r - ; 1 t. THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA EIGHT TAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCR ANTON, PA., . FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 189IJ. TWO CENTS A COPY. Tie 11 Martet ha never been ill a more demoralized condition than It t today. Prices have dropped and dropped until there In no longer imv money In silk selling for the manufacturer, while many looms ii fa l.ll.t In ,.nn!micnci- Tile holtom hast undoubtedly lie "1 reached now. und chalices tire thai ' silks will never again he offered Ml such ridiculously low flumes, fot make .s will In future limit the supply to tile demand and thereby restore former reasonable values. This being the faet. we believe that , patrons eatinot do better than follow ! the example we have nd, and buy all , Ihev ran at present prlees. for a big advance Is as certain as the rising situ I In tlm morning. The values offered be low easily eclipse all of our previous best efforts, and every yard represent this season's chcest produc tions. Never-to-be Silk Bargaiis 15 PIECES rich Persian silks, new and gorgeous effects; full color combination runge; regular $1 quality. Special Price, 6Pc, 10 PIECES suiterb Persian silks, dark grounds with a wreath of oriental coloring that rivals the plumage, of the peacock in richness, but throws a softness In tone about them thnt lit once removes gaudy display. This magnificent qual ity would be cheap ut 1 1 . oU. Special Price, 99c. 10 PIECES all silk stripe surahs, lovely new color effect, specially designed for skirts or waists. Worth Su, Special Price, 28c. 20 PIECES brocade satin Duchess. New pattern!" In the following attractive shades: Nile, old rose, light blue, pink, cardinal, lavender, malse, white, cream, navy and black. Cheap ut Uc. Special Price, 59c. are by far the most popular effect on the market today, and it is a rure thing Indeed when newest mid best goods can . be purchased at such prices as the fol lowing: 10 PIECES Taffeta brocades. extra line effects. Cheap at liic. Special. Price, 49c, 12 PIECES India brocade silks, extra weight, charming effects. Worth flic Special Price, 62 l-2c. 10 PIECES brocades, gros grain grounds, extra choice make, designs quite new, Cheap at 75e. . Special Price, 62 l-2c. 15 PIECES grot grain brocade silks, the best Jl quality we 'have ever seen, latest patterns. Special Price, 75c. Silk specials opened on Wednesday, May 6tM?The supply at these figures 3s limited to the quantities stated. KOHBES PftYSJHE PENALTY The Notorious Murderer KanQcil at I'liiluiU'lphia. HE KKFLTES HIS CUM'ESSIOX On tha Scaffold the Condemned Man lienlca Causing the Death of Hut Tw o Persons -An Execution Devoid of Sensational Features. Philadelphia. May 7. Murderer Her man V. Mudgett. alias. 11. ill. Holmes, was hanged this morning in the county prison fur the killing of Llenjnmin K. Pletxei Tho Uroji fell at 10.12 o'clock, nnd twenty minutes later he was pro nounced dead by the prison ntllclitls, Dr. Mm i panel Dr. Butcher. The execution wns In every wav en tirely devoid of any sensational fea tures. T.i the last he wits self-possessed pud cool, even to the extent of giv ing .t word of advice to Assist Superin- trm'ent Richardson us he wan arrang ing the linal details, lie died as he had lived, unconcerned and thoughtless n pnrently of the future. Kvon with th recollection still vividly before him of the recent confession In which he mlm'.ttef; the killing of a wore of per- I sons of both sexes ami In all parts of I the country he refuted everything, and almost It's last words were a point lil.ink denial of uny crimes committed except the deaths of two women at his hands Pv malpractice. After the mur der of several members of the Pletzel family -lie denied all complicity, par ticularly In the murder of the father for whose death he stattd he was suf fering the penalty. Then with the prayer (,t the spiritual attendants still sounding In his ears and a few low spoken words to those about him the trap was sprung, and beyond a few in cidental post-mortem details the execu tion which culminated one of the worst criminal stories known to criminology was ended. HO!Y RKMOVKO. After the body had been lowered from the . scaffold and placed upon 111" stretcher und the stiffened knot was finally loosened and the nonse removed, the black can was taken off. The face wus hut little distorted. It was slightly discolored nnd the eyes were hulf open. The lips were drawn back and the teeth protruded. A bruise und an abra sion around the neck, where the rop hud tightened was visible above the coat collur. After the body had been viewed by the physicians and the man ner of death determined the stretcher was wheeled out of the corridor into the Jail yard. Here It was placed In an ordinary cheap pine ooftln. One notion able thins about the cotlln was that it was wide enough und deep enough to have held two men of Holmes' size. The coffin was nut aboard an undertaker's wagon and conveyed to the Roman Catholic cemetery of the Holy Cross. The only persons at the cemetery were the undertaker and his assistants, two grave diggers, two watchmen and a couple of newspaper men. This little company acted ast pall-bearers nnd car ried the coltln to the receiving vault. When the vault was reached the object of the extra size of the collin was dis closed. Holmes' dread of an autopsy haunted him constantly ami almost his last thought was to provide against such u thing being attemuted. The last act in the receiving vault was per formed at Holmes' express command. The lid of the coffln was taken off and the body was lifted out and luld on the ground. Then the bottom of the coffin wua filled with cement! the body was then replaced In the collin and completely covered with the cement. It was Holmes' Idea that this cement would harden around his body and pre vent any nttempt at grave robbery. The collin was left In the rccelv-iug vault under the guard of twi watchmen, who will remain on duty all night. Tomer row afternoon the, body will Interred in a grave In the cemetery, and It is probable that at thnt time religious ser vices will be conducted by Father Dnlley. HOLMES LEFT NO WILL. Holmes left no will nn1 left no con fession. This is according to Mr. Ro tan. He savs he knows Holmes made no will and! while the murderer gave him this morning a big bundle of palters, the lawyer says that he is con fident that these papers relate only to private business .matters. As y,et Mr. Itotan V,us had no opportunity to exam ine them. Despite Mr. Ri dun's belief to the con trary it is possible that when he ex amines the papers left by Holmes he may rind a confession among them. This Is the belief of C.eorge Chamber lain, of Chicago. Mr. Chamberlain is a lawyer and general muiiuger or a mercantile uifcncy ill Chicago and is here representing certain creditors of i Holmes and the chief of police of Chi cago. KILLED NINK PKHfSONS. Mr. Chamberlain says that he has proof thut Holmes killed at least nine people und he thinks It likely that Holmes has left some confession of these murders. At an Interview with Mr. Chamberlain yesterday Holmes promised to furnish hliuwlth some ma terial to further him in his" Worts to recover some of the money due bin clients. Mr. Chamberlain says thnt the mortgages upon the "Cnstle" In Chica go are forged, and that when they nre brought Into court they will be thrown out and this property, worth $30,000 will revert to some of Holmes dupes. The last chapter In the famous Holmes case may not have been writ ten today. Holmes had accomplices, both In his criminal operations und his murders and the police of Chicago are now gathering up the threads which will bring these accomplices to justice. Some one, probably representing some medical Institution today offered Mr. Rotun B.0OO for Holmes body, but the offer was promptly refused. THK CARKKK OF HOLM KS. Herman W. Mudgett. belter known as II. H. Holmes, was one or the most con spicuous criminals of modern times, und If the "murder confessions" which he hus written can only purtially be belleve'd no wus without a peer as a blood-thirsty de mon. His recent Ingenious "confession" Whe'reln he claimed to have killed twenty seven persons was disproved, partly at least, by the appearance of several of the so-called victims; but Holmes' object in making the "confession" was realized the obtaining of a sum snld to be J7..W and which amount is said to have been settled upon the criminal's lS-yeur-old con. While the "confessions" have served to Increase the sensationalism of the case, the only capital crime of which Holmes had to answer was the killing In this el'y, on Sept. II, 18H4, of Benjamin F. Pltezel, his fellow-conspirator. The murder was com mitted In the dwelling, No. 1:115 Culhiwhlll street. Holmes' conviction of murder In the first degree, the afnrmallon by the Pennsylvania Supreme court of, the ver dict and the rer.Mil refusal of Governor Hastings to grant a respite, are so well known that a narration of these facts Is MhheccHsury, Holmes was captured In Bostoni Mns.i In the latter part of 1RW, by Uwen Ham doin, the deputy superintendent of police, upon the strength of a telegram from Fort Worth, Tex,, where he was wanted for horse-stealing and for other charges of larceny, ai