THE' FCBANTON- TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNINtt.' MAY 9. 1896. THE L 124 AND 120 WYOMIXG AYE. Things that you should not fail to see the specials that we offer in our different departments are new, desirable goods that cannot be manufactured for the prices we offer them. In any instance where a customer fails to Gnd any article purchased from us to be an exceptional bargain we will cheerfully take it back and refund the money. DRESS G3GDS &30 SILKS. Xfce balance of the excellent values that we ottered in 25c. dress BOOds wo offer now Hi l.v. a yaril. 25 pieces of ilg.ireii bi-iltluntine and check wool divs Koods worth 2k.-., LKADKR'S PRICK I2'ic. JO pieces of striped surahs, ull pure slik. regular price juc., LKADKR'S TRICK 25c. S5 piece of odds and eud In silk. nome In the lot worth as high os ll.W yard, choice of any 2Sc. C0TT0.1 DRESS G303S, DIMITIES, ETC 110 pieces printed Crepe De Jupon, these goods were made by the Tactile, mills to retail for 12" -c, our price Je. a yard. 50 pieces printed Venetian challies, regular price 5e., I.KAKKR'9 mirK 3e. a yard 10 pieces of printed French organdies, the regular Sue. quality, LEADER'S PRICK 12',ic. One lot of printed organdies ami print ed corded dimities, regular price inc., LEADER'S TRICK 5c. One. lot of standard Indigo prims, regular 6c. quality, LOADER'S TRICK :-s?. TRIMMED iflO UN TP, im MED IBILLfSERV. fas piir uaiUfce.' Uie trimmed snllofs wo ' are offering for missus' at ai'c, they come In navy, black und white. t,0in Indies' frimmcd straw sailors, all .the newest shapes and colors, prices ranging from 2.V. to $2.."0 apiece. special sak of ladies' misses' and children's stylish trimmed hats, lunging from inc. up: Bpeclal sale of 5uu yards of fancy rib ions, the regular tiic. quality, LEADER'S TRICK JTe. Mil of our tlnwers, feathers find mil linery ornaments at reduced prices. Our business In this department is In creasing daily as people tire rapidly finding out that we sell goods at the same close prollta as we do in other departments. LADIES' CLOAKS AND SUITS. to ladles' navy and black flannel suits, Were. $5.!, LEADER'S TRICK ll.M U ladles' fancy mixtures, trimmed velvet, were $i.9S, LEADER'S TRICK Jti.OS R) ladles' figured brilllanllne skirts. lined throughout and velveteen bound, were 81.50. LEADER'S TRICK 9SC. 7u fine quality figured brllliantlue skirts, live yards around, lined throughout, were $-'.!, c, , LEADER'S TRICK $1.79 B fancy plnhl skirts, all new patterns, lined throughout and velveteen bound, LEADER'S TRICK $1.95 Bj children's navy reefers, sizes four to fourteen, were 11.00, .... . , LEADER'S TRICK VJe. All or our better quality children's reef- upVardsCed ' "'"5' '1'1,S ar'd -Ai antl Bpeclal reduction In our ladies' flno suits, capes and skirts. SHIRT WAISTS. 25 dozen ladles' laundried waists, nice patterns, were 4!ie., LEADER'S TRICK 29e. f8 dozon Indies' pontile nnd lawn waists, choice patterns, were 50c. and We., LEADER'S PRICE 49c. Finer qunlitieB at fc, li3c, $1725" mid upwards. 15 dozen of ladles' plain black and fancy figured suteen waists were 7;.c, , , , , LKADKR'S TRICK 49c. 12 dozen of Infants' and children's dresses, sizes two to six, LKADKR'S . 25c. LfEBECBC HEARD IN WORLD OF SONG First Appearance of Miss Thomas, the Contralto. A RARE MUSICAL TREAT Concert at Y. M. C. A. Iloll Monday Nleut. Ths Doctor of Alcantara Season of Summer Opera Personal and Other Notes. Music lovers generally In the city ore looklnff forward with pleasureable an ticipations to the concert to be Riven ft Younjr Men's Christian association hall on Monday night by the celebrat ed contralto, Miss Maty Thomas, of London. On this occasion Miss Thomas Will be assisted by Mr. Owllym Thnni a talented basso; Mr. Theodore Hemberger, of this city, the well-known Violinist, and Mr. Alfred Tennington, organist at Elm Park church, will act as accompanist While on the thres bold of womanhood Miss Thomas has MATIY THOMAS. already achieved success that usually comes only, after years of hard study , and experience, and is today ono of the most promising contraltos on the con cert stage. At the concert given by . the Schaumann society of Wilkes-Hnrre this week Miss Thomas shared the hun- ; ors with MaUume Itlauvelt, who is ac knowledged as America's favorite con cert singer, and received the most llnt terlnff mention In the Wilkes-Hnrre press. Miss Mary Thomns was born in Kansas, but Bpnt her glrlhooil in Wales. For the post five years she has been studying in the Koyal Academy of London, and with Khakesueare the BTeat vocal teacher. Shu Is a daughter of Owllym Thomas, the eminent basso, who is making a concert tour with her. Of Owllym Thomas, basso, the Cleve land Advocate speaks as follows: Mr. Owllym Thomas' rendition of "Hocked " In the Cradle of the Deep" was most excellent, and took the audience by Btorm, enough to say that he Is a sec ond "Whitney." Mr. Hemberger and , Mr. Pennington are too well known in , musical enterprises in this city to need 5 , Introduction, and the mention of their appearance Is sufficient guarantee of the excellence of the portion of the programme assigned them. The pro gramme will be as follows: " '. 1. Alone in the Desert Emmanuel Mr. Owllym Thomas, t Flower Bong (Fuut) Gounod Miss Mary Thomas." S. Ballade , Bqhm - Mr. Thoodor Hemberger, .Harbor Buoy ' Molr i' Mr. Owllym Thomns. V ( Heclt and Aria,,! "Laacla Ch'to Planga" Handel (b) A Summer Night ....Coring Thomas Miss Mary Thomas. f. (a) Bomanse Wllhelmjl u) Cfadas Hubny . Mr. Theodor Hemberger. . T. Bedouin Love Bong Plniutl Mr. Owllym Thomas. 10 dozen of new checked dresses, trimmed with embroidery, sizes two ... Al..l.t I 1 1 t'KIl'l.' .lfkl. 14 dozen of misses' and children's oref-scs, nicety irimme.i. s.s---sm rouriccii, o i iw i. ul. Complete assortment of every tiling appertaining to un infants' oultit ul- I !..'.. It,...a.j HEN'S fuwshim;. 20 dozen of men's choice tecks and four-in-hands, were ;.'Jc, LEADERS TRICK 21c. 10 dozen of men's line laundried" percale shirts with two separate collars and one pair of new reversible cuffs, were 11.25. LKADKR'S TRICK ti9c. Complete assortments of the newest effects In boys' r'auntieroy blouse, waists, all sizes, LKADKR'S TRICK FROM 49c. to Sl.Di IS dozen men's four-ply cult's, round anil square cornered, LKADKR'S THICK lie. a pair 10 dozen of boys' outing llanncl shirts, sizes 121-j to 14, LKADKR'S TRICK 29c. UH2RELUS AH3 PAR1S3LS. Ladles' white china silk parasols with tticks to match. 1 1.I5.DKR'S I'liiemiScWUS Children's jmT.i.-ols iiu.ull lyle ,ind tleslKUH, ' - ! i.;SADi:irsi'i:iCH'ii'. o$ijs 21 and M-lnch (iloria uiubrcllns with j ai aiami frame. LKADKR'S TRICK S2c. Use. and UDlEi' R'.USUN UN0RWR. 10 diia.-n of ladies' gowns, trimmed with embroidery, , , LKADKR'S TRICK 19c. 12 dozen of ladies' line gowns, hand somely trimmed with lace or em broidery, LKADKR'S TRICK Kk .'0 dozen of ladles' line corset covers trimmed with embroidery, 1 1.-A I il.M'J liuti.i.' ,.n .. 7 dozen of ladies' line umbrella skirts" J" w ith cluster of tucks. ... LKADKR'S TRICK &):: 9 dozen of ladles' extra wide drawers, with deep cambric rulllc, LKADKR'S TRICK 29c. FANCf GOODS. 6 dozen of fancy leatherette photo nl bums, handsomely mounted, were 3fc, . , LKADKR'S TRICK 23c. 8 dozen of line silvered metal photo frames, were 35c, . LKADKR'S TRICK 2U Full lino of ladles' leather tind fancy belts, LKADKR'S TRICK FROM 19c. up Fancy und black buckles for ludies' belts, LEADER'S TRICK 24u. und upwurds SPECIALS. 2 bales extra quullty unbleached vard widu muslin. LKADKR'S TRICK 4c. a yard 50 dozen largo size cotton towels, reg ular price 7c, LKADKR'S TRICK 3c. 100 bunches of fine linishing braid, reg ular price, klic, LKADKR'S TRICK Co. 200 pieces of four-yard velveteen bind ing, two Inches wide, regular price 15'.. LKADKR'S TRICK iOc. 10 pieces best unbleached sheeting 9-4 wide, LKADKR'S TRICK 11c. a yard Dress cambrics for lining skirts, S'ie. a yard. Best hooks and eyes, none biter made, LKADKR'S TRICK 2'L.c. a dozen 50 dozen of line linen embroidered hand kerchiefs, the 75c. kind, they havo siTght imperfections, were sold to us by the manufacturer nt a big loss, OUR TRICK 12VJO. & CORIN. 8. dood-Bye Miss Mary Thomas. ,Toti The Wilbur Opera company will ap pear at the FiothiiiKham during the first week In June In comic opera at popular prices. The company, it Is said, Is better than ever this season. Professor Sclilllliiff announces that the "Doctor of Alcantara" will be Riv en at College hall on May 14 and 15. A chorus of forty voices has been In ac tive rehearsal for some time past under direction of Professor Schilling and It Is expected that the coming presenta tion will excell the former production given some time ago by members of the Cathedral choir. Miss Elsie A. C. Van Dervoort, con tralto at Elm Park church, will spend next week at Mt. Vernon, X. Y., visit ing her parents. n, 'I II II Miss Turnwall, soprano, of James town, will sins in the Elm Park church quartette tomorrow. BATTLE IN THE AIR. Three Men Rcscnoa Crazy Woman From a Railroad Trestle. Cleveland, May 8. On a railroad trestle, with a fast train rapldlv ap proaching, Mnry Hyknzlk. of liorea, was almost miraculously rescued from death by a policeman and two railroad men today, Mary suddenly became in sane at her home In lleren. nnd. psrnn- Ing the vigilance of her friends, left the nouse. fine started for Cleveland and reached the Nickel Plate trestle In this city. From tie to tie she began the per ilous journey across the tretl. and had just succeeded in passing the guarus on the drawbridge portion. At that moment the whistle of the fast express was heard, and the next mo ment the train dashed around the curve. A patrolman hud seen the peril of the womnn and started for her. At the same moment the two bridge tenders started for the woman, and caught her by one arm just as the ofilcer caught her by the other. The woman fought with great fury. Back and forth on the slippery ties between the steel rails the three men struggled with the woman A misstep on the part of any one of tnom meant a rail to the ground sev enty-five feet below. The train was rapidly bearine down on them. Just as the men succeeded by h. violent effort in Hpritiglntr across an open space of Penny three feet and latddi - on the next track the train sped by, JEALOUS MAX'S ACT. Commits Murder Because a Woman Passed Whisky to Ills Hlvnl. New York, May 8. Elmer Hollowny, lormeriy employed ns u waiter, was killed early today by a bartender named James McQulllon. Holloway was 21 years old, nnd ohout a year ago came from Michigan, where, It Is snld, his parents live. They are woll-to-do peo ple, and spent money liberally on his education, but he was Inclined to be wllil. He lost his position as waiter be cause of his habits. At 4.30 o'clock, whl'e walking along Sixth avenue with a room-mate, "Doe" RoUHfon, and Carrie Simon, they met a man named George Hogers. The latter had a bottle of whisky, and on his Invitation all drank. McQuillan Joined the party. He knew Holloway and the woman, and became Incensed when she pnssed the bottle to Holloway, A fight ensued, and McQuillan gave Holloway a heavy blow on the jaw, kill ing him instantly. ptiia TJwrvpT.m BEt.tKVi! read about- IlooW's Sarsaparllla. They know that It Is on honest medicine, and that it. curse disease, mat u way you should only got i-iood's. HOOD'S PILtS cure all liver Ilia. ' fo' lleve constipation and assist digestion 26e.. The Nickel Plate Road controls the dining stations on its Una and they re ceive unitiniea praise. T Pour Thousand Dollars Appropriated for the Foundation. THE K1YEK AND HAKBOK BILL Ono Amendment lllttcrly Contested. Members or the House Voto to Put Themselves on Equulity With Sen ate in .Matter of Yearly Clerks. Washington, May 8. Among the dozen r more bills which were passed by the senate today because they were unobjected to, was one permitting the erection in Washington of a monument in honor cf Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the medical school of homoeopathy, and appropriating J4,(ki0 j to defray the cost of the foundation. The only restrictions Imposed in the bill is that the monument is not to be placed In the capitol grounds. The consideration of the river and harbor bill was concluded with the .ex ception of one amendment Involving the bitterly contested question of the loca tion of a deep water harbor in southern California. The committee on com merce reported an amendment to the bill providing for a breakwater and outer harbor at Santa Monica: while the two senatorn from California and Mr. McLachlun, the representative from the Los Anveles district, oppose that location and favor the selection of San Pedro, having on their side of the ques tion th reports of two hoards of 'army engineers !-peclully si nt out to examine the iter. ' Senator.. WhlUf ! Uem., Cal.) addressed the senate In opposi tion to the committee amendment and had not finished his argument when the senate at .1.1.". adjourned until to morrow. YEA IS Al.ul'XI) CLERKS. i After several years discussion and ns many unsuccessful attempts, members of the house today voted l:i(t to 18 to place themselves on an equullty with the senate In respect to the matter of providing themselves with clerks the year hi., und instead of for the sessions of congress only. It was not until 1SKS that the house went even so fur as that. Today's action was preceded by an onmlnted debate of an hour or more, in which a dozen members took part. The principal opposition to the resolu tion Introduced by Mr. Haitnian (Rep., Mont.) nnd reported by the committee on accounts, without recommendation, was upon the ground that the trensury was not In condition to meet the In creased expense, bu two or three mem bers suggested that, the services of cierh-s were not needed. The resolution was warmly advocated by Messrs. Hartman and Henderson (Rep., Iowa). lietore being passed the resolution wns amended so as to exclude representa tives who are chairmen of committees having annuul clerks. RILLS PASSED. Among the bills passed during the session were the following: To quiet titles or certain Dona llde purchasers of public lands. To quiet titles to lands in Atedondo Grant, Columbia county. Georgia. Authorizing the construction of life-saving stations at Point lionito, Cala., und Port Huron, Michigan. Ap propriating JS.OOu to enable the presi dent to deport about 500 Canadian Creek Indians in Montana to the border and deliver them to the Canndlun author ities. Twenty-four private pension bills. At 4. SO o'clock the house took a re cess until S o'clock, the evening session to be for the consideration of private pension bills. At the close of that, the house adjourned until Monday. FINANCES SOUND. Encnuroginc Reports from the Business World-Monetary Conditions Not Dis turbed by Large Shipments of Gold. New York, May 8. R. O. Dun & Co. In their weekly review of trade tomor row will say: That exports of J5.8G0.O0O cold this week have produced no monetary dis turbance is at once proof of the sound ness of the financial conditions and of the prevailing confidence In better things to come. It does not matter whether the gold Is required for Russia or anywhere else; It would not go from this rather than other countries If there were not balances to be met. Much of the hesitation at present Is due to temporarily reduced demand In some Industries, and In Iron and steel the power of the new combina tions Is being generally tested by refusal of orders, so that production exceeds con sumption, but consumption exceeds new buying. The general Irregularity of prices and slackness of demand for finished prdducts do not prevent the marking up of prices by combinations, but are largely due to doubt whether such prices as are fixed can be main tained. Pig iron is weaker at the east and also at Pittsburg, and most fin ished products are weaker with re markably narrow demand. Minor metals tire Inactive, with copper weak, tin steady and lead slightly lower, and American tin plates 30 cents below for eign. For textile manufacturers the situa tion Is trying. Cotton mllla have a fair ly nctive d ntnnd, thoueh nt equal to their normal output and for many months have been accumulating goods, hoping for better things, so that some are now stopping, although the demand for some grades, with higher prices for cottons, has heljied to a small ad vance in prices. Cotton speculation has lifted the spot prices to S.IIl cent antl profits have been realized from the men who have fold cotton they did not own, but It Is fdilt the fact that the outlook for next fall's crop is tnis-ually favorable, while Focks here nnd nbrond exceed all possible de mands until Sept. 1. Failures for the week have been in the Hutted States against 2L'7 Inst year and 24 in Cunnda against 31 last year. : WAVERLY, ' Miss Grace Camp, of Montrose, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Coult. E. J. Fcehley, our newly elected jus tice of the peace, nsxutned the duties of the office last Monday. Dr. N. C. Mnckcy presided nt the meeting of school directors last Mon day nljlht nt which It wns decided to have the new school building bliilt of wood Instead of brick, as decided at u former meeting. Our council met lurt Monday night. President D. L. Doty in the chair. Af ter ordering the paying of $200 for work done, und instructing Htrect Commis sioner.!'1. 1. Parker, to open all gut ters nnd remove nil accumulations of superlluotts dirt and Hlth. the council adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting night. The Misses Mnry nnd Grnce Dorshlm er, of Schultzvllle, Cora White, of Jus tice; Emma Stone, nt Craig; Emma nnd I,oulsn Feehley and Miss Mabel Sherman from here, were entertained at supper last Wednesday nlcht by Miss Bertha Hold. The cloning exercises of the graduat ing classes of the Madison academy took place nt the Baptist church last Wednesday night. The following excel lent programme was rendered: "The Old Man Cnme to Town," Miss Anna Mnhoney: essay, "What Shall a Girl do," Miss Maud Miller; declamation, "Dignity of Labor," Ira A. Roberts; vocal solo. "The Farewell," Jessie Mne Polhemus: essay, "The Falling Leaf," Miss Stulle A. Mahoney; recitation, "Brier Rose," Miss Emma A. Feehley; vocal duet, "Mke the Lark," ! Master Harry Johnson, Master Walter Parksi-: recitation, "Liberty," Chnrles S. Hall; essay, "Pearls," Ina Benjamin; recita tion, "The Life Boat," Miss essie Mae Polhemus; essay, .1 "CompllmenU.1! Sophia A. Mahoney:-recitation, "Ro mannl," Mlaa Mildred. Green; vocal duet. "Oh! Tell Me. Merry Birds," Delia Sxme and Cora Sherman. The graduates In the advanced course. "31 ins Ina Tenjamln. Hrthla A. Mahnney. Maud Miller, Sadie A. Mahnney, and the elementary course. Miss Emma Feeh ley. Miss Jessie Mae Polhemua and Masters Charles 8. Hall and Ira A. Roberts, received their diplomas. A very plcasintr event was the presenta tion to Prof essor F. C. Hanyon of a very beautiful cold-headed rane by the scholars of his class after the exercises. Ice cream at Martin Hold's "Little Dclmoulco." BULLETS IX A STREET t-AR. Two .Men fatally Shot and Other Persons Have Wonderful i:capc I.euNvlllc. May 8. Private Policeman Charles Jales arrested Charles lJoysc. colored, at trie race truck this after noon for shooting crans and sturtcd to the central station with the prisoner on a crowded .street car.. On the way in Hoys broke from the ollicer. Beth men pulled their revolvers and began filing, Boyse being shot through tha aim and Sales I:i the eye and under the chin. Both men will probably die. James Cam:, manager of the Grand Opera house, and his wife were on the car. Mrs. Camp was shot In the side, but 'the ball, striking a corset stay, glanced rml made only a llesh wound, Mr. Camp's hot was pierced by a bul let, and the motorman was w ounded in the heel. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles'. Symptoms MoIstJre; lnt"n?e Itchlnu and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which oft-'n bleed and ulcer ate, becoming' very ' pore. Pwnynft'a O.lntment stops the itching nnd blee" irig, heals ulceration, and in most' cases removes too tumors. At -druggists, or by mail; for M rents. tr. Swayn? S: Eon, Philadelphia. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHVROR WILL RE LES3 THAN 5" CENTS. THIS RT'T.W AP PLIES TO P.MALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. lieln Wanted Mule. WANTKD-AUVKKTISIXO KILIt 1TOH; stca ly employment: gr:1 s-i'n-y: 'dy competent men. Apply "Tribuno" "adv." AN HONEST, INTELLIGENT, ACTIVE iV nmnor woirnn cau ret a ircod job from lis ndlitig our Rapid I'lsll Wnsher: best nif.du whor; wiv nnd dries in wo ndmitei; every fi"nlly w.inti ore; l.OOn.'ff) to bo sold; lil t.rnllt: no talking; ensv j ib. Address W. P. HAIiKISON & Co., Clerk Hi. Colnmhns, O. CA1.E9MEN MERCHANTS' TKADE. $ a week. Nmv, q-ii.-k, hotI. LI, 'fit satn- Slstro. Side line or exclusive. Mfrs., ill'41 larket St., Philadelphia. ANTEl-MEN AND WOMEN TO work at homo; 1 pay $.1 to fbi per work for makinv Crayon Portraits; new pateuted method; any ono who can rend and writo con do the work nt hi me, in snuro time, dny or evening; send for particular nnd begin worlc at once. Addresi H. A. UltlPP, Uurumn Ar tist, Tyrone. I'u. D RUO CLERK-RD!iESS OB APPLY U D. I'., 4H t eunr uveuno, ncrantou, l'a. W'NTBD-AN AGFNT IN EVERY HKC H tion tocanvur-s; $4.00tof."0lladny made; r-lls at siiihr; nl-on man to sell Etnple Hoods to dealers; beat fitdn lino fT.j-Irt) n mouth; sal. ary or lura f-ommiasion mnde; experience imnecf hhic y. Clifton Koap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. ,TANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN V every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for fluents; no capital required. EDW AKD C FISH CO., Uorden Blocs. C'hleaeo. HI. Helo Wanted Females. WANTED AT ONCE - NUllE OIUL: mui.t give good reference. Apply at U7 Monroe avenue. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOST-KEEP er; must he well rocnmnionded and must be able to give bond. D. B. C Tribune ollico. IADIEH-I MAKE 111(1 WAGES DOING J pleasant hi me work, nnd will gladly nend full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp. Jlb-8 M. A. BTEbBlNH. Lawrence, Mich. 1TANTED-I ADY AGENT IN SCRAN- V ton to sell and introduce. Snyder's cake Irinu: experienced canvaaner preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for purticulnra at once and get benefit of liolirlav trade. T II. K.N'YDKR & CO . CincinnatiO WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO KNER petio falesivoinen to repres-nt ti. Gnarantoed f day without interfering with other ditties, ilea'tliful oecupntioii. Writo for partirulars, inclosing etnmp, Mango Chem ical Company. No. "2 John Mrcot. New York. For Sale. l.OR HALE THE BEAUTIFUL HOME 1 stead property of the late Ainns Becnier, at Mill Citv. near Luke W Inula; four acres with two willow-fringed sprin lakos fi led with fish; beautifully shaded grounds, b-ar-inc fruit treis, barn nnd s m-'ons ilwelllm.-: an idoid country residence. For pnrticnl r address III RATIO K. PATRICK, !M Wash ington avenue. 90 DEl'iIRABLK Bt'lLDING LOTS ON Summit Park, and Annex I'leti. at Clark's Summit, f ir mo: pvin-s JW to ?7"i each; everr lot a biii'itniii. II S. ALWOUTii, Attorney. Common vrealtn liiillilini;. lOR SALE -A LADY'S BICYCLE. IN V ouitoat MOREL ISltOti, il E. Matki t street. XR PALE-HORSE AGED SIX YEARS, 1 weieht 1,(00 pouuds; cun be suun at Itui Price street. VOR SALE - MY COTTAGE AT ELM J1 hnrt and the four lots on which it stands: alo tlin futir lots adjoining: most do airal le location In Klmhiiist; prices reasona ble: terms encvj poeHioii Riven nt once. E. P. KINGSBURY, I omuiomvealth ISuiMing, Scranton, Pa. 1'OR SALE-TWO HORSES, 2 BUTCHER VHsmis. 2 bnrir 'es, 1 nleiLdi, harnessesnnd all of biiieiior's imtlltl aim meit market for nut; j-eingout ot business: must lie sold by April 1st. Impure of L E. HCUULLER, Tilakoly street, Dunmore. Real fsVzte. T OTS-QtJi CY AVFNUE. NEAR DELA l j war,', Jt'.'0. CO.MEGYS, IWSiirii'-e, IOTS Rlchmo t str"et. n-ar Washington J avenue, Sl.arJ. UO.MEGYS, 4llt) Spnvu. I OOK AT IL'14 AND I2IU MULBERRY A street, $4.HI0. t OMEUYM, tm Sprnee. . $:.WH WILL BUY BEAUTIFUL SINGLE house, Uiba.m street, imnr Quiucy '' uri'liuo. M. ri. HoLGAi E. tli.m WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE. Idock, Washington avenue. Rent tl, 1U. ri. I1ULUA1H. f.OXI WILL BUY NEW DOUBLE I1HI89. corner Uuincy avenue. Rein t7i. M. il. IlOLOATE. Sr.COO WILL BUY NEW DOUBLE lioueo, on the hill. Kent two lur particulari cull at officu. M. U. HOLQATE. Id.niO WILL BUY LARGE, 1H-ROOM hoiiso. atone and frame, barn, two full ' lots Columbia avo.j tlila property cost SiXtlM: it must i e sold. II. H. HOLGaTE. JS.HKI WILL 1!UyVsINGLE, i DOUBLE iioiibcs, it lots, itnnc twe; room to build (I double houses. i:XR block. Providcuue Road. For particulars call at ottlco. M. H. HOLGATE. JiUWO VVILD" BUY lu-ROOM BRICK Uoiue, barn, lub fiuxlo.'!. m block. N. aImIii avenue.- ' Thla uronurtv must oo aoiu. n no wui uiUjKe a niur - ' M.H.HOLGATE. t:,000 WILL BUY CORNER PROP- utt court Hdtt?o Buuarn. M. H. HOLOATE, Commonwealth Bulldln, I'Jiki WILL BUYS ROUSES AND LOT buxiou, Hiiu and nil l street, one half oioca irom reet car iiue: rent M4. U. H. HOLGATK. c Of! si r i-.-f ; .?.. -3.' ens tin ws, Light and Cool, riohair, Sateen, Italian Cloth Gloria and Silk Skirts, in variety. CONNOLLY & (Of Rent. IO It KENT - SiniVKU lln.ME AT J1 Clark's Greou, luiuishvd. COMEGYS, 4U0 Spruce street. H OUs?:s FOR REMT IN ALL PARTS OF city. COMEGiS, HKi Spruce street. Q ifl FURNISHED HOUSE ON LINDEN ?1U street. COMEGYS, HKI Spruco at IXHt IENT-HOUSE CONTAINING H I rooma. hot and cold water, with bo!h. apply ou piemis s. I.V.M Washburn Stre.-t. OR RENT-THREE ROOMS FRONT. ON. J a?cond floor, 117 Wymninit avemi", over Hulbert'a Mnsio Store, luqulro in the store I OUR HOOML. T-M Olive street, arranged for bcht hoi:aeltoviin(i; newly painted and papered. 1UR RENT PRlltYTEl!IAN MANSE, furniih'd. Minuet avenue. North 1'ark, with barn; apt'Iy on premises. 1 'OR RENT--ROOM HOUSE AMI URS; nice yard, corner VoiiStorch and Marion. J 'OR KENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern Improvements; reuf, reasonable; corner of Pine and Blakely streets, Duumore. lOll IiETTEN4il)(jr Ho"USErALT 1 mnrlerii coiiveniences. IlKpuie at 121 Waabburn st. t OR HENT-NK'Kut KUHXISHED MALL unliable for ludice rixims. JOHN JEU- ATYN, llii Wyominir ovenu.-.. A(enta Wanted. WANTED SALESMAN: SALARY FROM atari; permanent plnco. DROWN BROS, CO. Nuiseryinen, Roenester, N. Y. G ENTS W A N TED TO SELL RIUARS; JTj per month aalnry and cxtiensos paid. Address, with two-ceut btami, FIGARO CI- l Alt I'll, ( IIICSKO. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL Bold, silver, nil kel and corper elti-tro plnters; rrice from I-I upward; salary and ex peDKHS paid; outfit f roe. Audi ess, with statuo, MICHIGAN MFU CO., Clilca-k AGENTS TOSKLLCIGAUS TO DEALER; t weekly and extiehsii; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 4S Van Buren at., Chicago. , SALK8MAN To CARRY BIDE LINE; 21 per cent, commisilon; aainnln look mailed free. Address U N, CO., btatlou L, New York. T ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO aell new lihtninif acllinir table cloth. mos quito and house lly liituid nt 10 rents and -5 cents a boitlo. Sample lroo. BOLG1ANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore. Md. AGENTS H IN DE'S PATENT UNIVER. aal Holr Curlera and Wavers Owed with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Ilair llna Lib eral commissions. Free sample and lull par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. Sealed Proposals. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE iJ ceived by the Home Committee of the Scranton Poor Board until Friday, May IS, 1MW, at 2 V m., for the construction of a build Inn at Hillside Home, to bo known as the Chapel, accord iug to !lan and f-pecitiotions to be aeou at the ofllce of Ficd .1. Amnden, arcnitec.t. Five per cent, of the contract price in cash or certified check must accompany each proiosal, to be forfeited upon refratl to enter Into contract if awarded. 1 ho Board reserves the riaht to reject any or all bids. Bids must be marked "Proposals for Chapel" aud aidrcsscd to MRS. FRANCES R SWAN. Chairman Home Committer. Scranton, May 7, IM. SEALED PROPOSALS WIL BE RE ceived by rho Chairmatt of tho Home Committee, of the Scranton Poor Board until h'rifl.iv. .In iih ii. lMltl. fur til. i f nrnWltltiir nd putting iu place of an electric lighting plant at liillsido Homo, accontiuu to plnnsand spec illcntiens which in ly b;- seeu at the ofllce of Director Frederick Fuller, i-cranton, Pa. Each proposal must bo accompanied by cash or portifli'd i lierk to tb" amount of ftcn per cent, of tlm M 1 to be forfeited in of re fusal to make contvaiit If awarded. The board reserves th ritht to reject any or ail bids. All projomln must lie endoried "Prouotials Electric Lilitinif." a'l I nddre m-d to JUtS. FRANCES B. SWAN, Chrd lean Home Committor. Scranton, .May 7. ltUil. Soeclal Notices. IFYOU' WAAVGOrW)Brlo"vE IV Blatn or tin work cdl on KEMPTEIt BROS., nil Mania street. Hepairliitf prompt- ly attended to. '"IUE SOI D1ER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." J Ymi wont this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslio's fuinntisold War III ill" IIIIVI-l HI It'-IIIHI iraio,nftnn"i w.. spot. Two volumes, '-',ll pictures. -old on easy mentlilv p:ivmont. Delivered by ex rress cemtil-t?. ell ciariea prepaid. Aridrens 1JLANK r.OOKS, l'Alll'HLETS, MAGA J) tines, itc, bound or reOound at TiiK 'i in HC Ml Ciftice. tiuick work. Reasonable prices. Furnished Rooms for Rent. OnoITTvvtPfukTish l.-t, with use of bath: also barn rent cheap. X'li Monroe avemi. , city. 1,'URNISHED ROOMS, WITH USE OF GAS, I hot mid c. Id bath, Hlttinir and reading rooms, ill) Lackawanna avenue. Business Opportunity. ii 1 Hi I INVESTED NOW In' WHEAT OR 0'"v" atocks under our asfo mtlind will make von handsome pronts, Send for particu lars arid hook, free JORDAN & Ou Col u in bia Buildimr. New York. Steamship Line. STEAMSHIP TICKET- AND DRAFTS AT J. A. BARRON'S, 1115 Lackawanna ave nue, Hcrauton. Medical. LA mice! Chldtosltr'i English Pennyroyal PH!s (niainomt ItritDdi, nro the) liteat. '. Ii-ti.e-i''. T.k- mi oti.r. h-Utl li-., ,unii-r, i r rsrtkuUrii. " Kfllfl tcr U.lli-1." " uma ky Roturn Mail.,, ' lru.riu. Chlehesier Cbi-uilca.1 Co., I'hllcda., l'a. ROEBLING'H CELEBR ATED TANSY AND Pennyroyal Fills; imported: absolutely safe; harmless; superior to all others: never tails, anv stale; thousands tif nappy luillfs: H by mall, hold only by botanical briiLi FIO CO.. 114 Fifth Avenue, Now York. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Terre Haute, Ind. A. School or J'.nalneerlng. Mechanical. Electrical. Civil EiiKliieerlng, Uheinloul couraoa. Well endowed., Exti'imivo Hhopaand Foundry, liloiloroly equiiped L bnratoriea In all department. Expeuaea low. Address C. L, 11EE8, President ... Rustling Taffeta $Icirt Absolutely Fast Black. Warranted to Retain Its Rustling Qualities. Specially Adapted for WARM WEATHER WEAR WALLACE, TRY US. 632-304 LACX1 VL, COR. ADAH Situations Wanted. 1MK SALE A QUANTITY OK VERY I fine seed ami eatine potatoes, Kliit of the Roses and Early Uurpeea. UARSKTT SMITH, Bellevue. WANTED POSITION AS HOU8E keeper for small family. Address MRS. THOMPSON. Tribune office. Ol I U A TION WANTED A8 A BAKER OB i' any kind of work. Address E. A. B No. 1U07 Cedar uvenue, city. WANTED A POSITION BY AN EXPE rieuced trarellne saleemniacqnalated with Now York and Pennsylvania trade. Ad drona A., Tribuneafflce. SITUATION WAN1KD-BY A BRIUI1T O youn lady ai cashier or assistant book keeper; writes a splendid han4; anxlois to secure a potltion; can fnrnlah reference. An dres. TRUSTWOR1UY, TraiM onice, city. AIT ANTED A SITUATION BY AN AMER 11 ican ac stable boa or charire of gents' place: perfectly sober and reliable, Yi Trib une oftlce. WANTED A SITUATION BY A FIRST" class baker; one ithe thoroughly under stands ihe business. Address BAKER, DIBS. Wyomlnu avenue oity. SITUATION WANTKD BY A YOUNG Cl man in wholesale store or aoy work on the road; can apeak five different languages. Address S. W., fliD Pens avenue. SITUATION WANTED -MAN DESIRES aitiirtirn; experienced in drr.irs, groceries and dry goods. Addreaa ENGINEER, ill Adams avouue. 1 1 ERMAN GARDENER, WHO HAS MORE J thau twelvo years of experience, la will ing to dn the cirilenlnc of several gardens anywhere. FRED 8IEBENHAAR, German Gardener, No. lliXI Meadow avenue, olty. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19, 1899. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre a Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. IO.I5a. m., week days, for Hazlaton. Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. G.CO p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsyillo. J. K. WOOD, (len'l Pass. A lent. S. M. PREVOsI , General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Inaur. Inc cleanliness and comfort. TIMB TA1JLK 1 ttfWJT MUtt, IS, 1896. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston. Wilkep-Barre, eto at S.2D, 9.15. 11.30 a. m.. 1145.-2.00, 3.05, G.CO. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, a. m., l.ufl. 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. Kor New York. Newark and Ellzatmth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. ni. arrives at I'hlladclphla, Heading Term inal, 6.22 p. ni. and New York COO p. m. For Mnuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Eaaton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 12.45, 8.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. di. Sunday, 2.15 p. rn. For Lonu Branch. Ocean Drove, etc., at 8.20 n. in., 12.45 P- m. For Keaillni;, Ibanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 12.45. 5.00 p. m Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North P.lver, ut 9.10 (express) a. ni., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor cur) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Kcadine: Termlnnl. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday .27 "'ThroiiRh tickets to all points at lowest rates may De naa cn application In ad vance to the ticket apent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHATJSEN. Gen. 3upt. DELAWARE AMD jiotiSi.'N RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 30. all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station as follows; Trains will leave Scran nn station for Carbondalc and lnterme dlJte points at 2,20. 6.45. 7.00. 8.25 and 1 10.19 a. m., 12.00, 2.20. . '" ,-w ana i?or Farvlew, 'Wayniart and Honesdnle at 7 00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m 12.00, 2.20 and 5.1$ V'For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondaeks and Montreal at E.4." a, m. and 2.20 p. m. For W'llkes-Barre and Intermedial point at 7.45, 8.45, 9.IB and io.4o a. m 12.05. to,, oat inn. 5.10. (.05. 9.15 and 11.38 r. tn. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate points et 7.40, 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 8.81. S.W. s.trt, o.uo, 1.10, eiin ilmv. m. iPrntn lonesdale. Wavmart and Fr. view at 9.84 a. in., 12.00. 1.17. 1.40, 6.5 and 7.45 p. ni. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eto., at 4.64 and 11.33 n. m. From Wllkes-Barre and tntermedlata polnu at lit, 1.04, 10.0S and 11.56 a. m 1.11 s.14, s.w. s.10, s.s, s,(si un u.u p. m Wallace m ' V K 2:wP"ffi5nus T a 1,1; """' n v. f I; it ' " UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Featbers, Make Over Mates, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Male Fine Mattresses. ' Nov. 17, UK. Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, 1.31 and 11.38 p. m.. via D.. 1 W. R. a, 6.00, f.08, U.iM a. m., and LM P. rn. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes f rr. via D.. L. W. R. R., 100, 8.08. U.29 a, m 1,40. 6.07. 8.62 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha. Sleton, Pottsville and all points on th ?i8Y?r Meadow and PettsvlHe branehes, 9 H Jt- ,t m.,.13.0S. 1.20, aaf 1,?np' m-' vla D' & W, It. R. 6.00, 1.08, 11.20 a. m 1.30. 8.40 p. m. i Bcrnton for Bethlehem, Easton, rK'Hding, Harrisburg and all intermedial R. R., S.0O, 8.08, H.aTa. m., 1.30 p. m 5ve Scranton for Tutikhannwek. To- wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all L lirlnfoai?te Points via D H. R. R.. 1-41 K r' Itm" S'l? 1135 p', ".' vl D- U . R., 8.08, l.BS.a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranlon for Rochester, Buffalo, JSof,.rt Fali?- got". Chicago and all J"? PUtston Junction, 8.M, 9.65 a. an., L10. rfFor. Elmlra and IS west via SaUmanca, yj D- H. It. R 8.45 a. m. 12.06 p. m7, p. m W" a Pujman . parlor and ia r L T, Snsir can on all trains between I at n. "notion or Wllkes-Barre and New York. r uiiaucipuio, sunato, ana aiupsnsiaa Bridge. ROLLTV TT WTT TlTTt ! flnnl CHA8. 0. iiBB, Oon. Pass, Agt.TPhlla.. Pa. . nOMNKMACHER. Asst. uen. Pass. Art., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, April 20, 1896. Trains leave Scranton as follows: F.x- press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2,60, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 1.15 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Kaston, Trenton, Phlladei. phia and the South, 6.15,8.00 and 9.55 a. m. ; 1.15 and 3.34 p. m. wasninKton ana way station, i.uo p. nv Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. ni. Kxuress for Binirhamton, Osweco. Ki rn ira. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, .Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.20, 2.35 a. ni., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections ut Buffalo to ail points in tne nest, aortn west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, v.ia a. m. Rlnghamton and way stations. J2.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 4.00 and 0.10 P- - . ,. ... 1 RE n m ciingnaniion hiiu emm eiim .uw k, vvt,ros for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego. Utlca and Rlchtleld Springs, 2.35 a. m., and ltnaca z. anu jjui , P'For Northumberlnnd, Plttston, WUke? Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connection; at North umberlan and Wllllamsport, Harrisburg. Biiltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions 0 00. 9.55 a. m. ann i.w una o. i Nai'itlcoke and intermediate stutions. am nnd 11.20 a. m. I'lymoum anu iniei- mediate siaiiou, o-w j Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express, trains. liYlt (lPltlllUU IIUUI iilditwiii w - . e anolv to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofllce, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1890. 1 .... .... U,.rnntnn fne VeW Y.lrlC . . 11..,.. An IhA 1. i t. r .1 ll- road, also for Honesdale. Hawley nnd local points at a. m. aim o.. v. " ""-j arrive at Scranton from above points at 8.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. SCK A'TON D1TIHIOX. In Klfect Neptembor 83iidf 1WP3 Harta Hound. ouiii nnam 203 S01I .. 9 b stations a, w (Trains Dally, Ex it. I cept, eundiiy.) p uiArrlve I.eavei 7 11.-1 n. y. rranxiin Hi 7l0!West 4'lnd streel 7 001 weeoawaen uiArrlve Lea' 1 lSillancnek Jnnotlosi 1 0H Hancock IS Nil Starlight 1S4M Preston Park 19 4M Como ln poyawu 1914 Belmont 18 nil Pleasant Mt Hi ibiH UDlondale Mi 11 m Forset city ML ..Mi eiOMlli Carbondale T04 H ..J K 4M1VM White Brldg TiTJ38 7 19 ,8 (8 .... 7 14u4S ...t T w i (4 ..aa 787ilW ...i rtf tOi T8I' 4 91 .. TM 410 .... T 99 4 14 ..M 74t;f17 .... r4Al4M .... 1 vr s 48i.... Mayneia 411198 Jericyn t&WW Archibald mriiu vint ill 11 PeokvlU ' suit 07 Olvphant atalll Kl Dickson 1 ifl 1 08 Tnroep is It on Provldeoos mva rark rise 110 tMl Her anion V M u WUave Arrive! All trains rua dally exeept f naday. . I si .allies that halfia atop ea signal for pa Mgeri. fecur rates via. Ontario a Wasum tetora UrchasliirtMtMs-and aav meaty. Bar aai llhgt KnprebeMi th vreav J. Q, Asdenen, Osn. Pas Art. T.nnerslt, Sir. Psjs, Aa-vasraatoa, r W0"04 .1 v i . in . 82 . 931 ..a . S4 ..3 . 8(9 ..2 i s1 . '-,; :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers