THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. . TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCH ANTON, PAM WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY. Little Lots at Little Prices, Bigger Ms at Less Tta Cost Today we speak of wash gods, par ticularly, liut It might as well be buut any other department where summer goods still linger, for we've mowed the prices down so close on all that profits are now entirely out of the question. It's Clearance We're After and as you know, we usually man age to make a clean sweep as each succeeding season closes. Oat Wasl (Ms Tomorrow It may be something else, but anyway, you can take your price cue on anything summerlsh from what follows. Swivel Sits In a pattern range almost as com plete as when first o!ened for the reason. In quality -they are the niftiest grade produced, and many of the effects are exclusive novel ties. Cleaning up price, 17c Linen Lawns Exquisite designs in fancy combina tion hem stitched stripes or plain llneu grounds. The most popular 25c wash stuff of the season. Cleaning up price, 15c S The Eenuine FrPnch printed goods In the daintiest of floral Ideas, White grounds only. Price all sea ton, 25e. Cleaning up price, 15c Imported Organelles The queen of all the cob-web fa brics. Magnificent styles. Vour pick of all that remains of a 23c. and SUfce. qualities. Cleaning up price, 20c Domestic Bimities American Dimities , Tou might readily take them for the expensive Imported kind, but they're notMtHhough they look as well and will probably be just as serviceable. No end to pattern range. Kegular price, 12v- . Cleaning up price, 5c A little over a case still on hand, so that there is no dearth as to styles. White grounds only. Actual every day value, 10c. Cleaning up price, 5c Heavy wave, especially made for separate skirts. The patterns in- . elude choice effects In Black and White, Blue and White, Olive and Pink; also plain narrow bar stripes. High class 50c. quality. : Cleaning up price, 25c J ! Globe JAY COOKE TALKS ON BIMETALLISM Would Like to Drive Gold Bugs From the Earth. BIT WILL VOTE FOR McKINIEY The Veteran Finnuvier Foiuts out the KviU of the Demonetization of Sil ver and Hopes that llelief May Come from the Kepublicnn Party. . Philadelphia. July 14. Jay Cooke, the veteran financier, who successfully placed $7,0u0,000 of government bonds during the civil war, was Interviewed today on the money question. "What Is your opinion on free silver?" was the first yuestlon asked. 'The opposition to the free coinage of silver," he replied, "Is a crime, a miser able crazy notion. If I had the doing of It there would be no room for a gold bug In the country. The single gold stamlurd would ruin this country, posi tively ruin It. I have seen In my time stiver superior In value to gold, and its depreciation has been caused by Its de monetization. The silver dollar was the unit of value until 1S73. when there was a 3 per cent, premium on the metal. At that time the value of silver was threw per cent, more than that of gold." "What effect did this have on the coinage?" , "There was no bullion presented for coinage except that which the govern ment was compelled to buy to furnish subsidiary coin. That had been adul terated." Mr. Cooke then picked up a book and said: "Let me read you what Mr. Car lisle said In 1S78 before he was allied to Cleveland and the gold bugs. " 'According to my view of the sub ject.' says Mr. Carlisle, "the conspiracy which seems to have been formed In. this country and Euroiie to destroy by legislatlon or otherwise half of themetal money of the world Is the most gigantic crime of this or any other age. The consummation of such a scheme would ultimately entail more misery on the human race thun any war. pestilence anil fn in I Mi' that cvnr occurred." "What more could you want than that?" said Mr. Cooke. "It was true then, it Is true now," he said, emphat ically, shaking his forefinger on the re porter's knee. Continuing, lie read from Carlisle: "The absolute and instant destruction of half the movable property of the world, Including horses, ships, rail roads and all other appliances fur com merce, would not produce anything like the prodigious distress and disorgan ization of society that must result from the annihilation of one-half of the metal money of the world." CARLISLE WAS CORRECT. "These remarks of Carlisle were made on Feb. 21, 1S7S." said Mr. Cooke, "and they are perfectly correct. Why Is this so? Why has it come to pass? We already have begun to get Us bad re sults, and unless It is righted promptly the calamity will be great. In the tlrst place, the silliness of this great nation, with its vast Industries, is nothing less than remarkable In refusing to make silver the equal In monetary Influence to gold. There would have been none of the disturbances that have lately happened but for the break In silver." "How do you figure that out?" "Because we are growing and have been growing rapidly and we need all we can get as a basis of value. We need both gold and sliver. The govern ment, tlie business credit, both are based on their metallic ability to pay. The most terrible thing of all was In 187:t, when silver was demonetized, which was done under a delusion. You will find that most of the senators and rep resentatives did not dream that they were ubout to demonetize silver. They had no such desire. Then. Instead of righting the mistake, they pussed the Bland bill. They were to buy $4,000,000 of bullion a mouth. They always bought only $2,000,000 worth a month. Kvery thlng was done to keep down silver. The whole history of It Is vile ami out rageous. Just think of the fearful dan ger the farmers stand In. If they knew it they would rise In their might and sweep away those devilish politician gold bugs." "But. Mr. Cooke, In case of free coin age, what about the 63 rent ilollar?'" "That's all humbug," he replied. "Wasn't a silver dollar worth $1.03 be fore they demonetized silver? as I have said, I have seen a time when sil ver was worth more than gold. At the time of the enormous California out puts of gold It was feared that that inetal would be placed In the Same position that silver Is in now." "The world's onward march Is rapid. II gold shall be the only basts of ex change, the progress must stop. We must have more money to oil the ma chine of exchange. 1 believe we must get back to bimetallism before we reach prosperity." Then you will vote for Bryan and Bewail?" said the reporter. "No, I will vote for McKinley with the hope that he and the Republican party will see their error of the gold standard and Immediately put silver back In the place It belongs." McKINLEY'S VISITORS. K. T. Cooper, the First Delegate, Arrives at Canton Canton, July 14. A good many per son who were present at the Chicago convention have been In Canton since Saturday, but the first man who was a delegate came this afternoon. He Is E. T. Cooper, of Delaware, and he says he Is going to vote for McKinley ami sound money. "The convention had lost Its head and was In a Irresponsi ble condition," said Mr. Cooper, "when it adopted the platform. I have been through the west some, and the free silver sentiment Is strong there, but t believe It has reached Its highest point In development and that from this time It will dec-line In power and effective ness." The Canton women have made exten sive and thoughtful preparations for the reception of the large delegation of Cleveland women who are coming here to ?11 on Major McKinley tomorrow. Several hundred visitors are expected. They will be met at the station upon i ,ir arrival at 11 o'clock in the raorn- who will escort them to Major MeKln ley'B house. The visiting delegation brings a band with it wholly composed of women. The active partlclpaton of women in the campaign is a unique fea ture. DOES NOT FEAR CRANKS. Mr. Quay linn Too Much Faith in the American People. Cleveland. July 14. Messrs. Manley, Clayton and Quay, of the national Re publican executive committee, arrived today and Messrs. Hayne and Osborne and the other members are expected early In the morning. Cleveland seems to be the favorite place for the head quarters. J. A. Ilx, Mr. Hanna's right hand man, said. In regard to the ninth appointment, thut It would probab ly go to Cornelius Bliss. He. said the committee would not favor Thurston's appointment. Mr. Manley In an Interview tonight said: "Mr. McKinley' election Is a? much assured as was his nomination and that was practically settled long before the convention met at St. Louis. I have no fears as to- the future suc cess of the party. Tnt ery of silver Is confined to the west and those states are the only doubtful states, but they will not be long to vercome by the Mc Kinley majorities that will rise up in all parts of the country." Mr. Quay said: "Fight? Yes, I sup pose we shall have to right. You know the people eveiy once In a while since the world begun have been deluded by false prophets. I have too much con fidence In the American people to sup pose that they will be misled by the crank platform and crank prophets, but we shall make the usual political con test. There is no doubt of Mr. McKin ley'B election." BOY ORATOR TALKS, Speech of Mr. Bryan at Centralis Given Opinions on the Money Ques tion Without Reserve. Centralla, 111.. July 14. The reception In city hall purlt was not concluded be fore there were many cries for Mr. Bryan, and in response the candidate mounted an improvised stand. He made an address strongly reminiscent In passion and vigor of his famous speech In Chicago last Tuesday. He said: Ladles and Uentlemen: I did not come to make a speech. The campaign is hai il ly open yet, but I came back to Minion county to look after some business which had to be attended to before I return to my Nebraska home, but 1 was glad to ra celve an invitation to spend several hours with my relatives in this city, and while hero to meet again the citizens whom I have met before. V enter upou a memorable campaign ami the Isues are being- drawn fur the con test. The two parties described as the two great parties have adopted their plat form and have named their candidates fur president and vice president and In a short time the campaign will be opened fully and you will be making up your minds as to which platform and as to which ticket you will support. I trust the Issues In volved In this campaign will be clearly understood and carefully studied. Par ties are not made to be worshipped, they are merely the Instruments by which we serve our country. People are made not for parties, but the parties are made lor the people and the parties can only claim the support of the people when these par ties are efficient Instruments In the hands of the people, accomplishing good. An. those who are called upon to vote have the right to consider the platform utter ances and the policies advocated by the various parties as well as the candidates who are nominated. In this campaign I believe there will be less of personalities and more of principle than In any enm pah;n which we have seen In recent years. The people have before them two great public questions. eW must not expect that this platform will contain all you de sire. No thinking person finds in any plat form an expression of everything which he believes, nor must you expect that any platform would be free from some ob jection. And in Iths campaign It Is de cided by all parties that the Import'.int Issue Is the money question. It matters not whether you believe In the restoration of sliver or in the gold standard, you must admit thai he settlement of the money question is of the flist and greatest Im portance, one that when settled leave, nothing else to be considered On the money question the two great parties have taken directly opposite positions to each other. Four years ago tlie position tnken by the Republican u ml Democratic parties were almost identical. The Re publican party said the American people, are for bimetallism ami the Denlofraf party was holding to the use of gold an 1 silver as the standard money of the i-oun-try. Thus you pee that both I'miiles dt clared for gold and silver as the money of our country: Four yeorf, have passv.l since that platform was written and Uios four years have been full of momentous happenings, but as this campaign-, au.-. proached the great parties lined them selves up for the tight. The aonventlon adopted the platform, which Is liT-riirect opposition to the platform adopted at HC Louis. The St. Louis convention declared for the maintenance of the gold standard, until something else could be done In the near future. The Republican platform did not promise any complete money system. We declared that the silver dollar should be full egnl tender for nil debts, public and private, and that such legislation should be enaried that is neeesary to pre vent for the future the demonetization of any legal tender. The platform declared that the govern, ment should have the right to redeem Its obligations In either gold or silver. If I mistake not. the patriotism of the peo ple, who have never been appealed to In vain, there can be but one Issue In this campaign and but one republic. Why discuss questions if we haven'e the power to decide them? Rut 1 want to impress upon your minds two things. I want o ask two questions. They are questions that will be asked over and over again In this campaign. They are questions we will be asked with ever Increasing em. phHSM These two questions are these: If the gold standard Is a good thing why should we try to get rid of it and If the gold standard Is a bad thing, whly should we wait until some other nations are win ing to help us let go? We care not upon which Issue they forcr the fight. We are prepared to meet them upon eiTtier Issue, or both. 1 thank you, friends and fellow .-ttlzens, in he way M'hloh you have manifested, and ffth.e rompument which you have psld to us by your ssemglage here today. I can but b-K at you that yon will remember your il. tr as citizens. We who stand upon the pr'atfoim adopted at Chb ago and do not tome to you as supplicants to be for your vr.tes. Your vote rrf vour owUn and no nan is asked to do anything save as his uvnscleiice dictates. And we beg yon to Study ll lh. questions presented, study a the 'ssues Involved and theu let your i1mb rarlstar a tree man's will' " L Mr- Bryan left Centra II for Salem at ? Wi. . . - s - AN ATTEMPT TO MURDER FAURE The French President is Shot at During a Review of Troops. PRESIDENT FAUKE UNMOVED The Man with the Hevolvcr Captured und Disarmi-NCluims That the t.un Was Not Loaded-. No Hullct Can lie FouulTurks Massacre Ccetnn. Paris, July 14. While President Fa tire was entering the grounds at Long Champs for the purpose of re viewing the trmips a man standing near him fired a revolver. Great excitement ensued anil the man was Immediately seized ami Oisarmed. He declared thut he had not tired at the presi dent and that he had only fired a blank cartridge. When it was seen that he President hail not been In jured the crowd cheered him ugaln and again. When the shot was fired President Faure was seated In his carriage being driven over the reviewing grounds to the stand. He was surrounded by n line of troops. The President was un moved and appeared to take no notice of the shot. Reports are In circulation that the man fired his revolver twice, but these statements are denied. The prisoners assertion thnt he fired a blunk cartridge is generally credited, as no trace of a bullet could be found. Any how, if there was a bullet In the cart ridge he exploded. It went wide of Its mark. TFIIKS AT WOllK AGAIN'. Canea, Crete, July 14. The Christian delegates In the Cretan assembly, sit ting here, withdrew from that body yesterday Mating that hey had resolved to formulate a declaration setting forth their claims and demands, and to unite In n special assembly, from which the Turks should be excluded from mem bership. The Insurgents at Apokorona a day or two ago killed the crew of a Turkish bark. The Turkish troops pursued the Insurgents and In their pursuit fired upon everybody they met along the shore, making no discrimination In favor of women or children, of whom they killed a great many. The action of the troops has caused Intense ex citement and indignation and the for eign onsuls have made a protest against It to Berovitch Oeorgl Pasha, the newly appointed Christian governor of the Island. The day was the seventeenth anniver sary of the fall of the Bastlle, and was celebrated in the usual maimer. Includ ing a review of troops at Lopg Champs, wh'ch drew a very laigv- concourse of people. Among those present vre.t some of the members of the ancient and hon orable artillery company of Boston, who were yesterday elected honorary mem bers of the circle mllltalre. President Faure, accompanied by Prime Minister Meline. Gen. LeMouton, Gen. Tournier, chief of the president's military household, left the palace of the Klysee In an open carriage and drove to Long Champs. It having been arranged that the president should re view the troops. As the carriage pass ed through the Porte du Moulin en trance to the parade It was surrounded by troops who were to escort the presi dent to the rcvjewlng stand. Before tne ventcie nact proceeded far a tall, fair and correctly dressed man of ubout thirty-five years. of age, stepped slight ly in advance of the crowd and drew a revolver, which some eye-witnesses de clare he discharged point blank at the president. SCKISTR OF EXCITEMENT. Immediately there was a scene of greatest excitement and It would un doubtedly have gone hard with the man had he not been seized by the gend armes who were standing by. The man resisted first, declaring that he had done nothing. He declared he dis charged the revolver in exhuberunoe of spirits. Some of those who stoud close by him derlure that two shots were tired. An examination of the revolver was mude by the police anil appears to bear out the prisoner's statement that blank east ridges were used, fur In four clumbers eu i t ridges with no bullets were found. He stated that his name was Francois and refused to say any thing further. The prisoner appears to be insane. It took only a little time for It to be learned that M. Faure wus unharmed, whereupon the crowd cheered the presi--dent- aval n and again. M. Faure ap peared t be entirely unmoved by the excitement and he paid no attention to the shot and calmly conversed with his conTifahlons n the carrage. The police say that Francois Is the same lunatic who recently threw a bun dle of petitions from the gallery of the chamber of deputies Into the body of house, thereby causing a semi-panic among the members who Imagined that the bundle was a bomb. Late this afternoon he was examined hy Prefect Leplne. He was then more communicative and told the prefect that In discharging the revolver he merely wished to attract attention. He reit erated his statements that he had no wish to Injure anybody and that the weapon was loaded only with blank cartridges. Francois was formerly a street surveyor employed by the muni cipal council of Paris, but was ills charged owing to his presumed an archistic tendencies. The officials be lieve thut he is Insane. A WAITER'S NARROW ESCAPE. The feelinsr of the crowd at the re viewing grounds was illustrated by Its treatment of a waiter nt the cafe at the Grand Cascade. In some way thin man was mistaken by the crowd for Fran cols and a savage attack was made upon him. One of his eyes was torn from his socket and he was almost lynrheiT'before the police were able to rescue him. This evening the diplomats and a large number of the prominent men called at the Palace of Elysee and congratulated Mr. Faure. Several sovereigns sent telegraphic messages of congratulations. f.'rou Reports. Washington, July 14. The weather bu reau crop bulletin for the wstk ended yes terday contains the following special tele hPr!" reroH:,N Jerst- Cloudv. showery weather, followed by high tem perature and bright sunshine has improved condition of all growing crops; small fruits abundar.t. Pennsylvania Oats, pasture and cultivated crops in good condition and making rapid growth, tobacco up to the average. NO POLITICAL ISSUE. Hamlin Thinks nil Should Combine Against Repudiation and Disorder. Washington, July 14. Hon. Charles S. Humlln, assistant secretary of the treasury, when asked today If he had anything to say as to the recent Chi cago convention, replied: "No politi cal issue is Involved In the coming elec tion. The question to be decided Is fur deeper and more vital. The perpetuity of Republican institutions has been threatened. Every loy'ul citizen should ally himself against the forces which controlled theChlcago convention. forces of lawlessness which nre Inconsistent with the maintenance of the republic. "Henceforth there should be no Re publican, no Democrat, but a union of loyal citizens against the combined forces of repudiation and disorder. When once this dungerous element has been stamped out at the polls by the Intelligent people, we can again divide and disctisH those political questions which for generations huve kept alive the two great political parties." ADVICE FOR POPULISTS. Secretary Turn r I'rges His follow . t-rs to Vote for Bryan. Washington, July 14. J. H. Turner, secretury of the national committee of the Peoples party, Issued a manifesto today, advising-ull Populists to ratify the nomination t Rryan at the Populist convention ut St. Louis on July 22nd next. In the course of his address he says: "The truth of It is thnt the only the Populists now have to decide Is whether or not they will take Mr. Hryuii. whom every gold bug In the country has denounced as a Populist, for our next president of the Cnlted States, or whether they will take Mr. McKinley, who represents everything that the Populists have denounced and Just the opposite of everything that they have advocated since they have been a party." SECRETARY HERBERT BOLTS. First Member of the Cabinet to De clare Against Mr. Brrnti. Washington, July 14. Secretary Her bert Is the first member of the cabinet to announce himself openly with respect to the Chicago convention. In reply to an Inquiry today, he stated that he would not support the ticket nominated at Chicago, but beyond this brief defi nition of his position he would say nothing. Other members of the cabinet do not hesitate to say In private conversation that they cannot conscientiously en dorse the platform, and It is not unlike ly that others of the number will a little later make these announcements pub licly. EZETA'S NARROW ESCAPE. An Attempt is Made to Assassinate the c President of San Salvador. San Francisco, July 14. An attempt was made to assassinate Carlos Ezeta, ex-president of San Salvador, in the dining room of his hotel in this city. The ex-president was seated at a table with a few of his friends when J'odro .Tlmtnez. a native of Salvndor, entered the room. The Intruder walked quick ly to Ezetas' chair and as the latter faced about Jimlnez spat in his face. The president sprang to his feet to re Sent the Insult, when Jimlnez drew a re- volver and levelled It at his breast. The former dictator of Salvador retninod his presence of mind and seizing a chair, he lit Id it over Jlmlnez's head and dared him to tire. In another moment the would-be assassin was disarmed by Ezetas' friends and hurried from the room. Jimlnez was arrested and stated he wus formally district attorney of Sal vador und"r Ezetas' administration. While acting In that capacity he In curred the displeasure of the dictator who put him to torture. The ex-preed-dent denies the prisoners statement ami expresses the belief that Jimlnez Is nn tnlfSary of the present president of Sal vador, who thinks F.xetus' presence In Sun Francisco a menace to Salvador. Stennikhip Arrivals. New York, July 14. Arrived: Berlin, from Antwerp: Sailed: Havel, for Hiv ,nien. Arrived out: Veeinluni, ut Rot terdam: Dresden, at l:.e!iiberhavcn Sighted: F.dam, from New York for Am sterdam, passed the Lizard; Latin, for Rremen, passed SclllJR Prussia, from Ne York for Hamburg, pussed Scllly. Populists I'rge Bryan's Indorsement. Huron, S. D., July H. The Populist state convention met here today. Senator Pet tlgrew and Ju.liso Palmer are urging the endorsement of Bryan's nomination. THE NEWS TIMS MORXIXS. Weather Indications Today i ' Light Showers ; Westerly Winds. 1 Jay Cooke on Bimetallism. Race War Among Cubans. Attempt to .Murder PreslJeiit Faure, of France. 2 Our Dealings with Spain. 3 (Local) The Army Worm. North End Family Nearly Smothered. 4 Editorial. Free Coinage Would Full. 5 (Local) Ratification of McKinley and HobaTt Mammoth Parade. 5 National Elstmlilfod of Wales. Rig Feat In Old .Mexico. 7 Suburban News. : Market and Financial News. 8 (Sports) Scrunton Is Again White washed. Eastern and National-League (James. Bicycle Gossip. 9 Concerning Our' Supreme Court Where Salaries Are High. Superstitions of a New Woman. 10 (Story) "A Plying March." 11 Electrlcty for Railway Travel, Man Will Fly Like a Bird. ' U News Un end Down the Vsllev. RACE WAR OF THE CUBAN INSURGENTS Story of the Killing of Joss Macso is Confirmed. IT WAS A COLD BLOODED MURDER An Unfortunate Conflict in the Hanks of the Insurgents Among Whites and Blacks will injure Their Cause. Other Mews of the War in Cuba. Philadelphia, July 14. Cablegrams received here today from Cuba confirm the story of the killing of Don Jose Maceo, brother of Ceiieral Antonio Mnceo, the Cuban Insurgent leader. From the cablegrams received the kill ing of Maceo was nothing more or less thun cold blooded murder. It would further appear that a race war has broken out In the insurgent ranks be eween the whites und the blacks and that the shooting of Maceo la the first Incident of this unfortunate conflict. When the last cargo from the filibus tering steamer Bermuda was landed Jose Maceo seized all the arms and am munitions. Garza protested against this confiscation. When the last cargo from the steamer Three Friends was landed on the coast near Jusagua. Ma ceo inarched to the starboard with li'O men and took possession of arms and ammunition. As he was returning from the coast he was ambushed and shot to death by men whom It was asserted wire from his own army. The trouble between the blacks aud whites has been further accentuated by the recent shooting by General Gomez after a court martial of Manuel Gonzales, pro vincial treasurer, his secretury and sev eral subordinates for the shortage of $10,000 or more In the cattle tax funds. Gonzales and the other men shot by Gomez were negroes. DEFENSE OF HOUSE. Will F.ntrrlhc Subordinate Pica and Deny llesponsiliil.ty. Pittsburg, Pa., July 14. In the case of W. II. House, recently assistant city attorney, who was charged, together with ex-City Attorney Mureland, with mususe of public funds, the prosecu tion today completed its testimony, constating of stories of various property owners about difficulties experienced in getting money due them for dam ages on account of opening the streets, and statements of several city officials In regard to the finances of the city at torney's office. The plea of the defendant, as Indi cated in the opening address, will be that House's acts were those of a subordinate, without responsibility ex cept to his "principal, end that he handled the money In the name and under the direction of the late city at torney, who has pleaded ffullty. OIL CITY MAN'S IDEA. "Uird Dny" May be Kccognizrd Throughout the I'nitcd Slates. Washington, V. C, July 14. An ap peal for the observance of a "Bird Duy" In the schools throughout the country hus been made by the agricultural de partment. The objec t Is to devote the day to be set apart once a year or to be combined with "Arbor day" to in struction In the value of our native birds and the means of protecting them from wanton destruction. The Idea or iglnated with Superintendent of the Schools Bubcock, of Oil City, Pa. It has been already adopted in two cities. Oil City and Madison, In., anil Secretary Morton, the author of "Arbor !ay" und indoraerof "Bird Day" move ment wants to see the latter extended generally. The department in its pul lished protest n;;alnst attacks on birds suggests that it Is equally Important to teach the best means of preserving the timber, game and fish as to teach stu dents how to develop the agricultural weulth of the state. AT WASHINGTON'S TOMB. Christian I'.ndrimir Si ciotics Hold Service ut 111. Vernon. Washington, July 14. The Christian Endeavor celebration ut Washington's tomb today drew a great crowd of vis iting delegates and Washlnafonlans to Mount Vernon. President Clarke. Sec retary Baer. nnd a number of the trim tees of the united societies attended. The gi'cnt chorus was on the ground also and a service of sou? and praise was held before the tomb. Short speeches were made by prominent "iiiist!an En dcavoiersand u tree was planted on tb grounds to commemorate the fifteenth annual International convention of Christian Eudeevor. Today being the one hundredth anni versary of the delivery of Washinjrton'r farewell tidilnless. parts of that docu ment that seem to apply to the present political situation and to each religious movements as the Christian Endeavor were held. The excursionists returned early In the evening to witness the Christian Endeavor parade. BICYCLE CARNIVAL. Philadelphia Kvcniiig Telegraph's Kntorprisc u (ircnl Success. Philadelphia. July 14. The bicycle carnival und parade Inaugurated by the Evening Telegraph was brought off on Broad street this evening and was a great success. The route of the parade was from Diamond street to Fourth avenue, and as the night wus clear ful ly I0.0U0 persons lined the route from end to end. About 10.000 bicyclers were in line and many handsome, novel and grotesque costumes were worn by the different clubs. There wus a reviewing stand on Broad street below Locust and here the Judges of the parade were stationed and various prizes will be awarded to the clubs having the most members In Hue, the handsomest costumes, the most grotesque get up. Herald's Weather Forecast. New York, July 13. In the middle Btatea. today, fair to partly cloudy .slightly warmer nnd more sultry weather will prevull with fresh southerly winds, followed by local thunder storms by the evening of tonight. On Thursday, fair, warm weather, with local rain on or near the oouati and fresh southwesterly winds INLET'S Special. Sale of Sill WAISTS Our stock Is unsurpassed In style, workmanship and assortment, and to close the season we offer Special tatairats As the following prices will show, w guarantee them to be the very best values offered this season: Fancy Lawn Waists, all colors, 48c Fancy Percale Waists, all slses, 69e. Better quality Percale Waists, 95c. Fancy Stripe Lawn Waists, $1.19, Extra Fine Waists at $1.38, $1.45, $1.65. The Celebrated "King Waists," lit Percales, Lawns and Dimities, at $1.41, $1.75, $1.98, $2.25. These goods sell themselves. Plain White Waists In Batiste and Dimity, Plain Black Himalaya Waists. Silk Jacquurd House Waists; also a su perior line of Children's Dimity and Lawn Dresses, Boys' Kilt Suits In Pique and Fine Galatea Cloth at great ly reduced prices. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Bmisy. Cool Shoes for Mot Feet. '17 Our 50c. Outing Shoes sale begins today for The Boys and Girls. LEWI&REILLYfcMYIES A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FANE ffELRY CAN BE SEEN AT m SPRUCE STREET. When you pay for Jewelry you might al well get the best. A fine line of Novelties for Ladles and Gentlemen. W. J. Wefchel 4DS Spruce St. MATTHEWS BROTHERS Atlantic Leai Emaiici Paints, Carriage Paints, Reyics9 Pare Colors, EeyEdMs9 -Wocfi FinlsS, Crockett9 s Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil. Garaunteed. lflR
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