IS OUB WOMAN'S PiPEB. TntTBSDAr.-MAY 14,-1890. paMm from Exper fleece 2 5 m m raws m mm ROYAL BAKING POWDER is. indispensable in the preparation of the finest and most wholesome food. Its superiority over all other baking1 powders is so marked and so positively proven by indisputable authority that the use of any other baking powder by prudent and careful housewives would be altogether incomprehensible Scranton, Pa., April 28, 1896. The Royal tsaiung Powder I have found superior in purity and strength to any I have used, and recommend it to be a genuine article. April 29, 1896. Royal at double the price is cheapest, for it takes less and never fails. Scranton, April 29, 1896. tor the past fifteen years I have used Royal Baking Powder, and have always had successful results. I have found the Royal Baking Powder very satis factory indeed. Scranton, Pa., April 28, 1896. In ten years' housekeeping I have never used any other than Royal Baking Powder. April 28, 1896. om an experience of ten years' I find the Royal Baking Powder the best. It is the only kind I use. fa &a. ftMw Matron Y. W. C. A. Lunch Rooms. Scranton, Pa; ltake pleasure in recommending Royal Baking Powder. April 29, 1896. . 1 I.ave used Royal Baking Powder for twelve years. Wife". Scranton, April 29, 1896. 1 nave used for ten years Royal Baking Powder, and find it entirely satisfactory. 1 It is with pleasure I recommend Royal Baking Powder. Royal 3aklng Powder is reliable. I use Royal Baking Powder, and think it the best. Scranton, Pa. Scranton, Pa., April 25, 1896. 1 always use the Royal Baking Powder. 1 nave perfect success with Royal Baking Powaei. Roval Baking Powder is pure and sure. i i Scranton, Pa., May 5, 1896. i i This is to certify that Mr. jj D. W, Humphreys, analytical chemist, has forwarded to the .5 v Board of Health a qualitative S q analysis ot Koyal caking rowder, Jf S which shows it to be "a pure j X cream of tartar powder, free from j alum and1 all other deleterious y substances' By order of the Board of Health. I W. E. Allen, M. D. Health Officer. I I t i ri I use Royal Baking Powder, because I have perfect success with it i consider Royal Baking Powder indispensable for housekeeping. I can cheerfully recommend Royal Baking Powder. Scranton, r'a. Royal Baking Powder isvery reliable and farsuperioi to any othw- Of all baking powders I find Royal the most economical. . . Scranton, April 29, '96. 1 have usd the Royal Baking Powder for twenty years, and it has always given perfect satisfaction. I use Royai Baking Powder, because it never spoiU the temper or flour. Scranton, April 30, '96. I have always found Royal Baking Powder to be reliable, and believe it to be strictly pure and wholesome. After trying several baking powders, I find the Royal leads. Scranton, Pa. In my experience as a housekeeper I have found Royal Baking Powder without a peer. I have used Royal Baking Powder for several years and have found it satisfactory. Scranton, Pa. In my experience as a young housekeeper I have found no equal to the Royal Baking Powder. I find the Royal Baking Powder the best on the market. r.m - 1 take very great pleasure in recommending Royal Baking Powder every time. Absolutely pure and wholesome is the Royal Baking Powder. It does the work required without lailure I use Royal Baking Powder, because I have bettei success with it than any other. ' No other article of human food has ever received such emphatic commendation , tor purity, strength and wholesomeness, from the most eminent authorities, as the ROYAL BAKING POWDER. No other article used in the domestic economy of the household has so many enthusiastic friends among the housekeepers of America. mm mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers