THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT PAGES 5 COLUMNS. SCliANTOX. PA., THURSDAY MORNIXG, JULY 10, ISOIi. TWO CENTS A COPY. SALE THE . Right Thing AT THE ; Right Time AT THE Right Price AT THE Right Place Tills Is a modest statement, for the fart is that the selling pi Id's quoted below are better than right. However, we mention the rlttht price also, so thut you may understand what the sacritice we ale making really amounts to. ALE Is Now On Trimromrnedl immmer Yokes IN 'EW GOODS EW STYLES EW VALUES LOT 1 Embroidered yokes In plain white or lemon shades. Utst 5Uu. kind. Sale Price, 35c LOT 2 White Pl(ue Embroidered yokes. Our all-season 75c. quality. Sale Price, 48c LOT 3 Linen Batiste Yokes, pretty Valenciennes trimmings. A lead er at 75c. Sale Price, 52c LOT 4 White Lawn Embroidered Yokes. Dainty creations that sold read ily for StOc. Sale Price, 59c LOT 5 Combination Yokes of White Lawn, Dotted Swiss, Valenci ennes Lane and Embroidery. They were considered wonder ful value at $1.00. Sale Price, 69c LOT 6 Pique and Lawn Embroidered Yokes. ' Very desiruble and stylish. Actual value $1.33. Sale Price, S9c LOT 7 Fine Linen Batiste Yokes, elab orate embroidery and the cream of top notch fashion. Were $1.50. Sale Price, 98c LOT 8 Finest Linen Batiste Yokes.wlth wonderful lace and lawn com bination effects. These are strictly high-class novelties that sold for yi.W and Your choice, Sale Price, $3.29 LOT 9 A few superb Mull and Em broidery Yokes that sold to the fine trude at Jl75 and $2.9S. Sale Price, $1.49 Sale Now On GLOBE CLEVELAND WOMEN VISIT M'KINLEY They Arrive in Canton on a Special Train with Their Own Band. REPRESENTATIVE OF THEIR SEX Women olUinukl Every Station Join the Party-Mrs. Elroy Avery, of the Daughter! of the Kevolutiou, .Makes nil Address ou Part of the Visitors. The Eutertiiiiiitu-nt. Canton, July 13. On their own spec ial train and with their own baud, sev eral hundred Cleveland women came to Canton ihls momiiikc to call up'ii Major Mcivlnley and to congratulate" lilm and the nation, as one of thorn put it, upon his nomination. A fust Hiid Unions summer rain fell of the morning, but it did not pre vent the Canton ptople from turning out in lute number:, und wit'a cardial 5rojfl will to welcome th:lr fair visit ors. The column cf hundreds of represen tative women of Cleveland to cull upon iviajor McKltiley was an unique event, and one absolutely without precedent in our political history. The visit to Canton was projected and carried to Its happy am? successful conclusion by women. No man and no politician had the slightest bl.are In the conception or execution of the plan. The women who came from Cleveland are representa tive women, women who lead In the highest ao-lal llfe of the city: women promlii'.it in nil spheres of Intellectual uctivity; women conspicuous for their work in the fields of charity; women notable for their devotion to church In this city: women who ate of cjnse uueuce in the educational world were present in commandliiK numbers. There were scares of other women, too. Wo men with no spt?clu! claims to distinc tion, but deeply interested In Major McKlnley and the liit'Ii principles they think he represents. The Cleveland women made a handsome appearance and were very charming In their fresh summer raiment and guy hats blooming with lloiveis. SCENE AT. THE STATION. The Cleveland delegation was met at the station by a large committee of Canton women, under the leadership of Mrs. Miller, president of Soiusis, und Mrs. Kate Hrownlee Sherwood. The Cleveland women marched from the railway station to the residence of Ma jor Mi Iv'tiky. He was standing on the porch to receive them. A speech of congratulation was made on the part of the visitors by Mrs. Elroy Avery, of Cleveland, Mate regent of the Daught ers of the Ktvolution. Among 1 1 I.e. thlngx Mrs. Avery said: We come from Cleveland, the great heart of the western reserve Kiat gave (.iiiMings, Wude und Qarfleld to the nu-Ilcn-u illy of great American Industries thut ure tulTering fiom un-American leg Ishition; uu unfortified city on the border, fa ing the Canadian frontier, ami yet rec ognizing Hint our best prou-itlon uvuinst fun Inn aggression is a protective tunff. Cuming I loin a city of a hundred years today, we tin ii aside from our renteiinl'il to do homage to the man who best repre sents the great American Ideu, under the fostering cure of which we hope Cleveland will gloriously flourish and bravely cele brate her second hundredth yeur. We come to greet you, not as politicians, but as women, us wives and mothers und sis ters. We cannot cust one vote fur you, und yet we love our country. We may fully uppreciate mnn-made po litical platforms, but we better under stand the signilicunce of current events than some folks give us credit for. We know thut when you filter the door of the white house peace and comfort will enter at our doors; that when you receive your heritage by the decree of a grateful peo ple, our husbands und fathers will re. clve the fruits of their industry, und the heart of the wife unci mother will be mane glad. When the husband lacks work in wife knows and feels It, though she will still cheer and comfort. Who shall say that woman has no Interest In your suc cess? Every woman has a living Interest in the money question. If our husbands earn the money, we eptnil and intend 'o spend It. Every ihrlfty woman wants her few dollars to have as great a purchasing power as is possible; to be worth one hun dred cents, not rlfly; to be convertible into twenty pounds of sugar, not ten. We stand ready to welcome every one who refuses to dwell longer In the tents of tin opposition, and to bind up the wounds of every one who, breaking loose from the already disintegrating ranks of the enemy, und plac ing patriot Ism above party, pledges his support to the advance agent of prosperity. Mrs. Avery's speech wns heartily and frequently applauded. A song written for the occasion by Mrs. N. Coe Stewart, president of Cle veland Sorosis, was sung with great spirit und pleasing effect. MAJOR M'KINLKY'9 REMARKS. In response to Mrs. Avery's remarks, Oovernor McKlnley said: Mrs. Avery: 1 greatly appreciate this friendly cull from the women of the city of Clevland, and assure you that 1 do not undervalue their gracious message uf congratulation and confidence which you have so eloquently delivered. It Is an in surance of the deep Interest which you feel and which should be felt by every' family In the land. In the public questions, of the day and their rightful settlement at the polls. There is no limitation to the influence that may be exerted by women In the I'nlted States and no adequate trib ute can be spoken of ber services to man kind throughout Its long and eventful his tory. The work of women has been a power In every emergency und always for good. Not only have some of the bright est pages of our national history been Illuminated by her splendid eJcample anil nol.le efforts for the public good, but her Influence In the home, the church, the school and the community In molding character for every profession and duty to which our race Is called has been poten tial n nd sublime. If Is In the quiet and peaceful walks of life where her power Is greatest and most beneficial. One of the beBt thing of our civilization In America Is the constant advancement of women to a hlghe plane of labor and responsibility. The opportunities for her are greater now than ever before. Her Impress Is felt In art. science, literature, song ami govern ment. Respect for womankind has be come with us a national characteristic, und what a high and manly trait It Is none nobler or holier. It stamps the true gentleman. Tbe man who loves wife and mother and hme will respect and rever ence all womankind. He Is always the better citizen for such gentle breeding. The home over which the trusted wlfo presides is tbe Ideal of our strength; the best guarantee of good citlsensblp and sound morals In goveitimnt. It Is :he fuiritln nArtn t:' VS all !- m rr.TI- strucled. From the plain American hom where virtue dwells and truth ab.'Jrs, go forth the men and women who make the greut stutes and cities whtt h adorn our republics, which maintain law und oruer, and that citizenship which aims at the public welfare the common good of all. (Applause). 1 congratulate you upon what woman has dune fur the grand und noble objects in the past. 1 rejoice with you In trie wider and broader Held of the present and the splendid vista of the future which Is everywhere opening up for you. f again thank yon for your presence here and for this manifestation of your regsrd and good will. Some one has said that "women mold the future as mothers and govern the present us wives." Mrs. Mc Klnley and I will be most happy to meet and greet you one and all. (Applause). Major McKlnley was frequently ap plauded. When he finished speaking there was a s'ntle but earliest finer, und then Miss Hl'iti-ll.' Swllscr. of Cleveland, stepped forth and pi enelite I I Mrs. McKlnley with a large ba sket of I handsome roS'.s. j THE .l.n PLAYED. j The bind composed of women struck J up and a song written fer the occasion . va:i sung by Mm. Mary Ellsworth I CUtrk. one of Cleveland V y wet test sins j ers. The women fell Into line while j the band was l-hiylns and for neatly i three-quarters of un hour Major Mc Klnley shook hands w ith h!- visitors. The bai'd which accori.p.vilrd the Cleveland delegation was complied of women who used fans vigorously when they were pot blowing the big horns. It Is a good band und its members did not resemble professional musicians In the least. There were no professional fe male agitators or reformers uinopg the hundreds who enme to Canton today. The shouting, notoriety-seeking sisters have betn sent to the rear. Women representing the best culture und socie ty uud the most refined homes of Cleve land made u: the visiting delegation. Hands itue mutrons und lovely young society girls planned and carried out the project of today's visit, and exqui site taste coit'ikd with well bred ex pression of earnest enthusiasm was the note that tariff throughout the whole occasion. There were a few women from other stutes present und one from Colorado assured Major McKlnley as she shook hands with lilm she was going home and Vote for lilm, and she added the vote of the women would give the slate to the Republicans la November.. Major McKlnley may go tj Cleveland tomorrow to u.eet the national commit tee. MR. HANNA'S ADVISORS. The New ly. Appointed Republican MittMiniil Committee. Cleveland, July 15. The remaining members of the uewiy-appolutod execu tive committee of the Republican Na tional committee airlved In Cleveland this morning and shortly ut ter 10 o'clock Went Into executive session at Mr. Han na's rooms in the Pen y-Payne build ing with ex-l'nited Slates Marshall William Haskell as sc-rgeant-ut-arms. Mr. Hannu met the nicbers of the com mittee. In depressing circumstance:). The sudden death yesterday uf his brother-in-law. Col. Juities Plckutuls, was a serious blow to him and he showed the effect of the stroke in his appearance and actions this morning. However, he proceeded as best he could with the consideration of the business In hand. The committee remained In session until 11 o'clock, when a brief intermis sion was had for luncn. During the morning no Interruption had been al lowed, no cards were sent In .and no messages received. Luncheon was par taken of In the building and by two o'clock the deliberations of the commit tee were resumed. Shortly before 4 o'clock the commit tee adjourned until tomorrow. Senator Quay left at once to take the train for home. Mr. Hanna announced that My ron M. Parker hud been selected as member of the national committee from the District of Columbia and C. S. John son, member from Alaska. The Colo rado vacancy was not filled. Mr. John son was a delegate to St. Louis and member of the committee to notify Major McKlnley of his nomination. Mr. Parker was grand marshal of the Harrison inaugural piocesslon in 1SS9 uud later was one of the commissioners of the district. Mr. Hanna further announced that It hud been decided to open cumpulKU headquarters both In New York und Chlcaga. "Who will be In charge?" was asked. "The chairman of the Republican Na tional committee." lie answered. "He will be In the saddle, so to speak and be found ut both places. They will be of equal power, importance and scope." "Well. Mr. Hanna," persisted the'in qulreis. "who will be In charge In your absence. "Now that is nil I am going to tell you," he leplied somewhat brusquely. None of the other members of the com mittee would say anything ur.d the reason for the establishment of dual headquarters are matters of specula tion merely. AIR. QUAY'S SUCCESSOR, Cnnnot Be Appointed l.y Attmnty General .iyliii und .llcnr. Grow nml Davenport. Philadelphia, July 15. It Is now claimed by some Republicans that the selection of Senator Quay's successor as chairman of the Republican State committee cannot be mad by Attorney General Mylln, the chairman of the present state convention in conjunction with Messrs. Grow and Davenport, the candidates for congressmen at large. At the state convention the senator was elected after a resolution hud been adopted suspending the operation of the old rule and providing that the election should be by the delegates. Hence It is maintained that the vacancy can only be rilled by the delegates com ing together for that purpose or by the stute committee. It Is thought that to reconvene the convention would be Impracticable, but that in lieu of thut the state com mittee must be called together, and the vacacy filled by that body. The question will probably be re ferred to Mr. Quay and his opinion will in all llkllhoud settle the matter. Meeting of Pardon Bonril. Harrlsburg, July 15. A special meeting of the board of pardons will V held next week (o render decision In tne Burdsley case and In other cases, all of which have bean held under advisement since the rrr.-t:. t l n n'h Inft. SALEM WAS SORRY AKDBEDRACGLED Colors Ran Together in the Decorations That Greeted Mr. Bryan. STORM ELEMENTS DAMPENED SPIRITS Three Thomniid People Stand in the Mud to Welcome the Boy Orator. A Speech That Had No Hearing on Politic. Salem, Ills., July 15. A heavy wind and lain storm c up at noon today and tor a while there was u stampede among the hundreds of visitors who hud gathered to meet William J. I'ryuli j ami who believed that a cyclone was Imminent. The rain ruined the decoiu tlons and when It had censed Salem pr j stntcd sorry and bedraggled appeur j anco. The colors were running In the starred and strip -d buttling which iiriil to hide ti.e roughness of tic spcukeis' phitt'ori-i. Court house patk wan a mire when the lain was over mid the o.Ota people who weie crowded Into the suaie hud a ery uncomfortable fei ling tinder )ut. Two more bands arrived at the last moment und with the four thut had been on the spot all day. they made plenty of noise If no music. A recep tion committee und several bands ts corted Mr. and .Mrs Bryan from their friend's residence to the park, and their appearance was the signal for heurty cheei s. L. M. Cugy presided ut the meeting und after prayer by Rev. K H. Young, a Methodist minister, he u little speech tompllineiitaiy to Mr. Hryan, who had betn his claw mute at the Il linois colli ge. and predicting Democra tic victory in November. When Mr. liryun wan presented and after the checi lug had ceased he began Eluv. ly and distinctly. When he re ferred to his father and to his mother's recent d.ath. ihere w is much feeling In his tnne. The I'peech contained Very little about politics and Mr. Hi. van ex pressly disclaimed any Intention of making a political speech. MR. UKYAVS SPEECH. "Mr. Clial.iiuiu, ladies and gentlemen and fellow citizens." he said, "1 have no disposition to talk politics today. 1 shall leave all disc ussion of party ques tions to those who shall follow. Re turning to the scenes which surround my home, the memories of other days crowd out ull thoughts of other subjects on which we ui'iy agree or differ. I re member with grateful appreciation the kindly feeling on church and party Hues when I lived among you and 1 shall not attempt to divide by putty lines those who are here today. "This hi the home of my birth and childhood. Three blocks south Is my birthplace. A mile southwest Is the home of my eaily boyhood. I shall never fall to be grateful to my parents for taking me to the farm where 1 gained the physical strength that enubled me to stand the rigors of a polltlcul life." Mr. Bryan referred to the adjacent court house us the place where he had made his first political speech and to other places In the vicinity Identified with political career and he wus ap plauded when he added: "It was here that I first brought her who came to share life's Joys and sorrows with me." He could not forget, he said, Hume whose kindly faces smiled upon lilm be fore fortune smiled. He referred to the nearby graveyard and spoke feelingly of the dead father and mother. "1 can not forget this place or these people." said the orator, "and 1 cannot say more toduy than to express In words mote sincere than elaborute ull that I feel." AN IDEAL IN POLITICS. "I believe thut there is an Ideal plane in politics and I belli ve we stand upon It today. We meet today recognizing the differences of feeling, but with charity towards each other. We are all Imbued with the same spirit, all imbued with the same amlillons, all aiming to carry out the suine purpose. We want government of the people, for the peo ple, and by the people und If we differ as to the means, we cannot Oilier as honest citizens In purpose. 1 thank the Republicans who are assembled here, I thank the Prohibitionists, 1 thank the Populists, as much as I do the Demo crats, because, my friends, when these questions which rise to the surface and agitate people have passed away, we then understand those fumluinentul principles willed underlie our govern ment. We ull agree In Iiim. that when ever the government conies In tutilact with the citizens and the citizen with the government we all stand equal be fore the lav,-. We agree that the gov ernment can be no respector of person and thut its strength. Its matchless strength, must be the protector of the fortunes or the great and the business of the poor; thut It shall stand un lin pailinl arbiter between ull of Its citi zens. We believe that governments de rive their Just powers from the consent of the governed. We know no divine right of kings. These citizens are those upon whom rest the responsibilities of government, and while each strives in his own way to bring the movement to a tit expression of the virtue of the peo ple, we cannot agree on those minor points w liich separate us. "ft wus here 1 received my first In structions in Democracy. It was here I learned the truth of the saying that clothes do not make the man. but all who have the good of the country at heart, ull these stand ou common ground and all are citizens. These are the basic principles upon which rests the greatest nation on earth. I believe In the progress of the race. Talk not to me of crises through which we can not pass, or obstacles too great to over come. I know none such. A patriotic people are ready to meet every emer gency, as it arises and as each genera tion follows each, I believe It will be better fitted to perform the work of progress than ever before. FREEDOM OP CONSCIENCE. "It was here that I learned freedom of conscience. Every man has the right to worship God according to his own conscience, and no man shall dic tate how a man shall serve his God (Loud cheers). Mr. Rryan quoted Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg speech, referring to the absolute confidence with which the nation might look to Its people In time of danger, and In conclusion said: "Vy friends here, and throunrhoflt the land, the nation can look with con fidence that patriotism and courage will meet every danger. "I thank you all for what you have done for me and for the kindly expression which I see on every face. We shall go forth and do our duty as we see It, but the result will be unknown until the votes are counted. Put whether this camiialgu will result In victory or defeat, I know time cannot rob me of the affections of my boyhood days." (Cheers.) Mrs. Rryan was presented to the audience and was given a hearty greet lug, to which she responded with a bow Then Hon. P. At. Youngblood, of Car bondale. Ills., had his inning. He was Introduced as that "old war horse of Southern Democracy," and made a lively speech. Others also spoke and the meeting was voted a great success. SECOND DEMONSTRATION. A second political demonstration In honor of the Democratic candidate for president took place this evening In the court house purk. Addresses were made by Mr. Hi. van, J. S. Williams, es congre'ssman from this state.and others. Mr. Cragy presided at the evening meeting and his opening announce ment that Nebraska Populist conven tlon had today endorsed Uryan by a vote of 70 to 30, was followed by great cheering. The meeting was larger und more enthusiastic than that of the af ternoon and when Mr. Bryan was In troduced he was given an ovation. .Mr. Rryan spoke as follows: Mr. Chulruiuu, Ladles and Gentlemen and Fellow Citizens; J agreed to suy a word in opening the meeting and then 1 am going to give way to those who will discuss the Issues of the duy. I remember that when I was ut college a saying In 'Plutaeli was that the men entertained three sentiments concerning the Gods, they worshiped them because of their power, they admired them because of their wisdom und they loved them for their Justice. That suylng made u deep impression 5n my mind and 1 think we can use them to describe the three great forms of government: The monarchical, the aristocratic und the democratic. The monarchical Is all powerful, because nil forces ure concentrated in one hand. The aristocratic I orin of government Is pow erful becuuse It Is conducted by u few supposed to be the best. That muy be wise, but u Democracy is the only form of government where you can confidently expect Justice to rule. Rut, my friends, UKitutlun in u country like ours Is the only way to secure Justice. The agitator Ii accused of stirring up discontent. Dis content lies ut the bottom of ull progress. If our forefathers hud been content we would be toduy under liiltlsh rule. (Great cheering). It Is only because they Were not satlslled that we have the govern ment we have today. When un ugltator presents a question we should only in quire. Is the proposition which he presents the right one'.' Today when there are greut uggregatioiis of wealth, with tile power of niuich they bring, when they come in contact with the weak, the strong arm of the government Is necessary to protect the weak from the Injustice of the strong and 1 say that it is necessary for the government to protect the hum blest citizen of the land. Take the Issues to be proposed and see If they are real remedies und If they will improve the condition of the body politic. You usk me if these things ure right we seek to ac complish. I suy if these forms are right they will be accomplished. 1 thank you. (Cheers). Mr. Bryan withdrew when he had concluded and the crowd gave him a farewell salute of three cheers. He went Immediately to the house of his sister, Mrs. Huird, and retired to get a good rest before taking the 5.30 train for St. Louis in the morning. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Party Line Are Dropped in the His. cushion of the Currency Question. New York, July 15. The Weekly Pub lic Opinion of New York prints this week's symposium of carefully selected press comments from 123 leading news papers in all parts of the country on the Democratic convention and the Issues of the campaign. Of these llfty-eight are Democratic, twenty-eight Republi can und thirty-seven are Independent Journals or special organs of lubor or ganizations, farmers, single taxers, etc. Of the fifty-eight Democratic papers thirty-two repudiate the platform, twenty-four of these also emphatically rejecting the candidates. All either by Implication or In plain words advise Democrats to remain within the party line and vote for the ticket with a res ervation If neccessary regarding the financial plank, two declare for McKln ley, three demand an Independent tick et, fifteen declare for the platform and e-undldates, with free silver. Of the twenty-eight Republican pa pers four declare for silver, while four say that the Democratic party is dead or hopelessly disrupted. Of the thirty seven Independent and special Journals, fifteen reject the platform and candi dates, nine declare for McKlnley, ten declare for Rryan and two demand an Independent Democratic ticket. Stenmship Arrivals, New York, July 15. Arrived: Furneslfi, from Cllusgow and Muvllle. Hailed: St. I.otiis. for Southampton; Teutonic, for Liverpool. Arrived out: Luhn, ut South ampton: Aiirania, at (Jucenstown; Kdain, at Boulogne; Kulda, at Genoa: Germanic, ut (JUeeiistowii. Sailed for New York: Spree, from Southampton; Amsterdam, from Rotterdam. Sighted:.Moblle, from New Yoik for London, passed Lizard; Pa llida, from Hamburg fur New Yolk, passed Lewis Island July 14. The Reserve Shrinking. Washington, July 15. Gold withdrawals today amounted to SLUM Hun, leaving the reserve at the cloe of business at i'Sl.- 355,279. THE NEWS THIS M0RM.NG. Weather Indication 1 uday I Thunder Showers i Cooler. 1 Cleveland Women Greet McKlnley. New Jersey Republicans ut Asbmy Park. Candidate Bryan Speaks at Salem. 2 Whitney's News Rudget. 3 (Local Supreme Court Decisions In Lo- cal Cases. Taylor's ls Directory Is Issued. 4 Editorial. Comments of the Press. 5 (Local) Supposed John Gouee Arrested. Hopeful or Getting Buck Payf Railroad Litigation. 6 (Sports) Beranton Defeats Providence. Eastern and National League Games. Cycle Gossip. 7 Suburban News. Market and Financial News. " S News V't and Down tbe Valley. REPUBLICAN LEAGUE AT ASBURY PARK Two Thousand New Jersey Republicans Gather at the Beach. PRESIDENT HIGGINS IN THE CHAIR He Compliments the League .Members lor the Activity They Have Shown and luiportnut Work Accomplished. Secretary's It c port Shows Lurge Increase in Membership. Asbury Paik, N. J., July 15. Asbury Park was in the possession of the state Republican league today. Excursions from every point In New Jersey pulled up at the station and unloaded 2,000 patriotic delegates, overflowing with en thusiasm. At 12 o'clock all the delegates had ar rived and went Immediately into cau cus JJ elect committees on nominations. Great enthusiasm prevailed and cheers for McKlnley and Hobart were fre quently heard. The Asbury Park audi torium, w here the convention was held, was handsomely decorated for the oc casion. At 12.45 o'clock the convention was called to order by President Htgglns. f he delegations had caucused and were in their places when the convention was called to order. Prayer was offered by Hev. W. A. Allen, of Asbury Park. He asked for an especial blessing on the press of the country, that their editors may be men of sound conviction In the discharge of their duty. President Hig gins' annual address was replete with the good work that had been done by the league. He complimented the young men for the activity they had shown. Particular mention was also made of the Important work they accomplished at the St. Louis convention. Mr. Hlggins predicted a DO.000 Re publican majority in New Jersey next November. The secretary's report showed that the league had t2.251 members, an In crease of 32.000 over last year. The president appointed committees ou rules and credentials and the con vention adjourned until 2.30 o'clock. HEAD-ON COLLISION. An Empty Train and an Accommodation Meet on the ReadinpSeveral Are Injured. Philadelphia, July 15. At 10.45 this morning a collision took place on the Heading railroad near Willow Grove, about 12 miles from this city, between a train of empty passenger cars and an accommodation train which left here at 10.02 for New Hope, Pa. Six men Were hurt, but none dangerously. The most seriously Injured wus Baggage Master John Martin, of the accommodation, who was badly bruised about the body by being thrown against the side of the car. 'I'll" unloaded train had taken out an excursion to Deer Park and was re turning to the city und the collision was due to a misunderstanding uf orders by the crew of the excursion train. PLATFORM REJECTED. Iowa Republican Convention Has No I scl'or l.oug-Winded Declarations. Des Moines, iowa, July 15. Rollbi ,f. R. Wilson being absent. Congressman Hepburn oflielated as temporary chair man uf the Republican state conven tion, which was called to order In the Tabernacle at 11 o'clock. Mr. Hepburn said thut while favorable to the use' of silver as money, he regarded the Demo cratic plan as fraught with immeasur able disaster to the country. He be lieved bimetallism could be secured through an international agreement within a brief period of time. He al luded to the tariff very briefly. After the announcement of the committees the convention took a recess until 2 o'clock. The committee on resolutions rejected the platform submitted by Hon. A. U. Cummlngs, national committeeman, be cause of its great length, and appoint ed a suh-committee of five to draft a brief declaration. There Is no dissen sion as to principles. HIBERNIAN CONFERENCE. President O'Connor's Annual Report Read--c'lecllcnt Showing Made. Detroit, Mich.. July 15. President P. J. O'Connor read his annual report this morning at the National conference of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. He congratulated the order on the excel lent showing made during the past two years, having added 16!t divisions and 25 companies to the order In that time. Bishop Foley, of the Detroit diocese, treasurer, of the university fund, for the endowment of a chair in the Cath olic university at Washington. D. C. reported that $4y.000 of the required $50,000 hud been collected and the re maining S1.O0O would be in hand in a vety short time. THE OLD COW SNOWED UNDER. .Monduy Was a Cold Day Tor Stock in Rush Township. Special to The Tribune. Montrose, July 15. James R. King, a farmer living on a large farm In Rush township, owned by W. S. Mulford, of this place, came to Montrose today and stated that the damage done by hall was beyond estimation. A fine Jersey cow on the Mulford farm was grazing In a valley when the hail storm broke. The animal fell to the ground and when Mr. King found her It was necessary to dig her out, as she was almost covered with the hail. ICndorsed by the "I'ops." Huron. 3. D July 15. The Populist state convention endorsed Bryan's nomination and commended the course of Senator Pel tlgrew. J. S. Kelly, of Moody county, und Freeman Knowles, of Lawrence, were nominated for congress. Will Endorse Hrynu nnd Sew all. Minneapolis, July 15. The state conven tion to elect delegut to the bimetallic convention ut St. Louis will meet In this city tomorrow. It hi apparent that there will be a large attendance. The convention will endorse Bryan and 8ewall. Y'S Special Sale of SHIRT WAISTS Our stock is unsurpassed In stylt workmanship and assortment, and to close the season we offer 5 As the followlnr prices will show, wa guarantee them to be the very; bast values offered this season: Fanoy Lawn Waists, all colors, 48c Fancy Percale Waists, all sizes, 69c. Better quality Percale Waists, 95c. Fancy Stripe Lawn Waists, 11.1. Extra Fine Waists at $1.38. $1.45, $1.63. The Celebrated "King Waists." la Percales, Lawns and Dimities, at $148, $1.75, $1.98, $2.25. These goods sell themselves. Plain White Waists In Batiste and Dimity, Plain Black Himalaya Waists, Silk Jacquard House Waists; also a su perior line of Children's Dimity and Lawn Dresses, Boys' Kilt Suits In Pique and Fine Galatea Cloth at great ly reduced prices. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Always Busy. Cool Shoes for Hot Feet. Our 60c. Outing Shoes sale begins today for The Boys and OlrJs. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF FINE JEIRIY CAN BE SEEN AT 408 SPRUCE STEEE1. When you pay for Jewelry you might as well get the best. A fine line of Novelties for Ladies and Gentlemen. W. J. Weichel 403 Spruce St. Atlantic Leal Fracl Zinc, iiamel faints, Carriage Paints, Rejigs' Pure Colors; Ac SB, Crccfcetfs Preservative. Ready Mixed Tinted Qloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Garaunteed.
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