mat lime oniciais or the ft dellty .Mutual 1.1ft? association or Phila delphia, were hot on Holmes trail for defrauding the concern out of $!U.U00 in connection with I'itezei's death, the lat ter being insured for litis amount, and bs the accused believtf i liorcc-stealing lo le a high crime in Texas, he voluntarily con fessed to lhputy Superintendent Hans com to the insurance fraud, lie did no'.. for a moment, dream thai he was then suspected of the murder of Plteiel, and he came to Philadelphia without requisi tion papers, lie expressed a 'Willingness to be tried here on the conspiracy charge in preference to that of hoMe-stcallng at Fort Worth. Before leaving Itos'.on, Holmes made this "confession" la Mr. Hanseom: "When I concluded It was time to carry out our scheme lo defiaud the insurance company. I secured a 'stiff' In New York and shipped It In a trunk to Philadelphia. 1 turned the cheek for the trunk to Plte xel on the Sunday nearest the tlrst of .September. I Instructed him how to pro- pare tne nony, and in tnree nouis we were on oar way to New York. Ten days uft'T the payment of the money I saw Piteze.1 in Cincinnati. I took the three children to that city, where the father saw them. I'ltezel agreed to go south, and he took olio child, llowurd. I took Die two girls to Chicago because I had business there. We all me! again in Detroit. Pilrzel took ilm children and went to South America. luring all this lime Mis. litez.i knew lief husband was alive, but she oiu not know- he had the childn-n. If she was aware of that she would insist tiial '.he crooked huslntss be wound up right away. In order to keep .Mrs. litezel away frm her husband I had to tell her he was hero ami then-, traveling fioi.i one city to an other." FIRST AU.MlflSlOX. This was the llrsi of a number of alhu -d admissions that Holmes snbsequent'y made, in fact he acquired a penchant for making "confessions" that surprised the authorities. The insurance otlicials had good gro uid for believing Holmes had murdered 1'llj zel and the three children, so when the prisoner arrived In Philadelphia he was urged to make another "confession." And he did so without uny hesitation, but It vailed somewhat from the one made In Itoston. It graphically narrated how the body was substituted for Pitezcl In the Cullowhlll street house, and Its Identllica tlon by Alice Pitezcl us thut of her father a week afterward. Holmes also rel'iu-d how the money was received from the In surance company and Its subsequent c vlsiun between Mrs. Pitezel, .Icptha D. Howe, the St. liuls lawyer, anil himself. It was In this "confession" thnt Holmes accused Howe of receiving tl.M) for his share In the transaction. Howe was indicted for conspiracy, "b it recently the case uguinst him was dropped. Soon after Holmes was brought lo Phil adelphia. Detective Oeyer visited him ill the county prison in relation to the finding of the body nt 1.11H Callowhlll street en Sept. 4, ls!H. After an hour's conversation with the wily Holmes the detective emerged from the prison with II "eonfea. slon" in wnli'h the accused said the body wus not that of I'ltezel, but was one sub stituted to defraud the Insurance com pany. A week Inter Holmes honored Oeyer with another "confession." ".Mr. Oeyer," he said, "that story I told you about I he sub stituted body Is not tine. It Is the body ! oi i iijum.ii r . i uezui, dui i aid ncil mur der him or his rhildren.. On Sunday morning, Sept. K, I found Pitezid de.id In the third story of the Callowhlll street house. 1 found a note In a bottle, telling me that he was tired of life and had final ly decided to commit suicide. He request ed nie to look uftcr the insurance money i and take care of his wife arid family. ! then lixed up the body in the position It was found. These children you speak of are all right. They are with .Minnie Will iams, in London. I gave Howard to M fu nic Williams in Detroit and 1 rent Alice nnd Nellie to her from Toronto. They met Allss Williams In Niagara Palls nnd sailed for Europe from New York." iletwceii this time und his trial for con spiracy to defraud the insurance coui-. pany, lo which he pleaded gulllr-Hotincs made many other "contessiofls," but they differed very little from those already given. Each time he pretended to tell the tr.itli. but he seduously avoided doing o. Nobody believed what Holmes said aliout Pitezel, und he would not say anything about the children, except that they were nil lis lu. In his msny interviews with District At torney Giahum, Holmes persisted that the three missing Pitezel children were with .Minnie Williams In London. He even icr suaded Mr. (irahutn to have an adver.tfe. ment In the shape of a cipher puzzle In serted in a New York paper, for the pur pose of bringing Minnie Williams and the little Pllezels buck from Europe. The dis trict attorney placed little faith In what Holmes had told him, but the 'ud' was pub lished as a sort of last and hopeless effort. Winn the bod'es of Nellie and Alice PP.e zel were unearthed In Toronto, Holm?! de nied having killtd them. When Howard's charred bones were located In a superanu aled stove In Irvlngton, Ir.d., Holmes calmly denied any know'ledce of tho lad's death. When the murders of Minnie Will lams and her sister were discovered. Holmes said Minnie killed Nanny In a Jealous frenzy, und he burled the body tn Lake Michigan. He vigorously denied having put .Minnie to death so us to --e-rure her property. The disappearance cf Emily Cygrand was traced to Hoimcs. but the criminal snld he knew noihlng of the girl's late. The partially consumed bones thut were found in the Chicago "cas tle," are known io be those of tome of Holme;' victims. About the last time that Holmes was taken to the district attor ney's otlice to "confess" Mr. lira ham lost patience with him. Holmes gave a repe tition of his picturesque falsehoods. He actually gave the district attorney a wr itable "Jolly about the Pitezel family and Minnie Williams being still nlive. The scene that ensued was extremely drama tic. .Mr. Graham said: "Holmes, you are a murderer. I will hung you In Philadelphia for the murder of Ite i jumiit Pitezcl." REMARKAHLE NERVE. Holmes nerve was still with him and he said: "I defy you. You have no evi dence to prove me guilty." .Mr. Graham lucked with disgust and determination at Hoimes, and said: "You will surely hang in Philadelphia for murdering Iknjamln Pitezel." The trial and conviction followed, the district attorney endeavoring to prove during the trial, through Detective Geye Ihnt Holmes also killed the Pitezel chil dren, but Judge Arnold, before whom the case was tried, declared this to be Irrele vant. Oeyer had unearthed the murder of the children, after r. prolonged Invas tlgntloii and the commonwealth was pre pared to prove that Holmes also commit ted these crimes. Holmes embraced the Catholic faith when it became evident to lilnl that ne miiKl hang, and Kev. Kalher 1 "alley min istered to ids spiritual wants. Throughout Ids trial und subsequent Imprisonment this urch-erlmlual maintained u non chalance thut was remarkable. Herman Webster .Mudgett was horn at GilmonJon. N. II.. May Hi, IH9U. tin July 4, 18VS, he married t.'bira A. Lover lug, at Alton, N. II.. and on Jan. 28, 18S7, under the name of Harry Howard Holmes, he committed bigamy by marrying Myrta . Belknap. A few weeks thereafter Holmes applied In Chicago for a divorce, nnd the suit wus pending until June 4, 1WM, when the court dismissed it owing to the non-appearance of the complain ant. Holmes continued his bigamous ca reer by rnurrylng Georgiunna Yoke, In Denver. Col., on Jan. 17, IHW, he assum ing the nume of Henry .Mansfield Howard on this occasion. A son was born to the llrst wife und this Is the boy whom Holmes Is said to have made the elder benellclnry of the proceeds of the ulleged confession of wholesale murders. Holmes was Indicted for the murder of Pitezel on Sept. 12 last, and he was placed on trial on Oct. 28. A verdict of guilty was rendered on Nov. 2, and Nov. JO he Was sentenced to be hanged. Miss Yoke, with whom Holmes wns liv ing at the time of i'itezei's death, wns an Important witness for the common wealth ut the trial and It was largely upon her evidence that the uecused was convicted. She told of Holmes' absence from their boarding house on Sept. 2, ism (the day of the murder) and of his excited condition when he returned, tin that night the couple left Philadelphia and went direct to Indianapolis, The wander ings of Holmes throughout the country then began and they ended with his arrest st Boston. . ECLIPSE OF THE WHITE HftT The McKinlcy Fad ion Carries the Indiana Convention. DELEGATES AKE INSTRUCTED Amid Scene of tho Wildest Disorder the Indiana Delegates Are Instructed for Mckinley-Ex-Prcsldent Harrison Declines to Address Convention. Indianapolis, lnd.. May 7. The Re publican state convention was called to order at 10.15 o'clock. Hon. Richard V. Thompson was mnde permanent chairman. During the night the Mc Klnley forces completely routed the opposing faction, and a plank was In serted In the platform which was adopted by the convention giving full endorsement to McKinley and instruct ing the delegates to the national con vention to vote for him for president. The platform also declares for a pro tective tariff which will afford adequate protection to the wage workers mid producers of the country. It also makes an emphatic demand for honest money and opposes the free coinage of silver. The balloting for delegates at large wus begun shortly after 12 o'clock. Charles Ealrbunks, Richard VV. Thomp son, General Lew Wallace and Frank Milllken were chosen. A WILD SCENE. The wildest scene ever witnessed in Tomllnson hull followed the mention of the names of Mclvtnley and Harri son In the reading of the resolutions. The two factions yelled, hooted, hissed, howled and threw every movable article about them in tho air. Theses scenes were repeated when the motion was put on the adoption of tlu? resolutions, McKinlcy instructions and nil. The factions closed ranks and the vocal fusllude was awful. In the midst of the commotion the motion was put. The vote was a series of confused howls, but Chairman Thomposn ruled that the resolutions hud passed "by a big ma jority," and that settled It. . It was lumored at this point thut General Harrison was Just outside the stage- door, but the report proved to be false, and It was said that he had de clined, ut the last moment, to address the convention. DETROIT CONVENTION. Instructions for .Mcklnlcv-.Minncapolls I Innnclnl Plank Adopted. Detroit, Mich., May 7. The Republl can state convention met at 12.30 this afternoon. General R. A. Alger, Thom as; O'ltrlen, John Duncan were chosen delegates-at-largp. The) convention adopted resolutions instni'tlng for Mc Kinley so long as his name is before tho national mnvMitlnn The Platform demands fie repeal of the Wilson b!ll and favors a high rev enue tariff and reciprocity The line in the financial Plank de clnrlng against the free and unlimited coinage of Bllver was received with much applause. A hot debate followed which lasted for an hour, and which was only ended by Delegate Ct isy, of Midland, moving thut the financial plunk of the Minne axrlW plat form of 1X112 be substituted for both the mujorlty and minority re ports on the subject. This was received with favor and the substitute was adopted and then the resolutions us amended went through with a rush and the silver men raised a mighty cheer over their victory. HOLD HIGHWAYMEN. When llnlkcd In Their Plans to Hon n Store Ihcy Kill tho Proprietor. Chicago, May 7. At 9 o'clock tonight while Madison street, the principal thoroughfare of Chicngo's big west side, was crowded with people, many of whom were forced from their homes by the heat of the evening. George Marshall, proprietor of a large dry goods store at Madison and Center ave nue, was shot and Instantly killed in front of his place of business while pur suing three highwaymen who had just attempted to rob the store. His plucky cashier, Muttlc Garretson, was Bhot through the hand while defending her employer's i.esh. A large number of shots were dred on the streets and sev eral persons passing were seriously In jured, The dead: George J. Marshall, pro prietor of the store. Wounded: Miss Mattle Garretson, cashier, shot through the hand; Miss Kittle Hines. shot through both legs while passing on a cable car; A. S. liagg. shot In light lug while trying to head off one. of the robbers. FACTIONAL LAHOK FIGHT. The Hums Wing of the k. of I.. Defeated at Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Pit.. May 7. Judge Whites court was crowded today with glass workers nnd Knights of Labor leaders. Interested In tho faction tight. On Tuesday last the court issued an order restraining the executive board, Knights of Labor, from sitting In the cases of. 37 men accused by President Hums. Judge White set today for the argument. Immediately after Colonel Schoycr. esq., on behalf of the Knights of Labor executive board concluded the reading of the affidavit of John W. Hayes, sec retary and treasurer of the old order Knights of Labor, Judge White said: "I'pun that affidavit alone I shall con tinue the Injunction for one month. It will do no harm." The Burns faction and Knights of Labor officials were visibly chagrined ut their discomfiture and quietly withdrew. CARPENTERS STRIKE. I our Thousand .Men Aro Liable to lie Idle as tho Kcstilt. 'Newark, N. J., May 7. A crisis was reached In the carpenter's strike today. I'tiless the contractors sign the scale of advance from 12 to $2.75 per day by Bundny, ull other trades, Including 4.000, will go out. Eight hundred car penters nre still out. The state board of arbitration was in session with the bosses this after noon, but failed to secure any conces sions. Cignrctto Conspiracy. New York. May 7. The grand Jury to day Indicted James H. Duke, president and director or me American ronacco com pany. They are charged with conspiracy and violation of the law In that they formed a trust or monopoly of paper cig arettes. The evidence wns presented by tne National iigareue una Tobacco com pany. I. oilman's Snloldo. Hurrlsbiirg. Pu., May 7. Michael Lan man, of Mlddletown, aged Ki years, com mitted suicide at his home this evening by snooting nunseir tnrotign tne nead. Hi was suffering from gangrene, and It Is uppoucd the pain unbalanced his mind, nc wnn iiiuiiui i icu. The Division Kncampmont. Harrlsburg, Pa May 7. l.ewlstown has been selected us the place of division en canipment National Guard July 18 lo 2ti Inclusive. Official order was Issued CNaa "ajuiani genrars omue tonignt. THE KEWS THIS M0R-MXG. Weather Indications Today : Fair; Warmer, Southerly Wind. 1 Murderer Holmes Hanged. IV tier's Pond Resolution Passes Senate. Indiana Instructs for McKinley, Women Admitted to Conference. ! Tribune's Want Column. 3 (Local! Property' Hofders Object to the Pave. Classis Commutes Appoint. 4 Editorial. .Magazine Notes. 5 (Local) Mayor Makes a Few Appoint ments. Thirteenth Regiment the Ilest In the . State. A (Sports) Scranton Loses Two to . ioi deuce. Ilrlght Letter from Our Staff Corre spondent, 7 News of the Suburbs. Market and Stock Reports. 8 News Cp and Down the Valley. WOMEN AT THE CONFERENCE. A Compromise Heport bv tho Eligibility Committee is Adopted Rights of the Delegates Have Been Relinquished. Cleveland, Ohio, May 7. Hlshop Fobs presided ut the session today of the Methodist general conference. Dr. A. J. Kyett presented the report of the committee on eligibility, which provided for a compromise of the wo man question. The proposition was In substance to allow tho women delegates to keep their seats, on the understanding that it should not establish a precedent, and then to re-submit to the annual confer ence during the next four years the same constitutional amendment, or one similar to thut, which lately barely failed of adoption by the three-quarters vote. The report further provides that the action of this general conference should be without any prejudice to the lights of any women delegates to uny future general conference under the constitu tion ns such general conference may construe or Interpret it. Rev. Dr. Kyett moved the adoption of the report und said: It Is needless to say thut there are questions on which wo could not agree. , While the debute was progressing, many from both sides were in free consultation. The lull report was adopted by un al most unanimous vote. The announce ment of the vote was greeted with pro longed applause. Just where the three ladies who with drew stund Is a question. The confer ence has given them the right to sit In the convention with the understand ing thut their Rents are challenged, but It Is agreed that they are not to be In terfered with. Rut It Is claimed that the ladies by their voluntary withdraw al from the conference have relin quished nil their rights. Bishop. Andrews is of the decided opinion thnt they are nut. The conference decided to maintain the two-thirds rule in voting for tho election or tdshops. though a strong ef fort was made to have the majority rule substituted. SCHMUCKER GETS THE MONEY Find of Gold Results in a Scries of Queer l.cjnl Complications. Columbus, Ohio. May 7. The su preme court todav rendered a decision in a case thut has peculiar history. Five years ago Jacob Schmucker bought a furni belonging to the estate of Samuel CadwnlUider.a miserly farm er, near Tlllin. Ohio. With the help of his hired hand he found, according to the lutter, two pnllfuls of gold and sil ver money. Schmucker refused to clve the ser vitor his share und he sued for it. This brought the find to the knowledge of the Cndwallnder heirs, who sued for the treusure. Tho supreme court now awards It ull to Schmucker, holding that no one proves a better right to It. NEW JERSEY DEMOCRATS. They l'nvor a Gold Standard and Opposo Alteration of a "Just Tariff." Trenton, N. J., May 7. The Dem ocratic state convention' was called to order at noon. The delegates at large chosen were United States 8enntor Smith, Allen L. McDermott. ex-lnlted States Senator Rufus Hlodgett and Al bert L. Tollman. The platform adopted favors tho maintenance of the present gold Btundard and opposes the free coinage of allver. It opposes any effort to alter materially the "present Just and con servative tariff." ARMOR PLATE CONTRACTS. It Is .Recommended That They be Divided lletwcen Pittsburg and Itotlilohcm. Washington, May 7. Captain Sam son, chief of the naval bureau of ord nance, has recommended to Secretary Herbert that the contracts for the ar mor intended for the battleships Ketir sarge and Kentucky, be divided among the two bidders, the Carneglo Steel company, of Pittsburg, and tho Bethle hem Steel company, of Bethlehem. Pit., the former being given the manufac ture of 3,007 tons nnd tho latter 2,(Ti:!. The amount of the Carnegie contract will be $1,fiiin.rds.20 nnd that of Bethle hem $1,4C.M!J1.80, a total of $3,122,710. MINISTER SUICIDES. Rot. I'anlol Smith, of Hamilton, Hangs Himself. TTtlca, X. T., May 7. Tho Rev. Daniel Smith, of Hamilton hanged himself In a barn a few feet from his house lu that village some time yesterday afternoon. He wns about 4f years of age, and wns a graduate of Madison, now Col gate university, and of the Hamilton Theological seminary. In 1SS5 he was sent as a missionary to Hurmah and he remulued two yeurs there. -- Steamship Arrivals. New York, May 7. Arrived: Germanic from Llverpoor; patrla, from Naples. Sailed: Columbiu, for Hamburg. Arrived out: Anchoiiu, ut Movllle; Stuttgart, at Bremen; Trave, ut Bremen; Alesla, at Marseilles. Sailed for New York: Teu tonic, from Qiieenstown. Sighted: .Bri tannia, New York for Liverpool, passed Fastnct; Ptilda, New Yorw for Naples, passed dim-altar. May 4; Amsterdam, Rot terdam for New York, passed Isle of Wright. Curfew Rings for Children. Port Huron, Mich., May 7. The city council has passed a curfew ordinance requiring every child under 15 to be off the streets after U o'clock at night In summer and 7.30 In winter, unless ac companied by parents or guurdlans. Herald's Forecast. New York, May 8. In the Middle states today ulfcar, warmer- weather and fresh southeasterly to southerly winds will pre. vail. On Saturday warmer, clear und southerly winds will prevail,, with the easterly advance of the western "warm vace" and on Sunday fair, warm weather and southerly winds, possibly followed by local rain. BOND RESOLUTION PASSED A Committee is Appointed to Invest i flute the Scheme. THE TKIl'.HI'H OP MR. 1'EITEK Ilia Proposal to Direct the Searchlight I pon tha Hond Deal Is Agreed to by Vote of 51 to 6 -Mr. Hill's Eloquence I navnillnf. Washington, May 7. The bond reso lution which has been so long pending In the senate, was finally disposed of today, having been agreed to by a vote of ul yens to IS nays. As originally of fered by Mr. Peffer (Pop., Kun.) it pro vided for a select committee to Investi gate nil the facts and circumstances at tending the Issue and sale of govern ment bonds In the years 1S!4. 1M5 and 1K!I6; but It had been amended yester day by the substitution of the finance committee for a select committee, and It was In that shape, that it was agreed to today. The nuance committee con sists of six Republican senntora Messrs. Morrill (Vermont), Sherman (Ohio). Allison (Iowa). Aldrirh (Rhode Island), Piatt (Connecticut), and Wol cott (Colorado); of six Democratic Sena tors Messrs. Voorhees (Indiana), Har ris (Tennessee). Vest (MtssouM). Jones (Arkansas). White (California), and Walthall (Mississippi), and one Popu listMr. Jones, of Nevada. In the discussion which took place be fore the. .voting, the resolution was op posed by Mr. Palmer (Dcm., 111.) on the ground principally that the purpose of the Investigation was to procure ma terial to affect unfavorably the public mind on the sliver question. A charge was made against the administration by Mr. Vest (Pjem., Mo.) for allowing members of the cabinet to neglect their official duties and to absent themselves from Washington In order to make speeches against the free coinage of sil ver. He reud statements to show how a recent Democratic convention in Michigan had been controlled by fed eral office holders who. under pressure from Washington, had deserted from the cause of free coinage; and he de clared that If the national Democratic convention ut Chicago was overawed and overriden In that way. Its action would not be that of fairly elected dele gates, fairly expressed. Mr. Hill (Dem.. X. Y.) closed the de bate with an appeal to Democratic sen ators to vote against the resolution, which was, he said, an attack upon the secretary of the treasury by Republi cans and Populists. The vote, however, showed only live Democrats standing by him. HOI'SE PROCEEDINGS. There was a reminder of the scenes and experiences in the Fifty-first con gress today, when Mr. Plckler (Rep., S. D.) who was unable yesterday to se cure as long a session as he desired for the consideration of private pension bills, made the point of no quorum be fore the Journal of yesterday's proceed ings was read. Fifteen minutes passed before 17!) members appenred and then Mr. Plckler Insisted upon having the Journal read In extenso, including the names of the absentees on roll call. He nlso objected to the pro forma sugges tion that the Journal be considered as approved, requiring a vote upon the question. Throughout the session Mr. PickleV demanded the regular order at every opportunity, finally explaining that he was moved thereto by the hope that the house would thus And time to considur private pension bills. Mr. Payne (Rep., N. Y.) called Mr. Plckler's attention to the fact thut his action tended only to defeat his expressed pur pose, inasmuch us these bills could be taken up only by unanimous consent. This Mr. Plckler Interpreted to veil a threat that unanimous consent would not bp given and remarked that he "ac cented service." The Incident thPre stopped and after transacting some un important business, the house at 3.40 adjourned until tomorrow, TAKE AN OFFICER TO CUBA. Rcsulnr Army Man Will Accompany Colonel l itzhnnh l.ce. Washington, May ".Consul General Fitzhugh Lee is to be accompanied to Havana by an officer of the regular army, Major Edward M. Hayes, Sev enth cavalry, better known among army nflicers and on the plains as "Captain Jack" Hayes. Mr. Lee and Major Huyes served together in the army before the late war, and they were warm personal friends. The two men met In Washington. They saw the president and talked the matter over, and It was arranged that Major Hayes should go to Cuba. It is stated, how ever, that he will not have any official relations with the consulate, but will be in Cuba simply ns an army officer on leave of absence. He will, however, give Consul Geneinl Lee the benellt of his advice and assist ance. It Is believed to be a part of President Cleveland's general plan of arriving at a thorough understanding of the condition of affairs In the island from a military point of view. ELOPES WITH A 1IAURER. Wittenberg (.'Diversity Sti.rtlcd by Miss Corlcv's l.scnpade. Springfield, Ohio. May 7. Wittenberg university was startled today by the discovery of an elopement of one of the young women students Miss Louise W. Corley und a barber named Clarence Dull'y. .Miss Corley Is the daughter ofi a prominent family uf button, W. Vu., und will herself fall heir to a fortune of 2ri,0OU on her eighteenth birthday. She Is now 17, pretty and popular. The couple left here last night, but the fact was not learned until today, when the young woman's family was ul once notified. Kven Miss Cotiey's near est friends were not a ware that she bore any regard to the burner, und tho elopement cutiHcd the greatest surprise, ELEPHANTS CAUSE RUNAWAY. frightened Team Injures Many Persons and Kills n Uov. Paterson, N. J.. May 7. While the Barnum & Bulley circus parade was pnsslng Main and Market streets, this city, today there was a big truck, drawn by two horses, belonging to Har per Brothers, standing on the corner, the driver watching the parade. When the elephants came along the truck horses became terribly frightened and ran away, knocking people down right and left, twenty persons being Inured. Kdward Schultz, 10 year old, wua killed In the stampede. HELEN IJREITER'S SLEEP. Little Girl's Kyes Have Not Heon Opened In Six Days. Httglnnw. Mich.. May 7. Little Helen Breiter, the 4-year-old daughter of John Breiter, has been apparently asleep since Thursday night last. She bus not opened her eyes but has an swered "yes" or "no" to questions re garding her nourishment. 8he has been 111 for five weeks from some brain affection. She show no signs of emaciation. I INLET'S a -rl peaai Sale of Towels . For this Week Oily This Is an opportunity for housekeepers to re-' plenlsh their stock of Towels at prices much be low regular value. . We call special, attention to our In Damask and Hucka back. Fringed Towels at 12, 19, 25 and 35 cents each. Hemmed Towels 12,' J 15, 18 and 22 cents eacn. Hemstitched 12, 18, 25, 35, 48, 55, 65, 75, 95, $1.25 and $1.50 each. A "PAIR. Towels 7c j Towels 19ci Towels 25c1 Towels 35c) Towels.48c Towls 48, , each. 15 dozen Bath 25 dozen Bath 15 dozen Bath 10 dozen Bath 20 dozen Bath Linen Bath 65, 75 and 95c Balli Sleets Ii replar 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SPRING FOOTWEAR DRESS SHOES And Slippers for Evory Membir of tht Family. IS, s 111 AND 110 WYOMING AYE. Wholesale and RsUO. Bicyclists Take Notice Welchel, the Jeweler, has a nice Line of Bicycle Belts. Call and see them. One o-f the latest novel ties. 403 SPRUCE. STREET. HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES. MATTHEWS BRP5BERS Ready Mixed Tinted Gloss Paints, Strictly Pure Linseed Oil, Guaranteed. :t;.::
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