THE 6CBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOBNINU. SEPTEMBER 3. 1890. Neute WST SIDE EVENTS. ce Cream Social For the Benefit of a Flaj Fund Personal Mention and News Notes. The Ladles Auxiliary of tho Putrlotlo Order Sons of America and the Patriotic Order True Americans are making an effort to place American lias over the two new public school bulldinga on this Bide. No. 18 and No. 19. With that eud in view an ice cream social with cake accompaniment was given last night In the hall over Jenkins' drug store. There was a large attendance. The commit tee in charge consisted of Mrs. ftundolph Jones, chairman; Mrs. llattie Marsh, Mrs. Anna Loden, Mrs. Lizzie Dorsuy, , Miss Augusta Uurchell, and J. J. Ureen. At the social were sepresentatives of nearly every Patriotic ramp in this re Klon. . A great interest Is being taken In the flag movement. Camps 17S and 333 are assisting in raising the fund. The Ladies' Auxiliary will next Sat urday afternoon drive to Paid Mount, where the camps of that place will hold a clam bake. ' WEST SIDE WHEELMEN. The club house on South Main avenuo will soon have a novel sign in front. A large wheel will be erected on the front balcony nnd on the wheel will be placed in letters of bronxvd tin the club name. The wheelmen are preparing for the winter social season. In the better dance circles the club will take the place of the disbanded "Colonials," who are now members of the wheelmen. The rooms will be headquarters for the Elite dancing class. Lieutenant Charles Softley has returned from a stay at At lantic City. Arch McCracken Is on his return trip from Pen Van. The next club run will be to Nantleoke. THEY KISSED liUT QUARRELED. Those Arabians who enjoyed un Ar menian melee among themselves last Saturday night at the Seventh street hotbed seem a peculiar lot. After tho hearing before Alderman John Monday afternoon the four male defendants and the one female nroseeutrlx iinrtlefnnteil In osculation as a proof that all ill feel ing was over. It was a novel sight to see full-gruwn men kissing eaeli other and the woman foisting her lips on ad four of her assailants of the night pre vious. Kut the kisses did not heal all wounds. Constable Timothy Jones re arrested one of the defendants yester day. The man would not pay his line of $2. At an early hour in the morning he visited the constable and asked that the law would compel another man to puy the tine. The Arab was arrested, but soon produced the money. AD NOTES SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Miss Stella Emery, of Portland, Pa., has returned home lifter a visit on this side. Misses Mary and Ruth Levvis.of Brad ford county, have ended a visit on this side. The MeClellan Fife and Drum corps will hold a picnic at Weber's grove, Sat urday, Sept. 6. Mrs. R. A. Phillips, of Jackson street, is 111. Mrs. Joseph Roynols, of Hampton street, who bus been visiting in Wales, is en route for home. Miss Josephine Van Dycke, of Phila elphia, who has been the guest of Miss Estella Oreen, of Archbald street, has returned home. Miss Mabel and Forest Dershelmer have resumed studies at Keystone Acudemy. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farr, of North Main avenue, are home from the coun try. Mr. Charles Davis and daughter, of Elmira,. have returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armstrong, of Jackson street. Maurice Miller, of Washburn street, Is home nfter a visit to friends at Wll llamsport. William Thirwell and mother, of Ash land, have returned home from a visit with relatives on Tenth street. Mrs. J. Terra Jones, of Nantleoke, Is visiting relatives on Eynon street. Miss Ida Strauss, of South Seventh street, is home after a Visit to Carbon dale friends. Mrs. David Evans, of North Hyde Park avenue, is entertaining Mrs. John Jones, of Wilkes-liarre. The date for the Reese-Stevens wed ding, which was announced In yester day' Tribune, has not yet been decided MILLION patriotic voters have roc I j ognized the confusion of our pub lic politics, and arc determined loin lor in themselves, and stand like patriots in the hour of their peril and vote to the best of their knowledge, for the best interests of the common people of the whole country. It means further that every voter wants to know, not only the doctrines of his own party, hut the views of all other parties and the reason for the differences Gold, Silver, Tarlif and Free Trade. To this end we have secured a complete handbook of public po litical information, edited by Lawrence F, l'rescott, WHICH WE WILL PHESENT TO THE PURCHASER OF ANY MEN'S SUIT. Ti SAMTERS . Square Dealing Clothiers, Hatters and1 oi fb? Siibtirbs. upon. An erroneous Impression pre vailed yesterday that the wedding had taken place. Mrs. Sara A. Robertson and daugh ter Fannie, of Wilkes-Bar re, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Robertson, of North Re becca avenue, returned home yesterday. Mrs. Frank Von Shrader and Miss Laura Von Shrader, of, have returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Freeman, of South Main avenue. Mrs. M. P. Daniels, of Division street, was in Kingston yesterday. . ( Miss Sarah Jones, of North Promley avenue, Is at Clark's Summit on a visit. Miss Connell, of West Lackawanna avenue, Is home from Ariel. The board of trade will meet next Tuesday night. The Jackson street Baptist church will conduct an entertainment one wee from Thursday night. The Washburn street Presbyterian church are arranging for their forth coming excursion to Lake Ariel. Went Side Ilusinuss Directory. HARRIET J. DAVIS. FLORIST.-Cut flowers and funeral designs a specially; 104 South Main avenue; two doors from Jackson street. PHOTOGRAPHER. Cabinet photos, 11.44 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Starncr's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 Ssuth Mala avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see th stock of J. C. King, HC4 and lua Jack son street. . PKOVIDLNCi;. Miss Nellie Hurlbutt, of Putnam street. Is visiting friends In Otsego coun ty, N. Y. Mrs. S. E. Stanton, of Elmira, N. Y., Is the guest of her brother, Eugene Stan ton, of North laln avenue. Mrs. Jane Connolly, of Leggett's street. Is dangerously 111. Misses Kate Mauley, Jennto O'Hara and Nellie Langan have returned from a sojourn at' Lake Wlnola. Miss .Margaret Hughes, of Rrooklyn, Is visiting Mrs. I). H. Fitzgerald, of West Market street. John May and Frank Sweeney left to day to resume their studies at Epiphany college, Md. Miss Annie Prlee, of Archbald, re turned home yesterday after visiting friends In this section for a few days. Mrs. John Myers, of Clark's Summit, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. 11. Kentor, of Summit avenue. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jones, of Sport avenue, a boy. John llaggerty, of Leggett's street, met with a painful accident while at work in the Leggett's creek colliery yes terday afternoon. He was running a self-dumping car down the siding when the trap door sprung open. The con tents of the car forced the unfortunate bov to the ground and a huge piece of coal rolled on his left arm und fractured It between the shoulder and elbow. 11" was removed to the home of his parents, where the Injured member was dressed. Miss Kate Allison, of Rendham, Is the guest of Mrs. David T. Evans, of Wayno avenue. Mrs. Charlotte Marsh, of Main nve- nue, is visiting relatives in L.e jioy, i. riuimna Crognn, of Honesdale, is vis iting John E. Lynott, of West Market street. John F. Mullen nnd fleorge O'Donnoll left yesterduy for St. Paul and Minne apolis. English Capital for American Invest ' nirnts. Important to Americanj seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A list containing the names and addresses of 3,10 successful promoters who hava placed over flOO.000.000 sterling in for eign investments within the last six years, and over 18,000,000 for the seven months of 1S05. Price 5 or $25, payable by postal order to the London and Uni versal Bureau of Investors, 20, Cheap side, London, E. C. Subscribers will be entitled, by arrangement with the directors to receive either personal or letters of Introduction to any of theso successful promoters. This list is first class In every re spect, and every man or firm whoso name appears therein may be depend ed upon. For placing the following it will be found Invaluable Bonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns, Mortgage loans. Sale of Lands, Fatents or Mine?. Dlrectors-SIR EDWARD C. ROSS, HON. WALTER C. PEPYS. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFE. Copyright. 