THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING. SfATtCII 17, 1890. X0RT0X S . . . JiEW VA LL DECOR AT joXS. This year's styles now in. Very choice ami exclusive iIcI 'iih, large variety and exquisite colorings, In all tbe grades, suitable for the palace or the cabin Churches, public halls, offices, etc Real Silk and Satin Hangings, Ivory finished, Pressed Hangings, Lincrusta, solid relief, imitates carved wood, imitation leather, gold and silver papers, Koston plain tints and cartridge papers with elegant friezes and ceilings to match all papers. Room moulding to match. We invite inspection. Now is a good time for interior decorating, Don't wait for pleasaut weather rush. We supply decorators on stlurt notice. M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave., Scrauton. 31 So. Main St, Wilkes-Karre. ENTIRE ' 1 . i 1,1 1 1 t 1 AV OF THE Best Quality, WE WHOLESALE IT. THE WESTON MILL CO. Scranton, Olyphant and Carbondale. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. THE GENUINE Have tli initial U., B. CO. impi int eil in each cigar. GARNF.Y, BROWN & CO., MANUFaCTURIRS, COURT HOUSZ SQ l'KKSONAL Frank T. Rdrry, of Brmmokln, Is In thn rl ry. Parrcy, of Allentown, Is at the Valley House. .M. l. T.nkyer, of Vilkis-Barre, was hero j't'Slfiilay. i :. N. h'l lslilp. f Wllkps-Itarre.' was In S'-i miucim yi'sii-niiiy. HoKvlls. of l'nttsvllli, calliil un 4 -run lull Hicinis yestfl'iluy. Alberl W. HiiwWI, of I'ollsvlllf. was 3r'ttriluy fiiKiiKfl on business here. John H. tSrlttllh. J. 8. Welsh nnti H. I.. Si hluKer, of Jenny 11, were, in this illy yesterday. Mrs. AiiRiistns M. Hire, of Hack Bay, JtoHtnii. is visit Iiik .Mrs. C. SI. ltiK', of li'.il tnTiy xtreet. Assistant I'ity Knuineer SherwoO'l ami I itiiiiliiti.k Mealy, of ilia city n8lneer's ortli'e, arn ill. . P. Mull, manuxer of the 1 Scranton Keo ley Institute, timl ', j. Van Kunkirk, of Hie Ueluware, ku waniin and Western company's ilisirict ticket olllce, lire ni le mliiiK the Keeley managers' convention ttl White JMulns, X. V. t Is a (irave Question Where to lilac your mlvertlslns In , onler to xei a rich return. Merchants who use the columns of The Trlbmm In not look upon this as a very grave liieslkiu, for the reason that their ex . jierlence has been very satisfactory In the past. We Hre not illsposeil to tak your motley without giving you value received in return. 'There's many a slip "Twixt the cup and the lip." And many a man enterprising; Has failed in his store 'Cause he didn't give more Attention to his advertising." BT.OOD AND NRRVK3 ar very closely related. Keep the blood rteh, pure and lialthy lih Hood's Saisaparllla and you n '111 have no trouble from nervousness. IIOOIVS I'IM.fl are the best after-din- II er pills, assist digestion, prevent consti pation. 250. Sixty IMann nitd organ. Must be sold before the twentieth of Alart'h. We retire from business then and will positively refuse no reasonable nfTer. Credit terms to suit the buyer's pleasure or extraordinary inducements for spot cash. Guernsey Bros., 224 Wyoming avenue. 01 II FOR THIS'WEEK. Just a Few Good Things for This Kind of Weather. If You Want to Save Money Come at Once. , Ladies' Storm Rubbers, fresh goods to close out 37c. Pair Men's Storm Rubbers, fresh goods, to close out 55c. Pair 1 Men's Heavj Sole Rubbers, regular goods, to close out 50C. Pair Ladies' Storm Alaskas, wool lined, two styles, to close out 73c. Pair Men's Storm Alaskas, wool lined, t 'styles' to close out (1.00 Me'n's a-Buckle Arctics, finest qual ity, black lined, to close out $LS0 f 4!3 Strt POPULARPUNCHGICARS I: SCIIAIK KEER Y. III. C. A. MEMBER-FIGHT Opi iiusini) forces Met in Association Ituilding Last Night. TO BE A BITTEK STRUGGLE Peculiar Strife Between tbe Two Factions Shown in Last Night's Incidents. Contests Will End April SO. Advertising Is a Feature. If matters aren't going; to be lively In the vicinity of the Young Men s Christian association building for the next six weeks, lust night's evidence was very deceptive. The Reds and the Blues have perfected their organiza tions, and each held a separate council of war In the association, building last night. It Is proposed to Increase the inembVi-ship from something a little over 700 to 1.501. and . the side that accomplishes the most toward that end by April :so will bo treated to a royal banquet. The strife that will be occasioned was shown In the hustle and excitement, which utlciided each of the meetings. ne uuuciuulutel with the spirit of the thing would have been justilled In Im agining himself before the headquar ters of two opposing armies where couriers were rushing hither and t blither, where orders were given and recalied with equal aluctity and where thf uujry and secrecy bflokenual prep nrutlpilii i'tH" tsotne, momentous life und death struggle. All that relieved the scne from so "sellrfuS fSn"nspect the bantering and Joking between the two factions. Captain It. K. Athcrton. of the Blues, net with his ten lieutenants anrt forty privates In the south parlor; while Cap tain All-Clave and th same numbered force met at the opposite side of the building. What transpired at either council. of war wan not revealed. Sen tinels Jealously guarded the doors' to eucli upurtmeiit ami 'thwa'rled sev eral attempts nl entrance by persons who were uctiug us spies for their re spective forces. . TI1KY WORK TIIK1R COLORS. The Hlues wore neckties and lupel buttons of blue, while the Reds were revealed by the same articles, but of a red color. Karly in the evening the Reds placed a red-lettered poster on the street bul letin board calling attention to their meeting. A few- moments later It was torn down by the Blues, and a similar ly winded blue poster was put in its place. This In turn was torn down by the Reds and a red poster was for the Kei'onil 1 1 in tacked up. Again there appeared a blue poster, but the colors kept changing ho rapidly that Is was Impossible to say which party fired the last gun. There was the same tear ing down of red and blue placards In and outside the main rooms uf the building. There were other episodes which left no doubt of the earnest work each side will perform to win. For Instance, in yesterday's Tribune appeared the fol lowing advertisement at the head of the city note column: "Join the Blues." Timing the day the Reds contracted for the following line to bo printed beneath the above announcement of the Blues: "Why, no! Join the Reds." The circumstance goes to show to what extremes the two factions will go to outwit each other and the two ad vertisements appear In The Tribune this morning. The Tribune has already been "np pronched'" by the Red and Blue repre sentatives to boom their respective causes, another evidence of the lobby ing, scheming, spying und all the other subterfuges usually resorted to In legiti mate warfare. 11 'ST SKCI'BK AT LEAST ONR. It has been made known to the cap tain of each force by Central Secretary Many that no private of the force which wins the contest will be allowed at the bunquet unless he has secured at least one new member. The banquet privi lege will also be extended to any new member who himself secures unother new member, provided the former was drafted by the winning side. Industrial 1 "hector Burroughs Is nlde de i amp to Captain Athertou of the Blues, and 1'hvslcut I i rector lloff is sinillnrily identified with Captain Mc Clave of the Reds. Oenerul Secretary Muliy holds the rather anomalous posi tion of adjudicator, count-of-last-re-sort and high-muck-a-muck of the two forces. It will be his duty to see thut the contest is properly conducted. The Blue lieutenants are II. I. Simpson, William inglls. A. R. Finite. K. K. I'rlce. John Fowler. Charles K. Xanlels, Chas. (enter and J. H. Brooks. The Red lieu tenants are Thomas R. Brooks. U. 1. Fellows, J. W. Browning, William Con rad. W. K. Smith, W. A. May. Fred J. Blatt, 1). J. OuvK William Mears and Dr. William .achinau. The lieutenants represent all parts of the city and each is In command of four privates. Whatever plan of warfare has lcn mapped out is known only to the armies and the plans of either may be changed by the machination of the opposing side. Today may possibly develop something. WILL 01M:N AI'RIL 10. The Hotel Jcrmyn Is to lie I'urnislicJ by That Time. The Hotel Jcrmyn will be opened under the management of Fred S. t!od frey. now proprietor of the Lackawan na Valley house. April 10. There has been some doubt that the work of finishing and furnishing the office Moor and the Hour above could be completed In thut time, but Mr. Oodfrey and the foremen In charge of the wotk are con fident It can be done. Kxcepting the two lower floors, the Interior of the building in practically finished, and the work of furnishing the floors above the third can be com pleted at any time. C. Joe Carter, the present day clerk at the Valley house, and John Kolp will be the day clerks in the new hotel. The latter was attached to the Valley house several years ago. I.uvton Shoe maker, now one of the Valley house clerks, will have chargo of the Jer inyn's cigar stand. The Valley house will go from Mr. floitfrey's proprietorship to Martin Fiyun on April 1. Frank Foul, Hip night clerk, will be one of the Hay clerks under the new munageineut. Dunli l Moyles. of the Hotel Anthracite, at Carbondale, will be night clerk. rOMIXG ATTRACTIONS. This evening Clay Clements and com pany will produce "The New Dominion" at the Academy of Music, of the work of Clay Clement In the leading role the Kausas City Times says: "In the char acter of Baron Von Hohenstauffcn, Mr. Clement has given to the stage another of its strong types. First to last this botanist Is a nobleman in heart as well as birth. Possessed of a kindly wit he sees the humor of his own mistakes and smiles with thoe who laugh at him. The language he ties Is beautiful and poetic, full of Imagery ami Idiom. It Is never the ignorant, clumsy attempts of the lowly or Ill-bred. Mr. Clement's impersonation is Invariably pleasing. His quaint, delicious comedy, has with it a touch of pathos that appeals. He Is the botanical enthusiast and yet withal is a whole-souled hearty man. The character in Mr. Clement's hands Is an artistic achievement, of which that young and versatile actor may well he proud and It Is one which cannot full to elicit well merited applause." II II II "The Two P-scutcheons" will lie pre sented at the Frothingham on Wednes day and Thursday evenings, March 18 aiul 1. This play is Sydney Rosen fcld'a comedy which made, such a big iuccesH at Daly's theater. New York, during Januury, and was afterward transferred to the Harden theater.umter the person al direction of Mr. Rosen feld. The name cast that made the play such a success will be seen when the "Two Kscutcheons" at the Froth iugham. The comedy Is clean, bright and up-to-date. It is one of the clever est plays produced in New York for some time. II It II Jefferson, Klaw and Erlanger a fam ous "Country Circus" will be seen at the Frothingham next Saturday matinee and evening. The phenomenal success of this enterprise for the past five years throughout the I'nlted States, render a detailed description of It really super fluous, throngs have seen It, hosts have read of it and multitudes have heard of it and are only biding their time to feast both eyes and ears on its many interesting and amusing features. The programme will include a premier cir cus performance, introducing daring teats of horsemanship, acrobats, vault ers. graceful equestrians, and "School" of Trick ponies, etc. The circus withal. Is a part of a beautiful' play from the pen of Charles Bernard, depleting life among the quaint Yankee characters found about Cape Cod. THK Till BUNK TOMORROW ' WILL CONTAIN THK PRl.l'J SHORT STORY. ONLY 0XK IX THK TWELFTH. Constable Moran Sas lie llo Found One ,'Violstorpf liquor la ' .Thls is grand Jury week f)r the April Lternt pf.iuarler sessions court, juuge Archbald cliurgeu tne jury yewiemuj and appointed Charles Schlager fore mun. School Controller Wdrmser and ex-Sheriff John J. Kahey ar on the Jury, and when the court named