Sir. Rudge refused to lis ten to him telling him It was none i f their business as he was the owner of the house. The P.risbin Accidental Fund nn-t last Saturday evening in St. David's ball. Ruslness of importance wus tran sacted. A largo crowd accompanied Divisions 6 and lfi, A. O. II.. on their annual ex cursion to Mountain. Park Katurdoynie SI. J. Fnrhlnger, olt Imi'f" a week's eomprny!im with friends in Luzerne county. A. O. Williams, who has been visit ing friends In this section for the past month, has returned to his home In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Powell, of Carbondale, spent yesterday among friends in this section. A game of indoor base ball will be played Wednesday evening in Company II armory between Slulley's and Oster hotit's. li the Itaby Is Cutting Teeth. Sirs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over flfiy years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Sold by druggists In every part of the world, lie sure and call for "Sirs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. School of the I.ncknwnniin. Rooks and supplies. Wholesale and Introductory prices. Reldlomnn. the I bookman, 4u7 Spruce street. (11 I. Ml Hatters and Furnlshars. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Tratlic on the Scutli Side Street Car Line Was Ponderous Yesterday Af icrnoon Oilier News, Every outward bound car on the South Side line froln l.S) to E.SO yertr-r-lay was jammed full of passengers and 11 was similar with the inward bound cars from 5.:;0 unlit ufter 10 o'clock. The South Side base ball team and the Morning Cloiies, of Dunmore, played a game on the lirlckyard grounds, Mi neoka. and the Stlnonka team played the Harmonies, of the West Side, on Coyne's grounds, Mlnooka. The' two ' games brought out large crowds. Never before In the history cf the line wus there such crowding.' SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. Sir. und Sirs. Peter DIppre. f Cedar nvenue, f liiiiated the t .venty-lil'ih an nlverra'y of their marriage Saturday Permanent Sinn Edward Kmiler, of the Century Hose company, has re sumed Ids duties after his annual va i at ion. The funeral of the U-year-old child of Mr. and Sir. John Freltag. of Hociii street, was held Saturday nft'-rnonn. Interment was made hi Minooka ceme tery. James V. Clifford, of Elmira, visited Ids mother on Prospect avenue yestir day. With the opening of schools today the teachers and pupils will find all the school buildings on this side refur nished and renovated. CUE EN HI DUE. Those from the Women's Christian Temperance union who attended the county convention nt Sloosic Friday were the following: Slesdames Frank Depue. S. E. Dorsey, F. L. Hndsall, John Harvey, L. T. I Sonne. N. (!. Jack son, S. A. Drown, L. P. Smith, A. Tripp, D. V. Wint, Isaac Vought, W. H. Trev erton, R. E. Pease, Arnold, John lirown, J. M. Howell. Nolan. 11. SI. Slallery, K. I'.hukman, A. W. Sherwin, Relchard, Cram; and Harmon. Charles I'ylo has returned from Sins cow, w here he has bom spending a few days wilh his brother and sister. Will Lewis, n clerk in Johnson's groc ery store. Is spending his vacation In West Virginia. Owing to the absence of the pastor yesteulay the pulpit of the Aslmry Mi thodist Episcopal church was occu pied by E. W. Thompson, a student of Weshynn University. Siiss Edith Jones, of Slonscy avenue, has been spending the past few dajs at Olyphant. Sliss Minnie Peek, of Capouse ave nue, is slowly convalescing from her recent illness. The Prohibition league of the Ridge will hold their meeting In the annex of the Evangelical church on Capouse avenue this evening at the usual hour. Miss Slazy Hall, of Perm avenue, tins returned from her vacation. The Senior Epworth league of the Asbury Sletliodist Episonjl ev,nff will resunu their -j.:" . . J meej;n-1-)()n (lf t))(J ,.hlm.h. Sliss Klna Smith, of Ashley, Is the guest of Green Ridge friends. O. P. Hndsall and wife, of Oreen Ridge street, spoilt Sunday at Carbon dale. DUNMORE. Sirs. I. II. Hondiickson, of Hroolt street, has returned from a visit with friends In Wuymart. The Slisses Edith and Lillie Simons, of the "Hotel Columbia," at Lake Ariel, are the guests of Sir. and Sirs. George Jones, of Hook sheet. The Slisses Slulvina and Rona Don aldson, have returned to their home in New York city, after an eight weeks' visit with their aunt, Sirs J. R. Hob day. Sir. nnd Sirs. Theodore Webber, of Drinker street, have returned home from a few days' visit with relatives in New Haven, Conn. Louis Haycock, of William street, has gone to Oxford, N. J to attend the funeral of his sister. The Infant son of Sir. and Sirs. Fred O'Horo died at his parents' home on Drinker street Saturday evening. Rev. F. Gibbons, or the Presbyterian church, addressed the members of the Loyal Temperance Legion Saturday night In ltoyle's hall. Next Saturday evening, September 19, Rev. A. H. O'Neal, of the P.aptist church, will de liver a lecture. Sirs. Aujon Coble, of Wayne county, Is the gui'st of Sir. and Sirs. David Hess, of Clay nvenue. A large party of young people ten dered Fred Foster n very enoyable sur pris" parly at lis home in Little Eng land Saturday night, Indulging In games nnd amusements until a late hour when refreshments were served. All present had a most delightful time. Mr. and Sirs. Fred Homo, of Ilrook street, have returned homo after a few days' outing nt Lake Ariel. A social will be given by the Dim rnoro blanch of Scianton Christian En deavor society In th Adams avenu Presbyterian church tomorrow evening. Sliss Flori nee Weber has returned to her home on Drinker street after visit ing relatives in Sloosic for the past few weeks. MINOOKA. J. J. SIcAndrew, of oiyphant, was a caller in town yesterday. . The remains of an Infant child of Thomas Richardson were Interred In Slinooka cemetery yesterday. A rousing reception will bo ten dered John J. O'Nell this evening nt Calley's Arcade by the Welcome Soclnl club. A large number of his friends will be icsent to welcome hiin homo after a successful season. A child of Slartln Lyder died Satur day evening. The fujieral occurred yesterday: Interment was made In Sli nooka Catholic cemetery. Sir. and Sirs. Edward Fox, of White Haven, are visiting friends here. COURT NEWS. The grand Jury will meet at 10 o'clock this morning In common council cham ber. City hall, and all having business with this branch of the court will put In nn appearane there. District At torney John R. Jones will use the com mittee room for his private office. Equity court will convene In the ar bitration room of the court house, until the United States court room Is se cured. Postmaster Vandling- was In formed from' Washington Saturdny that permission will be granted for the use of the room, provided It does not ronflh't with any session of United States court, but in attorney general has not given his ollictal sanction yet. The order is looked for by tomorrow. On Saturday an equity suit was com menced in court by Sirs. Slary Lally, of Old Forge, against Patrick and Mary Moran, of that place also, tier claim is that in 1MT conjointly with th-j defend onts, she ourchased a lot from J. W. Fallon; but that Mrs. Moran fradu lently conspir-.