81 SOUTH SIDE NEWS. For Wife-Bealiac John SchwurU is Ar rested Four Tim:s Within Three Months. John Schwart of Irving avenue, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by his wife charging him with beat ing her. Alderman M.Ular, of the Eighth ward, before whom Schwarti was brought, held hint to ball In the sum of $300 for his appearance at court. This Is the fourth time since June that he has been arrested and required to furnish bail for wife-beating; and at the next term of criminal court he will have to answer on four four separate charges of assault and battery. He Is about thirty years old and has made It a habit. to beat his wife every pay day, for no rea son except that he feels In the humor to do so when he comes home drunk. DEATH OF ROGER JONES. Roger Jones died Monday night at his residence on the corner of Prospect ave nue and Ripple Btreet. He was forty eight years old and had lived on this side nine years. He was a devout mem ber of St. Luke's Episcopal church and belonged to James Connell lodge. Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. His wife and a son and a daughter, T. F. Jones and Mrs. W. H. Evans, survive him. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS. Miss Annie Mornn, of Mlnooka, was married n. few" days ago to Uernard Maekey, of reckville. She is a daugh ter of John Moran, whose wife was killed a year ago by a street car on Main street, Minooka. Another meeting of the South Scran ton Dulldlng and Loan association will he held next Monday night at S01 Pros pect avenue, at which the renminbis shares of the new series of stock will be disposed of. St. John's parochial school opened yesterday with a full attendance. Miss Maa-y Stephens, of New York, is the guest of Cedar avenue friends. At the meeting of the South Scranton Wheelmen last evening Percy R. Frut chy, of Pcnn avenue, was made an act ive member. GKKFN RIDGE. Mall Carrier Joseph Fldiani Will move Into his new residence In North Park on the llith. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hrumlago, of Dickson avenue, hove gone to St. Paul, Minn., to attend the national encamp ment. Mis. Will Pace and daughter are vis iting relatives In New York city. The Women's Christian Temperance union will hold Its regular meeting in the rooms on IYnn avenue tomorrow at 2:110 p. m. F. Hemery leaves today for Pottsvllle where he will spend a few days on a business trin. Mr. Rruck is making preparations for opening an oyster house and lunch room on Ureen Ridge street. Tom Dunn left Monday for Illon, where he will reside In the future. The Loynl Temperance Legion held its meeting last evening on Penn nvo nue. It was decided to hold a picnic at Mountain Lake within, a few days If the weather Is favorable. The Daptlst Young People's union, of the Oreen Ridge llnptlst church, pic nicked at Nay Aug Park yesterday. There was a large attendance. George Perigo Is entertuing his moth er and aunt of the West. IWNMOUt:. Misses Llllie nnd Maine Keller, of Mill street, have returned home from a month's visit with friends in Strouds burg. Miss Emma Krank, of lirook street, has gone to spend the ensuing we.-k wit'.i relatives In Stroiidsburg. The Pennsylvania Conl company of fers a reward of $lu( for the apprehen sion of the miscrennts who started a train of loaded coal cars, causing the scattering of over 150 tons of coal and badly damaging the cars. It happened last Sunday night between the Moun tain and Gipsy Grove collerles. Rruclley Woodhull, of Adams avenue, Is enjoying a tour through the west for his health. An examination for teachers and scholars will bo held by Superintendent Houser tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock in the High school building. The Ladies' Aid society of the Dud ley street Pnptlst church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wilds, of Mill street, on Thursday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tower and daugh ter have gone to their home In New Jer sey, after a pleasant visit among their friends here. FEELING THEIR WAV. Assrosnrs Want to lie Fortified by An Opinion From the City Solicitor. The city assessors held a private meeting yesterday nr.d a consultation with City Solictor Torrey regarding tho order they received last week from the board of revision and appeals directing them to make a new assessment. They are not hesitating about com mencing their task, but merely want to make sure that there are no legal straw3 in the way. Mr. Torrey will today write an opinion covering the whole ground, which the assessors propose to (lie as a safeguard against any future complica tions that may arise. WEST MOLNTAINOITRAGE. Warrant IsMied for a Polish Woman Who Cannot He Found. Facts recntly unearthed regarding the Identity of the person who aban doned the babe on the West Mountains caused tho police to secure a warrant for the arrest of a young Polish woman. Hefore the warrant was Issued, It was later ascertained, the woman left the city. Relatives and friends of the supposed guilty woman profess Ignorance as to her whereabouts. Funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Taylor. The funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Taylor was largely attended yesterday morn ing. Sendees were held at the home, 312 Webster avenue. Rev. Mr. Ilinrns ofllciated. Mr. Wooler, tenor of Elm Park church choir, sang two very sweet and appropriate songs. The re mains were taken to Spring Brook for burial, where services were also held at the old home church of the deceased. Rev. H. F. Wardell officiating. The pall bearers were: D. W. Powell, John H. Thomas, Charles E. Dolph, Henry Jenkins, Alfred E. Jones and William Kingslnnd. The floral offerings were numerous. t rillshury Flour mills have a capac ity of 17,(00 barrels day, HIS FIRST CONVOCATION. Dr. Council Exercises the Daties ol Ilii New Office Last Nigat. v Grand Chtancellor H. N. Dunnell, of the Knights of Pythias, held his first special convocation of the grand lodge In the lodge room of Scranton lodge. No. 26, last evning. The convocation officers were: Grand Chancellor H. N. Dun nell; vice-grand chancellor. O. E. Saxe; grand prelate. Dr. Newton; grand master at arms, O. S. Ridgeway; gTand keepr of records and seal, Martin Joyce; grand inner guard, William Shinier. The past chancellor's degree was con ferred on tho following Knights: Alex. D. Wylle, W. E. Chase, Carbonale; W. H. Matthews, Hector James, Samuel Hill, Olyphant; Joseph and William Coombe, Taylor; Henry F. Lewis, W. O. Sears, Peckville; George W. Spencer, George Englert, Dunmore; James P. Morgan, Moosic; Fred Dene, Jernryn; and E. E. Wint, Christ H. Weber, Al bert Van Hontcn, W. J. Jenkins, E, E. Jones, Fred Dleehl, W. J. Murray, John Hahn, Alolso Rudler. C. E. Becker, R. M. Kolin.-itamin, J. K. Lamble, Charles W. Wllhelm, F. B. Mclntyre, Charles E. Weldaw, Henry Hancock, Charles W. DeWight, Davidson Castles, Wil liam L. Will. Henry Engle, A. J. Thomas, of Scranton. This evening Grand Chancellor Dun nell leaves on a three weeks' tour of the state, and will hold seventeen special convocations. His second one will be at Pittston (tonight. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. It Has liccu Thoroughly Brightened nnd Improved. The Academy of Music for the first time since its reteent renovation was last night llghted.and oened for inspec tion by a few friends of Proprietors Mlshler nd Hurgunder. The changes most apparent and which will be most appreciated by non-profes-slnal theatre-goers are a new and com plete system of electric lighting, a new drop curtain, and new auditorium fur nishings. A little later on there will be announcements of reduced prices for 'the RfUson. and that, too, will be ap preciated as the attractions will be thoroughly up to the standard of past seusons. A practically new stage has been made, and with the aid of thv electric apparatus constitutes a modern means of presenting any kind of attraction. The dressing rooms have been newly furnished and a new property room hns been provided. Altogether, from box ofllee to ptnge the old and iiopultvr house ha3 been thoroughly brightened and Improved. FOUL PLAY NOT DETERMINED. Mas Not Proven that Thomas Car roll Was Murdered. Coroner Longstreet went to Olyphant last night an conducted an Investiga tion in the case of Thomas Carroll, of Cnrbondale, who died from fracture of the skull and contused wounds on the head, being found unconscious at the coiner of Delaware and Susquehanna streets In Olyphant three weeks ago. He lived live days nfter being found. It was strongly suspected that the wounds were Indicted by some person or persons with murderous intent. The testimony of a dozen or more witnesses taken last night did not support tho theory ot murder, but there nre other witnesses yet to lie heard, who could not attend the inquest last night, and adjournment was taken until tomorrow evening at Mahon's hall, where the In vestigation was conducted last night. IT IS WORTH SEEING. Splendid r.nlertainment Given by the Dogs nnd Ponien. The tent on the corner of Mulberry street and Adams avenue, where Gen try's trained animals are on exhibition, last night contained a good-sized and delighted audience. Tho show is nmus Ing to young and old and last night tho audience showed much appreciation. Dogs and ponies, of all sines and kinds, do tricks that seem almost In credible. The performance will again be given this afternoon nt 2:.1ft o'clock and In the evening nt 8 o'clock. This afternoon's show will be oseo!ully suited to the entertainment of children. Admission for these Is 10 cents, adults 20 cents. ATTORNEY RANCK'S DEATH. Hnr Association to Tnkn Action and Pass Resolutions. An adjourned meeting of the Lacka wanna Hnr Association will be held to morrow morning at 11 o'clock In the pri vate office of Phothonotary Pryor to take nctiom on tho death of Attorney J. M. C. Rsvnek. A meting was called for yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, but It was adjourned In order to acquaint all the members of the tar of the meeting and give them a chance to attend It. Reso lutions will be adopted appropriate to the purpose for which the meeting is called. SLANDER SUIT ENDED. Award of the Arbitrators Was in Favor of the Defendant. Attorneys T. P. Hoban, James E.Wat kins and Russell Dimmick, arbitrators In the slander suit of Mrs. Winifred Mc I.nJn, of the North End, against her neighbor, Mrs. Margaret Corcoran, field their award in Prothonotary Pryor's office yesterday In favor of M.ra. Cor coran. They decided that 'the plaintiff had no cause of action. Mi's. McLain sued for damages in the sum of $10,000 for defamatory words alleged to havo been said publicly by the defndant. BOLD BICYCLE THIEF. Steals n Wheel From in Front ol W eichel's Jewelry Store. A bicycle thief performed his work In a daring manner Monday afternoon. A Columbia bicycle owned by W. J., Welehel va stolen from In front of his Jewelry store on Spruce street. The theft took place at on of the busiest hours of the day. There is no clue to the thief's Identity, VERY WARM SESSION. Supreme Lodge of Knights of Pythias Discuss Report of Hoard of Trade. Cleveland, O., Sept 1. The morning session of the supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias, was the warmest ot the con vention. The report of th board of control, uniformed rank, recommend ing that suicides be debarred from all death benefits, If death occurred within a, period of five years after joining, aroused a strong opposition. Compromise was effected whereby he claims of suicids will be ont the graduation system of life expectation, as used by the American board of un derwriters. Thus, if a man enters the order and is classed with twenty Vears expectation of life, he' will receive one fourth of the benefit if ha commit sui- SCHOOL F?gE ORGAN VOICE J. ALFRED PENNINGTON, Director. (Organist of dm Park Church.) rUPIL of some of the most celebrated masters in Boston, Paris and Berlin. Boston - 1S8MSS9. Paris and Berlin, 1SS9-1892. Paris, - - - - 1S94-1S95. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF Miss Katherine Timberman CONCERT CONTRALTO, Pupil of MME. MARCHES1, Paris, and HERR GEOKG HE.NSCHEL, London, as TEACHER OF SINGING. Miss Timberman won high praise as singer from some of th most noted celebrities in the world during her recent concert tour in Europe. FALL TERM OPENS Thursday, September 10, i896 CTI TniHQ 1 301 Madison Aya., Cor. linden St. ULUVO j Elm Park Chnrcb. SEND FOR PROSPECTUS' ATTENTION, STUDENTS! 5RW (Lator) BECAUSE OF A COMPETITION IN NO WISE APPROVED. Williams' Uusliipsx ColleRe, of Scranton, (formerly Wood's), will sell Life RrholurMilpa In tho itook-ki'i'plng, Hu limns Practice, Shorthand and Normal KnKll'h DrpimniMiits; all work In Commercial, Btenogianhlc and Common llrunches for Forty-five ir) IXilhird. (Remember, a Life ticliolurship. In all Departments). N'n such advantage! weri ever before offered In Pennsylvania. The lurpcet, llnest ami most uccewlMn rooms. Tho luidust, most experienced, most cultured nnd most popular corps of teachers. Tim bcsi. most modern, newest, inoft approved, most widely used system of tenonitis and books. Huslness College txt books book-keeping, arithmetic, etc., etc., written by President Wllliami ore daily studied by 3",00O students, use. I in annut l,oi colleges and dully ta .nines or Mcianion. Twelve talented teachers, all graduate of Universities, Colleges or Normals, und h:i villi,' had nn aveniKe of above ten years' successful experience. oniitf men and ladles, older men and boys will have unequalled advantages, day and i-vrnimr, to master Uook-keeplm,-, Shorthand or any other studies wanted, at the lowest rates ever known in u sl'ietly m-st-elass Huslness College. !fi earnest students; 1011 graduates; ; students anil graduates in lucrative altua. tlons, Is the matchless record of Williams' Huslness College for the school year now eloslmt. No other Business College of this State can show moro than one-half such a record, or can give so practical, useful and valuable u course of study for office work or general business. Enter ut once before the army comes. This scholarship is worth ten times Its cost, hem e you cannot afford to negelect this offer. New classes nil Departments day and evening, Sept. 1. tilllca open, come and Investigate. O. F. WILLIAMS, A. B., Cor., President. cido when he has beeti five years in the ordVr. ACCIDENT IN aItONE QUARRY. Willinm Taylor Steps in Front or a Kitnnuny f'nr nnd Is Killed. Salem, N. J., Sept. 1. At tho govern ment battery ait Finnspolnt, opiwsite Fort Dolawa.iv, where two hundred men are at work In chance of F. C. Warner, giivwniuenl engineer, building formi cations, a car ttstnl in hauling stone became unmanagubl'p on a uteop ln--llne approaching a tunnel. Two of the workmen, John Taylor, of Churvhs Landing, and William. Ryan, of Salem, became bowildered and stepped In front of tho runway cnr. Taylor was Instant ly killed and Ityun was so badly Injured thta, ho will db? within tin hour. The coroner vlsiitrd the poena after wards to view the bodies, when the car broke away again, nearly resulting in another accident. Mr. Kiili) lor t'ongrrs. Danville. Ta., Sept. 1. The Republicans of the Seventeenth congressional district today renominated -M. II. Kulp for con gress. riusT m:;lisi,tive disthict Scranton, Pa., Aug. 31. ISM. The Republicans of the First legislative district of Lackawanna c ounty will assem ble In convention at St. David's hull. North Main avenue, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday Rfternoon, Sept. 15. 1S!. ot 2 o'clock, for tho purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the said district In the legis lature. Tho election of delegates to said convention will take place at the regular polling places of the district on Saturday afternoon, Sept. V2, ISO'S, between the hours of 4 nnd 7 p. m. Election districts are en titled to representation as follows: First ward. First district 2 First ward, Second district 1 First ward. Third district 2 Second ward, First district 1 Second ward Second district 2 Second ward. Third district 1 Second ward. Fourth district 1 Second ward, Fifth district 1 Fourth ward. First district 1 Fourth ward, Second district 2 Fourht ward, Third district 2 Fourth ward, Fourth district 2 Fifth ward, First district 2 Fifth ward. Second district 2 Fifth ward. Third district 2 Fifth ward. Fourth district 2 Sixth ward, First district. 1 Fourteenth ward. First district 1 Fourteenth ward, Second district 1 Fifteenth ward. First district 2 Fifteenth ward. Second district 2 F.lghteenth ward, First district 1 Twenty-first ward, First district 1 Twenty-llrst ward, Second district 1 Vigilance committees will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. W. A. PAINE. Chairman. JOHN II. REYNOLDS, Secretary. Spring House HEART LAKE, SUSP CO.. 0. E CR3FUT, PFOPaiETOl THIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance. Is new und well furnis;ed and OPENED TO 1'HE PUBLIC THiJ YEAR ROUND, Is located midway between Ulnghamton anj Scruntoti. on the Momroso and Lacka wanna Railroad, six miles from D., L. & W. R. P.. at Alford Station, and five miles from Montrose; capacity eighty-five, three minutes' walk from railroad station House situated 100 feet from the lake, wide veranda extends the entire length of tho house, which is 100 feet Row Boats,' Fishing Tackle, Etc. Free to liuests. Altitude about 2.000 feet, equalling In this respect the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains. Fine groves, plenty of shade nnd beautl. ful scenery, making a Summer Resort un. excelled In besuty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet grounds, etc. COLD PPRINO WATE3 AND PLENTT OF MILK. Rates $7 to fio Per Week. $i.$o Per Day. Excursion tickets sold at all station on X)., L. W. lines. Portsr meet ail trains. PIANO iBht in every business college within 100 Adams Ayc and Mulberry St. 6 Nights, Com- a menclng flonday U2T J 1 MATINEES WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AT 2.30 P. M. GENTRY'S FAMOUS Unquestionably the World's Best Trained Animal Exhibition. 1 ftn I Superbly Educated Dogs, I f if IUU I Ponies and Monkeys. ADMISSION: Children, 10c. Adults, aoc SPECIAL THROUGH CARS Daily (except ftundayi via CENTRAL RAILROADOF NEW JERSEY Beginning June 20, lOLtO, leaving Scran ton at &20 a. m., for Long Branch, Uccan Li rove, Asbttrv l'urk, Uchnar (Ocean Beach) Spring Lake, Sicn Girt, &c. This will bo kept up for the entire season, especially for the acuoinmndntioii of familiea, as it will enable. pasengors to secure nnd re tain ronifortnbln seats toe entire journey. J. H. OLHAUSEN. II, P. BALDWIN, tlcn. Superintendent. Qen. Pass. Agent. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL NEW GYMNASIUM. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. A Famous School in a Famous Location MONO THE MOUNTAINS OP THE 1Y noted resort, the Delaware Water Gap. A school of three to fonr hundred pupils, with no ovor-crowiling classes, but whore teachers ran become acquainted with their pupils and help them individually in tlieir work.. Modern improvements A Bos new gymna sium, in clinr;o of expert trainers. We t-ach Hewing. Dressmnking. Clay Modeling. Free hand and Mechanical Drawing without extra charge. Writ ) to ns at once for our catalogue and other information. Yon gain more in a small school than in the overcrowded schools. Address GEO. P. BIBLE, Principal. The St. Denis Broadway and Eleventh St., New York. Opp. Orace Church. European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. In a modott and nnobtrasir way there ar few bettor conducted hotels iu tint metropolis tbnn tho Ut. Dunia. TI.e great popularity it has srnnlred can readily be traced to its unique ks atlnn, its humellka atmosphare, the pcuuar excellence of Its cuisine and service, aud Its very moder ate prices. WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SOU i niiil iv w THE LEADER 124 11 126 NIK HE ANNOUNCE to oar patrons v and the public in gen eral that owing to the dam age by water on our stock through the fire in the Coal Exchange building we will remain closed until we make an adjustment with our fire insurance companies. Due notice will be given through the newspapers when we shall be open for business, IE PICKLING CUCUMBERS Pickling Cucumbers, Cauli flower, Horso-Radish Root, Pickling Onions, Ginger Root, Red Cabbage, Mangoes, Hot Peppers, DHL I U PIERCE, PENN ML III CALL UP 368 CO. OFPICB AND WAREHOUSB, Ml TO 1(1 MERIDIAN 6TREBT. 1LW. COLLINS, Manager. JAMES MOIR, Has Moved ta His New Quarters, 402 Lackawanna Avenue j Entrance on side next to First National Bank. Bo has now ia a a fl ComprinliiR everything reqnlaltn for fln Uerohaut Tailorluu. And the same eau be shown te advantnite iu his iplan diuly fittod up rcousi A SPECIAL INVITATION la Extended to All Readers ol Th Trib une to Call on "OLD RELIABLE" In HI Kew Business Home MT. PLEASANT COAL AT R ETA I U. Coal of the best quality for domestic us and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat and liirdaeye, delivered in any purt ot the city, at the lowest price. Orders received at the Office, flrat floor. Commonwealth building, room No. S3 telephone No. 2(524 or at the mine, tele phone No. 272, will be promptly attended! to.Dealers supplied at the mine. WM. T. SMITH. BALDWIN'S THE BEST IN THE MARKET GREAT VARIETY OF' SIZES. THE HIT i CONNELL CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENU1 I ROBINSON'S Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated las to CAPAClTYl 100,000 Barrels per Annum K S DRY AR EI!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers