OUR WOMAN'S PAPEB, THUBSDAT, MAY 14, 1896. PRICE & ROE, Stationers AND , Engravers 207 Washington lienus. Wedding, Reception and Visit Ing lards engraved and printed from copper dies. Crests, Coats of Arms and Address Stamped from Steel Dies. Oars is tho only place in Northeastern Pennsylvania where the work is done on the premises. RYAN'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OdBTf The society columns of thU paper are necessarily sadly cut down, as a glance at this page will reveal, by the Incur sion of the business world of Scranton. In the advertising space the nwn of Scranton have found a way to put themselves strongly In evidence In the Woman's Paper. Therefore the long list of fashionable weddings to come, reported engagements, and splendid re ceptions with which we had thought to fill the social columns have gone glim mering with the dreams of things that were," and were not. We must per force echo the poet Holmes' lament of long ago: Where, oh where are the visions of morning Fresh us the dews of our prime? Gone, like th t.nianU that quit with out warring. Down the bni-k ulley of Time! Such of them us could be caught we herewith lay before our readers. One Scranton woman was amusingly reminded last evening that the tenth anniversary of her wedding day had arrived. A small Impromptu party of her friends rejoiced her nvart wun gifts. Including a 7-Inch china doll in a resplendent woolen crorneieu gown, two chicken whistles, a small tin trum pet,, a tin server und vurlous ' other small articles or that precious metal whether the result of the Welsh or the American tlnplata Industry, Is un known. It Is feared that the effect upon her husband nnd herself will be to exalt them unduly with a sense of wealth. Mr. John Jermyn gave a most elabor ate dinner last week at Hotel Jermyn to a large company of friends. Each cover was laid at the rate of 115. Ameri can beauty roses were given as favors and other details were on the same lavish scale. Mrs. Blanche Kesler Orambs, former ly of Honesdale, now of Seattle Wash., Is winning golden laurels In her west ern home, both as cantatrlce and musi cal composer. In Scranton we knew her well as a lovely singer, and were among the earliest to welcome her as a bright and pleasing song writer. The Knights Templar ball promises to be one of the most eluborate ever given In the city. There will be mem bers of thirty-live commanderles pres ent, but only Sir Knights in full uni form will be admitted at tho ball. The Krothlngham will be handsomely dec orated by Clark and the Suburban Elec tric Light company will put up myriads of lights among (lowers. The floral de signs will all be emblematic of the or der. A new departure will be the erection of a platform for the musicians, to be suspended from the celling. Bauer's orchestra and band of forty pieces will furnlBh the music. Hanlcy will be the caterer and will serve the guests, four hundred at a time. In a temporary structure to be erected In the vacant space fronting on Penn avenue. An Innovation will be the arrangement by which every lady on her entrance will be handed a ticket, on which she Is expected to write her name and a full description of her costume. It the re ports In the morning papers are not satisfactory the wearers themselves will be responsible. A party of young people, chaperoned by Miss Sophie Schlager, expect to spend Decoration Day at Klmhurst at the country residence of Mr, Charles Schlager. It Is stated that the Country Club has decided upon a site for Its proposed building which will be erected beyond the terminus of Washington avenue and the Home for the Friendless plot. Enough land will be purchased or rented to have golf links laid out. The fact that Mr. E. B. Sturges and Mr. J. Ben Dlmmlck are interested In the mat ter, insures Its success. It Is regretted that a letter sent to Miss Sadie Kaiser requesting an ar ticle on music In London was received too late, and that she was unable to write such an article In time for the Woman's Paper. Mrs. Thomas Dickson will celebrate her seventy-second birthday today by Informally receiving her friends at her home on Washington avenue between the hours of 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Mrs. Bentley and Mrs. Franklin will assist In receiving. The Ixlon club, the new bicycle or ganization, has planned a delightful run for Memorial Day. The members Will go to Delaware Water Oap and from Port Jervis on the 29th, spending the night at MUford. The following Is the club membership: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Buell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, Mrs. A. H. Christy, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jermyn, Mr. and Mrs. George Jermyn, Mrs. Frank Jermyn, Mr, and Mrs. H. P. Kingsbury, Judge and Mrs. H. A. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. F, J. Piatt, Mr. French Fashi The home of the exquisite and beautiful produces also ths fiueit and daintiest China. There are some things In the house one is always proud of never h to ba ap3loglze.l fjr. There's satisfaction in owning a piano with the namo of a world-reuowued maker, in eutjrtaiulng with Haviland & Gos French China Better little and have it good. We keap Uavilaul's in opin stosfc, whara yoa can buy what yon want and as yoa want it, and match your set any time. The new sty lei aro in here for yoa to look at as well as to buy. One of the prettiest of tho new patterns ha a green border with combination green and prfrple flower. There are others just as pretty. ,Weichel X Millar, ChiDa flail, , 134 Wyoming Avians. - Walk in and Lrck Around and Mrs. A. H. Storrs, Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Scran ton, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Weston. Mr. and Urn. Everett Warren, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Watkins, Misses Kate Winton. Frances Winton, Grace Spencer, Cole man. Dr. Q. D. Murray, Messrs. P. B. Belin, Geo. Brooks. J. H. Brooks. J. Bliss, jr., L. L. Bliss. J. M. Boies, Key nolds Rexford. E. E. Chase, L. 8. Fuller, L. B. Fuller, F. C. Fuller, E. A. Gilune. A. G. Hunt, W. M. Hager. 8. H. Kings bury, Percy Mott. James Oakford, B. E. Watson. W. W. Wharton. ' Mrs. Thomas Dickson gae a lun cheon at Hotel Jermyn on Monday. There were present: Mrs. Dickson, CoL and Mrs. Boies, Mrs. Helen Franklin, Mrs. W. A. Pierson. of Schnectady; Mrs. A. K. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dickson. Mr. nnd Mrs. K It. Stelle gave a birthday dinner at the Hotel Jermyn on Monday evening. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stelle, Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Stelle, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Stelle and Misses Hattie and Bes sie stelle. Mr. and Mn. W. J. Hand entertained at dinner last week, alter which the party listened to delightful music given by a fine harpUL Mrs. P. 8. Weston and Miss Alice Matthews attended the Wells dinner given at Sherry's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marks gave a din ner to a few of their friends on Sunday evening at Hotel Jermyn. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Goldslth, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langfeld, Miss Hattie Newhouse, of Wllkes-Barr. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Lebeck enter tained at dinner last evening at Hotel Jermyn Mr. and Mrs. Berkenfeldt, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Corln. A parly of young people viewed the blast furnace and rolling mills Tuesday evening. Those present were the Misses Pierson, Hand, Foster. Buck, Albro, f.earhart, Sanderson, Schlager, Cooper, Stone. Messrs. Cox. Rowley, Snyder, Fisher, Sanderson, Gearhart, Haslam, Surdam, Pierson. Miss Clara Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. llardenburgh. of IliMie.sdnle, 1 limiting for herself a place among the most promising young pian ists of New York city. Possessing much beauty she is also gifted with great musical talent. At nn early nge she gave promise of her future attainments under the preliminary training of Mr. Karl Schimpff, to whose rare ability as artist-teacher, much of her success is due: and later on by the advice of Dr. William Mason, of New York, placed herself under the instructions of Mr. Perlee Jervis, of New York. In a per sonal letter written recently by Mr. Jervis he predicts a most brilliant fu ture for his gifted pupil both as n thor oughly equipped teacher and concert artist. . Miss Julia Clapp Allen Is the only one of our Scranton women musicians, if not the only one of either sex, to have won the degree of Bachelor ofMuslc. Siio received It In 1890, upon examina tion from the National university. Her friend. Miss Blackman, of the Wyoming Seminary Faculty, who received her de gree later. Is the only other woman in this part of Pennsylvania at least, who has won the honor. Mrs. F. S. Godfrey, of the Hotel Jer myn, gave a "Turn-down" tea to her lady friends on Tuesday evening. There were present: Mrs. Torrey, Mrs. Pettl grew, Miss Rice, Miss Gertrude Rice, Miss Penwarden, Miss Short, Miss Julia Pettlgrew, Miss Grace Pettlgrew, Miss Margaret Torrey, Miss Zang and Miss Josie Lees. The Women's Guild of St. Luke's church, will give a reception this even ing at the Rectory to which all mem bers of the congregation are most cor dially and earnestly invited. It will be thoroughly Informal In character. Light refreshments will be served throughout the evening. Miss Ella Osland entertained the sec retaries of the Y. W. C. A. at her home on Monday evening. Miss Alice Matthews will next week attend a house party given by Miss Clara Tracy, of Towanda, for a number of Wells college girls. PERSONAL. Dr. I. F. Everhart went trout fishing yesterday. Miss KMza Dlmmlck is visiting relatives in Orange, N. J. Mr. 11. A. Wells, of New York city, is at Hotel Jermyn. Miss Alice Helm left Tuesday to spend a month In Chicago. Miss Anna MeLeod has gone to Buffalo to spewl two weeks. Mrs. P. P. Callury, of Plymouth, was a visitor in town yesterday. Mr. Ward, of Honesdale, spent Sunday visiting friends In the city. Mrs. William Pearson, of Schenectady, Is visiting Scranton friends. Miss Foster has been visiting Miss Louise Matthews this past week. Mrs. C. J. Carter and son, Kellum, are visiting her parents at Towanda. Mrs. J. h. Hnngi ami Mrs. Frank War ner spent Tuesday In lilnghamton. Mrs. Horace K. Hand and children have been visiting ill Montrose the pust week. Mr. W. W. Watt and family left on Tuesday for their summer home In Glen burn. Miss Lavlnla Dlmmlck has Just returned from a visit to relatives on the Brandy wine. Mr. F. W. Bailey, brother of Mayor Bai ley, returned to his home, In Chicago, last night. .Mr. Field and his daughter, Miss Field, of Wells College, have been visiting Mrs. La Itue. Mrs. J. Ben. Dlmmlck and children are visiting Mrs. Dimmick's sister at Hart ford, Conn. Mrs. Jntnes Hosle and children are spending the month of May with her moth er at Oxfortl. Mrs. Antoinette Dlmmlck Is visiting her son, in Chicago. Colonel and Mrs. II. M. Boles returned from New York yesterday. Hon. and Mis. I,. A. Wat res have re turned from a trip to Chicago. Miss Minnie McDonald, of Syracuse, Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Keogh. Miss Margaret Cooper, of Oquaka, 111., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Herman Osthaus. Miss Kllzabeth Kelly, "of New York, Is visiting Miss Alice iloban, of Washing ton avenue. Miss Gertie Swank, of Berwick, Is visit ing Miss l'.crtlm Jenkins, 215 South Hyde l'n rk avenue. Misses Kllzabeth and Mary Stahl, who have been the guests of Mrs. W. W. Pat- on in China tenon, Join their parents oa Friday at this week. Rev. E. J. Melley, of the South Side, will tart on an Kuropean trip the early part of next month. Miss Cora Conner, of Center, Columbia county. Is the guest of Druggist Mus grave'a family. Mrs. Charles Schott. of New York. U visiting her sister. Mrs. Ceo, Phlnney, at Green Ridge street Miss Nellie O'Malley, of Wllkes-Barre. was the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. M. O'Hrien, yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Kennard. Miss Kn nerd. Master Wallace Kennard and maid are at Hotel Jermyn. Mrs. Alfred Hand and Miss Ruth Hand have gone to New York, where they will stay for several weeks. Mr. P. B. Maxwell, traveling passenger agent for the Nickel Plat railroad, is topping at Hotel Jermyn. Mrs. H. W. Adams, nee Margaret Flnley, of Phoenix, Arizona, Is visiting her pa rents on Washington avenue. J. Belton Massey, of Philadelphia, who lectured before the Medical Society Tues day evening, is at Hotel Jermyn. Mrs. Horace Hand, of Honesdale. and Miss Whltmoyer, of Blooms burg, spent a few days with Mrs. Alfred Hand last week. Miss Brown, who has been the guest of Mr. J. Ben. Diiuniiek for the past few months, has returned to her home in Scot land. Miss Bessie Bllven, of Nichols. N. Y.. Is Visiting her friend. Miss Anna MoiKiil. corner of North Main avenue and Jackson street Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Foster !ent last Sabbath at Luke Ariel with their sun. Jerry, who is rapidly recovering from his late illness. Dr. O. E. Wire, formerly superintendent of the medical department of the New berry library of Chicago, Is a guest of i.l biarlaii Carr. Mrs. Selden, of Foster, Mls Shannon and Mrs. Post spent Tuesduy at the beau, tiful summer home of Mrs. Lamont, at Clark's Ureen. Mayor and Mrs. Bailey will leave for Chicago In July, when the Mayor will attend the National Democratic conven tion In that city. Mrs. F. Tracy, Miss Richmond and the Misses Tracy are planning to attend the Vassnr commencement exercises in June. Mrs. Tracy will attend the re-union of her class. Mr. J. E. Carmalt, who for a year past tins been engaged in business In Scranton, removed his family from Clinton, and they nrn now pleasantly located In Oree.il Kldge. -Word has been received of the safe ar rival of Mrs. (J. :. Dean and of her pleas ant voyage across the Atlantic. Dr. Dean will probably cross over some time In the summer. Mr. Wesley McCracken, formerly of Scranton, now of Penn Van, N. Y., who has been visiting his parents, on Jackson street, returned to the lutter place lust evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien will gn to Chicago In July. Mrs. O'Brien will stop oft ut aCnton, O., to visit her brother, mid from there will go to Chicago, where Mr. O'Brien will be in attendance at the Na tional Democratic convention. WHERE THEY ARE GOING. Dr. Brady will spend the month of May at Lake Ariel. John Simpson and family will summer at Lake Ariel. Colonel Holes and family will summer at Shelter Island. James Archhald and family will summer at Coltnge City. Mr. ami Mrs. John T. Porter will sum mer at Klmhurst. Charles Schlager and family will soon remove to Klmhurst. The Misses Jermyn will be at Shelter Island during August. 1. W. Hallsteud and family will spend the summer at Dalton. Mrs. W. G. Fulton and daughters will summer in Nova Scotia. Mrs. A. H. chi-sty will summer at the Weldman farm, Benton. Mrs. C. L. Prey will spend a part of the summer at Lake George. Mr. and Mrs. John Jermyn will be at Englesmere during July. The Misses Merrill will spend the sum mer at the Weldman farm. William Connell and daughters will be at Atlantic City during July. Mr. John W. White and family will spend the summer at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Storrs will spend the heated term ut Ulcnburn. Alfred Hand and family will go to Gray Gables, Cottage City, in June. Dr. McLeod and family will spend the summer nt Easthampton, L. I. Assistant District Attorney John W. Harris was In Wllkes-Uarre. Miss L. 'E. Penman will visit friends In Pottsvllle during her vacation. II. C. Shafer ami family will spend the summer ut 'their Dalton cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alfred Pennington will spend their vacation at Oberlln, O. Henry llelln, Jr., will remove his fam ily to his Waverly home this week. C. P. Matthews will be at Maplecroft, Clark's Green, during the summer. V. H. Jermyn have already removed to their summer home at Glenburn. Miss Annie Conweil will betake herself to Atlantic city for the heated season. Mrs. M. M, Jones and daughter will 00 journ at Asbury Park during August. Mrs. (1. a. Many will leave this week for a visit at her home In Sednlia, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McDonald will spend a portion of the summer at Klmhurst. H. C. Sanderson and family will spend part of the summer at Summit Lake. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Hcssler will soon re move to their cottage at Ocean Grove. Mrs. W. F. Wymbs and children will go to Atlantic City for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Weston will occupy their handsome new cottage at Lake Ariel. Hichard Matthews and family will spend the month of July at the Weldman farm. Miss K. Grace Laurent will spend Jury and August with friends in Newark, N. J. Mrs. I. F. Everhart will spend the sum mer at Reading and vicinity, and Atlantic City. Among the guests at Hotel Klmhurst this summer will be C. R. Connell and family. Mr. E. B. St urges and family will spend the summer by the sounding sea at South, port, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dunham expect to spend their vacation at Echodale, Schuyl kill county. William Kelly and family will leave for their cottage ut Lake Ariel the latter part of this month. Mrs. Thomas Dickson and Mrs. Bentley will go to Morristown, N. J., tomorrow, for the summer. Miss Edna Sancton will. In about ten days, leave for London to stay with her father for a year. Miss Josle D, Lees will attend the con vention of the Northeast Association of Teachers in Buffalo. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. William II. Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. liiown are, as usual, ut their Dalton summer home. Miss Bessie Rice, of Green Ridge, expects to attend the commencement exercises at Viissar College the first week in June. Mrs. Helen Franklin will spend part of the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs.Thomus Dickson, at Morristown, N. J. .Mips Lizzie Hnub expects to spend sev eral weeks in Boston and vicinity looking over things and places of historical inter est. Mrs. E. C. Lymle will not spend the summer us usual! ut Harvey's Luke, hav ing sold "Westwood," her lakeside resi dence. .Miss Alice Matthews will next week at tend u house party given by Miss Clan Tracy, of Towanda, for a number of Wells college girls. Mr. Fred fl. Sanderson, who has been visiting his brother, Mr. H, C. Sanderson, will leave this morning for his home In Helolt. Wisconsin. When July's sunny days grow hot Mr. T. E. Jones nnd family will go to their pleasant home nt Crystal Lake, where they will remain till autumn. Miss Mae Benedict, of the North End, will accompany the Christian Endeavor delegation to Washington, D. C. early IB July. Later she will visit Chautauqua. Mis Clark, who has been at the head of the free kindergarten for the past year. Is about to sever her connection with thU branch of the work and will apend the summer In Europe. A CLUB DINNER, The Mea's Matul AdmiratkM Society Meeting , by A Moose la the Coraer. There was another meettns; of the Men's Mutual Admiration society In our rooms last night. They call themselves a club and the rooms club parlors: but wo mice, who come of a long and aris tocratic lineage and had earliest posses sion of the building, smile at their van Uy. Their meeting was of the usual kind one for eating and drinking, for talk ing and making noise enough to waken the dead. While waiting for thein to vacate the pfare beMiv siiiirtst- we thought we would listen uwhlie to learn whether they hud gained any wisdom from their long association with us. Here are a few specimen fragments: "Never, never has It been our good for tune before to hear so macnlllcent an exposition of constitutional law," said the one I will call "the philosopher." in Imitation of his fellow members. Then they oil hurraed till the glasses rattled on the tables, while the talker bowed to "the statesman." The statesman had "graduated," so we had once heard this same- philosopher declare, "from a shanty in the first place and a whisky saloon In the second" but the states man wasn't present when that remark was made. The statesman beamed while the hurrahs went round. Then "the poet" got up ond read some verses about "the pure souled loader of a na tion's cause, great Intellect that framed our noble laws," and "the orator" got up and declared the poet to be "great er than somebody named Bacon was at the time he was writing nil of Shake speare's and Marlowe's and lien Jon son's and Beaumont's and Ford and Masslnger's works, and the poem one Milton found later and printed as his own." The poet modestly "deprecated" this as "excessive praise," but hoped to "become worthy of it all In due time." and tho orator leaned back behind htm and winked that's what we long ago learned these curious being, called men. name that singular twisting up of one corner of tho face winked at "the law yer" and across at the statesman; and they both clapped their hands and roared "hurrah!" nnd then they winked duck at the orator. Curious creatures Indeed these two-legged men are! All this was only a beginning of what we listened to from these and a dozen more; and a tired-out set of mice you may well believe we were before they went oft singing to at least twenty-flve different tunes, "We Won't Go Home 'Til Morning!" Morning It was then. and all this time had we been kept wait ing tor our supper. Ban I "If I might be permitted to contribute to the Woman's Paper, said one well known citizen the other day, "I should ask for only one line. In that I should put only the two words. "Poor Women!" Profound meditation has failed to re veal just what especial misdeed or shortcoming of his own sex he had In mind that led him so to bestow pity upon the wives and mothers, daughters and sisters of men. Whether he was feeling a spasm of remorse on behalf of his sex for general or special mis behavior to womankind, or whether he was speaking from some misappre hension of woman's good times in the world must forever remain a conun drum. If it was remorse, we forgive him! If It was misapprehension, we desire gently to reassure his perturbed mind. The women of this generation are not pining for pity. Let him be at peace. MANLY REGRETS. In the mirror gating fondly Whitest brow and deepest eyes Smiled the pictured face In wonder Linked with questioning surprise. Wonder at the dazzling beauty That the lingering look did meet Marvel that so rarely ever Lay such gifts at mortal feet. But the mcm'ry came o'erfllttlng; And In gazing grieved he. "Woe," he sighed: "That I can't marry All the girls In love with me!" Ex-Chlef Ferber is Stubborn. Ex-Chief of the Flr Ttennrtmanf Ferber has refused to deliver the keys of his office to his successor, Chief P. J. Hickey, and City Solicitor Torrey will be asked to take some action in the matter. A Love Feast. Mayor Bailey and Councilman Finn are comrades nnee n train Una, err, and pleasant It Is for brethren to dwell togetner in unity. The manairerfl nf Our Wiimon1. Obm, ask the liberal patronage of Scranton women for the business men advertis ing In this paper. Ask your grocer for Niagara Baking Co. Cream Soda crackers. Try Horan & Merrill for boys' cloth ing. You will be pleased. Latest styles In wash waists at Bolz, 138 Wyo. ave. A WISE MAXIM. An advertisement Is a mirror of the Btore over which It presides. As the advertisement reads, so will the store appear. No one returns with a good will to a place that's done them mischief. We are the newest Btore In Scranton. We sparkle with crisp, bright, beautiful new goods and orig inal Ideas. We have everything to gain in your midst. ve must build for us a reputation for honest goods, low prices and strictest Integrity. Our goods are all bought direct from the manufacturers, thereby saving you the jobbers' profit. . We set the pace In everything that pertains to large buying and quick sell ing. Visit our store compare our styles and t utilities for It's not only price that makes goods chean but the kind of goods sold must be considered, and wo will make new friends of ail that come. Wholesale and Retail Millinery. A. R. Sawyer, 132 Wyoming Ave, ROBERTSON & HITCHCOCK, Fir? Insurance And Real Estate, Ml I ft 404 Lackawanna Avoi SOON TO BE Brides and Graduates Your attention is CHINA, FAYETTE, SATIN DUCHESS Mousline de Soie and Chiffon in all tints, Pearl and Spangle Trimmings and Laces. HANDKERCHIEFS from the ordinary hemstitched to the very finest hand-made Duchess Lace. JOUVIN KID 4 to IS Button Lengths. 415 and 417 We aim to lead all others variety and style of our Dress Goods Trimmings and Furnishings. Ioug experience and exquisite taste not only enables us to select goods in style, but often to anticipate coming modes. As soon as new fabrics appear you will sure ly find them upon our counters. We take pleasure in mailing samples. Or ders by mail promptly filled. In our Cloak Department We endeavor to keep garments that re flect the highest art of the modiste. CHILDREN'S JACKETS, ) Special attention given LADIES' JACKETS, V to Ladles' Suits. Cus LADIES' CAPES. I tomers can select styles in our department, be measured and have suits made to order. Ladies' and Misses' Shirt Waists that fit. We have given a large space for the sale of Table Linens And if good quality, at low prices, is any inducement we should have a con stantly increasing trade in this line of goods. We take great pride in showing the most complete stock of Wash Goods obtainable; the most dainty as well as the more durable quality of goods. MEAR 415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. ISTRemember, we have the largest Retail Dry Goods store in the city. . We CARPETS AND RUGS That approached the present one in every desirable quality. The colorings are richer and patterns more artistic, variety greater and values far beyond any thing we ever did. Draperies and Upholstery Our Decorators are practical men, men of long experience, formerly employed in th largest Houses in New York ; they will pencil you a sketch, or give you original draw ings in colors while you wait, and be helpful to you in harmonizing Wall Papers and Furniture. Opposite Main Entrance to the Wyoming House. Martin the TAILOR, Suit to order, $20, up, Pants to order, $5, up. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED, -v - 205 WvoKiiRt Ava. Invited to our large and beautiful assortment of SILKS GLOVES, & HA Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. iu the great S & HAGEN, Have Never Offered a Line Prank Waihbura. Geo. L. Zerf.M. WASHBURN & ZERFASS, Mouldings, Brackets, Balustrades, Newels, Etc. Factory 119 and 121 Meridian St., Mydpk. Scranton, Pa. KERB, SON & IN CREAM AND IUORY WHITE. DRESS GOODS, In Exclusive Designs for Traveling Costume. Our Salespeople Make your pleasure their first consider ation. Perfect cheerfulness in displaying goods regardless of sale. It is difficult tor us to convey an idea of the great variety and extent of our at ' sortment of Laces and Embroideries We assure you that our prices are very low on this class of goods. In our Glove Department we are filling a great many mail orders for Kid Gloves To the great satisfaction of our patrons. We give a reasonable guarantee with ev ery pair of our $1.00 Gloves. At $1.25 we have a very superior Glove in dura bility and fit At $1.50 we offer tho justly celebrated Jouvin Kid Gloves Which for quality, flexibility and perfect fit, lead all other Gloves. We are solo agents in the city for Jouvin Gloves. We also keep a general line of Dry Goods and Notions We permit no one to undersell us in Sheetings and Muslin. ESTABLISHED 1873 iiinuniiHiiimn Telephone Call 6154. of 408 Lackawanna Avenuo. Scranton Dairy Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealora la Milk, Cream, and Strictly Fresh Eggs. Manufacturer of BUTTER and COTTAGE CHEESE. Telephone 3703. Cor. Penn are. and Llaeea at W IS I II For a Sprint Tonic, and we have H ta our Bit orsareaparllla, 6(C a kettle. D. M. JONES, Druggist
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers