v - ;v 3 12 THE FCHANTOl? TftllrtTlSns SATURDAY 'WOUNUTO. MAY, 11, 1896. HATS TRUED FREE. MILLINERY, I ill Lackawanna Ave. IRE if LLHE.T BUSINESS I Viiler ill Mir Blow. A'a ftie ilotiirf l.y tar tl. lir"t liiil i '' lino in I l.o miv. A vlit lo our atom will ijui. kly explain I Iw rM . Wo Imve ii lurar monk imiI KMiter lumiriuiuut lliuu l ilia iiir slums imuiWuuil, nuil our rolail irU leas Uwu uul wholesale prices. W o iuuiigurulu IihIuv grout Half I'ricc Kule of Trimmed Huts. Klttllt III lll llllllsl l.f III bllV SeUSOIl ure iiiuking sttets.iiiK iclinltoiis stith us lui oilier bloio has ever il-li-mpiet. Ti mimed Huts lhal 15. on to a-' at J Ml. Trimmed Hals Dial were I x 00 to go al 1.1 to. IiiiihiiIuiI Trimmed Hals tlial were 110 end tia lu go ul II DO ami 5.. Trimmed Leghorn At J I W. I2.4 ami 82 0(1, worlh fullv double iliu miniuy. Children' Trimmed lints Al .. 11.25. Il."i and 1 ai. loss llian the iiiuteii,ile art north. He tall spet lul uiu-iilinii lo I lie lit thai unite of our hate are- ii'liitlur J auh vlic.tp materials in Hush tit any kind 'I' tit V uto alt tutfc;lil new unviila. lat'l bll. ou t iijuiiueit l.y Hid licet luilll lu r III I lie ill). Kibhtuis uiul l ltiwci s W o luw iiiailti litif n-iiifi liulu ill alt mil' Iiuiuuiibu blink uf t;u4"iii aiul I'll' tm ll Kill I'.iy Mm u st'u I tn in I. or hi c li tnii t-Ue In iv. HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE We lo.ititun.i Uulu.v u SUPEBB EXHIBIT OF SUMMED MILLINERY. Tlio fUokv-t unit Nowobt IVaigni iii SUMMER NWS AND BONNETS w wu. Soiiw re iiittiWubli) ouiii(loi of Ai Ullo Millinety. GERSON'S, W MARKET AND STOCK REPORT Wall Suo.it liJMOrt Nt-w Viik. May IX -Thu Iditfii in tk'ilay'a liiuileil ini uialit'ii at tin? Slurk txi lumSf wile ttii? i liaiii; In thi- uttl tlltlo l'f I lUlitiMI I'lil-liltiH n. w hu tin Hfil mi ua Nflk'i'8 ul inn scvttrittiM, llio i'l lv'ifiitlun glvoii tvv tin- Ni Yofk HIV I luan !' l,tiuli.iii in v c-itit w. itio agitatitii I uf Iho I'ul'an iiin-slinii tu'tli al Wash- I iiib'tim aiul Al.ii.ti lit tinU tin? fiigav'viiH ut uf A iiilllliMi v.i'lit tut' rxivrt ti KuriHo liiiiinmiw. 'riu- fait that t.iiJi'i I'tianisod ita I'sitinu mi ttu- inaiki t as a iliatiiul iiimniiitiiH-nt. V t-su-utay the I finviyiifis ttUht faitlv lais aincliiUa I of St. t'aui ami l.nuisviUo ami .ilh- vlllu ami mnut' of ttio Uiv-iuna luiiula anil imtii alinn.i (miiilea ti tlll nil -Umr hliyins f"i' tliat aooouut. The le wrdt! I'l'oxoJ tiuo ami local in'i-iutm w ho aiv of thi' oi'inloii that a tvii lion is ovoiUue loi'k aUvautsu ot Ihia im- tvtuuity lo I'linir atiout a lovr. rango ol I'l U fi. Xtaiitiallan allow in 4 of imki Inga for tin.' Match uuai tor attiaiei lti bhorts, ths- coinii;iny acci'i'U'ui to thj btali'Uiftit ti It-it with the railroatl com iniaaioii at Attany failiitu to earn all Ita vhurgva, inctiiiiinis ilu ljetiita by tho sum ill u."i.:(it. bn- the nino months ended March XI. tht? Uoilctt is ..;... The stock full it 1 .m lui',s at close; elenlay to ly.Ua. Su.tr. liny Slits Oas, t'onsolklattiil lias, l.iiuisx ille and .Nashville, Leather inel'ericd. Tobacco and Tennessee t'oal aid turn were alvj heavy and lost lais ier cent: Suifar bo inij particularly weak ill the closing tianaactiona. T'he call made by the traaury deoartinent tin- 5tl tier Cent, of the money held by the depository banka on bond account hail no inHuence 011 the money luaikvt, a!lhwuish as the' margin of piollt la so smalt on sold exports anything that makes for higher inter est rale ought to check the eltiux of the metal and reinov. at least one dis turbing element. The market closed weak and generally per cent, lower on the day. Total sales weie W7, shares. furnished by WILLIAM LIN'X. AL LEN Oo., corivswmJeata tor A. k. VAMfBELL, stock broker, Hi 3yru; trt. Sut is -e0 . -.MU'i -vtu . .. ijuVj 'iri iki?'S ivr-g . .124 l'n l.M .. !.l'.H I'O-H M"s ... Wv, nr., 4a''H w . . .. I'iUi I'i'-H l-p'ii ... 7'i'ii !( iji'a W.j .. IW'j 1")P iM'.2 liH ... VP.t '!' 7V: ... :U :(,!", 3,.:;i ... 77 77-1, 77- 7'-i .. 7lJ 7 l'.n ll'.!",! ...I3i la; vsu ... is'4 i'4 w iv-, ... :h-?h :ij.!m 'n .lO-'s l','t Tltl ...I'M XrjVt l'M'-j l'U-i ... St-a 2n -n ... 1 . i ''4 fri, --.I'M l'."' l'l-r . . . Uii- '17'S !B'" .. -U 24 '.'4 24 ... :!-. ... laiV4 2'4 L'iil4. 2"': ... II ! J I I'M ... Ifs, , s, i'.. : -V) 'jii'i ...27 27 2'i'l4 2i''t ... S S-S, 4-H Hip. ... . ii-si !, ij'i, ... Hu ST. .0 is,i . .. li Ji 'M :'A ... u h ti :i ... 'iO Ii4 1,1 ... 24 2d'.j 2:114 ) OJj' T RAPE fKrOK.S. Op-n- Hish- Low- (.!.. Ina. est. u.t. Inir. .St ii:t-'i i,2'S, 'tsai, W14 W l ii lii-y, i!i-i(, 2U 2U Ill's, )!i:.s 2"4 HI) 2S'.j 2!i'.i ai'i aiJ.i ;iu au't 4.7i) 41 4,ii7 1.ii7 4.V. 4.5o 4.SU 4.S4 7.SU 7.W 7.U7 7.1.7 7.. 7. Hi 7. si 7.W Aich.. 'Co. . s. b. Ouiada Scutheru t'hes. 4 tihio I'hie. this t'hlc. iV X. W t'hlc, 11. & y V. t'. v'. & St. L. . . t'hlc, Mil 4.- sh. V. t'hic, H. 1. & I'ae. t'el. Hu.l I'lst. St K. ... Uviierul Kleclilc . J.uiH. & Na.sh ... l. K 1 Tex ts, Al:i.u. KleVated .Mo. fuc Nat. tSjj.ljii.. X. J .(.Ynhul X. V. t'viiiral X. X., S. & VV., t'r. Pr. .Nor. 'tic Hie. Mall Vbilo. . HeaJ Soul hern R. K. Souilieiii K. K., Ten 11.. (.'. ic Iron Vr Texas fuel Mo .... t'uioii Public WbsUiii I nion ... W. L V. 8. Leather .... V. S. Leather. Pr. V. a. Kubbcr .... WHEAT. Jul 14vir.iiihr ... OOKX. July .September ... OATB. July September .. . LAHU. July September ,, HOKK. July September . . Summon Board of irado fcxvhaogeQuo-tution.s-Ail ,iuotuiioua Uusod on fur of 1 U0. Name. Dime Ueo. & DIh. Bank... Bid. Asked. W0 fienutton Liu'm L'i!-i,nn 1 National Boring & Drilling Co. " First, National bunk jig Scrujiton Jur Stoppur Co....." ... Kliiiliurst Bouluvaid Co ' .!" eranloli Suvtngs Hunk ...... 3oi Bon la Piute Olnas Qq.. ......... , flurujiton Car K.placer Co..'....' Sc. anion Pauking Co ... Weston Mill Co ... LuckawiuMia Iron St Hlosl Co.. Sorunloii Bedding Co ' ..." Third National Bunk .....'.....' 360 Throop Nuvuliy Mfg. Co...'...' ... traiilon Tiuotlon Co 17. BvNt8. Scranton Oluss Co M loo io (Si s luj 'iw LUUl 10 IJcra.-iUm Push. Hitil.wuy, (Irat mortKAgo duo HUM .'. Pbpl'H Sii..;ot Ruilway, flrab mortKitga 'luo IBIS Be raji :. in A Pltmlon Trab. Co.'. Peoplo's Street, Hallway., SJuu-. oiiu morigage quo iuui... 110, Liiuasoo .nHniimctiinntr 1.0..., ... Lauku. TowuiHhlp Hchool SS4. . . .' City of Scrmit.on Street Imu1 ;r. WMglk t WIntli 10 Ifrj HATS TRIMMED FREE. MILLINERY, 421 LaekttWttUini Ae. OF A Wonderful Sulc of iiitrliiiiitcd Mruw bliapc s iiu iWf uii of mil- '"' ;; 81.25 una Hu In Hue M''" ma, an an, I rough bialda und marked lllelll nil 5uc. tacit. , . Tula l an uppuiliinHy seldom 4o na lia.t 1 Kit a Una 1ml m Hi" ";; In busy seaum ul less lhaii hull I',1'"' Fancy Hi ran and Housl. 'aid 'u'" lutus una Toipius Were liue. and ' go Ul IC. l.wgluM Hats Al iM'. l.ealiinn llaH. Wnlih U-d-l 4si-. I.pIuiiii llatn. iiti w. At l.eKlluill llrtU. WOllll n'- VI t.i-glmlll IUU, illl !. Al HSi'. I.rslliilll Ualb, WOllh l t. liiiit ittcJ Siiil.ii! Curi'vut haifH, lillil'uii lialul l.hr uwt-al. Huliuli U. ., .. Al in', rtfniitjlt anil llaiklo l.i'aliU. win III M. . At rtiicnl dciinutl, Kiii lrat, ttniili Tin- .. . t n.v. ami I Milan nlia, naliii liin-a. wnrili ll.;! ami Al l S, l 1.1 a'l rt";' Strain ami I'luiaina Halluia, .rtl l. w inula rat li. Lack's flu?, Scranton. Ml. Vernon I'oal IV... Scrautoil Axla Woiku Si Now Voik I'loduci) Markol. New Voik. May Ui - I'loiir- I'ull. f-isv. uui ftauut il. lu-al S.iol maiket dull, r.lbiei- Willi opti'ini. closing III hi. f o. b . 7wVc. lo antic: liliiilMileil led, H2i.K'.; o. I iiorllu'i 11. 71i.-. lo arrive; opiions were iiiuderatoty aclivo ami weak al 'vaV . de clllle; No. 2 red .Vlv, 0V-; J init-. July, Wv. ; Sopleinti.-r. ii.vV;: IVceuiPer, ilN . IVin Uee-ill. dull, easier. No. i at SuV1 elevator: :-ii atloali opiiotn dull an I weak al :V. iltvliim: .May. v.; July, Xic: ScpU'niber, '. I'ala - rfpols dull, mixed easier; options dull, easier: May. ,luue iiul July. 241.1-.; spot prices. No. i at sH'i-atMV-: No- - white. 2;itc; No. 2 fhlea Uii. 2tU&V'.; No. i al 24c; No. S whtte, 2'u-. : mixed wesiern, 2;"ia2ti-.; while do.. 2i' ia : hilu iti'a-SV lleel - i.Moi ; ., 7aS. t'eef lainuy llama iHlll XILjVats. riei ced beet - Slow ; city exlia India mess, liitcn'.; cut meals, uncivilised. I.ard - Nominal. folk- I 1 changvxl. Mutter I'm hnsd. t'hee l.nm-i, now easy ; siitie larti nw. li'i iic. ; otliara uiichalised. Kgga Steady ; mo.ier aie demand. 1 t'hililiUlphia I'rt.vibitm Market t'Mla.telphla. May l". - f'roi isma were lobbiiig fairly at steady prices. We iiuo:: City smoked beef. imiUr.; beef hams, ia K.jO; pc k. family . l .jeall, hums, tl. f. clued, in liei ces. atiy.; do. siuokls.1. Si lvie. as to average; aides, i'ibbe.1 In salt, i'. ; do. Oi. amoked, d'-sac; shoulders, pickle cured, .MjaiV ; do. do. smoked. j, jr. ; picnic hams, S. f. curcil. :ViaoV'. I t'cllies, in pickle, ai-coi'dintf lo aveia-'e, loo.ae, ra.,,ne. : bre4tki';tst Pacini, 7,.il'X'. lor round and jobbing lots, aa lo bland and average; laid, pure, cily reltned. in tierc-s, oa-ic; do. do.do., in tubs, 'ia'i1 y. ; do. b'.itcheis' loose. c: city tallow, m hogsheads, 3e. : coutut y do., Jal,ac., as to quality, and cakes, S'.jC. - loledoinaiu Markvt. 'tVleJo. l.. May (.'lose Wheat-K -ceipts, 3,lvV buanels; shlpnteins, busn eis; easy; Xo. i re..l cash and May, Wc; July, i4'tc; August, i.p,se. t'orn Kecelpls, l.-'i.'i) bushels; shipments, U.2U0 bushels; dull; Xo. I mixed July. 3uV tkits eeipLs, none: sriit.menu, Huo bushels: dull; No. 2 mixed July. 2Vc, t'toverseed Xoth iiii doing. Buffalo Livo Mock lluffulo, X. Y.. May 15, Cattle-Steady; god siockera, W.oua3.ii6; t'hlo siteera, 1; luir to good fat cows, $2.'xa:i. lil. Vouls Dull and lower; good veals, JJ.iDui; culls to fan . Hiul. W. Hogs Active and stea ly; Vorkera amJ pigs, S.t'jii; hght luixoii, U.wa S.j?'!; medium heavy. W.jaJ.; extreme heavy. J.ii; roughs, $.lu3.!U; stags, J2.26a 2..1V, Sheep and lambsCpened sLea-dy, but weakened by noon; choice lo prune handy lambs soid early al $:;-. Iii; later at Hi I. Hi; fair to good, l.2val.2i; culla and conhinon. $.l.70at.l': mixed aheep, good to choice, !3.4eu:f.'ii. culls and comiuoii, 2.:!ta 2,2; heavy ewes, f2.ivia,2u. Chicago Livo Stock. lliiion Stock Yards, 111., May .). Outtl. Keceipla, o.'JW hea'.l : market weak: com mon, to e.xliu steel s, $.. jul. ju; siocker and lei-'f.irs, 2.ial; cows and bulls, s!.."uaj. iU; calves, $.Ul4.s;i: Texaim, 2.2iial.W. rloga Ueceipts, I,'ju0 head; market Sc. btgner; closed weak: heavy packing and shipping ! s. X.t 'iiit:t if: t ujiijiiuii. i, I'hiticM iiiivt.,1 SCRANTON '!fTij.2iia3.oy; vhifU:v nAaostejJ, SJ.i6a.xW; hghi, r.iKt...ru; jgs, :t;n.sai netp rteceipia, 10,000 head; market steady;" ltrfwifM' to choice, 2.jUa3.M(; lambs, I.I.2M16. Oil Vluikut. Oil City, Va., M iy lfi.-till market U.17 was the OJily quotation. Credit balances, l-20. fittsbuig. Vu., May 15. Xo ifuoiatlonn !ti optioJi market today. Credl't balances, V.-M. BUSINESS BREVITIES. TUA!.JK STATISTICS. The monthly summary of tho tliia,tice and commerce; of tho L'nlted Stated for March, which ha-s .luat been IhsuicU by tho Bureau o Statistics, shows an lncreu.se of 9,:jll tons in tho amount, of cou.1 iintxirted to thin country duiilnjr ihln month of this year over that of 1wf. For the nine months ending in March there was a falling off oi 50, l:'7 tvna fron the amount for tlw; same .-riod of last year. The exjM.il U during- Mai-ch of thlri year have hIho falh.-n oil when com jawed with those of the corresponding month of last year. During; March, WMu, there weiv exported 275,:io4 tuna, while in March, iNiui, only 262,514 tons left, .the country, making a difference of 22,7110 tons, valued al $7:1,12,). Liurijig the nine months eliding in March, l&Hi, there was a decivu.se In exports of coal front the umouiit duriiiK the same period for tho year oiior. of 12li,l:)7 tons valued, at 55. .724. Tho exports of iron and steel in tons Increased during: March, IStHi, over tho same month tor DM, but the Increase in. vajue 11! ajiy is not given. In the month of thin year l.tiJ:,ijfi2 tons were shippixl from tho country while in Miuvh, IsiiO, only 1,32U,4UH were exiwrted mukhiK a difference of 2D0,liia toiiM..The exports for the nine mouths ending March 31,. of t.bls year, of the same 1itAluclH, amounted to 12, W?!!? tons, while during tho corresponding; period of l.SMi. 1J, 209,428 tons left th country. mnJllntr a baJantsf to tho credit of I8H11! of l.tlSMiitl btiH. Tho impoi ts for March Willi, were- LH2a,4;!0 tons, ajid fv tlio same month of Kxtiu, 2,2i,M2, moiling a. dllTerent.- Ini favor of the month of last year o 446,41 J uns. During th nlnn months ending In March' of this year, ia,!iDti,74: toim were brought: Into the country,., whlla- In 1S6,. 17.0511,52.7. were ttiulUed, Wvlng bln of 140O.J37 inn. In oil trmltlo I here- wan iortMt during Wurxh of IXiK, a.tH6.i17 gallona. ami in th aanit inunlh uf laat ytr 2.41,Ttil. Kur tint ninn inoiillia of IkM thorn wi-n U aiiaiMHttMl from 11m court, try 41,0S,b4 galluica, ugalnat lW.Ult.2U for the anw itrlod of isnft, makrnir a dlffvreflco of ll.7.4U lu the credit of IHW. Tho valua of the oil. however, la not given, Th total value of I ho Im IMtria of nuri'haiidlu for klan-h. IKIM, was tj,4ul.4iw. and for the nine months ending in March of the mine year iki7, iJ,2iU. 1110 Uital value of exourU was t74,uu4.tf.3 for Man-h. IXSd, and for the nine mouth, t4.:M,0iiu. CONfll'MPTiON Of1 lRINK-illa-IIhiIom liave Imnv wm!iled at Vloiuia of Hie nuantlly of ak-thollo llquora drank In IXsJ In tho eotire world. Uer iimny head.s tho Hal with I. SUi. 132.1)74 gallona, an liurraati of S4,lkiU,V00 over IsfJ, I ho (HiiiMuniptlou living thirty-tlu-ee Kali. ma i-r head, ranking from elmy two gullona In Havarla, lo twvlve gal lons hi laitliringvn; Uivat llrttulrt -mill, I IS."i,7u2,ikio gallona, or Ihlrly gal Ioiim ar lieud, Auieilta, including the whi'le of the Western llt'iulauheixi, is third, with more than a billion gallona, or blxlcen gallona t-r lit-ad. The total for the world, not Including Asia and Africa, la 4,&ihi.00O,Uhu gallona, rrqulrtnK 7,2,0,0110 tons of malt and S.'.WO loua of hops. I! II II TUAKIC WITH JAI'AN.-The now Iminilst- glvou to Japanese umblllon ami t iileipi Is,, by recent evenla makes It very piolutlile thai the I'lilleil Hlate limy open up a good trade in tools uud mui'lilm-iy with that country. Japan Is uniting ulong lima clearly pronrea alve lifi ttuso Industrial. All oltlclal re. port shows 4.:tJ plans doing buslntsa, of which :1IS dealt with liansportutlon, ItU bund ltd nietal goods, 3JJ mlneruls and 2.1 tools and niuclilnel y . Home 6tHi planla used sifitni imwer. ubout half thai iiuinbor Vilr power, 4? used In. ih Htcuni and water power and the rest were dependent 011 mumml iabor lllolle. II II II l'l!tl.luTUN8 IS TIIK Hl'LK. Kiglity per pent, of the presldeula and gt-iieial inatiageis of the railways of the l ulled Stau-s. says the Hallway Age, are men who has climbed up the lad der from the bottom. Out of 3;.l) only ili stepped Into railway service at. or any where near, the lop. And rvvu this is a very unfairly large proportion, for this reason, namely, (hat wllh only some half a done!! exceptions, those men who have dropped Into dignified office from above are Hie beads of very small rom panles. "How lo Cure All Skin hiatuses " Plmi'ly avily "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, ecsema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Us great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by 110 other remedy. Ask your Urugglat for Sway no's Ointment. Banking, KKl'Olt'f IH.' TllK COXl'lTloX W THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK ut MiTuiiton, lu the State of iVii'isylvunia, at I lie close 01' buslneaa, Thursday, May 7, lsW: UKHOl KCKS. Loans and diaiounta l,7.lt:S St liveJtliafts, seA-ured anil uim cuieil 1, 7S I'. H. Honda to secure, circula tion WO.IW Ol) Slock, securities, etc 3,lV(,iilK 'o Hank house, fuiuilure and llx lui es JO.WV IV I'ue from National Hank '(no kteaetve Agents) 70.121 Si Hue from Slate Hanks and Maukeru 20,tf sj lue from approved reserve agents 402. W-i ! 4.l S2 15. 7 ll.l iO Che. ka and other cash tteuta Kxcltanges for c1ea''lng house.. Voles ol other National Hanks fractional paper currency, nickel and cents Lawtul Money Ksiaerve In Hank, via. : Specie tl'M.fcK W Legal teJi.ter notes. 2a0,7x2 ut 1.41-1 15 Uedempliou fund with I'. S. Treasurer t5 per cent, of clivu lallotil L'ue trom I'. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption fund 9.0UU OO Total LLUULUTKS. Capital stock paid lu itiirplua tund I'ndtvded proJt'ts. leas expenses and laxva paid National llauk notea outaland ing Due toother -National Banks... Due to Slate Han a and flank era Individual dvpoait subject to check liematid certillcatea of deposit . Cvrtiiled checks tVi-shier's checks outstanding ,. Notes and bills rediscounted. , fcblls puyabl" LiabilKiea othjr than those above aLated None Total Jt;,272,57 50 Slalo of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, as.: T, Isaac Poet, Cashier of the above named bank, do eoiemjily swear that tho above statement Is Hue to the best of my knowledge and belief. ISAAC POST, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before m this Wth day of Mav. usii. WALTliK K. CH'XSTKrt, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J.OlbM HT..A1R, JOHN J K KM XX, J. A. U.VKX. Li rectors. KKPtiKT Olc THE CONDITION' OK THE Lactam Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Serum on. No. 4nl Lackawuima avenue. of L.wka w an 11a county. Pemisy Iv umu, .11 the close of business. May 12, lssu KKSuCKOliS. Cash 011 hand $ Checks and other cash items ... Due I'roui banks and bankers .. Commercial and other paper owned Cull loans upon collaterals Time loans upon collaieruls .... Loans upon bonds and mort gages Investment securites owned, via. : Stocks, bonds, etc. .ittutciol St 54,'IWJ Ol 2,7X HO 34,52:1 til) 31H.I41 1,4 IS.h'iO 1)0 2U7.W2 00 l,2t5 02 Mortguges 122, ISO 10 331,2141 77 :,7!i7 50 30,0110 ou 35 12 Real estate, furniture and llx- luies - Sale deposit vault Overdrafts , Jl,113,iiS s7 LIABILITIKS. Capital atock paid in Surplus fund L'ndivded proli'.s, less expeuses und tuxeu paJd DeHMita subject to uheck IM,:mil 15 Deposits, special 305,230 07 Due to the Common wealth 25,000 00 260,0110 00 75,000 00 2H.470 3d 7fi0,til0 22 3,'i..l 27 132,00 Due to biuiks and bankers , Dividends unpaid ti,u;i,H5ti s7 Amount Trust Vunila Invested I 57,iiul i',2 Amount Trust funds uninvested l.iioo 5 50,101 07 Stale of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, as. : I, llhi.NKV J. ANDlfiRSOAf. Vlce-Presl-dent of the above-named company, do sol emnly swear that the above statement Ih true to the bust of my knowledge aiul belief. oSlgnud) 1JKNKY; J. AN D1C-KSUX. V'tce-Pl'Maldi.iit, Subscribed iuiiI sworn, to beloiaj ms this Viib duy of May. lbWi. Signed), K. U. H ITCHCOt.'tC, Notary Public Current Attest: -1 tSlgned). OJllOKlilW SANOICKSON. J. BiCX.IA.VIJX DlJUMJjk'K, K. I. BLACK., ' . DlreuUil'.. 5.0W IV .Vi. 272,57s 50 .$ aW,i.M 00 UlM Dili IV 177.71C 1J L77,ij6 00 77,eJ S7 U,45ti '.5 4,7511.710 50 ol.m 44 D.0J4 01 217 25 None None EIDIYOn REMEDIES CURE Catarrh, Deafness, Asthma, Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Blad der Troubles, Female Complaints and All Blood and Ner vous Diseases. A SEPARATE CORE FOR EACH DISEASE Huojou'i Improved Hoicis)patbtc Rinudlcs at ail Drofists 25 Cents i Bade. Munyon's liliouinutlc Cure ooldoin fails to relieve In one to three hours, and cures in a few days. I'rlce 2fs-. Munyon's lyiops(ii Cure positively cures all forms of indigestion and sto mach trouble. 'i -e Sic. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneit nnmla and breaks u-i a cold lu a few hours. Price ii cents. Munyon's Cough Cure slops coughs, night sweats, alluys aoreuess, und siK-edlly heals the lungs. Price, ii cen I a. Munyon's Kidney Cure xeedlly cures pulna In the back, loins or groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Price, S5 cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops heuil ache lu three minutes. Price, Sic. Munyon's Pile Ointment positively cure all forms of piles. Price, 25c. Munyon's IMoorl Cure eradicates all Impurities of the blood. Price. Sfa-. Munyon's rVmalo lleinedles are a boon to all women. Munyon's Asthma Uemeilles relieve In 3 minutes and cure permanently. Price, $1. Munyon's Catarrh llemedies never fall. The Catarrh Cure price 2.'ic. eruitlcules the disease fivui the system, and the Catarrh Tablets price 25c cleanse and heal the parts. Millivolt's Nerve Cure Is a wonderful nerve tonic. Price. r cents. .Munyon's Yitultser restores lost vigor. Price. I. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munvoii, IJoi Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any dlseuse. A WORD. WANTS OF AH. KINDS COST THAT Ml'CH. WHfc.N PAlt KOR IN Al VANCK. WHKN A HOOK ACCOt'NT 19 M xDE. NO CHARviK WILL BR I.KSS ! THAN r CS-NTS. THIS KCI.W AP I PtlRS TO SMALL WANT ADS. KX I CEP'P IPOtl, SlTl'M'lOXS. WHICH I ARK 1NSKRTKD- FREK. I Mlsntad. W'AN IKIV-A CI1KAP HORSK FOR PE- livery stagou, weight about 1.U6U or LIU0 lbs. AimW to B- J- Sl'H.NELL. Sit Peuu Ave. Helo Wanted-Malt. xilMl A MON l'H; YVV CAN MAKE IT OlH' easy; a hours a day: our axeut 1 don't uoruulaiu of bard times, but are rusk 114 I big loouvy selbeg National Utah Waaber: built ou ei'ieuHtle Di iucvl-s: suarauteeJ: varvbodv wauta one; LnOO.Oi'O to be acid; srice low. Apula at ouve. WOKLJU Ht'll. Co., W, Coluaibua: Ohia TIBN TS. BITHER StX. ANYONE CAN V make $15 a day Kaay. Any locution. Failure iuipossille Will prove it or forfeit $50. Address. R. H. HVUdS&d, ilgr , 5'J l.adiu St., Cbicago, Ills. U 'ANTED- MEN AND WOVEN TO work at boirie; I pay $:i to $10 par well for making Cruyou Portraits; uev patented uiethvd: auy one who can road sud write vau Uothawork at h. me, in spate time, day or veuiug; send far particulars and begin wort at oucv. Address H. A. 1,1 KIP P, cieruiau Ar tist, Tyrone Pa. calkskx-merchasts'tkad k,-tm 1' a wee. New, iui'-k. good. Litt aatn. pla fre Sidd Una or exeiuaive. Jifrs.. JIM1 Mai ket S3., PaiUdelpbi D SCWCLKRX-DDKKSS OS APPLY U u. P., 4it t edar avenue, Scranton. Pa. U 'ANTED AN AOl'NTIN EVERY SC tlou to can van,; J4UV to io.ikl a day made: ells at sigbc: also a man to sell Staple Ciuud' to dealers; beaC side hue $75.00 a month: sal ary or tun t-vn'Uusaion made: experience uijnecasa' y. Clitton Soup sud Manufactur big Co.. Cincinnati, O. V ANTED- WI5LL KNOWN MAN IN " every 4ttwu ro solietfl atock subai.-riu-tions: a luouopoly : big money ior agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. i'tSil CO., Bordeu Blues. Chicago, ill. Helo WanteJ Females. U 'ANTED AT ONCE - SCKvk HL: must giv5 good reference. Applv at ,537 Monroe avenue. ANTED-.JE.PEKlENi.'ED BDOK KEE1'" 1 er; must be well rvcouujiondoJ ami iniiat be able to give bvud. D. B. C. Tribune olhce. 1AD1KS-I MAKB BID WAtiEH DOlNl.4 J plvusaiit home wora, and wiil gludly send lull particulars to ail sending 2 ceur, staiuu. MlsS . A. Srt'lS1B13lS, Lawrenee, Mich. U'antedhi apy akkxt ur-iictLvi. toil to sell and intnxiui.'u Snyder's uaJta icing; ffxperieueed can vasw-r preferred; work pcriuaeut and Tery prolitable. Write for purciculara at oiiee and get, buneftt uf holiday trade. T. H. SXXDKtt & CO , Cincinnati, (J li'ANTKD IMMEDIATELY TWt) ENBK f V uetto f-a'uawouieii to repreaHnl) us, Ouarautoed $0 a dny witboub interfering wil.ll other Uutiea. Ba,lthf ul. occupation. Write for purliculiu-a, liicliating stump. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 73 John street. New York. f9f Roni tH'RSlSHKU SL'MMEit COT I'At.-iJS POK rent, at Daltoti: eiglir roouiH: new bouse; nuw furuilure. Kuou) 4, 31 Lackawuiuia Ave. 3 SL'ITSOP KuOXSWIt RENT. 4 AND 5 riioins each. Impure ur Adurasa J. W. Ul" lliuh, 517 Luckuwunim avenue. A NICK STORK FOR SENT, SC1TABLK fur any kind of business, a uloe real entrance from .Spruce, Wasiiiiigtuu, and Adltins avo, Renii Clleair. Will uive pusaessiuii an uuee. Andreas, J. W. yUl llibll. ur call up atail uf same place, 517 Laekuwuniia avenuu. - t'OH RBNT-HOCSK CfJNTAlNIXo S rooms, hot and cold water, with batll, apply uu premises, 152U Wasiibiiru Street. t 'OCR ROOM L. 72 Olive str.s.1. ai'i'iiiwiil for liuhti buuaukuupiug; newly pumuid and papered T'ok rFnt-h-kooai HOC SIS AND 1KT; Jv nice yard, ouruur VonStureli and Marion, L'OK R15NT-HALK Olf DOCUl.lt HOL'SIC: X modern iuiprevtimoiita; rent reiiauniibla; corner uf Pino and limitary streets, Diiuinure. tyiHHks XTBS-BOOM," HOCSlt; ALL inotleru vuuveaiunoea. Impure aa 122V waahhiirn at. L'VHRBNT.-XICrvKfc KURN1BHKD MALL r auitublo for lodge rooms. JOHX JKlt Ji Yli, 1JU Wyoming uveuuo. Ral CataU. lUS(XJtli PKOPKRTY IfOB SALB 0 A Peuu aveuue, 300 block. Anximm tayaall, CUMJJUYI4,,4II Spraja,- 01 CENT Cor-nollj LK Call and see them. They're worth more than we ask. CONNOLLY & For Sale. CKCrMlTNtTTY'PEWI C leut condition, Half price. UK1DLEMAN, 437 Spruoe. IfOR SALKOR RENT-SIX-ROOMEDCOT-tage, Wyuiuing Camp Oroutul; partly furuUh.d. . II. HAi&LKT'r, Marauton. if DRS1RAM.K BllLDINU LOTS OM 't- Summit Park, and Anutx Plata, at Clark' duntiolt. for sale: price (A3 te ITJ eachi every lot a bargain. H S. Al.WOHTU. Attorney, Conimenwealth Buililiug. XR SALE- HORHK AOED SIX YEARS, r weight 1.CO0 pound; eau be aeeu at 1021 Price street. POR SALE - MY COTTAQE AT KLM J hurst anil the four lot en which it land; alsollie four lots adjoliiing: must de sirable location In F.lmhurat; price reaaona ble; term easv: poaa4ioti liveuat once. & P. KlNOSllCRY. loiuuionwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. IOR SALE-TWO ITORSEH, 1 BUTCHER wagon. IS bungles, 1 sleigh, harnesses and all of butcher's outfit: also uieat market for rent; going ont of busiuesa; must ta sold br April 1st. luuulre of L P. SCUL'LLER. Ulakely atreet, )uunore. Cents Wanted. VrANTED SALESMAN: SALARY PROM " atari; twruiatieiit place HKOWN BROS, tx, Nurseryuiea Ria-uesler. X. V. AOKSTS WANTEIV-TO SELL ClOARsi t'i per month salary and cxtHus paid. Addres. with two-ceus tamp. 1'IUAKO CI AR CO.. Cbieax-o, UK NTS TO SELL OCR PRACTICAL . golil, ilvr, uti'ksl and ror-per electro plater: price trom i upward: talarv aad eg iieusea paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, K HIOAN MFU CU. Cbieai tlEN TS TO SELL CIO ARS TO DEALERS; -Y $24 weekly aud expeusea; exoeraiaae nu-ii-essary. ItlXSOLiDA'l'ED llVU. CO.. 4 Van Huron at.. Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE I.ISeT " C ar cent, commissioa; sample book mailtdfre. Addles L, X. CO.. SUCiou U New urk. T ON CK AGENTS "aPPINTED TO ell new libtuiuc selling table clotb.moa QUtto aud bouse fly liquid at 10 cents sue 25 cents a bo' tie. Sautple tree, BOLOlANO M'K O Ca. Baltimore. Md. UENTS-HIXDES PATENT CSIVBV j. Y sal Hair Curlers and Waver CuwhI with cut heat I, aud "Pyr Pointed "Hair Pin. Lib eral votnaiiaaioav Free sample nd full par ticular. Address P. O. Box 45d New York. Staled Proposal. OK VI ED PROPOSALS WILL BE KE O eeieed by tbe Home Committee uf tbe Scranton Poor Board until Friday, May 13, Ishs, at I p. in., for the coustructiua of a build ing at Hillside rlouie. to be known a the CbapuL according to plans and peeitlcattous tu be seen at tue orbee ef Pred J. Auisdeu. arcmceet. Five per cent, of tils contract price lu cash or certilied cbeck must actvmpauy each proposal, to be ferl'eittrd upon ref , sal to enter into contract if awarded. Tb Hoard reserves the right to reject any or a'lbids. Bids must be marked "Proposals for Chapel" aud addressed to MRS. FRANCES R SVAN. Chsir.Tiau Home Couimitte Sciantou, May 7, 13)0. CEALED PKOPOSAIS WIL BE RE O eeived by rbe Cftatrmat or the Home Committee, uf the Scraotou Poor Beard uutil tridav. June 5. I' Oil. fur d ftirtiishing m! puttm in place of an i-ctrte lighting flint at Hillsidi? Horn-, according to plana and spee iBcutiona which m.v be seen at tk olfice of Director Frederick Fnllr. Seranron. Pa. Each pmnosut mast be accompanied Wy cash or certiHd check to the amount ef five per cent, of the hi 1 to be forfeited in e. of re fusel to make contract if awarded. 'I be board reserves th rt-.-ht tu reject any or all bids. All pruooa!s must be endorsed ''Proposals fileccric Lighting,'' and addressed to MKS. FRANCES B. SWAN. Chairman Howe Committee Scranton, May 7, lSUik 5 seel j! Notices. "rwsHB SOLDIER IN OCR CIVIL WAR." 1 Xou want this relic Contains all of Frank Leslie 1 famous old War Pictures. show ug the forces in actu.il battle, skutuued on cho spec Two volumes, 2,000 pictures, Ndd on easy monthly pa v 111 mm. Delivered by ex i.ress complete, all cl'arKes nrepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 022 Adams Ave.. Scrantou, Pa. BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA xiues, etc.. bound or rebound at Till Thi bus ulHce. xjuick work. Kuaoouable prices Business Opportunity. I AM-USA POSITION TO FLACS A QIS ereeti and seltrei auc man in. possession of facts which I can fully illustrate at ncr-esial interview, that if taiien advtihtage of inune diatalv will return large prollts: a capital uf 31,000 will be required; a pn,Hi assured ol W percent, by Juno loth. Profits tu be euuslly ilividud. Addrvss W. hL L care Tribun.t glllce. flj 1 Art INVESTED NOW IV WHEAT 01 ijlvv stocks nndiir imr safe nuitliod will make von hundsuiiie pnitlts. Semi ror particu lars ami Imuk, tree. JORDAN Jt CO,, Culum bia Budding, New York. Dressmaking. VJiV YORK DKITSSMAKINO SCHOOL ll French tailor svstiim tutlubt Ladiei learn tu be yuur uwu drret-mukui:. Private lusauus, Ave. Open duy and evening. 417 Lack. Wanted To (tent V ANTltD - FCH.N1SHED ROOMS FnB ' liniKhc Teuiplurs during i.'oiicluvn May :.Ti aud 20tll. Address OltU. B. JEUMYN,, Cbatrmaa,.llU Wyoming Ave. Furnished Rooms for Rent V'VHXWBED ROOMS, WITH CSSOP OAS, hot und enltl batll, sitting and reading rooms. 21n Laokawuiuia uveuuo. Medical. 'AiIK CttichHtM '9 English Ponnyreyitl PHI ii,iaiH.WI rnuti;, un, rn lUSi:. t.'-. lDtftlitt.att llrnu Tum ay utlMr. sntl -tt., .tuiii, ' r IMMliulklH " IteilW ! laanrty" ih Laws Etetum Mail,. umii., ' is i.nrriut riy aj.rui Cbiohwlur CbuniluU 1 i-u. 4 ruiiaua. x a. ROKBLIIB'S CELKBRATBDTAJISY AND I'nnnvroviil rllln: Imported: iihaoliirulv saloi harmlaeat snnoriur to all tilburs; never tail anu stau tlimiaanila of hattne liullpu- ss H7 miui. toiu oniy oy uirra.xn.vj. Bjjiii.ir ,FIC COi,,lJAmn4 Avejtue, New Yurkt . . x . . . . v : LADIES' WA1 AT 5.00 WALLACE, TRY US. khh ucxa, avL, Cfin asixi Proposals. ' OrrKE or thm Board or CogHiMioaga Or PCSLIC OKOl'SD aro Bvildkos. Daniel H. Halting. J. C. Detaney. Ooveruor. Sureriuteudtnt. Aeio. H. Mylin. Beajaala J. Mayweed. Auditor 0nraL etat Treasurer PROPOSALS FOR Fl'RNlSHnfO 6TA 1 tlonerv. Fuel and other SupsUe. lu compliance wttb lb Constitution and law of tbe CuinuionwMlth of Pennsylvania, we hereby invite aealed propueal. at price below maximum rate died Id schedule, to furnish ttieory, forntture. fuel sail other ui'plie for th rerl departrntate of te Stat Government. ne for uiakia repair Id Hi several department and tor th uiatriba tiou of tbe public dovnmeat. for the year uding the flrst Tuesday of June. A P. 1 tUT Separate proposal will be received aad we ars coutract awarded a anaeuneed la said cnedoles. Each proposal must be accom panied by abend, aitn at least two tarlelie or oue sui-iety company, approved by a Jud of the Con-1 of Ootmnou Fleas of tb county In which the pereoa or persona may reside, conditioned for the faithful perfortaaace of the contract, and addressed and delivered to tb Biatrd ut Commisaiouentef Publt Grenada and Buildings before tw-lv o'clck of '1 uesday th 2d day of June. A. D.. 1W st wbn-b time tb proTiesal will be opened and published, la the tWceplP'O Room nf I be Eg. ecatlre Department al Harrisbarc and con tracts awarded as soon taereaftar aa prac ticable. Blank bcml and tchedolf containing all necessary information sau be obtained al tbia Department. J. C. DELAXKY. : Far the Board of Commissioner of Public Oroundaud Building. Steamship Line. CTEAMSHIP TICKET- AND DRAFTS AT lo J-A BARROX S, 2U Lackawaana ave- uue, Scrantou. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule in Effect May 19. iSej. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre aj Follows 7.25 a. m., week day, for Sunbury Harriiburj. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week tlavs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, PhiladelDhia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun. bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burs, and the West. 9.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and PottsyHle. J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PKEVOST, Ueneral Manager. Central Railroad oi w Jersey. (Lehigb and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLli IX Eb'PECT MCH. 13. ISM. Trains leave Scranton for Plttstun, Wilkes-Barre, etc at S.20, S.IiS. U.M a. m.. U.4u. 2.00. 3.00, 5.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays. ,ull a. m 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m. Por Atlantic City, S.20 a. m. For New York. Newark and Ellgabsth, 8.20 texpress) a. m.. 12.46 (express wltb Buf let parlor car), 3.06 (express) p. m. sua. day. p. n Train leaving U.15 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 5.22 p. m.. and. New York 0.00 p. rn Pur Mauch Chunk, Allen town. Bethle hem, Eastun and Philadelphia, S.20 a. m 12.-15. J.. o-" (except Pbiladelpbia) p. m! Sunday. 2.lo P- For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, eto.. a" 8.20 a. rri 12. IB p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg via Allentown. 8.20 a. m.. 140. 5.00 p. m Sunday. 2.111 p, m. Por Pottsville. 8.20 a.. 1H4B p. m. Returning, leave Xew Tark. foot of Lib erty street, Nurttt River, at 8.10 (expres a. m.. L10, L30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave Phiiudeipbiu, Reading Terminal. 1.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 4.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. Ii. P. BALDWIN, den. Pass. Agent J. H OLHAU3TSN. Gen. Supt DiSLAWARja A.N.D itLDSON RAil, 1 ROAD. Commanirlng Mondny, July 30) all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenuu station as follows: Trains will leave Scrnh- ton station for Carbondole ami Interma ibito puinS, at 2.30. 5.46. 7.00 8 25 and 10.19 iih'u y.y'V..'-" . n -c a ir. A ir. t in u ... . a, m., 12.00, ..20. a " - a.i anu UifurP'irarvlew, Waymart and Honesduli at 7 00, 3.25 and 10.10 a. m., Ui.00, 2.J0 and 3.15 PVui Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondaoka and Montreu! at 5.43 a. m. and 2.24) a. m. For Wllkiis-Barro and Iniermwllate points at 7.46, 8.4D. ..H Snd 10.46 a. tn., 12.115, r) 2 38. 4.00, 5.10, a.OS, 9,18 and 11.38 p. m. t. Trains will urrtvs at Scranton station from Ciirhonilnlu and Intnrmmllute paints at 7.40, 8.40, 0.34 and 10 40 a, m 12.00, 1.17, 2,34, 3.40, 4.54, 5,50. 7.40, 9,11 and 11,23 p, tn. ITrom HonuHduia, Waymart and Fir view at 8.34 a, m 12.00, L17, 3.40. a.5i and 7.46 p. m. Prom Monfmal, Saratoga Albany., attr., at 4.54 and 11.31 p. m. From Wilkes-Barre and' Intermedin' nointa at llfi, 8.04, 10.01 and 11.66 a, m., LU a, 111 a. .a a,ia, a,iaa i.aw. asn aoia iaia a, nti ace Zfi.uSnue' UPHOLSTER FDRN1TUR4 Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair SpiinA Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattressei Nov. 17. UN, Train leaves Bcrantoa tor Philadelphia sad New York via D. 4 H. R. R. at 7 i s. m. 1186, I t, ta and 11.38 p. m., via D . L. W. R K.. 100. A04, U.20 a. nv. and Lli p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllke. Barre, via D- L. 4 W. R. B, lot), tet. u. a. m.. 140. t07. LSI p. m. ..Leave 8cranton for White Raven. Ha. Melon, Pottsville and all points ea the Beer aftedow aad Pottsville branch-. vl ? H. R. a at 7.4i a. m.. 11 . I tl ! P. m.. via D. L.. A W. R. R. 100. S08. 11 JO a m.. 140 p. m. -t-eev Bcrantoa tor btblbm. Eastan. Rdinj, HarMborg and all Intermediate Pi'.Bt.'-Tta D- H. R. R. 7.tt a. m.. U, LtS. in- u P- m.. vis D.. LW. R. R.. 4V80 t os, U. a. m.. 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tuakhannock. Ta. wanda, Klmlra. Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via DtU.il R., 14 d b i"J P- m.. via D, L, a W. K. tv, 8.08, 8.58 a m.. 130 p. m. Leave, A. a w , T.. .'. Niagara Falls. Detroit, i-hlcaara and ail o.. R. R. 1 -b 1roX.:.mlr nd tie west via Salamanca, IIS R" t 1 3. a. m. lioj p. m . via L. U W. R. R 8.M. A a nv, LJ8. p. m. Pulman parlor aad sleeping or U V. i chair cars on all trains between L. A B. unction er Wlike-Barre and New York, 'hlladelpala, BuSalo, and guapensiss Bridge. ROLLtN Tt. VrrT.lt T"R. nn SoBt. CHAi 8. xEE. Oen. Pass, Ag... Phlla.. Pa. vv. NU.VNIMACHER, Ast. vies.. r-ijs. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday. April 20. ISW. Train leave Sonirtion as follows: Ex press tor New Y'ork and all points Ease, 1.40. 2.50. 3.15, 8.00 and 8.55 a. m.; 1.15 zi 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton. Philadel phia and the South, 5.13,100 and 8.55 a. m. ; 1.13 and 134 p. m. Washington and way station, 4.00 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodatien. 8.10 p. m. Express for Pinghamton. Oswego, El mira. Corning. Rath. Dansvtll. Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.80, 136 a- m., and 1.21 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West. North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9.15 a. m. Pinghamton and way stations, S2.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and (.14 PBm'ghamtoa and Elmlra express 5-53 p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. Osweto. Vtlca and Rlchllsld Springs. 2.36 a. m.. and 1Itha'caI1i35 and Bath 9.13 a. m. and L21 P-For Northumberland. Plttston. Wllk--Barre, Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan vtll making close connections at North umberlan and VVUliamsport. Harrtsburg, Baltimore. Washington and tb South. orthamberland and Intermediate sta tions 8.00, 8.53 a. m. and 1.30 and 8.00 p. m. Xaritlcok and Intermediate stations. 8 OR and 11.28 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8-o2 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trulns. Por detailed Information, pocket time tibles. etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ti.-Ket office. 328 Lackawanna avenuu, or depot ticket office. Eri and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVB MARCH 18. 1390. Trains leave Sorantoo for New Turk and Intermediate points on the Erte rail road, also for Hunesdale. Haw ley- aril local points at 8.36 a. m. and 3.28 p. m. an.1 arrive at Scranton from above points at 3.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. SCBLIITO.'S D8THIOM. la T-Oteo. SoPt.naBer -d. 1B5. ierUl ami .at. seal sadJ iwawiJ . 0 t4 B I cept suiiuay p aiArrlvo ta' 7 Y rrangun 7 ifliWast, 4Und 7 ooi weeuawkea r aiArrlvo TTSBaucoianoUsei 1 ow USSICIXVS StarUW Preston Park i'om Pe.rnteUe liaoaS Ptessaut Ml fruondale rore tnty earlondaie wans Bridge Marcels Jrrmyn Archibald Wlatoti rtcknue OlvfiuaBt Dlekioa Ihroos Pmvtdeaes park Pases garaatea S twiti su tS: ui lalivvl rent III 13 t ....I 8 41111 tite 11 IS a w.mwt T80U81 l...a T U SO 787 8 enii 11 8 atiu rn s)iussj 3 lll M 3 el 9 MltloW) 8 IO I Id TS 4 tSA 41 TM 41 !?fU7l 140 48 Armei A MP 1 mi aarua dairy ex sent loader. Qes inaa waias nop tsi Hgiai tor pass cars ram via Ontario Western ktfors kbssing-tfc'Jtow and save money, say sat laipteaasuus "tent J o. ARJsiiia. 4JeB. pwsx.au. . rutoreO, Dir. ixass, Aglmstaavttx a Si .... 4 ...J88 -i .... I Ml ..J .... 4ij .jj J e V. , i, J .'.ill 2i4.j. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers