THE SCBANTON fftIBT7NE-TCJESDAY MORHTNO. MARCH 17, 1896. ME SPEECHES ON CUBA Mr. Elkins Springs a New Set of Resolutions. HAS Cl'BA A GOVERNMENT? Information I)lrd la th Now Resola ttona-Aaother Speech ia lever of the Coinage of Silver-Other Questions Considered. Washington. March 16. In the senate today Air. Klkins (Rep., W. Va.) ottered a resolution instructing the committee on foreign relations to report to the sen ate, before a vote In taken on the Cuban resolutions, nil the material facts and Undines Bettlnc forth whether or not there exists a state of war In Cuba; if so, how Ions it has existed; the number of men and officers engaged on each side; whether or not the insurgents have a constitution and organized gov rrnment; what cities and towns. Inland and on the sea coast, they occupy; and what effect the passage of the resolu tions would have on the Insurgents, the Bpanish government and the United states. Mr. Sherman (Rep., Ohio) "let the resolution go over." The resolution went over until to morrow. There were three speeches made in the senate today on as many different bud Jects. The first was by Mr. Lodge (Rep., Mass.) and was in favor of such a change In the immigration laws as will keep out illiterate and ignorant Imml grants.' . '.' The second was bv Mr. Pueh (Dem. Ala.) and was tn favor 'of the coinage of silver at the mints of the United States with the same rights as gold. The third speech was by Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) in support or tne corner ence report on the Cuban belligerency resolution. He referred to the alleged despatch from the Spanish prime min ister, Canovas, which Henutor Hale hud read lust week, with such respectful re ligious presentation and said that it now enme out that Mr. Cunovas had sent no such desputch and was not re sponsible for it. The senator from Maine Itud lien over reached. He hud mistaken the Spaniard, who hud neither mercy nor consideration, Mr. Morgan without finishing his speech yielded for a motion to adjourn; and the senate at 5.30 adjourned until tomorrow. . BII.L9 PASSED IX HOUSE. This was suspension day in the house and the following bills were passed un der suspension of the rules or by unani mous consent: Providing free home steads on the public lands of Oklaho mo for actual bona fide settlers with an amendment suspending until fur ther legislation can be hud by congress the operations of the land laws In Greer county. Texas due to the decision to day of the supreme court, declaring that county a part of the public domain. Increasing the penalty for mutilating or defacing coins, and making the pass ing of such coins a felony. Extending the collection limits of the port of New Orleans, to adjust the rank und pay of solicitor and judge advocate general of the navy. To dispose of the lands within aban doned town sites In Oklahoma. The bill relieving the supreme court of jurisdiction of criminal cases not capital failed of passage. The house agree to take up Wednes day at 1.30 p. tn. the resolutions report ed from the foreign uffulrs committee regarding the speeches delivered ut Kd Inburg and lloston (England) by Am bassador Bayurd. SUPREME (OIRT DECISIONS. Opinions Handed Down at Philadelphia. Judgments Affirmed In Several Import- ant Laekewanna Cases. Philadelphia, March 16. The follow ing orders and Judgments were handed down by the Supreme court today: EASTERN DISTRICT. Per curiam: Union Water company, et ul. vs. Borough of Rochester, et ul. March 16. 1S96. it appearing that the parties have agreed upon J. M. Swear inger, esq., of Pittsburg. iw referee in this cose, It Is ordered that he be and Is hereby appointed as such referee. Seamans vs. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company. C. P. Lackawanna, 194, January term, 18. Judgment affirmed. Harley vs. the Meshoppen Water company. Common plena, Wyoming. No. 159. January term, 18'.6. Decree af firmed and appeal dismissed, with costs to be paid by the appellant. Pitcher, by his next friend, vs. Peo ple's Street Railway company. Com mon pleas, Lackawanna county, 135, July term, 1895. Judgment altirmed. Brink vs. the Borough of Dunmore, et al.. Common pleas, Lackawannu. Judgment affirmed. Klluallon vs. Delaware and Hudson Canal company. Common pleas, Wayne county. Judgment affirmed. Thouron, trustee, vs. Schuylkill Elec tric Railway et nl. Common pleas, Schuylkill county. Decree a (tinned and appeal dismissed, with costs to be paid by the plulntiff. Commonwealth, to use, etc., vs. Com rey et al. Common picas, Schuylkill county. Judgment affirmed. Hoopes' estate, Thompson et al. ap peal. Orphans' court. Chester county. The decree of the Orphans' court Is ac cordingly allirmed ami the appeal is dismissed, with costs to b paid by the appellants. Nichols estate, Nichols appeal. Or phans' court, Lackawanna county. The decree of the orphans' court Is affirmed and the appeal is dismissed, with costs to be paid by the appellant. Kennedy, executor, etc.. vs. Knight, executor, etc. Common please Lacka wanna county. The judgment is af firmed. Miller estate, Rrooks, executor, ap peal. Orphans' court, Lebanon county. Decree affirmed and appeal dismissed, with costs to be paid by appellant. Thomas vs. Heger. Common pleas, Montgomery county. Judgment af firmed. Sterrett, C. J.: Rltter vs. Ewlnff. Common pleas, Philudelphlti. Judg ment reversed and venire facias de novo awarded. Oiberson vs. the Patterson Mills com pany. Common Please Delaware coun ty. Judgment reversed and venire fa cias de novo awarded. North & Co., vs. York. Common pleas, Montgomery county. Decree of Jan. 21. 1896. reversed, with costs to be paid by the defendant and Judgment reinstated; and It Is ordered that the record be remitted for further proceed ings. WESTERN DISTRICT. Oreen, J.: Elisabeth D. Clark, ad ministratrix, etc., vs. Clark. Common Pleas, Allegheny county. Now, March 16. 1896. the decree of the court below Is reversed. The contracts of April 2 and S. 1888, are sustained, and the accounts are adjusted upon that basis, and it Is now ordered and adjudged and decreed that the defendant, Jane Clark, pav to the plaintiff, Elizabeth D. Clark, "ad- fnlnlstratrlx of the estate of Edward L. Clark, deceased, the aunt of 1153,(57.32, with costs of suit. DOES NOT FEAR PRESIDENT. Mrs. Carlisle Saya II I)ea Not Frown t'pon Uar Rleyola Hiding. Washington. March 16. Mrs. Carlisle, who ia the only one of the ladies of the cabinet who has learned to ride a wheel. Is amused by the statement late ly made that the president so far dis countenances the practice among women that he has asked the cabinet ladles not to tide. Mrs. Carlisle owns up to a fondness for riding and a con siderable degree of proficiency, but neither on nor the other has ever , tempted her, or probablr wer will tempt her to ride about the city streets. Her Washington riding has so far been en tirely confined to the field where aha Wined. The president, however, has not is sued any proclamation against the cab inet ladles wheeling, nor will his views on- this subject be of that sort at all. On the contrnry. If he said anything It would be In favor of the sport. BOYCOTT THE PASTOR. Other Ministers of Lud tag-ton 1H Not Share Rev. Mr. I.niifmon's Views. Ludlngton, Mich., March 16. Several pastors huve. it is said, united against Rev. William L. Loufinan, whose sensa tional attacks on dunclng have con vulsed this community. They even go to the extent of boycotting the minister ial association when meetings are held at the Methodist parsonage. Meanwhile teachers are dancing mer rily every Friday evening, and the dancing school prospers as never before. INDUSTRIAL. A Hazleton dispatch says: The old Ruck Mountain colliery, which was abandoned twelve years aso by the Buck Mountain Coal compuny, again gives promise of being the most pros perous mine In the region. About two years ago, Kckley n. t'oxe muue un ex amination of the- place. The geologi cal history of the strata was better known to him than to anyone else, aim he felt convinced that It would be worth reopening the mine, and he according ly negotiated a lease for the Cross Creek Coal company. Since Mr. Coxe's death the latter compuny has followed the lints luld down by hint. A new plane was built, a tunnel ariven to giie It natural' drainage jftrtd t a tripping opened.' A railroad Over which Ihij coal was to be carried to EckleyVus ulsd built. Prospectors were also at work searching for a new vein which Mr. Coxe felt sure existed. Last night the workmen discovered this vein and it is even richer than anticipated. From the borings it measures 124 feet In thick ness. Independent of the old works, which it was proposed to reopen and strip the outcrop, the new vein will warrant expensive shafting and means a new lease of life to the town so long deserted. -II- The following Is the production of anthracite coal inude up from the re ports of stato lnpeutors of mines: Total Total Production District. Production. Shipment, inc. Over (Tons.) , (Tons. lMUTons.) First 0.510.SI7 6.216,937 6(.iW8 Second ... 6,189, 49U ' 5,61:1,174 51 .C7 Third 6,214,834 D.71.u7rf 087.SS2 Fourth ... 8,IMI2 7.194.SW W.1.451 Fifth ..... 6,9Tit).9H!t ' 6.7Wi,7irJ 4W,;'.71 Sixth ..... 7.i64.s9ii ' U.Mti.lMi Seventh .. 6.184,542 ' 0,71f..KO 779.719 eighth ... 3,925.UI3 3.672,873 5i!,U9S Totals ..61.2U7.tW7 46.557,443 B.SM.Vfi The number of persons employed In the anthracite coal industry Is 143.610. In 1895 there were 422 fatal accidents and 1.120 other casualties. One person was killed for every 121.344 tons of coal mined and one person was Injured for every 45,721 tons mined. In 1894 the fatal accidents numbered 445 and the other casualties 925. The chief cause of accidents Is fall of coal, which causes 45.26 per cent, of the fatalities and 33.39 of the minor casualties. The Manual of Statistics for 1896, pub lished by Charles R. Nicoll, 189 Broad way, New York, Is the eighteenth an nual Issue of a publication of approved value as a reference authority upon financial topics, railroads, miscellane ous corporations, and the mining, grain, cotton and petroleum markets. The contents Include detailed statements of the mileage, capitalization, earnings uud offices of all the Important railroad companies of the United States, and of the leading coal, industrial and miscel laneous corporations. It also gives the runge of quotations for several years past for all securities deult In on the New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Balti more, Chicago, Pittsburg, New Orleans and San Francisco 'Stock exchanges. A new feature is the prices of mining stocks In all the markets of the coun try, with