-d to have the deed made out in her name and that she and Sloran are now about to sell it and de prive her of her interest. The court is asked to Interpose. Cornelius Smith's di.sbarrment case will be argued before the supreme court at Pittsburg on Monday, October a. He has appealed from the action of this court In renvu lug him from the nlliee of attorney and striking hiH name from the rolls. Sir. Stnjlh's representative a before the supreme court will be his brother-in-law. Attorney James II. 1 lion, and Attorney A. II. SleCollum. of Stont rose. The case is at the head of the list and will be the first one argued. A case of disbarrmetit precedence on the list of all except homicides. City Solicitor J. 11. Terrey, Attorneys S. H. Plii-e and 10. C Newcomb will repre sent the Judges of this county nt the heuring. They invsecutod the rule In llie dljinrrnieot proceedings. A synop sis of Air. Smith's paper hunk, wa re cently printed in The Tribune. BARTENDER SMITH'S HAT. 'Twas an Odd Style of lleodxear and It Led lo the Identification of Two Burglars. Sometime between closing hour and daylight yesterday morning, Frank Robin's saloon, ii:!0 Lackawanna ave nue, was robbed, the thieves taking $ti nnd a new hat. The latter belonged to the bartender, Frank Smith, nnd was a hat of the kind "once seen, never to be forgotten." At !)..'!0 o'clock yesterday morning two local tramps, John Rurke nnd Sllclnvi Caddeii, were arrested for being drunk and begging the wherewith to grt drunker, one of them, Rurke. woio a hat that was altogether out of keep ing with his i-carocrow clothes. Re sides being a new hut, it was of the "once sien, never to be forgotten'' kind. A driver for Proprietor Renin was nearby when Rurke and Cndden were picked up by the police on Lackawan na avenue. He saw and recognized I'.artcnder Smith's new nnd ndd-lool;- ing hat and forthwith told Smith. The latter went to the police station, ree Denized his hat and, what's more, ree ognlzed the wearer as one of the crowd that was in Renin's place late Satur day night. Rurke said "a buck guv It to me," but the police were unkind enough to doubt his story und hold him and his pal on suspicion of the rob. bery. Rartender Smith's theory of the rob bery Is that the thieves secreted them selves in the cellar during the rusa Saturday night and when the place was closed up, came up from 'their hiding place and did the work. He says he noticed, when locking up, th the lock on one of the Inner lead ing to the cilnrh .d ""'i' with tb-' " not 1,0 locked. He .u little herd to il, thinking it had been done during the day by accident. He Is now satisfied that the thlevci when descending to the cellar broke the lock so as to facilitate their get ting back. The thieves took the cash register out to the railroad track In the rear and after breaking It open and pf kit ing Its contents a little over six dol larsthrew It back into the cellar through the window which they un fastened to make their exit. ONE DEAD, THE OTHER DYING. Two Men Uoustcd by nn Explosion of in I'ricehiirg. Patrick Long, of Trie In Johnson's No. 1 shaft, was so fear fully burned by nn explosion of gas that ho died Saturdav mornlne. liu laborer, John Haumbneh, was so badly burned, too, that his recovery is in doubt. They were moving a truck from ih slope In the shaft, and nt i2 o'clock went to eat their noonday meal. When they returned nt 1 o'clock, ilwv n,t ... fear Hint any gas had In the meantime accumulated. Rut there was such a volume of the deadly fluid that the ex plosion which followed as soon as their nuked lamps touched It was terrific. THE DRIVE COST T'IFM $29. Two Voting ."Hen Went Out Iluggy Killing and Had n Rreal.doivn. About two months ano Patrick Cm. non and John Kane, of Otyphnnt, hired horse and carriage irom Liveryman U. I . .Mead, of tlmt Place, to n-o nut driving. They came bark ml carriage and told SI. ad It was broken ami Nicy nan lelt It along the way to ue repaired. When Sliad went to look for It at tlm place they told him to, It was not thpp, nor mis no got any trace of It since On Saturday he brought suit against them in Alderman Wrights court, nml ihn aldeinipn gave Judgment lor $) against no young men. I Hi. dander Vo. burg represented the nlnlntiiv LETTL'RS I ROll T'lE PEOPLE. rtJndcr hls licarling short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by tho writer's name. The Tribune will nut be held re sponsible tar opinions hero expressed.) A Card to the Public. Editor of Tiie Tribune. Sir: S'o, as friends and neighbor of T. P. Letehwiirth, can say In rcgurd to Ids late son's death, Hint, from personal observation, all was done for the unfor tunate young man that could be done, who, coiHiHi;.' to allegations, was taken Into the house nnd died In bed. We nlso know T. P. Lctchworth to be a straightforward man, ami that he has been grossly misrepresented In the public prints and otherwise. J. H. Cnrvey. R. C. Hopkins, George c. lirown, W. .1. Costello, G. W. Jones, J. H. Cook, T. J. Hughes, A. P. SlcDonough. Read Williams' Ruslness College a4 Oil Market. Oil City, Sept. 12. Oil market credit bi"l nnrcs, lhi: options. 1i:, the only quotation. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. n fee- 9 n MARKETS AND STOCKS Wall Htrcct IiCTiew. New Tork, Sept. 12. The stock market In the ninln wus weak and lower today. Tho ban. statement proved dtsufifiointlng nnd fulled to retpt-t thu enormous receipts of gold from Europe. At ,the tjpi'iih.!i leading Issues declined anywhere from '4 to 1 per rent., but sub seiiuemly the traders lad the market up on thu shorts. Sugar and .Manhattan were consjiiruous in the rise, getoiig ut 116 und M'2 respectively. The advance brought out offerings for both accounts and In the last ten minuies of business prices as a ride were at the lowest for the day. tftigur fi ll 1, Jersey Central Pi, Jlunnat luu l and Hie remainder of the active list aa to 1 fur cent, boeeulatlou dosed weak in tone. Net changes shows losses of V, til per cent. furnished by WILLIAM I.INN. aw LEX CO., slock brokers. Mean butlJ iutf, rooms 7i'3-7iI. Open- Hitfh- Low- Clos ing:. fct. ejl lag. Am. Tobacco Co .... M'i IM", 4 Am. 1 -' Am. Smr. Re's Co ..lllri IPt v lH'j lH's Aah.. To. & 8. Ke .. 12 12 IP, Can. South R'i -P'a R'a R'H i Ohio 1:p, H i:!'h H tohagoOas :,'- ii"i :' '' Cbb-. A: X. W KS'4 97i !M Chic., li. K- Q ;' "Pi C. C. '. SI. 1 2'i't Li'.'i L'l! ("hie., .Mil ac St. P .. 7" , 7 'h 7"'i 7'i'-, 1 lie'.. 1! 1. & P .... t'l'-j ( '' a I :s.. C. .' a', .V f.:1 fSi tii li. Klc.-lrV 27'.. 2c. S; 27''s l.:.l:e Shore 1U;S HI'j Hl;i i.oi:ist e .-..ism t"j 1"- l. K. . Texas, Pr.. 22 --! 22 22 Xiatilmiinn Kle M'i M'i W W Alo. I'acitie It l'J 1 ls-i Nat. I'onhtge :t; N. .1. Central I'll 1"1 l'"'i I'M'-i X. Y. Central Hi'h HT" W"t, l-?1 N. V.. & V !l !' '.' ! Nor. Pacific, 1'r l'.i'i I'a'i 1'' Vl'i i int. est I2:4 12i l-'i 1- I'.u ltlf Mall IS IS .. IS IS' Phil. & Head K.i Vvt lS't 1.V.1 Southern l:. It 7'-. 7'a 7;j ri Southern It. It.. Pr.. 21 2I ' 2l'i 51'i Tern.. C. tv Irion .... 2"j Sl'a 21't Ul 1'nloii I'acitie ii'4 a:l. !v-i Wabash Pr l;:'- l.?4 l:i- ostein Cnlon su'.'B sPi .sn's !';. V. U H ' V. S. Leather 7 7'i 7'i V. S. Lealher, Pr.... 4':li f.n V.i'i 4!i"i l . rt. iiuniier 1V' is-!, is ix CHICAGO HOARD OV TltADB PUICES. WHKAT. Open.- IIU;h- Low Cloa. Ing. PKt. est. !rg. Deceniher S'i'j fin'.j Slav t;'vi oig k M OATS. Dccf.mbcr lii h'r' 1!4 May 11) l!.'i 111 19 COH.V. t)ecfinber 21 'f, V. 21'-i 21 May 2P, 2l'i 2lat 21 LARU. December 3.27 S.lrt 3.37 3.10 Januiii-v Xl'.O 3.S2 3.110 3.H. I'OliK. January 0.00 C.C7 6.57 6.07 Scrnntnn Hoard of Trade Hxehnngc Quotationi--All Quotation ltascd on Pur ol 100. Kame. Bid. Asksd. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 140 Hrrnnton Laro Curtain Co SO National Koring & Drill's Co ... 81) First National flank 630 Scrnnton Jar & Stopper Co f 25 Klmhurst Loulcvard Co 10) Scranton Savings Bank 200 Honta l'lute Glass Co 10 Scranton Packing Co . i Weston Slill Co 25't Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. ... 161) Third National Dank 330 Tbroop Novelty M'f'g. Co M Scranton Traction Co la 21 Scranton Axle Works ti) Lack'n Trust.''-"nr''.!'eP. Co. ... 150 K.'onon"- oieam ticat & i-owcr Co '0 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 130 8cranton Pa?s. Hallway, first mortgaRrt duo 191S HO People's Street Railway, first mortrage flue 1913. 110 ... Scranton ft Pittston Trae. Co. ... ) People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage duo 1920 no Dickson Manufacturing Co 10) Lacka. Township School 6 101 City of Scranton St. Imp 6 ... 103 Porough of Winton 6 100 Mt. Vernon Coal Co 85 Scranton Axlo Works 1X) Scranton Traction Co , ... 5 Philadelphia Provision .Market. Philadelphia. Sept. 12. Provisions were steady nnd in fair Jobbing demand. We quote: City smoked beef. Uul2e.; beef hums. St5..Vin1ii.."rit for old nnd new, ns to average; pork, family, -i.7aalo; hnms, S. P. cured. In tierces. i"i"'ii:; do. smoked, PP.iaV.v., ns to uveriiu'e; sides, ribbed In salt, 4aPjc: do. do. smoked, 4:'iarc; shoul ders, pickle-cured, r.'jii.VV'.l do. do. smoked, G':.a(;"iO.; picnic hams, S. V. cured, i-'HaH'ie.; do. do. smoked, (Piirt'ic.: heliies, In ftlekle, according to average, loose, ip'u Be.; breakfast bacon, 7.i7',ic, as to brand and average; bird, pure, city rellned. la liei-ces, P,e.; do. do. do. In tubs, Paa4;iC.; do. but. iicrs' loose, 3:l,e.; city tullnw. In hogshead.!, 3c; country do., 2',..H2:,4e., as to uualiiy, und caki s, 3'4e. New York Produce Market. Xew York, Sept. 12. rinur Dull, steady, unehnni;i'd. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red f. o. b., W"',e.: ungraded red, 57iiwe.; No. 1 northern, .ail';;!'.; options closing steady; No. 2 red September, li!1c; Oc tober. ll'l,e.; November. Oic: 1 tceiniber. o;-Hc. ; May. 7(V'. Corn-Dull, firmer: No. 2. 2'a'. th'VJitor: 27c. ailoat; otdions were dull ami 111 111 ; Meplember, 2'ie.; October, 2'! 7-li:r'.; Di-cemher. 27'ie .: May. SH'.e Oats 1 Jul t, lirmer; options dull, firmer; Sep- lemoer, . se.; tieiinir, 1'ii'e.; Decemlier. 2,'.e .; spot lirtees. No. 2. 2:1' .'.: No 2 whltr. 21'ac. ; No. 2 Chit ago. 21'ic.; No. 3. isi2e.; .s w ciie ie. , iinji t 11 wnsiern, ,' ',:ii Hc. white do.. 2la:iic.: white slate. 2u.!;t0e Pro. visluiis-Qu'et. steady, unchanaed. Lord (julet, nhout stenily. Pork-Slendy. I'ut- iv ijiiit'i, ii.icmuieo. t neewe I'Tl'lrt state large. 6'iSc.: do. small. T'iiisf'.,'. parr sr.inis, .a.i,L.c. ; tihi s-Kimi, l'.c. K.rijs Oilier; sinle and Pennsylvania, l.VjalTo.: western fresh, ll'nliic.; do. tr case, $I.M Cbirnco Live Stock. T'nion Stork Yards. R,nt. 12. Cattle Re. celpts. :m) head; market steady; common ro extra stcors. io.,'iaa.:;n: siockers and feoilets, $2.."i"a:!.Nii; cows and hulls. Jl.J'ci i; calves. 3.5ii.i.'i.fKi; 'fexans, t2.,2."a3; west ern lllliuers. .!! .!. Hogs llncellilB. l...niK head; market steady for choice, other Kinds and partially uc. lower; heavy packing and shipping lots. .2.7."i.1.3il; com nion to choice mixed. sr'Sitri::. la; ehol.'o as sorted, ?'.::aa."...iii: lial.t, $!.PV.:. If,; plus, Jl.75 ii-i..:.i. M". ip itei-ipis, l.oi'l head; market nominally steady; inferior to choice $2a o; lanibs, ?i.ri0a;!.7". Ituflalo Live Stork. Tlnffulo. 12. Cattle Slurket shade low- r, demand light; native steers, 4; vi . .Is dnil; common to fair, SI. 2.' ia.7.i; ex tra (imnnhie at Jii.2"iai;.r,u. 1 burs Marl-et fnliiy aeiive; Yorkers, good to choice. s:i.V; nexeil piekeii., ?:l.4ua:ij"; roughs. !2saa;!; stags. 2'i2.5n; plus, f l.2.".a:i. I.".. Sheep and Lambs .Market dull, weak: choice native lamb", J l.r.oi l.iM; fuir to good, ilal. t'i; mi::d shet-ri. $.i'l.iiie. mils and common, $1.."m2.7"i; C.itimla luiiib.s, H .4nu4.,w; export ewes, J3.3U a.7.".. riusT l!::i,isi,ativi: distkict Scranton, Pa., Aug. 31, The Republicans of the First legislative district of Lackawanna county will assem ble In convention nt St. David's hall. North Main avenue. Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. .", lsim, nt 2 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the said district In the legis lature. W. A. PAINE. Chairman. JOHN II. REYNOLDS, Secretary. Fourth District Convention. The representatives of the Republican voters of the Fourth legislative district of Lackawanna county, will assemble in convention ut "Li-yards' Hall," Peel: Ville, Pu., on Tuesday, September 22, 101, at three (.1) o'clock p. m., for the purpose of naming n candidate for the ofllce of state representative, to be voted for at the general election November 3, ivjii. Tho voters of tho sevcrnl precincts will take notice that the delegate elections will be held nt the regular pollings places be tween the hours of six ) and seven 1") o'clock p. m. on Suturuuy, September 19, lSDU. Dy order of E. A. Jones, Chairman. . Attest Samuel S. Jones, Secretary. ArchbalU, Pa., Sept, 19, 1896, SCHOOL VOICE J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. (Organist of Elm Park Church.) UP1L of some of the most celebrated masters in Boston, Paris and Berlin. Boston 18K1-1SS9. l'ari ana Berlin, 1SS9-IS92. Paris, .... IvJI-IsDj. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Katherine Timberman CONCERT CONTRALTO, Pupil of MME.AIAKCHUSI, Paris, and HEURGEORG HLNSCHEL, Londiin, as TEACHER OF SINGING. Miss Timberman won high praise at a singer from some of the most noted celebrities in the world during her recent concert tour in Europe. FALL TERM OPENS Thursday, September 10, i896 VTI THirm 1 301 mm A?c" Cor. Linden St. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS' JAMES MOIR, lib Hi Has Moved U His Ntw Qiiartsrs. 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Entrance on tide next to Flret National Bank. Ho has now in a Comprising everything reqnlsltit for fla llurolmnt Tailoring. And tlm anma cau to shown to advantage in bla spien. dlaly flttod up rooms. A SPECIAL INVITATION Is Extended to All Readers ot Tht Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In His New Business Home THE ROOMS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'O'G, SCRANTON, PA. . BIINING AND BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. LAFLIN A RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE OUN POWDER Electric Battorles, Klentrin Exploder for ox plod inn blast, Safety Fuse, and Repanno Chemical Co. 's explosives. CALL UP 3682i Mil OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 41 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET. il. W. COLLINS, Manager. PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horsa-Radish Root, Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, Dili. it I PIERCE. Ill St frwot Lsf. RESTORES VITALITY. mm Made a istiiay.ft'f f5 1rrWell Man k71 LTV. il V Li. 1 i-mW of Me. THE GPftAT anth ti. nro.lil fi thm nlui.u mmi.i,. i.'-ui .1.. T. ..... pnwi-rfulljr suil iun klr. I'uren when all oter fall VnilUlXmrllU-lll tumll Inut tnaltl.nnJ n.lnl mi-u will recover their youthful vigor br lium Ki.VIVO. It nuirklrsiidaurelyreiitoieslirrvout. Wht. I.o,t Vitality, liupuiriuy, Klghtlr tmliuiloBi, I. wt Power, FalliDK .Mrniory, Waxtina Diaeawa.aud II efret of eeU-nbuM' or rireva and lndinortlon. r. hd-fi nnff t one tor o jr. bntlnera or marrlaire. it 'jot only run-H by atartint at tbe mat of d.leae. but Inanrrat nprvr- touio aud lilooil builder, brlai li'K ba.-k tbe pink glow to rale rhrlts soil re storinu tlio llre of youth. It warda off Innanllr ind t'onaumpUnn. Intitt oa haviite KKVIVO, nc ither. It can be carried In vent roi-set. lljr I I. 00 per package, or six lorSJJ.oo, withe peal Ue written e;naraatm te rure or refunc V mmpjf, Cirrularfroe. Address '"! fywni" - ...- (mp80. ''. For sale by IVAITHEWS BROS., Driiggl aScrutta, Pea INI; Kill liiOOSIC POWDER CO iioiyoiniMiiniNi; CO. IJliHil PIANO ORGAN Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSQ'A CO.. U. L CROFUT, PROPRIETOR. THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, Is new and well fui nlnhed and OI'KNKD TO THE PUH1.IC THE YEAR UOUNU, ie located midway between Hinghamton anj (Scranton, on the Montrose and Lacka wanna ruilrond, elx miles from D., I,. A W. R. R. at A I Cord Station, and five miles' from Montrose; rapacity etpnty-flvo. three mlnntea' walk from railroad station. House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of the house, which Is 100 feet. Row Boats, Fishing Tackle. Etc Free to (Juests. Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling In this respeot the Adirondack and CatsklU Mountains. Fine (troves, plenty of Bhnde and beautU fill eeenery, making n Summer Resort un. excelled In beauty and cheapness, Dancing pavilion, fwlnss, croquet (rronnile, etc. COT.n SPRINO WATEH AND PLENTY OF MILK. Rates $7 to tio Per Week. Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all stations on D., L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. DUPONT'S HIKING, BLASTING AND SPORTING yanufaotured at the Wapwallopon Mill Luxerne county, Pa., and at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming; District Ii8 WVOMINU AVKNL'E, Scranton, Pm Third National Dank Building. AGENCIES: THOS. FORD. Pittston. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH ft SON. Plymouth, Pa, E. W. Ml'LI.IGAN, WIlkes-Bari'e, P4. Agentn for tho Iti'pauno ChemicnJ Con. (a4iy's HI3I Explosives. THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF SIZES. THE I fi CONNELL CO., 434 LACKAW&NNfl AVENUE. E. ROBIN Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers, of the Celebrated CAPAClTYl Barrels per Annum POWDER BALDWIN'S II REfitl! li to to
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