THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. o If iltii i ft i:iGIIT PAGES 36 COLUMNS. MtANTON, PA., M OX I) AY MOUSING, MAY IS, 189i;. TWO CENTS A COPY. GlffiAl . SUCCESS ! Oivr V envear 1C has eclipsed our liiuhest rsp-rtn-ti' ii.'. It's saeei'S.-'. is. ii!ir.o?t 'he le'iiieMil. I i.t it ovi'S to a clos on SATl'lil.'AV Mf.llT. "WTilyou .nibs this oppor tunity o:f 5ayju.-r money ? V' tile ;U";v r.-li. t'.lteo tin- I'OOiis, tie lis as ulloted lied : below l-o Tiie ri'i.'.o'is Hard Hi".- li to III. CXI I'll 111 Ktalnlci s. 1'1'ieli; re lip. accoi'dlPR tn Hi;:'.' V.'ear !:vane." '.ivy. al soltif )y Ulllll' 1'1'iee be. Any sixe at necini Price, 2 for .25 c, Kltie heavy ribh. double 1: lie untl loss, fast bint it ilurable thine t he mar: lllar price J.'ic. to .'i."c., ae. bl.e. et. ta-di: Ciial Price, 2Jc. '' Full seninb ss inakt ul l:"jc. tiiiality. fast black, usil- pec inl Price, fur will-known l'"e. tpuilily of llerinsdoif !yctl ilosiery. Full, fasliitint d thioti;:l.out, double sole, r.n Kliue. Hue. ele. The l est quarter dollar la isc mi iht ninrkit. Special Price, 1 Pc, Our 1' atler in hlali frrade Ilosiery. the r.T'je. (H'nbli that is famous throughout the valley. A quality ns Pftiotl us most of Hie ."do. Hosiery Holt). Tliese have hlf-'h spllco'l heels, iloul.l soles, nntl are full reurular made at every point, guar anteed ,".u saLige line. Special Price, 27c. Tlili f'lass Hosiery, three pairs tn n l.o., full regular mmle, riimt suin nn r wt'lirhi. antl the best tiuallty we have ever seen at three pairs fur a dollar. Special Price, 7Pc. 0 V-,-, SA Silk Vests, exrellent 7.".e. nualitv. alt sizes, desant g:ids. beautifully fin ished. Special Price, 50c. White 01 Eortl tubbed Vests, out best 25e. quality, nicely trimmed, eny size. , Special Price, 39c, White1 or Kcru Vests, capital quail tyi al! sizes. - An lExiIra Sipcclal Value 15c Ills Sale Comtiiraes ir and the prices quoted will positively not to be maintained after the time specified. GLOBE 'WAREHOUSE" GROSVENOR ISSUES FINAL BULLETIN Gives an Estimate of Major McKinlcy's Strength L? to Date. ' TKS GENERAL CLAIMS 5C2 VOTES And Think the Number JIny Ho Above Sn Iliiiidrcd--Tlie Hitter Attacks on .Uekiiilcy kittle b I lie New York Politicians Wave Contributed to Wis SnwsM-Jiojor Mctiinley l ill Not liictnte a cMitiform. Washington. May IT. Ofiit-ral v. nor c.u'i' mil l is linal bullet Iros I to nislit. i;i it hi' s.?id: "!,:i.-t link dosed tin- flection of dele--stes to liic St. l."tils convention, and McKinley wan indorsed ly ll 11 the Mat. .- that ( xi'ivsvcd an r-fii'.on dttriliit li t- wi "k. The free nhvr M.'.l. cev.l'se. ivftiacd the tlilmVi ua-at i" .''e- Kiiiley. m:d their d"le :Ue.-- are ur.i.i- stra. 1CCI dim i:ate M. :s tifl as to i.t ;eas. l.i:t lit. y iii'V. cd !'! e'.iptoi y evih 1 s us to ii i.i-Tl.rri- art io,- elected MS dele, lour ia Arh'.ina. four in -New e'i and four in 1 1!:! ill. una iimst rt - lend ti'.e'M tie future action ot the r..'. ti'iual convention for: cats in that h'.dy, the i''Tic!''.l call ttutlK'.rizir.jf tae n to elect only two UelelTi'.ti s ill iMl'll of the ier. Itorle.i. The f . 'I! tnr !l 'tes have d "et" 1 elthei' solid McKillley llclcfateS or llele r;atiou;i will: a inajeiiiy of JlcKinlcy lien, mi t;.;'.: It may he conceded't McKil. !.-.', : tatc--. ti Ahiha; neeilcilt. Hiir.ol,. !'i How wit: will control liiuse a:. Arkrti sas.f lifoi ioa. t'.e :::ona, I ii rida l:''i.iii!i. iv'r.u.-.'S, . :.:!i:..S'la. Jiissai 'i'l'.isi::!. N' v. J: 1': .V"rtli IV'.kola, Mi i o!i. ft. n; h ! "a!".'.! :o;;t. Vi::;;e::i. . (le. r .1 :i!-;i is 'i'.i. :.i. ii. Vh' e I Ida. Vis.".;i: ii. sit" !. s ..r .v. e. ; ami li Ck'ali. iirly '.' .1 .! is i,,r the . ..ti." r:r tl'.i l.i oi t, t!" -I'm.' :inlc to . 1" t l.le'.ll ei.'i' -ia ;.!. :. .el i mow "ft tv.'i'.t ; -.t ': on t T. iTAl, i! mi t :i i v i 1 rn. Vi IT '.:. rva-'es lip .'t' s t si. Pie I. ti i loi I'OWi that ; is I".' . sled. o i-l-.'te ,-. which out aial It It s ciiKii.'.al" I !. Sia i ov i ii will nol a ' au.d 1 ; my sill 'i' '..'I I ill i:.l !.s ::.:o. lie. I i tl i .11 cad ,l ifd votes." lie : i-.iiil, V l.i ays: nc'n.'ii.ii .'lie: a! ( ;i o..vcii.. d-ii to :,. sli . si I;: I' ll iii.ri.ev ! 'II. Slll'll'll .Kiel, v In th :-..ill i"!iesic "K, nial 1 1 on US' from P.. ll'.a.t ..!' 1 11 p "St ell i :i v 1 I o!h. . Klnb tl'ni nave i ati'.ct siiopoi tc. ati Th- in .'! t ma ' sit' 1 1 : Yf 1 I 111 'Ms 1:1 ih U. Mi.. , i. y has p i ', a 0 the tii. i.i an Sl of '.'''' ia 'lisle ,1 vho b, I lai: Irr ollb: aco: ells I 'I ll'e . li' w I u hi 11 t he Iqrii i hi ly triumphant iv o:i by cs.'lilillate lie- iViel.t1.-' of otl'.el' elO tlates should not join tn v. Mil-. :i Vt. t-r brfcl'e Ihe 1.; I pi . I'ul the I'll, of I', .VC'lior Ab'Kil.le,'- l.'IVe 1... e pl..i"t- P. ;'.:! Ir. 1.1 U ii. ii- i n , f '. for lie 'i ai'on 1 h.-.t tla- as .'ii: a the ,n.v. ' i.or iui ve had tie . f, . ! in 1 to his .'..rt a c lu an of liable ll'l 'lids. Mit'tlFT ( iF S Ft V'FSS. "Th" si.'ecess, of Major ?'."!:ii b y bi'!l bri ipri t iibout by iii" rr.ii". . I- csted det'nioa cf ih mm party. They l ..?.- mem hi r"pi-t .-: . 'itatlvt ;.!d til. lv fri. t vmii'i'i't 1 f the priPciii'e adv'tii ate, ant whip, this i ss of III. : as th 'b lend ftl'd 1 in which ti; y is ti in-. 11:,. cf tile ( otin- cos..-, native bttslmss 10 a try have coiilidcnct in Major A.-eXial. y il-'i iipe-cf the imwrl: ion iiih ;- of I piiiili:!'! ciinipiilns wl'ich has seldi'tu ' la i a violated I ; pay caraiidat. for th.' Pl-t si:b pcy Is that the candfiliite shall not nniitc a pls.tfunn. The viola'.i. a of this rule cost 1 lorry ' Clay the presidency, am! from that time j to this no lean has v). -luted il wi'h Pi. ptinity. Xo man's friends hf.-i : i - -lit ' to call upon hiiii to rov. sliadoi-.- ihe ; nnrty's platform, niticli less w.'iiM mi.- , c-nntlltbite be permitted, tiiid -'- any eh- j ci'.bmsliiness whatever to i',es'.vr 'he! iiiterni.catoi-ies of : cabal of his t j tnicr. a combination fanned within his otvu paity and outside of his own party j a conspiracy of bosses ni.ii Iicni'ii'tat'-' ! to force from him ;. dt . laiatl in to i what the platform otibt to b-v A man I who would fall into the manipulation of I pitch a conspiracy w .il.l be totally t.n- I lit to In president cf the Fulled Slates. I Major McKinley will respond to th" I platform, but lie will net dictate what j the platform shall hta" CYCLONE IN KANSAS. A Tornado Sweeps Over a Portion of Marshall County Many Persons Were Killed and Injured Five Hun dred Homeless at Sena. I'enton, Ky May 17. A cyclone passed over the southwestern part of Marshall county about 1 o'clock this morning, it demolished one house nt Klvn anil killed the five occupants, John Anderson, aged H), his wife, aged a.', a son, 17, and two daughters, aged 11 antl 10. At Slmsonln, two stores. two churches, a school house, several farm houses and barns were destroyed but no loss of life Is reported there. Seneca, Kas., May 17. A cyclone struck this place at 7 o'clock tonight and destroyed one-third of the resi dence portion of tho city. Five hundred people are homeless. The dead are two children of M, Kverhees and two chil dren of John McConnell and a son of Peter Assemaeher. Sabetha. Kas., May 17. Twenty-five people were Injured and twenty resi dences destroyed by n cyclone here this evening. Frankfort, Kas., May 17. The most destructive cyclone that ever visited this portion of the stale, struck this city about 5 o'clock this afternoon. The cyclone was preceded by a heavy fail of rain and ball. Several of the farm houses were destroyed before the storm reached the city. Nearly fifty residences liesides barns and outbuildings were totally destroyed In this city. Many of them were the finest In the city. At least HOO people are rendered home less. No one was killed, so far as learned. The Methodist and Christian churches are total wrecks. Many buildings are slightly damaged. The storm passed on to the northeast dealing diItruc.lloii lu Its path, but the track of the storm Is unly about eighty rods wide, - It Is re- d'.l much damage mar Vlfli;:. i T!k- entire western tart of this razed l the ground. i-ity is IDENTITY OF AIRS. EVERETT. Tl.e .Uyr-toriou-- Suicide's Name Nil l.ouisi Iain-bur:;. Now York. May 17. The identity of "Mrs. Kvcri'it." tin- Collonade h suicide, was established today. Y'.ie woman's maiden name was Umii-'e !,ansburg. SI:,-' was born in Calais. Fr.miv.was married in l.vij to a wealthy Kurvllshmaii. whom she id"; in F.ngian 1 t follow to America a Frenchman, who. born to riches. Is unv hardy ko-.-p- i In;; staivution away ly washing dishes I and similar woi 1;. ! Tin- identity was disclosed by the last named nam who cer.ic here from Phila delphia to idmtify tit'. body, lie t'H the coroner that lie also intended ti kill himself rn.l fellow Mi's, Kvorett. Ills nana' is Folicicn Prtusicini. re. ' mrJCTH:CW L T nOtT:rAQT "tarares to Za Ccit.; UryS TIj's Vi'o.k. A,ij:rop.,ia:cn Bi!!3rj.-iidJt'.;i::n act! Ot!:cr DfUs-C-in :c::,' jj! ZlicH?. Casw. V.'aslihi.'ito-.. of business in tives iietie:ii!s I 1: y IT. T..C ) r ;;'! re.'elltS 1. VI 1 .I' ll fore ti: or .:;::!. 1- h.aue ef r.'ii ly uro'i the menu fii.n: day to d. i..'. so thai cast for the week, r:- il. i' ia which nu ri Ha i ; . :. d ciinei.i be , iv. s claliy ol i-i.-.'il be .: '. T i.,ortoiv " su.i. e:-'on I'. !is: ivania u . i a i.:y. if what 1 1." 'i'i'is in-- rt"d leei'i !..! nil s. wid (;: . . :,i a: d .a v. n vi.les. 1 Nil-. Caif : lor tae a ilS. 'lie i . tile "lac. I 1 ai i.'.ivi ' i i . 1 1 : ; ; I.'-. .ti ;'..t-it::.--e, '.'. a rd tiaa;. aa raii- ncd at '. it in .Is to l I.': at' iat . 1 Ca- !:.r. r .Is .ii! b. 1. ml. .'1 1 1 " Is. ai I ':! .. .1 r-' - ! c -. in t if hi .-. c '-,... f a V : .:;.:. at all bl'" tsst I'; tie :' Is i 1.1: is a .1 p..l ; 1: t: it V .'so is' ii i i t in d: :es.t i.iii'. a:.. i I" '. I ' saih- iii I t ctlo.l e I i ! Si'l.l ; ":fli' : h l ea lilli.iu ef no lino,! a. us i-iil tin na:!i li nr th in i ami iat a t.n a. prlir.l eis i c. I t!:ls;:t" ilbi!it, :: IS lll. : al' tiv.t will lit it Wiil i'"l.- p..s!. run i'.i'. 1' IWO permit lb (Is; " tl to i., (inal vote oi; ihe "piiaii'in biila. EiCT.NC AT ai'AiJCO. A Uasc i:.H! '"ruval.t-s Lively Sl.ii iniii. Far.laton. Pa.. May 17. The small milling village of Me.X'loo, near hire, was tlie sc. tie today of a serious li;;iit. A i rowd was watcbini; a base ball -ran." when a fSichl occurred In which a number i f Italians protieipated. The foii'lgnors were jtenerully armed with revolver?, and these they used freely. The Italians shot seven men. James Ward. Thomas Kearns. and John K"p ping wen: seriously wounded and one Italian was badly beaten. lit sides the names of those given above the following are among the wounded: Hurla Hrouniiii, shot In the shoulder; Mary I'.urke. aged 1(1, dint In the hack; James Aluldovvney, fingers shot off: Antonio Itizzlo, nose broken; James Keynolds, shot in the arm and Mrs. Kosa Vclclilil, scalp wound. GREY C0MM1TTS SL'ICIDE. One of the .lohiiiineshiirg He lor in Committee Heroines Insane. Cape TovVfi, May 17. A despatch from Pretoria says that Mr. Grey, one of the recently sentenced members of the re form committee became Insane In Jail and committed suicide. Grey was a prominent and wealthy member of the reform committee and the news of hhi suicide created a sen sation In Johannesburg. Th" Cnpe Town Argus attributes his ai t in the cruel conditions imposed on the political prisoners by tho prison au thorities, nnd predicts further suicides among tlie Imprisoned men. Fire lit Alliiiiln. Allanla. fi.i., May 17.-Tlie Mnrkham block, east of the Fnlnn nnnsemtur ileum here, Is on lire. The Marlihaui, Patterson Htilliles, Southern Kxniess coinpafty's storehouse ami several dlirejiutnul houses on Collins idrcct are buinlip;. Thirty homes have IjtH'ii burned. Los'i will probably be at least riiw,ii0(). The Murk liHin's Kliests are all believed to bs-siifely out- , , ' ported that the storm rT.W: I ",VI u!T T7T Ciilit - luiw I .' I i Iwi-i .. i-'t ' AN AWKWARD FIX Thwarted cl Every tiunJ and Ur.aLlc to Sniirfy Spanish Cubans. i Ul.LAY 1.1 (IX WU. ttXilJU.; k- tiC Snaaish l:r:doi:ts of uhu Arc Wis itastt'd That the Work of liutrliery Has IJorn Temporarily Suspended. General Wcjlcr is Condemned n Larking in ('oiiraitc.No .lion Tobacco Imports From I'tniir Del I lie). via Key '.Vest. May 17 Tlv dd iy la the ("o.niietitor case lias cause.) Int. n:.c H-t fimnUU ivsl- dent', and in ti"- ar.ny ami naval droit s lltl.'. it was ill.' '.t'IK'ri'.l e."ft.lti'.ll that the men en?. ;1 on the schooner wo, .id be tilt tl by court martial iaim;' tlie.tely upon tin if arrival I'.' ie and''v.,i'- yh.ii. thus settina' an cxanmle I for all hlll'i.steii ir. Tile absence of the i :,.'ii'rai oi ms rules, .timirai .Navarro, caused a delay ami for which men wouM piob-.bly have paid tin penalty before diplomatic inl ''.'feient-f from V.'ashinp.toti and .V,.ili id. The o .air bus plat i d (b neral 'eyler ill an ii.wk viii.' 'i.isltion. ile boiisted thill In would tuny out the senttnet of the eou:t I tit was thwii'-ted ia his purpose. II i hen .-ii'lzi'd the opportunity to leavi t'u' -i witli honor utni return to Snr.ln v.'e.eii' he would liavt- h ecu niadt1 milt h ' f. II.- Is sabi to have received orders to icni.-'iu Ik:-'. !' c. 'u!cse. il with na ;i ill . ice its i if.:., .11 -1 ui'tler tic ci''-'es. It i". tlow lie has i c.iilid t'lii. ers coaiiiii-.l I'il.'V tinny col- mans to the palace In.'tiueled them j i i modify their war policy and adopt , .' .'; iit.'.'i..".' mi il-.'.ds. s'.paniah cxtre- I :ni!'!s t ;'' di'-i.l. a ietl at t'.iis, utul Hay V.'i .-!': Is. ".howina wt iiAieSS anil Iat l;s ! 1 1 !'t I's I'.'.-'.l'.a iii il I' n! t'.v t.l .'.'. i.!.: ai.'l colli"".:" of Fampt'S. (ien laa'so eraitliuii s his mi tliods. id hi 'v.; ivcntly kMI-'d tell near 'I'liaiau i'lal ti'i't lie has e v. hil" ''e'laaui.-i in ur Duri aii n a" !-'. 't !': lice. Am .m: tl'.e ! .' !:. Cli:,'.Hl aiel I'.VII l llillllVU.' .J.S DliSiti.Sl'ia'TFl'l,. ! ia s: a', t!io had harsh words sera'' tl.r.'s iftti ami is said ,; ! .1 bis sr.aei'ior e.oieer. will : v .1 rd'it.'-y coiirl f ir iusubor- ;. '! .!.: s: "ft. .eaaa . Iiii-leci ;t. . 'ho vere nr eh to tro.'ha. iiave re sl niiiK I'd they were re 1 1 cai'i i. mi the city and for y. ". Is :abl thai 4.tH or J.injil .is - vvantt'il to finer tht losses !.::; i-f tile ri".;iilars due to l t'a . . li." l.ll is t'CI.I .a: lis ' I'i ll l ler hi Is liet b in today's cf- ". si u. X'.'l't of !' I'iieu p. "am. I I ' I il liiltbl-' i . t. 'il be In" !' la p.'.'hi' lliiii.v t.'topai'arily lol s'to from th-- prov- I 'el i,io anil Havana t x Teii tbtys Ki'aee ale al n 1st I it, com.'!", ts. All ear. , il'. 'he tb en-e st ts ci'iisi.i' tl s.emn.ithizers II .a, t1. Is aoods seietl , , "ty ot Haiti's. Imposed. FiiAl.iC.'iS I'itdTF.ST. 1 ir.' veil. '.'its here ensnsfed tatlon of tobacco huve : ' v. illi their respective .'I'l:' thai the decree of 1 iient I Weyl - foi biiiilin.!; the I I,,,,,,, i ; .-m th Islands is ! t . I- s itiuiate bin iness. The 1 r is.''i riiied their (jovei n h;s :' te n and have asked for : : . i.i . in is ii has. hud six in a i!i .!'s.l bi.indsof rt bels rs peas TiiPliliol. The Insur-.- w: s tsv. uty-ilvc killed. The ' li VI V.I'S flat'' killed untl iSi'Vlnce of Siii.tiiiKti I)e Fubn. inli.iii baa niutetl Smi 'rebels, lee t y-e i i:l 1 1 of them. The ! cat hilled and clsht wotind- 'mat d of Fnloncl Landa met ".ai- I'un'ti Hravu, province a. ."ml nttacketl tli'M-i. Thlr : I'. iuiisi Us were killed with t tiieiitioii Is made of the lid" The ! is i. 111!' il loss FAR.V-ERS FIGMT FIERCELY. t. A ii", Line Fence Caiiso IJIoud - i in I'.-u-il.lin. si 1 .-it ras.iou Triliaae. ia.' '7. ! 'avid i ';;..!. Is. KoKchirmat, winds sjtd b. St.e ' u: 1 " rp.e Li.iiaiiil. a ii I 'ivird' lin. owned bjKtl-'tH'i-ar. of t'.iis place, was fct'o Justice of Ihe Fence F. la , : :rd 1. l.r i pht li. N. nil- iate last nlptht, ch;U'K'-'d by , re v.'i:!; felonious assault. The t f ii.e nu n tlii'ft i'. but Daniels .ft.'.' tn t assin:; name's house on cljj-mtoii tunitdlte, the latter, in trtil-i rsamicr, d-'P.ianced him 'iii'td.. -e;i:tlv a fence which the v.. :. i sb.riis . '.:'.!:.'.'' the ;;':: :: live, t a iia:r. I t 111 If !1. m th" ; linger farm had broken it.: .!." i usi'eil, whereupon Cage In gnu to liirow s.t .lies, seized a 1 nig Iron rui asal attacked Daniels, who wiiii still In the wagon. I'linlcls found it neci .-savy to defend himself, and hastily nicked up a monlti y wrench. lie j-.p.npcd t. the .".round, nntl a battle roy al instil d. Cage was worsted and a inn.'" gash in Ids head stopped further ho.--: Hi ties. Di'Phls was badly bruised. cairn- to Montrose and had his I wound dressed by Dr. New ton, and then I Constable North, armed with a war- riinl, brought Dauielu before the jus- i tice. I Daniels was held hi S.m ball to ap pear before the grand jury. M. P. Man ger acting as hondspinn. Daniels near ly succumbed when in Montrose, and the set vices of a physician were necessary. Just what the extent of the hi juri.'S of both parties are is not known. At the hearing an old farmer sagaciously remarked: "Gooel fences make good neighbors." AN OFFICER ASSAULTED. Patrick Gibbon of Olyphnnt, IJailly Hcntcn mill Stubbed. Special to the Seranton Tribune. (ilyphant. May 17. Yesterday was pay-day at tho Johnson colliery and several Hungarians employed ut the mine, celebrated the event by tilling up on "pollnky." About lO.'lo In the evening a half dozen of tlie Hjms, who had money to burn. Indulged In a tight n t Andy Novak's hptel. (illlcer Patrick Gibbons went to the place and attempt ed to quell tlie disturbance when the gang turned their attention to him. His club was taken awny and he was bntlly beaten and also ricelvetl a stub wound under the chin. Snnri lifter the. escape of Gibbons Of ficers McLean, CuyglU, Mortis utul Murray entered Novak's place and ar rested two of tlie rioters. They were plneed In the lockup over night and given a hearing before iiurgess How ard. The prisoners were first taken tj) the home of the wounded olllcer, who Identified one of them us the man wnu Inlllt ted the (.tub wounds, The man Identified by Gibbons wan commute, Jail und th,e other wo re leased OI Tin; m:ws Tins morxim i Wcatlicr 'aic..tIoni Tuy timi'i-ally Fair: Proiably Storms.! t; m ml t:ro I'lior iaiil IJul- 1. 1 in. nil Wi vIit Is in a Kix. i'.!".l".ed V. ins All Africa, t.'v.'lae in Kansas. I'.esl yti'riaiis to Meet at Kara:o;:a. l.nei!l-S : na on Sreoivl Coniins cf flnist. t'hin to I'oi.iiliiilse tlio Itnee Track. S.nit far Kniployes Must Dress Alike T-Mitorlal. Tiiae to A't. ( l.(e:ii r;r:in 1 Wpncil nf Y. M. I. itlieers of llaptist I n!on. (S; ortsi ranton Attain Downed hy Torenio. Tom Porter Is Sinned by Soranton, Suburban News. Vt -s ln nii.l livn t'ne Valley, ilew to Live li"i Years. FESTIVITIES AT MOSCOW. GfCSt PrcparCtiO'.1S to Eiitcrtai.1 tlic People No End of Free Shows, Fetid and Beer for the Multitude A Great Army Will Parade Before the Czar nntl '.is Guests. Moscow. May 17. Though it has been oeenIonp.Ily cloudy today the weather most of th. time has ! on bright and clear. The city Is a perfect bee hive of i Industry. Various streets are boliiff re- paved nntl tlie entire city has In en tamed into an immense workshon. Doz ens t.f Important persons iitrivd to day, and it Is expected that visitors will conic In hundreds tomorrow. ' Tin so pre' . a r.i t Ions are be!n;; made for the popular fete, which is to be held on the Iltitliisky plain on May f;0. This plain Is opposite the 1'etroffsky Falaca. r"id h!s been the scent, of the lotos for the tie. pie that have always marked ciooniitioiis. Flanked on two sides by the exhibition buildings and t he i ace course, it diet. -lies ata Indef initely into the country, 't was here thai Napi'li mi nui -sett bis troops be fore markchliii; into the city of Mos cow. ; Fussian t roups, drafted here from the vni'ioiis carrisnus for the f. tivltles, ! now occupy a larpe portion of tip" plain, which resembles a vast caam. nnd the I life Incident to an era iimiiiaer.t of 1511. , I'l.O soldiers Is cxhibUeil in all Its phases, i Sir. telling' away for more than a mile I are ihe snow white tents of the iirmy corps of erenadiers. the cuards from St. I 't teisbtn and tletachini nts froni ' various iiiiiii tei's of the emnire. Not nil have Vet arrived, but It Is learned j that before the emperor's coinlni; ther. j "V . i 1 1 be ill tills enciimpmcnt. iiit'Dirliupr the soldiers on duty at the various palaces ii ti'l fortresses in and about Moscow, ebvlity-thr, e battalions of in fantry, thirty squadrons ot cavalry, seven reyinn nts. of t'lissacks mid four teen batteries. i. 'I' tic so vast forces th. Grand Duke Vladimir holds tp,. command, it is on this plain that this mighty force will iiaiatli' In fore the eipoeror on the last day of the festlvlt'es. June 7. (hi the part directly failiur tin pal ace, a unissy plain has bi en en closed by Venetian masts, upon which aie liuii!.: the usual liuntini; and shields, biariiiK the arms of various cities and provinces of KtiMsIa, Within this en closure booths, tables, open-air thea ters, meiTy-!;ii-roiuiis. circuses, nnd swiml's (ire beius erected. Hundreds of t ii.ib'ii boi ti's dot the entire eircum fel. nce in" the enclosure. I'.lld will he lnoltd on Satiudiiy week with bread, c:its. snnssKes. rieut pies, and other dt Ic'.'table ilaiiuies tl.'ti i- to the Moujilt hem t. At cci booth thero will be a l;u ,;e liie- slu iid of ale or lit t-r, and in some cases, tin ;n!, nntl everyone who joins the festival may eat and drink to his heart's content without money and without price. So strolls drinks, however, will be supplied, ns Russian Mou jilts tilled with vodka are not likdy to he conducive to the peace of the cap ital. At present hundred! of workmen are Settini; ready for the m-cat popular en tertainment which will represent the hospitality of the city. On the side nearest to the palace the imnerial pa vilion has been built, from which the emperor and his puests will witness tin- merry niakitis of his subjects. The pivi'ion Is in Hie niissian stele nf the I (il toes. h century, bus two stories, and is : in .on. its. I by iiu enormous cum. la. Tlio ''acade is lan-i da'. ..;: t . V,- il;-eri-rnteil. It is ihinkod by two other pa vilions for d' i".cuiidied visitors, and, ! j at a iri-eati-r nytanee, tribunes capable of scalinv: bt-iwy-n -l.iuo and .'i.nno por j sons have been tVvcted. I MeKiciLEY AT CLEVELAND. The Champion of Protection Speaks to nn K'.:F:i!sin.tic Audience. Cleveland. May 17. fVfure an audi ence of 4,ftiH) people .Maior William Mc Kinley dclivt i.'d an address on "Wash ington" in ('intra! armory last ni;-;ht. There was plenty of applause and en thusiasm, w aving of handkerchiefs and cheering before, during utul after the address. Mr. McKinley said among other tilings: "It took eleven years, my coun trymen, to make the declaration of In dependence something mole than the Idle words of a few restless leaders. Hut we can well pause to render thanks to Almighty God for the singular man ner in 'vh'cli He lias preserved fiom that day the government, which now exists on earth for his own glory und our advancement. "Jefferson's clause against slavery was stricken from the original draft. It is doubtful I1' the draft could have been adopted without this elimination. It was the best, it was nil that could be done ut that line. What Jefferson more than n hundred years before at tempted to write in the constitution of our country, Abraham Lincoln aiter wards wrote in blood." Reference was made to the fact that In tht constitutional convention at Phil adelphia, Washington made but one speech. That was In favor of an In-cria-sed re pies r.tatlon of the people In the house of representatives. - .- - KNOCKED FKO.'.l HER BICYCLE. TI-.i llieyrlr t'aai.lit in IUc Wreck of a Wugnu nnd Currivd Four 7ii!cs. Tlrmpstoad. L. I May 17. While AVIlbur Dream was. driving In Front street last night, a wheel came o.i' the wagon and he was thrown nut. Too team then collided with a bicycle fid den lay Miss Mamie Wlieelei'. She was knocked down und 'her nr-ri painfully injured. The horse aial wagon and the bicycle, which had got tangled In the wagon, were found afterward in Norwood, four miles away. yiiptist Anniversary. Anbury Pnrlc, N. ,1., May 17. The regu lar spring anniversary meeting of the ii.i'i tlst church will open here tomorrow u ml continue for six iluys. It bids fair to ex ceed In Importance und attendance anv similar Kiit)iiln ever hold. Btirtiigers Zrum all quarters urn already here In foice. THE ENGLISH WOULD POSSESS AFRICA They Will Vork Taeir Way Tiiere ii Possible. WANT T?vA?:SVAAL AND ABYSSli'.'lA It is Xow Tkoiuht That tin Jaiitt'' town lioomcrs 'Hill Not He Full islii d Ii y the i:u.;'.isii tiovciiiaicnt. I'laus lor Si-curing Iiritili Control in Africa. X"v York, May 17. A special cable dispatch to Ihe Sun siVys: It is becominK more dear every day that the polity of the prer-ut I'.ritisll Kovei unit nt is to sok'." anl retain Africa at all bas.aiiis, while it sacrifices liritish interests in the far cast and other quar ti is where the pressure has become too to resist. Tlie Idea seems to have taken Possession of a lartte class of F.iutlishmeti that Africa is to lie the scene of the next epoch ill lnima,n activ ity ami pioKi'' ss. India, China, Amer ica ami Australia are all played out. It is in Africa that the star of empire is lis in?. It is there that success and fur tune await all coiners and that the fu ture greatness of tlie race will record itself. It is this belief In the minds of Lord Salisbury, Mr. Chamberlain, and tlie humblest admirer of the Jameson free booters which has appuivnlly destroyed or distoiied tiie moral perceptions of tlie majority of KiiKlishnien with re Kard to the whole African situation. I said more than a week up that Cecil Hhoiles and other cnfisplratnrs against the Transvaal republic, would not be- punished for their detestable crime by the liritish Rovernnient. This has now become obvious to the dullest observer of the situation. It was a mistake, at any moment, to expect such virtue and Justice from a ministry which periiiit'.od the ruthless slaughter of a people whom it hail sworn to pro tect axaiiist the bloodthirsty sultan, l'olltics Is the excuse in both rases. "Wither considerations" and "the "kcii welfare" are vajrue terms generally Used in Juslilieation of these vile smirches upon the fair record of KukIIsIi "honor." CAMl'AKiN FXDKltSTOOI). The liritish ciimpaien in Africa is now clearly uinjei stood in Kuropenii diplo matic circles. It Is almost fin open secret that before the dose of the year C.ivat Hrltain will take the place of Italy in Abyssinia, and will, of course, push the Soudan expedition. Some re ward w ill lie secured elsew here to Italy fur the hiss of the remnants of her In terests in Abyssinia. Men.) time plans for seciirlnir liritish control of the Transvaal, in one way or another, will be persisted In. Tile doak of decency will be thrown over these efforts as far as possible, but liothitii; will be permitted to check them except the irioslKtilih interference of some preat power. Few now believe that Mr. Chamberlain was as ignorant as he pre tends of the real nature or Mr. Khodcs' plot against tlie liner republic. Some friends of the Colonial Secretary say frankly that they prefer to believe hull culpably connizant of the situation rather than tlie fool which bis Ignor ance, down to the time of Fresident Kruger's publication of the incriminat ing telegrams, would show hitn to be. Ills attitude since then has not been that of a man who had been hoodwinked by nn arch conspirator whom he pro fesses to regard still as ladisis'iisable to liritish Interests in Snulh Africa, KliFHFK SFRAKS. Pretoria, May 17. In an interview re garding tlie ultimate fate of the mem heis of the Johannesburg reform com mittee now In jail here,' Ftvsident Kru ger said that nobody desired more than himself to expedite tlie decision ns to the final .sentences lhat would bo passed on the prisoners. A majority of them had on Friday petitioned the govern ment to lie allowed to pay increased lines instead of being Imprisoned for two years and be banished from the Transvaal. President Kruger added that he was in favor of this proposal. Tin- delay in deciding tlie matter arose from the diiR culty oi discriminating between tho signers of the petition and the others wlio had refused to sign it. Personally he wanted all the prisoners to be re leased. A. P. A. AT VASIIINGTON. Capitol City Will Be Permanent Head quarters of the Society Officers Elected on Saturday (Eveuins. Washington, May 17. After the ndon tlon by the supreme council of the American Protective association last night of the report of th" advisory board withdrawing the opposition of the order to McKinley, n resolution was Intro duced denouncing the action of the sen ate in confirming the nomination of Coloni I Copplpger to be brigadier gen eiiil on the ground that he owes allegi ance to another power than the United States. The committee on the Armenian ques tion submlt'eil u resolution which was also adopted, denouncing the "Most bloody ami loathsome persecution of the Armenians bv the Mahouimetian govern in -ul;" expressing indignation at the apathy of tin- liuropean powers, and especially nt the infamous connivance-' of tlie 1 toman Institutions with the foul savagery of the Mohammedan fanatics in the work of extermination," and ( tininieiidlng the movement of the res cue of the Armenians from outrage and oppression. The election of olllcers was proceed ed with until mitl'ilaht. w hen In ifrfer ence to the objections of many of the members to transact business on Sun day the council adjourned until ll o'clock Monday ti'in-nln?,-. John W. Kchuls, of Atlanta, tin., was chosen supreme pres ident: H. S. Williams, of li.iston, su preme vice iiii sidi lit, and Mr. Swaine. of California, supreme secretary of late. The remaining officers will be chosen on Monday. Washington was selected us the per manent headquarters of the order. S'rn vis a New Yci'lt. May rr'vnls, il veil: i r.- -rn J.a Xoi'MPiiaile. I'eai i'noi'a'ii'.i, i 1 ian.; in-;. 1 on iailalilV: I'l'H-' Arrived u'.tt l.ii I'm it .V. w Yi ,n !'! I'Mlll Sidled liel' .ivn: I";". run iia: ' - i. ii"'. -rn .,1-1: .'I'd 'i : :ii, ( : . !",, p: for New stPJW VorU, p. uiy isiaiiil, Ut raid's V,"cr.t':cr Forceusl. Vcw York. May ".S.-l-i thn ri'.-MIe d..i: tniitiy pc.rliy eion.iv y-.i'iry wi:ii);ci' -v ! i 1 piv'.iill pneeiled by fidr. north of riilla f.eliihla, with sl.ghily iilpli.-r lotnprra :uso, liriislt southerly winds, followed by rain or thunder storms, tin Tueiiihiy cloudy, cooler w.iitlier will prevail with noiitliwcstei'ly winds preceded by rain or thunderstorms which may bu lieu vy, .fob lowod by clearing. INLET'S Li TTxn 2i liU, : Ve call attention to our new nntl up-to date Stock of Parasol), and Fmbrrllits. la this line we show inaiiv Kxclusive Novel ties ami all Staple and Most Dunlrabla .Styles. r Grass Linen Parasols,-' In plain linen, emhroidereil dots, strip and h. instltdied, &c $1.15, Jl.CO, t.90. V-Z SIM S.u:.. ' Wliiie Parasols, frames nd haotHes t, match. Sic., Kh-., J1.5H, 1.!..j, ja.:tr, 3.4S. ) tn Dresden mid Persian Silk PuniBolii w show .ill new conibinatlona 4a colunc anel patterns. i Complete line of Children's Parusoll ir White, Pink, blue, Cardinal, tc. Umbrellas Sun and Rain T'so In nil tpialltles and t all prices, lit Hint', Itiil, iliieii, ltrown, lilaek aii.V uhungeublu elfects, with choice, handles, natural wool loop, crook, twist. In Aca cia, Vek-lid. Congo, Dak and Kbony. Also'len Hall. Kul.ber and Horn, am Gloria Silk Umbrellas, Paraxon ' Frutneiii, iK-inch, Price this week 95c 200 Vetla. Umbrellas, M antl 28-inch, Price this week 470 Umbrellas re-covered while you wait, i 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SPRING FOOTWEAR DRES5 SHOES Ani Kllppcrs for Every Momber of tn Family. s 1H AND U0 WYOMING AVE. Wholesalo and ReUU. Bicyclists Take Notice Weichel, ths Jeweler, lias a nice line of Bicycle Belts. Call and see them.' One ties. of the latest novel 4B SPRUCE STREET HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. MTTIEWS BROTHERS AtMlic loi C s b9 Reyiixlas' fis1 f, ' vy Ready JVIked . Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed. n iJ'VUliiVv and Bilrelfas rV
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