valuable statistical data on our mining Industries. -II- J. W. Lattlg, of West Bethlehem, the well-known superintendent of tele graph of the Lehigh Valley railroad sys tem, lias had his powers enlarged, and Is now superintendent of telegraph and signals over the entire road. RAILROAD NOTES. Sir William Van Horne. president of the Canadian Pacific Railway com pany, when asked regarding the al leged co-operation of the ilrand Trunk, Canadian Pacific, and Michigan Cen tral Railway companies in building the proponed $3,000,000 bridge from Windsor to Detriot. Ho said: "The Canadian Pacific has had nothing to do yet with the undertaking, but, If built, there is little doubt that all the railways cen tering at Detroit will make use of it. The Michigan Central has never com municated with us on th subject, but I know It hns been wanting to do some thing of the kind for years, na the truffle has practically outgrown the ca pacity of the ferry-boats." He snld that a tunnel was first spoken of, but Its practicability wa.i too uncertain to justify undertaking the enterprise. Such a tunnel, b-in.e so long, would render lines r. v:-popular, as pas sengers, would mi';i lather cross a river on a britl; t:-.:.n, under it by means of a tu Progress Is re:)" ted In the reorgani zation of the Baltimore nnd Ohio Rail road company und it Is expected that the outlines of a plan will be announced before a great while. A member of the reorganization committee says: "Tne anulrs ot the company are not in such an unfortunate condition as has been reported by those who nre- nunifl to base their stutements upon the experts' examination. As a matter of fact such progress has been made bv the committee that it can be stated that Interest on all classes of the funded debt of the company will be paid reg. many nerearter. There Is a good chance, ton, that the floating delit may lie successfully managed In the samp manner as- the Atchison was. A new plan was adopted In the case of that road. ' It Is understood that the soft coal pool Is being rapidly consummated and that without a doubt It will be declared operative April 1. Prices nre to be ad vanced some 25 cents per ton nvr cur rent figures. Of this amount from 5 to 15 cents per ton will go to the railroads through Increased freight rates. The Chicago and Ohio River Traffic association will go out of existence on April 1, and thereafter will form a component part of the Central Freight association, which will take the place of the Central Traffic association. The St. Louis general passenger agents of Southern and Southeastern lines yesterday organized the Ohio and Mississippi Valley Passenger Rate com mittee to maintain rates and secure uniformity of action on passenger busi ness. J. K. Cowen, receiver and president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company, yesterday succeeded Charles F. Mayer n adlrector of the Western Union Telegraph company. Piles! Piles! . Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture: Intense Itching and stinging;, most at night: worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swavne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for CO tents. Dr. Swayne A Bon, Philadelphia. - ClUHYON'S RHEUMATISM CURE Munyon's Rheumatism Cure in guar anteed to be absolutely harmless and a strong tonic in building ut the weal: and debilitated. It cures acute or mus cular rheumatism tn from one to five days. Sharp, shooting pains In any part of the body stopped by a few doses. A prompt, complete and permanent cure for lameness, soreness, stiff back and all pains In hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, or pain In the back are speedily cured. It sel dom falls to give relief from one or two doses, and almost Invariably cures be fore one bottle has been used. Price 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively scures all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins and groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Prlce, 25c. Munyon's Vltnlizer restores lost pow ers to wenk men. Price, $1.00. Ask your druggist for free copy of Aiunyoirs Guide to Health, and treat yourseir at home with harmless rente- dies thut contain positive coures for ail diseases. Sold by all druggists, mostly 1'5 cents a bottle.'. , , r Personal letters to Professor Munynn ii)Uo Arcn street, rniladeipnlu. Fa., an swered with free medical advice for any disease. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. Wall Street Revlow. New York, March 16. Speculation at stock exchange to the regret of com mission houses continues narrow and professional. Today the transactions were 179.6S4 shares. There was little news afloat to affect speculation outside of the publication of the Northern Pa cific plun of re-organlzatlon. Even the effect of this important announcement was only passing in Its character. This probably can be explained by the fact that the provisions of the plan nre so far reaching that the street, quick us It Is to discount future events, has been unable to fully grasp the subject mat ter. The assessments on the stock, however, were considered heavy and some of the holders of the third mort gage were of thr opinion that thele in terests had been sacrificed for the- con sols. The first effect of the pubcllatlon of the plan was a decline In the common to 1 and In the preferred to 11. The consols 5s on the other hand, rose- from 45Vj to 49Vj(Ti48?4. The Northern Pacific Issues were not particularly In stock market, but In the bond department the dealings In the Issue of the company footed up in a grand total of $3,088,000. The general railway list presented little of Interest. At the opening the tenden cy was downward, but after a moderate reaction the market Improved. The In dustrials monopolized attention. To bacco which has been sold right and left of late, took on considerable strength and gradually worked nt 11414 ex-dividend of 3 per cent, rose to 115ri and closed at 1147s- The law Just passed by the relchstag was considered favorable to American refiners, fieneral Klectrlc rose to 37i and later receded to 36fff 36 on realizations. Leather preferred Jumped from 61 to Kli'i. and later yielded to 62. Laclede Gas at one time was in a. sham demand, rising to 29'w for the common and 84 for the preferred, with a subsequent reaction to 28V4 and 81 respectively. In the last hour of business the market was firm in tone, the strength of Tobacce and the steadi ness of Northern Pacific preferred hav ing had a good effect. Speculation left off firm. As a rule, however, the rail ways showed losses of 'AU tier cent. The gain In the Industrials ranged from to per cent, t-ucitio Aiau iuxi on the day. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN A CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP HELL, stack broker. 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Cios. lug. est. est. Ing. . Am. Tobacco Co 8:"i 84 tTJ'i Kl'i Am. Cotton Oil Wi Wi lb1 Am. Sugar Re g Co.ll4i4 HM 1' Atch., To. & St. Fe.. 16'i l.7 ..' i'hes. & Ohio 1V l'i'i 1V Hi'i Chicago (las W'a (', OhlCUgO fe W. W IIMSi J'W J'"14 J"J Chic, B. & Q 77'i 7.c .'..; 7.' C. C. C. & St. L.... 3ti 36 3.'a4 8.i chlr. . Mil & St. P... 771 77'i 7i's 77', Chic, K. I. & Pac... U n V Dist. C. F Wi, 19Mi 18?i 14 Gen. Electric SH'a 37 to 'M Louis & Nash j u- h M. K. & Texas. Pr... SM 'Ji SVS. .Manhattan Kle 104 101 1KIV 1'3 Mo. Ph.; 2:i5i 23"i 23 2i-'i Nut. Cordage 6'i " 6 Nat. Lead.. 24i 23 SI'.i M .1 IVnrral 106 106 ltW W N. ., L. K & W i;'s l-'.i l"3 ls Nor. I'ac. Pr i'.i ! pi J2J. Pae. Mull 2's SO'-s & ! & Read ll't H'j US H'-j Southern K. R 9'4 ', 9V, '.'U, Southern It. It., IT.. s'- J m Temi. C. A Iron Hu'i 29 29 Union Pucific 1 4s i i1h c Western Union S51h . f.'i Ij 10 1U 1 lu'i l S. Leather ' : is ir. s. Leather, Pr.... 6l 63a 61t C2 V. S. llirtber 27Vi 2S'S ' 2C CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADH PRICEi ' Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. Ing. est. et. IngT May 62 62 61 C2ii July 63-s W 62Vs ti.r OATS. May 20'i 2"1; !0'i 2uti July 20 2u 2t'j 20 CORN. Mav SI11 2 29'4 29 July SU SO', SUvs I.AKL). May 5.42 5.12 5.12 5.42 July 5.57 5.f7 5.55 5.57 POKK. May 9.7". 9.77 9.72 9.7:, July 9.92 9.92 9.92 9.92 , Scrnnton Board of Trado I'xchangcQuo- lotions-All yuototloui lluscd on Pur of 100. Name. ni,1 i.iisi Dime lep. Sc DIs. IJnnk js ticranton Lace Curtnln Co 50 Maiiontu ttoring uniting Co. ... W First National Rank cvi Scruntan Jar & Stopper Co 25 gprir.j- 1.1-oois Water Co 103 Klnihiiri't Boulevard Co jon Scranton Axle Works go Scrantoii Savings Hank 2tKI Scranton Traction Co 'is lionta Plate Glass Co.... jo Scranton Car Replacer Co joo Sc anion Packing Co M Weston Mill Co j,y Iron & Steel Co Jt Scranton iieduing Co uti BONDS. Scranton Glass Co lot Scranton Pass. Railway, first . , mortgage due 1918 110 .. S.-rnton Traction Co jj People's Street Railway, first , , mortgage dtis 191 S lit) ... Scranton A Pitlston True. Co SO People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 119 Dlckon Manufacturing Co 106 Lacka. Township School 6 101 City of Scranton Street Imp S ... 102 Scranton Axle Works lao Borouph of Wlnton 6 100 Cush Urook Coal Co Ito New York Produce Market. New York. March 16. Flour Dull, easy. Winter wheat Low grades, J2.25a2.85; do. fair to fancy, 2.85a3.90; do. patents, S3.!)a 4.25: Mliienota cleur, 2.7(a3.20: do. atrnixhts, do. patents, Ki.il5a4.:l; low extras, $2.2i2.85: city mills, $4.ir4. IS; do. patents, t4.2Ha4.4T.; rye mixtures, tJ.n'ia 3. SI; supi-ctlne. 2a2.50; line, S2a2.30. South ern flour Dull, eusy; common to fair ex tra, S2.40a3: good to choice do., $:ia.3.'. Rye flour Dull, steady; t)2.W2.90. Rye Nomliiul, Harley yulet. Wheat Spot market, dull, alc. lower with options closing firm; No. 2 red store and elevator, 78ai88c; afloat, 79o8c; f. o. b., 79a 80c; ungraded red, ti3,i8lc; No. 1 north ern, 72a72c.; options closed weak at o. decline; March. 71 c; May, 71'hc; May, 69e.; June, 9c; July, tc. Corn 1M celpts, 02,4000 bushels: exports, 35 bushels; spots dull, scarce, firm; No. i at 9Hc. elevator; 39c, 'afloat; options steady, dull, unehanr o, -decline; Marco, S8c: May. 35c; July. SOHe. Oats Spots quiet, easier; options dull, easier; March, 25a; May, 24c; apt price. No. t at 25a z.ic; ao. s white, Z7c. ; o. 2 inicaeo. WitWiC. : Xo. S ut 24c: .No. .t white. 2vS:U mix.-! western, 25a26c.: white do., 27a2o. while blatc. 27a2.-. Heef Uulet. dteaily family. $1012: extra mM. $7.5oas. Beet nam nun. Ttetved beer inac. the; city extra India. hies. 11516.50. Oil meats Quiet, firm; pickled bellies, i2 pounds, .sc. ; pickled ehouUers. 4a4c. pickled hams. 8ac. lird Weak: west ern steam, sr.60; city, 5.uT; May, $5.70; re fined, quiet: continent. T.9o: South Amerl ca, $6.15: compound. 4&ka4k. Pork unlet. sleaily; mess, f loalO..'0. Hutter Moderate demand, choice steady; state dairy. Ilia 2uc. : do. i-eamery held. l.tulSo. ; western .miry, pintle.; do. creamery. 12a22c; .to. held. 12a ISO. ; do. factory, SalSc.; Klglnn, 2Jc: imlluUou creamery. JI'-ulUc.: rolls, 9al3c. 'heese Moderate active; state larye, 6aU'c.: do. fancy. 10c: do. small aloe. : part skims. 3:i7c. : full ekims, 2a3'jc. Kgg's'--Fnir demand : steady; state and i'enn.Waniu, lallc. : Ice house cat?, (j.aOul'.Tf.: western rresn, 10atlc. southern,) Jouloc. ; duck, S3a23c. . Toledo Grain Market. Toledo,. .March 16. Close. Wheat Receipts. 2i,lifo bushels; shipments, 3.000 'lniE'hcIs: eusy; No. 2 red cash, 69c; May, !.; July. HT.'sc Corn Receipts. 10.111 hushcls: f hlmticnts. 7. COO bll.-hcls: dull No. 2 tnixe cash, 39'bO. Oats Receipts, l.iioi) husnelfi; shipments, none; easy; jvo. 2 mtxeil cusn, .'i':c. iiiye unit; No. - casn, 49e. Ckjversced Receipts. 4S7 baKs; ship ments. 1.4n7'4iags; steadv, prim cash, $l.4r,; March. $4.40; April, (1.25; October, t.u. Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yardn. .March 16. Cattle Receipts. 19.000 head; market opened Heady, but later declined 5aloc: common to extra ster-m, J3.4oa4.70; stockers and feeders. $2.8fH:U5; cows and bulls, tl.5oa 3.Til; OKlvtis, !im: Texans. i2.luu4.l6. Hogs Receiuls.Mo.ww head: market weak and Raloc. Iuvr: heavy (ucklpgr und shipping lots, 12.90a4.ur.; ecniniftn: to Choice 4nwea, H.Soa4.n5; rholce onsorted. xiU.oi;l lignt, &I.Vdi4.4irTlarSL) li.40a4HAl. aivoen-Jtecelpts, 14 ui henfli infti kf.t ilros anil lOiv. hirher: Inferior to choice, $2.75a3.75; lambs, '3'i'jX , , m Philadelphia Tallow Market. PhllstVdtihla. March 16. Tallow is aulet and unchanged. Wo quote: City, prime in nogsnenus, ao.; .onntry, prime, in barrels, 2c.; country, dark, in barrels. 3'u3ftC. cakes, 4c.; grease, a-ic .i l.. V ASr'TIME TO PHILADELPHIA Trains May Be Run front New York ia an Hour and lortj-flve Minutes. New 'York, March 16. An attempt was ninje today to begin a train service between this city and.Pfiiladelphla with a runnlgr time of one hour and forty live minntes. The Reading road, which is to try the experiment, has had i monster locomotive of the "single drlv er" pattern constructed. The cab is over the center of the boiler, and the engine's appearance is much different from those now In use. In order to make the schedule time some portions of the distance will have to be traveled at the rate of eighty miles an hour. BANDIT KOBS A TRAIN. Passengar on the "katy" Ueld Up Near Grconvlllo, Texas. Greenville, Texas. March 16. The northbound "Katy" was boarded near here by a masked and armed man, who entered tho sleeper and robbed the pas sengers. Tho amount secured was small. As , the train reared the city he Jumped off. lie had a confederate. Of' fleers are on the trail. GIANT KILLS HIMSELF. Usrman Bentcrt Commits Sulaliia While Dcmonted Over Religion. Lincoln, Neb., March 16. Herman Bentert, the "Nebraska giant," com mitted suicide today near Hastings by hanging' himself In a corn crib, where his father found him. He hud become insane on tho subject of religion. He was young, wealthy and nearly seven feet tall. If tha Baby Is Cutting Testh. Mrs. Wlnslow'o Soothing Syrup ha been used for over Fifty Years by Mu llens of Mother for tiieir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Oums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colla and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KIKD3 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL RE LK33 THAN 2S CF.NTS. THIS RULB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., FX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. vT'TTDSALrKr p'e goods nt home or travel: lilwrat salary or K'on cnmnnwiiin: we solid samples on iplicition; Ktvo exed'isive territory. Ad drexs P. O. llox ims. Mew York city. UTANTED-MEN AND WOmFn" TO work at home: I pay to $ti per week for making 1 rayon Portraits; now patented liK'tli.jcl; anyone wUo can mad aud write can do the work at home, in epare time, day or evening; send for particulars ami begin work nt onco. Address 11. A. Ctripp, Uornian Artist, Tyrone. Pa. r ANTED AN A.OFNT IN EVERY HKO 11 tion tocanvass; 84.(10 toSr 00 dav mail": sails at. sight; nisi. a tua'i to sell fctaple Uouds to dealers; liest hide lino t7Ui aniuntlj; Hal ry or larva cnnnnissioii lnaile; experienue iiniiecesKi.y. Clifton Soup and ilanufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati, t). WANTED - WELL KNOWN MAN IX every town to solicit stork subscrip tions: a monopoly: biff tuuiiev for nceuts: no capital required. EDWAKD'C r'ISH CO., Bonli.n Rlock. Chioa,-a UL Hela Wanted Females. f ANTED A GOOD COOK AT THE 110- tei wnyne, tioiiesaale, fa. TANTED-SEVERAL APPRENTICES TO learn the dressmaking traJo. Apply at 1218 Wash burn streot. riOOD, STRONO GIRL OR WOMAN FOR t ueiieral bonsewurk. Apply, with refer ence, to Mlta NOLL, W2 N. J-sin avenue. I ADIES-I MAKE Bill VVAGKHDoiNG 1 J i). ns-ant heme work, and will gladly mud full particulars to nil sendinir 2 t-eut. stamp, MHH M. A. 8TEBB1NS. Litwrence, Mich. 1 1TANTED LADY AOKKT IN SCRAN. V ton to sell and introduce Snyder's cake iolnit: expsrieucetl canvasser prefsi rod; work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars ut ones an-1 net Iteneflt of holiday trade. T H. HNYUER ft CO . JlneinnatUt) Y"T ANTED 1 M MEDIATELY TWO ENER- cetio Falenwoiaen to represent us. Guarantied ft a day without Interferinit with other ntities. Healthful ovniition. Write for particulars. Inclosing- stainis Haniro Cbein iral Company, No, T.i John street, New York. Stockholders, Matting, rpHE KSyVAh URKTlSotir ' t'hE I stockholders of The Provldanca Gas mid Water Company will beheld at their ottles in the Delaware and Hndson bullillDK. Icka wsnna avenue, Scranto i, Pa.. Mnuday, Uar i. 1MH1, at It) a. tn.. to elect ofllcers to serve during- the emuii.if year, to rt.inlder and au thorise nn increase of the capital stock of the company, and transact any other business that mav bo presented. By order of the managers. H. K. ATHERTON, SecreUry. Scranton, Pa., Pb.i!8, Imiiu. A SURE CURB RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure CU9 ont of very I.UOU; two dines will tak the Worst ross of inflam .1 atory out of Imd. ir pint bottle. JTaunfactiirBd and snl.l by MRS. UK. HAMILTON, 949 Northaajptoa SUcet, WMkcs-Barre, Pa. and for sale at 116 New York St., Urcta RiJge. SCRANTON. PA. i one m Comimo IN THE lilllllilllii We are showing the new Spring Capes, Coats, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. The line is by far the Finest and Largest ever shown in Scranton. CONNOLLY Agents Wanted. WANTED-8ALE8M AN : BALABY FROM start; peruianent place. BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Rocnester, N. Y. AOENT8 WAN TED TO BELL CIGAR8; 175 per month salary and expensm paid. Address, wltb two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO., Chicaeo. AUENT8 TO BELL OUR PRACTICAL k-old, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from l't upward; salary and ex (tenses paid: outBtfree. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MEG CO.. Chirsvu. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; J5 weekly and expenses; expnrlencs an neceuary. CONHOLiDATEU WIG. CO., 49 Van Bnren St.. Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 21 C per rent, commiuion; sample boolc rnaileil free. Addreso L N. CO. tttatioa L, Iew York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth.moa quito and bouse Oy liquid at 10 cents and 2ft cents a bo'tln. Sample free. BOLGIAKO M F'G Co., Baltimore. Md. AGENTS HINDE'g PATENT UNIVER sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Pointed" Hair Pino. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 4W. New York. For Sal. IOR SALE TWO HORSES, 11 BUTCHER 1 wagons. 8 busttles, 1 sltifrb, bornesseaand all of butcher's outfit; also meat market for rent; going ont of business; must be sold by April 1st. Inquire of L . BCHULLKR, Blakely street, Duntpors. SALE A SIGHTLY PLOT OP TEN an ton. one mil from tha X1 acres in He-ran ton, one mil court house; wall adapted for building lota, MnsKbe fold In order to snttlo estate. WAL TKK BKIOOS. Commonwealth Building. I.OB SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR uer of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern Improvemente on promises. MRS. AN NIB STEWART, Dunmore, Pa. For Rant. IJXB KENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. U V W, switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS IOB KENT ROOMS NOW OCCUPIED BY 1 the Traders' National Bank: Dosaamloii given about May 1. by F. L PHILLIPS, Cashier Traders' National Bank. 1rOR RENT-TEN -ROOM HOUSE; ALL modern conveniences. Inquire at 1233 Washburn at. FOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE ;ii Ouiuc-v avenun. Rant raaaon&bla Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. 7OR RENT-ON E SIX- ROOM HOUSE, LEE V conrt. Inquire (ISJ Adams are. FOB RENT NICEui FURNISHED HALL fnr kwlua tnniu JOHN MYN. Ul Wyoming ovenae. F0RRENT. The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna anil Fenn Ares.: brins 50 feet front and nearly 100 i'ect deep, with steam heat and passenscr elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt lloors for school, office. allery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Situation Wanted. WANTEO-BY A YOUNG MAN, Posi tion as clerk in book and stationerv store; experienced. Address M-, Tribune ortice. OITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG ...... 1.. I - iiiuii in uiiilu ui nt'i u. i venra ui nut), w. s ,.l-l....wl a.,.lnue. i.-A,.rt, .i,rn.,..Ai.a A . uicm iimi'tiiirn. ntTNiiiun (wuiiium . I , Vfttil t t OJ . lU.. SITUATION WANTED-TO AO :UT BY , I... ,lu .hlnn, w..hl..A. ..ban sIko. Call or addreia L. B., tiumner are- nuo, ruy. IrXPEKlENl'EL COAT MAKER AND J cencral tailor wants nosHiou: can aro to work at once. Address I... HV Adam avenne VJITUATION WAN TKD-AS BUTCHER BY one who thoroughly umicrstands the meat business: well . awl to patldle or tond to market; with good linoitsand retsrmcea. Ad dress D.. Tribune ofllce. Kcrauton, Pa. SITUATION WANTED AS COLLKCTOR O hr one who is well ikm1 to tha rltv and out of the city, with busincsa qualiflca'tiona, good habits, aiid un!iflratlous. Address I)., SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCH E &; t Tcard' vMicrlaiice: iruo I cutter and ouick at scales. AiiJr.-SH Hit, TON. care Mrs. Har vey, Robert avenue. ProvidnncOj SITUATION WANTED-BY AN EXPERI. eurod arconntant and bonk keener to open and pnnt up Looks, make balance sbeata. adjust i'oinilu-t-d accounts, also keep tradars' books nmrnlog or evening. Terms very moaurata. Address Evokkeeper, Tribuim office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI onced accountant and bookkeeuer: an counts anditd or exsminrd: bonks opened, closed and written up: small sets kept tip morning and evenin-fi: terms r'ssonablo. Addrfrm J. H. .T . rnte of Trtbun office. Lost. ON WYOMING AVENUE. BETWEEN Linden and Mlilberrr streets, a tmran cnntainiiur muney. Finder will lie rewarded by returning same to KRAMER HKOH.. 8 Lackawanna avenne. AN ELK'S TOOTH WATCH CHARM. Kinder will rcoeive reward by leaving at Uould's Carriers WorkJ, Linden street. 9aelal Noticca. '"I'HE SOLDIER IN OUB CIVIL WAR." X on want thia rallr. Contains all nf Frank Leslie's famous old War Ptcturecabow ins; the forces tn actual battle, sketched on the SDot. Two volumes. 2.UJU nicturea. Hold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex-r-ress cotnplnte. all charges prepaid. Address t. ui. Mtxjui. vzi Acimi Ave., wtranton, fa. BLANK BOOKH. PAlIPHLETS, UAQA sineo. etc. bound ur niuound at Tab Tiimuna otUoa, Uuick Work. Reaaonabla tvicas. & & WALLACE, TRY US. 92-004 Ul AVE, COR. ID1Z1 Wantad. WANTED PERSONS TO ACCEPT gratis, in view ot future orders, rubbtr stamps of their own nam for markiug cloth ing, books, etc. Write plainly and eanloas sour postage stomps to aeirar mailing, pscs tna. etc. H. P. MAYNARD. 16 Areode. Cln cinnatl, Ohio. Agent wanted for rubber stamps, rubber type, pads, dates, wbJts letter signs, -Bottisa fciecmi-uy. tor catatrnana pain, Mectrlo Delta, ate. Writ for agents terms, Special llaetlon. MeAAMMAMAMAMMAMVMAMMWWUW Mayor's Orrica. flcrsnton. Pa.. March t. 18M. NOTICt IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN pursuance of rasolutloa of Common Counoll. approved March &, iMsl a special lection will be held at the usual Dolllns dIsom in the Eleventh ward of sold city, open Tues- aay, toe :n aay or xuorna, isw ror ms pur. Dose of elevtlnc a member nf Common Conn. cil to serve for the unexpired term ending the ont moaaay 01 April, itsvi. (Signed) W. L. CON NELL, Mayor. Cxceutor's Notice. TESTATE OP ADELIA L 8CHAFFER. XLa late of the city of Boranton, Lackawanna county, ra., aeceasea. Letters testamentary npon the above named stats having been granted to the nnder aigned. all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will present them for payment, ana inose loaeotea tnereto wui piease mane immediate pavDent to WALTER SCOTT ANDREWS, ' Executor, Na S4 West tlst StrMt, Haw York. H. Wbllss, Attorney for Estate, Scranton, Pa. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule la Effect May iSog. Trains Laava Wilkes-Barraaa Follows 7.26 a. m., week days, for Sunbury narrisDurs;, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the Weak IO.IS a. tn., week days, for Hazleton. Pottsville, Reading, Norrlstown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.l7,p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts- burs: and the West. COO p. tn., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. It. WOOD, Oen'l Pas. Agent. S. M. PRCVOST, Ucneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal uaed exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. Tl.MK TAI1LK IN EfcVKUT MCH. 15. 1SN6. Trains leave Scranton for Plttstun, WIlkcH-llaiTe, etc at H.2Ul 9.15. 11 30 a. m . 12.4... 2M ii.tO. 51, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, ,uu U. III., J.W, A.itf. l.w V For Atlantic City, S.20 a. m. For Now York, Nftwurk nnd Kllzabeth, t.'M ii'xyress) a. in.. 12.15 (t-xpress with Huf fct parlor cur), 3.0T. (express) p. m. Bun day, 2. lit p. tn. Train leaving 12.43 p. m. arrives nt Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 5.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle bem, Easton and Piilladelphla, 8.2tl a. in., 12.45. H.Ui', n.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.13 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Orove, etc., at 8.2U a. m., 12.4.1 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.:i) u. m,, 12.45. S.U) p. m Sunday, ii.13 P- m. For 1'ottsville, 8.20 a 12.43 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at (.10 (express) a. ni.. I ll), 1.91, (oxpress witn tluffet parlor car) p- m. Sunday, 4.:!0 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, S.4M a. m., 2.UV and 4.J0 p. m. Sunday (.21 a. m. ThrouRh tickets to all points at lowest rales may be had cn application in ad vance to the ticket airent ut the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAU8EN, Oex SupU DELAWARE AND jiuurfO.N RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue atatioa as follows: Trains win ieav pcran. ton atatlon for Carbondale and lntjrme. diate points at a. m.. 12.00, 2.20. a 6. s.lo. -U J-2 .! and For Farvlew, Waymart and Hoheadala at 7 W. 1.26 and 1010 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and V'Vot Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack! and Montreal st 1.43 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barr and Intermedial point at 7.45, 8.45, .i3 and 10.45 a. tn.. 12 05, 1 20 2 ft. t.OO, 6.1H. 6.03, 1.15 and 11.3$ p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondnle and Intermediate points it 740, 40. .34 and 10.40 a. ra.. 12.00, 1.17. 34. 1.40. 4.M. 5.55. 7.43, .U and 11.13 p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far. view at t. a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. 140. I ts and 7.45 p. ni. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.S3 p. tn. From Wlikea-Barre and Intermediate points at I.U, 1.04, 10.01 and 1155 a. m., 1.11 1.14. ., H0. ., 7.a, .w and 11.U . av a tM n a Wallace THE ENTIRE 111! II and Gapes were froi the agents. Trunks .at One-Third .Less than regular prices. We them on the same ba sis. 2oo Washlrfftort Avenue; OpP- Court l-ousc. , UPHOLSTER FDRHlTDRi Clean Carpets, RenoTate Feathers, Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattressa Nov. 17, 1195. Train leave Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. at H. R. R. at 7.3 a. m.. 11.05, 1.20, 2, and 11.3S p. m via D . U W. . R 4.00, S.0S. 11.20 a, m., and L3S p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkts. Barre, via p L. ft W. B, ., 100, SOS. U.U a. m.. s.40, .o?. s.53 p. m. ... Leave Scranton for Whit Haven, Ha. fleton, Pottsvlil and all points on the B.' and Pottsville branch!, via B. W. V. R. R 6.30 a. m., via D. at H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.3. 4.00 p. " i"A S'SJ W. R, R, 0.00, 1.Ot, 11.20 a. m., 1.J0, S.4S p. m. Iav Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all InMrmadlate pjlnl?. via D. 4V H. R. R. 7.46 a. m., 12.05. I. 20, 1.3. 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D.. U V. a il., 1.00, 8 M, u.20 . m., i.3o p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra. Ithaca, Geneva and all intermediate point via D 4t H. R, R., til i ' l-S? u a P- m- via U., L i W. R, R,. S.M, 1.55 a. mTl SO p. m. ..Lea Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all Point west via D H, R, R., 1.46 a. m., 12.06, 9.15, 11.38 p. m., via D., L. W. B. R. and Plttston Junction. I IS, 65 a. m., 1.30, !?. v, B- v. R. R., 1.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, ! O. A H. H. R s.45 a. m. 12.05, 1 05 p m.. and (.07 p. tn. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L, V. chair car on all train between B. Junction pr Wilku-Barr and Nw York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Buspanslea Bridge. RpLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt CHA8. 8. LEB. Oen. Pss, AgL. Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Ast Ova. Pa. Agt., South Bthlbm, Pa, Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, lsts. Train toav Scranton a follow! Ex pre for Nw York and all point Bast, 1.40, 1.50, 5.13, 8.00 and . a. u.j U.&I aai 1.34 p. m. Express for Easton. Trenton, PhlladtU phla and th South. 5.16, 100 and I.U a. m.. 12.55 and 1.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 1.63 p, m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p. m. Express for Bltighamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvlilt, Mount Morrl and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connection al Buffalo to all point in th West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, It, in, Blnghamton and way station, 12.17 P. BV Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnshamlon and Elmlra Expr, I.M p. m. Expresa for Cortland. Syracuse, Orwsta. Utlca and Rlchdeld Brings, 3.33 a. m. and IM P- "i - Ithaca i.K) ana nam a. m. ji v m. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wlfkss- Barra. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, rieklns close oonnsctlony at North, umbenand for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Nortnunioenauu V .? '"ri tlons. 00. 0.35 a. m. and 1.30 and 1.07 P. as, "tike aiTd intermedial .taflon. 108 and 11.20 . m. . Plymouth ana inier medlate stations. 1.40 and 8.M p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping oeaoh S all expres. trains. table, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city) ticket ofllre, 32S Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket office. "Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1196. m . I ... lam-a flriintAn fAr VW York , ......... 1 1. t. nAlnta An fh P.rla fall road. iko for Honesdale, Hawley and lo. al points at S.35 a. in. and 1.28 p. nt. and arrive at Scranton from abov point at 1.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. SCHA7ITOM DIVISIOl. 1st Effect September IMS. Mil Boaae. 203St)l -TV? isvieil sutions A f 5 jlLrralna Dollv K I ceptaandajr. ip k Arrive Laavi tb n. i . rraauia no West 4xo4 ati Tool Wataawkea r M Amve TT&HaBcoek Juacdoai 1 Baacock Starlight Preston part como PoysteU Belmont Pleasant Ml Vntoiidsl ronetcitr Carboadai White nrktge MayOeld Jerinyn ArcatboM Wlnton Peckvllle Olrphaat ptcksoa Throep ProvldeDee Park Pieee 18 4M t 4oj illSiU It 14 ll(. hfiiceH II 41 n si ft MUta 4 S41II1MI 3VI11M aSflll5 ll II aw ii mi son av S) 19 II 0W tS4! a mk a aasl 1 !?i m "I 15,1101 S lxkiavr sie,io5 Ir mU aUve Qinrw ecraaiaa I a All trains run dsilv axeent Eumlir, I Bigalflea Ui u-aia Mas oa algaal for SSSs sjagn. secure rate via Ontario Wart eta kttara prchsulo twkets and av moaey. Day ass) kuugt Kspress to ta west. AiTon, wn,Ag t. rUtoroft, Dir. f asj. Aft. SaraaieaTra, H I l . j7TT3 .... aui.Md .... 88SJ .... 131 ..J .... tl M 3 la .... ii TOt 14. m, Trni Tll ..M 714114s Na fStM ..3 40TI.J i 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers