THE SCKAXTON TRIBFNE WEDNESDAY MOKNT5TG, SEPTEMBER J, 1398. 8 GARBONOALE. f Reader vffl rdesss not that anvertlj sn-ntu, order for Job work, and Itemi i ror uhlteatlon left at tho establishment or (Shannon Co.. newsdeaUre, North Main street, will receive prompt attention; el tint onen from S a, m. to W p. na. FOOT BALL TO DAY. Au I'uilitis nme to De l'layi'd at Alumni Fork. The root ball season lu this city opi'im tliU afternoon with a game between the, original hlarh Bchool foot ball' team ami the Alumni team of 1S9J. Tliu Hlh School team of '!4 went thnntfili the season without losing u tfiime and today they will have to de fend their Well-earned luurels. The team hua practiced but a few times for the coming Came, but they played with the old style vim and dash which made them victorious In the put. The Alumni team have also muny pood Huyrs and the came will be hnrd fnURht. Oendell and Rymer, of lant year's Wyoming Seminary team, will May back of the line and their presence alone mean that the limine will be a good one. TO PAVE THE BRIDGES. W ork ill tommriH-e ut Oner ou tho Sixth Avenue Structure. The work of paving the new bridges will bTin at once and before long the pepnram.- of tho structures will be Kifatly changed. The material to be used will be vitrified brick, such as Is utd In the pavements. The brick for the Sixth u venue bridge Is on the ground and will be placed In position as soon as the work nf effacing Die cracks hus been completed. The workmen who are engaged In cut ting tlirough the wall at Sixth avenue hu.XH experienced much difficulty, owing to the hardness or. the concrete. This hus become like a solid piece of rock uiid requires much work to make any Impression on the surface. ItfpuiriiiK the .Methodi! Chui'i'h. Workmen are engaged, upon the MothodlSt church making few repuirs which will add much to the appearance ct the structure In tho Interior. Water has leaked through the roof lu various parts and the walls have been partly ruined and discolored. The leaks were calmed from ihe numerous gable mak ing It very hard to keep It water proof. The valleys, however, have been heavi ly coiipered and it Is thought that no more water will find Its wuy through. Frederick Frank and a corps of work men have been retouching the interior and now the pluee presents as tine ap pearance as when nut .er.'eted. The Anthracite's Xcw Proprietor. There are nieny persons who are wondering who shall be the proprietor of Hotel Anthracite upon the removal of .Ir. tJuteuor from this city, but the name has not yet been niuile public. The appllcunis fur the place are many ami are all men who have made a repu tation In the business, so that the pres ent success of the place will still be fiiHlulued. Among those who have ap plied are those who have been at the National at Kochcslcr. X. Y the New fomlnenial at Hintalo. the C'arrollton at, the .Macknhcins at Nor walk, Conn., ami many other places of I , I.- FLVSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. MImm May Cavauauch. of X'w York city, and Miss Best, of Archbiild. are the Vd'StiS of Mary ilyland, on Cottage si feet. Miss Kate McMiillen. who has been the RiK-st of ih:H Lillian Miller, of Sciaiilon, lias returned home. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Smith and children fue unending the week at the Lake House. Crystal Lake. Miss Mary Koote in spending Ihe week n Scranton. The Rev. Dr. (1. A. Place will return from Ocean drove tomorrow. Mrs. M. M. Ciaik. of Scrautou, Is vis iting her brothet. Horing I. Bunnell, on Blrkeit street. .Miss Mubel Howe, of Kingston. Is the gnest "f Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Purrty, on Spring street. Miss Klizalietli Harmon, of Hinsrhnin Iiiii. who hus been visiting Miss Ida While, will return to her home today. Miss May Crosby, of Pleasant Mount, Is the guest of Miss Reglna McCuue, on Co mi nan Hired. Charles Brown, of Susiiufhanna, who has been visiting friends in this city, has returned home. Miss Annie Hjiino, of Scraitton, is vis iting roliitices In town. William Oglcby and Thomas Peters have rt sinned their duties In the Dela ware and Hudson shops after their va cation. .Miss Altiiea Ranking, who lias boon visiting relatives in ICast Worcester and Cmiperstown. N. Y.. hits returned homo. Mrs. William Fredcrlcl, of Onrflcli! 11 venue, who has been quite sick, is simewhat better, Ralph Rymer was eallitig on friends In this city yesterday. W. D. Kvatm ami sons, WHl.tiM and John, have returned from a week's stay at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kel!. who have been visiting In this city, have returned to their home In Scranton. Mrs. Frederick Lowry, of liclinout street, who has been visiting In Sha mokin for the last three mouths, has re turned home. Miss Katie J. Keritis. of Wooillnwn avenue, who has been visiting friends lu Otcgo, N. Y., has returned home. She was accompanied by .Miss Maine Neer, of that place. Miss Emma Kahl, of Washington street, who has been visiting friends in Nicholson, lias returned home. Among the sludents who left this city to attend the various normal school ore: Miss May Kilpatrlck, Thomas M. Loft us and Miss Lizzie Unite. Mil- ANNUAL CUT PRICE REMNANT SALE OF CARPETS Just read our prlcri anil compare tliem with any and all ol the other attempt.: 25c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 18s 35c. Ingrain Carpets, Now 25c 50c Ingrain Carpets, Now 35c 65c. Brussels Carpus, Now 39c 75c Brussels Carpels, Now 57c 35c. Brussels Carpets, Now 75c Also a quantity of body Brussels lengths Ire m i to ao yards In each piece at about one hall price to close. J. SCOTT INCUS uck! Ava Caipeis and Wait Paper Dtaier. TERMS-Casb on the Above Qood. . lersville; Mioses Jennie Kearney nml Aluiy iicLean, Slroudsburg: Misses Kl la MoluiiO. Kiln Hart and Helen J'as. more. .Mansfield. Miss Maine Fagan, i'ittston. Is vH iling friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Smith, of New York city, nre visiting at the home of Mrs. Patrick C.lillgan, on South Church street. Miss Jennie llussell, of Fell town ship, is the truest of her sister, Mrs. S. S. Jones, of River street. Ray llunnell, who has been visiting his brother, Samuel liunncll, of Scran ton. has returned home. Ur. and Mrs. U. I. Ualley will go to lllnghuuiton today to attend the an imal reunion of the Bailey family. Miss Josle Watson, of Patorson, X. J., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. CV1 learn and family, of Knuth Main street, for the past summer, re turns home today. Miss Minnie Kerwhi. n trained nurse from Roanoke, Va., and Miss Kdna Johnson, of Scrnnton, spent Suwluy with .Mrs. Robert Kin back. Mrs. H, W. Dix and daughter, of Oar field avenue, have returned from a visit of several weeks with friends and rela tives In Starrncca and Susquehanna. OI.Y1MIAM. Mioses Ida and Minnie Ait, of West i Pittaton, are the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. ! S. 1 Apt, of Susquehanna street. j Miss Hume Larkin. who has been j the guest of ohn O'Mnlley and family j for the past three weeks, returned to her home In Washington yesterday . i Miss Lucy Farrell left yesterday for I New York where she will spend two j weeks. ! MIssps Katie and Julia Hesl, of Man- ! more street, are entertaining the Misses j Cavanallgh. of New York. The Ladles' Aid society of the I'les- j byti-rlan church and a number of their friends will spend tomorrow it Crystal Luke. j .Miss Murle Junes r-p. nt yesti iday ' with friends at his place. Miss Nellie Killcullen. of Philadel phia, Is visiting at he home of her mother on Dunmoiv street. I John O'Malley, of Hudson avenue. U-ft j Monday f r Kile. I'm., where he will! enter St. Michael's College. -Miss Helen Wade, ol Caibuiidale, who has been spendl.lg the past two tteeks with relatives here, returned home s terday. 1. J. Imiiean. of I'arboiidJile, was a culh-r in town ycsti rday. Jiev. b iijumln Morgans, of llyclc fark, formerly iiastor of the I'rvssby teiljn chinch here, circulated among his many fiitns heide this week. The Arabian show which holds fgeth In .Miles grove coiitliuii to ilraw larae erowd nightly. Miss Milll'ie Coliawny, of Muss., who has been spending the sum mer month at this place, will return home today. The Olyuhunt business college will open the -,8Ui of this mouth. There arc about 7"i scholar enrolled. .l. J. Loftus is lying in a ci-IUesl con dition at his home on Hill street. our town wlil be lu total darkness for two months beeaiife uur borough fathers deem It necessary to curtail ex pense. W'oiild It no be better to econo mize some oilier way'.' Lay off some of the cuuncilmen for a while; they need a vacation. The building committee of the council met lust evening ami awarded the- t'ol- lotting contract lu connection with i the new electric plant: finishing oft the plai't, such lis palming, c eiling, sid ing.s to., Soreks Urns.. SI'.KI.I'i x cavation for laying Pipe to the plant, T. Gavin, twenty cents per lineal yard: plates for lite room, Thomas .M"Coninic, one and u half cents per pound. P. M. McLnughllii announces himself a candidate lor delegate lo thfc Dem ocratic, county convention In the Sec ond waul of Llakely. JKRMYN. Mrs. Patrick Mulherhi died at her home In Ernst Jerinyn yesterday morn ing at :l o'clock. Deceased was born in Ireland fifty-two years ago, her maiden name being Donahue. She was a lady : of cheerful uisposltlon mid loving char- I ueter and her demise Is mourned by a , legion of friends. She is survived by a 1 husband ami ten children, five Isiys and i live girls. They are Mrs. .Ihiiics Mc- : .tiulrrw, of Dumuore: (Vila. Michael. ! James. Kila, Marguerite. Kulle. Patrick. ; Anthony and John. A brother, James , Donohue. of Oswego. X. Y.. and two sisters. .Mrs. o Connor, ol nswego, ami j Ellen Donohue, of Jermyn, also mourn her loss. Deceased was a devout Caiho- , He and an active member of the Altar and Itosary society anil Sacred Heart ; league. Arrangements for the funeral ; have not yet been announced. S. i !. Kerr, of Scranton. will deliver j his lecture on "A Trip Throiifth Ireland" j Friday evening In the .Methodist Epls- ' copal church in the Interest of the hp- worth league. Admission free to all. I Mrs. Charles DhvIck and Mrs. M. Ellis, of .Moosic.were in Carbondale, yes- 1 tenluy, Tile school board r.iei. in regular res- ; slon last evening. j William Harvey, of Nonii Ma,n street, has received word from his ati iieys at Washington, r. ('.. that his claim for a patent i n an improved carpet loom has been allowed and that it will be Is sued Immediately. The nttornejs say it IS a vnillitoi" invention aim mm.- i.arve.v ,0 time 0,0 ra.e,,., ,o,o ing five other countries. 1'raetkal men who have examined the loom speak well j of Us merits. Ralph Rymer. of Main tr"ct. wa a C'aiiioiidale visitor yesterdav. I The Ladles' Aid society of til." Metho- j disl Kplscnpul church will picnic at Mid way grove, nt (he terminus of thfc street , railway, today. 1 A game of foot ball will be played at i Alumni park this afleruoon between the I High school of 'I' and the Alumni team. ; Ralph Rymer and Richard Hernial!, or this place, will be among tho (da .vers of the ''Jl eleven. FOREST CITY. ASheii-i r A. L. Moigan will he at tb -oiliee of 'Siulto D. R. Urnmiin loruon inv alid Thursday, previous to returning the registration of voters. All 'jimlitied voters should see that they are ivgls tcied. Miss Laura Davie?, of Wyoming, is the guest of her friend. Mins Flo Allen. f Kii.'ii ui ii'.'i 11 H im. .tii.s r 11 Mien. A yuunir child of Mr. and Mm. Thmnai. Hoc.ii' dlfd Alunduy niorninp nf cholent ini'aiitiim. Xnti-rincnt In CarluindaK', yewlerday nftPinoon. J. H. Oretgfin. of rarliuiidalo, wan a Forest City visitor yesterday. UiisinesH railed J. l' Wllcox.of llones dali to tlil pliu:c yoHlildny. A number of canes of dlntithcrla are reporied In lliln bornuRh. The Hlx-yem -old won of Joo llodltls siiccumluHl to the alove dlscuMt yfflerdiiy. William P. 'Winner, of Quukortown, Pn., was n-guitered at tlm Forent House yesterda y . Minn Foreman Moses Evans spent Sunday at Beech Pond, Wayne county, and In Hnnesdale. Mrs. Kvriis Is en Joyinit a two weeks' sojourn at the for mer plnre. W. H. Duviea, of Wyoming, a student at the University of Pennsylvania, via. lt?d friends in this place Monday even ii:t. Jir. I?uvle is an euiiiuulnstlii t! In.-:;j wheeled .from Factory -viile on Slor'iiiv. mat J. c. vsv.wi' f:ar monih'-uM daiighioi- . dleii Monday evening or cholera infantum. Interment-will be this afternoon In Hillside cemetery. Superintendent W. A. May, of Hcran ton. was in town yesterday. AYOCA.. . 'The death of J. J. Dougherty, a promi nent young man of this town, occurred yesterday morning at the residence of his mother, Mrs. William Neuone, of the West Side. Deceased was a young man of exemplary habits and a member of the St. Aloyslus society. A few weeks ago he contracted typhoid fever, which afterwards developed Into pneumonia. He was twenty-three years of age and Is survived by a grief-stricken mother.who is uncontrollable over the loss nf her only son. The fuueial will take place tomorrow afternoon. Interment will he in St. Mary's cemetery. There will be no carriages. .Miss B. (ilbbons. of Scranton. spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McMillan have returned home after a few mom lis' visit with friends in Wales. The funeral of John Hoone took plnc on Monday afternoon and was lumely attended. The remains n-poHfd In a handsome casket and was viewed by several hundred sorrowing friends. The Moral offerings wen- many and costly. After service at St. Mary's church the cortege moved to St. Mary's cemetery, where inti iincnt was made. The pall bearers were Alex, lilllesnle, Jr., Alex. tSillespie. sr., Ueorge and John Graham and George Rrailhf rry. The jiny appointed to Investigate ihe above case met on Monday morning and rendered the following verdict: We, the jurors in the case of John Hoone, And I that he came 10 his death on account of i an accidental ulsehui'Me of a shotgun : while hunting ami exonerate his com , bunions from all blame. (Signed) Leon j Schlager, A. J. Hurret, I'atWck McGow an. L. J. O'AIalley, W. U. Cumin and M. P. Whalen. The hoi'.e company have decided to conduct their fair during the week be- I uimilng Oct. 19. , MlbS Agues Clbbons left yesterday to I intend the illoomsbiirg State Normal school. She was accompanied, by her ; father. The St Aloysius society will meet In their rooms this evening to make ar rangements to attend the funeral of their deceased member, J. J. Dougherty. .Mr. David Kcarus, or Philadelphia, called ou friends in town yesterday. William Dixon will leave In u few diivs to e'.tee as a student in St. Michael's college, Toronto. The Mooslc Hopulars will cross hats with the Susur Notch team this after noon on the tatter's grounds for a purse of $lni a side. Messrs. W. If. Morris. C. J. and Hugh Gallagher, of Philadelphia; K. C. McLel- j luu, of Pittsburg: James Uushwood, of ! Lynn. .Mass.. mid James Naughter, of ! Album-, spent Sunday at the Morahan residence. T.VYI.OK. Mrs. Philip Warren, of Hyde Park, at tended the funeral of Mrs, Margaret Davis on Monday. The iues;tlon or placing an Independ ent candidate In the tield for the legis lature from the Third district is agi- tuled In town. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Heenur have re turned home, alter a two weeks' visit lu New Jersey. Misses Minnie mid Mary J. Davis, of the central city, attended Hie funeral of a relative in this place ou Monday. Airs. David X. Lewis Is seriously ill ut her homo on Grove street. The borough schools opened Monday for the term or nine months and the at tendance in every department was very small, owing to the pupils not having accrtiticate to show that they hud been ucclnaied. It Is hoped that their pa rens will see that the children are Vac dinted us soon us possible, so that they can Join the other pupils In Iheir stu dies. on Wednesday evening. Sept. Pi. u grand picnic will be held under tin? aus pices of Ihe Ivollte lodge of ihin pluee. This Is the second time they have made their appearance In anything to swell their exchequer since Its organization, which was about twenty-five yeurs ago. JH1NOOK.V Mrs. M. O'Mnlley, nf Piilston. visited friends on Stafford street ycstelduy. Mr. and Mis. ,). Cuvuuaugh, of, who haee been visiting friends here the nasi few days, re luriie l home v sterduv. Michael Walsh l electing 11 hand some rtsidence on Gilmoie uvciilie. John J. Coyne, our well-km vvn nml popular townsman, served us chairman of the cnnVeiiMon of the Third legisla tive Deiri-'Cinis yesterday. The political pot is simmering. Aspir ants hit nnin 'lous for delegate to the Denim ratlc cnuniy convent ion. Kvldonily the promoters of the re form movement have given up their evaiigeiislic work. .Mrs. John Gromully, of Mnyfleld, vis ited her mother, Mrs. Lynn, of Main street, last pvr-nlng. Much intermit is 1 entered 1 1 the coin ing fool luce between Michael Joyce, of .. ,,,, i,,..,,. ,3,.,,,.,. ,,, 'evio,- ... . . S, tit ember The numerous trb-iids of Joyce feel cmilident that he will iiut-siuint his opponent. The township iiuoitors met lest even ing at Cii, k's More. Mr. arid Mrs. J J. Cavaiiaugh nnd family, of Wilki's-l'arve, siil yesn-r-ihiy wiili friends here. lioteimaii .1. J. Coyii" and .liiines Wall( ' will represent the south dls- "Merit talks" the intrinsic vulue of Hood's Sorsaparilla. Merit in medicine nxar.b tho power to cure. Hood's rtarsaparills possesses actual and unequalled curative power Bud there fore it tins true merit. When you buy ti,.4(j t lit 2i ji I "d s "apar.lla.nnd take it according to riirtctiuiiH, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood d it cases, you Dro morally ccrmiu to receive benellt. The power to cure is there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and tliu9 drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the wholesystcui. Sarsaparilla Is the best. In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & 0., Lowell, Mail. Hood's Pills .Xa trict at the' convention of the Demo crat of the Third InP-glshstiv district. The rrtnaitis cf a Bve yenr'uld boy of Charles Stewart, who dltd funday, will ; be interred In Mir.noka Catholic t eme- 1 tery this afternoon. ' I'ACTORYVlLI.i:. John Walter, who has been vlsitlug his parents In thin pluce, returned ti York ttate Monday. Sir. and Mrs. John Warner, of Man hattan, Kansas. Mrs. Pcnwarden. of. Scranton. and Mrs. Lee end daughter, Daisy, of Waymart. were the guests of Mrs. L. D. Kemmerer thfc week. It is rumored about that Mr. Page, of Scranton, has purchased the Hen wood property and will hereafter make it his summer home. Keystone Academy opened Tuesday morning with a large attendance. Miss Helen Hard will leach at Great Bend this year. Miss HertJia Reynolds, of Peckvllle. is visiting friends lu town. Prof. Loomls was u caller In town yesterday. Mr. Warren and family have re turned from a visit with friends in Vnlondale. Miss Kate Ltiunduge attended the soldiers' reunion at Lake Carey Fri day. AKCIIH.M.U. The marriage of Miss Annie Lind, of Main treet, to Mr. P. K. Caffiey. of Hill stieet. Is announced t.i take place on Tuesday next. Miss Tessle Gllgal lou and James McDonuel will be mar ried later this mouth. Mrs. Cm-run, cf W-vv York city, who has been visiting Mrs. John Carroll, of Church street, during the past, few wt -ks, went home yesterday. Mlsa Msggle Cosgrove, of Pine street, has returned to Mansfield StBte Noraml school alter seemling her viication ut her home here. John K. MeHale. of the East Side, will be a candiate for delegate to the Deii:o..ratle county convention from the Second ward. Miss Bridget Lally has returned to Philadelphia afPr a pleasant vucatlon spent at her home here. The public schools opend yesterday nuirnlng. The attendance Is much lurger thuu it Una ever been heretofore. MOSCOW. Monroe LVnnett, of Wllkes-Harre, Harry Stevens and Miss Bessie Powell, of Lunimoie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ycager on Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. William lirown are vis iting their son, Rev. L. E. Brown, in Brooklyn, .Mrs. K. K. Millard, of Carhondale, who has been visiting Mrs. B. H. War dell, returned home Friday. Miss Sue 1'yle has aecepti d a posi tion In t'leniotis, 1'Vrber oi U'Malley's store, Scranton. J. E. Loveland has bought V. K. Leaur's interest in the Hour and feed mill on Cooper street. The public schools opened here on Moiiduy. Miss Aynes Walts returned home Monday from Sterling, where she has been visiting for the pasit two weeks. MOOSIC. Kd. J. Robertson, of Smtm a, Jefferson county, is visiting ut the home of his uncle. John M. Robertson, on Main street The Ladies' Home anil Foreign Mis sionary society of the l'resbyterlan church will meet on Friday afternoon at the residence of Duncan Mc.Murtrie, on South .Main street. Mrs. John M. Robertson and daugh ter Marjorle. who have been visiting at Lake Wlnola, returned home Monday after a pleasutit visit. F. .1. drover was a caller In Scranton yesterday. Mrs. James .. Hand was a visitor in Scranton yesterday. Frank Frost and wife, of Spike island, were callers In Scranton yesterday. STUCK CLOSER THAN A BROTHER. Hud Kxperiencc of a Mouth Dakota .Man Willi it l'orus Fluster. Jefferson, S. I)., Sept. L After strug gling several hours to release himself from the embrace of a porous plaster Henry Wilkleson of Jefferson visited a physician, to whom he confessed that the palu of the operation was more than he could bear. Ho besought the doctor lo give him an anaesthetic nnd complete the task. 1'nder pretense of making an examination before com plying with his patient's request the man of medicine seized a corner of the plaster and gave a. long, strong pull. Wilkleson howled with agony, but n moment later and he nnd the pluster were divorced forever. A large square of epidermis was missing front his anatomy, however, and had not the Physician exceeded his patient in size In the ratio of nearly hi to 1 It is likely that Wilkkson would have been avenged on the snol. As it Is he has Hied the original noilee of a -Hi damage suit aalnst the doctor. He will demand compensation not only for physical and mental suffering, but for the doctor's action in relating the elrcniiiHiiiuecs to his friends, und so holding him up, as he says, to public ridicule nnd contempt. PROMINENT VVEDDINU DELAYED. Scii.-mlioiiol Hitch in a Scll Society Allah nl HriiU'cport, ( nun. llridiicport, Conn.. Sept. 1. nrldfic port suiclcty haK Juist received curd.i which rend us follows: OwiiiK t i unavoidable circumntnticox the nnotluls of 111ns Frances Klinor ThoinpHi.n and Pruuklin Sccly Cook cannot take plucc ut Trinity KpiHcopnl church Sept. ". 1S9II. AIIS.-S Thompson is the diiuuliP'r of Sir. and Mrs. Sylvester M ThompKou mid :i niieo of Mrs. Uiivid '. Thomns-on, duiicht.-r ,,r the Int.. !. T. Illinium. Mr. Cooli Is 11 son of (Itfii'Ki V. Cook, n prominent 1.;. A. K. man. and Is teller in the Connecticut National bank. Sir. Thomp.-on deelincd to explain unytliim; about the pcstponeiii.'nt. "It's all dark to me," lie said. "I um worried enough now without tcllinK anything for publi cutlon." Mrs. Thompson Hnld: "The curd offers alt the explanation ivf care to niiike at present. 1 ho poitionemcnt is Indefinite." Civil Service Cl:iiiicntiti. Waxliliitfion, Heit. I. Ten thousand em idoyes uniler the war denrtniHiit wei" elaysllied In th' civil service today In a'. ciirdanei- with the sweeuinjr order of liie lirerl'icnt of M iy n l ist, whleh exteieli'il the oiicnitloii of the law to practically nil K'-vi rniiieni employes except those la I Hirer whose work did. 1101 roulre any ureut iinioiint of le litili al skill or IntellU nee above an onliieiry deirreo. ( II tho Unby I t'utliug Tt ith. Mrs. Wlnslow'- Koothlnr P-rnp hn been used for over Fifty Years by Mil. ! :ns of Mother for t:.eir Children while Tcethtnir. witli Perfect Buccess. It Soothes the Child. Softens th Gums, .Mlays all Pain. Cures Ylnrt Collo nnd Is the best remedy (or Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists In every part ot tr world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Bootbinjc Syrup." and talcs no other kind. Twenty-flva centa a bottle. jus a; mm 7w Am m k JUMPER - can now wear a collar as spotless as tUat of the man in a dress coat. Hov ever dirty his work, tlic workman can have a clean collar every day with out cost if be wears the ElluloiO AGARIC. " VfARK iNTrni iNrn It enn be cleaned in n twinkling by the wearer, with a wet clolta or sponge. It combines satisfaction, economy nttd comfort. No fraved edges to chafe tho neck. The ''Celluloid" collars and cull's arc the genuine interlined goods with a "Celluloid" surface and bear the above mark. They arc water proof. All others are imitations. If your furnisher doc not keep thcta rcud to us direct. Collars, 20c. eucik Culls, 40c. pair postpaid. TUB CKLI.IXOIU COMPANY, New lark. CAOm I ft tothcfcut tkii gArVblw lot time guwu. E rely for our success ' not on large profits but on our large sales. Our All-VVool $ Suits Made to Order for - - Are the talk of the town. We do not ask you to take anything that is not a perfect fit, or that does not please you in every way. Jl 215 Wyoming Ay. OKKil.NATOK OF MODKRN METHODS IN MERCHANT TAILORING. THE ROOMS I AND 2, CCni'LTH B'L'D'C, SCRANTON, PA. UING AND BUSHES POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE' WORKS. LAFLIN A RAND POWDER CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Electric Enttnrios. Electrii- Exrlodor. for ex ploding uiuHtH, Katt-ty I uso, und Eepauao Chemical Co. 's HKiH EXPLOSIVKS, tin jViL'i.iyi'' What 5arah Bernhard say. Tltri IUKAI. A.MHUICAN TkiP NOklMhKN STIiA.MSHII COMPANV. Thu Superely Aiipomt.'U and (-'enim.(lious to I teninilllp.. NORTHWEST AMI NOl! M1I.AM), inerieini tlirnai: nisi lir (.'h. lenvo Hulr'.'ilo lestlnv- 1 lid I-rid ysv ,tn p m. I t Cleveland, Detrelt, Mackinac. Ihe 'nu. Diifulh, i,iid csttru Piiiiits. eus.uii nil plaeea of iliturct by ui.ylii.-lit lueonne tiuu Willi TI1K (Jk'l-AT NOkTHERN RAILWAY, it fi-rii s the inimt d.reet ri.t. unit fr.m ev ery p- inc ef l einjiarion. the m.t dflititfid lotd oeihfortat I" one t .VinneapnliK, M i'uiil, rent Fulls 1'eieiis. T utt. Sio ;ne mid P--i ii eiuhi. Ylm oidv tiriiiM otjtineiilut line rnnnliiK the lauious btifl'et, library, obs.-rva tion ear. ver i',7 l-onr tr.i'" for Pertlnr.d vii Seok 'lev MOTKI. LAPAYHTTI-:. Lake MlnnetanUa, iH niiies tieui . liie-nt elil, largest bojiiliul reorr in lh w.-Kt- iekstsand Hiiy intor uatinn of auy Ofent or A. '. II r KD Ueueral l'usfctiiiker nk'eUt, buffalo, N. Y. WILLIAM S MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scrantco ROOMS 4 AND S OAS AND WATER CO. BUILUIN0, CCHKE2 uYOKIfiG AVE. AND IEN1ER ST. OFFICE IfOma from 7.30 a. m. to p. an. (1 hour inierndsalon (or dinner and supper.) Partlcalar Attention Olvea to Collection.. Prempt tettlrment Uuiranteed. Your Butt Mu Is Rwpectialiy bMklUO. Tetepboae im i ii ' MS S.GKERR,SONc&C0. NOVELTIES IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FLOOR COVERING, ,NCLU",N0 CH0,ceselbct,nS m WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, SAVONNERIES, MOQUETTES, VELVETS, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC BRUSSELS. New and Handsome Effects in MATTELINE, JAPANESE nd CHINESE MATTINGS. 1 Our complete line in every grade for the Fall Trade hat been received. An inspection will be instructive and to your advantage. CLEARING SALE I Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS. VELV Consisting of short lengths in TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVETS, MOQUETTES, AXMINSTER CARPETS, suitable for Rugs, in lengths of U, IJ and I j yards. Prices, 3Scts., SOcts , 75cts,. $1.00, SI.25 and $1.50 each. S. G. KERB, Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming Mouse. ON THE fCUARE EDGED I SQUARE BUTTED LUM8EH, SQUARE EUNCHED 4-FOOT LATH. s RICHARDS .rC2 tCIKfliOME LTH B.IL3IN1 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, MISTING AMD PUMPING MACHINERY. Ccaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA. 6TEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged tna Leading PIANOS Ol in WarIA DECKER BROS., kRAMCUE BACHB and ataara. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. urchaKr wilt alwayn find a camplota (tack and at price a. low a. the ipial Uy af the fnHrument w'M pcfinit at I I HULBERT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming A. Scranton W ' 'o. O o o o o o o I A JTood" So said Office oesics Q all business men will agree with Lim after X examining our splendid big office desk, supplied J with innumerable compartments, drawers and 4 v shelves for the bestowal of papers, books and all the necessary accoutrements of business life more convenient than old-fashioned ones every ft. liecessitv is within lmnrlc vr.:, . 1. : 0 "V j price from $1 1.75 0 for a good flat top desk trriAn 2 i 1 tnneeaairp cli . .. ..v... v. v styles office chairs and stools and other office Q supplies. 0 This Department is Receiv- ing Special Attention. o SON & CO. 408 Lackawanna Avenue SQUARE. WARE nFALINft TO iuARE Dealers. LUMBER CO., PHJ.I 421 MIDSUMMER ClfflUALI Sterling Silver Shirt WuUt Sets. urtli (iSc to $1; choice fur SOc. U orth $l.'J5 to $1.75; choice fur $l.0O. Sterling Silver Belt Duckies, Morth ;l.5(. ut $2.50. Worth $2.SO, ut $1.75. Closing Out nil our Fine China ut about Half 1'rice. Genuine Rogers' Triple Plate Spoons. Forks uuii Knives ut reduced prices, tu Kfuvecl free. Teu Sets, Ice Pitclicis, Cake liaskets, etc., finest plnte, new styles, very low prices. At our New Store, 130 WYOMING AVENUE. ffy Heme Furnishers and Clotbiers, m-m and m Wyoming kit. ft.. ... ...v. I'Miuuaiiuii ut au "w, C Teremv Ta,rlrtr 0 J a v-uv. -uv.iuum iu we run up in the higli rwxr timr tlntt tturt f1nfn
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