Mr. Schlager reference was made to the ex cellent citizens who will pass upon the indictments. The constables made their quarterly return. In only two baili wicks was there any liquor sold with out a llcese. Constable John C. Moran, of the Twelfth ward, in his return reported that Daniel Hayes, of Stone avenue, has been maintaining a place for the sale of liquor without a license in vio lation of the -laws regulating the sale of the ardent. Mr. Moran once upon a time, but it Is away back in the 'no's, reported .Mary Ann Hayes, wife of Daniel, for the same offense, but she was never brought Into court to answer the charge. HECORD 18 SPOILED. There are no gambling houses In the Twelfth, he suy9: there have been no disturbances of the peace at elections; no deer klllfd out of season over there, but the roads and bridges are in only passable condition. It is unfortunate that Hayes should be the only one in the ward to digress and thus spoil the brilliant record that has heretofore been the good fortune of that bulliwlck. Constable Patrick Roach, of the Seventh ward, reported that Henry lie Hale and wife, Mury Ann, Martin Dougherty and wife, Ann; Mary Mainl and Kate Malloy, have been guilty of dispensing Intoxicating liquors without a license. Constable Roach was grati fied to suy in his return that the roads and bridges in the 'Seventh ure in good condition. Hunters have lived up to the law down there and have not killed any deer out of season. And as for disturbances of the peace at elections, none could be discovered even with one of Roentgen's cathode rays. Constable William Sonn, of Throop. had no liquor law violations to report, but there was an Illegitimate child born to Hannah Indian, and she alleges that the paternity of the infant belongs to Peter Parry. EV1DENCR HARD TO OET. The quurtette of constnbles who found something to report Is rounded out hy I. P. Dolph, of the First ward of Diinuiore. Mr. Unlph has heard it said that there are a few speak-easles in Ills Jurisdiction, but he has been unable to "Kit" evidence to convict the keepers of them in court. He has not heurd of any manufactured butter sold. He found thut the turnpike road leading from Utilimore Corners to tlreenvllle In in very bail "condislion" and he makes return by order of Mat I. Roades, presi dent, and Prank M. Spencer, treasurer, of the said mud. Juiige Archbald referred the reports of the four functionaries to District At torney Jones. IT MAY UK SATOI.I.I. The Cardinal Is Expected to Conduct Kcv. lather lloban's consecration There is uncertainty again us to who will conduct the ceremony which will next Sunday make Rev. Father Hoban a bishop. At lirst an effort was made t have Cardinal Satolll act as the consecrating oltlcer. but as he could not give assurance that he would be here Archbishop Ryan was Invited to of- lliinte, which he agreed to do, provld Ing Cardinal Satolll did not arrive. Now the cardinal telegraphs thut he will probably attend the consecration and If he does he will, of course, pcr- iorm tne ceremony or consecration. The number of bishops who have ac repted the Invitation to assist at the ceremony has Increased to tpn. und it 1 expected that there will be favorable answers received within u day or two from four others. LEFT ARM (XT OFF. Accident to a Young Man on I rio f , Wyoming Railroad. Joseph Bloetze, a young man appar ently 'jx years of uge, was received at the Lackawanna hospital last evening with his left arm so badly mangled that amputation hud to be performed at the shoulder Joint. The injury was sus tained on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, near the point where it crosses above the Delaware. I.ncknwannu and Western road ut Maplewood. He was nicked up and taken to this city on the X..'i( train on the Delaware, Iackavaiina und Western last eve ning. The hospital ambulance was in waiting. In tine of the man's pocket's was an indentlflcatlon card giving the name of himself and his brother, James, of Maplewood. directing that in case of accident the latter should be noti fied. At a lute hour the man was still un conscious from shuck and It is not cer tain whether or not he will recover. HAD A (A S IN lll-K ML'FK. Uertie Sought Her Husband's Life Before Attempting er Own. Oertie Bacon, the woman who tried to put an end to her despondent life by drinking laudanum, yesterday had her husband. John Bacon, arrested for nun-sup-Hirt. Hhe came to this city yesterday from Pittston, whele she has been staying since the Ijickawanna hospital at taches gave her a new lease of life, and engaged Attorney John Martin to as sist her In making her recreant hus band contribute to her support.' He was arrested on a warrant from Mayor Conned and bound over for a hearing at 9 o'clock this morning. At Chief Slmnson's office Mrs. Bacon stated that liefore attempting her own life she spent an entire day with a peaii-handled revolver In her muff look ing for her husband. It was her In tention to have a double funeral. nun. DAVIS March 14. 1W. John C. Davis, UKed STi years. Funeral this afternoon at 2.31 o'clock, from his lute residence Dickson City. Interment at Forest Hill cemetery. ' JfiNKS In Scranton, Pa.. March 13. ISM, Mrs. Mary I Jones, of Hilii West Market sreet. Funeral Wednesday at ISO p. m. at Puritan Congregational church. West Market street. Interment In Dunmore cemetery. ATTORNEY MALE REMOVED Is No LomiLT Executor uf the Estate uf IC K. Ellis. ORDEK OP JIDGE EDWARDS It Was Made Yesterday and Declares tbe Executorship Vacant Reasons That Led to This Action Being Taken by the Ellis Heirs. Attorney George W. Beale' Was yes terday deprived by the court of any further management of the estate of R. K. Ellis, deceased. The significance of this is that Mr. Beale Is in straitened financial circumstances and ' that his property will be seized to collect a large amount of money, which he owes the estate. The petition on. which Mr. Beale'a removal was based was pre sented by A. D. Dean, reprenentlng the estate of Esther Meade, ulleglng that the further continuance of Mr. Beale as executor of the Ellis estate would Jeopardize It and be detrimental to the interests of the beneficiaries. About three or four years ago R. K. Ellis died. He lived in West Ablngton kund was worth an undivided one-half interest In eighty-four acres of land, valued at $8,000. Ills half and his er sonal property was appraised at $5.- 4.71. Mr. Beale was the executor. In due time he filed a first partial account of htsnist and It wan, coithrmed final ly. I pon the audit of, the account $1.-O-Mi 111 wan awarded to the: estate of Esther Meaile, who vus one of , the de visers under the will, und on Dec. 21, ISM. The auditor was directed to pay this amount to the Meudu nutate. MONEY NOT TURNED OVER. Mr. Beale failed to turn the money over and th court was asked to order him to tile a bond in the sum of IG.OOO with two Buret les to be approved by the court Ten days was the time, fixed in which he should file the bond. In de fault of the filing of such a bond the court served notice on Mr. Heale that his office as executor would be declared vacant, and his letters testamentary revoked. The ten days given him were lengthened out, and the time was ex tended to Feb.. 8. He plead that If he had sufficient time It would enuble him to straighten matters out. On Jan. I'S last upon request' ot At torney Dean, the court directed a fl. fa. to issue from the orphan's court as Judgment against Mr. Beale. The document Is now on file in the olllce of Prothontary Pryor, but no execution has yet been made upon it. Th& order declaring the executorship vacant was made yesterday by Judge .Edwards, and Is as follows: ORDER OF THE COURT. Now, March 10, 18H6, the court rinvlng made a decree entered' of record on Uee. SO, 1HH5, ordering the directing that (leorge W. Keale, executor of the estate of II. K. Ellis, deceased, should tile li bond In the sum of t'l.'MU, with security to be ap proved by the court, within ten days from the service of said decree upon him, and due proof of the service of said decree ujion Oeorge W. Heale, executor, on il-c. 31, 18!A, anil upon proof that the said George W. Beale is still In ilufault In complying- with the order or court io that i o bond has yet been filed by him, letters testamentary heretofore grauteil to Oeorge W. Heale are now revoked ami tlio executorHlilp Is ileilured vacant and he Is ordered and directed to turn over to his successor In said truat all moneys In bis hands belonging to said etitate not paid out by virtue of the decree of distribu tion tu-retofore made upon his partial ac count, and also to deliver to his successor all hooka, papers und matters bt-loiigln;i to said 1'iluCo. He has failed to pay the sum of 1410 inheritance tax Into the olllce of Regis ter or Wills Hopkins and there Is a ci tation pending directing him to show cause whv he has not complied with the obligation. CONSTABLES SWORN IN. Took the Oath of Office liefore Clerk of the Courts Thomas. Thirty constables of the county took the oath yesterday in the olllce of Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas and swore to preserve the peace and faithfully perforin their duties. Each furnished bonds in the sum of H.imh), which were approved by the court. The constables ami their bondiimen are as follows: William Reese, of the Fourth ward of Olyphani; sureties. W. J. Schiibmehl und William Mahoti. W'llllnm Itrailley of Carbondale township; sureties, John Gallagher and James Quliiti. William Powell, of the Fifth ward of Taylor; surety, David X. Lewis. John Walsh, of Lackawanna township; sureties. Thomus yulnn, Thomas Murphy nod John Ward. E. L. Craig, of the First ward of Hlukely; surety. S. V. Arnold. J. (I. Hu tiler, of Lehigh township; sure ly. Charles F. Wagner. Harry Dlerks, of the Second ward of Dickson; sureties, deiirge Kles and August II. Schmidt I. P. Dolph. of the First ward of Dun- more; surety, himself. li. Evans, of Elmhurst: sureties, Charles Koch and Romeyn Snyder. Benjamin Harris, of the Second ward of Blakely; sureties William It. Williams and John R. Wil liams. Oeorge F. Clethman. of West Ablng ton; surety, tllles Roberts. John H. Chase of the Nineteenth ward; surety, Conrad Linn. Amzi Rosenkianz, of Newton: surety. Amos Rosenkranz. W F. McHule. of the Third wnrd of Oly phant: sureties. Benjamin Harris and Michael Mtilale. Edward N. Jones, of the Third ward of Blakely; sureties. Richard J. Wren and Oenrge Monies, Walter Snyder, of Jcrmyn; sureties, F. A. Hendrick and '. K. Heimes. fat rick Roach, of the Seventh ward; sure ty. Anthony Clark. William Sonn, of Throop; sureties, Adam Misel and Hen ry Stenzliorn. Clarence Vail, of Orecn Held: surety, himself, (leorge A. Slier man. of Waverly; sureties. Sam Whal ing and S. C. Mackay. Oeorge W. Pat terson, of La Plume: H. W. Patterson surety. Mux Koiiler. of the Third ward of Dickson: sureties, William Smith and Morris Weiss. John Jay. of Jermyn: sureties. M. B. Swick and L. Bel. James Hoslc, of .lermvn: sureties Patrick Rloomer and Patrick Ixuitfhney. 11. 11. White, of nienbiirti: surety. W. S. Palmer. John Drake, of the First ward of Winton; i. relies James Hell und Thomas J Mn.-k. John Mcllale. of Archbald; surety. John J. Burrett. Edward Mur- ruv. of the Second ward of Winton; ure! les. Huch Murray and 1'otrlck Kgan. J. E. Davis, of Ransom; sureties, .1 H llo'iklns and M. W. Petty, llol- llster Curnenter. of Bin ton; sureties. Morris Delevan and Henry Smith. A FAMILY AFFAIR. Short Storv About Wesser Tamil of Hosring Bronl:, In Politics. Beyond in Roaring Brook township the American game of politics fur nlshes an Interesting narrative. Judge Archbald yesterday appointed Jacob Wesser suiiervlsor of Roaring Brook to serve until his successor IS elected next February. The man who was elected last February refuses to serve. Pnrrv Wesser is the one who declines to have arealness thrust upon him; he la a. son of the man who was appointed yesterday. I.ast election the father ran on the Republican ticket and the Democrats nut up the son and carried the day. The victor would not take the office the first Monday of this month and a petition was presented to court to till the vacancy. FRF.F. PRESS SLED. libel Salt Began for $9,000 b Michael Jennings, of Bellevue. Attorneys Hulslander & Vosburg for their client. Michael Jennings, of Belle nue, brought suit yesterday in the olllce of Prothonotary Pryor against K. J. Beamish, publisher of the Scranton Sunday Free Press, claiming- damages in the sum of $5,000. Jennings alleges that he was libeled in the Free Press on Sunday, March 1. An article headed Insurance Swindlers at W ork. tin the Sun. lay following the publica tion of the article the Free Press pub lished a denial from Jennings of the charges. The plaintiff claims that the Prudential Life Insurance company would have nothing to do with him since the story appeared and that his repu tation among his neighbors has dropped away below par. The company with which Mr. Jen nings was charged with being Identified was the Aegis, of Baltimore. THK TRIBUNE TO.MOKKdW AV1LL CONTAIN THK PRIZE SHORT STORY. THREE GOOD STORIES. Harper's Editor's Drawer far March has some pretty good stories. Here are three of them: Voting Sloam was ever noted for his perfect breeding, and though as a college student he was sometimes a trifle tho worse for a late supper he never for got to D true to nis cone, on one Alien oc casion, after a most determined effort to enter a house which he believed his own. he was met ut the door bv the scuntllv attired master of the mansion with in formation as to his whereabouts and the added news that the householder had u sick wife and child unstulra who had been disturbed. sloam made object anolonles ami ie- parted, but his home seemed lo elude him und aguin the same irate householder was brought to his door by Sloam's knocks for UlimiHHIOIl. 'Dldn t I tell you this was niv house?" cried the Indignant man. "And don't you remember .thai my, wlfo and child ure Iff'?" , r remember . in-rfectlv " answered Sloam, sobered for Ihe moment, -and I lurrely returned. ' lr. to ask how" they wr getting alitng." I- ' Durlns- the late war t'lLtitnln Smith, nt Richmond, with two friends chanced to be in the vicinity of a. certain farm hoime. in the attic of which (so rumor sluteill wus stored a goodly number of demijohns tilled with lino old spirit. The captain, who had a summering tongue and a weakness ioi- tne "rosy," suagesled that his com- anions and himself should slop ut the ouse In uuestlon at such an hour in the evening as would elicit an invitation to spend the night. The plan was aci-unll ug ly put Into execution. The three wet as signed to the same sleeping apartment and Mfter their host had bid them "good night" iney perceived In one corner of tho room a rough stulrway, ut the hpn.l of which wa a trap-door. This evidently led to the loft of which thev hud heard and the captain seized the candle and as cended the steps. Unfortunately, how ever, when he had reached the nil. 1. lie of the attic a sudden gust from some open ing in I ho wall extinguished the light und, In groping his way In the darkness, he struck against an object, w hliii fell to the floor with a noise which renoundcd through the house. A moment ufterwarl he heard a door on the tirst floor open, fol lower iy ine neavy tread oi the runner making his way to the upper story. Dis covery and disgrace were Imminent. 10s cape was IniiHisslble. In his despair a strategy suggested itself lo the confed erate und, in a manner tuiconveyatilo hruilKli this medium, ho uttered lluoc prolonged, ugonized cuterwuuls. A momentary silence followed this ef fort ;iiiijthen, to his Infinite relief, he re treating steps of 'his host smote nnon his ear. When ipilet ugaln reigned Ihe otll ccr signaled cautiously to his comrades and, gullied by their voices, succeeded in getting buck to ins room und finally to lie. i. The next morning, as they sat around the breakfast tuble, their rural enter tainer expressed a hope I hut his guests rested Well. "Ye-ye-yes." stammered 'the captain, "P-P-P-pretty well, but a co-confoiui.l'd rut got in that loft over our heud.t alii maim u iti-thuinlerlu noise und wuked us up." "Yes," said the farmer, dryly, "there are a good many cats about here an' I often hear 'em holleriu' around, but last nigni wits me very nrst time 1 ever heard a Htutteiin' cat holler." In wrath and tears Edith Huwlett hud gone" to bed. She had been tucked In once, given a drink twice, kissed good night three times and the lamp hud been extinguished, but the spark of rebellion mill burned In her vhil.llsli soul. "Alainma," she cried. "lo to sleep, Edith," her mother said, Sternly; "1 shall not come in there aKuln." "1 want a drink, munimu," Edith ipleud ed. "You've had two drinks already. Now go io Sleep. There was a brief silent;, am then I'.uiin men again. ".Mamma, conio und kiss me good, night." "You've been kissed good-night, dear, und I shall not come in uguin, ho go to steep at once line a good girl. There was another pause, while this lonely child cudgeled her little brain for a new expedient. ".Mammu," she ctieil at last, "please come m; i in so Hungry. ' "You cannot have anything to cut to night, and if I come in there again," the mother said, wl;h rising c holer, "It will be io gve you a spanKing ' There was a longer pause, and Just ns u ocgun io iook as it tne evening s buttle were over Ihe chilli's voice was heard ugaln. "Mamma," she pleaded, I'm so lonely in nere, t'leaso come in and spaaK lur! THE TRIBI'NM Tomorrow WILL CONTAIN THE PRIZE SHORT STORV. Selling Off We move iu two weeks; rather move the goods now than tumble them around moving day, cost wot to be considered. Today The pictures suffer, a lot; nicely framed Kngravings, Pastels, Ktchings and Photo graghs, no two alike, were $2.50, $3, $4 and $5 each. We place them together, handy for you to see, and take your choice for '2. 213 Lacka. Ave. MM Glass Finest imitation ot Cut Glass ever inuUc. Flower Vases. 8 1K inches hiuh 1JC and other kIzcs as I high as i t inches, fancy Handled Jelly Dishes 15c lancy Handled 1 ' Spoon Trays.... IJC SALTS AND PEPPERS, (g Silver-Plated Tops, BERRY SETS 6 Small Dishes, f 1 Larue Dish U.C ! 05c Uallon Tankard WE1CHEL & MILLAR, 04 WYQMIG ftVElUL Walk in and look around. THIS CUT REPRESENTS THE FOH SPR1K6, IN Ml COLORS. 205 Wyoming Avenu?. II li WITH SPRING ROLLERS COMPLETE. 18 Any Color or Quantity You Need. P. M'CREA & GO, Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Ave. Will Move April ist to 433 Spruce Street. Do You Know China WifM 11EH CENTS That You Can Buy a Dresden Stripes I find figtir?d f Taffetas Silks Actual value from 75c. to $ 1 .00. See our window. We are showing a large assort ment of Dresden Ribbon. HEARS 415 Lackawanna Avenue. 5 In order to clean out all Winter Suits, also Spring Overcoats and Spring Suits from last season we make the remarkably low price of $ 1 0.! 00 On $20, $18 and $15 Lines. ' CSSee our spring styles Derby and soft Felt Hats. Our Furnishing Goods for men we sell at our book cost. The lowest prices of any house in Scranton. ACM Clothiers, Hdtea& furnishera STEINWAY A SON'S . . 4cknulcdcd the Leading PIANOS 01 tb Wort DECKER BKOS., KRAMCHE UACHE and utherJ. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchaser will alway lind a compUtt tuck and at price a luw a the qul Ity of the Instrument will permit at N. A. HULBERT'S HUSIC STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. KsiyiuniB Porcelain, Onyx, BtJ Sliver Novelties In Infinite VarlJty. . Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds fl. L ROGERS, Jeweler and . , Watchmaker, 215 LaCKaWaDQl AT3. BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at hotf ootiee, at Tiio Tribune Olllce. TAKE CARE and your oyei win talto car of you. mo car oi you. u ou nro troubled with nc vmiR cvcq I eadftche or liei vou VI I WWII UlbW Bt'KG'S auil bsve ynur tiyra wxamined fraa. Wa liave reduced prices and are the lowest in tbe city. Klokal apectacles from f 1 to Ui COM from U to H. 309 Sprue Street, Scranton, Pv HAGEN ' f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers